"the Omen. Sign of the Virgin Mary

Troparion, tone 4

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Sedalen, voice 8th

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:
Kontakion, tone 4

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Canon before the icon Holy Mother of God"The Omen"

Troparion, tone 4

As the insurmountable wall and source of miracles that Thy servants, Most Pure Mother of God, have acquired for Thee, we overthrow the resistant militia. We also pray to You: grant peace to Your city and great mercy to our souls.

Irmos: The wave of the sea hid the tormentor of the persecutor of ancient times - under the earth is the shelter of the saved youths; but we, like maidens, drink to the Lord, so that we may be glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let the multitude of Novagrad rejoice in the joy of Divines today, seeing the warm Intercessor who bestows a strange victory on the contrary, and let them sing with Divine songs.

Glory: Like a high ladder, we see today Your icon, the All-Immaculate Virgin, even though we have seen the resistance, we have given ourselves over to ultimate blindness, but we, looking to it faithfully, are getting rid of troubles.

And now: In Christmas, having not accepted aphids, the corruption of all of us, the Virgin, changed, filling sorrows with motherly change, O God-pleased One.

Irmos: By You, Christ, all Heaven is established, the Word of God and power, confess the ineffable glory and omnipotent hands of Your creation, for nothing is holy, except to You, Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Like animals, rushing towards Your flock, Most Pure One, but You crushed those jaws and these are weak until the end of the show.

Glory: Having given birth to the Common Shepherd, the Lord Christ, the Virgin without artifice, pray to the present wrath to deliver us from the opposite circumstances, Lady.

And now: Merciful One, having given birth to the Merciful Savior, see the bitterness and sighing of Thy people, hasten, O Most Pure One, and show us compassion.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:

Sedalen, voice 8th

Even as the prophets of old preached, the Door of Heaven, the Burning Bush, the Many-Bright Candlestick, the Golden Censer, the Handle and the Rod now gloriously appears to the wonderful saint, he commands the people to dare and shows them a wondrous victory. Therefore, grateful to You, let us cry out: Virgin Mother of God, pray to Christ the God of sins to grant us forgiveness of sins; There is hope for you, your imams, your servants.

Irmos: Thy mind was amazed at me, having heard the glorious command of Thy gaze, and was strengthened by the love of Thy descent, for Thou didst not reject my poverty.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The city that reveres Thee, O Most Pure One, and duly glorifies, protect from the godless, O Pure One, a foreigner, for You, O Most Pure One, are inalienable wealth, protection and glory.

Glory: Dreaming, like Jericho of old, to destroy Your city, Most Pure Mother of the Word, they themselves were given over to ultimate destruction by the power of You Incarnate, the Lady.

And now: Look, O Pure One, save thee who sing, who want to be consumed from those who resist, and also deliver the one who has found rebuke, O Mother of God.

Irmos: We are bound by a union of love, apostles, who have laid upon Christ, who rules over all, the red feet of the cleanser, who preaches peace to all.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Warm intercessor to those who come running to You and hopeless, see the bitterness of Your people and give help, Most Pure One.

Glory: Who gave birth to the Divine fire, the Virgin, the opposite, the Most Pure One, was caught by fire through Thy prayer, as the Mother of the Creator, the All-Singing One.

And now: Pure Bride of God, bewildered people, be generous with Your motherly prayers and soon destroy even the opposite situations against us with Your prayers.

Irmos: I was born, but was not kept in the breasts of whales Jonah: For I bore your image, Who suffered and was given burial, as if from a palace, from a beast. But the custodians invited: those who guard vain and false things, they left this mercy to nature.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Deliver the military invasions of Thy servant, O Most Pure One, and do not allow Thy inheritance to perish completely, O All-Pure One, but by the power of Thy born One, overthrow the enemy.

Glory: Do not despise those who have sinned many times, but accept the prayer of Your Mother for us, the Generous One, so that they may not boast of resistance - where is their God? - verbally, but let everyone understand that You, the Deliverer, are with us.

