Read man and law archive. Man and the Law archive of magazines. Minister of Culture and Mass Communications

With this article I open a small series of publications about various magazines with which I had the opportunity to collaborate for more or less a long time. I think my notes will help beginning prose writers (prose writers:) move “on paper”; for starters - in “magazine format”. I will be glad to share experiences.

So, the magazine “Man and the Law” is a popular monthly publication that was first published in 1971. It is the oldest (and perhaps the only one in Russia) in its thematic category - jurisprudence for dummies.

If you, dear reader, are a lawyer and are writing a dissertation, then I do not recommend sending your articles to “Man and Law”. It is unlikely that publications there will be taken into account during defense. On the other hand, if you are a beginner prose writer and dream of publishing a detective story, then you should probably contact this editorial office. The magazine, according to my information, is ready to publish a detective story that could fit in one issue.

Especially for you, I was not too lazy to calculate the number of characters in one of the detective stories published there and came to the conclusion that the work was 1 a.l. - rules (about 40,000 characters with spaces). It’s worth trying to submit to this publication an essay or story from the life of lawyers or one that has at least some connection with its topic, go for it!

Editorial address: 129110 Moscow, Olympic Avenue, 22.
Email address: [email protected]
Editor-in-chief - Anton Dmitrievich Samoilenkov


The electronic system of evidence has not yet been developed either by law or by judicial practice. A work cannot be “free”, since someone created it, which means there is an author. In the event of a dispute over this work, the parties will have to puzzle over how to prove authorship (and the process of proof is a creative process).

Regarding the Copyright Office: the idea is good in its simplicity and obviousness. However, it may happen that this office will not register real authors, but simply those who reached it first. I'm not saying that everything is bad, it's just that every system has its own costs. Disputes are not excluded here either, it’s just that their center has shifted a little to the side.

Creative commons is very good; in Russia, I think RAO roughly corresponds to this. Only they are not registrars of authors’ rights, but their defenders, which is not quite the same thing. If you contact the copyright society of any country with a complaint about a violation of your rights, then the best they will offer you is a decent lawyer to go to court.

In general, come to terms with the idea that resolving disputes in court is a normal practice, and the nuances of proof are a necessary evil. Imagine that someone has registered the rights to your work with some hypothetical body. So what, you won’t have to go to court in this case? One difference is that the registration authority will also be involved in the case.

“Man and the Law” is a special magazine. A whole generation of citizens of our country and a whole galaxy of lawyers grew up with him.”

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President

Russia in the Southern Federal District


“It’s nice that the publication manages to preserve the traditions established over decades, to be prompt and competent, and to offer a variety of materials that are interesting both to professional lawyers and to people far from the legal profession.”

Prosecutor General

Russian Federation


“I wish you all God’s help in further establishing an active position in protecting state laws and the rights of Russian citizens!”

Patriarch of Moscow

and all Rus' Alexy II

“An objective analysis of the processes taking place in the state, current and timely publications about the problems of compatriots related to the implementation of their legal rights and freedoms, an explanation of the foundations and provisions of Russian legislation and its application in practical life, find a keen response among wide sections of Russians, including among military personnel and members of their families."

Deputy Prime Minister

Government of the Russian Federation,


“Together with the country, the magazine has gone through a difficult path of transformation, remaining at the forefront of the struggle for the preservation of the rule of law, including legal provision of guarantees and rights of its science, culture and art.”

Minister of Culture and Mass Communications

Russian Federation


“The activities of the editorial team serve as an example of an honest, conscientious attitude towards journalism, the desire to make a feasible contribution to improving the legal space of the country.”

Minister of Finance

Russian Federation


“The magazine plays a great role in the legal education of the population and improving its legal culture, which contributes to the development of a respectful attitude towards the law, the law, the court, and creates a desire for civilized forms of resolving social and legal conflicts.”


Supreme Court of the Russian Federation


“The activities of the editorial team serve as an example of an honest, conscientious attitude towards journalism, captivating with their energy and desire to make a feasible contribution to the improvement of the legal space of our country.”

