Forget about zodiac signs: a horoscope by decade is three times more accurate. Pisces of the third decade Real estate in Greece

Incredible facts

Professional astrologers divide each zodiac period into decades. For example, when they talk about a person born under the sign of Libra, they specify that in the second decade of Libra.

A decade is 10 days that are directed by a specific celestial body. Each of the Zodiac signs is divided into three decades, so there are 36 decades in total. As for the characteristics, they are much more accurate compared to the characteristics of a regular horoscope.

So, let's convince you of this.

Horoscope by decade

These people always complete what they set out to do because they are very stubborn, even despite their innate shyness. They are energetic and purposeful, freedom is of great importance to them, hence the difficulties that sometimes arise in communication.

It is very difficult to make friends with such a person, however, if this succeeds, then such a friendship will be long, strong and reliable.

Such people often show self-doubt and are restless. These are those individuals who, with a calm soul, quit in the middle. For this reason, they especially need attention and support.

They need to understand that someone believes and is interested in them, as well as in the result of their efforts. It is important for them to hear positive feedback about their work. Such a person is very drawn to communication and people.

They are elegant and beautiful personalities. Energy bursts out of them every second, and their optimism knows no bounds. These are people with enormous life potential, so things always go well for them, everything goes smoothly, and obstacles are overcome easily and naturally.

They are very captivating to the people around them and easily win them over because they have a cheerful disposition and a peaceful character.

Such a person is incredibly charming, he has his own zest, and he makes the most incredible lover, burning with passion. These people are well aware that they are very attractive; they skillfully use their best features, showing them in a favorable light.

These are incredibly hardworking people, their strong energy immediately sets them apart from those around them, and besides this, they are quite attractive and modest. Heaven endowed them with a special gift to heal mental wounds and physical ailments.

Such a person always smells of peace, stability and quiet joy, which attracts others to them. People are captivated and attracted by their elusive charm, because next to them it is actually calm and warm.

These are very sensitive people, they are quite easy to hurt, offend and offend. They approach their work very responsibly, sometimes forgetting that their strength is not endless. It is extremely important for them to be able to relax, devote more time to rest, so that later they do not suffer from unpleasant ailments and work successfully.

These are beautiful and charming people. It is very important for them to gain confidence in their abilities, determination and endurance. If these qualities can be developed, then such a person is capable of a lot.

This is a person who knows how to show himself from a very advantageous position, he is sociable and, regardless of gender, is quite courageous in behavior. These are polite people who like to show off others' eyes.

These people know how to draw up an action plan in a matter of seconds even in the most difficult situations. Their logic is perfect, and in combination with intuition, it helps them correctly assess options for the development of events in the future when others are just beginning to realize what is happening.

They are determined, self-confident and fearless. These qualities help them behave very intelligently in difficult times and keep the most difficult circumstances and the most complicated cases under control.

These are quite ambitious people. Often, in his desire to always be the first in everything, such a person forgets about the interests of others and stops paying attention to them. Also, this person often does not calculate his strengths and exaggerates his abilities too much.

They regularly ignore the opinions and advice of others, and this does not at all help to increase their authority in the eyes of others. Such a person must first learn to hear what others say to him, as well as respect those who are next to him.

Such people love to party to the fullest, they are reckless and extravagant, but at the same time they are sincere and good-natured. They tend to make promises and quickly forget about them, but this feature does not come from anger or out of a desire to harm someone. They're just designed that way.

Responsibility and composure are not their strengths at all. They need to learn to keep their word, and only in this case their inherent kindness and decency will help them achieve success.

Such people are prone to hasty conclusions, they often commit rash acts and make hasty decisions. They need to learn to approach each situation very carefully, not to rush into doing something, and to think through each of their next steps as well as possible.

A balanced attitude to absolutely every aspect of life, to every action and word - this is the only way the life of such people can be cloudless and joyful.

