Using a geographic information system in ecology. Geographic information systems in ecology and environmental management Use of geographic information systems in the study of climate processes


V. G. Kapustin


KEY WORDS: geoinformatics; geographic information system (GIS); GIS technologies; digital maps; information geocomplex; school geographic information system.

ANNOTATION. The current state of the problem of using GIS technologies in the process of preparing a geography teacher and in the study of geography in high school is analyzed.


KEY WORDS: Geoinformatics; Geographic Information System (GIS); GIStechnologies; digital maps; information geocomplex; schools geographic information system.

ABSTRACT. The Analysis modern with-standings and problems of the use GIStechnology in the process of preparing the teacher to geographies and in study of the geographies in secondary school.

Modern general education and higher schools are characterized by an active transition to the use of new information technologies. In the educational process, informatization programs are being implemented, electronic textbooks have been developed, distance learning technologies are being developed, and the Russian Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources has been created 3. Educational-

3 The Unified Collection was created during the project “Informatization of the Education System”, implemented by the National Foundation for Personnel Training on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Currently, the replenishment and development of the Collection is carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education.

teaching materials The collections guide teachers towards the introduction of modern teaching methods based on the use of information and communication technologies. It included sets of digital resources for all school disciplines, various thematic and subject collections, as well as other educational, cultural, educational and educational materials. The collection contains, accordingly, various materials on geography, including the school geographic information system (SHIS). In addition, the Collection also presents innovative educational and methodological developments that motivate teachers to use educational technologies that fundamentally change the educational environment, making it adequate to the requirements of information technology.

tion society. Connecting all Russian schools to the Internet within the framework of the priority national project “Education” ensured the availability of collection resources for all educational institutions.

It is important to emphasize that new technologies open up new opportunities for developing personal potential and ensuring the success of a graduate of a higher educational institution or school.

The second generation Federal State Educational Standard - and this is its fundamental difference from previous developments - puts the personal result of education at the forefront. Modern educational technologies make it possible to solve the problems of developmental education and individualization of education to the maximum extent possible.

However, the active implementation of information technology in education is hampered by several complex problems. The current educational standards for higher pedagogical education do not fully ensure the training of specialists to work with electronic educational resources. The system of retraining and advanced training for teachers (and teachers at pedagogical universities) also does not sufficiently take into account the vital need for working teachers to master information technologies. So far, the development of such technologies is dominated by self-education processes.

The quality of many electronic resources leaves much to be desired. The materials of the Unified Collection on Geography are diverse both in content and in level of implementation. However, some of the materials, in our opinion, are of little use or unsuitable for use in school. Apparently, the period of accumulation of such heterogeneous and multi-level materials is inevitable and in the future, as a result of the targeted work of leading methodological centers, a selection of materials will be made that truly meet the modern requirements of the information and educational environment.

The foregoing indicates the existence of a serious contradiction, caused, on the one hand, by the intensively developing processes of informatization of educational practice, on the other hand, by the spontaneous, poorly controlled nature of these processes in the domestic system.

national geographical education both at the level of general education and higher education. Let us discuss some aspects of this problem. The first of them is associated with the analysis of ways of presenting modern geographical information.

Geographic information. A significant proportion of the information that a person deals with is spatial, or geographical.

Spatial information is transmitted mainly using small-scale general geographic and thematic maps and atlases, topographic maps, aerospace images, plans and diagrams, addresses of object locations, traffic routes and other information.

However, the catchphrase “The map is the alpha and omega of geography” is filled with new content in modern society. In addition to the traditional paper map, an electronic map is bursting into a person’s life, carrying a variety of geographic spatial information.

The geographic map becomes dynamic and interactive. The map can be combined with a satellite image - with an image of the entire Earth or a separate village, as they are visible from space. A satellite image reflects the real state of affairs at a certain point in time in a given area.

Today, maps and satellite images of cloudiness, cyclones, landscapes, etc. have become commonplace on the Internet. In the Russian Federation, within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia,” a Concept for the formation of a Russian spatial data infrastructure as an element of national information resources is being developed.

Essentially, in the modern period, a person studies, analyzes, and views the results of processing spatial data in geographic information systems.

Geographic information systems (GIS) and geographic information technologies (GIS technologies) are widely used in the world today. GIS is actively used to solve scientific and practical problems at the local, regional, federal and global levels. GIS technologies are used for a comprehensive study of the natural and economic potential

tial of large regions, inventory of natural resources, design of transport routes, ensuring human safety, etc.

The current state of society, the significant complication of its infrastructure, require new generations to master new means and methods for processing and analyzing spatial information, methods for quickly solving problems of management, assessment and control of changing processes. Geoinformation technologies provide new methods and means of information processing that provide high visibility of displaying heterogeneous information and accessible tools for analyzing reality. GIS have enormous potential for analyzing information for the purpose of making management decisions in the socio-economic sphere.

But processes characteristic of the entire society determine the need to introduce innovative geographic information technologies into the learning process at the level of not only higher professional education, but also at the level of secondary schools. To realize the enormous potential of GIS, extensive training of users of geographic information systems is necessary. Among the technologies that should occupy a central place in the preparation of a geography teacher, we especially highlight GIS technologies (geographic information systems technologies, GIS technologies).

The essence of GIS technologies and their educational opportunities. Briefly, GIS are defined as information systems that provide collection, storage, processing, display and dissemination of data, as well as obtaining new information and knowledge on their basis about spatially coordinated phenomena. It is necessary to emphasize their ability to store and process spatial, or geographic, data, which distinguishes GIS from other information systems. The importance of GIS technologies for geographical education is determined by their functionality, which is fully consistent with traditional methods of geographical study of the surrounding space, moreover, it is noticeably

expand them and take them to a completely different, qualitatively new level.

The instrumental capabilities of GIS include the simplest cartometric operations, including calculation of distances between objects, areas of objects, absolute heights; performing morphometric operations; overlay operations identifying relationships between geographic objects and processes; spatial analysis; spatial modeling. GIS technologies provide visualization of source, derived or final data and processing results in the form of thematic geographic maps.

GIS technologies provide users with the ability to create, display, and analyze raster data. Raster data, or grid data, is especially useful for displaying geographic phenomena that are continuous in space, such as topography, precipitation, temperature, population density, and other data that can be represented as statistical surfaces. Grid data is also used to analyze various types of surface flows, such as surface runoff, as well as changes in geographic phenomena over time. GIS supports spatial analysis functions: proximity analysis, overlay analysis and spatial operations. Many sophisticated 3D and perspective display, surface modeling and analysis functions are made available to geographers. In particular, GIS include the ability to create and work with triangulated irregular networks (TINs). TIN is a specific vector topological data model, most suitable for displaying and modeling surfaces, creating 3-D terrain models.

GIS technologies provide work with remote sensing data, which today is one of the main sources of replenishing spatial databases with new information in geographic information systems and in geography in general.

The above emphasizes the high educational potential of GIS technologies. Creation of methodological conditions for its implementation in the educational process

allows us to talk about geoinformation education.

Higher geoinformation education. Geoinformatics, a new branch of science, technology and production, is rapidly progressing all over the world. Geographic information technology (GIS) technologies are gaining increasing popularity and official recognition in our country. Over the past 10-15 years, large geo-information scientific and production centers have been created in Russia (including Uralgeoinform in Yekaterinburg). A number of universities have opened departments of geoinformatics, GIS, geoinformation mapping, etc. The course “Geoinformatics” has been introduced into the educational professional and educational programs for training specialists at Russian universities (in universities of the Sverdlovsk region - at the Ural Mining and Geological University, the Ural Forestry University, the Ural state university and some others). Monographs and scientific journals are published, hundreds of scientific congresses and conferences are held. Domestic textbooks and teaching aids, educational GIS are being developed. There are specialists who have received higher education in the field of creating and using GIS. In Roscartography, geoinformatics is one of the main areas of activity. Geoinformatics is included in the list of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission with the right to award academic degrees in geographical, geological, technical and mathematical sciences.

However, we will not find geoinformatics among the specialties of higher professional education. It is still part of "applied computer science". But geoinformatics today is not only “applied science in geography”, but also in geology, geodesy, geophysics, oceanology, planetology - in a word, in all earth sciences and related socio-economic branches of knowledge (economic geography, demography, ethnography, archeology and many others). Geoinformatics is the basic science for all earth sciences, their common language and method, ranking alongside mathematics, physics, computer science and cybernetics.

The lack of a specialty in geoinformatics leads to a number of problems in the field of geoinformation education.

