Scientific work on fire safety. Design and research activities in life science lessons. instructions on fire safety measures in the administrative building

Computer techologies made it possible to carry out predictive planning of the course of Uncontrolled combustion outside a special fireplace, causing material damage.

">fire in any conditions, taking into account many criteria and factors. These include the dynamics of heating of building structures as a result of exposure to flame, viewing possible options for the development of a fire when using fire extinguishing systems And smoke removal.

Without the use of calculated indicators relating to the speed of fire spread, time of evacuation of employees or people from the building, technical characteristics of fencing systems, time intervals from operation fire alarm, impossible to develop correctly fire prevention system. Therefore, methodological recommendations related to zone and integral calculation methods are now actively used by professional theorists in real conditions.

Main objects of fire technical control

At technologically unsafe facilities, where explosive, flammable and toxic substances are used in the work process, it is mandatory to develop a forecast regarding the characteristics of their distribution in work areas. The provisions being developed include multidimensional modeling of the size of zones in which the concentration of flammable components can reach a critical concentration, which will entail a man-made disaster.

Clarifying the parameters of heat and mass transfer at facilities that operate under conditions characterized by complicated thermogasdynamic characteristics is also mandatory in case of emergency situations. These include enterprises that use diffusers, nozzles, and sublimating-coated equipment. For tunnels and long channels, a calculation program is also required that allows extinguishing The location where the fire originally started.

">hearth fire by directed explosion.

Directions of research work

The tasks of the structural divisions of the research institute are to carry out fundamental and applied work, develop design and technological solutions that would provide fire safety people, objects, equipment. Due to the fact that the range of tasks is quite wide, there are now several centers in Russia that deal with issues of innovative technologies used in fire and rescue units, develop fire prevention measures, and evaluate and develop models of robotic and fire-rescue equipment.

Scientific support includes the development and improvement of technical means, including automotive equipment, fire extinguishing agents, fire-fighting systems and means that are used in emergency situations resulting from man-made disasters and natural disasters. The task of scientists in this case is to minimize the damage that can be caused to property and individuals in the event of fire hazards.

Due to the constant introduction of new tools and equipment into the sphere of national economic activity, scientists are carrying out fire hazard examinations products, which include testing the fire resistance of materials of buildings and objects. In the event of a fire incident, it is carried out Study by an expert or group of experts of tasks, the correct solution of which requires special knowledge and high professional training of individuals involved as experts.

">expertise fire location and its analytical assessment. Constant monitoring of fire resistance and fire hazard of products also necessitates the modernization of measuring instruments that evaluate these parameters of materials, substances, equipment and bring metrological parameters into compliance.

Specialization of research centers

Versatility research work necessitates a narrow specialization of research institutes. Therefore, experimental research is carried out in departments that evaluate and improve emergency rescue equipment, develop measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, and perform diagnostics of objects, equipment, tools and materials. Separate tasks are assigned to testing centers that test not only equipment and materials, but fire prevention and extinguishing equipment, including automatic equipment. Field tests of equipment, technical means and materials are carried out in conditions as close as possible to the natural ones in which they will operate or be used.

Main results of research activities

Methodological recommendations regarding the characteristics of fire propagation in various conditions are developed by scientists based on the results of theoretical developments with subsequent testing in field conditions. The description of the gas-thermodynamic conditions of fires takes into account factors such as the determination of turbulence and radiation depending on the optical characteristics of the environment and the thermophysical properties of materials. The 3D parameters in which fires occur are described by developed differential equations, which makes it possible to check the fire resistance of various structures, as well as the degree of their damage after a fire event occurs.

Theoretical provisions are the basis for constructing field and integral fire models. Next, they are compared with the results of experimental and actual data. A special part is occupied by the description of fires in premises that have difficult conditions due to geometry features, including the spread of gases and combustion products. Calculation and determination of the dynamics and speed of propagation of combustion products is carried out in accordance with methodological recommendations that take into account regulatory data and the base of thermophysical and fire-resistant characteristics of materials. Separate sections of the research work are devoted to the use of portable self-rescuers with filtering properties, which make it possible to protect people during evacuation from a fire site.

Thus, the integrated use of technical means of protection, the development and improvement of fire-fighting equipment and machinery, the prognostic determination of risk factors in the event of fire situations, the elimination and elimination of the results of a fire are the main directions modern fire science. The fundamental nature of the developments is described by theoretical principles and multidimensional models, and testing is carried out at experimental sites.

Research paper on the topic

“The prestige of the firefighter profession

as a social factor in choosing a profession"

(sociological research)

Kutsar Natalya,

Butenkov Alexander,

MBOU Grushevskaya Basic Secondary School,

Art. Grushevskaya, Aksai district, Rostov region

7-8 grade

Scientific adviser:

Butenkova Tatyana Ivanovna,

physics and life safety teacher,


I. Introduction

II. Main part

1 - Sociological research and its types

2 - Prestige of the firefighter profession in different countries

III. Sociological research

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3



The radical changes that have occurred in the lives of Russians over the past decades have had a great impact on various groups of youth, especially on their values, orientations and life paths. The traits and properties expressed in the assessments, preferences and behavior of young people today will largely determine the appearance of Russia in the 21st century.

Today's youth are entering independent life at a very difficult and dynamic time. Fundamental changes have taken place in the political life of the country, processes of democratization of society are developing, private property is restored and widely distributed, the labor market is expanding, socio-economic development is contradictory, social differentiation of society is increasing, the system of mass communications and computerization are developing at an unprecedented pace. As for young people, it is even more difficult for them to understand the problems they face when entering life, determining their place and calling.

That is why comprehensive studies of the social problems of Russian youth at the beginning of the third millennium are needed. Such studies have obvious prognostic significance and create the necessary basis for promptly influencing social processes and resolving conflicts and contradictions. In particular, it is necessary to study the modern social and professional orientations and life paths of young people.

Young people cannot realize their social orientations, translating them into life paths, without the help of various channels, micro- and macro-institutions of the education system. Various institutions of the educational system not only transmit to the younger generation a volume of knowledge, cultivate labor skills and transfer special skills, they also form further value orientations, in particular for continuing education and acquiring professional training, and predetermine one or another social position to which the trained specialist will belong. . Therefore, the study of social orientations and life paths of young people becomes extremely relevant.

The current stage of formation and development of statehood in Russia is accompanied by fundamentally new processes in various areas of public life. They led to the emergence of a number of serious social problems related to the personality of the firefighter 1 and his professional activities.

The need to study the prestige of the firefighter profession 2 in order to manage its dynamics is dictated by the current social and scientific situation and requires solving the entire complex of socio-economic and managerial problems associated with the current situation of workers

1 Appendix No. 1

2 Appendix No. 2

VDPO in the social structure of society and the low prestige of the profession

fireman It is necessary to change the attitude towards the officer profession on the part of public opinion and especially government bodies.

The relevance of a sociological study of the prestige of the firefighter profession is associated with the following circumstances.

Firstly, the need to analyze and evaluate the real state of the prestige of the firefighter profession as an important factor in the professional orientation of young people, increasing the attractiveness of the profession for various social strata.

Secondly, with the need to identify factors influencing the mechanism for forming a scale of prestige ratings among various social strata and population groups in order to determine the most effective ways to increase the prestige of the profession in Russian society

Object of this study are young people (ages 13 to 16 years)

Subject of study - the essence, content and social mechanism for the formation of the prestige of firefighters, as the most significant factors and conditions influencing the regulation of the prestige of the firefighter profession,her values ​​and orientations in life.

Purpose of the study- based on the analysis of existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the prestige of the firefighter profession and the actual results of the sociological study conducted by the authors, analyze the state and dynamics of the prestige of the firefighter profession and develop ways to increase it in modern conditions.

Hypothesis – The profession of fire service workers is prestigious, as it has been necessary at all times and is quite highly paid.

The following tasks are subordinated to the goals:

1. Find out the professional preferences and preferences of modern youth in relation to the profession of firefighter;

2. conduct a sociological survey among students in grades 6-9 in order to determine the prestige of the firefighter profession.

3. Analyze the results of sociological research on the value orientations of young people.

4. Determination of the practical significance of the research.

Practical significance This work assumes the possibility of using the research results to determine the situation of possible labor market demands and in order to raise the prestige of the firefighter profession (during fire safety measures, the work of the DUP squad, in pre-vocational training classes, etc.).

Research methods:

    Data collection and analysis method;

    Sociological survey;

    Method of comparison, analysis, generalization;

    Studying the works of specialists in the field of social psychology;

    Method of comparison and analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators;

    Studying literature.


Sociological research and its types.

In the structure of sociological knowledge, three interrelated levels are most often distinguished: 1) general sociological theory; 2) special sociological theories (or middle-level theories); 3) sociological research, also called private, empirical, applied or specifically sociological. All three levels complement each other, which makes it possible to obtain scientifically based results by studying certain social objects, phenomena and processes.

Social life constantly poses many questions to a person, which can only be answered with the help of scientific research, in particular sociological research. However, not every study in the field of sociology is actually sociological. It is important to distinguish them because today we often encounter an arbitrary interpretation of such research, when almost any concrete social development of a particular social science problem (especially if survey methods are used) is wrongfully called sociological research. The latter, according to the Russian sociologist E. Tadevosyan, should be based on the use of specific scientific methods, techniques and procedures specific to sociology in the study of social facts and empirical material. At the same time, it is inappropriate to reduce sociological research only to the collection of primary empirical data, to a sociological survey, since this is just one of the stages, albeit a very important one, of sociological research.

In a broad sense, sociological research is a specific type of systematic cognitive activity aimed at studying social objects, relationships and processes in order to obtain new information and identify patterns of social life based on theories, methods and procedures adopted in sociology.

In a narrower sense, sociological research is a system of logically consistent methodological, methodological, organizational and technical procedures, subordinated to a single goal: to obtain accurate and objective data about the social object, phenomenon or process being studied.

In other words, sociological research is a specific type of social (social science) research (their “core”), which considers society as an integral sociocultural system and relies on special methods and techniques for collecting, processing and analyzing primary information that are accepted in sociology.

Moreover, any sociological study involves several stages. First, or preparation stage, consists of thinking about goals, drawing up a program and plan, determining the means and timing of research, as well as choosing methods for analyzing and processing sociological information. Second phase involves the collection of primary sociological information - collected non-generalized information in various forms (records of researchers, extracts from documents, individual responses from respondents, etc.). Third stage consists of preparing information collected during sociological research (questionnaire survey, interviews, observation, content analysis and other methods) for processing, drawing up a processing program and actually processing the received information on a computer. And finally, the fourth or final stage is the analysis of the processed information, the preparation of a scientific report on the results of the study, as well as the formulation of conclusions and the development of recommendations and proposals for the customer or other management entity that initiated the sociological research.

Prestige of the firefighter profession in different countries 3

What is considered the most prestigious job in the USA? Harris Interactive has published its traditional ranking of the most prestigious professions for Americans. The most prestigious profession was a firefighter 62% of US residents consider this activity to have “very high” prestige.

IN THE USA Firefighters' popularity increased after September 11, 2001. In terms of prestige, their work is now second only to that of a scientist and doctor, but does not require higher education: firefighters are trained in just two years.

Finland In terms of popularity, the profession of a firefighter is in second place after the profession of a doctor.

AND in Russia this profession arouses a certain interest -39% of Russians consider the profession of a firefighter to be prestigious. This was reported by sociologists of the portal based on the results of a survey dedicated to Fire Protection Day (April 30). .

A profession that benefits people and the planet is always prestigious”; "Why not? This is a necessary profession"; "When it comes to the present

3 Appendix No. 3

a firefighter who puts out fires and saves people, and does not sit in an office over papers. A firefighter is a heroic profession,” the respondents commented on their answer. It is interesting that Russians under 18 (49%) are more likely than others to believe in the prestige of this profession. 23% of survey participants disagree with them, according to whom low wages combined with the increased danger to the health and life of a firefighter do not allow us to talk about the prestige of this profession : “Firefighters are not paid what they should be paid for risking their lives”; "Low salary"; “Now it’s prestigious to be an oligarch, a pop star...” Many survey participants (38%) were unable to give a definite answer to the question posed, but the need for this profession for society and the heroism of those who chose it as their life’s work do not raise doubts in them: “It’s hardly prestigious, but I have people in this profession cause respect"; “The main thing is not prestige, but what people need.” However, working conditions cannot be called easy and safe. It is not for nothing that doctors point out that the percentage of cardiovascular diseases among representatives of this profession is above average. However, firefighters have a very high level of satisfaction with their jobs—higher only among priests (data from surveys by the National Opinion Research Center).

Some comments from Russian respondents:

“Yes” – 39%
"Why not? This is a necessary profession."
“It’s always prestigious to save people.”
“Then who will save us from fires if not them? Moreover, fires in our country have become more frequent.”
“A profession that benefits people and the planet is always prestigious.”
“Work related to protecting people’s lives and health is always prestigious and honorable.”
“If we are talking about a real fireman who is engaged in putting out fires and saving people, and does not sit in an office over papers. Firefighting is a heroic profession.”
“There are a lot of emergencies.”
“I have friends who work there. They are very happy, and I am very proud to have such friends!”

