Lawn grass: how to plant it with your own hands, when it can be sown. How to sow lawn grass correctly to get the perfect green lawn How to plant a lawn in spring with seeds

Let's define what a “lawn” is? A lawn is an area in which a dense cover of plants grows. herbaceous plants subject to periodic mowing. Perennial cereal grasses are often used: ryegrass, bluegrass, fescue.

There are a wide variety of types of lawns, but how to create a lawn with your own hands in a simple way and with light further care? This is an ordinary garden lawn with a mowing height of 20-40 mm. Other types, such as ground floor, Moorish, for golf courses, for football fields, require large material and physical costs. For people who want to enjoy their lawn, it's best to stick to the principle of low maintenance.

We will not consider how to plant a lawn with your own hands using ready-made rolls. Despite the speed of laying finished turf, it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • high cost of rolls of turf;
  • high physical costs for soil preparation and laying;
  • soil in rolls may not be suitable for a given site;
  • additional difficulties during daily work, since the rolls contain a polymer mesh, which interferes with some important operations.

If you choose how to make a lawn, then better by sowing seeds At correct actions you can get dense turf in two months, significantly saving money and facilitating further operation.

What do you need to know before making your own lawn?

In first place, oddly enough, is watering. Why him? Having guaranteed irrigation on the site, regardless of any other factors, you can get any type of lawn. Water helps plants grow and receive nutrients through their roots. A growing plant can be mowed, thereby always obtaining a living lawn of the desired height.

Many people think that they are ready to manually water their plot with a hose every day, and this is exactly the water regime that a lawn requires. But sometimes a situation arises when you need to go somewhere to relax, or there are simply very busy days when you don’t have time. Missed one or two waterings, especially in hot weather summer period, can have such a negative impact on your lawn that it may take several months to recover. Therefore, it is advisable to have automatic watering.

Fortunately, there are now enough opportunities to do it yourself. For a small plot of up to two acres you will need:

Such automatic system is especially important when obtaining seed germination in the first 2 weeks after sowing. Watering is carried out during this period 3 times a day with a norm of 100 liters per hundred square meters (100 sq. m.). Then, depending on the air temperature, water 1 or 2 times a day, for example, in the morning and evening, with a norm of 50-100 liters per hundred square meters.

Seed selection. How to properly make a lawn with a uniform color? Uniform lawn grass is only possible if only one type of cereal grass is used. There is a risk of staining when using the mixture. different color and structures. Therefore, seeds containing 100% bluegrass are suitable for garden lawns; it is possible to use a mixture of different varieties of bluegrass. For hot climates, it is better to use 100% tall fescue, although it has a tougher leaf, its vitality is much higher than bluegrass. Ryegrass is not recommended as it has a wide leaf and will not tolerate low cutting below 20mm. It is also undesirable to sow stolon-shaped bentgrass. It grows aggressively and requires frequent combing operations; when in the mixture, it displaces other grasses, forming unsightly spots, and is difficult to mow, since the recommended height is 10 mm or lower.

What you don’t need to save on is the cost of seeds. Good seeds With high germination and the necessary varietal characteristics have a decent price. The manufacturer of lawn grass seeds is also important. Unfortunately, find the seeds domestic producers having good varietal characteristics It’s quite difficult, but not all imported ones may be suitable for the site. The Danish company DLF trifolium and the Dutch Barenbrug have proven themselves well.

Buy seeds with a 20% reserve in case of possible reseeding. Quite often the seeds that were sold this season are not easy to find next season.

Do-it-yourself lawn installation. Main stages

The optimal periods for creating a lawn are spring when the soil warms up above +10 degrees and autumn when the daytime air temperature is below +25 degrees. However, with guaranteed watering, you can get seedlings even in the middle of summer.

Stage 1 Soil preparation

Before the main work, the area must be cleared of unnecessary bushes and trees, old stumps, and debris and stones with a diameter of over 10 mm should be removed from the soil, if any.

