How to cut laminate: select the appropriate cutting tool. How do you cut laminate flooring at home? Choosing the best tool

In fact, it turns out that for many it is much easier to assemble a structure from laminated panels than to adjust these panels according to the right size. And all because most people who try to make repairs with their own hands do not know how to cut laminate flooring.

In order to understand this, it would not hurt to understand what layers the panel consists of.

About laminate

Processing any material requires any special tools suitable specifically for this composition. You wouldn’t cut ceramic tiles with a hacksaw or cut metal with a glass cutter, because even the best cutter for one structure will be completely useless for another.

That is why we will figure out what it is made of, and also look at photos and videos about laminated panels.

What does laminitis consist of?

  1. The lowest layer, which is marked in the figure with the number 1, consists of unrefined or tarred paper.
    It is a reliable barrier to moisture that can come from the main floor. Sometimes additional paper is added underneath the paper for sound and thermal insulation, but this only happens in certain collections and this significantly changes the price of the material.
  2. The thickest layer of the laminated panel is indicated by the number 2, it is made of fiberboard high density(HDF) and the quality of the product largely depends on its thickness.
    A lock is embedded in this layer and the thicker the fiberboard, the higher the locking pin of the lock is, therefore, the groove is deeper and the connection is tighter (no gap).
  3. The number 3 in the figure indicates a decorative layer of paper on which a certain design is applied..
    Since the drawing can represent many materials, the panels can also imitate various breeds wood, wooden and ceramic parquet, stone, sand, marble and the like.
  4. The topmost, fourth layer, consists of acrylic or melamine resin. Through it, practically without interference, you can clearly see decorative design panels. The thickness of the protective top layer determines, and, therefore, whether it belongs to the commercial or household category (the classification of household (non-commercial) laminate begins with the number 2, and commercial - with the number 3).

Fitting laminated panels

  • If there are instructions on how best to cut laminate, then it probably looks more like advice rather than instruction.
    After all, if you pay attention to its structure, you can conclude that any file will do. Yes, indeed, this is so, but you can chop it off with an axe, but not everything that can be done will be useful and correct.
  • The clarity of the cut will depend on what you use to cut the laminate (the edge of the panel may have a ragged cut). Therefore, the finer the cutting structure of the disk or saw, the smoother the cut line will be.
  • But the evenness of the cut depends not only on the small teeth, but also on the speed with which the blade cuts the panel, as well as on the quality of the metal from which the cutting element is made. So a jigsaw file for laminate can have large teeth, but still leave an excellent cut.
  • I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a jigsaw file for laminate, as such, does not exist at all, but there are simply files for wood or metal.
    Any of them is suitable for cutting laminated panels, but a small blade for metal gets stuck more in the structure of the laminate, and a large blade (for wood) moves much more easily, although the cut is almost the same.

  • It is very good to cut laminated panels with an electric circular saw, where saw blades for laminate are the most common blades for wood.
    Here, again, you can pay attention to the fact that there are no discs specialized for cutting laminate and almost any blade of a manual electric circular can be called such.
  • The inconvenience of this cutting method is that it is extremely difficult to cut in different directions, because saw blade It is impossible to turn the laminate to direct the cut along a different line.
    An electric jigsaw does an excellent job with this operation, and if you need any kind of shaped cutout, then a thinner metal file is very suitable for this.

If you are cutting laminate with a manual electric circular, then keep in mind that the disk on it rotates from bottom to top, therefore, if it is not very sharp, the paper on the panel will have a torn edge.
To prevent this from happening, turn the board face down when cutting.

  • Laminate can also be cut with a grinder, although this method will cause strong smoke, but saw blades for laminate in this case will be blades for metal or concrete.
    High angular rotation speed grinding machine allows you to easily cut not only laminate, but also wood. But you can also insert a blade with teeth into the grinder, although this is not the best option, because the cut is not very even.

  • The simplest cutting tool for laminate can be a hacksaw for metal or wood, but with fine teeth.
    IN in this case A metal blade will leave a clearer cut, but it is difficult to cut wide panels or cut them to length.

