Using coconut milk. Coconut milk: benefits and use in dietary nutrition. Making coconut milk at home using coconut and coke shavings

Delicate taste And the exotic aroma is not the only reason to consume coconut milk. The product has a beneficial effect on health, helps maintain youth and beauty. The drink has a high nutritional potential: even a small amount can quickly fill you up. Are there any contraindications for coconut milk? Let's talk in detail about the benefits and harms.


Coconut milk has a fairly high calorie content (150-200 kcal), but its oils and fatty acids are perfectly absorbed. They do not accumulate in the form of extra pounds and unsightly folds.

If a person cannot tolerate animal protein, then nutritionists advise replacing cow’s milk with plant-based milk. An excellent option is coconut, because... it contains valuable elements in its composition and brings significant benefits to all organs and systems.

  • Coconut milk contains quite a lot of coarse fibers. Thanks to them, digestion is activated, processed foods are removed from the intestines faster. Metabolism improves, waste and toxins are removed. The product is completely digested and perfectly absorbed.
  • Coconut drink does not contain cholesterol. It is absolutely harmless for patients with cardiovascular diseases (unlike cow's milk), prevents the formation of plaques and fragility of blood vessels. It has been noticed that regular consumption of coconut drink normalizes blood pressure (it contains potassium).
  • Lauric acid in the product is beneficial for the immune system and is necessary for the body to fight viruses and bacterial infections.
  • Coconut nectar contains cytokines. These substances are famous for their anti-cancer effect, slow down the aging process of tissues and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Coconut milk activates biochemical reactions in the body and serves as a source of vitamins A, B, E, C. The drink relieves chronic fatigue syndrome and tones.
  • Fructose adds some sweetness to the product. There are no sugars. Therefore, coconut milk can be included in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the drink slightly reduces the amount of sugar in the blood (due to the presence of manganese).
  • The benefits of coconut milk in preventing diseases of the stomach and intestines and improving the condition of patients with peptic ulcers have been proven. Due to lauric acid, which has an antibacterial effect, the manifestation of gastritis and ulcers is reduced.
  • Coconut milk provides the body with phosphates. And these are the key elements necessary for the construction and strength of bones.
  • Magnesium in the drink soothes nervous system, neutralizes her hyperactivity. Coconut milk is useful for normalizing sleep, eliminating depression, relieving muscle tension, and joint pain.
  • The drink quickly fills you up and quenches your hunger. Therefore, it is recommended for obese people.
  • Coconut milk also has a place in cosmetology. In order to get rid of acne If you have acne on your face, you need to wash your face with milk regularly. The drink breaks down fats and has an antimicrobial effect.

The coconut product is famous for its antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Its regular use reduces the risk of colds and heart diseases, normalizes blood sugar levels, the activity of the thyroid gland, and the gastrointestinal tract.


As studies of the composition of coconut milk show, there is no need to expect any harm from this drink. Although there are opponents who point out the exotic nature of the product, its foreignness. This means non-perception by our Russian body. Since coconut is alien to the Russian diet, there will be no benefit from it. This is a subjective opinion that has not been confirmed in scientific laboratories.

Another thing is that it is difficult to find a fresh and high-quality product in our stores. To increase shelf life, manufacturers use preservation. And some preservatives and stabilizers are poisonous. The same commonly used guar gum is difficult to digest and has a negative impact on health.

To be on the safe side, choose coconut milk that has a shorter shelf life. It either contains no preservatives at all or very few of them.

Calorie content

The calorie content of raw coconut milk, obtained from milky juice and squeezed pulp, is 230 kcal (one hundred grams). The calorie content of the canned product is 197 kcal. That is, one hundred grams of fresh nectar will provide 11.5% of the daily energy requirement of an adult, canned - 9.9%.

Let's look at calorie content in other measures.

Raw coconut milk:

Canned drink:


Coconut milk is contraindicated for people with fructose intolerance. Possible adverse reactions are stool disturbances (diarrhea), skin rash, itching.

Like any other plant-based food product, the drink should be drunk with extreme caution for those who have weak peristalsis of the digestive tract.

Coconut is an exotic product. Therefore, pregnant women and infants should not get carried away with it. Expectant mothers should enjoy milk carefully, listening to the reaction of their body.

