The Seven of Staves (7 of Staves) is the minor arcanum of tarot cards. Arcana Seven of Wands: Meaning and description Seven of Clubs tarot meaning

Straight position

The Seven of Wands is an ambiguous arcanum associated with risk, struggle, uncompromisingness, and some restrictions. True, all these actions will be aimed at achieving the goal. A person will quickly apply his efforts; he tends to achieve success alone, without anyone’s help.

The card speaks of the need for change, or of adjusting the current situation. Everything that happens in a person’s life will become important and will bring perspective to the further course of his affairs, despite the fact that the map is complex and unpredictable. A person is ready to defend his life principles and ideas.

In principle, the card has a positive meaning, despite the fact that there are collisions with unfavorable circumstances (for example, ill-wishers). Perhaps it will not reward a person with cloudless prosperity, but it promises success in the struggle, which will be achieved through courage and determination.
Inverted position

Under the influence of the Seven of Wands, a person will lack courage and will lose good opportunities. He will simply go into the shadows at the moment when it is necessary to fight and achieve his goals. He will not want to listen to the people around him (partners, friends, relatives) and accept help from them.

Even achieved goals, a person under the influence of Arcanum will not be able to defend. He is expected to lose money and opportunities due to his own uncertainty, incompetence, doubtfulness, confusion, and suspicion. He is frivolous and carefree, unable to resist other people, and does not know how to choose the right strategy and prioritize.

The person who received this card indicates that he has lost his way, has lost the right direction and the ground under his feet. Perhaps, under the influence of the card, not everything is going well in his affairs, which is why he thinks that he has no reason to behave confidently and firmly.

Seven of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

A favorable period in life arises when it is possible to get out of a critical situation with success. Relationships with your partner are revitalized, even if it seemed that they had outlived their usefulness. An unexpected act can save the marriage of two people.

The fortuneteller will prove himself to be brave, honest and persistent. As for personal relationships, they should only be purely personal. He should not listen to the opinions of the people around him; he may well act at his own discretion.

In difficult and ambiguous situations, he will also succeed, because he is used to assertively defending his positions, defending his rights and interests.
Inverted position

There will be serious clashes with loved ones and prolonged confrontations with a loved one. Both in thoughts and relationships, a person will be confused, he will not have enough determination to properly sort out the relationship. And this is a sure way to completely ruin everything with your partner.

At such a moment, he will need the help of friends; he should listen to their advice so as not to do anything stupid. And if a person is not able to control the situation himself, to show his will and character in the current circumstances, then there is absolutely no need to refuse wise and worthy recommendations, they will turn out to be very promising and will direct him to the true path.

Seven of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

The person will be able to solve difficult problems, and independently. He will be able to defend his projects, so a successful career awaits him. But, despite the difficulties, he will be able to climb the career ladder and take on the burden of great responsibility. He will especially be given individual projects.

He will not doubt at all the correctness of his actions, will overcome any obstacles, implement his plans, and achieve social success. He can prove himself in creative activities and show business. His energy, inspiration and entrepreneurship are enough for many ideas and projects. Moreover, he, in turn, develops his professional skills.

Inverted position

The map, in a situational reading, indicates problems and failures. Moreover, you can consider yourself to blame for these problems. The person will be unable to organize the work of the team and his own workplace.

Even if he is right in something, he will not be able to defend his point of view. An inverted card pushes a person to the need to make the right conclusion in the current situation.

Perhaps he will show his dishonesty in some ways and will count on outside help. But still, it would be better if he showed his determination and did at least something thanks to his own strength.

Seven of Wands: Card of the Day Meaning

A day when a very important thing in life can happen, and don’t miss this moment. Rivals and ill-wishers may appear who will try to harm you, do not let them do this, rush into battle.

A person under the influence of the Seven of Wands card will have undeniable rights to remind his enemies that his opinion must be taken into account. Only through courage and determination will he achieve the desired success.

The card indicates profit and benefit; it is even often called a “symbol of treasures.” If a person stands firmly on his feet, then no rivals are afraid of him.

There is a threat to success, and it is great. Troubles can appear even out of the blue, and what seemed significant turns out to be such a trifle. A person must be ready to act quickly and decisively, without particularly counting on outside help.

Only through his own strength will he achieve high results and receive incredible satisfaction for his successes. It is necessary to defend your views and judgments actively and consistently. He just needs to establish a clear direction of action for himself, then all troubles will bypass him.

