Lisa Gerd's movement phone number how to find. How it works: searching for missing people. Find out if a person has had an accident

Every half hour in Russia one person disappears. Every year, police departments receive about 200 thousand applications asking them to start searching for missing people. Half of the requests are later withdrawn. This is largely due to the successful rescue operations. Their participants are police officers, less often - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and most often - volunteers. The Lisa Alert squad is a union of people who are ready to help and start searching. Look for those who once did not return to their loved ones.

“A boy about five years old has disappeared...”, “a little girl in a red jacket left the playground...”, “a 14-year-old teenager did not return home after school. Special signs..." - we read messages like this every day. Posted on porches, lampposts, and passport offices, unfortunately, at some point they even cease to attract attention. Here is a photo and accompanying text: they have been looking for this person for more than two weeks, anyone who is ready to help with information or active actions, asking you to respond. Several minutes pass, and the face seen for the first time is forgotten. And the pain of those who are now sitting at home and looking in horror at a silent phone can be experienced in just a split second.

The Lisa Alert volunteer squad (similar to AMBER ALERT - the American missing child alert system) was founded in 2010. In the summer of 2010, activists united on the Internet and went to one of the forests near Moscow in search of little Liza Fomkina, who got lost while walking with her aunt. The police put off the search for a long time, and when volunteers started, they were unable to join the activists due to being busy with City Day. As a result, Lisa was found by members of the Lisa Alert search party.

Being in emotional shock, the guys agreed that they would continue to respond to such cries for help. Now the detachment has some kind of branches; the organization exists exclusively on a voluntary basis. Associations under the same name operate in Bryansk, Tver, Ivanovo and many other regions. No one can answer the question of how many participants Lisa Alert has. There are thousands of registered people, hundreds of activists, and every time new people come to search, they replace each other on duty, and sometimes it seems that the support is colossal.

Basically, the coordinator of the voluntary search team says Irina Vorobyova, there is an unspoken distribution among the volunteers: some go only to look for children, some, on the contrary, for adults, others look for the disabled. And you never know how many people will help today. But in critical situations, of course, everyone mobilizes. During one of the rescue operations on the second day of the search, the missing person himself contacted his relatives by mobile phone. “Grandfather said that he was in the forest, he saw a helicopter, but he could no longer walk. There were only eight of us then, but by evening we had gathered seventy. Explaining to people that this is the last chance for an elderly person.”

Of course, the creation of such a squad highlights the problem of search by police officers. It is no secret that missing persons reports are accepted 72 hours after the person has not returned home. It is no secret that although missing persons reports should be accepted at the time of application, they are often delayed for 72 hours. And even if the application has already been accepted, the search does not begin before the designated hour X. This convention is associated with isolating truly serious ones from the huge number of false complaints. As for adults, it is clear that they can leave, leave and forget to warn their relatives, but it is impossible to wait with folded hands for three days for a child who has not returned from school. You can gather all your relatives and friends, comb the nooks and crannies and basements, but as a rule, ten, even twenty pairs of eyes are not enough.

IN federal law about “Operational investigative activities” it is stated that in special cases (“which ... may lead to the commission of a serious crime, as well as in the presence of information about events and actions that create a threat to the state, military, economic or environmental safety Russian Federation") it is possible to conduct search operations within 24 hours after the loss. At the same time, a court decision on this should already be received the next day. It is not difficult to guess that such exceptions are too rare.

Volunteers from the Lisa Alert association say they don’t often have to work side by side with police officers. And they even receive reports of missing persons from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (a similar agreement was concluded last year), which in this case serve solely as a mouthpiece. Accordingly, departmental dog handlers accompany volunteer detachments extremely rarely. And since there are not enough police officers, even with official permission to search, the Alert people came up with the idea of ​​​​using police cars. If the missing person is in the forest, the howl of sirens from service vehicles has already helped the victim navigate the area several times.

According to internal statistics from the Lisa Alert volunteer squad, the most calls occur in the fall. The guys learn how to search in the forest correctly from Western colleagues and own experience. In Russia there is no civilian “school” where they could show how to properly organize searches for people. Over the years of work, activists have acquired own rules, experienced volunteers began to tell newcomers how to work with maps and navigate the terrain. The secret staff expanded to include an information support department, whose members took upon themselves to call hospitals and post information about the missing on the Internet.

