Glycerin and soap to defog windows. What to do if a plastic window sweats

- good visibility. This is especially true in the off-season and winter, when precipitation and darkness create natural problems for the perception of the situation on the road. And at the same time, motorists most often encounter the problem of glass fogging.

The main reason for window fogging is. In a warmer interior, moisture condenses on the cold windows. Therefore, you can fight fogging by warming the windows and drying the air - often this happens simultaneously.

Here we give several simple tips How to keep windows transparent.

Correctly set up climate systems

At the first signs of fogging, you need to select the window blowing mode, direct the air flow from the deflectors to the glass and slightly increase the temperature. If your car has air conditioning, it should dry the air in a few minutes. You just need to be sure that the internal circulation mode is turned off. If the climate system does not cope well with heating and drying the air, you need to check the cabin filter - it could have absorbed too much moisture, and in wet weather it does not have time to dry, or it is simply time to replace it.

Treat glass with special products

There are a lot of different anti-fog agents on the market - liquids, aerosols, wipes. This car cosmetics has the same principle - the properties of surface tension change. The solutions create a thin film from which the smallest particles of water roll off, forming drops that do not interfere with the view, or, conversely, the water remains on the glass, but lies in a transparent layer. Apply the product to clean and dry surfaces and repeat the procedure as necessary. You just need to find a drug that suits you in terms of application method, smell and results.

Treat glass using traditional methods

The problem of fogging arose quite a long time ago, so drivers had time to find several options for window treatment using improvised means. One of the most popular is applying a solution of 1 part glycerin and 10 parts alcohol. If you use only glycerin, the glass will become greasy and at night there will be strong reflections in the stains, impairing visibility. Some people advise wiping windows with newspapers - printing ink contains substances that create the same film as when using auto chemicals. Another tip is to rub the windows with tobacco from regular cigarettes.

Anti-fog films

A radical and durable solution is to cover the glass with a special film, similar to that used for optics, motorcycle helmets or commercial equipment. It is applied in the same way as a tinting film - and it is better to trust professionals in this matter.

Remove excess moisture from the interior

IN extreme situation can save you from fogging open windows. But after ventilation it will be more difficult to restore the climate balance.

Often in winter and in damp weather, water or snow gets inside the car. When the interior begins to warm up, the liquid evaporates and settles on the cold glass. To reduce this effect, remove excess moisture. Sometimes you need to remove puddles or ice from the mats, and if there is already a lot of water, put newspapers under your feet and throw them away when they are soaked. If the interior becomes wet even with light rain, you need to check its tightness - a loose seal can be a source of not only increased humidity, but also premature corrosion. There is no need to store rags that were used to wipe wet surfaces in the cabin - put them in the trunk or under the hood. Salt reduces humidity paper bag, which can be placed in the back seat. The effect will be better if the packaging has been dried in a warm place before.

Don't chat

The source of moisture is very often the people inside. The air they exhale is much warmer than the surrounding air and is saturated with moisture, so when traveling in a large and noisy group, the driver needs to reconfigure the climate in the cabin every now and then. If the technology cannot cope, then you can ask the passengers to simply remain silent for a while, for their own safety.

Check the interior ventilation

A rare case, but sometimes it happens. After a car has been damaged at the rear, special ventilation valves can be sealed. In this case, the air circulation calculated by the engineers does not occur. Another variant of the same problem is an excessive amount of things in the cabin and trunk. The solution is to check the capacity of the air ducts by first studying their location according to the instructions. The same problem can be attributed to clogged drain holes in air conditioning systems. Standing water simply blows into the interior, and the situation can be corrected by simple cleaning.

If your car windows sweat without objective reasons, this may indicate a malfunction in the engine cooling system. Vapors formed from overheating enter the cabin through the ventilation system. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals.

One of the most common causes of foggy windows is passengers on the eve of travel. Exhaled vapors of alcohol, due to its hygroscopicity, additionally absorb moisture from the body, and it settles on the windows. This explains the increased interest of traffic police officers in such cars. You can combat this kind of fogging using the usual methods, but it is better to recommend that passengers do not overuse it before the trip.

Why do windows sweat? Because the dew point in the room has been reached. Dew point is the temperature at which water in the air condenses into droplets on the coldest surface. This process depends on two parameters: temperature and humidity. The normal humidity of a living space at a temperature of +20 °C is 60%, that is, one cubic meter of air contains 60 g of water.

The lower the temperature, the less water vapor the air can hold, and the more it will precipitate. In other words, as the temperature drops, the dew point rises. The best remedy for glass fogging is a well-heated room and adequate ventilation.