One of them is personnel: there are clearly not enough qualified personnel trained to work with geographic information systems in our country. This thesis was actually formulated about 10 years ago. However, it remains relevant today. Hardware and software still remain problematic due to their high cost. As before, there is a lack of good textbooks on geoinformatics that take into account the content of training in various specialties, in particular geography.

Higher pedagogical education practically does not train specialists in the field of geoinformatics. There is no such discipline in the State educational standard for the specialty “Informatics”. Some universities have introduced the teaching of geoinformatics as part of a block of “elective disciplines” or electives.

The state educational standard for higher pedagogical education in geography is limited to one phrase in the course “Cartography with the basics of topography,” which only assumes that future geography teachers will be familiar with several concepts from geoinformatics. The same applies to textbooks for this course, in the content of which 2-3 pages of text are allocated to geographic information systems. This state of affairs can hardly be considered correct and corresponding to the modern level and significance of geographic information technologies.

GIS technologies at the Ural State Pedagogical University. The course “Geographical Information Systems” has been introduced into the curricula of geographers and ecologists at the Ural State Pedagogical University, within the framework of the national-regional component, in the amount of 80 hours of total labor intensity. The main educational goal of the course: mastery of GIS technologies at the user level, which would allow graduates and specialists to use these technologies as a powerful innovative means of teaching geography in secondary schools.

To provide methodological support for the process of studying the course “Geographical Information Systems,” the author developed

This is a series of GIS projects, or more precisely, the basis of these projects. Among them: GIS “Sverdlovsk Region”, GIS “Ekaterinburg”, GIS “Kalinovsky Forest Park”, GIS “Topographic Map”, GIS “UrSPU Student Campus” and others. GIS materials available at the Faculty of Geography and Biology make it possible to introduce these technologies into the main disciplines of the professional educational program in the specialty "geography": Physical

geography of Russia, Physical geography of continents, Economic geography of foreign countries, Economic geography of Russia, Geography of the Sverdlovsk region, Regional ecology and many others.

The priority project in the system of methodological support for the educational course “Geographical Information Systems” is the GIS “Sverdlovsk Region”. It is aimed at students’ comprehensive study of their region within the framework of the national-regional component of higher education.

Based on raster images of topographic and small-scale maps, the main GIS topics (layers) were created: relief in contour lines, rivers, lakes and reservoirs, roads, vegetation and others. Databases are being generated for individual layers. In particular, for the administrative districts of the Sverdlovsk region, statistical data on the population (number, birth rate, mortality), environmental situation (volume of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere, surface water pollution) and others are included in the attribute table.

Socio-economic aspects of the region's characteristics are based on materials from the Regional Committee of State Statistics. This is data on the population of the region, on the state of the environment, on the economy, on the basis of which it is possible to compile a series of thematic maps. The study of the natural features of the region at the initial stage is based on a number of thematic maps of natural components. Remote sensing materials can be used to adjust the content of individual topics and to develop new materials. The development of this GIS project made it possible to saturate the textbook for the course “Geography of the Sverdlovsk Region” with cartographic materials.

GIS “Denezhkin Kamen Reserve” is a local project containing a variety of materials and databases on the reserve. Within the framework of the project, a detailed spatial analysis of the terrain of the territory is possible, which includes transforming a layer with contours into a raster format and into grid themes, analysis of grid themes, raster analysis, construction of relief maps using the hillshading method, construction of maps of slope angles, slope exposures, construction of topographic triangulation surfaces (TIN layer), construction of transverse profiles, construction of 3-D models.

Vegetation data contains detailed characteristics of each section in terms of composition, age, completeness, quality of the tree stand, and the nature of the ground cover, i.e., detailed taxation materials. This allows you to obtain a detailed description of the vegetation of the entire reserve and its individual parts using ArcView GIS methods. Within the framework of the project, it is possible to analyze data from phenological studies (constructing a map of snow cover thickness, maps of the timing of the onset of main phenological phenomena, and others).

Project "Topographic Map". The project contains images of a number of real topographic maps at a scale of 1: 100,000 for the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as an educational map at a scale of 1: 50,000 “U-34-37-V Snov”. Maps are referenced in a system of real rectangular coordinates, which is made using the Rectify program. Accordingly, data source files (ArcView topics) developed on the basis of base maps are stored projected (in the Gauss-Kruger projection).

Local projects “Ekaterinburg City”, “Kytlym Middle Mountains”, “Kalinovsky Forest Park”, “University”, “My School” have educational and reference value. Their main difference from large regional projects is the possibility of using in these projects, in addition to the basic capabilities of the Arc-View GIS program, methods of spatial analysis, construction of topographic surfaces, profiling and 3-dimensional modeling.

GIS "University" presents a project that can be similarly implemented in schools (GIS "Native School",

GIS “My Microdistrict”) and will undoubtedly arouse great interest among schoolchildren. As part of such a project, a series of maps (plans) of the site are carried out, for which it is possible to create databases on all objects located on such a site: various buildings, structures, vegetation, paths, etc. In the future, based on observations of objects, data can be obtained and entered into the database data on air pollution, data

about the nature of vegetation, soil cover, etc. Three-dimensional models of the school and the adjacent microdistrict showing individual objects will introduce elements of novelty and unusualness into such projects and will arouse special interest among schoolchildren. All this provides unique opportunities for organizing independent work of searching, creative nature for schoolchildren, based on GIS technologies.

GIS technologies in an educational school. The state standard for general secondary education in geography requires that the study of this subject at school be aimed at mastering the ability to navigate the terrain; the use of one of the “languages” of international communication - a geographical map, statistical materials, modern geographic information technologies for searching, interpreting and demonstrating various geographical data.

Currently, in a number of countries around the world (in particular, in the USA, Great Britain, Austria, etc.), digital educational resources and geographic information systems are widely used in school geographical education. The need to introduce geoinformation technologies into the Russian general education system was discussed 10 years ago. However, the problem of using and designing geographic information systems in secondary schools at a practical level has not yet been solved. The use of GIS occurs so far only within the framework of individual experiments. Rare scientific research is being conducted to substantiate and practically implement a methodological system of teaching the creation and use of educational geographic information systems in various high school courses.

The School GIS “Living Geography” (Information source of complex structure), developed by ZAO KB “Panorama” and RTC “ScanEx”, deserves special attention. There is experience in using the GIS “Living Geography” in schools in Moscow and other regions of Russia. A software shell (tool) for working with geospatial data, a set of digital maps of the world and Russia, as well as a collection of space images are available to users on the website of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources.

School GIS increases the efficiency of the educational process through the use of GIS technologies in solving a variety of traditional and new geographical problems solved in geography lessons. Among such tasks are the search and analysis of geographic information available on the map; determination of distances, directions, heights of points from a map; geographical coordinates, location, extent and area of ​​geographical objects; description of the properties of geographical objects. Comparison and associated analysis of maps of different content for the same territory in order to identify relationships, for example, between climate and relief, climate and vegetation, etc. Such tasks are difficult to complete when using traditional maps, since they are based on the operations of overlaying several maps mentally , sometimes having different scales. GIS technologies solve this problem quickly and help the student carry out such a related analysis that develops intellectual work skills.

The learning tasks of reading relief on a map are difficult. When solving them, schoolchildren need to imagine the territory depicted on a plane in three-dimensional form. Geographic information technologies provide significant assistance in solving this problem based on the visualization of three-dimensional models of the territory, which undoubtedly develops the spatial imagination of students.

Based on GIS technologies, schoolchildren can create their own digital maps based on existing thematic layers, edit digital contour maps, and prepare maps for publication (layout maps).

In addition, GIS technologies provide the ability to constantly update statistical materials and digital maps by schoolchildren themselves under the guidance of a teacher, in contrast to traditional “paper” maps. Thus, a modern teacher has the opportunity to teach geography using the latest relevant geographical data about nature, population and economy and their relationships, considered at different levels of organization of geographical space.

The development of local projects, expansion of databases, attraction of new cartographic materials, remote sensing materials are quite accessible to schoolchildren and can be used in the educational and extracurricular process at school.

So, GIS technologies significantly enhance the activity aspect of learning. Students independently obtain “new knowledge”, while simultaneously mastering new work techniques that convey the features of modern scientific methods of geographical knowledge. They receive initial training and practical experience using modern technologies. GIS contributes to the achievement of an important goal laid down by the second generation Federal State Educational Standard - the personal result of education.