Lisa Alert's team begins to help in the search only after relatives write an official statement to the police, but then volunteers can act independently from the police. (the police just don’t work, but we try to keep in touch with them during any searches) This is rather an exception to the rule in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bcharity. Some volunteer centers have an agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs that they do not begin to operate without coordinating the work being carried out with the police. On the website of the community of volunteers “Search for Missing Children” you can fill out a special application form about missing loved ones. “After receiving the application, volunteers contact relatives, clarify the information, and coordinators and volunteers start working, depending on the area. Now we work in almost 40 regions of Russia. There are cases when the relatives of the missing person have not yet had time to file a complaint with the police, then we can do this, after contacting the police through our channels, the police contact the relatives and active joint work on the search begins.”, - talks about the principles of work of the Commonwealth of Volunteers "Search for Missing Children", leader of its youth wing Nikolay Kovalev.

Every third of the missing people is a child or teenager. Of course, some missing persons, both adults and minors, are people deviant behavior. But, contrary to the popular stereotype, there are not so many of them. The cases that Lisa Alert's team deals with are mainly misfortunes from which no one is immune: he went into the forest, fishing, for a walk and got lost, separated from the group, fell through the ice...

Police officers, who are constrained by the letter of the law, note that in fact those same ill-fated 72 hours are the most valuable time. It is easier to find a missing person in the first three days. But even if you started an independent search or attracted volunteers, you must contact the accident registration bureau of the territorial police department or call the local department of internal affairs. When contacting the police department in person, you will need a passport, information about the missing person’s social circle and, of course, a description of his appearance.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted back in 1989, states that the parent is responsible not only for the living conditions of the child, but also for his safety. There is no law in Russia that would imply punishment for the loss of a minor, only for kidnapping. True, there is an article about “Failure to fulfill the duties of raising a minor,” but the maximum that can be faced for failure to fulfill it is correctional labor or a fine. The responsibility of relatives for the missing child is rather a moral issue. No one undertakes to judge those who have lost a child. At least within the country.

What can we say about responsibility for a missing adult. No one will ask an older person: why did you let him (her) out of the house alone, how could he (she) go there alone? These questions are impossible to answer, but it can also be extremely difficult to stop asking yourself them in the event of an accident. And those who help people in trouble find their loved ones do not let these questions hang in the air.

Natalya Malinovskaya, "Lisa Alert", psychologist:

— I give lectures on the prevention of escapes, abductions and losses of children called “Lisa Alert Speaks.” In this sense, there are two age categories - up to 10 and after 11 years. They are approximate, of course, but before 10 he is still a child, and after 11 he is already a teenager and it makes sense to talk not about loss, but, most likely, about escape.

You can't imagine how many children are recruited via the Internet. Literally and figuratively. For example, one 11-year-old girl from Istra almost left for Chelyabinsk. She was attracted by some witches or wolves. As a result, the girl was stopped only at the station. Many pedophiles operate via the Internet. In my practice, there was a case when a girl was recruited by terrorists to make a living bomb out of her, but they were stopped when they tried to take her out. The cases are very serious. Therefore, it is extremely important to be in contact with your child, to know how he lives and with whom he communicates.

With little ones there are more stories about “getting lost.” And this is entirely the responsibility of the parents, who for some reason think that the state or society should be responsible for the child. I don’t understand at all how, after constant stories with maniacs, you can send your child somewhere alone without any safety net or control. No amount of music lessons is worth putting a child in danger.

There is no specific age when you can walk alone. It depends on the psyche. If the child can already soberly assess the situation, you can let go. But only parents can understand whether a child is ready for this. By the way, when children go in groups of two or three, the likelihood that something bad will happen to them is very small.

Three tips for parents:

1. Have constant contact with your child by phone. Talk to him on the phone while he's walking somewhere alone. The biggest statistic of lost children is children who were either going to or from school.

2. You always need to know how long a child’s journey or walk will take. You can track this path using a tracker - a special beacon that determines the child’s location.

3. If a child disappears for half an hour, even twenty minutes, you need to sound the alarm. For example, in the case of Zhenya Melnikova, who disappeared in 2013, the alarm was sounded five hours after the child was lost! And the maniac kills within two hours.