Apply starter fertilizers. It can be complex species, for example, Azofoska. The application rate is 30-40 g per square meter. The area is loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm, preferably with a gasoline cultivator, which will make the soil homogeneous and loose. After this, the area is leveled with a rake and rolled with a roller.

The main question during this period is: how to make an even lawn? Regardless of whether there was already compacted soil on the site or new soil was brought in, after loosening and rolling it, it must be watered abundantly until puddles form. This will allow the soil to settle and compact evenly. Then wait until the soil dries until a crust forms. If depressions and unevenness have formed in the area, they are smoothed out again with a rake, moving first in one, then in the transverse direction.

Stage 2 Sowing

Sowing seeds can be done either with a seeder or manually; in the latter case, the result can be even better. The sowing rate for bluegrass or tall fescue seeds is 20-25 g per square meter. Planting a lawn with your own hands is done as evenly as possible; to do this, first move in one, then transverse and even diagonal directions. After sowing, it is necessary to plant the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm. This is done carefully with a rake, without moving the soil too much, otherwise bare areas without seedlings may form. Even if a small part of the seeds remains on the surface, they are left and rolled with a roller in two or more directions.

Then the irrigation is installed and set to periodic watering, described earlier.

Stage 3 Mowing

Thin, hairy shoots appear 7-10 days after sowing. When 3-4 true leaves appear, watering is reduced, the soil is brought to a state of drying of the upper crust, at different air temperatures this can take several days, then water again and set the frequency 1-2 times a day until puddles form.

For mowing, it is best to use a wheeled mower with a rotary metal blade. On a plot of up to 2 acres, an electric mower with a cutting width of about 35 cm with a hopper for collecting grass is recommended.

The first mowing is very important point to get a lawn with your own hands. After 3-4 weeks, when the seedlings reach a height of 40-50 mm, the first mowing is carried out only on dried soil. The first time, the amount of grass collected will be very small, but mowing is very important to encourage the grass to grow sideways.

The frequency of further mowing is every three days. You can mow painlessly for grass no more than half of its constant height, i.e. if the usual height is 40 mm, then mowing is carried out at a height of 60 mm.

Stage 4 Fertilizers

To ensure the specified mowing frequency, it is necessary to fertilize regularly. lawn grass nitrogen fertilizers. In the first two months, it is better to use ammonium nitrate in a dose of 10 g per square meter for fertilizing; in the future, it is recommended to use urea in the same dose. Uniform application of fertilizers should be ensured by a special disc spreader; it is not recommended to do this manually. If grass growth is very intense, more than 30 mm in 3 days, then the amount of fertilizer is reduced or eliminated altogether.

Stage 5 Weeds

In any area you can find the rhizomes of perennial weeds, and weed seeds in the soil remain viable for up to 40 years. When lawn grass sprouts, weeds also appear.

If time permits, a month before sowing, treat the area with a continuous action herbicide, for example Hurricane, on the green mass to reduce the number of perennial weeds.

It is not advisable to pull out emerging weeds by hand, as the lawn grass seedlings are damaged. After the first mowing, continuous treatment is carried out with selective herbicides, for example, Lontrel. This will not harm the lawn grass, but the weeds will die.

If all the steps are done correctly, then after 5-6 mowings you get a smooth young lawn, which easily later turns into a beautiful, well-turfed carpet. We hope we have covered the topic: how to make a lawn with your own hands.

To get a high-quality green lawn at your dacha, you will need to stock up on some knowledge and carry out some research before sowing preparatory work. The complex of information collected on how to plant a lawn with your own hands must necessarily include information about the composition and preparation of the soil, about tools and the choice of seeds, about when it is better to plant grass - in spring, summer or autumn.

It is very important to purchase the right seeds. Not only the decorativeness of the grass cover, but also its winter hardiness and durability depend on the composition of the lawn mixture. Sowing seeds and subsequent care of seedlings have their own rules, following which you can obtain a high-quality seeded lawn.