Seven of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

encounter something unexpected; precarious position

Ace of Wands

there will be light at the end of the tunnel

Ace of Cups

protect feelings

Ace of Swords

to get wish; position of clarity and fairness

Ace of Pentacles

new business opportunities


King of Wands

leave your opponents far behind; leader position

King of Cups

the situation is not yet completely clear

King of Swords

hurtful situation

King of Pentacles

solid position


Queen of Wands

smooth out the conflict; confident and certain position

Queen of Cups

position of understanding

Queen of Swords

situation of a divorced woman or widow

Queen of Pentacles

reasonable financing


mistress of the situation

Knight of Wands

danger of breaking wood; tests

Knight of Cups

peacemaker position

Knight of Swords

risky position; a situation of complete chaos

Knight of Pentacles



master of the situation; supervisor

Page of Wands

find adventures

Page of Cups

embryonic state

Page of Swords

hasty decision situation

Page of Pentacles

receiving a gift

defend your ideals

Two of Wands

grandma said in two

Two of Cups

defend agreements, peace

Two of Swords

state of paralysis

Two of Pentacles

situation of instability


defend your privacy

Three of Wands

decisive step

Three of Cups

love triangle position

Three of Swords


Three of Pentacles

negotiations regarding money


make your way over your heads

Four of Wands

advantageous position

Four of Cups

dissatisfaction with one's position

Four of Swords

state of solitude, respite

Four of Pentacles

reliable financial position; stand one's ground

strong position

Five of Wands

state of stress; controversial situation; apple of discord

Five of Cups

the role of the offended

Five of Swords

open confrontation

Five of Pentacles

losing position; precarious financial situation


be left without support

Six of Wands

win a case; defend your rights; take revenge

Six of Cups

defend a position once chosen

Six of Swords

forced travel

Six of Pentacles

The Seven of Wands is a card that indicates a person’s fears of all the people who are against him, it also says that your opinion is at odds with the opinions of other family members. Perhaps the querent is in a defensive position or has fears that are unfounded.

Description of the card image

In the center of the map, a young man stands on a green hill or hill, a stream or small river flows under his feet. The young man’s pose speaks of determination and readiness to rush into attack or defense at any moment, and the staff clenched in his hands speaks of the seriousness of his intentions. At the bottom of the map, six staves are advancing towards the young man. We can say that these are the young man’s real opponents. The pursuers with these staves force the young man to defend himself and defend his life.

To fight your competitors, you need confidence in yourself and your abilities. Knowing your resources and capabilities. Don't wait for help, rely only on yourself. The main aspects for fighting are determination and courage. If you are in a less advantageous position, then look for compromises, negotiate, act, but do not give up and do not obey circumstances.

Meaning of 7 of Wands in upright position

Keys: fighting for something with a specific person. Warning. Bravery, overcoming difficulties, valor, master. Dispute, negotiations, conversation, disagreement, rivalry. Defending your point of view. Protecting your interests. Decisiveness, courage. In a difficult situation, a defensive position is necessary. Difficulties in negotiations. Interfering in someone else's business. Constructive criticism. Call. Self-assertion, self-control. Scandal. Discussions. Creativity, talent. People around you recognize you. Your leadership is earned through honest work. Limitations to achieve what you want.

The meaning of the card is favorable, although it suggests that you will have to face unfavorable moments and negative influences.

You should defend your interests, defend your positions and strengthen your existing position. You have achieved your position and wealth through hard work, you have worked hard, but now is not the time to rest, you need to remain on guard and be ready to repel attacks from the outside, defend yourself and your loved ones, defend your position, and stop attacks on your prey.

Despite all the difficulties that the Seven of Wands portends, you can be sure that you are in the right position and victory is on your side.

Favorable opportunities and good luck accompany you. You need courage and the desire to move forward and win. You will be able to resolve a difficult situation favorably for yourself and defend your interests. Your arguments in the dispute are more powerful and you are in an advantageous position.

Advice: don't be afraid to move forward, this way you minimize possible losses. Do not allow others to control your actions, stop attempts at manipulation and do not allow yourself to be exploited for the purposes of others. Your friends and family may abuse your attention and help.

Warning: don’t make a mountain out of a mountain. Where you see danger or a difficult situation, perhaps there is nothing of the kind. Take a closer look at the situation, analyze the situation and find external factors that influence your mood and the situation as a whole.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: gossips, envious people. Strict rules of the game. Competition. Lack of qualities. Losses. Lack of desire to fight. The desire to retreat and close yourself off from problems. Confusion. Exploitation of someone, manipulation of others. Vulnerability, depression, tension, fear. Avoiding problems. The awkwardness of the situation. Undesirability of any moments. You are being forced into conflict. Passive aggression. Confusion. Slander, harassment, betrayal. It is necessary to control emotions and extinguish aggressive moods. Perhaps someone wants to take your place. Carefree. It is necessary to maintain tolerance and prudence. Foggy circumstances, inability to see the situation as a whole. Missed opportunities.