“No” – 23%
“Dangerous work with low pay. Hence the instability in families, scandals, etc.”
“Firefighters are not getting paid what they should be getting for putting their lives on the line.”
“Now young people are looking for more decently paid jobs.”
"Low salary".
“Now it’s prestigious to be an oligarch, a pop star...”

“Difficult to answer” – 38%
“The prestige of a job depends on many factors, including its payment. Since you can earn more by standing at a market counter than by doing research work at a research institute or a scientific and technological center, the concept of prestige has become vague.”
“But I have a lot of respect for the people who choose this profession.”
“I know that now firefighters are under the auspices of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Then most likely yes, but it’s unlikely that many today become firefighters...”
“The main thing is not prestige, but people’s need.”
“It’s hardly prestigious, but people in this profession command respect from me.”


Sociological survey

Location of the survey: Russia, Grushevskaya village

Study population: active population 13 - 16 years old

Sample size: 102 respondents

QuestionI : Do you consider the profession of a firefighter to be prestigious? Why? Thank you.

This diagram shows that the firefighter profession is considered prestigious

Yes (55 people) – 54%;

No (25 people) – 25%;

I don’t know (22 people) – 21%.

Some comments from Grushevsky respondents:

Yes (55 people) – 54%:

This diagram shows that the opinions of 54% of respondents who consider the firefighter profession to be prestigious are also divided:

Firefighters save lives, there is nothing more valuable than human life

(20 people) – 36%;

I have great respect for the profession of firefighter, because these people save the most precious things from death - human lives, houses that a person, perhaps, spent half his life building and lovingly furnishing. And this can instantly perish irrevocably. Therefore, I believe that it is very prestigious and necessary, especially now, when so many fires happened in the summer, and even in winter due to negligent attitude to fire safety rules, for example, in the Lame Horse bar in Perm.

Firefighters have a good salary (4 people) - 7%;

Necessary work, as there are a lot of fires (7 people) – 13%;

I like it because there is a lot of risk and masculinity inherent in this work.

(5 people) – 9%.

-NO (25 people) – 25%:

From this diagram it can be seen that the reasons for the lack of prestige of the firefighter profession are also named differently:

A very risky profession, life is more expensive (7 people) – 28%;

There are more prestigious professions (5 people) – 20%;

The risk is big, the salary is small (10 people) -40%.

Question II : Would you choose the profession of a firefighter as your future specialty? Why? Thank you.

This diagram shows that the majority of respondents do not want to be firefighters:

YES (13 people) -13%;

No (75 people) – 73%;

I don’t know (14 people) - 14%.

Some comments from respondents : - Yes (13 people) -13%:

This diagram shows that most people who want to become firefighters dream of saving people:

I like that she is courageous and risky (5 people) – 39%;

I want to save people (8 people) – 61%.

-No (75 people) – 73%:

This diagram shows that the majority of respondents believe that:

This is very risky, dangerous (7 people) – 9%;

The salary is small (10 people) -13%;

I want to have a different profession (12 people) – 16%;

Not a prestigious profession (5 people) – 7%.


At the beginning of the study, the authors identified a hypothesis about the prestige of the profession of fire service workers, since in theory it was necessary at all times and should be quite highly paid. The hypothesis was partially confirmed, since the majority of respondents believe that the profession of a firefighter is quite prestigious, but not highly paid and quite risky.

With all the advantages obtained as a result of the globalization of the world, the threat of mass fires increasingly arises (peat bogs near Moscow in 2010), and the threat of terrorism and other global disasters has also become a problem of modern times. This requires the modern government to create a new structure that unites the efforts of various rescue services under a single leadership - a natural process of improving the management system, increasing the safety of the population and Russia as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the prestige of the firefighter profession to a higher level.

Thus, research into the prestige of the firefighter profession is currently relevant and necessary.

Practical significance This work assumes the possibility of using the research results to determine the situation of possible labor market demands and in order to raise the prestige of the firefighter profession (during the implementation of fire safety measures, the work of the DUP squad, in pre-vocational training classes, etc.).


Appendix No. 1

A little bit of history

A firefighter is a fire department worker whose main task is to act in emergency situations in various places in order to save human life and extinguish a fire. Preparation for fire prevention actions are also important aspects of this profession.

In Russia, the profession of a firefighter has long been prestigious and respected among the people. It is no coincidence that many people in high society considered it their duty not only to assist the fire department, but also to go directly to fires, as they were aware of their devastating impact, and the need to help by personal example to attract a large number of forces and resources to extinguish them.

The profession of a firefighter arose in connection with the need to extinguish and prevent fires. Since ancient times, fires have been extinguished by the whole world: for this, residents were obliged to immediately run with those tools that were assigned to them according to the painting: with axes, buckets, hooks and “all kinds of supplies that are suitable for a fire.” However, the spontaneous fight against fire as statehood was formalized required orderliness, and by the 15th century legislative decrees of Moscow princes regarding fire safety appeared. During the reign of Peter I, a decree was issued on the involvement of troops in extinguishing fires, then military fire brigades were assigned to them under the leadership of officers. For the first time in Russia, professional fire protection was organized in St. Petersburg on July 24, 1803. It consisted of “soldiers incapable of front-line service.” In subsequent years, such teams appeared in other cities. Residents were freed from the need to support firemen and night watchmen. Fire departments had to have buildings with the necessary structures to accommodate firefighting tools, supply, people and horses. Since soldiers constantly engaged in firefighting had to serve for 20 years without the right to leave, naturally they began to acquire knowledge and experience in this matter. Evacuation and rescue of people from burning, smoke-filled buildings and structures is the most important task of the fire service. Thus, from the beginning of the 19th century, the profession of a firefighter began to take shape: a profession in the scientific sense of the word is defined as a type of labor activity (occupation) of a person who possesses a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience. On July 18, 1927, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR approved the Regulations on the State Fire Supervision Bodies in the RSFSR, which determined the functions, rights and responsibilities of its employees. In 1926 – 1927 The first psychophysiological study of the work of a firefighter was also carried out, in which the features of this profession were scrupulously studied. The authors highlighted one of the main features of a firefighter’s work: he prepares and waits for sometimes a very long time, when he will have to put his knowledge and skills into practice. There was a certain lack of formalization of the firefighter profession, its instability, manifested in the presence of a small number of professionals (people who are exclusively engaged in this work), a high turnover of workers, in which there could not be a stable development of skills and knowledge, and in the absence of professional selection. During the years of Soviet power, the fire department was significantly strengthened. It became part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, together with this department, underwent many structural reforms, but despite this, all the reforms confirmed the importance and significance of the fire protection specialists in operational-tactical and preventive areas of activity. A significant network of educational and scientific institutions was formed, which made it possible to create a personnel and scientific base for fire protection. All this had a positive impact on the status of the firefighter profession, raising its social level and prestige.

What's dangerous about being a firefighter?

Firefighters work in an ever-changing and often unstable environment. A burning building with people in need of rescue may lack normal structural integrity, and means of access such as stairs and elevators may present fire hazards. The work is often stressful and many situations require the use of specialized personal protective equipment.

A firefighter may be called upon to work in a variety of extreme situations, such as traffic accidents, industrial accidents, floods, earthquakes, civil unrest, spills of hazardous chemicals and materials, and aviation and maritime accidents. They may also be called upon to perform rescues in a variety of situations, such as rescues from vehicles, from above, or from underground. Because the environment can change with each call, a firefighter is rarely aware of all the risks in the work environment. Emergency vehicles may include fire trucks, rescue vehicles, boats, helicopters and all other land vehicles. The risk of a transport accident increases when traveling on calls. Firefighters face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, post-crash stress, and overuse injuries from improper lifting.

Falls from heights while working on stairs.

Falls from heights due to collapse of structures.

Objects falling from heights during rescue, firefighting or property salvage operations.

Injuries resulting from impacts with glass, metal and other sharp objects resulting in cuts and scrapes, including injuries from explosions.

Fall due to collapse of structures.

Overexertion from heavy lifting during firefighting and rescue operations.

Contact with hot surfaces or superheated gases.

Inhalation of superheated air and combustion products.

Contact and exposure to chemical products during firefighting operations, hazardous chemical spills, and casualty rescue operations.

Air supply disruption during firefighting operations.

Injuries in traffic accidents while on call.

Falling in the area while fighting a fire.

Collapse of ceilings, walls and floors.

Sudden combustion or flash of gas products.

Exposure to fire resulting in burns.

Exposure to fire resulting in heat shock.

Exposure to cold during winter firefighting, rescue and maritime rescue operations.

Explosions of objects on the territory during a fire.

Exposure to noise from pump and other equipment operation.

Lack of oxygen in the inhaled air.

The presence of carbon monoxide and other combustion products in the inhaled air.

Exposure to chemicals during extreme chemical incidents.

Risk of infection during contact with patients during medical care in extreme situations.

Psychological stress due to post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Overuse and injury to muscles and skeleton from handling or moving heavy and awkward objects, such as fire hoses and specialized rescue equipment, while wearing heavy personal protective equipment. A firefighter faces all of these hazards every day.

Appendix No. 2

Profession – Firefighter

« Every firefighter is a hero, every minute in war, every minute he risks his life.”

(V.A. Gilyarovsky)

« The firefighter's profession is one of the most difficult professions in the world. You can learn to climb a retractable ladder, use a gas mask, move in thick smoke, run, jump, lift weights... But the most difficult thing is to be ready to risk your life at every moment to save someone else.

People who are engaged in restoring health and warmth to others, showing an amazing unity of skill and humanity, stand above all the great ones on this earth."


In Russia there is a kind of fire fraternity. If a firefighter finds himself in another region and has any problems, he can safely come to any fire service unit in that region - and his colleagues will definitely help him.

All over the world, the firefighter profession is one of the ten most dangerous and risky. The fireman's code of honor obliges him to risk his own life in order to save people.

At all times, people have encountered fires. And at all times they were saved, those who were nearby gave them a helping hand. Those in trouble were sympathized with and empathized with.

This ability to sympathize with a stranger, to perceive someone else’s grief as one’s own, is characteristic of many people. But for some - to a special extent. So they become professional firefighters, and units of the State Fire Service are formed from such people.

A firefighter is not just a profession, it is a special state of mind. Such a soul never becomes callous, it does not withdraw into itself; she is always open and always ready for a feat.

A real firefighter does not know what fatigue is, does not know the words “I can’t.” At any time of the day, in any weather, in any condition and mood, he is ready to go through fire and water. Sometimes burning buildings take days to be extinguished. Firefighters have such a thing as a combat crew - this is a team that goes to a fire. The name is very accurate.

Save and help. This is the goal that Russian firefighters face every day. An extreme situation for them is a normal situation, an ordinary weekday. Human grief is what they see in front of them all the time.

According to doctors, every trip to a fire is tantamount to a pre-heart attack in its negative impact on the human body.

Every year over 5 million fires occur around the globe, from which a large number of people die, buildings and various equipment are destroyed. Material assets worth tens of billions of conventional units are being destroyed. Large forest fires that occur every year cause enormous material, environmental and social damage.

In addition to good physical fitness, in addition to high moral qualities and psychological stability, a modern fire safety specialist must have a broad outlook, deep professional knowledge, not inferior in level and depth to the knowledge of professionals - builders, technologists, designers and other highly qualified specialists who create and operate various material embodiment of human thought.

The Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief Sergei Shoigu noted:

“No, even the most advanced technology, has such qualities as dedication, dedication, courage and bravery. Those qualities that the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are so generously endowed with: people united in spirit, dedicated to their work, ready to pay the highest price for saving a person - their lives. Therefore, our greatest asset and achievement are people. The people who came up with the idea of ​​creating a Russian rescue corps and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who worked in the very first years and continue to work now. They did and are doing complex, hard, and often thankless work. After all, rescuers and firefighters are the last hope of people in trouble: only they bring help, compassion and salvation... How many people have they helped? I think there is no such figure, and it is not very important. They just know for sure the value of human life."

Appendix 3

Brief overview of volunteer fire brigade abroad

Voluntary fire protection (VF) abroad is multifaceted and heterogeneous, has different historical roots, national characteristics and traditions. At the same time, in all countries it was created with the aim of uniting the efforts of citizens (non-professionals) in the fight against fires.
In most European countries, additional professional training is organized on the principles of material incentives (full or partial remuneration) for management and key technical personnel (drivers, mechanics, mechanics) of additional professional training.
The activities of the remaining members of the DPO are stimulated by benefits, time-based wages for performing work to extinguish fires or for the time they are on duty at a fire station. It should be noted that in almost all European countries moral incentives for volunteer firefighters in the form of awards, insignia, and public gratitude are widely used. The prestige of volunteer firefighters became possible thanks to high moral principles and historical traditions based on respect for the firefighting profession, raising the prestige of this profession in public opinion through the fire safety policies pursued by the authorities of these countries.
A feature of the DPO of European countries is that it is part of public associations (unions, associations, etc.) along with professional firefighters and scientific and technical organizations involved in the development and production of fire fighting equipment and fire-technical weapons.

