How to celebrate a pirate's birthday. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! We're preparing a pirate-themed birthday party. Pirate party competitions

My eldest son turned 4 years old, we celebrated this day in pirate style, thanks for the ideas from SM, special thanks to Malika3, I took the script from her and even copied her pirate ship, I’m still an artist Children We were satisfied, and this is the most important assessment.
this is our birthday boy

This is how I decorated the table, although it’s not fully set yet

Pirates' ship

flags, both purchased and homemade

pirate rum - I put ROM labels on all the liquid

treasure chest, made by myself from a box

our cake is a ship, I baked it myself, I tried mastic for the first and last time, I won’t conduct any more experiments with mastic, it didn’t work out, there were a lot of crazy people, but the guests and the birthday boy were delighted, whoever does mastic - don’t throw your slippers, I wanted how better

our pirate squad))

I reworked the script to suit myself and here is the result

I don’t know how to add a video here, but I can give you a link to the contact, there is (if it’s not possible, moderators, I’ll remove it) part 1 and part 2


Pirate birthday script.
Stepa is 4 years old.
1. Scenario
2. Rope/tape
3. Inflated balloons
4. Long balls
5. Chest with note, lock, key
6. Bottle with a note
7. Song for charging
8. Envelopes with tasks
9. Skittles with ships glued on, balls to knock them down
10. Picture of a ship
11. Balls and buckets
12. Kinders – fish with a note
13. Images of animals
14. Parrot
15. Cards with letters K L Y V
16. Box for adults phantom (
17. Markers for everyone
18. Picture of a ship

You know that real pirates are brave, courageous and resourceful! I'll check now!
1) Walking on a tightrope (on the floor) – We check your balance, in case you won’t be able to sail on a ship and will fall all the time. You need to walk along a tightrope (spread a tape or rope). Place your feet strictly heel to toe!
2) Inflate the sail (move a ball from one side of the carpet to the other with air) - Lung power, and suddenly there is calm.
3) Make a saber from balls (ready-made long balls) - Courage and bravery. Can you fight like pirates? Show! (Hack to death the skeleton drawn on a piece of wallpaper)
4) “POPULATE A DESERT ISLAND” Draw faces on the balls

Who wants to find treasures?
Those who want to find treasure must undergo INITIATION INTO PIRATES:

I swear to be a real pirate!
Don't listen to mom and dad today. I swear!
Today, scream, jump, stomp, scream. I swear!
Today, eat too much sweets. I swear!

We raise the anchors, let's set off to the seas! We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
2. There is a menacing wave in the sea, Hurricanes and storms, Well, we are sailing somewhere...
Children: Because we are pirates!
3. We love all the animals. Inhabitants of the seas: Octopus, dolphins, stingrays...
Children: Because we are pirates!
4. We sharpened our knives, Those who didn’t hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
5. We’ll sail straight to the island, We’ll find treasures there! Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!

How are the pirates feeling?
Who's birthday is it today?
So let's have fun and play? (Yes!)
Raise your mood even higher! (Yes?)
Well, birthday boy, it's your day.
And we will not be lazy to congratulate you!
We wish you great happiness
And we shout loudly and loudly: CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh, I can't hear you,
Come on, louder, one more time!

Take the chest in your hands!

And today in honor of my birthday
We are starting a great sea adventure!
So that everyone is happy today
We're going on a treasure hunt!
(the pirate holds a chest in her hands and addresses the birthday boy):

So the Old Pirate gave you, my friend, a gift, but it turned out that the chest was locked, but first you need to find the key! And to find it, you need to complete the tasks of the Old Pirate, which are in the bottle.
Were you hoping to get the treasure so easily?
I safely hid the keys to the chest!
But I agree to give you, my friend, the key if you prove that you are worthy of the title
To do this you need to pass tests.
Do you agree? Then - GO! Assignments in envelopes!

Well, let's complete the tasks of the Old Pirate?

But in order to prove our dexterity, we need to stretch our body, let’s do some exercises
(play the song “Forward 4 steps”)

But before you look for the key, you need to become a real Pirate!!!

1 Envelope On a pirate schooner, agility is paramount. Sink the enemy ship!

We place several cardboard boats at some distance from the children and hold a competition: who can hit the most ships with a ball. Replace with skittles
2 envelope
You can only go sailing with a ship.
I wanted to show you what a beautiful ship I managed to recapture.
But the wind came, tore the photograph into pieces and scattered them in different directions.
There's only one piece left. Your task is to find the remaining fragments and assemble a ship from them!
A piece of a photograph falls out of the envelope along with the letter. The rest have to be looked for in the room. I printed out the ship, pasted it onto cardboard and cut it into 6 parts, 5 of which were hidden in “secret” places. We find all the pieces and assemble the ship. Mission accomplished!

3 envelope
Any pirate can throw cannonballs, now we will check it.
"Cannonball throwing"

I placed a wide bucket in the middle of the room and prepared several medium-sized balls. You can also play this game this way: one team member (an adult or a child) takes a bucket and uses it to catch the balls that the second team member throws.

4 Envelope.
The next task was eaten by a fish.
You need to catch a fish and get a leaf out of its belly.
One fish contains a piece of paper with a task.
The children popped the balloons. Pop fish with your butt.

Assignment: Pirates must be able to act as a team. Do a round dance and run 1 lap.

5 envelope
Moms or dads are given pictures with animals and objects known to them, and they show or voice the picture (as best they can, so that the child can recognize the image).

You completed all the tasks well and made it to the last test!

6 envelope

In the envelope you will find letters. Put them together into a word and you will find out where the key to the chest is hidden!
(the letter contains 4 letters: “Yu”, “L”, “K”, “V”. From them, children must put together the word “BEAKE”. When the word is guessed, all that remains is to find that very beak. To do this, you need to leave it in the room a toy parrot, in whose beak the very treasured key will stick out. The birthday boy takes it, is awarded a medal, etc. The children also open the chest. As gifts, you can put chocolate coins and medals, children's keychains, pens, notebooks, etc. .)
There's a letter in the chest
And for the most valuable treasures you will have to complete 1 more task!
dancing on deck! Pirate dances.