And now: Now the time has come for help, now the need for change, Pure. Pray to Your Son and God, that He may show mercy to those who have sinned and remove the present wrath.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:
Kontakion, tone 4

The honorable image of Thy sign is celebrated by Thy people, O Mother of God, to whom Thou hast bestowed a wondrous victory against Thy city. We also cry out to You by faith: Rejoice, O Virgin, praise to Christians.

Resolve the darkness of my sins that lies in my mind, and enlighten me with Your light, O Virgin, so that I may be able to bring You praise, Who praised the Father, and the Holy Spirit of autumn, the Son and the Word of God, indwelt and passed incorruptibly from Your most pure side, with live people. Moreover, we, sinners and unworthy Thy servants, are today celebrating the sacred triumph of the sign that was Thy honorable icon, with which Thou didst bestow a glorious victory against Thy city, and, having been filled with all the miracles, instead of fragrant aroma, as far as possible we, earthly ones, bring praise to Thee. , saying: Rejoice, Mother of God, joy of Angels and men; Rejoice, firm hope and protection of Your city; Rejoice, for by Thy power we overthrow the contrary; Rejoice, intelligent Mother of the Sun, enlightening the faithful, darkening the unfaithful; Rejoice, Virgin, praise to Christians.

Irmos: An indescribable miracle: in the cave He who delivered the venerable youths from the flames in the Tomb, dead, lifeless, is relied upon for the salvation of us, who sing: O God the Deliverer, blessed art thou.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Truly an honorable treasure to Thy city, Thy icon, the Most Pure, was bestowed, even when we ourselves see the miracles, we are amazed and cry out to Thy Son: O God the Redeemer, blessed art thou.

Glory: Just as sometimes the Ninevites, for the sake of repentance, you spared the Word of God, the preaching of the prophet Jonah, so here too you showed the image of Your Most Pure Mother, Christ, crying: God the Deliverer, blessed are you.

And now: Temple of God, Lady, leading, in Thy holy temple we lift up our hands in prayer: see our bitterness and give us help.

Irmos: Be terrified, be afraid, Heaven, and let the foundations of the earth move: for behold, the dead are counted as Living on High, and the little ones are accepted strangely into the Tomb. Bless Him, O youths, O priestesses, sing to Him, O people, extol Him unto all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The co-originating Word of the Father, the Most Pure Virgin, you gave birth to incorruptibly and you nourished from your breast. Pray to him, Mother of God, from the situation of the enemy to save those who sing and exalt Thee forever.

Glory: Whom Isaiah saw above on the Throne, Whom in the womb, O Virgin, Thou didst contain and gave birth to incorruptibly. Pray to Him to be saved by Your servant, singing: children, bless, sacred, sing and exalt Him forever.

And now: One good being, the most good Word, diligently pray that Thy servant may be delivered from the present anger, singing with undoubted faith to Thy Son: children, bless, sacred, sing and exalt Him forever.

Irmos: Wanderings of the Lady and the Immortal Meal in the High Place, high minds, faithful, come, let us enjoy, having ascended the Word, having learned from the Word, Whom we magnify.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With a merciful eye from above, look upon the city and Your people, Most Pure One, for there are no other imams to help, except You, the All-Immaculate One, and we all unceasingly magnify You, the Mother of God.

Glory: One, who gave birth to the Word incarnate, the All-Pure Virgin, the ever-flowing source of healing, poured out by faith to those who flow to Thy temple, Most Pure One.

And now: Behold, Thy servants, we cry out to Thee, Mother of God: Thy usual mercies are upon the city and Thy people mercifully show, change us from the opposite circumstances, so that we all unceasingly magnify Thee.

In 1170, Veliky Novgorod was threatened by the Suzdal people along with military detachments of other Russian princes. Residents of the city with tears began to ask the Lord for intercession. On the third night of public prayer, Archbishop Elijah of Novgorod heard a heavenly voice commanding him to bring the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Church of the Transfiguration to the city wall. When the icon was solemnly transferred, the conquerors fired many arrows at the participants in the procession. One of them pierced the icon directly into the face of the Most Holy Theotokos. Tears flowed from the eyes of the Mother of God, and the icon miraculously turned to face the city. This led the enemies into horror and confusion, and they began to fight among themselves. Then the Novgorodians fearlessly entered into battle with the invaders and defeated them.

