Aragonite stone has magical properties. Magical and healing properties of aragonite. Healing properties of aragonite

Natural precious pearls are made from this mineral. The color and volume variety is amazing, the price is pleasantly surprising. Aragonite stone is loved by collectors, jewelry aficionados and magicians.

What is a mineral

The mineral aragonite is a modification of calcium carbonate. His chemical formula similar to calcite, and the exact composition is determined by impurities. For example, the dominance of iron creates a yellow mineral. Zinc provides a red-brown-violet color palette.

The mother-of-pearl layer of sea shell valves is made of aragonite. It builds up in layers, forming a pearl inside the mollusk.

The origin of the mineral is recognized by its outline: round or other smooth samples are a product of the sea. Sharp crystals, hexagonal prisms, “twigs”, “flowers” ​​are formed in caves, like deposits of carbonate dissolved in water. They are also known as stalactites.

Aragonite crystals

The fragility of the mineral was noted by the first stone cutters. Trying to improve aesthetic conditions, they heated aragonite. But instead of improvement, they received calcite powder: the increase in volume destroyed the crystalline structure.

ColorColorless, white, gray, yellowish, reddish
Stroke colorWhite
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
CleavageImperfect by (010)
KinkConchoidal; fragile
Density2.93 g/cm³
singoniaRhombic (planaxial)

History of aragonite

The origin of the mineral is ordinary and romantic at the same time.

The science

Aragonite forms in cool karst caves, other voids, and at the bottom of rivers or oceans.

Another place is geysers and other springs, the water of which is saturated with carbonate compounds. The most vivid examples– waters of Baden-Baden and Karlovy Vary. The calcite film on their surface allows you to turn any object immersed in water for a few minutes into a “mother-of-pearl” jewel.


The popular name for aragonite is the stone of tears. According to legend, the tears of a girl who was separated from her lover became pebbles. A drama took place in the Spanish city of Molina (province of Aragon).

Based on the name of the area where deposits were discovered at the end of the 18th century, the stone was also christened - it became aragonite. In fact, it was not Aragon, but neighboring Castile, but they did not change the name.

Aragonites are never older than 10 million years: the crystal lattice degenerates, turning the mineral into ordinary calcite.

Place of Birth

Aragonite is found wherever there are karst caves:

  • The best material is mined in Spain, Sicily, and Morocco.
  • The USA, Japan, and Asian countries (Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan) have reserves of the mineral. Russian deposits are concentrated in Taimyr and Southern Urals. This is more of a collectible item.
  • Instances from different places have their own colors. For example, Mexico supplies colorless and white, China supplies blue tseringites (one of the most aesthetic and expensive varieties).

However, the main deposits of the mineral are accumulated on the ocean floor.

Varieties of aragonite

Aragonite is classified according to the place of formation, shape, and color. Main types of stone:

  • Heliclitus.“Coral” twigs and similar branched formations. There are specimens from milky white to black.
  • Iglit. Blue-green prism crystals.
  • Pisolite. It is formed in caves as a result of calcium precipitation from aqueous solutions. Recognized by its ball shape. Valued by jewelers as an insert for rings, earrings, beads, and bracelets. Other names are marble onyx, cave pearls, caviar stone.

Aragonite “roses” are the official symbol of the Czech resort city of Karlovy Vary.

Knowledgeable people appreciate aragonite “flowers”, pea-shaped pisolites, and other bizarre mineral formations.

Compatibility with other minerals

Formally belonging to the elements of Earth and Water, aragonite is “friends” with almost all gems.

Its combination in talismans and amulets with minerals of the same elements is considered ideal. Compatibility is especially good with coral, carnelian, and turquoise. The proximity to elite alexandrite, emerald, and sapphires is favorable.

Where is the mineral used?

The characteristic of the mineral as fragile and difficult to process did not become an obstacle to its use. Colorfully rich aragonite is in demand by jewelers, stone-cutters, and collectors.