And now tasks for adults.
In a box (she covered the box with a napkin and coated it with varnish) notes
You can sing the song in different ways:
Scream loudly and sniffle quietly.
But don't whisper it or shout it,
And moo like a cow.
(Any song is selected and “mooed” to its tune.

I don't like to wrinkle my nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come on, come on, prove it
Show me how to laugh!

3 - show how girls put on makeup in the morning

You played well today
and, of course, tired!
Climb up the window
Give us a little food!

Make the whole crowd laugh
Do a belly dance!

To not be sad anymore
Top model to portray!

Come on, dear friend,
You sit down in the corner.
Don't be sad, don't cry,
And bark a little!

Jump across the room on one leg, wave your arms and shout - I AM A BUTTERFLY!))

Pretend to be an airplane and fly across the room with a buzzing sound!!

Show the skit “a prisoner in solitary confinement dances in a round dance”

Not a complicated phantom, you should know
About this, don’t go to a fortune teller,
And now name five things,
Necessary for fishing

You're lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right leg,
And holding my left leg with my hand,
Raise a toast in honor of the hero of the day.

You must drink without reserve
A glass for the birthday boy,
I'll let everyone line up in order
And dance the cancan together

Your forfeit: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone,
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Tell a poem!

Your phantom is successful, let's say in secret -
You must lift the weight many times!

Take a creative group photo.

When you decide to organize a child’s birthday or another, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. Of course, preparing costumes, invitations, menus and room decorations, and attributes for a pirate party is an important part of a successful holiday, as it sets the real pirate spirit. But a properly composed script will help ensure that the pirate sabbath is unforgettable and interesting.

Important tips for writing a children's pirate party script

The simplest solution would be to order a children's party service from a professional entertainment organization. Various program options, proven scenarios, the presence of specific props and a number of other advantages become decisive arguments in favor of this choice.

But. Who knows better than the parents the character of the child and his friends, his preferences and desires?

And even though organizing a children’s party is a troublesome task, you won’t find better directors and producers than a loving mom and dad.

The main thing is to take into account some features and the success of the venture is guaranteed. When choosing a script and competitions, consider the age of the kids. Entertainment that is interesting to preschoolers will make children over 10 years old smile. But complex quests, so beloved by older children, will be incomprehensible to kids.

Include too active competitions, games, as well as competitions related to the use of water paraphernalia in the scenario of a children's pirate party held on the street. Broken windows, dishes, stained carpets are not a very good result of the holiday.

Consider the character of children. Involve quiet people in competitions too. Don’t create a “one-player” holiday, no matter how much you might want to highlight your favorite among the sea gang.

Be fair in refereeing, do not play along with teams - children are sensitive to lies. Alternate active games with calm competitions, between which be sure to invite the children to the table for refreshments.

At the end of the holiday, you need to reward each participant, regardless of his activity. Children should have only positive memories after the celebration.

Holiday for children 2-3 years old

When choosing a script and competitions for a pirate party for children, take into account the young age of the kids.

The pirate holiday for children two to three years old involves the holding of calmer competitions that do not require solving logical problems.

They should not be associated with the implementation of rapid or precise actions.

Therefore, you will have to carefully consider the scenario and children's competitions for a pirate party outdoors or indoors for the youngest pirates.

Pirate race

Kids will have to make their own pirate ship and come up with a name for it. To do this, each participant in the regatta receives building materials in the form of walnuts, plasticine, toothpicks, and sail leaves.

Children 4–6 years old can easily cope with this task at a pirate party.

For children 2-3 years old - participants in a pirate party, you can prepare boats made of thick paper in advance.

When the schooners are ready, the speed competition begins. A basin filled with water will become the sea. Each pair of participants launches their boat into the water.

The goal is to quickly reach the opposite shore. To do this, kids blow into the sails without using their hands. The owner of the fastest yacht advances to the next round. The winners of the qualifying stages will participate in the final race.

Which child doesn’t like to make faces? It is impossible to win this competition without using your grimacing skills.

After all, you will have to get rid of the matchbox that is put on your nose without using your hands. It is difficult to complete such a task, but unforgettable photographs will remain as a memory.

Pirate puzzle

The principle of this distinction is based on the rules of the Puzzle game. Children will collect pirate pictures.

To do this, you can print out bright pictures depicting ships, chests filled with treasures, and sea shells.

Choose pictures that are clear and free of details that are too small or blurry.

We cut the finished drawing into asymmetrical parts. For children under 5 years old, cutting the sheet into 8-12 pieces will be enough.

For older children, you can make the task more difficult by cutting the image into smaller pieces. Each child receives their own set, and the winner will be the participant who completes the puzzle first.

Pirate party scenario for children 4, 5, 6 years old

Preschool children are still restless and fussy.

It's going to be quite an exciting event if you try to attract the attention of the kids and don't leave them any free time for pranks.

Active competitions, relay races and simple logical tasks are suitable for a children's birthday scenario in the style of a pirate party.

Hit the target

No, we will not shoot with bows or pistols.

We will need balls of different colors. Opponents receive 5 “shells”. The target to hit is a regular bucket or box.

Children try to throw their balls exactly at the target.

Of course, the player with the best result becomes the winner and participants in the next round. The most accurate sea wolves will fight in the finals.

Balloons will act as sea monsters. Appliqués, rope or paper tentacles will help make them more realistic.

Such a monster can only be defeated with darts.

The player is given three attempts to destroy one of the warriors of the army of sea reptiles. But the competition doesn't end there.

After all, inside the monster ball there is a message note. And only by completing the task written on it can you defeat the enemy.

Find the treasure

The competition involves searching for special treasures - chocolate coins.

They are hidden in secluded and most unexpected places.

