Drainage pit for a private house - standards and rules. Drainage pit in a private house - standards, requirements and recommendations Permit for a cesspool

To install a sewer system in a dacha or urban area, you need to follow not only construction, but also legislative standards. Cesspool: the norms and rules for its arrangement are observed especially carefully. Violation of sanitary and construction requirements entails administrative and, in some cases, criminal liability.

One of the main laws on which most of the norms and requirements of SanPin are based is Federal Law No. 52-FZ (“On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” of March 30, 1999).

The volumes of cesspools are regulated most strictly by SanPin. The design of the drain tank depends on the average daily amount of waste. Structurally, pits are:

IN SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 sanitary standards are specified to ensure the well-being of the population. They say that if the total volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 cubic meter per day, then the construction of an open pit is permissible. If there is more waste, then a filter or sealed bottom must be equipped. It should be noted that in open pits a complete lack of protection is also not allowed.

SanPin standards describe in sufficient detail the requirements for the protection of groundwater. These requirements are presented in the resolution SP of 2001. Particular attention is paid to the design of the lower part of the waste pit. Sanitary organizations require the installation of a filter bottom, which consists of:

  1. Sand pillow;
  2. Crushed stone pillow;
  3. A stone layer in which building materials of various fractions are used.

It is emphasized that if more than 4 adults live in a house and household appliances connected to the sewer are installed, then a multi-chamber pit or septic tank must be constructed. These are reservoirs with a higher degree of protection against contamination of the environment by waste toxins.

The rules and regulations for arranging a cesspool in Ukraine are somewhat different from Russian ones. According to Ukrainian legislation, a cesspool can only be made of a closed type from durable, water-resistant material. In any other case, you will not be able to legalize it and are subject to fines, including a court order to remove the tank from the site.

Selecting a location

Sanitary organizations strictly monitor the distance from the cesspool to the facade of residential and non-residential premises, as well as wells and other bodies of water on the site. Special norms have been developed that specify standard requirements. They are prescribed in the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Populated Areas No. 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97:

  1. The minimum permissible distance from the facade of a residential building is 15 meters. Please note that if the basement exceeds the area of ​​the building, then the countdown is from the basement wall;
  2. A distance of 10 meters or more (if possible) should be maintained from non-residential premises and buildings located on another site. If these standards are not met, then the owner of the neighboring plot has the right to sue. Penalties are provided as punishment;
  3. If there is a well or borehole on the site, then a distance of 20 meters is maintained from them. Here the standards differ, because the footage depends on the groundwater level. The higher it is, the greater the distance. If the area is swampy, then a cesspool is not allowed. At the same time, on sand the minimum permissible distance is 50 meters. This is due to the high throughput of sand;
  4. There should be at least 1 meter from the road or fence.

Regardless of the distance, before starting the preparation of the pit, its depth is calculated. The lower boundary of the pit should be 50% below the level of drinking groundwater. This information can be obtained from your local geological organization.


  • 1 – top layer of soil (chernozem);
  • 2 – crushed stone backfill of the pit for compaction;
  • 3 – drains;
  • 4 – crushed stone cushion at the bottom of the pit.

Good neighborliness

This concept characterizes legal relations between neighbors. According to legislative acts, the owner of a plot can organize any buildings on his land. But at the same time, he must take into account the safety of the people around him.

An incorrectly chosen location for a cesspool can bring a lot of inconvenience to both its owner and his neighbors. Among the most common problems:

  1. Foundation destruction. The sewage tank not only contaminates the soil and water, but also increases the level of soil moisture. In this case, the foundation begins to collapse over the entire area. This is fraught with cracks in the walls, deformation of the structure and even its destruction;
  2. Unpleasant smell. Many believe that you only need to maintain a distance of 20 meters from the facade of your house, but not from your neighbor’s. Naturally, a stench will emanate from the reservoir, which, first of all, will disturb those who live closer to it. The smell not only interferes with normal life, but also harms health;
  3. Infection of the land and reduction in its productivity. Not only buildings suffer, but also garden plantings. Many fruit trees, ornamental plants and vegetable crops die from changes in the chemical composition of the soil. This entails a certain financial liability on the owner of the cesspool.

All the requirements and standards described above are mandatory for both private homeowners and individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities.

SanPin: operation of a cesspool

The cesspool codes also specify certain standards for drain care. Regardless of the type of garbage disposal, it must be cleaned with sterilizing mixtures twice a year. This is done after sewer cleaning, so that it is possible for some time to completely neutralize the effect of pathogenic bacteria.