Where coconut is widespread, children are given it very early. Almost from the first months. But for our children it is exotic. It's better not to experiment. And introduce coconut milk when any exotic products are found. From the age of two or three. Moreover, the drink should be given not from a store-bought can, but from a coconut.

There are babies who cannot tolerate cow's milk. Parents are looking for analogues. For such children, special formulas based on soy are produced. Nowhere in the recommendations for baby food no coconut milk. So don't take any chances. Enjoy the taste and benefits of the drink yourself.

The nutritional value

Raw coconut milk:

Canned Coconut Milk:

Vitamins and minerals

Raw coconut milk:

Item name Quantity per 100 g % of daily requirement
PP (niacin equivalent) 0.76 mg 3,8
B1 (thiamine) 0.026 mg 1,7
B3 (pantothenic acid) 0.183 mg 3,7
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.033 mg 1,7
B9 (folic acid) 16 mcg 4
C (ascorbic acid) 2.8 mg 3,1
Kholin 8.5 mg 1,7
E (TE) 0.15 mg 1
K (phylloquinone) 0.1 mcg 0,1
Calcium 16 mg 1,6
Magnesium 37 mg 9,3
Sodium 15 mg 1,2
Potassium 263 mg 10,5
Phosphorus 100 mg 12,5
Iron 1.64 mg 9,1
Manganese 0.916 mg 45,8
Selenium 6.2 mcg 11,3
Zinc 0.67 mg 5,6
Copper 266 mcg 26,6

Canned product:

Item name Quantity per 100 g % of daily requirement
PP (niacin equivalent) 0.64 mg 3,2
B1 (thiamine) 0.022 mg 1,5
B3 (pantothenic) 0.153 mg 3,1
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.028 mg 1,4
B9 (folic acid) 14 mcg 3,5
C (ascorbic acid) 1 mg 1,1
Kholin 8.5 mg 1,7
Calcium 18 mg 1,8
Magnesium 46 mg 11,5
Sodium 13 mg 1
Potassium 220 mg 8,8
Phosphorus 96 mg 12
Iron 3.3 mg 18,3
Manganese 0.768 mg 38,4
Zinc 0.56 mg 4,7
Copper 223 mcg 22,3

Thus, raw coconut milk is more valuable and nutritious than canned milk. Plus, it lacks various stabilizers. Therefore, dear housewives, we are not lazy to extract the benefits of nature with our own hands.

Over the past decade, coconut products have earned a bad reputation in the media. Thus, critics spoke about the high concentration of fat in coconut milk and did not advise including it in your diet. Meanwhile, the islanders have been eating palm fruits for centuries and have not experienced any negative consequences.

The exceptional health of the island populations allows us to talk about the numerous beneficial properties of coconut milk - a product that is increasingly being compared to the cow's milk we are used to.

This delicious drink is made by squeezing the layer of white coconut meat under the hard brown shell to create a thick coconut cream, which is then mixed with water. It has a light coconut taste with refreshing exotic notes.

One cup of unsweetened coconut milk has 50 calories, 5 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrates. There is calcium, vitamins C, E, K, groups, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc. About half of all fatty acids in milk are lauric acid. This important point, the value of which I will reveal a little later.

For weight loss

New scientific data surprises and makes you think. Bruce Fyfe, in his article “Fats that will make you lean,” argues that a lack of healthy fats in the diet promotes weight gain and increases the risk of becoming obese. An excellent source of healthy fats is natural coconut milk. It helps in the functioning of brain receptors that control appetite.

For immunity

Coconut milk contains lauric and capric acid, as well as antimicrobial lipids, which have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Our body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which fights viruses and bacteria (including staphylococcus and listeria) that cause herpes, influenza and even HIV infection.

According to Serena Gordon, a correspondent for an authoritative American publication, latest research showed: in children with pneumonia, it has a much greater effect A complex approach, which involves the inclusion of coconut milk in the diet while taking antibiotics.

Heart diseases

Another current study of the beneficial properties of specific fatty acids suggests the prospects for using coconut milk in therapeutic nutrition cardiac patients. Journalist Catherine Hobson says that the classic diet of the islanders Pacific Ocean unthinkable without coconut oil and milk. Consumption of other vegetable and animal fats is kept to a minimum here. However, islanders have a low rate of cardiovascular disease.

