What is douching for thrush with soda. How to douche with soda for thrush. How to douche with soda

Candidiasis or thrush is considered one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. It is accompanied by severe itching in the genital area, as well as the discharge of unnatural secretions. This causes girls not only physical, but also moral suffering. One of the popular therapeutic techniques is douching with soda for thrush. The procedure helps relieve negative symptoms and suppress the activity of yeast fungi, which cause the disease. The main thing is to remember several features of this treatment.

Efficiency of the technique

Among all the methods of traditional medicine, douching and washing with soda for thrush are considered the most popular. Such procedures help cleanse the vagina of the accumulation of Candida fungi, which cause the development of the disease. The effectiveness of the technique is based on the fact that soda or sodium bicarbonate can quickly reduce the acidity of the environment. Yeast-like fungi are able to actively reproduce only in conditions of high acidity. Consequently, a soda solution for douching helps create an environment in the vagina that is unsuitable for the life of the thrush pathogen.

Douching with soda helps eliminate the following negative manifestations of the disease:

  • Itching in the genital area.
  • Whitish vaginal discharge with a cheesy consistency.
  • Redness and swelling of tissues.

Often douching with soda for thrush is prohibited. This has the opposite effect. Improper use of this technique provokes drying of the vaginal mucosa, and the risk of developing an allergic reaction increases many times over.

A therapy technique such as douching with soda only helps to combat the symptoms. It is not possible to completely eliminate the pathogen. Some time after the end of the course of procedures, its reproduction begins again. Therefore, the approach to treatment must be comprehensive. First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo a medical examination.

It is strictly forbidden to wash or douche with soda for preventive purposes. This leads to disruption of the natural balance of the microflora of the genital organs and provokes the appearance of various diseases.

Experts answer in the affirmative the question of whether it is possible to douche using soda for thrush. But to achieve a positive effect, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Treatment of candidiasis should be comprehensive. It is impossible to cure the disease with douching alone. If no other methods are used, the likelihood of the disease becoming chronic increases.
  • Before you start douching with soda for thrush, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technology of the procedure. Remember the exact recipe for preparing the solution and the sequence of actions for direct washing.
  • During treatment, completely abstain from sexual intercourse. Candidiasis is easily transmitted to a partner.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee and smoking.
  • Visiting a sauna, steam bath or swimming pool during the treatment period leads to negative consequences.
  • To make a healing solution of sodium bicarbonate, use only clean water. Make sure her temperature remains at 37 degrees.
  • The average duration of one procedure should be 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Washing with soda for thrush is allowed only with the use of a syringe or an Esmarch mug. Using an enema or any other device for this purpose is strictly prohibited.

Provided that all rules of the procedure are followed, it will be safe and effective. If you doubt whether it is possible to wash with baking soda for thrush in your situation, consult your doctor.

Preparation of the solution

The recipe for a solution for washing is extremely simple. The main thing is to maintain the proportions of the ingredients. The medicinal liquid should be prepared in a clean container. It is recommended to sterilize it by boiling before use. Please follow the following instructions.

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  • Prepare a container with a volume of about 350 - 500 ml, a spoon, soda and boiled water.
  • Pour water into the container.
  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly for several minutes.

Dilute baking soda immediately before the procedure. Storing such a solution is not recommended.

Make sure the water is not too hot. Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting a burn to the vaginal mucosa.

Carrying out the procedure using a syringe

Douching for thrush at home is easiest done using a syringe. It will be necessary to ensure a complete outflow of waste liquid, so it is better to perform all manipulations in the bathroom. You will understand how to douche with soda correctly from the following instructions:

  • A clean, sterile bulb is filled with the prepared solution.
  • Placed lying on your back. The legs are bent and spread apart.
  • The tip of the syringe is treated with a small amount of Vaseline. After this, it is inserted into the vagina to a depth of no more than 5 cm. The end of the douche should not reach the cervix.
  • Gently press down on the bulb. The liquid should flow out as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, it will damage the mucous surface, which will cause the inflammatory process to spread.
  • After completing the procedure, lie still for about 15 minutes.