Everyone has a reason to love the mineral aragonite:

  • Jewelers produce an assortment of jewelry, including bracelets and ring inserts. The frame chosen is noble: silver, gold, platinum. Blue aragonite is often indistinguishable from turquoise, and well-polished polka dots imitate elite pearls.
  • Stone cutters carve balls, pyramids, and other figures. There are larger things - boxes, desk writing instruments, photo frames.
  • Each specimen makes collectors happy: the uniqueness of color and shape makes it unique.

Pendant with aragonite

At the same time, the price of the mineral is affordable, even from distant corners of the planet.

Rules for wearing and care

Aragonite is delicate: it is afraid of mechanical influences, aggressive household chemicals, direct sunlight, heat.

It needs careful care:

  • Dust is wiped off with a dry soft cloth. Serious stains can be easily cleaned with soapy water and a cloth (you can pre-soak for a few minutes and rub). Then rinse clean. When cleaning jewelry frames, protect the inserts or make sure that the cleaning agent does not get on them.
  • Jewelry is removed before washing dishes and similar household chores, going to the pool, sauna, or the beach.
  • Put on rings, necklaces, earrings after applying makeup, when cream, varnish, and other cosmetic substances have been absorbed or dried.
  • Store jewelry in a dark, tightly closed box, upholstered on the inside. soft cloth. It is better to select a separate box or cell.

Figurines or other aragonite specimens should not be placed near radiators, kitchen stove, other heat sources. The heat will cause the mineral to crumble or turn into ordinary calcite. His magic will be gone.

How to identify a fake

The price of aragonite is affordable, but it is counterfeited. Instead of natural mineral, glass or plastic is offered.

The following methods help distinguish a mineral from a fake:

  1. Hold it in your hands. Glass or plastic will heat up immediately, unlike natural mineral.
  2. Estimate mass: natural stone always hard.
  3. Take it out into the sun or put it under ultraviolet light. Natural aragonite will glow orangeish-reddish.

It is better to buy jewelry or figurines from trusted sellers.


According to the jewelry classification, aragonite is a semi-precious (lower segment) or ornamental stone. This circumstance, plus its prevalence and ease of extraction, determined the availability of prices for the mineral (rubles):

  • crystals (7.5x6x5.5 cm) – 2,550-2,800;
  • ball (4.8-6.3 cm) – 1,700 – 3,560;
  • egg (3x4-4x5 cm) – 820-1,240;
  • white tumbling (2–3 cm) – 240–290;
  • crystal intergrowths (3–4 cm) – 380–650.

The price is also determined by the deposit and type of mineral. For example, a sample of sky-blue vanadium aragonite from Morocco (size S, that is, 5–7 cm and weighing 14 g) costs RUR 5,890.

Average cost of products (RUB):

  • earrings – 600–780;
  • rosary (onyx+aragonite) – 1,970;
  • white bracelet (diameter 14 mm, Mexico) – 1,090;
  • white beads (14 mm, Mexico) – 2,490;
  • silver ring – 860–2360;
  • gold ring with aragonite – 7,900-21,300.

Ring with aragonite

The price of aragonite jewelry depends more on the material of the frame: the cost of gold and silver accessories with similar inserts differs by an order of magnitude.

Therapeutic effect

Lithotherapeutic practitioners have identified the following properties of aragonite:

  1. The mineral has a complex effect on nervous system person: anxiety, aggressiveness, depression disappear.
  2. As a result, the immune system and overall physical health are strengthened.
  3. Lotions made from moist aragonite powder help with skin problems that cannot be treated due to an unknown origin.
  4. The mineral treats joints and diseases of the spine. Prevents cramps and spasms.
  5. Aragonite strengthens and makes nails and hair beautiful.
  6. Helps with fevers, fever, internal inflammation.
  7. The mineral is suitable for older people: it alleviates the symptoms of menopause, dementia, and nervousness.
  8. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere: men and women become more liberated. At the same time, female frigidity is neutralized and male potency is strengthened.

The miraculous properties of the waters of German Baden-Baden or Czech Karlovy Vary are also the merit of aragonite. Local healing springs are literally saturated with it.

