A story about a real man review of the work. Essay by Alexey Meresyev in a story about a real person. Meeting with the hero

Works on military topics are always very difficult to perceive and read. Whatever the happy ending of the work, its plot always provokes many experiences and unpleasant emotions. At such moments, love for a person and a misunderstanding of the reasons and necessity of military events clearly manifest themselves.

Biography and childhood of Alexey Meresyev

Alexey Meresyev was not an extraordinary person. Born in the Volgograd region in a small town. The Meresyev family lived very poorly - Alexey was deprived of the joys of childhood, for example, his mother could not buy him skates - they were too expensive, and the money was needed for more important things.

Alexei understood this perfectly and was not angry. He realized that the mother was trying to provide her children with everything they needed and buying things like skates was an unaffordable luxury. In addition to Alexey, the family had two more children - boys. Their father died a long time ago. And the family had nowhere to wait for help - they also had a grandmother, but due to her age she could not become a support.

Alexey’s working life also began early - as a teenager, he began working at a factory as a turner.

Over time, he leaves the profession of a turner and becomes a builder. Alexey takes part in the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. One of the built facilities was the flying club. Here Meresyev masters the skills of flying an airplane and takes to the air for the first time.

He has proven himself to be a good and hardworking worker - he always works well. He does this not out of a desire to curry favor with his superiors, but because he cannot do otherwise - he takes his work responsibly.


Alexey Meresyev is an unusual person. His image embodied a beautiful appearance and an equally beautiful inner world.

Dark skin, a handsome face with regular features, a light blush on his cheeks and dark curly hair make him look like a gypsy.

His appearance has a special charm - he is an attractive man. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a small scar near the eyebrow - it does not spoil it at all, on the contrary, it makes it even more attractive.

His eyes are black, which makes him even more similar to the gypsies; something crazy, crazy can be read in them, but a shy, modest smile smooths it out.

Alexey has a strong physique. He has a slender, athletic figure, and his gait remains light and springy even after the amputation of his legs.

The influence of military events on the life of Alexei Meresyev

Having mastered the basic skills of flying, Alexey finally falls in love with the sky and airplanes. His childhood dream became his life's work. He continues his studies at a military school, and after graduation he becomes a teacher.

With the outbreak of the military events of World War II, Alexey Meresyev goes to the front. He repeatedly took part in air battles with the enemy and saved his comrades from death.

He had a natural talent for fighting, he had a keen sense of what to do in a given situation in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Plane crash and its consequences

However, everything happens for the first time. Alexey Meresyev falls into the “double pincers” and is defeated. He managed to eject from the cabin, and the fall on a spruce softened the blows, but during the battle the young man received serious injuries to his legs, which significantly worsened his situation.

The path to people became a real test for Meresyev. At first, Alexey walked on homemade crutches, but soon they no longer saved him. The pilot's legs were significantly damaged. At first, the found can of stew and a lighter saved Alexey from cold and hunger, but when his supplies ran out, the path became unbearably difficult, but this did not stop the purposeful Meresyev.

Crawling, he finally made it to the people, where they were able to give him first aid and send him to a Moscow hospital.

So, his journey took 18 days. Naturally, all this time he could not treat his wounds or receive qualified help, so his situation was extremely unattractive - amputation of limbs became the only option.

Perhaps this episode of the book is the most difficult to read - it seems that fate dealt extremely unfairly with a person full of aspiration and hope to change the world for the better.

Life after amputation

Stories about how people with leg and back injuries that do not allow them to move independently, without the help of other people or special devices, adapt in society and can even realize themselves are not uncommon.

However, when you observe this process from the outside, it seems so easy. In fact, to survive something like this and not break down or despair is a feat that not everyone is ready for.

After the operation to amputate his legs, Alexey Meresyev became significantly depressed. He had no idea how he would live now. It seemed to him that now everyone would treat him differently, with pity, and this discouraged him.

Despite the support of the medical staff and patients in the ward, Alexey could not come to his senses - airplanes were his childhood dream, his goal in life, and now he must give up everything that is so dear to him.

However, such pessimism did not last forever - when Semyon Vorobyov came to their ward, life began to take on new colors.

The cheerful and cheerful lieutenant managed to re-ignite a ray of hope in Meresyev’s soul - he gave him an article to read about a pilot who could fly a plane after amputation of his foot. At the beginning, Alexey received the information skeptically - he didn’t have feet, but both legs, but the conviction that a Soviet man could do the impossible took over. Alexey gradually begins to return to life.