For sterilization, a special acid-based chemical solution, gentle compounds or homemade mixtures are used. It is strictly forbidden to use lime chloride in its pure form. When mixed with water or other chemicals, it releases a dangerous gas. It has no odor, but can cause severe poisoning and burns of the upper respiratory tract.

For home self-service, a mixture is used, which includes:

  1. Bleaching powder;
  2. Creolin;
  3. Naphthalizol and some other compounds.

Cleaning is required every two weeks, and the cesspool is inspected every season. The pit can be cleaned independently, using a sewer truck, or cleaned with bioactivators.

Owners of private houses solve the problem of removing fecal matter by constructing a cesspool in the local area. There are regulatory documents that clearly indicate how septic tanks must be constructed, what the distance from the well to the cesspool on the site should be in accordance with SanPiN. It is unacceptable to ignore the standards. When creating a pit for draining sewage, the owner of the site must be guided by the sanitary standards for the distance to the well given in Law No. 52-FZ of the Russian Federation.

In the village

Sanitary standards regarding cesspools

The regulations state that when creating cesspools, it is necessary to include filtration systems. Construction with an unprotected bottom is strictly prohibited if the daily volume of accumulated water exceeds 1 m3. A septic tank serving a heated house suitable for occupancy of more than 4 people must include a special bottom.

The pit must be strictly waterproof.

Such an object must be tightly closed and have a lattice. It is allowed to construct one drainage structure with an adjacent site.

The regulatory document does not clearly indicate at what distance from the house a hole should be made. It is only noted that it should be distanced from residential premises by at least 15 m. A shorter distance to the cesspool is extremely undesirable, since toxic volatile substances released by sewage can harm the health of residents.

If for some reason it is necessary for the drainage pit to be located closer than 15 m to housing and water supply lines, then you should apply for permission from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and the water utility department.

If a private household is located near a school or other children's institution, then the drainage hole should not be located closer than 20 m to the buildings. In this case, homeowners often have problems with the correct arrangement of cesspool structures. If you have any questions, please contact your local city or district administration.

The regulatory document spells out an unambiguous rule that is mandatory for all homeowners: a well and a cesspool cannot be made less than 50 m.

Rules for arranging drainage pits

Compliance with sanitary standards is important for the health safety of residents and neighbors. Settlement pits, holding a maximum of 1 m 3 of waste, are a standard option for summer cottages and country estates, where residents do not live all year round, where they do not use water heating devices and household technical equipment.

If there is a summer kitchen on the site, then the sanitary norm requires that the pit be located no closer than 5 m to the kitchen structure. And if the volume of wastewater exceeds 8 m3, then the distance to the kitchen is at least 8 m.

To prevent the smell of sewage from disturbing the neighbors, the settling hole is made no closer than 1.5 m to the fence of the site.

Read also: Security zone of power lines: how many meters from lines 10 kV, 110 kV, 35 kV, 6 kV, 0.4 kV in each direction

When constructing settling tanks, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • when the drainage volume is more than 3 m 3 per day, the pipes are located as close as possible to groundwater (from 40 to 50 m from the water layer);
  • pipes are installed vertically in relation to the flow of groundwater;
  • if there is artesian water on or near the site, the minimum distance between the well and the wastewater facility should exceed 20 m.

It is important to consider not only the distance between the cesspool and the water source, but also the hermetic reliability of the sewage tank. A leaking reservoir will become a source of soil and groundwater poisoning with toxins, which will cause significant damage to the natural environment and the health of people living in the area.

Construction materials used to create a sump must be of high quality and free from defects. During construction, boards and bricks must be tightly fitted to each other.

Structural repair required

Also, when constructing a cesspool, you need to take into account the distance to communication systems:

  • to water supply lines and asbestos-cement pipelines - at least 5 m;
  • to cast iron pipelines (diameter up to 20 cm) – 1.5 m;
  • to cast iron pipelines (diameter more than 20 cm) – 3 m;
  • to gas lines - at least 5 m.

If the configuration and size of the site do not allow maintaining the distance between the sewage pit, the dwelling and the water source, then one well is made for several residential buildings.

Diagram of the correct location of the structure

Distance from drain tank to well

It happens that even water intake systems, built in accordance with all regulations, do not save the well from poisoning. Suppliers of toxic and polluting substances may appear after the well is put into operation.

One of the most commonly reported pollutants is wastewater.

Moreover, a sump tank located not only on the owner’s property, but also on the territory of neighbors who ignored sanitary standards can pollute the water.