Just limit your search. Otherwise, inquisitive treasure hunters will look both in the pan and under the toilet lid.

We turn on an incendiary melody and encourage the participants with distracting chants. The winning team will bring the most jewels in the allotted time.

If such a competition is held for children two to three years old, it is better to place balls, pebbles, and coins in a sandbox or in a basin with sand.

Let the little adventurers try to dig up the secret treasure.

An island for every pirate

We will need gymnastic hoops. There will be one less of them than the pirates participating in the competition.

While the music plays, sea wolves ply the ocean, running around the hoop islands. As soon as the music stops, the storm begins. So it's time for the pirates to dock.

Children jump into island hoops and start spinning them.

And the pirate who did not get shelter dies in the depths of the sea - he is eliminated from the competition. In the following stages, we remove one island at a time until one winning pirate remains.

These are no longer just pirates - these are experienced sailors who are familiar with grammar and know how to solve problems as a team.

Therefore, feel free to include quizzes, relay races and team competitions in the pirate holiday scenario for children 7–9 years old.

For children in this age category, you can already come up with a storyline. And since the main goal of the pirates is to find the treasure, then the entire program should be connected with its search.

We are preparing a map for a pirate party for children, which will indicate the pirates’ path to the treasure. You can draw it or print it ready-made.

Aging the card by dipping the paper in strong tea leaves or coffee. Burn and tear the edges of the secret message. Of course, such a guide will not be given to teams in its original form.

An evil pirate - one of the parents tears the message into pieces at the beginning of the party, and the kids' goal is to get all the lost pieces. And for this you need to go through difficult tests. And only the winners of the competition will be able to receive the coveted piece of the map.

Secret password

What's a secret without a password? The team, going on a dangerous journey, must clearly know the code phrase. But it's not that easy to do.

It is known only to one member of the team, and it cannot be said out loud or written on paper. Therefore, now the lucky one who knows the password - a code phrase (the child recognizes it from a folded leaf that he takes out of a vase) will have to resort to acting. With gestures and movements, the baby gives the team hints, based on which they must guess the password.

Dangerous reefs

Only experienced and brave sea wolves can overcome the terrible reefs. The teams face a difficult test.

They must take part in a relay race, which is essentially an obstacle course. Of course, to organize such a large-scale competition, space is needed.

Therefore, it is better to hold this competition not indoors, but during a pirate party for children on the street.

But, if desired, such a relay race can be divided into several independent competitions.

We create an obstacle course. First, the participant must get out of the bay - run around 8-10 pins arranged in a zigzag pattern. Dive into the depths of the sea - crawl under three or four chairs placed in a row or low-stretched ropes.

To pass the area with piranhas - walk along the board installed above the children's pool, infested with children's fish - “evil piranhas”.

Cross a narrow strait - run, get between tapes, ropes attached to stands or chairs. It is advisable to make the strait winding.

Get your opponents out of the way by knocking down the pins with tennis balls. The participant does not continue the relay race without completing this task. It may take 5 or 8 attempts. Therefore, stock up on balls in large quantities.

Get to the island over the bumps. For bumps, use A-5 sheets (half a landscape sheet). Decorate pieces of sushi with original designs in the form of turtles, shells, starfish, and seashells.

Place the leaves at a large distance, but not in a straight line. A child can step on a bump with only one foot. If a participant stumbles, he starts this stage of the relay over again.

At the end of the journey, an island awaits the brave sea wolf - the child must stand in the hoop, lift it up and, after removing it over his own head, put the hula hoop back in place.

Bring good news to the team. At the end of the obstacle course, place a flowerpot in which you place coins or black marks. It is this attribute that the participant must bring to his team when returning to the beginning of the sea route.

After this, the next team member sets sail. The winner of the relay race is the team that first overcomes all the hardships of the sea voyage.


Pirates who have sailed the seas for many days are well acquainted with both maritime terminology and the rules of pirate life. It's time to show off your knowledge. Children answer questions from the presenter, earning gold doubloons for their team for each correct answer.

  • The rudder of a ship is the steering wheel.
  • The favorite drink of pirates is rum.
  • Ship's kitchen - galley.
  • Jack Sparrow's ship is the Black Pearl.
  • The punishment for pirates who stole from their friends was to cut off their nose and ears.
  • Have a good voyage - seven feet under the keel.

Captains competition

Each captain receives a secret name that his opponent should not know. The nickname must be associated with any sea inhabitants: turtle, starfish, shark, stingray.

A picture of the prototype is attached to the back of the pirate leader.

The opponent's goal is to find out the opponent's name. But this is not so easy to do. After all, according to the terms of the competition, the captain is one-legged (children bend one leg at the knee and hold it with their hand).

Moving by jumping on one leg, the captains try to look behind the opponent’s back in order to be the first to see the clue.

Pirate party ideas for children over 10 years old

These experienced sailors spent more than one year away from their native shores. They can handle difficult tasks and are not afraid of dangerous trials.

Therefore, feel free to come up with intricate plots intertwined with logical riddles and puzzles for the scenario of a pirate-themed party for children over 10 years old.

The scenario should be like a quest, where one task for a pirate party for children logically leads into the next.

The purpose of the trip, of course, is to search for treasure. But on the way to the treasured treasures, no one canceled the songs, dances and entertainment. As a pirate, this will require finance.

Therefore, at the beginning of the party, we enter the holiday currency, which will be needed for the game for children “Pirates at the Holiday”. With the earned or won piastres - medals or coins - participants will be able to buy drinks in an impromptu bar and buy the missing pieces of the map.

A codeword

Children must solve a difficult puzzle. They receive props in the form of ice cubes, in which the clue pictures are frozen. The first letter of each image is part of the code word. For example, the helm is “bumblebee”, “tiger”, “snail”, “river”, “wolf”, “apricot”, “moon”. Or depicts a cipher code.

You can freeze the image of letters to compose an entire phrase. The teams must complete the task until the ice melts.