In memory of this miraculous intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, revealed to the people of Novgorod, the Church established a holiday on November 27 (December 10, civil style). Praying the canon of this holiday below, let us hope for the help of the Most Pure Lady when we are attacked by enemies.


Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 4

To the invincible wall and source of miracles, having acquired You, Your servants, the Most Pure Mother of God, we overthrow the resistant militias. With the same we pray to Thee, grant peace to Thy city, and great mercy to our souls. (Twice).

Glory, even now (we repeat the troparion).

CANON, tone 6

Song 1. Irmos

In the flood of the sea, who hid the persecutor of old, the tormentor, under the earth the shelter of the saved children. But we, like the maiden of the Lord, sing, gloriously we are glorified.

Chorus: Most Holy Lady Theotokos, hear the prayer of Your servants praying to You (bow).

Let the divine multitude of the New City rejoice with joy today, seeing the warm Intercessor, bestowing a strange victory on those who resist, and let them sing with divine songs.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Along the high ladder I see today the icon of Your All-Immaculate Virgin. Just as opposed to those who can see, we have given ourselves over to ultimate blindness. We look to her faithfully and get rid of troubles.

And now. Having not accepted aphids at Christmas, the Virgin has changed the corruption of us all. Sorrows are filled with maternal change, God-pleased.

Katavasia: Save Your servants from troubles, O Virgin Mother of God, as we all resort to You according to God, as to an unbreakable wall and intercession (bow). Lord have mercy (three times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

Through both Christ the heavens are affirmed, the word of God and power, they confess the glory ineffable, and Thy all-powerful hands of creation, for is it not holy to Thee, O Lord.

Solo. I am the Most Pure One who has rushed towards the beasts, but You have crushed those jaws, and these are weak until the end of the show.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. O common shepherd, the Lord Christ gave birth to the Virgin without art. To him, pray to the present anger to deliver us, and the opposite circumstances, to the Lady.

And now. O merciful, merciful birth of the Savior, see the bitterness and sighing of Your people, hasten the Most Pure One’s compassion. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Sedalen, voice 8th. I But the prophets of old preached the door of heaven, the burning bush, the many-bright candlestick, the golden censer, the handle and the staff, now gloriously appears to the wonderful saint, commands the people to dare, and shows a wondrous victory. In the same way, grateful to Thee, we cry out: Virgin Mother of God, pray to Christ God to grant us forgiveness of sins. For you, imams, have hope, Your servants.

Song 4. Irmos

Your mind was amazed at me, having heard the glorious command of Your gaze: I was strengthened by the love of Your descent. You have not rejected my poverty.

Solo. For those who revere the Most Pure City, and glorify the city for a long time, protect the Pure foreigners from the godless. For you, the Most Pure One, are inalienable wealth, protection and glory.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Those who dreamed of Jericho of old to destroy Your city, most pure Mother of the Word, themselves surrendered to ultimate destruction, by the power of You embodied, the Lady.

And now. Behold the Pure One, save the singing One, who wants to be consumed from those who resist. By the same token, deliver the punishment to the Mother of God. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

The apostles are united in a union of love, having given themselves over to Christ, who rules all, and wash their red feet, preaching peace to all.

Solo. Warm Intercessor to those who come running to You, and to those who have no hope, see the bitterness of Your people, and grant help, O Most Pure One.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. And the Fire, which gave birth to the divine Virgin, fell upon those who were opposed to the Most Pure One with fire, as the Mother of the Creator, the All-Singing One.

And now. Pure Bride of God, bewildered people are generous with obscene prayers. And soon destroy our opposing circumstances with the prayers of Ti. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

I was, but I was not hit by Jonah in the whales. Because I carried your image, suffered, and was given burial. As if you left the palace from the beast, you invited the Custodians, who guard vain things and lies, and left your mercies to nature.

Solo. And save Thy Most Pure City from the pagan invasion, and do not allow Thy all-sung heritage to perish to the end. But by the power of those who were born of You, overthrow those who are opposed.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Do not despise the many who have sinned, but accept Thy Mother’s prayer for us generously, so that they may not boast of resistance, where their God is speaking, but may everyone understand that You are the Savior with us.

