What does fly agaric tincture treat? Fly agaric tincture for joints. Fly agaric tincture against cancer. Application and treatment of propolis, its beneficial properties Pine nut tincture

Homemade medicinal tinctures based on medical alcohol, or better yet, high-quality alcohol, are an excellent alternative pharmaceutical drugs. First of all, because you know exactly what is in your bottle.

All you need is hand-assembled medicinal plants. Moreover, away from noisy highways, in an environmentally friendly place, properly dried (in some cases, the raw materials need to be infused freshly collected). And, of course, moonshine with the “heads” and “tails” cut off.

Admission rules

If you study the materials on this page, you will be convinced that good moonshine up to 80% no worse than medical alcohol. And if you are going to make a tincture for use not in drops, but in glasses, then moonshine is better than alcohol.

Remember! When using medicinal tinctures to improve the health of the body (if the prescription allows it), you should not exceed a single dose of 30-40 ml., and the frequency of treatment should not exceed 3 times a day.

In order to get rid of diseases, it is recommended to drink many tinctures in drops. Take this into account and do not exceed the dose!

How to do it at home?

In addition, there are many recipes simultaneously healing and tasty tinctures, which will help support the immune system, calm the nerves, cleanse blood vessels and increase their elasticity. These include tinctures, mint, elderberry, and many more herbs and fruits. This “potion” is served in in moderation in warm company, savoring and enjoying.

From the proposed articles you will learn what diseases are treated by certain tinctures, how to prepare them correctly, how much to infuse, and what scheme to use. Check out interesting alcohol tinctures that are good for health and help get rid of various diseases. For example, how to make tequila from ordinary aloe from the windowsill, prepare it, which will be better and healthier than store-bought, or make it for your health.

No matter how much they talk about the dangers of alcohol, there are facts that cannot be denied. Alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks (including moonshine and), “select” the most useful substances from plant materials much better than a decoction or infusion of water. And also - they “preserve” the resulting healing substance, preventing it from losing the properties necessary for healing for a long time, a striking example is with vodka or alcohol!

Study our materials, learn to prepare your own medicinal products, and use them wisely! Necessarily read the contraindications, which are indicated in each article of the section. Don't forget about consultation with a doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis!

Propolis tincture is one of the simple, relatively safe, and most importantly, affordable drugs that effectively treat many diseases. Its timely use prevents the development of various ailments, eliminating the need to purchase expensive medications.

For adults, the tincture is suitable for internal and external use; for children, this form of the drug is used treat exclusively the skin and mucous membranes. Thanks to this remedy, the collection of traditional healing methods has been replenished with many simple but effective health recipes.

A few words about propolis

Propolis is a completely natural substance that is a beekeeping product. It has a specific, bitter taste and pleasant aroma. Usually the resinous substance has a dark brown tint, but it can also be yellow. Bees use it as glue, sealing hive cracks and insulating necessary objects. Hive residents use propolis to disinfect uninvited visitors and then mummify them.

When beekeepers finish collecting honey, they start collecting bee glue, clearing it from the honeycombs and walls with a special tool. At first, the soft substance gradually hardens, becoming akin to dark rosin. When producing tinctures, water, alcohol or oil are used as a basis. The composition of the natural drug is unique in its combination of beneficial substances and components. The popularity of the drug is due to its gentle, comprehensive assistance to the body in the absence of serious side effects. The success of treatment is guaranteed if the patient fulfills the main condition - compliance with the dosage.

Chemical composition

The components of propolis are determined by the breed of bees and the natural and climatic conditions of the area where the honey was collected. The medicinal value of the resinous substance is difficult to overestimate, because organic compounds of the product include:

Propolis: application features

The honey product provides:

Due to its medicinal benefits, it is of interest and value for traditional medicine, folk healing, and cosmetology. Propolis is sterile, prevents the growth of infectious agents, the spread of viruses and destroys toxins released during cell decay. With it, the cell structure regenerates several times faster, stimulating wound healing.

Important! Possessing bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties, this substance has a negative effect, reducing the level of activity of most pathogenic microorganisms. When foreign cells are destroyed and removed, the state of the local microflora remains intact.

Long-term use of propolis-containing products eliminates the possibility of microorganism resistance. The explanation for this is simple. The process of obtaining a bond involves collection of plant resins. All plants are different, having a specific set of properties. As a result, the substance receives protective properties belonging to many different plants. This does not leave microorganisms a chance to develop adaptation mechanisms to it.

Alcohol tincture of propolis

An obligatory component of propolis tincture is alcohol. The name is explained by the specifics of the manufacturing process - “soaked” propolis is infused for a certain time, excluding heat treatment. The substance is distinguished by its initial density; heating gives it softness. To soak the hard substance alcohol-containing solutions are required, with the help of which the extraction of useful components reaches the maximum possible.

