What does 44 mean? The meaning of the number “44” in numerology. Numbers and influences

PEOPLE of control numbers have great wisdom and spiritual knowledge acquired over many lives on Planet Earth, as well as outside it. Control numbers carry the wisdom of the mysteries of life and death: 11 is considered the most intuitive of all numbers - it is a spiritual messenger, 22 - the most powerful - this builder, 33 - the most loving - is a master of the healing energies of love.

With all governing numbers, it is important to remember that they are not a sign of perfection and are no more significant than other numbers. All carriers of control numbers came to this world to learn how to manage and at the same time fulfill the agreement to help the human race. All ruling numbers are called to live according to spiritual principles and higher consciousness. Most of them face many trials and problems that must be overcome to develop their skills. Each ruling number also has a calling to become a leader or example of a conscious life that unites the spiritual and material world.

Not all people with ruling numbers are perfect. Some chose the path of least resistance, showing indifference to humanism and spiritual principles. For some, higher vibrations are too much of a challenge and, with free will, they will want to avoid it. Others decide to break the original contract to help advance humanity of their time. Such a choice creates a karmic debt that cannot be avoided, only postponed.

Being a number manager is very responsible! While each control number has unique characteristics, they share the following qualities:
- Vibrations of enormous strength and energy.
- Innate ability to achieve fame.
- The need to work at a large scale to bring greater good to humanity.
- Requirement for self-government.
- Responsibility for the great power they have.
- Idealism.
- High creative ability.
- Innate leadership abilities.
- Frequent desire to be alone, review something, find your spiritual center again and cleanse yourself.
- The mission is to serve in our own way in our field.
- High introspection and sensitivity.
- The need to constantly monitor your path.
- Expectation that they will do more and set higher standards than the average person.
- Very strong emotions.
- The need to undergo personal tests of mastery, including experiencing both the positive and negative characteristics of one's ruling number.

Each control number has an esoteric name:

Control numbers Name
11/2 Spiritual Messenger
22/4 Construction foreman
33/6 Master of healing energies of love
44/8 Master of material and spiritual power
55/1 Master of new forms of thinking
66/3 Master of Cosmic Love
77/5 Master of Spiritual Energy
88/7 Master of Material Reform
99/9 Master of Universal Compassion and Love

11/2 Spiritual Messenger and Master of Light
The task of this number is to develop honesty and integrity. His problem is deciding what to teach the world. The number 11/2 can only teach on the basis of its own experience, and if it is in a state of internal discord, it cannot trust its knowledge and is not able to teach what it already knows.

13/4 , because there is no number “13” as such in numerology, but it is considered as the sum of two composite numbers - 1 + 3 = 4. Then the specialist works with this number. The number “4” denotes a hardworking, diligent person, for whom business is above entertainment. He works hard and intensely, and a numerologist would explain to such a person that honest and hard work is an opportunity for him to atone for some past sins. Apparently, in a past life he was a lazy deceiver, a dishonest person and led an idle lifestyle. Now it’s time to become better and cleaner through hard work.

Number 13/4 carries such negative qualities as cruelty, dogmatism, the desire to command and teach others. This is a karmic number. And it also says that a person with such a number is constantly haunted by difficulties, difficulties and obstacles.

Number 14/5 is karmic. The number "14" in numerology by itself is not used in this form. From it they get the sum - 1 + 4 = 5 and work with the “five”. And they write 14/5 in order not to confuse it with the “pure” number “5”. For a specialist, the number “5” speaks volumes. For example, that in a past life this person was irresponsible and frivolous. He had a lot of freedom, but he used it incorrectly. And now it's time to correct karma. That is, now a person with the number “5” must behave moderately and prudently in everything, despite the fact that his spirit is tossing about and does not want a quiet life. This is where his test lies—inconsistency. And he must overcome them.

16/7 in numerology - a combination denoting debt to karma. This debt grows due to participation in the past in condemned love affairs, in events and actions that hurt strangers.

22/4 Construction foreman
The challenge of this number is to develop positive and constructive use of energy. The challenge is to learn patience, discipline and determination to bring spiritual consciousness into the material world through embodiment.

6/33 Master of healing energy with joyful love and service.
The problem of this number is to learn to focus your emotionality on spiritual goals. The challenge is to understand that service and responsibility are joyful when they come from a loving heart.

And now more details...

11/2 : Management through spiritual enlightenment

Numerologists write the ruling number 11 as 11/2 to pay tribute to the 11 energy and the 2 energy, which play a significant role in the destiny of this ruling number. In addition, 11 repeats all the characteristic features of 1 twice and at the same time contains the characteristic features of 2.
The fact that these two numbers appear together is the real fate of the ruling number 11/2. You can think of this number as two ones that embody individuality, pioneering spirit, leadership, privacy and independence; and the two, which represents camaraderie, team spirit, harmony and peace.

Ruling number 11/2 is sensitive, dreamy and idealistic and will often receive revelations from its life experiences and constantly seek the truth about the mystery of life. Number 11s love to delve into the secrets hidden behind any life challenge they come face to face with, be it the secrets of relationships, money or the world of work. Although 11/2s can participate in social life (2 is good for this), they actually live more within themselves than in the outside world.
The test of the 11/2 soul is to learn to live honestly and unite. This ruling number loves to be the center of attention, and it is not unusual for people with the number 11/2 to achieve fame.

A Lesson in Submitting to Higher Ideals
You cannot seek recognition if you have one of the control numbers; rather, they are humanistic numbers that demand submission to higher ideals. Carriers of the number 11/2 must live by the truth revealed to them in the lessons of Life. The most fruitful opportunities will come from living the truth and teaching others that truth as they see it, the truths they have discovered along the way.
Numbers 11/2 are intense and sometimes electrifying. In fact, they have nerve problems because 11 is a highly intense vibration.
At the same time, numbers 11/2 have remarkable courage and a high level of creativity.
Numbers 11/2 are humanists to the core - this stems from their special souls. Perhaps it is 2 that gives this number the unique ability to reconcile warring parties through negotiations. It is not surprising that both Henry Kissinger and Anwar Sadat have a life path number of 11/2.

The path of the number 11/2
The path of the number 11/2 is often hidden, and you have to walk, stumbling, until your own inner world is formed, and only then go out into the outer world. The focus should be on tension and maintaining balance at all times because this number tends to go to extremes. This number has the ability to see the big picture, perspective, and dream, but it must find an area of ​​application of its abilities where vision would play a big role.
11/2 numbers are inspired leaders, but only when they draw on their cosmic knowledge through deeply intuitive abilities. They are leaders only if their vibrations go up to two units. If the number 11/2 does not respond to higher vibrations, then it will work on the lower vibrations of number 2, in a position of supporting others. Although this is a wonderful use of the energy of this number, 11/2 cannot always play a supporting role: 11 is born to lead people and be a teacher of spiritual truths for them.

Weaknesses 11/2
The number 11/2 walks a fine line between greatness and self-destruction. This number can be subject to fear and phobias or soar to the heights of enlightenment. The growth and stability of the number 11/2 lies in its acceptance of its unusual gift of intuitive understanding and spiritual truths. In fact, the 11/2 must learn to live with faith: this is where it finds peace.

22/4 : Mastery of Entrepreneurship

Number 22/4 has exceptional organizational skills. This is because it wields the balance of a focused mind and the highest ideals, bringing both to any project or undertaking. Number 22/4 is a natural leader and can use esoteric wisdom to achieve tangible results. This ruling number strives for big projects or sets big goals, and its lesson is to use these aspirations for the greater good.
The number 22/4 is inspired to use the cosmic principles of metaphysics, spiritual and philosophical teachings in the physical material world and thus discover new ways of applying these ancient principles.

Meet the Construction Foreman
Number 22/4 loves to create systems, programs, projects and organizations that are practical and uplifting. Naturally, this master builder is a highly creative person, and it gives him great pleasure to create something that requires order, planning and leads people to a higher understanding of the processes of life.
Numbers 22/4 are intuitive natural leaders. They are creative, more like 11/2s, except that they are more attuned to the world and know better how to express the same truths in more practical language. The life of a 22/4 is more complete than the life of an 11/2, partly because the number 22/4 is able to put into accessible form ideas that an 11/2 can only dream about. With its practical approach and ability to organize and plan, the number 22/4 truly makes dreams come true.
The mission of 22/4 is to develop your body and understand the unity of mind, body and spirit. This number carries the root 4, which governs health. For this reason, you can often find a person with the number 22/4, having a weak body, forced to take care of his health or, at best, strengthen it with the help of progressive methods of a spiritual nature.
It is important to remember that 2 plays a very important role in the ruling number 22/4 because it is the number of the double two (22). Therefore, this number should hone and improve the qualities of 2, and life will provide the number 22/4 with many opportunities to be patient, tactful, able to wait, polish the art of persuasion, support others and become familiar with life within the boundaries of balance (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). But the most important thing is that 22/4 learns to be an expert in improving any relationship. Then everything else becomes part of 22/4's service to humanity.

Attributes of a number 22/4
22/4 is the number of someone who is serious, hardworking, loyal and supportive of others. Like all ruling numbers, 22/4 feels deeply, but is not carried away by unproductive daydreams. On the contrary, the dreams of the number 22/4 are based on reality and practical benefits. After all, he is a master worker and wants to work hard to realize his vision for humanity.
Interestingly, the root of the number 22 is 4, the number of hard work, and the word “work” adds up to the number 22: P = 9; A = 1; B = 2; O = 7; T = 2; A = 1.
Number 22/4 can function successfully in areas that provide broad perspectives, focus on national and international interests and support universal understanding, peace and higher self-awareness.
Weaknesses of the number 22/4
Like all governing numbers, 22/4 is very sensitive. Because 22/4 numbers tend to get involved in big projects, they may feel overwhelmed by too many obstacles, and when this happens, 22/4 numbers may resort to the 4 vibration to regain a sense of grounding. Remember that ruling numbers are very High vibrations and require balance in the mental, physical and emotional bodies. Number 22/4 can become a workaholic, so it must strictly maintain balance and use its strong energy to create beautiful things that serve the common good.

33/6 : Mastery of Recoil

The initial intention of the number 33/6 is to benefit, serve and help as many people as possible. Because of the strong need for justice and respect for human rights, these numbers often care for the elderly and disabled or are employed in any other field that benefits people. This number would like to heal everyone with its love.

Attributes 33/6
Any ruling number has a special gift for working with humanity and indifference to its own power. If you carry the number 33/6 within you, many will feel the light that you emit and will happily follow you: your faith and love will show them the way. You rise above current events for the benefit of all people, regardless of color, race or nationality. In fact, you are Love personified.
Weaknesses 33/6
The biggest challenge of number 33/6 is to focus your emotions on higher goals in unison with spiritual laws instead of trying to solve all the problems of humanity. This ruling number is on earth to learn composure, expressing love and kindness, and responding willingly to the needs of others. If 33/6 remembers the universal principle “everything happens for a reason,” he will avoid stress and find balance. In this way, the number 33/6 will find the direction of its own spiritual growth.
Numbers 33/6 may face the problem of misunderstanding where their help is really needed, being impressed by someone's touching stories and not being able to separate fact from fiction. They learn that they cannot be everything to all people. Remember that 33/6 numbers came to learn self-government through loving service and should always strive for balance, emotional and spiritual.
Clearly expressing one's own needs and being willing to let others be responsible for themselves is part of what the 33/6 must learn in this life. The sacrifice is valuable as long as the person making the sacrifice exists. The 33/6 may be the "Cosmic Parent" and the Master of healing energy, but like all parents and healers, the 33/6 must keep something for themselves.
The lesson of love healing is to first love and heal yourself, and thus become truly able to serve humanity.

Control number44/8 refers, like the number 22/4, to Control numbers that are directly related to the material sphere. From numerology it is known that 4 is the number of hard work, and a doubled number indicates the transition of quantity into quality, from material form to spiritual form. This is the next step beyond the material world – the spiritual world. The task of the number 44/8 is to find the best spiritual use for the material abundance that inevitably accompanies the number 44/8. After all, 8 in numerology is not only money and strength, but also power, management, business and finance.

If a person has such a number in the Numerological Chart - 44/8, then opportunities for a successful and productive business are open to him, and it depends only on the person himself whether he can meet the high requirements of this number, whether he can withstand its high-intensity vibrations. If he can’t, he will live along an easier path, corresponding to his Basic vibration 8, which also has the right to exist, as does life with the Perfect vibration 44/8. Eight corresponds to the Tarot card: Strength.

Also, a house or apartment at number 44 carries high vibrations and gives the resident of this house the opportunity to be successful in power, in business, or large cash flows can pass through it.

55/1 - is a Master of manifestation of new thinking, its new forms. If in numerology the number 5 brings instability and constant change, the desire for risk and rebellion, then the double five, which has turned into a one, gives the ability to manage these changes and prevent them from getting out of control. It makes it possible to create relationships between people at a new, higher and spiritual level, and also manages various kinds of processes and projects. Inspires people to be creative and leads them. After all, we must remember that number 1 is the undisputed leader in all his affairs and actions. But the double six takes Love to a new spiritual level. Gives harmony in love greater responsibility, gives rise to inspiration and happiness, because the main characteristics of the number 3 are fun, joy, optimism, self-expression. The number 66/3 has very developed compassion and even self-sacrifice. For the sake of other people 66/ they are ready to sacrifice a lot. And this is also the lesson of the number 66/3 - do not forget about yourself. This number can masterfully extinguish conflicts between people, eliminating misunderstandings and helping to forgive mistakes.