Coconut milk is characterized by medium chain fatty acids. These same fatty acids, according to Bruce Fife, kill atherogenic bacteria that cause the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries, which antibiotics cannot do.

For healthy skin and hair

Coconut milk is highly nutritious and therefore suitable for topical use on the skin and hair. Moisturizes and restores skin cells, fights wrinkles, treats skin infections and heals wounds. The product supplies the hair roots with the necessary substances for growth and provides optimal conditioning. Massaging your scalp with coconut milk treats dandruff and soothes dry, itchy skin.

Concluding the article about the benefits of coconut milk, I would like to say that it is an excellent alternative to cow's milk, especially for people with lactose intolerance. It is widely used in Asian and Indian dishes, for making cocktails and other soft drinks. Vegans also value it for its nutritional value and plant origin.

Read about other options for replacing cow's milk: and almond milk.

Coconut milk is not a liquid that you can drink by making a hole in the coconut. Coconut milk is a product obtained by processing the pulp of the fruit, turned into the well-known shavings. And what you drink from a coconut is called coconut water.

What you need to know about coconut milk?

Coconut milk contains 15-25% fat. It is obtained by pouring the pulp or crushed copra hot water and straining through cheesecloth. This produces a white, aromatic liquid similar to milk. In our country it is usually sold in boxes and metal cans.

Worth mentioning medicinal properties this product. First of all, it contains lauric acid, which has powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Vitamins C, E, group B, as well as microelements: iron, selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus are also valuable in coconut milk. It contains fiber and protein.

Drinking coconut milk strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on skin condition, slows down the aging process, regulates digestion, helps reduce fever, and alleviates asthma, osteoporosis and kidney stones.

This is a valuable product from the point of view of culinary possibilities. It is recommended for people who cannot afford cow's milk due to lactose intolerance.

100 g of coconut milk is 4 g of protein, 27 g of fat and 6 g of carbohydrates.

Liquid or solid?

Good quality coconut milk should be velvety and white, not clear and whitish. Before purchasing, it also doesn’t hurt to study the composition.

Due to storage in the refrigerator, milk hardens - when we open the can, we see a white mass instead of liquid. This is not scary, moreover, some recipes require exactly this consistency.

However, most often the product is used in liquid form. How to return it if the milk has thickened? It’s very simple: you need to lower the jar into a bowl of hot water for about 10-15 minutes. This process can be accelerated if the jar is placed in a vertical position in some vessel (the water in it should reach 2/3 of the height of the milk), open it and stir the melted mass with a spoon.

Homemade product

You can buy coconut milk, or you can make it yourself. In the latter case, all you need is grated coconut (either fresh pulp or ready-made shavings will do) and water. Just fill a glass of shavings with water for several hours (or better yet, overnight) and put it in the refrigerator. The chips need to be thoroughly softened and saturated. The next day, put it in a blender, add water (about 4 glasses) and beat everything until smooth. Healthy milk is almost ready. All that remains is to strain it through cheesecloth to get rid of uncrushed pieces.

And here - alternative way, using boiling water and your hands instead of a blender.

  • The shavings are placed in a blender and carefully and slowly poured with boiling water. Then mix and leave the coconut puree to cool.
  • Holding the cheesecloth over a bowl, place the puree into it and squeeze out.
  • Pour boiling water over the squeezed cake again and repeat the spin cycle. And then 1-2 more times.

If you put coconut milk in the refrigerator, within 24 hours the coconut milk and coconut cream will separate (into thinner and thicker parts). If you then shake the liquid, it will resemble liquid sour cream.

