How to clean a microwave oven using lemon? Is it possible to replace citrus juice with citric acid?

This is a fruit, albeit not a sweet one.

One such fruit contains daily dose of vitamin C- About a third of this dose is contained in lemon juice.

About 5 percent citric acid is contained in one lemon. This allows you to use lemon for prevent oxidation(acquiring a brownish color) of fruits such as apples, avocados, bananas, etc.

Among other things, lemon rich in vitamins B, P, A and E. There is a lot more interesting information about lemons and their benefits.

Find out some interesting ways to use lemons.

Benefits of lemon: health and beauty

Lemon scrub

Dead skin cells can be removed using alpha and beta hydroxyl acids found in lemon. It is also worth noting that lemon can be used to combat acne, as well as pigmentation. There are several recipes for making lemon-based scrubs, and some scrubs can be found ready-made in specialized stores.

You can make your own lemon peeling:

1. Use a grater to grate the lemon zest.

2. Place 100 g of sour cream and 5-8 drops of rosemary oil in a container with zest.

3. Apply the mixture to the skin and rinse after 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to do this procedure 1-2 times a week.

Nail care with lemon

From manicurists you can learn a simple recipe for nail care: cut half a lemon and squeeze the lemon juice into a cup filled with warm water. Dip your fingertips into the cup and hold for 3-5 minutes. Next, use the lemon zest to rub onto your nails.

Lemon as a remedy for nausea

Are you feeling sick or sick from an unpleasant smell? Just cut a slice of lemon and hold it in your mouth for a while - the discomfort should go away.

Lemon tonic

This fruit is an excellent tonic. You can make a toner out of it that will cleanse, disinfect, and also refresh your skin. Typically, lemon tonic is prepared using mineral water and honey.

Pleasant breath

If you dilute lemon juice in water, the resulting product can disinfect the oral cavity (citric acid can destroy bacteria), which will also get rid of the unpleasant odor. Do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after this, otherwise the citric acid will begin to corrode the enamel of your teeth.

Fragrant bath

Fill your bath with foam, add some essential lemon oil and you can relax. Such baths not only relax, but also help fight excess weight.

Anti-dandruff remedy

There is an old recipe for fighting dandruff: it is advised to cut a lemon into slices and rub the hair roots 1-2 times a week. After each time, wash your hair as usual. But it is worth noting that this method is not suitable for those with dry skin, because... Lemon dries out the skin.

Help in fighting colds

There are many ways to use lemon essential oil, such as inhalation during a cold. Just add the oil to a glass of water (2-3 drops per glass) and breathe over the solution for about 5 minutes.

Hand care

Using lemon juice you can get rid of unpleasant odors and difficult to wash stains on your hands.

Benefits of lemon with water: a sip of health

Sore throat and cough (lemon and honey recipe)

If you mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey, you can create a good remedy for combating sore throat and cough. You can also mix juice, honey and hot tea.

Lemon helps with wasp stings

Rub lemon juice on the wasp sting area to relieve the pain.

Lemon and its peel in food and drink

Universal seasoning

Create a seasoning using lemon zest. Just grate the zest on a fine grater and you will enrich the taste of almost any dish. This seasoning should be stored in the freezer.

Seasoning for fish and meat

Create a spicy mixture using black pepper, salt, garlic, onion, and of course lemon zest (you can add turmeric to it). This seasoning is suitable for fish and meat dishes. Here's how to make the mixture:

1. Grate the zest and place it in a bowl.

2. Sprinkle some black pepper or a mixture of several peppers.

3. Stir the entire mixture.

4. Spread the mixture evenly onto baking paper (on a tray).

5. Place the tray in the oven at the lowest temperature and leave for about an hour. Check the seasoning occasionally.

7. After grinding, you can add salt to the mixture - but this is not necessary - and mix again.

This mixture can be used all year round.

Lemon sugar

If you love lemon tea, you will love this recipe.

1. Grate the zest of two lemons and place it in a plastic container. (The zest from one lemon is good for 2-3 cups of tea).

2. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top - the zest releases natural oils that are absorbed into the sugar.

