Peduncle from the growing point of phalaenopsis what. Everything about the peduncle of phalaenopsis: what is it and how does it grow, what to do after the buds fade? Possible problems and their solutions

The peduncle of this orchid has a sharp tip and a shape resembling a closed beak. It grows from a neck in the center of the leaf and only stretches upward. Next in the photo you can see what the flower stalk of the plant looks like.

How to distinguish from the root or other parts of the orchid?

When the phalaenopsis just begins to develop a peduncle, it can be mistaken for the root or even the baby of the plant, so you need to know how they differ from each other. It can be distinguished from the root by the following characteristics:

  • it is necessary to carefully examine the place where the new growth appeared and determine its location relative to the growth point - if it grows from the stem and is located on the root collar between the leaves - this is not a peduncle, but an aerial root;
  • the arrow always grows upward, while the roots are slightly inclined downward;
  • the color of the roots is greenish-gray and bright green at the tips, while the arrow is monochromatic along the entire length;
  • the root is smooth, and the peduncle is divided by small scales;
  • the peduncles have a sharp tip, and at the roots it is rounded and blunt.

Differences between the peduncle and the basal child:

  • after the baby grows a little, its tip will begin to resemble a boat shape;
  • The peduncle grows only from the base of the central vein of the leaf, and the baby, as a rule, grows just above the place of the previous flowering.

We invite you to watch a video on how to distinguish a peduncle from a root in phalaenopsis:

Importance for an orchid

Peduncle is one of the most important parts orchids. It is thanks to him that the plant is so beautiful, since flowers appear on it.

In addition, the tip that grows on the peduncle of each phalaenopsis is a kind of indicator of health and good development flower, because as long as it is alive and green and there are no problems with it, the orchid continues to grow and form new buds.

Features of care during the growth period

The growth period of the peduncle is very important point in the life of an orchid, when it is especially important to provide her with good care.

  • It is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting. Daylight hours for a phalaenopsis that has released a shoot should be at least 12 hours. In autumn and winter, you need to place a pot with an orchid on the window sill on the south side of the room, and if this is not possible, you should use a phytolamp for additional lighting.
  • Humidity must be maintained at optimal level, To do this, you can use a humidifier or place a container of water next to the orchid. This is especially important in winter when the indoor air is too dry.
  • It is necessary to feed plant with fertilizers, which contain a lot of phosphorus and potassium from the moment the peduncle has just begun to form until the flowers appear on it. After the flowers appear, fertilizing should be stopped, as this will not increase the splendor, but may cause the flowers to drop.
  • Watering is carried out as usual- as the soil dries out. The regularity is individual for each specific case, as it depends on the temperature and humidity of the air. Phalaenopsis with a regrown peduncle does not need direct spraying; it will most likely destroy the sprout. It is enough to place a flowerpot with an orchid between other plants while spraying them and it will have enough moisture.

Important! Under no circumstances should the soil in the flowerpot be allowed to become completely dry.

Video about caring for phalaenopsis during the period of peduncle growth:

Formation period

How quickly does it form?

Let's consider how long the peduncle of an indoor phalaenopsis orchid grows. The average time for its formation in a regular phalaenopsis is two months, in a hybrid one – three. This is exactly how much time must pass after the appearance of the stem before the peduncle is fully formed. If the plant is in comfortable temperature conditions, it receives required amount light and moisture, then this time will decrease by 1.5-2 times.

The lateral peduncle develops faster - in about 1.5 months.

How many arrows does it fire?

The most common is phalaenopsis, which has 2-3 peduncles, but there are also instances with a large number flowering shoots. At home, the number of arrows depends on the type of phalaenopsis, its health and the care provided.

The number of buds in an orchid increases in extreme conditions, for example due to temperature changes, drought or unusually large amounts of light.

How to ensure growth?

How to grow a flower stalk? In order to grow it, you first need to make sure that the new growth on the phalaenopsis is actually an arrow. If this is the case, then you need to wait until it reaches a length of 15-20 cm and fix it in a vertical position, tying it to a support in a flowerpot.

It is best to use a special clothespin for this, which can be purchased at any flower shop, but you can also use a regular hair elastic or a small hair clip. When if tying the peduncle to the support does not work, you just need to rotate the flowerpot with the orchid relative to the light.

Step-by-step instructions: what to do in a certain situation?

