How Pugacheva was hunted by a maniac nicknamed Mad. Anatoly Nagiyev - the most rabid maniac of the Soviet Union Anatoly Nagiyev is the most rabid maniac of the Soviet Union

From the history of the Don escapes

*Small but harmful

Escape from the convoy of Anatoly Nagiyev, a repeat offender sentenced to death in 1981... At one time, both journalists and security officials wrote avidly about him. It was a very brazen action for that time. Yes, and for ours, perhaps. But somehow the documentary makers did not bother to ask the operatives of Novocherkassk investigative prison No. 3, who took part in the capture of the criminal, for details. Meanwhile, their version differs in many ways from the official, “police” one. It’s a pity, you can’t ask Nagiyev himself... Although, we found something to regret...

Who is Anatoly Guseinovich Nagiyev, who at the age of twenty-three received a prison sentence for the brutal murder of four people? By the standards of “decent prisoners” - “nobody, not even a name.” From the point of view of the zone - scum, an animal. From Dagestan, born into a poor family, his father, it seems, is Ingush, his mother is Kazakh. Tolya’s height barely reached 157 centimeters and, like many short teenagers, he sought to compensate for the lack of heights with other qualities that would give him authority among his friends. Physical strength was such a “compensator” for Nagiyev. The boy fanatically went in for sports, achieved success in athletic gymnastics, and had remarkable strength. He graduated from school with ease, and by the age of sixteen he had trained as a projectionist.

But in 1975, his free life suddenly ended. 17-year-old Nagiyev received six years in prison under one of the most shameful articles of the Criminal Code - Article 117 (rape). Perhaps Anatoly did not enjoy success with the weaker sex, and on this basis he developed a complex of sexual inferiority. The girl refused his advances, and the guy lost his temper, considering such an act an act of contempt for the “dwarf.” But the fact remains: the Dagestan guy “roared” in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Among prisoners, these zones are considered especially harsh, and going there from 117 is dangerous for health and sexual innocence. As a rule, a “hot boy” was turned into a camp “girl.” And no amount of physical strength could help protect oneself from the force of “prisoner justice.” It is possible that the same thing happened to Nagiyev and completely damaged his psyche. According to statistics, almost all sexual predators have at some time become victims of sexual abuse. Later, during the era of “perestroika” (and already in the early 1980s), morals in the zone became softer; but in the mid-1970s, “hole for hole” retribution was considered even the softest. They could have just hung him up on a towel over a bucket.

Sexual humiliation can also explain the fact that Nagiyev was released with a manic idea - to rape and kill women (in whom everything he hated was embodied). Soon he is detained for a brutal crime: on the Kharkov-Moscow train, he raped, robbed and killed two conductors and two passengers at once! He got rid of the corpses by throwing them off the train as it moved. But the greed of the friar is ruinous: the sadist sold the family jewel of one of the victims to a pawnshop under his own name. The rest was a matter of detective technology. However, they were only able to prove train murders, although they suspected Nagiyev of committing more than forty similar crimes. The guy, however, did not “split.” Although he willingly told the story about how he was allegedly preparing reprisals... against Alla Pugacheva! He told this story to the Kursk investigators who detained him in 1981, and later to the Rostov police officers and the “operators” from the Novocherkassk prison. How close the story is to reality - who knows... In the verdict of the Kursk court of July 2, 1981, there is not a word about the “hunt for Pugacheva.” But even without that, twenty-three-year-old Nagiyev Anatoly Guseinovich got himself into trouble: he was sentenced to an exceptional punishment - execution.

**Anna Karenina, or Kashtanka under the locomotive

Few people want to die at 23. Nagiyev was definitely not one of those people. Moreover, even if the exceptional measure of punishment is replaced, such “humanity” will be comparable for a “shaggy safe burglar” (as rapists are called in slang) to the eighth circle of hell! Seven circles will seem like a nice vacation on the Adler coast...

From the very first days of being kept in solitary confinement - “on death row” - the killer actively maintained physical fitness, doing push-ups, doing stretches, honing lightning strikes... This is not welcomed by the corridor guards. Especially when “inmates” are preparing for sporting achievements, for whom there is only one option - IMN (exceptional punishment).

“Are you, you beastly face, planning to fight off the devils in the next world?” – the ensign was angrily interested. - Stop it, otherwise you won’t live to reach the “tower!”

Nagiyev just furiously rolled his wild Caucasian eyes and secretly continued his work. Usually the INMS sat quietly, wrote pardons and prayed. Nagiyev received the nickname Borzoy from the duty officers. And in the Caucasian’s personal file there was an entry: “Prone to escape and attack administration employees.” With such a nice description, the maniac was taken to the Novocherkassk “execution” prison.

In Stolypin, medical devices occupy single compartment cells, separated from the corridor by a strong lattice with 5x5 cells. The convoy watched Nagiyev especially vigilantly: they don’t like Caucasian criminals at all, let alone “suicide bombers” with such an “escort”...

The “passengers” were received by an oncoming prison convoy at Khotunok station near Novocherkassk (not far from maximum security prison No. 14). Next to the station building there is an exchange office - a trailer lined with brick. Here prisoners are distributed among paddy wagons. Some are traveling in a convoy to the other end of Mother Russia, others are going for re-investigation. And some are on their last journey. There is a special attitude towards such people. No less than three of them enter the carriage cell, always the chief of the military guard and the chief of the prison guard. Those "executed" are supposed to lock the handcuffs behind their backs and be escorted, isolated from everyone else, to a separate "funnel". That's what was planned this time too.

But the Stolypin, which arrived late at night on August 19, 1981 at Khotunok, was seriously behind schedule. Both chiefs of the guard - the military one and the prison guard - were in a hurry to complete the unpleasant procedure. The bulk of the prisoners were driven onto the platform and made to squat. Nagiyev was the last to be taken out. There was a hitch in the cell with the replacement of handcuffs. The military convoy has its own handcuffs, strong, such “pieces of iron” cannot be removed without a key. The jailers have simpler “bracelets”, for use inside the “thorn”; an experienced prisoner will open it with a nail.

- Come on, put on your scrap metal! - the police officer hurried the jailer. - Time is running out...

- Wait, they don’t latch...

- Just wrap them up in front and dump them out, you’ll sort it out on the street!

And the head of the prison guard hastily committed a gross violation of the instructions: he snapped the handcuffs in front. Nagiyev was pushed onto the platform and seated away from other “passengers”. A few more minutes - he will find himself in the “funnel”, and then in the first building of the Novocherkassk prison, in a separate death cell.

And then the unexpected happened...

The fact is that the train arrived on the middle line; several inactive tracks separated it from the station building, and on the other side of the carriage there were active tracks. Behind them is a field, a residential area, in the distance is the village of Donskoy, next to it is the floodplain of the Tuzlovka River, then a bridge.

It is at this point in the story that the first legend about the daring “runner” arises. A veteran of the Don investigation, police colonel Amir Sabitov, during the events described - the deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Rostov Region, stated it as follows:

“The carriage was driven to a siding. A freight train rumbled along the vacated branch, picking up speed. And then Nagiyev, quickly straightening up, jumped in front of the train... The guards were taken aback. In the gap between the carriages the fugitive could be seen rushing towards the reeds.”

Several clarifications will have to be made to this tale about the prison “Karenin”. Neither Sabitov nor other police officers were eyewitnesses to the escape, and over the years, apparently, the past was shrouded in a romantic aura for them. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses and documents indicate otherwise. Everything was much simpler - although no less daring. They didn’t have time to drive the carriage anywhere. Nagiyev, who was squatting with his back to the train, with his heightened hearing, caught a train approaching Khotunk along the track that followed the stationary train. Lights flashed in the distance. The roar of the trains is getting closer... And then the suicide bomber, calculating when the train has come very close, dives under the standing carriage, and then runs across the track right in front of the rushing electric locomotive! And he rushed into the field, behind a residential area. They only saw him...

***Gypsy with a pitchfork, the road is long

The escape of a suicide bomber from under convoy in those years was worse than the horror film “I Lost My Party Card.” The case was taken under personal control by the Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Shchelokov. “I give you three days to catch him!” - ordered the stern minister. But a month later, the nimble Tolik was still running...

