How does a brand book differ from a guideline? Guideline - what is it? Guideline in medicine What is a guideline in design

Guideline - what is it? Recently, this term has become increasingly used in everyday life. When literally translated from English, guideline means “line indicator, guide, guide.” Most often, this word means a collection or rules for the creation, use or logo.

Brand book in design and advertising

A brand book is an internal corporate document that contains sections dedicated to explaining the meaning of a brand for a particular company and its practical tasks for it. This is a kind of passport of standards regarding the use of the brand. The brand book necessarily includes a Logobook section, which outlines the principles of creating and using brand elements. Its basic components are color, font, symbol, graphic inscription. The standards passport contains data equated to and must be labeled “Top Secret” (or Top Secret, TS).

As a rule, the first section of the brand book contains a description of the main idea of ​​the brand, the second is devoted to the rules for creating and using the brand, and the third justifies the canons of applying brand marks to advertising media.

Guideline as an integral part of modern design

A guideline is a guide that indicates the boundaries and possibilities of using the visual elements of a corporate brand or style, and their conceptual capabilities. It should contain a section with a clearly marked slogan, logo, details, and advertising message. It is especially important to consider the significance of this section in the field of design.

Main tasks of the guideline

The guideline contains detailed instructions for using variants of the corporate logo, color panel; structure of the block of the brand name, font options, style elements. It includes sections that cover, for example, maintaining corporate records, uniform style, advertising marketing, the use of corporate elements, and company merchandise.

The central place in this part of the corporate identity passport is given to the criteria of combining the logo and company motto, slogan, and contact information. Sections describing the rules for placing a company logo on documentation, attributes, uniforms, and vehicles are required.

The guideline and brand book are unique in each version. They can never be repeated in two different companies, even if they work in the same field, because their corporate identity standards and goals are different.

Guideline in medicine

The guideline will help you learn about the algorithm of a doctor’s actions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, as well as about new advances in medicine. What is this? This is the name of special clinical guidelines for medical professionals. They are regularly updated and published in specialized catalogs published by official international medical associations.

Guidelines in different areas of medicine

Treatment recommendations are created for each area of ​​medicine. For example, a guideline on cardiology contains information on the treatment of heart diseases, the prevention of illnesses, and statistical data on the effectiveness of medications. Clinical guidelines related to cardiovascular therapy can be viewed in the catalogs of international medical associations (European Society of Cardiology, European Congress of Cardiology). The guideline is designed to help create a successful and cost-effective treatment regimen for the patient.

Urology also has its own clinical guidelines, the purpose of which is to analyze symptoms and prescribe effective treatment. These documents can be viewed in the catalogs of the same specialized global medical societies, for example the European Association of Urology (EAU), the European Society of Urology Residents (ESRU).

Historical aspect of creating medical guidelines

Guideline - what is it and how was it actually created? The first clinical guidelines were written primarily to confirm and justify evidence-based medicine at the beginning of the twentieth century. Before this, each doctor applied a treatment regimen, focusing only on his own opinion and experience. In the 80s The world medical community has developed the concept of evidence-based medicine (in English - evidence-based medicine). Its proponents, Susan and Robert Fletcher (who were mainly involved in clinical epidemiology), formulated a definition of this term.

This is the conduct of medical practice, which will be based strictly on the results of clinical studies of a particular disease. Everything that the doctor relied on before (experience, traditions, opinions of colleagues) has ceased to be authoritative.

British epidemiologist Archie Cochran in 1972 first proposed compiling and publishing medical reviews on the effectiveness of various treatment regimens for diseases. They should be based on a systematic collection and analysis of medical facts. Guidelines describe the relationship between treatment and outcome, and the cost-effectiveness of using certain medications.

Modern medical guideline - what is it? Now you know the answer to the question. He will provide you not only with an overview of the proven treatment regimen, but also with general recommendations for doctors, treatment and surgery protocols. Guides can be found in special printed publications.

Today, almost no one needs to explain what a logo is and why the company needs it. But, strange as it may seem, market research has shown that representatives of small and medium-sized businesses often believe that the creation of a company’s corporate identity is limited to the logo. On our own behalf, we can add that when we recommend to a client ordering the creation of a logo to invest a relatively small amount of money in creating a guideline, this causes, in the vast majority of cases, two common reactions. First: “I don’t know the meaning of this terrible word - guideline.” Second: “we don’t need any extra expenses at all, a logo is enough.”

