How to do fasting days correctly. Fasting days: options. Benefit. The most effective fasting day. What to remember


Excerpt from the book by Valentin Denisov-Melnikov

Fasting days for weight loss. How to conduct it correctly fasting days.

Diets are not something that will help bring your weight back to normal, but most importantly, maintain the results achieved.
It's clear.
You need to eat wisely and correctly all the time. Only this will give you the desired volumes, parameters and good health.
But sometimes, for various reasons, something more radical is needed. And in order not to turn your attention towards unproductive, dangerous and strict diets, it is better to arrange for yourself, as needed or regularly, effective fasting days.

Effective fasting days are quite suitable not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who are happy with their weight. Just fasting day will allow the body to rest and cleanse itself a little.

Fasting day for weight loss will give a little rest to both the gastrointestinal tract and other systems, which, when overeating, are also forced to work in an enhanced mode, because The body directs its main forces to digesting food.

Effective fasting days You can arrange it in different ways and with different frequencies - once a week, two or three times a week, as needed - for example, after the holidays.

The main thing that fasting day was a joy. Unload yourself only when you want it. Your emotional state is of paramount importance. You must understand, realize, feel that fasting day good for you . You should feel not like a prisoner of Buchenwald, but like a slimmer beauty!!

You need to unload with the feeling that you are being cleansed and healthier.

Unload when you don't want to, and against fasting day your whole indignant mind is boiling, - don’t. Fasting day out of imitation - because it is fashionable or because a friend does it and Marya Ivanovna advises it at work - unreasonable.

Listen to your body, your mood. Reviews about fasting days prove that a favorable emotional mood is half the success.

And if you decide that you really want arrange a fasting day, then read how exactly this can be done.

Effective fasting days

Most fasting days, there is something in common. Namely: limiting the calorie content of the daily diet, limiting the list of foods consumed, etc.

How and what fasting days can you arrange it? Which products are most suitable and how often should it be used? fasting days?

With the greatest benefits for health and psychological comfort, it is better to arrange fasting days no more than once or twice a week.
Choose the most suitable and favorite products for you. Of the most useful, of course. These are especially popular fasting days:

fasting day on kefir,

fasting day on watermelon,

fasting day on apples,

fasting day on rice,

Especially popular with many women fasting day on buckwheat,

Let's look at these and others effective fasting days

Curd fasting day.

Stock up on the products you need for the whole day in advance. You will need 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 cups of tea with milk without sugar, 60-100 g of low-fat sour cream. You can add a couple of glasses of rosehip decoction.
You need to divide all of the above foods into five meals and do not add other foods during the day. It is possible and recommended to drink water.

Fasting day on kefir.

You will need 1.5-2 liters of kefir, bifidokefir, or yogurt without sugar.
That's all. Such a tough fasting day. Of course, as on other fasting days, it is possible and advisable to drink water.

Fasting day on apples.

Buy 1.5-2 kg of apples - this is your main food that day.
Apples should be eaten raw without peeling.
Also, if possible, drink natural (homemade, freshly squeezed and without sugar) apple juice 4-5 times a day.

Fasting day on cucumbers.

You will need approximately 1.5-2 kg of fresh cucumbers. The difficulty may arise in the fact that nothing can be added to them: neither salt nor bread. Only greens. And, of course, freshly squeezed juices are welcome on this day. Meals are exactly the same as on the fasting days described above - 4-5 times a day.

Fasting day on fruits and vegetables.

You need to stock up on about 2 kg of a variety of vegetables and fruits. Plus, you will need fruits or vegetables for juices, of which you should drink at least 0.5-1 liter that day.
Treat yourself to a feast! Any vegetables, fruits and herbs, both in their original form and in the form of salads. For salads, it is recommended to use lemon juice, sour milk (kefir) and vegetable unrefined oil in small quantities.

Fasting day on vegetable soup.

1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, cooked without meat, cubes, etc. harmfulness. Only vegetables. It is desirable that the main component be cabbage.

Fasting day on watermelon.

Buy a watermelon for 7-8 kilograms. The main weight will still fall on the crusts. Eat as much as you want. All day - just watermelon and water. Cleans very well.

Fasting day on buckwheat.

Buckwheat fasting day - we eat only buckwheat. Buckwheat is very beneficial for the body, it contains a lot of protein (more than meat), iron, and other useful substances. Reduces allergic reactions of the body.

Fasting day on milk tea.

Brew one and a half tablespoons of green tea with milk (two liters) 1.5-2.5% fat content. That's what it is milk tea. Plus, as usual, we drink at least two liters of water a day.

Daily fasting.
This is a strict unloading. 24 hours no food. Only water. Much water. Minimum two liters.

Listed options fasting days- not a dogma, but a model. As was said, everything should be done with pleasure and joy, so you can make up your own fasting days by following a few simple tips.

For example, you cannot arrange fasting days on meat or eggs. This is also in common days food is not for the beautiful, healthy and slim, but for fasting days- just a blow to the body, because meat and eggs are very heavy foods that will not give you cleansing, but an additional amount of toxins.