Selection and preparation of a site

The best time to sow a lawn

The place where you can plant lawn grass must meet a number of conditions:

  1. Sufficient illumination– one of the main conditions successful growth. The best lawns are obtained in areas that are open most of the day sun rays. In the deep shadow of buildings or under big trees lawn grasses do not create dense turf and gradually die. The best option for shady areas - replacing grasses with shade-loving ground covers (periwinkle, hoofed grass, etc.).
  2. The site area must be leveled. A horizontal surface without bumps or holes or a small, uniform slope is a guarantee of high-quality grass cover. Before sowing lawn grass, a thorough cleaning is carried out: construction debris and stones are removed, stumps are uprooted, and bumps and holes are leveled. On large areas To level the soil, you can use special equipment with a horizontal knife loader. When the area is small, they deal with unevenness with sharply sharpened shovels.
  3. Choosing a favorable landing time. Already in mid-spring, when the snow has melted and excess water has gone, you can begin preparing the soil and planting the lawn. Grass sown in May, like everything that is planted in the spring, grows and develops much better and forms a strong turf by the fall. You can sow a green lawn almost throughout the warm season. The deadline is the first of September. Later crops, although they will sprout, will not have time in the cold autumn to develop viability before the onset of frost.

Selecting seeds for seeding a lawn

Let's talk about the varieties of lawn mixtures so as not to get confused by the variety of colorful packages with grass seeds. Many years of breeding work made it possible to select varieties and varieties cereal crops to obtain different qualities of grass:

  1. Sports turf mixture composed, most often, of hardy varieties of red fescue, bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. They can withstand short haircuts and are resistant to trampling.
  2. Mixture for ground lawn includes the most decorative varieties cereals Bright emerald color, silky delicate leaves - this kind of lawn is usually planted to decorate the front entrance to a house. It is not used for walking. Contains varieties of red fescue and fine bentgrass.
  3. Universal lawn- a mixture under this name is more suitable than others for a summer cottage. It makes a beautiful, but practical grass covering that can not only be admired, but also used for relaxation, playing with children and animals. The herbs included in its composition are durable, devoid of hard shoots, and form a dense emerald carpet.

You should not purchase seeds without labels indicating the manufacturer and composition of the varieties. This is how you can purchase clod grasses that are not suitable for lawns from an unscrupulous seller. When choosing a mixture for middle zone and in more northern regions, ryegrass content should not be allowed to exceed 10-15%, since it does not have the necessary winter hardiness.

Creating a soil layer for the lawn

To create the right soil To grow lawn grass you need to work hard. After painstaking work After clearing and leveling the area, it is worth digging the soil and looking at its quality. It’s good if there is fertile garden soil under the shovel. It is enough to dig it up with a bayonet and select the roots of perennial weeds. Otherwise, you will have to improve the soil layer.

Leveling the area with a rake

In low-fertility loam it is necessary to add organic matter (compost, humus, peat, leaf litter stored in autumn). For better permeability, coarse sand is added. Adding components and mixing the soil, at the same time continue to level the surface. Using a cord and pegs, set the horizontal, without neglecting the building level or level. Finish leveling of the surface is conveniently done by pulling a long, even strip or using the back of a rake.

A garden roller compacts the soil for sowing

When the soil is dug up and leveled, it is compacted with a special hand roller. Filled with water, it weighs about 100 kg. A small area can be compacted using a piece of thick plywood and your own weight. After compaction, the area is thoroughly moistened so that the entire thickness of the plowed layer is saturated with water. Watering will reveal any remaining imperfections that need to be addressed.

The soil has been prepared - you can plant the seeds

There is a simple method on how to properly plant lawn grass for an inexperienced person:

It is necessary to measure on a household scale the number of seeds required to sow 1 square meter. The norm is 35-50 g per 1 m². Having measured the required volume, select a measuring cup of suitable size for it, so that you can take the same number of seeds each time.