But you can make anything like this (or almost like this) clean water: it is enough to filter it through a layer of crushed mineral.

To achieve a healing effect, lotions, drinking charged water or wearing jewelry with aragonite in silver are suitable.

Magic properties

The magical properties of aragonite are in demand by practicing sorcerers and other esotericists. They calculated that the mineral perfectly concentrates and grounds energy and balances the energy of the human body.

Therefore, the mineral is used as a communication channel with other world, enhances the effect of meditation or prayer.

Earrings with aragonite

The mission of aragonite at the household level is to store, fasten home and family foundations:

  • There will always be agreement between spouses, representatives of different generations of the family (children-parents) if one of them wears a pendant, bracelet or other jewelry with aragonite.
  • A mineral amulet is placed in the bedroom if the spouses have sexual problems or intend to become parents.
  • It will help teenagers and middle-aged people survive age-related disasters.
  • Figurines, druses of crystals, and other aragonite fragments, placed in a prominent place, will attract a financial river into the house.
  • Everyday household routine will seem easier with a figurine or a pebble in the kitchen. Even a novice housewife will feel more confident.

Any aragonite talisman is important as a means of preserving the family hearth.

But for lonely people, the mineral will only cause harm: they will feel defective, unhappy, and unclaimed.

Aragonite and Zodiac

Astrologers claim that according to the horoscope, the mineral is suitable for all signs of the Zodiac.

Compatibility chart of aragonite with zodiac signs (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated).

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

But only if the person is a family man. Civil marriage or officially registered, does not matter.


Aragonite is useful for almost everyone. It helps preserve the family idyll, eliminates skin problems that medicine is powerless to deal with.

From here you can begin the formation of a personal mineralogical collection.

The chemical composition of aragonite stone is the same as calcite. Their differences are in the form of crystal lattices, which explains the difference in the properties of minerals from each other.

Description of aragonite

The mineral was named after the area of ​​Aragon in Spain, where its deposit was first discovered. Aragonite is a natural polymorph of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3). In terms of chemical composition, 65% is CaO, 44% CO 2.

The stone contains impurities of iron, strontium, magnesium. Soluble in HCL acid, chemical reaction accompanied by a characteristic hissing sound.


Due to its instability, after several tens of millions of years, aragonite transforms into calcite, increasing in volume. On a production scale, this period is shortened when the surface of the stone is heated to a temperature of 400°C.

The mineral does not have a specific type - its crystals are various shapes:

From the above we can conclude that there are no aragonites with smooth surface– most often it is found in the form of thickets of bushes with white and yellowish stems.

The Spanish Aragon field is not the only place. But due to the fact that the mineral is rare and is formed mostly in water, its deposits are not so large:

Education and types

Aragonite is formed in several ways:

Application in jewelry

In jewelry, aragonite is found in the form of pearls, which do not have a crystal form. In addition to sea pearls, you can find white aragonite, no different from it, ground to the shape of pearls. But the resulting stone on the surface of the earth does not differ in the breadth of its color palette.

The crystal shape in the form of a bud or inflorescence is used by jewelers without processing. This is a rare crystal and its value is very high. The color of aragonite varies. Less common are green tones that have a blue tint. These stones have a dark mother-of-pearl surface and are used to make jewelry.

Nature gives interesting shapes to aragonite - these are flowers and thickets of bushes. Only such crystals cannot be processed due to their fragility. The density of the material is very low. Although its fracture is conchoidal, it is very fragile. Crystals with interesting shapes found in nature can serve as interior decoration without jewelry polishing.

Brown, black, purple, reddish transparent aragonite stones are used for jewelry. Lead and other mineral dyes give them their color.

Rings, earrings, tiaras, and beads are made from aragonite. Bracelets. For framing the floor gemstone Any metals are suitable. In jewelry, platinum and gold are used to frame stones. It is impossible to fake this stone, or create another stone with its help. When heated, it will simply crumble into aragonite powder.

Magical and healing properties

The magical properties of the crystal echo its healing characteristics. According to magicians and doctors, it helps restore former understanding in the family, relieves women of frigidity, and helps husbands restore masculine strength.