Climb into the bottle

The guys must unravel the secret word. To do this, they receive 5 bottles each containing scrolls with hint texts.

The first team to solve the mysterious message becomes the winner.

To avoid questions about the correctness of the answer, we write the word on the board and cover it with a curtain.

You can add any competitions and games to the pirate party scenario for children and adults, adapting them to the pirate theme. In addition to the script, ideas from will help you prepare a pirate holiday for children.

More than one generation of boys and girls has grown up reading novels and films about brave pirates. A pirate party for children is a great idea for New Year, school lights and birthdays. A filibuster atmosphere, a black flag on the “mast”, corsair costumes and an interesting scenario will make the holiday an exciting quest with a search for treasures and adventures for real “sea wolves”.

Children's party idea in pirate style

What could be more exciting than distant journeys, lost islands and mysterious treasures? A pirate party for a children's birthday is an opportunity to feel like a real sea robber from your favorite book. Boys love to imagine themselves in the role of the ironic Captain Jack Sparrow or one of Stevenson’s heroes: solving “ancient” cards, looking for mysterious chests, holding the helm and looking through a spyglass, standing on the deck with a parrot on his shoulder.

For young ladies, these stories are attractive not because of schooners and boarding battles, but because of romance, fearless corsairs and brave pirates in ancient dresses. A fun pirate birthday will not leave the birthday boy and his guests indifferent and will become a reason for pleasant memories for a long time. The parents' task is to create a marine setting and an atmosphere of exciting adventure.

Decorating for a pirate party

A child's pirate birthday party requires careful preparation. Real filibusters should have:

Pirate surroundings

It is advisable to hold a pirate children's birthday party outdoors: in nature, in the courtyard of a house, in a large room. Although it is not a problem to create an appropriate environment in the apartment:

  1. Make a makeshift deck out of the room. Install the steering wheel - it can be cut out of cardboard. Stretch the sails - to do this, drape the walls with fabric.
  2. To decorate the room, use items in a nautical style: nets, lifebuoys, anchors, garlands of flags, sailboats, shells. Don’t forget about the pirate flag: on a black cloth there is a white “Jolly Roger” (skull and crossbones).
  3. Cover the table with a tablecloth with nautical motifs. For serving, select themed items: signs, napkins, skewers.

Party Invitations

To prevent a party for children from becoming a “surprise” for their parents, warn them in advance that pirates are invited to the birthday party! Send “black marks” to your friends - postcards with the image of the Flying Dutchman, characters from Caribbean adventures, or hand-made cards with a pirate emblem.

Sample text of an invitation to a pirate party:

Dear friend! (Date and time) there will be a party for the bravest sea robbers in honor of my birthday. I'm waiting for you at the pirate party on board our schooner "Black Pearl", moored at (address of the event). Don't forget the suit! Thunderstorm of all seas (signature).

Pirate dress code

In practice, despite the announced dress code, many guests come to the party without suits. This is not a problem if you take care of pirate attributes for each invitee in advance. If the child is wearing regular clothes, give him any of the following items:

  • cocked hat;
  • bandana;
  • vest;
  • eye patch.

This way, none of the guests will be left without a suit! Pay special attention to the attire of the birthday boy. He is the main one at this holiday; the role of Captain suits him best. Ask your child which of the heroes of pirate stories he sees himself as, and get started. Buy a ready-made kit or put together a costume yourself: you will need a striped T-shirt, a camisole, high boots, a hat and a toy weapon. Think about your makeup: a mustache, beard, tattoos are indispensable attributes of a real sea wolf.

Pirate feast

The highlight of the program will undoubtedly be a cake in the shape of a sailboat or the Jolly Roger. You don’t have to make it to order: you can decorate homemade baked goods with mastic figures, designs made from colored glaze or paper attributes. Other dishes should also be decorated in a pirate theme:

  1. Make “Bold Corsair” hot dogs: cut an oblong bun in half, open it so that it looks like a boat, put a boiled sausage inside, place a skewer with a pirate flag in the shape of a sail on top.
  2. “Caribbean Octopus” dish: place mashed potatoes on plates, place an “octopus” on each mound - step back 2-3 centimeters from the top of the sausage (this will be the head) and make “tentacles” below, cutting the sausage lengthwise into several parts.
  3. Canapes “Pirate flag”: make small sandwiches from bread, cheese, fruit. Insert a skewer with a black flag into each one. You can decorate any dish in the same way.
  4. Sandwich “Pearl”. You will need round hamburger buns, boiled quail eggs, and some caviar. Cut each bun lengthwise, not all the way through, leaving a small gap between the halves on one side. Separate the edges of the bun and insert a toothpick between them. You will get an open sea shell. Place a quail egg inside and decorate with a few eggs - you have a delicious pearl!
  5. Drink "Pirate Cider". You will need cherry compote and Orchard clarified apple juice. Freeze the compote in ice trays, break the resulting pieces into small “rubies”. When pouring juice for children, add a handful of ice-cold “jewels” to each glass. Serve the drink with a nautical-style straw.

Now you are ready to receive guests! All that remains is to figure out how to entertain them to make the holiday unforgettable.

Scenario for a pirate birthday

Create a scenario for a pirate party based on the number of children, their age, the duration of the holiday and the territory at your disposal. You will definitely need a cheerful, artistic presenter - the leader of the sea robbers. This role can be taken on by one of the parents or acquaintances; if desired, invite an animator.

The host's task is to meet the guests and seat them at the table. Once everyone is assembled, the show begins!

Presenter, opening a bottle of children's champagne: “Dear pirates! Let's congratulate our Captain - the birthday boy and wish him a fair wind and seven feet under the keel! "

While the children are drinking lemonade, he exchanges the bottle for an empty one, in which a scroll can be seen: “Look what has now washed up on the shore! This is a pirate map!”