Dmitry Viktorovich Vtorov, coordinator of the community of volunteers “Search for Missing Children”:

“The first and most important thing that needs to be conveyed to every child is that if he is lost and doesn’t know where to go, he needs to contact the police. To the department, to the patrol car, just a policeman in uniform. Come up and say: I'm lost. If you don’t find a policeman, go to the metro and ask the officer on duty. Go to any shopping mall, contact the security guard. There is no need to be afraid of these people. Security has instructions on what to do in such cases. The main thing here is that ultimately information about the missing child gets to the police as quickly as possible.

You just need to be afraid of good men and women on the street. Of course, most likely the person the child decides to turn to will turn out to be good, but there is also a chance that the child will end up in a bad situation. One day I took a lost child elderly woman and fed and watered her for two days at home, without saying a word to the police.

Here's another case. The child got lost in the park. The parents were distracted and didn’t notice. Some woman went with him to the shopping center and handed him over to security. Security reported to the police. And the child was found without filing an application, because his parents were already in one of the departments.

In general, in Russia society does not know what to do with lost children. And most often they are simply ignored. An experiment was carried out. A five-year-old child was walking alone in a square in a large Russian city. 20 minutes passed before a man approached him asking where his parents were and what he was doing here.

There was a case when a child was walking along the median on the highway and no one stopped. Only two hours later the child was picked up by a passing patrol car.

Anfisa Kalistratova, social psychologist:

It is necessary to cultivate an active life position in a child from birth. The child must be prepared for possible troubles. Required: to know home address and parents' work address, Cell phones parents and relatives, know who to contact and who not to. Children are capable of this as early as three or four years old.

A child must be able to stand up for himself. Children need to be explained that they should beware of strangers, what communication with them can lead to stranger, and how to behave if someone is going to kidnap a child. The child should know that at such moments it is possible to scream, scratch, hit the legs, and so on. That is, a child who can stand up for himself is very good. Typically, such children grow up with parents who do not try to “crush” the child under themselves and who regularly talk to their children.

It is necessary to give the child freedom and responsibility little by little, but regularly. But one that he can handle. For example, go to a store near your house for milk, then for milk and bread, then a larger list and a store a little further away, first with money without change, then with big money, and so on.

By the way, in preparation for this comment, I conducted a small survey among nine-ten year old children. Each of them claimed that they would never board a minibus without money and would not spend the money intended for travel on something else. Draw your own conclusions.

GPS trackers, notes and love

How it works: searching for missing people

5 Mar 2020


"Attention! A man has disappeared! We ask for help in disseminating information” - sometimes we help repost search operations, but in Russia there are hundreds of people for whom this is work. Using the example of the Lisa Alert PSO, we will tell you how the search for missing people works. For assistance in preparing this material, we thank Stanislav Kovalev, the head of the Sverdlovsk detachment.

How did it all begin?

In addition to government agencies such as the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the search for lost people is carried out by volunteers: for example, the history of the “Lisa Alert” volunteer movement began with the initiative of caring people in 2010. Five-year-old Liza Fomkina and her aunt disappeared in Orekhovo-Zuevo. The girl was found dead on the tenth day - she died the day before from hypothermia. There was a chance to save the child if search operations had begun a day earlier. This tragic story began active volunteer work to search for missing people in Russia, and the volunteer movement was named after Liza Fomkina.

In Yekaterinburg, the Lisa Alert search and rescue team is headed by Muscovite Stanislav Kovalev. By day, he is the deputy director of one of the construction companies city, and on weekends, in the evening and at night - a volunteer.

“The Sverdlovsk detachment has existed for four years,” says Stanislav. – Our priority areas have been and remain the search for children and the elderly. We are looking for adults whenever possible.”

“We are looking, but not everyone”

The “hottest” time for Lisa Alert is summer: the time when children are on vacation and left to their own devices, and adults go to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries and get lost. In spring and autumn, during periods of exacerbation mental illness, most often old people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia disappear: elderly people, going out to sit on a bench at the entrance, simply forget where they are and leave. In winter, it is mainly adults who disappear, who most often disappear of their own accord.

“As soon as we find out that a person left voluntarily, to live in a monastery for a while, for example, we stop any activities, because a sane adult made a conscious choice to leave. We are always looking for a lot of children,” says Stanislav.

For June and July of this year to volunteers Sverdlovsk region 91 search applications were received, incl. and 17 children. 64 people were found alive, of which 14 were minors, 11 adults and 2 children were killed, the remaining 14 and another 15 people who were declared missing earlier are still listed as not found.

