How not to lose weight. Stop it! Who should not lose weight and how. Adding coconut oil to everything

Starting a war with, everyone can come to either victory or defeat. Sometimes fiasco overtakes those who quit halfway and do not finish what they started. Why doesn't my weight decrease to the desired extent? What needs to be done to get long-term results?

Experts studied the trends in this, unfortunately, mass “movement” and came to the conclusion that many people who are losing weight rush to extremes and prefer methods from the “series” of the most popular diet of Hollywood stars or blatantly dangerous methods of “getting infected”, etc. Subsequently such extreme measures can lead to eating disorders, organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and other violations.

It is not surprising that mass advertising and the desire to become slim, which has reached its climax, can make one want to apply an extreme method to oneself. Such methods usually require less effort, attention, effort in the daily search for food to prepare the right dishes, categorical refusals of some “goodies” and time spent on scrupulous calorie counting. Read this article about the six most common mistakes when losing weight and don’t make them on the way to a successful result!

Extremely low-calorie diets and fasting

An exhausting diet will lead to a deficiency in the body of the nutrients it needs, which will lead to serious health problems.

A sharp and excessive reduction in calories always leads to the desired loss of extra pounds, but at the same time positive thing carries the risk of a boomerang, which consists in the return of what was dropped through short term after completing the diet. This effect is explained by the fact that while following a special diet, extra pounds are lost not due to the loss of excess fat tissue. In such cases, muscles and subcutaneous fat can “lose weight” (from the loss of fluid in it).

How to avoid such a mistake? Do not reduce the number of calories you consume to less than 1200 per day. Remember that exhausting diets and, especially, fasting very often lead to health problems.

Exhaustive physical activity

Sometimes the desire to become slim forces people to go to the other extreme - frequent, intense and long-term physical training. This choice may be dictated by advertising or television talk shows, publications in fashion magazines or on dubious Internet resources. Such emergency situations are especially dangerous when, before starting classes, the person suffering from chronic diseases those who are losing weight don’t even think about the admissibility of such physical activity. For these careless people, working out at the gym or at home on an exercise mat can lead to dehydration, dangerous injuries, or electrolyte imbalances that have a negative impact on the cardiovascular and other body systems.

The other extreme when losing weight, which is accompanied by breakdowns in the form of a kind of gluttony caused by the stress of being forced to give up goodies, is “acts of punishing oneself for the sin of overeating” in the form of exhausting workouts. Such shocks often further aggravate the burden on the psyche of someone losing weight and can also lead to the development of health complications.

The way out of this possible trap is simple - exercise every day for half an hour on cardio equipment. This approach will only bring benefits and eliminate possible unpleasant surprises. In addition, conscious motivation to lose weight and regular training will help you get positive emotions during such activities, and not get stressed.

Non-doctor prescribed diet pills and other dubious drugs and dietary supplements

The vastness of the media - magazines and online publications - has long been full of advertisements for various pills and dietary supplements created specifically for weight loss. However, one should not rush to blindly trust such information right away.

Unlicensed tablets and dietary supplements from dubious companies are almost always ineffective and not always safe for health. Such unscrupulous manufacturers often “forget” to indicate the entire composition of the drug, a list of possible contraindications and interactions with other medicines. And such a lack of information can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of undesirable conditions caused by side effects facilities.

A striking example of such miracle drugs are tablets containing high doses of caffeine, laxatives or diuretics. Such components always lead to an imbalance between electrolytes and dehydration.

There is only one way out when buying weight loss products - get a doctor’s recommendations when choosing a drug or purchase only the medications and dietary supplements prescribed by him. Do not blindly believe advertising and always give your doctor full information about the state of your health. Only if you follow these rules you will not make a mistake and save your health.

Detoxification programs and cleanses

A series of enemas won't help you lose weight, but they will cause you physical discomfort and dehydrate your body.

Carrying out a series of cleansing enemas and courses of siphon enemas - such weight loss programs and the detoxification of the body necessary for this effect are offered by many private companies that have nothing to do with the concepts of proper and (most importantly!) healthy weight loss. Such “strippings” only lead to the loss of stool and fluid located in the intestinal walls. And such an effect is far from beneficial to health and is so short-term that there can be no talk of any loss of extra centimeters, for example, on the waist, if we are guided by the real facts of the process of combating obesity.