And now. Now the time has come for help; now the Pure One needs change, Thy Son and God. For let him show mercy to those who have sinned, and remove the present wrath. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 4. H the natural image of Thy sign, celebrating Thy people to the Mother of God, to them Thou hast bestowed a wondrous victory against those opposed to Thy city, we cry out by faith, the rejoicing Virgin praises the Christians.

Ikos. Resolve the darkness of my sins that lie in my mind. And enlighten me with Your light, Virgin, so that I can bring You praise. The Father and the Holy Spirit praised her. The Son and the Word of God dwelt, and passed incorruptibly from the most pure Tiside, living with man. In the same way, we are sinners and unworthy Thy servants, today we are celebrating a sacred triumph, a sign of the former honorable icon of Thy, through which we bestowed a glorious victory against those who opposed Thy city. And from these miracles that have been fulfilled, instead of fragrant aroma, as far as possible for us on earth, we bring praise to You saying: Rejoice, Mother of God, joy to angels and men. Rejoice in the firm hope and protection of Your city. Rejoice, for by Your power we overthrow those who are opposed. Rejoice at the intelligent Mother of the Sun, enlightening the faithful and darkening the unfaithful. Hail Virgin praises the Christians.

Song 7. Irmos

The indescribable miracle, which in the cave delivered the holy youths from the flames, in the new soulless tomb, is relied upon for the salvation of us who sing, Blessed be the Savior of God.

Solo. Truly an honorable treasure to Thy city, Thy most pure icon was given, and seeing miracles we ourselves are amazed at it, and we cry out to Thy Son, blessed be God as the Savior.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. I, however, sometimes the Ninevites, for the sake of repentance, spared the word of God, the preaching of the prophet Jonah. Likewise here, showing the image of the most pure Ti Mother Christ, crying out to God, blessed be the Savior.

And now. Leading the Lord of Thy frame, in Thy holy temple, we move the unclean hand to prayer. See our anger and give us help. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

Be afraid and fear the heavens, and let the foundations of the earth move. Behold, he is counted among the dead as the living on high, and he dwells in the grave. Bless His children, sing in sacred praise, and extol Him forever.

Solo. From the original word to the Father, the Most Pure Virgin gave birth to you incorruptibly, and from her breast you nourished her. Pray to the Mother of God to save those who sing Thee from resistant circumstances and exalt them forever.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. Having foreseen Him on the throne, the most exalted Isaiah, Whom the Virgin contained in the womb and gave birth to incorruptibly. Pray to Him for the salvation of Your city, I will sing, bless the children, sing in sacred praise, and exalt Him forever.

And now. E is the Good One, pray diligently for the most good Word, to deliver from the present wrath of Thy city, with immeasurable faith I sing to Thy Son, bless the children, sing in sacred praise, and exalt Him forever. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

From the journey, Lady, and immortal meal, in a high place, high minds of faith, come let us enjoy the ascended Word, having learned from the Word, We magnify Him.

Chorus with a bow. M With a merciful eye from above, look upon the city and people, Thy Most Pure One. There are no other imams who can help us except You, the All-Immaculate One, and we all unceasingly magnify You, the Mother of God.

Solo. (Repeat the verse).

Glory. E Dina, Giver of the Word, the incarnate Virgin, all-sung. Ever-flowing source, you pour out healing, flowing through faith to your temple, Most Pure One.

And now. With Thy servants we cry out to You, Mother of God, Thy usual mercies upon the city and people, mercifully showing. Change us who resist the situation, and we all constantly magnify You. Confusion.

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy most pure Mother, the honorable and glorious sign that came from Her icon in the great New City, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min. Lord have mercy (three times). Initial bows.

The Znamenskaya Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Most Holy Theotokos sitting and raising Her hands in prayer; on her chest, in the background round shield(or spheres) - the blessing Divine Infant - Savior-Emmanuel.