These are generous, responsible, efficient and hardworking people. Be sure that they will never let you down. However, such people need to work on their strength of character and develop determination. If such a person can cope with all his personal problems, success will definitely await him.

Such a person has the peculiarity of seeing everything in rather gloomy tones, he has an uncommunicative character and a tendency towards loneliness. This is a very distrustful, cautious and suspicious person who will think through and analyze everything very carefully before any action.

However, if someone close to you or not only gets into trouble, he takes someone else’s grief extremely hard and can sacrifice a lot to help. Unsociability and gloominess are the real mask that this person wears in order to protect himself and hide from the outside world.

These people are very sociable and cheerful; they very quickly establish contact with others and find a common language with them. However, these people have an overly heightened sense of competition, and because of it they can sometimes go to unnecessary extremes. If suddenly an enemy appears on their way, they will remove him from their path without a twinge of conscience.

It is not easy for this person to tolerate the success of others, but at the same time they will gladly help someone who is in trouble. A person has good self-analysis skills; he calmly and freely accepts and realizes his mistakes and mistakes, and also easily finds ways to solve them.

Such people love stability very much. Before making any decision, they will think very carefully, weigh everything, evaluate it, and only after that will they take any steps. Unexpected changes fill them with fear and they begin to doubt greatly. However, when they understand that these changes are beneficial to them, they quickly adapt and get used to it, since stagnation is not their thing either.

These are completely devoid of romanticism, very reasonable people. They often have a lot of doubts before doing something. Among these people it is almost impossible to meet risky people and daredevils.

They like silence, a calm environment and home comfort. To succeed in life, they need to develop the ability to radiate positivity and be more confident. They need to learn the art of communicating with people, and also be bolder and more active.

These are very difficult people, and their difficult character is the cause of regular troubles in close relationships and instability in terms of partners. These are too proud people for whom it is extremely difficult to take the first step towards reconciliation, even in cases where they themselves understand that they are to blame. Therefore, the relationship that has just begun ends. These people are impulsive, they are often led by their emotions, they are very sensitive.

These people have well-developed intuition, which regularly helps them avoid life's troubles and achieve success. They always have a clear goal. The main life task of such a person is to believe in himself and his strength. If this works out, then life will present pleasant surprises over and over again.

These people should be more welcoming, not be so distrustful and open up to others. They need to be more tolerant and understand that not every time they need to win something; those around them, as a rule, are benevolent. If you manage to overcome these shortcomings, then the feeling of fear will immediately go away, as will indecision, and the person will be able to successfully communicate and build relationships.

This is a very persistent person, he is endowed with unusually strong perseverance. At the same time, he is calculating, ambitious and selfish. He has a bad sense of humor or none at all, which is why his temper is very prickly.

But the trials that befall them are within their power. These are people about whom they say that the world rests on their shoulders. They have well-developed skills for rational self-assessment, and together with a penchant for analysis, these features have formed in these people a highly developed sense of justice and the ability to value real values.

The energy of these people is very sunny, bright and light. Their minds are not full of ambitions, they rejoice at successes that come without unnecessary boasting, and star fever is not about them at all. They are optimists in life, this allows them to easily achieve their goals.

When you first meet such a person, it may seem that he is somewhat arrogant. However, this is just a mask, since life has taught him to be this way. It is extremely important for this person to learn to relax, since a very large number of problems appear precisely because of overwork. He also needs to be more gentle.

These people tend to demand from those around them the strict implementation of various kinds of instructions and instructions, but they themselves do not always follow them clearly. Such a person more often than others finds himself in unusual situations; they often have to make excuses for what they did not do, since they are often accused of committing various mistakes and misconduct.

This person needs to learn to build relationships with people, believe in themselves and truly love life. And most importantly, they should first learn to be responsible themselves before demanding it from others.

These people are tireless seekers of truth. They do not know how to be flexible and do not compromise. For them, it doesn’t matter how others perceive their words, because the most important thing is to defend justice at all costs.