It is quite simple to eliminate such a mistake - do not be like the unthinking crowd and do not believe the false statements of dubious companies. Proper detoxification, which is absolutely necessary for weight loss, consists of natural cleansing of the intestines, which is easily achieved by taking vegetables, fruits, berries and juices from them. And a natural “broom” for the intestinal walls can be natural fiber, which is present in many vegetables and fruits and is sold as a dietary supplement in pharmacies.

More “wild” types of body cleansing

These counter-intuitive cleanses involve taking large doses, inducing vomiting and the act of chewing and spitting out food. Such pseudo-methods for losing weight can only harm both health and the adequacy of eating behavior.

When chewing, the stomach begins to produce juice containing acid to digest the bolus (bolus of food) and absorb the resulting food mass. If food is spat out or expelled through artificially induced vomiting, does not enter the stomach and does not remain in it for a certain time, then the process of self-digestion of the mucous membrane of the organ begins. In addition, when vomiting, the acid in the food mass provokes the appearance, promotes the appearance, creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Subsequently developing diseases - inflammation of the esophagus or - can provoke the growth of tumors that are dangerous to health and life.

The other extreme of cleansing for weight loss - laxatives - always leads to an imbalance between vital electrolytes and dehydration. In addition, the body does not receive enough necessary minerals and vitamins, which also leads to a deficiency of these substances and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of hypovitaminosis and other pathologies.

The only way to eliminate this mistake when losing weight is to categorically reject these false methods to combat obesity. Do not fall victim to methods that are far from medicine and invented by people!

Smoking for the benefit of a slim figure

Yes, nicotine dulls the feeling of hunger, but the consequences of smoking and nicotine addiction are no less dangerous to health than extra pounds.

The amount of information about the dangers of smoking is difficult to overestimate: the media trumpets this, information is provided on the websites of reputable medical organizations, and lessons are held in educational institutions. However, such a pseudo-method for fighting for a slim figure as smoking, which suppresses appetite, has still become popular among young people.

Researchers who studied the state of appetite in a group of smokers and non-smokers were able to debunk the myth that nicotine cannot cope with extra pounds. It turned out that this substance is really capable of dulling the feeling of hunger for some time. However, it turned out that after this time interval, volunteers from both groups still ate approximately the same portions of food.

The “creators” of this strange and dangerous method are trying to get around this inconvenience on the way to the long-awaited slimness in a different way - they smoke often (that is, as soon as a feeling of hunger arises). As a result, the risk of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, and digestive tract increases significantly.

Avoiding such a dangerous mistake when choosing a method for losing weight is simple - don’t start smoking, quit smoking and don’t believe the advice of people who supposedly solved the problem of obesity with nicotine addiction.

Develop a safe and effective system nutrition and training for weight loss that is right for you, maybe a specialist or you yourself. However, you should not think that finding a way to combat obesity on your own is so easy. In order for it to be correct, you will need to study the principles of excess weight strategies yourself and undergo a medical examination to exclude possible contraindications to a particular method. Only this way will ensure safety during the war with extra pounds.

It's summer, and many of us are on diets and actively losing weight in order to look great on the beach.
However, many people who lose weight very often experience recurring key mistakes, which often reduce this whole process to terrible torture.

Some people spend their entire adult lives on a diet. But you still can’t lose weight consistently. Why?

1. Wrong attitude towards water. This is one of the simplest mistakes - limiting your water intake. Water is necessary to burn calories. If your body is dehydrated, your metabolism slows down, leading to slower weight loss.
Nutritionists believe that adults who drink more than eight glasses of water per day (1.5 liters) burn more calories than those who drink less.

Elena Nikitina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, employee of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of RUDN University comments:
« Solid food, for the assimilation of which the body spends up to 10% of the energy received, is processed slowly, lingers in the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness for a long time. Liquid calories are absorbed instantly, with virtually no energy consumption. Therefore, a person, unnoticed by himself, drinks more than he planned.
And the amount of food eaten that we “moistened” with the drink is greater.
You should not quench your thirst with soda and fruit juices, especially packaged ones. The sugar content in them is approximately the same, and after them you want to drink even more.
There are no less carbohydrates in juices than in confectionery products. For example, a glass of grape juice has the same calorie content as a serving of chocolate cake.
There are a lot of calories and sugar in milkshakes and alcoholic drinks.
Tea and coffee in pure form contain virtually no calories. But they are seriously “weighted down” by all kinds of additives. For example, a cup of coffee contains only 2 kcal, coffee with sugar and milk will cost 75 kcal, and mocha coffee with cream and chocolate will cost 275 kcal (the same as a full-fledged hot dish).”

