Love horoscope for November. Free and seeking

The stars and love horoscope for autumn November 2017 promises uncertainty and ambiguity for almost every representative of the Zodiac in love affairs. For married couples, quarrels and showdowns are possible, caused primarily by the influence of the location of the planets during this period.

You can avoid them only by remaining calm and reasonable, although this will not be easy. It would be better to postpone making difficult joint decisions in November; postpone them until next month.

In November 2017, single people are unlikely to meet the person they dreamed of and with whom they could connect their destiny. But don’t despair, this is not a reason to “give up” - still communicate and get to know each other, spend time in society, have fun and hope! Even though the probability of meeting your soulmate in November is low, there is nonetheless good opportunity meet a kind or cheerful person.

It is worth remembering that in the first half of November the celestial planets will provoke people into conflicts. Many of us will want to make adjustments to our lives, some changes, but remember that from desire to real action the path is quite difficult and few people will be able to complete it to the end.

The love horoscope for November 2017 does not imply breakups, divorces or separations, so you should wait for some time and everything will work out and fall into place. Treat your loved ones with understanding during this period - allow them and yourself a little freedom, and you will be convinced that your feelings will flare up with new emotions. 3230

Family relationships, for almost the entire last month of autumn, will be tested for strength. There will be mutual nagging and criticism, and jealousy can ruin the strongest marriage. Control yourself, try not to succumb to the influence of stars, learn to be tactful and tolerant.

The last week of autumn November is the best period to improve relationships with your relatives, with whom you have been quarreling for a long time. Get over yourself and take a step towards them, and you will see that everything will change for the better.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aries predicts a joint trip with your spouse. You have been waiting for this moment for so long that you are even confused with happiness. Pay more attention to those relatives who are not feeling well. In November 2017, they need special care and financial support. Lonely Aries will go on a business trip at the end of the month, where he will meet his soulmate.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aries woman does not recommend ignoring those unpleasant conversations that are going on behind her back. If a close friend is spreading gossip, then you should find out everything and talk to her. The fact is that she also likes the man you are dating. A love triangle is not for Aries, so in November 2017 you will decide to put everything in its place.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aries man advises you to become more confident in yourself so that the Lady you like will pay attention to you. If you forget about the initiative on your part, then some other assertive man will pick it up. Aries will have to suffer a lot because of unrequited love. Look at the situation more optimistically, then your personal life will improve.

The Aries family haven will be quiet this month, only occasionally quarrels may arise due to the fact that there is absolutely not enough energy or time for romance. Bogged down in everyday life, Aries needs to add a little fire to their romantic relationships. Representatives of the fair sex are simply obliged to pamper themselves with shopping or a trip to the salon, and Aries men can buy themselves a pleasant trifle. It is these little things that will allow you not to lose heart in November and maintain an even relationship with your partner.

Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

The end of autumn for most people born under the sign of Taurus may not be a very favorable period for their personal lives. The stars this month are aligned in such a way that single Taurus will find it difficult to find a common language when dating and romantic encounters with members of the opposite sex. People belonging to this zodiac sign will not be able to immediately determine the cause of the difficulties in communication that arose in November, so they risk taking the events taking place to heart. The stars tell Taurus that it is worth waiting out this period without hasty conclusions and actions.

Taurus, consisting of strong union, will be able to relax in November and devote themselves to putting the house in order. To avoid conflicts in the future, distribute responsibilities equally, but do not forget to leave room in life for pleasant surprises. In the middle of the month it would be good to have a romantic date with champagne and oysters; be unpredictable and your partner will fall in love with you with renewed vigor. For those whose relationships have just begun, the stars advise them to travel more together and share other pleasant moments between the two of them.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus woman promises a lot of pleasant meetings, acquaintances and incredible actions on the part of men. At work, an affair with a colleague or boss is possible. There is no limit to your charm, but you should still be careful in love. In November 2017, Taurus will often remember their past romance. If you decide to return to your ex-lover, then think it over carefully.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus man recommends being meticulous even in small things, so that your chosen one will notice your sincere attitude. A joint vacation at a camp site, nature, or in another city will help Taurus get to know his beloved better. In November 2017, you will learn something that will greatly elevate your companion in your eyes.

Love horoscope for Gemini for November 2017

November will welcome single Geminis with open arms and give them a new love. The object of passion may well be Sagittarius or Capricorn; your union will be bright and stormy, but at the same time quite durable. In the middle of the month, there will be a proposal to move to another city or country, but this decision may interfere with establishing relationships, so you will need to make a choice between love and career. Everything will be fine in Gemini’s family life, because over the previous months they have already experienced an entire unimaginable range of feelings and are now simply enjoying family comfort.

Gemini's personal life can be quite tense in November. The stars tell the representatives of this zodiac sign that this period of time is not very suitable for new acquaintances and romances, especially the beginning of the month. However, this will not prevent many Geminis from turning their attention to existing acquaintances and emerging relationships. Most single Gemini girls and men have every chance in the last weeks of autumn to begin closer communication with flirting and continue it in the future with marriage. Accurate love horoscope for November recommends that people belonging to this Constellation not to rush things, but to enjoy the growing feeling of love and pleasant excitement.

An important theme of this month will be the harmonious alternation of work and rest in the company of a loved one. Learning to love and be loved is your main task. Fate will present you with a surprise in the form of a romantic meeting with all the ensuing consequences. The main thing is not to ignore your destiny.

If you have a great desire to change something, wait until the end of November, then you can get down to business. This time is most favorable for joint trips.

For single representatives of Gemini, the stars and horoscope for the beginning of November promise a romantic acquaintance with a new person, perhaps he will be somewhat older, which should not bother you.

Some singles will want to flirt with an old friend during some parties, of which there will be plenty in November, and by the end of the month this Gemini flirting may even develop into a serious relationship.

People born under the sign of Air who are in a marital relationship are advised by the stars and horoscope to spend time in society as often as possible and not to be shy about showing their feelings for each other.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Gemini women promises that they will definitely not be left without the attention of the opposite sex. You will have the opportunity to experience previously unknown love experiences. Perhaps a wonderful trip together with your chosen one, as well as a marriage proposal. If in November 2017 relatives are unhappy with their Gemini lover, then they need to listen to their hearts, and not their advice.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Gemini men recommends being sensitive and attentive to your chosen one. Many will find themselves an older woman, so they will perceive her more as a mother than a love partner. If Gemini has already decided on the choice of a life partner, then you can safely go to the registry office.

Love horoscope for Cancers for November 2017

In November, Cancers will face a difficult fate; they will constantly be faced with a choice. The love sphere will be full of surprises that can plunge the still inexperienced Cancer into shock. If representatives of this zodiac sign are in a new romantic relationship, then November is the time for their first test of strength. Meeting friends or parents is quite suitable for this; you will be able to understand whether “your” person is nearby.

The love horoscope for November 2017 for Cancer promises a meeting with your soulmate. Only you yourself should not resist the feeling or even the slightest sympathy that will arise when you meet. Initiative Cancers will not miss the opportunity to have not just one, but several love affairs. In November 2017, some, on the contrary, will separate from the person with whom they lived together in a civil marriage.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Cancer woman predicts minor quarrels and claims on the part of the lover. If you yourself are to blame for conflicts, then “dig” into yourself and change a little. Cancer should not refuse invitations to visit friends in November 2017. It is there that you can have an interesting acquaintance with a man who will become both a friend and a lover for you.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Cancer man advises to be more sociable in order to finally arrange your personal life. If you constantly think about work, you will remain alone. Cancer needs to be more sincere with the woman he loves in November. She doesn't expect anything from you beautiful words, but noble deeds. Surprise her in 2017 with your truly masculine behavior.

Everything that was hidden from you will come to the surface. Use information wisely, it is a weapon; which should fire at just the right moment. You will overcome the barriers of difficulties thanks to awareness and willingness to change for the better. The establishment of not only pleasant, but also useful contacts will take place brilliantly, which will contribute to good emotional background, strengthening relationships.

If you haven’t been able to sit still lately and want exciting experiences and adventures, that’s also normal. You can have fun without fear.

In the first half of November, Cancer will be surprised by his partner, his thoughtfulness, attention to him and his unprecedented thriftiness. It is quite possible that, thanks to his initiative, certain changes will occur in your shared housing, possibly renovations or a new acquisition.

For the still lonely representatives of the zodiac Cancer, a long-familiar admirer will provide financial assistance, most likely already in the second half of November. At the end of the month, be careful and do not succumb to the manipulations of friends, work colleagues or your parents, so as not to completely ruin your relationship with them.

The first two months of autumn for many single Cancers were quite successful in terms of new acquaintances and making romantic relationships. In November, the stars recommend that representatives of this zodiac sign begin strengthening relationships that began earlier. In order to give their communication with their chosen one a chance to gain full strength and the opportunity to develop their feelings, Cancers need to be ready in November to prove their intentions with actions. Attention, help and support will help lonely Cancers quickly find a common language with the object of their sympathy than beautiful words.

Love horoscope for Leo for November 2017

Leos this month are full of new aspirations and plans, which they will also carry over to the whole next year. Lonely representatives of this sign will be lucky in November, and they will meet two worthy men at once. The choice ahead is very difficult, but time will help you make it right. One of them may turn out to be your future companion for life. November 2017 favors Leos in all endeavors and strengthens their self-confidence, and it is precisely self-confident individuals who so keenly attract love.

Change your behavior pattern, learn to instantly transform yourself, adapt to the circumstances and mood of others. At the same time, you will probably want to break the usual boundaries and try yourself in a new capacity, to do something extraordinary.

IN difficult situations bet on non-standard solutions, help from relatives and friends. Look for your soul mate! And it’s time to get out of the “tailspin” of a temporary hobby. Break the chains - this is an obstacle to true love.

The entire first half of November will absorb Leo with household chores, which will become the main topic for himself and his loved one. Household and other household chores will bring you even closer together, proving to both how serious and necessary your marriage is.

Starting from the second half of November, beware of the influence of your partner, your close friends and relatives, brothers or sisters. IN last days month, a long-awaited acquaintance awaits a lonely Leo after several unsuccessful relationships, which may end with what you dreamed of.

The personal life of single Leo in November 2017 has every opportunity to be full of bright and contradictory love experiences. The chance of finding love this month is quite high, but there is a significant risk of ending up in a relationship with an unfree person. At the end of autumn, not all Leos will find the strength not to enter into a love triangle, since feelings and emotions will be very strong. For those representatives of the Leo sign who find themselves in this situation unknowingly, the likelihood of a quick break in such relationships is high. But the desire to break up an already established couple for many Leos in the future may end unfavorably.

