Delicious diet sauces recipes. Diet sauce is a healthy variety. Sauces for meat

There are many secrets in cooking to give any dish a unique taste. And, above all, these include the use of herbs, spices and sauces. But if the first two types of natural food additives for the most part do not affect the figure or even have a positive effect on it, then with sauces the situation is somewhat different. To understand this, just remember high-calorie mayonnaise or ketchup loaded with preservatives. How to be? The right decision: choose only those sauces that have dietary properties, or prepare them yourself at home.

Types of store-bought sauces for slimming

On supermarket shelves today it is quite possible to find dietary sauces that do not contribute to the aggravation of existing fat deposits or the appearance of new fat deposits on the hips, abdomen and sides.

Firstly, this is the well-known soy sauce. The dietary properties of this food additive are due to the benefits of the raw materials used to make the dressing mixture. Soybeans are beans, and therefore soy sauce is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins (H, E, group B), mineral compounds (potassium, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, silicon, iron, copper, molybdenum, etc.). In addition to the specified ingredient, this type of store-bought sauce should ideally contain wheat and salt. Sodium, of course, is not very beneficial for your figure, but the main thing here is to use the product wisely, infrequently and in moderation. The soy food additive has a low calorie content: only 50 kcal per 100 g of dressing mixture.

The second type of low-calorie sauce for weight loss from the store is teriyaki. Its main ingredients are the soy already mentioned above, as well as ginger root. Ingredients of teriyaki sauce: sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, potassium, magnesium, niacin, vitamins B5 and B6, choline. The amount of carbohydrates in this product exceeds that of proteins by as much as three times, but the energy value of the savory mixture is still low: 89 kcal. Teriyaki sauce helps you lose weight by improving digestion. The only negative is appetite stimulation.

Another dietary product in this category of store-bought food products is pesto sauce. This sauce of Italian origin is prepared with olive oil. It has a fairly impressive energy value: 450 kcal. At the same time, most of the fats in the product are healthy unsaturated fats, which give a slim figure. Other components of the sauce: vitamins PP, K, C, A, a variety of micro- and macroelements. Thus, if you use pesto only from time to time, and, moreover, in tiny portions, you will not worsen your body weight.

Last on this list of dressing mixes for weight loss is balsamic vinaigrette. Its basis, as you probably already guessed, is balsamic vinegar. The chemical content of the product is amazingly diverse. In addition to various vitamins, mineral salts, proteins and antioxidants, this sauce is enriched with organic acids, which directly trigger the fat burning process in the body. A noticeable drawback of balsamic sauce is the abundance of sugars in the product (46 g). Hence its calorie content is higher than that of other dietary dressing mixtures: 166 kcal. However, eating food flavored with balsamic sauce speeds up metabolism, stimulates hematopoiesis, eliminates constipation and perfectly cleanses the body of harmful toxic waste.

When buying store-bought sauces for weight loss, pay attention to the composition of the product. The presence in the list of ingredients of a large number of flavors, preservatives, dyes and other artificial additives is a reason to refuse to make such a purchase.

Homemade diet sauces

If you do not trust manufacturers and consider their products to be mostly harmful to your figure and health, prepare your own diet sauces for weight loss from natural foods. Here you can show a flight of fancy, but first check out the existing and proven recipes for homemade low-calorie sauces.

Tomato. Ingredients: 4 fresh medium tomatoes, 1 small onion, 3 garlic cloves, 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper.
Preparation. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in olive oil for five minutes. Remove the outer skin from the tomatoes, turn the pulp into puree, and pepper. Add the tomato mixture to the pan with the vegetables already there. Simmer it over low heat for 5 minutes.

Teriyaki. You will need: 200 ml rice wine, 150 ml soy sauce, 1 tbsp. honey, crushed garlic and ground ginger root.
Preparation. Pour the liquid ingredients into a small saucepan and turn on the heat under the container. As soon as the contents of the container are warm enough, add honey. Stir the future sauce until the beekeeping product is completely dissolved. When this happens, add ginger and garlic. Let the spicy mixture simmer over low heat for three minutes, then remove the pan from the stove and cool to room temperature.