The following distances from the well must be taken into account:

  • to the drain tank;
  • to the septic tank - a treatment structure for waste with a daily volume of no more than 25 m 3;
  • to the cesspool.

Installation diagram of a structure for a summer cottage

Particular attention should be paid to distancing the well from the drainage hole. The waste in the pit can become a factor in serious pollution of the natural environment and poisoning of drinking water.

Today, cesspool structures are made from high-quality and durable materials that ensure tightness. But one cannot be completely convinced of the strength and durability of the structure. There is a certain percentage of waste mass leakage.

Because of this risk, a standard distance from a cesspool to a well or well was introduced. Distancing according to the standard allows you to prevent poisoning of drinking water even in the event of a leak in the cesspool structure.

Location of the septic tank and well according to the standards

The standards for sanitary protection zones are given in the documents SanPiN and SNiP. The distance of the water source from the drainage pit is determined by the capacity of the latter structure. The standard distance of 50 m is increased based on the filtration capabilities of the pit:

Read also: Distance from the well to the house: SNiP (SP) and SanPiN standards to the neighboring site

  • with a daily water flow of up to 2 m3, the zone increases to 10 m;
  • with a flow rate of up to 8 m 3 it increases to 20 m;
  • with a flow rate of up to 15 m 3 it increases to 25 m and more.

The sanitary protection zone should not include reservoirs, watercourses, open and closed water sources.

The principle of operation of a septic tank

Requirements for the placement of water sources

The placement of wells, wells and waste tanks on a site is determined by many factors. When distancing objects, the following factors must be considered:

  • hydraulic interaction of soil and aquifer (soil is a filtrate for runoff directed into groundwater);
  • structural and qualitative features of the soil (sand allows water to pass through more easily than other rocks, so toxic substances can penetrate through sandy soil into groundwater);
  • the level of location of the underground water layer (a cesspool without a special bottom cannot be placed below the aquifer);
  • direction of movement of groundwater (if the well or well is located downstream of the cesspool, then there is a high probability of water poisoning).

Based on the structure of the rock, the water source is distanced from the cesspool:

  • 20 m with dense and waterproof clay soil;
  • at 30 m with loamy soil of average permeability;
  • at 50 m with permeable soil (sandy and sandy loam).

Small water sources and cesspools

When creating a small cesspool, the volume of which ranges from 1 to 8 m3, the sanitary requirements are slightly weakened. A small-sized drain tank can be located at a distance of 5–8 m from housing in a village or city.

The location of the small cesspool relative to the water intake structures is as follows:

  1. If the daily filtration capacity of the wastewater facility is less than 3 m 3, then the pipes through which clean water enters the home are laid downstream of the groundwater. Moreover, the waste tank should be 40–50 m away from the water intake.
  2. If, with the above filtration capacity of the drainage structure, the water source is located upstream of the groundwater, then the optimal distance is 25 m.
  3. If the septic tank is located vertically relative to the movement of underground water, then the structures are spaced 25–30 m from each other.
  4. Wells and outlets of artesian waters are distanced from the waste structure by 20 m or more.

Layout of buildings according to standards

It is optimal when the septic tank is located lower along the movement of groundwater, and the water intake facility is located higher.

From the above it follows that there are many nuances regarding the placement of cesspools and water sources; it is almost impossible to comply with all the rules in one area, especially if the area is small and there are neighboring properties around.

Experts suggest the following way out of this situation:

  1. A water intake structure is created for several adjacent areas.
  2. Make an asphalt or concrete-covered area measuring 3x2.5 m, with a surface slope of 5% relative to the structure.
  3. The water intake should be 2.5–5 m away from the red street lines.

When a country or country house is being built, its owners immediately take into account the design of the drainage system. The most suitable solution to this issue is a cesspool. But it must comply with SNiP. If any points are violated during design and construction, operation may be accompanied by fines and many problems.

Why you should follow SNiP

Failure to comply with the requirements leads to contamination of natural water sources and the spread of infections. Before constructing a pit, the ideal option would be to include it in the building plan. It will also be necessary to coordinate with the government services involved. This should include SES. To obtain permits for work, this condition is necessary.

Selecting a location

By studying the sanitary standards and requirements for a cesspool, you will need to choose the right location. A pit is a container for receiving household waste. To determine the location and approval, according to SNiP, it is necessary to analyze the site and the surrounding area. When drawing up a diagram, you need to take into account the location:

  • wells;
  • residential building;
  • pipelines;
  • water supply;
  • outbuildings;
  • gas pipelines.