Love horoscope for November 2017 predicts for Leo radical change in personal life. You will look at your relationship with your loved one differently, and also decide to add variety to the intimate side of life. Leo will often resist what is going on in his soul. In November 2017, you need to listen to your chosen one more, and not criticize his behavior. Although, many Leos will, on the contrary, willingly protect their soulmate.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Leo woman advises you to show your true temperament. You are an extraordinary and vain person, so in love you will want to lead, and not follow the lead of your chosen one. A man will often be jealous of you and create scandals in front of all honest people. The Lioness is unlikely to like this. In terms of a date, find some place where you can go together and be alone.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Leo man promises an idyll in relations with his chosen one. But you yourself can ruin everything if you don’t leave her past affections alone. Be more restrained, and also care more about what interests you and how things are going at work for your significant other.

Love horoscope for Virgos for November 2017

November will be very harsh for Virgos. The Red Monkey does not want to leave them alone, and will again throw an unpleasant surprise on the personal front. At some point, Virgos may decide that this is a sign to break off the relationship, but this conclusion will be wrong. Help will come from Taurus or Capricorn when you least expect it. By the end of the month, Virgos' love affairs will subside, and they will be able to calmly enjoy the company of a loved one.

At the stage of the new month, learn to think and act specifically, to calmly relate to matters of the heart and the surrounding reality. Try to take advantage of all offers and opportunities to improve your interests. The love assault will end in victory: determination and drive are your allies.

There won't be much upheaval on the family front; loved ones will repent of their mistakes, become generous, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of your happiness. Reciprocate, and the situation will finally begin to improve for the better.

Usually, Virgo representatives, who are quite rational in life, can lose their heads in November from excessive sexual passion for a new acquaintance, former colleague from work or a study friend, especially in the first ten days of the month. For married couples, this is the most suitable time to build relationships, and no one forbade experimenting!

The second ten days of November should be relatively calm and most likely in the atmosphere home comfort. In the last week of the month, some event will happen at work, or maybe at home, and it is quite possible that Virgo will have to sacrifice something, although the result will be in favor.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Virgo to be careful with intimate acquaintances. It seems to you that everything is permitted and not punishable. In fact, Virgo may have more problems in November than she thinks. Quarrels and conflicts will arise with your chosen one, so in 2017, be more reasonable and tolerant. If the relationship with a loved one has become completely unbearable, then Virgo should draw conclusions and break up with the person. Otherwise, you will torture each other mentally for a long time.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Virgo woman advises stopping the eternal pursuit of impressions. Look around you and then happiness will be very close. Many Virgos will receive an official proposal from their lover in November. If in 2017 you are personally committed to family and children, then without undue modesty, agree and get married.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Virgo man advises to be open and romantic. Don’t hide the feelings you have for your chosen one. Otherwise, jealousy and suspicion will often arise on her part in November 2017. Virgo will have many women who will become only reliable friends for him, and not mistresses.

In the last weeks of autumn, most Virgos may notice unexpectedly frequent changes in mood and increased emotionality, affecting communication with the opposite sex. This circumstance may not have a very favorable effect on new acquaintances, so the stars advise Virgos to try to be more restrained. November will not be the best month for making fateful decisions and planning long-awaited events regarding your personal life. Free Virgos should put everything aside important changes for a while.

Love horoscope for Libra for November 2017

November will not bring Libra the expected happiness; on the contrary, it will seem very dull and cold. In a love relationship, everything will be bland, although open conflicts will not occur. Libra may try to correct the situation towards the end of the month, when a special occasion arises, but this attempt may not bear fruit. If Libra’s partners are Pisces or Aquarius, then the relationship may break down completely, because no one will take the initiative. Watch carefully the behavior of your loved one; perhaps he has long wanted to be heard.
Family relationships will play a big role - harmony and mutual understanding will reign in many couples. For those who are looking for love, there is only one piece of advice - rely more on your feelings than on your mind.

Throughout the first decade, the zodiac representatives of Libra will withdraw into themselves for some time to rethink recent events. Some of them may fall in love, even with a person who is inaccessible to them due to marriage.

However, starting from the second ten days of November, everything will change dramatically, and Libra will find themselves in the center of attention of the opposite sex, which they have been missing so much lately. 230

In the third ten days of the month, be vigilant and control yourself, beware of sudden outbursts of aggression on your part and the stubbornness of your partner; it is better to wait out this time. Be careful when communicating with your parents; during this period, they can negatively affect your relationship with a new person by giving unnecessary advice.

The love horoscope for November 2017 does not advise Libra to indulge in self-criticism and seclusion. If not everything goes according to plan in your personal life, then act on your intuition. In love, everything cannot work out exactly and correctly. In November 2017, Libra needs to be more careful and picky with intimate relationships. Otherwise, you will have more problems than you might think. You may have a love affair with Aquarius and Gemini, but avoid Pisces. The main thing is not to lose your head.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra women advises being active and proactive in order to create a strong relationship with the man of your dreams. Share your thoughts and plans with your friends less so that they do not languish with envy. If Libra invites the man they like on a date in November 2017, then disaster will not happen. By the way, he has been waiting for the first step from you for a long time.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra men recommends being patient if he wants to keep his chosen one. She is a Lady with character, but that is exactly why you love her. If in November 2017 Libra organizes a trip to nature or a camp site, this will have a remarkable effect on strengthening the relationship with his partner.

In the life of lonely representatives of the sign of Libra, in the last autumn month, a person may appear who will change many of their ideas about their future. During this period of time, free Libras are capable of falling in love at first sight and tormented in the unknown about the reciprocity of feelings. The fire of love in November 2017 may flare up quite unexpectedly for people born under this sign and bring them a lot of different experiences. An accurate love horoscope tells Libra that you should not torment yourself with doubts in this case, but rather honestly open up to your chosen one. Even if Libra’s feelings remain unrequited in November, it will be better than suppressed emotions and suffering.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for November 2017

Just like last month, November for Scorpio (especially men) will be filled with bright feelings. However, your loved one may not necessarily be able to share all your hobbies and impulses. Be prepared for the fact that your partner will want the quiet comfort of home, while you invite him to the most unusual party. In the middle and end of the month, Scorpios will have to make compromises and moderate their activity in order to maintain relationships. Single Scorpios still enjoy their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. Think about it, maybe it's time for something serious?

Throughout the month, streams of secret information about your loved one will flow to you, but secrets and incriminating evidence must be used skillfully. Then you will find out who is a friend and who is an enemy, and how to deal with it.

Many of the Scorpios will have increased otherworldly sensations, some - supernatural psychological abilities. You will incomprehensibly calculate situations, find yourself in a mystical coincidence of circumstances, and discover secrets. Relationships with family will become warmer and more frank, home will be desirable and familiar, unlike work, where much is unsteady and impermanent.

In the first week of November, Scorpios can count on a major acquisition, or, in extreme cases, communication with friends who should help improve the atmosphere in your couple.

During the rest of the month, this person may feel that their partner is moving away from them. However, do not despair, this is not entirely true, he simply urgently needs a break, time to comprehend the latest events and understand himself.

The most acute conflicts with a partner may arise in the second ten days of November, when Scorpio feels that his partner is hiding something from him or not telling him something. Try not to pay attention to this, temporarily distract yourself from such thoughts and everything will return to normal by itself.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Scorpio woman advises you to trust your partner more. You shouldn’t monitor his every behavior, check his phone book and bother him with calls. Otherwise, you yourself will do everything to ensure that your relationship collapses like a pyramid in November 2017. Scorpio will meet the man she loved in her youth.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Scorpio man advises him to look at everything that is happening in his personal life with optimism. If you have not yet met your soulmate, then enjoy your freedom and independence. In November 2017, Scorpio urgently needs to change his image and take care of his appearance. By the way, how long ago have you been to a fashion boutique and tried on a stylish shirt? If not, then without hesitation, go to the store and update your wardrobe.

The last month of autumn for most Scorpios will be associated with pleasant emotions and bright expectations. Anticipation of joyful events in November will help single representatives of this zodiac sign in making new acquaintances and romantic relationships with the opposite sex. Since Scorpios will not make any plans for a specific development in their personal life, there will be much less disappointment during this period. The love horoscope for November suggests that indiscreet glances and attention from the opposite sex this month should not be ignored. New acquaintances this month can not only give pleasant emotions, but also largely justify Scorpio’s premonitions.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for November 2017

November is the time when Sagittarius begins to feel their power over others, including their lovers. They succeed in everything, and their friends are ready to simply idolize them. However, this can play a bad joke on Sagittarius, and in the rush for fame and success, he may miss something important in the relationship. Try to find a balance between self-realization and caring for your loved one, try to at least sometimes look weak and defenseless (this is especially true for Sagittarius men). After all, those around you sometimes want to see the other side of the coin, to change roles for a while.

Representatives of this zodiac sign- virtuosos of the contact sphere, so communicate willingly, exchange thoughts and impressions. The main thing is not to be tempted by flattery, compliments and not to react to lies that someone will willingly spread. Then you will be able to expand your circle of friends and even fill a vacancy in your heart with a new hobby.

For those who find themselves in the clutches of illness: reconsider your attitude towards people. Say everything that’s boiling in your soul, be generous and start living in a new way.

The mysterious personality of Sagittarius, surrounded by inaccessibility and an aura of wisdom, will attract the attention of the opposite sex in the first ten days of November. New relationships may reach a decisive point towards the end of the month. These qualities of the zodiac representative of Sagittarius, first of all, the sharing of his spiritual values, will become especially important for him in his relationship with his partner.

The stars advise this person to work in the month of November on strengthening friendly and trusting relationships with his loved one, be more tactful and tolerant, this will fuel the passion in your partner.

Perseverance is usually not part of the distinctive features most Sagittarius, but in November many lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will try to arrange their personal lives with its help. At the end of autumn, Sagittarius may have quite a lot of acquaintances and meetings with the opposite sex on their own initiative. However, most of them during this period of time will not cause the emergence of mutual sympathy and romantic feelings. Despite this, the desire of single Sagittarius to find their soul mate in November will not decrease. With enviable stubbornness, people born under this constellation will get acquainted again and make dates.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for November 2017

Lonely Capricorns this month are in a state of “waiting for a miracle.” In every passerby they imagine a future life partner, they regard every smile as a sign from above. It’s worth the wait; only at the very end will 2017 give you a 100% chance of meeting “your” person. Capricorns who are in a love relationship are not in danger in November, because they know how to behave with great restraint even in very controversial situations. Never raise your voice at Capricorn; he is used to resolving all conflicts peacefully and judiciously.

In love, men and women of the Capricorn sign will have a white streak; relationships with a loved one and family are extremely wonderful. You are the flagship of family prosperity. You are valued, respected, stressed, but you cannot be intimidated by housework. Focus on household chores, encourage household members to work.

At a critical moment, a second wind will open, your energy potential is sufficient, and your creative vein is pulsating. The only thing is to focus your attention on the best features of those people with whom you communicate, awaken their virtues, talents and always act according to your conscience.

Earthly representatives of Capricorn will suddenly understand that it would not hurt them to become interested in someone, for example, with someone with whom they are connected at work, quite possibly it will be a colleague, or their own subordinate. In the middle of this month, such a light romance may even develop into an official relationship.

