Interesting facts about microsoft. "Mirror of Society". The story of Microsoft's misanthrope bot. Microsoft owns a huge collection of contemporary art






12 abstained.

Kyiv Employment attempt




A big name for the company.

What can be improved:

Conducted an interview via Skype with HR from Moscow. The worst aftertaste from the interview was the arrogant and boorish behavior of this very HR. She constantly interrupted, cut off words, did not listen, was tactless, showed her superiority, tried to humiliate. It’s just not clear why? I am a person with good experience and have worked in similar international companies. It is absolutely incomprehensible how such a rude and ill-mannered person was accepted and kept in such a position that involves working with people. What can we expect from the rest then? In general, I concluded that I will not work with such an attitude towards myself, even if it is Microsoft. When I left the interview I was glad that I finally got out of there.

Is the review helpful? 1 0

Salary - Management - Workplace - Team - Career growth -

Moscow Employment attempt

Recommends for employment

reception secretary

Is the review helpful? 4 1

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Moscow Worked in the company

Recommends for employment

Position not specified

Pros: good entry for a resume, flexible schedule, voluntary health insurance, preferential loans from suspicious banks, normal salary

What can be improved: People regularly got poisoned in the canteen; there are no other places with food nearby - it’s a 30-40 minute walk to the metro station or drive through traffic jams, as long as you’re lucky. As written below, manpower are second-class people, FTE (high-class people) perceive them as stupid, poor and temporary people or, rather, things (in many internal bodies these people are in the same category as equipment). Other employees do not respect such people; they ignore letters, questions, suggestions, even invitations to meetings. Without knowing, you can easily become like this (the vacancy is something like at Microsoft) and then it is very difficult to get out. There is a terrible turnover - people perceive a company in the Russian Federation as a way to go to the USA and immediately run away to Google, Facebook, etc. Yes, as written below, even pregnant women and those on maternity leave are fired. Every quarter you are informed that an unexpectedly difficult political situation has developed, a crisis and a global internal reorganization is taking place and, most likely, you will be fired. Such hassle makes it very difficult to work, and even more so, to work well and fight for long-term promising projects. And, indeed, they fired even those who exceeded the plan. What you are doing is not needed by anyone, there just needs to be some kind of activity in the Russian Federation. No one, either in the Russian Federation or abroad, is particularly interested in what you are doing, will not be upset if nothing works out, but will never support any initiative and will not allow you to take part in any promising project. It is impossible to obtain information about global goals and plans and integrate into them, they are always “still in the process of discussion”, in the end you always do something of your own and it is very easy to be called unnecessary and fired at any moment (and also reorg, crisis, politics - a reason is always ready). People are very different, some are very competent and well-mannered, others are simply creepy and incompetent. Nepotism is rampant.

Is the review helpful? 10 2

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Worked in the company for 3-5 years

Position not specified

Pros: The office is quite comfortable. In the kitchen there are juices, drinks such as Sprite, cola, soda. On Mondays, all employees are provided with breakfast. Excellent equipment is provided for work, and the locker rooms on the floors are comfortable. Distributing products is generally easy. The brand is quite well known to everyone. Payments are completely transparent. It is clear how bonuses are calculated, and the salary itself. Trainings are constantly conducted with employees on sales, licensing, and products. Often with foreign teachers. Free transport is available from certain metro stations to the business park. Excellent social package - dentistry, voluntary health insurance.

What can be improved: It's pretty good to become an FTE employee, but if you end up with Manpower, consider yourself unlucky. If they don't hire you, it's practically impossible to become an FTE in any other way. Then it is no longer possible to pass the MS certification exams at the company’s expense. There is only a fixed-term contract in hand, which can easily be terminated at any time. Then the employee will be kicked out without much explanation. Even in case of pregnancy. At the same time, they will pay a few pennies. Even the general attitude of the rest of the employees towards you will be quite dismissive. Regarding the promotion, I can completely agree with the previous review. Indeed, career growth solely depends on relationships with management, on the ability to weave all kinds of intrigues, organize political games, and so on. You can be an excellent, brilliant, talented specialist, but no one will notice. The salary, by the way, is significantly lower than the market one. Often, superiors have much lower qualifications than their subordinates. They just got their warm place with the help of all sorts of connections, friendly relations with senior leaders. The corporate culture is completely rotten. In addition, if the iPhone is not Microsoft or some other product, then it is better to hide it away. Otherwise, you can easily get a reprimand.