This stone helped magicians in the practice of spiritualism and communication with the other world. Nowadays, it is believed that it helps to improve relationships with children, parents and other relatives.

The healing springs in Karlovy Vary derive their healing powers from calcite, a stabilized phase of aragonite. This is the version of scientists. The springs actually overcome rocks that contain aragonites in large quantities.

Water filtered through aragonite chips can also be “charged” as a healing property. Baths with particles of this mineral in water promote the healing of various skin diseases.

The mineral aragonite is a family stone. As an amulet, it only helps people who are married. For single people it does not carry any beneficial properties and remains neutral towards its owner.

Aragonite - jewelry stone

Calcium carbonate occurs in nature in three varieties:

  • Calcite
  • Aragonite
  • Vaterite

They differ from each other in shape crystal lattice. In nature, aragonite forms prismatic, columnar and lance-shaped crystals. It is an unstable phase of calcite. That is, over a certain period of time, ranging from 10 to 100 million years, it is converted into calcite.

This modification occurs with an increase in volume. The rapid transition occurs under the influence of temperatures that are more than 400 degrees. The presence of strontium in the composition makes it more stable. That is, the higher the percentage of this impurity, the more stable the stone will be.

The first description of the mineral was made by the German geologist A. G. Werner. This calcium carbonate goes by many other names. Among them are pearl spar, Carlsbad stone, alabaster, river, oolite, and ozerskite.

The mineral aragonite has a fairly strong refraction of light flux. This is due to the structural features of its crystal lattice. Some samples that are pink or blue in color exhibit fluorescence. It is associated with the presence of organic impurities in the composition.

Forms and varieties

The crystals that calcium carbonate forms are thin and elongated. Even in the photo, the combination of such thin crystals into one unit looks quite impressive. In some cases, the mineral aragonite takes on a form that resembles an accumulation of small beads, stalactites and fibrous masses.

Crystals can form spherical shapes. It was these forms that gave it another name - pea or caviar stone. The mineral aragonite is found in many shellfish shells. It is the main part of the mother-of-pearl layer.

The mineral aragonite dissolves in acids. This reaction is accompanied by energy boiling. Despite its similarity to calcite, aragonite is considered a more expensive jewelry stone. This is due to its more saturated color range, as well as the fact that it forms more spectacular crystals, which can be of various shapes, including spherical.

The color of the crystals is given by impurities of strontium, magnesium and iron. This calcium carbonate is part of such organogenic minerals as mother of pearl and pearls. It consists of the thinnest plates of the mineral aragonite. inner part shells of most mollusks. The interesting thing is that these plates do not touch each other, they are separated by organic matter.

Deposits and jewelry value

The main color ranges from snow-white to green and blue. Stone deposits are found in Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bolivia and Austria. Since the mineral aragonite has an unstable phase, ancient deposits that are characteristic of other gemstones do not exist in nature.

It is much less common than its variety calcite. Collectibles and jewelry made from aragonite stone are highly valued.

Jewelers widely use thin plates of a mineral called marble onyx. Naturally, it has nothing to do with the real mineral onyx.

Since calcium and its carbonates make up a fairly large part earth's crust, aragonite may be present along with gypsum and celestine in clays, marls, pisolites and calcareous tuffs. Layers of the fine-grained mineral aragonite can occur in so-called cave pearls.

The mechanism of formation of such pearls is identical to the formation of pearls in mollusk shells. The only difference is that the formation of cave variants occurs without the participation of living organisms. It is interesting that the composition human body includes only four minerals. These are aragonite, calcite, apatite and cristobalite.

Healing properties of the stone

Experts believe that aragonite helps strengthen the nervous system. It is used as a healing stone that helps get rid of frigidity and impotence. In addition, the stone is credited with medicinal properties such as relieving fatigue and irritation.

The magic of the stone lies in its ability to bring comfort and goodwill to family relationships. It is believed that talismans and amulets with stones can not only improve family relationships, but can also help its owner get rid of bad habits.