Return to the front

Thanks to Vorobyov, Meresyev not only believed that his life was not over, but also that he had every chance of becoming a great man.

Alexey begins to perform special exercises to strengthen his legs and develop muscles. These classes were not the most pleasant - the pain was very strong and more than once made Alexey think that it was better to stop trying. However, perseverance still won. Despite the terrible pain, Alexey continues to exercise.

His rehabilitation process was interrupted by an unpleasant event - Commissioner Vorobiev died. Meresyev was not a sentimental person, but the death of the man who managed to bring him back to life, who made him believe in a miracle and his abilities, became an exciting event.

Alexey realizes that he has another reason why he cannot leave everything as it is.

After some time, prosthetics appeared in Alexey’s arsenal - this made significant changes in Meresyev’s life. He was able to move independently and even took a walk around Moscow to test his legs.

Encouraged by his success, he adds another activity to himself - learning to dance.

In the summer of 1942, Alexei was discharged, and from that moment his struggle for the right to sit at the controls of the plane began.

Military doctor Mirovolsky refuses to sign a conclusion on his permission to fly - he believes that flying on an airplane is something impossible for a person without legs. Alexey's resourcefulness saves the situation. He invites the doctor to attend a dance. Mirovolsky agrees and remains pleasantly surprised - Meresyev danced just fine, it seemed that the lack of legs did not in any way affect his abilities. In fact, Alexey was in severe pain, but he hid it behind a smile - the desire to return to the controls of the plane was stronger than the pain.

After his discharge, Meresyev did not immediately get to the front line - he studied at a pilot school for some time - the emergence of new aircraft models required retraining of personnel.

In the spring, Alexey could already test his strength with a real opponent. He took part in military events on the Kursk Bulge. His success was undoubted - everyone began to speak of him as a talented and diligent person.

Characteristics of personal qualities

The image of Alexey Meresyev is endowed with a lot of positive characteristics. The undeniable quality that Alexey Meresyev possesses is perseverance. He relentlessly pursues his goal no matter what.

The same highest goal of his life becomes the reason to fight the difficulties that have arisen. After the disaster and receiving many injuries, he does not give up, but continues on his way even when, as it seems, there is no hope for salvation - for 18 long days he tried to get to people and did not give up hope that this would come true.

Alexey loves life and is ready to fight for it. This statement applies not only to his personal life, but also to the lives of other people - Alexey repeatedly saves his colleagues from death, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the peace and happiness of all living people.

Meresyev is sensitive and responsive. He is kind by nature and selfless, not indifferent to the fate of his acquaintances and friends, he sincerely worries about them, rejoices at their victories and is upset at their failures.

Meresyev was not used to living guided by greed and self-interest. He believes that such qualities are unworthy of a real person. Alexey has always lived honestly - he does not understand how he can live differently.

No matter how positive and ideal his image may seem, negative qualities can still be found in him. For example, sometimes he is characterized by a feeling of suspiciousness - he thinks that after amputation he will become a burden to his family and friends.

Alexey is initially ashamed of his disability. Meresyev does not give the right to choose to other people - it seems to him that people will no longer be able to treat him as before, a feeling of pity will overwhelm their hearts and suppress other feelings. Such a reaction seems obvious to him, but, as the further development of the plot shows, such a position was clearly wrong.

In addition, Alexey sometimes resorts to lies. He hides from his colleague, who is in love with him, the fact that he has a girlfriend and promises to write to her from the hospital, but he does this without malicious intent.

Attitude towards people

Alexey Meresyev constantly encounters people of different occupations and temperaments: fellow military pilots, medical personnel, patients of a military hospital - all of them in one way or another influenced Meresyev’s fate, just as Alexey did on their fate.

In general, we can say that Meresyev treats people kindly and reservedly. He does not always and not in all cases share the person’s position, but Alexey never allows himself to sink to the level of scandals and abuse. He is very tolerant towards others.

Such a friendly attitude cannot but cause the same response - those around him are ready to maintain friendly relations with him and help him in a difficult situation.

Meresyev knows how to win people over - those around him trust him, they realize that he is a highly moral person and is not capable of doing dirty tricks or evil to others.

Relationships with your lover

When Alexey was a child, he was friends with his classmate Olga. Time passed - after graduation, the young people practically did not keep in touch, which was facilitated by Alexey’s work in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. However, when they finally met, Meresyev was surprised - his childhood friend had changed significantly and became an attractive girl. Alexey falls in love, but the lovers' happiness was not destined to come true - the war began, and Alexey went to the front.