The alarm was announced and plans “Siren” and “Barguzin” were put into effect (no sense, but it sounds scary). Both the police and prison guards in groups combed groves, forest belts, villages, farmsteads... Plainclothes officers were on duty on electric trains, throughout the entire region the cops blocked river stations, bus stations, capture groups rushed to the Caucasus - “through the Nagiyev places”... All without showing off, as the inmates say. The then deputy head of the regional criminal investigation department, Ivan Zatsepin, recalled that the search dog, which was used to comb the fields near the escape site, died from the heat. By the beginning of the second month, some suggested curtailing the search: the “runner” was put on the all-Union wanted list - and okay. There were rumors that Nagiyev had already reached distant Turkey... But it turned out that Tolik the maniac did not swim to Turetchina, but set up a rookery nearby. And here another misunderstanding with police stories begins.

According to Sabitov, on the morning of September 29, information was received from a vigilante from the Yanovka village. One of the local residents showed him a cache in a haystack: with dishes, meager provisions, men's and women's clothing and a homemade calendar on a piece of tar paper. It began on August 19 - the day of the escape. The farmers also reported that several times they saw nearby either a short Caucasian man in a torn tracksuit or a suspicious gypsy woman with crooked hairy legs. In addition, in the village someone began to tear clothes off the lines and climb into the cellars.

Further, according to the memoirs of police officer Ivan Zatsepin, he contacted the prison and Rostov and demanded a dozen dog handlers with dogs. We decided to check everything, even cesspools. People with weapons in their hands turned around in front of one and a half kilometers and began to descend from the mountain into the farm (according to another version, the police surrounded the farm and began to tighten the ring). And in Yanovka there was a Cossack wedding. The tipsy men allegedly saw and scared away the mysterious bandy-legged gypsy, and the police chased Nagiyev, who was trying to “get out of encirclement” in such a cunning way, to a pigsty on the outskirts of the farm, where they shot him point-blank, seeing a sawed-off shotgun in his hands. Zatsepin claims that the criminal, who had received mortal wounds, lay unconscious in front of him, but with his eyes open - terrible, crawling out of their sockets...

Veteran Amir Sabitov (who himself was not present at the arrest) tells a slightly different story. In his version, the wedding disappears, but a police lieutenant, platoon commander of the patrol service Nikolai Efremenko from Novocherkassk appears. When his carriage was approaching Yanovka, they were stopped by the driver of a white Volga coming towards him and announced that a suspicious guy in women’s clothing was hiding in the bushes nearby. Efremenko’s group allegedly discovered Nagiyev in thorny bushes. He started to run, despite numerous warnings from the policeman: “Stop, I’ll shoot without warning!” However, the disciplined lieutenant did not shoot, but ran in pursuit, overtook the prisoner and again began to convince him that if something happened, he could shoot. To which Nagiyev first took out a cleaver and began to threaten the brave Efremenko, and when he fired into the air, the urkagan pulled out a sawn-off shotgun from his belt. That’s when the lieutenant accurately hit Nagiyev’s forearm with three bullets. But even after this, the wounded maniac fought with frenzy, scattering Nikolai Goncharov, head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Industrial District of Novocherkassk, and Igor Isaev, an employee of the Criminal Internal Affairs Directorate of the Rostov Region, who jumped to the aid. Only five of them managed to subdue the villain. This is how Sabirov describes it: “With difficulty, the operatives twisted his hands behind his back. A screaming, desperately squirming criminal was squeezed into a patrol car..."

So what really is: was Nogiev lying unconscious or fighting and performing Caucasian dances?

But there is a third party: operatives of the Novocherkassk investigative prison ST-3 and the opera of the Rostov UITU (Department of Correctional Labor Institutions, now the Federal Penitentiary Service). The brave police somehow completely forget that the “jailers” participated in the search and capture of Nagiyev along with the “colored”...

And absolutely wonderful details emerged.

– In fact, we took Nagiyev! - said prison operatives. “Information has arrived that someone unknown is hiding in the haystack—either a man or a woman.” A capture group headed by Nikolai Vinnikov, the then chief of the regime and security of ST-3, immediately left. At that time he was 35–36 years old. It was necessary to act immediately. They slammed this freak not far from the haystack. He was definitely wearing some kind of woman's rags. He jumped out himself when the group had already approached almost closely. What kind of sawn-off shotgun is there, where did it come from?! Zechara rushed straight at Vinnikov with either a pitchfork or a shovel. Well, with something worker-peasant. Kolya, without thinking twice, loaded the entire clip of PM into it. They thought it was a suicide bomber. The sentence was carried out a little earlier than expected. It’s a pity, not a single bullet hit the head...

It remains to add that Nagiyev was wearing a woman’s bra...

****If you want to live, bite your finger!

The jailers' version largely coincides with the story of opera Ivan Zatsepin, who participated in the detention of Nagiyev. Zatsepin also clearly states that the fugitive was unconscious. And in an essay about Nagiyev’s escape, journalist Andrei Berezhnoy (also from the words of eyewitnesses) writes that “in prison, a prison doctor worked over the body of a particularly dangerous repeat offender. He worked lazily, because with all the soul of a good man who had seen a lot, he wished this body a speedy death. Suffice it to say that the doctor scooped out the blood from Nagiyev’s stomach with an ordinary cut glass.” It’s somehow hard to imagine that you can use a cut glass to scoop out blood from the forearm that the brave policeman Efremenko allegedly struck.

Workers of the prison system also recall: the “suicide bomber” was in serious condition, and no one believed that he would survive. However, after a week Nagiyev began to rise. And soon I felt almost cheerful.

This man (if you can call him that) had a violent thirst to live. And at the same time there was a wild fear of death. Nagiyev was constantly in the mood for a new escape: he would definitely come up with something - as long as there was enough time! But there wasn't enough time.

They say that on the night when he was taken from the cell “for execution,” a twisted Caucasian man managed to attack one of the controllers and bit off his knuckle! I hoped that this would be counted as a new crime, that they would take him to trial, and then fate would give him a chance. And this time the main thing is not to miss it!

...The controller's finger was quickly bandaged.

“Well, load the bitch,” the stern officer with evil eyes muttered, pointing his finger at Nagiyev. - “Voronok” is waiting. Some will smear green paint on their finger, and some on their forehead,” he joked gloomily.

“Smearing your forehead with brilliant green” means shooting. Why lubricate? And so that the bullet does not cause infection...

And the maniac realized: this is the finish line. And that was really the finish.

Nagiyev was buried in an unmarked grave - with a traditional tag on his leg.

Irkutsk region

(January 26, Angarsk, Irkutsk region - October 28, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet serial killer who killed 6 people in 1979-1980. He killed with particular cruelty, which is why he received the nickname “Mad One.” He wanted to kill Alla Pugacheva.

Life before the murders

Born on January 26, 1958 in Angarsk. Soon the family with three children moved to the Kursk region and settled in Sudzha. In his youth, he was short in stature, which was only 157 centimeters, but he replaced this disadvantage with active sports, primarily athletic gymnastics. In 1975, he was first imprisoned for 6 years for rape. He served his sentence in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, but was released in 1978 for good behavior.


He committed his first murder in January 1979. The next murder was committed in the same year on May 28 on the Chikshino-Pechora train. According to one version, the victim of the killer was a woman similar to Alla Pugacheva.

The biggest murder was committed on July 4, 1980, on the Moscow-Kharkov train. His victims were 4 women: two conductors and two passengers.

Arrest, trial and execution

On September 12, 1980, Nagiyev was arrested in Dnepropetrovsk. A few months later he tried to escape, breaking the handcuffs and pushing the controllers together, but was captured by security and soon transferred to Kursk. On July 2, 1981, a year after his fourth murder, he was sentenced by the Kursk Regional Court to an exceptional punishment - death by firing squad.

At the beginning of August 1981, a message came about Nagiyev’s transfer to the Novocherkassk prison to carry out the death sentence. On August 19, 1981, upon arrival in Novocherkassk, he escaped again, managing to slip in front of a passing train. Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov was furious. He gave three weeks to catch the maniac, but it took him almost two months to catch him. Under the guise of a gypsy, he hid in one of the camps, but was soon discovered. When he was re-arrested, Nagiyev actively resisted and was wounded 15 times. Doctors barely managed to cure him. Nagiyev was sent to Novocherkassk prison, where he was shot in October 1981.