Weighing seeds for sowing 1m²

From thin wooden slats make a square frame with a side of 1 m. This will be a template for sowing seeds. The frame is placed on the ground and seeds are scattered inside it. Sowing is performed with a “salting” movement of the hand. Half the norm is poured lengthwise, half across the template for greater uniformity.

How to plant lawn grass seeds using a template

The square is covered thin layer sifted peat or fine-textured soil and compacted with a lightweight roller. The frame is moved and all operations are repeated until the entire area is sown.

The first shoots begin to appear on the 4th day.

Caring for a young lawn

You need to clearly understand not only where and how to plant lawn grass correctly, but also how to provide it with the necessary care so that the young lawn gets stronger, survives the first winter and brings joy for many years.


In the first month of life, young grass seedlings require especially close attention to maintaining soil moisture. The surface should not be allowed to dry out; some varieties of lawn grass are delayed in germination, and their fragile sprouts can be ruined in dry soil.

Water spray torch suitable for young seedlings

Overmoistening is no less harmful for tender young leaves; it can provoke the appearance of mold, rot, and the formation of moss. On average, when there is no extreme heat or drought, watering is required once every 3-4 days. Water the lawn with a soft stream of water and a fine spray.


The sight of sprouting lawn grass mixed with the same cheerfully green leaves of weeds can cause considerable frustration to a summer resident. You can begin to fight them only after waiting for the lawn to grow back, when the grass can be stepped on. You should wait at least a month for weeding.

To reduce the pressure of the feet on the sprouts, weeding is carried out by placing a piece of thick plywood or wide board, trying not to stand in one place for a long time. A lawn crushed by plywood usually recovers quickly.

Even if the area was treated with herbicides before planting grass, weeds will appear from time to time. Healthy lawn grass, sown at the correct density, will crowd out the bulk of weeds. Systematic mowing will prevent quinoa and other annual weeds from scattering seeds.


The first mowing is done when the leaves of the cereals have grown by 12-15 cm, and no more than 5 cm are cut off at the first time. Be sure to check the sharpness of the mower blades so that they do not pull out the undeveloped roots of young cereals from the soil. The next mowings are carried out every 7-10 days, in spring and summer - more often, in autumn - less often.

Lawn after first mowing

To make sure your new lawn survives its first winter, some preparation will be required in the fall. Under the snow, the lawn should be combed and trimmed, without leaves flying from the trees. Snow cover in winter it will protect against freezing and save you from a lot of hassle in repairing the grass next spring.

On the existing lawn, plant debris formed during the autumn-winter period is “combed out”. To prevent the emergence of lawn grass diseases, they create favorable conditions for air exchange in the root layer - they pierce the soil.

Then the lawn grass is fed with complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen: they ensure rapid regrowth and restoration of the lawn after winter. If necessary, they fight weeds, reseeding the grass if it is not uniform. If there is no lawn on the site, then spring, like early autumn, is the time to create it.

Types of lawn grass: g harvest or seed?

First of all, you need to choose a place for the emerald “carpet”. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be located horizontally; slopes can also become beautiful lawns.

Then decide on the laying method: will you lay the finished rolled lawn or give preference to seed. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Ready-made turf from lawn grass allows you to turn a bare plot of land into a beautiful green area in just a few hours. You bypass the stage of painstaking care for young crops, but at the same time you must remember that a rolled lawn will last less than one grown from seeds.

Our advice:

It must be taken into account that the soil type of the site and the finished lawn must be identical.

You can’t delay laying it either, because the lifespan of “carpet” in rolls is 6-8 hours in hot weather and 5 days in cool and humid weather. And yet, if you decide to purchase a rolled lawn, make sure that the grass has been recently trimmed (long stems can hide “felt” and weeds).

Order turf 10-15% more than the area allocated for lawn, and if the area has a complex configuration, then even 25%.

