Human design calculation card with interpretation. Human design: online calculation and decoding of the map (bodygraph). The need to draw up

High-quality and detailed calculation of Human Design with free decoding and materials in Russian. Expanded detailed tables of time zones and schedules for changing hours to summer and winter time across the territory of the post-Soviet space.

What can you learn from the Human Design card yourself?

1. Create an accurate detailed rave map (bodygraph)

2. External role in life. Determine your profile by bodygraph.

The first number in the Human Design card denotes a conscious role in life, the second number - an unconscious role (we play this role unconsciously).

2.1 Roles of mind and body in the Human Design map

P The first number in the Human Design card indicates a conscious role in life, the second number - an unconscious role (our body, a shell, we play this role unconsciously and other people see it first of all).

1/3: Researcher - Experimenter. A person who gains confidence by learning from his own mistakes, an experimenter and a skeptic in life. (Nicole Kidman, Freddie Mercury, Bono, Che Guevara, Van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin).

1/4: Explorer - Opportunist. A person who needs true and devoted friends with whom he can share his hobbies, interests and discoveries. (Albert Einstein, Muhammad Ali, Sid Vicious, Ewan McGregor).

2/4: Hermit - Opportunist. A person with a talent hidden for the time being, careful about his private life, in which others often see more than he would like to allow. (Nikolai Gogol, Viktor Tsoi, John Lennon, Uma Thurman, Sean Connery, Duke Ellington, Salvador Dali, Osho).

2/5: Hermit - General. A person who has the gift of seducing other people, often surprising with unconventional thinking and an unusual perspective on things and events. (Catherine Deneuve, Mark Twain, Kevin Costner).

3/5: Experimenter - General. A born rebel, an expert in making mistakes and getting into different, not always pleasant ones. The potential for influence and contagion. (Vladimir Vysotsky, Indira Gandhi, Elvis Presley, Tom Hanks, Osama Bin Laden, Krishnamurti, John F. Kennedy, George Carlin, Tim Burton)

3/6: Experimenter - Role model. A person who is here to guide others through the wisdom he has gained by making his own mistakes. (Nikola Tesla, Julia Roberts, David Bowie, Winston Churchill).

4/6: Opportunist - Role model. An objective witness who uses his communication skills and experience to teach and influence others. (Brad Pitt, Sharon Stone, Sigmund Freud, Nat King Kol, Monica Bellucci, Edith Piaf).

4/1: Opportunist - Researcher. A person who will never be able to change himself and for whom a very special life path is prepared. (Natalia Vodianova, Louis Vuitton, Michael Jordan).

5/1: General - Explorer. A person “for others”, able to give practical solutions, be useful, show a different point of view on any issue. (Jude Law, Madonna, Martin Luther King, Napoleon, Justin Timberlake, Catherine Zeta-Jones).

5/2: General - Hermit. Closed in his own space and waiting for a specific call to show his talent in interpersonal communication. (Alexander Pushkin, Marlon Brando, Tom Jones, Robert De Niro).

6/2: Role model - Hermit. A person who often represents a role model for others and is usually surprised about this. (Viktor Pelevin, Mikhail Bulgakov, Antonio Banderas, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepborn, Charles Dickens, Bruce Lee, Barack Obama, Mozart).

6/3: Role model - Experimenter. A person who knows well the value of his mistakes and failures. (Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Harrison Ford, Jules Verne, Matt Damon).

2.2 Briefly about the meanings of profile lines in Human Design:

1 line - Explorer- needs a solid foundation to achieve confidence. human design, getting to the bottom of the essence to calm down. Innovator.

2nd line - Hermit- loves to do what he loves in solitude and sometimes does not even suspect about his gift. human design who wants to discover and realize his talent, and not endlessly learn new things. Not everyone will open up.

3 line - Experimenter- Trial and error, can make a discovery. Design experimenter. Through trial and error, he gains a unique experience. Influential, leadership role.

4th line - Opportunist- open to opportunities coming from the circle of friends. Friendliness and sincerity is revealed in a suitable team. In the absence of a suitable team, it can remain alone.

5th line - General- projected, it is expected from him an unconventional and practical solution to the problem. Design powerful, contagious human, who catches other people with his topics, but he himself can get lost in the expectations of other people (what do they want from me? - projection).

6th line - Role Model- there is a potential after 50 to be an example of what it is to be yourself. The design of a sage or fool that other people are guided by. In the highest manifestation of a spiritual leader.

I wrote in detail about all the roles and their living in my newsletter "".

3. Energy centers

In Human Design there is a concept of 9 energy centers. As in the yoga 7-chakra system, but the 1st and 2nd chakras are more developed and are divided into 2 centers.

Some centers are filled with different colors, others remain white. each center has its own name and is responsible for a specific function in the body, responsible for the functioning of an organ system or for the functioning of a particular gland.

The structure of a personal rave card and bodygraph for deciphering yourself

The centers have their own characteristics and false (not healthy) manifestations, or false self (when a person loses himself in life). Most clearly, the false self is observed in open (unshaded) centers, but it can also be characteristic of a certain (shaded).

Crown: inspiration and questions.

Self-generated or inspired by others, leading us through doubt, confusion and the pressure to find answers to our life's questions.

An open Parietal center is inspired by the environment, a certain (shaded) center itself gives inspiration to others.

False manifestation of the parietal center: worry about what does not concern you and think about other people's problems.

Ajna: processing and analysis of information.

Center for working with information through logic or abstract thinking. Our worldview and understanding of ideas.

The open Ajna center is determined by the information of other people, a certain (shaded) center itself affects others.

False: constantly striving to be sure of something. Be afraid of your insecurities. They pretend to be sure.

Throat: expression and action.

The open throat adapts well to the manner of speech of the interlocutor. The determinate expresses itself in a fixed way.

False: try to get attention in every possible way. Very often, this is completely unwanted attention.

G area (G): love, direction and self-identification.

The open center receives direction, a sense of "who I am" from others. The definite serves as a source of direction and identification for others.

False: try to find yourself, your love, your direction in life. Find your clear self-identification once and for all "I am such and such, period."

Ego area: willpower.

The open center of the Ego is sensitive to the will of others, but it is not correct for him to act on “willpower”. A certain ego center gives a strong-willed person who influences others.

False: prove something to yourself and others.

Sacred Center: vitality, sexuality, performance.

A certain Sacred Center gives us the energy type Generator - a person who dissolves in his favorite business and replenishes the spent resources quickly, if he acts in response. The open Sacral is subject to the conditioning of the environment, conditionally more "free" in the choice of activity, since it is less subject to frustration from an incorrect deed.

False: don't know when to stop.

Center of the Spleen: intuition, health, fears, instincts.

Feelings of anxiety and insecurity or calm.

A certain (shaded) center can be trusted, an open center is not recommended, since it reflects the anxiety of the surrounding people and society as a whole.

False: addiction to unhealthy habits and relationships.

Solar Plexus Center: emotionality, sensuality, passion.

The center of our mood, the biochemistry of emotions from "heartache" to joy.

The open center is emotionally empathic, but does not itself have a constant emotional wave. Certain - determines those around you with your mood.

False: Fear of the truth, fear of conflicts, emotional manifestations.

Root Center: adrenaline pressure.

The center that regulates our stress levels.

An open Root Center feels the stress of other people.

Determined - resistant to stress and pressures others.

False: always hurry.

4. White and Filled Centers in the Human Design Map

Filled bodygraph center called certain. Here we are firm, not flexible. Filled centers are very bad at adapting to what they are not designed for. Through these centers we influence other people. The more filled centers, the more we influence and the less we can adjust.

Unshaded (white) energy center called open. Here we feel other people and here we are very flexible. We can adapt to the person, his way of speaking, his thinking, his pace, etc. The more open centers, the more empathic and flexible a person is.

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5. At the top of the Human Design card, find your energy type.

Energy Type in the Human Design Rave Chart

There are four energy types of people. Everyone has a role to play in this Game of Life.

Generator (creator)

Energy type in Human Design, 70% of the world's population. You have constant access to your own energy. Great energy potential and the ability to work for a long time, diligently, with pleasure, quickly restoring your strength, but only from your favorite work.

For the generator to enjoy the work and satisfaction from its results. Any activity without pleasure is frustrating, debilitating. How to find something that brings satisfaction and distinguish your work from not yours, the right person from the wrong one?

Be sure to study what a "generator response" is, because. he is the key to all decisions in the life of the Generator. There is a lot of information on this topic.

Finds happiness in the things you love.

Manifest Generator

It differs from a conventional generator in that, in case of a response, it quickly moves to action, it is easier to start things. If he works without pleasure, he falls not only into frustration-frustration, but is also prone to outbursts of anger. For this energy type, everything is true the same as for a conventional generator.

Manifestor (initiator)

Energy type of Human Design, 9% of the world's population. Punching. Can act quickly, take the initiative, has the power to influence other people. Its peculiarity is that it is necessary to inform other people about their own actions before they begin. Without informing meets resistance, which leads to his own anger (the theme of the false self).

Finds happiness in feeling his own calmness from anger. Knows the power of his influence on others. Without the ability to inform other people may have problems in communication.

Non-energy Human Design type, 21% of the population. It has insight, can see the essence of a person. A type whose role is to be the guest guide for Generators. By receiving an invitation, the Projector thereby gains access to the management of sacred energy. In a false manifestation, he begins to impose, advise and indicate without an invitation, feels bitterness.

Finds happiness in recognition their individuality by other people. It doesn't matter what you do, it matters who you are with.

Reflector (herald)

Non energy type, 1% of the population. Feels the difference between people, groups of people, places. A type with the ability to see what is unusual, what is out of the pattern, breaks the order and symmetry. Changeable. Most of all, he is influenced by other people and starry weather. Literally reflects the interlocutor or the team in which it is located.

Very flexible and changeable. Finds happiness in seeing differences. Trying to be tough can feel a loss of novelty, a state where nothing surprises. You should not rush into making decisions.

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Share your interest in Human Design with your friends! Self-study of cards of friends, acquaintances and relatives helps a lot to deal with many nuances Human Design, because you know them, you see how certain activations manifest themselves in them. First of all, I calculated everyone with whom I communicate often. Then the whole family.

It gave me an understanding of who is attracted to me and how they manifest themselves in life. Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, reflectors, profiles and defined and open centers of the BodyGraph. Moreover, those who are interested Human Design, they themselves were happy to tell me about their calculations and how it works for them.

We know such concepts as the design of a room, landscape, site, but the concept of “Human Design” is something new. And when I heard about it, I wanted to know more about it? As a result, I discovered another system of knowledge that reflects the awareness of one's inner "I" and the external world. This is what allowed me to understand and accept myself even deeper, and not try to conform to some ideal image that presses on us all from the outside. Each of us must live our true nature, or, as they say, our own "design". And for that, you need to know it first.

What is Human Design

First of all, Human Design is a system of self-knowledge that helps to understand one's innate nature and live a full life in accordance with it. This is a system of knowledge, thanks to which you can identify your differences and, finally, realize your individual path. Human design simply destroys the image of who we are not destined to be in this life, and makes it very easy to come “inside” to our true self.

Human design began to develop in the late 80s. On January 3, 1987, on the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean Sea, one person experienced a state of deep shock. He describes this experience as the penetration of a certain Voice into him. It lasted 8 days and nights. The voice gave him very detailed and scientifically based knowledge about the structure and functioning of our Universe and opened the Form Design system, of which Human Design is an integral part.

