A good DIY tattoo machine. Homemade device for tattoos (tattoo machine)

To get a tattoo on the body.

First, I suggest you watch the author’s video about the craft:

Many people, regardless of their faith, wealth, age, one way or another want to express themselves in something in order to be different from the other gray mass of people. Everyone does it differently: some dye their hair, get piercings or join one of the many subcultures, and some get tattoos. Few people welcome this expression, but such people still exist. Making tattoos in special establishments is a very expensive pleasure, so I want to show the making homemade device- tattoo machine.

To make the device we need the following components:
- helium pen;
- a handle or aluminum wire (approximately 12 cm;
- a motor (for example, from a tape recorder or a toy car), the more powerful, the better;
- guitar string;
- power unit;
- electrical tape;
- lighter;
- sandpaper or a small sander.

Let's proceed directly to production.

First, take the handle, light the fire and use it to bend the handle:

Next, use pliers to “flatten” the bent tip of the handle:

You need to attach an eccentric or gear to the motor and secure everything with a glue gun:

We cut off half of one handle and use electrical tape to tape one handle to the other:

You should end up with a design like this:

After this, we take a small piece of a metal stick, heat it over the fire and carefully “melt” it into the eccentric:

After this, we apply glue to the flattened part of the end of the handle, which we made at the very beginning of production, and carefully glue the motor to the handle:

We take the string and thread it through the eccentric and through the handle:

Pull the string onto the eccentric and fix it.

Using a spot soldering iron, we fix the wiring from the motor:

We will need a power supply with wiring that you can remove from the phone charger. We attach the wires from the charging socket to the motor, and connect the wires from the motor with the wires leading to the plug and then to the socket:

Using glue we attach our nest to back side flattened end of the handle:

This instruction will tell you how to make a tattoo machine at home. In order to get a tattoo, you don’t have to go to an expensive artist or buy special equipment.

With little effort, it is possible to make the necessary equipment yourself.

To work you will need to find the following parts at home:

  1. Electric motor.
    A motor from a children's toy with a voltage of at least 12 volts is suitable. A motor with a lower voltage is not needed - it will be too weak for such a purpose.
  2. Power unit.
    Any unit with a voltage of at least 12 volts will do.
  3. Gel pen or mechanical pencil (plastic or metal).
    It will serve as the body of the device and also guide the needle inside the machine.
  4. Brace.
    With its help, the engine will be attached to the gel pen. The bracket can be made from metal, such as a regular tablespoon, by removing the part that is used for eating. Instead of a spoon, you can use a toothbrush, heat plastic handle lighter and bending it into the letter “G” (an example is shown in the figure).
  5. Insulating tape.
  6. Needle.
    An ordinary guitar string is used as a needle (it is better to buy a new string from a specialized store). Choose the thinnest string.
  7. Button with 4 holes.

Assembling the device

Take the pen, disassemble it and remove the ink from the refill.

Rinse the pen thoroughly; no ink should remain there. Using a file, grind down the metal tip of the rod so that the string passes through it without effort. Cut the rod about halfway (this is necessary to reduce vibration of the string).

Preparing the engine: attach a button to the engine axle using superglue. Make sure that the glue has time to dry completely before assembling the device.

The connection between the motor axis and the button must be of high quality and not become loose over time. Do not fill the remaining holes of the button with glue - they will come in handy later.

If a plastic gear is attached to the axis of the motor, you can not glue the button, but use a hot needle to make a hole for the string in the gear.

This is done as follows: first of all, the L-shaped bracket and the handle are connected using electrical tape. Tape the bracket tightly to the handle with several layers of electrical tape so that the bend of the bracket and the top end of the handle are flush.

A motor from a toy with a button glued should be attached to the other part of the bracket in a similar manner.

Now you need to pull the string through the handle and cut it, leaving some margin. The end of the string is then bent a few millimeters and threaded through one of the button holes (or through a hole in a gear).

By rotating the motor axis, you will notice that the string moves up and down. The tip of the string protruding from the rod is cut so that when the motor rotates, the string protrudes from the tip by 3-4 mm. Sharpen the string with a knife sharpening stone.

Now the power supply is connected to the engine. For convenience, you can attach a switch to the machine. The device is ready to use!

Don't forget about safety and hygiene! Use a new string and a new tip every time! Before use, boil the string in water for at least 10 minutes.

These simple rules will help you avoid contracting diseases such as HIV or hepatitis.