Capricorns in a marital relationship are advised by the stars and horoscope for November 2015 to consider expanding their business or thinking about starting a new one creative project with a loved man. At the end of the month, the sexual issue will be of most interest to Capricorn.

The love horoscope for November 2017 promises a fateful meeting for Capricorn. Even your “icy” heart will be open to new love sensations. If you have recently broken up with your chosen one, then find a person who will become “not an outlet” for you, but a reliable friend. Capricorn will develop a wonderful and sensitive relationship with Cancer and Aries. Avoid a love affair with an Aquarius, otherwise you yourself will worry and be disappointed.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Capricorn woman predicts a sea of ​​charm, sexuality and magnetism. Before you even have time to come to your senses after an unsuccessful romance, you will instantly start another one. It is possible that he will encounter troubles on the love front. You may meet a gigolo or a ladies' man on your way. You understand that there is no chance of happy love here.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Capricorn man recommends telling your companion less about former hobbies. She will be jealous of you and torment you with questions throughout November 2017. A meeting with a beautiful and intelligent woman awaits Capricorn at a press conference, where he will be sent at the end of the month.

For many Capricorns, autumn cannot be called a period favorable for establishing a personal life. Lonely representatives of this sign in November most likely will not initiate new acquaintances and romantic encounters. However, most free Capricorns will respond quite favorably to showing attention to their person. The end of autumn for representatives of this zodiac sign may coincide with the end of a period of passivity in relationships. In the last weeks of November, some Capricorns may already feel the desire to find their other half.

Aquarius love horoscope - November 2017

Direct your loved ones into the desired “flow”, but only without dictatorial pressure. Then everything in your relationship will be fine. Also respect your relatives, since the family is your reliable support and a cozy haven. In communication you will be lucky to meet like-minded people. And if you like someone, get to know them better.

It is important not to violate the golden mean between “I can” and “I want”, to help in moderation to everyone who asks for it, without overloading yourself with tedious work. Psychological comfort this month is the key good health, the opportunity to understand the secret meaning of existence. Almost the entire first half of November promises the zodiac representatives of Aquarius unexpected changes in their lives, mainly related to their home, sometimes not entirely pleasant. These changes can even dramatically change your relationship with your partner.

In the second half, the tense situation will subside, and Aquarius will realize that it is possible to benefit from everything that is happening. Lonely Aquarius will have a series of exciting acquaintances that will end in short-term romances, one of which at the end of November may eventually develop into long-term ones love relationship.

During this period, Aquarius may begin an unplanned romance. In November, representatives of this zodiac sign will pay attention to their long-time and already forgotten fans. If Aquarius already has spouses, then it is better to direct new energy to improving relationships in the family. November will bring free and lonely Aquarius the opportunity to meet each other, if not for love, then for friendship - for sure. The horoscope promises them a lot of emotions and pleasant meetings. As a result, Aquarius will mistakenly form an opinion about their own luck in the last month of autumn. In fact, November only shows favor, which is temporary.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Aquarius to calm down mentally and think more about their career than their personal life. Moreover, everything is fine with you - your loved one, harmony and mutual understanding. But if Aquarius persistently strives for freedom, then the conflict will not be avoided. Shifts on the love front in November 2017 can seriously harm your relationship with your chosen one.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aquarius woman does not recommend chasing a fictitious image of a man. There is no ideal in nature, so be more prudent. There will be no end to fans in November, but you will aim for a chosen one with whom you will not only be reliable, but also easy to communicate with. Aquarius needs an understanding friend, not an insanely passionate lover. In 2017, you are organizing a trip abroad with your partner.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aquarius man predicts a meeting with a woman who will accept him for who he is. Just don't show off yours in front of her. strengths. Half of them, alas, will not be in authority in November 2017. The Aquarius woman you love needs to be trusted, and not subject to checks and interrogations for any reason.

A quiet life for Aquarius can become a real torment. Representatives of this sign need to receive and give their emotions to loved ones. Therefore, in November, many lonely people born under this zodiac sign may begin a period of anxiety. There are no fateful changes or long-awaited events to be expected in the last weeks of autumn, so boredom may settle in the souls of Aquarius. In November, free Aquarians will try to diversify their lives by making many new acquaintances and attending big parties.

Love horoscope for Pisces for November 2017

In November, troubles may arise in the financial sphere, which will lead to problems in your personal life. Pisces will have to work very hard to solve their problems without shifting them onto their partner's shoulders. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family, this way you will deal with difficulties much faster and be able to once again devote yourself to your loved one, because Pisces are so eager to plunge headlong into love.

The cosmic compass indicates the improvement of your personal life, do not stray from this guideline, even the spiritual cold of your loved ones should not affect this. Friends will reassure you, help you financially, and support you morally. Tame the “piranha” within you and do not go beyond the bounds of decency. However, you are not short of wisdom and erudition; you will successfully cope with problems.

It's time to propose and confess your feelings to your loved ones. Under your own roof, you can start renovations, receive guests, and organize home parties.

Zodiac representatives of Pisces in the first ten days of November simply need material and mental support from a loved one, which should strengthen your relationship, but in this case the loved one must take on some of your problems and concerns.

For those who are still single, the stars and horoscope for November 2017 foreshadow a romantic relationship with a stranger, whom Pisces will probably meet as a guest at some kind of celebration or maybe on a business trip.

But don’t forget what a fleeting romance and working relationship are, so that you don’t have to regret it later. Do not be jealous of your loved one’s work during this period, especially in the second half of November.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Pisces to avoid dubious acquaintances. Otherwise, you will ruin your reputation for a long time. Pisces who have not yet met their soulmate have a chance to become happy in this regard in November 2017. Unforgettable adventures and impressions await you in the middle of the month. If Pisces already has a lover, then you should not escalate the situation and find fault with him over trifles.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces women predicts many disagreements with a loved one. Your partner is constantly busy with work, which you categorically do not accept. On the other hand, Pisces themselves wanted their beloved man to have a career and be wealthy. In November 2017, you should not share the secrets of your personal life even with a close friend. For a date with your new lover, update your wardrobe.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces men promises a lot of experiences and disappointments. Don’t be shy about your feelings and emotions, because you truly love your chosen one. In November, Pisces should avoid casual intimate relationships. Those who were about you can find out about them in 2017 better opinion. Try to maintain a good reputation.

Most single Pisces will continue to actively search for their other half in November. However, not all of them will truly be ready to meet their love. Some indecisiveness of Pisces, their increased attention to the opinions of friends and relatives can affect the continuation of acquaintances and the fate of the emerging romantic relationship. Not all free Pisces in the last month of autumn will actually be as confident in their abilities as they imagined in their heads. In November, the stars advise people born under this constellation to think carefully before starting meetings and getting close to new acquaintances of the opposite sex.

The stars and love horoscope for autumn November 2017 promises uncertainty and ambiguity for almost every representative of the Zodiac in love affairs. For married couples, quarrels and showdowns are possible, caused primarily by the influence of the location of the planets during this period.

You can avoid them only by remaining calm and reasonable, although this will not be easy. It would be better to postpone making difficult joint decisions in November; postpone them until next month.

In November 2017, single people are unlikely to meet the person they dreamed of and with whom they could connect their destiny. But don’t despair, this is not a reason to “give up” - still communicate and get to know each other, spend time in society, have fun and hope! Even though the probability of meeting your soul mate in November is low, nevertheless, there is a good opportunity to meet a kind or cheerful person.

It is worth remembering that in the first half of November the celestial planets will provoke people into conflicts. Many of us will want to make adjustments to our lives, some changes, but remember that from desire to real action the path is quite difficult and few people will be able to complete it to the end.

The love horoscope for November 2017 does not imply breakups, divorces or separations, so you should wait for some time and everything will work out and fall into place. Treat your loved ones with understanding during this period - allow them and yourself a little freedom, and you will be convinced that your feelings will flare up with new emotions. 3230

Family relationships, for almost the entire last month of autumn, will be tested for strength. There will be mutual nagging and criticism, and jealousy can ruin the strongest marriage. Control yourself, try not to succumb to the influence of stars, learn to be tactful and tolerant.

The last week of autumn November is the best period to improve relationships with your relatives, with whom you have been quarreling for a long time. Get over yourself and take a step towards them, and you will see that everything will change for the better.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aries predicts a joint trip with your spouse. You have been waiting for this moment for so long that you are even confused with happiness. Pay more attention to those relatives who are not feeling well. In November 2017, they need special care and financial support. Lonely Aries will go on a business trip at the end of the month, where he will meet his soulmate.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aries woman does not recommend ignoring those unpleasant conversations that are going on behind her back. If a close friend is spreading gossip, then you should find out everything and talk to her. The fact is that she also likes the man you are dating. A love triangle is not for Aries, so in November 2017 you will decide to put everything in its place.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aries man advises you to become more confident in yourself so that the Lady you like will pay attention to you. If you forget about the initiative on your part, then some other assertive man will pick it up. Aries will have to suffer a lot because of unrequited love. Look at the situation more optimistically, then your personal life will improve.

The Aries family haven will be quiet this month, only occasionally quarrels may arise due to the fact that there is absolutely not enough energy or time for romance. Bogged down in everyday life, Aries needs to add a little fire to their romantic relationships. Representatives of the fair sex are simply obliged to pamper themselves with shopping or a trip to the salon, and Aries men can buy themselves a pleasant trifle. It is these little things that will allow you not to lose heart in November and maintain an even relationship with your partner.

Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

The end of autumn for most people born under the sign of Taurus may not be a very favorable period for their personal lives. The stars this month are aligned in such a way that single Taurus will find it difficult to find a common language when dating and romantic encounters with members of the opposite sex. People belonging to this zodiac sign will not be able to immediately determine the cause of the difficulties in communication that arose in November, so they risk taking the events taking place to heart. The stars tell Taurus that it is worth waiting out this period without hasty conclusions and actions.

Taurus, who are in a strong union, will be able to relax in November and devote themselves to putting their house in order. To avoid conflicts in the future, distribute responsibilities equally, but do not forget to leave room in life for pleasant surprises. In the middle of the month it would be good to have a romantic date with champagne and oysters; be unpredictable and your partner will fall in love with you with renewed vigor. For those whose relationships have just begun, the stars advise them to travel more together and share other pleasant moments between the two of them.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus woman promises a lot of pleasant meetings, acquaintances and incredible actions on the part of men. At work, an affair with a colleague or boss is possible. There is no limit to your charm, but you should still be careful in love. In November 2017, Taurus will often remember their past romance. If you decide to return to your ex-lover, then think it over carefully.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus man recommends being meticulous even in small things, so that your chosen one will notice your sincere attitude. A joint vacation at a camp site, nature, or in another city will help Taurus get to know his beloved better. In November 2017, you will learn something that will greatly elevate your companion in your eyes.

Love horoscope for Gemini for November 2017

November will welcome single Geminis with open arms and give them a new love. The object of passion may well be Sagittarius or Capricorn; your union will be bright and stormy, but at the same time quite durable. In the middle of the month, there will be a proposal to move to another city or country, but this decision may interfere with establishing relationships, so you will need to make a choice between love and career. Everything will be fine in Gemini’s family life, because over the previous months they have already experienced an entire unimaginable range of feelings and are now simply enjoying family comfort.