Last meal before fasting day and the first one after it should be simple and easy on the stomach. Ideal - vegetable salad. Maybe with a piece of cheese.

Fasting day You can arrange it from morning to morning or from evening to evening - as you like.

The best and most useful fasting days - vegetable and fruit. Vegetables and fruits not only saturate the body with useful and necessary components, but also give strength, energy, vigor and cleanse the intestines of old deposits and toxins, which also contributes to health improvement and weight loss.
Not only can you create your own options for fasting days, but also add some vegetables or fruits to the listed options. In reasonable quantities, of course.

And, of course, on all other days when you are not unloading, you need to eat wisely. According to the needs of the body, and not according to the desires of the mind and taste buds. Otherwise one fasting day won't be able to compensate for even just two or three deep and hard loading days.

And let us emphasize once again - fasting day should be comfortable and joyful. Listen to yourself and your body. Be sure to try to move, get enough sleep and be in a joyful mood!!

You are not torturing yourself - you are getting healthy, cleansing and becoming prettier, so radiate happiness, and the effect of the fasting day will increase MANY TIMES!!

I wish you success!!

Excerpt from the book by Valentin Denisov-MelnikovProvided by the authors specifically for the site

Total read: 270982

System "Lose Weight Properly"

Experts: nutritionists from the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Do loading-unloading diets like “5:2” help you lose weight?

Angela Tarasenko:

Nutritionists call such diets “diet own experience" A specific person has chosen for himself suitable style nutrition and begins to promote it. But what suits one may not necessarily suit another! Some eat moderately, others can eat up to 6 thousand calories a day. No fasting days will help in this case, the person will continue to gain weight. Everyone’s basal metabolism is also different, and, accordingly, the calorie content of the optimal diet for weight loss will be different.

How often should you give yourself fasting days to lose weight?

Natalya Pavlyuk:

I note that such days are not necessary for losing weight at all. But if a nutritionist prescribes them, then, as a rule, it is one day a week. Most of the time it doesn't make sense. You can arrange a fast after a holiday or a “loading” weekend to maintain your weekly calorie balance. Sometimes there are recommendations to unload not the whole day, but to arrange a fasting evening for yourself - not to eat, for example, after 15 hours. I do not support this - too long gaps between meals are harmful to the body. Some people even think that it’s easier to go hungry for a day than to limit yourself in some way. There is no point in this either. The body values ​​​​stability, does not tolerate a complete lack of food, it needs normal operation requires a regular supply of nutrients.

During vegetable and fruit days, liquid is mostly lost. But with protein fasting you can lose up to 200 g of fat per day.

What foods are suitable for fasting and what should the daily calorie content be?

Elena Chedia:

If a person is in good health, any product will do. There is a problem? There will be restrictions. For example, if the level of uric acid increases, you should not eat fish and meat, they contain a lot of purine bases. In case of urolithiasis, the salt composition of the stones is important. For example, if it is phosphates, cottage cheese cannot be prescribed. In some cases, fat days can be very effective. But we rarely prescribe them, because overweight people often have gallbladder diseases, and this is a contraindication. There are many subtleties, and nutritionists choose products taking into account indications and contraindications. To do this, the patient needs to undergo a biochemical blood test. Therefore, you should not arrange unloading dins yourself.

As for calorie content, it can be different, because the purpose of fasting days is not only calorie restriction. The fact is that they are nutritional stress for the body and affect metabolism. During unloading, diuresis increases, that is, fluid secretion, cholesterol excretion increases, intestinal function normalizes, and function improves. of cardio-vascular system, consumption of fat reserves increases. This allows you to solve different problems.


Potassium day (500 g of dried apricots, 1150 kcal) - for swelling;

Cucumber day (1 ½ kg of cucumbers, 200-260 kcal) - to reduce cholesterol;

Apple day (1 ½ kg of apples, 600 kcal) - to improve intestinal function;

Protein day (350 g of boiled meat or 400 g of fish with vegetables, 850 kcal) - to accelerate fat burning;

Milk day (6-8 glasses of kefir or milk, 800 kcal) - to accelerate fat burning;

Fat day (300 g of 30% sour cream or 500-700 g of cream) - to improve metabolism.

They say you can unload on anything, even chocolate. Is this so O?

Angela Tarasenko:

Such advice is often given by private nutritionists to attract clients. They don't have any scientific justification. Of course, nothing bad will happen if a person, say, eats a bar of chocolate in a day. But this will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels and worsen insulin metabolism. And in obese people it is already impaired. If you love chocolate so much, eat it during the week, but so as not to exceed your total calorie intake. There are tips to unload on protein shakes. A protein shake can actually replace 1-2 meals a day. It has been noticed that people who include such cocktails in their diet always lose weight better: protein stimulates the breakdown of fat. But this is just an addition to the diet; you shouldn’t do fasting with such cocktails. A protein diet, in fact, is not a fasting diet at all, but a loading one, especially for the liver and kidneys.

