The essence of the Montignac diet: stages, sample menu for the week, recipes. Montignac method of weight loss, especially for women Nutrition according to the Montignac method

French nutritionist Michel Montignac in the 1990s created a diet based on calculating the glycemic indices of foods. Having tried this principle of nutrition on himself, he lost sixteen kilograms in three months. Today, the effectiveness of this dietary nutrition system is recognized by nutritionists at the world level.

Basic principles and rules of nutrition in phases 1 and 2 of the Montignac diet - in the table

When creating his nutritional system, Michel Montignac was based on the effect of food on blood sugar levels. The level of such impact is measured by an indicator called glycemic index (GI) .

Simply put, foods that have a high GI are much more increase blood sugar levels than foods with a low glycemic index.

If the blood sugar level becomes higher than normal, the human body's pancreas begins to produce hormone insulin . The presence of insulin in the blood reduces sugar levels - the process stabilizes.

The constant presence of foods with a high glycemic index in the diet can lead to problems with insulin recognition . In this case, the blood sugar level does not decrease, and the body's production of insulin becomes excessive. This, in turn, disrupts the functioning of several enzymes and leads to the appearance of fatty deposits and weight gain.

Basic principles of the Montignac diet:

  • eating healthy and nutritious foods;
  • restriction in the diet of carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index;
  • exclusion from the diet of saturated fatty acids (butter, animal fats);
  • inclusion in the diet of foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids;
  • animal or plant proteins must be combined with each other.

The complete Montignac diet consists of two stages.

Nutrition rules and allowed foods in phase 1

The first phase is aimed at weight loss. To do this, carbohydrate intake should be sharply limited. You can only eat foods that contain low carbohydrates. no more than 36 , glycemic index.

At this stage, the Michel Montignac diet suggests eating foods that will not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Due to a well-designed diet in the body no fat accumulation occurs , and existing fat deposits burn, releasing energy.

At the first stage of the Montignac diet for weight loss, it is important to focus on products with the lowest GI.

The glycemic index table accompanying the Montignac diet is as follows:

Nutrition rules and allowed foods in phase 2

At the second stage of the Montignac diet, special attention should be paid consolidation of achieved results. The extra pounds lost in the first phase should not return. To stabilize the result, you need to continue to adhere to the same nutritional principles, slightly expanding your diet to include permitted foods.

An important point for the second phase of the Montignac diet is the use at least two liters of clean drinking water daily .

The remaining principles that should be adhered to at this stage are as follows:

  • drink decaffeinated;
  • do not eat sweets in the form of honey, sugar, jam or sweets;
  • do not allow yourself lemonades and similar drinks;
  • refrain from flour and baked goods;
  • There is only coarse bread;
  • eat a lot of fish;
  • gradually add whole foods, legumes, vegetable margarine to the diet;
  • if fats are mixed with carbohydrates in the diet, you need to balance this with fiber;
  • do not abuse harmful carbohydrates.
"Bad" carbohydrates found in boiled carrots, soups and instant purees, white bread, cookies, corn, beets, melon and bananas, refined rice, premium pasta, sugar and glucose.

Menu for the first 7 days

When creating a menu, you should use lists of permitted products.


1st Breakfast. Fresh fruit (you can take 2 pears or an orange).
2nd Breakfast. A slice of bran bread, pearl barley porridge, low-fat milk, coffee (necessarily decaffeinated).
Dinner. Red cabbage salad, mackerel with white wine or fried cod with cheese and breadcrumbs. Weak tea.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, ham, low-fat yogurt. Still mineral water or tea.


1st Breakfast. Low-fat yogurt, tangerine.
2nd Breakfast. Herbal tea, unsweetened muesli, sugar-free marmalade.
Dinner. Carrot salad with lemon juice or olive oil, spinach, two small slices of cheese. Juice or black tea.
Dinner. Tomato salad, lentils or beans in soy sauce. Mineral water without gas.


1st Breakfast. Kiwi.
2nd Breakfast. Wholemeal bread with unsweetened jam, decaffeinated coffee with skim milk.
Dinner. Roast beef, salad, slice of cheese, fish appetizer. A glass of herbal tea or orange juice.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, low-fat yogurt, boiled beans or beans. Still water or homemade lemonade without sugar.


1st Breakfast. Fried eggs.
2nd Breakfast. Coffee with low-fat milk, a little ham.
Dinner. Radish salad with sour cream, grilled hake fillet. Tea.
Dinner. Cauliflower baked with cheese, green salad, low-fat yogurt. Water.