Kefir-olive. You will need: 10 pitted olives, 1 glass of low-fat kefir, 1 garlic clove, black pepper and salt to taste.
Preparation. Finely chop the garlic. Combine it with the rest of the ingredients and pass the resulting mixture through a blender. The sauce should ultimately have a uniform consistency. Don't forget to pepper and add a little salt to the finished product. The taste of kefir-olive dressing will be better if you add chopped tomato and a few tablespoons of chopped green onions. This sauce goes well with fish and meat dishes.

Pesto. Ingredients: 3 tbsp. olive oil, a few sprigs of parsley and basil, a handful of pine nuts, 2 cloves of garlic, ground black pepper to taste.
Preparation. Chop the greens as finely as possible and grate the garlic. Place the products processed in this way into a blender bowl. Add the rest of the components from the list and turn the individual components into a homogeneous mixture. You can store the resulting pesto sauce in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Green. You will need: 100 g of canned green peas, the same amount of fresh cucumbers, 2 cups of Greek yogurt, green onions (to taste).
Preparation. Wash the cucumbers, dry and grate on a fine grater. Finely chop the onion. Drain the liquid from the peas. Place the vegetables in a blender, pour in the fermented milk product, turn on the device and mix. The green sauce should have a creamy texture. It can be used as a salad dressing, as a nutritional supplement for boiled eggs, or in place of butter for sandwiches.

Almond. Ingredients: 0.5 cups almonds, 1 clove garlic, 1 large tomato, 1/2 bell pepper, 1 tsp. lemon juice, dried spices and salt to taste.
Preparation. Grind the nuts to a powder. For this purpose, you can use a coffee grinder. Scald the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin, and mash with a fork. Chop the remaining vegetables using a knife. Combine all the listed components, add spices and beat the mixture with a blender.

Apple-ginger. You will need: onions - 300 g, green apples - 250 g, garlic - 6 cloves, lime - 1 piece, hot red pepper - 1 pod, ginger root - a small piece, spices to taste (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper).
Preparation. Chop the garlic and onion, then simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. Citrus and apples should be cut into small pieces straight with the peel and added to the garlic-onion mixture. You also need to put thinly sliced ​​red pepper and grated ginger there. The final touch: adding spices. Stir the sauce and keep it on a low flame for about an hour. Finally, you can improve the taste of the product by adding a small amount of sand sweetener and a pinch of salt.

As you can see, full-fat mayonnaise has worthy competitors, the taste of which will be appreciated not only by those losing weight, but also by true gourmets. Low-calorie sauces can make your diet quite bearable and ultimately achieve amazing results in terms of weight loss without the danger of disrupting the planned event. Take advantage of this!

Ponomarenko Nadezhda
for women's magazine

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Healthy alternatives to traditional sauces.

☘ Salad sauce

Grate a clove of garlic on a fine grater, add chopped herbs (dill, parsley) and pour 1% kefir. Add salt to taste.

☘ Curd and tomato cream sauce

Take soft low-fat cottage cheese, tomato paste and a few cloves of garlic. Mix a package of soft zero cottage cheese with tomato paste (3-5 teaspoons), crush fresh garlic to taste (5-7 cloves), mix thoroughly.

☘ Adjika


    • 2 pcs. ripe tomatoes
    • 1 tooth garlic
    • salt (pinch).

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, after a minute easily peel them. Cut each tomato into 4 parts and put in a blender, squeeze out the garlic, salt, and swirl the whole mass.

☘ Mint sauce for seafood

This recipe requires non-fat or low-fat yogurt, mint leaves and spices of your choice. The mint must be chopped and mixed with all the ingredients.