Reflection in culture

  • In 2010, based on Nagiyev’s story, a documentary film from the series “The Investigation Conducted...” was shot.
  • Documentary series “Legends of Soviet detective”, series.
  • Nagiyev is mentioned in the documentary film “” (2010).

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An excerpt characterizing Nagiyev, Anatoly Guseinovich

When Mikhail Ivanovich entered, there were tears in his eyes, memories of the time when he wrote what he was now reading. He took the letter from Mikhail Ivanovich’s hands, put it in his pocket, put away the papers and called Alpatych, who had been waiting for a long time.
On a piece of paper he wrote down what was needed in Smolensk, and he, walking around the room past Alpatych, who was waiting at the door, began to give orders.
- First, postal paper, do you hear, eight hundred, according to the sample; gold-edged... a sample, so that it will certainly be according to it; varnish, sealing wax - according to a note from Mikhail Ivanovich.
He walked around the room and looked at the memo.
“Then personally give the governor a letter about the recording.
Then they needed bolts for the doors of the new building, certainly of the style that the prince himself had invented. Then a binding box had to be ordered for storing the will.
Giving orders to Alpatych lasted more than two hours. The prince still did not let him go. He sat down, thought and, closing his eyes, dozed off. Alpatych stirred.
- Well, go, go; If you need anything, I will send it.
Alpatych left. The prince went back to the bureau, looked into it, touched his papers with his hand, locked it again and sat down at the table to write a letter to the governor.
It was already late when he stood up, sealing the letter. He wanted to sleep, but he knew that he would not fall asleep and that his worst thoughts came to him in bed. He called Tikhon and went with him through the rooms to tell him where to make his bed that night. He walked around, trying on every corner.
Everywhere he felt bad, but the worst thing was the familiar sofa in the office. This sofa was scary to him, probably because of the heavy thoughts that he changed his mind while lying on it. Nowhere was good, but the best place of all was the corner in the sofa behind the piano: he had never slept here before.
Tikhon brought the bed with the waiter and began to set it up.
- Not like that, not like that! - the prince shouted and moved it a quarter away from the corner, and then again closer.
“Well, I’ve finally done everything over, now I’ll rest,” the prince thought and allowed Tikhon to undress himself.
Frowning in annoyance from the efforts that had to be made to take off his caftan and trousers, the prince undressed, sank heavily onto the bed and seemed to be lost in thought, looking contemptuously at his yellow, withered legs. He didn’t think, but he hesitated in front of the difficulty ahead of him to lift those legs and move on the bed. “Oh, how hard it is! Oh, if only this work would end quickly, quickly, and you would let me go! - he thought. He pursed his lips and made this effort for the twentieth time and lay down. But as soon as he lay down, suddenly the whole bed moved evenly under him back and forth, as if breathing heavily and pushing. This happened to him almost every night. He opened his eyes that had closed.
- No peace, damned ones! - he growled with anger at someone. “Yes, yes, there was something else important, I saved something very important for myself in bed at night. Valves? No, that's what he said. No, there was something in the living room. Princess Marya was lying about something. Desalle—that fool—was saying something. There’s something in my pocket, I don’t remember.”
- Quiet! What did they talk about at dinner?
- About Prince Mikhail...
- Shut up, shut up. “The prince slammed his hand on the table. - Yes! I know, a letter from Prince Andrei. Princess Marya was reading. Desalles said something about Vitebsk. Now I'll read it.
He ordered the letter to be taken out of his pocket and a table with lemonade and a whitish candle to be moved to the bed, and, putting on his glasses, he began to read. It was only here in the silence of the night, in the faint light from under the green cap, that he, having read the letter, for the first time, for a moment, understood its meaning.
“The French are in Vitebsk, after four crossings they can be at Smolensk; maybe they’re already there.”
- Quiet! - Tikhon jumped up. - No, no, no, no! - he shouted.
He hid the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes. And he imagined the Danube, a bright afternoon, reeds, a Russian camp, and he enters, he, a young general, without one wrinkle on his face, cheerful, cheerful, ruddy, into Potemkin’s painted tent, and a burning feeling of envy for his favorite, just as strong, as then, worries him. And he remembers all the words that were said then at his first Meeting with Potemkin. And he imagines a short, fat woman with yellowness in her fat face - Mother Empress, her smiles, words when she greeted him for the first time, and he remembers her own face on the hearse and that clash with Zubov, which was then with her coffin for the right to approach her hand.

A sexual maniac is hunting for Alla Pugacheva. This will be the plot of the new series, which is being filmed by NTV in St. Petersburg. The 16-episode film, based on real events from the life of the Prima Donna, will be released in April 2019 - on the singer’s 70th birthday. The role of Alla Borisovna (who will become Anna Bogacheva in the movie) is played by 27-year-old St. Petersburg actress Anna Khristich.

As reported, the action in the action-packed detective story called “The Hunt for the Singer” takes place in the 70s, when Pugacheva, on the wave of nationwide popularity, becomes the target of the maniac Anatoly Nagiyev, nicknamed “Mad”. The man intended to rape and kill the star. And this is not fiction.


Previously, Komsomolskaya Pravda published details of this criminal story, which could have ended in a tragedy of the all-Union scale. Nagiyev began to rave about Pugacheva in a colony, where he was sent at the age of 17 for rape. There, as a projectionist by training, he was entrusted with the radio room, in whose meager music library there was the singer's first solo album. Every day he heard her voice, looked at the photo. Until the desire to see this woman became a real mania. When Nagiyev was released from the colony early (for good behavior), he headed to Moscow to look for Alla.

Now we can say that the maniac had brilliant makings of an operative,” said “KP” Police Colonel Yuri Orlov(he organized the first detention of Chikatilo, participated in solving dozens of serious crimes). - Nagiyev came to the capital several times, collected information bit by bit, found out Pugacheva’s circle of acquaintances, her daily routine, tour schedule, came to concerts, tried to get closer to her. What did he want from Alla? I think this is understandable, given that I was not healthy sexually.

One day Nagiyev got hold of some decent clothes, bought flowers and entered the singer’s dressing room, where he introduced himself as a serious person. He showered Pugacheva with compliments, and she agreed to the meeting and gave him her business card with her home address. There are two versions of what happened next. According to one, the maniac waited for Alla at the entrance all evening, but she never showed up. According to another, the singer arrived very late. When she entered the entrance, Nagiyev ducked behind her. He could have overtaken Alla in the elevator, but the star was saved by chance in the form of a vigilant concierge. "Where are you going?" - she asked the man. A second of delay, and the elevator with Pugacheva closed.

Nagiyev ran away, but the concierge managed to look at him. The maniac's eyes rolled wildly, it seemed as if they were not there at all. The woman almost fainted from such horror.


The failure forced the criminal to leave the capital. He probably intended to return and carry out his plan, but he did not have the patience. One night, he raped and killed four women on the Kharkov-Moscow train - two conductors and two passengers. The fanatic threw the corpses out the window.

He later told the opera that he saw Alla in every victim,” recalls the famous detective, 86-year-old Amir Sabitov, who in those years worked as the deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the Rostov region. - He was, perhaps, the fastest serial killer in the criminal history of Russia. A kind of express Chikatilo.

After this incident, the “hunter of Pugacheva” was caught. He took a ring from the hand of one of the victims and then sold it to a pawn shop. Based on this lead, Manka was detained almost immediately. This was in September 1980.

The killer was sentenced to death. In August 1981, Nagiyev was taken to execution. At the Khotunok station, the guards handed him and other prisoners over to the staff of the Novocherkassk prison. But the guards made a mistake - the maniac’s hands were cuffed in front, not behind. This, together with natural dexterity, was enough for the man to escape. The prisoners were standing on the platform when a freight train began moving three meters away from them. Nagiyev jumped right under the wheels of the train, rolled out from the other side of the tracks and rushed towards the forest belt.

The special operation to capture the “hunter of Pugacheva” lasted more than a month. Hundreds of police officers searched for him throughout the Rostov region. The killer was hiding in a barn on the outskirts of a small village. Nagiyev got hold of women's clothing, which he regularly wore to steal food from local residents. One day, wedding guests noticed a strange “gypsy woman”. One of them reported her to the local police officer. Sensing something was wrong, Nagiyev started to run again, but was wounded by a shot during the raid. During the arrest, a sawn-off shotgun and a knife were found in women's clothing.