1st Breakfast. Freshly squeezed orange juice.
2nd Breakfast. Muesli with milk, tea.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, boiled chicken breast, white wine or weak tea.
Dinner. Boiled brown rice with tomatoes, water.


1st Breakfast. Apple, low-fat yogurt.
2nd Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, coffee or still mineral water.
Dinner. Avocado salad, veal with vegetables, water or weak tea.
Dinner. Boiled durum wheat pasta, a slice of ham, green salad.


1st Breakfast. A couple of slices of bran bread, low-fat milk.
2nd Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, decaffeinated coffee.
Dinner. Fish fillet with baked vegetables or arugula salad with shrimp, tea.
Dinner. Berries and fruits.

Pros and positive results of losing weight

Following the rules of this nutrition system and the glycemic index table helps to achieve positive results in 2-3 months .

The undoubted advantages of such nutrition are that:

  1. First of all, the metabolism in the body is normalized.
  2. The diet does not require salt restrictions.
  3. It is permissible to eat everything that a person is accustomed to, even baked goods and sweets - it is important not to abuse this.
  4. All permitted products have high nutritional value.
  5. During this food system, a person has practically no feeling of hunger.
  6. During the diet, the body is saturated with a large amount of vitamins and microelements.
  7. The choice of products is wide; a person can create his own diet from the most preferred food.

In addition, followers of this diet the accumulated muscle mass is preserved. The table of healthy foods included with Michel Montignac's diet is very extensive, so the French nutritionist's nutritional system is easier to follow than classic diets.

This diet is especially suitable for women with a pear-shaped body.

The results of Michel Montignac's dietary nutrition system are clearly shown in the photographs below:

Harm of diet and contraindications

A significant drawback of the French nutritionist's nutritional system is the need to memorize a large number of glycemic indices . However, in the Montignac diet, the table of recommended foods helps not strain your memory too much.

Despite the fact that the results of the Montignac diet are most often positive, this nutritional system is not recommended for people:

  • Those suffering from mental illness.
  • With impaired metabolism.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnant women.
  • During the recovery period after a long illness.
  • During postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Teenagers during puberty.

The main disadvantages of the French diet include:

  1. Its lack of balance.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the ratio between fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  3. We have to constantly decide how to diversify our diet.
  4. Avoidance of alcoholic beverages is required.
  5. The diet requires a fairly long (about 2-3 months) adherence to achieve results.
  6. Difficulties associated with limiting fat if there is an increase in protein intake.
  7. Constant monitoring of the glycemic load so that it does not exceed the norm.

What do experts think about this power system?

You can hear mixed reviews from nutritionists about the Montignac diet.

  • Some doctors note the fact that the diet is somewhat outdated.
  • In addition, they see a discrepancy in the fact that the diet does not take into account the calorie content of food , while advocating the separation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • Questioned by skeptics dependence of the entire nutrition system on the glycemic index of foods .
  • There is also a reason for criticism high protein food in the Montignac diet.

The complexity associated with the glycemic index is compounded by the fact that it is not constant. The glycemic index is different for fresh and not-so-fresh foods; it varies for the same food prepared in different ways.

According to experts, the weak point of the diet is that its author’s approach to Michelle Montignac does not pay any attention to them, placing responsibility for losing extra pounds solely on the diet.

At the same time, doctors’ reviews of the Montignac diet can also be found positive. Important, that People on a diet do not feel hungry and do not feel any particular restrictions in food.

“I’m against diets, but still I really liked this one, just the way I like it. And you can sit on it for the rest of your life.

And this is the Montignac diet.

The idea is simple: exclude foods with a GI (glycemic index) of more than 35.

After all, this allows you not only to lose weight, but also to normalize blood vessels and get rid of cholesterol.

There are many foods with low GI, so the diet will be varied and fats and proteins are not excluded (the recommendations for them are simply followed), and therefore balanced.

Another thing I don’t even know is a plus or a minus - you are allowed to drink wine. You won’t find this everywhere and not in all diets.

As with any diet, there are some disadvantages, but compared to others, I think they are not significant (you can first look at the table of foods with GI<35).

So eat right and stay healthy!”

Experts who welcome the diet talk about the correct focus of the method. In studies conducted by a Canadian university over several years, changes in blood triglyceride levels were noted at the very beginning of the diet.