Since calcium carbonate is the main chemical composition the mineral aragonite, and calcium is considered beneficial for the body; it is credited, and not unreasonably, with the healing properties of minerals. Many water springs that come to the surface through layers of aragonite stone are considered healing.

Aragonite– the stone is incorrigibly young. None of the aragonites live more than a hundred million years; many remain in the state of a precious stone for only about ten million years, and then turn into ordinary calcite. And aragonite was introduced into use quite recently. It began to be distinguished in the ΧVΙΙΙ century, and by the end of the century it was named after the Spanish province where this mineral first attracted the attention of geologists of that time.

The tendency of natural aragonite to transform into stone was noted by the first stone-cutters. Wanting to improve the jewelry (or rather, ornamental) properties of the stone, they began - as usual - to heat it. As a result, aragonite began to crumble into the finest calcite powder. This property is due to an increase in the volume of the mineral moving from one form to another. The smallest particles of the newly formed substance (calcite) simply peel off from the parent aragonite crystal, and the expected improvement does not occur - although the phenomenon of thermoluminescence, that is, glow when heated, was noted in the very first experiments.

Properties of the mineral

  • Syngony: rhombic.
  • Composition (formula): CaCO3, typical impurities include Sr, Mg, Fe, Zn, Pb.
  • Color: white or colorless, gray, yellowish, reddish.
  • Trait color (powder color): white.
  • Transparency: transparent, translucent, translucent.
  • Cleavage: imperfect.
  • Fracture: conchoidal.
  • Gloss: greasy, glassy.
  • Hardness: 3.5-4.
  • Specific gravity, g/cm3: 2.9-3.0.
Mined in karst caves, aragonite occurs both in the form of sinter crusts with grains of protruding crystals, and in the form of needle-shaped spherical formations. Radial-radiating crystalline intergrowths of aragonite are not uncommon. Aragonite spherulites are also found. The thinnest layers of aragonite, alternating with transparent layers of solid organic matter, form mother-of-pearl. Every pearl is a “layer cake” in which aragonite plays the role of an exquisite filling.

Natural variety of gems

For a mineralogical collection, it makes sense to buy aragonite in several variations of its natural form. The hexagonal prism crystals of tarnowite (a lead-rich variety of aragonite) have a warm brownish-purple hue to the drusen. Nicholsonite, which contains zinc as an impurity, is famous for its palette of red-brown shades with an admixture of pure violet. In different deposits this mineral can be characterized by different color characteristics, changing color from colorless to black.

Sprudelstein, also known as pea (and even caviar) stone, is also called cave pearls or marble onyx. Formed as a result of the processes of precipitation of calcium compounds from natural solutions, sprudelstein is distinguished by a variety of shapes and sizes of spheroidal stones. Polished sprudelstein peas often become jewelry inserts and material for making beads and bracelets.

Of particular interest to connoisseurs of natural wonders is the aragonite “iron flower” - a bizarre interweaving of oblong mineral formations. Often the milky-white aragonite branches take the form of coral twigs. There is also a noticeable similarity between overgrown aragonite crystals and plant inflorescences.

By the way, about the price

Stone deposits are numerous and ubiquitous. Being popular among Europeans, aragonite is mostly mined in Europe. Mountain ranges and karst caves of the Alpine belt give connoisseurs a considerable amount of the precious stone aragonite.

Huge reserves of valuable minerals are concentrated at the bottom of shelf ocean zones. In the surf zone and in places of constant currents, aragonite stones take the form of oolites (egg-shaped pebbles).

Due to the high prevalence and diversity of aesthetic advantages, the price level for aragonite products is quite low. A 100-gram polished slab cut from a crystalline intergrowth can sell for less than $10. A picturesque aragonite sinter, capable of becoming a decoration of a mineralogical collection, is estimated at retail at only 100 rubles. At the same time, products with aragonite inserts can range in price from forty to five hundred dollars per set.

Healing properties of aragonite

Practicing lithotherapists are unanimous in their opinion: aragonite stimulates sexual function in both men and women. Having a positive effect on the human nervous system, it relieves fears, removes anxious feelings, relieves enslavement, promotes rapid restoration of strength, relieves irritability and anger.