Number77/5 is obtained from the following sums: 7 + 7 = 14, 1 + 4 = 5 The number is always written as 77/5. This combination of numbers in numerology has its own name and can be interpreted as follows - Master of Spiritual Energy. A strong-willed and energetic person. He gives his energy without harming himself.

The number 77 is called the master of spiritual energies or Christian consciousness (since Jesus Christ was the 77th in his family). People of this number come to this world with a mission to achieve wisdom, transform it into cosmic love and convey this love to the masses. If a person of this number is engaged in spiritual, psychoenergetic practices, then he will fully realize his original program.
The challenge of this number is to achieve enlightenment and inner wisdom and transform them through personal use into cosmic love. The task is to spiritualize the material world and materialize the spiritual, which will bring about change and transform old concepts into new ones. All this must be done for all souls on Earth.

88/7 Master of Material Reform
This ruling number is a karmic vibration that enables and challenges a new understanding that places the use of power and authority on par with the spiritual Universe to bind and reform the affairs of the material world in accordance with the spiritual laws of the Universe.

99/9 Master of Universal Compassion and Love
This ruling number will learn the spiritual power of the great avatars of the past in order to endure and withstand the crucifixion of oneself necessary to be able to further completely transform this powerful vibration. The problem and achievement inherent in this number is to take on the burden of all humanity, sacrificing oneself. This requires health and purity of mind and body so that pure love can be given as the most powerful healing force of the Universe.

Live in harmony with the Universe, using all the opportunities given to you!

If, when identifying your number by date, you have a double number, it is called the master's number. These numbers include 33,11,44,22... Taken together, these numbers give strong values: 2,4,8,6. This makes the person wearing a double number several steps wiser than the average person who has no repetitions in calculations. We are evolving and this has been proven irrevocably. Perhaps soon the stars will align in such a way that the value of the number 44 or 22 will be a mandatory component, like a DNA gene, so that our race can survive in the new world.

Holders of double numbers in numerology are strong personalities with a powerful biofield. Each has its own specific gift and meaning. Light that develops and improves with age. If this is not done, then the person loses the opportunity to be more progressive intellectually due to the dominance of other numerological and astrological factors, the significance of which was not so obvious.

Being born under the influence of the number 44 gives a person the opportunity to learn and understand something more and be able to pass on his knowledge to other people. Such people do not give in to dubious persuasion, sense their relatives and close people at a distance, and predict disasters. They have prophetic dreams and are trusted by animals.

If you are confident that you have a gift beyond human standard capabilities, turn to numerology and calculate your value and double number. The numbers may be different, and their meanings will also affect your development in different ways.

Numbers and influences

11-33 is the value of the number of creative people. Fantasy, capable of transporting a person to another world, endowing the astral body with feelings and receptors. You are able to control dreams, and then any situation in the real world. There is a tendency towards hypnosis. A magnificent sense of art, a thirst for beauty. Such people are born to make the world brighter and kinder. The main thing is to be able to direct your endless energy in the right direction and not give in to insults and critics. After all, it is very easy to offend a creative person with an ordinary word. The strength of the energy field and the meaning of the number can be tuned to both peace and war. From a hidden grudge against someone, black thoughts awaken, which are easily picked up by a developed fantasy, and the energy of numbers turns what is desired into reality. One way or another, the offender has a hard time. However, the ability to forgive generates pure angelic energy that can heal people and avert trouble.

22-44 is the meaning of the number of managing yourself and your inner world. Internal discipline, understanding of justice and the desire to implement it make soldiers and peacemakers out of people. Angelic numerology of numbers without errors determines a person who can endure a lot of stressful situations, inexplicable phenomena, a billion losses and one joy in his life that will cover the years of suffering. People with the number 44 are able to appreciate any moment of their life, accepting it as a new step in maturation and awareness of reality. Finding the only meaning of life for all humanity is their mission. Number and meaning 44: the number of the philosopher, writer, priest and warrior.

If the energies of 22-44 are directed in the right direction, a person becomes an ideal emperor, king, president. A man leading crowds of people. This is where the main danger lies. In angelic numerology there are not only traits that can ennoble a person, but also destructive negative influences. A person with the number 44 will be powerful and wise if he is not overcome by a feeling of greed and omnipotence. As long as he clearly distinguishes between the meanings of the words “can” and “cannot” and “I must,” all life will be an excellent road to heaven for him and his family. But people will stand in his way, subconsciously determined to remove the smile from the face of such a person. Often great and very intelligent people, who brought many important discoveries to our world, were pursued by death on their heels from birth.

The more interesting a person lives, the more people know him as a genius, the faster his life force flows away.

Numbers 22-44 are endowed with the gift of replenishing vital energy independently, while their owner sleeps, rests, and is engaged in abstract matters that do not require serious thought. But, this will only save if there is no one next to 44-22 who, in terms of the number of numbers in numerology, is noticeably behind the genius. It’s not for nothing that they say: a person begins to wave his arms when he cannot express something in words. This means that envy and the inability to defeat the number 44 intellectually can lead to outbursts of rage.

People with master numbers are not able to keep dark thoughts inside them for a long time

It cannot be said that the number 44 in angelic numerology cannot be inclined to the forces of darkness. The impact of the environment on humans is very important. Since master numbers have their own special biofield, it greatly influences the harmony of a person’s soul and mind. A situation may arise that is difficult to withstand mentally. The person breaks down and his further actions will be based on selfishness, anger, and the desire for revenge. Of course, 44-22 does this better than 11-33, since 33 is a more romantic and flexible number. Capable of restoring sexual feelings and forgetting grievances. The calculating number 44 will try for the whole family, as long as in his understanding the family exists. But, as resentment and irritation accumulate, an energy blow will accumulate, affecting not only the offender, alas. Naturally, such attacks do not pass without leaving a trace, and the owner of the number himself often remains in a broken, painful state for a long time. The effect of devastation is caused by the release of negativity towards the offender or the current situation. Therefore, either they are generated into action or a nervous breakdown of varying degrees of severity occurs. As a result, a person 11,33,44,22 needs a lot of time to fill himself, like an empty vessel, with the best moments and erase from memory that period that sucked all the energy even from such a strong person.

Your number is 44

If, when calculating angelic numerology, you discovered the master number 44, do not be alarmed - the number is lucky, but important. And you better start improving yourself immediately. The sooner you do this, the better for you and those around you.

The number 44 does not mean that you are carrying a heavy cross that is beyond the strength of an ordinary person. This means that you were lucky enough to be something more, to become better, more significant. Your management abilities will develop as you achieve the truths in the teachings of being a leader. To experience aspects of life from those aspects of sleep that one usually closes one’s eyes to. You can find friends with interests in numerology and angel numbers. You may begin to do things you didn't think you were capable of. By studying the dreams, visions, art and culture of ancient cities, you will discover the fact that you remember more than the average person can. After all, in 44,22,11,33 there are hidden abilities to remember at the DNA level the lives of our ancestors, and maybe even our own past lives.

You need to learn to manage your emotions, any kind. Then learn the fairness of management and influence on people. You are responsible for your inner strength and you should not exchange it for an ordinary life, which will become a burden to you as you age.

How to identify a master number in your numerology?

Numbers in angelic numerology come from the date of birth and the full name of the person calculating. There are Pythagorean tables and alphabet grids, where each letter is assigned to its own number. It is necessary to add all the resulting numbers to a round number. If, before completing the calculation, two identical numbers appear side by side on your notebook, this means that you were born chosen to give people new knowledge and experience unearthly emotions.

Try what you dreamed of, but were afraid of weakness or people’s rumors. Let’s say, if you are sitting in an office with a salary of 15,000, but dream of travel and new discoveries, go on vacation and on the road you will definitely meet new people, discover an exciting hobby, or an opportunity will arise that will change your whole life for the better. You could become a travel agent, a tour guide, a journalist for a travel magazine, or even run a popular travel blog. This is just a small tip in the ocean of possibilities of the number 44, 22,11,33.

Do yoga, discover Reiki, start helping your loved ones by listening to their problems. These will be the first steps towards the blossoming of your lucky number.

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The small karma of number 44 lies in its hidden meaning and its hardness. So if we carry out the calculation 4+4=8, we see that the prime number is 8 and we can take the value of this number. But those who want to understand the depth of the concept of the number 44 must 40x4 = 160, we see that the number itself, being an essence or a manifested unit, compresses the space of consciousness.

It is this process that creates mystery in the body of consciousness. 40x4=160=1+6+0=70, as we see, consciousness leaves the body at 44 years old and it is common for a person to make mistakes and change the direction of his movement. Women suddenly find out that at 44 they begin to like men and want to flirt. Sex takes on a different color and these perceptions require large outbursts and emotions. Men are aware of the beginning of their decline and therefore seek to confirm their worth by attracting young girls.

Such moments can occur 4 times, four times they test their fate without realizing that in this they will not find anything new except for the complication of Karma. Whoever survives this age and emerges victorious in his spiritual struggle will have the opportunity to enter the age of 46 in a new capacity. But let’s continue our analysis about the number 44. Rock must test your understanding of the essence of life four times.

If you have a huge Ego, you will spit on spirituality and will remain in darkness. Internal support of your self, by opening the spiritual gates of consciousness, will allow you to find the right decision in life again and again. It’s good when a person has a strong spiritual position by the age of 44. Then the configuration of the number 44 itself will represent 2 squares into an eight-pointed star.

Finding the firmament of heaven at the age of 44 by people who experienced spiritual suffering during this period. when you come across the number 44, you must understand that this is a sign of temptation that will now come to you. Only the strongest are able to resist; the rest will be tempted and make a mistake. To determine Darkness, you need to add up all the numbers and determine the large number and what structure it has.

After this, examine each shell for symmetry. the number 44 has 1 body with the body of consciousness deployed at 45 degrees. It is during this reversal that everything invisible becomes visible and understandable. It is 44 that will show your karma and ways to solve the problem. Half of Karma will disappear when consciousness turns around and turns into the body of the spirit. The conscious one rises above the world of reality and contemplates everything like a flying eagle.

Hello, can you tell me what the numbers 44 and 22 mean to me? I meet them all the time, and it scares me a little. My date of birth is 11/30/01. Thank you in advance.

Polina number 44 is the blows of fate on the mistakes that you make in your life. So 44=4+4=8, and this will be repeated endlessly until you cleanse yourself and stop paying attention to how sin manipulates you, attracting you to receive a portion of joy and adrenaline. Have you ever thought that the energy of AD is rubbish-O-Lin, what does it mean? The demons hid a lot so that the fallen would carry away their own kind and everyone would swarm in the pit of a trap. The number 22 is your connection with the consumption of psychic energy when, having spent it, you are unable to resist temptation.

And how to react? Should I ignore it or take some measures? Tell me...

Polina, you just need to count to 10 before doing anything to see the problem and then think about whether to answer or not. Remembering that silence is golden. So you will soon begin to notice that problems tend to resolve themselves without our intervention. At the same time, you will gain strength and gradually notice that you are, as it were, in a cinema hall and observing the actions from the side. Now the number 44 simply won’t be able to reach you since it will be on the other side or in front of you on the screen. This means that you will transfer your spiritual body to the 5th dimension and you should receive signs about immortality, the infinity of worlds and self-healing of tissues and health.

Dear Pavel. Hello! I've been seeing the number 44 everywhere for a year, almost everywhere. At first I was afraid, but now I accepted it. But I would like to know what exactly he wants to tell me. My date of birth is 09/22/1985. I am immensely grateful to you in advance for your answer.

Ksenia, you understand that you have a magical name and your whole life is sowing a seed into your soul. So you were born on September 22, 1985, or much in your life depends on the degree of your spiritual energy, and the number 44 is the blows of fate that you must endure. You shouldn’t get embittered if you don’t understand something and just humbly endure it, saying God’s will for everything.

Please tell me. I constantly see the number 44 and 88 sometimes in conjunction with single numbers

The sum of all the numbers on my date of birth is 28

Olga, your intermediate vibration number is 28 and this means that you have heavy karma. The number 44=4+4=8, this says that you have once again given yourself over to sin and + another piece of karma. The number 88 is a boulder of karma after which your 28 = 2x8 = 88 is added up and 88 + 88 = 8888 is formed in your body, the transformation of matter at the level of Pluto or super heavy which we call a particle as Cancer. If you begin to develop spiritually and go to church then 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 and then you are not afraid of any growth, because you pray for everything in confession in church.

The number 44 on the clock has been haunting me for over a year now. car numbers, phone numbers. It’s even written somewhere. At first I tried to understand, I searched for information for a long time both in myself and in other resources: I read. I didn't find anything useful. At first, 44 scared me. Now I accepted it. my date of birth: 09/22/1985. I would still like to figure out what exactly she wants to tell me. Having read the information here, I don’t want to take it only as something negative... as a constant working off of heavy karma

Ksenia, you know the number 44 is sent to us as a healer number. So a man rides a cart along the road and seems to be shaking badly. But it turns out he has stones in his kidneys that, when shaken, become sand and are carried out. So when these were stones, you were scared, because fear is in our kidneys. As soon as the sand became, you reconciled and now you need to relax and then all the dirt will go away.