In Austria DPOorganize, provide and finance municipal authorities of lands and communities. Volunteer units are organized along the lines of professional units, but have a very limited paid staff. The number of volunteer firefighters in Austria is an order of magnitude higher than the number of professional firefighters.

Particular attention is paid to the training of volunteer firefighters. The main teaching method is practical training. A special feature of Austrian volunteer firefighters is the presence of a massive reserve that has undergone primary training and acquired basic firefighting skills. In addition to working to extinguish fires, volunteer firefighters actively work to prevent fires through fire prevention propaganda and holding public events. Much attention is paid to preserving and maintaining the traditions of volunteerism, a network of museums with fire-technical themes is being developed, and collecting fire paraphernalia is widespread. The prestige of DPO in the eyes of public opinion is maintained at a high level.

In BelgiumAlmost the entire fire department in the country consists of volunteer firefighters. Volunteer firefighters enjoy fairly broad benefits, therefore, when recruiting voluntary fire brigades, preference is given to technical specialists, athletes, and people of liberal professions. About 7% of volunteer firefighters are women. A characteristic feature is the selection and training of a certain number of volunteers for professional fire brigades, using them as a reserve and auxiliary service.

In Great Britain DPO does not have an organizational structure on a national scale. At the same time, volunteer firefighters are represented in all fire protection associations, including associations for the production and sale of fire-fighting equipment and research organizations in the field of fire safety. DPOs in the UK are seen as complementary to professional units and are involved in fire fighting and prevention as required. Along with territorial subdivisions, DPS is also created at facilities. The full-time positions of heads of facility teams are staffed mainly by professionals. In rural areas and small settlements, the fire department is created under the supervision of a professional fire department. Purely volunteer fire brigades are found only in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

In DenmarkThe task of ensuring fire safety in the country is entrusted to professional fire protection. Voluntary fire brigades exist in very small numbers. Professional fire protection is maintained at the expense of municipalities. Industrial enterprises have private fire protection.

In IrelandOnly the capital, Dublin, has a professional fire brigade; all other populated areas are protected by mixed fire brigades, consisting of volunteer firefighters and a minimum number of professional firefighters.

In ItalyThe National Firefighter Corps is composed of volunteers, primarily drawn from career firefighters who have reached the end of their service and are automatically enrolled in the volunteer reserve by law.

Fire brigade of Luxembourg consists almost entirely of volunteer firefighters; only in the capital there are professional fire department units. The country's legislation obliges each district (settlement) to have its own fire service. Local authorities are responsible for organizing the training of volunteer firefighters. Equipment for firefighters (purchase of special clothing, safety shoes, helmets, individual firefighting equipment) is carried out at the expense of volunteers. Women are attracted to serve in the voluntary fire department.

In Finland, voluntary fire brigades are organized in both cities and rural communities. They are maintained through funds allocated by the Rescue Department and subsidies received from city magistrates or rural communities.

In FranceVoluntary fire protection makes up about 90% of the number of fire organizations. The activities of voluntary fire brigades are aimed not only at preventing and extinguishing fires, but also at providing assistance in all emergency situations and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters. Firefighting accounts for 13% of all types of assistance.

In Germanythe principles of organizing fire volunteerism differ significantly from the principles of organizing fire volunteerism in Russia. In Germany, there is no federal governing body for the Volunteer Firefighters Unions of each of the 16 states. Each land has developed and approved by the legislative bodies of the land its own laws on voluntary fire protection of the land, the procedure for organizing fire protection and the concept of protection from man-made disasters. These documents may differ significantly in content depending on the financial condition of a particular German state. At the same time, the principles of organizing voluntary fire protection in each of the lands are approximately the same.

According to the Law, every community is required to create a fire department. In cities with a population of over 90 thousand inhabitants, professional fire brigades are organized along with voluntary fire brigades. In cities with a population of less than 90 thousand residents, a fire department is organized, which is supplemented with full-time employees to service the central communication control center and ensure the departure of the first fire truck. Of all DPO members, 80% live in rural areas.

For example, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate the total number of fire departments is 62 thousand people (including 60 thousand volunteer firefighters, 1 thousand professional firefighters and 1 thousand firefighters in fire departments) with a population of 3.5 million people. .

The average number of members of each volunteer fire department is about 100 people. Voluntary fire departments protect settlements with a population of less than 90 thousand people. The number of units is determined from the statutory condition that the time of arrival of the operational unit of the DPO at the place of call should not exceed 8 minutes. In Germany there is no unified federal register of volunteer firefighters, and their number is taken into account for each unit separately. The creation and maintenance of operational units of the DPO is the responsibility of local governments. The cost items for the maintenance of the operational units of the DPO are determined by the estimate, which is drawn up by the management of the unit and approved by the burgomaster. The operational units of the DPO do not have full-time employees and are not granted the rights of a legal entity. In everyday life, DPO fire stations are locked. When a call for a fire is received at the police station, the dispatcher on duty sends information to the pagers of volunteer firefighters, which indicates the purpose of the call, the address of the incident, a list of specialists to service the call (doctors, drivers, divers, structural dismantling specialists, etc.). Volunteer firefighters are required to leave the place of their main work and arrive at the fire station in a time that allows them to meet the legal standard of 8 minutes. Volunteer firefighters receive a salary at their main place of work for the time spent on operational work extinguishing fires and during the training period. Subsequently, the financial costs of employers for paying salaries to volunteer firefighters during their absence from their main job are compensated from the funds of local governments. All volunteer firefighters are required to be insured in the event of death, injury or disability while performing operational work. Up to 30% of the operational fire departments are women, who perform the same work as men (including working in oxygen-isolating gas masks, working at heights, and taking part in rescuing victims). Volunteer firefighters have no other incentives or benefits.

The training unit of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate trains both volunteer firefighters and professional firefighters. The duration of training for volunteer firefighters is 10 weeks, and for professional firefighters 40 weeks. The training center simultaneously trains 128 people and operates continuously for 10 months a year. The training center is provided with modern equipment, has various installations and premises for firefighter training, and more than 40 million German marks (about 20 million US dollars) were spent on its creation.

Since 1964, the country has had a youth fire brigade.

In SwedenVoluntary fire brigade makes up more than 80% of the country's fire brigade. Municipalities are responsible for the organization and activities of the voluntary fire department. The municipal fire brigade (both professional and voluntary) is responsible for extinguishing fires, rescuing people and providing assistance in various emergency situations.

IN THE USAThe number of volunteer fire brigade is five times higher than the number of professional fire brigade, and this ratio tends to increase. There are quite noticeable differences between individual volunteer teams, which makes it very difficult to generalize about the experience of their organization and activities. Thus, some teams serve small rural villages, others - densely populated areas, while having a significant budget and a large number of personnel.

1. Types of danger

§ 1.1 Natural hazards

§ 1.3 Anthropogenic hazards

2. Fire danger

§ 2.1 Fire Hazard Study

3. Fire hazards

4. Calculation of the Peclet criterion

§ 4.1 Fire retardant devices

§ 4.1 Calculation of the Peclet criterion

5.Procedure for determining the substance released from the apparatus

§ 5.1. Characteristics of the emergency situation.

§ 5.2. Local and complete identification of those leaving the devices


6.Procedure for determining the categories of premises

7. Classification of main pipelines

§ 7.1 Main pipelines

§ 7.2 Basic requirements for main pipelines

8. Process pipeline

§ 8.1 Laying pipelines

§ 8.2 Basic requirements for pipelines with flammable liquids and gases

§8.3 Classification of process pipelines

9. Fire hazard of painting process

§ 9.1 Mechanical spray painting

§ 9.2 Dip and pour painting

10. Fire hazard of technologies for grinding substances and materials

§ 10.1 Mechanical processing of metals

§ 10.2 Prevention of the grinding process of solids

§ 10.3 Activities in the process of grinding substances and materials.

11. Fire hazard of drying processes

§ 11.1 Concept of drying


1. Types of danger

Danger – The potential for the occurrence of processes or phenomena that can cause injury to people, cause material damage and have a destructive effect on the surrounding atmosphere.

The danger varies according to the following types:

Natural origin;

Technological origin;

Anthropogenic origin.

§ 1.1 Natural hazards

Occurs when weather conditions change, natural light in the biosphere, as well as from natural phenomena occurring in the biosphere (earthquakes, floods, etc.).

During an earthquake, a systematic shock is observed, deformation of rocks occurs, possible volcanic eruptions, a surge of water (tsunami), displacement of rocks, snow masses, etc.

A great danger is posed by high solar activity. One of the natural hazards is lightning.

A lightning discharge is an electrical discharge in the atmosphere between differently charged particles of a cloud, neighboring clouds and between a cloud and the ground. Lightning discharges and lightning can strike buildings or structures with direct impact. Damage by a direct lightning strike to buildings and structures that do not have an electrical connection to the ground or are made of conductive materials is accompanied by complete or partial destruction of their structural elements.

The secondary impact of lightning means: the appearance of a potential difference on structures, pipelines, electrical cables and electrical wires indoors that have not been subjected to a direct strike.

§ 1.2 Technological hazard

Created in technogenic areas. This includes: gas pollution and dust in the air, noise, vibration, electric fields, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, air movement, insufficient or reduced illumination, monotony of activity, heavy physical labor.

Traumatic injuries include: electric current, objects from high places, parts of collapsing buildings and structures.

§ 1.3 Anthropogenic hazards

Associated with human activities. Errors in human veins can occur on vacation, at home, in the field of production activities, in emergency situations, when people communicate with each other, when managing the economy and as a result of government activities.

The causes of errors depend on the psychological structure of the operators’ activities (perception errors - did not recognize, did not discover; memory errors - forgot, did not remember, could not recover; thinking errors - did not understand, did not foresee, did not generalize; decision-making errors - responses) and the types of these activities , from a lack of skill and structure of attention.

2. Fire danger

Fire hazard is the possibility of the occurrence and (or) development of a fire contained in any substance, state or process. GOST 12.1.033-81.

Fire hazard indicators are a value that quantitatively characterizes any property of fire hazard.

The fire hazard of any technological process is determined by the following:

· presence of flammable load;

· the magnitude of possible excess pressure during combustion of gases, vapors and dust of the air mixture indoors or in open spaces.

The fire hazard of flammable substances is characterized by flash and ignition temperatures.

A flash is the rapid combustion of a flammable mixture, not accompanied by the formation of compressed gases. The flash point is the lowest (under special test conditions) temperature of a combustible substance at which vapors and gases are formed above its surface that can ignite in the air from an ignition source, but the rate of their formation is still insufficient for subsequent combustion. The cessation of combustion is explained by the fact that the heat transferred to the combustible substance during the outbreak is insufficient to heat this substance to its ignition temperature.

Based on the vapor flash point, which characterizes the fire hazard, liquids are divided into flammable (FL) and flammable (FL). Flammable liquids are capable of burning independently after removal of the ignition source; they have a flash point above 61°C in a closed crucible or 660°C in an open crucible.

Flammable liquids are also capable of spontaneous combustion after removal of the ignition source, but have a flash point no higher than 61 0C in a closed crucible or 660C in an open crucible.

Ignition is a fire accompanied by the appearance of a flame.

The ignition temperature is the temperature of a flammable substance at which it emits flammable vapors and gases at such a speed that, after ignition from the ignition source, stable combustion occurs.

Ignition sources can be flame, radiant energy, spark, static electricity discharge, heated surface, etc.

The ignition process is the initial stage of combustion. Unlike a flash, the amount of heat during ignition transferred to the combustible substance from the flame is sufficient for the timely formation of vapors and gases. Moreover, as a result of the decomposition and evaporation of the combustible substance, combustion continues until all the substance is burned.

§ 2.1 Fire hazard study

The study of the fire hazard of production includes the following stages: determination of the fire and explosion hazard of materials circulating in production; fire hazard research; research into the danger of its spread; determination of possible material damage; investigation of danger to human life.

Determination of the fire and explosion hazard of materials circulating in production begins with the establishment of the main indicators of their fire hazard (flammability, flammability, explosion hazard, flash point, lower concentration limit of ignition), as well as with the determination of their physical and chemical properties that affect the conditions for the occurrence and development of a fire (pressure, temperature ).

Information about the fire hazard of certain materials is usually obtained from the relevant GOST standards for substances and materials, as well as from reference books and other information sources. If there is no data on the properties of a material, they can be determined by calculation or experiment using standard methods.

When finding out the characteristics of fire and explosive materials circulating in production, you should know how they are distributed in various areas of this production.

The study of fire hazard consists of establishing the possibility of the simultaneous appearance of three components: a combustible material, an oxidizer and an ignition source.

In most cases in production, the oxidizing agent is air oxygen from the environment. The possibility of its contact with a flammable substance depends on the degree of sealing of the process equipment. Ignition sources in production can be technological, natural (for example, a lightning strike) or as a result of careless handling of fire by people.