Here the elements of the landscape, highlands and lowlands of the area are taken into account. When planning, you must take into account the location of neighboring communication systems, wells, and houses in order to allocate an area for a sanitary zone. When planning the location, the direction of movement of underground flows should be taken into account. You can obtain information about them from the relevant services.

Regulations and conditions

Having studied the sanitary standards and rules for a cesspool, you can find out where to carry out work from neighbors or your own home. It is important to choose the optimal location correctly. For example, the pit should be removed 1.5 m from the boundaries of the plot. As for water intake wells, treatment systems should be removed from them by 20 m. The sewage system should be removed by 10 m from the structures of the neighboring house and the main building of the neighbors. The pit should be removed from the residential building by 10 m. should be removed by 8 m or more, water pipes should be removed from it by 25 m. As for gas pipes, the distance to them should be 5 m, but from underground flows - 25 m.

The standards for the placement of cesspools also regulate the condition of the soil in the building area. On clay soils, natural wells should be 20 m away from the pit. If your territory has loamy soil, then this figure should be increased by 30 m. As for sandy soils, natural wells should be 50 m away from the pit. Not recommended location of the structure downstream of groundwater. This will prevent contamination of natural wells.

What regulatory documents must be followed?

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to maintain the shortest distance to your home. If it is impossible to install the capacity with the mentioned step, then the mentioned parameters can be reduced only after agreement with some services. Experts do not recommend deviating from the requirements. When waste rots, which certainly happens in a pit, gases will be released. Don't forget about the unpleasant odor. When the windows are open in the summer, all these aromas will penetrate into the house. Therefore, it is important to understand that sanitary standards must be observed. The distance from the house to the cesspool is usually 15 m.

It is especially difficult to maintain a step to the nearest water pipes. This is due to the fact that you must take into account the direction of movement of currents underground. They flow from the drainpipe and head towards the cesspool. If in the opposite direction, then the selected distance must be increased from 25 to 40 m.

The main document that will guide you when constructing a cesspool is SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. Sanitary rules that regulate the maintenance of populated areas are spelled out here. You will be able to learn about the basic requirements for the design and location, as well as the care of the cesspool. The documentation was developed back in the Soviet Union, and analogues have now been adopted in almost all CIS countries.

Despite its relatively long history, the sanitary standards prescribed in this document remain relevant, but not all of them. For example, professionals in the field of sewerage installation advise increasing the distance from the waste collection tank to a residential building or additional buildings.

Having familiarized yourself with the standards for a drainage pit in a private house, you can begin to choose the type of such structure. The simplest option is a hole without a bottom. Such structures can only be constructed if the daily volume of sewage is no more than one cubic meter. The pit should be located below the level of the drinking water intake to prevent contamination of the water in the well by runoff.

When constructing a pit, you must take into account some parameters. For example, there are certain requirements for the location of a drinking well and pit, which depends on the properties and types of soil in the area. This was discussed above. If the household generates more than the mentioned volume of wastewater every day, you should abandon this pit option and consider similar structures made of metal, brick or concrete.

An excellent option would be a plastic sealed drive. Standards for a drainage pit in a private house also apply to a sealed structure. It should have a slope towards the technological hatch for cleaning. The choice of location will depend on the distance to the building and the fencing of the site; these parameters are 10 m and 1 m, respectively.

Such a sealed pit will have to be cleaned periodically. A sewer truck is used for this. It is not recommended to locate the pit deeper than 3 m, otherwise emptying will not be effective enough due to the limited length of the hose. After all, the silt that forms at the bottom will remain there.

By getting acquainted with the standards for a drainage pit in a private house, you can find out that you need to ensure free access for cars to it. During the operation of the storage device, methane may be formed. In order to prevent the accumulation of explosive gas, the container should be equipped with ventilation. Regulatory requirements provide for the installation of a 10-centimeter pipe, which will rise 60 cm above the ground.

Detailed information on maintaining the distance to communications

The standards for a drainage pit in a private house also require maintaining the distance to communications, namely gas and water pipes. If the pipeline is made of reinforced concrete or asbestos cement, then the distance to the pit should be 5 m or more. To cast iron pipes with a diameter of no more than 200 mm, the distance is 1.5 m. When cast iron pipes have a larger diameter, the distance increases to 3 m. When constructing a pit, a step of 5 m is maintained to the gas pipeline.