The very concept of “tattoo” (now tattoo) was born in the 20s of the 20th century in penal colonies, in other words, in zones. Although the tattoos themselves appeared much earlier, back in ancient world, the soldiers tattooed symbols, animals, etc. on their bodies. And in the 20s of the last century, tattooing became a “secret” language. In those years, if a person had tattoos on his body, it definitely means he served time, but now the tattoo has lost its original meaning, it is tattooed to decorate the body.

There is one very big difference between a tattoo and a tattoo - a tattoo is not for beauty, it carries a story, and it is by tattoos that you can understand what kind of person is standing in front of you. Times are different now, those same thieves' eight-pointed stars, which were glowed only by recognized thieves' authorities, can be found on the chest of a teenager in pink shorts, who has no idea what kind of stars he has pinned on himself. For such an act in the zones of the USSR, a prisoner was skinned, but now...

The second feature is that the tattoo is NEVER multi-colored - black ink, which appears green under the skin, is the true color of the tattoo.

I’ve been doing tattoos for a long time (namely tattoos, not tattoos), a lot of time has passed since then, but I recently discovered the machine I used to work with. There were dozens of such machines made, a very convenient and lightweight thing for those who are fond of tattoos. Today I will tell you how to make a tattoo machine with your own hands.

Homemade tattoo machine

The basis- a helium pen, which first needs to be disassembled. After this, remove the paste tip and drain off all the gel. Then we take a very thin needle and press on the ball so that it falls out. The needle will work in the resulting hole.

Herself needle made from sharply sharpened (the edge with which they actually prick) guitar strings. A spiral is often wound onto strings; we need to unwind this spiral.
What's good about string? It holds paint (gel) perfectly, does not rust or deform; other materials (steel, nichrome, etc.) cannot cope with this task in such conditions.

Engine (motor)- any low-power electric motor direct current from a toy car, player or tape recorder, with an operating voltage of 3-9 Volts. For example, a regular 4.5-volt motor from a player at 6 volts can rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm, taking into account friction forces, the speed is reduced to 2000, divide this figure by 60 (1 minute-60 seconds) and get the number 33. What kind of 33? This is the number of times the needle enters and exits in one second, i.e. you get a wound like a razor, and this is normal, since only a high-speed tattoo machine can apply a high-quality tattoo.

Flywheel, essentially plays the role of a crankshaft. All electric motors from tape recorders have such a flywheel; we only need a plastic flywheel (they are also made of brass). Next we need to drill a hole on the flywheel. If it is not possible to drill, then a hole can be made with a heated needle or a small nail. The hole is made at a distance of 1.5-2mm from the center of the circle, keep in mind that this distance is the stroke of the needle.

After this, we take the string and bend the limb (0.5 cm) 90 degrees from the unsharpened edge, this section should fit into the hole on the flywheel. It turns out that when the engine rotates, the needle will move vertically. The length of the string itself depends on the type of handle, so we select it through experience.

The string can be sharpened with a zero or a needle file, or on a sharpening machine.
The engine can be attached to the handle with glue, but it is advisable to make an attachment from a sheet of aluminum, then secure the stand with tape or tape in a convenient place.

Such homemade tattoo the machine is powered charger for a cell phone or from compact batteries.

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in manufacturing, everything necessary materials can be found at home. Anyone can make such a tattoo machine with their own hands.

In 1999, a few months before my demobilization, senior conscript boys called me into their company. Since I was a full-time artist in my company, I was asked to draw a blank for a tattoo, and then fill it. They said the machine is made from a pen, so it's practically the same thing. They gave us a barbaric unit, powered by batteries, and said: “Well, go ahead.” This is how I “learned” how to do tattoos.

Already in civilian life I made my own car, and to be honest, it earned me many times over more money, what its components cost. At first I worked for friends - for mascara and to gain experience. And I’ve already done “friends of friends” for “grandmothers”. I won’t tell you anything new here, I’ll just try to present everything in detail if possible, describing some of the subtle points that have been developed over several years, or collected bit by bit from different sources.


So, the type of machine is rotary. The scheme, as far as I know, is the most common among DIYers. If all components are available, it can be assembled in 15 minutes. Required Parts: gel pen with paste, motor from the player, wires, string, power supply (preferably with variable voltage), motor holder (will be described below).

