Business plan for opening a sauna. How much money do you need to start a business? Basic services of the bath complex

The word “sauna” first became known to the world in 1928, and only in 1960 their construction began in our country. People's interest in the overseas miracle was fueled by the Olympic champion from Finland, who spoke about the fact that good health and good health physical fitness he owes it to the sauna.

However, for the first few years, such services were available only in health institutions and some government organizations. Later, going to the sauna became available to any citizen who wanted to improve their health.

Today, interest in overseas baths has not disappeared, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum. In large cities, the number of steam rooms exceeds thousands, but there are still queues and sometimes it is difficult to get into the procedure.

It can be assumed that opening your own sauna will bring considerable income, but where to start your own wellness business? So, how to draw up a competent business plan?

There are several of the most popular types of steam rooms that are in greatest demand among the population:

1. Russian bath. Temperature within 75–120 degrees with moderate humidity of 75%. The air is heated by forcing steam through holes in the furnace and pouring over the hot stones.

2. Finnish sauna. This type is similar to the first in temperature, but air humidity usually does not exceed 70%. The floor temperature is not higher than 40 degrees. This type of steam room is usually built from brick.

3. Hammam or another way Turkish bath most often chosen by women, since for them the conditions there are most attractive. In such a sauna the temperature usually does not exceed 60 degrees.

4. Phyto-sauna is also in demand among the fair half of humanity. The peculiarity of this type is Cedar barrel, in which you need to be during the procedure - this is both original and incredibly beneficial for the body.

5. Wet sauna known for low temperatures - from 35 degrees and high humidity up to 100%. Hot air in these types of saunas, water is supplied through specially made holes in the walls.

6. Dry sauna characterized by high temperatures (up to 140 degrees) and low air humidity (up to 15%).

7. Infrared sauna relatively the new kind, the advantage of which is radiation that has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous system human, heart and improves physical and mental activity. During a short session, usually about half an hour, at a low temperature (up to 50 degrees), the person sweats profusely.

Procedure for opening a sauna from scratch

To open your own sauna you will need to complete a number of steps:

We will consider each stage in more detail below.

Registration of activities

The state duty will cost 800 rubles. You can finish here, but if you need the help of a notary (when documents are not submitted in person), you will need another 6,000 rubles.

Before registering a company, you need to register with the employment center for free, and in this case you will be able to receive compensation.

How to choose OKVED and taxation form?

Finding a suitable location and carrying out repair work

Searching for territory and then building a sauna from scratch is the most suitable option, although more expensive for Purchasing prefabricated structures will help save monetary resources on construction and will speed up the deadlines.

You can also rent or buy a room and convert it into a sauna, but such work will not be cheap, and if the agreement with the landlord is terminated, you will not be able to return the money spent. The right decision There will be a purchase of the building and its redevelopment.

There are no specific recommendations for the territorial location of the sauna, since some people find it more convenient to go out into the countryside for the whole night, while others prefer daytime sessions as a way to improve their health and preferably closer to home. When choosing a place for a sauna, be guided by your desires potential clients.

The minimum area for arranging a spacious sauna is 150 square meters. m. One room has 5 sq. m. m. is allocated for a swimming pool, 15 for a steam room.

It is necessary to take care of the installation of all communications - sewerage, water supply, electricity. A high-quality water purification system must be installed in the sauna.

Features of repair work

Repair work includes finishing the walls, floor and ceiling; as a rule, this is the most expensive part. Before starting work, you need to plan the area.

The rest room includes:

  • locker room;
  • recreation area;
  • steam room;
  • pool.

You will need to buy a stove (wood-burning, gas or electric), a pump, a filter, furniture, decorative items, televisions, equip a swimming pool, etc., depending on the range of services provided in the establishment. Also need to buy Consumables– slippers, brooms, towels, etc.

On average, construction costs will cost from 500,000 rubles, a decent portion of which goes towards decoration and finishing.