Features of drawing up a diagram

In a private house, it is quite possible to equip a drainage pit with your own hands. Brick is often used for this. At the first stage, it is necessary to draw up a plan diagram, which should indicate all the buildings on the site and the distance between them. It is also important to mention the boundaries of the site. You will designate garden paths, water intake wells, gazebos, green spaces and groundwater flow.

Armed with a compass, you will need to install the leg on the plan in the place where the hole is supposed to be laid. The radius of the circle at a scale of 1 to 100 should be 12 cm. If the circle does not touch any buildings on the territory, you can continue to draw a geometric figure with a radius of 20 cm. The focus at this stage should be on how the line to the water intake source went. From this point you need to draw a circle with a radius of 2 cm. Here you should pay attention to the fencing of the area. If the lines of the circles do not cross out the points where the objects are located, then the pit is located correctly.

Features of arranging a pit made of concrete rings

If you want to equip a cesspool, the sanitary standards regulated by SNiP must be studied. This was discussed above. Next, you can choose the type of construction, which may involve the use of concrete rings. A standard system of this type consists of 2-3 products. Each ring will be able to hold up to 1.5 cubic meters.

Having decided on the dimensions of the well, you must prepare a pit with dimensions 90 cm larger than the diameter of the rings being installed. The walls should be cleaned and leveled. The bottom is well compacted. To create a sealed bottom, it is necessary to pour mortar or lay bricks. It will take about a week for the concrete to harden. To simplify the task, you should use ready-made concrete rings with a bottom.

Once the bottom has gained strength, you can begin installing the rings. Products are lowered into the well using a crane or winch. If they are skewed and stuck during immersion, the hole should be expanded. According to SNiP standards, the drainage pit in a private house must be sealed, so impacts and the formation of cracks should be prevented. To prevent problems, planks should be placed on the top of each ring.


The joints are covered with cement mortar, to which liquid glass is added. For waterproofing, rubber seals should be used. After installation is completed, the walls of the container are strengthened from the outside with broken bricks or stones. You can use construction waste or soil removed when digging a pit.

The sewerage or drainage system in a private house is developed at the stage of its design and planning. This is one of the most important communications. Its installation is quite strictly regulated by the norms and rules of construction, protective measures for cleaning and protecting the environment. One of the simplest and most affordable sewerage options for a private home is a drain or cesspool. Despite the primitiveness of the design, its structure has a lot of nuances that must be taken into account.

Sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN and SNiP) for this type of building were not developed by chance. They have been operating on Russian territory since the times of the Soviet Union. Even then, it was noted that the absence of any rules for the arrangement of a drainage pit, with a certain density of residential buildings and a small distance between them, it can cause serious damage not only to the environment, but also to the people living in this area. After conducting a number of studies in this area, it was noticed that wastewater seeps into the ground, reaching the upper threshold of groundwater. The result was uncontrolled pollution for many years, the consequences of which were felt on soil fertility and the quality of water resources in the region.

Certain difficulties arise from the secrecy of the building, the very presence of which and the quality of the construction work performed to equip it are often extremely difficult to determine. However, the harm is primarily felt by the owner who violates the standards and rules for the manufacture of a drainage pit, as well as by the neighbors living in neighboring areas. Therefore, when designing the site of a private house, the construction of a drainage pit must be carefully studied, thought through and not be too lazy to coordinate sanitary standards with the local SES, in order to avoid mistakes and violations that could lead to irreversible consequences for the ecology of the site.

Compliance with the rules for placing and protecting the internal space of a cesspool, on the contrary, is completely legal and acceptable, especially since in some cases this is the only rational way to install a sewer system on the site of a private house.

What types of drainage pits are there?

Structurally, drainage pits can be divided into several main categories:

  • With soil purification;
  • Sealed (with storage).

To begin with, it is worth noting what constitutes a violation of technical rules and regulations in such a device. And first of all, this is the lack of any protection at the bottom and walls of the cesspool. When runoff enters its area, it freely and unhinderedly penetrates the soil, remaining stuck there for many years, upsetting the ecological balance. Some of them are digested by aerobic bacteria. But putrefactive processes continue in the soil, and make it less suitable for farming. If vegetable gardens and neighboring similar buildings are located far away, the damage from them is less significant and noticeable. In the absence of insulation materials, this method was generally the only possible for many years. But times have changed. Today you can easily get any material and set up a modern cesspool without harming the environment and yourself.

