Is it profitable to install an individual heat meter in an apartment and how to do it correctly. Heat meters for heating in an apartment: how to choose and install? Heat energy meter heat meter

Apartment heating meter - pros and cons of individual heat metering

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Today, everyone strives to save money, and since housing and communal services are constantly becoming more expensive, it is necessary to keep records of the consumed benefits of civilization. Water meters are nothing new; they are installed in almost every apartment and really allow you to save money on utility bills.

In this article we will look at the possibilities of installing an apartment heating meter.

Heat meter

Purpose of an apartment heating meter

Meters responsible for measuring the amount of heat are becoming increasingly popular. By installing such a device in your apartment, you will be able to control the consumption of thermal energy and, therefore, monitor how warm your home really is. Having such data, you can reduce costs and pay only for the heat received, and not for standard consumption rates.

Many users who doubt whether it is worth buying an apartment heat meter are wondering: how long will it take for such a purchase to pay off?

Reviews from users who already have such devices indicate that installation costs are not very high, but savings will begin to be seen very soon. The tenant will not have to compensate for errors in the work of housing and communal services and heat loss in the system.

You can install either an individual heat meter for heating for an apartment or for an entire apartment building with central heating. There is a wide variety of models on the market today, differing in price and operating principle.

Types of heat meters in the heating system

There are four types of heat meters for apartments:

  • mechanical;
  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • ultrasonic.

Each of the devices has its own distinctive features. Let's look at each of them in detail.


This type is the simplest from a technical point of view and is inexpensive. The principle of its operation is that a special device rotates inside the device, through which the coolant moves and displays readings on a digital screen.

Mechanical meters are divided into:

  • screw;
  • turbine;
  • winged.

Despite the fact that a mechanical counter is inexpensive, it cannot boast of a long service life. This is due to the fact that scale, rust and dirt contained in the water negatively affect the operation of the device. The situation can only be saved by installing water filters.


Such meters read readings using a current that appears at the moment when water passes through the magnetic field of the device. This type of counter has secured the title of a precision measuring device.

Heat meter TEM-104

However, it is worth taking into account that the presence of scale and other impurities in the water can significantly reduce the quality of its operation. It is also very important to approach the installation of electromagnetic meters responsibly, since the slightest defects will also affect the accuracy of the readings.


These devices determine the amount of heating consumed through obstacles created by the movement of water or steam - vortices.

Such a device can be mounted on both vertical and horizontal wiring of the heating system.

The main characteristic feature is that it works excellently even with the presence of all kinds of deposits in the pipes. It also reacts to all kinds of impurities in water, air bubbles entering the coolant and welding.

When purchasing a vortex heat meter, be sure to consider the size of the pipeline in which this device will be installed.


Ultrasonic heat meter Pulse

Such devices are considered one of the most reliable and accurate measuring devices. Undoubtedly, the price of an ultrasonic meter is higher than other types.

The service life is affected only by the quality of the coolant. A prerequisite for installing such a device is a filter, because he will need clean water. If you neglect these simple requirements, you may end up with incorrect readings. Devices are divided into:

  • temporary;
  • frequency;
  • Doppler;
  • correlational.

Installation of heat meters in the apartment

It is not allowed to independently install a heat meter in an apartment. To do this, you need a whole package of permits and documents to carry out such work. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to specialists.

The sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. Initially, you need to draw up an installation plan and coordinate it with the utility service.
  2. Then the meter is installed.
  3. After this, it needs to be registered.
  4. At the final stage, all that remains is to transfer the device under the supervision of the management company and put it into operation.

All meters have documents that record the time when the device needs to be checked. Typically the inspection is performed four times a year. After the time has passed, you should contact an organization that will test the meter.

These can be commercial companies, Rostest, manufacturing companies. If all residents of the house decide to check the heat meter and record heat, then they all together hire specialists who will install the device. Previously, at a general house meeting, issues related to cost are discussed.

In the case of installing an individual heat meter for an apartment, all actions related to the design and registration of the device are performed by the customer. Thus, having your own heat meter, you will be protected from malfunctions in the operation of a common household appliance.