GIS programs. The list of modern GIS software products is quite diverse and extensive. It contains more than two dozen programs related to professional or desktop GIS. Among the most common: GIS MapInfo Pro, Arc/INFO, ArcView GIS, GeoMedia, WinGIS, GeoGraph/ GeoDraw, GIS “Panorama” and some others.

The functionality of these programs is, by and large, similar, especially for educational purposes within the framework of the considered problem of introducing GIS technologies into the system of geographical education. GIS programs have tools for creating and editing digital vector and raster maps, performing measurements and calculations of distances and areas, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data (for example, remote sensing data).

knowledge, in particular digital satellite images), tools for thematic mapping, preparation of maps for publication, tools for working with databases. At the same time, the choice of programs for use in the educational process at a university is still based on the subjective assessment of the teacher. And the assessment depends largely on the policy of leading companies producing software products to promote them to the market.

In accordance with the strategy of ESRI (developer of Arc/INFO and ArcView GIS), educational institutions and libraries can purchase software products distributed by this company at discounted prices. In addition, ESRI and its distributors (DATA+) are implementing a long-term program to support educational institutions aimed at developing GIS education. In accordance with this program, educational institutions that organize training classes on their basis and include GIS courses in the curriculum can, on a competitive basis, receive the necessary software products of the ArcGIS family practically free of charge (only the costs of delivery, customs clearance and the reduced cost of training to work with products obtained in certified training centers).

In Russia, as part of the phased implementation of this strategy, DATA+, together with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications “Informatika”, equipped more than 100 classrooms with GIS products in different regions of Russia and other neighboring countries.

CJSC KB "Panorama" pursues a similar policy, implementing a program to support higher educational institutions that use GIS technologies in the educational process. 48 universities in Russia, of which 11 classical universities and 1 pedagogical university (Voronezh State Pedagogical University) use the GIS “Panorama” (“GIS Map-2008”, “Panorama Editor” and other applications). These software products are used by 19 universities in Ukraine, 3 in Belarus, and one in the Syrian Arab Republic.

As shown above, KB "Panorama" has developed a School GIS "Living Geography", which is being tested in

schools in Moscow and in some other regions. Unfortunately, the experience of using this program is almost unknown to a wide range of university geographical teachers and geography teachers. Over the past 5 years, only one article on the problem under consideration has appeared in the journal “Geography at School”.

According to our assessment, the School GIS, along with many positive qualities, and above all functionality, has a significant drawback, which follows from the content of the original GIS “Panorama”. Digital geographic maps of the world and Russia included in the School GIS are not adapted to the tasks of school education.

As a base map, layers of a digital map of Russia are used, corresponding in their detail and content to a map at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 (for world maps - 1: 5,000,000). Let us remind you that atlas maps of Russia and the world have scales

1: 25,000,000 and 1: 80,000,000. Such detail of the School GIS base maps is absolutely unnecessary and, moreover, it interferes with the construction of generalized maps of various subjects. Although the process of generalization of maps is provided by the authors of the program. School GIS, in our opinion, also has a rather complex interface. However, despite these comments, we can only welcome this important attempt to bring GIS technology to school education. This is the first real step to introduce new innovative technology into geographical education.

Conclusions. The need to use GIS technologies in the system of domestic geographical education is obvious. It is also obvious that GIS must be considered as one of the important innovative resources for the further development of the system of domestic geographical education. However, to realize this potential, certain organizational decisions are required from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to optimize the transition from the activities of individual enthusiastic teachers to the targeted implementation of GIS technology.


gy in the educational process of universities and schools. Reasonable standardization of all activities in the field of GIS education is necessary: ​​from the training of geography teachers to the introduction of technology into school geographical education.

The priority direction of activity in the field of GIS education should be the development of educational and methodological support, the development of the structure and content of training specialists - geography teachers in the field of GIS technologies. The development of the structure of educational and methodological support should take into account the achievements of leading domestic pedagogical universities. In our opinion, it is advisable to determine the leading software for GIS technologies on a competitive basis with the participation of geographers, teachers of pedagogical universities and geography teachers.

Along with the training of specialists, it is necessary to retrain and train geography teachers in the field of GIS education. This is a most important and more complex task for a number of reasons: the absence or shortage of specialists providing PC courses, problems with the acquisition of software products, the general insufficient level of computer literacy of current geography teachers, and others.

That is why it is important to identify leading GIS software adapted to school education, provide free access to it (on the website of the Unified Collection of Digital Resources of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) or determine preferential terms of purchase with suppliers. Fulfillment of this condition will make it possible to repeatedly intensify the process of introducing GIS technologies into school education.

Teacher training can be carried out via the Internet, with educational materials and methods of using them for school education posted on the website. The availability of materials on the Internet will significantly expand the number of trained geography teachers, compared with the traditional method of advanced training.

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State educational institution of higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"


(branch) of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University in Cherepovets


Discipline: "Informatics"

Topic: “Geoinformation systems in ecology and environmental management”

Completed by a student of group z.481 Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Barskaya

Option No. 5 Gradebook No. з4080105

Head Nikolay Sergeevich Matveev



Information Systems

GIS Software

Geographic information systems in ecology

MEMOS project



Information technologies serve primarily the purpose of saving resources by searching and subsequently using information to improve the efficiency of human activity. Currently, research on environmental protection is conducted in all fields of science and technology by various organizations and at various levels, including at the state level. However, information from these studies is highly scattered.

Large volumes of environmental information, long-term observation data, and the latest developments are scattered across various information bases or even located on paper in archives, which not only complicates their search and use, but also leads to doubts about the reliability of the data and the effective use of funds allocated for the environment from the budget, foreign funds or commercial structures.

The second point that determines the need for informatization is constant monitoring of the actual state of the environment, payment of taxes, and implementation of environmental measures. The need for control arose with the adoption of pollution charges back in 1992, when problems such as re-indexation of payments due to inflation, non-payment for air pollution, and “evasion” of environmental payments were discovered, due to the lack of the necessary technical basis for timely monitoring of compliance with the law. .

Thanks to automated monitoring systems, control over environmental activities becomes more effective, since constant monitoring allows not only to monitor the correct implementation of the law, but also to make amendments to it in accordance with the actual conditions of the environmental and socio-economic situation.

At the turn of the two millennia, the problem of the relationship between human society and the environment became acute. Over the past decades, the risk of major environmental disasters caused by humans and resulting from the protective reaction of nature has increased.

Natural and man-made environmental disasters have a historical aspect. Various natural disasters, such as floods and forest fires, have existed throughout the history of our planet. However, with the development of modern civilization, new types of disasters have arisen, including desertification, degradation of land resources, dust storms, pollution of the World Ocean, etc. The beginning of the 21st century poses the urgent task of assessing the risk of environmental disasters and taking measures to prevent them. In other words, the task of managing environmental disasters has become urgent. And this is possible if there is the necessary information support about the past, current and future state of environmental objects, including natural, man-made and anthropogenic systems.

Information Systems

Modern information technologies are intended for searching, processing and distributing large amounts of data, creating and operating various information systems containing databases and banks of data and knowledge.

In the broad sense of the word, an information system is a system, some elements of which are information objects (texts, graphics, formulas, websites, programs, etc.), and the connections are of an informational nature.

An information system, understood in a narrower sense, is a system designed to store information in a specially organized form, equipped with tools for performing procedures for entering, placing, processing, searching and issuing information at user requests.

The most important subsystems of automated information systems are databases and data banks, as well as expert systems belonging to the class of artificial intelligence systems. Separately, geographic information systems should be considered as one of the most developed global AIS in ecology at the moment.