3. Mix the mixture well and leave for about an hour so that the zest dries a little.

4. Now the mixture can be added to tea. When the mixture is finished, you can simply add a little sugar, but you don’t have to add the zest.

*It's worth noting that lemon sugar can also be used in some cocktails.

Always fresh fruit

Lemon ice

Lemon slices and pieces of zest can be used as a garnish for drinks - just freeze them in water using ice cube trays.

Storing cane sugar

Add a little zest to brown sugar and it won't become soggy.

Long term storage

To store lemon longer, cut it into slices and each slice into 4 parts. Place each piece in the freezer and use when needed.

More juice

To squeeze out more lemon juice, roll the fruit in your hands, squeeze it a little, and only then cut and squeeze out the juice.

Delicious salad

Pour a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil over the salad - the salad will not only taste better, but will also acquire a pleasant smell.


Combine lemon juice from three lemons and water in a blender and stir. Add sugar to taste, stir again. Add ice and a mint leaf and serve.

Cleaning with lemon or lemon at home

Cleaning agent

Prepare lemon zest and vinegar. Place lemon peels in a container, add vinegar and close the lid. Leave the solution to infuse for 2 weeks. After this, strain the tincture and dilute with water in a 50/50 ratio. Now you can clean different surfaces.

Lemon has many, sometimes completely unexpected, uses. Due to its low pH and antibacterial properties, lemon juice, which is high in citric acid, is one of nature's best cleaning agents. Lemons smell very nice and are unlikely to damage the materials around the ones you are cleaning, such as fabric or wood.

After cleaning with lemons, always rinse the item with warm, soapy water and dry with a clean cloth. The only items that should not be cleaned with lemon juice are anything plated with copper, as the juice will ruin them. Below is a list of items other than the ones above that can be cleaned using lemons.

1. Use half a lemon and salt to clean even completely discolored copper items (real copper, not copper-plated). Be careful with antique items. Always test a small area first before cleaning the entire item.

2. The same method can be used for copper container bases.

3. Using lemon and salt, you can make chrome water taps or chrome parts on older cars sparkle again.

4. Diluted lemon juice not only removes stains from cutting boards, but also kills bacteria. Rub the juice firmly into the stain and leave for a while until the stain disappears. You can leave it overnight, then rinse thoroughly and dry the board.

5. Use lemon juice and an old toothbrush to scrub off the cement grout on your tile grout.

6. Clean and deodorize your microwave oven. Place a glass 3/4 full of water in the oven, adding a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Heat to a boil. Keep the door closed for 10 minutes. Then simply wipe away any remaining food with a clean cloth and dry.

7. Pour diluted lemon juice into a spray bottle and clean countertops with the liquid. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly and dry.

8. Clean grill grates and fireplace grates with lemon juice and salt.

9. Pour diluted lemon juice into plastic food storage boxes to remove stains and odors. Add baking soda, scrub, rinse and dry.

10. Remove rust stains from cotton and polyester. Make a paste of lemon juice and cream of tartar and rub the mixture onto the stain. Leave for about half an hour and then wash (check before use).

11. Disinfect the waste disposal. Pour about 4 liters of warm water, add half a cup of lemon juice and pour into the drain.

12. Lighten clothes by soaking them in a solution of hot water and lemon juice (about half a cup of juice per 4 liters of water), and then do a regular wash. The best results can be achieved by then drying the items in the sun. Lemon juice should not be used on silk or other delicate fabrics. If you're not sure, try a small area of ​​the item first.

13. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice to your dish soap to ensure the best grease removal.

14. Half a lemon on a saucer perfectly removes odors in the refrigerator. Change once a week.

15. Remove odors from your hands after cooking with a solution of water and lemon juice.

16. Remove grease stains from clothing. Rub lemon juice into the stain and leave overnight, then wash as usual.

17. Wash windows and mirrors. Pour a few tablespoons of lemon juice and water into a spray bottle. Works just as well as diluted vinegar and smells better.

18. Refresh your toilet tank. Pour half a cup of lemon juice into the tank and drain the water.

19. Disinfect earrings in lemon juice.

20. Clear clogged drains with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. The resulting foam can remove small blockages.