The place where the “Pugacheva hunter” hid for a month. Photo: archive Amir Sabitov

Nagiyev was shot in Novocherkassk prison on October 28, 1981. They say that the maniac believed until the last that he would still be able to get to Alla. Five years later, Pugacheva came to Rostov-on-Don for a concert for Don policemen. After the performance, they decided to tell the artist about the terrible maniac Nagiyev, who had been hunting her for several years. But then they changed their minds and decided not to scare the star.

By the way, some episodes of Nagiyev’s criminal biography were used by Danil Koretsky in his work “Bring to Execution.” Now the criminal has also become a prototype for a movie character. True, his name, like the name of Alla Borisovna, will be changed. The maniac will be played by actor Artem Bystrov.


Pugachev is unlikely to be pleased with a gift in the form of a series, since no one agreed with her on the script or even the very idea of ​​the project. The singer’s director, Elena Chuprakova, told Komsomolskaya Pravda about this. To our question, did the screenwriter and director consult with Alla Borisovna, did she give permission for filming, Chuprakova replied:

No. They always do everything themselves.

Apparently, that’s why singer Anna Bogacheva appears in the film instead of Alla Pugacheva, and the maniac Nagiyev is designated in the script as Nikonov.

The producer of the series forbade the team members to give details, but you can’t hide the sew in the bag.

We have already filmed everyday scenes from 1978,” participants in the filming process told KP. - Moscow, a police station is filmed on the streets of St. Petersburg, there were scenes in the “abandoned NKVD cemetery”, in the “psychiatric hospital”. The main role on the set is played by Alexander Ustyugov. This is the same Shilov from “Cop Wars”. He plays a policeman who is looking for a maniac. For the hero Ustyugov they ordered a black Volga - GAZ-24. He drove the car himself, and the dangerous stunts were performed by stuntmen. The singer’s line in the series is not the main one, but it is important.

I don’t like to talk about the role in advance, before the film comes out, - Artem Bystrov, who plays the maniac, did not go into details.

By the way, the height of 33-year-old Bystrov is 182 cm (remember, the maniac is 158 cm). But everyone on the set was surprised at the portrait resemblance between Bystrov and the criminal. But the singer Anna Bogacheva, performed by 27-year-old Anna Khristich, is in no way similar to the bright and charismatic Alla Pugacheva, except perhaps in age. Alla Borisovna was 29 years old in 1978. But Khristich has a gap between her teeth, just like young Pugacheva. Dyed blonde Khristich wears a red wig in the film. Although Anna does not have the main role in the film, she prepared responsibly - she reviewed all the available documentaries and interviews with the Prima Donna.

Born in 1958 in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In his youth, he was short in stature, which was only 157 centimeters, but he replaced this disadvantage with active sports, primarily athletic gymnastics. In 1975, he was first imprisoned for 6 years for rape. He served his sentence in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, but was released in 1978 for good behavior.


He committed his first murder in January 1979. The next murder was committed in the same year on May 28 on the Chikshino-Pechora train. According to one version, the victim of the killer was a woman similar to Alla Pugacheva.

The biggest murder was committed on July 4, 1980, on the Moscow-Kharkov train. His victims were 4 women: two conductors and two passengers.

Arrest, trial and execution

On September 12, 1980, Nagiyev was arrested in Dnepropetrovsk. A few months later he tried to escape, breaking the handcuffs and pushing the controllers together, but was captured by security and was soon transferred to Kursk. On July 2, 1981, a year after his fourth murder, he was sentenced by the Kursk Regional Court to an exceptional punishment - death by firing squad.

At the beginning of August 1981, a message came about Nagiyev’s transfer to the Novocherkassk prison to carry out the death sentence. On August 19, 1981, upon arrival in Novocherkassk, he escaped again, managing to slip in front of a passing train. Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov was furious. He gave three weeks to catch the maniac, but it took him almost two months to catch him. Under the guise of a gypsy, he hid in one of the camps, but was soon discovered. When he was re-arrested, Nagiyev actively resisted and was wounded 15 times. Doctors barely managed to cure him. Nagiyev was sent to Novocherkassk prison, where he was shot in October 1981.

Reflection in culture

  • In 2010, based on Nagiyev’s story, a documentary film “Destroy the Mad One!” was shot. from the series “The investigation was carried out...”.
  • Documentary series “Legends of Soviet detective”, series “Hunter for Pugacheva”.
  • Some episodes of Nagiyev’s criminal biography were used by D. Koretsky in his work “Bring to Execution” when creating the image of a killer nicknamed “Boa Constrictor.”

In 1979, Alla Borisovna was already basking in the rays of well-deserved fame. Prima, the public's favorite, a star of the first magnitude! After another big concert, I arrived home and entered the entrance. A second later, a short, well-built guy walked in. The elevator, purring, opened its womb

In 1979, Alla Borisovna was already basking in the rays of well-deserved fame. Prima, the public's favorite, a star of the first magnitude! After another big concert, I arrived home and entered the entrance. A second later, a short, well-built guy walked in. The elevator, rumbling, opened its womb... Young man! Who are you visiting? - the stern concierge called from her nook. Pugacheva left - the guy stayed. So who did you come to? - the old woman repeated the question. The guy slowly turned to her. The concierge froze. She will remember this face forever: His eyeballs were spinning like a Ferris wheel - from under the upper eyelid to the lower. He looked like he was going crazy during the attack. Without saying a word, the stranger jumped out of the entrance.

He spent several months tracking down Pugacheva, waited for the moment - and so he made a mistake, he was distracted for just a couple of seconds! We'll have to remove the old fool first! - Nagiyev wondered, quickly walking away from Pugacheva’s house. In his pocket was a return ticket to Kursk. The second attempt could have been more successful...

Pugachev was saved by a miracle

But Nagiyev was unable to visit Moscow again to realize his plans. Every time he came to the capital, he collected information about Alla Pugacheva bit by bit. I found out the circle of acquaintances, the daily routine, the list of tours. Without exaggeration, we can say that Alla Borisovna was saved by a miracle,” says Amir Sabitov, at that time deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Rostov Region. - Alla was young and beautiful back then, she didn’t expect any tricks or aggression from her fans. Nagiyev prepared the attack thoughtfully, with manic persistence. But the maniac did not have time to finish his main hunt. The authorities arrested him on charges of murdering four women on the Kharkov-Moscow train. In just one trip, Nagiyev raped, robbed and killed two conductors of this train and two passengers! He threw out the corpses as he went. He pierced a noticeable ring from one of the victims’ family jewels and took it to a pawnshop. ...On Moscow trains, the maniac sat next to lonely women and, unable to cope with his obsession, attacked them. “I saw Alla in each one,” he later told the opera. The detectives quite reasonably suspected Anatoly Nagiyev of committing more than forty (!) similar crimes. This was probably the fastest serial killer in Russian criminal history. Express Chikatilo. However, the investigation was able to firmly prove only the night massacre on the Kharkov-Moscow train. However, this was more than enough that on July 2, 1981, Anatoly Guseinovich Nagiyev, born in 1958, was sentenced to capital punishment by the Kursk court. Little is known about Nagiyev; he did not have his own biographers, like Chikatilo. Comes from a very poor family. Despite his short stature, he is devilishly strong. He was predicted to have a great future in weightlifting. I managed to train as a projectionist...

A cassette with Alla Borisovna's songs drove him crazy

At the age of 17, Tolya was caught raping him and was given six years. It’s an irony of fate, but it may be that if there had not been a prison term in the camp of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, this pathological craving for the singer would not have arisen in Nagiyev. In the meager music library of the camp radio room, the cassette with Pugacheva’s songs was almost the only one. They played it several times a day... Soon,” the maniac recalled, “I couldn’t think about anyone else, her voice sounded in my head even at night. The story of the hunt for the Soviet pop star did not appear in the court verdict. Nagiyev, having become frank, told the detectives himself. There is nothing strange in this: suicide bombers pour out their souls, not wanting to drag secret sins to the grave. What distinguished Anatoly Nagiyev from other death row prisoners was that even after the verdict, he remained calm and self-confident. Being placed in solitary confinement, he spent days doing push-ups and squats. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. Pulse is steady. We'll see you again, Alla... Nagiyev was taken to Novocherkassk to be shot. Death row prisoners from almost the entire European part of the country were often brought there for execution.

