Rigid and flexible anchor lines. Horizontal anchor lines. technical review from TM KROK Anchor lines for working at heights

For a subsystem with a co-moving slider type protection..."



(approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovaniya dated December 27, 2007 N 534-st)

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

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The use of stationary anchor devices such as horizontal cable or rail anchor lines is the only correct solution for organizing safety in many places of work. These systems are individual means of fall protection, regulated by the EN 795 standard and, in combination with the use of other components of safety systems (safety, positioning and holding lanyards, retractable PPE, flexible anchor lines with slider-type clamps, harnesses) allow you to organize a high-quality and safe system security at the enterprise. Depending on the specific application and type of work, stationary anchor lines can be recommended either rail (rigid) or based on a flexible steel cable. On installation levels, roofs, and horizontal planes, anchor lines with a single cable are most often used. To organize access and insurance in rope access, stationary systems made of a metal profile are most often used, along which sliders move, which are the attachment points for working and support lines. Such a system is usually installed around the perimeter of the building. The use of cable systems in rope access is prohibited. To work on tanks, the roofs of cars or cars, lines made of double cable or metal profiles are used. This is due to the low altitude of the work site and the small margin of safe height.

It is important to remember that the rules for working at height establish requirements for attachment points (final and intermediate). These points should be no more than 12 meters apart.

We provide a full range of support based on systems of stationary horizontal anchor lines. SIZcontract specialists have the experience and ability to assess risks at the enterprise, develop and provide recommendations for the development of optimal systems, develop a project, carry out installation and provide service and periodic inspection of stationary systems.

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Rigid anchor line Carabelli S.r.l. for lifting onto overhead line and substation supports of various voltage classes 15.10.2016 06:30

Carabelli S.r.l., a developer and manufacturer of personal protection equipment against falls from heights and systems for safe lifting onto power line supports, presents to your attention a system for lifting onto overhead line and substation supports of various voltage classes using a rigid anchor line.

In accordance with Order No. 155n dated March 28, 2014 “On approval of labor protection rules when working at height,” safety systems must be used for lifting and working at height, which include rigid or flexible anchor lines as anchor devices.

These anchor lines are included in the Unified Technical Policy in the Electric Grid Complex of PJSC Rosseti, which was approved by the Board of Directors on February 22, 2017 under No. 252.

Climbing system for overhead lines and substation supports using stairs with a rigid anchor line manufactured by Carabelli S.r.l. developed based on centuries of experience in creating security systems and is widely used in the electric power industry.

Rigid anchor lines with a T-shaped profile are used on power lines of the ENEL Spa concern - the winner of the international Platts Global Energy Awards 2016 in the category "Leader in the Global Energy Industry", the TERNA company - the leader of electrical grid construction in Europe and many other construction and operating organizations throughout peace.

1. The system consists of a steel, hot-dip galvanized ladder with a rigid T-profile anchor line, slider type devices with built-in mini-shock absorber model 2146MA29CEB, manufactured in accordance with EN 353-1 standard.

2. The main advantages of the system are:

Safety when lifting and lowering an electrician along the lifeline;

No possibility of damage to the T-shaped profile during a jerk (stopping a fall);

No need for additional safety systems when ascending and descending;

Reduced ascent/descent time, which increases productivity;

The slider-type device moves up/down without additional manual assistance;

Fixation of the device at the top point of a rigid anchor line without additional limiters;

The profile design and the flat surface of the rigid anchor line without holes allow you to climb onto overhead line supports in winter without difficulty and in safe conditions.

3. Examples of installing a rigid anchor line on various types of supports:

4. The service life of a ladder with a rigid anchor line corresponds to the service life of the support. There is no mandatory annual inspection of the rigid anchor line.

5. Service life of the slide type device according to the manufacturer's operating instructions.

6. The system is approved by the international electrification concern ENEL S.p.a. and is widely used by power grid companies around the world.

Currently, rigid anchor lines are included in projects for the construction and reconstruction of electrical grid facilities in the Russian Federation.