Calorie content of drinks (kcal per 100 ml)

  • water - 0
  • tea - 1
  • coffee - 1
  • kvass - 27
  • tea with sugar (1 spoon) - 28
  • grapefruit juice - 35
  • sweet soda - 42
  • fruit drink - 46
  • coffee with sugar (1 spoon) and milk - 75
  • grape juice - 75
  • milkshake - 96
  • hot chocolate - 110

Alcoholic drinks

  • beer - 43 (light), 48 (dark)
  • champagne
  • - 64 (dry), 100 (sweet)
  • vodka - 235
  • cognac - 239

2. Fasting and strict diet. Many people who are losing weight believe that it is better to lose weight quickly and then maintain it with minimal effort.

Elena Tereshina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, gerontologist comments:
“The disadvantages of fasting - during complete fasting, the body first of all consumes proteins, so the constant companions of a fast are sagging skin, the formation of wrinkles, and muscle weakness. Against the background of protein deficiency, anemia and immunodeficiency develop, blood pressure decreases, heart rhythm is disturbed, and women experience menopause.

A fast, strict diet puts the body into an “energy-saving mode,” slowing down the metabolism. The body begins to create a reserve, because, unlike you, it does not know how long the hunger strike will last.
Therefore, if you are living half-starved, you should break loose and allow yourself even the slightest excess - a bun or a cake - and it will immediately be deposited on your hips or waist. And when you switch to your usual diet, the lost weight comes back in the shortest possible time.

We must remember: even with the most correct and balanced diet, a return of 10-20% of the lost weight is the norm.”

3. Elimination of fats or carbohydrates from the diet

S-Vetlana Derbeneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences comments:
“The essence of a low-fat diet is the consumption of low-calorie foods. Such a diet leads to disruption of fat metabolism, reduces the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, increasing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
Weight gain on such a diet is faster due to the fact that low-fat foods are not satiating and are eaten more.”

By the way, another common mistake is the misconception that you can lose weight quickly if you limit your carbohydrate intake.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of dietary fiber, which is necessary for normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. By refusing them, we doom ourselves to constipation and intestinal microflora disorders. In addition, carbohydrates are actively involved in the process of breaking down unnecessary fats, so they are vital for those losing weight.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between simple carbohydrates (sweets, flour), which are quickly absorbed and also burn quickly, and slow carbohydrates (nuts, grains, legumes, plant fibers), which are broken down slowly and leave a feeling of fullness for a long time. However, a couple of times a week you can even indulge in cakes. Diet is perceived by many as a painful time, and sweet joys defuse the situation.

4. Do not eat after 18.00 - one of the most popular tips, which, in particular, is actively promoted by star young mothers, who say that this is how they were able to lose 10-15 kg in a couple of months.

Commented by Tatyana Pilat, Doctor of Medical Sciences, senior professor at the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova:
“The body perceives a 12-14 hour break in food as a hunger strike. Because of this, the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply, which leads to uncontrolled appetite.
It is especially undesirable for people who go to bed after midnight to “lose weight” in this way. In them, the release of specific enzymes and hormones into the blood occurs in the evening.
If a meal they need is missed, a hormonal riot begins in the body, which negatively affects well-being, mood, health and appearance.
Of course, you still shouldn’t overeat at night. The optimal evening foods are low-fat, easily digestible, low-calorie: fermented milk and seafood, fruits, boiled vegetables.”

Dietary poultry meat, low-calorie cottage cheese, and fish are also suitable. You can treat yourself to an apple, pear, orange, but it’s better to avoid bananas.
Remember: your last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

5. Exhausting workouts — among those losing weight, there is a widespread belief that if you start playing sports, you can eat whatever you want — long and exhausting workouts will quickly help you lose weight.
Everyone knows that in order to lose weight, you need to have muscles. The more muscles, the easier it is to lose weight. Therefore, many well-motivated beauties begin to carry out hard training every day, without resting their bodies. In this way you will earn constant fatigue, breakdown nervous system.
And as soon as you stop training, the weight will go up. Do you like strength ones? Four workouts a week is more than enough.