If you search on the Internet for reviews of those who have lost weight on the Montignac diet, the real the effectiveness of the food system proposed by the French . People write about how they managed to lose 10-12 kilograms in six months. Thanks to this diet, someone lost 16 kg in five months, and someone, having chosen this style of eating for themselves, lost as much as forty kilograms over the course of two years.

Inna, 27 years old: “I used to be fond of mono-diets and ate everything: buckwheat, rice, kefir, dried fruits, even dark chocolate. The result is always the same - the lost weight comes back. Therefore, I started looking on the Internet for systems for slow, healthy weight loss and came across the Montignac diet. Here it is allowed to consume foods with a low glycemic index (up to 35) in large quantities, and the rest - in moderation. It’s convenient that you don’t need to count calories. When preparing a diet, you simply check the foods against the table. I liked the Montignac diet because I hardly felt hungry. The only difficulty was giving up sweets. I’ve lost 8 kg in 3 months and I’m not going to stop.”

Veronica, 31 years old: “The Montignac diet is effective, but it is not suitable for those with a sweet tooth and gourmets. My husband couldn’t stand it even for a week, and I’ve been in jail for 2 months. On the scales - minus 4.5 kg. I mainly eat vegetable salads, beans, chicken fillet, mushrooms, and low-fat milk. I fell in love with dark chocolate (70% cocoa), although previously I only ate milk chocolate. I hope when I move on to phase 2, the lost kilograms will not return.”

Natalya, 25 years old: “Nutrition according to Montignac is another pseudo-healthy system from a nutrition guru. For some reason, everyone writes that there is no feeling of hunger on this diet. Are you kidding me??? Due to the fact that you have to eat foods with a low glycemic index, blood glucose is constantly low. And this is not only hunger, but also fatigue, irritability, and loss of strength. On Montignac (at least at the beginning) you cannot even eat such normal foods as potatoes, carrots, beets, and pumpkin. They supposedly contain tons of sugar. Many fruits are included in the “black” list, and sweets are generally a universal evil. I was on the Montignac diet for 3 days and almost fainted from weakness. I don’t want any more, thank you.”

Vlad, 39 years old: “Today is exactly one year since I have been on the Montignac diet. I lost weight from 118 to 83 kg (my height is 180 cm) and I feel great. Previously, my legs would swell and my stomach would periodically hurt, but now these problems have disappeared. It's hard to get through the first phase. It seems like you don’t need to count calories, but in fact you eat low-calorie foods: vegetables, unsweetened fruits, milk, lean meat. Then you can eat almost everything, but in moderation. I decided for myself that I would continue to eat according to Montignac unless nutritionists come up with something better.”

Vladimir, 29 years old: “I learned about the Montignac diet from a friend on a social network. She lost so much weight in a year that she turned into a real beauty. I myself couldn’t boast of an ideal physique, so I decided to try it. I sat from February to June and lost 8 kg. But as soon as I returned to a normal diet, I gained 12 kg in six months. My friend is still sitting there, but I can’t do this - without fried meat, flour, sugar. And what they write about the restructuring of metabolism on the Montignac diet is complete nonsense.”

Everyone's results are different, of course. But anyone can lose 5 or 6 kilograms in 2 months of dieting.

The Montignac method is a set of principles leading to changes in eating habits. The nutritionist’s theory allows you not to limit the amount of food consumed, but to correctly formulate a daily menu, saturating the body with “good” food.

Kylie Minogue, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Renee Zellweger, Alicia Silverstone and Catherine Zeta-Jones are adherents of the French weight loss method founded by Michel Montignac.

The nutritionist suggested the most acceptable way to lose weight without limiting the amount of food you eat. His slogan “Eat to lose weight” has become a salvation for overweight people in the struggle for a slim body and a healthy body.

Don't indulge your fleeting dietary needs. Your decision to lose weight should be conscious, mature as your own choice and work for the long term. Any instant decisions inexorably lead to disappointments. Michel Montignac

Montignac method of weight loss especially for women: eat and lose weight

The Montignac method can hardly be called a diet, since the system developed by a nutritionist involves significant adjustments in eating habits. The method is systematized in two periods (Phases), the first of which is designed for rapid weight loss, the second for stabilization and consolidation of the result.

The main functions of the hormone insulin are to lower glycemia and form a “fuel reserve” of the body in the form of fat reserves. Reacting to the ingress of glucose, the pancreas injects an amount of insulin proportional to the level of glycemia.

With prolonged intake of “bad” sugar into the body, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, which, in order to lower glucose levels, begins to produce an excess amount of the hormone, which in turn contributes to the accumulation of reserve fat masses.