Applications of aragonite preparations (loose and mud-like, semi-liquid) help cope with skin diseases of unknown etiology. Water filtered through the thickness of aragonite chips acquires healing properties. By the way, it is the saturation with aragonite that makes healing waters and Karlovy Vary and Baden springs.

Noted positive influence aragonite for elderly people. The mineral alleviates the symptoms of the oncoming menopause, reduces the severity of manifestations of senile dementia, and improves the condition of patients with neuropsychiatric diseases typical of older people.

The magic of the stone is consistent with its healing properties. Aragonite jewelry available in the house eliminates disagreements between spouses. The mineral is particularly effective in optimizing the complex relationships between different generations families. Friction between mother-in-law and son-in-law, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, parents and children are smoothed out if aragonite acts as a “peacemaker”.

Prosperity and comfort in the home may well be the result of the gradual “efforts” of aragonite crafts placed on the shelves of the home. Crystal druses, granular deposits, flowers and twigs made of crystals, polished figurines - all kinds of aragonite jewelry have a great effect on the material condition of their owners.

The ability of aragonite to help less-than-skillful owners conduct business is perfect magic. Adding strength and eliminating laziness, the gem encourages you to carry out routine homework with sparkle, inspiration and ingenuity. The mineral does not just give pleasure - it inexplicably teaches the householder to perform everything that is done flawlessly.

Astrologers do not distinguish between stone preferences for zodiac signs. It is noted, however, that aragonite helps only married couples. Don't count on effective assistance mineral to a lonely person - but married woman And married man aragonite provides the strongest support.

Aragonite talismans are a well-known means of maintaining family unity. Everything that takes a person away from the family - romantic hobbies on the side, gambling, friendly feasts, addiction to drinking - loses its meaning if the effect of an aragonite amulet extends to the individual.

The name of the mineral aragonite is reminiscent of one of the provinces of Spain. So it is, because the stone was first discovered near the city of Molina de Aragon, which belongs to Castile. In the 15th century, this area united with Aragon and became known as Spain. Legend says that the tears of a girl separated from her loved one turned into aragonite stones.

The stone belongs to the calcite group, having the hardest structure. The popular name for aragonite is cave calcite, indicating that the main deposits are found in dolomite and gypsum caves, in places most susceptible to weathering. This is explained by the fact that the stone belongs to the low-temperature group.

This mineral is considered “young” because after tens of millions of years it transforms into calcite.

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite dust. Due to such a “short” life, aragonite is a rare mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is CaCO3.

Aragonite is a component of pearls. Each pebble consists of a thin layer of aragonite and a transparent layer of solid organic matter.

Variety of colors...

Aragonite, mined in karst caves, forms needle-shaped or radial beads. Spherulites are also found.

Natural samples are colorless or white. Depending on the impurities, aragonite can be cloudy, transparent or translucent. The color of the mineral has a wide range, which is added by the presence of other minerals:

  • White, formed in dehydrated voids of the earth's crust, mined in Mexico;
  • Orange cave pearls are mined in Morocco;
  • Blue specimens are mined in China.

Also found in nature are yellow, blue, purple, green, and gray. The blue-green ones are called iglites, and the blue ones are called tseringites.


There are several natural forms of aragonite formation:

  • Tarnowicite (lead impurity) has hexagonal crystals. The color is brown-violet, warm.
  • Nikolsovit contains zinc. Depending on the location, it changes color from colorless to black, and can be red-brown with an admixture of purple.
  • Sprudelstein otherwise, pea or caviar. This species is formed during the precipitation of calcium rocks from natural solutions. Differs in a variety of sizes and shapes. Sprudelstein is also called cave pearls, deposits of which are located in Morocco. Its polished peas are used to make beads and as inserts in jewelry.
  • Iron flower is a very interesting weave weird shape mineral "shoots". There are specimens that resemble coral branches.
  • Unusual-looking crystals, in the form of needles, form transparent elongated shapes. Pisolite or cave pearls have round shape 2 mm in size.
  • Spherical specimens are called oolites. Some sea ​​shellfish They have an aragonite coating, which gives them a pearlescent shine.