To begin the process of losing weight, you need to understand what it is. Essentially, losing weight is losing weight through healthy eating habits. And if you don't learn this main principle, then all the efforts and efforts made to lose weight will be even. Plus, extra pounds can come as a bonus for neglecting recommendations healthy eating. Yes, this can happen. Therefore, you need to be competent and prepared in this matter. So, let's figure out what not to do.

You won't be able to lose weight quickly!

The transition to proper nutrition should be gradual. There will be no instant result here, and if there is, it will be at the cost of your own precious health. Your decision to change something in your life will be stressful for your body. Therefore, these changes need to be introduced gradually, smoothly, giving the body the opportunity to safely adapt to still unusual behavioral changes. Even if your eating habit is fundamentally wrong, innovations should still be introduced to the body gradually. To start, start drinking more water, about 2.5 liters per day. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet and break your meals into more frequent but smaller portions.

The danger of sudden weight loss is the loss muscle mass along with fat. If the body does not receive enough nutrients from food, it will begin to use fat and muscle reserves. Moreover, muscle tissue is consumed first, since it is built from proteins, which are so necessary for our body for good metabolism. This is the reason for gaining and even losing lost weight when a person returns to his usual food. Remember, sudden weight loss - terrible mistake, threatening the loss of essential muscle mass and an increase in body fat.

Hunger is not the solution

Continuing the theme described above, fasting, of course, shows results and a person loses weight during this kind of reboot of the body. However, this weight loss cannot be called healthy and safe. When the body receives its portion of food, already knowing that a hunger strike may be imminent, it will store fat with greater force and intensity.

Is it enough to just reduce the amount of food?

Simply reducing the amount of food you eat is not enough to lose weight. It is necessary to understand that the main assistants in burning fat are muscles. When there is enough muscle mass and it works to its fullest, the absorption of fats occurs better and they are burned. At the same time, a hormone is released into the blood, which marks a feeling of pleasure. It is called serotonin. At the moment of pleasure, the feeling of need for food decreases.

Also, active muscle work promotes the release of the male hormone testosterone, which is a terrible enemy for fat. The secretion of this hormone by the male seminal glands is directly proportional to the fullness or slimness of a man. Women also have testosterone, of course in a smaller dose compared to men, however, it also fulfills its role as a fat burner in females. Therefore, when the idea of ​​losing weight is still in its infancy, and you have not yet made dangerous mistakes, start pumping up your muscles while maintaining your usual diet. Bring them into an active state and high performance, and then begin to change their eating habits. This approach will help you lose weight efficiently while maintaining health and results for a long time.

You won't lose weight by skipping breakfast

Breakfast provides a supply of strength and energy for the whole day, which reflects the level of a person’s ability to work and activity. Therefore, if you refuse to eat in the morning, you will probably make up for lost time at lunch or dinner, and the resulting nutrients simply do not have time to be processed and remain in the form of folds on your stomach and sides. Therefore, in pursuit of slimness. After all, breakfast gives you the opportunity to eat a very nutritious meal and stock up on the energy you need to solve everyday problems. You will feel much more energetic if you eat breakfast compared to if you decide to sacrifice your morning meal.

I lose weight during the week and gain weight on the weekends

When a week has passed with a successful weight loss strategy, many women decide that they are entitled to a reward for their efforts. This prize is a violation of the diet and eating everything in a row in large quantities on your assigned day off.

As a result, if your weight loss during the week was 1.5 kg, then on the morning after the day of celebrating your weekly work, your gain may be more than 1 kg. It will include water and some of the food that has not had time to be processed. Then for a couple of days water will be removed from the body, and excess food will go into fat. And only after 4 days you will return to the same shape that you had before the moment when you decided to pamper yourself for a day.

It turns out that you yourself are dragging your weight loss process back, with the help of weekly days off, you seem to be putting on the brakes, instead of confidently moving forward. With this regimen, the weight will be lost “a teaspoon per hour,” i.e. If you can lose 1-1.5 kg in a week, you will only lose 300-500 grams, and perhaps even less. Such a build-up of the body will not allow you to see the desired result, but will only bring despondency, disappointment and blaming yourself for weakness. And who needs it?