Gemini's personal life can be quite tense in November. The stars tell the representatives of this zodiac sign that this period of time is not very suitable for new acquaintances and romances, especially the beginning of the month. However, this will not prevent many Geminis from turning their attention to existing acquaintances and emerging relationships. Most single Gemini girls and men have every chance in the last weeks of autumn to begin closer communication with flirting and continue it in the future with marriage. An accurate love horoscope for November recommends that people belonging to this Constellation do not rush things, but rather enjoy the growing feeling of love and pleasant excitement.

An important theme of this month will be the harmonious alternation of work and rest in the company of a loved one. Learning to love and be loved is your main task. Fate will present you with a surprise in the form of a romantic meeting with all the ensuing consequences. The main thing is not to ignore your destiny.

If you have a great desire to change something, wait until the end of November, then you can get down to business. This time is most favorable for joint trips.

For single representatives of Gemini, the stars and horoscope for the beginning of November promise a romantic acquaintance with a new person, perhaps he will be somewhat older, which should not bother you.

Some singles will want to flirt with an old friend during some parties, of which there will be plenty in November, and by the end of the month this Gemini flirting may even develop into a serious relationship.

People born under the sign of Air who are in a marital relationship are advised by the stars and horoscope to spend time in society as often as possible and not to be shy about showing their feelings for each other.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Gemini women promises that they will definitely not be left without the attention of the opposite sex. You will have the opportunity to experience previously unknown love experiences. Perhaps a wonderful trip together with your chosen one, as well as a marriage proposal. If in November 2017 relatives are unhappy with their Gemini lover, then they need to listen to their hearts, and not their advice.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Gemini men recommends being sensitive and attentive to your chosen one. Many will find themselves an older woman, so they will perceive her more as a mother than a love partner. If Gemini has already decided on the choice of a life partner, then you can safely go to the registry office.

Love horoscope for Cancers for November 2017

In November, Cancers will face a difficult fate; they will constantly be faced with a choice. The love sphere will be full of surprises that can plunge the still inexperienced Cancer into shock. If representatives of this zodiac sign are in a new romantic relationship, then November is the time for their first test of strength. Meeting friends or parents is quite suitable for this; you will be able to understand whether “your” person is nearby.

The love horoscope for November 2017 for Cancer promises a meeting with your soulmate. Only you yourself should not resist the feeling or even the slightest sympathy that will arise when you meet. Initiative Cancers will not miss the opportunity to have not just one, but several love affairs. In November 2017, some, on the contrary, will separate from the person with whom they lived together in a civil marriage.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Cancer woman predicts minor quarrels and claims on the part of the lover. If you yourself are to blame for conflicts, then “dig” into yourself and change a little. Cancer should not refuse invitations to visit friends in November 2017. It is there that you can have an interesting acquaintance with a man who will become both a friend and a lover for you.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Cancer man advises to be more sociable in order to finally arrange your personal life. If you constantly think about work, you will remain alone. Cancer needs to be more sincere with the woman he loves in November. She expects from you not beautiful words, but noble deeds. Surprise her in 2017 with your truly masculine behavior.

Everything that was hidden from you will come to the surface. Use information wisely, it is a weapon; which should fire at just the right moment. You will overcome the barriers of difficulties thanks to awareness and willingness to change for the better. The establishment of not only pleasant, but also useful contacts will take place brilliantly, which will contribute to a good emotional background and strengthening relationships.

If you haven’t been able to sit still lately and want exciting experiences and adventures, that’s also normal. You can have fun without fear.

In the first half of November, Cancer will be surprised by his partner, his thoughtfulness, attention to him and his unprecedented thriftiness. It is quite possible that, thanks to his initiative, certain changes will occur in your shared housing, possibly renovations or a new acquisition.

For the still single representatives of the zodiac Cancer, a long-familiar admirer will provide financial assistance, most likely already in the second half of November. At the end of the month, be careful and do not succumb to the manipulations of friends, work colleagues or your parents, so as not to completely ruin your relationship with them.

The first two months of autumn for many single Cancers were quite successful in terms of meeting new people and starting romantic relationships. In November, the stars recommend that representatives of this zodiac sign begin strengthening relationships that began earlier. In order to give their communication with their chosen one a chance to gain full strength and the opportunity to develop their feelings, Cancers need to be ready in November to prove their intentions with actions. Attention, help and support will help lonely Cancers quickly find a common language with the object of their sympathy than beautiful words.

Love horoscope for Leo for November 2017

Leos this month are full of new aspirations and plans, which they will also carry over to the whole of next year. Lonely representatives of this sign will be lucky in November, and they will meet two worthy men at once. The choice ahead is very difficult, but time will help you make it right. One of them may turn out to be your future companion for life. November 2017 favors Leos in all endeavors and strengthens their self-confidence, and it is precisely self-confident individuals who so keenly attract love.

Change your behavior pattern, learn to instantly transform yourself, adapt to the circumstances and mood of others. At the same time, you will probably want to break the usual boundaries and try yourself in a new capacity, to do something extraordinary.

In difficult situations, rely on non-standard solutions, the help of loved ones and friends. Look for your soul mate! And it’s time to get out of the “tailspin” of a temporary hobby. Break the chains - this is an obstacle to true love.

The entire first half of November will absorb Leo with household chores, which will become the main topic for himself and his loved one. Household and other household chores will bring you even closer together, proving to both how serious and necessary your marriage is.

Starting from the second half of November, beware of the influence of your partner, your close friends and relatives, brothers or sisters. In the last days of the month, a lonely Leo will have a long-awaited acquaintance after several unsuccessful relationships, which may end with what you dreamed of.

The personal life of single Leo in November 2017 has every opportunity to be full of bright and contradictory love experiences. The chance of finding love this month is quite high, but there is a significant risk of ending up in a relationship with an unfree person. At the end of autumn, not all Leos will find the strength not to enter into a love triangle, since feelings and emotions will be very strong. For those representatives of the Leo sign who find themselves in this situation unknowingly, the likelihood of a quick break in such relationships is high. But the desire to break up an already established couple for many Leos in the future may end unfavorably.

The love horoscope for November 2017 for Leo predicts radical changes in his personal life. You will look at your relationship with your loved one differently, and also decide to add variety to the intimate side of life. Leo will often resist what is going on in his soul. In November 2017, you need to listen to your chosen one more, and not criticize his behavior. Although, many Leos will, on the contrary, willingly protect their soulmate.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Leo woman advises you to show your true temperament. You are an extraordinary and vain person, so in love you will want to lead, and not follow the lead of your chosen one. A man will often be jealous of you and create scandals in front of all honest people. The Lioness is unlikely to like this. In terms of a date, find some place where you can go together and be alone.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Leo man promises an idyll in relations with his chosen one. But you yourself can ruin everything if you don’t leave her past affections alone. Be more restrained, and also care more about what interests you and how things are going at work for your significant other.

Love horoscope for Virgos for November 2017

November will be very harsh for Virgos. The Red Monkey does not want to leave them alone, and will again throw an unpleasant surprise on the personal front. At some point, Virgos may decide that this is a sign to break off the relationship, but this conclusion will be wrong. Help will come from Taurus or Capricorn when you least expect it. By the end of the month, Virgos' love affairs will subside, and they will be able to calmly enjoy the company of a loved one.

At the stage of the new month, learn to think and act specifically, to calmly relate to matters of the heart and the surrounding reality. Try to take advantage of all offers and opportunities to improve your interests. The love assault will end in victory: determination and drive are your allies.

There won't be much upheaval on the family front; loved ones will repent of their mistakes, become generous, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of your happiness. Reciprocate, and the situation will finally begin to improve for the better.

Usually, representatives of Virgo, who are quite rational in life, can lose their heads in November from excessive sexual passion for a new acquaintance, former work colleague or study friend, especially in the first ten days of the month. For married couples, this is the most suitable time to build relationships, and no one forbade experimenting!

The second ten days of November should pass relatively calmly and most likely in an atmosphere of home comfort. In the last week of the month, some event will happen at work, or maybe at home, and it is quite possible that Virgo will have to sacrifice something, although the result will be in favor.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Virgo to be careful with intimate acquaintances. It seems to you that everything is permitted and not punishable. In fact, Virgo may have more problems in November than she thinks. Quarrels and conflicts will arise with your chosen one, so in 2017, be more reasonable and tolerant. If the relationship with a loved one has become completely unbearable, then Virgo should draw conclusions and break up with the person. Otherwise, you will torture each other mentally for a long time.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Virgo woman advises stopping the eternal pursuit of impressions. Look around you and then happiness will be very close. Many Virgos will receive an official proposal from their lover in November. If in 2017 you are personally committed to family and children, then without undue modesty, agree and get married.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Virgo man advises to be open and romantic. Don’t hide the feelings you have for your chosen one. Otherwise, jealousy and suspicion will often arise on her part in November 2017. Virgo will have many women who will become only reliable friends for him, and not mistresses.

In the last weeks of autumn, most Virgos may notice unexpectedly frequent changes in mood and increased emotionality, affecting communication with the opposite sex. This circumstance may not have a very favorable effect on new acquaintances, so the stars advise Virgos to try to be more restrained. November will not be the best month for making fateful decisions and planning long-awaited events regarding your personal life. Free Virgos are better off postponing all important changes for a while.

Love horoscope for Libra for November 2017

November will not bring Libra the expected happiness; on the contrary, it will seem very dull and cold. In a love relationship, everything will be bland, although open conflicts will not occur. Libra may try to correct the situation towards the end of the month, when a special occasion arises, but this attempt may not bear fruit. If Libra’s partners are Pisces or Aquarius, then the relationship may break down completely, because no one will take the initiative. Watch carefully the behavior of your loved one; perhaps he has long wanted to be heard.
Family relationships will play a big role - harmony and mutual understanding will reign in many couples. For those who are looking for love, there is only one piece of advice - rely more on your feelings than on your mind.

Throughout the first decade, the zodiac representatives of Libra will withdraw into themselves for some time to rethink recent events. Some of them may fall in love, even with a person who is inaccessible to them due to marriage.

However, starting from the second ten days of November, everything will change dramatically, and Libra will find themselves in the center of attention of the opposite sex, which they have been missing so much lately. 230

In the third ten days of the month, be vigilant and control yourself, beware of sudden outbursts of aggression on your part and the stubbornness of your partner; it is better to wait out this time. Be careful when communicating with your parents; during this period, they can negatively affect your relationship with a new person by giving unnecessary advice.