From this moment, from this small “saving”, the entrepreneur begins to lose money, literally and regularly. And if you think that we are talking about some kind of secondary benefits, then this is not so. We are talking about real, direct financial losses, which after a relatively short period of time cover the initial cost of the guideline. I will tell you exactly how losses associated with the lack of a guideline arise in a few sentences below, but let me digress and remind you in just a few words about the essence of the guideline, the functions and purpose of this marketing tool.

The guideline is a necessary and very useful tool for real savings when promoting your products and services.

Guideline is a combination of words borrowed from English that literally means a guide to using the company’s corporate identity. The guideline describes exactly how, in what styles, on what media and in what composition identity elements can be applied. The guideline will “tell” about the correct arrangement of elements on packaging, business cards, letterhead, boxes, postcards - on any media.

Creating a corporate identity for a law firm

Entrepreneurs often try to save money on creating a guideline in order to reduce the cost part, reduce advertising costs, without even suspecting that without it, these costs will very soon increase. The allocated budget for the guideline is not a company expense, but an investment in its bright future - just like you buy an expensive and good car for a comfortable ride, instead of shaming yourself in a traffic jam on a rusty bucket, constantly investing in repairs and stuffing it with spare parts , which ends up being more expensive than if you took a normal car. Even if you take it out on credit and pay interest. The guideline (guideline for using a logo and corporate identity) is one of the pillars on which your company’s marketing strategy is based on the path to a successful financial future.

The guideline allows you to save nerves, time and money.

And in order to tell you what exactly causes the savings when investing in the guideline, and what exactly my unshakable confidence in all of the above is based on, I will tell the story of one of our clients. Of course, I won’t name names. I will only note that this is a fairly large trading company that approached us to create a discount plastic card. Our question about the existence of a guideline and the request to send it to us caused bewilderment on their part about such a question, and surprise on ours about its absence in such a fairly large organization. As a result, we asked to send us a logo and some other advertising materials in order to somehow get into the general outline of their corporate identity and make the highest quality product possible.

Recently, the presentation guideline service or presentation design guide has become increasingly popular. Read more on the Services page.

The variety of materials sent, their style and content can only be compared with a photograph of one of the shopping streets of some Chinese town. When thousands of assorted signs cover the sky, getting tangled in coils of electrical wires. It was especially surprising that each time they paid different (not always, to put it mildly, skilled designers) for the development of something that should be created and paid for once and only once and then taken care of and cherished - the creation of a corporate style, a general trend in the visual appearance of the company. Every person who has at least once encountered the search for personnel knows how difficult it is to find a worthy candidate. In the world of design, everything is absolutely the same, despite the fact that it is more complicated)) Here, on top of everything else, many less-than-brilliant designers have the raging passions and ambitions of Picasso or Dali, which can be simply impossible to curb. Therefore, in this context, the guideline can become a “life preserver”.

How much does it cost to do without a guideline?

This story ended with the fact that after the most cursory calculation of the amount of costs for creating “design chaos”, the company placed an order for a guideline and since then has had significant savings, without turning to us for a design for every request, but simply using ready-made solutions. Creating a guideline for the web can also be a profitable investment in business development. This is a document that describes visual solutions for all types of online brand communications, from the website to the design of posts on social networks.

The cycle of “design chaos”. Every advertising campaign, coverage of every new promotion or special offer without a guideline means going through this chain of creating advertising materials again and again.

To summarize all of the above, I want to note that the guideline is a necessary and very useful tool for real savings when promoting your goods and services. It's like flying on an airplane instead of walking along unknown dusty paths, always losing your way. All advertising experts are unanimous in their opinion about the need for a company to have, if not a brand book, then at least a guideline. So as not to be like the company described above, which for a long time was losing money where it should have been in the black. Earn a good image, reputation, clients. Earn more money. And sometimes you just need to look a little beyond the every-second investment, understand that it’s needed, pick up the phone or contact us through the website and do what should have been done a long time ago. Start earning more. To be better, more successful.

How much does a guideline cost?

We offer three ready-made cases for creating a guideline:

You receive all materials in the required format for professional printing and placement on various media on a flash drive, with which you can contact any printing house to order printed materials. Or if it is necessary to create new booklets, leaflets, etc. You just need to insert the necessary information into a pre-made template. Agree, this simple work can already be entrusted to anyone, but from us you can order the corporate identity itself.

"Economy" Suitable for startups with minimal investment in advertising. At the same time, you need to understand that, having gone through the first stage of entering the market, one way or another you will have to worry about creating a fully functional guideline. However, at first, this will help save your advertising budget.