In accordance with the general methodology for analyzing the fire hazard of a technological process, the study of the fire hazard must establish: the possibility of the formation of a flammable environment inside the equipment during its normal operation, during start-up and shutdown periods; the possibility of the formation of a flammable environment in rooms and open areas when flammable materials escape from normally operating equipment; the possibility of damage to equipment with the release of flammable materials from it and the formation of a flammable environment in rooms and open areas; the possibility of the appearance and contact of ignition sources with a flammable environment.

The study of the danger of fire spread consists of establishing the possible sizes of various fire zones (combustion zone, radiation zone, smoke zone, explosion zone), in which serious consequences can occur: human casualties and material damage. The starting points for calculating the size of fire zones are, firstly, the places where a fire is most likely to occur from technological causes; secondly, the location of the fire from a natural ignition source; finally, the location of the fire due to careless handling of fire.

Possible ways of spreading a fire are, first of all, openly processed and openly stored materials, transport communications, technological equipment, spreading materials, as well as a blast wave. The explosion zone of the steam-gas mixture formed inside the production premises can be taken to be equal to the area of ​​the premises. Calculations of explosion zones that occurred inside technological equipment, detonation explosions and explosions of explosives are performed using special methods.

The study of the danger to human life consists in taking into account the location, number and job functions of people, to establish the hazardous factors affecting people, to assess the possibility of people leaving the danger zone, or to assess the possibility of protecting people from the effects of fire hazards in the workplace. The possible causes of death in different fire zones should be analyzed in detail. In the combustion zone - this is combustion or overheating of a person; in the radiation zone - also human overheating; in the smoke zone - suffocation from lack of oxygen, inhalation of toxic combustion products, loss of visibility; in the explosion zone - serious bodily injuries from the impact of the blast wave, collapse of structures and scattering of fragments.

The threat to human life and measures to protect against this threat must be examined regardless of the number of people servicing a given production. The probability of exposure to dangerous fire factors for each person must be calculated. The number of people should be taken into account in the protective measures provided: the width of evacuation routes, the method of evacuation, the size of protective cabins, etc.

3. Fire hazards

A dangerous fire factor is a fire factor, the impact of which leads to injury, poisoning or death of a person, as well as material damage. GOST 12.1.033-81.

The required level of fire safety for people must be at least 0.999999 prevention of exposure to hazardous factors per year per person, and the permissible level of fire danger for people must be no more than 10-6 exposure to hazardous fire factors exceeding the maximum permissible values ​​per year per person.

Hazardous factors affecting people and material assets are:

· flames and sparks;

· increased temperature of the environment, objects, etc.;

· toxic products of combustion and thermal decomposition;

· reduced oxygen concentration.

Secondary manifestations of fire hazards affecting people and material assets include:

· fragments, parts of destroyed devices, units, installations, structures;

· radioactive and toxic substances and materials released from destroyed devices and installations;

· electric current resulting from the transfer of high voltage to conductive parts of structures, devices, and units;

· hazardous factors of explosion in accordance with GOST 12.1.010, which occurred as a result of a fire;

· fire extinguishing agents.

4. Calculation of the Peclet criterion § 4.1 Fire-retarding devices

Fire and explosion spread through industrial communications in cases where a flammable medium has formed inside pipelines, air ducts, trenches, tunnels or chutes, when pipelines with this flammable medium operate with an incomplete cross-section, if there is a layer of flammable liquid on the surface of the water in the factory sewerage system, when there are flammable deposits on the surface pipes, channels and air ducts, if the system contains gases, gas mixtures or liquids that can decompose with ignition under the influence of high temperature or pressure. In such cases, fire can spread through conveyors, elevators and other transport devices, as well as through unsealed openings in walls and ceilings.

To prevent the spread of fire through industrial communications, dry fire arresters, fire arresters in the form of hydraulic shutters, shutters made of solid crushed materials, automatic shutter valves, water curtains, lintels, backfills, etc. are used.

Various principles and methods for calculating fire arresters are known, based on various assumptions about the mechanism of heat loss from the flame extinguishing zone.

Ya. B. Zeldovich's method is generally accepted in domestic practice, but does not apply to special combustion conditions when there is no heat removal into the heated walls of the channel.

§4.1 Calculation of the Peclet criterion

In the theoretical works of Ya. B. Zeldovich it is shown that at the limit of flame propagation in tubes of small diameter, a constant Peclet number is achieved. Subsequent experimental studies established that at the limit of flame extinguishing, the value of the Peclet number ranges from 60... 80 and is approximately the same for all flammable mixtures and fire-extinguishing nozzles in a wide range of changing experimental conditions. Using this pattern, it is easy to find the critical diameter of the fire arrester.

The Peclet number in relation to this condition is expressed as

where Re is the Peclet number, at the flame extinguishing limit equal to 65;

a is the thermal diffusivity coefficient of the burning mixture (m/s2);

un - normal flame propagation speed (m/s);

d – diameter of the fire arrester valve (m).

It has been established that when the temperature is less than 65, combustion in a narrow valve is not possible.

For critical conditions

where λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the combustible mixture (W/m K);

Ср – specific heat capacity of the combustible mixture (J/kg K);

p is the density of the combustible mixture (kg m3).

According to the gas state equation, pV=GRT,

where R is the gas constant (J/kg K);

T - temperature of the combustible mixture (K);

p - pressure of the combustible mixture (Pa);

G is the amount of combustible mixture.

Substituting (4.3) and (4.4) into (4.2) and solving the equation for the critical channel diameter, we obtain:

In accordance with experimental data, the actual diameter of the channel of the fire extinguishing nozzle of the fire arrester should be taken taking into account the double safety factor, that is

If the fire arrester nozzle consists of granular bodies (gravel grains, glass or porcelain balls, rings), it is necessary to proceed from the calculated size of the channel to the size of the granule. The diameter of the channels (pores) formed in the packing layer from granules of the same size, close in shape to spherical particles, is taken equal to 0.25...0.36 of the ball diameter, from which

where drp is the diameter of the granule.

5. Procedure for determining the substance released from the apparatus §5.1 Characteristics of an emergency situation

Technological equipment and the technological processes carried out in it are designed in such a way that under normal operating conditions no danger arises. However, emergencies do occur. By “accident” we mean failure, damage to any device, machine, etc. during operation or movement. In most cases, accidents, regardless of their nature, are the result of errors made at the stages of development, design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of production equipment.

For each suspected accident, the cause of the damage is determined from the preliminary list compiled for the machine or apparatus; degree of damage (local damage, complete destruction); flow rate and duration of the leak (including the total amount of substance released); the size of the external danger zone (as a result of gas dispersion, spreading and evaporation of liquid); conditions of ignition and the nature of the primary source of fire.

Each accident is associated either with local damage to technological equipment or with complete destruction of the apparatus.

Accidents and damage to equipment with flammable substances usually lead to outbreaks, explosions and fires in industries.

This chapter discusses methods common to all accidents (that is, independent of the location and cause) of determining the flow rate and duration of leaks, the amount of released substance, the dynamics of the formation and growth of the size of the external hazardous zone.

§5.2. Local and complete determination of substances released from devices

Local leaks, that is, the amount of substance coming out of a damaged apparatus, can be determined by the formula

where a is the flow coefficient (0.7 can be used);

f is the area of ​​the hole through which the outflow occurs (m2);

υ-constant or average speed of outflow of matter (m2);

p – density of the substance at outflow (kg/m3);

τ - duration of expiration or time until the liquidation of the accident (s).

The area of ​​the damaged area (hole) f is determined taking into account the causes and nature of the damage and the design features of the equipment.

The duration of the outflow of a substance from a damaged apparatus τ consists of the time from the beginning of the outflow until the moment of detection of damage τ1, the duration of operations to stop the leak τ2 (closing valves, installing plugs, etc.) and the duration of the residual outflow τ3, i.e.

τ=τ1+τ2+τ3 (5.2)

It should be noted that the size of each period of time depends on many factors. Thus, the time of detection of damage and the onset of leakage τ1 depends on the nature and extent of damage, the number and location of work stations of service personnel at the production site and at the production control point, the presence of stationary means of monitoring the technological process, and the sensitivity of these means to deviations from the norms of the technological regime. In case of significant damage, in most cases the damage detection period can be taken equal to zero.

The duration of operations to stop a leak τ2 depends on the number of supply pipelines, the number, location, type of drive and the duration of operation of the shut-off valves, as well as the number of service personnel, their preparedness to eliminate an emergency. In the event of damage to complex technological installations with rigid technological connections, the shutdown time of all interconnected units and installation units. This time can be measured in hours. In the simplest cases, the equipment shutdown time is taken to be 15 minutes for manual operations and 2 minutes for automatic ones.

The duration of the residual outflow τ3 depends on the volume of the equipment being cut off, its operating parameters at the time of shutdown and the parameters of the outflow itself. The duration of this period is determined by hydrodynamic calculation.

The rate of flow of matter. The instantaneous rate of fluid flow through the hole is determined by the formula

where g is the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s);

N – reduced liquid pressure (m).

If outflow occurs from the container only under the pressure of a column of liquid (Fig. 5.1, a), then H is determined by the difference in elevations from the liquid level to the place of damage, i.e.

If the device operates under excess pressure (Fig. 3.1.6), then

where p is the operating excess pressure in the apparatus (Pa);

ρl is the density of the liquid at operating temperature (Pa).

Gas flow rate. The outflow of gas or steam under pressure through the holes is accompanied by their polytropic expansion and occurs at sonic or subsonic speed depending on the ratio, the ambient pressure ρ0 where the outflow occurs, and the pressure ρin the apparatus. The boundary between two outflow modes (critical and docritical) is denoted by the critical pressure ρcr, determined by the relation

where k is the adiabatic exponent.

Rice. 5.1. Outflow of liquid in case of local damage to the apparatus: a- at atmospheric pressure in the apparatus; b - with excess pressure in the apparatus

The critical ratio v for monatomic gases is 0.489, for diatomic gases 0.528, for polyatomic gases 0.548.

If ρ0<ρкр, истечение будет сдозвуковой (докритической) скоростью, определяемой по формуле

where V is the specific volume of gas under outflow conditions (m3/kg);

ρ0 – atmospheric pressure (Pa).

If ρ0>ρcr, the outflow will occur at a sound (critical) speed, determined by the formula

Replacing ρV with RT (according to the Clapeyron equation), we obtain:

where R is the gas constant;

T is the temperature of the gas in the apparatus.

The last formula can be simplified. For diatomic gases />; for polyatomic gases />.

In case of complete destruction of the apparatus, the total amount of flammable substance (gas or liquid) is determined by the formula

Gob=Gap+Gtr, (5.10)

where Gap is the amount of substances present in the apparatus at the time of destruction;

Gtr - the amount of substances supplied to the device through the pipelines before they are turned off.

The amount of substance in the apparatus at the time of destruction is determined based on the capacity and degree of filling of the apparatus. The amount of substance supplied to the emergency apparatus through pipelines depends on their size and consumption of the substance in the pipelines, the method of detecting the accident and shutting off the pipelines.

The area of ​​liquid spreading during accidents of apparatus and pipelines depends on the amount of liquid spilled, its viscosity, temperature, intensity of flow, height of fall of the jet, slope of the site or floor and other factors.

The spreading area of ​​flammable liquids F (m3) is determined by the formula

where α is the wetting angle of the floor surface with the spilled liquid;

g - gravity acceleration (9.8 m/s);

ρ - liquid density (Pa);

σ - surface tension coefficient of flammable liquid (Pa/s);

Kp is a coefficient taking into account the state of the surface.

Taking Kp = 1.0 for an ideal glass surface, we experimentally found: for Metlakh tiles Kp = 0.9; for soil Kp = 0.9; for reinforced concrete slab - 1.1; for asphalt - 1.1; for concrete (with marble chips filler) - 0.5.

For a practical assessment, you can use the values ​​of the specific area for spreading given in NPB 105-03 “Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards”. In the case of the release of flammable liquid in industrial premises, the area is determined from the condition that one liter of mixtures and solutions , containing 70% less by weight of solvents, is poured over an area equal to 0.5 m2. And the remaining liquids per 1 m2 of the floor of the room in the event of a flammable liquid leaking into an open area.

6. The procedure for determining categories of premises §6.1 “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and external installations for explosion and fire hazards” (NPB105-03)

These standards establish a methodology for determining the categories of premises and buildings (or parts of buildings between fire walls - fire compartments) for production and warehouse purposes according to explosion and fire hazard, depending on the quantity and fire and explosion hazard properties of the substances and materials located (circulating) in them, taking into account the characteristics of the technological processes of the production facilities located in them , as well as a methodology for determining the categories of outdoor installations for production and storage purposes according to fire hazard.

The methodology for determining the categories of premises and buildings by explosion and fire hazard should be used in the design, estimate and operational documentation for buildings, premises and external installations.