Concept of Geographic Information System (GIS)

A geographic information system (GIS) is a software and hardware complex that solves a set of tasks for storing, displaying, updating and analyzing spatial and attribute information on territorial objects. One of the main functions of GIS is the creation and use of computer (electronic) maps, atlases and other cartographic works. Berlyant A.M. Cartography: Textbook for universities. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - 336 p. The basis of any information system is data. Data in GIS is divided into spatial, semantic and metadata. Spatial data is data that describes the location of an object in space. For example, the coordinates of the corner points of a building, represented in the local or any other coordinate system. Semantic (attribute) data - data about the properties of an object. For example, address, cadastral number, number of storeys and other characteristics of the building. Metadata is data about data. For example, information about who, when and using what source material the building was entered into the system. The first GIS were created in Canada, the USA and Sweden to study natural resources in the mid-1960s, and now in industrialized countries there are thousands of GIS used in economics, politics, ecology, natural resource management and protection, cadastre, science, education etc. They integrate cartographic information, remote sensing and environmental monitoring data, statistics and censuses, hydrometeorological observations, expedition materials, drilling results, etc. Structurally, a municipal GIS is a centralized database of spatial objects and a tool that provides storage, analysis and processing capabilities for any information associated with a particular GIS object, which greatly simplifies the process of using information about objects of the urban area by interested services and individuals. It is also worth noting that GIS can (and should) be integrated with any other municipal information system that uses data about objects in the urban area. For example, a system for automating the activities of a municipal property management committee should use in its work the address plan and map of land plots of the municipal GIS. The GIS can also store zones containing rental rate coefficients that can be used in calculating rent. In the case when a centralized municipal GIS is used in the city, all employees of local government bodies and city services have the opportunity to obtain regulated access to up-to-date GIS data, while spending much less time on searching, analyzing and summarizing them. GIS are designed to solve scientific and applied problems of inventory, analysis, assessment, forecast and management of the environment and the territorial organization of society. The basis of GIS is automated mapping systems, and the main sources of information are various geo-images. Geoinformatics - science, technology and industrial activities:

On the scientific basis, design, creation, operation and use of geographic information systems;

On the development of geographic information technologies;

On applied aspects or applications of GIS for practical or geoscientific purposes. Dyachenko N.V. Using GIS technologies

GIS Software

GIS software is divided into five main classes used. The first most functionally complete class of software is instrumental GIS. They can be designed for a wide variety of tasks: for organizing the input of information (both cartographic and attribute), its storage (including distributed, supporting network work), processing complex information requests, solving spatial analytical problems (corridors, environments, network tasks, etc.), construction of derivative maps and diagrams (overlay operations) and, finally, to prepare for the output of original layouts of cartographic and schematic products to hard media. As a rule, instrumental GIS support working with both raster and vector images, have a built-in database for digital basis and attribute information, or support one of the common databases for storing attribute information: Paradox, Access, Oracle, etc. The most developed products have run time systems that allow you to optimize the necessary functionality for a specific task and reduce the cost of replication of help systems created with their help. The second important class is the so-called GIS viewers, that is, software products that provide the use of databases created using instrumental GIS. As a rule, GIS viewers provide the user (if at all) with extremely limited options for replenishing databases. All GIS viewers include tools for querying databases that perform operations of positioning and zooming of cartographic images. Naturally, viewers are always an integral part of medium and large projects, allowing you to save costs on creating some jobs that are not endowed with the rights to replenish the database. The third class is reference cartographic systems (RSS). They combine storage and most possible types of visualization of spatially distributed information, contain query mechanisms for cartographic and attribute information, but at the same time significantly limit the user’s ability to supplement the built-in databases. Their updating (updating) is cyclical and is usually carried out by the SCS supplier for an additional fee. The fourth class of software is spatial modeling tools. Their task is to model the spatial distribution of various parameters (relief, zones of environmental pollution, areas of flooding during the construction of dams, and others). They rely on tools for working with matrix data and are equipped with advanced visualization tools. It is typical to have tools that allow you to carry out a wide variety of calculations on spatial data (addition, multiplication, calculation of derivatives and other operations).

The fifth class, which is worth focusing on, is special means for processing and deciphering earth sounding data. This includes image processing packages, equipped, depending on the price, with various mathematical tools that allow operations with scanned or digitally recorded images of the earth's surface. This is a fairly wide range of operations, starting with all types of corrections (optical, geometric) through georeferencing of images up to the processing of stereo pairs with the output of the result in the form of an updated topoplan. In addition to the mentioned classes, there are also various software tools that manipulate spatial information. These are products such as tools for processing field geodetic observations (packages that provide interaction with GPS receivers, electronic tachometers, levels and other automated geodetic equipment), navigation tools and software for solving even more narrow subject problems (research, ecology, hydrogeology, etc. ). Naturally, other principles for classifying software are possible: by area of ​​application, by cost, by support for a certain type (or types) of operating systems, by computing platforms (PCs, Unix workstations), etc. The rapid growth in the number of consumers of GIS technologies over the past by decentralizing the expenditure of budget funds and introducing them to more and more new subject areas of their use. If until the mid-90s the main market growth was associated only with large projects at the federal level, today the main potential is moving towards the mass market. This is a global trend: according to research firm Daratech (USA), the global GIS market for personal computers is currently 121.5 times faster than the overall growth of the GIS solutions market. The massiveness of the market and the emerging competition lead to the fact that consumers are offered increasingly high-quality goods for the same or lower price. Thus, for leading suppliers of instrumental GIS, it has already become the rule to supply, along with the system, a digital cartographic basis for the region where the goods are distributed. And the above software classification itself has become a reality. Just two or three years ago, the functions of automated vectorization and help systems could only be implemented using developed and expensive instrumental GIS (Arc/Info, Intergraph). There is a progressive trend towards modularization of systems, allowing optimization of costs for a specific project. Today, even packages serving a particular technological stage, for example vectorizers, can be purchased in both a complete and a reduced set of modules, symbol libraries, etc. The entry of a number of domestic developments to the “market” level. Products such as GeoDraw / GeoGraph, Sinteks / Tri, GeoCAD, EasyTrace not only have a significant number of users, but also already have all the attributes of market design and support. In Russian geoinformatics there is a certain critical number of working installations - fifty. Once you have achieved it, there are only two ways further: either sharply upward, increasing the number of your users, or leaving the market due to the inability to provide the necessary support and development for your product. Interestingly, all of the programs mentioned cater to the lower end of the price spectrum; in other words, they have found the optimal balance between price and level of functionality specifically for the Russian market.

Geographic information systems in ecology and environmental management

Geographic information systems (GIS) emerged in the 1960s as tools for displaying the geography of the Earth and the objects located on its surface. Now GIS are complex and multifunctional tools for working with Earth data.

Features provided to the GIS user:

working with the map (moving and scaling, deleting and adding objects);

printing in a given form any objects of the territory;

displaying objects of a certain class on the screen;

displaying attribute information about an object;

processing information using statistical methods and displaying the results of such analysis directly overlaid on a map

Thus, with the help of GIS, specialists can quickly predict possible locations of pipeline ruptures, trace the spread of pollution on a map and assess the likely damage to the natural environment, and calculate the amount of funds required to eliminate the consequences of the accident. Using GIS, you can select industrial enterprises that emit harmful substances, display the wind rose and groundwater in the surrounding area, and model the distribution of emissions in the environment.

In 2004 The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences decided to carry out work under the “Electronic Earth” program, the essence of which is to create a multidisciplinary geographic information system that characterizes our planet, practically a digital model of the Earth.

Foreign analogues of the Electronic Earth program can be divided into local (centralized, data is stored on one server) and distributed (data is stored and distributed by various organizations under different conditions).

The undisputed leader in creating local databases is ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., USA). The ArcAtlas “Our Earth” server contains more than 40 thematic coverages that are widely used all over the world. Almost all cartographic projects at a scale of 1:10,000,000 and smaller scales are created using it.

The most serious project to create a distributed database is Digital Earth. This project was proposed by US Vice President Gore in 1998, and the main executor is NASA. The project involves US government ministries and departments, universities, private organizations, Canada, China, Israel and the European Union. All distributed database projects face significant challenges in terms of metadata standardization and interoperability between individual GIS and projects created by different organizations using different software.

Human activity is constantly associated with the accumulation of information about the environment, its selection and storage. Information systems, the main purpose of which is to provide information to the user, that is, to provide him with the necessary information on a specific problem or issue, help a person solve problems faster and better. Moreover, the same data can be used to solve different problems and vice versa. Any information system is designed to solve a certain class of problems and includes both a data warehouse and tools for implementing various procedures.

Information support for environmental research is implemented mainly through two information flows:

information arising during environmental research;

scientific and technical information on world experience in developing environmental problems in various areas.

The general goal of information support for environmental research is to study information flows and prepare materials for decision-making at all levels of management regarding the implementation of environmental research, the justification of individual research projects, and the distribution of funding.

Since the object of description and study is the planet Earth, and environmental information has common features with geological information, it is promising to build geographic information systems for collecting, storing and processing factual and cartographic information:

about the nature and extent of environmental disturbances of natural and man-made origin;

about general environmental disturbances of natural and man-made origin;

about general environmental violations in a certain area of ​​human activity;

on subsoil use;

on the economic management of a certain territory.

Geographic information systems are designed, as a rule, to install and connect a large number of automated workstations that have their own databases and means of outputting results. On the basis of spatially referenced information, ecologists at an automated workplace can solve problems of a different range:

analysis of environmental changes under the influence of natural and man-made factors;

rational use and protection of water, land, atmospheric, mineral and energy resources;

reducing damage and preventing man-made disasters;

ensuring the safe living of people and protecting their health.