Chairman of the Federation Council

Federal Assembly

Russian Federation


“Throughout all the years of its existence, the magazine has been guided in its activities by the interests and problems of citizens, society, and the entire state, analyzed the current legislation and its adequate application in practical life, explained to readers their civic responsibilities and helped them in the implementation of their legal rights.”

Speaker of the State Duma

Russian Federation


“The magazine continues to fulfill a noble mission - to improve the legal culture of citizens, explain Russian legislation in accessible and understandable language, provide legal assistance necessary to ensure legal protection in various life situations, and contribute to the prevention of crime.”


Federal service

Execution of punishments

(FSIN of Russia)


“The practical significance, relevance of the problems raised, professional approach to covering the rule-making and law enforcement activities of government bodies allow the magazine “Man and the Law” to successfully compete with new publications, solving the problem of mass legal education.”

Minister of education

and science of the Russian Federation


“Being one of the most popular Russian magazines, Man and the Law has gained a wide readership. For many thousands of people today, “Man and Law” is a reliable friend and ally and, what is extremely important, a good adviser.”

First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation

for civil defense and emergency situations

and disaster relief

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All materials on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation can be reproduced in any media, on Internet servers or on any other media without any restrictions on the volume and timing of publication.

This permission applies equally to newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV channels, websites and Internet pages. The only condition for reprinting and retransmission is a link to the original source.

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Magazine LAW

The magazine "Zakon" was founded on November 29, 1991 and was initially published as a supplement to the newspaper "Izvestia".

Until 1993, the journalistic team of the Izvestia newspaper was assisted in publishing the magazine by professional lawyers who worked with the editors under a contract. In 1993, the magazine's publication policy was changed. Soon the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation became a co-founder of the magazine, which seriously affected the content of the printed publication and its status. Taking into account the fact that highly professional lawyers, judges and legal scholars became members of the editorial board, the journal began to attract greater interest and earned respect in the world of professional legal literature. In 2007, the magazine was awarded the highest legal prize “Themis”.

Since 2012, the magazine has been an information partner of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

Today, the Law magazine combines high-quality legal analytics and expert assessments of the state of Russian legislation, primarily of an economic nature.

The editors of the magazine collaborate with leading educational institutions and research centers, such as Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, MGIMO, Moscow State Law Academy, St. Petersburg State University, as well as the Research Center for Private Law named after. S.S. Alekseev under the President of the Russian Federation, the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the largest associations of lawyers, such as the Association of Lawyers of Russia and the Association of Corporate Lawyers of Russia (OKYUR), the notary community and the legal profession. The editors also maintain close ties with government agencies and courts, leading law firms and legal departments of the largest Russian and foreign companies.

The journal "Zakon" is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published. In the Science Index ranking for 2017, the journal “Zakon” took third place among all Russian legal scientific journals.

The structure of the journal includes the following permanent and variable sections:

Interviews with those on whom the state of legislation and law enforcement in the country really depends.

Event. Experts' comments - the most important events in the country through the eyes of leading Russian lawyers.

The topic of the issue is scientific and practical articles by leading scientists and practitioners.

Arbitrage practice. Comments - the most important and interesting decisions of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. Trends and comments.

Discussion club - discussion of problematic issues of legislation and the practice of its application.

Foreign experience - analysis of theoretical and practical problems that arise in other countries that are relevant to the Russian legal order. Articles by foreign researchers and practicing lawyers.

Reviews. Reviews - reviews of the most interesting new products in legal literature and reviews by representatives of legal science.

The magazine "LAW" is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications PI No. FS 77 - 72467 dated March 20, 2018.