Coconut inspiration

  1. Coconut milk is great for all types of cocktails, shakes, and smoothies. It is very tasty in combination with other milk (preferably also plant-based) and yogurt.
  2. Milk makes an excellent combination with fresh fruit. The drink can be sweetened, not only with sugar, but also with honey, stevia, agave syrup, etc. This cocktail tastes best cold, served with ice cubes.
  3. Not everyone knows that coconut milk can be whipped like cream. To do this, you will need the product in the form of a thickened mass. To obtain the desired consistency, the vessel with the drink must be placed in the refrigerator the night before. This milk needs to be transferred to a mixer bowl and whisked. Note: if part of the chilled drink has a watery consistency, do not drain it, but whisk it together with the rest of the mixture. At the end of the process, you can add powdered sugar to taste. Whipped coconut milk will be an interesting addition to cakes, cream pies, and desserts.
  4. Nothing brings out the flavor of a creamy soup better than velvety coconut milk! This is an excellent substitute for sour cream. A thick product will thicken the soup and help it acquire an original taste. It goes especially well with tomato soup. Good idea— add coconut milk to soup made from lentils, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, etc. It is added at the end of cooking.
  5. In oriental cuisine, this coconut product is used as one of the main additives to curry dishes. Some people like to cook seafood in milk, especially shrimp - they acquire an interesting flavor. They are then served with pasta or rice.

  6. Coconut milk is also suitable for preparing a side dish typical for our latitudes. It is enough to add a small amount of it to mashed potatoes (with the addition butter and salt) to make a very interesting tasting dish.
  7. Coconut milk will be the highlight of cakes or muffins. Just 100 ml is enough to prepare baked goods with an original taste. It is usually added along with other liquid ingredients to dry ingredients. And if you combine a few tablespoons of coconut drink with powdered sugar, you will get a homemade cream with a very unusual taste.
    Vegans use this plant-based milk to make a special dessert called tofurniki (a vegan version of cheesecakes made from tofu).
  8. Adding coconut milk will enhance and change the flavor of your oatmeal or milk soup. Millet porridge will become the same delicacy if you add an exotic product to it at the end of cooking. In this case, it is good to serve with fruits (fresh or dried), nuts, and seeds.

  9. Coconut milk can also be a complement to coffee. In order for the taste and consistency to be “correct”, it must first be warmed up thoroughly. Using a milk frother is also a good idea. Pour the frothed coconut milk into a tall glass, and then add coffee. You can add sugar or stevia to taste. This coffee goes well with cinnamon or cardamom.
  10. Today, chia puddings made from Spanish sage seeds, which are considered a very healthy product, are very fashionable. When exposed to liquid, they behave in the same way as flaxseed - they swell and a jelly forms around them. Place a few tablespoons of chia seeds in a bowl, add a can of coconut milk, about 100-150 milliliters of any other milk (preferably plant-based) and additives of your choice (sugar, honey, xylitol, stevia or agave syrup; you should also add a little vanilla). The ingredients are mixed (you can put them in a jar, close and shake well), and then put in the refrigerator for several hours. Ready chia pudding is best served with fresh fruit.
  11. Original homemade ice cream is made from coconut milk. In addition to this, sugar, vanilla, cream, grated coconut, and sugar are placed in the pan. All this is heated until the sugar dissolves, then the mass is cooled and put in the refrigerator for several hours. If the treat is not prepared in an ice cream maker, then after 30 minutes you need to remove it from the freezer and carefully beat it.

Coconut milk is unusual, but useful product. Thanks to its pleasant taste and beneficial effects on the body, the drink is becoming increasingly popular. What are the benefits and harms of coconut milk, who is it especially useful for, how to use it for various purposes and prepare it at home.

How is coconut milk made?

Unlike, which is present inside the fetus in in kind, coconut milk is obtained artificially. To do this, the coconut pulp is crushed using a grater or a special apparatus and the juice is squeezed out of it. The resulting product may be more or less liquid - it depends on the number of spins. The thickest drink is obtained after the first spin. Second-press milk is also tasty, but not as healthy.

Chemical composition of coconut milk

Coconut milk contains B vitamins, vitamin C, A, PP. The mineral composition of the product includes:

  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • selenium.

In addition, the product is rich in fiber, which is beneficial for digestion.

Calories and nutritional value of coconut milk

The calorie content of coconut milk exceeds the calorie content of regular milk and is 152 kcal per 100 g. It contains 1.8 g of protein, 14.9 g of fat and 2.7 g of carbohydrates.