When installing, you need to pay attention to the wiring system. This indicator can significantly affect how installation will be carried out and what the cost will be. In old buildings, vertical wiring is usually found, which means that there are several risers in the apartment. Installing a heat meter in each of them is not profitable from an economic point of view. It is better to install distributors responsible for fixing the temperature on the radiator and in the room by analyzing the heating efficiency.

In modern apartments, you can increasingly find a horizontal pipe distribution system, so installing one heat meter will be enough here. It is preferable to place it in the pipe itself through which the coolant circulates.

Pros and cons of a heat meter in an apartment

If you decide to install an individual heat meter in your apartment, then do not know that there will be no “super” savings, but it will allow you to save on heating within reason, reflecting the current consumption. Thanks to the meter, it is possible to monitor consumption when the unit is installed correctly and the thermostat controls the temperature. If you leave home, you can reduce the degrees and thus, at the end of the month, you can trace the positive dynamics of savings.

Only a reduction of 1 degree can save thermal energy up to 6%.

As already noted, in order to install such a device in your apartment, you need a list of documents:

  • permission from the institution on whose balance sheet the house is located;
  • technical requirements from the balance holder of the building supplying thermal energy;
  • design design of the heat consumption unit, based on the parameters of the device, ready-made calculations also need to be checked against standard values;
  • then installation is carried out according to the data of the finished project;
  • then you need to conclude an agreement to the main contract with heat suppliers. It will record the amount of payment, which is based on the indicators of the individual meter;
  • and finally, a certificate of completion of installation of the unit is drawn up with a representative of the organization that supplies heat, and the device is registered.


Today, the market offers a large number of models of heat meters produced by different manufacturers. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Heat meter Elf

This Polish manufacturer has proven itself well in the market. The Elf apartment heating meter is a tachometer metering device with an electronic screen that allows you to simply read information about the amount of thermal energy consumed. The display shows the amount of heat consumed, inlet and return temperatures, temperature difference, current heat consumption and power.

Heat meter Elf-M

There are different models on sale with different nominal bores (DN 15-20), which are designed to control different volumes of coolant.

General technical characteristics for all models of this manufacturer are as follows:

  • the temperature of the controlled coolant varies from +5 to +105°C;
  • the minimum difference in the taken into account supply and return temperatures is 3°C, and can reach up to 100°C;
  • the nominal value of coolant flow (based on the remote control and model) varies from 0.6 to 2.5 m³/hour;
  • can be used in heating systems where the coolant pressure reaches 1.6 MPa;
  • error in readings - no more than 2%;
  • On average, such devices cost 10,000 rubles.

Elf meters can be installed in individual apartments and buildings, for heating of which a power of no more than 85 kW is sufficient.

Heat meter Karat

Such a device is produced by the URALTECHNOLOGY enterprise, and the Karat association is engaged in the sale of products.

Residential heat meter KARAT-Compact 2

The Karat heat meter is made in the form of a monoblock, the lower base of which looks like a brass “bowl”, and the upper part is a compact electronic computer with a digital monochrome display, with the help of which the consumed thermal energy is recorded.

Two thermal converters extend from the computer itself: one is fixed in the flow part, the other is installed in the return pipeline.

Technical characteristics of individual heat meter Karat.

Characteristic Meaning
Temperature range of the computer, °C 1 — 130
Temperature range of the flow transducer, °C 15 — 90
Thermal converter type Pt500
Temperature range of the temperature sensor, °C 0 — 130
Diameter of the flow path, mm 15 15 20
Nominal flow, m³/hour 0,6 1,5 2,5
Maximum flow rate, m³/hour 1,2 3,0 5,0
Transition flow, m³/hour 0,06 0,15 0,25
Minimum flow rate, m³/hour 0,024 0,06 0,1
Sensitivity threshold, m³/hour 0,004 0,004 0,006
Maximum pressure, MPa 1,6
Battery life, years at least 6

Heat meter Pulsar

The Pulsar heat meter includes a flow converter, a calculator and a set of platinum resistance thermal converters. The operating principle of such devices is to measure the volume and temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines, and then determine the thermal energy consumption based on the measurement results of the computer.