21. Remove water stains on the walls of the shower stall using half a lemon.

22. Descale teapots and coffee pots by boiling lemon slices in them. Leave the mixture for an hour or two, then rinse and dry.

23. Remove soap residue and make your hair softer and shinier by rinsing it with diluted lemon juice.

24. Lastly, you can make a face scrub using sugar and lemon juice to make your skin softer and clearer.

Cleansing the body helps improve well-being, lose excess weight, and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Of course, detoxification is best done using natural means. Lemon juice is considered one of the most effective.


In the old days, lemon juice was used to treat scurvy. Nowadays, it is recommended to use it for overwork, colds, to prevent a number of diseases, and is also widely used in cooking.

Nutrients are contained not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in the peel. Rutin, contained in lemon zest, in combination with vitamin C, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so it is useful to at least sometimes eat lemons with the peel.

Even though lemon tastes very sour, it is one of the most alkaline foods and neutralizes excess acid in the body.

Lemons have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, help with atherosclerosis, viral infections, kidney stones, inflammation of the genitourinary system, etc. They are used as an external remedy to lighten the skin, get rid of freckles, and also as an antifungal agent.

Essential oil obtained from lemon fruits has antimicrobial properties, helps with headaches, improves overall tone, and improves mood.


Naturopaths associate many health problems with acidification of the body. Lemon juice, having strong alkalizing properties, dissolves crystallized uric acid, which is one of the causes of rheumatism, gout, and urolithiasis. In addition, it helps dissolve bile and remove it from the body. Vitamin C contained in lemon juice increases the absorption of calcium, preventing it from settling on the walls of blood vessels.

Excess vitamin C is easily eliminated from the body, while providing a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect on the kidneys and bladder.


Lemons have been used for health purposes for a long time. The developer of the lemon cleansing course is considered to be the German nutritionist Johann Schroth (1800-1856). The program involves juicing large quantities of lemons over several weeks.

It is not necessary to change your diet, but during treatment it is advisable to avoid foods that acidify the body. These are, first of all, meat and eggs, then come dairy products, legumes, and grains. It is also not recommended to drink tea and coffee. If you are not ready to give up all these foods, simply limit their consumption and include fresh fruits, raw and heat-treated vegetables (boiled, stewed, baked, but not fried) in your diet. Regular tea can be replaced with herbal tea.

Bottled lemon juice and citric acid are not suitable for medicinal purposes. Squeezed lemon juice quickly oxidizes, so there is no point in preparing it for future use. To make the lemon squeeze better, you can pre-soak it in hot water for 1-2 minutes.

Lemon juice should be consumed pure, without adding water or sweeteners. It is best to do this 30 minutes before meals, but you can do it an hour after. If necessary, you can divide the daily dose into several doses.

The duration of the course depends on the state of your body now. For minor problems, the result is more pronounced and occurs faster.

Our compatriot, Professor Neumyvakin I.P. offers the following lemon cleansing schemes:

Option 1 - long

Reception day

Number of lemons

Total for 3 weeks - 200 lemons

Option 2 - shortened

Reception day

Number of lemons

Total for 12 days - 201 lemons

The essence of the schemes is that you start consuming lemon juice, increasing the amount of lemons every day. Then, having reached the highest indicator, you begin to reduce it.

The essence of the schemes is that you start consuming lemon juice, increasing the amount of lemons every day.

The number of lemons at the peak of use should be at least 18-25 pieces. If there is no improvement, you can increase it or maintain the maximum value longer, say, not 3-4 days, but a week.

For most people, consuming this amount of lemons will not be difficult, but for others the task may be difficult. If lemon juice causes a burning sensation in the stomach, you can stop treatment for a while or reduce the amount of lemons. Before starting the course, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If the disease is chronic, then improvement after the first course may be replaced by the reappearance of unpleasant symptoms. In this case, you should repeat the course according to the abbreviated scheme given below.

Reduced lemon consumption pattern

Reception day

Number of lemons


The famous German naturopath Arnold Ehret gives such a recipe in one of his books.