The first stage of the Method (Phase 1) is aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the thyroid gland by taking exclusively foods that cause low glycemia.

Montignac Nutrition Secrets: Montignac Foods

The basic principles of the Method are applied in all Phases of weight loss and are the main basis for achieving the desired result in weight loss.

  • Eat fruit 15-30 minutes before eating so that the nutrients have time to be absorbed. It is preferable to start every breakfast (except for protein-lipid breakfast) with fruit or fresh squeezed juice.
  • Try eat at least 3 times a day and stick to meal times.
  • Replace confectionery and bakery products made from white high-grade flour with gray or black wholemeal bread, consuming it at breakfast or lunch.
  • Beer is one of the main taboos Method. The drink contains malt, which increases the level of glycemia, which causes fatigue.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, packaged juices, nectars, and soda. In addition to the high content of synthetic additives, the products contain sugar, which leads to a significant increase in the glycemic index. Besides, any drinks containing carbon dioxide contribute to the formation of the hated cellulite.
  • Watch for moderate consumption of complex fats (cream, butter, beef, pork, lamb), which destroy the cardiovascular system. Minimize the consumption of such products by replacing them eggs, poultry, sunflower and olive oil, duck and goose fat.
  • Try replacing regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee. An acceptable alternative to this drink is chicory, a weak tea.
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Allowed for consumption dairy products with low (preferably zero - in the first Phase) fat content.
  • Give preference whole grain porridge(millet, pearl barley, buckwheat, wheat), instead of muesli and instant products.
  • Give up white rice, or replace it with unrefined, brown.
  • Be moderate in your consumption potatoes(no more than once a week). In addition, it is advisable not to bake it in the oven, but to boil it in the peel.
  • Limit your intake significantly Sahara. Those who cannot drink unsweetened tea or coffee can use sweeteners or honey.
  • Taboo: pasta, semolina, any baked goods.
  • You can't feel hungry! The body tends to “prepare for difficult times” by accumulating fat reserves. If a person is constantly hungry, the body’s precautionary mechanism will gradually begin to store incoming glucose in fat folds.

Phase 1. Nutritional features

The nutrition proposed by Michel in the first phase involves adjusting the activity of the pancreas.

The first stage of the method developed by Montignac for significant weight loss does not involve limiting the amount of food consumed, but the reasonable replacement of “bad” foods with “good” ones.

Herself The phase can last from one to three months, depending on the individual goals of the person losing weight and the characteristics of his body. In the first phase, significant weight loss is achieved by stopping the use of:

  • white rice
  • potatoes
  • alcohol
  • fatty meat
  • Sahara
  • baking
  • any types of sweets, except natural jam and honey
  • white flour bread and pasta

However, even in exceptions, you must adhere to the rules:

  • Before drinking alcohol, even if it is an aperitif, you need to eat something.
  • All exceptions must be examples of quality and gastronomy. Give up forever cheap sweets, snacks, and other products that do not bring true taste pleasure.
  • Try not to abuse exceptions, since frequent “breakdowns” threaten a return to old eating habits.

Montignac diet: recipes

Michel Montignac suggests eating 3 times a day, and instead of afternoon snacks, eat dried fruits, hard cheese, nuts and fresh fruits.

Different types of breakfast:

  • Carbohydrate breakfast
    It should be solid and consist of “good” carbohydrates (whole cereals, black or gray bran bread, natural sugar-free jams), dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, zero-fat yogurt), decoinized coffee (weak tea, chicory or soy juice).
  • Fruit breakfast
    May consist of citrus fruits, apples, pears, mangoes, apricots, plums, strawberries, sometimes cherries, grapes, dates, prunes, dried fruits are allowed. It is worth giving up bananas, canned and crystallized fruits.

  • Protein-lipid breakfast
    Its menu may include scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, bacon, scrambled eggs, boiled ham, cheeses, sausages; various types of baked goods, coffee, honey, jam are strictly prohibited.

  • Dinner. Consists of a starter, main course, cheese or low-fat yogurt.
  • Snack may be raw vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, shellfish, other seafood or eggs.

Snacks that cause low lycemia
  • IN main course It is preferable to choose fish that has been steamed, oven-baked or grilled. It can be eaten without quantitative restrictions, but it should not be dredged in flour or batter with bread crumbs.