Requirements for spare parts. The main thing is the motor. It’s really most convenient to take it from a player or tape recorder: small size has a significant impact on further ease of use. I once held in my hands the very mechanical shaving machine mentioned in various sources (!), from which shaving machines were often made in Soviet times. It is difficult and inconvenient to work - there is too much load on the hand. However, the most important requirement for the motor is that its roller be plastic and not metal. Otherwise, you will have to glue all sorts of plastic discs onto this roller, which complicates the design and, accordingly, reduces reliability (it is very inconvenient to repair the machine in the middle of the filling process).

Power unit. As practice has shown, variable voltage is sometimes very useful because it allows you to fill faster. If a person is in too much pain, the speed can be slowed down - sometimes this also helps. The main thing here is to determine maximum voltage, which your motor can withstand, and make sure that the string does not fly out.

The strings used are guitar strings and the thinnest ones. However, there are times when you work with what you got. You can also use thick strings. The winding is removed from them, and the base is processed in the same way as a thin one.

It is better to take soft wires so that they hang freely and do not “stand like a stake”. In addition, hard wires (which were bent and remained in this position) have a stronger impact on the place where they are soldered to the motor wires. The fragility of these wires leads to frequent breaks. If they break just under the motor, it will have to be completely replaced.

The motor holder can be made from a tin can. However, I was lucky enough to buy an automatic pencil that had a convenient metal clip for hooking into pockets and the like. I simply removed it and used it as a bracket. Then the illustration will show it in more detail.

Housing assembly

Take a gel pen, untwist it and remove the paint from it. Using a needle, squeeze out a ball from the inside of the metal nose of the rod. A hole is obtained, but it is too narrow for the string (the thickness of the strings can sometimes vary), so it needs to be widened. We take a small file or needle file and grind it down a little so that the string can move back and forth freely (otherwise, at high engine speeds, it may get stuck, which will lead to its flight and fearful sidelong glances from the test subject).

The handle body itself will have to be shortened by about half to reduce string consumption. A simple calculation: a whole handle - you will have to make a string the full length of it, half a handle - the string is half as long. Thus, saving on string consumption, and subsequently the attached motor will lie on the bend of the hand, and not balance in the air.

You will also need a tube from the rod. Its approximate length is half the size of the pen body. The meaning here is this: the string vibrates strongly when the motor rotates, such a mechanism allows you to gently adjust it in the desired direction. In addition, sometimes the ink rises up the handle (capillary effect, etc.). If there is no such limiter, it may stain the inside of the handle, which is both unsightly and can interfere with changing paint - you will have to wash it more thoroughly.

More important detail: A small hole is made in the plastic nose of the pen where mascara will accumulate. As a result, you will have to dip your car into a jar of paint less often, which is very convenient.

The result of working with a gel pen in the picture. The rod is available in two possible versions.

Motor assembly

There can be a lot of options for mounting the motor - as much as your imagination allows. I used a pencil holder and secured it with tape. The convenience here is that no matter how much you calculate the length of the string, you will still make a mistake. And the string must come out very accurately from the nose of the rod. Due to the fact that the motor bracket is not tightly fixed, I can adjust the position of the string by moving the motor back and forth along the handle body.

In addition to fastening, you need to make a small hole in the roller. This is done with a hot needle. The hole should not be too large so that the string does not fall out. In case of an error (like mine), you can make a couple more holes. You just have to remember later which one suited you best.

String processing

After a little searching on the Internet, I did not find a clear description of how to process a string homemade typewriter. Meanwhile, this is one of the important and painful (for the experimental) moments. An incorrectly made string hits worse, spoils the clarity of fine lines, and causes more pain. That’s why I’ll describe it step by step:

We take a string, approximately outlining how much length we need. For example, we fix one end of the string with a hand with pliers. With your second hand, lightly pull the other end of the string. In the place where we want to make a sharp nose on the future needle (usually we choose a place closer to the pliers to save material consumption), we bring the lighter with our third hand and heat it up (what, there aren’t enough hands?). In this case, the string must be tensioned. In a heated place it will first become red-hot, then become thinner, and then burst.

Initially, the string is elastic and does not want to take a straight shape. You need to “persuad” it to become smoother - heat it red-hot once. Having checked the required length of the string, we cut it off with pliers from the main skein. We bend the rear end, which will be attached to the motor, with the letter “g”. Do not overdo it with its size so that it does not cling when the engine is running.