What loved ones of lost people are doing wrong

One of the main mistakes that can cause irreparable grief is attempts by relatives to search for the missing on their own, without involving the police and volunteers. Stanislav notes that in any event there is a need not only every day, but every hour and minute: “If a search request is received on the first day, the probability of finding a person is 99%: at this time it is still possible to interview random witnesses, look at CCTV cameras, which are installed in in public places and determine the route of the lost person. With each subsequent day, the percentage of successful completion decreases. If more than two weeks have passed since the loss, there is no point in going out into the area: it is more difficult to find witnesses, and some recordings from cameras are deleted quickly; the missing person himself could have gone very far.”

Many parents, fearing that their family may be registered with the PDN (minor affairs unit), do not submit applications for a lost child to law enforcement agencies. In cases of disappearance of adults, relatives hesitate to notify the police because of a long-established false belief: the authorities need to be notified after three days from the moment the connection is lost, and even from the police you can often come across the answer: “He’ll have some fun and he’ll come.”

“This phrase about three days was first heard in the film “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” and has since become firmly entrenched in people’s heads. In fact, according to the law, the police must respond to a complaint immediately by calling or writing. Parents have the right to sound the alarm even if their child is delayed for five minutes.”

It also happens that volunteers are the first to know about missing people. They quickly assemble groups to search, print directions and go to the site, while simultaneously persuading loved ones to file a complaint with law enforcement agencies. When there is a well-coordinated team of professionals from different organizations - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the BRNS (Accident Registration Bureau) there is a great chance of finding a lost person.

"With everyone government agencies We have concluded cooperation agreements. We inform them when we receive any information about the lost, and they often turn to us for help,” says Stanislav.

How does the search work?

The work of “Lisa Alert” is organized, each of the volunteers has their own area of ​​responsibility, but in each case the tactics change: there is no one universal formula. Typically, the search begins with requests received on the unit’s single “hotline” or on the initiative’s website, the operator directs it to the appropriate region. Local information specialists check the information - call relatives, police, hospitals, BRNS, then draw up an orientation and, if necessary, distribute it through the media and social networks, transfer it to truckers and colleagues in other regions and countries. Cartographers outline the area of ​​proposed searches; signalmen are organizing uninterrupted operation walkie-talkies; coordinators interact with participants and monitor. Volunteers post up landmarks, interview witnesses, and look for people in any area except water. At a time, 40-50 people respond to operational combing of the area. There are also prevention instructors who give lectures for children and parents in schools in the Sverdlovsk region and hand out “Child’s Personal Cards.” It happens that parents, being in shock, cannot remember any special signs of their son or daughter - a mole, a scar, eye color, then a card comes to the rescue, where all the child’s data is entered in advance - in case of loss, it will help to quickly compile orientation.

“The squad has several search technologies. If, for example, a grandmother with Alzheimer’s is lost, we find out her previous place of residence when interviewing relatives. So, one old woman disappeared in Yekaterinburg, and she was found at the entrance of a factory in Nizhny Tagil, where she worked all her life; she forgot what happened to her over the past 30 years, but remembers her youth and came to the plant with full confidence that she still works there. In cases of missing teenagers, it is important to find out whether it is a “runner” (i.e. a child who has left home or a government institution more than once). A teenager who left after some kind of conflict ran away on purpose. In no case should you print directions for such a missing person and distribute them around the city or on social networks, otherwise the teenager may move to another region and the search will become more complicated. The only way to help here is by interviewing friends and witnesses.”

Why do children run away?

Contrary to the stereotype, children run away not only from dysfunctional families and orphanages - often teenagers also leave wealthy parents. There are many reasons, in particular - lack of understanding on the part of adults, conflicts with relatives and friends - parents most often try to hide such details from the police and volunteers: they may think that this is an idle interest that is not relevant to the case. In fact, often these details help to properly organize the search for a missing child.

Banal ignorance about the life, plans and dreams of a son or daughter is also one of the factors in the disappearance. One 10-year-old boy who ran away wanted to become a traveler, so he left home. Even computer games can become a reason for escape: it happens that children are found in online clubs, where, unlike at home, they are not prohibited from playing shooting games. But when misfortune occurs, parents actively help in search activities.