After all that happened, this man changed his name and became known to the whole world as Ra Uru Hu. Over the next few years, he experimented with the knowledge he received, and since 1992 began to teach the Human Design system to people. Today, Human Design has become a well-developed and logical system of knowledge that finds its practical application in various areas of our lives. And although more and more people are beginning to be interested in it, but so far humanity is not able to realize the enormous depth and practical possibilities of this knowledge.

This is how Ra Uru Hu himself answers the question what is Human Design itself.

“The Human Design System is not a belief. You don't need to believe in anything, you don't need to believe in me. This is not a fairy tale or philosophy, but a logical, empirical system that you can test for yourself. This is a logical way of knowing yourself… Human Design is the Knowledge that was given to me from above. What makes Human Design unusual is that being a kind of Revelation and being the so-called esoteric knowledge, it can very logically be confirmed scientifically. This system is something special. This is the genetic matrix, according to which our whole life is built.

What I personally love about Human Design is that it relies on several powerful systems. It includes the principles of quantum physics, genetics, astronomy, and aspects of the four esoteric systems: European astrology, the Hindu chakra system, the Jewish Kabbalah, and the Chinese I Ching. The result is a kind of puzzle. As in any other puzzle, you can only see the value of each component when they are all put together. At this moment, all the details fit tightly together and create something new, greater than all of them together.

The HUMAN DESIGN system gives YOU the opportunity to get answers to the following important questions:

What is YOUR purpose in life?

What TALENTS DO YOU have and how to use them?

What role do you play in society?

How do YOU ​​make the RIGHT DECISIONS?

How to live in order to be HEALTHY and always be in good shape?

Why YOU?…and much more, thanks to which YOU can start LIVE YOUR LIFE…

Human Design Map Calculation

In order to get to know yourself better through Human Design, you need to make a rave card. Rave - a map or as it is also called Bodygraph - is your energy structure of the physical body at the time of birth.

You can calculate a map in Human Design thanks to many sites on the Internet. I personally recommend using several because the information they provide can complement each other. So you will have a more complete picture of your Design! Here are the ones that I use myself and recommend to you!

love human design . en

On any of them you will need to enter the following data:

- day, month and year of birth;

- time of birth;

Here's what happened to me!

It must be understood that throughout life it remains unchanged, as a reflection of the true essence. Man does not need to be anyone other than himself. Because within its Design there is everything to live life and enjoy it. There is also a bad or good design. Design can only be authentic. You will see the beauty of your inner world, which will manifest as you study your Design, step by step, revealing the details that have come together to make you - a completely holistic person.

I congratulate! The first step on the way to yourself has already been taken. It remains now only to decipher this map. This can be done in 2 ways. Either turn to specialists in Human Design, or do it yourself. In the first case, it will cost a certain amount of money, in the second it will be free. Everyone chooses his own. I figured it out myself and then I will try to highlight the main points in decryption!

Genetic types in Human Design

The concept of type is a basic concept in Human Design. Despite the large number of races and nations, all of humanity is divided into only 4 types: Generators and Manifestors (energy types), Projectors and Reflectors (non-energy types). The existence of different types was discovered by Ra Uru Hu himself, and then it was verified using a statistical analysis of about 30 thousand people. If you know what type you belong to, then you can already begin the process of knowing your nature and becoming yourself in life.

Generators (Builders)

The most common type. Approximately 68% of the population. Generators are active people with a confident life position. They cannot be kept in place, these are the so-called engines of the Earth. They have a huge supply of energy, which they are constantly trying to direct somewhere. These individuals do not stand still, they are always on the move, they are constantly engaged in self-improvement.

Generators are the owners of a constant flow of energy that flows from the sacral center, which allows them to be constantly active. Generators differ from other types in that they are constantly charged and always ready for action. They have the ability and succeed in almost any field, cope with any task.

The energy from the sacral center that feeds the generators is very powerful, but it is important to know where to direct it and how to control it in order to avoid problems. Otherwise, a person will spend his life force on anyone but himself, or even waste it, while not receiving anything in return. A person of this type just needs a good adviser who will prompt and direct his energy in the right direction.

Manifestors (Initiators)

It is believed that the number of such people is quite small: about 10% of the total population of the earth. A person of this type, as a rule, has a closed, repulsive energy. Manifestors are very strong personalities. Everything new and unknown is usually the beginning of strong personalities of this type. They are listened to and followed unquestioningly. They are the impetus for movements and actions for other people.

Manifestors are at the same time complex personalities that many try to control. They are unpredictable and you never know what to expect from them. It is difficult for loved ones to gain the trust of this type of people. Manifestors often offend others. They don't need anyone's help. Their only desire is to do everything only as they see it and consider it necessary.

In order to manifest himself, the manifestor must not lose his inner natural strength. But one should be more tolerant and respectful of others, share the decision made, inform them of their intentions. This will help you get rid of fears and become more confident in your life.

Projectors (Guides)

It is estimated that one fifth of the population 22% are projectors. This type of people has a vibrating aura that is focused on one point. The projector is a person who by nature is able to manage, lead. One of the abilities that people of this type have is seeing through people. But this, of course, is in the case when a person understands himself.

Creating new rules and maintaining order is one of the most important things a projector does. People know how to accurately assess the situation, see the right path and direct others to it. After communicating with such a person, a solution to the problem is formed, it remains only to put it into practice. It is very important that a person of the projector type does not live the life of another type - a generator.

The projector does not need to be anywhere and everywhere. It is worth devoting more time to your own I, to understand yourself. As soon as the generator and manifester have difficulties, they will immediately turn to the projector for help. It is precisely this moment that they are waiting for the manifestation of their own abilities, and do not rush things.

Reflectors (Reflectors)

A very rare type and it occurs only in about 1% of the population. These people are mirrors. A reflector is a kind of reflection of everything that is happening around it. All emotional and mental actions that take place nearby pass through his subtle aura. Many listen and act depending on how the reflector prompts.

People of this type easily adapt to changing conditions, quickly find an approach to others. They have equanimity, calmness, insight. The reflector is not the same with different people, it changes, adapts to the specific situation as a whole. Such people are valued in society, in the work team.

People of this type are versatile, have a sense of tact, are able to think deeply and intuitively understand the psychology of emotions occurring at a subtle level. Feel the mood of both the team and individual people. Learning to be nobody and everything at once is the main task of the reflector. This skill will help you live and develop in the right direction.


Profile is your life role. These are your character traits, the way you behave in life and what you strive for. How do you interact with the outside world. For example, if you take several Generators together, but with different profiles, then these will be more than different people, despite the fact that they have a lot in common in how they act in life, i.e. in the strategy itself.

1/3 Researcher - martyr

Celebrities: Jared Leto, Bruce Willis, Irina Shayk, Demi Moore

These are usually self-absorbed people. They learn by trial and error. Everyone learns only from their own experience, thus finding a solid foundation in life. If you have such a profile, then know that you came into this world to study. All your discoveries are the result of many experiments that are full of ups and downs. This is your path - to seek and explore the new. True, it can be said that such people like to step on the same rake, but without this there is nowhere. Experience is the repetition of the same mistakes.

1/4 Researcher - opportunist

Celebrities: Gwen Stefani, Bette Midler

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Harmonious seekers and good friends. Those people, communication with which brings light and warmth. Sociability, openness and kindness are their main trump cards. And when they meet people who don't have it, they just don't understand why it is. After all, openness to the world is the most pleasant thing in human essence. If you have such a profile, then it is important for you to get to the bottom and understand the issue of interest, and then tell about your research to your closest associates.

2/4 Hermit is an opportunist

Celebrities: Rihanna, Adele, Renata Letvinova

Lovers of being alone with themselves. And suddenly it is at such moments that he will discover who he really is. In such people there are opposite sides. They are indecisive and courageous, open and completely inaccessible, shy and very relaxed. If you have such a profile, then loneliness is not only necessary, but also useful. It is in solitude that the channel of creativity opens. And you have it, believe me, what else. Only you need to engage in creativity "full", and not half-heartedly!

2/5 Hermit - Heretic

Celebrities: Robert Williams, Kevin Coster, Miley Cyrus

Uniqueness is the main weapon of people with such a profile. They are, in fact, actors who crave attention, fame and honors. But inside there is no understanding, but is all this necessary? The unwillingness to open up to the world and at the same time the desire for encouragement from the society are two essences of one whole, character and image. It is the desire to be an actor and play your own life scenario that rarely allows anyone to see the true essence of such people.

3/5 Heretic Martyr

Celebrities: Julia Roberts, Milla Jovovich, Meryl Streep

We can say about such people that they are unsurpassed combinators and superheroes. Adventure is their true path. They are destined for life with various chaotic and illogical events, but despite this, they always go through life with a smile on their faces and their heads held high. Having passed one stage, they rush to the next. If this is your profile, then humor and self-irony will be the main weapons in the battle with the constant vicissitudes of fate.

3/6 Martyr Role Model

Celebrities: Ben Stiller, Nikola Tesla, Kate Hudson

Such people have to go through a very difficult path in life from an adventurer to a sage. Two different people coexist in them: on the one hand, unrestrained and impulsive, on the other, a contemplative thinker. It is difficult to understand such people, and it is sometimes unbearable to be around, constantly exposed to the next risks in the course of life experiments. Therefore, guilt arises. and relationship problems. But, if you have such a profile, then know that you have a very strong inner core to survive all problems and adapt to any situation. This is your main weapon.

4/6 Opportunist - role model

Celebrities: Zemfira, Sergey Shnurov, Olga Buzova, Timati

They are very observant and friendly people. They are good at expanding networks of acquaintances and know how to influence people. With age, they become an example or a kind of role model for others. If you have such a profile, then you are potentially an influential negotiator, communicator and soul of the company. You have a gift to win over with your openness and warmth. You can open up more fully if you are part of a close-knit team. With charisma and authority, people will always come to you for advice.

4/1 Opportunist - Researcher

Celebrities: Dima Bilan, Eminem

About such people you can say: "He has his own destiny." And it was determined by teaching and research from childhood, which gave a solid foundation in life. They get a strictly defined life line. Knowing what lies ahead for you is, one might say, a gift. But every medal has two sides. Misunderstanding and rejection is what you will encounter if this is your profile. Unlike you, people can't focus on one thing. Such a frenzied determination of many people will alarm and repel. Therefore, stay only with those who share your convictions and are able to correctly evaluate you and your path.

5/1 Heretic Explorer

Celebrities: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Aniston, Roman Abramovich

People who are easily able to get to the bottom of the matter, easily stepping over all obstacles. Creativity, accumulated knowledge and a deep understanding of the essence are always traced in their actions. If you have such a profile, then you can prove yourself as a leader, a talented guide or a real teacher. You constantly think: “Who else could be saved here?”.

5/2 Heretic - hermit

Celebrities: Robert De Niro, Konstantin Khabensky

People with such a profile are sometimes unsociable and strange, sometimes sociable and unrestrainedly cheerful. Either they can’t even a day without society, or they don’t know where to get away from it. These two polarities coexist in these personalities. Always worried about what others think of them. Accepting reality and surrendering to communication will be the answer to all fears and the opportunity to go on the right path in life.

