What is the best way to plant cucumbers outdoors? How to plant cucumbers in open ground? Preparing the soil for sowing cucumbers

It's hard to find in our area personal plot no cucumbers. This crop is grown by many gardeners. Moreover, over the long history of this culture, a huge number of ways of planting and growing cucumbers have been invented. Each gardener has his own secrets for growing cucumbers, which have their own advantages and disadvantages, but at the same time are ideal for certain climatic conditions. Important place Proper and timely sowing of cucumber seeds in the ground is key to obtaining a high-quality harvest. Without proper sowing, it is very difficult to obtain a harvest of any crop, including cucumbers. Therefore, every gardener should know how to plant cucumbers correctly.

Sowing cucumbers is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, every gardener should know the basic rules for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground:

  1. It is better to sow cucumbers after cabbage, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and other vegetable crops. cucumbers cannot be sown after teak crops. It is also advisable not to sow cucumbers on heavy and acidic soils.
  2. Cucumber seeds should be sown in a prepared bed. To do this, from the fall into the soil for 1 square meter you need to add 5-10 kilograms of rotted plant manure.
  3. Sowing cucumbers in temperate and southern regions in two stages: first (in spring) salad varieties are sown, and in early summer varieties (hybrids) are sown that are intended for pickling.
  4. Before sowing, your own cucumber seeds must be disinfected with a weak 5% solution of potassium permanganate. This will avoid many viral and fungal diseases.
  5. In the south, cucumbers are sown on level, well-cultivated soil. IN temperate and northern regions Cucumbers are mainly sown on ridges or beds. Often, to insulate the bed, fresh manure is added there, which is sprinkled with a thick layer of soil (0.4-0.6 m).
  6. Cucumbers are sown in shallow rows (2-4 cm) with a distance between rows of at least 70 centimeters and a distance between plants of 5-10 centimeters. In the southern regions, cucumbers need to be sown much less often, so the distance between rows should be more than 90 centimeters, and the distance between plants 15-20 cm. Some gardeners sow cucumbers using a nesting method according to the pattern: 70x70 or 60x60 centimeters. In this case, 4-6 seeds are sown in the nest.
  7. If the soil is dry, then before sowing the seeds, the soil should be watered generously with warm water.
  8. To improve harvesting, plants with strong stems (corn or sunflower) are often sown between rows or special supports are built. Cucumbers trail along them, making it easier to harvest. At the same time, cucumbers are better pollinated by insects, and the yield will be 20-30% greater than with conventional cultivation.
  9. After sowing, the bed needs to be leveled. For getting fast shoots the bed is often covered with a transparent film. In this case, the distance between the soil and the film must be at least 5 centimeters.

Sowing cucumber seeds is not challenging task, but if you do it correctly, you can get a much larger harvest than with simple sowing.

Therefore, gardeners every year come up with more and more new ways to get the harvest as early as possible, as much as possible and for as long as possible. This is also facilitated by breeders who develop many varieties and hybrids that are more productive and disease resistant.

Listen to the radio broadcast:

How to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers. (The main summer resident of the country Andrey Tumanov)

Without high-quality and timely sowing it is difficult to obtain good harvest even from the most productive varieties or hybrids of cucumbers.

Therefore, gardeners pay great attention to this issue and try to do everything correctly so that there are no unwanted losses.

When to plant cucumber seeds in the ground

Cucumbers are grown in almost all regions. In some climatic zones it is possible to harvest only 5-6 times during the warm season, in others - 40-50 times. It turns out that in the northern regions, where the short warm period year, grow cucumbers from direct sowing of seeds in open ground there is no point, since the harvest will be harvested within a short time (1-2 weeks). Therefore, in these regions, seedlings are often grown first, which are then transplanted into open ground when stable warmth sets in. Cucumbers are sown in open ground in warm regions where it is possible to harvest for a long period (1-2 months). Each climate zone has its own timing for sowing cucumber seeds in open ground. This is explained by the fact that cucumbers are afraid of spring frosts, which are fatal to this crop. Therefore, to get a good harvest, gardeners must know when to plant cucumber seeds in open ground.

Timing for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground

Each experienced gardener has his own date when to start sowing cucumber seeds in open ground. Many years of growing this crop by gardeners in their regions allows them to know better when spring frosts end. The timing of growing cucumbers is often determined by the climatic indicators of the climate zone:

Determining the timing of sowing cucumber seeds in open ground is important, since the timing of the first harvest depends on this. Some gardeners may already be enjoying fresh cucumbers, while in others they will only bloom. Therefore, most gardeners often do test (small) sowings of cucumbers, when night frosts are still possible, but it is already warm enough for the development of this crop. Test crops may die, but at the same time they may survive (if there are no frosts), which will allow an early harvest. Some gardeners simply grow seedlings, which also allows them to get the first harvest 1-2 weeks earlier.

The key to a successful harvest is the timely and correct planting of cucumber seeds for seedlings and in the ground. You will learn the rules and secrets of agricultural technology from this article.

Timing for planting cucumber seeds in the ground

Open ground

  • Cucumbers are planted in open ground in the spring with the onset of warm weather - the soil should warm up well (at least 14°C) by the time of planting. middle lane this is approximately after May 5-6. In the middle zone and northern latitudes for obtaining early harvest Cucumbers are planted through seedlings; in the southern regions, the seeds are planted directly in open ground. When grown by seedlings, you can get the harvest a couple of weeks earlier.
  • Do not try to plant cucumber seeds in open ground early: this will not help to get earlier shoots; moreover, in cold soil, especially with heavy rainfall, cucumber seeds will rot and trample. And if they sprout, it will be much later compared to planting in warm soil.

Cold and warm greenhouse

  • You can prepare a greenhouse by covering it with film or glass. The soil warmed up in the greenhouse will allow you to sow cucumbers indoors as early as March-April, depending on the weather conditions of your region.
  • Planting on a warm bed will allow you to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse even with persistent night frosts down to -3°C, however, you will need to warm up the laid manure well so that it “ignites” and releases required amount heat.

Timing for planting cucumber seeds for seedlings

Cucumber seeds are planted 27-30 days before planting permanent place: in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground.

  • Seedlings for heated greenhouses are planted in February.
  • To plant in an unheated greenhouse in early April, you need to plant cucumber seedlings in the first ten days of March.
  • To plant seedlings in a greenhouse in mid-late April, we plant seeds in the second ten days of March.
  • To plant in the ground in early to mid-May, we plant cucumber seeds for seedlings in the first or second decade of April.

Preparing a site for planting cucumbers

Selecting a location

To get a good harvest, choose cucumbers for growing sunny place with protection from northern winds. It is beneficial to place fast-growing tall crops (sunflower, potatoes, legumes) around the perimeter of the site - they will help create the necessary microclimate.


Almost any soil will do, but it must be well-drained and breathable. Cucumber grows best in light, humus-rich soils. You can increase the nutritional value of the soil by adding organic fertilizers: humus or compost.

Start preparing the site in the fall. It is necessary to dig to the depth of a shovel and add organic fertilizers, add a little superphosphate and ash.


It is advisable to change the place for cucumbers every 5 years. The best predecessors are: early potatoes, tomatoes, peas, corn.

Preparation of beds

We prepare the beds immediately before or planting seedlings. The height of the bed should be 20-25 cm. If the soil is depleted, add turf soil, peat, humus, and sawdust in equal proportions.

How to disinfect the soil before planting cucumbers

To disinfect, spill the soil with a solution copper sulfate: for 10 liters of hot water (80-90 °C) 1 tsp. powder. Add 3 liters of solution per 1 m². Leave for a day, and then sow or plant seedlings.

How to choose the right cucumber seeds for planting

The seeds are not difficult to collect yourself; they are also available for sale. wide choose varieties. If the packaging does not contain information about the purpose of the variety, take a closer look at the photo: cucumbers suitable for fresh consumption are covered with white pimples, while those for canning are darker. Store seeds for no more than 2 years.

How to check the quality of seeds:

  • Place the seeds in a container with warm water - low-quality seeds will float to the surface; for sowing, use only seeds that have sunk to the bottom.

How to prepare cucumber seeds for planting

Whether it is necessary to soak cucumbers before planting, the gardener decides for himself: cucumbers germinate well in warm soil even without preliminary preparation. But if you want to gain a few days and get the harvest early, you can pre-soak and harden the seeds.

How to properly soak cucumber seeds before planting:

  • Place the seeds for a few minutes in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate: this will disinfect them from diseases, then be sure to rinse.
  • Dry, then hold for a couple of hours at a temperature of 60 ° C - this will speed up the onset of fruiting.
  • How to treat cucumber seeds before planting: place the seeds in a fabric bag (gauze will do) and keep them in the following solution for about 12 hours: 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. nitrophoska and sifted wood ash. After this, rinse clean water. You can simply hold cucumber seeds on damp gauze soaked in a growth stimulator solution: the effect will be no worse.
  • How to germinate cucumber seeds before planting: Place the seeds on a damp cloth and hold at a temperature of +20 °C until they swell well. The seeds should not germinate, but slightly hatch.
  • Then harden the cucumber seeds before planting: keep them in a vegetable department refrigerator and plant carefully so as not to damage.