Benefits of coconut milk

The beneficial properties of coconut milk are varied. What effect does it have on the body:

  1. Reduces cholesterol levels. Milk is saturated with vegetable fats, but they will not harm the body. On the contrary, this particular drink is useful for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
  2. Prevents the development of caries. The product will not help get rid of already existing problem, however, prevents its occurrence. The drink contains substances that kill bacteria, which cause caries to occur and spread.
  3. Improves skin condition. Coconut milk moisturizes the skin and promotes rapid healing of damage skin. All this is thanks to B vitamins, as well as lauric acid, which prevents the development of fungal diseases.
  4. Strengthens the immune system and restores energy resources, largely thanks to vitamin C.
  5. Speeds up metabolism as it has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Vegetable fat in milk helps the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  6. Lauric acid also helps strengthen bones and develop the brain.
  7. Milk has antiviral and antibacterial effects.
  8. With the help of milk, you can strengthen blood vessels, increase their elasticity, and therefore avoid atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Thanks to the antioxidants in milk, it protects the body from harmful free radicals.
  10. Helps increase hemoglobin - 1 glass of drink provides the body with 20% of the daily requirement for iron.

Coconut milk will be a good and no less healthy substitute for people who do not eat food of animal origin, suffer from allergies and fast.

For women

For women, coconut milk is useful for maintaining youth and beauty. Antioxidants in the product will help improve the health of the skin and nails; the product is often used for both internal and external use - for cosmetic purposes.

For men

The product is useful for men to maintain reproductive function and treatment of urological diseases. A good helper here is manganese.

Pregnant and lactating

Coconut milk is a healthy product for the body of a pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. What properties are useful during pregnancy?

  1. Mild diuretic and choleretic effect. This helps remove water and salts from the body, which eliminates swelling.
  2. A beneficial effect on the nervous system and the formation of the child’s bones, preventing the occurrence of birth defects.
  3. Normalization of the hormonal background of the expectant mother.
  4. Relief from heartburn and constipation, which often affects pregnant women.
  5. Prevention of anemia in children.

After childbirth, milk should also not be abandoned. B vitamins as well as vitamins E and C improve the quality breast milk, and the drink as a whole strengthens a weakened body.

Important! If a woman did not consume coconut milk before giving birth, then it should be introduced into the diet only when the baby is 3-4 months old.

Milk should be introduced into the diet gradually, preferably not consuming any new foods. This will help track a possible allergic reaction to. At breastfeeding A woman is recommended to drink about 1 glass of milk per day.

Can children have coconut milk?

In countries where coconut grows, they begin to give it to children from the very beginning. early age. However, in our latitudes, you should be careful with early consumption of the drink, since children’s bodies are not adapted to exotic products. Therefore, it is advisable to give such milk to a child no earlier than 2-3 years. At the same time, you should prepare it yourself; the product from the supermarket is much less healthy.

How to take coconut milk for weight loss

Coconut milk helps you lose weight as it has a beneficial effect on metabolism and digestive system. However, when losing weight, you should treat the product carefully - despite all beneficial features, it contains quite a lot of fat. Therefore, on days when you want to enjoy this drink, you should exclude other dishes containing fats from your diet and eat mainly vegetables, fruits and lean meat.

How to use coconut milk in cosmetology

The product is used to heal the skin, giving it a pleasant shade. It also has a beneficial effect on hair. How to use milk for cosmetic purposes.

For face

The product nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, giving it softness and tenderness. It can be used both as a tonic and as part of masks. To prepare a universal mask for any skin type, just mix 2 tbsp. l. milk with 2 tsp. honey and 2 tsp. oatmeal. The composition should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

For hair

Vitamin E and fats in the composition moisturize and strengthen hair. Using milk you can get rid of dandruff and hair loss. A mask of 5 tbsp will help make your hair lush, strong and shiny. l. milk and 3 tbsp. l. lime juice. The ingredients need to be mixed, applied to the hair and kept warm for 15-20 minutes. Next, the mask can be washed off with shampoo.

Uses of coconut milk in cooking

Coconut milk is rarely consumed in its pure form due to its high fat content. But it is widely used in cooking:

  1. This ingredient is well suited for making desserts, such as ice cream.
  2. Milk is used in various cocktails.
  3. The product is included in many side dishes of oriental cuisine.
  4. Combining milk with powdered sugar produces an unusual buttercream.

Coconut milk, like regular milk, can be added to coffee and tea, and baked goods can be prepared using it.