The connection between Olga and Alexey did not stop there - they are actively corresponding. The hope of finding happiness after the end of military events does not leave their hearts.

After the plane crash, due to amputation, Alexey decides that this is where his personal happiness ends - Olga will not love him as a disabled person. He stops answering her letters, hoping that the girl will forget him. When this did not happen, Alexey decides to write a letter asking him to leave and forget him, moving on with his life, creating family happiness with another person.

Olga was no less stubborn than Alexey - her love is sincere, she is not going to give up her happiness.

Meresyev hides his disability from the girl for a long time - the worry that Olga will not want to connect her life with a man without legs is still alive. When everything was revealed, Meresyev discovered that his fears were in vain - the girl loves him for who he is.

After the end of the war, the young people still managed to find family happiness - they got married and had a son, who was named Victor.

Thus, Boris Polevoy recreated the image of a unique person in his work. Of course, like anyone else, he has his shortcomings, but his desire to serve his Motherland, defeat the enemy for the sake of the happiness of the future generation and the tenacity with which he overcomes all the difficulties that have arisen on his way, crosses out all the shortcomings. Alexey Meresyev teaches us to believe in ourselves even when no one believes in a positive outcome of the event, to be confident that, thanks to perseverance, we can overcome any difficulties.

B. Polevoy - “The Tale of a Real Man.” Boris Polevoy accomplished a literary feat. He must have been preparing for it all his life, throughout the war, because from the first lines of reporting, the conviction matured in him that if it was worth picking up a pen, it was only to write about the heroic things in life. It is no coincidence that Boris Polevoy was so fond of referring to Gorky’s famous words: “In life there is always a place for heroic deeds.”

In his “Tale of a Real Man,” the writer talked about the pilot Alexei Meresyev, who was able to escape, survive and return to duty after a plane crash. The prototype of the hero was a real person, squadron commander Alexey Maresyev. The writer met him when he was a war correspondent during the war. On that day, Maresyev shot down two enemy planes. But the writer was shocked by something else: the pilot had no legs. And after the fight in the dugout, Maresyev told his story. The pilot, thrown out of the plane by the blast wave, fell onto a huge spruce tree and slid down its branches into the snow. In the severe winter cold, without food and water, losing consciousness from pain in his crushed legs, the wounded pilot crawled to his own for eighteen days. As a result, the village boys found him unconscious. At the hospital named after Burdenko Maresyev had both lower legs amputated. He underwent treatment for a long time, learned to walk on prosthetics, and dreamed of returning to duty. While still in the hospital, he began training, preparing to return to duty. Then training continued in the sanatorium, where he was sent in September 1942. And since June 1943, Maresyev was again in combat formation. During the war years, Alexey Petrovich made about a hundred sorties, shot down eleven enemy aircraft, and in 1942 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Thus, courage and fortitude, the will of a person is what motivates a person to heroism, according to the writer. In the heroism of the legless pilot, B. Polevoy embodies the heroism of an entire generation that saved the world from fascism.

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Often the reviews left about it help to understand the meaning, meaning and ideological intent of a work. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a book written by the famous Soviet writer B. Polev in 1946. The story is based on a real story that happened to pilot Alexei Maresyev. This book tells about the difficult struggle of the hero not only for his physical survival, but also for moral dignity, the honor of a soldier and the right to fight in the army, despite terrible injuries. The work was so popular that the following year a film adaptation of the same name was released on screens across the country, which doubled interest in this amazing story.

About joining

The reviews testify to how much the readers liked the essay. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a detailed canvas about the development of personality, overcoming obstacles, unbending will and persistent desire to achieve a goal in the name of justice. This is how lovers of the writer’s work characterize the ideological concept of the book. In their opinion, the first part, which describes the inhuman efforts made by the pilot to preserve his life in an enemy environment in a wild forest, turned out to be especially vital and at the same time terrible in its persuasiveness. This chapter, according to some users, amazes with its brutal truth and terrifying picture of war.

Opinions about the hero's struggle

Reviews will help you prepare a school lesson on the work in question. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a book, half of which is dedicated to Meresyev’s stubborn struggle for life after his plane was shot down, and he found himself alone in the forest, not far from the front line, risking every minute of being noticed by enemies. All readers claim that the author managed to convey not only the physical suffering of the character, but also his moral experiences.

Some readers pay attention to Meresyev’s similarity with the hero of J. London’s story “Love of Life,” who also, with the last of his strength, literally snatched victory from death. The Soviet pilot showed remarkable courage and great courage when, literally turning into a half-corpse, he managed to crawl to the hut of the Soviet partisans. Fans of this work were most impressed by those scenes that show specific actions taken by the hero to save himself, as evidenced by reviews. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a book dedicated to the pilot’s struggle with nature and himself, which is its enduring significance.