Compact heat meter "Pulsar"

Advantages of this manufacturer:

  • the verification interval is six years;
  • thermal energy is measured in Gcal, the display is in Russian;
  • digital output RS485, radio channel, pulse output;
  • open exchange protocol;
  • it is possible to produce heat meters with an extended thermometer wire;
  • service guarantee;
  • acceptable price.

Technical characteristics of the heat meter for the Pulsar apartment.

Parameter name Meaning
Nominal diameter, DN, mm 15 20
Maximum flow rate, Qmax, m³/hour 1,2 2,0 3,0 3,0 5,0
Nominal flow, Qn, m³/hour 0,6 1,0 1,5 1,5 2,5
Minimum flow rate, Qmin, m³/hour 0,012 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,05
Temperature measurement range, ºС 0 — 130
Temperature difference measurement range (Δt), ºС 2 — 130
Absolute error in measuring temperature difference, ºС ±(0.2+0.005 Δt)
Relative error of thermal energy measurement, % ±(3+4/Δt+0.02·(Qn/Q))
Absolute error in measuring the number of pulses by additional counting inputs, pulses over the measurement period ± 1
Number of additional counting inputs (depending on order) Up to 4
Maximum working pressure, MPa 1,6
Pressure loss at Qn, MPa, no more no more than 0.15
Built-in battery voltage, V 3,6
Battery life, years, not less 6
Protection class according to GOST 14254 IP 54
Service life, years, not less 12

In addition to the manufacturers described above, heat meters of other brands also have positive user reviews: Techem, Kamstrup, Multical, Sanext, Danfoss, Mars and others.

To summarize all of the above, it is worth noting that any heat consumption monitoring device installed in an apartment must have a passport and a certificate confirming its compliance with operating requirements.

A heat meter is a device for recording consumed coolant, which is currently very profitable, as it allows you to save money by paying only for consumed heat, excluding overpayments.

An important point is the correct choice of the type of device depending on the installation location and design features of the heating network, as well as concluding an agreement with a service organization that will monitor the technical condition of the device.

There are many models of heat meters, differing in design and size, but the principle of how a heating meter works remains the same as with a simple device that measures the temperature and water flow at the inlet and outlet of the pipeline of a heating supply facility. Differences appear only in engineering approaches to solving this issue.

The operation of the heat meter is based on the principle of calculating the amount of heat using data taken from a coolant flow sensor and a pair of temperature sensors. The amount of water passing through the heating system is measured, as well as the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet.

The amount of heat is calculated by the product of the flow rate of water passing through the heating system and the difference in temperature of the incoming and outgoing coolant, which is expressed by the formula

Q = G * (t 1 -t 2), gCal/h, in which:

  • G– mass flow rate of water, t/h;
  • T 1, 2– temperature indicators of water at the inlet and outlet of the system, o C.

All data from the sensors is sent to the computer, which, after processing it, determines the value of heat consumption and records the result in the archive. The value of consumed heat is displayed on the device display and can be taken at any time.

What affects the accuracy of the heat meter

Techem compact V

A heat meter, like any precision device, when measuring consumed heat has a certain total error, which is the sum of the errors of the temperature sensors, flow meter and calculator. In apartment accounting, devices are used that have an acceptable error of 6-10%. The actual error may exceed the basic one, depending on the technical characteristics of the component elements.

The increase in the indicator is determined by the following factors:

  1. The amplitude of the incoming and outgoing coolant temperatures, which less than 30 o C.
  2. Violations during installation in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements (if installed by an unlicensed organization, the manufacturer will withdraw its warranty obligations).
  3. Poor quality of pipes, hard water used in the coolant, and the presence of mechanical impurities in it.
  4. When the coolant flow rate is below the minimum value indicated in the technical specifications of the device.

How is heat consumed measured?