Seed lawn

By growing a lawn from seeds, you will have a ready-made normal lawn in about a year. In this case, more thorough preparation of the soil for sowing will be required, and young grass will additional measures for protection from birds and animals. However, such lawns are distinguished by their durability and vitality, since plants from the first stages better adapt to natural conditions plot.

Our advice:

It is also important that this method is much cheaper. Those who prefer it should first of all carefully choose lawn grass.

Herbal mixtures of lawn grass: from “A” to “Z”

The highest demands are placed on lawn grass varieties: they must be decorative, long-lasting, resistant to mechanical damage and adverse weather conditions, etc.

Not a single type of herb combines all these qualities. Therefore, despite the beauty of single-grass “carpets,” it is preferable to sow lawn mixtures.

What kind of lawn grass is best to plant at the dacha?

Based on the type of lawn being created, the type of soil, climatic conditions and lighting of the area.

Many varieties of lawn grass are sensitive to soil acidity, and in addition, the level of groundwater is important for them.

It also wouldn’t hurt to understand in general terms biological features different varieties lawn grasses

Our advice:

Creating a lawn on long years, take into account that lawn grasses can be long-lived, which develop slowly, and less long-lived, but with faster ontogenesis.

The appearance of lawn grass is largely determined by the density of shoot formation (thickness of the grass stand), which, in turn, depends on the type of tillering:

  • Rhizomatous plants(red fescue, common bluegrass and white bentgrass) form a herbage of medium or low density and are one of the most long-lived grasses. They are often used to create universal and parterre lawns.
  • Loose bush grasses- perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue, rhizomatous wheatgrass create a grass stand above average density. They are used for universal, parterre and meadow lawns.
  • Grass stand rhizome-loose bush plants (in particular, meadow bluegrass and thin bentgrass) is dense, even and elastic. Plus, such grasses form dense and tear-resistant turf, so they are ideal for creating parterre and sports lawns.
  • Dense bush grasses form grass stand very high density and the same thickness of turf. Unfortunately, such excess is not good: next to these plants (fescue, white fescue, etc.), the development of cereals with a different type of tillering is almost impossible. Such herbs are included only in drought-resistant mixtures.

How tall should the grains be?

The height of the grass grass plays a significant role in creating a thick lawn.

Riding grasses of lawn grass

(meadow timothy grass, hedgehog grass)

Description: They form tall, up to a meter, coarse stems and leaves, but bush little. They are present in grass mixtures for universal and meadow types of lawns, and are also intended for shady places and landscaping of slopes.

Grass grasses

(meadow bluegrass, red fescue, bentgrass)

Description: with thin shoots 40-50 cm high, they bush strongly, form a dense mass of squat stems and leaves, therefore they are suitable for parterre types of lawns.

Semi-top lawn grasses

(meadow fescue and meadow foxtail)

Description: with fairly tall shoots they form medium-density bushes that grow quickly after mowing and bush well. These cereals are suitable for universal species lawns.

Purpose of the lawn

Another criterion for choosing a mixture is performance characteristics plants intended for a specific type of green “carpet”.

Parterre view of the lawn

Cereals for it should tolerate regular cutting well, which, in particular, is the case with meadow bluegrass, red fescue and white bentgrass. On the other hand, these grasses do not tolerate trampling, which is considered a disadvantage of parterre lawns.

But today it has been overcome: exclusive lawn mixtures from varieties of meadow bluegrass and red fescue are highly resistant to intense mechanical loads.

Universal type of lawn

Less beautiful than parterre, since it is sown not only from narrow-leaved bluegrass, fescue and bentgrass, but also broad-leaved, coarser ryegrass. However, it is precisely this composition of grasses that makes the lawn wear-resistant: you can even walk on it, even play on it, even put sun loungers on it.

Sporty looking lawn

Grasses for sports lawns are distinguished by their ability to withstand heavy loads, as well as their special resistance to adverse climatic conditions. Among such cereals are perennial ryegrass and white bentgrass.