Hybrid seeds do not need processing.

Sowing cucumber seeds in open ground

  • It is recommended to sow seeds in open ground in 2-3 passes: this way you will protect yourself from returning cold weather (cover the ridges with film if frost is expected) and get fruiting in different terms.
  • cucumber seeds with the onset of real warmth (mid-late April) until the beginning of summer, but note that summer heat may destroy sprouts if the soil dries out.

The ridges are already ready. Form planting holes or rows and water.

Depth of planting cucumber seeds and distance between them

  • Deepen the seeds by 2 cm, maintain a distance in the row of about 6-8 cm, between rows of 60-80 cm.
  • You can place 4-6-8 seeds in one hole, leave 60-80 cm between holes.
  • After planting, it is useful to mulch the ridges thin layer humus.
  • For 10 m² you will need about 50 g of seed.
  • When the shoots appear, thin them out, leaving the strongest shoots about 10-15 cm apart.

Thickened plantings of cucumbers do not reduce productivity, but only improve the conditions for the growth of the crop: the canes evenly fill the space allotted to them, covering the ground, and thus an excellent microclimate is created, moisture is retained under the leaves, cucumbers do not experience stress from overheating in the hot sun, provided timely watering.

The only disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of harvesting; you just need to leave wide row spacing between the ridges in two rows so that there is easy access.

How to easily protect cucumbers from heat

In regions with very hot summers, it is recommended to plant rows of corn between the ridges of cucumbers: plant it more often, every 20-30 cm, to create a dense “fence”. Orient the ridges so that the midday sun casts the longest shadow from the “living fence.”

Pinching cucumbers to increase yield

So that the lashes are not too long, and each cucumber bush is compact and with many side lashes, the central growth point is above 5-6 leaves.

A simple way to plant cucumbers in open ground video:

Prepare the greenhouse in advance: dig up and fertilize the bed, loosen the soil with a rake, rake the breasts onto the edges of the greenhouse. Cover the arcs with film, press tightly with stones or bricks. Let the earth warm up. After a week, check: pierce the soil with your hand, if it is warm to the length of your palm, feel free to sow.

  • Planting depth 2 cm.
  • Make either round holes with 5-6 seeds distributed evenly (distance between holes 60-80 cm)
  • Or rows every 60-80 cm, the distance between seeds in a row is 6-8 cm.
  • When the seeds sprout, thin out the seedlings in the rows to 10-15 cm between plants.

Afterwards, the greenhouse is lightly watered with warm water (or even hot) and quickly covered with film. Watch the weather and in bright sunshine, be sure to open the greenhouse partially or completely so that delicate plants do not “burn”: burns from high temperatures will noticeably delay the time of fruiting. If there is excessive heat, the seeds may die right in the ground and will not sprout.

Planting cucumber seeds for seedlings at home

Sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings during March-April(for heated greenhouses - in February).

Nutrient soil mixture required:

  • 2 parts peat and humus, 1 part small sawdust, add 2 tbsp. l. wood ash and 1.5 tbsp. l. nitrophoska.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

How to plant:

  • in cassette cups so as not to dive the plants afterwards. If you plant in small cassettes, then transfer them to large cups when the seedlings become crowded.
  • Deepen the seeds 1 cm, moisten the soil, cover the crops with film.
  • Lighting is required to be bright but diffused; maintain a warm air temperature. During short daylight hours, additional lighting is required.
  • When the shoots appear, remove the cover.
  • When 2 leaves are formed, feed: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm water. nitrophoskas or nitroammophoskas.
  • Water the seedlings once a week, completely moistening the entire volume of soil in the cups, and drain the excess water in the pan.
  • Before planting in open ground, gradually accustom it to fresh air - take it out into the garden for several hours.

The seedlings will be completely ready in 27-30 days.

Planting cucumber seeds for seedlings video:

How to plant cucumber seedlings in the ground

  • Water the plants well the day before planting.
  • Choose a warm, clear day for planting.
  • Carefully remove the glass from the earthen lump without disturbing its integrity.
  • Deepen only the roots into the ground, add soil around the placed earthen ball, and press lightly with your fingers. To prevent plants from interfering with each other, keep a distance of 10-15 cm between them. Water.

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground video:

Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse video:

How to care for cucumbers

Weeding and loosening the soil

Plants need to be given careful attention. Constantly clear the beds from weed. Regularly after watering, loosen the soil, going 3-4 cm deeper. Be careful not to damage the roots and vines.


Cucumbers are moisture-loving. they are needed regularly. Due to lack of moisture, the taste of the vegetable deteriorates and bitterness appears. The leaves darken and fall off. It is best to water in the morning or evening hours, when the sun is not so active. Do not spray with cold water or a strong stream from a hose. It is the soil that needs to be irrigated, not the plants themselves. The regularity of watering depends on weather conditions. On average, you need to water every 2-3 days; during the fruiting period, do it more often: every evening or morning. If the water does not flow well, make punctures between the rows with a fork.


When the 5-6th leaf grows, you need to pinch the main shoot - this helps strengthen the roots and active growth of side shoots.


To prevent fungal diseases and maintain normal growth of the root system, you should hill up the bushes several times a season.

How and what to feed cucumbers

In the greenhouse

When grown in a greenhouse, it is necessary to feed it 5 times per season (with organic matter or mineral fertilizers). Apply the first fertilizing at the beginning of flowering, then as it grows and bears fruit. For the first feeding, it is recommended to use a solution: take 10 liters of water, add 1 tsp. urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate, add 1 glass of mullein to a mushy consistency (you can add 1 tablespoon of sodium humate instead).

In the open ground

Cucumbers, on open area It is advisable to feed 3-4 times per season. Mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen are best suited. Apply the first fertilizing when a pair of leaves appears, the second - with the beginning of fruit set, then - during the fruiting period.

When fertilizing, choose a warm, clear day to allow nutrients to be absorbed successfully.

Collect fruits regularly (every other day) so that they do not overgrow and the bush continues to bear fruit successfully. Store cucumbers in a cool place.

Fermented grass

Very good feeding obtained from fermented grass: collect more green weeds without seeds, put them in a container and fill them with water, let them ferment for a week and pour a liter of solution with water under the plants in a ratio of 1:10.

Cucumber diseases: how to spray and treat

It is important to follow agricultural planting techniques, ensure proper watering and shading, and in greenhouses - ventilation, then the harvest will be good, and diseases and pests will not bother you.

Cladosporiosis- the most common disease. The causative agent is a fungus that is activated when high humidity and sudden temperature changes.

The leaves of the plant and young cucumbers become covered with black spots with a gray coating, the fruits grow twisted. It is necessary to spray with a preparation containing benzimidazole.

Powdery mildew- a fungal disease in which the leaves become covered with a white coating. Remove the affected areas, spray with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

White rot– all parts of the plant become covered with a slippery whitish coating, then rotting begins. This happens due to excessive air and soil humidity, poor ventilation - if there is a pathogen in the soil, do not thicken the plantings. Damaged areas should be removed, sprinkle the plant with fluff lime.

Root rot– at the beginning of the fruiting period, a brown spot appears at the base of the stem, which spreads further. This happens when there is excess moisture. Dust the affected areas with chalk or ash. If the plant is dead, it must be disposed of; treat the hole with a solution of copper sulfate.

Mosaic of leaves– leaves become covered with spots of light green or dark green, their surface becomes corrugated. Spots and blisters also affect the fruit. Infection occurs if the seeds were not treated before planting; weeds also contribute to this. Sick plants will have to be disposed of. Spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Olive spot– the fruits are covered with brown sores. This happens when watering with cold water, due to high humidity, or drafts. Stop watering for 5 days. Treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Bacterial wilt- plants wither and dry out very quickly. At night, turgor can be restored, but during the day the leaves and shoots wither again and soon die completely. The disease is caused by a bacterial infection. Cut a cucumber shoot: if you see white formations on the cut, this is definitely bacterial wilt. There is no cure for this disease; you need to immediately destroy all affected plants (burn them) and scatter boiled wheat, pickled with carbaryl, over the area - this will help destroy the beetles that carry this dangerous disease. It will be possible to return the cucumbers to the same place only after three years.

Pests of cucumbers

Most often, pests become a nuisance when growing in greenhouses.

Among them: spider mite, melon aphid, whitefly. When a pest is first detected, immediately treat with an insecticide if the waiting period allows. If the cucumbers are already bearing fruit, you will have to fight the pests manually: pick and burn the affected leaves, use a soap solution.