They need to learn flexibility and remember that sometimes the truth is bitter. Of course, no one says to take the path of deception, but insisting on being right, forgetting about how others feel, is wrong.

During this period, balanced and very calm people were born who have a light and cheerful character, giving joy and warmth to those around them. They are friendly and sociable, they have a wide circle of friends, and those around them respect them. It is quite rightly said about such people that they are literally bathed in love.

Pisces of the third decade, born during the period ( March 11 - March 20), have the nature of a fighter. The dominant character traits of such people are perseverance, courage and determination. They are also very observant, smart and talented.

They have a well-developed intuition, similar to clairvoyance, which, unfortunately, they resort to in exceptional cases. They have a penchant for esotericism, alternative medicine and occult sciences. In love, these are wonderful and sensitive partners. However, the passion for romance, tender and reverent feelings pushes them to make new acquaintances, which often leads to several marriages.

Pluto, the planet of power, gives strength to the ruler of Pisces, Neptune, and emphasizes your need for activity and self-actualization. You are imaginative and insightful; if you manage to use your energy, you can achieve a lot. You have an inquisitive mind and enjoy exploring the unusual or hidden. You are especially attracted to religious, spiritual or occult issues.

Solitude and periods of solitude are necessary for you because they allow you to think and meditate without interruption. You have a literary style or eloquence that can touch and influence people. Your feelings are deep and strong; you understand everything first with your heart, and only then with your head. Love determines many of your decisions.

Pisces of the third decade - up to 25 years

In childhood, these are little people with adult characters. They are too independent, jealous and capable of throwing a real scandal over nonsense. Little Pisces born in the third decade are very touchy and vulnerable; the slightest, even the most harmless remark can cause a whole storm of feelings and emotions in these kids.

They can cry the whole evening, ruining the mood not only for themselves, but also for their parents and guests. Raising this child requires enormous patience and endurance from parents, since the future fate of the Pisces child largely depends on this. But with all the contradictory and uneven character of Pisces born in the third decade of the cycle, one cannot fail to note their amazing ability to literally grasp knowledge on the fly.

It happens that, having heard somewhere something new and interesting for them, little Pisces remember this information for the rest of their lives. This applies not only to necessary and useful information, but also to everything that should not be remembered. Therefore, parents of Pisces celebrating their birthday in the third decade should try to protect their children from examples of profanity, incorrect speech, bad behavior, etc. Otherwise, the Pisces child can easily fall into bad company, being under the influence of others.

At school, Pisces are capable students with unconventional thinking, but these people find it very difficult to join the team; very often, from the very first days of school, they take on the image of a “beech.” They are hot-tempered, irritable, conflict-ridden, sometimes teachers regard this behavior of Pisces as bad manners, stubbornness, stubbornness, while such behavior is not the first, not the second and not the third - this is the way of life of Pisces born in the third decade of the cycle.

Complex and contradictory character traits of young Pisces born in the third decade are inherent in them in adulthood.

Pisces of the third decade - from 25 to 45 years

The main problems that representatives of this sign face when looking for work are, as a rule, communication problems. Having received an education, they become true professionals in their field, but in order to get a prestigious job and start moving up the career ladder, they lack tact, patience, communication skills and determination. Knowing that they are wrong, Pisces will still foam at the mouth to prove that they are right, regardless of the fact that in front of them is not a colleague or a friend, but a boss.

In a team, employees try not to offend such a person, do not argue with him, knowing that this is useless. As a result of this behavior, as in school years, people born during this period become outcasts, “scapegoats”, simply outcasts in the team.

It should be noted that most Pisces born in the third decade are well aware of the wrongness of their behavior, but they cannot do anything to correct the situation, and, as a rule, suffer greatly from this. Therefore, Pisces parents should take care from childhood to smooth out such unpleasant character traits of their child.

The Pisces woman is an extraordinary person; she amazingly combines completely opposite qualities: femininity and courage, jealousy and humility, stubbornness and naivety. A man who decides to connect his life with a Pisces woman should not mistakenly believe that he knows his beloved well.