« Recipe for a solvent for old mucus and uric acid. Take the juice and pulp of four lemons. Grate the peel of one lemon and mix it with the juice and pulp. Sweeten the mixture to taste with honey or fruit puree. This will make it less sour and bitter.”

According to Ehret, such a drink helps even when other cleansing products do not have a noticeable effect.


For the cleansing course, you should take lemons with thin peels. They should feel elastic to the touch, but not too hard. Lemons that are too hard have little juice. If it is too soft, it may be affected by mold that is not yet visible, or it may turn out to be rotten inside. If the area of ​​the peel near the stalk is transparent, it means the lemon is spoiled.

Flabby, old lemons contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones. The same goes for lemons that are too large.

If you see mold on a lemon, then it is unfit for consumption. It is also better not to take fruits lying close to it, as they may already become moldy in your home.

The liver is the most active organ in the human body, which performs more than 500 functions! Naturally, over time, she gets tired and simply stops fulfilling her “responsibilities,” which leads to the occurrence of various diseases, accompanied by pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to provide liver support? Of course yes! And ordinary lemon, which we are used to adding to tea and various fish dishes, will help you and me with this. How to cleanse the liver with lemon? We will try to answer this question.

Before you start cleansing the liver with lemon, you should carefully prepare your body. After all, this fruit is never taken in its pure form for medicinal purposes, as this negatively affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It is washed down with vegetable fats, or rather oils. But not everyone can just drink a spoonful of olive or flaxseed oil. Therefore, you will have to practice.

You need to have dinner the day before, since during the next day only drinks will not be present in your diet. But at the same time, dinner should consist exclusively of light foods. Nothing fried, smoked or salted.

The best option would be a vegetarian dinner, which will consist only of fruits and vegetables. The last meal should occur no later than 4 hours before bedtime. And just before bed, you need to perform a cleansing enema so that the intestines get rid of stagnant feces and can easily remove toxins during the cleansing process. On the day of the cleanse, you will not be allowed to eat anything except water and freshly squeezed juices.

Lemon liver cleansing regimen

For the most effective liver cleanse, you will need to use the juice of one lemon and extra virgin olive oil. But before taking them, you should drink 2 tablets of no-shpa on an empty stomach. After 20-30 minutes, you need to go to bed and put a heating pad on your right hypochondrium. You need to spend at least 3 hours in this position.

And at this time you need to do the following: during the first hour, drink lemon and wash it down with olive oil. You can drink them one by one, in small sips. Or you can first drink lemon juice and then olive oil. Here it is at your discretion.

If you are carrying out the cleansing procedure for the first time, then you first need to take ½ cup of lemon juice and olive oil. Then, with each procedure, this amount should be increased to 1 glass.

It is worth noting that cleansing the body can occur not only with olive oil. You can use any oil, as long as it is of high quality.

This method is good because it does not require preliminary preparation of the body, since castor oil has little laxative effect and will help during the procedure.

All that is required of you is not to eat “heavy” foods a few days before the start of treatment. The day before, the last meal should take place no later than 12:00. And on an empty stomach before going to bed, you will need to drink castor oil at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of weight.

To make it easier to consume, it is recommended to warm it up a little. To do this, pour it into a glass container and place it in hot water. Then mix the oil with lemon juice in a 1:2 ratio and drink the resulting mixture in one gulp. Next, you need to drink some pure lemon juice. This will help to better cleanse the liver. After this procedure, you should not consume food or water.

It is worth noting that consuming castor oil may cause nausea. It is for this reason that it is recommended to carry out the liver cleansing procedure in the evening. Nausea is easier to bear during sleep.

The body will begin to cleanse itself within a couple of hours after taking the oil, and you should be prepared for this. You are unlikely to be able to get enough sleep, so carry out this procedure before the weekend so that you have the opportunity to sleep for a couple of hours during the day.

Remember that the use of any liver cleansing products, including traditional ones, should only be used after the approval of a doctor. Consult him, and if he is against such experiments, listen to him.

Cleansing the liver with lemon will only be safe if all the recommendations described above are followed. Do not under any circumstances use this method for peptic ulcers. Lemon can provoke their aggravation.