Interesting! Heat treatment of propolis eliminates the loss of its valuable qualities. This is especially true when the method of use involves pre-boiling it or heating it in a water bath.

Propolis tincture for various ailments

The methods of using the tincture are quite varied; the medicinal value of the drug has been proven for pathological conditions of varying degrees of severity. Propolis tincture with alcohol effectively used in the treatment of:

Propolis drops

The anesthetic properties of propolis-containing products have been successfully used for diseases and oral hygiene. The antimicrobial level of activity of the substance increases when interacting with gram-positive bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Propolis drops in a certain way facilitate the course of caries and the formation of ulcerative foci of the oral mucosa.

The drops act as a powerful antioxidant, which is used to reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology. They are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Propolis drops can be used externally and internally. They are able to resist various infections that affect the respiratory and digestive organs, and with the help of the drug they treat diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.

Propolis drops for weakened immunity

Propolis drops have antioxidant properties, therefore their healing composition is indispensable for a weakened immune system. The combination of antibacterial and antiviral effects of drops prevents the development of many infections. Taking the drug provides the body with protection by neutralizing free radicals and toxic compounds. For this purpose, its internal use is recommended.

The use of propolis drops is excellent for treating chronic sinusitis, rhinitis and eliminating the symptoms of a stuffy nose. Due to its antibacterial and antiviral effects, the natural drug has proven itself in the fight against respiratory tract infections. Pharmacies offer propolis containing products in the form of nasal sprays, which is very convenient, since they are injected into the nasal cavity itself.

Propolis drops are easy to prepare yourself. During a seasonal flu epidemic, when you have a runny nose or difficulty breathing due to a clogged nose, they are added to drinks - tea, milk and water. The dosage is 20–30 drops.

The use of propolis drops in the treatment of children

The effect of propolis drops is safe for children. The dosage is determined by the pediatrician. As for general recommendations for the use of the drug, it cannot be used for medicinal purposes for children under two years old. In most cases of respiratory infections and other common childhood viral diseases, treatment with drops gives positive dynamics.

Recipe for making your own propolis drops

You will need 10 grams of propolis, 100 ml of 70% alcohol and glassware. Pre-crushed propolis is poured with alcohol, the container is tightly closed and infused for a week. The contents must not be touched for two or three days. And then every day until the expiration of the aging period, the container is shaken. After seven days, the contents are filtered. The drops are ready for use.

Methods of using propolis tincture

Method of taking the tincture propolis may vary depending on the disease, the presence of complications and the concentration of the drug itself.

Important! A course of treatment is about a month. You should remember about the possibility of developing allergies when taking propolis-based products, so initial doses should be small. Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of itching, redness, swelling, skin rashes, shortness of breath, general weakness, headache, and fever.

Propolis tincture: health recipes

The given recipes assume the use of 10% propolis tincture. Due to its low concentration, the risk of side effects from taking it is reduced to zero.

Rinse composition

For throat diseases, brew chamomile with sage and St. John's wort. The composition is allowed to brew and 30 drops of the drug are added to it. To gargle throughout the day you will need to make 5-6 passes.

For inflammation and bleeding gums. Propolis tincture has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, helps relieve inflammation and bleeding. The composition for rinsing the mouth is prepared at the rate of one teaspoon per half glass of water.

The same solution is used in the treatment of stomatitis and focal lesions of the oral mucosa.

Treatment of the integumentary system

  • Purulent inflammation of the middle ear. I clean out purulent discharge from my ear. Prepared gauze bundles are soaked in tincture and then inserted into the ear canals. They are changed after 20 minutes. To relieve the inflammatory process in the treatment of otitis media, two drops of the drug are instilled into both ear canals.
  • Psoriasis, eczema, purulent skin inflammation, ulcers, bedsores. Compresses using a concentrated 20% tincture are applied to the affected areas.
  • Herpetic rashes. The affected area is lubricated with an undiluted tincture solution. To prevent the spread of the virus, the procedure is repeated several times a day. If bubbles form, using the tincture will speed up the healing process.
  • Fungal infection of nails. You will need a concentrated solution of 20% tincture. Cotton pads soaked in the medicinal composition are applied to the affected nail. Fungal infections require long-term treatment. The procedure should be performed every day, the diseased nail should come off completely.
  • Problem skin. A few drops of the drug are added to the regular cream. The number of acne and irritations will decrease, and the overall condition of the skin will noticeably improve.