Mineral location

The main deposits of aragonite are located in Europe: the best specimens are mined in Spain, Sicily and Morroco. Pisolites are found in the Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary). In Russia there are deposits in Taimyr and the Urals.

Crystals found in South Dakota (USA) and in Sicily are particularly beautiful.

Large deposits are located on shelves on the ocean floor. In the surf zone, aragonite occurs in the form of oolites (polished oval-shaped pebbles).

The magical power of the stone

Aragonite is considered a family stone. It protects home peace and smoothes out conflicts between spouses. For lonely people, aragonite will be burdensome and make them sad. You can decorate your home with twigs, a box or any craft made from aragonite.

For family

According to Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine attracts good luck and prosperity to the home. To do this, it is recommended to place the mineral in a prominent place. Its energy helps in purchasing housing or starting your own business.

The stone must “settle in” in the house for the magical powers to begin to work. You can place souvenirs in all rooms. If the stone is in the bedroom, it helps to conceive a child and strengthen sexual relationships.

For people young and old

A pendant or amulet with aragonite will help a teenager overcome the difficulties of adolescence. It helps older people maintain memory and a sober mind until old age.

The presence of the stone helps to concentrate attention and accept correct solution with a clear head.

A good gift for newlyweds would be a talisman with a blue mineral.

Healing properties

The famous health resort in Karlovy Vary owes its usefulness, among other things, to the aragonite stone.

For skin

The springs located in this area flow through rocks enriched with this mineral. Baths relieve skin diseases; local water, passed through aragonite chips, is considered healing. The healing mud of the Dead Sea also contains aragonite.

This unique quality is also used in lithotherapy (stone treatment). The stone is crushed into crumbs through which water is driven. Skin diseases are treated with lotions containing this liquid. The stone helps normalize increased age-related blood pressure, functioning of cardio-vascular system. The energy of the mineral effectively affects genitourinary system, helps to endure the symptoms of menopause, restores erection.

For sleep

Aragonite is considered a healing stone. It helps relieve inflammation, elevated temperature. How additional remedy, will help relieve stress.

Aragonite is a good helper from insomnia.

The mineral must be protected from exposure negative energy. For a positive effect, aragonite must be placed in the room where the patient is, or worn as an amulet.

The relationship of the mineral to the horoscope

Aragonite does not belong to any specific zodiac sign. Positive Power The mineral only affects married couples. An aragonite talisman will help maintain the strength of family ties. for a long time. Everything that destroys a marriage: an affair, an addiction to alcohol, gambling loses its meaning from the influence of the stone.


Thanks to the variety of shapes and color range, aragonite is successfully used in jewelry making. Any metal is suitable for framing, but gold, silver, and platinum are more often used. Coral aragonite or iron flower is especially prized.

It is processed very little and inserted into earrings, rings, and as decoration in boxes.

Beautiful beads are made from a translucent mineral. The very unusual blue aragonite, which is mined in China, is considered the most expensive. Such a mineral inspires confidence in its owner. It is inserted into rings and earrings. In China, local craftsmen carve ashtrays and boxes from tseringite. Blue aragonite resembles turquoise in appearance, but is softer.

There is another type of stone - the White Sea flyers. They are valued for their unusual shape: an asterisk with 4 rays. Such specimens attract collectors as ready-made souvenirs.

Proper storage

An aragonite product will last a long time if you adhere to the following rules:

  • The jewelry should be stored in a box with soft walls;
  • Aragonite should not be allowed to come into contact with perfumes, cosmetics, or chemicals;
  • Remove jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, or swimming pool;
  • If dark spots appear, wipe with a soft cloth.


Aragonite stone cannot be counterfeited because when heated it turns to dust. Its price is low, since the deposits of the mineral are vast and located in many parts of the world. home Magic force aragonite is aimed at strengthening the family.