An aged scroll (it needs to be prepared in advance - draw a map, fray, stain, burn the edges) unfolds on the table: “Countless treasures are hidden here somewhere! Let's try to find them - let's go on an adventure!

To find the treasure, children need to collect the word they have in mind: “piasters”, “treasure”, etc. Further, the pirate scenario for children includes competitions, team games, quizzes, and searching for hidden things. It is advisable to mark each stage on the map so that the participants know where to go next and where to look for the next clue - the pirate mark. Eg:

  • "Ice Cave" - ​​refrigerator.
  • “Coral Bay” - bathroom.
  • “Jungle” - window sill with indoor plants.

Each step is accompanied by solving riddles and playing games. In the “jungle”, invite the pirates to play “Banana Grove”:

  1. stretch the rope between the walls of the room;
  2. attach bananas to the rope, and among them - plastic containers for chocolate eggs;
  3. containers may contain small prizes, task cards, notes with letters;
  4. children take turns, blindfolded, cutting off the object they come across, opening the task and completing it, the goal is to get all the letters for the password word;
  5. when the word is composed, there is a hint where to go next.

Let's say you encrypted the word "Cave" and the pirates are looking for it on the map. They go to the "Ice Cave" - ​​a refrigerator. To open the grotto, participants need to remember and take turns naming terms related to marine topics: ships, fauna, professions, etc. The most active ones get the right to create a code word from the collected black marks! Attach the letter cards to the refrigerator using magnets and let the pirates place them in the correct order. So, the resulting word will indicate that the treasure is hidden here. Treasure discovered!

Open the refrigerator - and there is a beautiful pirate cake and a box with gifts for each guest! Light the candles and solemnly place the frigate cake on the children's table. Now you can once again congratulate the birthday boy and start eating dessert.

To prevent children from getting bored, spice up intellectual competitions with dancing, outdoor games, jokes and funny pirate songs! Don’t forget to take photographs as a souvenir - you will enjoy looking at them with your child more than once.

Pirates are a favorite theme for many children, especially boys. That is why we wrote the script for a children's birthday party in a pirate style. In our scenario, everything is like a pirate: from the meeting near the house until the very end of the holiday. What is most important for pirates? Find the treasure! And we will also look for our treasure, and when we find it, we will definitely eat it. We have also made templates for you to design and decorate your home in a pirate style. So that everything is real and adult!

Children are greeted at the door by parents dressed as pirates.

You have arrived at your destination,
The adventure is about to begin!
But in order for you to get on deck,
The code word must be spoken!
(The child pronounces the word given in)

Now guess the riddle
And get a pirate's certificate.

Most likely, the children will not all come at once, so the riddles can be alternated.

1. It can be calm,
It happens the other way around.
But if you are brave,
Then its waves are not scary for you!

2. The ship is sailing on the sea.
Who will call him for me?

3. It flutters in the wind.
Whoever sees him gets scared.
Everyone immediately shouts: “Pirate!!”
After all, black is fluttering over the ship...

4. On the ship he is the most important,
He manages the team!
Everyone fears and respects him,
Well, what does everyone call him?

5. On the captain's shoulder.
A wonderful bird sits
It serves as a talisman for him,
He speaks like a human being.

6. The excitement began
They take the ship to…..

7. When the enemy is completely defeated,
Everyone is celebrating...

8. The waves are lashing, thunder has struck!
Erupted into the sea.....

After the children passed the test with riddles and received

, they are invited to go to the “deck of the ship” and present the captain (birthday boy) with presents (gifts) that they have been accepted into the team.
Also at this stage you can distribute ship ranks. To do this, they put pieces of paper with the following ranks into a black bag: boatswain, helmsman, navigator, cook, first mate, second mate, third mate, cabin boy (several possible), gunner, ship's doctor, carpenter - and then the children take turns pulling them out without looking a piece of paper, and what rank they received, they attach a badge with this “title”.
Once all the guests arrive, we can begin.

Captain's right hand (mother):
Well, well, here we have a team. Now you can safely set sail. But just before you start, you must definitely eat some food - don’t fight on an empty stomach!

The children sit down at the table. After a short snack, loud music turns on and Bluebeard (dad) runs in.

E-ho-ho and a bottle of cola!
I think you know me!
And if not, then head off!
I'm called Bluebeard!
And now I am you and your entire crew,
I'll board you!
Ahaha! Give up quickly
Or say goodbye to your lives!

The captain's right hand (mother) comes forward.

No, beard! You can't break us
And we are ready to defend our honor in competitions!

Blue Beard:
Well, competitions (scratching his beard) are great!
I will see your defeat personally!

Competitions are held.
1 Competition.
One of the children competes with Bluebeard.
2 chairs are placed. Basins (deep plates) with flour are placed on chairs. There is a prize at the bottom of the basin. You need to find a prize in a bowl of flour without using your hands.

2 competition.
One of the children with Bluebeard also competes.
Two chairs are also placed. There are plates on them. And on the plates there is chewing marmalade in the shape of worms.
Whoever eats his “worms” faster will win.

3 competition.
One of the children with a beard competes again.
You need to jump on one leg and with one eye closed from one chair to another and back. The first one to return to the starting position wins.

If desired, competitions can be repeated.

Blue Beard:
Okay, you fooled me! But, KARAMBA – you won’t see a treasure map! I will hide it so far away that it will never be found. HAHAHA!!! (runs away, but loses a small piece of the map).
On the back of the found piece is written:
To collect the whole map,
All its parts need to be found.
And if you're reading this,
So, you collect the card.
Here's the first tip for you:
This eye sees the map,
Everything is enough for you
Look into it.

(Children are looking for something to look through: a door peephole (a piece of map will be attached to the door peephole on the other side of the door), a spyglass (a piece of map will be inside or also attached to the outside.)