This image of the Mother of God is one of Her very first iconographic images and inherits such ancient images as Oranta and Nikopeia. In Greece, such an image usually denoted the Nativity of Christ, and only in Russia such icons received the name “Sign,” i.e., a sign of the mercy of the Mother of God. Such icons of the Mother of God appeared in Rus' in the 11th-12th centuries, and they began to be called so after a miraculous sign that occurred in 1170 from such an icon in Novgorod.

Description of the icon

The Novgorod Znamenskaya Icon is 13 1/2 inches high and 12 inches wide. Above the left eye of the Mother of God there was a mark from an arrow. On the sides of the icon there are images of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, the Martyr James the Persian and the Venerables Peter of Athos and Onuphrius the Great. The icon had a golden chasuble weighing over 71/2 pounds with precious stones.


In the winter of 1170, the united forces of the Russian appanage princes - according to the chronicler, “not all the Russian land united, there were only 72 princes at that time” - led by Mstislav, the son of the Vladimir-Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, approached the walls of Veliky Novgorod. Even before approaching the city, they began to rob and burn villages, beat men, and take children and women captive to make them their slaves. Negotiations in front of the city walls were unsuccessful and a battle began.

In Novgorod, churches were not closed day or night, and church singing mixed with the crying of the people. Archbishop Saint Elijah, since the enemies approached Novgorod, prayed tirelessly for three days and three nights in the Cathedral of St. Sophia for the salvation of the city. On the third night, standing in front of the icon of the All-Merciful Savior, he suddenly felt a sacred trembling, and then a voice was heard from the icon:

Go to the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is on Ilyinskaya Street, take the image of the Most Holy Theotokos there, raise it to the city walls, and then you will see the salvation of the city.
A wonderful calm then poured into the weary heart of the saint. In fervent, tender prayer, without words, he fell prostrate before the icon and spent the whole night in prayer. In the morning, he gathered the clergy and townspeople and told them about the mysterious voice, awakening hope in them. The archbishop sent the protodeacon and clergy to the Church of the Savior on Ilyinskaya Street to bring from there an icon of the Mother of God, and he himself began to sing a prayer service at the cathedral. But despite all the efforts of those sent, they could not move the icon from its place, and with this news they returned to the archbishop. Then the saint himself, at the head of the procession, accompanied by the people and clergy, went to the Church of the Savior. There he fell on his knees in front of the icon of the Mother of God and turned to the Most Holy One with a tearful prayer. They began to serve a prayer service, and when they sang: “The intercession of Christians is not shameful, intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers,” the icon itself wavered, as if moving towards the archbishop. Seeing this miracle, the people and clergy joyfully cried out: “Lord, have mercy!”

The Archbishop took him in his arms miraculous image, kissed it, and then the icon was carried in triumph to the city wall and placed facing the attackers. But Mstislav’s warriors did not relent and fired whole clouds of arrows at the Novgorodians, one of which pierced the iconographic face of the Mother of God. Tears flowed from Her eyes, and the icon itself turned its face to the city. At the same time, terror fell on the attackers. Their vision became darkened and they began to strike each other. The Novgorodians, encouraged by the sign, rushed at their enemies, defeated them completely and took many into captivity. Those who fled could not find food for themselves where they had previously wrought merciless devastation. They died from hunger and disease, and as the chronicler says with horror, in Lent ate the meat of their horses.

Celebration and new miracles from the Novgorod image

Archbishop Elijah then established a celebration in memory of the miraculous intercession provided by the Mother of God to Novgorod. Since February 25 - the day on which this event took place - almost always falls on Maslenitsa or Lent, the holiday is moved to November 27. The image of the Znamensky image began to be placed on the seals of the Novgorod ruler.

The Athonite hieromonk Pachomius Logothetes, who was present at the celebration of the icon in Russia, wrote two canons for this holiday. Some Novgorod Znamensky icons depict the miraculous event of 1170 in three acts: at the top - the transfer of the icon from the Church of the Savior to the city wall; below are negotiations between both sides, and below is the battle itself, where the Novgorodians are helped by angels with long lances.

In 1352, through prayer in front of this icon, those affected by the plague were healed.