All potentially environmentally hazardous objects and information about them, the concentration of harmful substances, permissible standards, etc. accompanied by geographical, geomorphological, landscape-geochemical, hydrogeological and other types of information. The dispersion and lack of information resources in ecology formed the basis for the analytical reference information systems (ASIS) developed by IGEM RAS for projects in the field of ecology and environmental protection on the territory of the Russian Federation ASIS "EcoPro", as well as the development of an automated system for the Moscow region, designed to implement its environmental monitoring. The difference in the tasks of both projects is determined not only by territorial borders (in the first case it is the territory of the entire country, and in the second directly the Moscow region), but also by the areas of application of information. The EcoPro system is designed to accumulate, process and analyze data on environmental projects of an applied and research nature in the Russian Federation for foreign money. The monitoring system of the Moscow region is designed to serve as a source of information about the sources and actual pollution of the environment, disaster prevention, environmental measures in the field of environmental protection, payments by enterprises in the region for the purposes of economic management and control by government agencies. Since information by its nature is flexible, we can say that both systems developed by IGEM RAC can be used both for research and for management. That is, the tasks of two systems can transform into one another.

As a more specific example of a database storing information on environmental protection, one can cite the work of O.S. Bryukhovetsky and I.P. Ganina “Design of a database on methods for eliminating local technogenic pollution in rock masses.” It discusses the methodology for constructing such a database and characterizes the optimal conditions for its use.

When assessing emergency situations, information preparation takes 30-60% of the time, and information systems are able to quickly provide information and ensure that effective resolution methods are found. In an emergency situation, decisions cannot be modeled explicitly, but the basis for their adoption can be a large amount of varied information stored and transmitted by the database. Based on the results provided, management personnel make specific decisions based on their experience and intuition.

Modeling of decision-making processes is becoming a central direction in automating the activities of the decision maker (DM). The tasks of decision makers include decision making in a geographic information system. A modern geographic information system can be defined as a set of hardware and software, geographic and semantic data, designed to receive, store, process, analyze and visualize spatially distributed information. Environmental geographic information systems allow you to work with maps of various environmental layers and automatically construct an anomalous zone for a given chemical element. This is quite convenient, since an environmental expert does not need to manually calculate anomalous zones and construct them. However, for a complete analysis of the environmental situation, an environmental expert needs to print out maps of all ecological layers and maps of anomalous zones for each chemical element. Bershtein L.S., Tselykh A.N. Hybrid expert system with a computing module for forecasting environmental situations. Proceedings of the international symposium “Intelligent Systems - InSys - 96”, Moscow, 1996. In the geographic information system, the construction of anomalous zones was carried out for thirty-four chemical elements. First, he must obtain a summary map of soil contamination with chemical elements. To do this, by sequentially copying onto tracing paper from all maps, a map of soil contamination with chemical elements V.A. Alekseenko is constructed. Landscape geochemistry and environment. - M.: Nedra, 1990. -142 p.: ill.. Then the resulting map is compared in the same way with maps of hydrology, geology, geochemical landscapes, clays. Based on the comparison, a map of a qualitative assessment of the danger of the environment to humans is constructed. In this way, environmental monitoring is carried out. This process requires a lot of time and highly qualified experts in order to accurately and objectively assess the situation. With such a large amount of information simultaneously bombarding the expert, errors may occur. Therefore, there was a need to automate the decision-making process. For this purpose, the existing geographic information system was supplemented with a decision-making subsystem. A feature of the developed subsystem is that one part of the data with which the program works is presented in the form of maps. The other part of the data is processed and a map is built on its basis, which is then also subject to processing. To implement the decision-making system, the apparatus of fuzzy set theory was chosen. This is due to the fact that with the help of fuzzy sets it is possible to create methods and algorithms capable of modeling human decision-making techniques when solving various problems. Fuzzy control algorithms serve as a mathematical model of weakly formalized problems, allowing one to obtain a solution that is approximate, but not worse than using exact methods. By fuzzy control algorithm we mean an ordered sequence of fuzzy instructions (there may also be separate clear instructions) that ensures the functioning of a certain object or process. Methods of fuzzy set theory allow, firstly, to take into account various types of uncertainties and inaccuracies introduced by the subject and control processes, and to formalize a person’s verbal information about the task; secondly, to significantly reduce the number of initial elements of the control process model and extract useful information for constructing a control algorithm. Let us formulate the basic principles of constructing fuzzy algorithms. Fuzzy instructions used in fuzzy algorithms are formed either on the basis of a generalization of the experience of a specialist in solving the problem under consideration, or on the basis of a thorough study and meaningful analysis of it. To construct fuzzy algorithms, all restrictions and criteria arising from a meaningful consideration of the problem are taken into account, but not all of the resulting fuzzy instructions are used: the most significant of them are identified, possible contradictions are eliminated, and the order of their execution is established, leading to the solution of the problem. Taking into account weakly formalized problems, there are two ways to obtain initial fuzzy data - direct and as a result of processing clear data. Both methods are based on the need for a subjective assessment of the membership functions of fuzzy sets.

Logical processing of soil sample data and construction of a summary map of soil contamination with chemical elements.

The program was a development of the already existing version of the “TagEco” program; it complements the existing program with new functions. For new functions to work, the data contained in the previous version of the program is required. This is due to the use of data access methods developed in the previous version of the program. A function is used to retrieve information stored in a database. This is necessary to obtain the coordinates of each sample point stored in the database. The function is also used to calculate the value of the anomalous content of a chemical element in the landscape. Thus, through these data and these functions, the previous program interacts with the decision-making subsystem. If there is a change in the sample value or sample coordinates in the database, this will be automatically taken into account in the decision-making subsystem. It should be noted that programming uses a dynamic style of memory allocation and data is stored in the form of singly linked or doubly linked lists. This is due to the fact that the number of samples or the number of surface areas into which the map will be divided is unknown in advance.

Construction of a map of qualitative assessment of the impact of the environment on humans.

The map is constructed according to the algorithm described above. The user indicates the area of ​​interest, as well as the step at which the maps will be analyzed. Before data processing begins, information is read from WMF files and lists are generated, the elements of which are pointers to polygons. Each card has its own list. Then, after generating lists of landfills, a map of soil contamination with chemical elements is generated. Upon completion of the formation of all maps and input of initial data, the coordinates of the points at which the maps will be analyzed are generated. The data received by the survey functions is entered into a special structure. Having completed the formation of the structure, the program classifies it. Each survey grid point receives a reference situation number. This number, indicating the point number, is entered into a doubly linked list, so that later the map can be constructed graphically. A special function analyzes this doubly linked list and produces graphical construction of isolines around points that have the same classification situations. It reads a point from the list and analyzes the value of its situation number with the numbers of neighboring points, and if there is a match, it combines adjacent points into zones. As a result of the program, the entire territory of the city.

Taganrog is painted in one of three colors. Each color characterizes a qualitative assessment of the environmental situation in the city. Thus, red indicates “particularly dangerous areas,” yellow indicates “dangerous areas,” and green indicates “safe areas.” Thus, information is presented in a form that is accessible to the user and easy to understand. Bershtein L.S., Tselykh A.N. Hybrid expert system with a computing module for forecasting environmental situations. Proceedings of the international symposium “Intelligent Systems - InSys - 96”, Moscow, 1996.

MEMOS project

At the state level, there was a need to organize an integral system that would combine environmental parameters and public health indicators, analyze and present to management decision makers possible options for improving the system. The goal of such a complex system is obvious and simple - it is to improve human health by reducing the influence of negative environmental factors. Such a monitoring system is now being introduced in the Russian Federation at the regional levels. This is a system of social and hygienic monitoring. The functionality of geographic information systems (GIS) and their economic efficiency make it possible to combine some blocks of the social and hygienic monitoring system. This seems to be the most “economical” and, at the same time, effective and implementable version of the system using the example of isolating one component of the environment (the atmosphere). Its name is the Medical and Epidemiological Environmental Monitoring System (MEMOS).

Project goal: based on constantly collected information on environmental and health factors, development and implementation of a comprehensive system for presenting data and assessing health risks, its economic justification and investment management, allowing to support sustainable economic development based on medical and environmental well-being.

Objectives of MEMOS:

formation of environmental and social-hygienic monitoring;

calculation of the risk to public health from leading environmental factors;

forecasting the health status of the population for the future;

justification for the selection of leading (determining) factors of population health;

building organizational, methodological and legal systems for managing public health;

formation of economic mechanisms for maintaining sustainable development of the region based on medical and environmental well-being.