Then the found premises will need to be checked for compliance with the requirements of the SES and fire inspection, and obtain from them documents allowing activities to be carried out there.

Hiring employees for work

Employees must be selected carefully, with special attention paid to the administrator and security guard. These are the only work units that will interact with customers. Composure and communication skills are the main qualities of employees.

Minimum staff

For a sauna operating only in daytime, you will need to hire:

  • an administrator who communicates with clients and makes reservations;
  • a cleaning lady who monitors the order in the rooms and the cleanliness of the water in the pools;
  • a stoker engaged in lighting stoves and preparing firewood;
  • responsible for the safety of visitors and resolving disputes between them.

If the establishment will be open around the clock, it is necessary to increase the number of staff and create a 12-hour schedule or every other day.

If you plan to provide additional services, you may need a massage therapist, SPA treatment master, bartender, etc.

from 150,000 rubles.

Advertising campaign to attract customers

You need to talk about your establishment long before its opening through the media and social networks, so that people expect the new sauna to appear. The more interesting the description and the more types of pairings, the more willingly people will come to you. Additional services, various promotions, club cards, and private parking will help to interest customers.

Successful sauna: business plan with calculations

To make a business successful, all the details of its development must be calculated in advance and reflected in the business plan. It will include items such as goal, strategy, expected income and expenses, etc. The main attention should be paid to its financial part.

Costs of opening a sauna from scratch

  • registration up to 10,000 rubles;
  • rental and redevelopment from 490,000 rubles, purchase of a plot with development from 1,000,000 rubles;
  • arrangement from 500,000 rubles;
  • salary from 150,000 rubles;
  • advertising from 15,000 rubles.

saunas, at the initial stage you will need from 1,165,000 rubles, and in case of purchase from 2,165,000 rubles.

A small sauna per month can bring in from 400,000 rubles and from 900,000, subject to the availability of a large premises and a variety of additional services.

The profitability of your own sauna

Built on steam rooms, it is considered profitable and amounts to 55–60%, even if there is an excess supply of this type of service. As a rule, saunas built from scratch pay for themselves faster than those rented. Payback period up to two years.

Cities are overflowing with saunas, but even a small steam room can find its customers with a well-executed advertising campaign. By choosing an area where there are no saunas yet, or where there are only a few, and by coming up with a highlight for your establishment that can interest potential customers, you can increase its profitability.

Possible problems related to sauna operation

Entrepreneurs consider the main problem to be the high initial investment in building a sauna, because to build a large establishment you will need to not only invest in the purchase of a site, but also in the construction itself.

Besides high costs for the construction and refurbishment of premises, experienced entrepreneurs note another difficulty associated with maintaining saunas. No matter what rock the building is built from, no matter what it is treated with, after some time the walls will require repairs due to the impact on them high temperatures.

It is also worth noting that, as a rule, the main influx of clients is observed in the winter season, and V summer period incomes are almost halved.

Additional services provided in saunas

To increase profits and attract visitors to saunas, additional services are offered:

  • – anti-cellulite, healing, relaxing, Thai, etc.;
  • bath attendant services;
  • spa treatments - chocolate, clay or honey wrap, mud baths;
  • aromatherapy;
  • possibility to order light lunches and drinks – bar, kitchen;
  • pool;
  • entertainment: billiards, karaoke and even tennis, dance floor, strip podium;
  • overnight rooms;
  • availability of parking.

A sauna is a fairly profitable business that can generate high income. However, the costs in this business will be higher than in others due to its specificity. Exposure to high temperatures is not in the best possible way affects finishing materials and will have to be repaired or replaced regularly.

According to sauna owners, almost a third of the profit goes to maintaining the premises in good condition. But by adding additional items to the list of services - massage, bar, entertainment and wellness treatments, you can significantly increase the influx of customers and, accordingly, the profitability of the sauna.