What to do if the cucumbers turn yellow, watch the video:

It's hard to imagine a garden without a bed of cucumbers. But not everyone knows how to please a demanding vegetable. detailed information about the rules for selecting and preparing planting material, cultivating seedlings, the secrets of planting cucumbers in open ground and further care will ensure a rich harvest even in capricious weather conditions.

For successful landing cucumbers in open ground, at least the following conditions must be met:

  1. The best time for direct planting of seeds in open ground is considered to be the period from May 15 to May 31 (if there is a threat of night frosts, cucumber crops are protected with film or covering material).
  2. The planting date for cucumbers is planned for the period when the top layer of soil warms up to +15 degrees, because in colder soil the seeds will not sprout, or the plants will throw out empty flowers instead of full-fledged ovaries.
  3. You should not wait until it becomes too hot and dry; in such weather the seeds take root less well.
  4. The last date for planting cucumbers in open ground is considered to be the first days of June.
  5. If you plan to plant this crop as seedlings, then cucumber seeds are sown at home at the end of March - the first half of April in order to transfer the plant to the ground in about 30 days.

Seed selection and preparation

Every vegetable grower needs to know what to look for when choosing seed material for planting. An abundant ovary is formed on cucumbers from seeds that have been sitting for 2-3 years and properly stored in cloth or paper bags. Whole seeds are selected for planting, without visible damage.

Before germination, the planting material is rejected and calibrated. Cucumber seeds are soaked in the solution for a few minutes. table salt, for the preparation of which take 1 tsp. substances per 500 ml of water. The seeds floating on the surface are thrown away, and those that have sunk to the bottom are dried and laid out in piles according to size.

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting involves heating and disinfection. Carrying out these procedures will disinfect the seeds and significantly reduce the risk of plant disease.

Warming them up is easy - just wrap them in a piece of fabric and hang them next to the battery 2 months before planting. The optimal temperature for the seeds is about 25 °C. To disinfect, seed material is soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, which is prepared at the rate of 1 g of powder per 0.5 liter of water. Then the seeds are removed and washed with water.

After disinfection, the seed material is transferred to a cotton bag and soaked for 12 hours in a nutrient solution. The product is prepared from 1 tsp. sifted ash and 1 liter of settled water. Then the seeds are washed with water and stratified for 24 hours on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Choosing a landing site: basic requirements

When preparing to plant cucumbers in open ground, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a location and planning the plant environment.

Knowledge of crop rotation will help you decide on the location of the beds. You should not set aside the same area for cucumbers where they grew last season. Maintaining a four-year rotation of plants will provide the soil with the necessary microelements and prevent plant diseases. Useful predecessors of cucumbers in the soil include colored and white cabbage, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes.

Please note: a warm bed is the only option for planting cucumbers in the same area for several years in a row. An organic “pillow” provides warmth, nourishes the roots with necessary substances and ensures breathing due to the loose substrate.

Orienting the plantings from north to south will help to optimally use the ratio of light and shadow for the growth of green beauties.
Cucumbers prefer areas sheltered from the wind, so ideal neighbors in open ground will be those crops that quickly gain green mass and can become a “screen” for them. Such plantings include: sunflower, potatoes, dill, spinach, legumes. In addition, grown-up companions will be able to shade their neighbors in the midday heat. Cucumbers love abundant watering, which means it is undesirable to plan an environment of plants for which excessive soil moisture is undesirable, so you should not plant tomatoes nearby.

How to plant cucumbers in open ground

It's important to know the secrets correct landing cucumbers in open ground. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: is it worth germinating seeds in advance or not? On the one hand, this simple procedure will identify viable plants, relieving the gardener of the need to guess whether he was lucky with the planting material or not. On the other hand, it is important not to miss the moment and not be late with landing.

It is carried out when the cucumber seeds just sprout; with later manipulations, it is easy to damage the fragile root and destroy the seedling. It is better to plant seeds in the ground during the daytime, when the ground is warmed by the sun, and the seedlings will take root better and will not get burned when planted in the evening.

Soil preparation

Before planting cucumbers, you should take care of preparing the soil in the fall. Following the harvest, plant remains are removed and destroyed, and the area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Apply the autumn portion of fertilizers and disinfect the soil:

  • the area is disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate - 50 g per bucket of water is consumed per 5 m2;
  • feed with superphosphate - 50 g of powder per 1 m2 of area;
  • add nitrogenous fertilizers. The addition of rotted cow manure is considered optimal - 6 kg per 1 m2.

The method of growing cucumbers on a raised warm bed, the level of which is 25 cm above the ground, is considered effective and convenient. Advantages of this design:

  • is located above ground level, as a result of which it warms up faster;
  • no tillage required in spring;
  • the process of composting residues will provide warmth for planting;
  • the composition of the “layer cake” will provide the cucumbers with the necessary nutrients;
  • there is no need to fight weeds;
  • Harvesting will become more convenient.

Make a bed better in autumn so that you can start planting in open ground earlier in the spring.


  1. Remove a layer of soil to a depth of about 25 cm.
  2. The frame is made from boards.
  3. The filler is laid in layers.
  4. The removed fertile layer of soil is poured on top.

As a filler, a layer of branches or sawdust is placed in a warm bed. It is covered with plant debris - leaves, hay, straw. Humus is poured on top in such a way as to completely cover the previous components. The next layer is mineral fertilizers: ash, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and superphosphate are poured.

Important! To protect the high bed from rodents during the winter months, a metal mesh is laid on the bottom.

Method 1: Planting seedlings

In order to transfer strong plants with real leaves to the garden bed, they begin growing seedlings from seeds in mid-April. At the end of March, a nutrient substrate is prepared in the following proportions: 2 parts humus, 1 part peat, 1 part aged sawdust. Pour 60 g of superphosphate and about 2 cups of ash onto 10 liters of the resulting soil and mix thoroughly.

The substrate is laid out in pots with a diameter of up to 8 cm and moistened. Plant 1 seed flat into each container to a depth of 2 cm and sprinkle with soil. Cucumbers love high humidity air, therefore, to ensure a comfortable microclimate, planting containers are placed on a pallet, which is placed in a plastic bag and tied. After the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed.

Seedlings are grown for 25-30 days, at a temperature at night not lower than 15 ºС, and during the day – not lower than 20 ºС. Water 1-3 times a week, depending on the condition of the soil in the pots, with slightly warmed water. Watering is organized at 1 noon.

Before planting cucumber seedlings in open ground, the seedlings begin to harden off 5-7 days before the “move.” These activities are carried out due to the fact that plants react negatively to a sharp drop in temperature. To adapt to transplantation, in the room where the cucumber seedlings are located, make sure that minimum temperature at night it was 14 ºС, and during the day 18 ºС.

Step-by-step landing instructions:

  1. Water the plants 2 hours before moving them into open ground.
  2. Prepare the bed for planting, add necessary fertilizers. The distance between the holes should be about 25 cm.
  3. It is impossible to bury cucumber seedlings because the roots need enough heat and oxygen to develop and maintain a healthy state. In addition, deep planting provokes root rot disease. If the seedlings have managed to stretch out, they are planted slightly obliquely (without deepening the glass). This measure will help cover the stem with soil, which will prevent bending, twisting in this place, and also cause the development of adventitious roots.
  4. Carefully remove the plant with a lump of earth from the planting container. Having placed the seedlings in the hole, check the degree of deepening, fill it with soil and compact the soil around the plant.
  5. Water with warm water (24-27 °C) and immediately mulch the ground with humus or peat to prevent the formation of a soil crust.
  6. Cover the plantings plastic film or non-woven material on arcs 60-70 cm high.

Relieve further care When growing seedlings, mulching will help. Mulch in the garden eliminates the need to loosen the soil; it does not lose heat overnight and remains moist. Mulching is carried out with grass, straw or covering material. In the latter case, a non-woven material or black film is rolled out onto the soil that has been fed and spilled with water, and the free ends are sprinkled around the perimeter. The location of the rows is outlined and cross-shaped cuts of 8*8 cm are made. 1 bush is placed in each hole. The film can be used the following year - it is removed in the fall, washed with water and dried.

Method 2: Sowing with seeds

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds is preceded by processing the planting material according to the same principle as described earlier.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds:

  1. In the spring, fertilizers should be added to the garden bed: 6 kg of rotted manure, 14 g of ammonium nitrate, 28 g of superphosphate, 17 g of potassium magnesium per 1 m2.
  2. Form holes for planting, water them, the minimum row spacing should be 50 cm.
  3. Place seeds in the holes at intervals of 15 cm. If there is an excess of planting material or there are doubts about its quality, you can sow cucumbers in the open ground a little more often: plant the seeds in pairs so that later you can thin out too dense plantings.
  4. Seed the seeds 2-2.5 cm deep, sprinkling humus on top.
  5. Then the rows of cucumbers are carefully watered and protected with film material until germination. The condensation formed on the covering material will provide the plantings with an optimal microclimate and eliminate the need for additional watering. Planting material germinates in 7 days.