For about 3 months now I have been seeing the number 44 all the time. What does this mean for me?

Ilya, the number is 44, they say he’s still missing a tooth, so he’s shaking. You were born on 08/06/1990=6+0+8+1+9+9+0=33, the number 44 is 33+44=77, which is a sign that you have reached the end of your rope. You can imagine that you are in space and you have been covered with a transparent cap, you have reached the edge and feel that you have reached your limit and there is no way forward. To enter a new space or get out from under the hood and expand your perception of the world. You are brought to new vibrations and you begin to believe that there are no limitations and the world continues on. This is how you come to understand eternity.

What should I do? Stagnation in business. Does this situation affect the future?

Ilya influences your future every day because a day is an analogy for your whole life and through understanding this you can come to eternity.

Pavel, good afternoon!

For several months I have been seeing the number 44 several times a day, mostly on various media. Tell me what this could mean and what changes it could lead to?

My date of birth is 07/19/1985

Elena, as a rule, this leads to the formation of stable lumps in your body and then various kinds of arrows and sharp pains may arise. You were born on 07/19/1985=1+9+0+7+1+9+8+5=40, having material consciousness you are able to believe what you feel when you touch it. It is difficult for you to understand a miracle or mystery that you saw for a moment and will never see again.

Hello dear Pavel Grigorievich! For the whole month I have been haunted by the number 44 every day, recently I also began to notice the number 22, I often see them together on the clock 22:44, 244 happens just as often, but most often I see 44, it just haunts me, I am interested in the topic of numerology, I read a lot , but opinions differ, but angelic numerology speaks of the number 44 as a great connection with the angelic world. On many other sites it is written that the number 44 warns of warnings for the future (danger), there is also a site on which the numbers 22.44 are described as master numbers, before that I saw the number 40 as often as 44 now, and also did not ignore it 4,14,144,444,4444, I also literally stumbled upon these numbers very often, and last night I saw 1444 in one ace 5 times exactly and 44 also did not go out of sight. My date of birth is 06/24/1988, what can you say about this? What are these numbers trying to tell me, please tell me Pavel Grigorievich, otherwise I’m already completely confused and at a loss’ I also see 111,222,333 quite often

Vladimir, you were born on 06/24/1988=2+4+0+6+1+9+8+8=38 or you were born with mature karma and are on the verge when new karma entering your body forms disease and tumors. That's why you have this warning. So the number 44 is a cart that is drawn by square wheels. It is difficult for a horse to pull such a cart and the wheels on your home road fail and the blows of fate simply break you. Why did you write the number 5005 in your email? You don't know that this is hit-fail-fail and hit. What you see 4444 says that you are turning to stone inside and your sensitivity is decreasing. The number 1444 is the direction in which you are moving and that your path is uneven and your nervous system is suffering. I would recommend that you get advice and check your path for the next 11 years so as not to be confused. Write to me by email

Hello Pavel Grigorievich! For several months now I have been haunted by three numbers: 17, 33 and 44. 17 is my karmic number, which appears at special moments in life, in the most critical years. But I’ve been seeing 33 and 44 constantly since about October. I see 44 especially often. Especially in recent days - constantly and EVERYWHERE. I can’t understand at all what this is connected with. More precisely, it is not clear to me whether this number appears when I do something wrong or is it the other way around? My date of birth: 08/10/1989. I will be very grateful for the answer.

Oksana, all numbers are the answer to our question, and until you understand it, it will be repeated again and again. Since October, and October is 10 and this says that reaching a new level is of great importance for you and means behaving differently and consciously, otherwise your karma 44=4+4=8 will become heavy and drag you into the world of darkness. This will appear in the fact that changes will begin on the legs, boils, the growth of bumps of keratinized skin on the feet and the nails will crack and grow into the body of the finger. Therefore, as soon as such signs appear, start rubbing with herbs and engage in spiritual practices. It is very useful to travel 1,000 km from the place where you live and remove the burden of worries from your shoulders.

good afternoon Pavel! My date of birth is June 24, 1988, the number 44 has been haunting me lately, what does it tell me?

Vlad, you read the meaning of the number 44 and you know that this is karma. Is it just karma that grows or that you crush and work off like stones? You must make the answer yourself by looking at your life before you see the number 44.

Good evening! Like many others, I have a question about the meaning of the number 44. It constantly appears on my watch for 2 or more weeks... my date of birth is 07/13/1991

Alena, you were born on July 13, 1991=1+3+0+7+1+9+9+1=31 and the main task of your stay on earth is 19/91 or what enters your soul and what you attract with your thought process to yourself. You need to gradually clear your consciousness of vanity and discover the secret when your soul becomes purer and you see more. For you, the age of the fracture or 19 years is of great importance. The number 44 is the number of karma that is at the stage of assimilation. It all depends on you, whether you will swallow this event or, being uninterested, let it go. You belong to the number 44 31+44=75, or a secret wave that is trying to change you. What is going on there and why is this wave a mystery? The whole point is that you were born in vanity and, as a result, you must learn to look at yourself from the outside or through the looking glass when this vanity comes, 13/31, which is 13+31=44.

Can you help me? For about 1 month now the numbers 44 and 22 have been appearing everywhere, to be honest, it’s scary... My date of birth is 11/30/01

Polina, you were born on January 30, 2001=3+0+0+1+2+0+0+1=6, the number 44 is 44+6=50 or a wave in consciousness as a determining factor in its development and growth. You need to receive more bursts of new discoveries that do not fit into the framework of what is already known, and then, reflecting on this, you will discover for yourself. The number 22 all depends on how you see these numbers, together or separately. If together then it is 44+22=66 or you are going downhill and gaining weight in society and plunging more and more into darkness.

The number 44 has been constantly appearing for 2 days now. On the watch, the duration of the video clips, the remaining battery charge, the price of goods, etc. What does it mean?

Will bad karma pass by without touching me?

Thank you for your answer, 08/06/1990

Ilya how can there be bad karma? Go to the mirror and look at your karma, do you find it good or bad? When karma passes, you will not see your physical body in the mirror and there will be nothing to be reflected. To start working with karma and its Ego, you need to love it and listen to understand where and where it takes you. So, without allowing it to absorb the destructive vibrations of sin, you will correct your paths and begin your evolution of growth and become a MAN of the Century, and you will live for a Century. By the way, we live less because sin takes away our lives. Therefore, to help family and friends is to explain that sin is illness and death, and when they get sick and die, one must understand that he himself is to blame because he loved his sin more than life.

It turns out that asking for forgiveness and sincere repentance for the sin committed can avoid punishment? Those. Do you need to work on yourself and not lose faith? In my case, what exactly does the number 44 say?

Thanks in advance, Ilya

Ilya, of course. Understand, the Universe does not seek to punish, we punish ourselves and sin pulls us into an area where there is no opportunity to be born again and correct mistakes. Therefore, a person is placed in Hell where he digests all the evil and, having been purified, rises to worlds where he can be born again and realize his mistakes. If you did as you were unconscious and now you have realized and thrown off the dirt from your soul with repentance, you are ready for a second birth and prove that sin has no power over you, you have become different.

I would like to ask you, my eyes always fall on the clock, when it is 33 or 44 minutes, constantly + these numbers appear in addition to the clock! What could this mean? And on the street do I often see cars with the same license plates when I glance? date of birth 02/28/1990

I'm currently looking for a job and can't find anything suitable! what could all this mean? please tell me! Thanks a lot!!

Maxim, you were born on February 28, 1990=2+8+0+2+1+9+9+0=31, number 33 includes 33+31=64, completeness of coverage and perception of the firmament. So the number 44+31=75, you need to understand that this number 44=4+4=8 or the impact of destructive factors on your soul and physical body and it manifests itself in the form of a hidden wave from space, technology or a person.

Hello, I would like to know about myself, date of birth is 06/09/1979... and I finally have a chance to buy a home, but apartment number 44, is it worth taking? Thank you!!

Oksana, you realize that these questions are not idle and require detail, and a comment is something that comes instantly from the information field. Since you don’t have the funds for a consultation, I’ll tell you briefly on your birthday. You are an impulsive person and act in life without thinking through all the moves. In your life there is a great risk of failure because you do not want to understand and work with partners. You can save money, you simply are not given anything else, so save it for a rainy day and then you will pass the disaster. The number 44 is of course not yours, your 41, so 44+41=85=8+5=13, you will get Black Friday and karma will begin to thicken over you. If you don’t make a move and you will become the owner, not alone, but with someone else, and you won’t register anyone else there besides yourself.

Dear author, how can I find out my mission, or at least clues to it, is it possible to figure out the same numbers that are pursuing me? now I see the number 55

Hello, very often when I look at the time I notice 44 minutes, the time can be any, but these 44 minutes clearly haunt me, my date of birth is 08/17/1992. I’m really looking for a hint on this number, please tell me.

Kostya, you are right and 44 is nothing more than your karma. So you were born on the 17th or 1+7=8, also under the sign of karma. They talk about such secretly marked ones. First, you need to determine your mission with which you are visiting this world since you are a messenger of the star and did not come to spend idle time here and engage in sins that will delay you for 3-5 rebirths and the purpose of the mission will disappear. Thus, the star children, having given their power to sin, are unable to gain enough strength to leave this planet.

What if I don't have sex anymore? What then?

Artem, you need to understand that if there is sexual energy, then there is a need for sex. If a person simply has a female build, he does not produce enough hormones and does not have such a need. There are people who have learned to utilize sexual energy into their talents and then they develop quickly and effectively. There are sick people who use this energy to fight their illness and then they recover.

This is what I do, transforming energy into ideas, creativity, etc. Isn't that right, Pavel? I began to understand that random sex is a karmic trap. The karma knot increases in size, and the person’s potential is wasted.

Artem, you transform energy into ideas and this is correct, since subtle ideas fill our soul and it becomes wider. Only the more ingredients you have for transformation, the more beautiful the image. So to paint a beautiful picture you need to have a lot of colors. To form an idea, you need to know a lot and then the ideas will be worthy of heaven. As an answer that you are doing everything correctly, information flows around you that you see everywhere. We looked at the newspaper and saw something new and your thinking was back at work, turned on the TV again, science fiction and new ideas, asked a question, opened the book and received an answer. Here are your ideas in action and your energy is working and you are talking to the Universe. Sometimes sex is a karmic trap, there is such a thing. But there is also the fact that you are attracted to a woman because in the past she was a man and poured 100 grams of sperm into you and now you, having become a man, must return these 100 grams. As soon as this happens, you will be freed from your shackles and scatter for thousands of kilometers, each living your own life. Therefore, what is right is not always right, and you need to develop your soul so that past lives emerge. As for wasting potential, you need potential like a rocket to reach a new level or a flight into space. If you have a weight in the form of responsibilities on earth, then you will not be allowed to develop and you will only run on the surface and your consciousness will be 2-dimensional.

Pavel Grigorievich, can you say something about an eight-pointed star, with a circle in the center and an outer circle.

Paul, this is a star that limits our external manifestations in all 4 cardinal directions with the goal of growing our inner consciousness and the beginning of awareness of the life-giving cross. all the power of symbols goes to those who are aware of these symbols. so take a book of symbols and work on them, thinking about what this or that symbol means. Soon, as you work on them, secrets will begin to be revealed to you and you will gain knowledge of a higher order.

Everything in my life went wrong and I decided to buy an apartment. But her number is 44. Maybe it's not worth the risk anymore if it's bumps and shakes. And please answer what the number 34 means - the sum of the day, month and year of my birth. I will be very grateful to you.

Tamara, the number 34 is a secret that you carry in life. The mystery itself is multifaceted and you need to look at what numbers add up a given number. And apartment 44 = 4 + 4 = 8 is the karma that you have determined for yourself. In relation to your number 44+34=78, secret karma or in the apartment there may be negative fields that will begin to undermine your health. So 78=7+8=15=1+5=6, and everything will come to compress you in spirit and sow fear for your life.

Thank you Pavel for your feedback! I would like to correct you, I spend days in prayer, sometimes at night, I pray only to God. What evil are you writing about? I am generally isolated from society, disabled. Constant strict control over your thoughts, not giving vent to negative thoughts. Who am I digging a hole for? I try to always send love and peace. Sorry if my message came out emotional. Thank you!

Dina, if everything was as you do and think, you would have been healthy and free a long time ago. Therefore, it is clear that something is wrong and this is evil. So you say I control my thoughts. For what? You are on a certain flow and feed on it, and the main thing is to accept this flow and not to accept it. How it's done? Just when you accept thoughts of goodness, a wave of happiness and great joy flows through you. When you accept evil thoughts, a wave of irritation is formed and all sorts of nasty things arise in your head. The very destruction of these thoughts is that they enter the body through our head and thoughts of evil destroy the body. Thoughts of goodness, on the contrary, heal, and the more sincere each prayer is, the more it is not only joy, but also tears of happiness that cleanse the head and heart. I am glad that I learned about your faith and wish you to discover the penetration of these prayers and learn mental prayer that does not go through the mind but through the human heart.