V.V. Blazheev - Rector of the Moscow State Law University named after. O.E. Kutafina (MSAL), Doctor of Law, Professor

A.V. Bryzgalin - General Director of the Taxes and Financial Law group of companies, Candidate of Legal Sciences

A.N. Vereshchagin - General Director of Precedent Institute LLC, Doctor of Law (University of Essex)

D.V. Vinnitsky - Head of the Department of Financial Law, Ural State Law University, Doctor of Law, Professor

G.A. Gadzhiev - Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor

L.V. Golovko - Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Justice and Prosecutor's Supervision of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Law, Professor

S.A. Golubok - lawyer, candidate of legal sciences

G.A. Esakov - Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Law, Professor

A.A. Ivanov - Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

A.V. Ilyin - Dean of the Law Faculty of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Doctor of Law, Professor

A.G. Karapetov - General Director of the Law Institute "M-Logos", Doctor of Law, Professor

A.V. Konovalov - Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Legal Sciences

ON THE. Lopashenko - Professor of the Department of Criminal and Penal Law of the State Law Academy, Doctor of Law, Professor

Yu.E. Monastyrsky - managing partner of the law firm "Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov and Partners", Candidate of Legal Sciences

S.A. Puzyrevsky - Deputy Head of the FAS Russia, Candidate of Legal Sciences

N.Yu. Rasskazova - Head of the Department of Civil Law at St. Petersburg State University, Candidate of Legal Sciences

I.V. Reshetnikova – Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Ural District, Doctor of Law, Professor

E.A. Sukhanov - Head of the Department of Civil Law, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Law, Professor

BEFORE. Tuzov - Professor of the Department of Civil Law of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Law

V.V. Chubarov - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor

ON THE. Sheveleva - Head of the Department of State and Financial Law of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Law, Professor

D.M. Shchekin - managing partner of the law firm "Shchekin and Partners", Candidate of Legal Sciences

V.F. Yakovlev - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on legal issues, Chairman of the Council for the Codification of Civil Legislation under the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor

New law on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners in Turkey. On January 7, 2006, a new law No. 5444 on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners in Turkey was published in the Turkish Official Gazette (Resmi Gazete), allowing foreign persons to purchase real estate in the country.

Law on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners adopted by the Turkish Parliament on December 29, 2005, valid from July 26, 2005. Thus, the law signed the day before by the Turkish President came into force.

According to this law, in Turkey, foreign individuals can acquire ownership of real estate or obtain the use of someone else's real estate on the basis of a limited property right in accordance with the following conditions:

1. Restrictions on real estate area:
The total area of ​​real estate owned by a foreign individual or received by him for use on the basis of a limited property right cannot exceed 2.5 hectares (25 thousand sq.m.) throughout Turkey.

However, the law provides that the Council of Ministers can raise this bar to 30 hectares. In this regard, according to Circular No. 2006-1 of January 20, 2006 adopted by the General Cadastral Office of Turkey, when registering documents in the land registry, a foreigner must sign a statement in which he certifies that the total area of ​​the real estate assigned to him throughout Turkey (including this ) does not exceed 2.5 hectares, and agrees that, otherwise, he undertakes to release the surplus area, which will be sold and the amount received will be transferred to his account.

The new law introduced an additional restriction on area: in each region (in Turkish “il”) no more than five thousandths (0.5%) of the total area of ​​this region can be owned by foreign individuals. At the same time, the Council of Ministers is authorized to set this figure separately for each region, but not more than 0.5% provided by law.

The exception to this limitation is legal inheritance.

2. Restrictions on the type of real estate:
Only real estate that is registered in the land register as housing or a workplace or is intended to be used for these purposes in accordance with architectural development plans or local architectural plans can be registered in the name of a foreigner.

Here, “workplace” means a complex of real estate used in commercial activities, that is, it can be either an office space or, for example, a hotel or a factory with all adjacent buildings.

When preparing documents, you must provide the appropriate certificate from the mayor's office or governorate at the location of the property.

3. Condition for compliance with the “principle of reciprocity”
The “principle of reciprocity” provides for the provision of the same rights to citizens of another country as that country provides to Turkish citizens. That is, a foreigner can purchase real estate in Turkey only if the country of which he is a citizen legally and actually allows Turkish citizens to purchase real estate on its territory.

For example, citizens of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus can only purchase buildings in Turkey, but not undeveloped land plots, while for citizens of Germany there is no such restriction.

At the same time, Turkish commercial legal entities formed by citizens of the CIS countries have the right to purchase land plots *See. point 5.