The love horoscope for November 2017 does not advise Libra to indulge in self-criticism and seclusion. If not everything goes according to plan in your personal life, then act on your intuition. In love, everything cannot work out exactly and correctly. In November 2017, Libra needs to be more careful and picky with intimate relationships. Otherwise, you will have more problems than you might think. You may have a love affair with Aquarius and Gemini, but avoid Pisces. The main thing is not to lose your head.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra women advises being active and proactive in order to create a strong relationship with the man of your dreams. Share your thoughts and plans with your friends less so that they do not languish with envy. If Libra invites the man they like on a date in November 2017, then disaster will not happen. By the way, he has been waiting for the first step from you for a long time.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra men recommends being patient if he wants to keep his chosen one. She is a Lady with character, but that is exactly why you love her. If in November 2017 Libra organizes a trip to nature or a camp site, this will have a remarkable effect on strengthening the relationship with his partner.

In the life of lonely representatives of the sign of Libra, in the last autumn month, a person may appear who will change many of their ideas about their future. During this period of time, free Libras are capable of falling in love at first sight and tormented in the unknown about the reciprocity of feelings. The fire of love in November 2017 may flare up quite unexpectedly for people born under this sign and bring them a lot of different experiences. An accurate love horoscope tells Libra that you should not torment yourself with doubts in this case, but rather honestly open up to your chosen one. Even if Libra’s feelings remain unrequited in November, it will be better than suppressed emotions and suffering.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for November 2017

Just like last month, November for Scorpio (especially men) will be filled with bright feelings. However, your loved one may not necessarily be able to share all your hobbies and impulses. Be prepared for the fact that your partner will want the quiet comfort of home, while you invite him to the most unusual party. In the middle and end of the month, Scorpios will have to make compromises and moderate their activity in order to maintain relationships. Single Scorpios still enjoy their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. Think about it, maybe it's time for something serious?

Throughout the month, streams of secret information about your loved one will flow to you, but secrets and incriminating evidence must be used skillfully. Then you will find out who is a friend and who is an enemy, and how to deal with it.

Many of the Scorpios will have increased otherworldly sensations, some - supernatural psychological abilities. You will incomprehensibly calculate situations, find yourself in a mystical coincidence of circumstances, and discover secrets. Relationships with family will become warmer and more frank, home will be desirable and familiar, unlike work, where much is unsteady and impermanent.

In the first week of November, Scorpios can count on a major acquisition, or, in extreme cases, communication with friends who should help improve the atmosphere in your couple.

During the rest of the month, this person may feel that their partner is moving away from them. However, do not despair, this is not entirely true, he simply urgently needs a break, time to comprehend the latest events and understand himself.

The most acute conflicts with a partner may arise in the second ten days of November, when Scorpio feels that his partner is hiding something from him or not telling him something. Try not to pay attention to this, temporarily distract yourself from such thoughts and everything will return to normal by itself.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Scorpio woman advises you to trust your partner more. You shouldn’t monitor his every behavior, check his phone book and bother him with calls. Otherwise, you yourself will do everything to ensure that your relationship collapses like a pyramid in November 2017. Scorpio will meet the man she loved in her youth.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Scorpio man advises him to look at everything that is happening in his personal life with optimism. If you have not yet met your soulmate, then enjoy your freedom and independence. In November 2017, Scorpio urgently needs to change his image and take care of his appearance. By the way, how long ago have you been to a fashion boutique and tried on a stylish shirt? If not, then without hesitation, go to the store and update your wardrobe.

The last month of autumn for most Scorpios will be associated with pleasant emotions and bright expectations. Anticipation of joyful events in November will help single representatives of this zodiac sign in making new acquaintances and romantic relationships with the opposite sex. Since Scorpios will not make any plans for a specific development in their personal life, there will be much less disappointment during this period. The love horoscope for November suggests that indiscreet glances and attention from the opposite sex this month should not be ignored. New acquaintances this month can not only give pleasant emotions, but also largely justify Scorpio’s premonitions.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for November 2017

November is the time when Sagittarius begins to feel their power over others, including their lovers. They succeed in everything, and their friends are ready to simply idolize them. However, this can play a bad joke on Sagittarius, and in the rush for fame and success, he may miss something important in the relationship. Try to find a balance between self-realization and caring for your loved one, try to at least sometimes look weak and defenseless (this is especially true for Sagittarius men). After all, those around you sometimes want to see the other side of the coin, to change roles for a while.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are virtuosos of the contact sphere, so be willing to communicate, exchange thoughts and impressions. The main thing is not to be tempted by flattery, compliments and not to react to lies that someone will willingly spread. Then you will be able to expand your circle of friends and even fill a vacancy in your heart with a new hobby.

For those who find themselves in the clutches of illness: reconsider your attitude towards people. Say everything that’s boiling in your soul, be generous and start living in a new way.

The mysterious personality of Sagittarius, surrounded by inaccessibility and an aura of wisdom, will attract the attention of the opposite sex in the first ten days of November. New relationships may reach a decisive point towards the end of the month. These qualities of the zodiac representative of Sagittarius, first of all, the sharing of his spiritual values, will become especially important for him in his relationship with his partner.

The stars advise this person to work in the month of November on strengthening friendly and trusting relationships with his loved one, be more tactful and tolerant, this will fuel the passion in your partner.

Typically, perseverance is not one of the hallmarks of most Sagittarius, but in November many lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will try to arrange their personal lives with its help. At the end of autumn, Sagittarius may have quite a lot of acquaintances and meetings with the opposite sex on their own initiative. However, most of them during this period of time will not cause the emergence of mutual sympathy and romantic feelings. Despite this, the desire of single Sagittarius to find their soul mate in November will not decrease. With enviable stubbornness, people born under this constellation will get acquainted again and make dates.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for November 2017

Lonely Capricorns this month are in a state of “waiting for a miracle.” In every passerby they imagine a future life partner, they regard every smile as a sign from above. It’s worth the wait; only at the very end will 2017 give you a 100% chance of meeting “your” person. Capricorns who are in a love relationship are not in danger in November, because they know how to behave with great restraint even in very controversial situations. Never raise your voice at Capricorn; he is used to resolving all conflicts peacefully and judiciously.

In love, men and women of the Capricorn sign will have a white streak; relationships with a loved one and family are extremely wonderful. You are the flagship of family prosperity. You are valued, respected, stressed, but you cannot be intimidated by housework. Focus on household chores, encourage household members to work.

At a critical moment, a second wind will open, your energy potential is sufficient, and your creative vein is pulsating. The only thing is to focus your attention on the best features of those people with whom you communicate, awaken their virtues, talents and always act according to your conscience.

Earthly representatives of Capricorn will suddenly understand that it would not hurt them to become interested in someone, for example, with someone with whom they are connected at work, quite possibly it will be a colleague, or their own subordinate. In the middle of this month, such a light romance may even develop into an official relationship.

Capricorns in a marital relationship are advised by the stars and horoscope for November 2015 to consider expanding their business or think about starting a new creative project with a loved one. At the end of the month, the sexual issue will be of most interest to Capricorn.

The love horoscope for November 2017 promises a fateful meeting for Capricorn. Even your “icy” heart will be open to new love sensations. If you have recently broken up with your chosen one, then find a person who will become “not an outlet” for you, but a reliable friend. Capricorn will develop a wonderful and sensitive relationship with Cancer and Aries. Avoid a love affair with an Aquarius, otherwise you yourself will worry and be disappointed.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Capricorn woman predicts a sea of ​​charm, sexuality and magnetism. Before you even have time to come to your senses after an unsuccessful romance, you will instantly start another one. It is possible that he will encounter troubles on the love front. You may meet a gigolo or a ladies' man on your way. You understand that there is no chance of happy love here.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Capricorn man recommends telling your partner less about your former hobbies. She will be jealous of you and torment you with questions throughout November 2017. A meeting with a beautiful and intelligent woman awaits Capricorn at a press conference, where he will be sent at the end of the month.

For many Capricorns, autumn cannot be called a period favorable for establishing a personal life. Lonely representatives of this sign in November most likely will not initiate new acquaintances and romantic encounters. However, most free Capricorns will respond quite favorably to showing attention to their person. The end of autumn for representatives of this zodiac sign may coincide with the end of a period of passivity in relationships. In the last weeks of November, some Capricorns may already feel the desire to find their other half.

Aquarius love horoscope - November 2017

Direct your loved ones into the desired “flow”, but only without dictatorial pressure. Then everything in your relationship will be fine. Also respect your relatives, since the family is your reliable support and a cozy haven. In communication you will be lucky to meet like-minded people. And if you like someone, get to know them better.

It is important not to violate the golden mean between “I can” and “I want”, to help in moderation to everyone who asks for it, without overloading yourself with tedious work. Psychological comfort this month is the key to good health, the opportunity to learn the secret meaning of existence. Almost the entire first half of November promises the zodiac representatives of Aquarius unexpected changes in their lives, mainly related to their home, sometimes not entirely pleasant. These changes can even dramatically change your relationship with your partner.

In the second half, the tense situation will subside, and Aquarius will realize that it is possible to benefit from everything that is happening. Single Aquarians will have a series of exciting encounters that will end in short-term romances, one of which at the end of November may eventually develop into a long-term love relationship.

During this period, Aquarius may begin an unplanned romance. In November, representatives of this zodiac sign will pay attention to their long-time and already forgotten fans. If Aquarius already has spouses, then it is better to direct new energy to improving relationships in the family. November will bring free and lonely Aquarius the opportunity to meet each other, if not for love, then for friendship - for sure. The horoscope promises them a lot of emotions and pleasant meetings. As a result, Aquarius will mistakenly form an opinion about their own luck in the last month of autumn. In fact, November only shows favor, which is temporary.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Aquarius to calm down mentally and think more about their career than their personal life. Moreover, everything is fine with you - your loved one, harmony and mutual understanding. But if Aquarius persistently strives for freedom, then the conflict will not be avoided. Shifts on the love front in November 2017 can seriously harm your relationship with your chosen one.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aquarius woman does not recommend chasing a fictitious image of a man. There is no ideal in nature, so be more prudent. There will be no end to fans in November, but you will aim for a chosen one with whom you will not only be reliable, but also easy to communicate with. Aquarius needs an understanding friend, not an insanely passionate lover. In 2017, you are organizing a trip abroad with your partner.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Aquarius man predicts a meeting with a woman who will accept him for who he is. Just don't show off your strengths in front of her. Half of them, alas, will not be in authority in November 2017. The Aquarius woman you love needs to be trusted, and not subject to checks and interrogations for any reason.

A quiet life for Aquarius can become a real torment. Representatives of this sign need to receive and give their emotions to loved ones. Therefore, in November, many lonely people born under this zodiac sign may begin a period of anxiety. There are no fateful changes or long-awaited events to be expected in the last weeks of autumn, so boredom may settle in the souls of Aquarius. In November, free Aquarians will try to diversify their lives by making many new acquaintances and attending big parties.

Love horoscope for Pisces for November 2017

In November, troubles may arise in the financial sphere, which will lead to problems in your personal life. Pisces will have to work very hard to solve their problems without shifting them onto their partner's shoulders. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family, this way you will deal with difficulties much faster and be able to once again devote yourself to your loved one, because Pisces are so eager to plunge headlong into love.