Pavel, I agree with you that a person makes his own destiny. But no one is immune from serious illnesses, NO ONE! I am glad that I was able to cope with my grievances, misunderstandings, and constant questions about why. After mental work, prayer, analysis, I managed to realize the values ​​of life, and only after that came a feeling of gratitude to God for the valuable test through illness. I am glad that I can express my thoughts correctly, and now I am talking to you. Or she could lie like a vegetable, her brain is damaged. You need to be careful not to judge when you don’t know the person at the other end of the monitor. You need to control not only your thoughts, but also what you say. I only asked you about a specific question, and you moved on to assessing my life without knowing me. Thanks again for your answer! Peace, understanding and compassion to you! Amen.

Dina, I agree with you that there is a person on that monitor wire and he is a mystery to many. I write what I see, what is in front of me, and if I write what is in front of me, this is not a condemnation, this is a mirror in which you look and see yourself. The fact that you feel this way about what is written says that you have not yet fully recovered and you need to truly understand that what God is and why he sends us meetings that heal us. If I sympathize as you write, it simply won’t be enough for me; it’s enough that I delve deeply and can help by seeing the root of evil. I want to tell you that you are using incompatible things: prayer and analysis. That's why you have what you have. Analysis comes from the head and it interferes with prayer and destroys it. Prayer comes from the heart and it heals both the heart and the whole body of a person. All discussions about morality, compassion and understanding are an evil heart that does not know God but feeds on selfishness. Therefore, I wish you to see God and let him into your heart and not be offended by people who bring you the word of God. For I said what God himself put into my mouth for you.

Hello Pavel! I want to ask you what happens in a person’s life when he turns 44 years old. The fact is that for me the ages of 13, 22, 31, 40 passed fatefully, dramatically, tragically, with a serious illness. Now, two B's scare me. Only prayers and spiritual growth have always saved me at such moments. I know that I am working off not only my Karma, but that of my entire Family. I would like to get around sharp corners in order to survive... Thank you!

Dima, yes, the number 44 can seriously break a person and at the same time heal him, and then he will escape death. Imagine 2 square wheels and you ride on such a cart, a bicycle. And imagine how a rhombus is inscribed in a square and you, having this talisman and knowing its power, live using this power. Now, out of your ignorance, you are creating holes at night, digging holes for yourself during the day, falling into them during the day and saying yes, I know this is karma. Wake up and stop sleeping and doing evil. Yes, prayer helps and carries you through these holes on your wings, but since you created them, someone must fall there or someone must bury them again so that such disgrace does not happen. This is what I teach people in my consultations and many of them become healthy again and find happiness. I would recommend that you do not become discouraged, but rather simply turn around and go in a different direction towards God. As you probably know, God is love and life itself.

When you go to the material Church, you take candles and your repentance with you, in front of the faces of the Icons you try to communicate with God, thereby disturbing the balance and bowing to idols, Christ gave us another way, showing us the way to the spiritual Church which is your heart Try on the body of Christ figuratively and imagine that it is you who look at the world as he does, that it is your lips that pronounce human laws, since they come from your Church, which brings only Light and there are no evil thoughts in it.44 - this is yours birth upward, a complete revaluation of both material and spiritual values.

Elena, only a knowledgeable person can understand the power of an icon, and then the light that it contains is revealed to him. Yes, a person focuses on the icon, but only in order to understand the highest and not to see the worldly. Thus, looking at holy images allows you to open your eyes and a person receives his sight. The one who goes to church after another, everyone knows that in the church there is a place for the devil who tempts people. Look at what this or that saint is holding in his hands, what kind of clothes, and then the realization may come that the icon is one and we are asking for something completely different and therefore a miracle does not happen. This is where symmetry takes the dead for the living and the number 44 which is the hidden stone of karma which we must realize that this stone will lie in the corner of the new space.

Pavel Grigorievich, please do not delete this entry, people who are haunted by the number 44, I will help you, I know what it is, I am writing this for you. Firstly, you must rethink your life, what it is filled with, what is good about it, start keeping a diary, think about every day, everything that is in your life that is not clear to you, everyone just wants you to turn on your brain, don’t wait that everything will be given to you on a silver platter. Set a goal to increase your spirituality. As a result, you yourself will find the fire bible, which contains the true laws of existence and all things. I hope my entry will help someone.

Or maybe you have a recipe for how to TURN OFF the brain and turn on the Heart?)

I think this is more relevant in the current times.

Maria, your heart does not turn on because it does not know subtle vibrations. Remember what is in a person’s heart is what is on his tongue. This means that if we want to soften our hearts, we must learn to speak the language of love. Secondly, our blood or fire of life, if sluggish carries cholesterol and clogs blood vessels and the fear of death comes to us. Therefore, we must work on the fire of life so that it changes and becomes hot and melts all these formations. Nature provides different periods of life for training fire, either heat or cold. A man found a way to avoid the cold by dressing warmly. By breaking our connection with God. Think about this and prayer and faith also need to be strengthened and then your brain will fade into the background. Of course, you can determine a shorter and individual path for you if you accept a consultation. Write to me by email, I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1800 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

Pavel, you are saying everything correctly and this is one of the ways to develop one’s spirituality if one strives for this. I also want to say that some are upset that they have sinned a lot and whether they will be forgiven. Understand that the flow of time has carried away all your deeds and therefore you must improve yourself now and here during the day. So that the past is not put on trial and you are not drawn to hell, you can put your past self on trial by realizing your sins and repenting that you did them.

Ahhh... I understood the last phrase. Well, I don’t know) the mysteries of the Cosmos are not accessible to me - I am a person without manifested Yinness and “hot pancakes” on my head. Everything is through the mind.

Maria, you are in vain slandering yourself. Your name says that you are already able to control psychic energy; another thing is that you are doing this unconsciously. But you will still have the opportunity to believe in everything when you are placed on the edge of the world and you see what is beyond the threshold of life.

Edge of the World. It's very romantic)

Yes, my scourge is despondency. Every day I fight inside with my own Darkness, which at the very beginning assured me that the world is disgusting and life is terrible, and then - when I convinced myself that the world is beautiful - that I am terrible. To me. Indeed, it is very difficult here. It’s as if I was thrown here from a completely different place and I don’t like everything here. I understand that people are God's Creations, that life itself is a Gift. That everywhere Love is the driving force of the Universe. But I’m disgusted by what people do to themselves and the world. And I don’t want to participate in all this trash, I want Home... I don’t want to marinate here - home, work, family, body needs. It’s hard for me to participate in all this and I just can’t, no matter how hard I try, instill in myself an interest in worldly activities. Everything is fresh, everything is wrong and wrong. My home is somewhere else. And I'm sad that I can't get there. And it’s even sadder because I don’t SEE or FEEL subtle plans and higher vibrations.

Maria, most often this condition occurs in people who in a past life were in fairly good conditions and spat on everyone from above. Now they are placed in this cesspool and their soul groans and cries because, due to your lack of understanding, it must remain in this world where it cannot realize itself. You're a little wrong about the creatures. Yes, Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God. But we absorbed the original sin of our parents expelled from paradise and became the offspring of sin. This determined our stay in the world of darkness. If you feel this, then you are recovering and must understand the meaning of Jesus Christ coming to earth for the salvation of people. Therefore, we must understand with all our hearts and souls the Love that God has for us and begin to live in search of the kingdom of God and, as it is said in the Gospel, the rest will be added to us.

You know.. I do absolutely nothing))) Because it seems to me that if I don’t know what exactly I should do, then it doesn’t matter whether I do anything at all. I do not know. This is the parable of Buridan's donkey. Who didn’t know which heap to eat from - and died.

I thought about Anubis afterwards. According to the Mayan calendar, I am the White Connector of Worlds. And according to the year - a dog (speaking of Anubis). And the birth number is 5. But I take everything literally, it’s true. I am practically incapable of abstract thinking and without clear instructions I am completely unable to act and without tools either.

Your last phrase is not at all clear to me.

Yes, a good example, I especially liked that you used Donkey as an example. That is, you are characterized by stubbornness. You say: “According to the Mayan calendar, I am the White Connector of Worlds.” Very interesting. The Miami calendar itself is an example of the way of Maya. This means you see your path in Maya itself or the world, which is impossible to know and is represented by Darkness. Think about it. You say that you are a dog according to the year and relate yourself to Anubis. You need to look more down to earth because you don’t see the subtle. And the mundane thing is that you are a Dog or a friend of a person, and by fulfilling this destiny, you can only get closer to Anubis and he will give you his favor.

Hello. Today before going to bed I asked myself questions: Who am I? And what is my purpose for being on Earth. I didn’t expect any specific answer, but suddenly the number clearly came to mind - 44. You write about the karma of the family. How can you find out what nature this karma is?

Maria, you know that in space the ideal shape that begins to develop is a circle or an oval. All other forms are static and mundane. They showed you that you have 44 or two squares. It’s up to you to decide how they relate, since karma is when they stand at an acute angle to each other and then all life is divided into 4 periods. Sometimes there are more developed entities that work out karma in 8 periods and then their life is full of variety, ups and downs.

That is, in the most general case, is this working off some kind of karma? And which one - it is impossible to say from this number. It is not yet entirely clear to me how you can make a circle from a square. Should I smooth out the corners?)) But thanks anyway. In general, strange words have been coming lately, from nowhere... Today it was “Anubis”. At the same time, in the “Anabis” variation for some reason... I know what Anubis is, but Anabis... Maybe it’s just a mind game) I’ll work on my squares.

Maria, you take everything literally and this straightforwardness is the side of the square. When you begin to think streamlinedly and amorphously, allowing for all sorts of options for events when stating the fact of your movement along the road you have chosen, you will begin to see that you could have acted differently, but something prevented you. Then you will begin to bend your line and your path will be an arc that will bypass the shake-ups in life. At the same time, you will develop your consciousness and, as if in a balloon, you will rise above events, contemplating them from above and from other examples of people who have already suffered because they acted wrongly. Yes, they showed you that Anubis manifests itself in your space as Anabis, when you act unconsciously and rejoice at the victory that you have achieved. In fact, not Anabis, but Anna-Bis or Anna Bes. Think this is not a game of the mind, but the true hidden face of what is happening and this is all Anubis is a guide to the kingdom of the dead. If sin is a mortal phenomenon and Anubis confirms this, then what are you doing that they are telling you about it?

Hello, I am now 29 years old. I see the number 44 every day, at least 5 times a day, and this lasts for quite a long time! 9 years old! I don’t know what this is all about?! I know one thing, I'm not lucky! Could you tell me what to do?

Jah, you yourself are performing a magical ritual of bad luck. So you know what the number 44 is or for you this is an event that becomes karma. You need to learn that you are stronger than the signs, since they show you what awaits you. But if you had an unambiguous order, it would be the sign 8, but this event is not clearly indicated to you by numbers like 44 or two squares. draw two squares and color them different colors. Now combine them and pierce them with a needle to visualize what happened, you can twist the squares on the needle and see that the base remains the same and only the feathers change. So the number 44 affects you when it appears many times a day. The basis is the 8 square or the Star of Bethlehem, which shows you the way to the birth of a baby. You are 29 years old and this says that you must get to know another race and its karma.

Every day I come across this number, and more often than not, when I look at the time on a clock, there will definitely be a certain number of hours and 44 minutes. for about 8 years now. What does this mean?

Denis, have you tried driving a cart with square wheels? So this number says that you are moving through a life that constantly throws you up. You have already seen it for 8 years and it is unfortunate that for so long you have not done anything to reduce the influence of karma on you and your life. It’s just that in the 9th year this can lead you to all sorts of neuroses at the soul level.

My friend began to follow the number 44 everywhere: in nicknames on the Internet, in time (44 seconds), page numbers, etc.

With what it can be connected?

Date of birth: 04/08/1997

Ekaterina, your friend is worried, how do you know? Maybe it entertains and develops her? Whose birthday is it, your friend’s or yours? You can’t interfere and find out the fate of another person, otherwise you can simply destroy it. Everyone learns about themselves and can find out about their young children.

She worries, of course, and she knows that I am writing here. Her date of birth, of course.

Ekaterina, you don’t understand that you can’t interfere in someone else’s fate and you still want to. Well, first you need to calculate her vibrational birthday number, for which follow the link and find out how this calculation is done: http://shiryaevpavel.ru/znachenie-chisla, then you look at the meaning of the Internet numbers 44, seconds 44, page numbers 44 the total is 44+44=88, 44+44+44=132, which means you need to look up the meaning of the numbers 88 and 132 by following the link: http://shiryaevpavel.ru/znachenie-chisla-88.html

Having read the previous comments, I leave my husband’s date of birth (because I think that these numbers haunt him in the first place) 04/17/1980 and mine, just in case, 05/24/1981.

Diana, you need to calculate your and your husband’s vibration code, for which follow the link: http://shiryaevpavel.ru/znachenie-chisla, the number 44 itself is the square wheels on your cart. The second is 44=4+4=8, there is karma that is prepared for you by your family in which you appeared.

Good afternoon. I live at house number 44 and in apartment 44, this is my husband’s grandmother’s apartment, when we met, they also had the number 44 in their home phone number, and now it is in my husband’s mobile number. This has always surprised and alarmed me. Tell me, what could this be connected with? Thank you.