6/2 Role Model – Hermit

Celebrities: Matthew McConaughey. Elton John

If everyone were like that, the world would be perfect. Everything that people with this profile touch becomes at least special, and at most outstanding. Their aspirations resemble the movement of a wise old man, a real seer and an attentive mentor. They have the gift of being one step ahead and seeing further than others. And the main credo is to combine the material with subtle vibrations, the earthly with the spiritual.

6/3 Role Model - Martyr

Celebrities: Steve Jobs, Penelope Cruz

This profile makes a person a bright and unique role model. In terms of knowledge, experience and performance, they are practically unmatched. But the size of wisdom makes it difficult to constantly build lasting friendships or personal relationships. That is why the owners of this profile prefer to communicate with people who are bright, highly intelligent and complex. The same applies to their preferred situations. You are trying to establish personal contacts at a level that is not available to ordinary people. And if that doesn't work, then you'll prefer the company of yourself.

Authority in Human Design

There is a very useful tool in Human Design that is not found in other systems of self-knowledge. It is called Inner Authority. This is our source of decision-making truth. And it comes from the sensations in the body, and not from the thoughts and reasoning of the mind. Inner Authority helps you answer the following questions:

- what kind of people to be and communicate with, and who does not suit us;

- what can be agreed, and what is better to refuse;

- what should I do, what is mine and what is not mine.

Authority is something you can rely on at any moment. If you know and learn how to use your authority, then no advisers in the form of parents, friends and colleagues are needed. The main adviser is the body. For different types, different energy centers will serve as authority. Read the description of your authority, already received in the calculation of your design!

This authority takes precedence over all others. This is our second brain, which works, as it were, not according to our will. All our emotions seethe in it, which are not at all controlled by our consciousness. As a rule, a person first does it on emotions, and then he realizes what he did and who needs it. Managing this center takes time, because our biochemistry is very strong in the moment. Therefore, you should never draw conclusions and make decisions while you have emotions. It is necessary to wait for clarity of thought and then a competent decision will come.

This center has the ability to respond with simple internal sounds “Uh-huh”, “Aha”, “Nope”, “Eee”. Some psychologists call this the Aga reflex, when a person answers any question not with a word, but with sounds. So the mind will not make stereotyped decisions and the answer will come from the essence itself. Favorite activity causes the response “Aha”: I want, I love, with pleasure. On this decision, energy, strength appears in the body, the body directly wants to do this. If this activity does not suit you, the body will give out “Nope” to it, it doesn’t mean mine. If there is no specific response, but there is a sluggish "uh", then this activity is indifferent to you and you will not get pleasure from it, as well as satisfaction.

Here the authority is your intuition in the moment! It requires more sensitivity to your body than the sacred authority or the authority of the solar plexus. It operates in such a way that it works only once for each situation. You either trust her, or you continue to focus on the mind, which then offers you many options. You need to experiment with intuition and notice it in the subtle physiological signals of your body. If this works out, then intuitive decisions will give you more courage and confidence, because. they will always be true.

This is your Heart. You definitely have the ability to achieve what you want, but the main thing here is to understand what you really want. Ask yourself the question - is there my heart in this? What does this mean for me? Even if it sometimes seems "selfish" - this is your strength, in the willpower that is available to you. Just remember that after a jerk and getting the desired results, you need to have a good rest.

You carry yourself into this world with your own way of manifesting, living, speaking, loving. Allow yourself to dress the way you like, act the way you want, decorate your space the way you see it. Talk about yourself, and listen to what exactly you say. Thus, you can learn more about your essence. And don't forget to follow your strategy - wait for an invitation.

Such authority is found in mental projectors and is associated with the environment. This means that you need to talk about issues that are relevant to you with different people, listen to yourself, each time noting what decision is coming at the moment.

This authority is found in reflectors. It is extremely difficult for them to make decisions and they need to live the whole lunar cycle in order to achieve clarity. A person can come to his truth by exploring the solution through all the daily changes of certainty that the Moon brings to his design. One has to wait throughout the entire lunar cycle in order to feel one's truth.

If you practice your authority, then with experience you will connect to the real source of wisdom in your body. You will always clearly and clearly receive the necessary information about actions, if you do not mentally distort the work of your authoritative center. Verified by personal experience. Even before I was introduced to Human Design, I began to notice that my intuition works well. And every year she got better and better. After receiving information from Design about my splenic authority, I simply confirmed my guesses and began to make less wrong decisions based on the mind and right ones based on intuition.

incarnation cross

Thanks to Human Design, you can answer one of the most important questions for you: “What is my purpose?”. This can be seen in the theme of the Incarnation Cross. It shows what the main goal in life can be if a person lives exactly his nature. As if from a height, you can see what your path should be: thoughts, desires, aspirations and actions that add up to a major plan of your whole life.

The cross consists of four gates. There are two top positions in the chart in black and red columns with planet icons: Sun/Earth of Personality, Sun/Earth of Design. The qualities of these gates make up 70% of a person's character. They are located on the mandala opposite each other. form two axes. They look like a cross.

There are 768 basic incarnation crosses (448 right-angled, 256 left-angled, 64 in juxta position), which can give 69,120 variations. You can only imagine how different we all are!

Right Angle Incarnation Crosses.

About 64% of the population have such crosses. This suggests that its owner goes through life alone. Such people create their own destiny. All their events, meetings and actions are dictated by Karma, which they create with their actions. You have to make your own way through life. As a rule, people with right-angled crosses become individualists who think more about themselves than about others.

Left Angle Incarnation Crosses.

And the remaining 34% of people are focused more on others than on themselves. Left-angle people come into this life already with a certain Karma. They just have to work out the tasks already set. And I help them in this with various "allies" - parents, friends, colleagues, etc. They appear in their lives with various advice and help when needed. The most important thing here is to understand that such meetings are not random and analyze what they are for.

Incarnation Crosses of Jaksta Position.

The remaining 2% of people have a predetermined or so-called fixed fate. They simply have to follow their purpose. If suddenly there is a deviation from the necessary direction, then very strange events immediately begin to occur, which to a greater extent are unpleasant, designed to return the one who has lost his way to the "true path" character. However, this is not immediately understood. Only with the passage of many years comes the insight that everything was destined.

In addition to the direction of the crosses are distinguished by name.

Some examples of Incarnation Crosses:

Cross of Laws: People who enforce laws or bring new laws.

Cross of the Sphinx: People who are born to give direction to others.

Cross of Tension: People who promote evolution through tension.

Cross of Eden: People who embody wisdom through the loss of naivete.

Shock Cross: People who shake up the world by shocking those around them.

Love Vessel Cross: People who guide others through love.

Cross of Denial: People who set boundaries through denial.

Trickster's Cross: People who find their purpose by fooling others.

Risk Cross: People who find their purpose by taking risks.

Cross of Healing: People born to heal others or heal themselves.

Cross of the Horn: People born to bring a new message to the world.

Perfection Cross: People born to beautify civilization.

Migration Cross: People finding purpose through movement and change.

Cross of Masks: People who use different roles to express their particular vision.

Cross of Desires: People who inspire others to move towards new horizons.

Centers in Human Design

The generally accepted system with 7 centers was replaced in 1781 by a new one - 9 centers. Centers are those places where information about a person accumulates. The filled centers have persistent characteristics, what you possess and what you will fill with other people who have these centers empty. And unpainted centers indicate that a person will fill them with the help of other people, they cannot be relied upon, they are not stable and unstable.

Parietal Center responsible for inspiration and mental pressure. Directly physiologically associated with the pineal gland. If a given center is "defined" (i.e. shaded), the person has his own source of inspiration. The “open” (unshaded) center gives its owner the freedom to choose sources of inspiration on their own.

Ajna Center responsible for processing and analyzing information. Associated with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. A person with a certain Ajna center processes information in a fixed way - for example, using logical sorting into shelves or sequentially sorting through all possible options. If the center is open, a person is free to choose how to analyze and process information.

Throat Center- expressing oneself through action and speech. The throat center is associated with the parathyroid and thyroid glands. It is also responsible for metabolism. The "open" center expresses itself in a fluid way—it often speaks in other people's terms. A “certain” throat center encourages the formation of a tendency to express oneself in a particular way, for example, through social activity or creativity.

G Center responsible for love, direction in life and self-identification. Biologically associated with blood and liver. If a person has a “defined” Ji center, then such people, as a rule, have their own “I” defined and have a certain way of self-knowledge. People who have this center “open” comprehend their Love and Direction through other people with a certain center.

Heart Center- it's ego, willpower and your self-esteem. The heart center is associated with the gallbladder, thymus gland, stomach and heart muscle. If your heart center is determined, you can make promises, and you must definitely keep them. You have a strong will, and by suppressing it, you can get sick. A person who has this center “open” has a good understanding of the potential of his own willpower, but he should not make hard promises, as some irresistible force or circumstances may interfere with him.

Spleen Center- responsible for intuition, survival instincts, health and fears. Biologically related to the immune and lymphatic systems. People who have a spleen center "determined" have good health and can even involuntarily transmit their good health to the people who surround them. If this center is “open” for you, then you need to monitor your health and try not to act spontaneously. It is also worth paying attention to your fears and, if possible, work them out.

solar plexus center- Responsible for emotionality, passion and sensitivity. Associated with the pancreas, kidneys and nervous system. "Open Center" allows people to feel well the moods and emotions of those around them, just being close to them, and to be alone with themselves in a state of calm. People with a "defined" center tend to experience undulating mood swings. For such a person it is very important not to make responsible decisions in a hurry. It is worth adhering to the rule - "The morning is wiser than the evening."

sacral center- sexuality, vitality, perseverance and performance. Associated with the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. The life energy of people with an "open" center is not constant, they never know when they have enough (work, sex, food). Most people on our planet have a "certain" center and have a constant and steady source of life force. It is extremely important for such people to expend their energy during the day, otherwise they may have problems sleeping.

Root Center- Responsible for physical pressure. Associated with the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. People who have a “defined” root center are often called “fidgets”: they are filled with energy, drive, adrenaline and a desire to do everything even faster, more actively, more. People with an "open" center are often rushed and do everything under pressure, as they take on the stress and pressure of other people.

Channels in Human Design

There are energy channels between the nine centers. There are 36 of them in total. They are based on knowledge from Kabbalah. Knowledge about the manifestation of channels will help you to understand your original potential even deeper.

Each channel has its own color, which carries its own specific meaning.

Black - the channel is expressed on a conscious level;

Red - the channel is expressed at an unconscious level;

Half black and half red - the gate is conscious and unconscious;

Striped (red-black) - active gate consciously and unconsciously at the same time;

The white channel is an unactivated channel that can be filled with the energy of another person when interacting with him.

I will only give a list of channels, and you can find their description on other Design resources.

1 - 8. Channel of inspiration.

1 - 8. Channel of inspiration.

2-14. Pulse channel.

3 - 60. Mutation channel.

4 - 63. Logic channel.

5 - 15. Rhythm channel.

6 - 59. Proximity channel.

7 - 31. Alpha channel.

9 - 52. Concentration channel.

10 - 20. Awakening channel.

10 - 34. Research channel.

10 - 57. The channel of the perfect form.

11 - 56. Channel of curiosity.

12 - 22. The channel of openness.

13 - 33. Channel of the prodigal son.

16 - 48. Channel of talent, skill.

17 - 62. The channel of acceptance.

18 - 58. The channel of judgment.

19 - 49. Synthesis channel.

20 - 34. Channel of charisma.