☘ Tartar sauce on yogurt


  • 100 g low-fat natural yoghurt
  • 3 pcs. gherkins
  • several sprigs of dill
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tsp. vinegar
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • salt to taste.
    Grate the cucumbers on a fine grater, finely chop the dill, mix all the ingredients and let stand in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

☘ Greek sauce


  • 200 g soft curd 0%
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • salt.
    Grate the cucumber, chop the garlic in a garlic press, mix everything with cottage cheese and add salt.

☘ Sauce for meat

Take a few sprigs of parsley, 4 tbsp. spoons of low-fat yogurt, ground white pepper to taste and a few drops of lemon juice over the taste. Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

☘ Mayonnaise

To prepare healthy mayonnaise, you will need 50 g of low-fat soft cottage cheese (or yogurt) and one hard-boiled egg and crushed with a fork. Mix these two ingredients well and add spices to taste.

☘ "Sour cream"

Take 1 liter of low-fat kefir. Leave it in the freezer overnight until completely frozen. Then we place it in a colander lined with 4 layers of gauze and let it drain completely. Sour cream is ready!

A few tips: do not squeeze the sour cream and do not store it for too long, it will spoil and become bitter. Take the freshest kefir possible!

☘ Sour cream and mushroom sauce


    • mushrooms 400 g,
    • onion 1 pc.,
    • yogurt 100 ml,
    • salt pepper.

Preparation: Chop the mushrooms and onions, add salt and pepper and simmer under the lid until tender.
Place everything in a bowl and mix everything with an immersion blender, adding spices to taste. Then add yogurt and mix well.

☘ Onion sauce

Finely chop 1 large peeled onion and place in a saucepan. Pour in 125 ml of vegetable broth and heat for 2 minutes over medium heat. In a deep bowl, mix 1 egg yolk, 50 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Slowly pour the cooled broth onto the resulting mixture, stirring constantly.
Onion sauce is recommended to be served chilled.

☘ Sauce with fresh herbs

To prepare 2 servings of sauce, you need to chop 4 sprigs of green onions, 3 sprigs of fresh parsley, 2 shallots and 2 cloves of garlic.
Dissolve 2 teaspoons of cornstarch in 100 ml of water and mix with 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. Add shallots and garlic to the resulting mass, add salt and pepper. Heat over low heat for about 2 minutes and season with fresh herbs and 1/3 teaspoon of tarragon before serving.

☘ Lemon sauce

To prepare the sauce, squeeze the juice from ½ lemon and mix with 100 g of low-fat yogurt. Chop 1 bunch of green onions and add to yogurt. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

☘ White sauce

To prepare the white sauce, you need to boil 250 ml of chicken broth, remembering to skim off the foam. Then cool the broth and mix with 2 tablespoons of skim milk. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of cornstarch in the resulting mixture and cook over low heat until the sauce thickens. Stir constantly with a wooden spatula. Then remove from heat and season with a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper.

☘ Curry sauce

To prepare the sauce you will need 1 hard-boiled egg yolk, 100 grams of low-fat yogurt, ½ onion and 1 teaspoon of curry. Peel the onion, chop and mix with mashed egg yolk. Add curry and yogurt. Pour in the yogurt slowly and stir constantly.

More interesting things

Sauce, like a finishing touch, like a successful accessory, adds to any dish beauty, taste and aroma. Unfortunately, sauces are often too fatty and high in calories, so they are not suitable for those watching their figure. However, there are many tasty and healthy low-calorie sauces for salads and hot dishes, which will not add extra pounds to your figure. The site “Beautiful and Successful” has collected recipes for low-calorie sauces for every taste.

All sauces are based on natural yogurt without sugar or flavorings or kefir. You can also use buttermilk, a low-fat byproduct of butter production from cow's milk with a distinctive sour taste.

The calorie content of buttermilk is 41 kcal per 100 g of product, kefir - 56 kcal, natural low-fat yogurt - 60 kcal.

If we compare them in calorie content with our favorite dressings - mayonnaise (624 kcal), sour cream (206 kcal), or olive oil (898 kcal), it becomes clear that these products are just a godsend for those who want to keep their weight under control.