So, an autonomous sewerage system in the form of a drainage pit can be arranged as follows:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete structure– one of the most durable materials that does not collapse for a long time is reinforced concrete. Even with the small thickness of the walls of such a container, the reinforcement cage will perfectly withstand any tensile loads. To form the pit container itself, formwork made of OSB or plywood placed at a certain distance (15 - 20 cm) is used. The bottom can also be made monolithic or a sand-gravel mixture can be filled to a depth of 30 - 40 cm as an additional filter. In the first case, any ingress of sewage into the soil is excluded, however, sewerage work will be quite frequent. In the second case, the filter will cope with its purpose for some time, but after silting it will need to be replaced. The volume of wastewater, provided it is filtered and the pit dimensions are sufficient, is no more than 1 m 3 per day;

  • Photo: monolithic reinforced concrete structure

    The drainage pit is often accompanied by a foul odor, especially in the hot season. Aerobic bacteria will help to cope with this drawback, which not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also helps process dense biomass into a more liquid one and suitable for further filtration.

  • Brick or cinder block cesspool- an option in which the walls and bottom of the pit are laid out from piece materials, such as bricks and cinder blocks. The method is not bad, but you need to consider ligating all the seams with an iron bar or fittings. Afterwards, the finished surfaces are plastered with cement-sand mortar and then ironed. In addition, it can be coated with bitumen mastic to increase waterproofing. The bottom can also be made sealed or with soil treatment;

  • Photo: brick drainage pit

    The depth of the cesspool should not be more than 3-4 meters, since the length of the sewer hose may not be enough to empty the entire well. This will lead to constant siltation at the bottom and filtration in it will simply not be possible.

  • Drain pit made of reinforced concrete rings and blocks– ready-made reinforced concrete structures, standardized in production, greatly facilitate the construction of such buildings. The only negative is their weight, which slightly complicates installation work and transporting them to the site. On the other hand, this is an excellent way to speed up the construction process by eliminating the “wet” work of pouring concrete and plastering. Rings or blocks are connected to each other by welding joints and thoroughly coating the seams with waterproofing mixtures or mortar;

  • Photo: installation of reinforced concrete rings

    If it is a free-standing well, it is covered with a sealed lid to prevent precipitation from entering it. When waste waste decomposes and ferments, explosive methane is formed. In this case, the lid is equipped with an vent - a small section of ventilation pipe that goes outside.

  • Ready container or storage– this method is the most modern, since the pit is a container made in production conditions. It can be a tank, a barrel made of metal, concrete or plastic. The latter is especially in demand due to its light weight and corrosion resistance. Depending on the depth, the walls of such a container are insulated and strengthened. In addition, sewer pipes of any diameter are easily connected to them, which can be cut into their walls. The sealed container allows you to reduce the distance from residential and other objects on the site.

Rules and regulations of SNiP and SanPiN for the construction of cesspools in household plots and summer cottages

Having decided on the type of cesspool, it is necessary to calculate its location on the site. For this purpose, there are restrictive recommendations from the following documents:

  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 “Sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas”;
  • Set of rules SP 32.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures";
  • SNiP 30-02-97: “Planning and development of territories of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures.”

The remoteness of the drainage pit, especially with soil additional filtration, according to SNiP standards, should be at a distance:

  1. From a residential building - 8 – 10 m;
  2. Outbuildings - 5 – 7 m;
  3. Fence - at least 1 m;
  4. Neighboring house - 10 – 12 m;
  5. Water intake wells - 20 – 30 m;
  6. Water pipes - 20 – 25 m;
  7. Gas pipes - 5 m;
  8. Trees - 5 – 7 m.

Photo: sanitary standards
Photo: remoteness of the drainage pit

The type of soil and its properties also matter when laying sewers. Clay soils are dense and oily, and they conduct water less well. Cesspools in such soils should be at a distance of at least 20 m from natural wells. For loams this parameter is already 30 m, for sandy soils – 50 m.

In design work, the sewerage system of a private house must be taken into account in full, since it consists of an internal part (located within the house) and an external part (all other sewage systems on the site). A detailed drawing will help calculate the amount of materials for the sewer system, its location on the site, determine whether it will be gravity-flow or whether it needs to be forced, and at what distance from residential and ancillary buildings on a suburban area.

Photo: drawing of a drainage pit

For professional plumbers, engineers, and designers, solving these problems is not difficult. But even for the average person, these rules of SNiP and SanPiN are not so complicated, because a cesspool is the most primitive, and at the same time, the cheapest sewerage device in a summer cottage that you can make with your own hands.

The issue of wastewater disposal in dachas and suburban areas is often solved by constructing a sewage pit. During its construction, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for storage tanks, which are given in regulatory documentation and legislative standards. Violation of them may result in administrative and even criminal penalties. You will find information about the most important rules for the placement and construction of septic tanks, as well as the norms for the distance of a cesspool in this article.