Combined fasting days “meat/fish + vegetables” are best perceived.

Who is not suitable for fasting days?

Angela Tarasenko:

Fasting days are not allowed for many diseases. First of all, this diabetes when there is a risk of a sharp drop in blood sugar. It is impossible to arrange unloading for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, erosive gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis. In addition, we do not immediately prescribe them to very obese patients who are used to eating 3-6 thousand calories a day. First they have to get used to therapeutic diet caloric content 1400-1700 kcal. And only then they can be assigned a fasting day, in the clinic and under the supervision of doctors.

Natalya Pavlyuk:

Much depends on the person’s psychotype. There are people with a stable psyche who can easily endure a day of dietary restrictions. There is no fear that the next day they will attack the food and eat three times more than usual. And there are those who are prone to compulsive overeating. For them, in principle, such restrictions can lead to disruption of the entire weight loss process. Such food restrictions are too much stress for them, they cannot cope with it.

Why does the weight go away but come back?

Elena Chedia:

This happens if the fasting day was assigned incorrectly. For example, many people do not tolerate apples well. They feel uncomfortable and hungry, and as a result, the next day they binge on food and gain weight again. Or, let’s say, during a potassium day on dried apricots you got rid of 1.5-2 liters of liquid. And the next day we ate sausage, which had a lot of salt. Water is retained again and weight increases.

When is it better to unload - on weekends or on weekdays? And should I limit my fitness activities?

Elena Chedia:

It doesn't matter when you have a fasting day. But if you were advised, say, to have a day on cucumbers or apples, you may not have enough energy for work, you will feel weak and drowsy. Spending a day at work on dried apricots can also be uncomfortable - you will have to run to the toilet all the time. You shouldn't give up on fitness, but the load shouldn't be excessive.

If, when you come home from training, you collapse from weakness, this is wrong. Indeed, in this case, the body will lose not fat, but muscle. And even though we lose weight, we won’t keep it off. A yo-yo effect will occur, when the weight either decreases or increases again, as athletes are well aware of. After training you should feel pleasantly tired.


1. You can lose weight without fasting days. But they can be used to control the weekly calorie balance, especially after holidays and feasts.

2. The essence of unloading is not limited to caloric restriction alone. The doctor may prescribe a fasting day for medicinal purposes.

3. Whether you can unload and on what products depends on your health condition. It’s best to get tested first and consult with a specialist.

4. If you find it difficult to tolerate dietary restrictions, it is better to do without fasting - so as not to break down later.


05.06.14 11:15:57

Once I tried a fasting day on milk tea. I endured it until the evening, but then I still drank half a liter of kefir, because I was desperately hungry. I fell asleep normally, proud of myself. I got up in the morning and the scale showed minus 2 kg. The legs looked like spider legs. After 2 days the weight returned. I realized that this is not my path. No pleasure, huge stress and weakness and hunger all day. It’s better to do fitness and just eat less sweets and starchy foods!

06.06.14 07:39:33

Useful article. Thank you Useful article. Thank you;-) ;-) ;-)

73 66.3 50

Spring is the time when people get rid of everything unnecessary that has accumulated over the winter: garbage in the apartment, unnecessary and outdated things. Isn't it time to do the same with your body and relieve it of extra pounds?

Any representative of the fair sex who wants to lose at least a couple of kilograms has heard about fasting days. But most women do not know what they are and how to do fasting days correctly without harming their body.

Their uniqueness lies in the fact that by consuming one product throughout the day, you help your body get rid of constant food overload. At this time, all metabolic processes are activated, fluid removal is enhanced, and blood supply to organs and tissues is improved. But how to unload correctly?

Correct positive motivation

In all our life endeavors, a positive attitude is already half the success. And in the fight against extra pounds - even more. Tune in to what you don't just want to receive. slender body, but also significantly improve the condition of your body, cleanse it of accumulated toxins and waste.

Choosing a diet for fasting

The opinion that on a fasting day you should completely abstain from eating is erroneous. There are many options for a daily diet that do not allow the body to experience a painful feeling of hunger, but at the same time perfectly relieve the digestive system and reduce body weight. The following days are perfect for beginners:

Kefir-buckwheat fasting day, the basis of which is a glass of buckwheat steamed without salt and spices and a liter of low-fat kefir, divided into 5-6 doses.

Curd fasting day, during which you can eat up to 600 g of low-fat natural cottage cheese.

Fasting day on vegetable soup, the diet of which consists of 1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, cooked without meat and artificial additives (stock cubes and powders).

For those who already have experience in carrying out such unloading, who are confident in their willpower or need to eliminate a large amount of fat deposits, stricter nutrition options are suitable:

Kefir fasting day during which you can consume only 1-1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of up to 2%.

Apple fasting day, the basis of which is 1-1.5 kg of unsweetened raw apples without peel.