In harsh army (or zone) conditions, the string is sharpened on whatever it takes: first on a zero, then on a matchbox, then on glass (which is not the case - you can remove it from the list, the process will just take longer). I always sharpened the needle on a smooth sharpening stone for knives, pressing the tip with my finger. The string can be given any shape: either cone-shaped (like a sewing needle) or flat (it turns out like a “spatula” - a thin line strikes in one plane, and a wider one in the perpendicular direction).

Another subtle point: the needle should be slightly bent at the end. Thanks to this, it will spring back and hit one point. If you make it straight, then when it comes out of the tip of the pen, it will hit anywhere, which will complicate drawing straight lines.
It is advisable to wash the finished string with soap (advice from an experienced surgeon), since soap dissolves biological substances (infection), while alcohol “cauterizes” it to the metal surface. Certainly, the best option- combine both. If conditions do not allow you to have several strings, its tip must be ignited with a lighter. But over time, this can deteriorate the properties of the metal and make it completely brittle.
Ready-made version of the processed string. It looks too dirty, but it is the color of baked metal and there is no infection on it. Although the sanitary and epidemiological station would probably start swearing...

Debugging work

Oddly enough, but assembling the machine is not enough. It is also necessary to adjust its mechanisms so that they work without failures. During practical activities Some regularities were discovered. Eliminating minor inconsistencies greatly simplified my work, and reduced the “sado-maso pleasure” for the experimental subjects.

At first the work itself big problem there were strings flying out. It stuck into the nose of the handle from the inside and jumped out of the fastening on the roller. The solution was this: it is necessary to adjust it so that when the string is in the extreme rear position on the roller, the sharpened end of the needle protrudes only half a millimeter from the handle. This is where the ability to adjust the position of the motor on the handle comes in handy, since it is quite difficult to adjust the size of the string with an accuracy of half a millimeter.

However, it is not enough to adjust the position of the motor along the length. The height of its seat relative to the centerline of the handle is also important. That's why I used a piece of tube from a regular ballpoint rod. Its function was to bend the string closer to the motor roller. It looks like a nipple system, but this significantly reduced the number of flights due to the weak attachment of the string to the roller.

Also, when I first dipped the pen nozzle into the container with mascara, all the air did not come out of it. It led to the formation of a foam droplet on the nose - it looks like there is a supply of paint, but nothing remains on the skin. You just had to blot the hole on the nose of the handle with a cloth (an air bubble would form there) and dip it in the paint again.


"Cleanliness is the key to health." In all my modest practice (for about 6-8 years I was tattooing quite closely), I only had two unpleasant patches when the tattoo caused complications. First: I made a pattern for my friend, who at that time worked as a road builder. Literally on the second day, he was already swinging his pick at some object - in the very sun, without a bandage, without protection from dirt, sweat, etc. The result is that it instantly faded, faded in the sun (in Crimea in the summer it is quite hot and sunny), and broke out in pimples. Naturally, the paint “fell out” in places and had to be repainted.

The second case - the girl wanted a pattern of flowers on her tailbone, and immediately after that she tore off my bandage (she has jeans, you see, “on her hips”) and went to twirl her ass at the disco. Moreover, she had some kind of special skin - any infection caused wild scars on it. When I saw that lumpy ugliness located under the tattoo and a little nearby, I almost felt sick. After all, I was so concerned about the sterility of my equipment. And when I found out why and under what circumstances this happened, I wanted to kill her in a sophisticated way. Repeatedly. I was so upset about my hard work. The scars had to be disguised as new rosebuds. It looked fine, but there was a “sediment left.”

Thus, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the machine: ideally, everything homemade parts devices in contact with the skin of the experimental subject (string, pen body, used ink in the cap, the cap itself) must be disposable. You shouldn't skimp on this - these things cost pennies. Especially compared to the prospect of infecting your friend with AIDS from a previous unfamiliar friend. My former classmate told me about this case, when in their military school, in a similar situation, five guys became infected with syphilis. It got over him, but exposing himself like that is not pleasant.

When applying a tattoo, certain rules must be followed:

The person must have eaten a good meal - the blood goes to the stomach, bleeding is reduced, which makes it easier to hit, and the paint is not washed out of the skin.

The body must be sober (preferably both) - alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure, which leads to increased bleeding.

The patient's skin and the executor's hands must be thoroughly washed (working with gloves is very inconvenient - you feel the skin worse). In general, gloves are a “bummer” for timid clients, since, in addition to everything else, they must also be sterilized. And the mere presence of gloves (which could have been worn by other people) is not an unambiguous guarantee of the cleanliness of the process.