Let's consider what to do if the peduncle that grows from the growth point breaks or other possible cases:

  1. Grows from a growing point. This happens if the phalaenopsis has already suffered a lot or experienced severe stress. In this case, you don’t need to take any action, you just need to take care of the plant and, perhaps, buds or babies will appear on the arrow.
  2. Broken. In this case, you need to cut the peduncle to the bud located closest to the fracture site and treat the cut site with crushed activated carbon, wood ash or cinnamon powder.

    Important! You should not try to glue or connect the fragments in any other way - this will only harm the flower.

  3. Absent at all(You can find out why phalaenopsis does not bloom and how to correct the situation) by arranging a slight stressful situation for the plant. To do this, you can, for example, slightly limit the access of light to the flower or water it less often. Of course, it is impossible to bring things to a complete drought. If possible, you can lower the air temperature at night by 5-6 degrees.
  4. Stopped growing. To start from the list possible reasons it is necessary to exclude disease or the presence of pests. After making sure that the flower is healthy, you should once again reconsider the care of the plant and make sure that it has enough nutrients and moisture, enough light, and temperature regime and humidity levels are comfortable. If the phalaenopsis is not sick and the conditions for keeping it are suitable, but the peduncle still does not grow, you can only wait - if the arrow has not dried out, the orchid can still bloom.

What to do after flowering?

What to do with the flowering shoot of an orchid depends on its condition.

  • If, after the orchid blooms, the peduncle turns yellow and withers, it should be cut off at the base and the cut should be sprinkled with cinnamon powder, crushed activated carbon or wood ash.
  • If only the apical bud dries out, it is better to cut the branch with it to the first lower bud.
  • If the peduncle is intact, it has a green tip and dormant buds, then nothing should be done - after a while new flowers may appear on it.

Read more about how to prune Phalaenopsis after flowering.

We invite you to watch a video about what to do with the peduncle after the orchid has bloomed:

The peduncle is very important for phalaenopsis, therefore, during the period of its growth, it is necessary to take especially careful care of the plant, and if problems arise, be able to solve them correctly.

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The growing point or core of the plant is the topmost leaf. Monopodial orchids have one growing point. Such plants develop from the top of the shoot. Leaves grow alternately from the top, and buds are formed between them. From which peduncles or peduncles are formed.

Reference! Monopodial indoor orchids include Phalaenopsis and Vanda.

In the absence of a growth point, the plant cannot fully develop in the future. That is, leaves do not grow, new shoots and flower stalks do not appear. No growth.

Means, the function of the growing point is to initiate new shoots and lengthen the stem. Without this part, the plant gradually begins to die, leaving only one rosette, lower leaves and root system (you can find out what kind of roots a healthy orchid should have and what problems arise with this particular part of the flower). Of course, it cannot be said with 100% certainty that the orchid will die. There are ways to help a flower without leaves, to provoke the growth of side children.

Signs of absence and reasons

Beginners do not immediately understand when an orchid’s growing point is damaged. Mistakenly assuming damage to the leaf following the core (read about what changes in the leaves you need to pay attention to when caring for an orchid). If, after removing this leaf, the rudiment of a new one appears or there is a young shoot, then there is no need to worry, the growth point is alive. However, severe damage to the growing point occurs as a result of the following reasons.


Direct rays of the sun upon direct contact cause burns on leaves, stems, and flowers. A plant that is not accustomed to intense light does not tolerate it well.. Close to glass summer time or unshaded lighting leads to burning of the upper tender leaves.

Mechanical damage

The absence of the top of an orchid may result from a falling pot or other injury to part of the plant. The damaged stem was not treated with an antiseptic in time, and as a result, wounds appeared on the stem.

Excess moisture

Due to non-compliance correct mode watering, many ailments arise. Rotting of the growing point occurs especially often. During watering, water remains in the axils of the leaves, and in case of insufficient lighting, low temperature and high humidity, it stays for a long time. This inevitably leads to decay, and this process leads to the loss of the growth point.

Fungal and bacterial infections

Violation of indoor microclimate parameters leads to the development of infectious diseases. This is also possible if the quarantine regime is not observed. If fungal and bacterial infections are detected, the diseased flower should be urgently isolated from healthy ones, because the infection spreads very quickly.