Low-calorie sauces based on dairy products (buttermilk, kefir and natural yogurt) with the addition of all kinds of vegetables, herbs and other products very easy to prepare. The ingredients do not require heat treatment, which preserves all the beneficial substances. At the same time, you can create a variety of interesting low-calorie dishes by adding new sauces to simple foods (for example, boiled rice or steamed fish).

To prepare any of the following sauces, thoroughly mix the base with all other ingredients using a mixer or blender.

Salad dressings need to be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to allow them to infuse the flavors and aromas of the ingredients and cool to the required temperature. Low-calorie sauces for hot dishes do not need to be refrigerated, but also allowed to brew a little.

Low-calorie sauces for vegetable salads

  • Herb sauce: The base of this sauce is low-calorie buttermilk. Add to it 2-3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and one tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs to taste, for example, basil and thyme, as well as finely chopped green onions and chopped garlic cloves. Add one teaspoon of dry mustard, as well as apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons). Mix all ingredients well.
  • Chili sauce: Mix one cup of low-fat yogurt in a blender, along with two tablespoons of tomato paste and one tablespoon of chili sauce.
  • Apple and cucumber sauce: To a glass of natural yogurt, add grated or finely chopped pickled cucumber and apple, a little prepared mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Spicy sauce for vegetables: Take 200g low-fat yogurt, add 2 tablespoons of chilli sauce and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mediterranean sauce: 1 tomato, 8-10 black or green olives, a clove of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of chopped green onions. Grind the vegetables in a mixer, mix with 200 g of yogurt, salt and pepper.
  • Apple sauce with curry: Mix one finely chopped or grated apple with 200 g of yogurt and a teaspoon of curry powder.
  • Lemon sauce: grate the lemon zest on a fine grater, add chopped fresh dill, and salt to taste. Pour 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into 200 g of low-fat yogurt and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir.
  • Garlic Sause: Mix 1 cup of yogurt with soy sauce to taste, add apple cider vinegar or ready-made mustard. Salt, add crushed garlic - 1 clove.

Low-calorie sauces for hot dishes

  • Onion sauce for fish dishes: take 250 g of low-fat yogurt, 1-2 tablespoons of finely chopped herbs, such as dill or any other to taste, and 1 spoon of finely chopped red onion. Mix all ingredients, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Horseradish sauce: Mix well a glass of low-fat sour cream with one tablespoon of prepared horseradish. This sauce goes well with fish dishes.
  • Tomato and onion sauce: take a finely chopped tomato (first remove the skin by pouring boiling water over it), a small bunch of chopped chives, 100 g low-fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons of chopped basil leaves (or other herbs), salt, pepper. After this, mix thoroughly.
  • Tomato sauce: Peel 2 fresh tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them. Mix the sauce ingredients into the pre-cut ingredients: peeled tomatoes, one avocado, as well as a chopped garlic clove and finely grated ginger root. Add 3 tablespoons of apple or wine vinegar, one tablespoon of sunflower oil and salt to taste. Stir everything again.
  • Mushroom sauce: Grind 100 g of dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder, add a little boiling water to them and let stand: the mushrooms should soften a little. Then combine the mushrooms with 100 g of low-fat kefir or buttermilk, add salt and pepper and mix with a fork or in a blender. Mushrooms are low in calories and the sauce goes well with rice.
  • Green cream sauce: Take 100 g of green peas and fresh cucumber, green onions to taste. Grind the vegetables in a mixer, add salt and pepper. Mix with a glass of yogurt and two tablespoons of chili sauce.
  • Fish sauce: take 5 peeled salted or pickled sprat, chop them, add two tablespoons of chopped dill, salt and pepper. Mix ingredients with 1 cup low-fat yogurt.

The site hopes that easy-to-prepare low-calorie sauces will help you surprise your loved ones with culinary skills and diversify your table without harming your figure!

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  • 50 g feta cheese;
  • 1 glass of yogurt;
  • 1 fresh or pickled cucumber;
  • sprig of dill.