If you need to cut a piece of laminate to length, but don’t have any suitable tools on hand for this cutting tools, then you can get by with an ordinary construction knife.
Under the ruler, draw a deep line in top layer, and then break it with a blow of your hand, pressing the other part to the panel with your knee against a table or stool.


As you can see, you can cut panels different instruments and canvases, so you should focus more on what you have available and what is more convenient to do. Which saw to cut laminate will largely depend on your preferences.

By appearance laminate resembles natural wood, although high-strength fiberboard with decorative finishing is used for its manufacture.

Important! In the production of laminate, four-layer technology is used, on the top there is protective film, which protects it from mechanical damage and wear.

Laying laminate flooring is quite simple, like any other flooring, it requires sawing and preparation for installation. If you are new to this business, then you may have problems choosing the right tool. To learn about the technology of sawing laminate using a special tool without chips and scratches, you should read the information below.

Laminate classification

Jigsaw for cutting

An electric jigsaw is often used to cut laminate flooring; it is a popular and versatile tool that requires certain skills to operate. The laminate board will not deform if operated at high rotation speeds. Therefore, for high-quality sawing of laminate, you should choose a jigsaw where you can adjust the speed, most often this is done using a button. To properly cut laminate using an electric jigsaw, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures:

  • On the outside of the laminate board, using a pencil or marker, a mark is made along which the cut will be made;
  • It is necessary to draw along the same line with a knife or other sharp object and apply some force;
  • Lay the laminate board on a flat surface and fix it in a stationary state.

The mark is made with a knife or other sharp object so that the jigsaw does not damage the coating, and the cut is smooth and correct in accordance with the applied markings. Before sawing, the laminate board is placed in such a state that the edge that needs to be cut is suspended. Next, sawing is carried out along the intended line. You need to choose the right saw for sawing electric jigsaw, in a special store you can find saws for working with wood and special attachments designed for sawing laminate boards.

If straight cutting is required, you can use a wide nozzle. For more complex sawing, it is better to use a fine-toothed attachment. The blade of such a nozzle should be narrow, this will avoid cracks and chips in the process of sawing the laminate board.

The beauty of curly cuts is achieved when using a narrow nozzle with small teeth, while when using a wide nozzle it will be difficult to carry out turning movements and the figures may be cut out not according to the markings, but with some deviation. Pay attention to the availability of saws with reverse teeth in a specialized store; they are just suitable for accurately and quickly sawing laminate boards.

Circular saw for cutting laminate boards

A circular saw can be used to cut laminate boards, although it is not the optimal tool to perform this operation. If you have not previously worked with circular saw, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​sawing laminate boards when using this tool. Most often, a circular saw is used to cut laminate boards lengthwise.

If you need to cut a saw along the entire length of a laminate board, then this tool comes in handy. However, when working with a circular saw when cutting laminate, you may encounter a problem unpleasant odor, this occurs due to the high speed of rotation of the disk, which, when heated, begins to burn out the wood. To properly cut laminate boards using a circular saw, you should use a fine-toothed blade.

Grinder for performing laminate sawing operations

If you have a grinder at hand, then it is also quite suitable for cutting laminate boards. You just need to choose a disc designed for working with ceramics or concrete. Using a grinder, the laminate is cut according to outside, this method allows you to avoid the appearance of chips and cracks. You should pay attention to the fact that when working with an angle grinder, a lot of fumes and dust are released; you can protect objects in the house with the help of film.

Hacksaw for cutting laminate

A hacksaw is not a leader in the ranking of tools for cutting laminate boards. But if this is the only tool at hand, certain rules will help you cope with the sawing task. Do not use a hacksaw with large teeth; it will damage the surface and will not allow you to make an accurate cut. It is recommended to use a hacksaw with fine teeth and first mark with a pencil and a sharp object along the cut line. But when working with a regular hacksaw, you don’t have to rely on high speed. A hacksaw is best suited for making small cuts and cross cuts. This tool is not suitable for cutting along the entire length of a laminate board.