This method of douching with soda for thrush is considered the most effective. It is also possible to carry out the procedure in a sitting or standing position with legs spread wide apart.

For candidiasis, wash using this method twice a day. After three days, the intensity of therapy is reduced to once a day. The full course should not exceed 10 douchings.

Douching with Esmarch's mug

One of their methods of douching with soda for thrush is the use of an Esmarch mug. This device is a large rubber container to which a long tube is connected. The method of using it is quite simple:

  • Before starting the procedure, sterilize Esmarch's mug. You cannot boil it, so use alcohol.
  • Prepare a soda solution and fill a mug with it.
  • Sit comfortably on your back in the bathtub. It's best to put your feet on the side.
  • Lubricate the tip with Vaseline. This will help avoid injury to the mucous surface.
  • Secure the mug at a height of about 65 cm from your body level.
  • Insert the tip into the vagina and open the flow of fluid.
  • After completing the procedure, thoroughly rinse all instruments, paying special attention to the cleanliness of the tip.

The Esmarch mug used for douching should not be used for other purposes. It is better to store it in a first aid kit so that it is not exposed to chemicals and does not become contaminated.

Douching during pregnancy

Candidiasis often becomes a pregnancy companion. This is largely due to changes in hormonal levels, which provoke vaginal dysbiosis. This disease can be transmitted to the baby, which threatens his health. The use of a soda solution for douching for thrush in such a situation is not allowed. Experts agree that such procedures harm not only the expectant mother, but also the fetus. Their main danger is as follows:

  • Irrigation of the vagina provokes the spread of infection to the cervical area. Fungi penetrate the placental barrier and reach the fetus. This can lead to deviations in the child's development.
  • Douching with soda in some cases causes spontaneous rejection of the fetus.
  • During the procedure, air may enter the uterine cavity. It can damage the protective shell that surrounds the fruit. This is fraught with miscarriage.
  • Syringing with soda is especially dangerous for thrush in the last week of pregnancy. During this period, the cervix begins to open slightly. The solution can get into the amniotic fluid and cause irreparable harm to the baby.

If a doctor, after examining a patient, diagnoses her with vaginal candidiasis, then in addition to medications, he prescribes additional procedures. A woman will need to douche with soda on her own if she has thrush. According to doctors, this method will help cope with the infection and restore normal microflora on the vaginal mucosa.

What is the procedure? Mechanism of action

Douching is a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation that washes away pathogenic Candida fungi from the tissues of a woman’s genital organs. They use ready-made medications and prepared decoctions of plant materials. For thrush, they practice washing the vagina with soda. This method of application is done only after examination by a doctor.

A healthy woman does not need to douche. There is no infection in the body, hormonal levels are normal. The method is prescribed only according to indications. Can soda cause harm? Of course, if you “prescribed” self-medication. But with thrush, an alkaline solution helps prevent the growth of yeast fungi, which cause a woman a lot of discomfort.

During examination, patients complain of:

  • severe itching that is difficult to bear;
  • swelling of the genital organs and redness of the tissues;
  • copious, thick curd-like discharge;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pain and burning during sexual intercourse with a partner.

As soon as water and soda enter the vagina, it changes the acidic environment to an alkaline one. Candida fungi are not adapted to this and die from the destruction of the cell membrane. You need to douche for thrush for at least three days in a row.

To do this, use a gynecological bulb (syringe) or an Esmarch mug. Purchased at a pharmacy. Your doctor will tell you how to douche with soda correctly, then it’s not difficult to do the procedure yourself. It will be easier to cure thrush. Soda douching washes out loose, cheesy discharge from the vaginal mucosa. After the first procedures, it is possible to relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of manifestation, which causes so much suffering with thrush.

The principle of manipulation

Those who have never douched do not know how to do it correctly. There are some important aspects. Douching with water and soda for thrush begins with preparing the equipment.