Wipe the skin, removing excess paint and blood, with a clean cloth (bandage, cotton) soaked in boiled water(this significantly reduces the “crust” on the tattoo and shortens the healing time), and not with alcohol. Alcohol causes burns and disrupts skin healing processes. Alcohol can be used for additional sterilization of already clean equipment (just do not pour it into the power supply - it will be very offended).

After applying the tattoo, it is advisable to wash the skin in this area. warm water with soap, apply healing ointment (I always used Rescuer, and in the army they used aftershave cream) and apply a bandage for a day so that it does not rub against clothes.
If you worked at home and after everything you take out dirty, bloody bandages, do not show them to your mother. The reaction is much stronger than those bandages. Say it's red mascara.

In the end, it is necessary to instruct the patient “to the point of tears”:

so that he does not remove the bandage for a day;

did not comb the “crust”, no matter how itchy it was;

after 24 hours you can wash, but not become limp;

do not sunbathe until complete healing, and then use sunscreen - otherwise the paint may fade several years earlier;

if you apply “Rescuer” 4 times a day, it can heal in just a couple of days (although this is an individual indicator - in practice, it healed in a day, or two, and sometimes even a week).

Just in case, hint that if he does not listen and ignores these recommendations, you will come to him at night in his sleep and with an ax - sometimes this helps. Yes, in most cases he will come after some time and ask for more stuff. A tattoo is like a drug - it's addictive.


An abstruse word, but one that cannot be ignored. During all the time I worked, I heard a lot scary stories like on some mentally weak people may affect the image on the skin. If some “major” wants to fill himself with a pattern, “yin-yang-crap” or “dragon for 30 bucks”, then this most likely means nothing to him - he just wants to “show off”. Explain especially to girls that this is not makeup, and not earrings - this is for life and is very difficult to remove. Although sometimes girls don’t come for a tattoo. :)

It’s another matter when a tattoo means something important to a person: some kind of psychological image, a combination of emotions after an experience, a memory of an event or another person. Such an image on the skin, supported by internal motives, becomes for a person like a thinking algorithm or even an element of zombification. A couple of examples from life. One friend asked me to get an army tattoo. He served during the Soviet Union, in a rocket unit, and the grandfathers forcibly imprinted on all young people the “symbol of the unit” - a laughing devil with a bottle and a cigarette, sitting on a rocket. The main problem, besides the ugly performance, is that even when he felt bad at heart, the man did not stop smiling: “He laughs, and so should I. I’m already sick of it, but I can’t stop.”

Another case was with my friend, when his father was framed and imprisoned. The guy walked around loaded, with a depressed look and a dull look. It is clear that his soul was gloomy. He asked me to fill him with a wolf and an inscription on foreign language"Man is a wolf to man." I barely talked him out of it. It is clear that for him this could become a behavior pattern for the rest of his life. After much debate, the inscription was replaced with a background of an abstract pattern. But dad left a couple of years later, and life got better.

One friend asked me to stuff her a panther with a crown. A large girl of average height, with healthy tits (she once did bodybuilding and ate a lot, then she gave up the sport, but her appetite remained) and a lively disposition in appearance - she was a downtrodden child, bullied by her authoritarian mother. Mom was also a frame. Even her roommate ran away from her (karateka, competition winner) - during quarrels she threw everything at him: from frying pans to bricks. Through the tattoo, the girl either wanted to express her “protest” to her mother, or to rise in the eyes of others, but did not know how to do it correctly. I have been approached by many such acquaintances “with complexes.” After the tattoo, they almost immediately changed their behavior - they began to associate themselves with the menacing images depicted on their bodies. Jokes aside, that mother almost unleashed a huge dog on me...

There were quite Mystic stories. You can believe or not believe in any kind of parapsychology or energy, but sometimes it matters - who, what and with what thoughts fills a person. I heard how some guy drew a beautiful, meaningless picture on one girl’s body. Either his “eye” was “heavy”, or he was interested in Satanism, but that friend began to feel quite sick until the drawing was washed off. So think now: either there was something wrong with the guy, or the girl “made a movie” for herself. I know one thing - you can’t wish harm on the person you’re stuffing something for. And if possible, we need to dissuade him from doing any kind of “necrophilia” on his skin - it attracts bad thoughts, negative energy and sidelong glances from others.