Cutter for cutting

The cutter is used quite often in laminate sawing, since guillotines operate on the principle of a burner, as a result, it is possible to create a cut faster. When using this tool, the cut is smooth. It is convenient to work with such a tool because it does not generate dust and does not make noise. The cutter is designed in such a way that it is only suitable for cross cuts, so the scope of this tool is limited.

The technology for working with laminate provides for the fact that during the installation process it will be necessary to trim the canvas to length or width. An ordinary buyer who decides to carry out this work on his own is faced with a completely reasonable question: how to cut laminate flooring at home.

For trimming laminated boards it can be used as hand tool, and electrical equipment. The quality of the cut varies in each case, but if you follow basic instructions, the result is almost always positive.

#1 – Hacksaw

A hacksaw for metal is the simplest and most cheap tool for cutting laminate

A hacksaw with a fine tooth is the most simple tool for cutting laminitis. Such a tool is often found even among people who are far from repairing and finishing.

You can borrow a hacksaw from familiar car mechanics and plumbers or purchase it at hardware store. The average cost of the simplest design starts from 200 rubles.

  • check the tension of the metal sheet. It must be securely fixed;
  • apply the necessary markings on the surface of the laminate using a thin marker or a construction pencil;
  • take a rigid support and fix the panel in any convenient way;
  • make a light cut along the line and, with slow but smooth movements, begin sawing the lamella.

This tool will require a lot of time to cut the lamellas, since laminate is a very dense material. The quality of the cut greatly depends on the ability to work with a hacksaw and patience.

Before cutting laminate flooring with a hacksaw, try the tool on a regular block of wood or thick plywood. This will allow you to understand at what pace it is most convenient to work, how the canvas behaves on dense material, etc.

#2 – Laminate Cutter

Manual laminate cutter is specialized tool, made in the form of a supporting structure with a fixed cutting blade. The operating principle can be compared to a guillotine. The thickness of the material being cut and the length of the cut itself varies depending on the model.

The average thickness of the laminate rarely exceeds 0.8-1 cm. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy professional cutters. Equipment of the average price category costs 1500-1700 rubles.

A cutter for laminated boards allows you to get quick results at minimal cost

You can cut both along and across the blade. The only thing is that the quality of cutting along the blade greatly depends on the length of the cutting element. But for laying the last row, the quality of the edge does not play much of a role, since the cut-off part will be covered with a plinth.

The process of working with the cutter is as follows:

  • apply markings to the front side of the laminate;
  • move the handle with the blade back and lay the panel on the supporting structure;
  • We position the panel so that the cutting line of the part we need is slightly to the right of the knife (to the left for left-handers);
  • smoothly lower the handle until it contacts the panel, press and saw until the unnecessary piece is cut off.

After cutting, the front side remains smooth and undamaged, but pieces of paper and paper may remain on the back side. torn edges which should be sanded with sandpaper.

More expensive and professional cutters have a smoother edge on both sides, since the handle has more weight, and the sharpening of the blade itself is better.

#3 – Electric jigsaw

The jigsaw is the most handy tool to obtain a high-quality cut without chips, damage and burrs. Due to the high stroke rate, laminate cutting can be done in the shortest possible time.

For thin laminate, you can use the cheapest jigsaw costing 1300-1500 rubles, designed for cutting wood up to 7 mm thick. Thicker and higher quality laminate will require more professional tool: power 550-750 Watt, cost 2500-3500 rubles.

If you plan to purchase a jigsaw for further use, we recommend that you immediately take the second option, since a cheap power tool has a short service life.

Electric jigsaw perfect solution for working with wood cladding

In order to cut laminate with a jigsaw, you will need to purchase a separate file for laminate. Standard marking is T101BR. This is a blade with reverse gear teeth, the pitch of the cutting elements is 2.5 mm with a working length of 74-75 mm. The average price is 200 rubles.