Rules for care after landing

The rules of care after planting cucumbers by seeds or seedlings are practically no different.

After the first shoots appear (for planting with seeds) or for several days when using seedlings, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. Water the cucumbers in the evening with water room temperature every 1-3 days. When the ovary begins to form and fruiting begins, the plantings need regular and abundant watering.

The root system of cucumbers is shallow and small in size compared to the above-ground part. Saturating the soil with oxygen will help increase its mass in the soil. For this purpose, the cucumbers are loosened several times until the growing vines allow. An alternative to loosening is mulching with film or dried mowed grass.

A prerequisite for obtaining a bountiful harvest is the application of fertilizers for cucumbers. 3-4 days after planting in the ground, the soil is enriched with minerals. Prepare the fertilizer as follows: take 5 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, 10 g of superphosphate per bucket of water.

Cucumbers respond well to mullein solution in a ratio of 1:10. The gardener insists organic fertilizer, carries out saturation with fertilizer after rain or watering. An alternative to manure is chicken manure in a ratio of 1:15.

During the gardening season, cucumbers are fed up to 4 times: at the stage of formation of the first leaves, during the formation of the ovary, at the stage of active fruiting.

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Knowing how to grow beautiful and strong cucumbers in open ground, a gardener will always be able to please himself and his loved ones with crunchy and tasty fruits. What is the best way to organize plantings: regular or high bed, and what to transfer there - seeds or seedlings - is a matter of personal experience.

Almost every summer resident plants a crop, but not all amateur gardeners know how and when to do it correctly in order to achieve better yields. Since cucumber is a relatively fastidious vegetable, it requires adherence to sowing technology and proper care. At optimal timing Sowing and proper attention, the crop grows well and bears fruit.

How to plant cucumbers correctly

To grow vegetables, choose a well-lit area that is protected from the winds. Around the cucumber bed, “scenes” are formed, which can serve as plantings of potatoes, corn, sunflowers, hemp, and legumes. These tall plants provide an optimal microclimate for cucumbers. Planting vegetables in open ground can be done by seedlings or using seeds. The choice of method depends on several factors, including the climate of your region and the timing of harvest.

Unlike tomatoes, cucumbers are often planted from seeds. This is due to the fact that cucumber seedlings are very fragile, with delicate roots and shoots, so they are easy to damage. In addition, it does not tolerate acclimatization well to changed conditions (wind, sunlight, air temperature, different soil composition). Only experienced farmers who know all the intricacies of this process can achieve a good harvest when planting cucumber seedlings.

For ordinary gardeners, the method of sowing seeds in open ground is more suitable. In this case, the fruits appear only a week later, but the plants will be strong and resistant to external negative factors. Suitable for cucumbers warm beds a height of at least 20 cm. A layer of organic matter inside the plot not only provides vegetables with useful substances, but also warms up the roots, saturating them with carbon dioxide.

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so it needs to be planted when the temperature of the top layer of soil warms up to at least 13-15 degrees. However, the plant does not feel very well at high temperatures (if the indicator rises above 28 degrees), then development may stop. The bed must first be fertilized with organic matter ( chicken droppings, mullein or manure). This will provide the vegetables with nutrients and disinfect the soil, destroying the causative agents of many cucumber diseases.

The plant needs regular watering: if there is a lack of moisture, the leaves will begin to turn black, become fragile, and the bushes themselves will experience stress. Excessive soil moisture is no less destructive for cucumbers. As a result, there will be less oxygen in the ground, which will cause the tops to turn pale, and the development of green shoots and vines will slow down greatly. Water for irrigation is used at room temperature (about 18 degrees). The ideal soil humidity is 80%.

Since the crop prefers short daylight hours, it is best to grow it in mid or late summer. Despite the heat-loving nature of the vegetable, it requires only 10-12 photoperiods per day. The features of the process of planting seedlings and seeds have common features, which consist in the selection and preparation of the site. It is better to organize the beds from north to south, and apply organic fertilizer to the crop preceding the cucumbers.

An alternative option is to fertilize the soil immediately before planting the seeds/seedlings. Optimal choice will become cow dung. It is applied rotted to previous plants (5 kg per 1 square meter), and before sowing cucumbers it is used in the form of a 1:5 solution with water. You can replace compost with chicken manure (dissolve it in water 1:20) or complex mineral fertilizer.

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds

Many summer residents prefer to plant cucumber seeds directly in an open garden bed. It takes time for cucumbers to grow. It all depends on the climatic characteristics of the region and the specific variety, but planting is not usually carried out later than the end of June. One of the most important conditions proper cultivation plants is the nutritional value of the soil. For this purpose, in the fall, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to a shallow depth, which rot in the ground until spring.

In the north of the country, the place for planting cucumbers is covered with fresh manure, and in the spring a plant is built for the vegetable. warm designs. Since the culture is thermophilic, it feels best in the south and central Russia. The optimal temperature for growing vegetables will be 20-25 degrees during the day and 15 at night. If the weather is not pleasant and the thermometer drops to 10 degrees, then problems arise: growth stops, and if the cold snap is prolonged, the plant may die. When choosing a variety you should consider:

  • the need for pollination (there are self-pollinating and bee-pollinated species; for open ground it is better to take the former - they are usually tastier);
  • resistance to frost, cold snap, heat and drought;
  • immunity to common cucumber diseases - rot, cladosporiosis, mosaic;
  • branching feature of the plant (this factor directly affects the yield).

When planting cucumbers in open ground, it is recommended to choose zoned varieties (intended for growth in a specific area, taking into account the specifics of its climate) and breeding crops. Despite the fact that hybrids are more adapted to frequent changes in weather conditions, you need to stock up on covering material that will be needed during frosts. Successful varieties for planting by seed method will be the following:

  • Crane F1;
  • Admiral F1;
  • Herman F1;
  • Bidretta F1;
  • White Angel F1;
  • Aquarius, Ave.

When to plant

Planting in open ground can be carried out even in a cold, prolonged spring. Like other vegetables, cucumbers are planted during the waxing phase of the moon, when the plants activate their growth and recover well. It is recommended to plan work in the garden according to the Lunar calendar and not plant seeds in unfavorable days. The time of day for sowing does not matter. Planting dates will depend on the climate of a particular region, weather conditions in spring and summer, and the selected variety. There are only three sowing options suitable for the crop:

  1. Early. When the earth warms up well (at least 15 degrees at night), you can sow cucumber seeds. The ideal temperature for plant development is 18-26 °C. As a rule, this regime is established around June 1-5, but the date may vary depending on the climate of the region. In the southern regions, the earth has time to warm up earlier, then the vegetable is planted in the second half of May. With more early boarding When temperatures range from 10 to 15 degrees, plants often stop growing and die. Early sowing is also good because at the beginning of June there is a short daylight hours, since cucumbers need sunlight only for 10-12 hours a day for normal development. When planting vegetables at the end of June high temperatures and long daylight hours will not have the best effect on productivity. When choosing early varieties It is recommended to focus on such as: Competitor, Universal, Cascade.
  2. Average. Carried out from May 25 to June 10. Almost all varieties of crops are suitable for the second sowing. When planting in June, the harvest is harvested in early August, although these dates vary depending on whether you chose early, mid- or late-ripening cucumbers.
  3. Late. For this purpose, special varieties are chosen - preferably pickling ones. Early-ripening vegetables with a growing season of 45-50 days are optimal for late sowing. The harvest of such species will coincide in time with the fruiting of tomatoes. The big advantage of this sowing option is the ability to eat fresh vegetables up to frost. Late boarding seeds are carried out in July. If the weather is hot this month, a cover made of film (agrofibre) is made for the bed.

How to sow correctly

Seeds should be sown in several passes, otherwise you can miscalculate the timing: for example, cold weather may unexpectedly return. In addition, this option allows you to extend the fruiting period of the vegetable. Planting in warm regions of the country begins in mid-May and ends in mid-June. It is not recommended to do this later, since the heat and long daylight hours are not the best Better conditions for the growth and development of culture. The seed sowing technology includes the following steps:

  1. Selection of planting material. In addition to varieties zoned for specific regions, there are hybrids that are characterized by maximum resistance to diseases. It is better to give preference to the latter - this will save you from unnecessary hassle and increase productivity. In addition, the timing of ripening and the purpose of the variety (universal, salad, pickling) play an important role. If the purpose is not indicated on the package, look at the photo of the vegetables: if they have white pimples, the cucumbers are suitable for fresh consumption, and fruits with dark ones are a pickling option. The seeds must be at least 2 years old, since their germination increases during storage. The optimal age of planting material will be 6 years, and after 9 it is no longer suitable.
  2. Soil preparation. The cucumber bed is formed in the direction from north to south. Before sowing, the soil is fed with rotted cow manure; it is first diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Allowed alternative options– complex fertilizers or a solution of chicken manure.
  3. Preparing seeds for planting in open ground. The material is first heated for 20 minutes at a temperature of 42-45 degrees in order to achieve more friendly shoots and speed up the fruiting time. Another way to warm the seeds is this: hang them in a gauze bag near heating battery or slabs. This is done 2-1.5 months before sowing. The room temperature should be above 20 degrees. One-year planting material and those grown in the Leningrad region especially need heating. Heat the dry seeds in the oven or drying cabinet at a temperature of 60 degrees for 3 hours. To do this, planting material is placed on a metal mesh (or baking sheet) in a thin layer, stirring several times.
  4. Seed disinfection. For this purpose, they are kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of product per glass of water). The procedure lasts 20 minutes, after which the planting material is thoroughly washed with water.
  5. Treatment with microelements. To speed up the germination and fruiting of the crop, the heated and disinfected planting material is soaked in a solution of one or more microelements. An example recipe is 10 g of potassium nitrate, 5 g of superphosphate per 1 liter of water. The optimal liquid temperature is 40-45 degrees. The procedure lasts 12 hours. Afterwards the seeds should be dried.