Consistent diagnostics will allow you to find out the cause

Finding the cause of “crying” windows is quite simple if you follow a certain algorithm. First of all, to prevent glass from sweating, you need to get rid of excess humidity. If water is constantly boiling in the kitchen, laundry is drying in the house, or there are a lot of people gathered, then the windows will fog up until you remove the cause.

It must be remembered that in new buildings high humidity can last up to 2 years; it is maintained by drying Construction Materials. After cosmetic repairs The humidity lasts for about a month, nothing can be done about it, just ventilate more often.

The next important component is room temperature. The best remedy against glass fogging – temperature above +20 °C. If the temperature is lower, condensation will certainly form due to high point dew. Any insulation of walls or window spaces, the use of heated floors reduces the humidity of the room and dries it out.

An effective remedy for glass fogging is good ventilation. Even in the bitterest frost, you need to ventilate the room at least a couple of times a day for 10-15 minutes, this is enough to excess humidity could evaporate, and the composition of the air change. IN modern windows There is a micro-ventilation function, when the window sash opens 1 cm, this should also be used.

When all else fails and the windows still sweat

But if everything is done, then the specific reason will tell you how to deal with glass fogging further. First of all, you need to check the ventilation system of the entire room. Bring it to ventilation hole piece of lit paper and check if there is traction. If there is no draft, then the ventilation does not work. You need to contact a specialist and clean the channels, only then will the humidity return to normal.

Often inner surface The glass turns out to be too cold. In this case, slopes with thermal insulation, insulation of the window sill and ebbs will help against fogging of the glass. You also need to pay attention to the width of the window sill.

If the window sill is too wide, then the heat from the heating radiators simply does not reach the window, and fogging cannot be avoided. Bulky, heavy curtains can also interfere with heat transfer; it is better to leave the window sill open.

There is a window defogger on sale, but it is a chemical product intended for cars. It is harmless, but it is better not to use it in a residential area, because it is self-deception. It only gives a cosmetic effect and does not eliminate the cause.

Whatever the reason for the fogging of the windows, you need to thoroughly understand it and eliminate the cause. High humidity leads to the development of mold and mildew, is harmful to health and is simply unpleasant. It is worth trying just a little to remove this drawback.

An attractive view from the windows of our apartment can be spoiled by one simple phenomenon - fogging of the glass. Accumulated condensation will not allow you to enjoy the panorama beyond window frame. The question arises, what to do when windows fog up? We will try to understand all the intricacies and determine the best ways solving the problem.

Effect of condensation

We call condensate the changed physical characteristics of a liquid under the influence of low air temperature. Even in the warmest and driest apartment, the air contains gaseous pores of liquid. Excessive accumulation of moisture leads to contact with cold surfaces. As a result, gaseous streams merge with window glass, transforming into condensation.

Fogging- This is a direct consequence of excess humidity in the air. It is noteworthy that the owners plastic frames encounter this problem much more often than owners wooden windows. The fact is that plastic does not allow air to pass through, but accumulates it on cold glasses. winter period this is fraught with freezing and accumulation of fungal deposits.

5 reasons for condensation on windows

  1. Fogging of windows or condensation is associated with climate change outside the window. Moreover, the problem only gets worse as a result high humidity in room. If the humidity is normal, then there will be no problem.
  2. The next reason for the accumulation of condensation is the level of air circulation in the room. It is a mistake to think that windows sweat only from humid air. In winter, people neglect basic ventilation of their rooms. The result is the accumulation of condensation and fogging of the windows from the inside.
  3. The condition of condensate is affected by excessive sealing window openings. However, insufficient sealing leads to the merging of room warm air with a cold window surface, which also threatens fogging.
  4. In some cases, the cause of condensation accumulation may be the abundance of moisture in the room - proximity to a shower room, kitchen sink, large aquarium or water filter.
  5. Replacing radiators or batteries - the heat established in the apartment is disturbed by a change in microclimate. This also includes curtains or blinds that are too thick, which impede the normal circulation of air masses.