The MEMOS system has a number of significant advantages. It enables decision makers to:

estimate the cost of health care costs associated with the negative impact on health of a specific factor;

make a forecast of government health care costs associated with the impact of one or more factors;

substantiate the material claim of citizens for damage to health associated with the harmful effects of environmental factors;

within the framework of the existing legal system, create opportunities for economic protection of citizens in connection with the influence of the environment.

Figure 1. Block diagram of the MEMOS system

The target function of the MEMOS system is to make decisions on adjusting the activities of state and non-state health care institutions and enterprises, taking into account identified environmentally unfavorable zones with increased risks to the health of the population of these areas. The application and implementation of MEMOS in the field of healthcare is more preferable and realistic compared to the development of social and hygienic monitoring. The main justification for this is the use of one unified and, at the same time, “customized” software product for a given industry based on modern GIS technologies. This seems to be an economically more profitable implementation compared to the implementation of the Social and Hygienic Monitoring System, because MEMOS uses a minimum of technical and human resources and is a targeted system designed to solve specific problems of processing, presenting and analyzing medical and environmental data. The functionality of GIS and their economic efficiency make it possible to combine some blocks of the social and hygienic monitoring system. GIS MEMOS makes it possible to obtain results in the shortest possible time in a user-friendly manner, which leads to the adoption by relevant persons of effective decisions in conditions of great uncertainties associated with the complex objects of research themselves (population, environmental components), on the one hand. On the other hand, the result is obtaining reliable results and their accessible, understandable presentation for subsequent decision-making in a strictly limited financial and time environment. The MEMOS system is also designed to unite the efforts of specialists of various profiles from various government agencies who own diverse information (environmental, medical, social) to implement the main task - improving the environment and preventing the health of the population of large cities. Project of a system of medical and environmental monitoring of the environment based on GIS. D.R. Strukov. 03/10/2005

GIS implements the task for the purpose of diagnosing and ensuring the safety of human health and the environment.

The impact of information technology on humans and the environment is bidirectional. On the one hand, information technology is one of the most promising tools for data collection and scientific knowledge, including in medicine and ecology. On the other hand, it is an important factor affecting human health and the environment.

Despite these obstacles, information technologies are becoming increasingly widespread in the fields of medicine and ecology. At the moment, general principles and structures of global information systems that solve problems of protecting human health and the environment have been developed. However, the potential in this area far exceeds our capabilities.

It is necessary to decide who has sufficient administrative and financial resources to implement such systems. The Russian Academy of Sciences has a number of advantages over foreign organizations due to its centralization, which helps solve problems at the initial stage (standardization and structuring of information). But this is only a starting advantage. Soon after the start, finance and project management will begin to play a decisive role, and these are not our strongest sides.


1) Berlyant A.M. Cartography: Textbook for universities. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - 336 p.

2) Project of a system of medical and environmental monitoring of the environment based on GIS. D.R. Strukov.

3) Bershtein L.S., Tselykh A.N. Hybrid expert system with a computing module for forecasting environmental situations. Proceedings of the international symposium “Intelligent Systems - InSys - 96”, Moscow, 1996.

4) Alekseenko V.A. Landscape geochemistry and environment. - M.: Nedra, 1990. -142 p.: ill.

5) http://www. gis. su

6) Dyachenko N.V. Using GIS technologies

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A huge number of natural disasters arise as a result of the thoughtless actions of mankind. The cause of peat fires lies in the drainage of the swamps of the East European Plain for peat extraction, and flooding in the Far East brought powerful destructive consequences. The modern economic development of mankind should not allow changes in the natural sphere and the destruction of life. Within the framework of modern environmental education, the use of information technologies is becoming very relevant, among which, first of all, geographic information technologies and Earth remote sensing (ERS) should be highlighted. They make it possible to visually assess the situation around the accident site, calculate the flood zone, the advancement of the fire front, and the spread of chemical or radioactive contamination. With their help, you can automatically calculate the area of ​​affected areas, estimate the volume of chemical and radioactive fallout, and identify populated areas and other objects located within the hazardous area. Information received from space imaging systems is used to solve environmental monitoring problems. The use of satellite imagery materials is considered as a necessary element in the formation and functioning of the regional GIS “Emergency Risk Management in the Sverdlovsk Region”. It becomes obvious that environmental education needs to be oriented towards maximizing the use of the capabilities of geographic information technologies in addressing environmental issues.

environmental education

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Earth remote sensing (ERS) means

Le Chatelier's principle

1. Kobernichenko V.G., Ivanov O.Yu., Zraenko S.M. Regional monitoring of natural emergencies based on Earth remote sensing // Ecology and environmental management / St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University). St. Petersburg, 2005. – T. 166. – P. 110–112.

2. Kobernichenko V.G. Using data from space surveillance systems for monitoring and forecasting emergency situations at the regional level // Bulletin of USTU-UPI. At the forefront of science and engineering creativity. Ekaterinburg, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education USTU-UPI, 2004. – No. 15 (45). – pp. 105–107.

3. Basic requirements for constructing a digital geological model of a rock mass / M.A. Zhuravkov, O.L. Konovalov, A.V. Krupoderov, S.S. Khvesenya // Izv. universities Mining Journal, 2014. – No. 2. – P. 56–62.

4. RIA Novosti. There have been almost 40% fewer natural fires in Russia this year. Access mode

5. RIA Novosti. The total damage from floods in the Far East may exceed 30 billion rubles. Access mode

6. Solntsev L.A. Geographic information systems as an effective tool for supporting environmental research. Electronic educational manual. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2012. – 54 p.

7. Khoroshavin L.B., Medvedev O.A., Belyakov V.A. and others. Peat: peat fire, extinguishing peat bogs, peat composites / Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. M.: FGBU VNII GOChS (FC), 2013. – 256 p.

8. Ecology: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional / V.N. Bolshakov, V.V. Kachak, V.G. Kobernichenko and others; edited by G.V. Tyagunova, Yu.G. Yaroshenko. M.: Logos, 2010. – 504 p.

9. Geoinformation education in Russia (electronic resource). Access mode

The catastrophic increase in environmental problems on Earth is a by-product of economic development. If in the last century they turned a blind eye to environmental pollution, today the world community has come to the conclusion that a healthy society and a healthy economy are impossible in an unfavorable living environment. The issue of environmental monitoring is especially acute in the mining and industrial regions of Russia. The rapid development of mining, metallurgical, chemical-technological and engineering industries causes enormous harm to nature in the form of harmful waste from man-made production. Economic development must stop environmental destruction in order to save humanity from environmental disasters and prevent changes in the natural sphere that are harmful to both people and other forms of life. In this regard, environmental education is becoming relevant and in demand. Today, not a single industrial enterprise should do without a competent ecologist.

Currently, many developed countries of the world have realized the need for environmental education of the population to ensure the socio-political and environmental stability of states and their national security. Environmental education is on a par with knowledge of the native language, information technology, and basic economics and is in demand in the labor market.

In economically developed countries, environmental education has a fairly long history and experience, supported by national laws, guaranteed funding, and an effective infrastructure of state and public organizations. Thus, in 1990, the national Environmental Education Act was adopted in the USA. It defines goals and policies; manadgement Department; main areas of content; financing; personnel training; structure of councils, commissions, funds, their powers; encouragement in the environmental education system.

Russian environmental education began to develop in the 70s of the 20th century, it was then that the transition from education in the field of environmental problems to environmental activities began. Environmental education, enlightenment and education of the population have been identified as one of the priority areas for solving environmental problems. In 2007, the Environmental Education Laboratory of the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods developed the Concept of General Environmental Education for Sustainable Development.

From the standpoint of the concept, special attention should be paid to Le Chatelier’s principle: “any change in the environment (matter, energy, information, dynamic qualities of ecosystems) inevitably leads to the development of natural chain reactions going towards neutralizing the change or the formation of new natural systems, formation which, with significant changes in the environment, can become irreversible.” Let us give an example of fires in Russia in the summer of 2010 as proof of the principle. The cause of these fires lies in the drainage of the swamps of the East European Plain for peat extraction. After the collapse of the USSR, the swamps were abandoned and the situation was not analyzed; the remaining peat in the conditions of an abnormally hot summer caused fires in which 199 settlements in 19 federal subjects were damaged, 3.2 thousand houses burned down, and people died. The total damage amounted to over 12 billion rubles.