These women, like a complex but interesting book, can be read several times, each time revealing something new. They are unpredictable: yielding to their husband in almost everything, they almost always ensure that he nevertheless does as they see fit. Pisces women born in the third decade choose husbands, as a rule, out of considerations not of love, but of pity. In general, in Pisces women such a character trait as pity is especially strongly developed.

They feel sorry for everyone: the neighbor whose husband left her, the child who fell and broke his knee, the dog who is cold and wants to eat. But most of all, Pisces feel sorry for themselves. This is probably why they most often initiate divorce, the cause of which is not jealousy or betrayal, but precisely self-pity for the beloved.

Pisces of the third decade - from 45 to 60 years

Pisces men are complex and contradictory natures; they are very stubborn and jealous. Suspecting their significant other of treason, they are capable, like Shakespeare's Othello, of killing their beloved. It should be noted that Pisces men born during this period are inimitable lovers. During the courtship period, those born in the third decade can look like a peacock spreading its tail to charm the female. The Pisces man loves to give gifts, simply piling up his beloved with toys larger than her, boxes of chocolates, bouquets of flowers.

But as soon as the beloved makes it clear to the Pisces man that he is not indifferent to her, he immediately changes, becoming selfish, jealous and even cruel. Most representatives of this sign are good parents; they selflessly and jealously take care of their children, often pampering and overindulging them. Pisces parents certainly want the best for their child, sometimes even forgetting about themselves. In old age, the negative character traits of Pisces born in the third decade do not disappear and are not smoothed out at all.

Pisces of the third decade - from 60 years and older

Elderly Pisces become overly thrifty and thrifty, they bring into the house everything that comes to hand: from an old tube TV, which for some reason the neighbors threw away, to cans, bottles, boxes - maybe they will come in handy around the house.

Women love to gossip with their friends about the family life of the residents of the house, about the weather, about the changes coming in the world. In old age, many Pisces of the third decade reveal the gift of foresight; they are truly able to guess what will happen in the future; they often have prophetic dreams.

For Pisces born in the third decade to have a successful life, it is simply necessary that they be surrounded by their native elements. It is better for these people not to choose representatives of the air element (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) as life partners. Prone to all sorts of plans and perspectives, representatives of these signs will cause protest in Pisces, swimming against the current, and in the end they will still disappear into the depths of the next wave.

The most important years in the life of Pisces in the third decade

In the life of Pisces in the third decade, the stars predetermined several periods that will significantly affect their fate. The 19th, 23rd, 32nd and 63rd years are fateful.



Ized Day Rammana- patron of wealth, abundance, elemental forces of nature. Associated with the accumulation and use of enormous energies. Suitable for collective events, mass celebrations, display of personal achievements in front of a large number of people. The energy of this day must be directed in a creative direction, for the improvement of the surrounding space. Time to resolve major financial issues, move to a new job or move, enter into a marriage, sign important contracts. Suitable for collecting and preparing mushrooms, performing labor-intensive housework, and raising the younger generation. Efforts made to destroy harmful insects - flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs, cockroaches - will be effective.
Signs that indicate the destruction of your protection and your incorrect behavior are a stopped clock, broken measuring instruments, the appearance of pimples, or something falling under the floor. Leaves falling on you mean you will receive money.
Mushrooms, fish, pies are suitable for food. It is better not to eat meat.
Totem of the day - Eagle with the head of a dog. A person born on this day is usually calm until a storm breaks out or a big deal comes up. They are ready to do a lot for others, are friendly and loving, love to be with the team, and defend the interests of society. They sense lies and injustice and do not tolerate dictates and pressure. They can manifest themselves unexpectedly and unexpectedly.
Antitotem - Wolverine, - gloomy and terribly evil, very greedy, silent. He attacks only the weak, has no friends, and steals everything. Persistent and arrogant, she can be insidious in order to achieve her goal.
On this day, pay attention to your skin, it becomes very sensitive. Do not come into contact with various aggressive chemicals, protect the skin of your hands, and avoid prolonged sunbathing.
The item of power is lightning. A symbol of gigantic forces opposing creation to destruction.