  1. Sowing. In the prepared area, furrows are formed with a depth of 2-5 cm and a pitch of 50 cm. The depth of placement of planting material varies depending on the type of soil: for light soil with low lying groundwater optimal level will be 3-5 cm, for heavy - 2-3 cm. Seeds are placed in grooves at intervals of 3-4 cm from each other. For 10 sq. m will take approximately 50 g of seeds. If the soil is dry, water it before planting, and sprinkle the seeds with humus, loose soil with sawdust or peat.
  2. Caring for cucumbers in open ground. Immediately after the first shoots appear Special attention remove soil moisture and plant condition. If the leaves wither during the day, in the evening the bed should be watered with water at 20-25 degrees. When the plants close, they are thinned out (this is done only 2-3 times per season), removing the weakest shoots. Optimal distance between the bushes is 5-15 cm. In addition, it is important to loosen the soil on the site and weed the beds. When the cucumbers grow to the center of the row, stop loosening so as not to damage the roots. You should also spread the developing plants evenly on the ground. After the crop begins to bear fruit, the amount of watering is increased to 5 liters per square meter. m. Moisten the soil almost daily, with the exception of cool, cloudy days. Cucumbers do not need fertilizing if the soil was properly amended before planting. However, if the temperature drops for more than a week, the leaves may turn pale. It will be possible to restore their color nitrogen fertilizer(urea). Consumption is 7-10 g per 10 liters of water. The procedure is carried out with a whisk or by hand spraying. Optimal time- evening, otherwise the sun's rays will burn the foliage.

Planting cucumber seedlings in the ground

Gardeners whose plot is located in the floodplain part of the river will receive a very rich harvest of vegetables, without even preparing the soil first. Loamy and sandy soil with close groundwater is an ideal option for the crop. Its only drawback is a deficiency of potassium salt. Moisture-loving cucumbers do not tolerate lungs sandy soils which are unable to retain liquid. However, heavy soil, where moisture lingers for a long time, is not suitable for vegetables. WITH high level Soil acidity will have to be combated by adding lime.

When planting a plant, you must take into account the climate of your region, since cucumbers like warmth. When planting seedlings, the soil and air temperatures are not the least important great importance. The soil temperature for seedlings should be at least 15 degrees, but the optimal value would be 18-20 °C. In colder conditions, if the seedlings grow, it will be only during the day - under the influence sunlight, and at night it will stop development. The seedling planting method is suitable for any region. However, for areas with harsh climates, bottle planting is more suitable.

The key to success when growing vegetables in open ground is right choice varieties adapted for seedling planting. Among them there are unpretentious and undemanding ones who are able to calmly endure unfavorable weather. These include:

  • Adam F1;
  • Christina F1;
  • Cappuccino F1;
  • Carolina F1;
  • True friends F1;
  • Darling F1;
  • Shchedrik F1;
  • Athos F1;
  • Bush;
  • Baby, Ave.

When to plant

It’s easy to miss the optimal time for planting crops in open ground, so you need to approach this issue carefully. If you transfer seedlings to the garden bed at an inopportune time, its resistance to disease will significantly decrease, in addition, the survival rate of the bushes will worsen. For correct definition In time, you need to know this rule: planting cucumbers in the ground can only be done 2-3 weeks after the seeds were sown for seedlings.

  1. Substrate preparation. Containers (jugs) are filled with wood pellets in a layer of 3-5 cm and watered hot water. The pressed sawdust begins to swell and crumble; you need to help the granules crumble with your fingers. While the material has not yet cooled, seeds are laid out on it at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. They are sprinkled with hot sawdust on top. The substrate for cucumber seedlings is prepared from sawdust and peat in proportions of 1:3. First, you need to add 20 g of ammonium nitrate to each bucket of sawdust, mix the components and leave them for at least 2 days. Afterwards, the substrate is mixed with peat and 8-10 g of potassium nitrate and kept for another 2 weeks (the mass must be stirred periodically).
  2. Sowing seeds for seedlings. Planting material is planted in 10x10 cm pots, the containers are placed in plastic boxes about 20x30 cm in size. This is done in early May. Approximate consumption – 16-18 plants for every 1 sq. m. The prepared soil mixture is poured into pots and watered. Holes 1 cm deep are made in a damp substrate, and grains are placed in them, 1 piece per pot. They are sprinkled on top with a thin layer of sawdust mixture. The boxes in which the pots are placed are covered with film until the first shoots appear, after which the cover is removed. There is no need to water the seedlings when the humidity in the greenhouse is about 80%. If seedlings are grown in room conditions, the substrate is moistened 2-3 times during the growing season.
  3. Hardening of seedlings. A week before transplantation, the plants become accustomed to natural conditions. For this purpose, they are taken to Fresh air, the first time - in the evening, the second time - at lunchtime (in the shade), and on the remaining days the seedlings can be left in an open area at any time. The day before transplanting, the substrate must be watered several times.
  4. Transfer to an open garden bed. It is better to do this on a sunny day when the air temperature reaches 25 degrees or higher. The earth should warm up to 25-30 °C, thanks to the pre-applied hot manure. The distance between plants in a row should be 12-14 cm. Only the roots of the seedlings are sprinkled with soil. If the planting depth is excessive, there is a risk of developing root rot.
  5. Care. No different from caring for seed plantings. However, with the seedling method of growing vegetables, the harvest appears 2 weeks earlier.


What cucumbers need - we help the plant

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​On the 12-15th day after germination of its seedlings

​When to plant cucumber seedlings?​

Planting cucumbers in open ground - planting, growing

​To do this, we simply install metal arcs along the entire length of the bed, securing a double film to them. It will be useful to you throughout the summer, because cucumbers will begin to yield only if the temperature at night is above + 18 °C.​

​Gardeners and gardeners advise purchasing seeds hybrid varieties, ​You need to prepare to buy seeds in advance, preferably in the fall or early winter. Naturally, you want cucumbers to be aromatic, with small seeds, without bitterness and with thin skin - they are much tastier to eat in the form of salads, or just like that. To do this, you must take into account several important factors:​Planting cucumbers in the ground is also possible in holes, 2-3 seeds in each; from hole to hole we leave 45-49 cm of free land. We plant the seeds into the soil at a depth of 2-4 cm. Be sure to carefully water the planted seeds or seedlings.​

During the growing of seedlings, soil is added to the pots and 1 or 2 fertilizing is done. The first is given during the formation of 2 true leaves (ammonium sulfur), the second after 10-14 days (phosphorus-potassium fertilizer), based on 50 to 80 g of fertilizer per 10 liters. Growing seedlings is not complete without moderate watering with warm (25 - 28 degrees) water that does not over-wet the soil. Feeding is carried out in the morning in sunny weather. After feeding, the fertilizer solution is washed off the leaves with clean water.​

​And do not think that ordinary cucumbers do not require feeding - this should be done regularly at the beginning of flowering (first fertilization) and every 10 days during fruiting. It is believed that there should be 6–8 root dressings in total per season.​

  • ​According to experts, the process of growing cucumbers is quite easy in itself. But without knowing the nuances, you won’t get a lot of tasty and crispy cucumbers. Beginner gardeners planning to harvest at least several kilograms of cucumbers from each plant need to know that this vegetable crop loves a warm and humid climate, as well as good lighting.​
  • In this case, the seeds will quickly sprout and begin to grow actively. You can also warm up the soil before planting - extra heat cucumbers won't hurt.​

​can be sprayed with a growth stimulator​

What to do to make plants grow quickly?