For treatment:

The power of propolis to treat a child

For a child under three years of age, any preparations containing propolis are prohibited due to the possibility of developing allergies. When treating older children, propolis tincture is used with the obligatory condition - it the extract must be aqueous, not alcohol. For children, drops of propolis are prepared with the addition of honey in a ratio of 1:5.

Five parts of honey are added to one part of the bond. The resulting mixture is melted using a water bath. When treating colds in a child, add half a teaspoon of the drug to half a glass of warm milk. Taking propolis-containing products to a child requires special attention: you need to make sure that he does not have allergies.

From the age of 12, external use of the tincture is allowed, but the concentration of the drug should be less. For internal use, you will need to carefully consult with your doctor.

Propolis tincture. Contraindications for use

List of contraindications for the use of propolis tincture includes:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • acute eczema;
  • allergic reactions to propolis containing products;
  • taking during pregnancy;
  • taking during breastfeeding
  • children under three years of age.

There is no clear opinion among doctors regarding the safety of using propolis drops by pregnant women. Some are convinced that there is no harm to the body of a pregnant woman from using propolis, others are sure of the opposite.

Propolis can provoke allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema, which makes using the drug impossible. The best advice: consultation with a specialist in each specific case.

Propolis has a universal healing effect in the treatment of many ailments. Its benefits to the body and safety for health have been proven many times in practice, having stood the test of time. In apitherapy - treatment using bee products, it is very important to maintain the correct dosage.

Propolis increases chances of recovery even in people with diseased liver, kidneys and gall bladder. It is important not to forget that a concentrated solution of propolis tincture is much more difficult to absorb by the body. And one last thing. The solution to any problem must be comprehensive; you should not rely solely on the help of traditional medicine.

This is a difficult question - what does propolis cure? Propolis cures everything! It helps the body restore its functions.
Will you tell me that this doesn’t happen? I was also very skeptical about propolis as a general natural healer. But it's true. Read the material about and you will understand why it has such versatility.

As I already wrote in previous articles, propolis is the concentrated immunity of many plants. And the plant glue from which bees create propolis is a system developed over centuries to protect plant buds from various external unfavorable conditions.

We humans live in the same ecological system as plants. Protective substances of plant immunity do not cause rejection in our bodies; on the contrary, they help strengthen our defense system and restore it if immunity is weakened or reduced.

Today you will learn for which diseases of the body to take one or another form of bee glue:

  • alcohol tincture
  • aqueous extract
  • propolis oil
  • propolis ointment
  • just chew pieces of propolis

For cancer in the early stages. The essence of the action of the bee product is that it has strong antioxidant properties; it is also called the antioxidant bomb. Propolis stops the rapid development of cancer cells.

Use the following recipe:

Any inflammation of the airways. We use the antimicrobial properties of the bee putty, namely the substance inhibin, which is part of the product and gives the bee putty antibiotic properties. How to use:

- gargle every hour with a water-alcohol solution (dosage described above)
- inhalation with an alcohol solution of propolis and a decoction of medicinal herbs (per 100 grams of decoction - 1 teaspoon of tincture)
- when coughing - add 1 teaspoon of propolis, a piece of butter to 100 grams of warm milk and drink it at night
— use propolis internally, as described in the figure

For otitis We apply gauze pads into the ear canal or instill drops.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers

Use a teaspoon of alcohol tincture in a glass of milk (10% propolis solution) three times a day. After a month, increase the concentration of the bee product from 10% solution to 20%.

Let's use it for another month. Then we take a break for two weeks and can continue again. If you don't like milk, replace it with a glass of water. The whole point of the method is in the formation of a protective film on the gastrointestinal mucosa, which reduces pain from irritation with acidic juice and improves friction (contractions, motility) of the intestine.

To increase immunity To increase the body's resistance, we drink propolis prophylactically at night throughout the flu epidemic. During operations (both before and after) for rapid healing of incisions without scarring.

For gynecological diseases Tampons soaked in a 20% tincture of bee glue are inserted vaginally for uterine erosion, and in a 35% tincture for fungal diseases.
At the same time, you can use 10% propolis tincture internally.

When treating the pancreas drop 15 drops into half a cup of water or warm milk and drink at night. After a week's course, the functioning of the pancreas returns to normal. We take a 7-day break and continue another week-long course to consolidate the results. The mucous membrane of the gland is gradually regenerated, and its inflammation goes away. If you have acute pancreatitis, then alcohol tincture is undesirable.

Propolis tincture. Application for children

The use of alcohol tincture of propolis for children is a rather controversial issue. Doctors believe that alcohol-containing products are undesirable for children. It follows that the alcohol tincture of bee glue can only be taken externally: gargle, inhalation, lotion, lubrication and rubbing.