Categories of premises and buildings of enterprises and institutions are determined at the design stage of buildings and structures in accordance with these standards and departmental standards for technological design, approved in the prescribed manner.

The requirements of the standards for outdoor installations must be taken into account in projects for construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, when changing technological processes and during the operation of outdoor installations. Along with these standards, you should also be guided by the provisions of departmental technological design standards regarding the categorization of outdoor installations approved in the prescribed manner.

In the field of explosion hazard assessment, these standards highlight categories of explosion- and fire-hazardous premises and buildings, a more detailed classification of which by explosion hazard and the necessary protective measures must be regulated by independent regulatory documents.

The categories of premises and buildings, defined in accordance with these standards, should be used to establish regulatory requirements for ensuring explosion and fire safety of the specified premises in relation to planning and construction, number of floors, areas, placement of premises, design solutions, engineering equipment.

These rules do not apply to:

o for premises and buildings for the production and storage of explosives, means of initiating explosives, buildings and structures designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner;

o for outdoor installations for the production and storage of explosives, means of initiating explosives, outdoor installations designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner, as well as for assessing the level of explosion hazard of outdoor installations.

Categories of explosion and fire hazards of premises are determined for the most unfavorable period in relation to fire or explosion, based on the type of flammable substances and materials located in the apparatus and premises, their quantity and fire hazardous properties, and the characteristics of technological processes.

Combustible gases, flammable liquids with a flash point of no more than 28°C in such quantities that they can form explosive vapor-gas mixtures, upon ignition of which a calculated excess explosion pressure in the room develops exceeding 5 kPa.

Substances and materials capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, air oxygen or with each other in such quantities that the calculated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeds 5 kPa

explosive and fire hazardous

Combustible dusts or fibers, flammable liquids with a flash point of more than 28°C, flammable liquids in such quantities that they can form explosive dust-air or steam-air mixtures, the ignition of which develops a calculated excess explosion pressure in the room exceeding 5 kPa

fire hazardous

Flammable and low-flammable liquids, solid flammable and low-flammable substances and materials (including dust and fibers), substances and materials that can only burn when interacting with water, air oxygen or with each other, provided that the rooms in which they are present in stock or in circulation, do not belong to categories A or B D Non-combustible substances and materials in a hot, incandescent or molten state, the processing of which is accompanied by the release of radiant heat, sparks and flames; flammable gases, liquids and solids that are burned or disposed of as fuel D Non-combustible substances and materials in a cold state

When calculating the values ​​of explosion and fire hazard criteria, the most unfavorable variant of the accident or the period of normal operation of the devices, in which the largest number of substances or materials that are most dangerous in relation to the consequences of the explosion, are involved in the explosion, should be selected as the calculated one.

If the use of calculation methods is not possible, it is allowed to determine the values ​​of explosion and fire hazard criteria based on the results of relevant research work, agreed upon and approved in the prescribed manner.

The amount of substances entering the premises that can form explosive gas-air or steam-air mixtures is determined based on the following premises:

a) a calculated accident occurs in one of the devices according to;

b) all contents of the device enter the premises;

c) there is a simultaneous leakage of substances from the pipelines feeding the apparatus along the forward and reverse flows during the time required to turn off the pipelines.

The estimated time to shut down pipelines is determined in each specific case based on the actual situation and should be a minimum of taking into account the passport data for shut-off devices, the nature of the technological process and the type of design accident.

The estimated pipeline shutdown time should be taken equal to:

the response time of the automatic pipeline shutdown system according to the installation’s passport data, if the probability of failure of the automation system does not exceed 0.000001 per year or redundancy of its elements is ensured;

120 s, if the probability of failure of the automation system exceeds 0.000001 per year and redundancy of its elements is not ensured;

300 s with manual shutdown.

It is not allowed to use technical means to disconnect pipelines for which the shutdown time exceeds the above values.

“Response time” and “shutdown time” should be understood as the period of time from the beginning of the possible flow of flammable substances from the pipeline (perforation, rupture, change in nominal pressure, etc.) until the complete cessation of the flow of gas or liquid into the room.

Quick-acting shut-off valves must automatically shut off the supply of gas or liquid in the event of a power failure.

In exceptional cases, in accordance with the established procedure, it is allowed to exceed the above values ​​of the pipeline shutdown time by a special decision of the relevant federal ministries and other federal executive bodies in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia at the production facilities and enterprises under its control and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;

d) evaporation occurs from the surface of the spilled liquid; the area of ​​evaporation when spilled on the floor is determined (in the absence of reference data) based on the calculation that 1 liter of mixtures and solutions containing 70% or less (by weight) of solvents is spilled over an area of ​​0.5 m2 , and other liquids - per 1 m2 of floor space;

e) evaporation of liquid also occurs from containers operated with an open liquid surface, and from freshly painted surfaces;

f) the duration of liquid evaporation is assumed to be equal to the time of its complete evaporation, but not more than 3600 s.

8. The amount of dust that can form an explosive mixture is determined from the following premises:

a) the design accident was preceded by dust accumulation in the production area, occurring under normal operating conditions (for example, due to dust release from leaking production equipment);

b) at the time of the estimated accident, a planned (repair work) or sudden depressurization of one of the technological devices occurred, followed by an emergency release of all the dust in the device into the room.

The free volume of a room is defined as the difference between the volume of the room and the volume occupied by the technological equipment. If the free volume of the room cannot be determined, then it can be assumed to be conditionally equal to 80% of the geometric volume of the room.

7. Classification of main pipelines §7.1 Main pipelines

Trunk pipelines designed for transporting commercial oil and petroleum products (including stable condensate and gasoline) from areas of their production (from fields), production or storage to places of consumption (oil depots, transshipment bases, tank loading points, oil terminals, individual industrial enterprises). They are characterized by high throughput, pipeline diameter from 219 to 1400 mm and excess pressure from 1.2 to 10 MPa.

Main pipelines, according to SNiP*. “Main pipelines”, are divided into two classes:

Class I – at operating pressure from 2.5 to 10 MPa (over 25 to 100 kgf/cm2) inclusive;

Class II – at operating pressure from 1.2 to 2.5 MPa (over 12 to 25 kgf/cm2) inclusive.

Main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, based on the diameter of the pipeline, are divided into four classes:

I. From 1000mm to 1200mm inclusive;

II. From 500 mm to 1000 mm inclusive;

III. From 300 mm to 500 mm inclusive;

IV. From 300 mm less.

§ 7.2 Basic requirements for main pipelines

1. Main pipelines (gas, oil and petroleum product pipelines) should be laid underground.

Laying pipelines on the surface, in an embankment or on supports is allowed only as an exception, if the justification is consistent. In this case, special measures must be taken to ensure the safety of these pipelines.

2. The laying of pipelines can be carried out singly or run parallel to other existing project pipelines in the technological corridor.

8. Process pipeline §8.1 Laying of pipelines

Technological pipelines intended for transportation within an industrial enterprise or group of these enterprises of various substances (raw materials, semi-finished products, reagents, as well as intermediate or final products obtained or used in the technological process, etc.) necessary for conducting the technological process or operating equipment.

Pipelines are laid inside the embankment. When laying pipelines through an embankment, tightness must be ensured at the place where the pipes pass.

Process pipelines with flammable and liquefied flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids laid on the territory of the enterprise must be ground or above ground on fireproof supports and overpasses.

When crossing technological pipelines outside the territory of the enterprise with flammable and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable liquids of railway and tram tracks, trolleybus lines and general roads, under pipelines, protective metal trays must be installed, protruding at a distance of at least 15 m from the axis of the outer track and 10 m from the edge of the road subgrade. Pipelines in these places should not have fittings or detachable connections.

When underground crossing of process pipelines with the specified products of in-plant railway tracks, highways and driveways, the pipelines must be laid in cases made of steel pipes with a diameter of 100-200 mm larger than the diameters of the pipelines laid in them. The ends of the cases must be sealed with tarred strands, filled with bitumen and protruding 2 m in each side from the outermost rail or from the edge of the roadway.

Vertical distances from railway tracks and power lines to process pipelines should be taken to the protective devices of these pipelines.

The distances from buildings, structures and other objects to inter-shop and process pipelines transporting flammable and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids must be no less than those indicated in Table 2.

Installation of equipment under inter-shop process pipelines with flammable products is not allowed. Containers for draining liquid from pipelines and pumps for them must be located outside the dimensions of the overpass.

The distance from pipelines to the specified equipment is not standardized.

Technological pipelines must have fireproof thermal insulation protected from destruction.

Laying transit pipelines with explosive and fire hazardous products above and below external installations, buildings, as well as through them is not permitted.

table 2

No. Name of objects Distance to pipelines, m 1 From production, warehouse, auxiliary and other buildings and structures, regardless of fire hazard categories 510 2 From in-plant railways 5 3 From in-plant highways 1.5 4 From power lines (overhead ) 1.5 support heights 5 From open transformer substations and distribution devices 10 6 From gas tanks with flammable gases and tanks with flammable liquids, flammable liquids and LPG 15 7 From any wells of underground communications outside the dimensions of the overpass

But it is allowed to lay pipelines with flammable, toxic and aggressive substances through household, administrative, electrical rooms, process control rooms, ventilation chambers and other similar rooms.

If there is a technological need for laying pipelines with flammable products from one department of the workshop to others, the pipelines must be placed in a corridor specially designated for this with enclosing structures that have a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.

§ 8.2 Basic requirements for pipelines with flammable liquids and gases

1. When operating process pipelines with flammable gases, you must comply with the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pipelines for flammable, toxic and liquefied gases”, “Safety rules in explosive and fire-hazardous chemical and petrochemical production” and the requirements of this section of the Rules.

2. In production workshops and at individual installations, a pipeline diagram must be posted indicating the location of valves that shut off the flow of product in the event of a fire.

3. Operating personnel need to know the location of pipelines, valves and their purpose, and also be able to clearly and quickly switch valves in case of accidents and fires.

4... It is necessary to ensure that the openings where pipelines pass through solid walls are sealed tightly.

5. When laying inter-shop pipelines with flammable liquids and gases in channels and trenches (open and closed), it is necessary to ensure that where the trenches and channels pass from one room to another through the fire wall, there are serviceable gas-tight jumpers (diaphragms) made of non-combustible materials.

6. In order to avoid the formation of plugs in external pipelines that transport viscous and easily solidified flammable products (with a pour point close to zero and above), it is necessary to constantly monitor the heating of these pipelines and fittings, as well as the serviceability of their thermal insulation.

7. In closed chutes and tunnels where there are pipelines with fire and explosive substances, in places where flammable vapors and gases are most likely to accumulate, it is necessary to install gas analyzers that automatically signal the creation of dangerous concentrations.

8. It is not allowed to use plugs to disconnect a pipeline that is stopped for a long time from another pipeline that is under pressure. In such cases, it is necessary to provide a removable section of the pipeline, and install plugs at the ends of existing pipelines.

9. Protective burst discs on pipelines must be in good working order. The location of the bursting discs, their material, diameter and thickness must correspond to the design data.

10. The serviceability and cleanliness of thermal insulation on hot pipelines should be constantly monitored. It is not allowed to operate hot pipelines with damaged thermal insulation or if flammable liquids have come into contact with it.

11. If there is a significant breakthrough of gas or liquid from damaged pipelines, as well as if a fire occurs in inter-shop communications, call the fire brigade and gas rescue service. At the same time, measures must be taken to localize the accident and stop the supply of product to the damaged pipeline.

§8.3 Classification of process pipelines

Technological pipelines are classified according to the type of substance being transported, pipe material, operating parameters, degree of aggressiveness of the environment, location, categories and groups.

By the type of substance being transported, technological pipelines can be divided into oil pipelines, gas pipelines, steam pipelines, water pipelines, fuel oil pipelines, oil pipelines, gasoline pipelines, acid pipelines, alkali pipelines, as well as special purpose pipelines (thick and liquid lubricant pipelines, heated pipelines, vacuum - wires), etc.

According to the material from which the pipes are made, pipelines are distinguished: steel (carbon, alloy and high-alloy steel), non-ferrous metals and their alloys (copper, brass, titanium, lead, aluminum), cast iron, non-metallic (polyethylene, vinyl plastic, fluoroplastic, glass), lined (rubber, polyethylene, fluoroplastic), enameled, bimetallic, etc.

According to the relative pressure of the transported substance, pipelines are divided into vacuum, operating at a pressure below 0.1 MPa, low pressure, operating at a pressure of up to 10 MPa, high pressure (more than 10 MPa) and non-pressure, operating without excess pressure.

Based on the temperature of the transported substance, pipelines are divided into cold (temperature below 0 ° C), normal (1 ... 45 ° C) and hot (from 46 ° C and above).

Based on the degree of aggressiveness of the transported substance, pipelines are distinguished for non-aggressive, slightly aggressive, moderately aggressive and aggressive environments. The resistance of a metal in corrosive environments is assessed by the rate of corrosion penetration - the depth of corrosion destruction of the metal per unit time, mm/year. Non-aggressive and low-aggressive environments include substances that cause corrosion of the pipe wall at a rate of less than 0.1 mm/year, moderately aggressive - within 0.1... 0.5 mm/year and aggressive - more than 0.5 mm/year.