Grind all ingredients in a blender. You can use yogurt to make the mixture thinner or thicker. The sauce will taste better if it sits in the refrigerator. Dill can be replaced with any other herbs or bell pepper.
  • Calories: 65 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: meat, poultry, vegetables.


  • 1 apple;
  • 200 g yogurt;
  • 1 teaspoon curry.


Grate the apple or chop it in a blender, mix with yogurt and curry. You can use ready-made applesauce from baby food, but it may contain sugar - the calorie content will increase.
  • Calories: 90 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: potatoes, meat dishes, side dishes.


  • 125 ml buttermilk;
  • 125 ml sour cream;
  • 50 g chives;
  • 10 g green onions;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard;
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar;
  • dried or fresh herbs - to taste;
  • allspice and salt - to taste.


This sauce was invented by an American farmer. The original version of the recipe uses sour cream instead. You can also replace buttermilk with sour cream or yogurt if you can’t find it. With homemade sour cream the sauce will be tastier, but higher in calories.

Chop the onion and garlic, pour in buttermilk and sour cream, add the remaining ingredients and stir.
  • Calories: 61 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: salads, vegetables, meat.


  • 250 ml natural yoghurt;
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar;
  • a pinch of dried dill and parsley.


This dressing is easy to make even without a blender. It is enough to mix everything well.
  • Calories: 63 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: pasta, toast and sandwiches.


  • 100 g green peas;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • green onions - to taste;
  • 1 glass of yogurt.


Grind the vegetables in a blender or mixer and mix with yogurt. Those who like a spicy taste can add a tablespoon of chili.
  • Calories: 71 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: with lots of greens, fish, seafood.


  • 25 ml lemon juice;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • a few drops of wine vinegar;
  • salt - to taste.


This sauce is prepared immediately before serving, simply mixing all the ingredients. Honey is not a dietary product, but in such small doses it will not harm your figure.
  • Calories: 80 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: wheat and rice noodles, meat, sandwiches.


  • 100 g boiled chickpeas;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 100 ml orange juice;
  • dry or fresh grated garlic;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Grind everything in a blender, adding water depending on the desired thickness of the sauce.
  • Calories: 58 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: rice, tofu, bean stew.


  • 300 g of sweet or semi-sweet onions;
  • 250 g apples;
  • ¹⁄₂ teaspoon olive oil;
  • 45 g lime;
  • 15 g ginger root;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper - to taste.

If you want a yellow-green chutney, choose white onions and green apples; if you want a red sauce, choose blue onions and red apples.


Chutney is a famous Indian sauce with an unusual sweet and spicy taste. To prepare it, chop the onion and garlic. Place in a saucepan with a little olive oil. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat.

Chop the apples, excluding the core, and the lime, including the peel. Add fruit to saucepan. After this, finely chop the ginger, chili pepper and place in a saucepan along with the spices. You can add a little salt or sugar to the sauce.

The chutney is simmered for about an hour over low heat. If the mixture thickens during cooking, add a little boiling water.
  • Calories: 24 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: Mexican food (corn tortillas, nachos), meat dishes, .


  • 500 g ripe tomatoes;
  • 1–2 chili peppers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g onions;
  • 40 ml lemon or lime juice;
  • 50 g fresh cilantro;
  • seasonings - to taste.


This is one of many salsa recipes that is close to the classic one. If desired, you can add bell peppers, carrots and other vegetables.

To make the salsa, wash and destem the tomatoes. Boil water in a saucepan and put the tomatoes in it for a couple of minutes. Then transfer them to cold water, wait until they cool down and remove the skin.

Grind the tomato pulp, onion and garlic. Squeeze lemon or lime into it. Remove the seeds and finely chop the chili pepper. Be careful, it is very caustic - better use gloves. Add chopped herbs and spices to the sauce. Stir and refrigerate for several hours.
  • Calories: 75 kcal per 100 g.
  • What is it suitable for: Asian dishes, fried vegetables, .