Meadow and Moorish lawn type

These lawns are rarely mowed; weeds have time to grow on them. Therefore, appropriate lawn grass mixtures include grasses that can displace weeds (for example, meadow grass and bentgrass).

If desired, you can create a non-grass lawn using a mixture of ground cover plants. Such a lawn is suitable for arranging shady areas where the growth of cereal grasses is difficult.

How to lay a lawn?

Having chosen the type of future lawn, decided on its location and purchased the appropriate grass mixture, you can begin laying the lawn.

The site is cleared of debris, stumps, roots of removed trees, and weeds are uprooted. The surface of the site is leveled, and in places where water stagnates, drainage is provided.

A layer of gravel, large stones or broken bricks 10-15 cm high is poured onto infertile soil and compacted well. Then lay a layer of small pebbles or sand 15 cm high and compact it too.

The drainage is filled with fertile soil removed during leveling.

Our advice:

Just before sowing lawn grass, take a long, flat board, tie a rope along its edges and drag the board across the area. This way you can check whether the surface is level enough.

Approximately a week before sowing lawn grass, a starting complex fertilizer is applied. And finally, let's get to the main thing:

  • Thoroughly mixed grass seeds are sown by hand or using a seeder. The weather on the day of sowing should be clear and calm. The number of seeds, depending on the composition of the mixture, can be different, on average - 25-30 g per 1 square meter. meter.
  • After laying the grass mixture, the soil is lightly leveled with a rake to cover the seeds with a layer of soil no more than 5 mm thick. With deeper planting, the time before germination increases, so the seeds are left almost on the surface, rolled with a roller or roller.
  • The area is then watered using drip irrigation or sprinkling to prevent the seeds from being washed out of the soil. Before mass shoots appear, the lawn grass is regularly watered, preventing it from drying out.

The first shoots of lawn grass will appear on the 7-21st day after sowing - depending on the weather, the type of grass mixture, soil fertility and watering. They will be a reward for all your efforts, and very soon you will see: an emerald lawn is a real godsend for your garden. After all, it emphasizes the beauty of flower beds and small architectural forms, helps create a beneficial microclimate on the site, soothing the eye with its even color.

Natalia Golubkova
© Ogorodnik magazine

The lawn is one of the most important parts any green spaces, because in its absence, the design of the site ornamental plants can be quite problematic.

In addition, lawn grass makes general form landscape more aesthetically pleasing.

The role of lawns in the country

Before you start decorating the area with a lawn, you need to clearly decide what functions it will perform. For example, a lawn is often used not only for decorative purposes, but also as a kind of recreation area.

The lawn is divided into several various types, each of which has its own special characteristics that should be taken into account when making your decision.

Dacha, summer, barbecue...

Main types

Types of lawns:

  1. Parterre. Thanks to its soft, rich green color, it is ideal for decorating an area. It requires careful care, which can take a lot of time.
  2. Sports. Great for decorating places where people often walk (for example, a recreation area). The grasses that make up such a lawn are characterized by resistance to trampling and the ability to quickly recover from damage. They have a fairly high cost.
  3. The most common types include garden a lawn characterized by a dense grass cover that is resistant to damage. These types of lawns are used, in most cases, for large areas where picnics or walks are held.
  4. Universal lawn can be used to solve almost any problem. It is easy to repair, does not require special care, and has good durability. The shady lawn, whose grasses can grow in the shade of trees and shrubs, deserves special attention.

What is lawn grass

It is an artificially created grass cover, in the cultivation of which specially selected herbs were used.

It is an excellent backdrop for park structures and plantings, and looks great as a individual element landscape design.

When planting a lawn, it is worth remembering that it can evaporate moisture quite strongly, which will significantly affect the increase in air humidity in general.

It is for this reason that the air temperature in an area with a lawn can be significantly lower than in other parts of the garden.

In addition, it is worth recalling that a layer of good dense grass is excellent. According to scientists, the lawn can relieve tension and calm.