Escape from the other world

On the night of August 19, 1981, the train arrived at the Khotunok station (outskirts of Novocherkassk) with a great delay. The prisoners were moved from the carriage to the platform. The guards handed over the convoy from hand to hand to the employees of the Novocherkassk prison. The carriage was driven to a siding. A freight train rumbled along the vacated branch, picking up speed. And then Nagiyev, rushing off the platform, jumped in front of the train! Either the eternal Russian sloppiness lulled the vigilance of the guards, or the guardian demon helped Nagiyev - one way or another, he had a chance to escape. Upon arrival in Novocherkassk, no one bothered to look into his escort: Inclined to escape. Prone to attack. Nagiyev's hands were handcuffed in front, and not behind his back. On the way, having obtained a nail, he managed to free himself from the handcuffs. No one, even those on death row, would throw themselves under the wheels of a train. Because it's certain death. But Nagiyev believed that he was already in the next world. He took his chance.

Meeting a wedding is unfortunate

The next morning, the escape of the suicide bomber was reported to Shchelokov himself, the all-powerful Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The case was taken under special control. They gave three days to catch the fugitive. Operation Siren began in the Rostov region and surrounding areas. The outskirts of Novocherkassk were combed especially carefully. A lot of leaflets were posted around the city, and train stations were cordoned off. Disguised operatives were on duty on the trains. But the maniac disappeared into thin air. Almost a month has passed, many suggested stopping the search, says Ivan Zatsepin, deputy head of the regional criminal investigation department. - The search dog, which was used to comb the fields near the escape site, died from the heat. The people's strength was also running out. The headquarters that led the search for Nagiyev was located in the regional department of the Industrial District of Novocherkassk. At half past eight in the morning on September 29, the headquarters received a call from the Yanovo farm near the city. The vigilante called.

Driving past Yanov on a motorcycle, he was stopped by a local resident. A peasant noticed smoke coming from a haystack near his house. I decided: the boys are playing around. But no - a hole was dug in the haystack. Someone equipped a home for themselves. Inside are dishes, meager provisions, men's and women's clothing, and a homemade calendar. A piece of roofing felt on which someone marked the days. It began on August 19, the day of the escape. But the main thing: the vigilante told the police that quite recently a man with a gun had been seen near this stack. Zatsepin immediately contacted the prison and Rostov: he demanded that 10 dog handlers be sent immediately. The order was: carefully check every house, every barn. They were even ordered to look into the cesspools. People with weapons in their hands turned around in front of one and a half kilometers and began to descend from the mountain to the farm. And in Yanov they had a wedding, they walked like Cossacks - wide, noisy, drunk. And this wedding, oddly enough, helped the search. The tipsy men went outside to smoke and saw a gypsy woman walking towards them. Yes, it’s kind of strange: the shoulders are wide, the legs are strong, hairy. And it must be said that in the last month things have begun to disappear from farmers, which was not the case before. Either someone is rummaging in the cellars, or someone is stealing laundry from the line.

One of the smokers became enraged when he saw the gypsy: Oh, you!.. Picking up the hem, she began to run away in a completely unladylike manner. Things in the farmstead, as it later turned out, disappeared with Nagiyev’s light hand. And it was he who disguised himself as a gypsy, trying to get out of the encirclement in this guise. But, to my misfortune, I met with a wedding. The police caught up with Nagiyev at a pigsty on the outskirts of the farm. Seeing the sawn-off shotgun in the hands of the fugitive, they opened fire...

Zatsepin says: I’ll be honest, I was a little scared: was he shot? But I remembered Nagiyev’s special sign: Finding himself in an extreme situation, he becomes lost, his eyeballs begin to rotate. He lay unconscious, but his eyes were open. And that’s when I realized that they had shot him. I saw these rolling eyes. A terrible sight, I tell you. I will never forget these eyes.

Revived to be shot

In prison, a prison doctor was working on the body of a particularly dangerous repeat offender. He worked lazily, because with all the soul of a good man who had seen a lot, he wished this body a speedy death. Suffice it to say that the doctor scooped out the blood from Nagiyev’s stomach with an ordinary cut glass. Let this doctor remain nameless: it was not in his power to uphold the Hippocratic Oath while operating on a non-human. But Nagiyev survived. Moreover, the very next morning after non-sterile medical intervention, he opened his eyes. I saw a nurse next to me: Where am I? - In prison. -Will you help me escape? And a couple of days later he was transferred from the ward to a cell, where he again began his training. And, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, until his last minute he believed that he could get to Alla. The investigation into the escape was carried out as soon as possible. The sentence remained the same - capital punishment. He was carried out. Nagiyev was buried in a grave with an inventory number - there are no tombstones or nameplates on these. There was no such prisoner in Novocherkassk either before or after Nagiyev,” says Zatsepin. “Even experienced jailers considered him almost a fiend from hell.” One of his guards told me: I can’t be near him. He, alive, stinks of carrion.

Alla Borisovna had no idea about anything

Amir Pavlovich, why didn’t you tell Alla Borisovna about your miraculous deliverance from the maniac?

Soon after the execution of Nagiyev, she came to Rostov with a concert. At first my colleagues and I wanted to sneak behind the scenes and tell her this story, but then we changed our minds. Why frighten the star with those terrible stories? Our job is to catch criminals.


Anatoly Guseinovich Nagiev(January 26, Angarsk, Irkutsk region - October 28 or April 5, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet serial and mass killer who killed at least 6 women with extreme cruelty in 1979-1980. Received the nickname "Mad". He wanted to kill Alla Pugacheva.

Life before the murders[ | ]

Murders [ | ]

After his release, he worked in the village of Chikshino, Pechora District, Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On January 30, 1979, in the city of Pechora, he raped and killed a random acquaintance (Olga Demyanenko) in her apartment. On May 28 of the same year, he raped and killed a passenger on the train (Daria Kravchenko) on which he was traveling to Pechora, taking advantage of the fact that the carriage was almost empty. The body was hidden in the luggage compartment under the seat. According to one version, the maniac’s victim looked like Alla Pugacheva.

Soon he returned to the Kursk region. He got a job as a projectionist for a mobile film installation. Working conditions allowed Nagiyev to spend a lot of time outside his place of residence.

On July 4, 1980, in a half-empty carriage of the Moscow-Kharkov train, he raped and killed 4 women - 2 conductors (Derevianko and Zizyulina) and 2 passengers (Maria Lopatkina and Tatyana Kolesnikova). He threw the bodies of his victims out the window in the Orel area between the Steel Horse and Stanovoy Kolodez stations.

In addition, from November 1979 to September 1980 he committed more than 30 rapes in various localities of the USSR.

Arrest and trial [ | ]

On the day of the last murder, Nagiyev, with traces of blood on his clothes and a knife in his hand, was seen by a train electrician, but the maniac did not kill him. Detectives compiled a detailed list of things that Nagiyev took from his victims. Descriptions of the jewelry were sent to pawnshops and jewelry workshops in a number of cities in the USSR. The criminal gave the ring of one of the victims to his friend. He came with the ring to one of the jewelry workshops in Kursk, where it was identified. An acquaintance of the criminal told the operatives who gave him the ring. A search was carried out in Nagiyev’s mother’s house, during which his notebook with addresses in different localities of the USSR was found.

On September 12, 1980, Nagiyev was arrested in Dnepropetrovsk. Initially he was sent to the Oryol pre-trial detention center. A few months later he tried to escape, breaking his handcuffs and pushing his guards against each other, but was captured. Soon he was transferred to the Kursk pre-trial detention center under tighter security. After this, Nagiyev began to confess to his crimes, including those for which he was initially not suspected, for example, the first 2 murders. There is an assumption that there were more murders committed by him than could be proven. In addition, the maniac admitted that, while still serving his sentence, he wanted to kill Alla Pugacheva, and for this he traveled to Moscow several times.