20 - 57. The channel of insight.

21 - 45. Channel of materialism.

23 - 43. Structuring channel.

24 - 61. Awareness channel.

25 - 51. Channel of initiation.

26 - 44. Delivery channel.

27 - 50. Save channel.

28 - 38. Fight channel.

29 - 46. Opening channel.

30 - 41. Recognition channel.

32 - 54. Channel of transformation.

34 - 57. Channel of Power.

35 - 36. Channel of transience.

37 – 40. Community channel.

39 - 55. Channel of emotionality.

42 - 53. Maturation channel.

47 - 64. Channel of abstraction.

Gate in Human Design

Pay attention to the fact that numbers are affixed to both ends of the Channel. They correspond to the so-called Gates, which are part of our Design. In the Bodygraph, 64 Gates are marked, which correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching of the Chinese Book of Changes. One hexagram is a unit of information. Each of the hexagrams has its own name, has a characteristic property and its own specific place within any Center. Just like Channels, they can be shaded (defined) and unshaded (open).

Gate 1 - Originality. The ability to express individual, creative inspiration.
Gate 2 - Higher Knowledge. Receptivity, which is the root of manifestation.
Gate 3 - Mutation. Changing the order and mastering the chaos that occurs when creating syntheses.
Gate 4 - Abstract formulation. Examines self-made theses and concepts to make them valid despite the doubts that come with ignorance.
Gate 5 - Gate of Fixed Rhythms. Waiting according to natural rhythms as an active state of awareness.
Gate 6 - Intimacy. An important discussion that serves as a prerequisite for fruitful development and growth.
Gate 7 - Gate Raleigh Ya. Strategic distribution of roles in society in order to cope with the future.
Gate 8 - Advance. Promotion of the individual in the interests of the goals of the group.
Gate 9 - Focusing. The energy to focus and consider every aspect in detail.
Gate 10 - Gate of behavior I. Authentic behavior as the basis of successful interaction in any situation in life.
Gate 11 - Ideas. The state of harmony and peace as a basis for reassessing the situation and forming new ideas.
Gate 12 - Relevance. Restraint, which checks if an expression is appropriate before speaking or acting.
Gate 13 - Listener. Attentive listening that helps to understand the teachings and experiences of the past.
Gate 14 - Resources. Collection and management of resources, as well as the smart use of capacities in interaction.
Gate 15 - Flexibility. Flexible behavior that balances extremes;
Gate 16 - Identification. Enthusiasm and artistry that develops in identification with the cause.
Gate 17 - Opinions. Formulation of useful opinions as a basis for organizing systems with foresight.
Gate 18 - Correction. An exploratory judgment that recognizes the need for correction and protects basic human rights.
Gate 19 - Needs. Finding connections through relationships and sensitive perception of needs.
Gate 20 - Contemplation of the Present Moment. A presence in the present moment that turns intuition into spontaneous expressions or actions.
Gate 21 - Power. Controlled use of willpower and authority to overcome obstacles.
Gate 22 - Mood. Appearance as a product of individual moods and emotional consciousness.
Gate 23 - Clarity. A clear expression of the individual diversity of awareness and understanding.
Gate 24 - Rationalization. A mental process which, after self-absorption, facilitates spontaneous renewal through individual truths.
Gate 25 - Innocence. Innocent naturalness, universal love for everything living and inanimate on Earth.
Gate 26 - Tactics. Purposeful and tactical control of the power and memories of the ego, which can affect others.
Gate 27 - Caring. A nourishing power that promotes well-being through the care of the body.
Gate 28 - Rsk. The intuitive realization that everything in life is connected with risks, that life is transient and therefore must have a purpose.
Gate 29 - Commitments. A continuous commitment that welcomes new cycles of experience;
Gate 30 - Feelings. Despite emotional malice, the limitations set by fate are recognized and accepted.
Gate 31 - Influence. An effective expression that establishes the requirement for leadership in a team.
Gate 32 - Continuity. The instinctive realization that continuity (connection between stages of development) within a community can only be achieved by making changes.
Gate 33 - Providence. Prudence to be aware of when to leave and find new strength;
Gate 34 - Strength. A great power that is lawful only in the service of the common good.
Gate 35 - Progress. Progress that develops through emotional experiences with other people.
Gate 36 - Crises. Willingness to suffer from crises because they are perceived as an opportunity for development and growth.
Gate 37 - Friendship. Manifestation of equal coexistence in loyal and supportive communities. Tactile contact and compliance with mutual agreements are important.
Gate 38 - Fight. Drive to maintain individual integrity by enduring the influence of others.
Gate 39 - Provocation. Liberation from the obstacles that stand in the way of the individual spirit.
Gate 40 - Loneliness The desire to be free from the obligations of the community, remaining alone.
Gate 41 - Hope. The hope that the desired development is possible despite the limitations.
Gate 42 - Increase. Expanding resources that maximize growth through cycles.
Gate 43 - Insights. Individual understanding emanating from the inner voice and resolutely setting new orders.
Gate 44 - Interaction. The instinctive realization that objectivity supports successful collaboration.
Gate 45 - Unification. The center of the community, attracting favorable forces, collecting resources and distributing them for the benefit of everyone.
Gate 46 - Selflessness. Openness to take advantage of favorable circumstances with effort and dedication (confidence).
Gate 47 - Interpretation. The mental process of interpreting memories, with patience and confidence to facilitate understanding.
Gate 48 - Depth. A deep source of awareness that chooses what deserves attention and can contribute to the common good.
Gate 49 - Principles. The revolution was based on higher principles and began not only for the sake of power.
Gate 50 - Values. Knowledge of rules and values ​​that can be useful and enriching today and in the future.
Gate 51 - Shock. The willpower to face turmoil and upheaval courageously and perk up again.
Gate 52 - Stillness. Temporary presumptuous inactivity for a calm review of issues.
Gate 53 - Readiness. Willingness to start new developments and push them forward with persistence and patience.
Gate 54 - Ambition. Ambitious interaction that uses social and mystical connections and is ready to take on a subordinate role.
Gate 55 - Abundance. Emotional awareness that abundance is a product of the individual spirit.
Gate 56 - Stimulation. Flexibility is to follow your curiosity and seek stimulation in short-term activities.
Gate 57 - Intuition. The ability to achieve insightful clarity through intuitive alertness.
Gate 58 - Joy. An unquenchable drive to satisfy the desire to find the joy of life and carefree vitality through correction, correction and improvement.
Gate 59 - Intimacy. A vital force that breaks down barriers to ensure intimacy and fruitful relationships.
Gate 60 - Realist. Realism that accepts limitations as the basis for overcoming them.
Gate 61 - Investigation of the mystery. Psychic pressure to learn the secrets of inner truths and basic universal principles.
Gate 62 - Details. Pay attention to the details, who know how to express the process of thinking through precise formulations.
Gate 63 - Check. It is the fuel of doubt, suspicion and distrust, which seeks to achieve an understanding of the processes.
Gate 64 - Confusion. Mental activity that seeks the meaning of experiences through reflection in order to avoid confusion.

There are many more interesting things in Human Design, but it is not possible to describe everything within the framework of one article, otherwise it will already be a whole book! The main points in deciphering the map I have stated consistently and, I hope, in an accessible way. I'm sure you've become very interested in learning about your design and understanding who you really are. Therefore, I have prepared a small list of books on Human Design that will help you expand your knowledge in this direction.

Linda Bunnel, Ra Uru Hu Human Design. The Science of Differentiation.

Peter Scheber Fundamentals of the Human Design System. Centers".

Chetan Parkin Human Design.

Steve Rhodes Keys to Your Nature and Life.

Richard Chad Gene Keys.

Richard Chad "7 Years on the Wheel".

Mary Ann Winiger "One Generator Revolution".

I wish you an exciting study of Human Design, deep self-knowledge and living your Design to 100%!

It has been developing since the late 1980s and has given people consistent and accurate information on how to live their own lives in the right way.

Human Design is a system of self-knowledge that is fundamentally different from all practices that exist in the world today. This system gives you the ability to see a specific map of your self and offers simple tools to be yourself and reduce resistance as you move through life. Human Design allows you to discover yourself, understand and accept your true nature.

What is the difference

Human Design has several conceptual differences from other systems that claim to describe the nature of man and the world around. Here are the most basic ones:

Synthesis. Human Design relies on several powerful systems. It incorporates the principles of quantum physics, genetics, astronomy, and aspects of the four esoteric systems: astrology, the Hindu chakra system, the cabal of Judaism, and most of all the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. The esoteric term “aura” in Human Design coexists with terms from physics, and the meanings of the I-Ching hexagrams with the characteristics of amino acids from genetics.

Based on the principle of form. Some spiritual practices and systems of self-knowledge offer to describe the mind and behavior of a person in some kind of typology, others - to turn off the mind or transform it, still others - to develop your body and not pay attention to the raging consciousness, fourth - to subordinate the mind and body to the will, fifth - hard limit your body to purify your spirit, etc. Human Design operates on the principle of form. This means that the form of a person determines life and its quality, and the mind is only a "passenger" traveling in this form. Therefore, the peculiar goal of Human Design is the simultaneous transformation of the body and mind. As part of this transformation, a person will have to learn, firstly, to make decisions about his life and for himself from the Inner Authority of the body, and secondly, to stop using the mind to make decisions. The mind must learn to be a "passenger" and deal only with the analysis and synthesis of information coming to it.

Focus on your uniqueness. Human Design shows what makes you unique. This is not a system of self-development, it is a system of self-knowledge. You do not need to improve anything in yourself, do regular exercises, set and achieve any goals, pump yourself up with inspiring slogans. Your map will show you who you are and who you never were. One of the purposes of this system is to help our children in the unique development of their nature and the recognition of their talents.

Practicality and empirical testability. The practical value of Human Design lies in the ability to accurately describe the unique nature of each person. Moreover, on the basis of this nature, to show how to make the right decisions on the whole variety of issues in life. Understanding this is tantamount to acquiring a personal “operating manual”. Every aspect of this knowledge can be put into a cart, objectified and seen in your life. Every aspect of this knowledge allows you to answer the question “what should I do with it”. You don't have to take Human Design on faith. With the help of an experiment, you can decide for yourself how much the information he provides you with about you or your loved ones resonates with you and is of any value.

Mutation knowledge. No matter how pathetic it may sound - but this knowledge is not for everyone. Capaciously express the very essence of Human Design and its postulates can be one word - "heresy". This knowledge is alive, provocative, filled with information that shakes the cornerstones of many sciences, from psychology to particle physics. Experience shows that the beauty of this heresy is most often able to be appreciated by a person who has already learned or felt something in his life and needs answers of a different scale and perspective. And, of course, there will always be people for whom Human Design is just “commercial knowledge”, “pseudo-science without sufficient facts”, “another typology in the spirit of socionics” or “yes, you can say that about any person”.

The Way of the Individualist. The modern world is entirely based on communities and groups of people united by some goal or belief - be it a commercial organization, a psychological support group or a church community. Human Design does not require participation in group meetings (they simply do not exist), wearing the same clothes as someone else, or performing any rituals, prayers, meditations characteristic of sects or spiritual practices of the New Age. This is a deeply selfish knowledge that leaves you alone with the world and in some way alienates you from any help and advice from outside - because you yourself live your own life.