Summary table of losses from fires and floods

Material damage

(All fires)

500 thousand hectares.

53 people from the flames

55800 from secondary factors

15 billion rubles

July August

Central Federal District

(Mainly peat fires)

Increase in mortality in Moscow by 1000 people per day

Losses for the construction of new housing and compensation for fire victims 6.5 billion rubles.

July August


Krasnodar region

520 thousand sq. m.

172 people

20 billion rubles

Far East

8 million sq. km.

40 billion rubles

August-November 2013

There are about 5 million hectares of drained swamps in Russia, most of which are located in densely populated regions of European Russia. A peat fire is considered the most dangerous, as it releases more carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and smoke into the air than forest fires or grass burns.

In 2013, another disaster - flooding in the Far East - caused enormous damage to Russia. The unexpectedness of the disaster was a real surprise for the state; more than 190 settlements in the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Khabarovsk Territory were destroyed. About 8 thousand residential buildings with a population of 36,339 people (of which more than 10 thousand were children) were flooded.

Natural disasters that occur near industrial enterprises create the danger of man-made emergencies, the fight against the consequences of which is much more expensive than their timely prevention.

The accumulated volume of fundamental knowledge about nature, society and relationships in the biosphere, empirical data on the problem of “man and environment” does not provide the necessary level of formation of a modern scientific worldview. It is necessary not only to know, but also to be able to use this knowledge in finding solutions to problems of nature conservation and ensuring the sustainable development of nature and society.

The concept of sustainable development can only be realized if nine fundamental approaches are followed. The first of them is the fight against the causes, and not the consequences, of unfavorable human activities, and the eighth is the formation of environmental thinking, the development of environmental education, which ensures an increase in the environmental culture of society.

  • priority of social aspects of environmental problems;
  • analysis of the natural and man-made environment;
  • requirement of awareness and knowledge of the laws of sustainable development;
  • interdisciplinarity;
  • the importance of skills, attitudes, values ​​and desire to participate in decision-making aimed at improving the quality of the environment.

These principles contain the content of environmental competencies that need to be developed as a result of environmental education.

Modern environmental education is closely related to the use of information technologies, among which, first of all, geographic information technologies and Earth remote sensing (ERS) should be highlighted. They make it possible to visually assess the situation around the accident site, calculate the flood zone, the advancement of the fire front, and the spread of chemical or radioactive contamination. With their help, you can automatically calculate the area of ​​affected areas, estimate the volume of chemical and radioactive fallout, and identify populated areas and other objects located within the hazardous area.

The use of geographic information systems (GIS) allows you to quickly obtain information upon request and display it on a map basis, assess the state of the ecosystem and predict its development.

The use of satellite imagery materials is considered as a necessary element in the formation and functioning of the regional GIS “Emergency Risk Management in the Sverdlovsk Region”. Among the most relevant tasks for the Sverdlovsk region are the tasks of detecting forest fires, determining the boundaries of flooding (flood waters), updating information on the condition of slag dumps and industrial landfills.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk region, more than 20 districts are at risk of floods; a complex flood situation in the spring is observed in the basins of the Iset, Ufa, Tagila, Sylva, Pyshma and Tura rivers. The project on space monitoring of the leash situation was carried out at the Space Monitoring Center of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. The work materials were provided to the Territorial Center for Monitoring and Emergency Response in the Sverdlovsk Region, whose specialists positively assessed the capabilities of satellite images for analyzing the state of water bodies and identifying flooded areas.

An important source of information about the state of the environment and natural resources is remote sensing data using optoelectronic multispectral and radar surveillance systems. Information received from satellite imaging systems is used to solve problems of environmental monitoring of forestry (detection of forest fires, identification of burnt areas, dead wood, assessment of cleared areas and the condition of forests), water management (detection of suspended matter, oil spills and bilge waters in the waters of ports and coastal zones) oil and gas complex (detection of soil contamination with heavy fractions of petroleum products) land cadastre of non-urban territories, etc.

The tasks of managing the risks of natural and man-made emergency situations can be quickly solved only if special information technologies are used. However, many departments and organizations are increasingly forced to admit that they do not have qualified personnel who know how to use GIS technologies, do not have modern hardware and software tools for working with digital geospatial data, and do not know how to effectively support or archive them. Insufficient competence of natural scientists leads to low quality of monitoring of environmental disasters.

In the standard of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the field of training 022000 “Ecology and Environmental Management” (bachelor’s degree), the list of general cultural competencies states that the graduate must master the basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, have skills in working with a computer as a means of information management (OK -13). However, the list of professional competencies does not include competencies related to the professional knowledge of modern information technologies necessary for the work of an ecologist.

In the curriculum approved at the Ural State Mining University, in the direction of training 022000 - “Ecology and Environmental Management”, among the information disciplines, only “Informatics” is present in the amount of 144 hours. This volume is clearly not enough to master modern information GIS technologies and acquire skills in solving environmental problems. In addition, the laboratories of the graduating department “Geoecology” are not equipped with equipment that allows them to study GIS technologies. The way out of this difficult situation is seen in inter-university cooperation between the Ural State Mining University and the Space Monitoring Center of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

It becomes obvious that environmental education needs to be oriented towards maximizing the use of the capabilities of geographic information technologies in addressing environmental issues. The availability of space imagery and modern geoinformation technologies for image processing can become a powerful means of organizing control over the most diverse aspects of human activity.


Khoroshavin L.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety and Nature, Leading Researcher of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Technological Sciences, Researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies (FC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Yekaterinburg ;

Melchakov Yu.L., Doctor of Geography, Professor of the Department of Geography and Methods of Geographical Education, Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg.

The work was received by the editor on August 7, 2014.

Bibliographic link

Papulovskaya N.V., Badyina T.A., Badyin I.D. THE ROLE OF GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION // Fundamental Research. – 2014. – No. 9-8. – S. 1849-1853;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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soot, heavy metals - to clarify the pattern of redistribution of pollutants in open and forested areas, since snow cover makes it possible to identify the forest reclamation effect in the spatial redistribution of pollutants at different distances from the source of pollution.

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Conclusion, conclusions.

Based on the experimental data, the following conclusions can be drawn. In the process of work, the traditional method of selecting snow cover for the content of pollutants was tested. In addition, such a technique allows us to identify the effectiveness of the snow protection function of a system of protective forest plantings along linear objects. It should be noted that there is a positive trend towards a decrease in the content of pollutants in the snow cover near the railway compared to the open area.


1. Aerotechnogenic monitoring of the state of the urban environment in terms of snow cover pollution (using the example of the city of Voronezh) / T. I. Prozhorina [et al.] // Bulletin of Volgograd State University. Series 11. Natural sciences. - 2014. - No. 3(9). - P. 28-34.

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Matveyeva A. A., PhD Sci. Agr. [email protected], [email protected] Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia

The paper considers the sorption properties of snow cover which define the level of anthropogenic impact of linear facilities, including railway transport; shows the analysis of the territory of the Volgograd branch of the railroad - both sheltered and unsheltered.

Keywords: protective forestations, railway, region, snow cover, pollution

UDC 528:634.958


K. B. Mushaeva, Ph.D. n., [email protected]- Kalmyk NIAGLOS - branch of the Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Elista, Russia

The issues of using geoinformatics in the creation of cartographic materials are considered.

mation systems (GIS). Compiled electronic Keywords: geographic information systems

nary soil map of Kalmykia. Shown are premiums, ecology, environmental management, electronic

property of using the Quantum GIS program maps.

Currently, almost no environmental management problem can be solved without the use of one or another geoinformation technology. In modern times, free software has become a symbol of innovation and progress. Geographic information methods and systems are widely used in environmental management and environmental protection, as they allow:

create electronic maps reflecting the state of the environment of the territory;

carry out geo- and simulation modeling of phenomena occurring in the environment, taking into account the levels of anthropogenic load and the effectiveness of management decisions;

accumulate, store and request information on trends in environmental parameters for

time interval;

assess the environmental risks of territories and facilities (enterprises) to manage safety in the event of man-made impacts on the environment.

In order to use GIS in a specific thematic area, it is necessary, first of all, to formulate a problem that should be solved using GIS tools.

Each project is unique, therefore, when implementing it, the available technical means and the structure of the subject in which the GIS project is being implemented are taken into account.

The ability of GIS to integrate information from different sources in a spatial context makes them suitable for

tools for supporting decision-making procedures, building models for decision-making, for example in environmental management, which must be built taking into account many factors.