For almost two centuries, the miraculous icon of the “Sign” of the Mother of God stood on Ilyinskaya Street, in the wooden Church of the Savior. In 1356, a fire that broke out in the church subsided after a prayer service in front of this icon. In 1357, it was moved to the newly built stone church in honor of the Sign on the same Ilyinskaya Street, which became the cathedral of the Znamensky Monastery.

In 1565 the icon was restored by Metropolitan Macarius. IN next year A strong fire broke out in Novgorod, engulfing many streets. No amount of effort could stop the formidable element. Then Metropolitan Macarius went with a procession to the Church of the Sign and there, kneeling before the miraculous icon, he prayed for an end to the disaster. Then, picking up the icon, he carried it in a religious procession along the banks of the Volkhov. Soon the wind blew towards the river, and the fire began to subside.

In 1611, the Swedes captured Novgorod. Beating the Novgorodians, they plundered houses and churches, desecrated icons, and carried away sacred dishes and utensils. One day, several Swedes approached the Church of the Sign, where a service was being held at that time, and the doors were therefore open. They rushed into the church to rob it, but an invisible force threw them back. They rushed to the doors again and were again driven back. This became known to all the Swedes, and none of them tried to enter this temple again.

In 1636, silversmith Luka Plavilshchikov planned to rob this church. At the end of the evening service on November 27, he hid in the church, and at night he entered the altar, collected silver vessels from the altar, poured money out of the mugs and, finally, began to approach the miraculous icon to tear off the precious decorations from it. But as soon as he touched the robe, he was thrown away from the icon and fell unconscious on the floor. Before Matins, the sexton who came to the church took him out, believing that Luke remained in the church drunk. He did not notice that Plavilshchikov had church vessels with him. The theft was discovered when they began to serve Matins, and everything was found in Luke’s house. The thief lost his mind for a while and only later spoke about the miracle that happened from the icon.

Subsequently, the miraculous icon of the “Sign” of the Mother of God stood in the iconostasis of the Cathedral of the Sign, to the left of the royal doors.

After October revolution In 1917, the icon entered the museum collection of the Novgorod Museum. During the Great Patriotic War it was evacuated and at the end of the war it was returned to the museum-reserve.

On August 15, 1991, the icon was returned to the Novgorod diocese. On this day, many of those present witnessed a celestial phenomenon: a rainbow surrounded the golden dome of the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral, and then began to rise and dissolved in the cloudless sky. The icon resides in the St. Sophia Cathedral of Veliky Novgorod.

Miracle Lists

Numerous copies of the Icon of the Sign are known throughout Russia and beyond its borders. Many of them shone with miracles in local churches and were named after the place where miracles occurred. Such lists of the icon of the Sign include the icons of Dionysius-Glushitsa, Abalakskaya, Kursk-Root, Seraphim-Ponetaevskaya, Pavlovskaya and many others.

Canon before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Sign”


voice 4th

As the insurmountable wall and source of miracles that Thy servants, Most Pure Mother of God, have acquired for Thee, we overthrow the resistant militia. We also pray to You: grant peace to Your city and great mercy to our souls.


voice 6th

Song 1

Irmos: The wave of the sea hid the persecutor of old, the tormentor - under the earth there is a shelter for the saved youths; but we, like maidens, drink to the Lord, so that we may be glorified.

Let the multitude of Novagrad rejoice in the joy of Divines today, seeing the warm Intercessor who bestows a strange victory on the contrary, and let them sing with Divine songs.
Glory: Like a high ladder, we see today Your icon, the All-Immaculate Virgin, even though we have seen the resistance, given over to ultimate blindness, we, by looking back to it, are getting rid of troubles.
And now: At Christmas, not accepting aphids, changing the corruption of all of us, O Virgin, dispelling sorrows with motherly change, O God-pleased One.