A good deed is the birth and raising of children, restraint and absence of anger.
The flower (plant) of the day is yellow chrysanthemum.


This is the day cotton wool- patron of the wind. The wind in its various forms, blowing from all directions of the world, in the mountains, plains, steppes. This wind brings change, symbolizes the constant flow of life, the exchange of energy. On this day, the plans outlined may change in accordance with the current situation. Sudden changes and new acquaintances are possible. You can go on hikes, travel, rearrange the furniture in the house, change your place of work. Try to be in the air, open spaces, fill yourself with natural energy. Any stagnation on this day is not recommended.
All signs of this day are associated with wind and smells. If you smell an unpleasant odor, this is a sign of possible danger. Try not to use harsh perfumes and deodorants, feel the surrounding space. A tailwind is a good sign, indicating favorable opportunities. Your belongings and objects blown away by the wind indicate obstacles and removal of protection. The expression “keep your nose to the wind” is appropriate for this day.
It will be useful to eat flatbreads, cookies, nuts, seeds, legumes, cereals, fruits, and make various salads. You can drink light wine, juice, tea.
Baths and massages are good for health. Take care of your respiratory organs, do not inhale acrid smoke, do not be in a polluted and stuffy atmosphere.
The sacred animal and totem of this day is white Ermine. Characterized by honesty, devotion, mobility, sensitivity and subtlety of soul. Such a person has many friends, is very sociable and easy-going. He does not like routine, monotony, monotony. Always ready to help.
The antitotem of the day is Centipede. He has a boring character, preoccupation, and suspicion. Afraid of changes, changes, so as not to lose what has already been accumulated. She is slow, does not like society and new acquaintances, sees the bad in everything, tries to live alone. It is difficult to assimilate information.
Object of power - wheel, throwing disc, boomerang. Energy management symbol.

A good deed is nobility.
The flower (plant) of the day is lemon balm.


The day is dedicated Vayu- the great emptiness from which everything came and came out. Associated with liberation from unnecessary things, with the manifestation of lightness and tuning into the subtle energies of the Cosmos. On this day, you can start everything from scratch, without clinging to the old. Suitable for signing contracts, preparing legal issues, holding weddings and celebrations, presentations of new products and services. It is not recommended to restore the old, to be sad and remember the bad. You can do handicrafts, create timeless works, showing your creative spark. Love, joy, fun - these are the bright aspects of this day.
Signs related to water - a leaking faucet, wet feet, neighbors flooded - mean some kind of material problems, business losses.
It's a medical day. You can carry out diagnostics of the body, preventive treatment, and cleansing procedures, except for donor procedures. Well suited for preparing medicines and tinctures, collecting various plants. Live according to a free schedule, do not limit yourself, but know the limit in everything.
You can eat a variety of aromatic foods that are airy and light. Fluid intake should be kept to a minimum.
Totem of the day - white Spider. He has a friendly and open character, but is freedom-loving and independent. He is distinguished by his efficiency, ingenuity, and knowledge in many areas. He has unsurpassed skill in his field of activity and can teach this to others. Such people are often craftsmen, shoemakers, watchmakers, doctors and pharmacists. They do not tolerate slackers and slobs, they do not tolerate dirt and disorder.
Antitotem is vile and intrusive Mosquito. He doesn’t need anything, doesn’t want to do anything and doesn’t take care of himself. He loves freebies, uses other people's fruits, and clings to an easy source of income and food. His house is always littered with all sorts of rubbish, full of dust and garbage. Indifferent to himself and others.
The object of power is a mirror ball. This is a symbol of concentration of energy and attention.

A good deed is not to succumb to apathy and laziness.
The flower (plant) of the day is saffron.