By location, pipelines can be intra-shop, connecting individual devices and machines within one technological installation or workshop and located inside a building or in an open area, and inter-shop, connecting individual technological installations, devices, containers located in different workshops.

According to the degree of impact on the human body, all harmful substances are divided into four hazard classes (GOST 12.1.005 - 88 “General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area” and GOST 12.1.007 -76 * “Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements”): 1 - extremely dangerous; 2 - highly dangerous; 3 - moderately dangerous; 4 - low-risk.

According to fire hazard (GOST 12.1.004 - 91 “Fire safety. General requirements”) substances are non-flammable (NG), low-flammable (TG), flammable (TV), flammable liquids (GZh), flammable liquids (FLL), flammable gases ( GG), explosive (explosive).

9. Fire hazard of the painting process §9.1 Mechanical spray painting

Recently, the method of applying paint and varnish material under high pressure has become widely used. Its application is also called mechanical spraying. The essence of this method is to use the changing properties of the paint and varnish material at large pressure differences from 10 to 20 MPa. When even cold paint and varnish material exits the nozzle, a finely dispersed torch is formed, which reduces the loss of fog formation and reduces the likelihood of the formation of a fire-explosive concentration.

The fire hazard of painting processes is due to the properties of the paints and varnishes used, which contain from 50 - 60% and even 70 -80% flammable solvents. A large amount of evaporating solvent vapors that have found a source of ignition and branched paths for the spread of fire.

The most dangerous method of spraying is with compressed air, which creates a fire and explosive mixture of tiny particles of varnish and paint in the air.

One of the measures to prevent the formation of flammable mixtures is a ventilation device to suck out vapors from the source of painting products. Therefore, painting should be done in chambers with constant air exchange or in close proximity to the intake devices of air ducts that suck out vapors of a flammable liquid. Workplaces are isolated from the environment of the production premises.

Combining the ventilation systems of painting booths (booths) and other rooms is not allowed. Vapors of paint and varnish material carried away by the ventilation system are captured using filters or sprayed water, cleanable traps.

The ventilation system must have an automatic lock to ensure that paint stops when the fan stops.

The amount of air that must be passed through the spray booth to ensure safe conditions is determined by the formula

where F – sections of open chamber openings;

U – speed of air movement in the chamber openings (1 m/s, for toxic substances 1.3 m/s);

α – coefficient taking into account suction through cabin leaks (taken from 1.1 to 1.2).

When painting large products, carriages, locomotives, ventilation is provided according to the principle of ventilation of limiting the area of ​​the product that is currently being painted. In this case, the product moves relative to the ventilation unit or the ventilation unit moves relative to the product. The speed of the suction air must be at least 1 m/s.

The chambers are equipped with gas analyzers, which are blocked by fan operation. Another direction to reduce the fire hazard of paint is the replacement of flammable and combustible solvents, film formers and varnishes with fireproof ones.

Specific sources of ignition in these processes are impact sparks (mechanical) and spontaneous combustion of waste, which includes: nitro varnishes, linseed oil, enamel, as well as spontaneous combustion of deposits of paint and varnish materials in air ducts. Therefore, for preventive purposes the following is provided:

Removing paint and varnish materials from the premises;

Cleaning air ducts from deposits of paint and varnish materials;

Monitoring the serviceability of equipment, the absence of sparks, impacts and friction when operating fans and when using tools.

The rapid spread of fires is facilitated by:

A large number of paints and varnishes;

Flammability of the painted products themselves, regardless of the material;

A ventilation system through which flames can spread to adjacent workshops and floors.

Therefore, preventive measures include:

1. limiting the amount of flammable substances and materials located directly in paint shops;

2. laying ventilation air ducts along the shortest path directly outside or into the cleaning device;

3. installation of fire arresters and fire-retarding dampers, especially on branches from the cabin and units;

4. cleaning the cabin and chambers from waste, and the air ducts from deposits of paint and varnish materials.

§9.2 Dipping and pouring painting

This method is used in conveyor technology, when painted products are fed for drying. Products are dipped into the bath using lifting devices. If the volume of the bath exceeds 0.5 m3, special painting booths with exhaust ventilation are installed.

The pouring method differs little from dipping. Jet dousing and dousing followed by exposure to solvent vapors consists in the fact that the product is generously doused with paint and directed into a chamber or tunnel in which solvent vapors are located. Here, excess paint drains from the product, and the remaining paint evenly covers its surface. This method has a number of advantages over others:

1. paint and varnish material costs are reduced;

2. it is possible to use conveyors;

3. good conditions are created for processor automation;

4. The amount of paint in the system is sharply reduced compared to dipping, which helps reduce the scale of a possible fire.

In the furniture industry, the varnish-filling method is widely used, using varnish-filling machines. The main element of these machines is the varnish-filling head, from which the varnish flows in the form of an endless, thin, wide film, which lies on the painted furniture material moving along the conveyor. The resulting vapors are sucked off, and the material is dried.

When painting by dipping and pouring, a flammable environment is formed in paint units, ventilation ducts, in containers with paint and varnish materials and in the production room. Paint flows abundantly from the products into the receptacles, and abundant evaporation of solvents from the surface of the baths and products occurs, both at the time of painting and when the products are transferred to drying.

If the ventilation system malfunctions, fire and explosive mixtures may form. The fire spreads through paint and varnish materials located in complaints, containers, collections, and communications. To prevent the formation of a flammable environment, good air exchange is required with an air speed of 1 to 1.5 m/s.

Provides automatic blocking, excluding paint supply when the ventilation system is stopped; automatic control and alarm about the appearance of dangerous concentrations; automatic regulation of concentrated vapors in painting booths.

10. Fire hazard of technologies for grinding substances and materials §10.1 Mechanical processing of metals

The processes of mechanical processing of metal, wood, plastics, minerals and other solids and materials are always associated with the use of flammable liquids, the presence of explosive concentrations of vapors, flammable and combustible liquids, fire and explosive dust. These processes are associated with an increase in temperature, which can in turn cause a fire or explosion.

For metal processing, turning, drilling, grinding, gear cutting and welding operations are used using appropriate equipment. Mechanical processing of metals involves the use of significant forces to overcome frictional forces, which in turn causes heating of the material.

The main factors influencing the degree of heating of the material are the cutting speed, cutting tool feed, quality of tool sharpening and mechanical and technological properties of the material. Under normal conditions, heat is dissipated into the environment and does not pose a danger. By increasing the cutting speed and tool feed, the amount of heat increases and the source material (processed) can become a source of ignition.

The flammable material in cold metal processing shops is mainly oils used in machine lubrication systems for cooling cutters and tools. To protect against corrosion, metal arriving at the warehouse is always coated with a layer of lubricant. This lubricant, along with the waste, gets onto the conveyor belt, the conveyors become dirty and conditions are created for the occurrence and spread of a fire.

The processing of Mg, Ti, Zr and their alloys poses a particular fire hazard. Magnesium dust ignites even from a spark, the combustion process takes place in the form of an explosion. Dust and shavings of magnesium and its alloys spontaneously ignite in the presence of small amounts of oil. Even more dangerous, magnesium dust, when electrified, can ignite, which poses a great danger in systems on which it settles (air ducts, aspiration units).

The main fire safety requirement during metal processing processes boils down to the following:

1. compliance with the established processing mode (cutting, sawing, grinding speed, feed rate);

2. preventing the use of blunt instruments and machines unsuited for these purposes;

3. maintaining the serviceability and efficiency of the machine cooling systems (the water supply system is blocked with the machine starting system);

4. by ensuring that the oil system is in good working order, oil leakage must be prevented;

5. regular cleaning of the conveyor from oily contaminants using technical detergents;

6. electrical equipment of machines must be in accordance with the specifications;

7. For alloys, fire extinguishing compounds of the PS-1, PS-2 brand are used.

§10.2 Prevention of the process of grinding solids

Solid combustible substances (grain, coal, grain, paint, sulfur) are crushed, crushed and ground. Grinding is divided into crushing: coarse, medium, fine, fine and ultra-fine. Coarse crushing is carried out in brush and cone crushers. For medium and fine crushing, roller hammer and deflector crushers are used. Fine grinding is carried out in ball mills, ultra-fine in vibrating colloidal mills.

The processes of grinding flammable substances represent an increased danger, since they are accompanied by an increase in the surface of the solid and its reactivity. In this process, explosive dust is formed, creating two flammable systems: solid matter, air and aerosol. The greatest danger of them is flammable air suspension.

Dust settles on equipment and building elements and forms a flammable medium, aerogel. The danger of airgel is that it can easily transform into an aerosol, which is explosive.

Sources of ignition for solid substances: sparks resulting from stones and metals entering machines, along with raw materials; when metal parts of the machine strike each other; when the car breaks down; when discharging static electricity, as well as heated bodies.

§10.3 Activities in the process of grinding substances and materials.

1. In cases where the sealing of machines performing crushing, grinding, transportation and other similar operations associated with the production of crushed products does not prevent the release of dust into the room, the places where dust is emitted must be equipped with vacuum cleaners. It is not allowed to evacuate cars with faulty vacuum cleaners.

2. Hatches and doors located on grinding and crushing units and pipelines with dust must be tightly closed. The loading of crushed flammable substances into machines should not exceed the maximum weight specified in the manufacturer’s passport.

3. To avoid equipment breakdowns and the appearance of sparks during impacts, metal objects and stones should not be allowed to enter crushers and mills along with flammable raw materials.

If there are magnetic catchers, it is necessary to monitor their serviceability and efficiency.

4. Machines for grinding and mixing crushed substances, equipped with an inert gas supply system, must have a proper interlock, allowing the machines to be started only after the inert gas has been supplied and the gas supply to be turned off only after the machine has stopped.

6. Ground the machines to prevent the formation of static electricity.

5. To reduce the possibility of accumulation of settled explosive or spontaneously combustible dust in machines and apparatus, the presence of dead-end branches, disconnected lines, condensation of water vapor should not be allowed to avoid wetting of the walls, and the formation of dust hanging in the bunker part of the machines and apparatus.

6. Cleaning of machines and cleaning of premises from dust must be carried out within the prescribed time limits carefully, without stirring up dust.

7. When extinguishing hot spots of burning dust, in order to avoid its agitation and explosion, it is necessary to use sprayed water with wetting agents.

11. Fire hazard of drying processes §11.1 Concept of drying

Drying is the thermal process of removing moisture from solid materials by evaporating it and removing the resulting vapors.

Moisture can be removed by settling and using centrifuges, but more complete removal of moisture is achieved during thermal drying. Removing moisture during drying is reduced to moving it from the volume of the material to the surface and moving it from the surface of the material to the environment.

§11.2 Drying processes

Main requirements for drying materials:

1. For each dryer, maximum permissible loading rates of the dried material and operating temperature conditions must be established.

When operating dryers, it is necessary to constantly monitor compliance with the temperature regime of the drying process and the serviceability of control and alarm devices.

2. Dryers for drying thermally unstable materials and materials prone to spontaneous combustion must have automatic temperature control devices.

3. When drying substances and materials, it is necessary to ensure that the ventilation system of the dryer constantly ensures an explosion-proof concentration of vapors and gases in the drying volume of the chamber.

To control the concentration of flammable solvent vapors in the dryer, automatic gas analyzers must be installed that provide a signal when a concentration equal to 20% of the lower flammability limit is reached. If there are no commercially available gas analyzers for vapors of a given solvent, it is necessary to provide laboratory monitoring of the concentration of vapors in the air, periodically taking samples for analysis.

4. In dryers operating with air recirculation, it is necessary to control the permissible amount of air return (recirculation) so that the drying chamber cannot create a concentration of vapors and gases exceeding 20% ​​of the concentration of their lower flammability limit. Gates on the flow line must be equipped with limiters.

5. Continuous dryers are allowed to operate if they have a properly functioning locking system that ensures automatic shutdown of heating (air heaters, radiators, electrodes, etc.) in the event of a sudden stop of the conveyor or exhaust fan.

6. When operating dryers in which the dried material is in a moving or suspended state, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability and timely check of the grounding system. If the grounding of chambers, pipelines and cyclones is ineffective due to the deposition of non-conductive dust on the walls, a drying agent that is electrically conductive should be used or inert gases should be used for drying.

7. In explosive dryers, care must be taken to ensure that the fans are explosion-proof, and that the door frames are made of metals that do not produce sparks upon impact.

8. To prevent the spread of fire, it is necessary to ensure that automatically closing valves on the suction lines or fresh air supply lines are in good working order.

9. It is necessary to regularly monitor the quality of cleaning of drying chambers, heaters, air ducts, filters, cyclones and transport devices from dust and other deposits. Cleaning times must be specified in the production instructions.

10. Monitor the condition of automatic fire extinguishing systems and check their serviceability within the established time limits. If the material being dried catches fire, the ventilation system and transport devices must be stopped immediately. Dryers should be equipped with steam extinguishing devices or a water deluge system.