"Standard"– the most optimal solution for any type of business. It will allow you not to return to the topic of expenses for creating advertising materials for a long time. Simply insert the desired text into the ready-made blocks of a leaflet, presentation or exhibition layout and the layout is ready.

"All inclusive"– a complete set of key elements for building a strong brand.

What if you already have a logo and just want to create a corporate identity and guidelines for it?

Our many years of practice have confirmed the opinion of the best designers that in most cases, it is impossible to create a corporate identity for an existing logo. As a rule, a logo created in isolation from the corporate style does not contain key elements that can be worked with, from which a visual identification system can be built. Therefore, in such situations, we offer logo restyling (creation and updating of visual brand attributes). This will not only refresh your company's image, but will also be the first step towards building a strong brand position.

The image of famous brands like Apple, Nike and Coca-Cola is formed not only by their products, but also by the logo, font, certain colors and other components of the company’s corporate identity. It is also important how these elements are used in real life and what values ​​they reflect. This is regulated by internal documents of companies - brand books and guidelines. Look At Me figured out why such guidelines for using corporate identity are needed and selected 10 interesting examples of such publications.

Why do we need brand books?
and guidelines

Typically, a brand book describes the company’s values, its goals, marketing strategies and other characteristics that make the brand different from others. In addition, an important internal document is the guideline - a collection of rules governing the use of the logo, fonts, corporate colors and other visual identifiers of the brand.

However, often (especially in small companies) these technical standards are included in the brand book: in this case, it sets out both the company’s mission and reflects the visual components of the brand.

10 brand books and guidelines
famous companies

In 2011, a book was published about how Lufthansa’s corporate identity was changing.- one of the largest airlines in the world, founded in 1926. Its visual image was formed in the 1960s: then the identity for the company was developed by the German graphic designer Otl Aicher, who also created the design for the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. Eicher's design is considered one of the best corporate identities developed in the 20th century. The book Lufthansa and Graphic Design: Visual History of an Airline shows how the airline's identity has changed throughout its history. The book also includes a guideline developed by Eicher in 1963.

British Airways, like many other companies, has a brand book combined with a guideline: their “book” contains a description of the core values ​​of the brand, its brief history and guidelines for using elements of the brand identity. True, the rules for using a logo, corporate colors and fonts occupy most of the book - the 100-page guideline contains tables and detailed explanations.

The graphic design of the Olympic Games in Montreal, created by designers Georges Huel and Pierre-Yves Pelletier, is considered one of the most successful, along with the identity of the Olympics in Munich and Mexico City. In 1976, a detailed guideline was also published, which, like souvenirs from the Olympic Games in Montreal, is still sought after by collectors.

In 1986, at the request of Steve Jobs, famous designer and art director Paul Rand created a logo for NEXT. To explain his thought process and the logo he created, Rand created a logo-book. It explained how to use the designed logo. Jobs liked this book so much that he gave it as a souvenir.

Use the sliders below to tell us about your brand and we'll translate it into the main logo color.










Your main logo color is red, a universal sign of excitement, passion, anger and sexuality. Looking for a loud, playful, youthful or modern color? Red is your path.

Do you think that white is the absence of color? White the color of youth and thriftiness, but can work for almost any brand. As a neutral color, consider white as secondary accent.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Your main logo color is orange. Orange - invigorating, playful color, derived from red (warmth) and yellow (joy). Use orange to stand out from the crowd. It is used less frequently than red, but is still has an energetic effect.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Do you want to look stylish, modern and luxurious? Time to use black. Do you want to be economical and affordable? Stay away from the dark side.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Your main logo color is violet (magenta), a combination of warmth and coolness, the passion of red with the serenity of blue. Use purple to appear luxurious, ultra-modern or wise. In addition it contains a hint of femininity.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is yellow, it approachable, sunny, friendly. The color yellow exudes joy (think sunflowers and smiling faces). Choose yellow and your brand will radiate energy of youth.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo is pink, it symbolizes romance and femininity, yet incredibly versatile. From soft pink to neon purple, choose pink for modern, youthful, luxurious look.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is green, maximum versatility. Green is not associated with specific personality traits, but it does have strong cultural associations. It is associated with nature, health, growth, rebirth with money and prosperity. So, whether it's finance or gardening, green could be for you.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Grey colour mature, classic and serious. Use dark shades to add mystery. Use light shades of gray to be more accessible. Stay in fashion! Design trends change every year. While it's impossible to update your brand's color palette with every new trend, simply knowing the latest color trends can bring benefit your brand.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.