  • 200 ml pineapple juice;
  • 60 ml water;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato paste or sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon starch (preferably corn starch).


This is a dietary version of sweet and sour sauce without sugar. However, sugar is still contained in soy sauce and tomato paste, but in small quantities. If possible, use freshly squeezed pineapple juice, but from a can or bag will also work.

Combine juice, water, vinegar, soy sauce and tomato sauce in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. If you want a thicker sauce, add starch diluted with hot water.

: 1, 2, 3, 4v, 5, 5p, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10s, 11, 13, 15.


  • Milk - 50 g;
  • Wheat flour 1s. - 5 g;
  • Butter - 5 g;
  • Salt - 0.25 g.

Calorie content- 86.0 kcal (proteins - 2.1; fats - 6.0; carbohydrates - 6.0).


  • Dry the flour until light yellow in an oven at 110°C, placing it on a baking sheet in a layer of up to 5 cm.
  • Cool to 50°C and sift.
  • Add butter and grind until smooth.
  • Dilute with milk and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, add salt and strain.
  • For diets No. 7, 8, 10, 10c, cook without salt.

Sweet milk sauce

Diets: 1, 2, 3, 4c, 5, 5p, 6, 7, 10, 10c, 11, 13, 15.


  • Milk - 25 g;
  • Butter - 5 g;
  • Wheat flour 1s. - 5 g;
  • Vegetable broth - 25 g;
  • Sugar - 5 g;
  • Vanillin is on the tip of the knife.

Calorie content- 91.5 kcal (proteins - 1.4; fats - 5.2; carbohydrates - 9.8).


  • Prepare bechamel sauce (see above).
  • Add sugar and vanillin, previously dissolved in hot boiled water.

Milk sauce with chopped egg

Diets: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15.


  • Milk - 50 g;
  • Wheat flour 1s. - 5 g;
  • Eggs - 1/4 pcs.;
  • Sour cream 20% - 10 g;
  • Salt - 0.25 g.

Calorie content- 97.0 kcal (proteins - 3.9; fats - 6.3; carbohydrates - 6.3).


  • Mix bechamel sauce (see above) with finely chopped eggs and sour cream.

Milk sauce with carrots

Diets: 1, 3, 5, 5p, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10s, 11, 13, 15.


  • Milk - 25 g;
  • Butter - 5 g;
  • Flour psh. 1s. - 5 g;
  • Vegetable broth - 25 ml;
  • Carrots - 10 g;
  • Salt - 0.25 g.

Calorie content- 73.8 kcal (proteins - 1.4; fats - 5.2; carbohydrates - 5.5).


  • Add boiled carrots, rubbed through a sieve, to the bechamel sauce (see above).
  • Boil.
  • For diets 7, 10, 10 s, cook without salt.

Milk sauce with tomato


  • Milk - 50 g;
  • Flour psh. 1s. - 5 g;
  • Tomato puree - 10 g;
  • Salt - 0.25 g.

Calorie content- 91.8 kcal (proteins - 2.5; fats - 6.0; carbohydrates - 7.2).


  • Dilute tomato puree with water and bring to a boil.
  • Boil for 10 minutes, add bechamel sauce (see above).
  • Cook until medium thick.
  • For diets 7, 10, 10c, cook without salt.

Sour cream sauce

Diets: 1, 2, 3, 4c, 5, 5p, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10c, 11, 13, 14, 15.


  • Sour cream 20% - 15 g;
  • Vegetable broth - 15 ml;
  • Flour psh. 1s. - 3 g;
  • Salt - 0.1 g.

Calorie content- 54.2 kcal (proteins - 0.7; fats - 4.5; carbohydrates - 2.7).


  • Vegetable broth: pour coarsely chopped and peeled vegetables with hot water (1:10), cook for 30 minutes at low boil with the lid closed. Leave the broth for 15 minutes, strain.
  • Heat the sifted flour in a frying pan while constantly stirring with a wooden spatula without changing color.
  • Grind hot with butter, dilute with vegetable broth until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Cook for 30 minutes, strain.
  • Add boiled sour cream and salt to the hot sauce and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Strain and bring to a boil.
  • For diets 7, 10, 10c, cook without salt.