The opportunity to be yourself. Unlike most other systems, knowledge of Human Design carries no potential reward for learning or using it. Most likely, you will not become a richer person. You are guaranteed not to be in better control of your life. The only gift that Human Design can give you is a powerful and strong feeling within yourself that you are real, you are living your life and you are following your destiny. Another by-product is living in a body that is healthy for you, with reduced resistance to situations and circumstances, and the right people for you.

Holistic description of the mechanics of the world

Within the framework of Human Design, there are several directions that develop various aspects of this knowledge. Primary Health System (PHS) studies strategies for nutrition and keeping the body in a healthy state in accordance with the individual differences of each. Rave Psychology aims to work with the human mind and psychology and provides the tools to live a more conscious life. Individual analysis enables each person to learn about their true nature, see the impact of global cycles and find out their purpose. Partnership Analysis allows each couple to obtain information about the possibilities and limitations of their partnership and thereby build relationships of a fundamentally different depth and quality. The Family Analysis way of looking at family dynamics helps families find simple ways to interact and communicate with each other, based on respect for the personal characteristics of each family member. The Child Development direction gives your child the opportunity to receive the education, training and development that he really needs. Dream Rave Analysis gives an incredible, fantastic perspective on a person's life during sleep. Human Design business lines BG5 and OC16 show a person how he can be successful on the material plane, and the business owner is given the opportunity to instantly assess the potential of his employees. The cosmological direction of Human Design is at the junction with the latest discoveries of physicists and astronomers and claims to describe the structure of the entire Universe. The scale of Human Design is huge, not limited to any one topic and affects the most important areas of life and the needs of modern man.

How it works

Human Design uses your birth data to create a bodygraph - a map of your uniqueness. The bodygraph allows you to see your genetic type and what is constant in your nature. These are the key components of the system. You can immediately start experimenting with the Strategy of your genetic type and with your Inner Authority, the place for making the right decisions for you, in order to understand how this knowledge is relevant to you. Human Design is an experimental scientific system, which, according to many criteria, cannot be proved otherwise than through an experiment with one's own life. The whole scientific value of this system can be proved by one person in one unit of time for himself, and not for others.

mystical origin

Human Design came into this world with the help of a man named Ra Uru Hu. On January 3, 1987, Ra Uru Hu, who abandoned his former life and sought solitude on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza, had a revelation. A certain entity, which he later called “Voice”, forcibly invaded his consciousness and for eight days and nights expounded in detail the structure of the Universe, planets and various life forms, including a person whom “Voice” called the word “rave”.

Here is the event as described by Ra:

…I inserted the key into the lock, opened the door and pushed it. The kerosene lamp glowed and rotated right in the air. My dog ​​jumped into the room. And in the jump, when his body crossed the threshold line, he fell dead, as if he had been shot. I heard a voice. He was unpleasant. I can describe it as the voice of a hundred and fifty year old woman smoking a cigar. At the same moment, my body exploded with water. She gushed out of my head. From my hands From my feet. In the literal sense of the word, I was standing in a pool of water flowing from my body. The voice said: “Are you ready to work…”. And it wasn't a question...

The pain from super-rapid dehydration was intense but bearable. I couldn't touch my skin. I didn't feel it. Something similar happens when your leg gets numb. You knock on it, but you don't feel anything. After a while, I collapsed in exhaustion. I experienced a strange sensation of levitation, because I did not feel at all that the body was touching the ground. And then the voice began to teach me. It was amazing. Because when he spoke, I felt no pain. There was only a kind of flight in the field of information. History of the big bang. Rave cosmology. Personality crystal mechanics. The nature of being. I've never heard anything like it. Never have I felt so calm. It was very strange. I got into a situation where I was obedient, like a beaten dog ...

To learn more about the mystical revelation of Ra, you can watch the documentary "Encounter with the Voice" on the Jovian archive website.

According to the testimony of people who knew Robert Alan Krakower (the name Ra Uru Hu appeared later) before this mystical experience, he did not even know his own zodiac sign and was skeptical about everything irrational. Having received the revelation, Ra spent several years researching the aspects indicated to him, collecting and testing information. Convinced that this knowledge works, he began to give public lectures. Some time later, the Jovian archive company appeared, patenting the Human Design system.

Synthesis: science and ancient traditions

Despite its mystical origins, Human Design is closely related to modern scientific discoveries and the wisdom of the ancients.

  • Modern physics. In 1998, it was proved that neutrinos are born on stars, have mass and pass through planets and people with great intensity. Physicists believe that the passage of neutrinos through a person does not carry any consequences, but according to the logic of Human Design, this is not so: neutrinos program our bodies. Correlating the time and place of birth of a person allows us to calculate the imprint of a neutrino imprinted in a person who was born and translate this imprint into the language of behavioral features
  • Principles of genetics. Each person's genome contains about 30,000 genes. Genes carry the instructions for synthesizing amino acids into the proteins from which cells are built. Each individual cell in our body contains a complete map of the genome, but depending on what kind of cell it is, only certain genes will be isolated in it. The cellular epithelium of the heart muscle, for example, contains information about all the cells of the body, but only that is activated in it that allows the heart to contribute to the fulfillment of its tasks - blood supply. Human Design follows the same logic. Each person carries the same genetic matrix, but only certain parts of it are activated in it. You can see the activation data and understand what is genetically expressed in a person and what is not, on the bodygraph - an individual graphic diagram of the body
  • Hindu chakra system. In esoteric traditions, chakras are understood as energy centers that distribute energy throughout the human body. According to Golos, the number of centers reflects the evolutionary movement of humanity. Neanderthals had a five-center structure similar to that of modern mammals. Since 1871, the first nine-centered beings have appeared in the world, for whom the seven chakras of Hinduism are already the past.
  • Astronomy and astrology. As in astrology, a person receives his individual bodygraph based on the exact date, time and place of birth, using the astrological wheel of the planets. At the same time, Human Design does not operate with the concept of “houses” and signs of the zodiac, accepted in astrology, and also uses two dates to compile a bodygraph and compares them with each other
  • I Ching and DNA. Our genetic code is made up of four nucleotide bases, which are organized into groups of three. Each of these chemical groups corresponds to one amino acid and forms what is called a "codon". Similarly, there are four basic combinations of Yin and Yang in the I Ching, which are also organized into groups of three, known as "trigrams". And just as the two strands of our DNA complement each other, each trigram of the I Ching has a trigram partner, and together these two symbols create a “hexagram”, the basis of the I Ching. There are 64 DNA codons in our genetic code, 64 hexagrams are described in the I-Ching, 64 gates in the bodygraph. And we can also see the four bases of our genetic code, which manifest in the biochemistry of our body in the form of four types of human beings: Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.

Like any synthesis, Human Design is more than just the sum of its disciplines, practices, and principles. All systems included in the synthesis can accurately and in detail describe the world or some of its aspects, but it seems that none of these systems, with the exception of Human Design, tells what a person should do with this world and how to make decisions correctly for him.

Viktor Kryuchkov

What will you find on your map?

"Red and black"

The black color denotes the conscious of a person - his personality: what he thinks about himself, what he knows well about himself. Red - the unconscious, its design - something unknown to the person himself, but clearly visible to his relatives. Red-black activations indicate two or more activations of the same gate. If some center or channel in your chart is unconsciously defined, you will never be sure about the presence of the corresponding qualities in your life.

The centers are marked on the map in different colors. The shaded ones are called defined or closed. These centers reflect the predestination, that which will be constantly and invariably present in a person's life.

White, unfilled centers are called indefinite or open. It is something that is impermanent in your nature. This is a place where you don't have your own energy and where other people influence you. We call this influence conditioning. It is impossible to consciously control the energy of open centers. Therefore, they can be, on the one hand, a source of wisdom, and on the other hand, chaos and uncertainty.

nine centers

Centers and their functions:

  • Head Center: mental pressure and inspiration. If it is defined, a person has his own source of inspiration and his own "themes" that are significant to him. Being uncertain, this center gives freedom in choosing sources of inspiration for what to think about and what questions to ask.
  • Ajna: processing and analysis of information. A person with a certain center processes information in a fixed way - for example, through causation, review and critical examination of facts. An indefinite center gives the opportunity to be flexible in the ways of analyzing the information coming to it
  • Throat center: expression and action. If this center is not defined in a person, he does not have a clear, fixed way of self-manifestation. A particular Throat Center tends to cause a person to be inclined to express themselves in a particular way, such as through creativity or social activity, depending on which of the 11 gates is activated in that center.
  • G center : love, direction, self-identification. Being defined, this center gives a person a stable sense of his personality. People with an indefinite center G can discover more and more layers of themselves next to different people, without having a stable identity and changing depending on what kind of people surround them
  • Heart center: willpower, material world, self-esteem, ego. The owner of a certain Heart Center has the potential for successful self-realization on the material plane. A person with openness here does not have a fixed energy to search for answers to material questions.
  • Sacred Center: vitality, sexuality, performance. The vital energy in people with an indefinite Sacred Center is changeable. People with a specific Sacred Center have a steady and constant source of life force.
  • Splenic center: survival instincts, intuition, fears, health. To have a specific Spleen center means to have access to the most ancient intuitive awareness of the body. People with an open center of the Spleen can read the physical state and fears of others
  • Solar Plexus Center: emotionality, sensitivity, passion. The owner of a certain center can experience a whole range of his own feelings and emotions caused by the "wave" of the hormonal biochemistry of his body. People with openness live the emotions of others here
  • Root Center : adrenaline pressure. People with a particular Root Center have the ability to overcome pressure and cope with stress built in. Open-Centered People Are Not Built to Stay in Stressful Situations All the Time

Many centers are multifunctional:

  • Three centers of awareness (Ajna, Splenic and Solar Plexus)
  • Four energy centers or "motors" (Solar Plexus, Sacral, Ego and Root)
  • Two pressure centers (Head and Root)
  • Center for Manifestation and Self-Expression (Gorlovoi)
  • Identity and Direction Center ()

Each element of the bodygraph has a biological correlation with the human body - a certain organ, gland, amino acid (for example, at the level of the Ajna centers - the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland, the Root center - the adrenal glands). Definite and indeterminate centers can function in healthy and unhealthy ways.

Definiteness and Uncertainty of Centers

A certain energy center - a center that has a color on the bodygraph other than white, broadcasts a certain frequency into the surrounding space, its own defining program of the center, depending on its type. These are the places where you are clearly fixed, the way a certain center works is fixed in your birth chart. Nobody here can influence you.

This is the only thing you can rely on! This is what allows you to be yourself.

Indefinite (open) energy center - a center that has a white color on the bodygraph, is tuned to receive frequencies from other people, depending on the type of center, and works intermittently. In these areas, we are influenced by other people. This is something that is present in your nature impermanently, it is conditioned by those people or planets that influence your energy field at the moment.

This means that you may feel/behave differently with different people. This energy of conditioning (influencing) the open center is uncontrollable. It can only be observed and experienced. However, if you do not understand your nature, this energy can cause total self-doubt and self-flagellation. You will feel like you are someone you are not.

The uniqueness is reflected in the details: whether your channel is conscious or unconscious, which line each hexagram is activated, which planet's imprint, etc.

Gates and Channels


In each Center we see numbers. This is the designation of the Gate. There are 64 of them on the carriage. It is these gates that correspond to 64 hexagrams from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes.

Numbers colored in purple are active. They are activated consciously, unconsciously or on two levels at the same time (black, red or red-black).