Rules for fasting days

Fasting days seem complicated and difficult to accomplish only at first glance. By observing several simple rules, you can easily incorporate them into your daily life and notice the results in just a few weeks:

  • Unload only when you feel well. Acute illnesses, food poisoning, headaches and other ailments are not the best companions of a fasting day.
  • The evening before unloading, refuse a hearty dinner. It can be replaced light salad or just a glass of kefir.
  • Don't limit yourself to fluids. It is necessary for the body to fully eliminate toxins and waste.
  • Plan your fasting day so that you have as little time as possible to think about food: clean your apartment, organize a walk around the city, or simply get distracted by your favorite activity.
  • Divide the foods for the fasting day into 5-6 meals and try to consume them at regular intervals.
  • If you feel hungry between meals, you can drink a cup of weak green tea with lemon and honey. Be sure to weigh yourself in the morning and evening. In one fasting day you can lose up to a kilogram.
  • The next day, there is no need to increase the usual portions and eat up from yesterday, this will only harm the body and will not allow the achieved result to consolidate.

By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to appreciate the benefits of fasting days. Your body will gradually become slimmer and more attractive, your overall health will improve, and your mood will always be wonderful in spring!

1 53535 3 years ago

A hearty feast, tasty but not always healthy food, sweets, low-alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks leave behind not only a pleasant aftertaste, but also extra calories that are deposited on the body. When gaining weight, some people begin to exercise intensively or look for diets for emergency weight loss, others sigh heavily and reach for another bun, and still others are looking for a way to get rid of excess fat without applying special effort. Fasting days for weight loss - perfect solution for those who don’t like to be fooled by complex diets and gyms. For this method of getting your figure in order, you only need to spend one or two days a week on a mini-diet. Anyone can withstand one day of food restrictions.

Why are fasting days needed?

Food that is familiar to many often harms the body - it clogs the human body. It is very unpleasant to watch how an additional layer of fat appears on the sides, stomach, arms and legs. This is a depressing sight.

You can sign up for a specialized salon, where for a decent amount of money they will cleanse the body with various devices and means. But is there any point in throwing away money if you can cleanse your body absolutely free and at home? All you need for this is a little patience.

Unloading for the body is comparable to training - it takes little time, each such “training” strengthens the previous result and adds new achievements in weight loss.

Everyone needs a fasting day to lose belly fat. Such days are focused on the internal cleansing of the body from waste, toxins, water retained in the body and other human waste products.

Despite the fact that on this day a person may feel some discomfort due to a change in diet, the following results are observed the next day:

  • inner lightness;
  • does not bother the digestive system;
  • shine and healthy appearance of the skin;
  • sparkle in the eyes;
  • volume decreases in problem areas Oh;
  • the stomach becomes soft.

The apple menu is somewhat more modest in volume and amounts to 1.5 kg of sour apples. Do not forget about the mandatory consumption of 2 liters of water.

In general, berry, vegetable and fruit days are similar. To unload, you need to consume 1-1.5 kilograms of any fresh berries or fruits. I would also like to highlight watermelon - you need to eat at least 3 kg of it per day. There are special recommendations for vegetables - they should contain fiber and not be starchy. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. Be sure to drink water and green tea without sugar.

Unloading on kefir

Fasting days for losing weight on kefir are also modest in the amount of the main ingredient.

You need to drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir per day with zero or one percent fat content. And be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.

Unloading with buckwheat or rice

Buckwheat unloading is the most non-standard in preparation. On the eve of the diet, you need to take a couple of cups of buckwheat and add water overnight. Overnight, the cereal will absorb water, become softer and larger in size, and “swell.” Use in pure form without adding anything.

During this mono-diet, you are allowed to drink green tea without additives and 2 liters of water. There is another option for this diet - you pour buckwheat with kefir at night and throughout the day you need to eat this buckwheat, drink low-fat kefir and water.

For one-day weight loss using rice, you need to boil a glass of rice until half cooked and eat it all day without adding salt and spices. You can also steam rice overnight, just like buckwheat. Similarly, you can drink 2 liters of water and green tea without sugar.

Water diet

The water method of unloading is the most difficult to perform and only a few can withstand it. You need to drink 2-4 liters of water per day. Used on this day only pure water room or cool temperature.

Fasting days according to Malysheva’s method

Doctor and presenter Elena Malysheva has three options for fasting days: protein, “brush”, bitter. The fasting day menu for weight loss according to her recipe is as follows:

  • protein. Boil one skinless chicken in water without salt until tender. Remove the meat from the frame. Divide the meat into 6-8 servings and eat only this all day. You need to drink 2 liters of water. Weight loss will be 700-800 grams;
  • "brush". Grate 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of celery, 0.5 kg of beets, mix, divide into 6-8 servings and eat only this salad all day. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Weight loss – 1 kg;
  • bitter. You need 5 grapefruits and about 8 teas of green tea without sugar. You need to alternate these ingredients throughout the day. One hour you need to eat half a grapefruit, the next - drink a cup of tea. In between, you can drink water. Weight loss will be 1 kg.