Make your brand rude, masculine or serious. Brown is used very little, so you will stand out among competitors.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Your main logo color is blue, king of flowers. Blue appears in more than half of all logos because it represents intelligence, reliability and maturity. Technology companies and large corporations are looking to sustainability and security blue. True blue will make sure you are treated well seriously.

You have a logo color. Fabulous! We recommend using it as the main color in your logo design to express your brand's personality.

But remember, you are not limited to just one logo color. Choosing a primary color with two or three accent colors can highlight other brand features. Additionally, if your brand has a variety of products, complementary colors are a great way to differentiate them.

Send us your logo color details and we will contact you to create your new logo.

Guideline development (creating a passport of logo standards) is one of our main specializations. As designers, we understand what a guide should look like so that it can be used at any stage of brand development, and not just report on a massive picture book that has no relevance to your company and is not applicable in practice. Creating a guideline is a big job, including not only a description of the logo’s constants, but also a system of visual identification of the brand (corporate style) and a set of rules that allow the consumer to form the desired opinion about you.

Guideline development

A guideline is a guide that describes the rules for using a visual brand identification system. A kind of logo passport. It specifies the basic rules for applying a logo, using a corporate identity, and specifies corporate fonts and colors. The development of a company’s corporate identity rarely goes without creating a guideline, because it specifies important requirements, the observance of which can largely determine the success and recognition of the brand.

Most guidelines look like they were created in an obsession to control everything and everyone. We are not trying to catch you with iron fists. The guideline should become your guide, a wise assistant and a kind mentor to allow your brand to develop in its own unique way, while our task is to create and define general coordinates.

Guideline cost.

Of course, not all positions are necessary for your business. We will definitely discuss this issue with you and adjust the list of elements specifically to your needs and objectives. In any case, you will receive a universal tool for competently building your brand and creating a unified image.

We have prepared three solutions for you:

1. Economy – cost 120,000 rubles

Includes logo development and corporate identity elements using the example of a business card and letterhead

2. (logobook)Corporate identity and logo – cost from RUB 160,000

1. Logo

2. Options for using the logo
2.1. Logo layout.

3. Logo color scheme, corporate color scheme, adaptation to printed media

4.2. Font color and size.

6.1 Letter form
6.2 Envelope
6.3 Electronic document template design
6.4 Business card

3. Brand book (Guideline) – cost depends on the number of elements

1. Logo
1.1. Basic elements of the logo.
1.2. Location, free logo field.
1.3. Logo placement rules.

2. Options for using the Logo
2.1. Logo layout.
2.2. Interaction of a logo with a text block.
2.3. Logo scaling.

3. Logo color scheme, corporate color scheme, adaptation to print media
3.1. Colors used in the logo.
3.2. Corporate color scheme, color background.
3.3. Inappropriate use of logo.
3.4. Monochrome image of the logo.
3.5. Features of application on various media.

4. Selection of corporate fonts
4.1. Recommendations for using fonts.
4.2. Font color and size.

5. The main element of the visual identification system (creating a corporate identity for the logo)

6. Basic elements of business documentation

6.1. Forms:
- letter
- order
- Press release
- envelope
- email signature template design
- business card

6.2. Booklet (basic graphic principles of layout, standards for placement of a brand block, text information)
6.3. Design of a template for the layout of an advertising module for the press (vertical and horizontal, development of serial principles);

8. Rules for branding souvenir products:
8.1. CD (cover and apple).
8.2. Invitation.
8.3. Postcard.
8.4. Baseball cap.
8.5. T-shirt.
8.6. Table flag.
8.7. Banner (vertical, horizontal options).
8.8. Mug.
8.9. Cup and saucer.
8.11. Pen.
8.12. Wall clock.
8.13. Diary.
8.14. Notebook.
8.15. Business card holder.
8.16. Paper bags (VIP and standard)

9. Basic provisions of external identification
9.1. Registration of signs and passes

10. Basic provisions of internal identification
10.1. Pointers.
10.2. Signs.

11. Brand photo style. Rules of use and system of interaction with brand constants and corporate identity elements (Specifying filters).

Development of guidelines in our company.

Let's look at developing guidelines like a cookbook, full of signature recipes and ingredients that, in the right combinations and proportions, will produce a great blend of aromas and flavors. Successful development of a guideline will leave you room for experimentation, but will make it clear which ingredient is too much and how not to spoil the main signature dish - your brand.

Look around your workplace and you will probably see that your colleagues look very presentable. It's entirely possible that a large percentage of these people don't carry, say, a perfectly color-coordinated wallet and bag. But who cares? We think that you are definitely not. The same is the case with a competent corporate style guide: the visual identity system is focused on the main thing - visible and relevant. There is no need to waste time and attention on creating such palettes, the differences between the colors of which you will never notice or use.