Cylinderizing Phalaenopsis

A similar phenomenon is observed when a peduncle grows from the core of an orchid (read about how to care for the arrow of an orchid). This happens quite rarely, but it does happen. Recently, flower growers have noticed the process of cylindering among Dutch orchids.


Below you can see photographs of the orchid’s growth point:

If the core is severely wounded, the orchid stops growing upward. Many people believe that without a growing point, a plant cannot survive. It can, but the likelihood is not in all cases. Finding itself without an active core, the exotic is susceptible to fungal diseases. If he has enough strength to overcome ailments, the plant will survive. The flower can produce a lateral shoot on the stem or peduncle, thus continuing to grow.

Important! If the unexpected happened, the orchid trunk began to die, its natural state, clearly, there were some problems.

Carry out a thorough visual inspection sick plant:

  1. Find out what is causing this condition.
  2. Change the orchid's living parameters. Remove the plant from sunny place or shade the light with a curtain. It is better to place it in partial shade.
  3. Control the quality and frequency of watering. Water should not remain in the leaf axils.

If the cause of the lesion is an infection or a rotting process has occurred, then follow the following instructions.

After a successful amputation, the indoor exotic will have a pair lower leaves and a tree stump. This rosette will not be able to grow further, but the plant is not lost yet. An orchid can recover in two ways:

  • from dormant buds on a peduncle;
  • from dormant basal buds.

We talked in detail about how to awaken the sleeping buds of an orchid in.

Under favorable conditions, new shoots will certainly appear. But their growth can also be stimulated artificially. On the peduncle, the buds are visually visible, although they are covered with scales. With stem plants the situation is more complicated. The bud is located under the leaves, in the axils or deep in the roots. You should look for them in places where there were leaves, but withered away due to age. Green, living basal buds can also be used to obtain. You should carefully apply hormonal cytokinin paste to them and wait for the result.

Advice! If necessary, repeat the application of cytokinin paste 2-3 times.

During the first time after amputation, be sure to adhere to the following recommendations.

Even when the growing point is completely dead, the plant can be revived, observing all the specified rules. And the key to active growth and bright flowering is favorable conditions during gestation and plant hygiene. Also, do not forget to regularly inspect your indoor exotic plants. After all, when recognizing infectious diseases on early stages, it will not lead to serious consequences.

Video on the topic

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At home, orchids are bred for beautiful flowering. But sometimes this period does not come for a very long time. In addition, the emerging flower arrows can easily be confused with aerial roots or children. What does the new peduncle look like? Immediately after the formation of the flower stem, the plant needs to create optimal conditions for development and to properly care for it. Then soon the flowers will bloom on the stem.

Peduncles in orchids are shoots that form from below on the above-ground part and grow upward. After the formation of a peduncle, flowers bloom on it. When the arrow just begins its formation, it is easy to confuse it with the roots or children of the epiphyte, since there are very few differences. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish the peduncle from the root of a phalaenopsis or its offspring.

To distinguish the peduncle of an orchid from the root and children, pay attention to the following signs:

  • the roots have a rounded shape, and the flower arrows are cone-shaped;
  • a flower arrow can be distinguished from a basal arrow after a while, when it grows a little, the shape of its tip becomes like a boat;
  • the central vein of the leaf becomes the place of formation of the flower arrow;
  • usually the arrow forms in the same place where there was flowering before;
  • The main difference between the peduncle and other parts of the plant are the buds that bloom on it after final formation.

The flower stem at any stage of development is covered with irregularities in the form of scales or small spines. They are dormant buds.

It is the peduncle that is responsible for the beauty of the orchid. After all, over time, buds form and flowers bloom on it. In its upper part there is a green tip, which represents a growth point. As long as it is alive, new flowers will appear on the stem.

Care before the appearance of the peduncle of the orchid and during the growth period

Until an arrow appears on the epiphyte, cultivation is carried out according to standard rules. The flower is provided with diffused lighting. To do this, it is moved from the southern window sill in mid-spring. Water the plant so that the soil dries out for several days between irrigations. This will enable the root system to take part in the process of photosynthesis.

The plant is provided with an influx fresh air and at the same time protect from drafts. Cold is especially dangerous for orchids in winter. Damaged parts cannot be healed. Therefore, frozen tissues are cut out. Air humidity in the room is maintained at least 65%. During this period, the flower is regularly fed with special fertilizers marked “For orchids.” Others are not suitable for epiphytes because they burn root system.