There is no doubt that you are being tested and tested for strength. These could be your colleagues or competitors, or fate itself gives you tasks to solve.

The instability of the situation and the difficulties that arise indicate a person’s reluctance to defend his interests, fight for his place and give up when he shouldn’t. Basically, a person steps aside, remains in the shadows and takes either a neutral position or immediately accepts his defeat.

Perhaps the person lacks willpower, self-confidence, energy and resources to fight. This implies an incorrect assessment of the situation, a miscalculation in actions, and the conclusion is defeat. All this leads to missed opportunities and retreat.

The Seven of Wands warns that everything is in your hands, and if you wish, you can resolve problems and emerge victorious, the main thing is not to remain indifferent to decisions, gain courage and take active action. Accept the challenge thrown at you, and it will benefit you.

Seven of Wands in health

Straight position. A safe position, but your health is put to the test. Perhaps the body's protective functions are disabled and the immune system is weakened. Problems with the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance.

The body is resistant to disease, rapid recovery.

Inverted position. Psychological disorder, emotional instability. Mood swings, depression. Exhaustion of the nervous system. Hidden diseases, weakened immunity.

Seven of Wands in Love and Relationships

In love, the lasso can indicate that you and your partner have a lot to do. Perhaps you argue a lot or your parents are not supportive. And you have to defend yourself.

If you are single, then the 7 of Wands may indicate unwanted suitors. You do not see them as potential partners and want to maintain boundaries.

The card may indicate that you are very annoyed that someone is intrusive towards you.

Straight position. A difficult period enters the relationship, a crisis ensues. A person’s actions and actions can bring a negative component into a relationship.

It is necessary to talk with your partner, discuss the problems that have arisen, look for compromises and find a way out together. You shouldn’t close yourself off and voluntarily isolate yourself from difficulties. Don't close your eyes to what's happening. The situation requires your participation. If you wish, you can find a way out of this situation and breathe new life into the relationship.

The basics for a successful relationship: honesty with your partner, the desire to talk and discuss problems together, courage and determination, persistence and a little tenacity.

Inverted position. Breakdown of relationships, inability to get out of protracted conflicts. Cheating, jealousy. Loss of interest in your partner. Sharp changeability of moods, uncertainty. Partners do not understand what they want from the existing relationship.

Seven of Wands at work

Professions of the Seven of Wands: freelancer, courier, creative person, writer. Designer, small entrepreneur, journalist, organizer. Trade worker.

Straight position. If you work for yourself, then all roads are open to you and now is the time to move forward and develop. You have original thinking that allows you to find innovative solutions and ways out of situations.

If you are an employee in a firm or company, then you may have difficulties in your professional activities. Conflicts and quarrels with the team. You may want to work for yourself.

Competition and demonstration of abilities for a fair fight. Using only your own strengths and resources. An original solution to the problem.

Willingness and desire to work and overcome emerging difficulties. You are full of energy and strength to start a new project and complete an old one.

Inverted position. Difficulties in the professional sphere: lack of work experience, lack of skills. It is necessary to improve your skills. Perhaps you should think about changing your profession, since a person is not doing what he loves or is not what was destined for him.

Advice and caution: Be prepared for struggle and competition. Rely only on yourself and your feelings.

Seven of Wands about the current situation

Straight position. Something is interfering with your plans, and especially the successful implementation of the plan. Difficulties arise along your path that are very difficult to resolve.

Your position is stable, under your control, and you can control the position as you wish.

Advice: do not impose your point of view on your loved ones; not everything and does not always have to be the way you intended. Let your loved ones decide and sort out their own affairs.

Inverted position. Losing due to the influence of others. You have become dependent on someone or someone is trying to manipulate you for their own interests, while belittling your needs.

There are real threats to the implementation of the plan. Unexpected difficulties. Don't stop and fall into a stupor, keep moving and everything will be resolved. Don't count on quick results.

Advice: to implement your plans or to win the competition, make an effort, be active, and you will definitely achieve success. Even if you lose, your efforts will not go unnoticed and will benefit you.

You need to fight for your happiness and success, don’t give up and look for a way out of a difficult situation. Be prepared to stand up for yourself and your interests. Now is not the time for doubt and hesitation. Do not overstep your principles and do not deviate from your position.

Ideas for understanding the Seven of Wands:

  • You are alone and you are against everyone, but you are not alone. Unequal struggle.
  • Maximum tension and concentration.
  • Analyze the situation and be ready to make a quick decision.
  • Your main task is not victory, but resistance, minimizing losses and preventing loss.
  • Overcoming difficulty, overcoming pain, stepping over principles.