Milkweed is a method of losing weight, borrowed from the British tradition of drinking tea with milk. In the morning you need to boil 1-1.5 liters of milk, add 3-4 tablespoons of green or black tea to it, and let it brew. This is “food” for the whole day. The weight loss can range from 500 grams to 2 kg.

If your body is not friendly with cucumbers, apples, kefir or another product, the consumption of which causes maximum weight loss, opt for a more acceptable menu. Losing weight this way will take longer, but it will not be stressful for you and your body.

How to end a fasting day?

It is necessary to exit unloading smoothly. Dinner on the loading day should be no later than 20:00. About an hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of water. There should be no more food or liquid intake on this day.

The next day, you shouldn’t pounce on unhealthy, rich food with spices or sweets to make up for what you missed during the day - this will cause harm to the body. And besides, the lost weight will return and a new one will appear from a shock dose of carbohydrates. Since there is only one body, it needs to be protected and not subject to stress.

Therefore, the next day should be spent eating with a minimum amount of salt and a small amount of fat.

The post-fasting day menu could be like this:

Of course, you will be allowed to drink any liquid except alcohol. Then you can return to your normal diet. But, it is better to switch to proper nutrition in this way so that the effect of the fasting day is preserved.

Fasting days for weight loss - great way to cleanse the body and get rid of several kilograms excess weight behind short term. We offer several practical advice, which will help you survive the cleansing of the body with minimal losses in your mood and general condition of the body.

Fasting days for expectant and nursing mothers

I would like to draw attention to one-day diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Mono-diets for these women in this condition are contraindicated. Mixed unloadings combining several ingredients are allowed. A mandatory component must be kefir or cottage cheese. It is prohibited to consume citrus fruits, strawberries and other fruits and berries that provoke allergies. Thus, they can be unloaded once every 7-10 days, not more often. During this period, their body works for two people; its condition should not worsen. And before starting such a procedure, a doctor’s consultation is required.

Unloading for gastrointestinal diseases

There are also a number of restrictions for gastrointestinal diseases. First of all, this is a ban on unloading during an exacerbation or in acute forms of the disease. A ban is also imposed on fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries. According to medical recommendations, boiled, stewed and baked fruits are allowed for consumption. In addition, people with work disabilities digestive system Mono-diets are prohibited, “well-fed” diets are their option. The exception is the oatmeal mini-diet, which gives a feeling of fullness and is rich in nutrients. The number of fasting days for such people should be 1 time per week.

  1. There is no need to be afraid of fasting days. Take them as a personal challenge, a game.
  2. If the mono-diet is difficult to maintain, there is no need to quit; you can drink one or two glasses of kefir or add a couple of teas of rosehip decoction to your diet.
  3. There is no need to plan trips or long journeys for this day. It is better to be located near the toilet.
  4. Unloading on water is the most difficult due to its complete monotony. It can be done once every few weeks if the body is healthy.
  5. The combination of foods on “full” days should consist of protein and carbohydrate groups, but it is not necessary to mix both groups; you can combine foods from the same group - kefir and cottage cheese, kefir with buckwheat, kefir with vegetables or fruits, fruit salads, vegetable salads.
  6. When eating brush salad, you can add a little to the dish lemon juice and definitely a couple of spoons vegetable oil so that the “hay” does not stop in the intestines and cause discomfort. Oil is needed so that this mass can easily come out, taking with it harmful substances.
  7. Kefir with fruit is the most pleasant and light combination. These ingredients can be mixed in a cocktail or consumed separately.
  8. It is not recommended to combine citrus fruits with fermented milk products, especially kefir. These are two different acidity groups. The exception is kiwi. It should not be mixed with kefir before use - the taste will be unpleasantly bitter, as if you had consumed something not fresh.
  9. The most pleasant unloadings include fish with vegetables, porridge with vegetables or fruits, kefir with jacket potatoes, kefir-curd, cottage cheese with fruit.
  10. One-day drinking diets (kefir, water, milk tea, juices) are difficult. You need to be prepared for this.

There is no easier and more enjoyable way to cleanse the body and lose excess weight in one day. Moreover, you can try something every time new way or mix other products. Losing weight can be easy and enjoyable. The main thing is not to overdo it.

A nutritious diet is not always a lifeline in the fight against excess weight. Some people are unable to maintain a low-calorie diet for long periods of time. Others have no use for it, since they need to lose not 5-10 kg, but only 1-2. What to do in such cases?

Just don’t give up and don’t put up with the treacherous folds on your sides. If you regularly arrange fasting days to lose weight and cleanse the body, everything will be fine with your figure without grueling hunger strikes. The only question is how to organize them correctly.


Some people get the point wrong this concept. From a nutritional point of view, a fasting day is a day during which you will have to eat low-calorie foods in minimal volumes, and this does not mean that you need to give up food completely (unless, of course, it is losing weight on water).