  • Black channels are your conscious, this is what you think about yourself, you know.
  • Red channels are your unconscious, your design, something that you yourself do not know, but that other people can notice in you.
  • Half black, half red - one gate is conscious, the other at an unconscious level.
  • Black-red (striped) - the channel or gate is simultaneously activated on both the unconscious and conscious levels.
  • White channels - inactive channels, can be conditioned and filled with the energy of another person, in whose field you are.

Each channel is labeled with the numbers of the gates that form it and a name, such as "40-37: Community Channel". The meaning of the channel reflects something new, based on the combined qualities of its two forming gates. The channel is not just the sum of values, but is more - just like a child carries the features of both parents.

cognitive architecture

The defined and indefinite centers, channels, and gates that you see on your map are, in a way, the tip of the iceberg. Each hexagram can be activated by one of 6 lines, each line is one of 6 colors (color), each color is one of 6 tones (tone), each tone is one of 5 bases (base). Thus, combinations of 384 lines, 2304 colors, 13824 tones, 69120 bases are mathematically possible.

These are the deepest levels of our programming. The cognitive architecture of conscious activations shows features of information processing by the psyche, namely, how the human brain perceives reality, how it constructs a personality, how it processes information received from the world and how it reacts to it. The cognitive architecture of unconscious activations determines correct diet for our body and features of the environment. These aspects are studied by two areas of Human Design - Rave Psychology and Primary Health System.

Here we meet an incredibly deep level of differentiation that goes beyond the 4 types, 9 centers and 64 gates. This is why you may meet a person of the same type, with the same centers or channels, or even similar activations, for example, with 57 gates in the 5th line, but you will differ due to differences at deeper levels of programming.

Analyzing this level of information requires incredible accuracy in the time of birth, since the change in color, tone and base values ​​​​occurs literally with a frequency of several minutes.


The first digit is the number of the activated gate, the second digit is the number of the hexagram line.

All gates that you see in the bodygraph are activated by one planet or another. The planets and their meaning are of great importance for understanding the chart:

  • The sun- what you are
  • Earth- conscious and unconscious grounding, support in your life

There is such a system of self-knowledge that uses in its calculations the influence of the date of birth on your personal “I”. This system is called Human Design or human design. It relies on the fact that each moment of time is unique and inimitable, in its calculations, as well as in natal charts, the planets have a great influence:

Calculate your aura type:


Aura types in human design

There are 4 types of aura in human design:

A. Manifestor(9% of all people). This aura of a closed type, which allows a person not to be too receptive to other people's opinions, is even repulsive to some extent, society does not immediately accept them. If you have such an aura, try to watch people, how they, approaching you, seem to stop for half a second, this is the border of your aura.

The Manifestor is the only type that can transform his own energy into action, but his actions affect other people in one way or another. And therefore, from the very virginity, they are suspected and punished.

The main strategy of the manifestor's life is to inform. As a child, a child may ask permission from their parents. Thus, informing the immediate environment that soon "I" will act. When the Manifestor informs other people, he actually compensates for the inability of his aura to attract.

In adulthood, no one wants to ask permission, but it is necessary to inform, otherwise there will be resistance! But manifestors are often stubborn, and they think that it is already clear what they will do, why talk about it? Leave me alone! I've already decided everything! But one phrase: “I’ll be back soon, I’m going on business,” before leaving, will relieve the stress of the fact that you have disappeared somewhere. Just before you start moving, let the person who may be affected know about it.

The manifestor should do what it sees fit. However, often manifestors begin to plan their actions, and only then act. The end result is not what you originally wanted.

Manifestation is not planning, it is action! Life throws up situations and if the manifestor considers it necessary to get involved in it, then he must do it, planning will not help here.

People with this type of aura are able to bring something new to the world, different from the majority, they are able to initiate their own projects. Poorly tolerate a strict regime of work. They almost always work for themselves or have a free schedule, because they do not like control.

B. Generator(about 70% of all people). Almost 5 billion people have an open enveloping generator aura. Your aura is open to everything, and only your personality (personal authority) helps you understand what you want to put your energy into.

Life Strategy: Unlike Manifestors, Generators are not designed to take the initiative! If you are a generator (or a manifesting generator), you will not get happiness from taking the initiative.

Some still take the initiative. This destroys many times more generators than the longest wait. Because waiting is natural for them, but the initiative is not. Taking the initiative, they begin to miss the opportunities that appear every moment, some of them resonate with you, and some do not. And if it resonates, you know for sure that it is yours.

Your life strategy is to wait and respond. Your aura is very attractive to others, and opportunities, people, situations will stick to you. Your task is to learn to listen to your inner voice (response). If there is a response, then feel free to get involved in an adventure! If not, skip this idea! You must do what brings you satisfaction, what you like to do, what your "I" responds to.

How to develop your response: Ask your girlfriend to ask you questions like: “Do you want this? Do you like your job? Do you want to go somewhere? Is there something you don't like?" The more questions, the better. Over time, your authoritative “Aha and Noah” will begin to be taken not from your head, but from your “I”, and also fly out of you right away, without thinking about the question with your head. (Sacral communicates through sounds).

The physical body and the higher "I" are interconnected, it is very important for the generators to feel comfortable, watch yourself, whether you are sitting comfortably, whether you are hungry, the more relaxed your body is, the better and more arbitrary "Noah" will fly out of you by itself, or "Yeah" in response to the responses.

Children: children generators need your questions: “Do you like it? Do you want it? Let's do it together?" Nope, nope, nope .... no response. It can even upset parents.

The generator needs a certain step - something from which it can push off. And until that time, it may seem that he is empty, not interested in anything, lying on the couch, there are no special interests and initiatives. And then bam, a series of Noah, was replaced by AHA. This is a response, and now you won’t see him at home at all, he is doing what he loves!

This expectation and emptiness must be respected! You can't build your conclusions about a person in moments of such emptiness (waiting for a new response).

B. Projector(about 21% of all people.) This type of aura is like a projector focused on other people. The purpose of the projector is to study and understand the nature of another person. Through understanding the other, they begin to understand themselves. The projector is able to recognize the qualities and properties of another person, for example, to see his talents, as well as to discover and benefit from them! This is why projectors + generators are such an incredible driving force. A projector's aura works best one-on-one, talking to, say, a group of people, the projector will still narrow down the focus to 2-3, and then to 1 person who is most interesting to him.

When such an “interesting” person meets, the projector is happy! There is an exchange, the Projector asks questions, reveals the inner potential of the generator, offers ideas for developing talents and the direction where to direct them, and the Generator shares his energy in return. The strategy of life is to wait for an invitation. Like generators, projectors are not recommended to take the initiative and run ahead of the engine. It is much better to behave in a natural way and wait for interest from the environment. If the projector itself is overly persistent, then others may not like it. The generator seems to be thinking himself, like such a good person, he asks questions, but the conversation is not going well.

To attract those who need help, advice, or the disclosure of their abilities, that's what the aura of the Projector can do. If the projector still gives advice when it is not asked for, however very valuable, he feels bitterness. This is a signal that energy is being used incorrectly.

When the projector is appreciated, called, asked, invited, a well-deserved success and recognition occurs. However, the projector must decide if he wants to implement these features? Your inner authority, which you need to listen to, will help you with this.

The aura of the Projector is less energetic, and therefore less suitable for serious physical work than the aura of generators. But generators often do not know where to direct their energy, and here the projectors are able to see what the prospect of this person is, where to move and set the direction! However, often people of projectors are considered very active and energetic! The thing is that when there is an exchange of energies, and the projector is surrounded by generators, it is recharged and actually uses their energy.

A projector child can run all day without stopping, and by the evening they won’t even get tired. However, as soon as the generator is alone with itself, its energy level returns to normal. This is why it is so important for the projector to sleep alone and be with himself for a while. To understand what his real, independent of the environment level of energy.

The child is a projector

Ask him questions, this will help him rely on himself when choosing. The one whose system is now being scanned should want this, if the projector tries to get in without permission, then he will not receive any gratitude and satisfaction. The child needs to be taught to ask, do you want to play? And if the answer is no, accept it and switch.

It is important for the projector to be able to stop and not be offended when the other no longer gives him his attention. After all, it is very difficult for him to give up the habit of being always connected to the battery. But also the generator, perhaps, is dependent on the attention of the projector, because he really likes that a searchlight shines on him, which extracts from him everything that he would like to know about himself, what is hidden in him, and this makes the generators give your energy in exchange for this ray of light.

The invitations so needed for the projector are not responses that arise on any change in the surrounding reality. To be invited, asked for advice, needed, you must be competent in your field. Depending on your predispositions, the projector masters any system (which is interesting to him). For example, banking, music, supply and so on. By remaining effective in your area of ​​interest, invitations will begin to come to you, whether or not to respond to them, you must decide with the help of your inner authority.

D. Manifest Generator(about 32% of all people.) The aura of the manifesting generator, open and enveloping like that of the Generator, and therefore, showing the initiative of the MG, it is harder to cope with the resistance of others. His strategy is the same as that of the Generator - to wait for a response, reacting to the surrounding reality, except for this, the GM needs to warn the closest environment about his intentions (like the Manifestor).

The main difference between the MG and the simple Generator is the response speed. If the generator after the response needs time to make a decision, then the GM is already halfway to completing its goal. See you?! YES! ……and only after a moment you realize that you are busy tonight. MGs have very little patience, they don't like to wait, they don't like to procrastinate. Business before pleasure. Very often they take and plan everything, and then they leave it, because everything does not go according to plan. They planned, they didn't respond.

The mind calculated, the body fulfilled. Zero satisfaction. MGs, like generators, are designed to respond to the world: (smells, questions, calls, weather), and not to think and calculate ahead. If the MG has an idea to do something, then how to understand that this is a response? Ask yourself, am I ready to start? Very sobering and brings back to itself.

Children are manifesting generators

Ignore parents telling them what to do. The child should always explain why you asked him to do this. Not just: "Don't get into a puddle!" Don't get in a puddle, because you're wearing sneakers and they'll get wet.

It is very useful for such children to ask questions, they respond to them, understanding Yes or No. "Did you take everything? Would you like to eat? Will you go for a walk?" This way they will learn to listen to their response. If you just speak or point, then at best they will filter or simply resist. "Go for a walk" "Nope!" Automatically takes off from the child MG.

It is very useful for children with this type of aura to move actively, they themselves feel it and can run all day on the street, so that in the evening they will fall asleep without their hind legs. Thus, the energy does not stagnate and is restored overnight.

Response Association: When something comes from outside, listen and trust yourself. The response will pull you in like a dog on a leash on a beautiful sunny day. This is not at all like a grueling ride in a cramped subway.

D. Reflector. The aura of the reflector is closed and resistant, which protects them from the unnecessary energy of other people and from overload. Reflectors “try” other people and understand what kind of person is in front of them. At the same time, other people do not notice that they have been tried, unlike projectors, the influence of which is sometimes felt even at the physical level.

The reflector's aura reflects everything he has tasted. Other people begin to see themselves in the reflector. The reflector is a chameleon that changes depending on the environment.

Even in a relationship, the partner begins to see himself in the reflector. In a sense, loving a reflector is loving yourself. If you treat the reflector with love, then this love will be reflected with a vengeance. If the partner has some even subconscious fears, resentments, expectations, then they will also be reflected.