On the second piece of the map:

You're on the right track
We still need to find the third part.
She's hidden from everyone
But also in front of everyone.
Raise your eyes higher
And find a piece of this map!
(The piece is attached to the ceiling or somewhere high under the ceiling)

Third piece:

There's only one piece left
You need to find it on time.
But it won't be easy
It is hidden deep in the depths,
And at the same time he was under your nose,
More precisely under something else!
(the last piece of the map is hidden in the sofa where the guests were sitting)

When all the pieces are collected, the children put the map together. And the map shows the route to the treasure.
The route leads to the kitchen or some room where mom and dad have already lit the candles on the cake. The treasure will be the cake. The birthday boy blows out the candles, and then everyone returns to the table with the “treasure”.
Tea drinking follows. You can play some other games, fight with toy sabers, throw “cannonballs” (soft toy balls) at each other and just have a real pirate disco.

You can decorate your holiday with these templates.

The birthday of a boy who loves watching cartoons and movies about pirates can and even should be organized in a pirate style. Or maybe a girl will want a pirate birthday too. On this festive day, let the birthday boy or girl feel like a brave captain of a pirate ship, celebrating his birthday in the circle of pirate friends and crew members. The age of the birthday boy is 6-9 years.

Pirate birthday script designed to carry out home event. However, with desire and a little effort, the script can be adapted for a celebration in a cafe or in the courtyard of a house. Artists may be invited or clowns for children, rented life-size puppets, etc.

Pirate Birthday Invitations

Anything starts, including pirate birthday from invitations. It’s not difficult to make them: you can make invitations with your own hands or find pictures on the Internet, add text in Photoshop and print, and then reproduce. Invitations can be made in the shape of a ship, a pirate flag, a pirate tag, or a seashell. The pirate invitation text might look something like this:

Dear friend!

I invite you to a pirate party in honor of my birthday, which will take place on board the ship “Bold Corsair”, moored at (address of the birthday boy). I'm waiting for you (date and time of the holiday) in full dress. It will be fun!

Thunderstorm of the seas and oceans (name of the birthday boy).

Creating an entourage

We decorate one of the rooms (the one where the table will be set) as captain's cabin or deck of a pirate ship- at the birthday boy's choice.

Cabin. In this case, it will be enough to use for decoration all the marine accessories that you can find at home and in the store: shells, model boats, fish, corals, etc.

The cabin, of course, needs a porthole. To do this, you will need any round frame of sufficiently large diameter (for example, a plastic frame from an old round mirror). The frame can be painted in a color contrasting with the color of the wall. Then you will need to cut out a round “window” from paper and draw the seabed on it. However, you can buy a fairly large poster with a picture of a sea day or cheap photo wallpaper of the same theme and cut out a circle from them. Glue the image to the back of the round frame and hang the resulting porthole on the wall.

Deck. If the room will be the deck of a pirate ship, you will need a steering wheel - drawn on paper or made of cardboard. From white tulle you can create drapery-sails. In addition, you can use lifebuoys, anchors, ropes, toy fish, a spyglass, and binoculars in the decor.

Both the captain's cabin and the deck should be decorated with a pirate flag. To do this you will need a piece of black fabric. Using white fabric paint, you can paint a smiling face on it and write “Pirate’s Birthday.” A garland of paper flags would also be an excellent decoration.

It is worth using a table setting in a marine style: use a blue tablecloth or a white one with blue stripes. It would be great if you could buy shell-shaped plates.

The finishing touch will be the sounds of the sea surf flowing from the speakers.

Dress code

Of course, the kids, having received a themed invitation, will most likely get ready and dress like a pirate. But there is no guarantee of this, so you need to prepare pirate clothing items for guests and at the entrance offer them a choice of a pirate hat, bandana, eye patch, ear clip, etc.

Progress of the event:

When all the guests have gathered, the captain of the pirate ship will invite them to the table. The host of the holiday in the image of, for example, Jack Sparrow will offer to drink children's champagne for the captain's health. Champagne, by the way, was thrown out of the sea by a wave this morning. Very useful, considering that today is our holiday.

Appetizers and salads can be served at this time. Having poured the champagne and said a toast, the host will leave to “throw the bottle into the sea,” but upon leaving the room, he will immediately replace it with another one, prepared in advance. After this, the presenter will immediately return to the room and exclaim in surprise: “Pirates! Look: there is some kind of note in the bottle - how come I didn’t notice it right away?” The note should look old - yellowed, with frayed edges. The presenter will take out the note and read out the contents:

My name is Klaus One-Armed. The old pirate One-Eyed Jack, having drunk ale, told me that countless treasures were hidden on the island of Sweetland. I gathered a team and went on a trip. A month later we landed on the shore of the island. We searched for treasure for a very long time, dug up the entire island, explored all the caves, dived to the bottom of the lake, climbed the mountains, but we never found anything. We ran out of food, and nothing grew on the island except bananas. We were forced to return, but on the way home we encountered a strong storm and the ship crashed. We swam to a small island in the Caribbean Sea and now we will never know what treasures were hidden on the island of Sweetland. If you find this note, set sail and find treasure, please send me an SMS to 8131313. I really want to know what kind of treasure is hidden on the island. Sincerely, the storm of the Caribbean pirate Klaus One-Armed. Fair wind to you, colleagues!

P.S. A map of the island of Sweetland is attached.

Children look at the map (it can be written on the back of the note). The map of Sweetland Island is actually a map of the apartment or house where the holiday is held. The following places should be shown on the map:

  • Valley of Wisdom(desk of the birthday boy)
  • Coral Bay(bathroom)
  • banana grove(kitchen)
  • Cave entrance(hallway)
  • Jungle(indoor plants on the windowsill in a fairly spacious room)
  • Sleepy Hollow(sofa)
  • Glacier(fridge)

Of course, you need to depict these objects artistically, drawing real valleys, bays and groves. Make the appropriate signatures and, of course, arrange the objects exactly as they are located in the apartment. It is possible and even necessary to include some other places on the map for variety and confusion. For example: volcano (slab), waterfall (washbasin), Mount “Sportivnaya” (sports corner), bridge (corridor), plateau (balcony), etc.