Sour cream sauce with tomato

Diets: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10c, 11, 13, 15.


  • Sour cream 20% - 15 g;
  • Vegetable broth - 15 g;
  • Wheat flour 1s. - 3 g;
  • Butter - 3 g;
  • Tomato puree - 3 g;
  • Salt - 0.1 g.

Calorie content- 77.5 kcal (proteins - 0.7; fats - 7.0; carbohydrates - 2.9).


  • Boil the tomato puree to half the original volume.
  • Combine with sour cream sauce (see above).
  • Boil the sauce, strain and bring to a boil.

Sour cream and curd sauce

Diets: 1, 2, 3, 4c, 5, 5p, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10c, 11, 13, 15.


  • Sour cream 20% - 15 g;
  • Cottage cheese 9% - 15 g.

Calorie content- 54.3 kcal (proteins - 2.9; fats - 4.4; carbohydrates - 0.7).


  • Rub the cottage cheese and mix with sour cream.

White sauce with meat (fish) broth

Diets: 2, 3, 4c, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15.


  • Meat (fish) broth - 55 g;
  • Flour psh. 1s. - 2.5 g;
  • Ghee butter - 2.5 g;
  • Salt - 0.5 g;
  • Citric acid - 0.05 g.

Calorie content- 30.4 kcal (proteins - 0.3; fats - 2.6; carbohydrates - 1.8).


  • Heat the sifted flour, stirring with a wooden spatula, without changing color.
  • Grind with butter, dilute with broth.
  • Mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Cook for 25 minutes, add salt, strain and bring to a boil.

Polish sauce


  • Butter - 35 g;
  • Eggs - 16 g;
  • Citric acid - 0.1 g;
  • Parsley - 1 g;
  • Salt - 0.5 g.

Calorie content- 268.9 kcal (proteins - 2.2; fats - 28.7; carbohydrates - 0.4).


  • Add chopped eggs, citric acid, parsley, and salt to the melted butter.

Hollandaise sauce

Diets: 1, 2, 3, 4c, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15.


  • Butter - 40 g;
  • Egg yolks - 1/2 pcs.;
  • Citric acid - 0.1 g;
  • Salt - 0.5 g;
  • Water - 10 ml.

Calorie content- 311.7 kcal (proteins - 1.2; fats - 33.9; carbohydrates - 0.4).


  • Add water and butter (a third of the norm) to the egg yolks.
  • Stirring continuously, cook in a water bath at 80°C until thickened.
  • Without stopping heating, add the remaining oil, season with salt and citric acid.

Mayonnaise sauce

Diets: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15.


  • Vegetable oil - 25 g;
  • Egg yolks - 5 g;
  • Sugar - 5 g;
  • Citric acid solution 2% - 5 g.

Calorie content- 251.2 kcal (proteins - 0.6; fats - 25.6; carbohydrates - 5.0).


  • Mix egg yolks with sugar.
  • Add vegetable oil in small portions, continuously whisking the mixture.
  • After the oil has completely emulsified and a thick, homogeneous mass has formed, pour in the citric acid solution.
  • On diet 9, replace sugar with xylitol.

Sugar-butter sauce

Diets: 1, 2, 3, 4c, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15.


  • Butter - 40 g;
  • Wheat crackers - 10 g;
  • Citric acid - 0.1 g;
  • Salt - 0.5 g.

Calorie content- 344.0 kcal (proteins - 1.1; fats - 34.4; carbohydrates - 7.5).


  • Melt the butter until the moisture has evaporated from it.
  • Strain and add ground wheat crackers, salt and citric acid.
  • For diet 1, cook without citric acid.
  • For diets 7 and 10, cook without salt.

ATTENTION! The information presented on this site is for reference only. We are not responsible for possible negative consequences of self-medication!