About the second part

Those who have read the work in question agree that the author was especially good at conveying the pilot’s state of mind during the recovery period. His comrades in the hospital ward had a great influence on him. Their fate turned out to be inextricably linked with Meresyev, who found consolation in communicating with them. The work “The Tale of a Real Man,” reviews of which show the continued interest of readers in this story, shows the difficult psychological struggle that the hero had to endure in order to find the desire to live again. In this part we learn about his experiences because of his fiancée Olga, to whom he is afraid to confess his tragedy. The fact is that his legs were cut off because the doctors could not stop the gangrene. In the end, Meresyev, under the influence of his new comrades, begins to gradually learn to walk again. According to readers, this detailed psychological analysis of a persistent internal struggle with oneself is the key scenes in the entire work.

About the fourth part

A review of the book “The Tale of a Real Man” shows that this work has not lost its significance even today. Users claim that the author was able to convincingly and believably show the new development of his hero, not so much physically as spiritually. Readers especially liked those scenes in which Meresyev, already without legs and using prosthetics, learned to dance in order to finally get rid of stiffness. According to them, it was in this episode that the real character of the pilot Polevoy showed. “The Tale of a Real Man,” reviews of which indicate how strongly the author was able to touch the feelings of his readers, ends with a description of the heroic exploits of the character after he returned to aviation.

About war

According to users, an indicator of the hero’s full return to life were his letters to Olga. It is from correspondence with her that we learn about his state of mind and mood. Love for her inspires him to engage in more and more battles with opponents. In one such battle, he not only managed to escape a terrible pursuit, but also save his wingman. Readers note the touchingness of that moment when the pilot felt like a full-fledged fighter again and decided to finally write to the bride the whole truth, which he did not dare to do before.

Analysis of the work and reviews: “The Tale of a Real Man” Often the reviews left about it help to understand the meaning, significance and ideological intent of the work. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a book written by the famous Soviet writer B. Polev in 1946. The story is based on a real story that happened to pilot Alexei Maresyev. This book tells about the difficult struggle of the hero not only for his physical survival, but also for moral dignity, the honor of a soldier and the right to fight in the army, despite terrible injuries. The work was so popular that the following year a film adaptation of the same name was released on screens across the country, which doubled interest in this amazing story. About the introduction The reviews testify to how much the essay was liked by the readers. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a detailed canvas about the development of personality, overcoming obstacles, unbending will and persistent desire to achieve a goal in the name of justice. This is how lovers of the writer’s work characterize the ideological concept of the book. In their opinion, the first part, which describes the inhuman efforts made by the pilot to preserve his life in an enemy environment in a wild forest, turned out to be especially vital and at the same time terrible in its persuasiveness. This chapter, according to some users, amazes with its brutal truth and terrifying picture of war.

Opinions about the hero's struggle Reviews will help you prepare a school lesson on the work in question. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a book, half of which is dedicated to Meresyev’s stubborn struggle for life after his plane was shot down, and he found himself alone in the forest, not far from the front line, risking every minute of being noticed by enemies. All readers claim that the author managed to convey not only the physical suffering of the character, but also his moral experiences. Some readers pay attention to Meresyev’s similarity with the hero of J. London’s story “Love of Life,” who also, with the last of his strength, literally snatched victory from death. The Soviet pilot showed remarkable courage and enormous fortitude when, literally turning into a half-corpse, he managed to crawl to the hut of the Soviet partisans. Fans of this work were most impressed by those scenes that show specific actions taken by the hero to save himself, as evidenced by reviews. “The Tale of a Real Man” is a book dedicated to the pilot’s struggle with nature and himself, which is its enduring significance.

About the second part Those who have read the work in question agree that the author was especially good at conveying the pilot’s state of mind during the recovery period. His comrades in the hospital ward had a great influence on him. Their fate turned out to be inextricably linked with Meresyev, who found consolation in communicating with them. The work “The Tale of a Real Man,” reviews of which show the continued interest of readers in this story, shows the difficult psychological struggle that the hero had to endure in order to find the desire to live again. In this part we learn about his experiences because of his fiancée Olga, to whom he is afraid to confess his tragedy. The fact is that his legs were cut off because the doctors could not stop the gangrene. In the end, Meresyev, under the influence of his new comrades, begins to gradually learn to walk again. According to readers, this detailed psychological analysis of a persistent internal struggle with oneself is the key scenes in the entire work.