Near the Valley of Wisdom on the map there is number 1. The pirates conclude that they need to start their search for treasure from this place. After light snacks, the host invites the young pirates to go on a journey.

Path to the island. This moment can also be played out without leaving the table. The captain says loudly: “Raise the sails! Full speed ahead! At this point, you can turn on a fan aimed at the sails to make them flutter.

It would be great if you could record a short video and display it on the screen so that children, looking at TV, would imagine that they are sailing to the island of Sweetland. The sounds of the blowing wind will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere. In the video you can use footage of movement on the sea and approaching an island. When the island appears, the presenter will stop the video and say that the ship has docked at Sweetland Island. “Having arrived on the island,” the children head towards the Valley of Wisdom, although first, of course, they need to understand what is meant by this geographical feature.

Stage 1: Valley of Wisdom. When the children approach the table, the leader suggests that they need to find something - maybe some kind of sign, mark or note. Children find a long sheet of paper rolled into a tube on which sea riddles are written. The host reads the riddles, the pirates guess. When the riddles are solved, the presenter reads the note under the riddles: “ Now that all the riddles have been solved, you can move on. Next stage – Coral Bay ».

Riddles about the sea and sea creatures for a pirate's birthday:

1. For her, a wave is a swing,

And she floats without a goal

From nowhere to nowhere

Everything is as clear as water.


2. Two brothers

They look into the water

They will never meet.


3. Which of the sea inhabitants blushes when they see lunch? (Squid)

4. Which sea inhabitants have a mouth on their belly? (Shark)

5. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Salty sea)

6. A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain of water. (Whale)

7. What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

8. I grew up in the forest, in silent silence,

Now I am carrying you along the blue wave.


9. A head with four legs lives between the stones.

10. She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks.

11. In calm weather we are nowhere,

And the wind blows - we run on the water.


12. If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run into the distance.

13. The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness,

And he signals to the ships: come visit us!


14. Don't you know me? I live at the bottom of the sea.

A head and eight legs, that’s all I am...


15. To a strong wave

Couldn't move us from our place,

We throw the chain overboard

And we lower it into the water...


16. To see me in the distance

As the ships sail by,

I'll take a quick look at it

And I’ll tell all the guys.


17. I can see the evil one through binoculars

And I'll report to the captain.

They know everything perfectly -

It's dangerous to play with her:

Teeth sharp as a knife

You better not touch her!


18. What will happen to the ball if it falls into the Red Sea? (The ball will get wet)

Stage 2: Coral Bay. The children find a note on the bathroom door. It says that you need to pass a test for knowledge of maritime terms - in other words, you need to remember and name at least 30 words related to the sea and pirates. Children remember and name words. When 30 words have been named, the presenter will invite the children to find something else that will help them decide on the next point on the route. Looking into the bathroom, the children see a banana painted on the wall. Where should we go? Children must guess that the next point is a banana grove.

Stage 3: Banana Grove. In the kitchen you need to stretch the rope from wall to wall and secure it. Hang bananas and numerous boxes on threads from a rope (plastic containers for chocolate eggs will also work). Some of them are empty, some contain jelly beans, and some have black pirate marks. There is a note hanging on a thread there.

First, the children need to cut off the note. It gives a task - to find (that is, cut off) 6 pirate marks. There is one letter on each label. Having collected all the marks, you need to put the letters together into a word - and then it will become clear where to go next. Children cut off the boxes and check what's inside. When all the marks are collected, the word p-e-sh-e-r-a is formed. Next, after studying the map, the pirates conclude that they need to go to the entrance to the cave.

Stage 4: Entrance to the cave. The note is hidden in a black box with a mark. The box is in a visible place. The children take out the note and realize that it has been cut into pieces. First you need to assemble it like a puzzle and read the contents.

The note says: “It is impossible to enter the cave, as it is guarded by bats. First, find 10 bats, put them in a bag, and then look into the cave."

Children look for 10 bats in the hallway and put them in a bag lying right there. Bats can be very different: paper, soft, plastic, etc. When all the hidden bats have been found, the presenter will offer to look into the cave (the cave could be an entrance or a large closet), where in the most visible place lies a sheet of paper with a picture of a palm tree. Children look at the map and understand: the palm tree symbolizes the jungle.

Stage 5: Jungle. Jungles are indoor plants collected in one place. On one of them there is a note: “Coconuts grow on palm trees. When they fall, the coconuts break. Don't let them break. Catch 10 falling coconuts."

Near the plants there is a basket with small balls. The host explains how to play. Children take turns trying to throw the ball into a basket standing at a certain distance (at least 2 m). When 10 balls are in the basket, the presenter will ask you to carefully examine all the coconuts and find the letters on them. Three balls each have one letter, from which children must form the word “Dream”. It is concluded that the next point on the route is Sleepy Hollow.

Stage 6: Sleepy Hollow. On the sofa there are skittles (or a bag of empty plastic bottles with pirate marks instead of labels) and a scarf (scarf, blindfold, etc.).

Under the pins is a note: “Everyone falls asleep in Sleepy Hollow: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the ravine in a sleeping state, but they failed. Will you be able to pass through the ravine in a sleeping state and come out of it safe and sound?”

The leader places the pins as the border of a winding path. Children take turns trying to walk along this path blindfolded without knocking over a single pin. Anyone can play. When at least someone manages to pass without hitting the pin, you can start looking for the mark. Somewhere near the sofa you need to hide a paper snowflake with a pirate mark. After finding a snowflake, children will conclude that the next destination is a glacier.

7th and final stage: Glacier. A glacier is a refrigerator. Leaves with letters hang on magnets on the refrigerator. The presenter says that you probably need to put the letters together into a word. Children form the word “Treasures”. After this, you can look into the refrigerator. And here are the treasures! The treasure is a large beautiful cake, decorated in a pirate style, and a box of gold (with chocolate coins in a gold foil wrapper).