If the reflector is in a boring society, in a gray mass of people, or just bad people, his life will also be boring, gray, bad. Living and being in the wrong place, contacting the wrong people, he absorbs their energy and reflects several times stronger. Reflectors very often note that they feel very good next to children. The aura of children is still pure, and reflectors also begin to reflect this pure aura.

By the state of the reflector, one can judge the quality of the community in which it is located. If the reflector is happy, then the society is healthy. If the reflector is depressed and gloomy, then the society with which the reflector contacts is sick.

The reflector does not have a point of support within itself, it is very difficult for him to make decisions. Basically, reflectors shift responsibility and important decisions to others. In a sense, this is correct. Since in order to make the right decision, the reflectors need to wait for a lunar month (an average of 29.5 days). This month you need to talk with people about your decision, listen to their opinion, share with them about your vision of the situation. The answer is at the end of the month.

There are two types of external authority (UM) created in order to inspire others, to convey to others your vision of the situation and the world. But Mind should not be the authority for choosing your life strategy. Inner authority is your personal truth, it is what you need to rely on when making decisions.

Almost all people get lost when making important decisions. They don’t know if they did the right thing, they think about logically possible options. However, every person (even a reflector) has a special place inside, something that a person should rely on when making decisions. Something that is specially created to free a person, something that will show the mechanics exactly where to look for a solution within themselves.

1. Most people (about 51%) have Solar Plexus or Emotional Inner Authority. For such people, the center of emotions must be determined. Your strategy is not to make a decision until you get out of the grip of emotions, and until there is a moment of clarity. People with emotional authority color life and, one might say, see life through the glass of their emotions and moods. You can not make decisions on emotions, spontaneous decisions are not for you. This is especially true of manifesting generators, which can do things by succumbing to an emotional outburst.

2. Sacral. The inner authority of the sacral. About 33% of all people. In people of this type, the center of the solar plexus is open. Such people must wait for an internal response to make a decision (reactions to what is happening in life, to situations, proposals ..) If you feel that you have enough strength, if you know what exactly you should do, what is yours, then act .

3.Spleen. Splenic Authority. For people with this type of inner authority, on the contrary, you need to trust your instincts. Their body tells them. At the right moments, the body begins to give signals (stomach seething, headache, etc.) This is a warning that what is happening now is not healthy for you. You need to trust your intuition, instincts, taste and, in general, your body.

4.Ego. Ego Manifested Authority. Decisions must be made based on your "I". According to what you want to achieve. Am I in this business? What will I achieve with this? Why should I do this and what will I get in the end? Sounds a little selfish, but that's where your strength lies. The power to achieve what you deem necessary to achieve in this life.

5.Self-Projected or Self-Projected Authority(only about 2.5% of all people) Here a person should listen to himself, communicating with others. Observe yourself from the outside, how do you look, how do you communicate, what is your manner of speaking? Over time, you will learn more about yourself. You need to rely on yourself here, while you need to listen to what you say. But not what you say from the mind, but what breaks out of you unconsciously. If you listen to what you yourself say, you will hear your truth. This truth, expressed in the moment, is your inner authority. Example: you tell a friend that you want to go on a trip with him and you like what you said, you like the sound of it, you feel it is right.

6.None- no internal authority. (Mental Projector). If your inner authority is not defined, and your aura type is a projector, then your authority is tied to the environment. You need to discuss your affairs and decisions with your inner circle, while watching yourself from the side. Over time, a solution is found.

7. If you have no internal authority and your aura type is a Reflector, then your authority is the lunar cycle. You have to wait about 28 days to make an important decision. This month you need to talk about your decision with your surroundings, the more people you talk to and the more opinions you hear, the easier it is for you to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your decision.

Incarnation crosses and their description in human design

The incarnation cross will show us the properties of a person's life, his interaction with other people, then what life will lead to if you follow the path of your strategy.

Right Angle Incarnation Crosses. (About 64% of all people). Loners, not particularly influencing others. Think more about yourself, about your development. Their fate changes depending on the decisions they make. The situations they find themselves in lay karma for future incarnations.

Left Angle Incarnation Crosses. (About 34% of all people). Here a person already has some unfinished karma from the past, he is more focused not on himself, but on others. Often he finds himself in situations where everyone expects something from him. (Teachers, parents, mentors). There is a feeling that a person is directed, told in which direction to move. Thanks to such mentors, a person follows the path offered to him by fate.

Juxta Position Incarnation Cross. (About 2% of all people). Fate is fixed and predetermined. People, situations, decisions made are already recorded. Often there are unusual coincidences, meetings, a proposal that comes from nowhere, which changes life completely. Only with time does a person understand why all this was necessary, that it was not just like that.

Human profiles design

A profile is your life role, a sketch, or to some extent a life script template. These are your character traits, the way you behave in life, what you strive for or what you should strive for.

“You can be a Generator with three other Generators. But if you have different profiles, you are more than different people, despite the fact that you have a lot in common in how you act in life, in common in your strategy. The profile is the first key to understanding the nuances and differences in people; the first, but far from the last costume that sets us apart from others.”

Reading Bina Repnin:

Profile 1/3, explorer-martyr. A person who gains confidence by learning from his own mistakes, an experimenter in life;

Profile 1/4, opportunistic researcher. A person in need of faithful and devoted friends with whom he can share his interests;

Profile 2/4, opportunistic hermit. A person who takes care of his private life, in which others often see more than he would like;

Profile 2/5, heretic hermit. A person with the gift of seducing other people, often surprising with unconventional thinking;

Profile 3/5, heretic martyr. A born rebel, always running from something, a peacemaker, an expert in making mistakes and getting into different, not always pleasant situations;

Profile 3/6 and 6/3, martyr role model. A man who is here to guide others through the wisdom he has gained by making his own mistakes;

Profile 4/6, role model opportunist. An objective witness who uses his communication skills and experience to teach and influence others;

Profile 4/1, opportunistic researcher: a person who can never change himself;

Profile 5/1, heretic researcher: a person "for others", able to give practical solutions, be useful, show a different point of view on any issue;

Profile 5/2, heretic hermit: a person who is always subject to excessive demands and expectations;

Profile 6/2, hermit role model. A person who often represents a role model for others and is usually surprised about this;

Profile features and the feeling that you are going through life in the right direction in your direction arise the more often the more consciously and meaningfully a person acts within the framework of his strategy.

Our mind is not designed to make decisions. He is good at collecting information, comparing one thing with another, and communicating our vision of the world to others. It is not the mind that carries us through our world, but the form that we have. We already have solutions and we know what will be good for us, this is all our inner authority tells us, which we just need to learn to be able to hear. The strategy is closely related to the Aura type:

A) Generator (strategy to respond). Go through life responding to different situations. Waiting for what will make you respond and desire to act! A direct initiative, without a response, causes disappointment, a feeling that life should have turned out differently. Your gift is creative power, helping others. Example: Do you want to go to Thailand? If yes comes out of you, then act. Example 2: It's sunny today, I have to go on business, but I don't want to. Tomorrow it starts to rain, but you go about your business as you want, and things are resolved quickly and easily. Example 3: You need to go on business, but they call you and invite you to another place, you feel a response and put things off to respond to the response.

B) Projectors (strategy to wait for an invitation), are able to see the gift in others. Their strategy is to do what they love, do it well, and then they will start receiving invitations. If this invitation resonates with you and you feel successful, then take action. With an empty initiative, there is bitterness from misunderstanding of others. Example: You don't have to cook breakfast for your significant other unless you've been asked to and you hate to cook. Another example: you are already being asked to cook breakfast, in which case you have received an invitation that you can already respond to.

B) Manifestor. The gift is to initiate others. Before acting, the manifestor must warn the immediate environment about this in order to get rid of unnecessary resistance and tension. If the environment is not warned, then the manifestor can begin to control, which will cause anger and irritation.

D) reflector. The gift is to be a mirror of the world. Reflectors need to carefully choose their immediate environment so that its life is not painted in gray colors. To make a decision, you need to wait for the lunar month, communicating with people and asking them for advice.

D) Manifesting generator. He responded, warned, began to do. Only after you responded, warned and began to act, clarity comes to you. Example: A friend called you and invited you to visit. You responded and said yes. Warned your household that you are going to visit. But when you got together, you realized that you didn’t want to go anywhere.

Definitions in human design

Certainty is what we differ from each other in the form of energy flows coming from our centers. In the design map, this is displayed using 36 channels.

BUT) No certainty. It is very rare, affecting only about 1% of people. Found only in reflectors. There is no fixed life force. Strong dependence and strong influence of the environment. It is very important to be in a good society with good people.

B) Whole certainty. One active system that allows you to make decisions on your own, regardless of the opinions of others. A person can be immersed in himself, not seeing what is happening around him. Can easily do without attention and participation in the lives of other people.

IN) Double certainty occurs when 2 centers are selected in the map. The person is, as it were, divided into 2 parts. Depending on what these centers are, you can judge what 2 personalities you have. A person with dual certainty feels better in the environment of people, revealing his integrity.

G) triple certainty. The three centers are activated and not connected to each other. For such people, relationships between people become an important area. Communicating with different people, you can see how you change yourself. With one person you open certain centers, and with another, completely different ones.

Your behavior changes and adapts to different people.
- If you communicate for a long time with only 1 person, you feel incomplete, not fully disclosed.

Decisions are made slowly and hard. To avoid this, go out into the street, into a society where there are more people. It is not necessary to contact and talk with people, just observe. This will help you clear your head and make the right decision.

D) Quaternary certainty. People with quaternary certainty are similar and have the same characteristics as people with triple certainty. However, the latter do not like to go out into society at all! It is important for them to have strong relationships, strong friendships and, in general, relationships based on trust. Often it seems to them that there are too few people in their lives, which makes them look for new acquaintances.

false self

In today's world, we are subject to conditioning. From childhood, we are put in conditions, and they tell us who we should be, what to do and how to behave. We acquire a template for how to live in order to survive. We stop trusting ourselves, our inner authority, and our own life strategy. We begin to identify ourselves with the mind, with our thoughts.

In the rave map, the white-filled centers are you, what you already have. And the white (empty) centers are what the environment will put into you. For example, if your spleen center is open, then your bad habit appeared not because of you, but because of your environment. Check yourself if you are uncertain:

Parietal. 70% of people worry about what does not concern them, thinking about other people's questions.
-Mind. 50% pretend to be sure of what they think.
-Throat. 30% are trying to get attention.
-G. 50% are in search of love, direction, and clarity about themselves.
-Sacral. 30% do not know how to stop in time.
-Spleen. 50% are overly spontaneous and addicted to unhealthy habits and relationships.
-Root. 50% live in a hurry, hoping to be free someday.
-Emotional. 50% avoid any possible confrontation and, as a consequence, the truth.
-Ego. 65% live in proof-of-worth mode.

To get rid of the false self, you need to follow your strategy and trust your inner authority. In a difficult situation, just tell yourself - my mind thinks so. Only and everything.

Human Design Centers Description

Centers are those places where information about a person accumulates. Empty centers indicate that a person will fill them with the help of other people, they are not stable and unstable, they cannot be relied upon. Filled centers have persistent characteristics, what you have and what you will fill other people who have these centers empty.

Root Center– pressure and survival. If this center is open for you, then you do not tolerate stress and pressure well. You should not make a decision under pressure, learn to accept pressure in your favor, using the energy of others. People with a certain root center are more resilient, able to quickly and under stress solve problems and put pressure on others.