Before applying a guide to the surface of the panel, you should find out which side the panel can be sawed from. Usually this item is indicated in the instructions, since some manufacturers allow sawing along the front layer.

The process of fitting a laminate using a jigsaw is as follows:

  1. Remove the factory universal blade and install a laminate file.
  2. On the back side of the lamella, draw a cutting line using a pencil.
  3. It will fix the lamella so that there is free space under the cutting line for the saw to move.
  4. If the jigsaw has a pendulum mode, then it should be turned off.
  5. Position the jigsaw opposite the cutting line, but do not push the blade until it is turned on.
  6. Turn on and, using light pressure, saw off the panel.

The principle of working with a jigsaw is quite simple and will not cause any particular difficulties. During the cutting process, try not to rush, do not put pressure on the tool, work smoothly and measuredly.

#4 – Circular Saw

A circular saw allows you to get the highest quality results possible. The main disadvantage is the ability to work with the tool and the high cost of the tool itself.

A circular saw requires skill and experience with the tool.

There are household and professional varieties. Professional equipment is equipped with a stand, supporting structure and a clamp. This allows you to securely fix the panel.

The minimum price for a household circular saw starts from 1800-2000 rubles for the lowest quality tool. We recommend purchasing only if you need a “circular” for work other than laying laminate flooring. But even in this case, it is better to take a closer look at more expensive and powerful specimens.

To work, you will need a laminate saw blade. Disc size 160-200 mm, thickness no more than 2 mm, quantity cutting elements– 48 pcs. The mounting hole is selected taking into account the tool. Minimum price – 500-700 rubles.

The work sequence will consist of the following:

  • take away protective cover back and place the emphasis;
  • loosen and remove the retaining nut from the standard disc. Place the disc on the laminate and secure the nut with a wrench;
  • using a protractor, align the disc perpendicular to the laminate panel;
  • apply markings on the front side of the panel;
  • Position the circular saw, turn it on and smoothly cut along the cutting line.

The saw should be pushed forward smoothly while cutting. Try not to make jerky cuts or tilt the tool itself, as the cut line will be at an angle. If possible, it is better to entrust the work to a professional or practice on unnecessary pieces of wood.

#5 – Angle grinder

Angle grinder or manual grinder- this is a compromise option when the tool is available, but there is no opportunity to look for something else. Laminate flooring can be cut with a grinder, but purchasing this tool specifically for this type of work is strictly not recommended.

Manual grinder is not the best choice when working with laminate

You can use a cutting blade to cut laminated boards. ceramic tiles. Cutting should only be done from the front side of the lamella. During the work, you should guide the cutting blade towards you and hold the grinder firmly with your hands.

It is difficult to highlight any particular advantages of this approach, since this is not a specialized tool that requires work skills. If possible, it is better to avoid using it.

As a result, it turns out that it is better to cut laminate with an electric jigsaw, a circular saw or a hacksaw with a metal blade. If you have the skill, you can also use a grinder, but the speed and quality of work will be significantly reduced.

Laying laminate– the task is not difficult, but, as in any business, there are some secrets and tricks. We're talking about how to speed up, improve quality and expand the possibilities of laying laminate flooring using jigsaw. Practice shows that the quality of installation strongly depends on the quality of cutting laminate elements on site. Nowadays, almost every home has a jigsaw, and even more so among professionals.

Need I mention that the material to be cut requires a certain type of jigsaw files? If you try to saw laminate with a saw that is not intended for this purpose, then there is a high probability of damaging the workpiece with chips and uncontrollable “wiggles” of the saw.

To cut laminate flooring satisfactorily with a jigsaw, you will need a special file. Before you go to the store to buy a laminate saw, carefully read the contents of the case with your jigsaw. Indeed, recently manufacturers, in response to demand, began to add tools and special files for laminate. Features of a laminate file are the shape, pitch and method of setting the teeth, as well as the material of the saw blade. For example, the Bosch company positions one of its produced bimetallic blades “Special for laminate”, which is flexible and highly durable, as a file for laminate.