It is customary to calculate the tariff for consumed heat in gigacalories. The unit of measurement is non-systemic, and has traditionally been used since the existence of the USSR. Instruments manufactured in Europe calculate heat input in GigaJoules (SI), or a common international non-systemic unit. kWh (kWh).

Types of heat meters

All heating meters available for purchase are divided into the following types:

  • Tachometer or mechanical

Measures the amount of coolant passed through a cross-section of a pipe using a rotating part. The active part of the apparatus can be screw, turbine or in the form of an impeller.
The devices are affordable and easy to use. The weakness of such devices is their sensitivity to contamination and the deposition of dirt, rust, and water hammer inside the mechanism. For this purpose, the design includes a special magnetic mesh filter. Also, the devices are not capable of storing data collected per day.

  • Ultrasonic

More often used as a general meter for an apartment building. Has varieties:

  1. frequency,
  2. temporal,
  3. Doppler,
  4. correlational.
    It works on the principle of generating ultrasound passing through water.

The signal is generated by the transmitter and picked up by the receiver after passing through the water column. Guarantees high measurement accuracy only if the coolant is sufficiently clean.

  • Electromagnetic

It is distinguished by high accuracy of readings and cost. The operation of the device is based on the principle of passing a magnetic field through the coolant flow, which reacts to its condition. The device requires periodic maintenance and cleaning. Consists of a primary converter, an electronic unit and temperature sensors.

  • Vortex

It works on the principle of measuring the number and speed of vortices. It is not sensitive to blockages, but reacts to the appearance of air in the system. The device is installed in a horizontal position between two pipes.

How to convey testimony correctly

An apartment heat meter is functionally much simpler than a modern mobile phone, but users periodically have misunderstandings about the process of taking and sending display readings.

To prevent such situations, before starting the procedure for taking and transmitting readings, it is recommended to carefully study its passport, which provides answers to most questions related to the characteristics and maintenance of the device.

Depending on the design features of the device, data is collected in the following ways:

  1. From the liquid crystal display by visually capturing readings from various menu sections, which are switched by a button.
  2. ORTO transmitter, which is included in the basic package of European devices. The method allows you to display and print extended information about the operation of the device on a PC.
  3. M-Bus module included in the delivery of individual meters for the purpose of connecting the device to the network of centralized data collection by heat supply organizations. Thus, a group of devices is combined into a low-current network using a twisted pair cable and connected to a hub, which periodically polls them. Afterwards, a report is generated and delivered to the heat supply organization, or displayed on a computer display.
  4. Radio module, included in the delivery of some meters, transmits data wirelessly over a distance of several hundred meters. When the receiver comes within range of the signal, the readings are recorded and delivered to the heat supply organization. Thus, the receiver is sometimes attached to a garbage truck, which, as it follows a route, collects data from nearby meters.

Archiving of readings

All electronic heat meters store in the archive data on accumulated indicators of thermal energy consumption, operating and idle time, coolant temperature in the forward and return pipelines, total operating time and error codes.

As standard, the device is configured for various archiving modes:

  • hourly;
  • daily;
  • monthly;
  • annual.

Some of the data, such as total operating time and error codes, can only be read using a PC and special software installed on it.

Transfer of readings via the Internet

One of the most convenient ways to transmit readings of consumed thermal energy to institutions for its accounting is transmission via the Internet. Its convenience and practicality lies in the ability to independently control payments and debts, as well as track heat consumption at different periods without standing in queues and spending a small amount of time.

To do this, you must have a personal computer connected to the network and the address of the website of the controlling organization, as well as the login and password of your personal account, after logging into which a form for entering readings will open. To prevent disagreements from arising in the event of a possible failure or malfunction on the site, it is advisable to take “screenshots” of the screen after entering information.

Breakdowns and repairs

Maintenance of the device is limited to maintaining it in working condition, regular inspection, and preventing causes of premature wear and breakdown. According to clause 80 of the Rules for commercial metering of coolant, all work on maintenance and monitoring the correct operation of the meter is carried out by the consumer. It does not require special care from the owner.