Diana, the number 44 is karma or 4+4=8, also karma brings us into the world on Earth so that we redeem it, and that means this is the path. So, first of all, this path is tortuous and a person is constantly tossed to the sides and his every decision or action is another wobble. Besides this, karma is when you are riding on a cart with square wheels and you are constantly being thrown around, shaking out all your brains. But for you this is a house number, an apartment, and a phone number or 44+44+44=132. Therefore, you need to follow the link to the meaning of the number 132: http://shiryaevpavel.ru/znachenie-chisla-132.html

Good afternoon, I live in house number 44 and in apartment 44, this is my husband’s grandmother’s apartment, when we met him they also had 44 in their phone number, and now my husband also has 44 in his mobile number. This has always surprised and alarmed me , tell me, what could this be connected with?

Diana, you are right, everything here is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Your husband is karmic and is surrounded by karma everywhere. You married him and that means it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start working off this karma. Of course, with your vibrational number you can break the fog in which your husband and his relatives are located, but for this you need to calculate what your strength is and act at the level of thought or word and action.

Hello, Pavel! Today I dreamed of threes, I definitely saw 33, but I remember telling myself in my dream and being surprised that I see threes everywhere. In the morning I met 44. My birthday is 11/23/1985. Thank you for your comment

Anna, that’s right, in the dream of three there is a firmament, in reality there is a firmament of 4. That’s why I ask you to write about dreams in the dream book section (enter http://shiryaevpavel.ru/category/sonnik,) in any of the articles and write in the comments. Repeat your question and get the answer.

Hello, Pavel Grigorievich! In the near future I plan to change my last name; for this purpose I specially selected my last name taking into account numerology. The number 44 simply fascinated and attracted me, and the name that added up to the number 44 was chosen. After reading your article and comments, I am afraid of the bad influence of the number, although my soul is drawn to it. How strongly can a number in a surname that was not given at birth (changed) affect a person? And should we be afraid of the number 44? (my date of birth is 03/10/1983).

Thanks for the answer!

Anna, you are right, the full name carries a correction in numerology, but you need to know how to calculate because counting letters according to the alphabet is not suitable. If you want to see a trace of the impact, then we simply take the date of birth. I would recommend that you get a consultation, because changing your surname is like a grafted branch on the family tree and if you do something incorrectly, it may simply be fruitless or come into conflict with yourself originally from It’s like an organ that is transplanted is rejected by a person. The number 44 is a warning that everything must match like 4 = 4. Write to me by email, I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1600 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter. So your birth to the number 44 is 03/10/1983=1+0+0+3+0+1+9+8+3=25=2+5=7, a secret hidden from people. The number itself is 44+25=69, self-sufficient completeness.

I also want to add that the dream is somehow connected with my mother...she is definitely present in it.

Irina, dreams are deciphered in other comments, that’s why I ask you to write about dreams in the dream book section, go to http://shiryaevpavel.ru/geometriya-snovidenij.htm, repeat your question and get an answer.

Good afternoon, Pavel Grigorievich. Please help me figure it out, this is the number of times in my dreams I see the numbers 30 separately and 66 also separately...as if they were written on scraps of paper and scattered, I can’t really remember the dream...but the numbers are clearly imprinted in my memory...what could this mean? Thank you To you.

Irina, in dreams the meaning of numbers is different, that’s why I ask you to write about dreams in the dream book section, go to http://shiryaevpavel.ru/geometriya-snovidenij.htm, repeat your question and get an answer.

But the worst thing is that I begin to see inexplicable charm in him!

You want the answer on a silver platter, just because it’s interesting. Only new questions will give the answer. Better turn to God, pray, ask for help sincerely in prayer and start reading the Bible. I think you will find the answers there.

Natalia, all numbers, when understood correctly, give rise to feelings of admiration in us. From here, words of glory and praise begin to fly out of our mouths to our Lord God, who created everything and everyone in this world, and we can walk through these worlds and feel and touch our dreams and find what we want.

Natalya, charm is attraction and attraction for temptation. If you don’t want it, you just need to work on it while staying at home in silence and reflection. Then you will soon begin to look at everything more objectively.

Natalya, message from 06/07/2013 at 12:34

Help. Number 44! It's everywhere. It’s as if other numbers no longer exist. I see him everywhere, I'm scared! It’s as if someone is trying to tell me something - but I don’t understand what?

Natalya, this is the number of karma that has sharpened its sharp edges and is preventing you from developing. Imagine you are driving a car with square wheels, where you are constantly being hit and shaken. Apply your consciousness and come to the harmony of understanding in life that everything is done only for the better. Now, having realized that this is all karma, you will begin to use humility to round up and 44 = 4 + 4 = 8, and you will become the owner of infinity of development.

Pavel, what are you talking about? Yes, it is difficult to live for a person who does not have his own thinking and only fantasy feeds his immature consciousness. Expand your understanding of the world and soon you will understand that our brain is not capable of fantasizing; it reads information that is present in Space. Yes, a weak consciousness is incapable of even understanding this and for him it is a fantasy. What about others who see indescribable worlds and try to convey some of this information to you?

Sorry Pavel, I wrote this in ignorance. I’m confused, I don’t see a path for myself, I’m looking on your site for something that will give me the basis for spiritual growth, to no avail. I am surrounded by people who live according to the Bible, but at the same time hate each other (Orthodoxy and Jehovah's Witnesses), how many millions of people have killed each other because of their faith. Reality is what you believe in, I have been convinced of this many times. 44 are haunting me like these people, I don’t know if it’s self-hypnosis or something else, there are more than enough explanations for this. I believe that you can receive all the truth within yourself, but something inside, like a wall, does not allow you to break through it, there is no push of strength, no faith to cope with it. From here, every day, whether happy or sad, burns out as if something is missing, life just goes by. Born on August 28, 1988, five eights, a grid for a demon, you said. I don't know why I wrote this, thank you.

Paul, the whole point is that you are trying to show strength by learning spirituality and this is a big mistake. You need to show humility and calm down and humble your spirit to open your subtle spaces and then it will be revealed to you. And now the world of information is around you, but you do not have carriers of the subtle image. This is how spiritual spaces open up when you like fairy tales and you see that what is written in them is not fantasy, as materialists believe, but the spiritual state and capabilities of a person in other dimensions. You need to read the Law of God and think about such concepts as Original Sin, the Immaculate Conception, or how the serpent spoke to Eve in Paradise when you know that snakes never speak, they have no vocal cords. So you will have a new dimension and in it you will begin to accumulate images . Now you are unable to preserve these airy images. Draw a square and rotate it to become a rhombus, these are your two 4s that form 44. Just like 9, if turned 180 degrees it turns into 6, and therefore it all depends on your awareness.

Hello, Pavel! At night there was a vision - they showed the numbers 44, 1, 2, 3, which explain why my boyfriend and I are together. And they clearly explained why 🙂 I remember the numbers as in the picture, but the explanation disappeared... (this was on the night of 04/24/13). The tasks we have with him in jointly working through the internal aspects of consciousness are very serious, and therefore the relationship is not easy. The explanation spoke of a certain global task that faces us. If you receive any information, please tell me. Thank you in advance!

Galina, all comments asking to decipher what you saw in a dream should be written in the dream book section and then you will receive a full decoding. Repeat your question in the dream book section in any of the articles.

Wow.. it seems to me that we get fixated on these numbers, make it mystical and mysterious, believe that it will change something in our lives... peculiarity.. it’s just fixation and hypochondria.. I come to this conclusion

Maybe you get fixated on how the player spins the dice in his hand and chooses options for events. If you don’t get hung up and just live, then numbers are like signposts on the road and you know where challenges await you and where opposite there are parallel spaces and events of making your dreams come true. Sometimes a person did not come to the right point at that time because he turned earlier or violated the law of the Universe. It is through numbers that you can develop your spiritual qualities and gain knowledge about the structure of the Universe. Therefore, on my website I give not only what the numbers mean, but also the keys to understanding the Laws of the Universe and how to change vibrations in order to move to a parallel world and get what you have been wanting for so long. Read the secret signs and develop from blind fermentation to a conscious path towards your goal and joy.

For a month, driving around the city, I see everywhere cars with license plates that definitely contain the number 44, how to interpret this. Thank you in advance.

(I want to say right away that I understand what we see, what we want to see)

Ekaterina, alas, this is not so. We see signs that warn us. If you, with your power of thought, begin to attract the numbers that you want to see, then you will soon rise in conceit and, when dealing with shadows, you will receive a blow in the gut. Because the number has 1,000 sides and when it comes to you, it projects a mirror that reflects your inner world and tightens all your sores. When you read the signs, you know what your evolution is and how well you cope with the diseases of the age. By reading the signs this way, you will never get the flu, even if you are among 100 sick people, because your mirrors will not allow the disease to enter.

I'm worried about the problem, if you can call it that. I’ll tell you right away that I’m 25 years old and I’m constantly bothered by these numbers - 44. Every day I turn my gaze to the clock or other objects and see these numbers - 44 - at least once a day. Absolutely everywhere for several months now (maybe about three, maybe more) this worries and worries me and I don’t know what it could mean. Maybe this is some kind of message... can you give me a hint?

You have read the meaning of the number 44 and the impact of this number alarms and worries you. It’s disturbing because you harnessed a cart with square wheels and life constantly beats you. It is alarming that you feel that you are moving towards 44=4+4=8, your karma which will soon become inevitable. You are 25 years old = 2 + 5 = 7, your vessel is filling up quickly and you will soon reach the age of Hercules when the ability to hold onto an event will simply be a necessity for you. Also, the number 25 is the secret of the beginning or alpha of the conscious path. If you don’t do this, then you will come to omega not at 52 but at 32, and then your soul will be placed on the highest mountain from where you will see your path traveled and your remaining path, which may simply be the precipice of everything. Therefore, reflections have been given to you now so that you can begin to master the spiritual path.

“your vessel is filling quickly and you will soon reach the age of Hercules when the ability to hold onto an event will be a necessity for you. Also, the number 25 is the secret of the beginning or alpha of the conscious path. "Translating into Russian, do I need to quickly start rethinking and bringing some sense into something now? What exactly? What do you mean by the spiritual path? in a nutshell)

To come to omega means to grow old mentally, judging by what the wiki says, omega means the extreme limit, the end of something, perhaps the end of some kind of development of me.

I still see these numbers, today I watched them 5 times on the clock... I don’t know whether to be angry or laugh))) it feels like at some point there are jumps and the number of numbers seen increases...

What do you mean by reading what I wrote to you? It all depends on the degree of your awareness, and even if you need to translate this into Russian, then how will you understand the subtle spiritual things that are indescribable?

You know that nothing happens in the world just like that. So you took the name Stranger, and are now reaping the benefits of psychic influence. Vicky, this is also a delusion that led you to darkness, so you, wanting to understand, do not understand anything. So the number 52 is a way out beyond the boundaries of our world, when the world in which you lived before becomes a firmament that you trample under your feet and all the people in that world are your shadows.

The number 44 accompanies me all week (every day), and a little less often 444. Help me to understand.

Elena this week shows you that 44 or the refraction of karma into two components, if not done, there will simply be doubling and the formation of duality or chronic changes. Listen to yourself, what your body whispers to you and what your soul sees.

Hello, Pavel. For the last year, every day I have come across the number 44. Especially when I look at my watch, what could this be connected with?

Makar, this is due to karma that seeks to tear you apart inside. In order for it to be positive, you just need to know where it came from and what it’s all about. I recommend that you get advice on this issue. Write to me by email

Hello Pavel. I have been practicing self-awareness and visualization for a long time. The other day, young people came to me with a very tempting and promising offer to engage in network marketing. And there is no scam here. But after their visit, I began to notice the numbers 33 and 44 in pairs. For example, cars in the yard are standing next to each other on a pole, I noticed the inscription 33 and 44.

Well, they also come across separately. What does it mean? Date of birth 03/23/1990

Alexey, the machines have two essences, two ways, a column of numbers 33 and 44 as they are written in a column or through / or one number under the other. All this is a clarification, and if you saw this when you had a question about marketing, then the answer is obvious. The signs themselves can carry different meanings, and only by finding the harmony of the whole will you receive the answer. So 33=3+3=6, and 44 can be 44 then 44+6=50, and like 44=4+4=8 or karma that needs to be worked off. Just like you are now 22 years old and making a decision carries mental tension. But after the 23rd, you will turn 23 and you will receive a new bunch of various challenges. Therefore, such issues are considered in consultation, weighing the pros and cons.

My husband and I have also been haunted by numbers lately. Every day I see 1111 on the clock... and my husband began to see up to seven fours in a row. This has been going on for two years now. What is it for?

There was a time when I had twos...now I have ones.

Please tell me what this could mean. Ones and fours.

Diana, only a few, if she alone means the beginning of a new thing that you need to realize. Number 2 signifies the path of your knowledge through the soul. The number 4 means the firmament of the earth, which will shake so that you look for the firmament of heaven. The number of numbers indicates the degree of readiness of you and your husband to receive information. So the number 4444444 is a solid that can lead to death because everything has become coarse and has become unviable.

Hello! I was recently supposed to receive a transfer of 4,400 rubles. but the sender mixed up the details and the money was stuck somewhere. The next day I accidentally came across a series called “4400” and started watching, it turned out that each episode lasts 44 minutes. 44 episodes, 4 seasons.