Sacred Center is the energy from the response. This is a huge energy of working capacity, sexuality, vitality. It is important for the sacral to never initiate, take the first step and make decisions mentally! If your sacred center is defined, then you have great power of creation or destruction. You have a lot of energy and you are easily included in the surrounding reality, just to burn off excess energy. However, before you get involved in some kind of undertaking, listen to your sacral - is there a response? The sacral communicates through sounds. Have you noticed how after a question you start to sigh? Or you involuntarily come out don't want to, or yeah, that's great! This is the response. But if your throat center is not defined, then even your spontaneous answers can still be said just to please your interlocutor, you better listen to your inner voice. Your rule is to use up energy before going to bed.

With an open sacral center, it is important to learn how to say stop, food, sex, work .... You completely reflect the sexuality of your partner, and therefore you can ignore your partner’s claims, because with another partner with a higher potential, everything will be different. For teenagers, this information is important, as they may attach great importance to the first experience. You absorb someone else's energy and are able to move mountains on it, so the measure is very important here. Your rule is to go to rest before you get tired. Your energy level depends on the environment and the ability to feed on this energy.

emotional center- emotions, mood, sensitivity. People with an open emotional center, like sponges, absorb the emotions of the environment, they say about them - their eyes are in a wet place. You may be considered unbalanced, too emotional, vulnerable. It is too difficult for you to control your emotions. All people with an open emotional center need to understand is that there is no need to identify with other people's emotions and turn your life into a drama. These emotions are not yours, look at them from the outside. Walks in nature are very useful, where you clean yourself alone with yourself.

If your emotional center is full, you need to learn to wait and watch. Don't make spontaneous decisions based on instant liking. Before you form an opinion about a person, see him three times. You strongly influence the emotional atmosphere, a wave of emotions comes from you. If your emotional center is connected to the throat center - then through words, sacred - through sighs, with the root - through the pressure of others. If you are in a good mood, then a person with an open center of emotions will reflect it, if you are in a bad mood, then it will also reflect and strengthen it. You need to surround yourself with people who understand you in any emotional state. It is important to understand that emotions are not static, you can’t be positive and enjoy life all the time, emotions are waves in the middle of the ocean, they replace each other and cannot harm it in any way.

Spleen Center. (Expressed through the inner voice of the body). People with an empty spleen center are in anticipation of a dirty trick from life, they experience many fears, often they do not feel very well. It is important to learn to listen to your body, to give it as much time to rest as it needs. You don’t need to immediately jump up at the first signs of recovery, you don’t need to get up abruptly, you don’t need to supercool your body, in general, you need to support your body, not fanatically, but constantly, with delicious tea with honey, good sleep, light activity. Fears will be an integral part of life, you need to accept that fears are part of you. You can't make decisions out of fear. They must be passed with honor and dignity. Over time, these “fears” will become less and less. Until, in the end, there are almost none left. that is, you will become a kind of terminator who is not afraid of anything and does not experience pain. You absolutely cannot act spontaneously, it is dangerous for you, even in a critical situation you need a couple of moments to assess the situation before acting.

If your spleen center is defined, then you feel great, you have a good intuition (but this does not mean that you use it). In a critical situation, you are able to intuitively make the right decision. You have a calming effect on people with an open center, giving them composed security. You need to learn to listen to your intuition, and this is not easy, the mind and emotions are stronger (I think few people will not notice the emotional outburst of the sacral center, but the quiet voice of intuition is easy to miss).

ego center. Will + achieving results in our materiality. If your ego center is not defined, then you simply do not physically have access to willpower. You are not designed for systematic studies, for the manifestation of willpower. You don't have to make promises, even to yourself. It is important not to follow the social opinion that you must be no worse than the rest, achieve no less than someone else. You don't owe anyone or anything. You are unique and not like others. Live the way you want. If you follow your strategy and listen to your inner authority, life will take you to the top without any extra effort.

People with a certain ego center know what they want to achieve, and they have enough energy and will from birth to carry their plans to the end. You don’t need to give out promises to everyone, and then not fulfill them due to lack of time. It is easier for you to develop your endurance, to withstand systematic practices (for example, dieting) ... If you have a defined Ego cent, understand that not all people like you, not everyone can withstand obligations, show willpower and at the same time be happy like you .

Center G (Gee). People with an empty Ji center, as if without an inner core, without an inner “I”. You express yourself in different ways and show love in different ways, depending on other people. Can you consider it important to find yourself who I am? Where am I going? Why all this? What is love? The eternal feeling that the search will sooner or later lead to success, and I will find out the answers, but this does not happen. You need to accept yourself for who you are, understand that you are different, that you can love the way your partner wants it, that you are multifaceted, you don’t need to look for your direction, people with a certain G center will do it for you.

A filled G center gives a person a clear understanding of who he is. You understand yourself even without other people, you feel your I. (You don’t realize with your mind, but there is always an inner feeling). It does not change, it is static. Like a magnet, you attract people with an empty ji center to you. It can be difficult for you to find a common language with a person who, like yours, has a full G center. After all, each of you has his own individuality, each of you sees love and yourself as he sees. You need to learn to accept it. That your vision, as it should be, is not the only one, each person sees the world differently, shows love in different ways. Over time, you realize that to love does not mean to fully understand a person, it means to fully accept him, his vision of the world and the feeling of love. You can rely on your inner sense of self, it cannot be influenced by others.

throat center. An empty throat center allows you to communicate with different people. You easily join the company, but you mirror others, because it is possible that it is very easy for you to communicate with one person, but you cannot connect a couple of words with another. Due to inexperience, you can pass for an empty chatterbox that talks non-stop all evening, and if you try to control your speech, then over time there are problems with your voice and throat. However, if you behave calmly, let the interlocutor start the conversation first, follow (but do not control) yourself from the side, then your throat will thank you. The open throat center has the gift of easily perceiving and reproducing foreign dialects, good inclinations for someone who wants to learn to speak a foreign language without an accent.

If your throat center is full, then you can rely on your words. Think before you say something, as it may become a reality tomorrow, after your words you will have to act. Talking just like that, you only waste energy. It is important to know which of the five centers your throat center is associated with. This will help to understand what action can follow after your words. For example, if your throat is connected to the solar plexus center, then your conversations cause you an emotional reaction.

ajna center. People with a filled ajna center are characterized by integrity, a good and stable flow of thoughts, their stable vision of the world and their own rules of the game in this world. For such people, the development of mental flexibility becomes very important. If you think that your opinion is the only correct one, then you should think about developing flexibility. You need to learn to stop controlling and subordinate people with an open ajna center to your vision, but simply give advice, share your experience, but not pressure.

The open ajna center endows people with a thirst for knowledge and a search for this knowledge. It seems to them that they are not filled enough inside, they lack experience. Teachers, books, sections, all this in order to fill yourself up, choose your own model of behavior. Such people are not biased, they are open to new things. When you meet a person with a filled ajna center, you absorb their experience and ideas. Here it is important to take only those ideas that are close to you, learn to be constant in your thoughts, develop patience.

parietal center. An open parietal center allows you to draw inspiration from everything, move in life the way you want. However, other people can guide you. The inspiration may not be yours, but someone else's. You may want an expensive car, work in this direction for a long time, and when the goal is reached, find that there is no joy in achieving this goal, this goal and this inspiration have been forced on you. With an open parietal center, a person can begin to think like everyone else, desire what the majority desires, experience their feelings and emotions. Trying to solve the problems of others while losing yourself, losing your life path. In a good version, a person does not attach importance to the pressure of thoughts, does not solve the problems of others, but draws inspiration from everything that he likes from different areas.

A filled parietal center suggests only certain sources of inspiration. This inspiration does not come from outside, it comes from within you. External circumstances force you to reveal the source of inspiration in you. You know exactly (feel) what you want from life. Many people with a full parietal center make a mistake, and when thinking hard about whether I am doing the right thing? Am I living right? They start making bad decisions right away before waiting for a moment of clarity. Ideally, under the pressure of thoughts, you should remember that in all centers there is a so-called clock that, over time, brings clarity that can bring a new breath of inspiration.

You can find out about your mechanics, find answers and clarity to long-term internal questions and dilemmas, understand yourself and understand Who are you And Why in this world.

To get your Reading- only needed data your birth: date, time (as accurate as possible) and place, as well as the desire to get to know your innate nature in order to start experimenting with your Design.

Reading can be obtained by anyone over 16 years of age and of any level of knowledge Human Design.

Do you want to know more?

What is Reading?

In order to log in correctly Experiment with your Design - you need to get your own Basic Reading(or Student Reading with an analytics student graduated from PTL1 which I am).
Basic / Student Reading This is the first step on the Path to Self. In this Reading, a Professional Analyst or Student Analyst will summarize all the basic things you need to know for correct entry into the Experiment just for you.

You can read a lot of confusing information on the Internet. Or even worse - take advice from a self-taught person who positions himself as some kind of expert or practitioner of the Human Design system. Be vigilant, ask for certificates, find out from whom people were trained. Some manage to learn from stolen courses, thinking that this is enough, declaring themselves Analysts. It doesn't work like that. Respect your time and money.

There are professional Analysts Human Design systems that can help you understand yourself, your own Design. They studied and study at the International School of Human Design, founded by the messenger of this Knowledge Ra Uru Hu; doing homework and took exams, invested their strength and energy in their training, and most importantly - EXPERIMENTED.

Choose Analyst on the official website of the IHDS school or Student Analyst on the website of the Open Public School of Human Design (a school of certified guides, teachers and mentors IHDS Sarin of Elena Stanovova and Mamto Mikhail Malinovsky, from whom I am studying).

At my Individual Analysis you will receive:
The basis for entering your personal Experiment.
Understanding the nature of your Being: Past and Present.
Individual recommendations for Watching and Living.
Understanding how to make the right decisions in your life.
Understanding the mental strategies of your Mind-False-Self.
Explanation of what you study all your life and in what you gain Wisdom.
Answers to your questions.
Support for a month after Reading.

Interesting? Do you want to get your own unique Reading? I invite you!
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What awaits you at Reading:

Introduction to your bodygraph: The structure of a bodygraph and what foundations are laid in you by nature.
Your Aura Type And Strategy: Why did you come into this world, how do you interact with life, your mechanics of the correct way to make decisions.
Is yours Authority: What can you rely on when making decisions in life, and what can not, and what are the consequences of both.
Your Conscious And Subconscious: What are you aware of and what is not. How does it feel in general.
certainty And openness(centers, channels, gates): How do you live your True Nature correctly and not. How do you live your Openness, correctly and not. Your potential for Wisdom.
certainty And breaks: Psychology of the mind, the theme of guilt, vulnerabilities, the focus of the mind-false-self. Way out of dilemmas and illusions.
Profile: Your costume on the stage of life and in interaction with others.
Cinematography: Synthesis of all your Uniqueness as a whole and its aspects - during the whole Reading.
Recommendations for Experimentation.
Doing audio recordings +pdf presentation.

This is not just a consultation about the elements of your Design, because on the Internet you have probably read a lot about yourself. This is a deep and holistic penetration into your mechanics, into both sides of your Duality, the synthesis of important elements into a ONE WHOLE.

Format: Online or in Moscow.
Duration: 1.5-2.5 hours
Value: 15000 rubles / 240$

Do you want to learn about your uniqueness from a certified specialist? I invite