On July 2, 1981, Nagiyev was sentenced by the Kursk Regional Court to an exceptional punishment - death by firing squad.

Escape, second arrest and execution[ | ]

At the beginning of August 1981, a message came about Nagiyev’s transfer to the Novocherkassk prison to carry out the death sentence. On August 19, 1981, upon arrival in Novocherkassk, he escaped again, managing to slip in front of a passing train.

Citizenship: Russia

In 1979, Alla Borisovna was already basking in the rays of well-deserved fame. Prima, the public's favorite, a star of the first magnitude! After another big concert, I arrived home and entered the entrance. A second later, a short, well-built guy walked in. The elevator, rumbling, opened its womb... “Young man! Who are you seeing?” - the stern concierge called from her nook. Pugacheva left - the guy stayed. "So who did you come to?" - the old woman repeated the question. The guy slowly turned to her. The concierge froze. She will remember this face forever: “His eyeballs were spinning like a Ferris wheel - from under the upper eyelid to the lower. He looked like a violent madman during an attack.” Without saying a word, the stranger jumped out of the entrance.

He spent several months tracking down Pugacheva, waited for the moment - and so he made a mistake, he was distracted for just a couple of seconds! "We'll have to get the old fool out first!" - Nagiyev wondered, quickly walking away from Pugacheva’s house. In his pocket was a return ticket to Kursk. The second attempt could have been more successful...

Pugachev was saved by a miracle

But Nagiyev was unable to visit Moscow again to realize his plans. Every time he came to the capital, he collected information about Alla Pugacheva bit by bit. I found out the circle of acquaintances, the daily routine, the list of tours. “Without exaggeration, we can say that Alla Borisovna was saved by a miracle,” says Amir Sabitov, at that time deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Rostov Region. “Alla was young then, beautiful, and did not expect tricks or aggression from her fans. Nagiyev prepared the attack thoughtfully, with manic persistence." But the maniac did not have time to finish his main hunt. The authorities arrested him on charges of murdering four women on the Kharkov-Moscow train. In just one trip, Nagiyev raped, robbed and killed two conductors of this train and two passengers! He threw out the corpses as he went. He pierced a noticeable ring from one of the victims’ family jewels and took it to a pawnshop. ...On Moscow trains, the maniac sat next to lonely women and, unable to cope with his obsession, attacked them. “I saw Alla in each one,” he later told the opera. The detectives quite reasonably suspected Anatoly Nagiyev of committing more than forty (!) similar crimes. This was probably the fastest serial killer in Russian criminal history. Express Chikatilo. However, the investigation was able to “rigidly” prove only the night massacre on the Kharkov-Moscow train. However, this was more than enough that on July 2, 1981, Anatoly Guseinovich Nagiyev, born in 1958, was sentenced to capital punishment by the Kursk court. Little is known about Nagiyev; he did not have his own biographers, like Chikatilo. Comes from a very poor family. Despite his short stature, he is devilishly strong. He was predicted to have a great future in weightlifting. I managed to train as a projectionist...

A cassette with Alla Borisovna's songs drove him crazy

At the age of 17, Tolya was caught raping him and was given six years. It’s an irony of fate, but it may be that if there had not been a prison term in the camp of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, this pathological craving for the singer would not have arisen in Nagiyev. In the meager music library of the camp radio room, the cassette with Pugacheva’s songs was almost the only one. They played it several times a day... “Soon,” the maniac recalled, “I couldn’t think about anyone else, her voice sounded in my head even at night.” The story of the hunt for the Soviet pop star did not appear in the court verdict. Nagiyev, having become frank, told the detectives himself. There is nothing strange in this: “suicide bombers” pour out their souls, not wanting to drag secret sins to the grave. What distinguished Anatoly Nagiyev from other “suicide bombers” was that even after the verdict, he remained calm and self-confident. Being placed in solitary confinement, he spent days doing push-ups and squats. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. Pulse is steady. We'll see you again, Alla... Nagiyev was taken to Novocherkassk to be shot. “Suicide bombers” were often brought there for “execution” from almost the entire European part of the country.

Escape from the other world

On the night of August 19, 1981, the train arrived at the Khotunok station (outskirts of Novocherkassk) with a great delay. The prisoners were moved from the carriage to the platform. The guards handed over the convoy from hand to hand to the employees of the Novocherkassk prison. The carriage was driven to a siding. A freight train rumbled along the vacated branch, picking up speed. And then Nagiyev, rushing off the platform, jumped in front of the train! Either the eternal Russian sloppiness lulled the vigilance of the guards, or the guardian demon helped Nagiyev - one way or another, he had a chance to escape. Upon arrival in Novocherkassk, no one bothered to look into his “escort room”: “Prone to escape. Prone to attack.” Nagiyev's hands were handcuffed in front, and not behind his back. On the way, having obtained a nail, he managed to free himself from the handcuffs. No one, even one of the suicide bombers, would throw himself under the wheels of a train. Because it's certain death. But Nagiyev believed that he was already in the next world. He took his chance.

Meeting a wedding is unfortunate

The next morning, the escape of the “suicide bomber” was reported to Shchelokov himself, the all-powerful Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The case was taken under special control. They gave three days to catch the fugitive. Operation Siren began in the Rostov region and surrounding areas. The outskirts of Novocherkassk were combed especially carefully. A lot of leaflets were posted around the city, and train stations were cordoned off. Disguised operatives were on duty on the trains. But the maniac disappeared into thin air. “Almost a month has passed, many suggested stopping the search,” says Ivan Zatsepin, deputy head of the regional criminal investigation department. “The search dog, with which they combed the fields near the escape site, died from the heat. The people’s strength was also running out.” The headquarters that led the search for Nagiyev was located in the regional department of the Industrial District of Novocherkassk. At half past eight in the morning on September 29, the headquarters received a call from the Yanovo farm near the city. The vigilante called.

Driving past Yanov on a motorcycle, he was stopped by a local resident. A peasant noticed smoke coming from a haystack near his house. I decided: the boys are playing around. But no - a hole was dug in the haystack. Someone equipped a home for themselves. Inside are dishes, meager provisions, men's and women's clothing, and a homemade calendar. A piece of roofing felt on which someone marked the days. It began on August 19, the day of the escape. But the main thing: the vigilante told the police that quite recently a man with a gun had been seen near this stack. Zatsepin immediately contacted the prison and Rostov: he demanded that 10 dog handlers be sent immediately. The order was: carefully check every house, every barn. They were even ordered to look into the cesspools. People with weapons in their hands turned around in front of one and a half kilometers and began to descend from the mountain to the farm. And in Yanov they had a wedding, they walked like Cossacks - wide, noisy, drunk. And this wedding, oddly enough, helped the search. The tipsy men went outside to smoke and saw a gypsy woman walking towards them. Yes, it’s kind of strange: the shoulders are wide, the legs are strong, hairy. And it must be said that in the last month things have begun to disappear from farmers, which was not the case before. Either someone is rummaging in the cellars, or someone is stealing laundry from the line.

One of the smokers became enraged when he saw the gypsy: “Oh, you!..” Picking up the hem, she began to run away in a completely unladylike manner. Things in the farmstead, as it later turned out, disappeared because of Nagiyev’s “light hand.” And it was he who disguised himself as a gypsy, trying to get out of the encirclement in this guise. But, to my misfortune, I met with a wedding. The police caught up with Nagiyev at a pigsty on the outskirts of the farm. Seeing the sawn-off shotgun in the hands of the fugitive, they opened fire...

Zatsepin says: “I’ll be honest, I was a little scared: was he shot? But I remembered Nagiyev’s special sign: “When he finds himself in an extreme situation, he gets lost, his eyeballs begin to rotate.” He lay unconscious, but his eyes were open. And then "Then I realized that he had been shot. I saw these rotating eyes. A terrible sight, I tell you. I will never forget these eyes."