Such models use georeferenced information measured across multiple parameters to determine which spatial interactions are optimal or preferable.

A significant part of information in the field of environmental management is geographically referenced and therefore spatially coordinated. Any specialist in this field is forced to use GIS in his work both for data visualization, i.e., creating electronic maps, and for performing various types of spatial data analysis, storing primary information, conducting examinations and preparing management decisions.

GIS may include information and measuring blocks. In this case, it is possible to visualize the results of continuous environmental monitoring in real time.

GIS can also serve as a source of data for computer models of the distribution of pollutants in the environment and models of the functioning of ecological systems.

The results of computer modeling can also be presented on electronic GIS maps. One of the advantages of electronic maps over paper maps is the wide range of possibilities for creating new spatial objects based on existing ones, inheriting the semantics of “basic” objects.

When carrying out research, it is often necessary to place on the map points of sampling, measurements and similar locations for field research according to their coordinates. It is also common to visualize or analyze environmental information by linking or joining relational tables.

A typical task of geoecological research is spatial interpolation of field research results and analysis of the resulting spatial fields.

To better present research results, the use of diagrams can be useful, and their creation is also possible in a GIS environment.

Very often, when researching in the field of geoecology and environmental management, there is a need to georeference a raster layer - a scanned image of a paper map or a satellite image.

Environmental GIS are complex information systems that include:

operating system;

user interface;

systems for maintaining databases and displaying environmental information.

The free use, modification and distribution of software and its source code is guaranteed by supporting the free exchange of ideas between users and developers. Nowadays the following popular open GIS can be distinguished: GRASS GIS; ILWIS; MapWindowGIS; SAGA; Quantum GIS; gvSIG et al.

Among the listed programs for the initial digitization of maps and their creation, Quantum GIS (QGIS) is used - a free cross-platform

new geographic information system.

QGIS is available for most modern platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) and combines support for vector and raster data, and is also capable of working with data provided by various web map servers and many common spatial databases. QGIS has one of the most developed online communities in the open GIS environment, with an ever-increasing number of developers, aided by good documentation of the development process and a user-friendly architecture. The QGIS program has a wide range of functions for creating DEMs and for generating maps.

The basis for creating the map was an archive with a digital soil map of Russia at a scale of 1:2,500,000 in shapefile format and a soil map legend in Excel spreadsheet format, which contains the index and name of the soil.

Adding a soil map layer to QGIS. Layer - Add Layer - Add Vector Layer or button on the toolbar on the left. Specify the source type File, UTF-8 encoding. Click the Browse button and select the soil_map_ M2_5-1.0.shp file.

In the dialog box, open the OGR-compatible vector layer on the right opposite the File name line there will be an ESRI shapefiles filter (*.shp *.SHP) (Figure 1).

The added layer will be displayed in degrees latitude and longitude, WGS-84 geographic coordinate system. Add the boundary-polygon.shp file from Open Street Map to the project. We created this file earlier to map statistical data. We increase the coverage of the image to its borders. Please note that the boundaries of the layers will slightly differ in space. This is explained by the different scale of the source data. To correct it, perform the analytical operation “Crop” - Menu Vector - Geoprocessing - Crop.

We indicate the source layer - what will be cut off -

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Recent Projects

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Figure 1 - Dialog box for opening an OGR-compatible vector layer

but - file soil_map_M2_5-1.0.shp.

As the cutting layer - what will be used as the cutting shape - we specify the file boundary-polygon.shp.

We call the result of the trimming Soils of the Republic of Kalmykia and save it in the same folder where the downloaded soil map is located. In this case, we indicate the file type SHP files (*^р). Coding - SHG-8 (Figure 2).

Log parameters


parte of the features in the input layer that fells

features will be modified by the deepening operation.

My computer Ü soi_map_MZ_5-L0

Figure 2 - Window for saving the received file

Launch the tool (Figure 3). We add the file of Soils of the Republic of Kalmy-kiya^r saved on disk as a result of trimming to the project, not forgetting to specify the encoding ШГ-8.

We change the project coordinate system from geographic WGS-84 to the rectangular coordinate system WGS 84 / UTM 44N (Universal Transverse Mercator). As a result, the map will take on a more familiar appearance.

in batch mode.

Initial scrap |soil_map_M2_5-l.Q [

Crop layer

I boundary-polygon

Trimming result

| P:/Soil/soil_map_M2._5-i.O/rio4Bbi Altai Territory,5bр 0 Open the output file after executing the algorithm

This algorithm dips a vector layer using the polygons of an additional polygons layer Only the parts of the features in the input layer that falls within the polygons of the dipping layer will be added to the resulting layer

The attributes of the features are not modified, although properties such as area or length of the features will be (modified by the dipoing operation. If such properties are stored as attributes, those attributes will have to be manually updated,

Figure 3 - Window for launching the file trimming tool

Let's add the EXCEL file of the soil map legend to the project. Layer - Add Layer -Add Vector

layer. Source type File. Encoding SHG-8. Review - select the file soil_map_M2_5Jegend-L0.xls (Figure 4).

Add a vector layer

Source type

® File About Directory Coding System

About Database

~ "N - Cha I

Data set

]|| Review I

Open OGR-compatible vector layer

ifF1 Admin (k504-n02 In the video ¿Ts Documents Ts^. Downloads

Images jb Music Lh Desktop

U SOi map M2 5-1.0 28.0B.2017 18:40 Package with files

IIsoi _m a p_M2_5_l eg en d -1.0.xts 03/28/2017 17:59 Microsoft Ex sheet... 82 KB

LID soi 03.28.201717:58 Compressed ZIP folder 54192 KB

I disc SKRIPKO (GO stud t\\10,0.28,2s.

File name:

soil_map_M2_5_legend-1.0.xls V I All files Г) Г.") ^ I

Figure 4 - Opening the EXCEL file of the soil map legend

Soils of Kalmykia TOTAL

Brown solonetzic and solonetzic (automorphic) I I Brown solonetzic and solonetzic

I M Water "-"

I I Chestnut ^^

I I Chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous

I -I Chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous and solonetzes (automorphic) "-"

OM Meadow-marsh solonchakous and solonetzic ^^

I I Meadow-chestnut

I I Meadow-chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous I I Meadow solonetzic and solonchakous I I Marsh saline and solonetzic |L Sands

I I Floodplain saline C Floodplain meadow

With light chestnut

Light chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous

Light chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous and solonetzes (automorphic)

Solonetzes (automorphic)

Solonetzes (automorphic) and brown solonetses

Solonetzes (automorphic) and chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous

Solonetzes (automorphic) and light chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous

Meadow solonetzes (semihydromorphic)

Meadow solonetzes (hydromorphic)

Meadow solonchaks

Typical solonchaks

Typical solonchaks and meadow solonetzes (hydromorphic) Dark chestnut

Dark chestnut solonetzic and solonchakous

Southern and ordinary myceparate-carbonate chernozems (deep carbonate chernozems)

Figure 5 - Soil map of Kalmykia

The result of such work (using the example of a digital soil map of Russia at a scale of 1:2,500 O00) was the soil map of Kalmykia (Figure 5).

The use of an information approach based on information technologies (geographic information and expert systems) allows not only to quantitatively describe the processes occurring in complex ecosystems and geosystems, but also, by modeling the mechanisms of these processes, to scientifically substantiate methods for assessing the state of various components of the natural environment.

Quantum GIS has a good map builder. The map builder provides extensive options for preparing a map layout and printing it. It allows you to add the following elements: QGIS map, legend, scale bar, images, shapes, arrows and text blocks. When creating a layout, you can resize, group, align, and change the position of each element, as well as configure their properties. The finished layout can be printed or exported to a raster image, Postscript, PDF or SVG formats. So

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion that the use of the Quantum GIS program facilitates the process of creating cartographic materials for certain purposes. The advantages of this program were described in this work.


1. Akasheva A.A. Spatial data analysis in historical sciences. Application of geographic information technologies. Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Akasheva. - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2011. - 79 p.

2. Electronic textbook Quantum GIS 0/oD0°/oB80/oD0°/ oBA_Quantum_GIS

3. Quantum GIS. User guide.


ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mushayeva K.B., PhD Sci. Agr., [email protected]- Kalmyk NIAGLOS - Branch of FSC of Agroecology RAS, Elista, Russia

The article considers the use of geographic information systems (GIS). The soil e-map of the Republic of Kalmykia has been developed. The advantages of the application of the program Quantum GIS for creating maps are revealed.

Key words: geographic information systems, ecology, nature management, e-maps.