Low GI Carbohydrate Main Course
  • Dinner is always easy and is carried out no less than 2 hours before going to bed. Vegetable soups would be appropriate in the diet: leeks, cabbage, zucchini, celery, omelettes, vegetable salads, boiled lean meat, peas or lentils

Montignac diet menu for a week

Asterisks indicate exceptions (* - small, ** - large), which apply exclusively to the second Phase of the diet.

First day:

Second day:

The third day:

Fourth day:

Fifth day:

Sixth day:

Seventh day:

Recipes for the diet from Montignac

Although the Montignac Method is based on French cuisine, the food can be easily adapted to our gastronomic preferences. Most people who are losing weight will enjoy vegetable puree soups, steamed, grilled or oven-baked fish, veal, and poultry.

Michel is confident that the process of preparing food is one of the important principles of changing eating habits.

RECIPE 1. Salad with mushrooms and cheese

Champignons (marinated), cheese (soft varieties), egg, mayonnaise (homemade), herbs, a little ham (optional without it). Drain, dry the champignons, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the boiled egg and ham (optional), add mayonnaise.

Instead of mayonnaise, you can use olive or sunflower oil; for a refined taste, add breadcrumbs or dried bread, sesame seeds, and lettuce.

RECIPE 2. Baked chicken breast with cheese.

Salt the meat (or pour a few tablespoons of soy sauce), pepper, drizzle a little olive oil, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and herbs, place a tomato ring on top and wrap in foil.

Bake in the oven for 18-25 minutes.

RECIPE 3. Zucchini soup

1 onion, 2 medium zucchini, 1 clove of garlic, curry powder, 120-150 ml cream, 0.5 l chicken broth.

Finely chop the onion, chop the zucchini into slices. Sauté the chopped onion and zucchini in a frying pan with butter - they should be soft, but not fried. Transfer the vegetables to a blender and beat well, add broth, curry and cream, mix in a blender, heat to a boil.

Montignac diet: reviews from those who have lost weight

After the death of the famous French nutritionist Michel Montignac, a lot of conflicting information appeared about the reliability and effectiveness of his author's Weight Loss Method. A large number of guesses and other subjective assessments link the Frenchman’s death with his diet.

Svetlana, 32 years old. The period to achieve ideal weight is 2 months.

However, the positive results of his Method make themselves felt and many people following the French diet continue to lose those hated pounds.

The period of volume reduction is 3 months. Complete loss of kilograms and weight stabilization is observed after 8 months of following the Method.

In addition to positive reviews, there are a large number of people dissatisfied with the Method. Basically, it brings zero results lack of awareness of the dieter about the features of the diet.

Using Montignac's techniques taken out of context for weight loss, it is impossible to achieve long-term weight loss. Only close study of the Method, its understanding and adherence, contributes to the achievement of visible success.

Video: 10 best diets in the world - Michel Montignac Diet

"About Michel's book Montignac I learned “Nutrition Secrets” from an article, I think, in Time magazine. I was struck by a completely new principle of approach to the process of losing weight. This method is called the weight loss method Montignac. Montignac diet based on the principle of combining carbohydrates with fats."

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": Introduction Michel Method Montignac Many famous people have tried it on themselves. Montignac argued that any restrictive diets lead to the fact that as soon as you stop following them, the weight is sure to be restored, and in excess.

Montignac "Nutrition Secrets": Overweight. Obesity Montignac argues that overweight, and especially obesity, is a social phenomenon. This is to some extent a by-product of civilization. If you follow the way of life in primitive societies, you can...

Montignac "Secrets of nutrition": Losing weight according to Montignac WEIGHT LOSS BY MONTIGNAC: Over the past years, when people have asked me how I lost weight or what I do to stay in shape, I have always answered, “I dine out and attend business functions.”

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": The Calorie Theory Theory of Weight Loss Based on Calorie-Free diet, will remain unquestionably the greatest scientific fallacy of the twentieth century. This is a hoax, a simplified and dangerous hypothesis that has no real scientific basis, claims Michel Montignac.

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": Proteins Proteins are organic substances that are the building material for all living things. Our bones, muscles, skin, blood, lymph, etc. - everything contains protein.

Montignac "Nutrition Secrets": Carbohydrates. Glycemic index Carbohydrates are substances whose molecules consist of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. As a result of metabolism, they are converted into glucose - an important energy source for the body.

Montignac "Nutrition Secrets": Fats (lipids) Weight loss by Montignac: “You always need to make a choice between “good” and “bad” carbohydrates, between “bad” and “good” lipids (fats).”