11. It is prohibited to store combustible materials in production premises in quantities exceeding the shift norm; leave uncleaned oils, drying oils, varnishes, adhesives and other flammable materials and items after finishing work.

12. Dryer buildings (rooms) must be fireproof. When heating batteries are located in the lower part of the drying chambers, the steam pipes must have a smooth surface and be covered with a mesh on top. Periodically, but at least once a week, it is necessary to clean the chambers and battery locations from wood chips, debris, etc.


1. GOST 12.1.004-91 Fire safety. General requirements. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1992. (as amended on October 21, 1993)

2. Fire safety rules for the operation of chemical industry enterprises. PPBO-103-79. VNE 5-79. M.: Ministry of Chemical Industry, 1967.

3. Departmental guidelines for fire safety design of enterprises, buildings and structures of the oil refining and petrochemical industries. VUPP-88. M., 1989.

4. GOST R 12.3.047-98 Fire safety of technological processes. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1998.

6. Safety rules for auxiliary workshops of mining enterprises. PB 06-227-98, M., 1998.

7. SNiP 2.01.02-85*. "Fire safety standards". M.: GOSSTROY USSR, 1991.

8. Baratov A.N. Fire prevention of technological processes of production. M.: VIPTSH Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1985.

9. Shevandin M.A., Botoev B.B., Rubtsov B.N. Safety in emergency situations. Civil defense. M.: Route, 2004. – 356 p.

10. Sibarov Yu.G. Labor protection in railway transport. M.:Transport, 1981.S. 23-25

Research work

On the topic of:

"Fires and causes

their occurrence"

Vlasenko Oleg,

Bakhtigaliev Farkhat

students of class 2 "A"

gymnasium No. 231

Znamensk, Astrakhan region

Supervisor: Motchenko Marina


primary school teacher.



1. Theoretical part:

1.1. Fire concept.

1.2. Causes of domestic fires.

1.3. Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of city apartments.

1.4. Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of housing in rural areaslocalities (dacha villages).

1.5. Prevention of household fires.

1.6. Actions in case of fire.

1.7. Actions after a fire.

Statistics of the causes of fires in the Russian Federation for 2014 (according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

Practical part:

2.1. Fire safety criteria for the maintenance of city apartments.

2.2. Fire safety criteria for maintaining housing in rural areas (dacha villages).




Even in ancient Rus', starting from the 10th–11th centuries, as Russian statehood strengthened, the economy developed, and cities grew, the issue of fighting fires, which caused immeasurable material damage and claimed thousands of lives, became increasingly pressing. Ancient chronicles contain descriptions of grandiose fires that swept away entire cities. According to the observations of historians, up to the 15th century. in Russia, a fire in a city was considered large if several thousand households burned down. The fire that destroyed hundreds of yards was not even mentioned; this happened often. In 1493, even the Moscow white-stone Kremlin burned twice due to the fire of numerous wooden buildings that came close to its walls.

Adoption in the 15th–16th centuries. legislative acts in the field of fire safety were reflected in the creations of architects and builders. Construction in Moscow has now begun with brick and the necessary fire safety measures were taken into account when designing buildings. Peter I made a great contribution to the development of fire fighting. During his reign, new fire safety rules were introduced, borrowed from Holland.

Relevance work is due to the fact that the number of fires in residential premises is increasing. Household fires have become our constant “companions” of life.

Now in Russia great importance is attached to the development of fire safety standards. Currently, ensuring fire safety of buildings and structures for various purposes is based on an extensive system of fire safety standards for building design.

Butand it's no secret that fires most often occur from the careless attitude of people themselves towards fire.Every day the media informs us about household fires. Moreover, information is mainly received about fires in residential buildings in rural areas or holiday villages.Thus, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 284 fires occurred in the Astrakhan region, in which 24 people died and 14 received burns of varying degrees of severity.

Thus, the issue of fire safety has always been relevant.

We became interested in how safe it is from the point of view of fire in the apartments where we spend more time, and the dachas where our family spends the summer.

Practical significance: The collected material can be used in extracurricular activities for the purpose of fire safety prevention.

Goal of the work – investigate the causes of fires in residential premises.


Get acquainted with the concept of fire, the causes of domestic fires, and the classification of materials according to their flammability.

Get acquainted with fire safety requirements for residential premises in the city and in rural areas (dacha villages).

Get acquainted with the statistics of domestic fires for 2015 in the Astrakhan region.

Draw up fire safety criteria for the maintenance of city apartments and the maintenance of housing in rural areas (dacha villages).

Compare the fire hazard of housing in the city and in rural areas (dacha villages).

Conduct a class hour on the topic “Fires and the causes of their occurrence.”

Create a presentation with the results of your work.

Object of study: Fire safety.

Subject of study: fire safety in urban housing and in rural areas (dacha villages).

Hypothesis: Suppose that in the city the probability of domestic fires is less than in rural houses and holiday villages, but compliance with fire safety rules should reduce the number of fires.

Research methods: comparatively - descriptive, survey and questionnaire method.

Theoretical part

1.1 The concept of fire.

Fire - uncontrolled, unauthorized combustion substances, materials and gas-air mixtures outside the special hearth , and causing significant material damage, damage to people on objects and rolling stock, which is divided into external and internal, open and hidden;

Fire - this is the combustion of substances, characterized by significant spread, high temperatures and duration, posing a danger to people.

Fires are divided intoexternal (open ), in which they are clearly visible flames and smoke and internal (closed ), characterized by hidden paths of flame propagation.

A fire requires 3 factors:

1. Flammable substance

2. Oxidizing agent (oxygen)

3. Source of ignition

Causes of household fires

The main causes of domestic fires:

1. From stove heating.

This happens most often when the following conditions are violated:

Use of metal stoves that do not meet fire safety standards and technical specifications;

Failure to follow instructions when using factory-made metal stoves;

Use of stoves with cracks, faulty doors, with insufficient cutting and deviation from combustible structures;

Use for igniting a solid fuel stove: gasoline and other flammable liquids;

Overheating of the furnace;

Close location of flammable materials from the stove and drying clothes on them;

Using a stove without a metal pre-furnace sheet measuring at least 50 x 70 cm (on a wooden or other floor made of flammable materials);

Leaving a heating stove unattended or entrusting supervision to a young child;

Use ceramic, asbestos-cement or metal pipes, as well as sand-lime bricks for chimneys.

2. Careless handling of fire.

The cause of every third fire is careless or negligent handling of fire: unextinguished matches, cigarette butts, candles, heating water pipes with torches and blowtorches by fire, carelessness in storing burning coals and ash. A fire can also occur from a fire lit near a building, most often from sparks carried by the wind.

3. Violation of the rules for using electrical appliances.

An analysis of such fires shows that they occur mainly for two reasons: due to violation of the rules when using electrical household appliances and a hidden malfunction of these appliances or electrical networks.

For an electric stove left on for a long time, the heating of the coil reaches 600-700°C, and the base of the tile reaches 250-300°C. If exposed to this temperature, the table, chair or floor on which the tiles are placed may ignite.

Water heating devices cause ignition of almost any combustible supporting surface within 15-20 minutes after the water has boiled away, and when testing electric kettles with 600W heating elements, ignition of the base occurs 3 minutes after the water has boiled away.

4. Faulty electrical wiring or improper operation of the electrical network.

The occurrence of fires for these reasons is as follows. When current passes through a conductor, heat is generated. Under normal conditions, it dissipates into the environment faster than the conductor has time to heat up. Therefore, for each electrical load, a conductor of a certain cross-section is selected accordingly. If the cross-section of the conductor is smaller than calculated, then the generated heat does not have time to dissipate and the conductor overheats. Also, when several household appliances are plugged into one outlet at the same time, an overload occurs, heating the wires and igniting the insulation.

One of the causes of fires arising from electrical networks is a short circuit, when two conductors without insulation are short-circuited with each other. As a result, there is a sharp increase in current in the network, instantaneous heating of the wires to a temperature that melts the metal cores, and an intense release of sparks and a large amount of heat is observed. That is why it is necessary to ensure that the insulation of the wires is in good condition and to prevent fastening them with nails, which could damage the insulation.

Due to improper connection of wires (twisted), weak fastening or severe oxidation of the contact surfaces and joints of the wires, they become very hot and ignite. Loose contact of the plugs in the sockets of the socket can lead to strong heating of the socket and subsequent ignition of the partitions and walls on which the socket is mounted. This phenomenon is due to the presence of large local transition resistances. In these cases, fuses cannot prevent a fire, since the current strength in the circuit does not increase, and the heating of an area with a poorly made wire connection reaches a dangerous limit only due to an increase in resistance in certain places, usually over long sections.

Incandescent lighting lamps pose a fire hazard because the surface of the glass bulb becomes very hot, the temperature of which can reach 550°C. Since in incandescent lamps only 3-8% of the energy is spent on emitting light, and 92-97% is converted into heat.

Dangerous consequences can occur from poor contact of the lamp base with the socket spring. Here the socket becomes very hot, which leads to the wire insulation drying out, losing its insulating properties and causing a short circuit when the lamp is turned on. Strong heating of the socket and, as a result, drying out of the insulation and a short circuit also occurs if a high-power lamp (200-300 W) is screwed into a regular socket.

Destruction of the lamp bulb from mechanical stress also leads to fires, since the temperature of the metal filaments ranges from 1700 to 2700°C.

Fluorescent lamps are safer in terms of fire. Their surfaces are only up to 40-50°C.

To protect the electrical network from overload and short circuit, fuses (plugs) are used, which operate when the voltage rises above the permissible level.

5. Fires from household gas appliances.

The main cause of these fires is gas leakage due to a violation of the tightness of pipelines, connecting units or through the burners of gas stoves.

Natural and liquefied bottled gas (usually a propane-butane mixture) can form explosive mixtures with air. If you smell gas in a room, do not light matches, lighters, turn on or off electrical switches, or enter a room with an open fire or a cigarette - all this can cause a gas explosion.

Liquefied gas, unlike natural gas, has more fire-hazardous properties: high fluidity, rapid increase in vapor pressure and specific volume of liquid and gas with increasing temperature, low concentration explosive limit, etc.

If a gas leak occurs from an open tap on a gas appliance, then it must be closed, the room must be thoroughly ventilated, and only then can the fire be lit. In the event of a gas leak as a result of damage to the gas network or appliances, use of them must be stopped and immediately reported to the gas office.

6. Children playing pranks with fire.

It not only leads to fires, but also often ends in tragic consequences. A child, left alone in an apartment or at home, can take matches and, imitating adults, set fire to paper, plug in an electrical appliance, or even start a fire.

Various toys made by teenagers, such as self-propelled guns and rockets, also pose a great danger. They are dangerous not only because they can cause a fire. They often explode in the hands of their “designers,” resulting in severe burns, injuries, and injuries. Special mention should be made of young smokers - fires often occur due to their fault, since, hiding from adults, they choose the most secluded corners for smoking: attics, sheds, basements, haylofts. Children's forgetfulness when handling electrical household appliances and inability to handle flammable and combustible liquids also leads to tragic consequences.

There are especially many incidents during school holidays, when children are left to their own devices almost the whole day.

1.3 Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of city apartments.

To prevent a fire in a city apartment, firefighters determine the following rules:

When using electricity and electrical appliances:

When using electricity, only plug in an iron, stove, kettle and other electrical appliances that are in working order and have a fireproof stand. Do not place switched on electrical appliances close to combustible objects and wooden structures.

Make sure that electric lamps do not touch paper or fabric lampshades.

Don’t forget to turn off the electric lights when leaving home. Unplug all electrical appliances, including a TV, radio, stereo system, etc. (except the refrigerator).

Do not use homemade fuses, el. extension cords, temporary el. wires, sockets, etc.

Do not allow several powerful consumers of electricity (electric stove, electric fireplace, kettle, etc.) to be connected to the electrical network at the same time, causing overload of the electrical network.

Getting water on electrical wires is also dangerous. It is dangerous to cover them with wallpaper, hang them on nails, pull them back, or tie them in knots. Use old connecting cords and extension cords.

Do not use faulty switches, sockets, plugs, exposed wires, or connect wires by twisting.

The electrical network is protected from overloads and short circuits only by factory-made fuses.

It is required to monitor the serviceability and cleanliness of all electrical appliances. Entrust installation of electrical wiring and its repair only to specialists.

When using gas equipment:

If there is a smell of gas in the apartment, you cannot turn on electric lighting, light matches, smoke, or use open fire. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call the Gorgaz emergency service and thoroughly ventilate the premises before its arrival.

When opening the edge of the gas pipeline, you should check whether the taps on the gas appliances are closed. Before lighting a gas burner, you need to light a match and then open the burner tap.

Make sure that the boiling liquid does not flood the burner flame, and place a ring with high ribs under the dishes with a wide bottom.