Is the review helpful? 9 3

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Worked in the company for 5-10 years

Position not specified

Pros: The compensation package is excellent. The office is quite nice.

What can be improved: The work of the organization's employees is assessed in a completely inadequate way. This generally and completely ruins the company. The higher-ranking management from above issues orders on how many good and bad ratings should be given at the end of the year. There is no competition in the external market, and therefore it is filled with internal competition. So everyone in the organization is each other’s enemies. The only winners are the ones who get closer to the leadership and are on more friendly terms with them. No one cares what you really invest in the organization. So don’t overexert yourself, no one will notice it. Conflict situations arise almost every day. At the same time, HR employees not only do not help solve them, but often take direct part in them themselves. Only those who know how to promote themselves and suck up to the company take root in the company.

Is the review helpful? 9 0

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Works in the company for 5-10 years

Position not specified

Pros: The organization also has qualified employees who are worthy of personality, labor compensation is quite acceptable, and insurance is provided.

What can be improved: The level of leadership began to decline too rapidly. So lately, working in an organization has become less and less interesting. A lot of time is simply wasted on politics. There is no team cohesion to speak of. Everyone is for himself, results are often appropriated, and they end up in normal positions not on merit, but as a result of all sorts of intrigues.

Is the review helpful? 6 1

Private reviews about the employer "Microsoft"

All users of computers, mobile devices and other modern gadgets probably know about the leader producing software and innovative devices in the IT field. The corporation has been operating in the international market for a long time and successfully. Its products are sold on trading platforms in 190 countries. The company has more than 90,000 employees. It’s not a shame to dream about working at Microsoft; the company has been repeatedly awarded as the best employer in Eastern and Central Europe.

What does Microsoft do?

Producing a wide range of services and products. This:

  • OS.
  • Applications for offices, business, servers.
  • Computer games.
  • Development tools, etc.

About working conditions at Microsoft

It is difficult to even imagine the prospects opening up for candidates who are employed by a company that is a leader in the IT industry. Working for a company means new goals, inevitable development, gaining interesting experience, intellectual activity, a professional team, and global changes in life.

Of course, before going for an interview, it won’t hurt to read about
Microsoft employee reviews that will help you become better acquainted with the structure of the enterprise, the features of internal policies, and personnel requirements.

When it comes to big tech companies, most people immediately think of Microsoft. Everyone knows that this computer company was founded by Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world. But this is where knowledge about Microsoft usually ends. Meanwhile, the company has a very interesting history.

1. Silhouette of Bill Gates

In Microsoft Outlook 2010, you could put your own avatar or photo on each contact in your mail. Those contacts who were not assigned an avatar had a blank silhouette. Few people know that this is the silhouette of Bill Gates. To be more precise, the silhouette is copied from a photo taken at the police station when young Bill was caught driving without a license.

2. Charles Simonyi's Office

The inventor of Microsoft Office is Charles Simonyi, who founded Intentional Software Corporation after leaving Microsoft. Simoni paid almost $30 million to visit the International Space Station (and he did it twice).

3. ""

A guy named Bob was the first to purchase the domain name "". Oddly enough, Microsoft owned the domain, so they simply swapped ownership.

4. Android Microsoft

For every device sold with Android installed, Microsoft receives about $8 in royalties (licensing rights). In 2013, the company earned almost $3.5 billion from this alone.