Montignac "Nutrition Secrets": Fiber (fiber) Fiber has virtually no energy value, but plays an important role in the digestion process. Cellulose, lignin, pectin and gums provide intestinal activity, and therefore the lack of fiber causes constipation.

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": Overweight The process of accumulation or non-accumulation of reserve fat in the body is associated with the release of insulin. That's why Montignac considers it necessary to devote a few lines to this hormone.

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": How to get rid of excess weight In this chapter Montignac explains where excess weight comes from and the mechanisms of its accumulation in the body. An example menu of product combinations is given. Montignac diet.

Montignac "Nutritional Secrets": Phase 1: Weight Loss Weight Loss Method Montignac-phase-1. It is vitally important to understand how your body works, and just as important, it is necessary to get rid of some of the misconceptions about weight loss that are common, such as the low-calorie theory. diet.

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": Phase 1. Weight loss (breakfasts, lunches) First phase – phase 1 – Montignac weight loss method It is relatively easy to put into practice. You just need to remove a number of foods and products from your diet. The most important thing is to understand why you do it this way and not otherwise.

Montignac "Secrets of nutrition": Phase 1. Weight loss (dinner) Dinner at Montignac diet may be protein-lipid with a lot of fiber and a small amount of carbohydrates (fruits);

Montignac "Nutrition Secrets": Phase 2. Weight stabilization Montignac diet- Phase 2 is the phase of maintaining the achieved weight, the stage at which we will truly learn to eat properly.

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": Basic principles of phase 2. Sample menu Menu for phase 2 Montignac diet. As an exception, you can allow a combination of “bad” carbohydrates with lipids, but then accompany the meal with fiber, such as salad.

Montignac "Secrets of Nutrition": Hypoglycemia. Symptoms Metabolism in the body (metabolism) is the process of converting some substances into others. For example, lipid metabolism is the conversion of some fats into others in the body.

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The nutritional method developed by French nutritionist Michel Montignac is a method that is recommended to be used throughout your life. It consists of two phases. The goal of the first phase is to cleanse the body and, if necessary, lose weight; the second phase is maintaining the achieved result.

Basic principles of the Montignac method

Everyone knows that food products include proteins, fats, carbohydrates and ballast substances (dietary fiber, cellulose, etc.). So, Montignac believes that all these components (and primarily carbohydrates) are divided into “bad” and “good”. And if we completely eliminate “bad” foods from our diet, we will be able to significantly lose excess weight and cleanse our body well. This is the essence of the first phase of the Montignac method. And in the second phase, you can give yourself some indulgences regarding “bad” foods, but not very serious ones. And then you will be able to maintain the result obtained in the first phase.

In addition, in both the first and second phases of the Montignac method, the correct combination of foods at each meal is of great importance.

The greatest harm to our body, according to Montignac, is caused by elevated levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Blood sugar levels rise almost immediately after eating, but the speed and magnitude of this rise depends on what foods and in what combination we ate. And then a complex physiological chain comes into play: pancreas - insulin - expenditure / storage of consumed calories. Without going into medical details, we can say: excess glucose, which is not quickly used to satisfy the immediate energy needs of the body, greatly contributes to the accumulation of fat reserves. And if you eat something fatty at the same time as carbohydrates (especially “bad” carbohydrates), an increase in “reserves” is almost inevitable.

Bad and good products

Which products are good and which are bad? Montignac divides all products according to the so-called “glycemic index,” which characterizes the increase in blood glucose levels after consuming this product. The higher the glycemic index, the “worse” the product. Here is a table of glycemic indexes of the most commonly consumed foods:

Malt 110
Glucose 100
Baked potato, fried potato 95
White bread made from premium flour 95
Mashed potatoes 90
Honey 90
Carrot 85
Corn flakes, popcorn 85
Sugar 75
White bread made from regular flour 70
Muesli with sugar 70
Milk chocolate 70
Boiled potatoes 70
Cookies, biscuits 70
Corn 70
White rice 70
Gray and black bread 65
Beet 65
Melon 60
Bananas 60
Jam 55
White flour pasta 55
Wholemeal bread with bran 50
Unpolished (brown) rice 50
Peas 50
Muesli without sugar 50
Cereals 40
Fruit juice without sugar 40
Rye bread with bran 40
Buckwheat 40
Wholemeal pasta 40
Beans 40
Dairy 35
Dry beans 30
Fresh fruits 30
Canned fruit without sugar 25
Black chocolate 22
Fructose 20
Soybeans 15
Green vegetables, tomatoes < 15
Lemons < 15
Mushrooms < 15

“Bad” foods, according to Montignac, are foods whose glycemic index is greater than 50. During the first phase, they must be completely excluded from the diet; during the second, they can be consumed in very small quantities. Products with an index from 20 to 50 can be eaten, but separately from products containing large amounts of fat - the interval between meals of different foods should be at least three hours. Products with a glycemic index of 15 or less can be eaten with virtually no restrictions and can be combined with any others.