7. The rigid anchor line was tested at the FNPR - Research Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in Yekaterinburg, IC SIZ "URAL" and certified according to the following standards:

- GOST R EN 353-1-2008 SSBT. “PPE against falls from a height of a slider type on a rigid anchor line. General technical requirements. Test methods";

GOST R EN 362-2008 SSBT. Personal protective equipment against falls from height. Connecting elements. General technical requirements. Test methods;

TR CU 019/2011 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of personal protective equipment.”

8. Video presentation of climbing stairs with a rigid anchor line:

Harness model A02PD or A02PRC ;

Positioning lanyard with automatic locking device model A04P16AL;

Double-shoulder lanyard with a tape shock absorber (fall absorber) and a 110 mm opening, model A06P00D.

Specialists Carabelli S.r.l. We are ready to assist you in the production and installation of stationary lifting systems on any type of overhead line and substation supports, station equipment, as well as train personnel in safe lifting methods using innovative personal protective equipment.

For additional information about lifting systems for any type of supports using a rigid anchor line, please contact us by phone +7 495 774-05-61 or e-mail:

We will make your work at height as safe as possible!

The requirements for them are regulated by TR CU 019/2011. Do not confuse anchor lines with personal protective equipment for workers, since the number of people who can simultaneously work on the anchor line is determined individually for each such system. The calculation is carried out on the basis of various data: the length of the line itself, one of its spans to which workers are attached, height, material of the base structure on which the safety system is mounted, etc. The system can be fixed to any base - concrete, wood, metal, etc. For fastening, anchors with a spacer part are used, providing the most reliable connection.

Design features

The anchor line is a system and its design includes various components:

  • Basic structure. Depending on the type of line, it can be flexible (steel cable) or rigid (beam, rail).
  • Safety part. The complete set of the safety part also depends on the type of anchor line. Its main element is a moving point that rolls or slides along a carrier. The worker is already attached to it using carabiners and slings.
  • Mounting elements. They are used for mounting and securely securing the system to the base surface.


There are various types of anchor lines, differing in their design, location of the load-bearing element and material of manufacture:

  • According to the orientation of the load-bearing element, vertical and horizontal lines are distinguished.
  • In terms of design and material of manufacture - flexible and rigid.
  • By time of use – stationary and temporary.


The design difference of flexible anchor lines is the use of steel cable as a load-bearing element. Installation can be carried out vertically and horizontally, depending on the specifics of the work. End anchors are used for fastening. If the length of the cable line exceeds 10 meters for vertical and 12 meters for horizontal systems, additional anchors are installed along their length. The installation step of additional fasteners is 10-12 meters.

Since the main load in the design of flexible systems falls on the end anchors, the package includes elements that reduce the load in the event of a worker falling. Dampers serve this purpose. The damper does not absorb the force of the jerk exerted on a person in the event of a fall. For this purpose, shock absorbers included in the PPE kit are used.

Flexible anchor systems can be single- or double-line. A significant difference in their design is the presence of one or two guides along which the movable anchor point moves. Single-line structures are used more often, since they can be used for vertical and horizontal movement of people. Double-line systems can only be used to ensure the safety of horizontal movement, and in such cases it is more advisable to install rigid structures, which are characterized by simpler installation, maintenance, and affordable cost.

Flexible (cable) lines can be either permanent or temporary. The latter can be cable, tape, rope. Cable and tape products are more reliable, so they have a wider range of applications. Rope flexible lines are universal. They not only perform standard tasks for anchor lines, but can also be used as a lanyard or lanyard. Another area of ​​application for rope lines is the evacuation of people along vertical surfaces when other routes are inaccessible.

Horizontal flexible anchor lines are used to ensure safety when performing various works at height, vertical ones are used to lift workers to heights. They are installed on surfaces whose inclination angle exceeds 75 degrees. Such a system is capable of providing an almost instantaneous stop and significantly reducing the depth of the stall. They can be used on structures of any type. Fastening is carried out both to the steps and to the string of the stairs. Vertical structures use a movable slider type assembly, while horizontal ones often use roller carriages. The line is stabilized using intermediate guides; turnbuckles are used to achieve and fix the required line tension.