I can’t understand why I need this?

Victor, your consciousness is like a dagger and therefore you need to get used to the fact that if you want, you will immediately receive an answer to your question. With developed consciousness, the information field becomes a piece of butter into which your ray of consciousness enters. So 4400 speaks about the power of karma, which can be realized with your strength, if you don’t have enough strength, the cash flow goes out of reach. So they showed you that people from the 4400 series are capable of passing such a flow through themselves, you are only able to draw a conclusion. So 44 episodes - says about your strength at a given moment in time, 4 seasons - says that the amount should be 4 times less. Think about what this is for? Perhaps you are weak or the situation is protecting you from the wrong step when the wrong money leads to the deprivation of your health.

Oh my God! Just for fun, I added up the date of writing all this. 18+12+2+12

Vadim, yes, this is a sign that you and your girlfriend have encountered karma which, like a boomerang, will hurt and hit you until you accept the development of your spiritual essence and recognize your most beloved woman and make her a heavenly queen.

Hello Pavel. The fact is that for the first time I paid special attention to the number 44, when the girl I loved cheated on me in apartment number 44. I forgave her. But the heart did not forgive. Since then I have been seeing 44 everywhere. My patience ran out after I left the apartment I had recently moved into and saw house number 44.

Every time I think about her, I see 44 at the same second.

This is too much.

And today I saw 44..There was an Internet nearby..and after a couple of minutes the time was 4:44. I entered it into a search engine and came across your site. That's it.

By the way. you wrote that this number may be associated with illness. I suffer from benign ancology. Thank you. All the best.

Vadim, the betrayal of the girl in apartment 44 is predetermined by her karma. If it's easier to explain it like this. In a past life, she was a walking man and had the imprudence to bestow her sperm on a woman. Now she and he switched bodies and he had to return that sperm back. This kind of sex happens spontaneously and like animals fucked and ran away. No responsibility other than dirt. That’s why you feel this sign everywhere because you have become dirty at the level of your family and have been cuckolded. Now your path is like barge haulers on the Volga, pulling the burden of the family that raped your girl. Perceiving all this, you feel at the level of your soul that you have forgiven, but no, there is a residue left because there is dirt inside and you enter this dirt every night. By the way, your illness may also be associated with this dirt.

For the third day in a row, 44. Constantly before my eyes. Moreover, there were karmic signs that I needed to leave alone what I was clinging to.. However, I cannot cope yet. Now here I am 44.. It just comes from the person for whom I feel the strongest affection. When I talk to him this number constantly comes up. Although a month ago we were connected by 3 deuces... Something has changed. Apparently karma has gone on the offensive.

With love and respect ☼

Your karmic will cling to you until you change your vibrations of your spiritual state. Therefore, work on your spirit, pay more attention to meditation or prayer, and then everything rough will fall away and you will feel how freely you can breathe and how joyful your soul is. You will stop taking all the dirt of the world so close to you. Number 44 tells you that your vibrations are very heavy and you attract the dirt of the world and everything negative to yourself, thinking that everyone is unhappy in this world. You do not know the joy that is in your soul from his perception of the world and the path to purification. Imagine your person has a square consciousness and you are the same, if you harness a cart with square wheels, you will not get a ride, but continuous pokes. So you have no development, you have only memories. But if you become perfect and your consciousness becomes a circle, then you can, if you wish, enter the square and give an impetus to its development, or, on the contrary, absorb this square into yourself and the speed of development of events will accelerate 10 times. As they say, everything will be without a hitch.

It turns out that a person developing and following his new path for the first time will not experience déjà vu. So, déjà vu is a sign that you haven’t woken up yet?

Oksana, began to see something and began to awaken. When a person remembers everything, he will leave this world, illuminating his body, acquired by him, in these repeating lives. Now he is attached not to the body but to his energetic essence and matter for him is nothing more than an act of creation for his needs. I wanted to sit, I created a chair, all the clothes come from within and the colors are the purest and most unusual.

What is deja vu, in your opinion, Pavel Grigorievich?

Oksana, this is a breakthrough in the memories of your past lives, when several lives focused their attention on one moment. Some people sit in the same time for 1000 lives, not wanting to develop further, so they are bothered by glimpses of Deja Vu. This prediction first takes place in your consciousness and then you understand that it is about to happen and you see it.

Good day, Pavel. I read your article and the forum, it turns out that I’m not the only one with the number 44. But if I understand correctly, then in each specific case its appearance in a person’s life can have a different meaning. For example, my name is Andrey, date of birth is 04/26/1982, and the number 44 appeared in my life, probably from birth - I grew up in house 44, then went to college at the same address... When I read Pelevin’s novel “Numbers”, I began to think: Does this number mean auspiciousness or warning? Or just a coincidence? What does this number mean to me?

@Andrey, you are essentially Hercules and you have a lot to experience in life and become even stronger. You choose the tests yourself according to your own considerations and intuition. To pass the test you need to turn onto one road or another and that’s it. Here the number 44 is 4+4=8, your karma that you must work off. The parents' house is a symbol of your unity and teamwork over all kinds of challenges. The fact that the institute is at the same address means that this is not the first time you have incarnated in this body and walked this path. To achieve success, you just need to hide and remember what you did then and what you wanted to do in this incarnation.

@Shiryaev Pavel Grigorievich, very grateful to you for your answer, intuitively I was thinking approximately in this direction, both with regard to relationships with parents, and constant déjà vu, especially when turning points in life happen. I would like to have a practical or methodological solution, if possible. What do I need to do?

Andrey, this is a big question and therefore I recommend that you get advice. Write to me by email, I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1000 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

Hello, Pavel Grigorievich!

My date of birth is 01/29/1982. The number 44 started haunting me 2 months ago. I had a dream where a clairvoyant said that I would work as a prostitute until I was 14, and then 44 would come and everything would be fine. Then I found out that the young man I love lives in apartment number 44. While watching TV, I constantly hear the number 44. And the other day I dreamed that I was placed in a women’s dormitory in a room with 8 beds, 4 beds were already occupied, I I took 5th place, next to me there was an empty bed in parallel and 2 empty beds perpendicular to mine. I don’t understand, is this good or bad? I went to a fortune teller, she said that it meant that I would get married soon.

@Lily, firstly, what is in a dream has one meaning and does not apply to the principles of calculating numerology. Questions about dreams should be written in one of the articles in the Dream Interpretation section. Therefore, repeat the question in this section and get the answer. Your birth is 01/29/1982=2+9+0+1+1+9+8+2=32, number 44 includes 44+32=76, 7+6=13, you are being misled and vanity by the demons that I show you chaos of visions and you run to fortune tellers who tie you to themselves by crawling into your soul.

Hello Pavel! My date of birth is 09/13/1983. The number 44 began to follow me 5 years ago, when I met my future husband, now I have been divorced for more than a year. This number follows me everywhere: on clocks, on house numbers, on signs, etc. For some reason this number scares me, it seems to me that it means something bad. I believe in karma, fate, I read the prayers “Our Father” and “Virgin Hail” every day, I try not to hurt anyone and control my words, because everything comes back like a boomerang. I don’t know how to get rid of these numbers, last year sometimes 444 began to appear, now I sometimes come across 4444, what could this mean? I haven’t sinned with my body for 2 years now, I try to do the same with my thoughts, my life has not been easy, it seems to me that I suffer for past lives, but I want something to change for the better in this life, because my consciousness only knows this life, how to cleanse my karma until death, I feel that I will not live to see 40, no, I would even say I know this, how I foresaw my fate more than once and could not change anything, the main thing is to die in awareness in order to have time to pray...

@Svetlana, the number 44 is two squares of one cube. You are scared because you feel the turn of events and lose the direction of your actions. 444 has two turns and 4444 has three turns and exits to a variant of parallel space. Changes are happening in your life but you don’t perceive them. Write to me by email, I will ask you questions and within 24 hours I will give you recommendations and we will find a way to help you. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 980 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

Good evening. I dreamed about the number 33,333. Please help me figure out what they mean.

Seryozha, a dream in the dreams section or the Dream Book section.

My former common-law husband and I had a strange relationship in terms of gifts and celebrations of joint dates. We somehow couldn't celebrate Valentine's Day and first date days. But one day my husband brought me a gift for Valentine's Day, saying that he bought it at the pharmacy and really liked it. It is quite large, completely made of dark material (I also saw a black and white version on the Internet). Two people - a man and a woman are sitting opposite each other with their knees bent. They touch with their feet, knees and lips, forming a single whole. Where the lips meet, chains emerge from below on which a white plate is suspended. You pour some water into this plate and add some aroma oil. You place a candle on your knees, the flame of which heats the plate and releases essential oils. After breaking up, this aroma lamp remained with me as a gift.

When I began to cleanse my soul and consciously expand my consciousness, interesting events began to happen around me - everything dark and heavy began to break down, and light things began to roll out from various corners in a completely unexpected way. So this aroma lamp accidentally broke. And even the plate broke. About 13-14 months after the breakup.

Thank you very much, Pavel Grigorievich, for the site! He helps and inspires.

Oksana, you are right, with the growth of the spirit, all the tinsel of evil that seeks to influence us is simply destroyed out of the blue. Because it contains evil, a demon manipulator that fogs the consciousness and enters us. Clear the space around you and fill it with things that fill you with love and joy. Soon you will feel a surge of strength and how the world itself is filled with happiness, and you are like the sun in this happy world.

Our destinies are similar. Sometimes it seems that we feel each other from a distance. Perhaps it's a matter of common karma? I love her so much and I’m afraid that something might change or the love will pass.

Pavel, love does not go away; it is the lover who changes his status from purity to dirt and moves away from the understanding of love. When a person fears for love, it means that he is doing something wrong and love has begun to withdraw. The effect of disappointment has come into action either on your part or on her part. Like a broken dish, no matter how much you glue it back together, it is still unusable and the soul that reads both sides does not feel your unity.

Hello Pavel, I'm bothering you again. New events have occurred, perhaps you can illuminate their meaning for me, I don’t understand any specifics for myself at this period of my life. Long story short, about 3 months ago I went to see a girl who was in a bad mood. On the way, I went to an ATM and pulled out a bill with four fours at the end. Then the alarm went off mystically twice at 00.44, after which every day I see number 44 in everything, even when I try not to look anywhere. The reason to write to you again is as follows. Until recently, I was a virgin for 24 years, specially preserving myself for my beloved, which may seem strange these days. On the eve of losing my virginity, I watched an incredible amount of 44 with the same girl. In the end, everything turned out in such a way that I lost my virginity on October 29, 1012, i.e. the first day of the 44th week! Although initially they weren’t going to spend the evening together at all. Soon I began to live with my grandmother, she really didn’t like my girlfriend because of her faith in Jehovah and the fact that her father drinks, although she herself is a very highly moral person. We quarreled very strongly, I decided to rent an apartment. Today I bought the newspaper issue 6.11.12 Domino Real Estate and the issue number of this newspaper is 44. I am always happy with her and always leave the girl in a good mood. I apologize for such a length of text. Please tell me what I need to know or understand.

@Pavel, Sorry, I forgot to mention a funny moment. On 10/29/12 I lost my virginity and my girlfriend was very worried. Before going to bed, I sent two text messages to my girlfriend. The next day she told me that everything happened on the first day of 44 weeks. At that moment, all these events were connected in my head with the numbers 44. And as soon as I realized this, 2 SMS delivery reports arrived that I sent yesterday. And what time they were delivered no longer surprised me: 23.44, and the report arrived the next day at the very moment when she told me about it. Some kind of nonsense. Sounds like crazy.

Pavel, how you lost what you couldn’t have. Virginity is given to girls to complete the mission. Men on the contrary are being lowered by demons into the mud of depravity, which is why your girl was worried. Now you are marred by your deeds, so you have become a door for demons and demons. Number 44 speaks of your incompetence and the forces of Darkness are manipulating you. Congratulations, now you will also have to atone for this karma, and it will be good if it is quick and painless. Now you will attract dirty and depraved women to you.

Pavel, was it mutual or did you only experience this feeling? Why do you pay so much attention to this moment? You probably had to endure it for a long time and you consoled yourself with images of possession and…. By the way, this already exists, adultery. Therefore, you tried and stayed with your feeling, but your girlfriend expected something else. You have begun to master the status of a man, which you will achieve in a few years and begin to feel the subtlest changes in a woman’s mood. Only this will allow you to begin to truly love and feel the complete reciprocity of feelings and connection of souls. So, understand that there are no virgin men, there are young pure souls and dirty lustful ones. That you should have formalized the relationship first and, having had sex, remained pure, and if your girlfriend was still a virgin, then this is a match made in heaven. A branch of this kind is truly holy from birth, and is worthy of being married in the bosom of the church.

@Shiryaev Pavel Grigorievich, She lost her virginity at a young age, as she says. She was 16 and believed that she should give herself up if her loved one wanted it. He took her virginity but did not complete the matter and left her; she had no one else. If I deserve punishment, so be it. I’m not going to run away anywhere, I’ll answer for everything. In my life, I have always loved people, and have been guided by my conscience in making my decisions. Yes, most likely I am an ignoramus before God, the main thing is that my loved ones do not suffer because of me. I just want to understand why they draw this number 44 for me, whoever does this is trying in vain, I don’t understand it.