And further. It is very important to eat regularly, at least three times a day and at approximately the same time. In this case, breakfast should be quite hearty, lunch should be average, and dinner should be light and as early as possible.

Nutrition in the first phase

As already mentioned, in the first phase you need to completely exclude from the diet foods with a glycemic index of more than 50. In addition, you cannot eat foods rich in fats and foods containing a lot of carbohydrates in one meal. Each meal should be either protein-lipid (no carbohydrates) or protein-carbohydrate (no fat). There should be at least 3 hours between meals of different foods. Accordingly, foods that contain both fats and carbohydrates (chocolate, nuts, liver, fried potatoes, pastries) should also be excluded.


  • meat, fish, poultry (not very fatty, excluding liver);
  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable salads (from green vegetables or tomatoes), they can be seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil;
  • unsweetened yogurt;
  • vegetable and butter, margarine, mayonnaise;
  • sauces that do not contain flour.


  • low-fat yogurt;
  • vegetable soups (from any vegetables allowed in the first phase, i.e. with a glycemic index below 50);
  • vegetable salads (also from any vegetables allowed in the first phase, i.e. with a glycemic index below 50), seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice;
  • porridge (with water): wheat, buckwheat, brown rice;
  • wholemeal pasta.

Compatible with both protein-lipid and protein-carbohydrate:

  • skim cheese;
  • beans, beans, soybeans;
  • green vegetables, tomatoes;
  • lemons;
  • mushrooms.

Not a small selection at all! Moreover, the amount of food that can be consumed is not limited. The main thing is not to violate the above rules.

Transition to the second phase of the Montignac method

You need to complete the first phase and move on to the second when your weight reaches the desired value (or, despite all efforts, stops decreasing). The clause in parentheses is not a joke. If you did not violate the rules of the first phase, and the weight, nevertheless, stopped decreasing, this means that it has reached a threshold value that is individual for you. Of course, you can continue to try to lose weight, but this will be raping your own body!

If weight loss is not important for you, then the criterion for completing the first phase can be an improvement in well-being, a feeling of lightness, which indicates that the majority of toxins in the body have been cleared.

It is recommended to adhere to the diet of the second phase of the Montignac method throughout your life.

Nutrition in the second phase

In the second phase, it is allowed (in small quantities and infrequently) to consume foods with a glycemic index of more than 50; it is only recommended to refrain from consuming sugar, honey, white bread and starchy foods (potatoes, white rice, corn, pasta made from refined flour). If you still really want to eat these “very bad” carbohydrates, then eat them with foods containing a large amount of fiber (the same green vegetables, for example).

The combined consumption of fat- and carbohydrate-containing foods is also allowed (also in small quantities and infrequently). Likewise, foods containing large amounts of fiber will help reduce the negative consequences of this. Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the digestive tract, adsorbs some of them, that is, it serves as a kind of buffer, softening and “smearing” the jump in blood sugar levels.

If the rules of the second phase were seriously violated, for example, there was a big holiday feast, then after that you need to return to eating according to the first phase for 2-3 days.

One of the main advantages of the Montignac method is that, unlike many diets, it develops the skills of rational nutrition. At first, it can be quite difficult to strictly adhere to the Montignac diet, but after a while you will be surprised to notice that you no longer want fried potatoes or cream cakes. You will discover many other equally delicious dishes and quietly learn to “automatically” avoid “bad” carbohydrates.

Montignac Michel

Montignac weight loss method. Especially for women / Transl. from fr. preface to Russian ed., A.P. Kapitsa. - M.: ONIX Publishing House, 1999. - 304 p.

ISBN 5-249-00016-9

The Montignac method of weight loss is known in many countries. From this book, women will learn how to regain their slimness and beauty without resorting to exhausting diets.