Questions for analyzing the situation after the appearance of the Seven of Wands:

  • Who are you fighting with or against? Who are you up against?
  • What exactly is the fight for?
  • What or who are you fighting against?
  • What does victory mean to you? How will you know that you have won and it's all over?

Interpretation of the Seven of Wands in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Bringing back something from the past. Surprises.

With a magician. The solution needs to be optimized.

With the High Priestess. Temporary establishment of peace.

With the Empress. Success, victory.

With the Emperor. You are at the pinnacle of success, everything is in your hands.

With the hierophant. You are not fighting for your success.

With lovers. Love triangle.

With a chariot. Manipulating people, achieving success at the expense of others.

With strength. You are in an advantageous position.

With a hermit. There are no prospects for development.

With the wheel of fortune. Luck is on your side.

With justice. Honesty, formality.

C hanged. It's an awkward situation and people might laugh at you.

With death. Health hazard. No decision has been made.

With moderation. Search for compromises.

With the devil. Vulnerability, dependence.

With a tower of lightning. You are disappointed in your idols.

With a star. Victory. Realization of plans.

With the moon. You doubt and cannot come to terms with the circumstances of your current situation.

With the sun. Openness, honesty.

With the court. Developing a plan. View tactical decisions.

With peace. Justice must be established.

7 of Wands in combination with the suit of Wands

With an ace. A truce is possible, but not at the moment.

With a deuce. Obscurity.

With a three. Decision-making.

With four. Profit, income.

With an A. Tension, conflict.

With six. Rivalry.

With eight. Changing actions.

With nine. Fear of responsibility.

With ten. Submission to circumstances.

With a page. Risk, adventurism.

With a knight. Dangerous situation. The wish will not come true.

With the queen. Coolness. Be careful both with your emotions and in relation to the feelings of others.

With the king. Confidence, leadership position.

Combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. There are options to choose from.

With a deuce. Truce, don't relax.

With a three. Victory, success.

With four. Inability to make decisions.

With an A. Stagnation in business.

With six. Defending your point of view.

With seven. The illusory nature of the situation, the loss of reality.

With eight. The desire to be alone with oneself.

With nine. Competition, prospect for victory.

With ten. Satisfaction. Happiness in the family circle.

With a page. Frivolity. At this point a new path begins.

With a knight. You are in the position of an adviser.

With the queen. Intuition, understanding the situation on a deeper level.

With the king. Take control of everything.

Interpretation in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. You are looking for justice.

With a deuce. The hopelessness of the situation. Secret.

With a three. Failure of plans. Reconsider your actions.

With an A. Problems of a psychological nature. Inability to come to terms with reality.

With six. You are being forced to change your tactics.

With seven. Cunning.

With eight. Lack of justice.

With nine. Trouble, grief, loss.

With ten. Problems, difficulties.

With a page. In solving problems, sensuality and emotionality predominate rather than reason.

With a knight. Risks. Emotional instability.

With the queen. An indication of a specific woman, most often single.

With the king. Your opponent is stronger than you. Probability of losses.

Seven of Wands combined with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. You have prospects for development.

With a deuce. The situation is unstable, you are at the edge.

With a three. Negotiation. Desire to take a good position.

With four. Rest is deserved. Take advantage of the opportunities provided.

With an A. Bankruptcy, losses, losses.

With six. Help from an influential person.

With seven. You think about the decision for a long time.

With eight. Responsibility. Carrying out your job duties.

With nine. Fertility, income, profit.

With ten. Secret, the desire to hide something.

With a page. Sudden profit.

With a knight. Stable state of affairs.

With the queen. Following established traditions.

The Tarot deck has the major and minor arcana. Each of them carries its own load in the layouts. We cannot assume that some are more important than others. They're just different. For example, consider the 7 of Wands. The meaning of Tarot in a global sense is that each lasso describes a certain state of a person. Their combinations and variations reflect almost all possible situations in life. When you decide to take cards seriously, you need to get to know each lasso in detail. Our theme is the Seven of Wands. Let's look at its general meaning, behavior in layouts and combinations.

7 of Wands - meaning (Tarot)

Cards of this suit describe the state and development of the physical world, that is, the situation in which the fortuneteller finds himself. After certain achievements (six), the period of setting new goals began. This is what the 7 of Wands describes. The meaning of Tarot cannot be defined strictly, without variations. Both the major and minor arcana describe tendencies that influence a person or situation. Our map is connected with the air, its unpredictable movement. secrets and temptations. A person is influenced by past victories and achievements, he wants more. He gazes thoughtfully at the alluring lights of the city, glowing in the distance, promising a lot of pleasures and immeasurable happiness. He does not look at his feet, where a stormy, deep, destructive river flows. This is the image the 7 of Wands gives us. It is advisable to consider the meaning of the Tarot in detail, taking into account all aspects of the situation. The fact is that the arcana describe it entirely, revealing facts and trends unknown to the fortuneteller. You need to try to identify them by the combination of cards. Our lasso speaks of prospects and danger at the same time. This is a symbol of the upcoming exam, which will not be noticed by those who have prepared well, learned previous lessons, and gained wisdom.