During the formation of the flower arrow, the care of the epiphyte changes. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for an orchid when it has released a peduncle.

After the orchid has a peduncle, irrigation is reduced. But at the same time, the flower is not subjected to overdrying. To do this, increase the interval between watering for drying to 5 days instead of 2-3 under the usual cultivation regime. Then the orchid is watered not once a week, but twice a month.

While the orchid’s peduncle is growing, the addition of nutrients is reduced. Fertilizing is completely abandoned when the plant begins to form buds. If this is not done, flowering will be short.

If the orchid shoots out in the fall or winter, the pot is moved to the south side. If this is not possible, they will organize additional lighting. Otherwise, the shoot will stop developing. For good development, the arrows maintain the air temperature in the room from +23 to +26 degrees. More low temperature reduces the growth rate and leads to drying out of the arrow.

The number, size and color of the buds largely depend on how carefully the plant was cared for in the last 120 days before the formation of the stem. If fertilizing began to be applied only at the moment the peduncle appeared, abundant flowering will not be.

Growth Characteristics

In ordinary phalaenopsis, the peduncle grows for 2 months. Hybrid varieties They produce flower stalks longer. Their formation period takes 3 months. During this time, the newly hatched stem turns into a full-fledged arrow. Depending on the growth conditions of the Phalaenopsis orchid, the interval may increase or decrease.

When providing the right amount light, sufficient humidity, warmth and nutrients, the growth process goes 2 times faster. The side stems grow even faster and are fully formed in 1.5 months.

Typically, an orchid produces 2 to 3 flower stems. Sometimes in florist shops there are plants with big amount shooter At home, the number of flower stalks is determined by the growing conditions of the plant and its care.

After the orchid shoots, it is important that it grows evenly and looks beautiful during flowering. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. When the arrow grows to a length of 20 cm and is strong, it is fixed vertically.
  2. An orchid with a peduncle must be tied to a support using a special clothespin. If you don’t have one, use a regular hair tie or crab clips.
  3. If it is impossible to tie the flower stem, the pot is regularly unfolded as the arrow develops. Then it will reach out to the light and grow in the right direction.

How to prevent a stop in the development of the arrow

When a flower stalk appears on the plant, it is important to create comfortable conditions. Then the arrow will constantly develop and will not stop developing. To do this, it is important to ensure that the lighting does not decrease. If the length of daylight hours has decreased, additional illumination with phyto-paws is organized.

Waterings are gradually reduced and the interval between them is increased. It is important not to overdry the plant. The temperature in the room is maintained at the optimal level for good growing season. Fertilizers are applied on time in accordance with the attached instructions.

How to make phalaenopsis shoot arrows at the same time

Usually an orchid produces only one arrow on which flowers form. You can grow several flower stalks only on an adult plant that has from 8 to 10 leaves in a rosette. Such an orchid often produces 2-3 flower stems, but it is not capable of throwing out more than three.

By expelling several flower arrows, the plant is stressed. Then, after abundant flowering, the orchid will begin to hurt, and it will develop a loss of strength. Therefore, experienced gardeners do not advise artificially stimulating the plant to form more than two stems.

Possible problems

Sometimes the peduncle of an epiphyte does not grow for a long time or the arrow has grown incorrectly. Often, flower growers with little experience break the flower stem. In this case, you need to understand the cause of the problem and determine actions to solve it.

If the arrow grows from its growth point

This problem arises when growing older phalaenopsis that have already bloomed many times. Another reason is severe stress. After all, orchids are sensitive to conditions. The owner needs to learn that this situation does not require correction. This plant is provided with normal care. Perhaps in a short time new flower stalks or children will appear on it.

If the flowering stem breaks off

To correct this situation, the stem is cut slightly above the nearest healthy bud. Open area treated with powder activated carbon or ground cinnamon to prevent infection from entering open tissue.

Do not tie the piece to the remaining part. It will still not be possible to connect them; you can only worsen the condition of the flower. Better take good care of the plant, then it will bloom again.

Lack of flowering stem

It is not always possible to grow phalaenopsis so that a flowering stem forms on it. Then the flower is given a “shake” to speed up this process. To do this, the pot is rearranged into a more dark room. At the same time, the amount of irrigation is reduced, but the substrate is not completely dry. If possible, reduce the room temperature by 5 degrees at night. In this way, it is possible to awaken phalaenopsis that have been hibernating for a year or more.