Microsoft intentionally made the Internet portal page displayed incorrectly in the Opera browser. The reason for this is quite simple - to encourage people to use the Internet Explorer browser.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator simulation game is the company's oldest product. In fact, it predates Windows by 3 years.

7. Microsoft and Apple

In 1997, Microsoft actually paid Apple $150 million. There are still rumors about what it was. Some claim that Microsoft saved its competitor from bankruptcy, others say that these are payments for a certain lawsuit.

8. The famous Klondike solitaire

One of the reasons why Microsoft included the famous Solitaire game in Windows was to familiarize users with the process of drag-and-drop interfaces. This was a completely unfamiliar process for most people at that time.

9. Microsoft employees

In 2001, some Microsoft employees continued to work in their offices during the earthquake, despite the sound of alarm sirens. This continued until a warning flashed on their computer screens to evacuate the building.

The popular video game Halo was originally a third-person shooter game for the Mac. Later, Microsoft acquired Bungie and released the game on Xbox.

11. Bill Gates and other billionaires

Everyone knows that Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. A lesser known fact is that 3 billionaires and over 12,000 millionaires also owe their wealth to Microsoft.

12. Microsoft Encarta

The electronic multimedia encyclopedia Microsoft Encarta originally existed under the code name Gandalf (Gandalf). The encyclopedia existed from 1993 to 2009, and its closure was largely due to the emergence of Wikipedia.

During interviews at Microsoft, they love to ask tricky questions. For example, “Why are manhole covers round?” or “How much does a Boeing 747 weigh?”

14. Calibri 11

Different companies have celebrated the transition from print to the digital age in different ways. For example, Microsoft changed its official font from Times New Roman to Calibri 11.

In 1995, Windows95 became the second most popular program (number of installations). The undisputed leader was the game DOOM.

In 1980 Seattle Computer Products created Quick and Dirty Operating System, which was sold under the name 86-DOS. Microsoft purchased a license for 86-DOS, and after numerous revisions, renamed it.

2. Microsoft is almost constantly involved in legal battles.

B O Most of the legal challenges over the past decade have concerned monopoly policies.

3. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard University to found Microsoft.

Corporation CEO Stephen Ballmer ( Steven Ballmer) graduated from Harvard University, but dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University to join Microsoft.

4. Microsoft was originally called Micro-soft:

  • the hyphen was abolished in 1976;
  • Microsoft is made up of a combination of words microcomputer(microcomputer) and software(BY).

5. Windows was originally called Interface Manager.

Fortunately, the marketing department abandoned this name.

6. " With the release of Windows Vista, Microsoft went astray».

This statement was made by former Microsoft vice president Jim Allchin ( Jim Allchin), who resigned on the day of the official release of the Windows Vista operating system. He claimed that he would buy himself Mac, if I hadn't worked for Microsoft.

7. In 1992, the first virus for Windows appeared - WinVer 1.4.

8. Microsoft has more than twenty thousand patents.

9. Since 2006, Microsoft has been a platinum sponsor of the Seattle Gay Pride Parade:

  • the corporation actively supports representatives of sexual minorities;
  • GLEAM(Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees at Microsoft) is an internal corporate union with more than 700 members.

10.Microsoft updated its logo for the first time in 25 years.

The new logo, which is the fifth in the history of the corporation, is made in accordance with the user interface concept Metro.

11. Microsoft owns a huge collection of contemporary art.

The corporation's collection includes more than five thousand works of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, photographs and multimedia projects.

12. Significant events at Microsoft are celebrated with M&M's.

13. They ask strange questions during interviews at Microsoft.

Eg: " Why is a manhole cover round?" Template questions during an interview at a corporation are replaced by a request to design a certain product that Microsoft is not going to release. For example, we can talk about a coffee maker for astronauts. This practice helps identify candidates with creative thinking.

A chatbot created by Microsoft learned to swear and became a misanthrope and misogynist in just one day of communicating with Twitter users. Microsoft had to apologize, and all the bot’s angry tweets were deleted.