About the fourth part The review of the book “The Tale of a Real Man” shows that this work has not lost its significance even today. Users claim that the author was able to convincingly and believably show the new development of his hero, not so much physically as spiritually. Readers especially liked those scenes in which Meresyev, already without legs and using prosthetics, learned to dance in order to finally get rid of stiffness. According to them, it was in this episode that the real character of the pilot Polevoy showed. “The Tale of a Real Man,” reviews of which indicate how strongly the author was able to touch the feelings of his readers, ends with a description of the heroic exploits of the character after he returned to aviation.

“The Tale of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy is a wonderful work on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. I am glad that I read it, touched our history again and again, remembered that terrible time and those people to whom we, the current generation, perhaps owe our lives. I liked that everything said in the story is based on real events, and the main character has a real prototype. While reading the book, I thought a lot about how cruel war is, how it cripples destinies, that every day at the front and in the rear people performed feats.

Alexey Meresyev, the main character of the story, is only 23 years old. He is a military fighter pilot. In one of the battles, his plane was shot down by the Nazis, but Alexey did not crash. “Falling on a broad-shouldered spruce, he slid along the branches into a deep snowdrift... This saved his life.” When he fell, Alexey's legs were broken. The wounded pilot found himself alone behind enemy lines in winter. Possessing enormous willpower, he decides to move towards the front. For 18 days, with crushed legs, without food, water or matches, he made his way to his people, making heroic efforts to overcome pain and weakness. In addition to his wounds, his legs were frozen. The dying Meresv was found by residents of a forest village, then transported by ambulance to the mainland.

His stay in the hospital was one of the most difficult periods in the life of the pilot: due to gangrene on his frostbitten feet, his legs had to be amputated. Even the strongest people have moments of weakness. And for Alexei, who did not understand life without aviation, existence lost all meaning, despair set in, since a person without legs cannot fly, and therefore cannot fight for the Motherland. “He didn’t complain, didn’t cry, didn’t get irritated... Day by day he lost weight and wasted away.” The situation was changed by a meeting with a wonderful person - Commissioner Vorobyov. He found material for Meresyev about a Russian pilot who, having lost his feet, continued to fly with prosthetics.

The Commissioner revived in Meresyev not only the desire to live, but also the confidence that he could return to duty. But to fly, you couldn't just lie on the bed. And Meresyev, overcoming the pain, began training. “Those were terrible moments when tears flowed from the eyes, and I had to bite my lips until they bled to hold back an involuntary groan.” It was a feat! It was so hard to watch the training that the wounded were leaving the ward at that time. With unprecedented tenacity, reaching the point of fantasticality, Meresyev ran, jumped, and then even danced on his “new” legs, which aroused the respect and admiration of those around him. The doctors on the commission could not believe that he had no burdens. Alexey did not give up even when he went through the authorities, proving to officials that he could fly. Pilot Alexey Meresyev managed to achieve the goal to which he walked with extraordinary tenacity. He was able to take to the skies again, fought again and shot down fascist planes.

Alexey proved to everyone, and first of all to himself, that he is a real person. He is an example of how a person, thanks to his own willpower, perseverance, perseverance and determination, overcomes physical injury.

Polevoy's book is multifaceted. It not only shows Meresyev’s feat, but also introduces us to the destinies of many people, very different in character, but united by hatred of the enemy. He especially singles out Commissar Vorobyov, who knew how to find the right “strings” for everyone and helped with deeds and advice. Without such people it would be very difficult in the war. It was him, the “real person,” Commissar Vorobyov, that Alexey Meresyev wanted to be like.

Boris Polevoy in his book not only describes the heroism of people at the front, but also talks in detail about the life of people in the rear. So, from Olya’s letters to Alexei, we learn with what difficulties they dug the fortifications near Stalingrad, how medical staff nursed the wounded for weeks without rest, and in factories, replacing their fathers and brothers, teenagers worked for days. The author tells us how the people who remained in the occupation fought against difficulties, preserving all the best human qualities. So he shows the everyday life of the small forest village of Plavni, where “the peasant women suffering from hunger demolished and poured into a common dugout everything that remained after fleeing,” “people were starving, but did not slaughter the public livestock.” And how they nursed the wounded Meresyev! Hungry themselves, they brought him the last crumbs.

This book teaches courage, endurance, self-control, and the ability to concentrate on something important. These qualities are needed by any person not only in wartime, but also in everyday life.