​Cucumbers are a delicate crop, and it turns out that it is not always possible to plant them immediately on the ground. Therefore, gardeners in central Russia prefer more reliable way- grow cucumber seedlings indoors, and only then, when the time is right, carefully and carefully transplant them to the ground or into a greenhouse. In this case, beginning gardeners have a reasonable question: “How and when do they plant cucumbers for seedlings?” In this tutorial we will tell you how to properly plant cucumbers from seeds for seedlings.​

​Important points about growing seeds:​

​Fontanelle F1​

​since they are considered the most resistant to most negative factors, which can cause diseases, lead to loss of yield and even death of the entire plant ​Ripening dates, since there are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late varieties;​When planting cucumber seedlings: in the first days the plants need to be “shaded”, i.e. protect from the bright sun so that its rays do not damage the delicate leaves or cause irreversible damage to them, from which the seedlings will die. To do this, you can break several branches of any shrub and stick them near each bush of seedlings on the sunny side.​


Growing and planting cucumber seedlings in open ground

Cucumbers are plants that do not need long daylight hours, so artificially reducing daylight hours to 10-12 hours during 17-20 days helps accelerate their growth and development, as well as a noticeable increase in yield. We reduce daylight hours by artificial shading in the morning and evening hours. Seedlings ready for planting have 2-3 true leaves of dark green color. The squat root system should cover the entire volume of the soil. 5 - 7 days before planting seedlings in open ground, they are hardened by intensive ventilation during the day and then at night. Between them, there must be abundant watering, which can be easily combined with the addition of organic matter. A solution of bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1 to 25, or mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, is ideal as an organic fertilizer. The rate of application of solutions is approximately 5 liters per 1 m². How to water cucumbers correctly

​Since cucumber seeds can serve as carriers of various kinds of infections and bacteria, and are also susceptible to diseases themselves, they need to be soaked in a strong manganese solution before planting. Thanks to this, many diseases are prevented, the immunity of cucumbers is increased, and in the future the plants will be more resistant to late blight and gray rot. After the procedure, the seeds are washed in running water, dried and planted in holes.

​using a spray bottle on the bottom of the sheet.​

Growing cucumber seedlings

To determine the timing of planting cucumber seedlings, you need to take into account the most important factors - soil temperature and air temperature. Cucumber is a heat-loving vegetable crop, so a soil temperature of at least +14..+15 degrees is suitable for it. However, even this minimum puts the cucumber crop under stress, and it does not grow. In such an unfavorable period, he can easily catch any cucumber disease in this state.

​You need to make sure that the soil does not become crusty, because it will be difficult for the sprouts to break through such “armor”;​

​ has become a real legend among gardeners, thanks to the high taste of the fruit and the ability to pickle and preserve cucumbers. It is also pleasing to have immunity to many diseases that can completely destroy the plant;

​. The list is actually huge, but we will tell you about the most popular and “delicious” seeds.​

​There are cucumbers for fermentation, for pickling and for fresh consumption;​

To get the cucumber harvest early, they are planted in greenhouses. But first, seedlings are grown (see below). It can be grown both on a windowsill and in a greenhouse. Only on the windowsill it is easier to do this - you will have to devote less time to caring for the plants.​

Grown cucumber seedlings are planted in open ground when the soil at a depth of 10 - 12 cm reaches a temperature of 12 - 13 degrees and the threat of frost has passed. By folk signs The time of sowing cucumbers coincides with the mass flowering of dandelions.

Planting seedlings in the garden

​Another desirable procedure is weed control. Both weeding and loosening the soil are simply necessary for cucumbers. But keep in mind that the cucumber root system can be easily damaged, as it is located very close to the top layer of soil.​


Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse and in open ground or All the secrets of a rich harvest!

Planting cucumbers through seedlings requires slightly different preparation. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized and loosened well, forming beds. The seedlings need to be hardened off so that they can more easily withstand transplantation. If the seedlings live on a windowsill or balcony, you need to periodically ventilate the room, gradually and periodically lowering the air temperature. All the same rules apply to greenhouses.​

Which varieties of cucumbers are best planted for a greenhouse, and which ones for open ground?

​The cassette holder should be covered with a polyethylene lid. In such a cassette, seedlings develop in 20-21 days. We plant the seedlings by grasping the root part and pulling them out of the cassette. The cassette can be used in subsequent years. You can also use peat pots, but they will be disposable.​

​Leaves of young cucumber seedlingsenter>​

  1. ​Weeds must be removed immediately after they appear, but it is important not to damage the cucumber vines;​
  2. ​Another favorite variety is ​
  3. ​The most famous is the ultra-early ripening variety​

Planting cucumbers in open ground

​Take into account the conditions for growing vegetables: in open ground, in a greenhouse, in “warm” beds;​

​So, we will grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. To do this, we need, first of all, to install a greenhouse. Now there is a large selection of them, choose and install the one you like. First, manure, peat, and humus are spread around the greenhouse area, and all this is dug up in the fall. Cucumbers are planted in a greenhouse at the end of April or beginning of May.​

​Seedlings are planted in holes prepared in the garden bed. If the bed has not been fertilized, manure or compost is added to the holes. Plants are planted in holes, adding water and trying not to cover the cotyledon leaves. We plant plants in the garden bed every 15 - 20 cm. In the next 10 days we spend a couple of good watering at the rate of 10 - 15 fish per sq.m., then care should be the same as for crops in open ground. With proper care, growing a good harvest is simply a matter of honor!​

​Therefore, if you are afraid of harming your crop, you can simply mulch the soil.​

​Cucumber is unpretentious to the soil layer, but grows better on light sandy and loamy soils with low acidity. It is this type of soil that is distinguished by its breathability and ability to quickly absorb water. Cucumbers do not like the presence of groundwater near the root system. Just as they don’t like planting in those beds where beets and pumpkins previously grew.​

​You can grow cucumber seedlings in plastic cups......peat tablets......and cups......and even in original containers like eggshells

It is better to plant cucumbers in open ground

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse to get the earliest harvest

​For central Russia, such a soil temperature (in a good greenhouse!) is established only by mid-May. To speed up the warming of the earth, you can bury rotting manure under future holes at a depth of at least half a meter, and also mulch the beds using dark film.​

​It is advisable to immediately tie up growing plants, securing them with the help of a structure such as a trellis for shrubs;​

​Libelle F1​

​Masha F1​

Growing seedlings for faster harvesting

​There are differences between hybrid and varietal seeds, the first of which are much more resistant to diseases, pests, and temperature changes;​

Some people leave 2-3 cucumbers in the garden every year to ripen, then collect seeds for planting in subsequent years. But now you don’t have to do that. There are a lot of varieties of seeds sold, already processed necessary means to improve growth - there is a huge choice. It’s easier to just buy the variety you like, the main thing is that it suits your properties.​

​What if you plant cucumbers not only in a garden bed, but also in a greenhouse, and at different times, choose fertilizer and find a productive variety? Then you’ll be the first to try cucumbers, and you’ll still be picking them in late autumn!​

To summarize, we will highlight the features (differences) of planting cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground

  • ​If you do everything right, you will get a good harvest. By the way, you also need to be able to collect it correctly - you need to prevent the fruits from drying out and collect them as they ripen.​
  • Planting cucumbers in the ground has its own nuances. It is better to do this when the soil has already warmed up and the temperature has reached about 15–17 degrees Celsius. It will be correct if you prepare holes at a distance of about 50 centimeters for sowing seeds, and it is better if it is 2-3 rows.​
  • Cucumber seedlings are planted in early June.
  • ​, organizing a greenhouse from film and arcs. This growing option is suitable for cucumbers pickling varieties. Do not forget to fertilize both soil and foliar and the harvest will not take long to arrive.​

​Usually, cucumbers are grown in a window for no more than 3 weeks. After the expiration date, they quickly grow, and you can end up with overgrown seedlings, which is also not good.​

Water the young shoots with warm water and immediately loosen the bed;


Cucumber seeds are the right choice for a big harvest!

How to choose seeds to get a rich harvest?

​, which produces consistently large yields, while the fruits can reach 14 cm.​

  • ​, which can easily “resist” unfavorable conditions and many diseases. Suitable for both fresh consumption and canning;​
  • ​Resistance to heavy rainfall or, conversely, the need to create “greenhouse” conditions: dryness and constant access to sunlight;​
  • ​To plant seedlings in a greenhouse, we make beds 67-70cm wide, these are more convenient to process. The height of the beds is up to 30 cm. You can first water them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Then we plant the seedlings in a row. To do this, we make holes or a furrow 10-11 cm deep, plant the plants after 30-31 cm. We fill them with soil and water each hole with water carefully so as not to wash away the soil at the roots.​
  • ​If you decide to grow cucumbers in a garden bed under a film or under open air, then any early ripening varieties will do. But if you need seeds for planting in a greenhouse, then it is better to buy self-pollinating or parthenocarpic varieties.
  • ​Cucumbers must be grown at soil moisture of 75 - 95% and relative air humidity of 70 - 80%.​
  • ​You can grow bushes using a trellis - then the required distance between holes is 20 centimeters, and between rows - 30–40. In this case, the sowing depth should be approximately 2 centimeters, and there should be 4–5 seeds per hole. And the general rule is that when using the seedless method, it is better to use pre-soaked seeds.​