Folk remedies against foggy windows

If you are a supporter traditional methods to combat troubles, we offer you the most effective recipes for eliminating condensation:

  • Let's start from the very beginning simple way– buy a liquid called “Seconda” at the store and prepare several newspapers. Spray the product onto the foggy area, then distribute the moisture throughout the glass. The final touch will be to remove the product using old newspapers, which, due to printing ink, give the glass an attractive shine.
  • If the room temperature is cold, take some alcohol and add it to a container of water. The liquid is perfectly absorbed into the glass and creates protection against condensation.
  • Prepare a solution of chalk and water - the liquid removes vaporous layers of glass and protects against fogging. If you don't have chalk, you can use dental powder.
  • Buy several from the store decorative candles with a thick base. Light the wick and place the candles on the windowsill of the problematic window. Within a few hours of combustion, air circulation in the room will return to normal, and condensation will stop sticking to the glass.

Final set of solutions

Do not forget about neutralizing open sources of moisture in the room, especially if they are not in working order. For those who like to breed fish in an aquarium, it is advisable to cover the container glass lid or cloth.Check functionality exhaust systems– it is better to eliminate the malfunction in advance, otherwise moist air will reach the windows. Take care of even distribution flower pots near windows - a greenhouse around one area threatens to become a source of fogging.

Car enthusiasts can use help chemicals for processing car glass.

If the question of why plastic windows sweat bothers you even after using folk remedies, then most likely the reason is a faulty glass unit. Over time, PVC models tend to lose their usual sealing. The resulting cracks serve as a source of contact between cold and warm air. The solution will be a complete or partial replacement of the double-glazed window. In this case, it is best to contact a service company.

Thus, window fogging is primarily a problem of high indoor humidity. It is important to ensure an influx fresh air and regularly ventilate the room. And then the clean glass will open up to you a panorama of the beautiful street outside your window!

Replacing old wooden windows with pleasing snow-white ones plastic structures Until recently it was a dream for many people. After all, the latter do not need to be covered before the cold weather; they close silently and isolate the owners of the house from street noise. But it turned out that plastic windows are not without a drawback - they fog up.

Why does condensation collect on windows, under what conditions, how to deal with it, and is it possible to solve the problem yourself? Yes, by understanding the physics of the process and finding out its source in a particular house.

Condensation can collect on the outside and inside of the structure and inside the glass unit. This causes disappointment for the owners and something worse - dampness, which results in mold and mildew. And this is already a threat to repairs and the health of residents.

Condensation is formed from temperature differences. Windows and end walls- the coldest parts of the house, which explains the accumulation of excess moisture on their surfaces. You can identify the problem that causes fogging of window glass yourself.

You need to use the method of elimination, deciding where condensation most often collects.

If plastic windows sweat from inside, that is, in the house, then possible reason process:

  • Reduced natural ventilation.
  • Clogged fragrance.
  • Low temperature outside, high temperature in the house.
  • Window sills protruding above the radiators.
  • Regularly watered indoor flowers.
  • Single-chamber double-glazed window.
  • Repair.
  • Stove heating.

Reduced natural ventilation

An imperfect air circulation system means that sealed plastic structures, unlike “shaky” wooden windows, become an obstacle to the removal of excess moisture.

The situation is getting worse in apartments where Entrance door with seal.

Clogged fragrance

If the windows sweat most often in the kitchen during cooking, then the problem is a clogged heating and ventilation system. This is easy to check: place a candle next to the scent or lean it against a sheet of paper. Does the flame fluctuate? Has the leaf “sucked” to the grate? If not, you need to remove the blockage.

Low temperature outside, high temperature in the house

The situation is typical for winter, when plastic windows sweat from the inside almost every day because they cannot warm up;

Window sills protruding above the radiators. They become an obstacle to normal air circulation.

Regularly watered indoor flowers

During the heating season, the ground evaporates no less moisture than in summer, and all this condensation settles on the glass.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

A single-chamber double-glazed window was installed, which does not retain heat well. Result: the window did not warm up to desired temperature and fogged up.


Freshly applied building materials release a lot of moisture during the drying process.

Stove heating

If there is one in a private house. Windows sweat a lot due to the rapid heating of the room after cooling - the temperature inside rooms with wood heating is not constant, which provokes fluctuations in humidity levels.

IMPORTANT: If condensation collects inside the window structure, then there is only one reason - defective glass unit. The problem must be fixed by the manufacturer, since it is covered by warranty.

Poor installation, poor fittings and seals, lack of thermal insulation slopes, proper sealing - all this is the responsibility of the company that installed windows in the house.

How to deal with condensation on windows

If it turns out that the windows are fogging up due to the fault of the installers, then this problem needs to be solved with them. In other cases, you can handle it yourself:

  • During cooking, turn on the hood to remove as much humid air from the room as possible.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • It is also necessary to ventilate in winter, since the influx of fresh air will not only remove moisture from the windows, but will also be useful to the residents.
  • As an alternative, room air conditioning can be used.
  • Cutting the window sill, installing convection grilles into it, or moving the battery to the side.
  • Insulation outer wall and sealing of slopes. The actions are aimed at preserving heat and combating foggy windows.
  • Clean the ventilation ducts.