The lithium battery or batteries powering the device are not suitable for reuse and must be disposed of if they fail.

If any malfunction is detected in the operation of the meter, the consumer must notify the service company and the heat supply organization within 24 hours. Together with the arriving authorized employee, a report is drawn up, which is then submitted to the heat supply organization with a report on heat consumption for the corresponding period. If notification of a breakdown is not made in a timely manner, heat consumption is calculated in the standard way.

The service company will provide services for repairing or replacing the meter, and may install a replacement device during the repair. The cost of installation and dismantling, repair and other services is regulated by an agreement between the consumer and the service company.

Error Logging

As a standard, heat meters are equipped with a self-testing system that can detect operating inaccuracies. The computer periodically queries the sensors, and if they malfunction, it records the error, assigns it a code and records it in the archive. The most common reported errors are:

  1. Incorrect installation or damage to the temperature sensor or flow device.
  2. Insufficient battery charge.
  3. Presence of air in the flow part.
  4. No flow when there is a temperature difference for more than 1 hour.

Removing and installing a heating meter

Before installing a heating meter in an apartment or apartment building, specialists from specialized companies that have permits to carry out this type of work are invited. Based on the specific situation, they can undertake the following obligations:

  1. Develop a project.
  2. Submit documents to certain authorities in order to obtain permits.
  3. Install and register the device. In the absence of registration, payment for supplied heat is made according to established tariffs.
  4. Conduct tests and put the device into operation.

The developed project should include the following points:

  1. The type and design of the model, which is designed to work in a specific heating system.
  2. Necessary calculations for heat load and coolant flow.
  3. Diagram of the heating system with the installation location of the heat meter.
  4. Calculation of possible heat losses.
  5. Calculation of payment for the supply of thermal energy.

Checking heating meters

As a rule, a high-quality device arrives at the point of sale having been initially tested. The procedure is carried out at the manufacturing plant, evidence of which is a stamp with an entry corresponding to the entry in the documentation. In addition, the documents indicate the calibration interval.

After this period, the owner of the device must contact the manufacturer’s service center or an organization authorized to check and install the meter. There are companies that, after installing the device, take care of its maintenance.

Periodic confirmation of the metrological class, or in a word verification, is carried out by a specialized company that has testing installations, as well as a permit issued by the metrological supervision authorities.

The verification period depends on the type of device, and on average is 4 - 5 years.

For this purpose, they call a metrologist, remove the seals, and a specialist from the service organization dismantles the meter and sends it for verification. After checking and reinstallation, the device is sealed.

A heating meter is a device for metering thermal energy that allows you to save money by paying only for the service actually consumed. Failure to comply with the conditions below will result in the inability to pay for heat according to the meter readings.

For correct and long-term operation of the device, it is important to choose the type of meter, which must be present in the state register of measuring instruments acceptable for use, and also have metrological certification in the appropriate authority.

The device is installed by an enterprise licensed to carry out such work.

According to some experts, installing an individual heat meter in an apartment will help save money spent on heating bills. But many people often wonder if this is actually beneficial. Also important is the fact of the installation itself, which consists in observing the formal and technical aspects of this issue.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation wants to give residents of apartment buildings throughout the country the right to choose their own method of paying for heating. Today, the amount is calculated based on the indicators of an individual meter, provided that there are such meters in each apartment of the building. At the end of each month, the tariff is recalculated, and more often than not in favor of the consumer, taking into account the fact that the common house heat meter has been “inflated”. It is proposed to change the system.

Consumers are going to be allowed to pay for heating solely according to the indicators of the internal meter in order to reduce costs. The problem is that their installation is technically impossible in standard houses of past decades. There is a risk of failure of the entire heating system.

The Ministry of Construction wants to change the situation to encourage people to save. And give citizens the right to pay only based on individual consumption plus for heating public areas. Indeed, in this way you can reduce the payment by several thousand rubles per month, but only if we are talking about houses built in the 21st century, and not in past decades.