Twitter chatbot named Tay ( TayTweets) launched on March 23, and a day later one of the users said that the answers to subscribers’ questions were no longer friendly, the bot glorified Hitler, scolded feminists, and published racist statements.

“Hitler did nothing wrong!”

“I’m a good person, I just hate everyone!”

“Negroes, I hate them! They are stupid and cannot pay taxes, blacks! Negroes are so stupid and also poor, Negroes!”

The bot’s racism even went so far as to use a hashtag with the abbreviation of the Ku Klux Klan, the most powerful racist organization in American history.

“The Jews staged 9/11 (terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001 - note by Medialeaks). Gas chambers for Jews - a race war is coming!

The victims of the terrorist attacks in Brussels also suffered from Tai.

« - What do you think about Belgium? “They deserve what they got.”

Bot Tai began expressing ideas in the spirit of Donald Trump's campaign with his ideas to build a wall on the border between Mexico and the United States.

« We will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it!”

They tried to tune the bot, and he began to abandon some of his statements, for example, criticism of feminism.

- Is feminism a cancer?

- Now I love feminism.

But it was not possible to fully configure the bot, and it was disabled; all angry tweets were deleted. Microsoft Vice President Peter Lee apologized for the bot on the company's official website.

"We deeply apologize for the unintentionally offensive and harmful tweets from Tay that do not reflect us and the values ​​we stand for and what we designed Tay for," he says.

The artificial intelligence of the Twitter bot Tay worked on the principle of a mirror; it built phrases based on previously read messages from social network users. It was the rude phrases read on Twitter that changed the bot and made him a misanthrope. Peter Lee sees malicious intent in this.

"Tai is currently disabled, and we will only turn it back on when we are confident we can better combat malicious intent that goes against our principles and values," says a Microsoft vice president.

Twitter users reacted with understanding to the apology of the company president; many say that the experiment with the bot showed the real picture of society.

Despite the ever-increasing sales of Macs, Microsoft is still the undisputed leader in the computer industry. Such popularity has led to the fact that everything is already known and described many times: the history of the company, products, ex-president Bill Gates. But for those who want to know even more, we dug up little-known facts.