Preface to Russian edition 3

Preface 4

Introduction 6





Chapter V METHOD 44




Part II 99



Chapter III YOUTH 104


Chapter V WHEN A WOMAN IS 50 123



Preface to the Russian edition

Michel Montignac's books are widely known abroad. They were published in many countries around the world with a circulation of about six million copies! Montignac's popularity is enormous, his portraits are printed on the covers of major magazines, and television pays constant attention to him. Videotapes on his Weight Loss Method have been released in large quantities, and a CD-ROM on the Montignac Method has recently appeared in French and English. This fame did not come to him by chance. Suffering from excess weight himself, while working in one of the US pharmacological campaigns, which, among other things, dealt with the problems of developing nutrition for astronauts, he created his own Weight Loss Method. He did this after he became convinced, like many other overweight people, that the “calorie theory” of weight loss used throughout the world did not work. His first book was about how you can lose weight by eating out almost every day. By the nature of his work, he represented a large American pharmaceutical company in Paris and every evening he had to take the company's guests to the best restaurants. He's gained weight. Having tested dozens of different weight loss systems to no avail, he developed his own, which was extremely simple and very convenient. He came to the conclusion that most often obesity is associated with a disorder of the pancreas, which, by releasing excess insulin into the blood, promotes the processing of carbohydrates into fat deposits in our body. He suggested removing “bad carbohydrates” from the food you eat: sugar, starch, bad fats, as well as caffeine and a number of other foods that trigger the production of excess insulin and cause your weight gain. And most importantly, he suggested enjoying the process of eating - eating deliciously without starving or restricting yourself in food. Our body is very sensitive to any restrictions; in response to them, it begins to accumulate fat layers in reserve, for a rainy day.

Montignac's recipe books are also very popular in the world - they contain hundreds of excellent, sophisticated gastronomic tips - how to eat tasty and healthy!

I became interested in the Montignac Method two years ago. I translated his book “Eat to Lose Weight” into Russian and decided to try the Method on myself, since by that time my weight had already reached 140 kilograms. This was a sad legacy of my long work in Antarctica in extreme conditions (frosts up to eighty degrees, altitudes up to 4,000 meters above sea level, enormous physical exertion during transcontinental trips). Here I spent about ten years intermittently, losing and gaining tens of kilograms of weight, which completely upset my pancreas. The Montignac method impressed me with the fact that you could enjoy the process of losing weight. It was forbidden to go hungry; you had to eat tasty food to your heart's content. This was the exact opposite of what doctors at home and abroad had always taught me, what had been written in hundreds of weight loss books.

The results were amazing: in a year I lost 37 kilograms. My friends didn't recognize me. The wife who participated in this experiment did not need to lose weight, but she gladly took part in the experiment and began to feel much better. For almost a year and a half now, we have been happily eating Montignac. When we have guests, they are amazed at the delicious and plentiful food on our table. One of the worst violations of the Method is to skip meals. You must not feel hungry - one of Montignac’s commandments.

Last summer I met him. I visited him at his estate in Provence, where he is restoring a small castle of the 15th century. Here he lives and plans to give presentations of his recipes and special techniques to demonstrate his Method. We became friends with Michel. He recently visited Moscow. He left completely delighted with Muscovites and our capital. He really hopes that the translation of his book will help our Russians and, especially, Russian women get into shape. Observing Muscovites in the subway, theater, circus and on the streets, he came to the conclusion that we do not have such terrible forms of obesity that can be seen in abundance in the United States. Our women will be able to make extensive use of his Method, and then, he hopes, men will follow them. When we discussed with him the specifics of using the Method in Russia, our usual dishes, he spoke very approvingly of buckwheat porridge, which he tried for the first time in his life and took a bag of buckwheat with him to France. He really liked our vegetable soups, salads, sauerkraut, our gray and black bread - all this food fits perfectly into his Method. When I spoke with a sigh about our favorite potatoes, he said that in the second phase of the Method for dinner you can eat boiled jacket potatoes with olive oil, but without animal proteins.

You will read this book with interest and, I hope, will follow the advice that you will find when presenting the Method. If the book is popular with us, we hope that over time we will also publish a book of recipes for delicious Montignac cuisine.

Valentina Markusova, Irina Vlasova, Elena Kuznetsova and Liliya Tsvetkova helped me translate this book. Sergey Osipov, candidate of medical sciences, took the trouble to check the translation as a doctor. I am very grateful to all of them. But the most important role was played by the Metropol Investment Financial Company and its director Mikhail Slipenchuk, without whose financial support the publication of this book in Russia would have been impossible. For this I offer him my sincere gratitude.

President of the International Foundation for Ecology

Human, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Professor of Moscow State University