The Ministry of Construction has prepared a draft resolution that will allow residents to choose whether to pay for heat according to the general standard or for their own consumption. Experts differ sharply on whether the new formula will work in practice. Some say that the project is beneficial to residents. Others believe that installing heat meters is expensive and pointless.

What does the law on individual heat meters say?

The law allows you to install heat meters in your own apartment. But the problem is that the size of payments may not change after this. The transmission of readings is regulated differently in different regions. But, as a rule, they are not allowed to pay for their own appliance if their neighbors do not have theirs. That’s why such absurd, at first glance, situations arise when people generally remove radiators in their apartment, but they still receive bills.

Legislators and supply organizations previously proceeded from the logic that there is only one heat for the whole house. And even if the radiators are completely turned off in an apartment, it will be heated by neighboring rooms, as well as by unified communications, that is, the neighbors will actually pay for heating such an apartment. The Ministry of Construction’s project exempts people from this mutual responsibility, since it gives citizens the right to choose, explains Alexander Kozlov, an expert at the Public Chamber on local self-government and housing and communal services.

The Ministry of Construction has written a formula for individual heat consumption. In fact, this is a backup payment option for those who have already installed or are planning to install a heating meter in their apartment. The formula is complex, it also takes into account the heating of entrances and other common spaces, which means that it will not be possible to completely isolate yourself from your neighbors. And if they don’t protect the heat in the house (they open common doors and windows, don’t pay for major repairs), then the amount on the meter can still turn out to be impressive.

Judging by the logic of the resolution, it concerns primarily residents of new buildings, which often already have appliances or where they can be easily installed without changing heating communications.

Opinion of experts in the field of housing and communal services regarding an individual heat meter

The resolution applies primarily to houses with horizontal wiring, where it is technically possible to install individual metering devices. Therefore, we are talking, I think, mainly about new houses, where it is technically possible to take instrument readings door-to-door.

Residents of old houses will also be allowed to pay according to the meters, but with adjustments to regional laws. Therefore, the effect of the innovation may not be immediately noticeable. For example, in Moscow, payments for heat are calculated based on average readings for the whole year. And it turns out that in winter, at the peak of the heating season, people pay about the same as in spring and autumn. And they pay even in the summer, when there is no heat supplied to the radiators at all.

Because of this, it is almost impossible to understand in which month you managed to save on heat and in which month you did not. Therefore, it is logical to expect that along with the new consumption formula, some new method of calculation will appear, when people will transmit readings and pay for them in real time, like for water, gas and electricity.

The presence of a meter still allows each family to think about how much they pay, because they will be able to see these readings. That is, this encourages every resident and the management organization itself to use energy efficiently.

Ways to implement the initiative of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in relation to payment for heat

To implement the initiative of the Ministry of Construction, it will be necessary to install a metering device in each heating pipe, and they are not cheap (according to unofficial data, from 7 thousand to 17 thousand rubles each), emphasized Sergei Filimonov, vice-president of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers in the Life Support Sector. The expert added that this installation would affect the funds of the owner of the premises, the consumer and the tenant.

Filimonov also added that at the beginning of 2000, after conducting a study, experts came to the conclusion that installing individual heat meters is not economically profitable. Very big difficulties arise in the calculations. In this case, the initiative of the Ministry of Construction is not economically calculated. There is no legal basis for this. The rules for the provision of utility services do not provide for individual metering devices, and there are no calculation methods for them.

Filimonov recalled that Sanpin standards apply in Russia. All technological equipment in the house is built in such a way that if heat is supplied, it is distributed through the sections of pipelines along each riser in order to create a temperature regime inside the room.

Benefits from installing an individual heat meter

According to expert estimates, heat meters allow you to save on average from 1.5 to 2 rubles per month. However, the same experts admit that savings greatly depend on the quality of home insulation. Strictly speaking, installing meters can result in losses.

On average, one device, including the work of the craftsmen, costs 20,000 rubles. Often you need several of them - one for each room. Moreover, their service life is on average 3 years. In the best case scenario (if the house is well insulated and only one heating pipe goes into the apartment), the heat meter will pay for itself only after 10 months. If there are more rooms and they are heated independently of each other, then the cost of installing devices often covers all the savings.