Rigid stationary anchor lines are created on the basis of a steel beam (Tee or I-beam) or aluminum rail profile. The supporting element is rigidly fixed to the base surface in a straight line or with bends, depending on the specific situation. Just as in flexible systems, a roller or rollerless carriage moves along the supporting beam. A system of safety cables is attached to the latter. Shock absorbers are used to soften the shock in case of a fall.

Installation of rigid systems is carried out along the edge of the installation horizon in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Structural anchors are used as fastening elements:

  • End. Installed at the ends of the supporting beam.
  • Intermediate. Not used in all safety structures. The need for them arises with a significant length of the anchor line to provide additional security.

Anchor points designed for use with a certain type of safety structure. As a rule, roller or rollerless carriages are used as moving points, to which self-safety slings or cables are mounted. When working at height in unsupported conditions, backup safety equipment must be used - an anchor line and a lanyard. Unlike flexible ones, stationary rigid structures can be used without restrictions.

As a rule, anchor lines are designed in such a way that there is one worker on one span (between adjacent fastening anchors), but with a proportional increase in technical tolerances, it is possible to manufacture structures where a larger number of people can be between two fastening units. In rigid anchor lines, the load between adjacent fastenings is distributed evenly, while in flexible safety structures the main load falls on the end anchors.

Stationary rigid anchor lines can be T-shaped or profiled. In the first case, a T-beam or I-beam is used as a load-bearing element. In profile structures, the load-bearing element is an open profile of rectangular cross-section with a longitudinal slot along its entire length. A roller carriage is installed inside the brand or profile, which is the main element of the movable anchor point. Safety cables or slings are, in turn, attached to it.

Installation of anchor lines is carried out at a height not lower than chest level. It is optimal to place them above the level of the person’s head. It is prohibited to install safety lines below the level of the worker’s feet. Anchor posts can be of any design (floor, wall, ceiling). They are mounted using M12 threaded rods to an additional mounting plate.


The main task of the anchor line is to absorb the shock if a person falls from a height. They can only be used in conjunction with various personal protective equipment (cables, slings, carabiners, etc.). These systems are used to perform a wide range of work:

  • Industrial alpinism.
  • Repair, finishing and facade works.
  • Roofing.
  • Lifting to great heights (masts, supports).
  • Descent into wells and much more.

Anchor line selection

Anchor Lines LLC offers all types of safety structures. To choose the best option, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • Dimensions of the structure.
  • Number of workplaces.
  • The necessary degree of freedom for the worker.
  • The need to ensure that work is performed while sitting.
  • Type and conditions of work.

All components of anchor lines are manufactured in such a way as to ensure protection of the worker not only from accidental falls, but also from injury to the hands. Each element must fully comply with the requirements of the standards.

Operating rules

Ensuring the safety of workers depends not only on the quality of the anchor lines used, but also on compliance with the rules of their operation:

  • All specialists allowed to use these systems must first undergo training in high-altitude work.
  • Certification of workers allowed to work at heights is carried out at least once every three years.
  • People who have medical contraindications to such work are not allowed to work.
  • The integrity of all elements of the safety structure is checked before each use. There should be no damage to carabiners, slings, or loops. A line with damaged structural elements cannot be used. The inspection is carried out by workers belonging to safety group 3 (in accordance with the Labor Safety Rules when performing work at height).
  • The operation of anchor lines must be carried out in accordance with the instructions developed by the manufacturer.
  • When storing equipment, it is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of it rubbing against sharp corners, abrasive surfaces, etc.
  • During storage of the anchor line, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of exposure to moisture, aggressive chemicals, or extremely high or extremely low temperatures.
  • Anchor lines can only be used as a complete set; separate use of their elements is not allowed.
  • In the event of an emergency, a company using anchor lines must develop a detailed rescue plan.

Regulatory documentation requires mandatory regular inspections of anchor lines. Static load testing is performed at least once a year. the magnitude of the loads is determined depending on the design of the anchor line in accordance with the operating instructions and manufacturer’s recommendations. Those products that have undergone serious shock during operation are also subject to mandatory testing. In this case, an unscheduled inspection is carried out, regardless of the period of use and storage of the anchor line. All test results are entered into a special card, which is placed on each anchor line.