Stopped development

Sometimes an orchid's peduncle has grown to a sufficient length and formed several buds, and then further growth stops. Then the following steps are taken to improve your health:

  1. Carefully inspect the epiphyte to make sure there are no diseases or infestations by insect pests.
  2. If everything is in order, they analyze the conditions under which the flower is kept. It should have enough lighting and nutrients, heat and air humidity.
  3. If, after changing the growing conditions, the flower stem still does not resume its growth, the most reasonable solution is to monitor the plant. After some time, the not withered arrow will definitely begin to grow and delight you with flowering.

Actions after flowering is completed

When the flowering period ends, caring for the flower depends on the condition of the flower stem. If the shoot turns yellow and shows signs of drying, it is cut off at the very base. The resulting wound is sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ground cinnamon to prevent infection. You can use chalk for the same purpose.

When the stem itself is green and the apical bud has dried up, the stem is shortened. The cut is made slightly above the first living bud. Exposed fabrics are treated with cinnamon, charcoal or chalk for disinfection.

If there are no signs of wilting or drying on the stem, it stands green, with healthy buds. After the end of the dormant period, buds will again form on such a stem and flowers will bloom. Therefore, you don't need to do anything with it.


The flowering shoot is very important for an orchid. It is he who is responsible for beautiful flowering. Therefore, its development is closely monitored in order to notice and solve possible problems in time. If you follow the basic rules of care, the plant will bloom regularly.

Central peduncle of Phalaenopsis

When purchasing an orchid, carefully inspect the plant for rot, pests and flower stalks. Their locations are especially important. If you find that your Phalaenopsis orchid the peduncle grows straight from the middle (rosette), take a closer look at another orchid.

What's next?

  • The peduncle will produce buds and the orchid will delight you with flowering.
  • A plant with a central flower stalk will no longer produce new leaves. Flower development will stop. Most likely, the life cycle of this orchid is completed.
  • Phalaenopsis will produce root baby(s). It may grow sideways and you will end up with two orchids in one house.
  • Or the first growing point will die (dry out) over time and the second will remain.
  • The orchid will produce offspring on a peduncle.

Why did the orchid release the central peduncle?

  • Orchid - “old lady”. The flower is many years old, it is exhausted. The peduncle is the last thing a plant can please. Or surprise you with a baby. What would be the best development for the orchid?
  • The environment has changed. The lighting is poor or the orchid is in the cold or, conversely, in a dry room.
  • She was stressed. Due to any other reasons. And I decided that I needed to decide something, to be fruitful, for example.

Peduncle from growing point

There is no need to do anything supernatural with such a “desperate” orchid. Take care as usual. So that your exotic girl can give birth to a baby as soon as possible, create for her the necessary conditions. And don't despair!

The shoots on which flowers form are called flowering shoots or peduncles. Many amateur flower growers use the term “peduncle” in a narrower sense and understand by it the area of ​​the stem part of the plant on which the flowers are located.

Orchid (Orhidea): basic information

The most beautiful thing about indoor orchids is their flowering period. Any gardener who grows orchids looks forward to the happy moment when the plant produces a peduncle, which will allow you to enjoy the “butterfly” flowers of the orchid. Often you have to wait quite a long time for this period. But when the peduncle appears, the plant looks simply gorgeous and can decorate any photo.

Description of appearance

Unfortunately, in our country, growing indoor orchids is a completely new hobby. Orchids are beautiful and exotic plants for our latitudes, and many gardeners are concerned about the question of what needs to be done during the period of peduncle growth. To get your bearings on the flowering of such common types of indoor orchids as Cymbidium or Phalaenopsis, as well as less popular orchids, Some features of this process should be taken into account:

  • Orchid flower stalks often grow in the most bizarre ways. The peduncle can bend into a pig tail, then begin to rise and grow upward. In addition, the peduncle can grow in any direction. While the peduncle of an indoor orchid is growing, the gardener should not touch anything. Under no circumstances should the plant be replanted. It should be remembered that the peduncle always grows from the growth point.
  • As a rule, it is not difficult for experienced gardeners to distinguish peduncles from the root, but an inexperienced gardener cannot always immediately determine whether a peduncle grows on an indoor orchid or whether this part of the plant represents the root.
  • There is often a possibility that indoor orchids will prolong their peduncle after a short rest, and some types of orchids even without rest.
  • The very beginning of autumn is the most favorable period for the flower buds of an indoor orchid to give rise to new flower stalks. This rule primarily applies to the Cymbidium or Phalaenopsis species.
  • If indoor orchid will produce a peduncle and a new healthy leaf at the same time, then you definitely need to let the plant make its own choice about what to prefer to develop further.
  • In Phalaenopsis orchids, new leaves most often appear in summer or early autumn, and high-quality peduncles form in late autumn.
  • The long flower stalks of Cymbidium orchids are known to many for their large flowers, which can often be bought cut. During the flowering stage, Cymbidium orchids should be kept in a uniformly moist substrate, but cannot be replanted.
  • Cymbidiums and Phalaenopsis are the most popular orchids today. Their reproduction is not difficult, and the enchanting flowering can be seen in numerous photographs of amateur gardeners. “Cymbidiums” and “Phalaenopsis” are unpretentious not only at the reproduction stage, but also undemanding in care.

Trimming methods

Many gardeners do not know what to do with the peduncle of an indoor orchid immediately after the end of the flowering stage. In a good flower shop, customers are often advised not only on the specifics of caring for certain types of indoor plants, but also, if the gardener wishes, they are explained how to correctly cut the peduncle of a particular type of indoor orchid or replant the plant.

To make pruning less traumatic, it is advisable to pay attention to the photo describing the features of caring for a certain type of orchid plant. In addition, pruning must be carried out according to certain rules. The basic rules for proper pruning of peduncles during the care process are as follows:

  • after the peduncle of an indoor orchid dries, it should be carefully trimmed;
  • pruning should be done with a clean and sharp tool, and after pruning there should be a stump no more than 2 cm high on the plant;
  • The cut areas of the peduncle should be dried a little and then treated special composition based on activated carbon;
  • If the peduncle of an indoor orchid grows after the end of the flowering process, then after some time new buds or so-called “babies” with roots may form on the shoot, which make it possible to replant new plants.

It is extremely important to choose the right time and stage of plant development to remove the peduncle. It is not always possible to prune orchids correctly. If there are “dormant” buds, it is recommended to trim the peduncle slightly higher than them, which will be more correct to preserve the health of the plant.

Orchids can rest for a while and then send out new flower stalks again. As a rule, almost all orchids that are adapted for growing and propagating at home do this.

Stimulation of peduncle formation

If the plant does not flower for a long time, you can try to stimulate the forcing of a new peduncle shoot. You can force an indoor orchid to bloom again. It is not difficult to carry out such an event. Using a few fairly simple techniques, you can stimulate your indoor orchid to produce a new peduncle and bloom profusely.

However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to make a plant bloom without creating optimal temperature conditions and proper care. There are two ways to encourage re-blooming indoor plant.As a rule, it is possible to stimulate the re-formation of a peduncle shoot as a result of slight stress:

  • artificially cause a feeling of drought in the plant, reducing as much as possible, and sometimes completely stopping watering after flowering;
  • during the care process, achieve re-blooming by sharp temperature fluctuations.

Both methods are clearly demonstrated in photographs from detailed description techniques. It is best to stimulate the flowering process in winter.

How to revive a dried flower stalk

If the peduncle of an orchid is drying out or has already dried up, then it should be carefully trimmed. It should be remembered that after the flowering stage, the orchid shoot-peduncle fades and can either dry out or continue to grow. If the peduncle has dried out slightly, but remains dense, then it is advisable not to cut it for some time. It is extremely important to wait until the stem of the peduncle is completely dry.

Flower growers often wonder what needs to be done with flower stalks from which flower buds have fallen. Such plants should be observed for some time. The main condition is proper care, and then after a few months the indoor orchid will bloom profusely again and allow you to take bright and colorful photographs.

How to grow an orchid from a peduncle

Undoubtedly the most in a simple way propagation of the Phalaenopsis orchid is the transplantation of the lateral shoots of the peduncle or the so-called “babies” with roots. At proper care they grow very quickly, and the replanting process is absolutely simple. Already faded stems can also be used to propagate indoor orchids.

If the characteristics of the orchid plant species allow propagation by peduncles, then the standard cutting method should be used. You should not be afraid of harming the health of the plant. Regardless of the condition of the old peduncles, new shoots appear in orchids over time, and their growth is clearly visible in photographs of these amazing plants.