Loved ones are looking for loved ones

“Parents and relatives are most often with us at the search site and help by attracting larger number volunteers from among friends actively participate themselves. But there are also hysterics among relatives; our information specialists are trained in some methods of providing psychological assistance“says Stanislav.

Relatives will be among the first to know about the results of actions. The worst thing is to hear “Found. Died”: these are the words that relatives have to report to the police. “Not found” and “Found” inspire hope and faith in a favorable outcome. Alive." Undoubtedly, participation in search activities requires strong nerves - you never know what the next search will result in.

“Experienced volunteers, like police officers, develop a certain callousness and information about the dead is not taken as close to the heart as newcomers,” explains the head of the Sverdlovsk detachment.

According to Stanislav, he most often remembers those searches in which he himself found someone:

“I was on my way to look for a nine-year-old girl who had been missing for three days, and I stopped at a store to buy water. At the checkout in the supermarket I look: there is this girl, a photograph of whom I just saw. It turns out that she and the same 10-year-old boys spent all three days collecting scrap metal and handing it over. I also remember the story of how one man climbed a tree out of fear, and after being rescued he could not speak for some time.”

"We don't need money"

“Lisa Alert” is an independent free volunteer initiative and local and federal media easily cooperate with it, mobile operators and even airlines. Relatives often offer money to the squad as gratitude.

“Reports about collecting money for our needs are a hoax. If anyone wants to help us, then the list necessary materials for carrying out search work is posted on our official resources. We will be happy to accept everything except money: compasses, navigators, flashlights, paper and printer cartridges, batteries, accumulators. Each volunteer buys or orders equipment or paraphernalia with the squad’s logo himself.”

Stanislav dreams that one day his squad will simply have no work left to search for missing people, so that no one will ever get lost again.

“There can only be one piece of advice for parents: love your child, establish friendly relations with him, but you need to keep an eye on your elderly relatives. Be sure to put notes in all the pockets of their clothes with your contact information. Also today you can purchase all kinds of GPS trackers and “beacons”, with their help to track the movement of a relative - when it comes to safety, all means are good. And I would like to advise foresters: do not wear camouflage in the forest.”

P.S. While you were reading this material, three children disappeared somewhere in Russia, one of them may never be found.

Launched in Moscow electronic system search for missing people. It's about about people who were admitted to hospitals, but their identity cannot be identified, their whereabouts are unknown to relatives and friends.

The people search system is based on the Find Me portal. The site contains information about height, weight, approximate age, clothing, personal belongings, where people were found and where they are located. At the same time, the data is also sent to the internal affairs bodies and volunteers assisting in the search for missing people.

Due to the confidentiality of information, access to photographs of people is limited. But family and friends can get one-time access to the patient’s image. To do this, on the website you need to click the “…” button and select the “request photo” menu item.

“You will be offered one of three options - contact the MFC closest to you, where upon written request you will be given access to the photo, contact the single window of the Department of Health, or go through authorization through the portal public services the city of Moscow," the message on the website says.

About 3.5 thousand people disappear in Moscow every year. Every day, more than 60 people are admitted to city hospitals who cannot report anything about themselves.

Earlier, Sergei Sobyanin supported the idea of ​​​​creating a portal to search for missing people. The mayor announced this at a meeting of the Moscow government presidium.

"About 3.5 thousand people disappear in Moscow every year. Fortunately, most of them are found, but searching for the missing is, of course, a lot of stress for their loved ones. It was created Information system searching for people admitted to hospitals and those who cannot be identified, cannot provide information about themselves, and cannot convey information to family and friends. The main thing is that this information gets into search engines organizations that deal with these problems and was available to relatives. At the same time, we must ensure the protection of personal data," Sobyanin said.

Let us remind you that at the beginning of September a joint campaign of “Active Citizen” and “Lisa Alert” started. Along with ongoing surveys on urban issues, signs and photographs of missing people are transmitted to the system.

Targets for people searched for by volunteers of the Lisa Alert squad are available to users localized in the area where the disappearance occurred. In the event of a child's disappearance, all users without exception receive his signs.

Users can note whether they have seen the missing person, find out the phone number where they can contact those who are looking for the person, and also declare their desire to participate in the rescue operation or their readiness to print out leaflets with signs.

Friends, fellow search engines, media representatives and everyone,

who is not indifferent to the problem of missing children!