Not only a strong dynamic load, but also other negative factors that impact the safety structures during their operation can shorten the standard period between two inspections. If the product was exposed to chemical, temperature or other serious influences during storage, it must be checked before use. Its purpose is to determine the likelihood of damage to the anchor line as a result of extreme impact on it. Replacement of structural elements is carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation, taking into account the degree of wear. Repair of anchor lines can be performed either by the manufacturer or by companies that have the appropriate certificate. Self-repair of the anchor line or its parts is unacceptable.

A reliable anchor line and compliance with the rules of its operation will help ensure maximum safety for workers while performing work at height. They also make it possible to minimize the likelihood of causing significant harm to human health and life in the event of an emergency.


In accordance with Labor protection rules when working at height to ensure the safety of workers climbing to workplaces using ladders, brackets or step bolts to a height of more than 5 m, structures, equipment, buildings and structures must be equipped with safety systems.

Metal and reinforced concrete supports of overhead power lines and portals of open switchgears of substations, as well as other structures, equipment, buildings and structures, the maintenance and repair of which are carried out at height.

Design and principle of operation of C-shaped stinging rods

Our company, based on the best foreign experience, has developed in accordance with GOST R 353-1-2008 and introduced into production a means of protection against falls from a height, which is designed to ensure continuity of insurance for an electrician when ascending (descending) to the supports of 35-750 kV overhead lines and ORU portals.

This means of protection consists of a rigid anchor line (RAL) permanently attached to an overhead line support or an outdoor switchgear portal and a removable safety carriage with a shock absorber, which moves freely along the RAL and, in the event of a breakdown (fall) of a worker when ascending/descending from the support, is locked onto the RAL, thereby This prevents the worker from falling. When climbing onto a support, the safety carriage is installed on the BAL, and the shock absorber is secured with a carabiner to the anchor point of the worker's safety harness located on the chest. The shock absorber limits, in accordance with GOST R 353-1-2008, the height of the fall and the dynamic load on the worker during a fall.

The stationary lifeline ZHAL is available in two modifications:

  • without steps (for supports with step bolts);
  • with cantilever steps (for supports without step bolts, multi-faceted supports and reinforced concrete supports).

The safety guide is made in the form of a semi-open C-shaped profile of rectangular cross-section (48 x 32 x 3) mm with rectangular holes punched along the entire length of the profile at intervals of 40 mm.

The safety guide, combined with the ladder, has cantilever steps. The steps are welded to the safety guide and have an anti-slip surface and side limiting projections 20 mm high. The distance between steps is 280 mm.

The safety guide is permanently attached to the structures of the support column or portal along which the worker is ascending (descending). Separate sections of the safety guide are joined together using connecting elements, and in places where the support column is “broken”, radial safety guides are used for connection.

The slider-type fall protection device consists of: a safety carriage, a damper lanyard and a carabiner. The damper lanyard is attached to the safety carriage and carabiner.

Before climbing onto the support, the safety carriage is inserted inside the safety guide, and the damping lanyard is attached to the anchor point of the worker's safety harness.

When a worker is ascending (descending) onto a support, the safety carriage moves inside the safety guide.

If a worker falls, the downward movement of the safety carriage inside the safety guide is blocked by engaging the safety carriage stopper to the punch hole in the guide, thereby preventing the worker from further falling from a height.


The use of a safety system ensures continuity of insurance for a worker when ascending or descending onto an overhead line support and increases safety and productivity compared to other methods of insurance when ascending to a support.

The use of a rolling mechanism for the safety carriage reduces friction and ensures smooth movement of the safety carriage inside the safety guide, and also allows optimal movement within the safety guide at joints and bends. Combining the safety guide with a ladder increases the convenience of climbing onto supports that are not equipped with stationary ladders, brackets or step bolts.

For convenience and safety of climbing onto the support, as well as to limit the rise of unauthorized persons onto the support, the lower section of the BAL is made with removable steps, which operating personnel install (remove) before climbing (after descending) onto the support.

The lower sections of the BAL are attached to the support using anti-vandal nuts that meet the requirements of PJSC FGC UES.