Such restrictions speed up metabolic processes and remove excess fluid from tissues. Thanks to this, you can reduce weight or constantly maintain it at the desired level. Such unloadings should be arranged regularly (2-3 times a month). In addition, they can be organized before a diet in order to prepare the body for such a drastic change in diet, which then minimizes the number of side effects and stress. This way there is a greater chance of not breaking down and sustaining the hunger strike to the end.

But most often, women are accustomed to spending fasting days after overeating, when those extra pounds were gained as a result of the holidays. On the one hand, this is enough effective method to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. On the other hand, unsystematic nature turns such isolated tests into real stress for the body. The result is that the lost weight will come back very soon. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of their implementation in advance so as not to harm yourself.

Mechanism of weight loss

It is important to know how exactly these extra 0.5-2 kg are lost in just 1 day. The problem is that many women mistakenly hope that fasting days will allow them to:

  • reduce the size of the waist and hips (or other problematic parts of the body);
  • quickly and easily get rid of 2-3 kg.

These are nothing more than myths that nutritionists debunk in no time. Firstly, body fat they can’t disappear anywhere from problem areas. Fat burning is too long a process that simply cannot fit into such a short time frame. If you arrange fasting days regularly (at least 3 times a month), and build an entire weight loss system based on them, then only after 3-4 months you will be able to observe figure correction.

Secondly, you don’t need to hope for stunning results. Depending on the choice of the main product for the hunger strike, the total daily calorie intake and initial weight, weight loss in 1 day will be only from 300 grams to 2 kg. Not more!

And this is how you will lose them:

  • toxins, waste products, and excess fluid are removed (and they make up a significant proportion of the total body weight), i.e., high-quality cleansing of the body is performed;
  • the fat burning process starts (which needs to be maintained in the future different ways- proper nutrition, diet, sports, etc.);
  • the process of fat deposition stops;
  • much more calories are expended than are coming in;
  • digestion improves;
  • the volume of the stomach decreases (slightly) due to small portions;
  • metabolism accelerates.

These points must be taken into account. If you don’t know the weight loss mechanism that they trigger in the body, you can be disappointed in them and give up on them at the initial stage.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • adaptation to proper nutrition, development of healthy eating habits;
  • such weight loss is possible even for nursing mothers if you choose hearty fasting days, the diet of which contains enough vitamins and minerals;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • short-term hunger strike and stress;
  • no need to waste time standing at the stove;
  • the digestive system will get rest;
  • maintaining a healthy weight (with regular unloading);
  • cleansing the body reduces the risk of liver and kidney diseases, eliminates allergies, improves skin condition;
  • effectiveness - weight loss can really be achieved.


  • duration: in order to thoroughly lose weight, you need to regularly arrange fasting days for 3-4 months;
  • a long list of contraindications;
  • fats from problem areas do not go anywhere, waist and hip measurements remain in the same place;
  • minimal results;
  • multiple side effects such as irritability and bad mood;
  • an unbalanced diet, which is characterized by a lack of fats, carbohydrates or proteins - if you regularly spend too hungry fasting days, this can lead to health complications;
  • severe attacks of hunger, constant thoughts about food;
  • weight loss occurs due to excretion excess liquid and other debris from the body, and not due to the breakdown of fats;
  • worsening chronic diseases.

So fasting days are an undoubted benefit for the body, which, however, at any time can turn into harm to health. If you follow the recommendations of experts, do everything competently, without fanaticism, no problems will arise. On the contrary: by organizing a system of such one-day fasts, you will slowly but surely and correctly lose weight. And at the same time, lose weight and improve your health.


You cannot lose weight using this method if you have the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • depressed, depressed state;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • any chronic diseases;
  • powerful physical and intellectual stress;
  • simultaneous administration medicines, the effect of which can either increase or decrease under the influence of the product consumed;
  • bad feeling;
  • elevated temperature;
  • rehabilitation period (either after a protracted illness or after surgery);
  • diabetes mellitus and other autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • pressure surges;
  • epilepsy and others mental disorders and deviations.

Contraindications will also depend on which product you choose for the fasting day. For example, cucumber fasting is useful for arthrosis and gout, but harmful to the kidneys and Bladder. Therefore, it is better to first consult with your doctor to see if you can go on this or that one-day diet.

Side effects and complications

Side effects after (or during) fasting days are the body’s reaction to the stress that you caused it. Usually they are mild, they can be tolerated or the symptoms can be relieved with mild medications.

These include:

  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the stomach, heartburn, stool disorders, nausea;
  • sleep disturbance (insomnia);
  • Bad mood;
  • irritability;
  • weakness, lethargy, apathy;
  • decreased performance.

There's nothing wrong with something like that side effects No. Problems with nervous system can be eliminated by drinking a sedative. Gastrointestinal disorders can be extinguished with such harmless drugs as Activated carbon or Mezim. For constipation, drink or eat something laxative (prunes), for diarrhea - a fixative (steeply brewed tea).

The situation is much worse with complications when the fasting day was carried out very strictly, contrary to the recommendations of specialists, without taking into account contraindications.