  1. Esmarch's syringe or mug, depending on what you are using, is washed with soap and disinfected by boiling. You can prepare boiling water in advance and cool it.
  2. For one irrigation you need at least 300 ml of solution. Fill it with a syringe or an Esmarch mug, which is hung above body level (at least 70 cm). Before inserting the tip, excess air is released from the container.
  3. You can do douching while squatting or lying on your back. How you do it depends on the room. Carefully insert the tip into the vagina so that it penetrates no deeper than 7 cm. You need to douche with soda at medium jet pressure so that yeast fungi in cases of thrush are removed thoroughly.
  4. Stay quiet for a while and don't get up. Lie down for at least 10 minutes.
  5. The manipulation must be completed by applying anti-fungal ointment: Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Levorin, etc.
  6. After the procedure, the syringe must be washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The rinsing solution is prepared in the following proportion: pour 1 tbsp per 1 liter of boiled water. spoon of soda. Stir until the crystals dissolve.

The alkaline environment created by douching with soda greatly increases the chances of conceiving a child with thrush.

Washing helps speed up the recovery of candidiasis. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of iodine and a tablespoon of soda in a liter of boiled water. Stir and pour into a bowl. Sit in the water for at least 15 minutes.

This method of washing copes with itching and clears plaque on the vulva. How many days it will take is determined by the condition, but the manipulation will have to be done for at least 5 days.

Necessary knowledge for pregnant women about the soda procedure

Is it possible to douche with soda during pregnancy? Such questions can be found on the Internet. Women are interested in how to do it correctly. It is unwise to do so. The Internet is not the place to get this kind of advice.

Prescribing and taking medications during pregnancy, not to mention douching with soda, having prescribedThe doctor is here. With thrush, the vaginal mucosa is inflamed and easily vulnerable, so the procedure requires caution. It is important not to insert the hard tip or tube of the Esmarch mug deeply, so as not to damage the cervix, which enlarges during pregnancy.

Douching with baking soda helps destroy Candida fungi. Treatment of thrush with oral tablets is not possible during pregnancy due to the likelihood of side effects. Therefore, local treatment with suppositories and soda irrigation can be done during pregnancy, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications and precautions

It is important to check with your doctor for how many days you can douche with water and soda, so as not to upset the pH balance even more than it happened with thrush. This method is not suitable for all women. The doctor will not prescribe douching to patients who:

  • have inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • during early pregnancy and when there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • those who gave birth and had an abortion less than 4 weeks ago;
  • when diagnosing erosion.

The method of using soda to destroy pathogenic fungi is not shared by all doctors. Some believe that this is an unnecessary risk of disrupting the flora in the vagina, and even more so they protest against its use during pregnancy. There are drugs for the treatment of candidiasis that quickly cure, without the need to douche with soda for thrush. How you deal with the infection will depend on your healthcare provider and your pregnancy or lack thereof.

Despite the fact that the development of medicine has given humanity many effective medications that can cure most female diseases, some ladies still prefer to douche with soda at home. Often, this procedure is performed when thrush is detected or to increase the chances of getting pregnant (although gynecologists cannot confirm the latter).

It is difficult to say why so many women resort to douching, but if we think logically, such treatment costs the fair sex much less than other drugs.

So, let's figure out whether it is necessary to carry out the douching procedure at all when thrush appears.

It is worth noting that thrush is an infection of the female vagina by candidal fungi. But where these fungi that cause long-term inflammatory processes come from is still not fully clear. One thing is known: candidiasis feels great in the vagina, which means that you can get rid of it only by turning the acidic environment into an alkaline one, and baking soda is perfect for this.

There is an opinion that douching with soda and various medicinal herbs can be repeated not only when thrush is detected, but also for mild inflammation or for prevention purposes. Some ladies stubbornly argue that douching with soda also effectively helps with erosion, but despite this, many doctors recommend using chamomile infusion instead of soda, which will not disturb the natural acidic environment of the female vagina.

If you can still get rid of thrush with baking soda, will it help women get pregnant faster?