How to open your own sauna and what is needed for this? Business plan for a successful sauna with calculations and advice from professionals in the following video:

The bathhouse has been very popular in our country since ancient times. Previously, when people did not have access to such amenities of civilization as their own bathroom and shower, it served as a place to maintain cleanliness. Today functional purpose This establishment has changed somewhat, it serves as a place of rest, is a kind of folk hospital, where you can relax, take a steam bath, restore strength, improve your health, and get rid of many ailments.

Baths as a business are interesting due to the relative simplicity of organization, high demand for services and good opportunities for development. Thus, a classic Russian steam room, designed for family vacations, can eventually grow into a bath complex that provides a wide range of related and additional services in the field of beauty and health. How to organize a bath business and what format of activity is best to choose, read on.

How to open a bath business, choosing a direction

Advantages and disadvantages of private bath complexes

pros private bath as a business:

  • demand. This plus can be called common to all types of steam rooms, since any format of their execution was, is and will be a favorite place for Russian people to relax and undergo medical and health procedures. It is also worth noting its versatility, since among lovers of scalding steam there are both women and men. For business, this feature is extremely important and always “plays into the hands” of the owners;
  • ease of execution. If large public bath structures require a large area (and preferably outside the city), then such a problem does not exist for private baths, which is why they are most often built in densely populated areas, near houses, country complexes and cottages;
  • availability. In order to open your own business, you do not need to have a very large budget, and a well-designed bathhouse project for a business will help an entrepreneur take out a loan for favorable conditions, which, as practice shows, becomes possible to pay off in an average of 5 years (see).

Disadvantages include too high payment costs utilities and quite long term return on investment.

Features of public bathing establishments

Recently, the fashion for public baths has returned, but now completely different requirements are placed on such establishments than in previous times. A modern public bath is a relaxation space that includes a spacious steam room, washing department, equipped with separate showers, massage, beauty salons, swimming pools and much more. Often in such establishments there is own kitchen, customers are offered a variety of dishes and drinks, including light alcohol.

Learn how to save on mandatory payments, read. Transparent schemes used by Russian businessmen in practice.

A mandatory step is to obtain confirmation of the compliance of the building you have chosen with established hygienic and fire safety standards. You will need to contact the local Rospotrebnadzor authority, prepare the premises in accordance with the provisions of the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Location, Equipment, Maintenance and Operating Mode of Baths and Saunas” (SanPiN, develop a production control program and successfully pass the inspection. As a result, you will be issued a positive sanitary and epidemiological certificate.

To obtain a permit document confirming compliance with fire safety requirements, you should contact your local department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The design standards for such premises are specified in SNiP 31-05-2003 “ Public buildings administrative purpose." Having prepared everything Required documents, you can begin the actual activities.

How profitable is it to engage in bathing business?

Considering a bathhouse as a business, let's try to find out whether it is profitable: reviews from entrepreneurs and approximate calculations economic efficiency. For example, let's take a private traditional bath made of rounded logs, opened in a residential area (population approximately 20,000 people) of an average Russian city.

The start-up costs for such a project will be approximately 2,000,000 rubles. This amount will include the purchase land plot within the city, purchasing a ready-made building made of rounded logs in disassembled form and installing it on the territory of the entrepreneur, connecting communications, purchasing and installing equipment, etc.

The current expenses of the enterprise will be approximately 150,000 rubles. This will include utility bills, advertising costs, wages for administrators and bathhouse attendants, and taxes.

In addition to the bath services themselves, clients will be offered various accessories for health procedures (robes, brooms, shaving sets, hygiene products), hookah, and barbecue rental. With an average load, such an enterprise will be able to bring in about 220,000 rubles. monthly revenue, of which 70,000 is net profit. Thus, the overall profitability of a bathhouse as a business will be about 145%, which, according to reviews from experienced businessmen, is quite realistic. The return on investment will be achieved in 2-2.5 years.