All this is fraught with serious health problems:

  • anemia;
  • anorexia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • depression;
  • muscle tissue dystrophy;
  • dehydration.

If you bring yourself to one of these states, home first aid kit you will no longer be able to limit yourself. Most often, such complications lead to a hospital bed and long-term treatment.


The results and benefits for the body will largely depend on how correctly the fasting day is carried out. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks about this. Many people believe that during the day they will have to eat nothing at all or feed on one single product. But, as a rule, modern systems One-day hunger strikes are avoided in such schemes.


To make a fasting day as beneficial as possible for the body, you need to take care of it in advance. If you are planning to lose weight in this way for the first time, you need to start about five days before the cherished date; for others, this time is reduced to 1-2 days. What should I do?

  1. Remove a few from your diet every day harmful products. For example, today give up ketchup and mayonnaise, tomorrow - from snacks in fast food establishments, the day after tomorrow - from fatty and fried foods etc. That is, the day before you should accustom your stomach to proper nutrition.
  2. Enlarge motor activity. It’s unlikely that anyone will force you to sign up for the gym, but you can walk a few stops, skip the elevator, and go for a walk in the evening.
  3. Gradually (1-2 glasses a day, no more) increase the daily dose of water you drink. By fasting day it should be at least 1.5 liters.
  4. Try not to drink alcohol and, if not quit, then reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
  5. Go see a doctor and get examined to see if you are healthy.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Don't eat after 19.00.

In addition, be sure to read the reviews of those who have already gone through all this, study the ratings of the best fasting days and choose the product that will become the basis of your diet for the whole day. Make a menu, distribute meals by hour.

Fasting day scheme

The menu and meal schedule should be displayed in a visible place throughout the day. And don’t forget to warn everyone at home about it, so that they will support you in a good endeavor, and not tempt you to eat something tasty with them.

How to go on a hunger strike correctly? We offer approximate diagram, which you can adjust to suit your needs and mode.

  1. Start your day with a glass of water.
  2. After 15 minutes, you can do a 10-minute morning routine.
  3. Breakfast should be light but filling. The recommended serving dosage is no more than 150 g for women and 200 g for men. Approximate time - 8.00.
  4. It's time to turn on your favorite music and start cleaning the house. You will provide yourself with physical activity and take your mind off hunger.
  5. Lunch is just a snack, which should include no more than 1 medium-sized vegetable or fruit or 1 glass of some drink. The recommended serving size is no more than 50 g for women and 100 g for men. Approximate time - 11.00.
  6. You can go shopping, visit a beauty salon (spa treatments, light massage, manicure, etc.).
  7. Lunch is the time to satisfy hunger. You are allowed to eat two dishes, but monitor the size of the portions, which in total should not exceed 200 grams for women and 300 grams for men. Approximate time - 14.00.
  8. In order not to break down, it's time to rest. Watch TV, read, take a healthy nap, take a bath.
  9. The afternoon tea follows the same plan as lunch. Approximate time - 16.30.
  10. It's time to chat (with children, loved ones, friends, parents). This is a good distraction from hunger.
  11. Dinner is light. Serving size is no more than 150 g for women and 200 g for men. Approximate time - 19.00.
  12. You can take a walk.
  13. Before going to bed (at about 21.00) - the last meal. As a rule, this is a small piece of fruit or a glass of drink (herbal tea, juice, milk or kefir).
  14. You need to go to bed no later than 23.00.

And most importantly, from breakfast to dinner between meals, you need to drink a glass of water every hour.

If you at least roughly adhere to this schedule, the fasting day will go with a bang. You are guaranteed not only significant weight loss, but also the absence of hunger pangs, because the routine is planned literally minute by minute.


It is very important to know how to eat after a fasting day so that the lost kilograms do not suddenly return. To do this, you need to organize the right way out of such a hunger strike. What can be done?

  • Day 1: increase the volume of each serving by 50 grams, expand the diet, including other products from the permitted list in the menu.
  • Day 2: bring the serving size to the usual, eat meat and fish.
  • Day 3: you are allowed to fry something and drink a glass of light wine.
  • Day 4: we allow 2-3 more products from the prohibited list.
  • On the 5th day you can return to your previous diet.

An interesting fact is that if you build a system of such days for losing weight, then already on the 8th or 10th day you will have to fast again, and, as you know, you need to prepare for this. So it turns out that in this way you switch to permanent mode proper nutrition.

General points

And a few more tips on organizing and conducting a hunger strike: how often can you do fasting days, what exactly can you eat, how to calculate daily norm calorie content and other nuances.

  1. Between fasting days (if you are building a system based on them), you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and exercise to achieve better results.
  2. Carry them out at the same time, build a system that will be easier for the body to get used to (for example, every Saturday or the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month). After 3-4 months, change the scheme.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables raw whenever possible. Other foods can be boiled, baked or steamed. No frying.
  4. If you feel like you are breaking down and can no longer tolerate hunger, eat a handful of nuts, half a fruit or vegetable, or distract yourself with something.
  5. How often can you have days like this? Some people recommend once a week, but that's too much. The best option to achieve maximum results - 1 time every 10 or 15 days.
  6. The daily calorie intake should not exceed 1,200 kcal for women and 1,500 for men.
  7. Since the fasting day involves fractional meals, you can arrange from 6 to 10 meals.