As for reducing the cost of housing and communal services for the population, this is unprofitable for supplying organizations, since the standards are higher than metered consumption, as practice shows. Heat suppliers will begin to lose income. The temptation to raise tariffs will be great.

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Construction proposed to make appropriate amendments to the Housing Code. According to them, all residents of Russia now have the opportunity to pay for heating according to the readings of an individual heat meter, that is, for the calories actually consumed. As a result, the use of such devices brings savings from 30% to 80% per season, based on the current tariff schedule.

Another significant plus is major insulation, which must be present when installing a heat meter in an apartment. This measure further reduces the amount of utility bills, because the ways of unjustified heat release disappear. This way, residents can regulate the volume they need to further reduce costs.

But so far only those who live in high-rise buildings fully equipped with metering devices have the right to use this privilege. All others pay for common house installations, in accordance with Federal Law No. 261. So don’t miss the opportunity for real savings and try to install an apartment heat meter in Moscow before the start of the next heating season. The type of system is of great importance - with vertical or horizontal wiring:

  • in the first case (the classic scheme used in old houses), an individual heat meter is mounted after re-equipment of the input or attached to the battery;
  • in the second option (high-rise buildings of later years of construction, as well as new buildings, are equipped with such networks), installing a heat meter in an apartment is not complicated in any way.

High-profile specialists will help you achieve comfort with all types of housing layouts. They will not only do all the work, but also provide a complete package of documents for registering the device with the management company so that you can legally reduce payments. The fact is that the amount of payment for this type of utility services is directly tied to the area, calorie consumption standards and existing tariffs. Whereas an individual heat meter allows you to pay for heating only your own home.

Scheme of work

If you need to create maximum comfort in your personal space while maintaining an optimal microclimate even in winter, you need to follow certain rules and requirements. They mainly concern the technical and legal side.

  1. Installation of a heat meter begins with calling representatives of the homeowners association or management organization, who must inspect the system and issue an inspection report with a positive conclusion about the technical feasibility of the installation.
  2. Then you need to submit an application to the Criminal Code and clarify what exactly is required for the job.
  3. Then you should purchase a heat meter of a suitable modification (it depends on the composition and purity of the water in the heating network, as well as on the location of the device). At the same time, you must not forget to check the certificate of conformity of the equipment and the presence of a service seal.
  4. At the next stage, you need to contact a specialized company, which guarantees that the installation of the heat meter will be carried out efficiently, guided by the architecture of the system and the design of the house. In addition, the company itself must develop a scheme for installing heat meters in the apartment, coordinating it with the HOA, for which it must have a license for this type of service.
  5. At the end, you need to seal the heat energy meter in the presence of an employee of the management company and submit all the necessary documents so that charges for calories consumed are carried out according to individual indications.

We will help you avoid such lengthy and complex procedures, while complying with standard rules and requirements, for which we have the appropriate certificate. We independently resolve installation issues with the management company, perform sealing and issue official documents that take into account the HOA. Usually the process takes a little time and is carried out in stages:

  • our representative goes to the site and studies the work site, selects the optimal installation point;
  • we draw up a project, a diagram for installing heat meters in the apartment and an official contract for the complex execution of the order, coordinate them with the client and sign them;
  • We obtain permission to install a heat meter from the organization on whose balance sheet the house is located;
  • We will coordinate the device connection plan with the heat supply company;
  • We complete, assemble and install the heat meter;
  • We put the device into operation after commissioning and sealing (according to the initial acceptance certificate);
  • We provide a complete package of documents for the thermal energy meter for further placement on the balance sheet of the management company for maintenance, readings and verification in accordance with current rules and requirements.

Apartment heating meters allow you to strictly monitor the actual consumption of thermal energy, so significant savings are achieved when paying for consumed heat. When installing an individual measuring device, apartment owners become interested in the economical use of thermal resources, as well as in carrying out measures to insulate their homes. The benefits are so obvious that many people are thinking about how to install a heating meter in their apartment. Naturally, citizens are concerned about the price of the issue, as well as the payback period for the funds invested in installing a heat meter.