Fungal infections can continue to develop in the acidic environment of the vagina, but sperm die in such conditions. There is nothing unnatural in this case, because during conception only the strongest sperm can reach the egg. But at the moment we are talking about a normalized acidic environment, but if the acidity of the vagina is increased, then during conception absolutely all sperm die and there is no longer a chance of getting pregnant. Therefore, to create an alkaline environment, ladies douche with soda. Usually the procedure is done just before the process of conception, but you should not repeat it very often, since soda can dry out the vaginal mucosa, leading to an imbalance.

So, many ladies already know why douching with soda is necessary, how to do it, and what effect it will have. But I would like to describe the entire procedure in more detail so that young girls do not make mistakes.

So, when you prepare a soda solution, make sure that it is not very concentrated. It is better to adhere to the prescribed norms of traditional medicine: dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in a liter of warm water (able to extinguish soda). It is important to remember that only well-boiled water is suitable for douching, otherwise you may introduce some other infections into the body.

For the procedure you need a syringe or a rubber “bulb”, as it is popularly called. Never use someone else's syringe. Buy a sterile bulb at the pharmacy and pour boiling water over it before the procedure.

Having prepared the solution, put it in a syringe and squat down in the bathroom. Then insert the bulb into the vagina and begin rinsing. It is recommended to do the procedure slowly; do not speed it up in order to suddenly introduce the entire solution inside.

When you feel that there is no solution left, the procedure is completed.

Candidiasis occurs in almost every second woman. The causative agents of the disease are fungi of the genus Candida, which are present in limited quantities in the human body. When the acidic environment in the vagina shifts, microorganisms degenerate into pathogenic ones and multiply intensively. This provokes the appearance of thrush, one of the methods of combating which is douching - irrigating the vagina with traditional medicine, in particular soda.

Indications and contraindications

Douching with soda is carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist. It is impossible to completely cure the disease using this method, but it is quite possible to reduce the symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition.

In gynecology, irrigation is used:

  • for general hygienic purposes;
  • to relieve symptoms of inflammation in the genitals;
  • to normalize the acid-base balance in the vagina.

In addition, if the environment in the vagina is too acidic, then pregnancy will not occur, since sperm die on the way to the uterus.

A solution with sodium bicarbonate (soda) has earned wide popularity in folk and traditional medicine. The white powdery substance has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, reduces acidity and normalizes the acid-base balance.

Baking soda effectively relieves irritation, relieves itching and burning due to thrush

As a result of using a soda solution, the destructive effects of Candida fungi stop, their growth stops and the microflora is restored.

Vaginal irrigation is performed at any stage of the disease.

Thrush is a common companion during pregnancy. During this period, it is undesirable for a woman to use medications to treat diseases.

Despite the fact that soda is a safe substance, douching is not recommended during pregnancy, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. Doctors believe that during irrigation, microbes are washed away from the walls of the vagina and penetrate to the fetus. In addition, if the procedure is performed under high pressure, air enters through the cervix into the uterus, which can result in a miscarriage. During pregnancy, women are allowed to take sitz baths with warm (but in no case hot!) water and soda.

Be careful! Thrush's symptoms are similar to diseases that are sexually transmitted and require other treatment methods. Therefore, do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult your doctor.

The effect of using soda

The positive effect after douching with soda occurs after the first use:

  • the amount of discharge decreases;
  • redness and itching decrease;
  • Acidity in the vagina decreases.

However, irrigation can also have the opposite effect. With frequent douching or failure to comply with the proportions, the vaginal mucosa becomes dry and an inflammatory-allergic reaction develops.

Important! With low acidity of the microflora of the genital organs, douching with soda, on the contrary, promotes the development of inflammatory processes.

Mode of application

Esmarch's mug is perfect for douching.

To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare an Esmarch mug (syringe). Rubber parts are wiped with alcohol, plastic parts are immersed in boiling water for several minutes.

The medicinal composition is prepared as follows: dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. soda

For inflammatory processes in the vagina, saline solution is also used. Unfortunately, salt does not relieve the signs of thrush, so it is recommended to combine it with other remedies. Method of preparation: dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. sea ​​salt and 0.5 tsp. soda If large crystals are present in the liquid, the solution must be filtered.