The meaning of the reversed Seven of Wands

Like any lasso, in this position the person being studied shows the negative side. It lies in deception, a mass of mutually exclusive ephemeral chances that suddenly open up before a person. They are incomprehensible, fantastic and absurd. A person stands on shaky ground, trying to rely on accumulated experience. And this is exactly what you shouldn’t do. Only the brave can fly. The chance to conquer everything a person dreams of is foreshadowed by the inverted 7 of Wands. But it must be selected from others, defined. To do this, it is impossible to use logic; you should listen to your intuition, give in to impulse. If you fail to choose the right direction, you will fail. The meaning of the inverted lasso is a test of the spirit. This is a situation in which everything that is important can be won or lost. In addition, our lasso indicates that the fortuneteller has little time. You need to quickly react to changing circumstances and act quickly. The risk of error is very high. It will be impossible to fix it. That is, the situation can be called critical.

7 of Tarot Wands: meaning in relationships

If the alignment concerns love, then our lasso predicts not entirely pleasant events. The relationship is going downhill. What previously captivated, excited the imagination, and gave pleasure will now appear in a different light. The fortuneteller will have to experience sobering up. The scales will fall from our eyes. He will see the real state of affairs and understand that his partner is not ideal. The criticality of the moment is that separation and fading of feelings are quite likely. Will a person be able to maintain love under the pressure of boring everyday life? He must answer this himself. The lasso portends a change not for the better. To those who are lonely, he speaks of a certain period of emptiness, lack of strength. It’s too early for them to think about new relationships. There is no willingness to accept a partner with all his shortcomings. The destiny of these people is to watch other people's happiness. Take the situation as a necessary experience. If the Ace of Wands is next to our lasso, the situation changes radically. This combination will predict a new, probably short-term, but stormy romance for single people.

Influence on relationships of the inverted lasso

In this position, the card indicates that the fortuneteller does not understand what is happening. The meaning of events is hidden from his inner gaze. A person doubts his partner or his attitude towards him. Tarot 7 of Wands reversed is almost always negative. If the Moon is nearby, you are being deceived. Most likely, your beloved person has another object of interest. When both lassos are reversed, expect betrayal. In any case, changes are coming. Their meaning should be sought in the accompanying cards. If they are positive, it means that doubts will be resolved in an incredible way and happiness awaits you. For lonely people, an inverted seven promises a period of worry. You shouldn't expect progress in your personal life in the near future. A person is not yet ripe for deep feelings. All his aspirations are selfish, his feelings are superficial.

The meaning of the lasso in a reading for business relationships (upright position)

It is necessary to strictly follow plans, check information, and not take your partners’ word for it. The situation is changing rapidly. You cannot use the old methods; they no longer work. This is what the direct Tarot card 7 of Wands tells us. The meaning in combination with other arcana specifies the situation. If the Moon or the Tower are nearby, get ready for the collapse of plans, betrayal of partners or colleagues. When the World, the Star, and Death are present in combination, everything is not so bad. The changes will be favorable. But you should rely on intuition. In the current situation, you should not trust anyone. Everyone, as they say, is for himself. When it comes to generating income, it is advisable to be extremely careful about documents. Seven portends a fatal mistake that can be avoided. If the King of Wands appears nearby, it means that some influential man will come to the rescue. In some cases, this combination indicates a promising offer that you should not refuse.

The influence of the reversed Seven of Wands on the business sphere

The fortuneteller will have a chance to change the situation for the better. It will most likely seem strange or absurd. You need to be attentive to your premonitions, and not be afraid to seem stupid. Take a risk, our lasso advises. If the Moon is nearby, stop deceiving yourself. This combination denotes illusions. When divining for the receipt of funds, it predicts losses due to deception or stupid negligence. It’s a different matter when the Knight of Wands (straight) lies nearby. This combination is favorable for the business sphere. The fortuneteller has the strength to overcome a period of uncertainty. Advice: persistently move in the chosen direction despite critics and unfavorable circumstances.