If such a problem is observed in a house built in the last century, then the problem is more difficult to solve due to the design of the ventilation system. Most likely, the only way out will be to buy a forced ventilation valve, ensuring the penetration of air from the street into the room.

All this allows you to fight sweaty windows, normalizing the flow of warm air.

INTERESTING: If none of these options are suitable or residents simply don’t want to complicate their lives with unnecessary worries, then you can “cheat” a little by using special water-repellent compounds for treating glass.

Before applying the hydrophobic preparation, it is necessary to wash the window with a degreaser and wipe it dry. Apply the purchased water-repellent compound and wipe it evenly with paper or a dry cloth. Result: no more streaks on the glass.

How to prevent the problem of “sweating windows”

When is the change planned? window designs, but it is not clear what to do, if they suddenly start to sweat, then this issue is discussed in advance with the installers. Pay attention to discussing the following details:

  • Number of cameras.
  • Quality of fittings.
  • Installation of metal-plastic structure.

When the windows in an apartment sweat, what should people do who have chosen single-chamber double-glazed windows that are no different? high performance energy saving. It’s better to spend money once on a double-chamber vacuum double-glazed window than to wipe away puddles on the window sills later.

Often the answer to the questions of why plastic windows sweat, what to do about this problem lies in poor fittings, which require premature or planned replacement.

If well-installed and sealed windows sweat, the reason may be the most trivial - they were not switched to winter operating mode. In summer operating mode, the window allows a minimal amount of air to pass through, but in winter it does not. If the structure is not transferred to the mode appropriate for the coming season, then when high temperature indoors, it will be “blown” by frosty street air, which, of course, will cause streaks on the glass.

The window frame must be hermetically inserted, the slopes and ebb should be properly insulated.

Sweating windows in apartments and private houses are a potential threat to human health. It needs to be addressed immediately as soon as regular condensation has been noted on the glass.

Condensation on windows is a problem familiar to many. As soon as the cold season sets in, the windows in many apartments begin to “cry,” puddles appear on the window sills, and the apartment feels damp. All these problems can lead to a deterioration in living comfort, so you need to know how to get rid of condensation on windows.

Typically, condensation on windows appears in cold weather, and in severe frosts the glass can freeze so much that ice forms on it. Owners of metal-plastic double-glazed windows often face a similar problem. These sealed structures are made of two or three glasses, located at a distance of 6-9 mm with a padded metal profile. Glass is well insulated from the cold. But metal has excellent thermal conductivity. This is why frost appears around the perimeter of such windows, and condensation forms on the glass itself. Moisture from the glass flows down onto the window sills, sometimes flowing down the walls. As a result, unsightly stains form on the glass, paint on the window sills may swell, or the wallpaper on the walls may come off. Even if the windows and window sills are plastic, dampness can spread throughout the room and cause fungus to appear.

Causes of condensation

Windows freeze due to lack of heating, and under these conditions steam condenses on the windows. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • An abundance of flowers on the windowsill. Many housewives like to decorate window sills indoor flowers, since this is the brightest place in the apartment. And for arranging pots, the window sills are made wide, protruding 5-10 centimeters towards the room. As a result, the warm flow from the radiators is interrupted and the windows are not blown. The glass turns out to be too deep into the window niche and thus an unventilated area is formed in the window sill area.
  • Also usually, when replacing old wooden windows with new metal-plastic structures, the window is deepened into the wall, since the thickness metal-plastic frame 90-120 mm, and walls - 500-700 mm. As a result, the glass is insulated from the flow of thermal air from the radiators.

As you can see, all the troubles are caused by problems with ventilation of window niches.

Methods for eliminating condensation

It is worth thinking about this problem at the stage of preparation for replacing old windows. You should select the thickest possible profile in advance metal-plastic windows so that the recess of the window into the niche is minimal. Also, don't choose too much wide window sills. A couple of extra centimeters will not give much space, but it will result in serious problems with the blowing of the window glass.

It is better to choose not double, but triple glazed windows. In this case, the sound insulation will be better, and the glass will not freeze even in severe frosts.

If the windows are already installed and there is a problem with condensation on them, then all efforts should be directed to organizing forced ventilation windows It is necessary to ensure sufficient air exchange in the window niche. How to do this?