It is known that many children disappear every year. We will not cite boring statistics that only the lazy did not quote. What is clear is that now there are truly enormous resources for the rapid search for lost people, thanks to several search and rescue teams that have been formed. But these resources have become difficult to use, because the struggle for the right to be considered the “main”, “largest”, “most popular” search team in Moscow and the region is already crossing all boundaries. People forget about the goal when entering into the struggle for leadership, which discredits the very idea of ​​a volunteer movement to find children. For a long time we did not participate in the general debate, considering it unworthy and frivolous for adults. But recent events simply force an answer. To begin with, I would like to tell you how it all began...

And it all began in the forests near Chernogolovka, in June 2010, where many of us ended up by accident. On the auto forum, a call for help in finding a 4-year-old boy was made by Yulia (Taiga). The search continued almost around the clock, for 4 days. Then they were lucky and Sasha was found alive. Video: Sasha sits in the arms of Alexander Efimov (YoFA), it was he who discovered him. Pavel Filippovich (Pavel, Rasp) is also seen contacting headquarters to report the situation. In total, more than 500 people took part in those searches. It is difficult to imagine the joy of the searchers when this news arrived, and the feeling with which they returned home. It was then, for the first time, that attempts were made to rally the volunteers into a single unit, but the idea was not crowned with success.

In September, after the terrible fires had burned out and the dense forest had become completely impassable due to rubble, information arrived that 5-year-old Liza Fomkina and her aunt had disappeared in Orekhovo-Zuevo. Active searches began when several days had already passed, but warm weather gave a chance for salvation. Pavel Filippovich (Pavel, Rasp) undertook to coordinate the search. For almost a week, he, together with Maxim (a teammate at the auto forum) and Maria (a family friend) coordinated more than 300 volunteers who worked together with the police and military. They looked for the girl and aunt throughout the city, in the surrounding villages, in abandoned basements and houses, in endless forests and swamps, and even in neighboring cities. The entire Internet was, figuratively speaking, “on the ears.” Little Lisa was discussed on forums and blogs, social media and psychics.

Communities of all-terrain vehicles, ATVs, dog handlers, a forum for ferret lovers and other thematic resources broadcast information about the progress of the search around the clock, helped with notifications and attracted the media for this. There was only one goal - to notify as many people as possible so that they would come and search. Those who searched in Chernogolovka also arrived and, of course, there were many new volunteers - among them Dmitry (Koleso), who searched at night and returned to the office in Moscow in the morning, and Alexander, the head of a detachment of volunteer firefighters, Dmitry Volkov came with him (bayaga), who extinguished forest fires in this area before the search (now he heads the Polar Star PSO) and Dmitry Lobanov (Okhotnik, Dmitry) with a dog - they were the ones who found the traces of Lisa and her aunt, Masha, and friends, professional rescuers two Igors (Igor-73 and Igor - 107) and many, many, many others! It is simply impossible to list them all! Several hundred caring people who abandoned their everyday life and rushed to the Moscow suburbs. The auto forum, where Pavel described the chronology of events and attracted volunteers, collapsed from the number of visitors. The well-known LJ wwwHYPERLINK "" was opened, where about 20,000 people from all over the world visited per day globe. Lisa and Masha were found too late. But that gigantic resonance, those mistakes and conclusions that were made after the search left no other options except the creation of a professional volunteer search team.

It became clear that one of the reasons for the failure of the search was the delay in receiving operational information about the disappearance of children, the disorganization and unpreparedness of volunteers. The newly formed detachment was called upon to undertake the training of volunteers, conducting training, and coordinating searches. Moreover, a team of volunteers has formed who have gained enough experience in conducting search operations. And under pressure from the public and volunteers, Pavel Filippovich (Pavel, Rasp), it was he, and not Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy) and no one else, who created the “Lisa ALERT” detachment. LiveJournal 13Sep2010 a cry was raised to recruit volunteers for the detachment. Several hundred responses came in, including many who took an active part in the search. Even representatives of show business and government responded. Of course, there were those who joined in the general wave, many simply sympathizers and “onlookers.” The fact that they left over time was not a surprise, it always was and will be so. But, the more dear to us has become that time-tested and experience-tested backbone that continues what it started. So, in memory and thanks to the little girl, the Lisa ALERT detachment arose.