Small private baths are no longer uncommon. And in most cases they are various types of closed establishments for VIP service. At the same time, there are very few family institutions of this type. Only in last years The situation in this service market began to gradually change. There are more and more private baths, and they are designed to serve visitors according to established operating hours. The bathhouse business plan proposed below is designed to open an establishment that will serve people seeking good health and well-being, families with children, as well as those who like to relax in a quiet environment.

Project Summary

Opening a bathhouse is not very difficult as a type of business. There is no intense competition in this market segment, and therefore, with proper organization of the entire process of launching a project, you can end up with an establishment with high profitability and great prospects. This bathhouse business plan with calculations clearly shows that the creation of such bath complex at low costs it will quickly pay for itself and bring a decent profit. It is designed based on the plan to open two baths in one separate building in a city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants.

The goal of the project is to create a complex of bathing services, including two facilities for the provision of services, equipped in the “Russian bathhouse” style. In accordance with the idea, the facility being built will include 2 bath areas. Each of them will have:

  • Washing room.
  • Steam room.
  • Restroom.

The common areas for the bath complex will be an entrance hall, a wardrobe and a bathroom. The structure is being erected on the territory of the founder’s private household. The most important functions for ensuring the operation of a public bath are performed by members of his family. This format of a family business allows you to save significant funds on attracting personnel, paying for the rent of premises and land.

The total cost of implementing the project will be 3 million 454 thousand rubles. Of this, approximately 57% (1 million 954 thousand rubles) is a bank loan, and 43% (1.5 million rubles) is an investment from the business owner. It is assumed that borrowed funds are provided for 2 years at 22% per annum with a three-month deferment of the first payment.

Projected financial indicators(for 3 years of operation of the complex):

  • Return on sales – 17.5%.
  • Net profit – 660,339 rubles.
  • Profitability ratio – 5.48.
  • The payback period is no later than 14 months from the opening of the complex, taking into account discounting - no later than 16 months.

The start-up duration is 12 months, which is due to the need to build a structure for a bathhouse and wait for the structure to shrink. The main construction and installation work is expected to be completed within 4 months.

The projected time frame for achieving the planned volume of provision of bathing services is 3 months from the date of launch of the project.

List of services provided:

  • Bathhouse rental (hourly, from 2 hours).
  • Massage.
  • Wrap.
  • Peeling.
  • Steam room services (with bath attendant).
  • Sales of drinks and snacks.
  • Grill and gazebo rental.

Market analysis

Today, there is a growth in the market for bath services in cities with a population of more than 300,000 people. As a rule, public baths are built and opened on plots of private households, as well as as part of various hotel, sports and entertainment complexes. The most popular service delivery formats are:

  • Russian sauna with wood.
  • Finnish sauna.
  • Steam room.
  • Hammam (Turkish bath).

According to statistics, over 70% of baths are single facilities or small bath complexes, including 2-3 service areas. In most cases, they are designed for simultaneous visits of five to six people (60-65%). Approximately 20% of baths can simultaneously serve 10 visitors, and 15% are designed to serve 10 or more people.

Bath services are popular among a wide range of categories of the population, which explains the fact that the cost of services varies widely: from 300-500 to 2500-3000 rubles per hour of service.

Description of the object

The bath complex under construction is being built on a private farmstead. It is a one-story building, which houses 2 Russian wood-burning baths, designed for simultaneous visits by six people. The building (wooden frame) has an area of ​​90 sq. m. m. Capital partitions are installed inside, dividing the building into 2 zones with an area of ​​36 sq. m. m and 30 m.

To ensure the operation of the facility, 2 heater stoves are being built in the bathhouse. When providing bath services, visitors are offered 3 cooling methods. In addition to the services specified in this business plan above, it is planned to hold tea ceremonies.

Bathhouse opening hours: daily from 09.00 to 24.00.