Thieves tattoos

I’ll say “small, but delicious”: I’ve heard a couple of stories about how ignorant people got beautiful tattoos with Zonovian meaning. One stuffed himself with a woman being seduced by a snake (“cock”). Comrades came up and asked to “serve”. The boy began to make excuses that it was a misunderstanding. With the words “you must answer for your suit,” they broke his skull.

The second fool stuffed himself with something from the suits of thieves in law. Perhaps an epaulette or something like that. People came up and started talking respectfully over the hairdryer. They see, the comrade does not understand - they were offended by the deception and also hit him in the head. Hence the conclusion: before hitting, check carefully whether the picture has criminal connotations. You can save the little man's life.


Assembling a tattoo machine from scrap materials is really simple. If you have all the components, the assembly process will not take much time. And it will cost pennies compared to the prices of factory products. The main thing is that a person knows how to draw. I have seen the work of so-called “professionals” several times. They were made on factory equipment, with “real” paints, for a lot of money, but with crooked hands. And they looked much worse than my works - on a homemade typewriter, sharpened with string and Rotring drawing ink - which I typed for friends practically for free. After all, it’s not a matter of technique, but of hands and artistic taste.

I can remind skeptics that the most unique works were done in ancient times by Japanese and Chinese masters - with an ordinary needle (and sometimes a fish bone) stuck into a bamboo stick. At the same time, they achieved stunning effects and smooth color transitions. Using just a few natural dyes, they mixed them into many shades. Today, many of the secrets of that time are irretrievably lost.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I never became a real master. I can only fill in what I can draw. But it’s nice to hear when, five or six years later, they still like their friends’ tattoos and continue to attract someone’s attention.

How to make a tattoo machine?

The idea of ​​making a tattoo machine is quite real. It is necessary to collect several parts that can be in any home. All you need is a little perseverance, imagination and the desire to invent such a device yourself. The scheme does not imply anything complicated, but in order for the tattoo machine to work well, you need to treat its invention responsibly. So, how to make a tattoo machine?

Tools and materials for the machine

  • Insulating tape
  • Guitar string
  • Electric motor (from a toy). Need to pay Special attention on this element, since the type of tattoo machine will depend on the size of the motor itself. This necessary part, so if you don’t have a motor you will have to purchase one.
  • Small elongated metal plate
  • Handle with rod
  • Knife and scissors
  • Wine cork


Before making a tattoo machine, you need to prepare all the parts for assembly. The first thing to do is the handle. Disassemble it, clean the ink from the pen, and rinse it under running water. Make sure the rod is clean. Then you need to “knock” the ball out of the rod. Place the rod in the handle again, and then move the handle along sandpaper or a block to polish the ball. Do this until you get rid of the ball completely, but be careful not to make the hole on the rod too big. It should be such that the string passes freely into the hole.

Now take the handle (the frame itself, not the rod) and cut it in half. The top part will no longer be needed. Do the same procedure with the pen shaft.

Now take a wine cork and cut a small piece of it in the shape of a circle.

You also need to get the motor. Slowly, very carefully, so as not to damage the mini-motor, disassemble the toy. Be careful not to damage the connecting wires between the motor and the machine’s remote control. You will need everything except the body. When everything is prepared, start assembling.

Assembling the tattoo machine

We continue the conversation about how to make a homemade tattoo machine. Now you need to collect everything.

  • First you need to assemble the handle. Insert the handle shaft into the shell (base).
  • Now you need to take the motor, attach it to the curved metal plate, and then use electrical tape to secure the plate tightly to the handle shaft.
  • Then you need to take a piece of cork in the form of a circle, combine it with the mini-motor (put it directly on the shaft).
  • You need to attach a prepared string to the motor. The string must be placed in the shaft of the handle and then attached to the motor. The free end of the string must be bent and then inserted into the plug on the shaft. For your tattoo machine to work perfectly, you need the string to come out of the rod no more than 1.5-2 mm. Therefore, you need to get rid of the excess part of the string.
  • The device will be ready for use as soon as you wrap the motor with electrical tape. It is best to make several layers of winding for safety.
  • You can see how to make a tattoo machine in the video, which is located just below on the page. It shows in detail and clearly how to make a tattoo machine yourself.
  • Now you know how to make a tattoo machine at home. If you want a larger tattoo machine, you should choose a larger motor. Before using the machine for its intended purpose, you need to thoroughly disinfect it with alcohol and then an antiseptic. After disinfection, turn on the machine, dip it in special ink and you can start creating your masterpieces.