The patron saint of this day is Ized Daena, which means a person’s faith in a higher world. This is a day of testing beliefs, worldview, and attitude towards the spiritual world. All negative qualities, pushing for provocations and low actions can be activated. We must strive for the good, for the purification of our thoughts and deeds. It’s better to start cleaning the house, taking out the trash, making repairs, restoring old, still useful things. Put everything in order, analyze your daily routine. Everywhere should be clean and shiny, because dirt and disorder attract negative energy and illness. Suitable for preparing various medicines and cleansing procedures. Unfavorable for group events, new acquaintances and communication. It is better to postpone holidays and entertainment events to other days.
Cuts, abrasions, insect bites, and torn and mud-stained clothing may indicate your internal contamination. Think about your behavior and lifestyle. The most obvious sign of a person’s inner defilement is dirt under the nails and the reluctance to remove it.
Diseases that arise and manifest themselves on this day are treated by the faith of the sick person in recovery. Usually they are associated with disbelief in anything higher and spiritual, with cynicism and sloppiness. Therefore, there is a danger of infectious diseases.
The totem of the day is black Woodpecker with a red cap. People of this birthday are usually hardworking, punctual, meticulous to detail, efficient and firm in their beliefs. They have good abilities for restoration, for restoring destroyed and broken things. They notice any small detail and have regenerative and healing abilities. These are space cleaners and restorers of harmony.
Antitotem - Bug-the bark beetle, which secretly undermines faith, undermines the truth. Nothing is sacred to them. They can mock everything that is bright and pure, while they themselves live in dirt and ignorance. Their character is greedy, arrogant and boorish. But they try to use cunning to benefit themselves.
An object of power - a spindle, a mortar, a fan - are symbols of healing and purity.

A good deed is to find the highest meaning of life.
The flower (plant) of the day is a rose.


This is the day of the patron saint of truth and truth - Izeda Asha, which also means happiness. One of the clean and bright days, the awakening of higher powers and the receipt of revelations. Grace and protection are shed on people, harmony is restored. It is necessary to demonstrate virtue in everything, the established world order, and help others in word and deed. You cannot offend either people or animals. It’s better not to start new things or go on a trip. Try to put up with offenders and opponents, restore justice and clarify the truth. You can do repairs, wet cleaning, family and household chores. It’s good to work in nature, plant trees and flowers. Day of creative realization, embodiment of creative ideas. Favorable for holidays, weddings, various outdoor games, hardening with water and air.
Signs of your wrong choice of life position are emerging anxiety, irritability, and dissatisfaction. It is a bad sign if a bird has soiled you or a flower in the house has withered - an indication of your negative thoughts and deeds.
On this day, the manifestation of various chronic diseases is possible, especially watch your throat and thyroid gland - they become sensitive and vulnerable. Porridge, soups, and salads are suitable for food. It is not recommended to eat meat.
Twenty-fifth day totem – white mountain goat – Chamois. These people are very active, musical, they have good plasticity and a sense of rhythm. They do not like routine and monotony, they do not cling to old habits, they are good actors and dancers. Everyone is treated equally and without prejudice. They are independent, do not like to sit on people's necks, but they themselves are responsive and friendly. They do not refuse help to those in need. They have the gift of a teacher and mentor.
Antitotem of this day - Crocodile who is waiting for his opportune moment to benefit or grab something for himself. He doesn’t care about anyone, he doesn’t consider anyone and doesn’t choose the means to achieve his goals. He is very greedy, petty and cynical. He doesn’t like to work, you won’t get any help from him.
The object of power is a blanket, a net. This is a symbol of shelter from dark forces and entangling them.

A good deed is faith in truth and goodness.
Flower (plant) of the day – wild flowers, wildflowers.


A good deed is exposing lies.