The cosmic compass indicates the improvement of your personal life, do not stray from this guideline, even the spiritual cold of your loved ones should not affect this. Friends will reassure you, help you financially, and support you morally. Tame the “piranha” within you and do not go beyond the bounds of decency. However, you are not short of wisdom and erudition; you will successfully cope with problems.

It's time to propose and confess your feelings to your loved ones. Under your own roof, you can start renovations, receive guests, and organize home parties.

Zodiac representatives of Pisces in the first ten days of November simply need material and mental support from a loved one, which should strengthen your relationship, but in this case the loved one must take on some of your problems and concerns.

For those who are still single, the stars and horoscope for November 2017 foreshadow a romantic relationship with a stranger, whom Pisces will probably meet as a guest at some kind of celebration or maybe on a business trip.

But don’t forget what a fleeting romance and working relationship are, so that you don’t have to regret it later. Do not be jealous of your loved one’s work during this period, especially in the second half of November.

The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Pisces to avoid dubious acquaintances. Otherwise, you will ruin your reputation for a long time. Pisces who have not yet met their soulmate have a chance to become happy in this regard in November 2017. Unforgettable adventures and impressions await you in the middle of the month. If Pisces already has a lover, then you should not escalate the situation and find fault with him over trifles.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces women predicts many disagreements with a loved one. Your partner is constantly busy with work, which you categorically do not accept. On the other hand, Pisces themselves wanted their beloved man to have a career and be wealthy. In November 2017, you should not share the secrets of your personal life even with a close friend. For a date with your new lover, update your wardrobe.

Love horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces men promises a lot of experiences and disappointments. Don’t be shy about your feelings and emotions, because you truly love your chosen one. In November, Pisces should avoid casual intimate relationships. Those who had a better opinion of you can learn about them in 2017. Try to maintain a good reputation.

Most single Pisces will continue to actively search for their other half in November. However, not all of them will truly be ready to meet their love. Some indecisiveness of Pisces, their increased attention to the opinions of friends and relatives can affect the continuation of acquaintances and the fate of the emerging romantic relationship. Not all free Pisces in the last month of autumn will actually be as confident in their abilities as they imagined in their heads. In November, the stars advise people born under this constellation to think carefully before starting meetings and getting close to new acquaintances of the opposite sex.

The November 2017 horoscope promises a tense and ambiguous time in the area of ​​relationships. Many will strenuously strive to achieve goals and achieve their desires by any means. The Sun in Scorpio enhances the ambitions of those who are vain and self-confident. In November, many are characterized by irritability, vulnerability and apathy. There will be a feeling of heaviness and oppression, unreasonable suspicion and suspiciousness. In mid-November, try to trust strangers less.


The love horoscope for November does not recommend that an Aries woman ignore those unpleasant conversations that are going on behind her back. If a close friend is spreading gossip, then it’s worth finding out everything. The fact is that she also likes the man you are dating. A love triangle is not for Aries, so in November you will decide to put everything in its place.

The love horoscope for November advises an Aries man to become more confident in himself so that his chosen one will pay attention to you. If you don't take the initiative, some other assertive man will. Aries will have to suffer a lot because of unrequited love. Look at the situation more optimistically, then your personal life will improve.

Aries family in November

The horoscope promises a “second wind” in your relationship with your spouse. The feelings will be mutual, as will the interests. Aries will again spin in a whirlpool of love and passion, and will present his companion with gifts. Aries will have to be torn between family and work. But, if your spouse understands you, the situation will quickly settle down. Close relatives will support Aries in everything, which will already have a beneficial effect on family relationships. Go out to the theater and cinema more often. The cultural program in November is something that will add optimism and impressions to Aries.


The love horoscope for November promises a Taurus woman a lot of pleasant meetings, acquaintances and incredible actions on the part of men. At work, an affair with a colleague or boss is possible. There is no limit to your charm, but you should still be careful in love. In November, Taurus will often remember their past romance. If you decide to return to your ex, then think about the consequences.

The love horoscope for November recommends that a Taurus man be meticulous even in small things, so that the chosen one will notice your sincere attitude. A joint vacation at a camp site, nature, or in another city will help Taurus get to know his beloved better. In November, you will learn something that will greatly elevate your companion in your eyes.

Taurus family in November

The horoscope recommends standing up for your soulmate if suddenly relatives begin to attack her. Heated arguments and even quarrels are possible, which will bring confusion to your family. Taurus should not forget about the traditions that have been established over the years. In November, you will have to care for your children if they get sick. In personal relationships, another romantic “honeymoon” is likely.


The love horoscope for November promises Gemini women that they will definitely not be left without the attention of the opposite sex. You will have the opportunity to experience previously unknown love experiences. Perhaps a wonderful trip together with your chosen one and even a marriage proposal.

The love horoscope for November recommends Gemini men to be sensitive and attentive to their chosen one. Many will find themselves an older woman, so they will perceive her more as a mother than a love partner. If Gemini has already decided on the choice of a life partner, then you can safely go to the registry office.

Gemini family in November

The horoscope promises a lot of rumors and gossip behind your back. Everyone is talking about your family life, so pay less attention to envious people. A huge scandal with your spouse will break out in November on domestic and financial grounds. But, if Gemini is not too stubborn and selfish, they will quickly resolve the conflict. At the end of November, a trip to relatives in another city or country is expected. Take a trip with the whole family if possible.


The love horoscope for November for a Cancer woman predicts small quarrels and claims on the part of her lover. Cancer should not refuse invitations to visit friends. It is there that you can have an interesting acquaintance with a man who will become more than just a friend for you.

The love horoscope for November advises a Cancer man to be more sociable in order to finally arrange his personal life. If you constantly think about work, you will remain alone. Cancer needs to be more sincere with the woman he loves in November. She expects from you not beautiful words, but noble deeds. Surprise her with your truly masculine behavior.

Cancer family in November

The horoscope advises you to look at your spouse differently. Even if you have lived together for many years, still do not consider that you know everything and have the right to criticize him. Some bright event will happen in Cancer’s family, which in November will dramatically change the situation and relationships with relatives. It is possible to move, buy a home and have a pleasant trip.

a lion

The love horoscope for November advises a Leo woman to show her true temperament. You are an extraordinary and vain person, so in love you will want to lead, and not follow the lead of your chosen one. A man will often be jealous of you and create scandals. The Lioness is unlikely to like this.

The love horoscope for November promises an idyll for a Leo man in his relationship with his chosen one. But you yourself can ruin everything if you don’t leave her past affections alone. Be more reserved and also take more interest in the affairs of your significant other.

Leo family in November

The horoscope predicts a slightly bland and monotonous relationship with your spouse. You need to unwind and take a break from everyday worries. In November, Leo may have conflicts with relatives, which will seriously affect your family life. You are tired of everyday life and routine, and you just can’t find a common language with your children. At the end of the month, Leo's money situation will improve significantly, so allow the whole family to go shopping or go to a tourist base with children.


The love horoscope for November advises the Virgo woman to suspend the eternal pursuit of impressions. Look around you and then happiness will be very close. Many Virgos will receive an official proposal from their lover in November. If you are personally committed to family and children, then without undue modesty, agree and get married.

The love horoscope for November advises Virgo men to be open and romantic. Don’t hide the feelings you have for your chosen one. Otherwise, jealousy and suspicion will often arise on her part. Virgo will have many women in November who will become only reliable friends for him.

Virgo family in November

The horoscope predicts a serene and calm time. You have an excellent relationship with your spouse and complete mutual understanding, which is already pleasing. Virgo should not forget about dinner by candlelight, gifts and sweet courtship. All this will add sensitivity and tenderness to your family relationships. If difficulties arise with teenage children, seek advice from older relatives. They not only have more experience in such matters, but also wisdom. A child may appear in the Virgo family.


The love horoscope for November advises Libra women to be active and proactive in order to create a strong relationship with the man of their dreams. Share your thoughts and plans with your friends less so that they do not languish with envy. If Libra invites the man he likes on a date in November, he will appreciate it. After all, he has long been waiting for the first step from you.

The love horoscope for November recommends that Libra men be patient if they want to keep their chosen one. Your Lady has character, but that is precisely why you love her. If in November Libra organizes a trip to nature or a camp site, this will have a remarkable effect on strengthening the relationship with his partner.

Libra family in November

The horoscope predicts numerous showdowns and showdowns with your spouse. It's all because of your constant busyness with work. In general, don’t be surprised that your significant other moves away and becomes cold towards you in November. With teenage children, Libra needs to be stricter, and not indulge their desires, whims and “poke” pocket money. In November, try to spend more time with loved ones, as well as travel out of town or visit friends.


Love horoscope for November advises a Scorpio woman to trust her partner more. You shouldn’t control his every step, check his phone book and bother him with calls. Otherwise, you yourself will do everything to improve your relationship in November. Scorpio is expecting a meeting with the man she loved in her youth.

The love horoscope for November advises a Scorpio man to look at everything that is happening in his personal life with optimism. If you have not yet met your soulmate, then enjoy your freedom and independence. In November, Scorpio urgently needs to change his image and take care of his appearance - without hesitation, go to the store and update your wardrobe.

Scorpio family in November

The horoscope promises friendly relations with children. You are so attached to them that they feel it and “pay” in the same coin. Everything will also work out well with your spouse if Scorpio does not neglect household responsibilities. It is possible that relations with the husband's (wife's) relatives will worsen. If Scorpio is the first to make concessions, and where necessary, remains silent, then everything will fall into its usual rut. At the end of the month, expect guests from afar, as well as unexpected news of an inheritance.


The love horoscope for November for Sagittarius does not recommend that a woman ignore misdeeds and harsh words on the part of her chosen one. If something really bothers you, then it’s better to tell him about it straight to his face. Communicate more with your friends in November and don’t forget to devote time to yourself. If Sagittarius shows independence, then the man he loves will begin to treat her with great respect.

The love horoscope for November for a Sagittarius man promises bright meetings and romance. There will be a lot of impressions, but you are still a little sad about your lost love. A new love story will help Sagittarius come to his senses and take his mind off the memories.

Sagittarius family in November

The horoscope does not promise stability and harmony in your relationship with your spouse. You will have continuous omissions, disputes and scandals with breaking dishes. By the way, there will be many reasons for all this in November - financial problems, betrayal and unfinished repairs. Do not keep complaints and grievances to yourself, but rather sit down with your spouse at the negotiating table more often. In November, everything can be resolved peacefully and with the help of sincere conversation. Especially if Sagittarius treats many moments with a bit of humor.


The love horoscope for November predicts a sea of ​​charm, sexuality and magnetism for a Capricorn woman. Before you even have time to come to your senses after an unsuccessful romance, you will instantly start another one. It is possible that he will encounter troubles on the love front. You may meet a gigolo or a ladies' man on your way.

The love horoscope for November recommends that a Capricorn man tell his companion less about his former hobbies. She will be jealous of you and torment you with questions throughout November. A meeting with a beautiful and intelligent woman awaits Capricorn on a business trip, where he will be sent at the end of the month.