At the same time, almost all beekeepers treat their children and grandchildren with alcohol tincture, but rather diluted. We take exactly as many drops of propolis as the child is old, drop it into half a glass of warm water or milk and give it to the child to drink. True, there are diseases when alcohol tincture is categorically unacceptable: acute pancreatitis.
In this case, we use an aqueous extract of a bee product.

Propolis with alcohol - contraindications

  1. Personal intolerance to alcohol tincture (this happened to me). But then we start with one drop and gradually, every day, increase it by a drop and bring it to 20 drops. We also gradually reduce the amount back to 1 drop. My intolerance has gone away. We listen to the body and act without fanaticism!
  2. Alcohol tincture is prohibited for pregnant women and breastfeeding women, as are other alcohol-containing preparations. It is recommended to use an aqueous solution, it is less likely to cause allergies
  3. Diseases for which alcohol tinctures are prohibited (acute pancreatitis) due to the ethyl alcohol content

Today we covered the topic:

what propolis cures and the subtopic - what its alcohol tincture cures.

In future articles we will look at what does propolis treat with water, with milk and for what diseases is it better to use oil tinctures. But that will be a little later - I would like to tell you what kind of anti-cold bomb I prepared and now drink with tea. The cold season is in full swing and I think this material will be useful to you, especially since it is done quickly.

Tinctures are used for refinement of alcoholic beverages to give them a bouquet and taste. You shouldn’t insist the whole drink on a specific one. grass. Just add a few drops to the tincture or to the bottle - and then regular vodka or moonshine will get an original taste.

You can do this with your own healing signature balm. General technologies for preparing tinctures the article will only mention how features in the manufacture of specific tinctures, if such are required. To my memory preparing tinctures do not rely and be sure to label containers (vessels) with inscriptions: what is it, when was it made tincture and for what cases it should be used and how. Recipes should also be written down. mixtures, balms, the ones you liked the most and were successful. Recommended dry raw materials insist - on 70% alcohol, and fresh raw materials - insist on vodka.


Increases defense -buds, (fruit), arnica montana (flowers), Chinese (fruit), root: Leuzea, (hemlock), valerian, .



AFTER LONG-TERM ILLNESSES, TINCTURES ARE USED. General strengthening tinctures- root: Leuzea, elecampane.


Alcohol tincture for bone fractures and cracks - lotions, compresses, rubbing: Kalanchoe leaf - root: , comfrey; calamus, budra.

Alcohol tincture for central nervous system disorders - root: evasive peony, valerian, elecampane; Schisandra, spring adonis.

Valerian root tincture treatment recipes. Video

Alcohol tincture for paralysis - root: peony, burdock, horseradish; wormwood flowers, birch buds, sweet clover, thyme.

Dandelion flower tincture. For rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, radiculitis. Video

Alcohol tincture for hypotension - root Leuzea, fruits of Schisandra chinensis.

Tincture of pine cones. For the prevention of stroke. For cleaning vessels. Video

Alcohol tincture for inflammation of the small intestine - valerian root.

Alcohol tincture for flatulence - root: centaury, valerian; calamus

Alcohol tincture for cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts)chamomile, centaury, seed, sandy tsmin (color), cornflower color.

Alcohol tincture for - , birch buds, ginger.

Alcohol tincture for tonsillitis (inhalation, rinsing) -black poplar buds and birch, ; marigolds, elecampane root, oregano, .

Tincture of walnut partitions. Video

Alcohol tincture for toothache - roots: elecampane, calamus, thyme, marigold, oregano, plantain, birch buds, plantain.

Alcohol tincture for polyarthritis (joint inflammation) - root: white willow bark in ammonia, roots of burdock, calamus, horseradish; birch buds, chestnut fruits, radish roots, pine resin.

Alcohol tincture for gout - birch buds, wild rosemary and elecampane root, horseradish root, pine resin and vinegar infused, garlic, lilac flowers on kerosene.

A miraculous tincture for many diseases, Iodine and Garlic. Video

Alcohol tincture (take orally, rub inhalation) - birch buds, elecampane roots.

Alcohol tincture for bronchial - elecampane root, motherwort, hawthorn fruits.

. Alcohol. medlar tincture patients are treated, asthma suffering or bronchitis. Mix five mashed fruits (with crushed seeds), a couple of tablespoons of tbsp. honey and one hundred gr. sake(Japanese 28% gram of rice vodka), infuse for several days and decant. Take one hundred grams. before meals three times a day. The remedy is light clears phlegm and makes breathing easier. This tincture, if you warm it slightly and drink it slowly through a straw, relieves an irritating cough. But if you drink slowly hungry stomach 200 - 250 gr. this tincture, then you can get rid of pain in the heart.

Cranberry tincture, homemade recipe. Video

Alcohol tincture for