Iodine and salt relieve inflammation, soda suppresses fungus

During pregnancy, it is recommended to replace douching with sitz baths. In this case, the solution is supplemented with iodine. To do this, stir 1 tbsp in a liter of warm water. l. soda and 1 tsp. Yoda. The liquid is poured into a basin and sat in the water for 15–20 minutes.

Douching procedure

It is difficult to use the Esmarch mug at home, so it is recommended to perform the procedure in a hospital setting. The device is suspended at a height of 0.5 m from the lumbar level, taken into a horizontal position, the legs are slightly spread, the tip is inserted into the vagina and thus the mucous membrane is washed.

A simpler option is to use a syringe. It is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom.

  1. The prepared solution is taken into the bulb.
  2. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees and spread apart.
  3. The vestibule of the vagina is lubricated with Vaseline, and a plastic tip is inserted to a depth of 4-5 cm.
  4. The solution is administered slowly and in small portions.
  5. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Irrigation can be carried out in a sitting position with legs wide apart or standing (one leg is raised and placed on a hill).

The procedure is performed 2 times a day; after 2–3 days, once a day is enough. When unpleasant symptoms decrease, irrigation is carried out every other day. The full course of treatment is 8-10 procedures.

Treating thrush at home (video)

Is it possible to cure thrush by douching with baking soda?

Douching is a common and accessible method of treating thrush. However, it must be remembered that it is impossible to completely cure candidiasis with soda irrigation. The procedure will be effective only if it is combined with taking antifungal drugs. Douching with a soda solution can eliminate itching in the vagina, wash away pathogenic bacteria, and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Important! Thrush is transmitted sexually, so treating one partner will simply be useless.

This is important to remember

Douching with soda is contraindicated for:

  • cervical erosion;
  • acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs and genitourinary system;
  • menses;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • low vaginal acidity;
  • recent abortion or childbirth;
  • pregnancy;
  • excessive dryness of the vaginal walls (menopause).

Note! Before visiting a gynecologist, you should refrain from performing the procedure, since douching can affect the clinical picture of the disease.

  • dairy products;
  • alcohol;
  • sweets;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • sour sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, etc.

The diet should contain fermented milk products, which contain beneficial bacteria that can restore normal microflora.

During treatment you should refrain from:

  • sexual contacts;
  • visits to the sauna, solarium;
  • swimming in open water;
  • taking antidepressants, energy drinks, tranquilizers;
  • wearing tight and synthetic underwear.

Baking soda has antiseptic and antifungal properties, so it is often used in gynecology for douching for thrush. Irrigation of the vagina helps to normalize the microflora of the mucous membrane, relieve swelling and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Is it possible to douche with soda for thrush in women, what is the benefit of such a solution? Sodium bicarbonate normalizes acidity; fungi cannot live in an alkaline environment and die. As a result, the main symptoms of candidiasis disappear:

  • burning in the genitals;
  • curdled discharge;
  • swelling of the vagina;
  • rash on the surface of the mucous membranes.

Baking soda does not help all women with thrush; treatment should be prescribed by a gynecologist, taking into account the composition of the microflora and the severity of the disease. In case of mixed infection, complex therapy with antibiotics, antifungal drugs, immunomodulators, and vaginal suppositories is required. Douching helps relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up recovery.

Rules for the use of sodium bicarbonate

The gynecologist tells you how to douche with soda for thrush after an examination and receipt of laboratory results. To perform the procedure, a special gynecological syringe is used; it must be pre-treated with Chlorhexidine.

A soda solution for thrush is prepared as follows: dilute ½ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water. The temperature of the liquid should be room temperature; a hot composition can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

How to do douching for thrush? First you need to wash with soap with a neutral pH level. Then the tip of the bulb, lubricated with Vaseline, is carefully inserted into the vagina and the solution is gradually released. The jet should not be supplied under pressure; this can disrupt the cervical barrier and cause inflammation of the uterus and appendages (adnexitis).