The day is dedicated to the patron saint of Heaven - Ized Asman. It is associated with endless air spaces, lightness and carefreeness. This is the best day for implementing creative projects, writing poetry, paintings and music. Listen to the voice of the sky, watch the clouds and celestial signs. On this day, a person is cleansed of everything unnecessary and far-fetched by taking a walk in a field or in the forest and communicating with nature. Try not to stay in stuffy, enclosed spaces for a long time, avoid seclusion and don’t feel sad. Make new acquaintances, communicate, bring joy and happiness to others, be attentive and indulgent towards others. The day is favorable for discovering your talents, mastering new knowledge and skills.
If you cut yourself or get caught on something, fall from any height or break a nail - all these troubles speak of your unclean soul, internal pollution and preoccupation with unnecessary problems. Think about your behavior and give up painful and obsessive thoughts. And good signs of this day are a rainbow or rain when the sun is shining.
The lungs and chest are vulnerable on this day. Beware of too cold air or strong wind to avoid catching a cold.
Totem of the day - Martin. Cheerful, cheerful and restless. She always has many friends, a bright and eventful life. Lots of music and celebrations. She supports other people with her optimism and does not tolerate despondency and sadness.
Cuckoo- the antitotem of this day, always crying and touchy, puzzles everyone with her problems, pesters with requests and takes away time.
The object of power is a gaff, a net that captures the energy of inspiration.

A good deed is spreading joy.
The flower (plant) of the day is basil.


This is the day of the patron saint of the underworld - Zema. This is where the word "earth" comes from. One of the tense days in which you need to be attentive to everything, not give in to provocations and temptations, watch your thoughts and words, and not offend anyone. Reduce your contacts, think about your actions and deeds, and as a result, perhaps you will receive answers to long-standing questions. This is a time for spring cleaning, clearing the way forward, both literally and figuratively. It’s better not to start new things, but to start restoring the functionality of something. You can delve into history or genealogy, harvest herbs and store supplies for the winter in the cellar or basement. On this day, ancestors are remembered.
If someone calls you by name, this is a sign of help from above, which means you have protection. Turned off water and a broken window speak of failures and trials.
When it comes to health, pay attention to your gut. We must not allow it to become disordered or blocked. It is better not to mix meat, vegetable and dairy products, but to eat them separately.
The totem of the day is Crow. His qualities: rigor, taciturnity, independence and freedom, the gift of foresight. For him, truth and content are important, not external form. He is skeptical about everything, exposes evil and deceivers, his words have power and weight.
Antitotem - Chameleon who changes his views and beliefs, adapts to the situation, ingratiates himself with trust, is an opportunist and a careerist. You cannot rely on him and wait for help. And he uses others for his own purposes.
The object of power is a shovel, as a symbol of penetration into secret knowledge.

A good deed is the struggle with your shortcomings.

The flower (plant) of the day is saffron.


A good deed is victory over fear.
The flower (plant) of the day is mustard.


The final day of the solar month and its patron - Spenta Manyu, the Holy Spirit himself. The day of summing up what has been lived, freeing oneself from the unnecessary and outdated. It is not recommended to start new businesses or go on trips or hold public events. It is better to start systematizing and analyzing your activities, choose the right direction, and seek advice in a narrow family circle. A good day for creative development, manifestation of talents, and self-realization. May find inspiration, answer a question. In your home, try to turn on more light, avoid darkness and dark corners. It's good to light the candles.
Signs are associated with fire, light and flashes, as an indication of the chosen path and actions.
A favorable day for diagnosing the whole body, washing and cleansing. The consumption of any alcoholic beverages is contraindicated. Food should consist mainly of dairy products.
Totem of the day - Peacock or Firebird. He is distinguished by his brightness, the brilliance of his talents, and his standing out from the crowd. Loves beautiful and colorful outfits and attracts attention. He does not like to trifle and be modest, does not tolerate constraint and tediousness. Can be a good mentor, teacher, and take responsibility. He can handle a lot.
Antitotem is a monster that is even difficult to imagine: some kind of warty mixture Toads And Lizards. He has a difficult character, does not like society, hides behind other people's backs. Plays opposites off against each other, forces others to live by their own interests. Doesn't believe in anything bright and beautiful. Lives only by base instincts.
Item of power - rosary, stone beads, necklace. Establish protective contact with your guardian angel.