Revived to be shot

In prison, a prison doctor was working on the body of a particularly dangerous repeat offender. He worked lazily, because with all the soul of a good man who had seen a lot, he wished this body a speedy death. Suffice it to say that the doctor scooped out the blood from Nagiyev’s stomach with an ordinary cut glass. Let this doctor remain nameless: it was not in his power to uphold the Hippocratic Oath while operating on a non-human. But Nagiyev survived. Moreover, the very next morning after the “unsterile” medical intervention, he opened his eyes. I saw a nurse next to me: “Where am I?” - "In prison". - "Will you help me escape?" And a couple of days later he was transferred from the ward to a cell, where he again began his training. And, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, until his last minute he believed that he could get to Alla. The investigation into the escape was carried out as soon as possible. The sentence remained the same - capital punishment. He was carried out. Nagiyev was buried in a grave with an inventory number - there are no tombstones or nameplates on these. “There was no such prisoner in Novocherkassk either before or after Nagiyev,” says Zatsepin. - “Even experienced jailers considered him almost a fiend from hell. One of his guards told me: “I can’t be near him. He, alive, stinks of carrion."

Alla Borisovna had no idea about anything

Amir Pavlovich, why didn’t you tell Alla Borisovna about your miraculous deliverance from the maniac? - I finally asked the detective.

Soon after the execution of Nagiyev, she came to Rostov with a concert. At first my colleagues and I wanted to sneak behind the scenes and tell her this story, but then we changed our minds. Why frighten the star with those terrible stories? Our job is to catch criminals.

, Irkutsk region

Anatoly Guseinovich Nagiev(January 26, Angarsk, Irkutsk region - October 28, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet serial killer who killed 6 people in 1979-1980. He killed with particular cruelty, which is why he received the nickname “Mad One.” He wanted to kill Alla Pugacheva.

Life before the murders

Born on January 26, 1958 in Angarsk. Soon the family with three children moved to the Kursk region and settled in Sudzha. In his youth, he was short in stature, which was only 157 centimeters, but he replaced this disadvantage with active sports, primarily athletic gymnastics. In 1975, he was first imprisoned for 6 years for rape. He served his sentence in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, but was released in 1978 for good behavior.


He committed his first murder in January 1979. The next murder was committed in the same year on May 28 on the Chikshino-Pechora train. According to one version, the victim of the killer was a woman similar to Alla Pugacheva.

The biggest murder was committed on July 4, 1980, on the Moscow-Kharkov train. His victims were 4 women: two conductors and two passengers.

Arrest, trial and execution

On September 12, 1980, Nagiyev was arrested in Dnepropetrovsk. A few months later he tried to escape, breaking the handcuffs and pushing the controllers together, but was captured by security and soon transferred to Kursk. On July 2, 1981, a year after his fourth murder, he was sentenced by the Kursk Regional Court to an exceptional punishment - death by firing squad.

At the beginning of August 1981, a message came about Nagiyev’s transfer to the Novocherkassk prison to carry out the death sentence. On August 19, 1981, upon arrival in Novocherkassk, he escaped again, managing to slip in front of a passing train. Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov was furious. He gave three weeks to catch the maniac, but it took him almost two months to catch him. Under the guise of a gypsy, he hid in one of the camps, but was soon discovered. When he was re-arrested, Nagiyev actively resisted and was wounded 15 times. Doctors barely managed to cure him. Nagiyev was sent to Novocherkassk prison, where he was shot in October 1981.

Reflection in culture

  • In 2010, based on Nagiyev’s story, a documentary film from the series “The Investigation Conducted...” was shot.
  • Documentary series "Legends of Soviet detective", series.
  • Nagiyev is mentioned in the documentary film “” (2010).
  • Some episodes of Nagiyev’s criminal biography were used by D. Koretsky in his work “Bring to Execution” when creating the image of a killer nicknamed “Boa Constrictor.”

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An excerpt characterizing Nagiyev, Anatoly Guseinovich

When Mikhail Ivanovich entered, there were tears in his eyes, memories of the time when he wrote what he was now reading. He took the letter from Mikhail Ivanovich’s hands, put it in his pocket, put away the papers and called Alpatych, who had been waiting for a long time.
On a piece of paper he wrote down what was needed in Smolensk, and he, walking around the room past Alpatych, who was waiting at the door, began to give orders.
- First, postal paper, do you hear, eight hundred, according to the sample; gold-edged... a sample, so that it will certainly be according to it; varnish, sealing wax - according to a note from Mikhail Ivanovich.
He walked around the room and looked at the memo.
“Then personally give the governor a letter about the recording.
Then they needed bolts for the doors of the new building, certainly of the style that the prince himself had invented. Then a binding box had to be ordered for storing the will.
Giving orders to Alpatych lasted more than two hours. The prince still did not let him go. He sat down, thought and, closing his eyes, dozed off. Alpatych stirred.
- Well, go, go; If you need anything, I will send it.
Alpatych left. The prince went back to the bureau, looked into it, touched his papers with his hand, locked it again and sat down at the table to write a letter to the governor.
It was already late when he stood up, sealing the letter. He wanted to sleep, but he knew that he would not fall asleep and that his worst thoughts came to him in bed. He called Tikhon and went with him through the rooms to tell him where to make his bed that night. He walked around, trying on every corner.
Everywhere he felt bad, but the worst thing was the familiar sofa in the office. This sofa was scary to him, probably because of the heavy thoughts that he changed his mind while lying on it. Nowhere was good, but the best place of all was the corner in the sofa behind the piano: he had never slept here before.
Tikhon brought the bed with the waiter and began to set it up.
- Not like that, not like that! - the prince shouted and moved it a quarter away from the corner, and then again closer.
“Well, I’ve finally done everything over, now I’ll rest,” the prince thought and allowed Tikhon to undress himself.
Frowning in annoyance from the efforts that had to be made to take off his caftan and trousers, the prince undressed, sank heavily onto the bed and seemed to be lost in thought, looking contemptuously at his yellow, withered legs. He didn’t think, but he hesitated in front of the difficulty ahead of him to lift those legs and move on the bed. “Oh, how hard it is! Oh, if only this work would end quickly, quickly, and you would let me go! - he thought. He pursed his lips and made this effort for the twentieth time and lay down. But as soon as he lay down, suddenly the whole bed moved evenly under him back and forth, as if breathing heavily and pushing. This happened to him almost every night. He opened his eyes that had closed.
- No peace, damned ones! - he growled with anger at someone. “Yes, yes, there was something else important, I saved something very important for myself in bed at night. Valves? No, that's what he said. No, there was something in the living room. Princess Marya was lying about something. Desalle—that fool—was saying something. There’s something in my pocket, I don’t remember.”
- Quiet! What did they talk about at dinner?
- About Prince Mikhail...
- Shut up, shut up. “The prince slammed his hand on the table. - Yes! I know, a letter from Prince Andrei. Princess Marya was reading. Desalles said something about Vitebsk. Now I'll read it.
He ordered the letter to be taken out of his pocket and a table with lemonade and a whitish candle to be moved to the bed, and, putting on his glasses, he began to read. It was only here in the silence of the night, in the faint light from under the green cap, that he, having read the letter, for the first time, for a moment, understood its meaning.
“The French are in Vitebsk, after four crossings they can be at Smolensk; maybe they’re already there.”
- Quiet! - Tikhon jumped up. - No, no, no, no! - he shouted.
He hid the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes. And he imagined the Danube, a bright afternoon, reeds, a Russian camp, and he enters, he, a young general, without one wrinkle on his face, cheerful, cheerful, ruddy, into Potemkin’s painted tent, and a burning feeling of envy for his favorite, just as strong, as then, worries him. And he remembers all the words that were said then at his first Meeting with Potemkin. And he imagines a short, fat woman with yellowness in her fat face - Mother Empress, her smiles, words when she greeted him for the first time, and he remembers her own face on the hearse and that clash with Zubov, which was then with her coffin for the right to approach her hand.

In 1979, Alla Borisovna was already basking in the rays of well-deserved fame. Prima, the public's favorite, a star of the first magnitude! After another big concert, I arrived home and entered the entrance. A second later, a short, well-built guy walked in. The elevator, rumbling, opened its womb... “Young man! Who are you seeing?” - the stern concierge called from her nook. Pugacheva left - the guy stayed. "So who did you come to?" - the old woman repeated the question. The guy slowly turned to her. The concierge froze. She will remember this face forever: “His eyeballs were spinning like a Ferris wheel - from under the upper eyelid to the lower. He looked like a violent madman during an attack.” Without saying a word, the stranger jumped out of the entrance.