We create truly working solutions that will allow you to save money in the future when ordering the design of advertising products. Often, entrepreneurs try to save money on creating a guideline in order to reduce the cost part, reduce advertising costs, without even suspecting that without it, these costs will very soon increase.

Is the guideline an expense or an investment?

Allocated budget to create a guideline is not the company’s expense, but its investments to a bright future, just like you buy an expensive and good car for a comfortable ride instead of shaming yourself in a traffic jam on a rusty bucket, constantly investing in repairs and stuffing it with spare parts, which in the end turns out to be more expensive than if you bought a normal car . Even if you take it out on credit and pay interest. A guideline is one of the pillars on which your company’s marketing strategy is based on the path to a successful future.

Branding, a beautiful logo, creative slogans - enough time and effort was spent on all this. Now your brand has become truly unique, expressive and recognizable.

All trademarks and symbols belong to you. Now the main task is to protect them. And the only way to do this is to develop a guideline.

Developing guidelines: is it really that important?

Equivalent to asking if you can do online sales without a website. A guideline is absolutely necessary at least for the following reasons:

1. competent and effective use of a logo, corporate design and style increases the positive perception of your brand;
2. Corporate style guide helps to avoid any distortions and deviations from your individual design;
3. It reminds people that behind the word “brand” there is a company that they can trust in everything.

neglecting such a fundamental thing as developing a guideline, do you want to face the following problems?

Inappropriate and indiscriminate use of branding – including logos and slogans;
poor colors, different elements and incorrect positioning of the logo on promotional products;
careless handling of corporate identity, which will lead to confusion and “cheapness”;
lack of unity in the presentation of all branding elements will provoke disharmony in their perception;
an unclear message from your brand will lead to poor sales.

For example, a logo is the most important element of corporate identity. The popular browser Mozilla Firefox writes in its guidelines that the incorrect use of a logo - be it the location or unoriginal colors - is akin to putting shoes on the wrong foot: they are still shoes, and in general they are where they are supposed to be - on legs. But you are not comfortable. It’s just as uncomfortable for your brand.

Our branding agency will make sure that you do not confuse your right and left feet. To do this, we will develop an individual guideline for you, which will contain:

A complete description of your logo – along with all its characteristic features, principles of construction, options for various media;
how, when and in what cases it is necessary and not necessary to use the brand’s corporate identity and its individual elements;
tone and vocabulary appropriate for the brand;
specific colors, sizes, lines, accents, trademark, corporate signature, photo style of images;
typography elements;
rules for printed reproduction of corporate identity, if necessary.

Of course, when creating a manual, we try to find a personal approach to each client. Some people will need a 100-page guideline, while others will get by with one sheet of paper. Based on the individual characteristics - the requirements of your brand, our team will develop a guideline that is necessary and suitable for you. It is clear that over time your brand will grow and develop – change. Therefore, when developing a corporate identity and creating a guideline, we always take into account flexibility and the possibility of free maneuvering in the use of corporate elements.

Another thing to think about is whether you will publish your guideline publicly or use it only for yourself. Either way, you'll receive clear, understandable brand guidance that will make running your business easier and more enjoyable.

Brand book development is one of the most popular services on the modern market. The business community widely uses this concept, despite the fact that many do not quite correctly understand the meaning of this word.

So what is a brand book and how does it differ from a guideline?

Brandbook is actually a closed internal corporate document (top secret). This basic document describes the main marketing idea of ​​the brand, its mission, philosophy and value. Creating a brand book presupposes the presence of a legal part in which copyright and related rights to a registered trademark, etc. are recorded. In addition, the Brandbook contains a section that specifies requirements for design and all elements of the company’s corporate identity. The information contained in this document is a trade secret, since it outlines the brand development strategy, its strengths in a competitive market, the company legend, the predicted life cycle, and corporate culture.

What is included in the brand book?

Guideline is an integral or separate part of the brand book; a manual for designers that describes in detail the rules for constructing all elements of a brand’s corporate identity and the rules for using these components when printing on all currently existing advertising media. Logobook is part of the Guideline. Consists of detailed instructions for the use of the graphic sign and captures the visual constants of the brand. All the canons of possible combinations of colors and fonts are captured here. In addition to the main version of the logo, all acceptable logo placements and color coding are demonstrated.

In addition to specialists in the field of design, top managers often turn to guidelines in their work as the main reference point when checking advertising and souvenir products, as well as the correct use of corporate symbols in the media.