Cesspools permitted by SNiP

In a suburban area, to dispose of household waste, they often dig a drainage hole or build a storage tank with sewer pipes. The requirements for their arrangement and operation are carefully specified in SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97.

These regulatory documents prohibit the uncontrolled construction of such structures, which helps preserve the health of those living in the house and the ecology of the site. They stipulate that it is possible to equip a septic tank only after obtaining permission from the SES and approval of the construction project. To do this, your document must comply with all sanitary standards specified in regulatory documents.

Important! The relevant services have the right to check the condition of the sewage pit and its compliance with the project.

The classic design is an open type sump tank - a leaky structure without a bottom. It is intended for use in suburban areas where people live temporarily. This design can serve 1-2 people. According to SanPiN requirements, a cesspool without a bottom must accommodate up to 1 m 3 of wastewater per day.

In loose soils, the walls of the pit are reinforced with concrete rings, a brick wall or another method. The walls of the pit in clay do not require reinforcement.

To reduce the negative impact of wastewater, it is necessary to create filter layer at the bottom of the structure. According to the requirements of sanitary organizations, it is created from sand (20-30 cm) and crushed stone (50 cm). Do not use fine stone bedding, because... it quickly becomes clogged with sewage. This design allows liquid waste to partially flow into open ground.

Building a cesspool is permitted if the groundwater is located far from the surface. You cannot install an open septic tank in a swampy area.

The storage tank is covered from above with a concrete slab with a thickness of at least 120 mm. It should be 30 cm larger than the diameter of the container. A hatch is made in it through which the tank is cleaned. A clay fill is placed around the neck to prevent rainwater or floods from entering the sump.

The design of the drive must necessarily include ventilation system, through which the gas generated during long-term storage of sewage is discharged outside. This is usually a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, protruding from the tank to a height of at least 1.5 m. If the purifier is sealed, the gas may explode. The main disadvantage of this design is the contamination of soil, water and even plants by sewage.

If the estimated amount of waste per day is 1 m3, SanPin prohibits the use of cesspools without a bottom. In this case, a large sump is built from brick, concrete or metal, which does not allow water to enter the soil. The bottom of the tank must be covered with a concrete bottom. You can install several small products nearby instead of one.

The most common material for a sealed drain pit is reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 700-2000 mm and a height of 900 mm. After installation, the joints between them are sealed with waterproof material. Brick tanks are popular. Assembling such a wall is not difficult; you can do the work yourself.

The cesspool standards will always be met if you use plastic products factory made. All components and places necessary for operating the device have already been manufactured. All that remains is to determine the required size of the product and install it in its original place.

Most compliant with sanitary standards cesspools in the form of septic tanks. These are environmentally friendly systems in which sewage is almost completely purified of impurities. After passing through all the reservoirs, the liquid can be used for irrigation. Solid waste is removed mechanically.

In urban environments, it is allowed to install yard sedimentation tanks if there is no central sewage system nearby. The underground part is made waterproof, and a single structure of tightly fitted beams and blocks is installed above it. For ease of cleaning, the front wall of the toilet is removable. The maximum filling of the tank is 35 cm to the ground surface. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cope with the consequences of overfilling the pit. It is allowed to build one storage facility for several apartments.

The volume of the tank is calculated by competent organizations, which take into account the number of people living in the yard. The structure is equipped with a lid and a grid for separating insoluble fractions.

It is necessary to think in advance about how to pump out sewage from the tank. If you plan to use a vacuum cleaner, ensure it has access to the storage tank.

Rules for placing a storage device on a site

The location for the main element of the local sewer system on the site is selected in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, as well as in compliance with the rules of good neighborliness. To properly build a storage tank, study the norms of the cesspool on the site, which largely depend on its design.