If you were unable to buy a specialized laminate file, you can use a file with fine teeth and a narrow blade. A wider saw blade is also suitable for straight cuts. For figured and curved cutting, the rule applies: the narrower the blade, the more accurate the cut. It is recommended to make cuts on the back side of the laminate panels. This ensures increased cleanliness of the cut edges on the front side.

In some cases, laminate saws are used with the tooth tips oriented in the opposite direction. This way eliminates the possibility of chipping when sawing from the front side of the material.

In any case, when choosing files for laminate, do not forget about what kind of file shank is required for your jigsaw. Please note that jigsaws usually accept blades with several types of shanks. “Omnivorous” jigsaws are also known, clamping device which reliably fixes any files.

Saw blades for laminate, fiberboard, chipboard and plywood are produced by Bosch (Bosch T101AIF, Bosch T101BF, T101BR), DeWALT (DT2164, DT2165, DT2220) and others.

Bosch T101BR- a standard jigsaw file for laminate, equipped with a reverse tooth. When working with this file glossy surface The laminate does not tear, so the cut is smooth and neat. It is also suitable for working on laminated wood.

During installation flooring, namely laminate, it is important not only to be able to correctly connect the panels together. It is also necessary to correctly measure the size of the panels in accordance with the area of ​​the room, and also not to disturb the traditional checkerboard laying. In such a situation, the question reasonably arises - how to cut the panels measured to size? Let's try to understand the situation.

Types of coating

The choice of tools for cutting laminated panels largely depends on the type of lamellas used. If you plan to lay the floor yourself and without the help of specialists, then better pay attention to soft types laminate

At home it will not work special labor cut soft cork or two-layer vinyl laminate. These types of laminated panels are characterized by high levels of wear resistance and moisture protection, as well as the speed of laying.

To cut this type of lamellas you will not need a special tool; it will be enough to arm yourself with an ordinary ruler, a pencil or pen and a construction knife. First, the cut line is marked with a pencil or pen, and then a knife should be drawn along it. After this, you just need to bend the canvas. If you need to make a shaped cut, you can use large scissors for this action.

However, for sawing other types of multilayer panels, which include high-strength fiberboard or chipboard, you need to choose more serious tools.

What to use at home?

When choosing a tool that will be used to cut laminated panels Several factors need to be taken into account:

  • The tool should be easy to use and not cause discomfort. It depends more on personal preference and handling skills.
  • Compact and lightweight objects are much easier and faster to operate, and during repairs, every minute counts.
  • Another most important point of all is that the chosen tool should produce an even cut without chips or cracks. However, you should not focus too much on this factor, since minor irregularities will easily disappear under the baseboards.

Having familiarized yourself with the main characteristics, you can move on to a more detailed study of tools for cutting laminate.

One of the easy-to-use tools that can be used to cut lamella is electric jigsaw. The device is lightweight and even a teenager or girl can quickly figure it out. The jigsaw operates at high speeds, so the cutting occurs accurately. One of important factors when using this device it is right choice jigsaw files. Modern models usually equipped with special replaceable files for working on laminate. They differ from other files in the shape, location and size of the teeth. However, in the absence of specialized attachments, narrow files with fine teeth are also suitable for cutting metal products.

To avoid damage to the decorative side, marks and all manipulations with the panel with a jigsaw should be carried out from the wrong side. It is necessary to place the canvas on a table or chair so that the cut piece of the lamella is suspended. Holding the panel firmly against the table with your hand, quickly move the jigsaw along the cut line.

Suitable for cutting the required pieces of laminated panels guillotine. Unlike the previous device, the guillotine mechanical device. In appearance it can be compared to large scissors. This cutter is quiet, uncomplicated and precise to operate. Using it, it is easiest to make cross-cutting of laminate, but buying a cutter for renovations in an apartment will be impractical. This device is suitable for those who professionally lay flooring, so it can be found for temporary use from familiar repairmen.