Usually at this time the threat of return frosts has passed, and you can plant without fear. Between bushes you need to maintain a distance of 13-15cm.​ ​© 2009-2016 Everything in the garden is a useful project for gardeners and summer residents. Copying materials is prohibited. Partial citation is permitted, indicating a direct active link to the copied material from our project.​ ​Cucumber seeds sprout quickly, at room temperature +25, yellow-green cotyledons should appear from the pots in 2-3 days.​ ​It is best to fertilize cucumbers once every 7-10 days.​ ​It is impossible not to mention the old, but still relevant varieties, suitable for pickling and fresh consumption: ​

  • ​The variety ​is also classified as ultra-early ripening
  • ​Choose them depending on the area where your dacha is located.​

​In early April, we process the purchased seeds for planting seedlings. We check them first: pour a little salted water into a bowl and pour the seeds into it, wetting them well. The seeds that fall down are suitable for planting. We briefly dip them in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Hybrid and productive cucumber seeds for open ground

​Few people know the difference between parthenocarpic and self-pollinating cucumber varieties. In fact, it's simple. Cucumbers can be bee-pollinated, self-pollinated or parthenocarpic:​ ​The most suitable is fertile, loose soil with a neutral reaction of the soil solution.​​And another piece of professional advice is to constantly thin out the seedlings so that weak plants do not take moisture and minerals from strong ones. It is better not to pull out weak shoots, but to trim them. This will prevent injury root system other cucumbers. A

  • ​If the seedlings were grown in plastic cups, remove the entire lump from the container and plant it in the hole so that the planting is level with the ground. Planting deeper is not recommended, as it increases the likelihood of root rot.​ ​Cucumbers love the sun, so you need to choose an open place for them, and at the same time protected from the northern winds.​​It turns out that if you want to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse in mid-May, then you should plant cucumbers for seedlings already on the 20th of April, and to plant cucumbers in open ground, you need to sow the seeds in early May.​
  • ​In the photo - planting cucumber seeds for seedlings, naturaleconom.blogspot.com​ ​Competitor, Graceful, Vyaznikovsky and Monastyrsky varieties​Herman F1​
  • ​In the photo - Germinating cucumber seeds, mrhow.ru​ ​Then we place the seeds in the refrigerator on the middle shelf for a couple of hours to harden. After this, we plant the seeds in prepared plastic cups or other jars filled with ready-made soil for cucumber seedlings (bought in a store) or prepared by us from equal parts of fertile soil, humus and peat.​ Bee-pollinated cucumber varieties have male and female flowers. If there are more male ovaries on the stem, then there will be few ovaries. To do this, the stems are pinched, which allows side shoots with female flowers to grow. The best bee-pollinated varieties are F1 Zhuravlenok, Rodnichok F1, Golubchik F1, Zasolochny, Graceful and others.​
  • ​Undemanding to lighting conditions. Planting cucumbers is done either by sowing seeds or by planting seedlings grown in advance. So how to grow and how to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground?​ ​In late varieties you need to carefully pinch the apical bud - but this should be done only when 4 or 5 leaves appear​The situation is much simpler with peat cups. They are simply embedded in the soil and within a month or two they decompose under the influence of external factors, and the plants grow, going beyond the original coma. If the seedlings survive transplantation quickly and painlessly, you will still have a slight advantage in terms of fruit production compared to planting seeds. It will take a week or a week and a half.​
  • ​The best location is the south-eastern and south-western slopes. The beds on them need to be arranged in a terraced manner and given a transverse direction so that the sun illuminates the plants the best way. Thanks to good lighting, more ovaries will appear on the lashes.​ ​Cucumber seedlings in a plastic bottleenter>​​Photo of cucumber seedlings, sad6sotok.ru​
  • ​. It is quite difficult to find other varieties that can compete with them in taste.​ ​, characterized by high productivity. Tolerates a variety of stressful situations, sudden temperature changes and various diseases;​​Photo of germinating cucumber seeds, yavderevne.ru​

The soil in the cups is loose, water it a little and add more soil. We make a hole 2 cm deep and place 1-2 seeds there, bury them and water them a little. These cups need to be placed in a warm place, covered with film on top, and after 3-4 days the first sprouts will appear from the ground. When the seedlings are 25-30 days old, they can be planted in a permanent place.​ ​Self-pollinating cucumbers have flowers with characteristics of both sexes, i.e. pollinate themselves, they do not need bees - Zozulya F1, Amur F1, Orpheus F1, Cheetah F1 and others.​​Growing cucumbers in open ground should be done in loose soil.​

Preparing cucumber seeds for sowing

​. This will significantly speed up the appearance of inflorescences and ovaries.​ ​Fruit setting in open ground occurs in the presence of male flowers.​ Be sure to raise the cucumber beds by two to three tens of centimeters. With this trick, the temperature on them will increase by a couple of degrees, which will only increase the growth rate.​

  1. ​In order to plant cucumbers as seedlings, you need to take several very important steps, and then do not forget to care for them. We will tell you what work needs to be done for this sequentially.​
  2. ​In the photo - planting cucumbers, atmagro.ru​
  3. Germination of cucumber seeds depends largely on how you prepare them for planting. ​

Planting cucumbers in the ground with seeds: main points

​The photo shows sprouted cucumber seeds, smoldacha.ru​

​We choose self-pollinating or parthenocarpic varieties for the greenhouse, and any early ripening ones for open ground.​

  • ​Parthenocarpic cucumbers form ovaries without any pollination on all flowers. They are hybrids and do not have seeds - Picnic F1, Pyzhik F1, Premium F1, Suzdal F1, etc.​
  • ​Cultivation and subsequent planting of any vegetable crop seedlings allows you to get earlier and high yield, as well as significantly reduce seed consumption and grow vegetables that do not ripen when sown in open ground. Seedlings can be grown using a potless method, directly in the soil (substrate) of a greenhouse or in specially prepared pots. Growing cucumbers from seeds in the garden or planting them as ready-made seedlings in open ground does not require certain knowledge, some of which we share with you.​
  • ​These plants, as we have already said, love warmth. Cucumbers are afraid of frost and when the temperature drops to 15 degrees Celsius, they slow down their growth, and when the temperature drops to 10 degrees Celsius, they stop growing altogether. For creating optimal conditions A cucumber needs an air temperature of 25–30 degrees Celsius, air humidity not lower than 70%.
  • If they are not there, the ovaries will simply fall off. Another problem may be prolonged rainfall, which will prevent insects from pollinating the flowers. In this case, pollination will have to be done manually, transferring pollen from one flower to another.​
  • ​If your site does not have slopes, fast-growing hedges can come to the rescue. For this, plants such as Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, sunflowers, corn and various legumes can be used. These green spaces will protect the cucumbers from winds and late blight, and they, in turn, will create their own microclimate within the walls, in which the temperature will be two to three degrees higher. All this only contributes to the rapid development of plants.​

​Pick up seeds suitable variety cucumbers It is advisable to choose parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) cucumber varieties. Trust well-known companies like Gavrish, Sedek.​ ​Photo of growing cucumber seedlings, superda4nik.ru​ ​After all, if you don’t take care of the seeds, there is a high risk of either growing a sick plant with small and ugly fruits, or wondering why the bed with planted cucumbers remains the same empty​ ​Zyatek F1​ ​In the photo - cucumber seeds, ogorodsadovod.com​

Growing cucumbers for seeds - next year's harvest

​Cucumbers are planted in a greenhouse earlier than in an open garden bed, about a month.​

Let's take the middle part of Russia. Spring here can be both early and late. Therefore, if you want to eat them early, you will have to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. It is only later, at the end of June, that the grown seedlings can be planted in a garden bed under the open sky. These cucumbers, from a later harvest, will be stored well when pickled.​

​Growing cucumbers to be fully prepared before planting takes about 35 days.​

​As for watering, the most important thing in this matter is consistency.​


How and when are cucumbers planted?

  1. ​If the weather is sunny, there will be no problems with pollination - the insects will do their job perfectly, and all you have to do is increase watering from the moment the fruit begins to set.​
Before planting in open ground, cucumber seedlings need to be hardened off

When are cucumbers planted?

It is better to buy processed seeds (green) so that you can plant them directly in the ground. If the seeds are not processed ( white), then you will have to soak them first. To do this, take several layers of gauze and soak it in a solution of a growth stimulator for 12 hours. The proportion is water and the Energen stimulant per 1 glass of water and 2 tablespoons of the Energen stimulant. Place dry seeds on cheesecloth in a warm place. This procedure is called "treating" the seeds.​

​In the photo - how to plant cucumbers with seeds, obalkonah.ru​

​. Therefore, before answering the question of how to plant cucumbers with seeds, we will tell you about competent preparation seedlings. Preparation rules:​

​ allows you to get about eight kilograms of cucumbers from one bush, and by purchasing these seeds, you will forget about plant diseases;​

​Photo of growing cucumbers from seeds, gerbarius.ru​

​In case of morning frosts, cucumbers in the greenhouse do not need to be covered, but in open ground they are required.​

​When the first open-air greens are ready for use, there will still be a little time left before the start of the autumn cooling. It is enough to harvest and pickle the crop several times.​

How to care for cucumbers for seedlings?