Stage one - planning

Before planting lawn grass, it is important to properly plan the placement of the future lawn.


The lawn can be placed almost anywhere: in a brightly lit place or in the shade, on a horizontal surface and on slopes (you will need retaining walls), on clay or sandy soils.

Ideally, it is recommended to place the lawn in partial shade or in the sun, since it is too dark place grasses are unlikely to take root. Unless you buy special shade-loving groundcover varieties that require virtually no special care.

It is important to choose the right place for your lawn


Naturally, in this case, you will have to spend more effort and time to arrange the site, because along the entire slope or slope you will have to lay a fairly large layer of fertile soil that will not collapse or creep.

For these purposes, you can use special durable mesh. They are carefully fixed on slopes, so that they can support the soil.

If the soil height is 25-30 centimeters, then it is recommended to lay the mesh at least twice. Also, when purchasing, you should purchase special types herbs that can be planted on large slopes.

Site selection and preparation

The place for planting the lawn should be chosen in advance, taking into account the grasses that make up its composition. It is not advisable to choose areas that are too shady, unless we are talking about a special, shady lawn.

A beautiful flower that will decorate anyone country cottage area, reproduction and other helpful information will be found in our article.

Modern summer residents choose meadow bluegrass for the lawn - features of selecting high-quality grass and bluegrass seeds for the soil.

Weed control

First, you should thoroughly clean the selected area of ​​debris, weeds, stumps and snags. It is quite difficult to completely get rid of all weeds manually, so many gardeners use herbicides (chemicals).

Digging and leveling the surface

The next stage in creating a lawn involves digging up the earth to a depth of about 20 centimeters. During the digging process, be sure to remove all debris from the ground.

At the end, they try to level the surface, otherwise lawn care will be very problematic.

Soil fertilization

After the soil has been thoroughly dug up, it must be fertilized. For this you can use any universal fertilizer. If the soil is clayey or sandy, peat and black soil are excellent for enriching its composition.

If the surface layer is not compacted, then depressions and tubercles may form on it in the future, which will interfere with walking.

Sowing time

Lawns can be sown at almost any time of the year, with the exception of winter; planting lawn grass in spring and autumn is most preferable.

Can be sown on May holidays, maybe in the summer, or maybe in the autumn months, which will allow you to get a thick green cover by the next season.

We should also talk about autumn sowing. It is recommended to sow the grass mixture either in early September, or plant the grass in frozen ground before the snow cover appears.

In the first case, the plants will have time to sprout before frost, which will allow them to be processed in time before wintering. In the second case, the seeds will have time to acquire resistance to diseases over the winter.

In addition, in favor autumn sowing There are several other reasons. The soil at this moment is well moistened and warmed up, and there are much fewer weeds than in spring. Thanks to this, the lawn has time to germinate and acquire a strong root system even before the onset of frost.

Lawn grass sowing technology

Grass seeds

According to many experienced gardeners the best way Sowing lawn grass involves mixing seeds with sand. You can also use a special seeder for uniform sowing.

If there is no seeder, then the seeds can be sown by hand, first along the plot, then across it. For one square meter area will require about 30-40 grams of seeds.

Then the seeds should be slightly buried in the soil using a rake, after which they can be sprinkled with a layer of peat mixture 1.5 centimeters high.

Next, you need to walk across the lawn with a roller to gently press the seeds into the ground. The crops are thoroughly watered daily for a week using fine-drip irrigation. Due to this, the sprouts will receive the necessary moisture, and the water will not erode the soil.

Special gun for sowing lawns

Video about lawns - when to plant lawn grass at the dacha and how to do it correctly with your own hands:

Grass care

Lawn care includes the following:

  1. . Due to timely mowing, the attractive appearance of the lawn is maintained.
  2. . It is mandatory during the period of the most intensive grass growth, after weeding and mowing.
  3. Weeding. No matter how carefully the soil is prepared for planting lawn grass, sooner or later weeds will still sprout. Hand weeding is the most difficult, but most reliable method of weed control.
  4. . In order for lawn grasses to grow and develop normally, they require regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
  5. Cleaning. This event includes the removal of dry grass and leaves in the autumn season. In spring, cleaning is combined with combing the turf.