The essence of the meter's operation is to take into account thermal energy by measuring the temperature difference and the volume of coolant flow. There are two main ways to perform flow measurements: tachometer and ultrasonic. For each of them, manufacturers produce different types of household meters capable of recording heat energy. Ultrasonic models are more reliable in operation, more accurate and durable. Tachometer devices are inferior in these indicators, and therefore cheaper.

So how much does a heating meter cost? The price of the measuring device itself, including a control valve, filter and shut-off valves, averages about 9,000 rubles. However, to this amount it is necessary to add the cost of installing measuring equipment, which must be carried out by a company that has all the necessary permits to provide this type of service. Therefore, costs increase to 18-20 thousand rubles.

This is what a heat meter looks like - the main components

Important! Please note that heating meters for apartments must have passports and certificates, like any other measuring device. After completing the installation work, the meter must be sealed. It is also necessary to periodically check the device. This operation is usually performed after four years.

Technical limitations

Unfortunately, almost all houses of old construction have a vertical distribution system for heating pipes. This means that several risers pass through the apartment and installing a separate meter for each of them, of course, is not profitable. For such a heating system, manufacturers of metering devices suggest installing distributors that measure coolant flow based on the difference in air temperature in the room and on the surface of the radiator. The price of one such distributor ranges between a thousand rubles. Installation costs can amount to 2-6 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration.

Installation of residential heat meter

In apartment buildings built in recent years, during construction it is planned to install a horizontal heating pipe distribution system. Therefore, in such apartments one heat meter is installed. Compact models of heat meters are usually mounted on a straight pipe through which coolant is supplied to the apartment. In some cases, installation on the return pipeline is also possible.

Here you can see a correctly installed counter

Registering your device

If heat meters for heating are installed by a specialized organization that professionally deals with the design, installation and subsequent maintenance of heat metering devices, then its specialists:

  • will make a project;
  • will coordinate it with the organization responsible for heat supply;
  • register the installed metering unit;
  • will be put into operation by the supervisory organization.

What to do with the readings?

Heat meter readings are taken in the same way as from an electric meter. Next, fill out a receipt, which indicates the difference in readings and multiplies it by the current tariff. They pay at Sberbank branches, indicating the heat supply organization as the recipient of the funds.

Who verifies the heat meter?

A new residential heating meter must be sold with initial verification performed at the manufacturer. Confirmation of the initial verification is a stamp, a special sticker, or a corresponding entry indicated both on the device itself and in the documentation accompanying the heat meter.

The next verification of the device is carried out after the expiration of the established verification interval. Why should the apartment owner contact:

  • to the local branch of Rostest;
  • to a commercial organization that has these powers;
  • to the manufacturer's service center.

Important! Many companies offering installation of metering devices provide further maintenance. In this case, the company’s specialists undertake the next verification.

Criteria for choosing a company to install a meter

When choosing a company to install a thermal energy meter, pay attention to the following points:

  • free visit of an engineer to the site, during which an inspection of communications is carried out and a complete set of metering units is offered;
  • implementation of the entire list of installation work, availability of special equipment and qualified specialists in the company;
  • availability of permits (certificates, SRO approvals);
  • availability of information about the company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • providing a guarantee for the work performed;
  • providing benefits to certain categories of citizens;
  • installment payment and its term;
  • possibility of providing service.

It is possible and necessary to tame the rise in tariffs for housing and communal services. And not with complaints to higher authorities, but with real actions, which include the installation of individual metering devices. If all citizens start paying according to their meter readings, then utility companies will have to restore order in their households, since there will be no one to blame for losses. Controlling costs and defending their interests will force housing and communal services workers to take into account each consumer, delivering quality services.

Paying for heating by meter allows each citizen to save the family budget by directing the freed-up funds to other purposes. Even installing a common building meter allows you to achieve savings, provided that the apartment building is managed by an honest company that correctly directs cash flows for the benefit of all residents.