Calm down, Pavel, you had karma that you had to work off in your life. Now your karma is like a broken loaf of bread that you shared with your girlfriend. Understand that God loves us all and therefore has given us freedom of choice. We choose to walk through a swamp or climb a mountain. Both there and there it is difficult, but on the mountain there is clean air and wide open space, in the swamp there is stench and stench, disgusting visions. I understand your concerns and I will say just love the way you can and everything will be fine with you. For the sake of the soul and to increase your level of knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, I recommend that you find the Gospel and read it before bedtime.

@Pavel, Some questions give rise to others. You feel like a boy of about 14 who is lost in another country and is looking for his parents. You cannot read another language and therefore it is of no use to you. And you can’t ask adults, they don’t understand you. This is how I feel when I see these signs or act according to my conscience, not knowing the laws of the universe. Karma, what is it for a person who has been living in mental loneliness since the age of 4? On earth it’s like in prison, spin around as you want, but you have to correct yourself, or you’ll end up in a punishment cell, etc. Come what may.

Paul, you know your contrition can serve you well if you direct your sincere urges to the Lord our God. He will see what you ask and give it to you if you grow up and do not use your knowledge for evil. Strengthen your spirit and pray that you will be given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom of God and God will give you knowledge according to your power of understanding, and everything material will itself cling to you.

@Pavel, Thank you, I really appreciate your help.

@Shiryaev Pavel Grigorievich, Why does she need to work off my karma? Isn't she enough of her own?

Lena, who should she? Everyone has to work off their own karma, but if parents are lazy, then the unworked karma is transferred to their children, and especially to your children’s children. Husbands, in a way, transfer karma onto your children, with their seed. This is why children are born weaker and more ugly. Previously, they approached marriage seriously and calculated everything, but now maybe something will happen, and this is the result.

I read articles here on the website about how love is experienced. I decided to add that all these years after marriage and before marriage, the one I wrote about was the only man I was happy about. That is, we still live in different countries and it’s still only him. Here's another question. I know what they say about religion outside of marriage, but what do you say? After all, what is marriage for? so that there is no dirt, and if there is only one, is it really dirt? We are children of different parents and converted to different religions. We have common roots. Does it really matter to the one who created the world with its such perfect, understandable and reasonable laws what we are called, what we wear around our necks and what status we have? After all, these are conventions! If I feel that with him I have the opportunity to enjoy everything around me. And when I was married, I only thought that I was taking up someone else’s place and wasting someone else’s time. I'm making excuses it seems. I just grew up in an Orthodox environment. And it’s harder to explain your actions to yourself than the actions of someone else.

Margarita, you mixed numbers, the concept of marriage, love and the concept of religion. Marriage has minimum obligations that spouses must observe; it is a kind of test. Why is civil marriage in fashion now? Because it is a double sin and no responsibility. What is love? This is, first of all, giving of yourself and your heart for the sake of the happiness of your loved one. Thus, some expect love from God, others devote themselves entirely to serving God. And finally, religion is not just an amulet around the neck. The amulet indicates what spirit resides in this body. How can liquid with hydrogen sulfide be in identical bottles and beautiful fragrant wine in another? One thing, if you try, you will be poisoned and die, the other will give you strength and great joy. And if you fell in love with a person of a different faith, then in your next life you will experience this faith, and only then decide whether you were right in changing your faith or not. A man, having sowed his seed into your body, will turn you inside out and convert you to his faith. Muslims understand this very well, increasing their lands through insemination of Russian women.

Hello Pavel. fours began in 2004. I was living and studying in St. Petersburg at the time, and how often they appeared (call times, car numbers) puzzled me, but I decided that I needed to connect this with something good and began to read the Lord’s Prayer every time at such moments. I told my friends about this and we began to watch them (the four) together. in 2006 I met a wonderful, bright man, but disappointed in Love (there was betrayal at a tender age and uncomfortable dependence in childhood with a feeling of guilt carried from there. Dad had to leave graduate school because he was born. Now there is also a fear of not being realized if obligations appear. but I don’t know a truer and kinder person) He found me himself. communication was short-lived for 2 months. a lot of conversations, details and at the end a difficult parting - we ended up in different countries. and the decision that such an attitude as I give is simply unacceptable, but he cannot go deeper (feels guilty) and was accompanied by fours every time. 44, 444. these were the numbers on the steps of the escalators more than once, the numbering of cinder blocks on the embankments, the decorative stamp of the number 44 on his jeans, and the thousandth bill with the number where there were 6 or more fours (in the exchange office where they were together. I carried it in my wallet until it was stolen) it’s impossible to list everything. when the four parted, they didn’t go anywhere. We parted for good with an agreement not to look for each other. this was agreed upon from the very beginning - everything is fair. I tried to build a family, gave birth to a child and got divorced (I took it as work - there’s always something to do) in 2007 we called each other, and then found each other on the Internet in 2011. For a year we rarely communicated, only online, and this fall we met. and again active, too bright fours appeared. in films, cat. he recommends, even without his participation. I remember the example with the dish and water (very strong) What do my fours mean? I'm 34 now. That is. I'm an adult and it seems strange to pay attention to little things when you need to think about serious things. but there are signs and I want to understand them.

Margarita, your number 44 has a broken 8. This means there is fate and sometimes a person submits to it, but there are people who put themselves above circumstances and then they create another karma. As a rule, such people then suffer greatly, realizing that they themselves built their lives. This circumstance gives strength and disappointment and dissatisfaction in life. You are right that you are only 34, and what will happen when you are 74. You need to live in reality and experience this life, letting it pass through yourself.

Master numbers occur when, after adding the numbers that determine the date of birth, we get the numbers 11, 22, 33 or 44, which ultimately give 2, 4, 6 and 8 respectively. People born under the influence of these numbers are at the highest level spiritual evolution (unlike all other people), since their souls went through many earthly and karmic experiences in their evolution.

These individuals are gifted with higher consciousness and inner light, thanks to which they understand that the true goals in life can only be the improvement of their own “I” and service to others. Representatives of these numbers have the gift of clairvoyance. This inner light and understanding allow them to become enlightened and inspired people, spiritual teachers whose duty is to show others the very path that leads to an understanding of the essence of being and the highest perfection. By their example, they should inspire others to work on their own spiritual development and achievement of inner perfection.

Those born under the influence of master numbers are true spiritual leaders, endowed with natural wisdom and inner strength, which ensures that they are awarded the highest honors and privileges, as well as recognition and glory in any field of human activity. However, these people live under enormous nervous tension, which can upset their mental balance. In such situations, the negative aspects of these numbers may appear, and then these people become idle, rude and arrogant, unable to accept the reality in which they live.

They try to suppress the inner voice that reminds them of their responsibilities to themselves and to the world, and allow power, money and fame to become the main goals in their lives. They forget that material possessions should not matter to them because they will never bring them happiness. A person born under the influence of master numbers may choose a life and destiny consistent with the master numbers if he feels that he is unable to live up to the demands of the master numbers. In such a case he must study what belongs to the corresponding base number, i.e. 2 instead of 11, 4 instead of 22, etc.

But if someone decides to elevate his life to the master level, he must rise above the level of other people and fulfill his earthly destiny. Choosing a master number means a tireless struggle with yourself, and often - loneliness and misunderstanding from others. And if these people decide to follow this difficult path, they must remember: their mission is to help other people fulfill their human destiny. By doing this, representatives of master numbers will earn the gratitude and respect of their descendants and all those with whom fate brings them together, since people born under the influence of these numbers have all the potential to become great and extraordinary personalities.

People under the influence of master numbers may be subjected to numerous trials, they will be forced to confront all sorts of problems - both material and moral. They will be able to solve these problems by calling on their intuition and fortitude, which they are endowed by nature, for help. If they succeed in living in accordance with their lofty ideals, they have every chance of becoming strong and influencing the spiritual and intellectual development of mankind. If they choose the easier path corresponding to the master number, they must not forget that living in accordance with the positive aspect of the master number is no less worthy of respect than living at the master level.

The main features of master numbers can be described as follows:

  • 11 and 33 - outstanding artistic and creative abilities, which favor the fact that people of these numbers would create beautiful and unusual things; devoting oneself to serving people; the need for spiritual development prevailing over everything else;
  • 22 and 44 - the ability to control oneself and manage events occurring in the outside world; strong energy, discipline and internal unity facilitate the path to high positions, thanks to which they can realize the main goal of their life - to improve and improve the world; they achieve high position, power and influence.

All master numbers combine features characteristic of each of them individually. Their morality, spirituality, intellectuality and intuitiveness, as well as internal motivations, are similar to each other. The owners of these numbers are united by a common purpose, and this is the life of extraordinary people, an active, interesting and unusual life. Sometimes something unexpected and difficult to explain happens to them, and it is these unusual incidents that play a decisive role in the lives of people with master numbers.

Numbers 22 and 44, unlike 11 and 33, which mainly focus on spiritual development, are able to combine qualities such as the desire for power, fame and wealth with the altruism, generosity and dignity characteristic of master numbers. In other words, these numbers symbolize material power subordinated to higher spiritual goals.

Every person with a master number must remember that his influence on others is enormous. And if he does not rise to the height of his destiny or uses his influence in an inappropriate way, he will stop in his spiritual development, which will lead to a feeling of moral decline and dissatisfaction with himself.

Each master number implies enormous responsibility, therefore, in order to live according to their destiny, such people must listen to their inner voice, which shows them the path that Providence has outlined for them, a path that is extremely difficult, requiring great self-discipline, prudence, humility and complete dedication and often not giving nothing in return. In such cases, the only compensation will be a sense of accomplishment, which for these people is a given and for which they are spiritually and morally prepared. The good they will bring will help them withstand the many difficulties encountered on this thorny path.

Number 11

People born under the influence of this number take on great responsibility to live up to the highest principles. They should always remember that their life is service to humanity. Individuals with this number are idealists and dreamers, ready, no matter what, to always defend their ideals. They often become the founders of new social movements and creators of new ideologies. They are leaders, even if they don't want to admit it. By their personal example, they can lead the masses, and therefore often stand at the head of mass social movements.

A true bearer of the number 11 never goes unnoticed, he has not only numerous abilities, but also insight, deep intelligence and the gift of foresight, which helps him in making the right and quick decisions, which, in turn, is the reason for success and victories in any field human activity. Most representatives of the number 11 are distinguished by modesty and moderation in moments of life's trials. They always remain true to their ideals - the desire for spiritual perfection and the desire to serve others.

This number signifies creative thinking, originality, generosity, impartiality and balance. Holders of this number can become poets, humanists, and mystics. Throughout their lives, they try to increase their knowledge, especially in those areas of science that bring them closer to unraveling the mysteries of human existence. Representatives of this number can become scientists and philosophers, artists and performers. They are also excellent speakers, missionaries and preachers.

Thanks to their intuition and supernatural abilities, they can become astrologers, numerologists, as well as professionals in many areas of occult knowledge. honors, fame and wealth await them. But there is a danger that they may go to extremes and, having lost their sense of reality, become harmless eccentrics, eternal dreamers. Positive representatives of the number 11 do not allow the dark, negative side of this number to manifest themselves. With calmness, full of inner harmony, they overcome all the obstacles that life puts in their way, representing a model and source of inspiration for others. They are excellent at maintaining a balance between reality and inner life. Their main advantage is courage and endurance in defending their own convictions.

They live in the world, but are not of this world. Their weakness is that they evaluate people and phenomena by too high standards and do not know how to accept everything as it is. They are able to get along with this world, adapt to people and circumstances, but feel discomfort at the same time, because they expect that everyone around them should live by the ideals of the number 11. The need to overcome life's difficulties invariably makes them feel sorry for themselves, because their soul suffers when does not come into contact with the beautiful and sublime. Like number 7 people, peace and harmony in their hearts is largely determined by other people and circumstances.

The number 11 is a mystical number, evoked by the soul's desire for conscious and personal unity with the cosmos. The lesson of number 11 is receptive faith; a person must learn to live by faith and intuition, and not by reason. In a positive aspect, such people are optimists and idealists who often set themselves impossible tasks. Even without having anything, they are able to gain everything. The main thing for people of number 11 is not to lose faith and love for their neighbors, not to fall into despair.

In the negative aspect of this number, a person renounces past ideals or is prone to losing faith and hopes, and does not know how to empathize with others. He is intolerant, fanatical and at times forced to stay at the very bottom. Such people can become pessimists and cynics (as in vibration 2, since 1 + 1 = 2). These people are hostile to everything, criticize everything, and often become religious fanatics or, on the contrary, militant atheists. They are usually haunted by failures and depressed mood. However, after some time, such people can suddenly return to their former calm and sanity.

People of this number dress well, maintain neatness and cleanliness both in clothing and in everyday life. They are almost always in a great mood, they are full of strength and vigor, impetuous, and straightforward. They love lavish ceremonies. In the world around them they are attracted by everything beautiful, refined, harmonious and peaceful; they suffer greatly when they are forced to do without all this.