Leading: « What a success! We found a treasure that dozens of the best pirates had tried to find before us. But only you - the most dexterous, smart and courageous - succeeded! And what luck that the treasure is a cake! This is so opportune, because today is our captain’s birthday! Shall we go celebrate?

The cake is placed in the center of the festive table, the children eat it hot. At this time, the presenter sends an SMS from his mobile phone to the pirate Klaus One-Armed and soon receives an answer: “Congratulations to the pirate (name of the birthday boy) on his birthday and on the treasure found. Now (name of the birthday boy) and his glorious team have become a thunderstorm for all seas and oceans! You are our idols!” Of course, the SMS will be sent to the phone of one of your loved ones, and he must immediately send a prepared response. The SMS should be read by the birthday boy and his guests so that the adventures seem even more real to them. After the hot meal you can play.

Pirate birthday: games, competitions, entertainment

Table card game "Thunderstorm of the Seas". Pirates love to play cards! You need to prepare cards in advance of the same size with different images on one side and with the same backs. There should be a total of 6 cards for each player. Images on cards:

  • Pirate mark
  • Neptune (defeats everyone except Shrimp)
  • Mermaid (defeats everyone except Neptune)
  • Shark (defeats fish and shrimp)
  • Fish (defeats shrimp)
  • Shrimp (only Neptune wins - “Neptune ate too much shrimp and got a stomach ache”)

For ten cards with shrimp, you need 7 cards with fish, 5 with sharks, 3 with a mermaid, 2 with Neptune and 1 with a pirate mark. The cards are shuffled and placed in stacks of six, face down, near each player.

Rules of the game: The birthday boy begins his turn. He takes the top card from his pile and turns it over. The player on the left also takes the top card from his pile and turns it over. Depending on the image, it is determined whose card won. The one whose card won takes both cards for himself and places them next to him in a second pile, face down. Next, the player who was to the left of the birthday boy takes the top card from the first pile and shows it to the player to his left. He raises his top card and again the participants determine whose card won.

If the cards are the same, everyone keeps their own card, but places it face down on top of the second pile. When a player runs out of the first pile, he begins to take cards from the second, and puts the newly earned cards into a new pile. And so the game goes in circles. If you get a black mark, you're lucky! If a player takes a card from his pile and it turns out to be a pirate mark, all players must give him one of their cards lying on top of the pile. When five to ten laps have passed, you can ask the players to count the cards they have. The one or those with the most cards wins.

Game "Diving to the Bottom". You can simply blindfold the players, or you can take underwater goggles or a mask and cover the glass with something so that nothing can be seen through it. You will also need various marine-related items: plastic fish, shells, pebbles, a small anchor, etc. and so on. All this can lie in a bag in the hands of the presenter. Children do not see objects in advance. The player is put on a mask, placed one of the objects on the floor and asked to find and guess it. The player, kneeling down, looks for an object on the floor by touch, and then guesses by touch what it is. Each successful “diver” is entitled to some kind of prize.

Game "Navy style pasta". Props: large forks and long ropes. Several participants are called. Each person is given a fork and a rope. Whoever winds the pasta (rope) around the fork the fastest wins.

Dance game "Captain's Teams". Boys don't really like to dance, but you can entice them with a dance game. Children stand in a circle and dance. It is better to choose songs about the sea. The captain (in this case, the leading Jack Sparrow will be the captain) gives orders - not in order, but as necessary. The guys must complete them immediately.


Left hand drive!– everyone must turn to the left and continue dancing;
Right steering wheel!– everyone must turn to the right and continue dancing;
Nose!– the circle of dancers narrows (converges to the center);
Stern!– the circle, on the contrary, expands;
Raise the sails!– everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;
Scrub the deck!– everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;
Cannonball!- everyone squats;
The admiral is on board!- everyone stands at attention and gives

First you need to introduce children to commands and explain how to respond to them. Then you should practice a little, and after that start playing. Those who didn’t figure it out and executed the command incorrectly are eliminated. There is no need to give frequent commands - let the boys dance!

The final part of the birthday party in pirate style

Next is dessert, that is, eating treasures. Then the children themselves will find something to do. You can invite them to sing a little pirate songs karaoke, but with your own lyrics (they must first be printed in several copies).

The song “We are pirates, devils” based on the song “We are bandito, gangsterito”

We are pirates, devils,

We are industrialists at sea.

We are not afraid of storms,

And we decorated the wave!

Our sea is rich in treasures -

many davanto values,

And for this we are recognized

Kings in oceanto.

We are pirates, we are rich

And we fired from the cannons.

Islands we find

And treasures berito.

We are pirate appetit -

All the treasures have been eaten!

And for this we are nicknamed

obzhiranto in oceanto!

The song “We are pirates” based on the song “Chunga-Changa”

We are pirates - we are a brave people!

We are pirates - at sea all year round!

We are pirates - we have fun!

We are pirates - we sing songs!

Our ship, our ship

The best in the ocean

The best in the ocean

our ship!

Our life is full of courage,

We are not afraid of boarding,

And even the big kernels

We are not afraid!

We are pirates - we have sabers,

We are pirates - we have countless weapons,

We are pirates - we will not do harm,

We are pirates - if we find the treasure.

Our ship, our ship

The strongest and most reliable

The strongest and most reliable

our ship.

We are not afraid of doodles,

Enormous sharks,

We don't shout guards,

We are pirates!

We are pirates - it's time to go again,

We are pirates - to weigh anchor.

We are pirates - we are going on a voyage,

We are pirates - we will find treasures!

Our ship, our ship

The fastest and most agile

The fastest and most agile

our ship.

We are not afraid of trade winds

And the enemies of their pirates

We will protect you from all attacks

Our ship.

Well, at the end the host will bring out a large black box, and in the box there are bonbonnieres (small boxes) with gifts for each guest. You can put small shell souvenirs, a pirate mark and sweets in the bonbonnieres.

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