Capricorn family in November

The horoscope predicts the purchase of a long-awaited home. You have been wanting to move to a new spacious apartment for so long that now your happiness is limitless. The spouse and children will support Capricorn in all endeavors. The main thing is to avoid outside affairs in November. You can lose your spouse’s trust in you in one second. In difficult situations, seek advice from relatives. At the end of November, Capricorn will go on an exciting trip abroad. Go with the whole family, the joy will know no bounds!


The love horoscope for November does not recommend that an Aquarius woman chase a fictitious image of a man. There is no ideal in nature, so be more prudent. There will be no end to fans in November, but you will aim for a chosen one with whom you will not only be reliable, but also easy to communicate with. Aquarius needs an understanding friend, not a passionate lover. In November, you are organizing a trip abroad with your partner.

The love horoscope for November for an Aquarius man predicts a meeting with a woman who will accept him for who he is. Just don't show off your strengths in front of her. The Aquarius woman you love needs to be trusted, and not subject to checks and interrogations for any reason.

Aquarius family in November

The horoscope promises many pleasant surprises. You yourself will be the initiator of a trip that will bring your family together. You should not suspect your spouse of cheating, especially if you only have speculation and not facts. In November, Aquarius needs to have more heart-to-heart conversations with children in order to establish friendly relations. If the repairs you started a couple of months ago are stuck, then it’s worth continuing.


The love horoscope for November for Pisces women predicts many disagreements with a loved one. Your partner is constantly busy with work, which you categorically do not accept. On the other hand, Pisces themselves wanted their beloved man to have a career and be wealthy. In November, you should not share the secrets of your personal life even with a close friend. For a date with your new lover, update your wardrobe.

The love horoscope for November promises Pisces men a lot of experiences and disappointments. Don’t be shy about your feelings and emotions, because you truly love your chosen one. In November, Pisces should avoid casual intimate relationships. Those who had a better opinion of you can now find out about them. Try to maintain a good reputation.

Pisces family in November

The horoscope promises a long-awaited addition - you will have a baby. In order for there to be peace and harmony in the family, be softer and more lenient towards your spouse. Organize family holidays more often and invite close relatives to visit. Problems may arise with teenage children, but they are all completely solvable. A great month for shopping, so you can go on a grand shopping spree with the whole family. Pisces will have to worry about moving and renovating the apartment. In November, do not save money on the treatment of loved ones and outdoor recreation.

From 1 to 10 November. Static Neptune will shroud your love relationships in an aura of mystery. Perhaps for some reason you will decide to hide your romance from friends and family, and in your relationship with your chosen one there will be a lot of ambiguity and understatement. After November 8, with Venus entering the sign of Scorpio, love passions will begin to heat up.

From 11 to 20 November. A difficult period for personal relationships. A tense configuration between Saturn and Pluto can provoke conflicts with your other half. A temporary or permanent separation is not excluded. This time will be especially difficult for those born at the very beginning of the Aries period - March 20-24.

From 21 to 30 November. Thanks to Venus, this will be a very romantic period. You may have a new fan, and a new exciting romance will begin. In stable couples, unbreakable peace and complete agreement will reign.

Romantic date. Your most romantic date could happen at the end of November. You shouldn't plan it in advance - the element of surprise will enhance and sharpen your feelings. But you should think about a gift for your companion in advance.


From 1 to 10 November. Thanks to the alliance of the love planet Venus with Neptune and Pluto, your romantic feelings will reach the highest point. Some Taurus may hear a declaration of love or even a marriage proposal. This period is very good for getting married or starting to live together. You can introduce your loved one to your parents.

From 11 to 20 November. Venus will enter into a conflictual interaction with Mars, which may lead to a small quarrel with your other half. However, you are unlikely to face a serious conflict. The most correct thing is to gently and tactfully turn everything into a joke.

From 21 to 30 November. Communication with your other half will be especially intense now. You will meet often, spend free time together, and maybe even work together. Whether your relationship will become harmonious depends entirely on you, and external circumstances will definitely be on your side.

Romantic date. The candy-bouquet period of a relationship simply has to be romantic! At the beginning of your acquaintance, be less interested in the material side of your man’s life and talk more about what interests him.


From 1 to 10 November. A soft and harmonious relationship with your chosen one will become a real emotional outlet for you and will help compensate for the nervous tension that can make itself felt due to accumulated cases and conflicts at work. Try to plan your work schedule so that you can spend as much time alone with your other half as possible.

From 11 to 20 November. You are more serious than ever in your feelings. Light, non-committal flirting now cannot give you the slightest pleasure. Many Geminis will seriously think about the need to begin a new, deeper stage in their personal relationships. Perhaps for the first time you feel that you are ripe for marriage. Hint about this to your loved one, but do not rush him - a marriage proposal should be his own decision.

From 21 to 30 November. This is a favorable period for your personal life. Thanks to the partnership of Venus and Jupiter, you are ready to open your heart, which will make your relationship with your loved one warmer and more trusting. Perhaps a new acquaintance and the beginning of a beautiful romance. Please note that the likelihood of conception at this time is high.

Romantic date. On a date, be as natural as possible, but try to talk less about yourself and listen to your lover more. This will let him know that you are very interested in him.


From 1 to 10 November. Businesses together with your chosen one will progress successfully, and good luck awaits you in your common business. The days will be the most pleasant. spent together. Thanks to the influence of static Neptune and the harmonious aspect of Venus with Neptune and Pluto, your mutual sexual attraction will increase.

From 11 to 20 November. All good things come to an end. You will feel that emotional tension is growing. If you do not keep your feelings under control, then there is a high possibility of protracted conflicts developing. Your motto is patience and more patience. Avoid displays of jealousy. The time has not yet come to start a new novel and, of course, you should not “burn bridges” by completing the old one. The decision to end the relationship may be a wrong one.

From 21 to 30 November. There has been a clear upsurge in your love relationships. You will feel a surge of love and tenderness towards your spouse or boyfriend. It is now more important for you to love yourself than to receive signs of attention from your other half. Finally, you will have a real opportunity to resolve disagreements, if there were any.

Romantic date. Your most romantic date will occur at the beginning of the Scorpio period. It will happen in the most prosaic setting, but it will still be special and unforgettable.

a lion

From 1 to 10 November. In stable unions, a period of special tenderness and warmth begins between partners. Lonely Lionesses have every chance of meeting someone they really like on the road or at a party. For those who are ready to move on to a more serious stage in their personal relationships, this is the right time to get married. You can be the first to admit your feelings.

From 11 to 20 November. Under the influence of a tense configuration between Venus and Mars, your spouse or loved one will require increased attention. Outbursts of jealousy are possible, and there may be a desire to clear up old grievances. You will not be inclined to intensive communication. This state will last until the first ten days of the next zodiac month.

From 21 to 30 November. You will feel increased attention from members of the opposite sex. A loved one can invite you on a short trip - agree, you definitely won’t regret it! A disagreement with your chosen one is not excluded only around November 29, when the Sun enters into conflictual interaction with Mars.

Romantic date. Why not schedule it at a pool or water park? Remember how you had a great time in the summer at the sea or by the river, and have a lot of fun. You can invite a group of friends with you - they won’t bother you at all!


From 1 to 10 November. A very bright, eventful and emotional period. Your love relationship will develop very rapidly. There is a high chance that the memories of this time will remain with you for the rest of your life. With the entry of Venus into the sign of Scorpio, namely on November 8, your sexual attraction to your partner will increase. Don't hide your feelings. Give free rein to your desires and imagination.

From 11 to 20 November. A slight chill will creep into your love relationship. Look at this philosophically, because life never consists of only pleasures. Avoid mutual insults, be able to forgive your loved one for his little weaknesses, because you also have a lot of them. Soon peace and understanding with your other half will be restored.

From 21 to 30 November. One of your colleagues or classmates may attract your attention. It is possible that you are one step away from starting an office romance. Whether this novel remains just a light adventure or develops into something more serious will depend entirely on you.

Romantic date. Come up with an unusual date plan. Arrange it somewhere away from home, where no one knows you and your loved one. Feel free to be especially gentle and caring. The reaction of your loved one will exceed all your expectations.


From 1 to 10 November. The wonderful romantic period continues. In the life of stable couples, there comes a time of harmony and complete mutual understanding. These days, the words you have been waiting for so long may sound. Are you ready to receive a marriage proposal? For this decade, feel free to set a wedding day, engagement, or meeting the parents of your chosen one.

From 11 to 20 November. The Sun enters a tense aspect with Neptune, and Venus with Mars. Unfortunately, we have to remember that in life there are not only bright spots. Disagreements with your loved one can literally happen over a trifle. Do not give free rein to your emotions, be wise and tolerant as a woman. The conflict that has arisen now may drag on for a long time.

From 21 to 30 November. Thanks to Venus passing through your zodiac sign, you are now especially irresistible, emotional and attractive, so there will be no end to admirers. Relationships with young people absorb all your thoughts - be careful, this may affect your work or studies.

Romantic date. Great idea- go on a road trip to nearby cities. Book a room in a provincial hotel, wander through the narrow streets, sit on a bench in an ancient park... And most importantly - with Him, your beloved!


From 1 to 10 November. Personal life is becoming more active and eventful. Perhaps a beautiful stranger will soon attract your attention. You have every chance to get to know him better - you will find him very interesting. Whether everything will be limited to light flirting or the acquaintance will develop into a long-term relationship will depend only on you.

From 11 to 20 November. Working together with your spouse or loved one will bring great pleasure. A common cause will unite you even more and help improve mutual understanding. You will have the opportunity to make sure that it is friendship and common interests that are the most reliable basis for any union of a man and a woman.

From 21 to 30 November. The planet of love Venus, passing through the 12th House of your symbolic horoscope, will surround your romance with an aura of deepest mystery. It is quite possible that you will have a reason to hide your relationship from other people. However, temporary separation from your loved one is not excluded. It will allow you to understand how strong your feelings are.

Romantic date. Study the tastes of your other half and try to please him at least sometimes. For example, when going on a date, dress and style your hair exactly the way he likes.


From 1 to 10 November. Now it is important for you to receive small signs of attention, to feel attractive and sweet - it gives you strength. There should be a person next to you who does not skimp on compliments. Being confident in your charm, you will easily find someone with whom you want to connect your life. A relationship that has existed for many years. have every chance to achieve more high level.

From 11 to 20 November. Under the influence of the conflict between Venus and Mars, disagreements with the chosen one are possible. You can imagine that. what doesn’t really exist, and start worrying. Don’t let your negative fantasy run wild, just try to “lay low” and wait out the unpleasant moment. Some representatives of the Sagittarius sign may face a short separation from their loved one.

From 21 to 30 November. This month you are more than usual immersed in yourself, in your inner world, personal experiences and romantic dreams occupy all your thoughts. You paint pictures of personal happiness in your imagination, but you are not ready to build it in reality. Some Sagittarius may fall in love, but this relationship is unlikely to continue.