He spent several months tracking down Pugacheva, waited for the moment - and so he made a mistake, he was distracted for just a couple of seconds! "We'll have to get the old fool out first!" - Nagiyev wondered, quickly walking away from Pugacheva’s house. In his pocket was a return ticket to Kursk. The second attempt could have been more successful...

Pugachev was saved by a miracle

But Nagiyev was unable to visit Moscow again to realize his plans. Every time he came to the capital, he collected information about Alla Pugacheva bit by bit. I found out the circle of acquaintances, the daily routine, the list of tours. “Without exaggeration, we can say that Alla Borisovna was saved by a miracle,” says Amir Sabitov, at that time deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Rostov Region. “Alla was young then, beautiful, and did not expect tricks or aggression from her fans. Nagiyev prepared the attack thoughtfully, with manic persistence." But the maniac did not have time to finish his main hunt. The authorities arrested him on charges of murdering four women on the Kharkov-Moscow train. In just one trip, Nagiyev raped, robbed and killed two conductors of this train and two passengers! He threw out the corpses as he went. He pierced a noticeable ring from one of the victims’ family jewels and took it to a pawnshop. ...On Moscow trains, the maniac sat next to lonely women and, unable to cope with his obsession, attacked them. “I saw Alla in each one,” he later told the opera. The detectives quite reasonably suspected Anatoly Nagiyev of committing more than forty (!) similar crimes. This was probably the fastest serial killer in Russian criminal history. Express Chikatilo. However, the investigation was able to “rigidly” prove only the night massacre on the Kharkov-Moscow train. However, this was more than enough that on July 2, 1981, Anatoly Guseinovich Nagiyev, born in 1958, was sentenced to capital punishment by the Kursk court. Little is known about Nagiyev; he did not have his own biographers, like Chikatilo. Comes from a very poor family. Despite his short stature, he is devilishly strong. He was predicted to have a great future in weightlifting. I managed to train as a projectionist...

A cassette with Alla Borisovna's songs drove him crazy

At the age of 17, Tolya was caught raping him and was given six years. It’s an irony of fate, but it may be that if there had not been a prison term in the camp of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, this pathological craving for the singer would not have arisen in Nagiyev. In the meager music library of the camp radio room, the cassette with Pugacheva’s songs was almost the only one. They played it several times a day... “Soon,” the maniac recalled, “I couldn’t think about anyone else, her voice sounded in my head even at night.” The story of the hunt for the Soviet pop star did not appear in the court verdict. Nagiyev, having become frank, told the detectives himself. There is nothing strange in this: “suicide bombers” pour out their souls, not wanting to drag secret sins to the grave. What distinguished Anatoly Nagiyev from other “suicide bombers” was that even after the verdict, he remained calm and self-confident. Being placed in solitary confinement, he spent days doing push-ups and squats. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. Pulse is steady. We'll see you again, Alla... Nagiyev was taken to Novocherkassk to be shot. “Suicide bombers” were often brought there for “execution” from almost the entire European part of the country.

Escape from the other world

On the night of August 19, 1981, the train arrived at the Khotunok station (outskirts of Novocherkassk) with a great delay. The prisoners were moved from the carriage to the platform. The guards handed over the convoy from hand to hand to the employees of the Novocherkassk prison. The carriage was driven to a siding. A freight train rumbled along the vacated branch, picking up speed. And then Nagiyev, rushing off the platform, jumped in front of the train! Either the eternal Russian sloppiness lulled the vigilance of the guards, or the guardian demon helped Nagiyev - one way or another, he had a chance to escape. Upon arrival in Novocherkassk, no one bothered to look into his “escort room”: “Prone to escape. Prone to attack.” Nagiyev's hands were handcuffed in front, and not behind his back. On the way, having obtained a nail, he managed to free himself from the handcuffs. No one, even one of the suicide bombers, would throw himself under the wheels of a train. Because it's certain death. But Nagiyev believed that he was already in the next world. He took his chance.

Meeting a wedding is unfortunate

The next morning, the escape of the “suicide bomber” was reported to Shchelokov himself, the all-powerful Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The case was taken under special control. They gave three days to catch the fugitive. Operation Siren began in the Rostov region and surrounding areas. The outskirts of Novocherkassk were combed especially carefully. A lot of leaflets were posted around the city, and train stations were cordoned off. Disguised operatives were on duty on the trains. But the maniac disappeared into thin air. “Almost a month has passed, many suggested stopping the search,” says Ivan Zatsepin, deputy head of the regional criminal investigation department. “The search dog, with which they combed the fields near the escape site, died from the heat. The people’s strength was also running out.” The headquarters that led the search for Nagiyev was located in the regional department of the Industrial District of Novocherkassk. At half past eight in the morning on September 29, the headquarters received a call from the Yanovo farm near the city. The vigilante called.

Driving past Yanov on a motorcycle, he was stopped by a local resident. A peasant noticed smoke coming from a haystack near his house. I decided: the boys are playing around. But no - a hole was dug in the haystack. Someone equipped a home for themselves. Inside are dishes, meager provisions, men's and women's clothing, and a homemade calendar. A piece of roofing felt on which someone marked the days. It began on August 19, the day of the escape. But the main thing: the vigilante told the police that quite recently a man with a gun had been seen near this stack. Zatsepin immediately contacted the prison and Rostov: he demanded that 10 dog handlers be sent immediately. The order was: carefully check every house, every barn. They were even ordered to look into the cesspools. People with weapons in their hands turned around in front of one and a half kilometers and began to descend from the mountain to the farm. And in Yanov they had a wedding, they walked like Cossacks - wide, noisy, drunk. And this wedding, oddly enough, helped the search. The tipsy men went outside to smoke and saw a gypsy woman walking towards them. Yes, it’s kind of strange: the shoulders are wide, the legs are strong, hairy. And it must be said that in the last month things have begun to disappear from farmers, which was not the case before. Either someone is rummaging in the cellars, or someone is stealing laundry from the line.

One of the smokers became enraged when he saw the gypsy: “Oh, you!..” Picking up the hem, she began to run away in a completely unladylike manner. Things in the farmstead, as it later turned out, disappeared because of Nagiyev’s “light hand.” And it was he who disguised himself as a gypsy, trying to get out of the encirclement in this guise. But, to my misfortune, I met with a wedding. The police caught up with Nagiyev at a pigsty on the outskirts of the farm. Seeing the sawn-off shotgun in the hands of the fugitive, they opened fire...

Zatsepin says: “I’ll be honest, I was a little scared: was he shot? But I remembered Nagiyev’s special sign: “When he finds himself in an extreme situation, he gets lost, his eyeballs begin to rotate.” He lay unconscious, but his eyes were open. And then "Then I realized that he had been shot. I saw these rotating eyes. A terrible sight, I tell you. I will never forget these eyes."

Revived to be shot

In prison, a prison doctor was working on the body of a particularly dangerous repeat offender. He worked lazily, because with all the soul of a good man who had seen a lot, he wished this body a speedy death. Suffice it to say that the doctor scooped out the blood from Nagiyev’s stomach with an ordinary cut glass. Let this doctor remain nameless: it was not in his power to uphold the Hippocratic Oath while operating on a non-human. But Nagiyev survived. Moreover, the very next morning after the “unsterile” medical intervention, he opened his eyes. I saw a nurse next to me: “Where am I?” - "In prison". - "Will you help me escape?" And a couple of days later he was transferred from the ward to a cell, where he again began his training. And, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, until his last minute he believed that he could get to Alla. The investigation into the escape was carried out as soon as possible. The sentence remained the same - capital punishment. He was carried out. Nagiyev was buried in a grave with an inventory number - there are no tombstones or nameplates on these. “There was no such prisoner in Novocherkassk either before or after Nagiyev,” says Zatsepin. - “Even experienced jailers considered him almost a fiend from hell. One of his guards told me: “I can’t be near him. He, alive, stinks of carrion."

Alla Borisovna had no idea about anything

Amir Pavlovich, why didn’t you tell Alla Borisovna about your miraculous deliverance from the maniac? - I finally asked the detective.

Soon after the execution of Nagiyev, she came to Rostov with a concert. At first my colleagues and I wanted to sneak behind the scenes and tell her this story, but then we changed our minds. Why frighten the star with those terrible stories? Our job is to catch criminals.