Late autumn and winter is a search lull. There are fewer walks in the forest, less getting lost - an excellent time for training and exercises. Groups were created in certain areas of search, an action plan was drawn up, and general meetings of all volunteers were held in order to develop a unified strategy and the governing body of the detachment - the Council. Large squad-wide exercises were conducted, with the participation of all-terrain vehicles and foot search engines.

In February 2011, the detachment had to go through difficult times. The administrators of the resource (, led by businessman Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy), who were recruited on a voluntary basis, decided to remove the Council from managing the detachment and begin to manage the detachment independently. Dishonest methods were used: they limited the ability of the detachment leadership and volunteers who disagreed with the administrators to communicate on the forum, disabled personal messages, banned them by IP address, attracted people who had nothing to do with the detachment and never participated in the search. In order to disrupt the general meeting, photocopies of powers of attorney were presented, including from people who had never taken part in the activities of the detachment. Who were these people? And how were such actions supposed to help search for children? Information about the training was deleted, and an entertaining meeting at the recreation center was scheduled for the same date. Slander was spread against the leadership of the detachment, and new volunteers who sincerely did not understand anything and asked fair questions to the admins on the forum most often received a ban. Meetings were held in secret from the rest of the squad members, which were passed off as general meeting squad. When the detachment’s leadership demanded that the administrators resign, he was simply disconnected from the forum. Soon, the initiative group of the forum gathered in a close circle and proclaimed itself the leadership of the detachment. These people did not ask anyone registered on the forum, did not look at the key searchers who did so much for the formation of the detachment. The main activity on the resource now is to attract as many more people, which is not difficult to do, given the number of interviews they give out in the media, using the well-known and honest name of the detachment. By participating in the search, they misinform everyone, for example: the parents of Sasha Stepanov, who disappeared in May in the Mozhaisk region, are sure that he was found by a certain volunteer GriHYPERLINK " 0&p=1"sha, read Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy), (43 minutes), although it is known for certain and reflected in the investigative documents that the boy was found by huntsman A. Lebedev, who is not related to the search groups. Recently, accusations have been made against us, the organizers of the “Lisa ALERT” detachment, that we are interfering with the site administrators in their, as they say, “common cause.” Of course, we interfere J We don’t give out interviews, we don’t attract the media for self-PR, we don’t conduct demonstration training in front of cameras, we don’t wave flags and we don’t take credit for information about the happy return of a lost animal to the family, but in fact we organize training and training. It’s more difficult for them, knowing that the “Lisa ALERT” squad exists, like entity and the community of search engine professionals, and not as an Internet forum that accumulates caring people around itself, and cannot use this huge human resource due to the lack of a clear and professional organization. It became more difficult for them to appear on television, give interviews in newspapers and magazines, telling how they organized the detachment. Because they didn’t organize it, and this is increasingly coming to the surface. Even more strange is that these people consider themselves entitled to give us instructions and accuse us of registering a detachment, which was publicly announced last fall.

Don't believe what's written here is true? Try asking awkward questions on the forum and look at the reaction. To begin with, within 24 hours your registration will be reviewed and checked to see if you are worthy to communicate on the “volunteer” forum; information about this is posted on the forum. Your question will most likely be erased, and you yourself will be banned or put under pre-moderation. Read old forum topics, for example, the “Activities” section, pay attention to the nicknames of the people who read here. Are we “a squad that exists only on paper”? But it was we who organized the aircraft, as everyone testifies early themes created on the forum. The authors of the initiatives conducted and conduct training and lead a real detachment. Only these people are no longer on the site. Moreover, not on their initiative. Try it, there is little time left - what if you have time to read these topics before they end up in a section that is closed to ordinary users?

But the ambitions of such “volunteers” as Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy) will not stop us in achieving our initial goals and objectives. The team's work will continue. We will conduct training, training, and participate in searches. That's what we've been doing all this year. Despite everything, we are still confident that strength and results are not in quantity and “loudness,” but in quality. We had no intention of getting into a public spat with these people, but the sudden onslaught of accusations from them forced us to tell the truth. And, we remain confident that no matter what the squad is called, the result of its work and the professionalism of the search engines are much more important, and not the number of publications and interviews in the media. We encourage all volunteers to strive for this.

Sincerely, leaders of the MoOO "PSO "Liza ALERT"

Pavel Filippovich

Dmitry Lobanov

Stanislav Shakel