The procedure is best performed while lying in the bathtub; the vaginal muscles need to be relaxed so as not to injure the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix. Treatment lasts 5–10 days (depending on the severity of candidiasis).

Contraindications to douching with soda:

  • Manipulations should not be carried out without first consulting a gynecologist and confirming the diagnosis. Thus, it is possible to wash away the natural microflora and create favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • It is forbidden to douche in case of acute inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system: endometritis, adnexitis, vaginitis, colpitis.
  • It is contraindicated to do the procedure during menstruation, because the cervical canal is slightly open at this time, and infection can easily enter the uterine cavity.

  • With cervical erosion, there is a risk of tissue injury; soda can worsen the course of the disease and cause irritation of the affected mucosa.
  • Douching with soda for thrush in pregnant women can only be done with the permission of the attending physician. There is a high risk of premature birth, spontaneous abortion and fetal infection.
  • During the period after a medical abortion and childbirth, home vaginal irrigation is also prohibited.
  • You cannot douche for preventive purposes; baking soda will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Not all doctors prescribe home douching to patients, since along with fungi, the natural microflora is washed out of the vagina and the risk of colonization of the mucous membrane with bacteria increases, which can complicate the course of the disease.

Using soda for hygiene procedures

Is it possible to wash with baking soda to treat thrush? The use of sodium bicarbonate solution for intimate hygiene can be done at home 2-3 times a day. The procedures help reduce itching, burning, relieve irritation and swelling of the external genitalia, and eliminate unpleasant odor.

Washing with soda for thrush is done with a solution of 1 liter of warm water, a tablespoon of soda and a teaspoon of iodine. Soda neutralizes the acidic environment, creating unfavorable conditions for the growth of Candida fungus, and microorganisms die. It is not possible to quickly cure the advanced stage of vaginal candidiasis, but the itching and burning sensation decrease immediately. But this does not mean that the disease has passed; drug treatment is required.

Therapeutic baths

Another effective method against thrush, which helps relieve severe itching and irritation, is soda baths. For 5 liters of water, dilute 2 tablespoons of soda and 1 tbsp. l. Yoda. The water should be warm; a solution that is too hot can provoke an inflammatory process and accelerate the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Sitz baths can be done 2 times a day, combined with the main treatment of candidiasis with medications. Soda liquid can be alternated with decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • sequences;
  • St. John's wort.

Herbs can also be used for douching; this will help enhance the therapeutic effect, reduce the risk of microflora disruption, relieve swelling and speed up the healing of cracks.

When douching can be harmful?

Treatment of thrush with soda does not always give a positive result; in some cases, douching can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to complications. The procedures are harmful; if you do not follow the recommendations and technique, there is a possibility of infection entering the uterine cavity, which can lead to inflammation of the appendages (salpingoophoritis).

Before douching with soda, you need to consult a gynecologist. The doctor must make the correct diagnosis. If it is another infectious or sexually transmitted disease, then home treatments will not work. The disease will be advanced and may progress to a chronic stage.

You should not use soda for thrush too often; constant changes in the acidity of the vagina lead to disruption of the natural microflora. The mucous membrane becomes defenseless against pathogenic bacteria. Sodium bicarbonate can dry out tissues, cause dryness and the formation of microcracks.

The soda solution for thrush should not be too concentrated. A composition that is too alkaline causes discomfort when exposed to irritated mucous membranes and increases discomfort in the genital area.

During treatment, you should not wear underwear made of synthetic fabrics or use intimate gels that lower the acid-base balance. You should abstain from sexual intercourse until complete recovery. The partner must also undergo therapy to prevent re-infection.

Since soda for thrush not only helps to get rid of the fungus, but also disrupts the microflora, it is necessary to consume fermented milk products, live bifidobacteria, and use hygiene products containing lactic acid. Such measures will help protect the vagina from pathogenic microorganisms and restore normal microflora.

The use of soda in gynecology is widespread and has good reviews among women of all ages. It is important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist before starting home procedures. In most cases, complex treatment with medications and local vaginal irrigation is required.