How to make coconut milk at home

Coconut milk is not found in every store and usually has a high price. However healthy drink You can cook it yourself. It is prepared from fresh fruit, shavings, and concentrated or powdered coconut milk.

To prepare from concentrated or dry raw materials, water is used, with which the main ingredient is diluted to the desired consistency and fat content. How to prepare milk from fresh coconut and its shavings.

From coconut

The coconut needs to be cut in half. There is pulp inside it. High-quality coconut has tender flesh white. A yellowish tint indicates that the nut has a bitter taste and cannot be used for food. You can cook from thin and dried pulp, but the milk will be much less fatty.

The liquid from the nut is drained, and the pulp is peeled and grated on a fine grater. Then the grated nut is poured with boiling water and left for 3-4 hours. After this time, the mass needs to be filtered - healthy and tasty milk is ready.

From coconut flakes

Making homemade coconut milk from shavings is even easier. To do this, grind it in a blender and pour boiling water over it. For 200 g of chips there is 0.5 liters of water. The composition is left for 20 minutes, filtered, cooled and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

How much coconut milk can you drink per day?

The drink should not be consumed without moderation. Doctors do not recommend drinking it every day. 1 glass per week or half a glass 2 times a week is enough. Wherein we're talking about about adults, including pregnant and lactating women.

Important! For children, the dosage should be reduced to 70 ml per week - approximately this amount of milk will be beneficial.

Is coconut milk powder healthy?

Coconut pulp powder will not harm the body. Modern manufacturers do not use preservatives, dyes or flavors in the manufacture of the product. Moreover, its benefit is hardly less benefit fresh drink.

However, milk powder contains less fat and more dietary fiber. Due to its convenient shape, this product option is most preferable for storage and transportation.

Benefits and uses of coconut cream

Coconut cream contains all the same vitamins and minerals found in milk itself. Cream helps relieve tension, softens symptoms of depression and insomnia. They are widely used in the preparation of desserts and sauces.

Harm of coconut milk and contraindications

There are not many contraindications for the product, but they should still be taken into account:

  1. The main contraindication is the presence of allergies, which are not so common.
  2. It is not recommended to drink the drink if you are intolerant to fructose.
  3. You should be careful with the product if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract - milk can cause nausea, dyspepsia and diarrhea.
  4. If the peristalsis of the digestive tract is weak, you should not abuse milk.
  5. In some cases, drinking milk can cause heart rhythm disturbances and increased blood pressure.

It's also important to keep in mind that canned coconut milk may contain unhealthy ingredients. Therefore, preference should be given to fresh product.

Selecting and storing coconut milk

When choosing coconut milk, you need to be guided by the same principles as when choosing cow's milk. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date, date of manufacture and fat content. When purchasing canned milk, you need to study the composition. A quality product contains only water and coconut milk concentrate. It is important to avoid the preservative E224 - it is hazardous to health.

Advice! When purchasing milk in a tin at home, it should be poured into a glass container.

Coconut milk in glass jar healthier and more palatable, since tin packaging can oxidize, which negatively affects taste and shelf life.

It is not advisable to buy milk in large quantities unless necessary. The shelf life of the drink in an open container in the refrigerator is about 3 days.


The benefits and harms of coconut milk are now known, it remains to decide for what purposes and quantities to use it. It is important to remember the required daily allowances, then milk can be usefully used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. You can find out how milk actually works when used in cosmetology from reviews.

Today, you won’t surprise almost anyone with this exotic drink (as well as). In any more or less self-respecting Russian supermarket you can find canned coconut milk. The benefits and harms of this product are often compared with the properties of conventional cow's milk, and expert opinions differ. But in world cooking and cosmetology, the properties of the exotic elixir are generally recognized.

Coconut or Buryonka?

Nutritionists prefer a plant-based product, despite the fact that coconut milk is fattier and higher in calories (calorie content 150–200 kcal). The fact is that the oils and fatty acids of coconut milk are well absorbed and are not deposited as extra pounds on the waist.

If you are intolerant to animal protein, doctors recommend replacing cow's milk with plant-based milk, in particular coconut milk. Does not contain coconut milk or cholesterol. But it is rich in coarse fibers, which improve digestion.