A good deed is guiding others on the righteous path.
The flower (plant) of the day is wheat.

In the third decade, from November 21 to 30, we celebrate 6 holidays and give discounts on products specially selected for these holidays.

date Holiday Festive assortment Discount from 21.11 to 30.11
November 21 World Greetings Day Antiseptic hand cream-gel "VELVET HANDLES", antibacterial wipes "SUPERFRESH" 25%
November 22 Sons Day Shower gels, shampoos “AXE”, flashlights “FOTON” 25%
November 23 The day of getting up off the wrong foot Foot creams “ONE HUNDRED RECIPES OF BEAUTY” and “CLEAN LINE” 25%
November 25 Mothers Day Gift sets "DOVE" 25%
November 26 International Shoemaker's Day Shoe sponges "DIVIDIC" in assortment 25%
November 28 Guryev day “SPLAT SPECIAL” toothpastes, “SPLAT KIDS” toothpastes and brushes (2-6 years old) and “JUNIOR” toothpastes (6-11 years old) 25%

ATTENTION! The discount indicated in the table is valid for the entire third decade.

21.11 world greetings day

Think about how we greet our acquaintances? We throw out a quick “Hello” or “hello”, shake hands as we go, and sometimes we just get by with a nod of the head. It's a pity that in the bustle of everyday life we ​​forget about the importance of greetings. But this is a whole ritual. In Russia, since ancient times, people have asked about their health when they meet, and to this day they shake hands as a greeting gesture. the site welcomes its beloved customers and, of course, takes care of their health.

Don't forget to equip yourself and your loved ones with killer weapons against 99% of bacteria - antiseptic hand gel "VELVET HANDLES" and antibacterial wipes SUPERFRESH. After all, they have a 25% discount for the entire third decade!

Easy to buy!

11/22 sons day

The birth of a son is a great joy. After all, he will grow up and become the successor of the family, the protector and support of the family. My son is my pride, a tireless explorer of all the trees in the yard, all the bumps on which one can pick up cones. A dreamer, a future pilot, astronaut, football player or the most inventive scientist. Our sons make our every day special - they take us on their long journeys. We are flying with them to conquer space. With each of their victories, we ourselves become champions.

Be sure to congratulate your beloved little and already big boys and please them with shower gel or AX shampoo, funny and much-needed “PHOTON” flashlights.

Especially for you, they are at a 25% discount for the entire third decade!

23.11 day of getting up from that leg

Often we attribute the failures of the day or our bad mood to the wrong choice of foot when waking up. The phrase “got off on the wrong foot” has thoroughly taken root in our everyday life. the site knows how to make your every day easy, fresh and just “on the right foot.” It's very simple - don't forget to pamper your heels with foot creams.

For the entire third decade we are giving you a 25% discount on them. Agree, this is a great reason to make every day a success! Easy to buy!

25.11 Mother's Day

One of the most tender and touching holidays. Mom is the closest, dearest, most beloved and dearest person. All her life she surrounds us with care, gives us warmth and affection. All pleasant memories are always associated with mom - a goodnight kiss, gentle hands, the most delicious pie, a warm and soft sweater... Everyone has their own list. Having become adults, we do not change our habits, we continue to share our victories, our happiness, our excitement and failures with our mother. Agree, our mothers deserve the best!

Give them care, love, tenderness every day, and today remind them again how beautiful they are and pamper them with the DOVE gift set.

For the entire third decade only for you and your mothers they are at a 25% discount. Easy to buy!

November 26th International Shoemaker's Day

On this day we congratulate the craftsmen and artisans involved in the manufacture and repair of shoes. Thanks to them for our beloved boots and shoes. We promise to wear them carefully, not run through puddles, constantly clean them and even take care of them. We will use impregnation, creams, wax and other special cleaning products! You can get your shoes in excellent condition anytime, anywhere with the help of