Number 22

People of this, one of the most powerful numbers, carry enormous energy potential, truly being an energy center. The power they possess is most often aimed at realizing material goals. They usually occupy key positions in the world of finance, politics, manufacturing or the arts. There is no field of activity where they could not prove themselves. They are able to overcome any obstacles that stand in the way of success. These people were born to create, work and serve higher ideals. They can be compared to a person standing firmly on the ground, whose gaze is directed into the unknown, into the heavenly heights. To better understand this harmonious combination of matter and spirit, it is useful to remember that the number 22, that is, force and matter, came from the combination of two numbers 11, symbolizing spirit and higher ideals.

The enormous vitality and energy, as well as the scope and creative powers of the number 22, must be used to make great plans. But they should not interfere with the implementation of these plans. One of the main advantages of people of this number is the ability to think ahead and create global projects. Fate has endowed representatives of this number with the ability to manage people and influence others. They have a chance to rise through the ranks to the highest level, gain power and become rich. These people are doomed to success; triumph awaits them in all areas of life. However, they must always remember that their strength largely depends on the people around them, as well as on favorable circumstances, thanks to which they can realize their far-reaching and ambitious plans.

The main goal of the owners of this number is most often the desire to contribute to social and material progress, as well as to take part in those charitable events and movements that contribute to the spiritual development of humanity. Through such activities they will gain inner peace, which will allow them to enjoy their own wealth and power with a clear conscience. These people inspire respect and trust in themselves. They are compassionate, wise and give great practical advice. They choose their own field and almost always achieve success in it.

The main trap that awaits these people is boundless ambition, the desire exclusively for their own benefit. This leads to the fact that they do not hesitate to use any means when it comes to the implementation of their plans. The number 22 relatively rarely manifests itself in a negative direction, the cause of which is almost always mental or spiritual indifference or lack of energy. These people have many great ideas in their heads, but they are unable to implement them due to lack of strength or skills. They sincerely promise, but cannot deliver on what they promise, and for this reason they undermine their own credibility.

The negative aspects of the number 22 are the attraction to an idle lifestyle. These people are adamant, ruthless and unprincipled, they are ready to destroy anyone who gets in their way, and the main incentive in life for them is an irresistible thirst for profit and greed. This forces them to abuse their power, stooping to meanness and deceit. A person who falls victim to the negative side of this number becomes distrustful and petty. He lives in constant fear of possible collapse and is unable to enjoy life.

People with the positive aspect of this number have a charming, captivating and calm character. In practical matters they are very observant and most often have an excellent understanding of what interests them, especially large social movements and international affairs. They love the arts and are endowed with great tact, serenity, resourcefulness and understanding, which makes them excellent candidates for most challenging positions.

These people are often fragile in build and quite sickly, which sometimes leads to negative manifestations of the number 22. But in this case, these people deserve not condemnation, but sympathy.

A lesson in life can be a path both joyful and sorrowful - everything is determined by whether the corresponding number is positive or negative, whether a person has an understanding of life or lives in ignorance, constantly making mistakes.

Number 33

This combination of numbers gives more effectiveness to the number 6 (3 + 3) contained in it and expresses conscious service to people, dedication, trust, which should not turn into self-denial and martyrdom, bordering on irresponsibility. This number symbolizes the ideal of universal love. Such love is tantamount to self-sacrifice and participation in the troubles and joys of other people. The number 33 means perfect harmony between all components of the personality and the intellect of a given person. The harmony, peace and sophistication that people born under the influence of this number emit especially attract confused and unhappy people seeking consolation and support.

Other character traits typical of the number 33 are honesty, a sense of justice and respect for tradition. These people deserve respect and trust. They attract to themselves those who, like them, are born under the influence of masterful numbers. They strive to take on the role of spiritual guides to humanity. These people have a chance to become great speakers, writers or poets. The most significant motivation that governs their lives is the need to impart their wisdom and spiritual light to others.

People with the number 33 in their numerological portrait are distinguished by extraordinary intuition, as well as artistic and creative abilities. Everything they create is difficult to surpass, for these people have an unusually fine sense of beauty. These people are very attached to family life, and this attachment develops into self-sacrifice and abandonment of their own goals if the well-being of loved ones requires it. They are dreamers and idealists, and their intuition and sensitivity allow them to improve their knowledge in the field of occult sciences, mysticism and supernatural phenomena. All actions of these people are subject to moral and ethical principles. Being a kind of spiritual mentors in relation to others, they are the most demanding of themselves. They enjoy universal respect and recognition, often receiving the highest honors and fame.

Number 44

People born under the influence of this number are bright individuals and have numerous virtues: endurance, self-control, magnetism, willpower and loyalty to lofty and beautiful ideals. These qualities promise them a happy future and prosperity in every sense of the word. Representatives of this number are endowed with strength, confidence, a practical mind and know how to use their rich imagination, creating grandiose, global projects. They are quite efficient in everything they do, always see the situation as a whole and never work chaotically.

They know how to withstand all kinds of difficulties and resolve contradictions; Thanks to their ingenuity, they find ingenious solutions where the situation seems hopeless. They are born leaders and managers, intelligent, cool-headed and analytical, maintaining emotional balance in any situation and in complete control of the mind and body. Cautious, honest and loving order, they cultivate fairness and efficient work.

Their intuition always tells them what will be most correct at the moment. And they, listening to their inner voice, act judiciously, balancedly and tactfully. People of this number are distinguished by enormous energy and enthusiasm in realizing their goals and ideals. The number 44 suggests high moral principles. People under its influence feel the need to care for those in need and improve the world. Many not only spend their abilities and energy on this, but even sacrifice power and fortune if this can help improve the world. The only threat to people of this number is that success can turn their heads and they will abandon lofty ideals for the sake of transitory values ​​and momentary ambitions.

Warning numbers

There are at least four numbers whose appearance in a name should be considered a warning. In this case, it is useful to make appropriate adjustments in your life so that weaknesses do not lead to serious difficulties. Warning numbers are sometimes considered unfavorable. But they should be no more feared than potholes on the road, because there are many ways to avoid falling, you just need to act calmly and deliberately. These numbers are just a warning indicating the need to stick to the positive side of your number.

Number 13

It means testing, a test of skill. The warning boils down to the fact that a person should not be annoyed by something, be lazy, show indifference and negligence in work, and also behave impolitely or rudely.

Number 14 (“Mars number”)

Warns of the threat of going astray in the material sphere of life. Do not seek freedom in destructive ways or at the expense of other people, otherwise all the joys of the number 5 (1 + 4) will turn into misfortunes. A person enjoys freedom only to the extent that he provides it to others. If life offers a person this or that test, this means that he is strong enough to withstand this test. Number 14 indicates self-indulgence at the expense of other people or one's own spiritual well-being. This number denotes loss of property, failure in business matters or work caused by pessimistic or negative thinking.

Number 16

The number of Uranus is usually called the “Leaning Tower”. It means ardent hope that ends in disappointment. A person passes very close to his ideal, but never reaches it. The tower, which he so carefully erected, is suddenly struck by lightning, and the top of the structure collapses directly on the architect. However, a person will certainly get out from under this pile of ruins if he remains calm and has a positive attitude. This is a severe test of faith in vibration 7. The test deals a heavy blow to the mental and emotional nature of a person, causing mental pain and despair. You should remain calm, refrain from idle chatter, be optimistic and find another way to achieve success. This can be determined through silence and deep reflection. The number 16 often indicates a selfish, arrogant, domineering mentality.

Number 19

The number of Saturn, equalization, collection of taxes, symbol of the principle “you give me - I give you.” Life will give a person exactly as much as he gives to it. Each will be measured exactly according to his contribution. This warning applies to those who are intolerant of others and push around others, trying to dominate their subconscious. 19 (1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) is a spiritual warning: do not abuse power, do not force others, otherwise sooner or later you yourself will become a victim of your own actions and “what goes around comes around.”

The higher the warning number, the more severe the likely tests, that is, 19 is much more dangerous than 16, and 16, in turn, is more dangerous than 14.

If a warning number occurs in a person's birth number, it means that he will have to face corresponding setbacks and undergo a life test. If the number is included in the year of birth, it affects to one degree or another the entire current incarnation of a person. If it occurs on a birthday, then its influence will be periodic. When a warning number is included in a name, especially in the Heart Number, it indicates some consequences of a previous life. Theosophists call such consequences karma. In such cases, the number indicates negative aspects in the character, and this should be especially guarded against.

Positive and negative vibrations of numbers

Vibrations are divided into positive and negative. Even numbers are positive, objective, intellectual, masculine, receptive vibrations. Odd numbers are negative, subjective, intuitive, feminine, creative vibrations. Even and odd numbers are also called even and odd consonances.

The predominance of even numbers in a person’s name indicates a positive character. People with objective vibrations love material objects and other people; they prefer to work with both their hands and their heads. Their way of gaining experience is materialistic. They enjoy communication, entertainment, sports, travel, music, dancing, and bright colors. As an occupation, they usually choose organizational activities, commerce, finance, engineering, industry, sports and everything related to travel.

Predominance of odd numbers in the name. indicates a creative person. These people with subjective vibrations are usually silent, calm, peaceful, love dim light, solitude and reflection. They are idealists, thinkers, artists, inventors, reformers. They work mainly with their heads and hearts and therefore achieve excellent results in art, literature, music, science, religion, philosophy, medicine and the humanities.

Subjective people gain experience mainly through observation. An objective person usually embodies in practice what is ripened in thoughts, discovered or invented by a subjective person. Subjective and objective people are completely equal in rights: it cannot be said that some are better or worse than others. Both types of people are equally useful and each perform their own tasks in the general structure of the Universe. They differ only in their mental organization and methods of self-expression.

Each person always expresses himself in the best way available to him, and also in accordance with his level of development and temperament, so you should not criticize other people's forms of self-expression or lay claim to what belongs to others. If for some reason people are unable to establish relationships with each other, it is best to part ways calmly, with peace and harmony. It's no one's fault that sometimes we can't get along with someone. Numerology can tell you why people sometimes have bad relationships. In such cases, one should not achieve harmony in relations by force or move on to open hostility.

Among the types of relationships are:

  1. similarities;
  2. opposites;
  3. additions or compromises.

These types of relationships are subject to certain laws and entail certain consequences.

  1. Similarities- this is when two people are similar, when both have the same Heart and Birthday Numbers: 3 + 3, 5 + 5, 9 + 9, etc. For this reason, their dreams, ideals and the lesson that they must learn in this day are similar life. Such double people are guided by similar desires and motivations. In life, they are able to coexist peacefully, since they are united by a common spiritual interest. They adapt equally to people and circumstances and understand each other very well due to matching vibrations. This is the best combination for marriage.

  2. Opposites- these are even and odd numbers that do not have consonances with each other. They are opposing by nature: the spiritual is opposed to the material, the mental is opposed to the emotional, such as, for example, combinations 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 or 8 and 9. Communication between such people is always disharmonious. This form of relationship is most suitable for business cooperation: one has exactly what the other lacks, and vice versa. By following the law of opposites, they can learn a lot from each other, but this requires the spirit of good will so necessary in business ventures. Dissimilar people should teach each other: honest - dishonest, fast - leisurely, developed - lagging behind. There must be a continuous exchange, receiving and giving, a balance of “mutual settlements.” If everyone were alike, our world would be a dull place.

  3. Additions or compromises- these relationships are determined by two even or two odd, but unequal numbers, for example 2 and 4, 3 and 5 or 3 and 7. Complements are friendship, business cooperation and mutual assistance. Compromises are about mutual exchange and good will. Even numbers are material, and odd numbers are spiritual. Thus, the vibrations must be in harmony with each other.

Symbols of numerological language

Man borrowed vertical lines, circles, and triangles from nature. Ancient peoples came to the conclusion that these figures could become symbols for the numerological language.

Symbol number 1 is a vertical straight line, not so often found in nature. A vertical line has a special quality that can be defined as occurring once. It has no center, it can be directed both up and down ad infinitum. Its main property is the possibility of endless movement, the direction of which depends on someone's choice. This outwardly modest symbol is internally extremely rich in inexhaustible possibilities, for it contains all the numbers and all the possible geometric figures expressing them.

Symbol image numbers 2 are two vertical lines that are parallel to each other. This symbol is based on doubling the number 1, and, accordingly, its properties are doubled.

Symbol numbers 3 is a triangle. It has three aspects of consideration and expresses the idea of ​​the Trinity. In its normal position, with the base below, it symbolizes fire and the desire of all things for a higher unity. The triangle consists of three intersecting lines that embody the star triad of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

The square is a symbol numbers 4. Its shape signifies strength and stability, and this explains its use in common symbols of organization and construction.

The pentagram, or five-pointed star, is a symbol number 5. It symbolizes a perfect person or, conversely, a black magician. The pentagram means dynamism, movement, activity. It can have a protective function, forming a special spiritual-energy field for a person - a representative of the number 5. This symbol is the container of the so-called golden proportions.

numbers 6 is a six-pointed star formed by the superposition of two triangles. Two complete triangles, in opposition to each other (one in normal form, the other inverted), when superimposed on each other, form a six-pointed star (“seal of Solomon”). This is a symbol of the human soul with its fundamental property of free will and choice of path.

Graphic expression of a symbol number 7 appears as a combination of a triangle and a square, in which the square either contains a triangle or fits into it.

Symbol number 8 is an octagon, or eight-pointed star, meaning spiritual rebirth.

Symbol number 9 is a circle. This symbol represents a line that has neither beginning nor end. Its beginning and end can be any point.