An important advantage of this project is the ease of administration and business management. The general management of the enterprise is carried out by the founding owner. He also performs the duties of a bathhouse attendant if necessary. Adult family members can act as full-time administrators who receive visitors, familiarize themselves with services and make payments. They are also involved in providing additional services. The work of all full-time employees is organized in shifts.

Organizational and legal form of business – individual entrepreneur, operating under a simplified taxation system (6% of income).

Marketing plan

As economic statistics show, today in Russian cities with a population of about 1 million people there are 120-150 bathhouse complexes. As a rule, they are quite uniform in arrangement and services offered, so the provision of additional services described in this business plan will become a significant competitive advantage.

In addition, the oversaturation of the market with VIP-class objects, where the main visitors are men's companies, allows us to occupy a market niche related to the provision of services to families with children, and make this area a priority.

The average bill for visiting a bathhouse is 1200-1300 rubles.

It is expected to organize pre-registration to visit the bathhouse by phone or on the official website of the enterprise. Website development is entrusted to a professional company. Marketing and advertising activities in the Internet segment are also carried out through social media. The site is constantly kept up to date through promotion services by the development company.

Attracting visitors is stimulated by providing services with discounts (25-30%).

In the future, it is possible to publish and distribute a club card.

Calculation of cost of services

The bath complex is designed to simultaneously provide services to six visitors. Minimum order time is 2 hours. You can choose one of two service options:

  • Russian bathhouse with fonts.
  • Russian bathhouse with a swimming pool.

Full price list of services:

Services (based on 6 people per 1 hour) Complex operating hours Service price, rub.
Bathhouse with hot tubs/pool Monday-Friday, 09.00-18.00 1 200
Monday-Friday, 18.00-23.00 1 400
Monday-Friday, after 23.00 1 600
Saturday Sunday, holidays, 09.00-13.00 1 400
Saturday-Sunday, holidays, 14.00-23.00 1 600
Saturday-Sunday, holidays, after 23.00 1 700
Steamer Monday-Sunday, 09.00-23.00 400
Massage 1 100
Peeling 500
Wrap 400
Samovar 400
Gazebo and barbecue rental 350
Board games, playing cards, lotto, checkers, backgammon, etc. For free
Caps For free
Broom For free
Robe For free
sheet For free
Towel For free
Karaoke For free
Slippers For free
Honey For free
Using Wi-Fi For free

This price level corresponds to the average cost segment for cities of comparable size. The undeniable advantages of the service are the homely, cozy atmosphere, politeness and responsiveness of the staff.

The bathhouse complex organizes the sale of non-alcoholic drinks soft drinks and light snacks. Alcoholic drinks and beer are not sold due to the existing ban on their sale in public places.

Visitors to the bathhouse have the opportunity to bring their own food and use it to prepare kebabs, pizza and other dishes.

The opening and operation of a bath complex is an unlicensed activity and requires obtaining appropriate permits from the SES and State Fire Supervision.

Production plan

The building of the bath complex is located on a private development site far from the most important city highways.

The total area of ​​the premises is 90 sq. m. m. The log house is constructed by a contracted construction company from rounded logs. Construction costs (together with the design) of the bathhouse and swimming pool building - 2.5 million rubles.

Standard equipment is used to equip the premises. The total costs of its acquisition are presented in this table:

Type of equipment Quantity, pcs. Unit price Total costs
1 Stove-heater 2 70,000 rub. 140,000 rub.
2 Font 2 35,000 rub. 70,000 rub.
3 TV + DVD, karaoke 2 30,000 rub. 60,000 rub.
4 Chair 8 4,000 rub. 32,000 rub.
5 Dining table 2 15,000 rub. 30,000 rub.
6 Shower cabin 2 15,000 rub. 30,000 rub.
7 Hallway furniture (mirror, benches, hangers) 1 30,000 rub. 30,000 rub.
8 Sofa 2 15,000 rub. 30,000 rub.
9 Refrigerated wardrobe (showcase) 1 28,000 rub. 28,000 rub.
10 Music Center 2 12,000 rub. 24,000 rub.
11 Cupboard 2 11,000 rub. 22,000 rub.
12 Towels 100 200 rub. 20,000 rub.
13 Steam room shelves 2 8,000 rub. 16,000 rub.
14 sheet 100 100 rub. 10,000 rub.
15 Sprinkling device for a bath 2 3,500 rub. 7,000 rub.
16 Gang for a bath 6 1,000 rub. 6,000 rub.
17 Lamp 4 1,500 rub. 6,000 rub.
18 Toilet 1 4,000 rub. 4,000 rub.
19 Washroom bench 2 1,500 rub. 3,000 rub.
20 A massage table 1 2,500 rub. 2,500 rub.
21 Wash basin 1 1,500 rub. 1,500 rub.
23 Other No more than 10% of total expenses 57,000 rub.
Total 629,000 rub.

Service staff

The main functions of maintaining the operation of the bath complex are performed by the founder and his family members.

The company staff includes 2 duty administrators. With a monthly salary of 20,000 rubles, the monthly wage fund will be 52 thousand rubles (including taxes and insurance payments).

The general management of the work of the bathhouse complex is carried out by the owner. His functions include determining methods of marketing promotion, organizing interaction with suppliers, and performing the duties of a bathhouse attendant.

Reception, instruction and customer service are carried out by full-time administrators.

Auxiliary functions for cleaning the bathhouse premises are performed by adult family members.

This format of organizing a family business makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of paying employees and increase its profitability.

Current expenses

To provide normal operation Baths require the purchase of bath attributes and consumables. Current expenses will be associated with the acquisition and payment of:

  • Firewood.
  • Utilities.
  • Laundry service.

The sales plan for services is calculated taking into account the influence of the seasonal factor. As a rule, starting from the end of spring, fewer and fewer clients use the bathhouse services. Sales of services increase in the fall and reach their peak in winter, especially during the holidays.

The popularity of the bath complex and its recognition have a significant impact on the number of visitors.

Based on this, the predicted occupancy volume of the bathhouse will be:

  • During the first year of operation: 35-40%.
  • Second: 45-50%.
  • Third: 65-70%.

Financial plan

The total costs of the investment period for opening and operating a bath complex include:

  • The cost of constructing a bathhouse is 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Working capital – 300,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for the purchase of equipment – ​​629,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for advertising and marketing activities – 25,000 rubles.

Total: RUB 3,454,000

During the operation of the complex, the main expenses will be related to the remuneration of bathhouse employees, utility bills, payment for the services of an accountant, laundry, firewood suppliers, and security.

Potential risks:


The given example of a bathhouse business plan clearly demonstrates that the opening of a bathhouse complex on the site of a private developer with the involvement of adult family members is the best option organization of such an enterprise. With minor investments, the project quickly pays for itself and begins to make a profit.

The average level of potential risks allows us to consider this activity as promising, highly liquid, and does not require complex administration and personnel training costs.

The popularity of baths is growing among residents of large cities every year.

Opening such an establishment is a very profitable investment. It's easy to explain. Recently, people have begun to pay more attention to their health. Baths and saunas have a very beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. If you visit them regularly, you can cure colds, heart and musculoskeletal diseases, and strengthen your immune system. Also the bathhouse is ideal place to simply relax, relieve stress and relax. People who are keen on sports visit the bathhouse after physical exercise to restore their health. It does not require large financial investments. This type business is quite affordable for beginning private entrepreneurs.

Before you start active actions, you need to draw up a business plan for a bathhouse. Special attention you need to pay attention to the little things. A properly developed business plan is already half the success.

Let's consider step by step instructions opening of the Russian bathhouse.

Choice of legal form

You can open saunas and baths either as an LLC (limited liability company) or as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). First you will need to decide which legal form to prefer.