To cut the slats using professional machine, you need to lay the panel on the guillotine support. Then adjust the blade so that the cut mark aligns with the cutter blade. After this, you need to lower the guillotine handle, cutting off the required piece of the panel evenly and accurately. To obtain an even cut when sawing laminate, you can use a circular saw.

However, in this case, the circular saw must be equipped with a special blade for working on metal. In addition, unlike a jigsaw, working with a circular saw requires some skills in order to easily and quickly cut off even pieces of panels.

To work with circular It is necessary to lay the laminated panel face up and securely fasten it. During operation, you need to act carefully, pressing a little while moving the disk and not staying in one place for a long time. Also, do not forget about basic safety rules: the sleeves of clothing must be buttoned while working, and you must also protect your hands.

Another tool that requires operating skills is router. Manual design with replaceable cutters is unlikely to be found in every home, but can be found in those involved in professional furniture assembly. The cutter is capable of leaving behind a perfectly flat and smooth surface, and the tool can also cut out various shapes.

Sometimes it can be an assistant when cutting laminate ordinary construction knife . It can be used for small amounts of work, for example, for cutting one or two panels, when there is no time to look for another tool.

When using a knife, place the laminate face up, then use the knife to make a deep cut in the marking area. Then, holding one side of the panel, you need to press on the other part until it breaks at the point of the cut.

How to choose a hacksaw?

Often, when carrying out laminate laying work, they resort to the help of such a popular tool as hacksaw. However, to cut panels efficiently and quickly, you need to choose the right model. Of course, if you don’t have anything else, you can use a hacksaw for wood. But in this case, the process will be labor-intensive, since a hacksaw for wood has large teeth. Due to these features, the hacksaw will not carefully cut the canvas, but will dig into it.

Most the best option will be the choice of a hacksaw for metal. It has fine teeth and is able to cut the panel smoothly.

However, it is worth remembering that you should only use a hacksaw for small amounts of work. Unlike power tools, this one takes longer to cut and requires more effort, so professional builders Do not use a hacksaw for these purposes.

Is it possible to use a grinder?

This tool, also called an angle grinder, is great for sawing different materials, including laminated panels. Using this device you can get an even and neat cut. To properly cut laminate flooring with a grinder, you need to lay the panel with the decorative side up, and also use special replaceable discs with fine teeth for working on metal, ceramic surfaces or concrete.

Since a large amount of dust and dirt is generated when working with an angle grinder, and you can also feel an unpleasant burning smell during the sawing process, it is better to carry out all manipulations outdoors. On the ground floor you can stretch an extension cord through the window and work outside, on upper floors it's impossible would be better suited unglazed balcony.

Another nuance when working with an angle grinder, as in handling a circular saw, is that you need to have at least a little experience working with this tool. Uncertain hand movement during sawing can lead to the formation uneven edge or he may become disheveled altogether.

How to trim on the floor?

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to trim laminated panels that are already laid on the floor. Usually people with insufficient experience in carrying out construction work in this case, they wonder how to do it correctly.

According to reviews of people who encountered such a problem while laying flooring, the best option in this case, the decision will be to use an angle grinder. In this case, according to the advice of experienced users, it is necessary to install a disk on the device for working on diamond-coated tiles. When performing work you must be extremely careful and move the tool all the time, without clicking on it special efforts. While working with an angle grinder, you need to keep your finger on the start button at all times, so that if you lose control of the situation, turn off the device in time and avoid injury.

In addition, you can turn to a safer, but at the same time labor-intensive method - using a cutter. In order to cut off the laid laminate, you need to be armed professional cutter for woodworking. According to the advice of experienced people, you need to make two parallel cuts along the width of a narrow chisel, then select the cut piece with a chisel. And so slowly reduce the length of the panel to the desired size.

How to cut without chipping?

In order to carefully cut the laminate to the required length, you need to carefully prepare before starting work.

Initially, you need to decide which tool from the ones described above will be used for the work. And when choosing, you need to be guided not only by the availability of the device, but also by the existing skills in handling it.