4. Other legal restrictions on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners
They concern restricted military and security zones, as well as areas of strategic importance due to their energy, agricultural, subsoil use, environmental, religious, and cultural characteristics.

Prohibited military and security zones are determined by the Ministry of Defense, other prohibited zones are determined by the Council of Ministers on the proposal of relevant government bodies and institutions. In order to simplify bureaucratic procedures, the law obliged the Ministry of Defense to develop, within three months, maps for all regions of Turkey indicating real estate properties that are not subject to sale, but until this information reaches the General Cadastral Directorate for use, it will, as before, be sent request to the relevant military departments.

5. Restrictions for legal entities:
Among foreign legal entities, the law allows only commercial organizations to purchase real estate, and various foundations, associations, societies, cooperatives, and government agencies cannot purchase real estate in Turkey.

Foreign commercial organizations can only purchase real estate in Turkey under private laws (Tourism Promotion Law, Industrial Areas Law and Petroleum Law), for which they need to provide permits from the relevant government agencies. It should be noted that the above restrictions do not apply to companies with foreign participation established under the Foreign Direct Investment Law.

Other additions to the real estate registration procedure
The procedure for registering the purchase of real estate in Turkey has also been changed and significantly simplified. The load on the bureaucratic machine has been reduced. If previously a foreigner - a private individual had to apply to the Aegean Military Committee to obtain permission to purchase real estate (the procedure took 2-3 months), then under the new law the Turkish government obliged the Ministry of Defense to develop maps for all regions of Turkey indicating objects within three months real estate not subject to sale due to its proximity to strategic military installations.

This means that permission to purchase real estate for foreigners will be issued directly to the Cadastral Office and at the same time processed by TAPU. Simultaneously with the release of the new law, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit for property owners has been significantly simplified.

Let us recall that in March 2005, the Constitutional Court of Turkey, at the request of the opposition, repealed the amendment to Law No. 4916 “On the procedure for the acquisition of real estate by foreign persons in Turkey,” which allowed foreigners to purchase real estate for an individual. Justifications - an untested procedure, non-compliance with the “principle of reciprocity”, insufficient number of restrictions (in particular, the ability to purchase land plots with an area of ​​more than 30 hectares and real estate outside municipal boundaries).

Initially, the opposition's demands were directed against the Greeks buying large tracts of land on the Aegean coast. However, all private foreign investors also suffered at the same time, who were temporarily deprived of the opportunity to obtain certificates of ownership of their real estate (TAPU).

Since April 2005, the Turkish government has been developing a new article of the law and a scheme for registering objects by foreigners. And now the new law has come into force, which makes it possible for regional cadastral departments to resume work on issuing TAPUs to foreigners.

Memo for tourists: 10 countries where you can accidentally break the law

Summer is here, which means it's time for vacations and travel. “Bolshoi” is sincerely happy for his compatriots, but reminds them: they don’t interfere with someone else’s monastery with their own rules. Therefore, I chose popular tourist destinations and found for which our tourist could fall under administrative responsibility.

If you decide to travel to Denmark or the Czech Republic in your own car, then turn off the headlights only when leaving the car in the parking lot. When driving in any weather, both at night and during the day, the “lights” must be turned on. The Danes and Czechs explain this passion for car dimensions simply: scientists have proven that turning on the lights allows other drivers to better understand the maneuvers of surrounding cars and, accordingly, reduce the number of accidents.

Venice is the dream of romantics and poets. Canals, gondolas, Doge's palaces, crazy prices, famous pigeons in the squares. These same pigeons can cost you up to 600 euros. Feeding birds is strictly prohibited. The municipality spends huge sums of money every year on cleaning houses and monuments of droppings. If you want to feed the cute birds, be prepared to pay for cleaning the nearest neighborhood.

In Grenada, tourists who believe that swimsuits are sufficient attire for moving around the city have become so annoying to local residents that they insisted on passing a law that limits the wearing of a swimsuit to beach areas. However, the local Tourism Council assures that it is not necessary to comply with the law. But if, for example, a policeman is in a bad mood in the morning: he had a fight with his wife, his scrambled eggs were burnt, then a walk “light” could cost you $240.