If the sauna will operate as an individual entrepreneur, then the following documents are submitted to the tax office:

  • paid receipt of state duty (800 rub.);
  • application, in form P21001, about state registration IP. It must be certified by a notary;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1;
  • a copy of all pages of the applicant’s internal passport.

Review of the set of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur will take a week. If you fail to pick up the documents on time, the tax office will send them by mail.

If the decision to open an individual entrepreneur is positive, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (unified register of individual entrepreneurs);
  • notice of production individual registered with the tax office;
  • notification of registration in the territorial PFS of an individual (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat certificate of issuance of statistics codes.

After registering as an individual entrepreneur, you need to make a stamp (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 1000 rubles).

If the bathhouse operates as an LLC, you will need:

  • Application on Form 11001 to register an LLC;
  • LLC charter;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1.

The period for consideration of the application by the tax authority is a week.

If the response to the application is positive, the tax office issues:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • registered LLC charter;
  • certificate in form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authorities;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • notification of registration in Pension Fund Russia (PF);
  • certificate of registration in the TFOMS;
  • certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes on average three days. Authorized capital The LLC must have at least 10 thousand rubles.

After registration legal form activities, in order to do so, you will need to prepare the following set of documents:

  • write an application addressed to the head of the district government;
  • collect all constituent documents and make copies of them;
  • make a photocopy of the tax registration certificate;
  • a copy of the letter from Goskomstat;
  • a copy of the KKM registration card;
  • premises rental agreement or premises ownership certificate;
  • conclusion from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;
  • conclusion from fire supervision;
  • copies of contracts for the provision of city utility services (energy supply, garbage removal, territory cleaning, water supply and heating);
  • BTI passport;
  • passport-permission to install outdoor advertising.

Regardless of the chosen legal form of business organization, the OKVED code will be 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities.” The OKUE number will be 019100. The requirements put forward by the fire inspectorate for saunas can be found in SNiP 31-05-2993 clause 6.3.9. Requirements sanitary standards regulates SanPiN 2.1.2.

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Room for a Russian bath

The ideal option for opening a sauna would be to build a building from scratch. Redevelopment of an old building and adapting it to everything necessary requirements for a bathhouse can raise many questions and problems. You can start your business with small bathhouse, with an area of ​​about 100 sq. m. It will have a swimming pool (area 5 sq. m.) and a steam room (15 sq. m.).

The sauna room is divided into two sectors: one common steam room and rooms. Regular rooms have a shower, toilet and a barrel. The deluxe rooms have a private pool, locker room, relaxation room, steam room and common room. Standard steam rooms are equipped with a wood-burning stove with stones, luxury steam rooms are equipped with infrared electric saunas.

Looking at the finished business plan, it will be clear that the largest expense items will be the construction of a building for a bathhouse and the costs of equipping it. Equipment costs are divided into two types. The first category is one-time expenses. These include: purchasing furniture, stoves, decor and equipment for the pool. The second category of expenses is spending on consumables for the bath. These include: various brooms, steamers, disposable slippers, mittens, towels, hats and scoops. The cost of equipping a sauna will average 600 thousand rubles. Construction of a brick bathhouse will cost approximately 1,500,000 rubles. A sauna made of timber will cost three times less. The exact amounts that will be needed to build a bathhouse depend on many factors. Only the project executor will be able to announce the final amount.

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Sauna staff

As a rule, a ready-made internal work schedule in a bathhouse is a day every two or a day every three. You will need to hire 6 people per shift. With a schedule of two days later, the work team will consist of 12 people. It will include: an administrator, a cleaner, 2 general workers, a security guard, and a massage therapist. The number of working personnel will depend on the operating schedule of the bathhouse, its scale and the demand for the services it provides.

Monthly spending plan for wages for staff:

  • administrator - 30 thousand rubles;
  • handyman (2 people) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • security guard - 25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaning lady - 15 thousand rubles;
  • massage therapist - 25 thousand rubles;
  • legal and accounting services by a remote accountant - 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 125 thousand rubles.