A haircut - important factor for a beautiful flat field

Lawn feeding

Watering - at least once a week

What to remember

In the first year there is no need to apply too large doses of fertilizers. Young plants will have enough nutrients already in the soil.

The sown seeds must be watered very carefully, making sure that the soil is moistened, but the soil is not eroded and the seeds do not float. It is better to sow lawn grass at a time when the soil is still quite wet.

Lawn care and choice of location depend on the type of grass chosen. It is best to sow in autumn period, which will allow you to get stronger plants without an abundance of weeds.

Getting a first-class lawn on your property couldn’t be easier. First you need to decide which lawn is better - rolled or seeded. Having made a choice in favor of the latter, you will have to tinker a little (if you sow with your own hands), but the result will be worthy. It is best to sow lawn grass in spring or early autumn (warm soil and a significant amount of moisture will have a beneficial effect on the growth and quality of lawn grass).

To get in as soon as possible a magnificent green lawn, which, in addition to aesthetic beauty, will protect your site from drying out and attack by various weeds, just follow a few simple but very important recommendations.

Lawn grass - how to sow, grow and care

  • Once you have marked out the area you plan to plant for your lawn, make sure it is completely clear of weeds, old plant roots, rocks and debris.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to prepare the soil for further planting. If the soil is not fertile enough, as a rule, starting fertilizers are scattered over the surface: phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. To improve soil drainage, it is also recommended to add sand. But if the surface of your site is already too light and sandy, then use peat. It will saturate the soil with nutrients and retain invaluable moisture.
  • Finally you can start sowing. If you dream of a low-maintenance lawn that would be able to withstand weather conditions and all kinds of weed pests, use various lawn grass seeds to sow. Thus, different varieties of lawn grass sown in one area not only adapt faster, but also have a brighter and more saturated color. Keep in mind that the germination rate of lawn grass differs between different varieties. When purchasing a package of herbal mixture, be sure to read the tips provided for planting a specific variety.
  • To make a good lawn, sow on calm days, planting seeds along and across the perimeter of the field. Finally, lightly press the seeds into the soil, providing the future lawn with adequate watering, which, by the way, will be needed throughout the growth of the grass, especially during the dry summer period.

  • Mowing a mature lawn is done when the grass is completely dry and has grown at least 10 cm. Do you want your lawn grass to be dense and stable? Then, for the first time, cut off no more than one centimeter. Subsequent haircuts can be carried out based on personal preferences.
  • In order to constantly maintain the lawn in excellent condition and to avoid irregular surges in grass growth, it is enough to feed the soil once a season (with the exception of the winter months).
  • Insufficient water supply can have a detrimental effect on appearance and lead to premature death of plants. The first sign that should alert you is the dull, ugly, gray-green color of the plantings. Do not allow the soil to dry out and water the lawn daily using a shallow watering can or sprinkler. Water must penetrate deep into the soil. Such watering will ensure intensive growth of the root system, which, penetrating deep into the ground, promotes better grass growth.
  • A vital procedure for your well-maintained lawn is cultivation (superficial cleaning of the grass with a special spring rake). Of course, this process is a little labor-intensive, but fortunately, it is enough to carry it out once a year. The cultivation process will help you remove old grass from your lawn, improve air access to plant roots and create favorable conditions for the emergence of new shoots.
  • A spring surface powder consisting of a mixture of loam, peat and sand will also help to create an attractive surface. Such a layer will mask unwanted voids on the surface and lead to the development of additional shoots.

An emerald green grass carpet near your home will serve you for many years ideal place for walks on fresh air and picnics. The only time when you should not disturb or trample green spaces, but admire them exclusively from afar, is the first half of the year after planting.