​Growing seedlings for planting in open ground lasts 30 - 35 days. In the middle zone, seeds should be planted at the end of April. You can plant the seeds in paper cups or bags, or special peat pots measuring 8x8 cm filled with soil mixture. Its main components are a mixture of peat, humus of turf soil with mullein and mineral fertilizer. Approximate composition of soil for planting: 5 parts peat, 3 parts humus, 1 part turf soil and 1 part mullein.​

So, before flowering, you need to water it moderately, using 3–6 liters per 1 m². We carry out this watering every 6–7 days.

​Depending on the weather, you will need to vary the frequency of watering. Cucumbers respond best to daily watering with settled water, so for such cases it is better to have a tank of two to three cubic liters.​

​Planting by seeds is very in a convenient way for those who are inconvenient to grow seedlings on their windowsill and then take them to the dacha in the general hustle and bustle, or for those who are simply too lazy to waste their time and energy on extra hassle. In addition, planting with seeds has one undeniable advantage - from the moment the plant pecks from the seed, it immediately adapts to external conditions and will be stronger than those that grew on the windowsill.​

​Purchase a cell with square plastic cups, which are already sold in almost any store for gardeners. You can get by with regular used plastic disposable cups, in in this case You will need to make the pallet yourself. You need to make holes in the cups, at least half a centimeter in diameter, in the center at the bottom.​

​Having tried to grow cucumbers in your garden and received good result, many are beginning to think about how to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings so as not to buy them in the store. To obtain required quantity seeds, one fruit of each variety that you want to grow in next year. Let us immediately note that the seeds of hybrid varieties do not allow us to obtain a fruit that will have absolutely everything varietal characteristics, and therefore, if you decide to grow these types of cucumbers, it is better to purchase seeds in specialized stores.​

​We select large-sized seeds, which, most often, are healthier and stronger for fighting diseases, among other things;​

​Delicious fruits up to 12 cm in size are obtained when planting seeds ​ Planting cucumbers in the ground​In a greenhouse, ridges must be prepared in the fall.​

Grown seedlings (see below) can be planted in a garden bed without shelter no earlier than the threat of “matinees” - morning frosts - has passed. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost at all, even slight frost.

When to plant cucumber seedlings?

​Growing healthy, viable seedlings begins with careful selection of seeds. To select, immerse the seeds in water at room temperature for 5 minutes, then dip them in a solution of table salt and pour them a couple of times. We discard the floating seeds. Selected seeds are disinfected by placing for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate with boric acid (0.1 g of potassium permanganate and 0.02 g boric acid per 1 liter of solution), then rinse with clean water and dry. If necessary, we carry out germination and hardening of seeds.​ ​During the period of flowering and appearance of cucumbers, you need to water abundantly - approximately 6–12 liters per 1 m², and watering should be done every 2 days.​

​Cucumbers should be watered with settled water at room temperature, which should always be in stock.


Choosing a landing site

​Cucumber seeds planted in the ground have a growth program - the plant knows very well when to slow down growth and when to speed it up.​ ​Pour a special soil mixture for growing cucumbers into cups and compact them a little. After this, the soil needs to be spilled with a hot solution of the natural stimulant "Energen". Take 1 liter of water at 50 degrees Celsius and add 4 drops of Energen. Pour the solution into a teapot with a thin spout.​

​You also need to remember that in this case you cannot do without artificial pollination, otherwise your work may not be effective. To do this, we need to take female and male flowers that are in the yellow bud phase, and for every 10 “female” there must be 30 “male” flowers. They need to be left overnight, the next day a small part of the corolla is cut off from the male flowers and pollinated female flowers. After this, we leave them in this form for two to four days. Next we plant them in the garden bed, and try to mark them by simply attaching a label.​

Next, it is necessary to disinfect the seedlings. To do this, take a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of powder per 0.5 liter of water), in which we disinfect the seeds for 15-20 minutes. Don’t forget to rinse them thoroughly after the procedure.​

​Ant F1​

Planting cucumbers with seeds

​Water the cucumbers​

​And, naturally, in a greenhouse, cucumbers will grow and be ready for consumption much earlier than in open ground.​

​When the morning temperature drops, the beds with cucumbers must be covered with film. When the air temperature rises, we remove this film, otherwise the cucumbers will “steam”, which also has a bad effect on their health.​

​When growing seedlings in a pot, do 1-2 feedings.​

It depends on watering whether your cucumbers will be bitter. If you dry out the soil once, bitterness will appear in all subsequent fruits. When watering it is important to use warm water room temperature and do this in the evening.​ ​Now, thanks to the efforts of our breeders, cucumber varieties have been developed that can survive even a serious drought, provided you visit your site only on weekends. How likely this is - only those who have checked for own experience. However, even in the case of drought-resistant varieties, it is worth remembering that cucumber is a moisture-loving plant, so it will respond much more gratefully to periodic watering more than once or twice a week, and the fruits will be crisp and without bitterness. Otherwise, cucumbers do not require special effort and time spent during cultivation. But still remember that it will not be superfluous to periodically apply fertilizers during the period of fruit set and growth, since by doing this you will stimulate the plants to actively bear fruit and add strength to them for this process. If you follow these simple rules, you can grow without much difficulty. decent harvest cucumbers

​After transplanting into open ground, seedlings take some time to adapt to changed conditions, which significantly slows down the growth process. As a result, the time for fruiting in both cases occurs simultaneously, so the statement that the result will be faster with seedlings is most likely untrue.

Planting cucumber seedlings (video)

​Using a stream from a thin spout, we make a hole in the ground in the center, where we plant a cucumber seed. By volume, each well should take 2-3 tablespoons.​

Photo gallery of containers for growing cucumber seedlings

​After a month and a half, the seed cucumbers can already be harvested, but they will have a sour smell and a light brown skin color.​

​The resulting seeds are placed in small fabric bags and soaked in a nutrient solution for 12 hours (a teaspoon of nitrophoska per liter of water). After this, we rinse them under running water and place them on a piece of damp cloth for several days. The main thing is that the temperature does not drop below + 23 °C. Make sure that the seeds hatch a little, but do not germinate. They are distinguished by rapid ripeness, as well as complete immunity to many pests, including diseases such as powdery mildew and olive spot;

​Delicious cucumbers to you!​

​We plant cucumber seeds or already grown seedlings in a bed prepared in the fall. In the garden bed we make vertical depressions for seeds up to 2-3 cm deep. We put 2 seeds there and cover them with peat or fertile soil. For seedlings, we make the holes deeper, depending on their height. We leave a distance of 9-11cm between the cucumbers, and 52-58cm between adjacent rows. Don't forget to carefully water our plantings. We make sure that the water does not wash away the roots. In each pot, to a depth of 2-3 cm, plant 2-3 pieces of sprouted or dry seeds, strengthening them in the soil with soil mixture. Then carefully, through a strainer, water the seeds with water at room temperature and, covering the pots with film, remove them for growing. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 25 - 28 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed and the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 1 - 2 plants in the pot. The temperature is lowered for 2-3 days to 18-20 degrees during the day and to 15 degrees at night. Then we raise the temperature again to 22 - 25 degrees during the day and to 20 - 22 degrees at night. We maintain relative air humidity at 85 - 95%.​

It is better to water the cucumbers using a watering can with a sprayer. If you start watering with a stream, you can damage the root system. By the end of summer, it is not recommended to water cucumbers abundantly, and the frequency should decrease significantly.​

The importance of watering

​Growing vines of cucumbers, when protected by green hedges, create their own microclimate, in which the temperature is two to three degrees higher

​You shouldn’t rush to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds if there is a threat of return frosts

​We plant the seed “flat” to a depth of 1-2 cm, simply pressing it into the ground. Sprinkle with dry soil without compacting the soil a little. No need to water anymore.​

​The harvested crop is left indoors for half a month, then the seeds are cut and extracted along with the pulp, pouring them into plastic dishes or glass jar– in this state they should ferment for about three days. The last step is to thoroughly wash the seeds and dry them. From one cucumber you can get about five grams of new seeds for planting. Now you know not only how to plant cucumbers with seeds, but also how to grow fruits to obtain seeds for seedlings.​


There are a lot of schemes for planting cucumber seeds; you just need to remember some rules in order to make a productive garden bed. Having chosen to plant using seeds, dig furrows along the entire width or length of the bed in advance, and make small holes in them at a distance of 30 cm using a stick. And it is better to plant two seeds in each of them, which will allow you to remove the weaker plant in the future. For the first few weeks, the beds should be covered at night and in cool weather (below +15 °C) to prevent the sprouts from freezing.​

  • How to plant cucumbers in the ground When to plant a cucumber in open ground