It is unacceptable to leave gas appliances on unattended. Do not dry clothes over a gas stove. Before using a gas water heater in the bathroom, you should check the presence of draft in the chimney, for which a lit piece of paper is brought to the bottom edge of the gas water heater. The drawing of the flame under the hood indicates the presence of draft in the chimney. The chimney of a gas water heater should be cleaned of soot at least once a quarter.

It is very dangerous to wash in gasoline and other flammable liquids.

Smoking or lighting matches when using gasoline, acetone, kerosene, or solvents is prohibited.

When using household chemicals:

Many household chemicals (mastics, nitro paints, varnishes, adhesives and others) pose an increased fire hazard, especially in aerosol packaging. Under no circumstances should you heat flammable mastics (BM, gamma, turpentine, mirror on silicone, etc.) over an open fire. It is dangerous to smoke and use fire while polishing and varnishing floors, linoleum and tiles.

General requirements:

The cause of the fire may be a fire in the courtyard of a residential building, in which

old furniture, garbage, fallen leaves, and poplar fluff are burned. Warming up frozen pipes with a blowtorch or torch can also lead to a fire.

Do not leave children at home alone when the gas stove is on, the fireplace or stove is on, or electrical appliances are on.

Keep matches out of the reach of children. Children playing pranks with matches is a common cause of fires.

The Christmas tree can also cause a fire. To prevent this from happening:

Place the Christmas tree on a stable stand and away from heating appliances;

You cannot decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, or wrap the stand and Christmas tree with cotton wool not impregnated with a fire retardant;

The Christmas tree should be lit only with factory-made electric garlands;

It is not allowed to light fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers, or candles indoors;

Children should not be dressed in suits made of cotton wool and gauze that are not impregnated with a fire retardant.

1.4. Fire safety requirements for the maintenance of housing in rural areas (dacha villages).

First of all, pay attention to the layout of your summer cottage. Between buildings, for example, a house and a bathhouse, a garage, a summer kitchen and a gazebo, fire safety distances must be maintained. Buildings should be at least 10 meters away from each other - this will prevent the fire from spreading to an adjacent building if a fire does occur.

Before the onset of cold weather, mow all the grass in and around the area for 10-15 meters. If this is not done, dry grass will become a potential threat to your home in the spring.

Remove firewood, tools, paper, sawdust and especially glass from the site - fragments of bottles under the sun can work as a magnifying glass.

Install a lightning rod at your dacha; lightning can also cause a fire.

Never use homemade heaters - sooner or later they will definitely catch fire.

Don’t allow anyone to set fires near your property and neighboring ones: fire does not choose friends, if something catches fire at your neighbors, then everyone will suffer.

Install smoke detectors and, if possible, fire alarms in your home. These devices will promptly notify firefighters of the danger that has arisen, which will prevent serious damage.

Be sure to insulate all electrical wiring in your home. Use corrugated or polypropylene pipe for this. This measure will localize a possible fire and contain the flame.

Apply a special coating near chimneys, stoves and fireplaces: for example, asbestos cardboard, plaster or asbestos cement sheets - they will serve as reliable protection against accidental fire.

If the house has a stove, then the floor under it should be covered with fire-resistant material at a distance of at least 30 cm in all directions.

It would not be a bad idea to purchase a fire extinguisher and other primary fire extinguishing means for your dacha (for example, boxes of sand, an axe, a shovel, a crowbar): of course, you cannot put out a large fire with their help, but a small fire can easily be put out.

Treat wooden walls inside and outside, rafters, attic, as well as all ceilings with special fire-retardant protective compounds.

To protect your dacha from fire, it is enough to follow the following fire safety rules.

Preventing household fires

In order to prevent fires and explosions, preserve life and property, the following rules must be observed:

Store matches and lighters in places that are as inaccessible to children as possible;

Do not store flammable substances and objects (alcohol, gas cylinders, paper, cloth, etc.) near a heat source;

Avoid heat accumulation (for example, do not cover TVs, heaters, etc. with anything);

Do not use candles or blow them out before leaving the room;

Be careful with the ash - it may contain smoldering brands for several days. If you need it, store it in a fireproof container;

Use fireproof trays for cigarette butts. Wait a few hours before throwing cigarette butts into a trash can or bin;

Do not leave the kitchen if there is boiling oil on the stove. Before leaving home, check that all burners on the stove are turned off;

Remember the telephone numbers of rescue services (fire departments, EDDS, etc.).

Actions in case of fire

In the event of a fire:

Act calmly and judiciously, do not panic;

Notify the fire department (“01”), clearly tell them your address;

Turn off gas and electricity;

Use available fire extinguishing agents. Never try to extinguish burning petroleum products with water. If electrical equipment is on fire, disconnect it from the power source;

Leave the building;

Try to save people and animals in danger (if a person’s clothes are on fire, throw a blanket over him and roll him on the ground);

If the stairwells and corridors are smoky, stay in the apartment and close the doors and windows to prevent drafts. Water the door frequently and caulk any cracks in the door with wet rags. Stay near the window so that you can see from the outside that you are in the house (but do not open the windows);

If you are in a smoky place, stay close to the floor - there is a strip of clean air there;

Avoid the risk of being trapped in fire;

During a fire, it is prohibited to use elevators;

If you are in a high-rise building, do not run down through the fire, but take advantage of the opportunity to escape on the roof of the building.

Actions after a fire

After the fire:

Follow the instructions of the rescue services;

Examine the house;

Help your neighbors. Using a first aid kit, provide assistance to people in trouble.

Statistics of the causes of fires in the Russian Federation for 2014 (according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations)

In 2014 In Russia, 150,804 fires occurred, 10,138 people died and 10,997 people were injured.

2. Practical part

2.1. Fire safety criteria for the maintenance of city apartments

Based on fire safety requirements for the maintenance of urban apartments and the maintenance of houses in rural areas (dacha villages), we have drawn up fire safety criteriasafety by which I assessed the fire safety of my apartment and dacha.

Presence of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials

Storage of flammable liquids (FLL), flammable liquids (FL), flammable gases (GG) in accordance with the specified requirements

Serviceability of gas equipment

Installation (placement) of furniture and other flammable objects and materials at a distance from household gas appliances in accordance with the requirements

Reconstruction and redevelopment of the apartment (if any, then with a state license)

Emergency exit

2.2. Fire safety criteria for housing maintenance in rural areas (dacha villages)

0 – does not meet the specified criterion

1 – partially meets the specified criterion

2 – meets the specified criterion

Study conclusion: a city apartment is safer from the point of view of fire, because At the dacha, we do not always comply with the necessary requirements during construction, as well as the rules when using stove equipment; in addition, at the dacha we use more flammable, combustible liquids and combustible gases.

2.3. Class hour "Fires and their causes"

In our class, a class hour was held on the topic: “Fires and the causes of their occurrence.”

The purpose of the class hour was to introduce classmates to the basics of fire safety in everyday life.

During the class hour, our classmates learned about the causes of domestic fires, determined the rules of fire safety in everyday life, and the rules of behavior in the event of a domestic fire. We also compiled a crossword puzzle on this topic; our classmates successfully solved it.


From the above material it follows that fires pose a threat to human life and health. The faster society, science and technology develop, the more pressing the problem of fires and ensuring fire safety becomes. We have made an attempt to assess the safety of our home from the point of view of a fire. Our hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, the likelihood of a fire in the city is less than in rural houses and holiday villages, which is also confirmed by statistical data. Therefore, preventive work with the population to ensure fire safety is required. Preventive work was carried out with the population. In order to ensure fire safety of a residential building (apartment), we have provided reminders to the population on compliance with fire safety measures.

Take care of yourself, human life is the most

great value on earth!


"Life Safety" ed. HE. Rusaka / Moscow 2008

Larisa Selyanina
Group research project "Security"


The current social and environmental situation in the modern world is causing concern among people all over the planet. We feel special concern for its most defenseless citizens – small children.

The task of adults is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and dangerous life situations. We all know that rules of behavior and measures security directly related to the conditions in which a person finds himself.

Preschool age is the most important period for children to develop knowledge about rules safe behavior, about a healthy lifestyle. This is a period of personality development when a child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents and teachers. Often, when children find themselves in various unexpected situations on the street and at home, they can become confused. Safety the life activity of children in modern conditions is one of the most pressing issues today. It is possible to prepare a child for the ability to find a way out of emergency situations that are dangerous to life and health, only by forming in him a system of knowledge about the basics security life activity of a person and society, having mastered practical skills in protecting life and health. In the Law of the Russian Federation "ABOUT security» concept « safety» is interpreted as “the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from external and internal threats.”

The relevance of the problem is determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education system, the needs of life in the child’s accumulation of experience safe behavior at home, the importance of purposeful activities of parents and all employees of preschool educational institutions. In recent years, the problem of providing safe the life activity of children under 7 years of age is reflected in methodological literature and educational programs for preschool educational institutions. They, along with the traditional tasks of protecting and promoting health, put forward the requirement to develop the child’s knowledge and skills security. Project was developed for preschool children, where different forms and types of children's activities were presented.

Passport project.

Target: Formed knowledge of preschool children with rules safe behavior at home.


1. Train in memorizing items dangerous to life and health.

2. Develop the ability to properly use household items.

3. Foster a sense of self-preservation.

View project: Research, group.

Implementation deadlines:short

An object project: Joint work of the teacher of children and parents.

Item project: the process of education and training.

Expected Results:

Children will develop knowledge about the rules safe behavior at home, on the street and in life- and health-threatening situations.

Learn how to properly handle household items (scissors, needles, knives, electrical appliances, etc.)

They will gain an understanding of the work of rescue services and learn the telephone numbers where they can get help.

Implementation work project was built in three stages.

Stage 1 – preparatory.


To study the methodological foundations of organizing educational activities for preschool children.

Selection and systematization of material (manuals, toys, demonstrative material, books and attributes) for working with children and their parents.

Creation of a development environment on a selected topic in the form of layouts.

Generate parental interest in the topic « Child safety» .


1 Set up a corner for parents on topic: « Child safety at home» , « Safe behavior of a preschool child at home and on the street"

2 Create in group development environment on the topic « Safety» .

Stage 2 – the main one.


Introduce children and parents to the rules of personal home security.

Introduce children to dangerous objects.

Familiarize yourself with household electrical appliances and their purposes.

Strengthen children's knowledge of basic fire safety rules security.

Familiarize yourself with the work of rescue services and the ability to call yourself.

Foster a sense of self-preservation.

Replenish children's active vocabulary, develop expressive speech and develop creative abilities.

Create conditions for joint creative activity of parents and children.


1. Examination of posters on topic: « Safety at home and on the street» .

2. Conversations with children on Topics:

"Alone at home",

"Dangerous Items"

"Electrical appliances"

"Don't open the door to strangers"

“This is not a toy, it’s dangerous!”

“Call the rescue service!”

4. Reading fiction literature: "Cat house", "Hasty Knife", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Swan geese", "Zayushkina's hut", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Zhiharka", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

5. Play activities.

Didactic games:

"Try to guess"

“1-2-3 – name the danger!”

"Not really"

“Where and how to store items?”

"Help the heroes of the fairy tale"

“Say the word!”

"We are rescuers"

“What for what?”

Role-playing games:

"We are firefighters"

"Call the rescue service"

"Emergency help"


6. Heuristic conversations:

1 "How to use and store dangerous items". Target: Children have developed knowledge about the variety of objects that they need to be able to use, but they must be stored in specially designated places.

2 "Open window and other dangers in the house". Target: Children's expanded understanding of objects that can serve as a source of danger in the house.

3 “Electrical appliances, we can’t live without them”. Target: Children have developed knowledge that electrical appliances can be dangerous, which electrical appliances children can use with caution.

4 “Call the rescue service!”. Target: Teach children how to use emergency phone numbers correctly (ambulance, police, fire) .

5 "Danger Everywhere" Target: Consider and discuss with children various dangerous situations, including meeting with strangers. Teach children to behave correctly in such cases.

7. Working with parents:

Consultation for parents on topic: « Safe behavior on the street and at home".

8. Joint creative work of parents and children:

Writing creative stories on a topic "How to prevent trouble".

Making diagrams for each child on the topic « Home Security» .

Making layouts: "House with electrical appliances", "Village Streets"

Stage 3 – final.


To consolidate and generalize the knowledge acquired by children during implementation project.


1. Final lesson on topic: "Rules safe behavior at home» .

2. Role-playing game “I can do it, I know it myself and I can teach it to others”

3. Quiz "I am for safe lifestyle»


1. Magazine "Pre-school education", No. 9, 2000, pp. 64-67.

2. « Safety» N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Styorkina.

3. "How to ensure safety of preschoolers» , Toolkit.

4. "Basics security behavior of preschoolers" O. V. Chermashentseva.

5. "Cautious Tales" T. A. Shorygina.

6. Belaya K. Yu. et al. "Yours safety» . – M.: Education, 2008.

7. Garnysheva T. P. “Lifestyle for preschoolers. Work planning, lesson notes, games". – St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2012.

8. Khromtsova, T. G. “Education safe behavior in everyday life of pre-school children.” - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005