Coconut milk boasts vitamins A, B, E, C and microelements, such as copper, which is involved in biochemical reactions in our body. Lauric acid is also present in coconut milk - a real virus fighter. Therefore, it is recommended to drink this vitamin drink to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Coconut milk also has a positive effect on performance thyroid gland. Due to antibacterial action normalizes intestinal microflora, helps with gastritis and ulcers.

Opponents of coconut milk are confident that an exotic product alien to our way of eating can cause allergies. Coconut milk is contraindicated for those who suffer from fructose intolerance.

Arguments against it include the fact that it is not so easy to find a truly fresh and high-quality product in our country. Consuming canned coconut milk can be dangerous, the benefits and harms of which depend on the methods of preservation. Some preservatives and stabilizers are toxic. Therefore, it is better to choose a natural product, albeit with a shorter shelf life.

Pushing the boundaries of the culinary world

Recipes with coconut milk are very popular today. This product has long gone beyond Asian cuisine. It is used in the preparation of desserts, pastries and cocktails, soups and main courses. Coconut milk gives food a velvety, light creamy taste with the aroma of an exotic fruit.

Fans of sweetish sauces for meat can try stewing poultry or beef in coconut milk. When heated, it does not curdle like animal cream. It also goes well with seafood.

And yet, dishes with coconut milk are the hallmark of Thai cuisine. Here they prepare soups and stews based on it. meat dishes, making curry. And rice cooked in coconut milk is a savory Asian side dish.

Advice from experienced cooks: replace cow's milk with coconut milk in any baking recipe. The dish will only benefit and acquire a bright aroma and coconut taste. For example, experiment with pancake batter. Banana or orange filling goes well with coconut milk pancakes.

Coconut milk makes a good addition to tea or coffee. You can prepare many cocktails based on it; you can start with regular milk cocktail.

Exotica guards beauty

Coconut milk is a very common component of cosmetics - creams, shampoos, balms. You can also use natural coconut milk for your face. Use it to wash your face and your skin will feel clean, fresh and hydrated.

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, coconut milk will help get rid of pimples and acne. Regular consumption of coconut milk will help tired and aging skin become elastic and toned. You can use coconut milk either in its pure form or by adding it to your favorite lotion. Coconut milk also has a good effect on hair condition. Use it instead of a balm, and it will eliminate the oily shine of problematic hair and moisturize dry scalp.

Since ancient times, coconut milk was considered the elixir of youth and beauty. There is a legend that the inimitable Queen of Sheba mixed half a glass of coconut milk and cow's milk. She drank half of this cocktail and applied the rest to her face.

Are your eyes running wild in the store?

Let us clarify that coconut milk is not at all the liquid that accumulates inside the fruit (the so-called coconut juice or coconut water). Coconut milk is a mechanically obtained white, sweetish, viscous liquid. It is produced by squeezing the flesh of a well-ripened coconut. After the first squeeze, the thickest milk is obtained. Next, the squeezed pulp is diluted with water and squeezed again. The result is a more liquid product.

How not to get confused in the various jars and bottles in the store. The advice is universal - read the label. Included proper milk There should be only two positions: concentrated coconut milk and water. A product with preservatives and antioxidants (usually E-224) is less beneficial.

As with regular milk, pay attention to the fat content. It may be different. If you plan to use coconut milk to prepare Asian dishes, buy a richer product. With 50-60 percent fat content, coconut milk is great for curries, desserts and soups. It can be easily diluted with water one to two or even one to three.

Choose small jars, because opened coconut milk can only be stored for three days in the refrigerator. If the product thickens in the cold, place the jar in hot water for 5-7 minutes and stir or shake well.

Homemade milk

You can try making coconut milk at home. Grate the coconut pulp or grind it in a blender. Fill it with boiling water and leave to “rest” for half an hour. Then the chips need to be squeezed out thoroughly. Natural homemade coconut milk is ready.

The average fruit yields about a glass of milk and less than a glass of shavings. Which, by the way, can also be used in cooking. The main thing is to choose a ripe and fresh coconut. But that's a completely different story.

Is it possible to buy?

By the way, coconut milk can not only be prepared at home, but also purchased in a store. For example, milk is sold in the form of powder—not a chemical powder, but an organic one.