Requirements for placing a purifier without a bottom:

  • Dig a pit in the area adjacent to the building.
  • Place the storage tank below the drinking water intake level.
  • Its shape can be any, but round is considered the best - it is easier to pump out sewage from it, and dirt does not remain in the corners.
  • It is recommended to observe the norms for the distance of the cesspool to a residential building - at least 25 m, although there is no consensus on the safe distance from the septic tank to the dwelling. Other buildings can be located up to 10 m from the pit.
  • According to the cesspool standards, leave at least 20 m from the neighbor’s house to the storage tank. This is a sufficient distance at which the toxic fumes released from the sump are harmless to humans. Lawyers recommend obtaining written permission from neighbors to install these systems.
  • Construction of a storage tank closer than 10 m from a building can lead to flooding of the basement and destruction of the foundation of the building. If there is less distance between it and a residential building on someone else’s territory, the neighbors have the right to sue the owner, which can fine the owner.
  • Leave 1-1.5 m between the fence and the sewage pit. This is a sufficient distance to pump out sewage with a sewer truck without entering the site.
  • Do not dig a sump more than 3 m deep. Such dimensions allow you to completely pump out sewage from the tank, because the hose of the device will reach the bottom. Leave at least 1 m between the bottom of the hole and groundwater, which will ensure its cleanliness.
  • When constructing a storage tank on a sloped site, do not allow waste to enter the groundwater. Subsequently, the nearest wells will be contaminated with sewage.

Rules for placing common drainage pits for several families:

  • Storage tanks are built at a distance of 20 to 100 m to residential buildings, kindergartens, schools, children’s playgrounds, etc.
  • If the tank is planned to be located on the territory of a private household, the distance to housing should remain within 8-10 m.
  • If disputes arise between neighbors regarding the placement of storage units with a problem, contact representatives of the public and the commission of local administrative councils. The solution may not comply with the SNiP standards for cesspools, but one requirement remains unchanged - the storage tank must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from water sources.

Requirements for the location of sealed septic tanks:

  • The structure can be placed at a distance of 5 m from the kitchen or other building.
  • A closed septic tank with a volume of 8 m3 can be installed at a distance of 8 m from buildings.
  • If it is impossible to meet these requirements, contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectorate to obtain permission to place septic tanks closer to the house.

According to the standards for the construction of a cesspool, the storage tank must be located at a certain distance from the water and gas pipes on the site, depending on the composition of the soil. The requirements are shown in the table:

Pipe material Purpose Distance
Reinforced concrete, asbestos Water pipes 5 m
Cast iron, pipe diameter up to 200 mm Water pipes 1.5 m
Cast iron, pipe diameter more than 200 mm Water pipes 3m
Metal Gas pipeline 5 m

On clay soils, provide a distance of 20 m between the reservoir and the well, on loamy soils - 30 m, on sandy and sandy loam soils - at least 50 m. This distance will not allow the water supply to become contaminated in case of possible accidents.

Failure to comply with the requirements for a cesspool can cause inconvenience to owners and neighbors. The following unpleasant moments may appear:

  • Damage to the foundation of a residential building due to cracks and deformations in the walls. Signs of permission can be seen on the entire surface of the wall.
  • An unpleasant odor that disturbs the rest of people who live very close to the drainage pit.
  • A large amount of untreated wastewater enters the nearby soil and changes its chemical composition. As a result, trees and shrubs dry out near the storage tank.

Caring for storage in accordance with cesspool standards

The regulations on cesspools specify maintenance rules that ensure long-term operation of the sump. All devices, regardless of design, must be cleaned twice a year with disinfectants to destroy pathogenic bacteria. For these purposes, acid-based solutions, gentle mixtures or homemade compositions are used.

Important! It is prohibited to clean tanks with preparations that, when interacting with water, form toxic gases that are dangerous to humans. Such substances include quicklime. The discharge is odorless, but causes illness in the upper respiratory tract.

According to SanPiN standards, cesspools are disinfected with the following preparations:

  • 10% bleach solution;
  • 5% creolin solution;
  • 10% naphthalizole solution;
  • 3-5% sodium hypochloride solution;
  • 10% sodium metasilicate solution.

Disinfection is carried out after the contents of the pit are completely cleaned mechanically. For this purpose, a sewer truck with a tank and a pump is used. The unit includes a long hose that is capable of pumping out sewage from a depth of no more than 3 m. After removing the liquid part, the walls are freed from solid growths with a metal brush. The container is washed with clean water, which is pumped out with a pump.

In addition to chemicals, bioactivators are used to clean the drive - special microorganisms that are able to live and reproduce without light and oxygen. Once placed in a tank, they process organic matter and turn solid fragments into a semi-liquid mass. In the future, it can be used as fertilizer on the site.

Yard pits are cleaned every day. Disinfection - once a week. During cleaning, the water with disinfectants must be warm. Entry of rodents and insects is not allowed.

Watch a video about the sewer pit:

The construction and maintenance rules given in the article are mandatory for private and legal entities. Failure to comply with the location of cesspools to the norms and rules of Russian legislation can cause emergency situations with serious consequences.