Romantic date. Go out of town - to the dacha, to a boarding house, to grandma’s in the village. There, in nature, you will spend an unforgettable day.


From 1 to 10 November. Cherish the precious things you have. Protect your feelings from prying eyes. Don't tell your love even to your mother, not even to yourself close friend. Take it easy on the little things that cloud your relationship. Remember that no one in this world is perfect. If you have the opportunity, please your loved one with an unplanned gift. Do you just dream of a big and bright feeling? You will undoubtedly meet your prince in the near future.

From 11 to 20 November. You will fully appreciate the quiet joys of home. Try to create an atmosphere of warmth and family comfort for your spouse or loved one - this will affect him more than any exotic adventures or fiery erotic passions. He will be grateful to you.

From 21 to 30 November. Venus, entering into a partnership with beneficent Jupiter, will help you meet your ideal or discern it in someone you have known for a long time. close to a man. There will be no obstacles in matters of the heart. Feel free to take the initiative, and you can turn your “love boat” in the direction you want.

Romantic date. Your romantic date can happen at the most unexpected moment and in the most unusual place.


From 1 to 10 November. Hot Mars, now passing through your astrological House of Partnerships, can provoke conflicts with your other half. Under its influence, all old grievances and troubles in relationships can surface. The main thing is not to commit impulsive, rash actions, which you will certainly regret later.

From 11 to 20 November. Your man will show sincere concern for you. Accept it with gratitude and do not forget to do something nice for your chosen one. A good period for traveling together and participating in social events. Any common undertaking will also turn out very well.

From 21 to 30 November. Your loved one may demonstrate a desire to move away from you somewhat. will become more withdrawn than usual. Don't let this scare you, because every person needs to be alone from time to time. If you value your marriage or love union, refrain from sorting things out. Otherwise it is fraught with bad consequences.

Romantic date. When going to your next rendezvous, come up with something unusual. For example, offer to go to a museum together. By sending your loved one a couple of tender words via SMS, you will set him up in a romantic mood.


From 1 to 10 November. The passions will subside a little. You will want to spend more time in a warm family environment, and do regular household chores with your other half. Joint long trips, participation in social events or friendly parties will bring a fresh wave to your love relationship.

From 11 to 20 November. The spouse or lover will be very serious, be prepared to play along with him. Light flirting will not bring pleasure to you. neither to him. Quiet family evenings and watching movies together will bring you more joy than passionate love affairs.

From 21 to 30 November. The planet of love Venus passes through the 8th House of your symbolic horoscope. which will significantly enhance the passion of your nature. Feelings of love will simply overwhelm you. If your romance is new and you don't know each other very well yet, don't scare your partner with too much emotional pressure.

Romantic date. A meeting with your chosen one will become special if it happens after some break. Therefore, it makes sense to take a short break in the relationship. Let your lover miss you. A short separation will only help rekindle love passion with renewed vigor.

Presents the love horoscope for November 2017 for women and men.



Rumors will probably start spreading about you. Don't ignore it - find the gossipers and talk to them. If your girlfriend is involved, then double your attention - it may be that they are looking closely at your man. And love triangles are unlikely to be to your liking.


Do you want a girl to finally pay attention to you? Be more confident! Do not forget about the obvious truth - if not you, then there will definitely be someone else. If you don’t make up your mind in time, then get ready to feel the burden of unrequited love. Be strong and gather all your courage.


Perhaps passion will flare up with renewed vigor soon! Seize every moment, share your impressions with your other half. Remember that time does not last forever and you will have to be torn between love and work. But your loved ones will always support you if you are kind and attentive to them.



The month promises to be active: pleasant meetings and dates are very likely. You are charming and desirable, but you should not forget about caution. If the thought arises: “Should I call my ex?”, then it’s better to think about it 10 times.


Don't be afraid to be meticulous if you want to attract attention to yourself or surprise your chosen one. It’s worth going out of town for a month, to a restaurant, theater, to get to know the girl better. You might learn something really new.


If your significant other is being attacked, stand up for yourself. Whoever attacks - relatives, work colleagues, acquaintances - do not let them insult a loved one.

However, this is not all that needs to be done for the family in November - devote some of your time to the children. Visit your parents, brothers, sisters. Family has been and remains a fortress for you.



You definitely won’t be left without attention and new impressions. Perhaps even a marriage proposal. Remember that each piece of advice has its time - within a month, many will express their opinion about your chosen one. know how to highlight what is “true” for you.


Be attentive to your chosen one. Understand your feelings - if you are 100% sure of them, then you can safely go to the registry office. For those who are not yet sure, November is preparing many cases in order to clarify the situation


A lot of gossip about your family is swirling somewhere nearby. Pay less attention to them, and then your hearth will not suffer.

Don't be too stubborn and selfish. Start analyzing disputes and conflicts so as not to ruin your relationship.

At the end of the month, a long trip to another city or country with the whole family is expected. Good chance improve relationships.



Small quarrels with your loved one are possible. Try to find the root of the problem and make sure that there are as few quarrels in your life as possible.

You should not refuse invitations in November: who knows, fateful meetings can happen at any moment.


And if you still have a soulmate, then be more attentive to her requests. They clearly expect something from you: actions, words. Anything.


Do not criticize your spouse with or without reason. Even if you think you know everything about him/her. Make it a guiding principle for yourself: the word is not a sparrow - if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Some bright event will happen in your family. A trip, a long-awaited purchase, the birth of a child are possible.

In November you will have very little time for children. Plan it so you can get more done - this is extremely important for you!



Don't be shy to express yourself. Deep down, you understand that the desire to lead in the relationship is getting stronger. You will often be criticized, which of course is unlikely to please you. You shouldn’t tolerate this, but you shouldn’t solve the problem impulsively.


The idyll in a relationship does not last forever. Moreover, you yourself can ruin everything if you think only about yourself and your interests.

This month, arrange surprises for your girl more often. Try to have a heart-to-heart conversation to get to know your chosen one better.


And the relationship gets deeper and deeper into everyday life. Shouldn't we add a little sparkle to them? Think about it in November.

In addition, conflicts may not be long in coming. Misunderstandings are also possible within the family circle. If you have a hidden talent as a diplomat or psychologist, then the time has come to realize it.

And at the end of the month, the financial situation will improve significantly, so it’s worth getting out somewhere with the whole family.



You are in a constant pursuit of happiness. Haven't you looked nearby? Maybe there’s no need to chase after anything.

And those Virgos who have already found theirs may receive a proposal from their lover this month. If there are no doubts in your heart and your situation allows it, then you can answer “yes.”


Be more open and romantic. Surprise your chosen one, don’t forget about her, otherwise you risk running into a landmine called “jealousy.”

Those men who have not found a partner will find only girl friends this month. Although who knows - sometimes it’s not that far to go from friendship to relationship.


Peace and quiet. There is harmony in your family. However, this doesn't mean you can forget about romance. This will give the relationship a new rush of feelings and tenderness (it will never be superfluous).

Children this month will be drawn to their grandparents, which has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the family. Don't break this connection.



Be proactive if you want to create a lasting relationship.

Remember that real happiness is not something to shout about. The less outsiders know about your relationship, the better.

Understand that a man is not always obligated to make the first move. Don't believe stereotypes - act yourself. Moreover, the poor person himself may have been waiting for this for a long time.


Patience and more patience. Whatever your girlfriend does, treat it with understanding and calm. If necessary, cheer her up, give her useful advice. The main thing is not to criticize.

Spend more time with your significant other. This couldn't come at a better time now.


You are so immersed in work that you may not notice how everything in the family is leading to a quarrel. Be careful.

Be stricter with children; you shouldn’t allow them everything. Explain why you are prohibiting something - never act without justification or reason.

Try to pay more attention to your family.



Trust your chosen one more. You shouldn’t constantly check him - his patience may burst at any moment.

In November, you are expected to meet the man you loved.


Be optimistic if you are already in a relationship. Otherwise, just enjoy your freedom.

In November, you may need to change your style. Go shopping and update your wardrobe. Good appearance is one of the keys to success in a relationship.


November promises to improve relationships with children. They trust you.

Everything will be fine with your loved one, too, if you are not obsessed with business and worries.

But relations with other relatives may become tense. Sometimes you just need to figure out who is right and who is wrong and go to peace.



The relationship with your chosen one will be very unpredictable. Both quarrels and unexpected surprises are possible. In this regard, strong emotional experiences are possible.

They will try to remind you of themselves former relationship. It's up to you to decide how to respond to this voice from the past.


Never be discouraged. Even if there is a decline in the relationship, try with all your might to keep the situation under control. Manage your time wisely so that you can devote it equally to both your girlfriend and your work.


Everything in the family is ambiguous in November. There are no serious problems expected, but there is some tension in the relationship with both the spouse and children. In this regard, it is better to spend more often evenings with the whole family watching a movie, playing games, going to the cinema, theater, etc.

This month, your main task will be to maintain order and preserve the family hearth.



No matter what the relationship is, you cannot be broken. You are attractive, after each unsuccessful romance you blossom again and rush into a new stream of emotions. But you still shouldn’t forget about caution - not everyone likes your carefreeness and success.


It is better not to mention the past in the presence of your other half. You may blurt out too much, for which you will pay for a long time.

You will meet a smart girl. Perhaps at a work-related event.


You will finally be able to purchase a new home. Perhaps this is something you've been thinking about for a long time.

Avoid affairs. If you have any doubts, please contact to the best friend or relatives. They will help and support

At the end of November, a trip abroad with your spouse is possible. This will help significantly strengthen the relationship.



A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Moreover, the titmouse may turn out to be an understanding and kind person - and this is what you have been missing for so long. Don't chase wild passions - relax in the comfort and warmth of your arms.


You are expected to meet a girl who will accept you for who you are. Isn't it luck? You shouldn't flex your muscles in front of someone like that. There's no point this time. Be yourself, and November will be bright for you.


This month you are the main initiator and leader in the family. If you have a desire, act. Go to the forest for a picnic, go to the park, have an evening board games. Anything, as long as there is sparkle in the eyes. And your family will most often support you.

Don’t forget about children: you need to communicate with them more often. Who knows, maybe some problems have already accumulated.



A lot of disagreements await you in your relationship, Pisces. The chosen one is busy with work, devotes little time to you... But on the other hand, didn’t you want him to earn more?

Don't tell anyone about personal matters. No one. Seriously, it’s not worth it - your relationship can only suffer from this


For men, everything is short and clear: don’t be shy about your feelings! Find golden gray hair, in which you will not drown your chosen one in a heap of emotions, and, at the same time, you will not be too dry.

Reputation is everything in November. No casual intimate relationships (even if you are not in a permanent relationship).


Don't be strict with your spouse. We all make mistakes. Better try to maintain peace and harmony in the family.

Disagreements may arise with children. But there will be nothing unsolvable about this.

This month you can go shopping with the whole family more often. It seems like a small thing, but it acts as one of the methods of unity. And this will not be superfluous for your family.