And, of course, the main question is how much can you lose if you do everything right? With a strict hunger strike and following all recommendations, the maximum result is 2 kg. More gentle schemes produce only 300-500 g. On average, losses range from 800 grams to 1 kg.

Product Lists

What do nutritionists usually advise to include in the diet of fasting days? This can be just one product, or you can supplement the menu with other healthy goodies to brighten up your hunger strike.

To compose correct menu, use special lists of products, what can be eaten on fasting days, and what is strictly prohibited.


  • Cereals: oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat.
  • Drinks: green tea, protein shake, fresh juice, smoothies, herbal tea, mineral and plain water.
  • Lean meat and fish: chicken, turkey (give preference to breast), rabbit, beef, lean fish (cod, hake, pike, tuna).
  • Low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, milk.
  • Vegetables: any fresh, give preference to cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage of all types, beans, greens, carrots, spinach, celery.
  • Nuts (in limited quantities).
  • Fruits, berries, dried fruits: strawberries, cherries, kiwis, apples, all citrus fruits (especially grapefruits), watermelon, pineapple are ideal for weight loss.
  • Whole grain breads.
  • Eggs.


  • Fatty meat and fish: pork, smoked meats, sausage, lard, animal entrails, goose, duck, red fish.
  • Fatty dairy products: sour cream, cream, butter, hard cheese.
  • Cereals: white rice, couscous, semolina, millet, porridge instant cooking, cell.
  • Any sweets (exception -);
  • Oils.
  • Drinks: alcohol, soda, packaged juices, coffee, black tea.
  • Vegetables: canned, fried, frozen, potatoes, corn.
  • Sauces (sometimes soy sauce is allowed).
  • Fast food in all its forms.
  • Fruits, dried fruits: raisins, bananas, grapes, figs, dates, avocados, persimmons, prunes.
  • Bakery products: pasta, pastries, dumplings, bran bread, wheat, rye.

For each permitted product chosen as the main one, there are its own daily allowances. For example, chicken - 0.8-1 kg per day, fruits and vegetables - 1.5-2 kg, dairy drinks - no more than 1 liter, etc. Pay attention to this.

Sample menu

To create a menu for a fasting day, it is better to use ready-made templates in which meals, food volumes, and even low calorie dishes recommended for cooking. The diet can be either hungry (one product throughout the day and minimal portions) or nourishing (several products in sufficient quantities). We offer you both options for comparison.

Hungry fasting day on kefir

A hearty fasting day with fermented baked milk

When choosing a menu, keep in mind that the first option is very difficult to transfer due to constant feeling hunger, but the results will definitely please you. It will give you a satisfying day good mood, but you shouldn’t count on significant weight loss with it.


To choose the right fasting day for yourself, you need to understand what types there are, what features they have and whether they are suitable for you. Brief classification will help you navigate this issue.

The nutritional value

  1. Protein: fish, cottage cheese, chicken, kefir.
  2. Carbohydrates: sugar, fruit, chocolate.
  3. Fat: sour cream, cream.
  4. Combined.

Food products

  1. Vegetarian/plant based: vegetable, fruit.
  2. Dairy: kefir, curd, fermented baked milk.
  3. Animals: meat, fish.
  4. Drinkable.

Nutritional value

  1. Hearty: to the main product (it should make up at least 75% of the diet), a few more are added (about 25% of the entire menu) for nutritional value and variety.
  2. Hungry: mainly one product is consumed.


  1. Potassium.
  2. Magnesium.
  3. Carrel's fasting day.

All options have both advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is to choose a diet that will meet your taste preferences (you don’t need to starve yourself on buckwheat if you can’t stand it) and your health status (you shouldn’t be allergic to the chosen product).

It has several varieties: on dairy products, on chicken breast, on eggs, etc. This type of body cleansing should be chosen by athletes - it helps make the muscles more prominent.

Carbohydrate, nutritious, but very heavy salt-free diet. Not everyone can crunch on undercooked, half-raw cereal all day long.

  • On buckwheat and apples

A glass of unsalted cereal steamed in the evening is supplemented with 1 kg of green apples to avoid breakdown.

  • On buckwheat and kefir

The daily norm is a glass of steamed cereal and a liter of low-fat kefir. It is considered one of the most effective fasting for emergency weight loss.

No specialist can tell you which of these fasting days will be the most effective. The fact is that you yourself must find the only option that will allow you to lose the maximum number of kilograms. You may have to try several systems to understand which one works in your case.

Follow the advice of experienced and qualified people, clench your will into a fist and endure the hunger strike that you prefer to the end. If you do everything correctly, the reward will not be long in coming: the next morning, check its effectiveness using the scales.