In Moscow in the summer, the heat has such an interesting effect on the police that they begin to fine motorists if the car does not meet their vision of cleanliness. Therefore, if you decide to go see the beauty of the Mother See, be sure to wash your “Germans,” “Japanese,” or “French” before entering the city. In fact, you may be fined for poorly readable, dirty license plates. But if you get to the “Clean Car Month”, then in addition to a fine you will also receive an educational lecture from the inspector. Agree, not the best start to your vacation.

But if you go by car to Germany, you must remember that in this country of autobahns, turning off the engine and walking on those same autobahns is strictly prohibited. In this case, the punishment will overtake you even if your car stalls or runs out of gas. The fine is around 100 euros. Plus the same amount if you go with the canister to the nearest gas station. You can be sure that you will be punished. Law-abiding Germans will call where necessary.

In 1985, Canada decided to legislate the use of small coins - the penny. It would seem, so what? But the law says that pennies can only be used in a "reasonable amount." But whether it was on Friday afternoon or Monday morning, the law forgot to mention exactly what number of pennies can be considered reasonable. So, if you go to Canada, always have paper money with you, otherwise who knows how things might turn out? It seems like there’s two kilos of money and not enough for the metro.

If you're drawn to desert landscapes and men in white sundresses, then before heading to the United Arab Emirates, make sure your holiday doesn't fall on any Islamic holidays or holy days. For example, during Ramadan, prices in local catering establishments increase several times. If you try to eat anything on the street, you could easily end up in jail. And for an ordinary bag of juice during Lent you will be fined three hundred dollars.

Nowadays the destination of Southeast Asia is very popular. And one of the pearls of Southeast Asia, of course, is Singapore. But we must remember that there are a huge number of prohibitions in Singapore. Singaporeans treat their city very carefully, and therefore almost all prohibitions relate to the aesthetics of the metropolis. For example, chewing gum is banned in Singapore. If a police officer sees that you are actively moving your jaws, he will definitely fine you. A thrown cigarette butt or piece of paper will lighten your wallet by $300.

No matter what resort Thailand is called, the country strictly monitors external decency. For example, it is strictly forbidden to ride a car or motorcycle without a shirt. The ban is prescribed by law. The desire to ventilate will cost you ten dollars.

Accordion, wine and guys in cute berets? Forget it. Arabs, rap and a ban on kissing at train stations. In France, such a law was adopted more than a hundred years ago, in 1910. The rules still apply today. The French authorities were forced to ban kissing at train stations in order to avoid regular train delays. The loving French said goodbye so diligently that trains consistently left behind schedule. They won’t punish you for kissing, but they will intelligently, laughing, push you somewhere around the corner.

“Bolshoi” wishes you a good journey and a pleasant holiday. Don't forget to send a postcard!

A monthly socio-political, legal, journalistic magazine, the main task of which for many decades has been the legal education of citizens.

The publication publishes materials related to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals, explanations and comments from specialists on new regulations and laws.

Famous lawyers, scientists, and public figures regularly speak on the pages of the magazine on current issues of state policy in the field of legislation.

In each issue of “Man and Law” the reader can read essays, articles, correspondence dedicated to the fight against crime. There is a section on the history of state and law. In the “Reading Room” publications are detective stories and stories by domestic and foreign authors.

Chief editor of the magazine “Man and the Law”, retired police major general Nikolai Alexandrovich Kartashov.

Born in the Belgorod region. Graduated from Voronezh State University and Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School.

In 1981, he threw in his lot with the army, and then with law enforcement agencies, to whom he devoted almost forty years.

He combined his service with creative activity. Author and compiler of more than 20 books, including “Publicans”, “Profession - Policeman”, “I Believe in Loyalty”, “Serving People”, “Stankevich”, “Relax with you in the bosom of truth...”, “The Life of Stankevich”, "Kramskoy" and others. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. He is a member of the board of the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of Russia.

Awarded state, departmental and public awards. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Honorary tax police officer. Honorary drug control officer. Winner of a number of journalistic and writing awards.