Importance in a health chart

You shouldn’t attach much importance to minor ailments, our lasso recommends. Remember that diseases are formed in the head. If you think a lot about problems in the body, you will get an undesirable reaction from the organs. In the upright position, seven indicates that health is not in danger. The fears are far-fetched. If the question concerned surgical intervention, it should be postponed. The outcome is still unclear. Inverted, the card also does not foretell problems, but hints at the fortuneteller’s bad habits. They must be fought.


Of course, the alignment should be considered as a whole. For example, the combination of Wands in it speaks about the development of a situation in the physical world, cups - about the influence of feelings, pentacles - about the financial situation, swords reveal the emotional component. Which suit has more cards, that area is more important in this matter. Our lasso means that instability is present in this area of ​​life. Good luck!

- this is a struggle, competition, competition with a specific person, situation or the whole world. This card, depending on the context, can have both positive and negative meanings. In most cases, this card becomes a warning to a person.


The main meaning of the card is a warning about possible obstacles and troubles that can be overcome with courage and determination.


In general, this card can be called favorable - it says that the fortuneteller will face a battle with enemies who are not destined to defeat him, but for this it is necessary to show courage and courage. The Seven of Wands seems to be trying to push the fortuneteller to take decisive action, guaranteeing him success in business.

In the Thoth Tarot, seven indicates some kind of threat, risk, and struggle with difficulties. But in another deck, “78 Doors,” this card has a slightly different meaning - it is will, courage, physical strength.

The card encourages you to defend your interests, to protect what is dear and loved. The presence of envious people and rivals encourages you to fight them, because they are attracted to the fortuneteller and his potential.

Seven of Wands speaks of creative excitement, inspiration, obtaining the necessary knowledge. This card can also indicate a small financial profit.


In the reverse position, the card speaks of uncertainty, excessive carelessness of the fortuneteller, that he cannot withstand difficulties and solve his problems. The person is in confusion, everything is falling out of his hands, and the losses will continue.

Seven indicates that the fortuneteller is simply wasting his strength and talents, and also that he is haunted by failures everywhere. The card speaks of needless confrontations, conflicts of interest, and quarrels.

Another interpretation of an inverted card is unpleasant meeting, awkward situation, inability to protect oneself from slander and attacks from others.

Value in layouts


Health is seriously tested, but life is not in danger. Most likely, the disease is associated with reduced immunity, problems in the endocrine system, and hormonal disorders. The card can also speak of psychological disorders, nervous and emotional exhaustion.

Love and relationships

The Seven of Wands indicates that a difficult period is coming in a love relationship. The card warns a person that his ambitions and possessive impulses can negatively affect relationships.

The fortuneteller will have to solve problems and seek compromises with his partner. Perhaps he will have to fight for his love with rivals and envious people. The card can also mean that the fortuneteller’s lover could become carried away by another person or even decide to.

In order to save a relationship, you need to decide on a bold, unexpected act.. At the same time, you should not resort to deception or cunning, but be as honest and straightforward as possible.

For lonely people, the dropped Seven of Wands indicates that they are isolating themselves, deliberately not getting close to other people. How good the chosen position is can be shown by other cards in the layout, but it clearly indicates that the fortuneteller is a loner who does not need the company of others and is not looking for love. He deliberately pushes away potential partners, considering them either unworthy or dangerous.

In an inverted position, the card indicates the possibility of a break in the relationship., divorce (if we are talking about marriage), betrayal of a partner, loss of the “spark” in a relationship.


The card speaks of a threat to the success of the business, difficulties that will be difficult to overcome. Most often, this indicates that close people are trying to manipulate a person - friends, family, lovers - and thereby imposing their will on him.

The fortuneteller loses not because the circumstances were unfortunate, but because he falls under the influence of others and cannot show the strength of his character. There is a serious danger of turning away from your true path and taking on a dubious business.


The card patronizes freelancers, creative people and entrepreneurs - all those people who are their own employers. But for people working in a workforce, this portends problems or an unpleasant showdown with colleagues.

The card speaks of competition, the ability to overcome difficulties on one’s own, and non-trivial ways to solve problems. As a vocational orientation, this indicates creative professions (especially artistic and literary arts), show business, journalists, event organizers and representatives of adventurous professions (travelers, explorers, etc.).

If the fortuneteller is looking for a place of work, then the card warns that finding it will not be easy. To do this, you need to improve your skills or take additional courses. The Arcanum can also warn that a person is not doing what he was meant to do and it’s time for him to change his profession.

Combination with other Tarot

A card can change its meaning in combination with other cards.