Yes, of course, you can treat yourself once a week to a tasty treat for breakfast, so that your energy throughout the day goes into business, and not into fat, if you eat this cake at night. And don't go overboard with sweets. If you decide to please yourself with a prize, then let it be moderate amount, half a cake or a kilogram of cookies are clearly inappropriate here.

Give free rein to experiments and learn how to prepare desserts correctly, using products that are harmless to your figure. In everything you can find a reasonable solution. Fortunately the system is now proper nutrition offers a huge number of desserts that can replace sweet tooths with their beloved sweet gifts.

Fat is not the enemy of weight loss

Completely eliminating fats from your diet is a deep misconception. Nothing will charge your body with energy for a long time and help you get rid of unnecessary snacks like the right fats. They are found in fish, nuts, olive, linseed oil, omega 3. Receiving 5 ml. vegetable oil constitutes the daily requirement of the body for normal functioning.

Little fluid is bad

Everyone knows that a person is 80% water. He can only live without it for 3 days. Therefore, it is simply necessary for our body. With a lack of fluid, a person swells, the blood becomes thick, and this is already fraught with serious problems. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, drink one and a half liters a day, or better yet 2.5 liters. It is very effective when you drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. Fluid is involved in the breakdown of fats, so help your body do its job.

Can we lose weight without protein?

The decision to give up protein foods in favor of fruits and vegetables will also be wrong. You will be informed about protein deficiency brittle hair and nails, dry skin. When you do not supply the body with protein of plant or animal origin, it takes it from muscle tissue. And after you come to your senses and start eating protein foods, your body will store fat. So feel free to include peas, beans, lentils, shrimp, fish, white meat, cottage cheese, eggs, etc. in your diet. You can generally lose weight by.

I won't eat after six

To make dinner as healthy as possible, follow simple rules. First, eat 4 hours before bed. Secondly, choose an optimal portion of protein food with vegetables for dinner. Then the metabolism will go at a good rhythm, there will be no strong feeling hunger, and this all directly affects the loss of extra pounds.

Monotony of the diet menu

When food is monotonous and predictable, even the result obtained is not pleasing. Irritation, apathy, emotional hunger unsettle you. Here a variety of dishes according to the proper nutrition system will come to the rescue. You can combine dishes from different diets to suit any taste preferences.

I'm losing weight too slowly

The maximum natural weekly norm for safe weight loss for the body is 900 grams. The individual characteristics of the body are also taken into account. The faster the metabolism, the faster it will go away excess weight and vice versa.

Your task is to create favorable conditions for new behavioral habits. And in order for them to take hold and give the desired result, you need to be more patient and supportive of the entire process of losing weight.

If you think about it, how many years did it take you to gain your kilograms? Good question, which makes it clear that the desire to get rid of them in a short time is simply from the realm of fantasy. Be realistic, you don’t need to indulge yourself with high expectations and then be disappointed. Better slower, but more accurate.

At first, when the body, along with fat, removes excess water, toxins and other harmful substances from the body, the process of losing weight will be more intense. Then the pace slows down and safe weight loss will take some time. This approach gives a high probability of long-term preservation of the result. The main thing here is to follow the plan and not turn back onto the same path. Be prepared for the fact that at a certain stage the weight will stop falling. It stands still and that’s it. Not an gram less, not more. Many people at this stage despair and lose optimism, but this is not worth doing. This is a normal phenomenon and is observed in 90% of those who want to lose weight. The “plateau effect” is a temporary phenomenon and you need to wait it out. Then the weight will start to fall again. And the difficult stage will be left behind.

Reasons for gaining excess weight

The most important step in losing weight is to understand the reason for gaining excess weight. It is always safely hidden in the corners of the subconscious. It is necessary to understand and realize this problem.

Tell yourself honestly why you eat? What are you compensating for with this? Why do you need to be fat? What good does being overweight do for you? And it definitely gives something, some kind of secondary benefit, otherwise there simply wouldn’t be problems with being overweight. The important thing here is to reveal the truth to yourself. Be as sincere and frank as possible. In the end, it is you who need it, and not someone else. Read about.

Yes, sometimes it is very difficult, incomprehensible, and possibly painful to do, but when you understand and realize this, then it will become much easier and the whole the process will go more efficient and faster. Patience and perseverance to you on the way to your real and frank goal, for which losing weight is only the first pedestal of victory over yourself.