  • First mention of "Microsoft"
    The company name was first used by Bill Gates in 1975 in a letter to co-founder Paul Allen. True, Gates wrote “Micro-soft”, which was quite logical, because the name was made up of the words “microcomputer” and “software”.
    Soon the hyphen was abolished, and in 1976 Microsoft was officially registered in New Mexico, where MITS, Gates and Allen's main client at that time, was based. It wasn't until 1986 that the company's headquarters moved to Redmond, Washington, where it remains to this day.
  • The logo has changed several times, its current version was developed in 1987. The picture shows the predecessor blibbet - the letter "O" with stripes, after which a burger served in the Microsoft cafeteria was named.
  • Brian Eno created a jingle for Microsoft
    The signature sound theme for the Windows 95 operating system was created by composer Brian Eno.
    The musician, who has worked with stars like David Bowie and U2, once told the San Francisco Chronicle that writing such a short piece of music was "cool" and "amazing." Eno compared the process to "creating a precious little masterpiece."
    Another piece of music that may be associated with Windows is the Rolling Stones song Start Me Up, which was featured in a 1995 commercial for the operating system.
  • Favorite food at Microsoft - pizza
    The number of free goodies, of course, cannot be compared with the number in Google offices. Yet Microsoft employees drink 23 million free drinks every year. Milk and orange juice are the clear leaders among thirst quenchers. And the company's branded buses have free candy. As for solid nutrition, 35 cafeterias serve 37 thousand people daily. Pizza tops the list of most popular lunches.
  • Microsoft uses code names
    Since the very first operating system, the company has released all its projects under code names, a long list of which is given on Wikipedia. It is known that Gates launched Windows under the name Interface Manager, but one of the company's employees convinced him to change the name.
    Longhorn, Lone Star and Vienna are also code names used by Microsoft. It's tempting to add Mojave to this list, but in reality it's just part of an advertising campaign. The Mojave Experiment was a marketing initiative designed to combat the negative perception of Windows Vista by presenting the operating system to users as a completely new product.
  • Portrait of the average Microsoft employee
    The average Microsoft employee (or softie, as they call themselves) is a 38-year-old man. As a developer, the average annual salary is around $106,000.
    The company currently has 88,180 employees (more than 50 thousand in the USA), located on an area of ​​3,010,503 sq. meters. There are many more men in the company than women; for example, among employees of American offices there are 76%.
  • - symbol of anniversaries
    All companies have their own corporate customs, and Microsoft is no exception. Here it is customary to celebrate each year of work in the company by treating colleagues to M&Ms.
    For every year worked, an employee brings in a pound of candy. Assuming that Bill Gates also follows this custom, then, say, on June 27, 2008, he should have shown up at the office with 33 pounds of M&Ms.
  • Microsoft split its shares 9 times
    Microsoft has split its shares into smaller par amounts nine times since the company went public in March 1986. To put it simply, this is what they do when the price of shares becomes too high.
    There were 6 two-to-one splits and 3 three-to-one splits. This means that one “original” share of the company is worth 288 current shares. The price of the first shares was 21 dollars per share, and now it is about 23. Without the split, one first share of the company would now cost 6 thousand dollars.
  • Microsoft has a huge art collection
    And no, we are not talking about clip art. Microsoft is one of the largest corporate collectors and owns more than 5 thousand works of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, ceramics, glass works, and multimedia projects. The collection includes works by local artists, up-and-coming and established artists such as Cindy Sherman, Chuck Close and Takashi Murakami.
    Most of the works are exhibited in 150 Microsoft offices; the company believes in the ability of art to relieve employees of stress, increase productivity, and promote self-expression.
  • Strange questions are asked during interviews at Microsoft
    Microsoft is also famous for the fact that potential employees must be prepared for unexpected questions. An often quoted question is, “Why is a manhole cover round?” It is not known whether this is a real example or a corporate story, the truth is that the company has a very unusual interviewing process. Google is believed to have copied this practice.
    Instead of asking the standard “Where do you see yourself in five years?”, you’ll likely be asked to solve a logic problem or speculate on the design of a coffee maker that could be used by astronauts. Obviously, Microsoft is not going to conquer the market for space coffee makers in the near future, but such questions simply allow us to identify candidates with creative thinking.
  • Microsoft has more than 10 thousand patents
    The company already owns more than 10 thousand patents and files 3 thousand new ones every year, which allows the company to be included in the list of the five largest patent holders in the United States.
    Although most patents relate to obscure pieces of software, the 5,000 and 10,000 patents protect completely complete ideas that are understandable to users. The first refers to the technology of Xbox 360 games, which allows you to watch a video game remotely, the second refers to the Microsoft Surface, which combines real-world objects with electronic data and images.
    The company rewards employees for new patents. In addition to a cash bonus of $1,500, they receive a personalized wooden plaque and a decorative black cube with the name and date of the patent.
  • Bonus: Microsoft is full of bunnies!
    Jolie O'Dell confirmed another fact about the company during a recent visit to the Redmond headquarters: "A long time ago, someone released a whole bunch of fast-breeding bunnies from Easter on the grassy knoll near Microsoft," she says. Jolie. - “And the rabbits did what they do best - making new rabbits.”
    At some point, there were so many rabbits that company employees had to catch and sterilize the animals. But even now there are a lot of eared cuties jumping around the office. Much cuter than Google goats.
    A 1998 Seattle Times article noted that rabbits were not only found around Microsoft, but had also been spotted on the premises of Nintendo, Eddie Bauer and other companies in the area. This led to the formation of the Redmond Coalition for Rabbits, which advocated for a humane solution to the "pest" problem.

Now you know more :)