With the major arcana:

  • Jester- a collision with an unexpected incident, the revival of an old love.
  • Mage– search for an optimal solution.
  • High Priestess- a truce with enemies.
  • Empress– victory, dominant position.
  • Emperor- leader, master of the situation.
  • Hierophant- fighting for other people's dreams.
  • Lovers– the battle for one’s own, “the third wheel”.
  • Chariot– career growth, using other people for one’s own purposes.
  • Force– willpower and character, winning position.
  • Hermit– lack of support and perspective.
  • Fortune- catch luck by the tail.
  • Justice– an honest answer, an official statement.
  • Hanged– an awkward situation, exposing yourself to ridicule.
  • Death– health problems, an unpleasant solution to the problem.
  • Moderation– ability to make compromises.
  • Devil– vulnerable, dependent position.
  • Tower- disappointment in one's ideals.
  • Star– winning, fame, achieving goals.
  • Moon– doubts, irreconcilable contradictions.
  • Sun– open, honest intentions, joy from work.
  • Court– building tactics, answering to people.
  • World- the fight for justice, the righteous path.

With wands:

  • Ace of Wands– the peaceful resolution of the case is postponed indefinitely.
  • Deuce– unknown.
  • Troika- determination, bold step.
  • Four– financial benefit.
  • Five– a major quarrel, a tense psychological state.
  • Six- recognition of correctness, revenge.
  • Eight- change of tactics.
  • Nine– distrust, fear of difficulties.
  • Ten– internal struggle, subordination to circumstances.
  • Page of Wands- an adventure, an interesting adventure.
  • Knight of Wands– danger, unfulfilled desires.
  • Queen of Wands– composure, a certain position.
  • King of Wands– confident position, leadership.

With cups:

  • Ace of Cups– many options, deep feelings.
  • Deuce- establishing peace.
  • Troika— celebrating a victory, company of friends.
  • Four- inability to make a decision.
  • Five- resentment, the matter cannot move forward.
  • Six– defense of one’s principles, help from an old friend.
  • Seven- inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
  • Eight- withdrawal into oneself, retreat.
  • Nine– prospects, competition.
  • Ten- pleasure, family happiness.
  • Page of Cups- frivolity, the beginning of the journey.
  • Knight of Cups– the position of a sage and advisor.
  • Queen of Cups– understanding, intuitive perception.
  • King of Cups- take the situation into your own hands.

With swords:

  • Ace of Swords– search for truth, fight for justice, duel.
  • Deuce– non-disclosure of secrets, hopeless situation.
  • Troika– broken dreams, betrayal.
  • Four– destruction, respite before a new step.
  • Five– open confrontation, irreconcilability with reality, psychological personality disorders.
  • Six– forced change of plans.
  • Seven- cunning, uncertain position.
  • Eight- injustice, imprisonment.
  • Nine– grief, loss of a loved one.
  • Ten– loss, serious health problems (even death).
  • Page of Swords- dominance of feelings over reason.
  • Knight of Swords– noble risk, emotional instability.
  • Queen of Swords– a strong single woman, a widow or a domineering mother.
  • King of Swords– bloody losses, a strong enemy.

With pentacles:

  • Ace of Pentacles– new opportunities and prospects.
  • Deuce– unstable position, walking on the edge.
  • Troika– business negotiations, struggle for a profitable position.
  • Four- well-deserved rest.
  • Five– loss of everything, bankruptcy, serious illness.
  • Six– help from a high-ranking person, a generous gift.
  • Seven– search for a solution, long thoughts.
  • Eight- following the rules, doing your job.
  • Nine– prosperity, dream woman.
  • Ten– an unsolved mystery, happy.
  • Page of Pentacles- a fortunate position, sudden enrichment.
  • Knight of Pentacles– stable progress of the business.
  • Queen of Pentacles– preservation of traditions.
  • King of Pentacles- high post.

There is a high probability of failure and awkward and unpleasant situations. Many problems will suddenly fall on the fortuneteller’s head; enemies and envious people will try to trip him up as much as possible. The card encourages you not to sit idly by, but to act, take initiative, and take matters into your own hands.

There is also a chance of getting into an accident, so it is better to be careful on the road on this day and do not undertake any long journeys.

It must be remembered that the Seven of Wands card is, first of all, a warning of troubles, which can be avoided with active actions. The card calls not to wait, but to act, because luck favors brave, valiant people.

Straight position. Your life is full of energy, emotional experiences, and impressions received. All difficulties have been overcome, problems have been resolved and new difficulties will not arise yet. Your business is completed, you make a profit. Enjoyment in what you do and what you do. Your plans will come true. Your life situation suits you, you are happy with your situation.

The foundation for further actions has already been laid. Your past life experience and previously acquired knowledge have already worked out and become obsolete. Now is the time to move forward; you need to learn something new, gain new skills and learn to apply them. It's time to let new things into your life that will bring you joy and bring new profit.

Proceed according to the following scheme: obtaining knowledge - applying it in practice, receiving income, divide income into needs and new knowledge, obtaining knowledge - applying it and income again. Such a cycle will always be justified by the results and pleasure received from life.

Inverted position.

The 4 of Wands predicts that all is well overall.

A little caution won't hurt. Move further along your path, do not lose your head from easy victories

Stay in control and the reward will be at the end of the road.

If you feel your inability to achieve what you want, lack of strength and knowledge, lack of confidence in yourself and your strengths, then postpone the implementation of your plans until better times. In the meantime, gather your strength and think over a plan of action.

Perhaps you are receiving a warning that there are too many holidays and entertainment in your life, and very little time is allocated for work processes. The Four of Wands shows that a person has one need: to go with the flow, not take action and not take responsibility. The desire for problems to be resolved on their own, and for difficulties to pass as far away from him as possible. Only in this case, then you should not blame someone for your failures and failures, as well as for receiving losses.

Advice from the Four of Wands card: you need to act as your inner voice and your intuition tell you. Actions should not contradict your harmony with yourself and with others. You should do what makes you feel comfortable. If there is a need to retreat or find a compromise, look for it, retreat, but not to the detriment of your interests, desires and needs. All difficulties are temporary phenomena and are a test of your strength. Don't forget about rest and keep working.

Note. Give your affairs as much time as they require, but one hour is enough for rest

Four of Wands Ideas:

  • Fruitful and good work requires decent pay and well-deserved rest.
  • Joy of life.
  • Success and prosperity.
  • Happiness and comfort at home.

Questions to consider after drawing the Four of Wands card:

  • Which people will you continue your journey with? Which of those who are nearby now will remain with you tomorrow?
  • What's the reason for celebration? Who will be invited to the holiday to share the joy with you?
  • Are you in harmony with yourself?
  • Are your relationships with your family harmonious?
  • What does satiety and abundance mean to you? What is the role of wealth and where can it be placed?

Nine of Wands combined

With the “Jester” card - allow doubts. With the “Mage” card – confuse the enemy. With the “High Priestess” card – guard secrets. With the “Empress” card - the fruits of enlightenment. With the “Emperor” card – protect the honor of the uniform. With the Hierophant card - doubt the teacher. With the “Lovers” card - doubt the relationship; suspect something is wrong in the relationship. With the “Chariot” card – apply the accumulated experience. With the “Strength” card – assess the enemy’s strength. With the “Hermit” card – prevent attacks on your identity. With the Wheel of Fortune card - belated changes. With the “Justice” card – waiting for a court decision; mistrust. With the Hanged Man card – protect your “skeleton in the closet”. With the “Death” card – distrust of change. With the “Moderation” card – doubt. With the “Devil” card – obsessive suspicion. With the Tower card, your worst fears come true. With the “Star” card - doubt the forecasts. With the Moon card - fear of infection. With the Sun card - do not trust the truth. With the “Judgment” card – learn from past mistakes. With the “Peace” card – guarding the world. With the Ace of Wands card - despite difficulties, remain enthusiastic. With the “Two of Wands” card there is a delay; difficulties; adjustment of plans. With the Three of Wands card - fail the test. With the Four of Wands card - pass a serious exam. With the Five of Wands card - mistrust leading to conflict. With the Six of Wands card - experience leading to the goal. With the Seven of Wands card – claims. With the Eight of Wands card - overcoming obstacles. With the Ten of Wands card it’s an ambush. With the Page of Wands card it is an inspiring experience. With the Knight of Wands card, life teaches nothing. With the Queen of Wands card - distrust. With the “King of Wands” card – check. Nine of Wands (Staffs) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Stopping business due to illness Priestess - Mystery, you need the advice of an astrologer Empress - Long delay in making decisions Emperor - Unnecessary pride Priest - Disease of the limb Lovers - Delayed decision Chariot - Trouble without consequences Justice - Delay in fair decisions, waiting for them Hermit pr and per - Long loneliness Wheel of Fortune - Renewal of broken relationshipsStrength - Ending the confrontation Hanged Man - Hidden enemies exposed Death - End of a bad period Moderation - Restoration of rights. Restoring balanceDevil - Long-term illnessTower - Losses due to delays in decisionsStar - Wandering in the fog, in darknessMoon - Mistakes, danger of waterSun - Finding out the reasons for past failuresCourt - ArbitrationWorld - Reasonable thoughts. Reasonable actions Jester - “Every cloud has a silver lining”

Nine of Wands (Staffs) reversed with the Major Arcana

Lovers – A Belated Decision

10 of Wands

The card relates to willpower, desires, ambitions, yours or another person's.

The essence of the card


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