Song 3

Irmos: By You, Christ, all Heaven is established, the Word of God and power, confess the ineffable glory and omnipotent hands of Your creation, for nothing is holy, except to You, Lord.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Like animals, rushing towards Your flock, Most Pure One, but You crushed those jaws and these are weak until the end of the show.
Glory: Having given birth to the common Shepherd, the Lord Christ, the Virgin without art, pray to the present wrath to deliver us and the opposite circumstances, Lady.
And now: Merciful One, having given birth to the Merciful Savior, see the bitterness and sighing of Thy people, hasten, O Most Pure One, and show us compassion.


voice 8th

Even as the prophets of old preached, the Door of Heaven, the Burning Bush, the Many-Bright Candlestick, the Golden Censer, the Handle and the Rod now gloriously appears to the wonderful saint, he commands the people to dare and shows them a wondrous victory. Therefore, grateful to You, let us cry out: Virgin Mother of God, pray to Christ the God of sins to grant us forgiveness of sins; There is hope for you, your imams, your servants.

Song 4

Irmos: Thy mind was amazed at me, having heard the glorious command of Thy gaze, but strengthened by the love of Thy descent, for Thou didst not reject my poverty.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
The city that reveres Thee, O Most Pure One, and duly glorifies, protect from the godless, O Pure One, a foreigner, for You, O Most Pure One, are inalienable wealth, protection and glory.
Glory: Those who imagine themselves, like Jericho of old, to destroy Your city, Most Pure Mother of the Word, are themselves given over to ultimate destruction by the power of You Incarnate, the Lady.
And now: Look, Pure One, save the singing You, who wants to be consumed from those who resist, and deliver the one who has found rebuke, Mother of God.

Song 5

Irmos: We are bound by a union of love, apostles, who have laid upon Christ, who rules over all, our red feet, cleansed, and the gospel of peace to all.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Warm intercessor to those who come running to You and hopeless, see the bitterness of Your people and give help, Most Pure One.
Glory: Those who gave birth to the Divine fire, the Virgin, the opposite, the Most Pure One, were caught in the fire by Thy prayer, as the Mother of the Creator, the All-Singing One.
And now: Pure Bride of God, bewildered people, be generous with Your motherly prayers and soon destroy even the opposite situations on us with Your prayers.

Song 6

Irmos: I was born, but was not kept in the chest of the whale Jonah: For I bore your image, Who suffered and was given burial, as if from a palace, from a beast. But the custodians invited: those who guard vain and false things, they left this mercy to nature.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Deliver the military invasions of Thy servant, O Most Pure One, and do not allow Thy inheritance to perish completely, O All-Pure One, but by the power of Thy born One, overthrow the enemy.
Glory: Do not despise those who have sinned many times, but accept the prayer of Your Mother for us, the Generous One, so that they will not boast of resistance - where is their God? - verbally, but let everyone understand that You, the Deliverer, are with us.
And now: Now the time has come for help, now the need for change is pure. Pray to Your Son and God, that He may show mercy to those who have sinned and remove the present wrath.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:


voice 4th

The honorable image of Thy sign is celebrated by Thy people, O Mother of God, to whom Thou hast bestowed a wondrous victory against Thy city. We also cry out to You by faith: Rejoice, O Virgin, praise to Christians.


Resolve the darkness of my sins that lies in my mind, and enlighten me with Your light, O Virgin, so that I may be able to bring You praise, Who praised the Father, and the Holy Spirit of autumn, the Son and the Word of God, indwelt and passed incorruptibly from Your most pure side, with live people. Moreover, we, sinners and unworthy Thy servants, are today celebrating the sacred triumph of the sign that was Thy honorable icon, with which Thou didst bestow a glorious victory against Thy city, and, having been filled with all the miracles, instead of fragrant aroma, as far as possible we, earthly ones, bring praise to Thee. , saying: Rejoice, Mother of God, joy of Angels and men; Rejoice, firm hope and protection of Your city; Rejoice, for by Thy power we overthrow the contrary; Rejoice, intelligent Mother of the Sun, enlightening the faithful, darkening the unfaithful; Rejoice, Virgin, praise to Christians.

Song 7

Irmos: An indescribable miracle: in the cave He who delivered the venerable youths from the flames in the Tomb, dead and lifeless, is relied upon for the salvation of us, who sing: O God the Deliverer, blessed art thou.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
Truly an honorable treasure to Thy city, Thy icon, the Most Pure, was bestowed, even when we ourselves see the miracles, we are amazed and cry out to Thy Son: O God the Redeemer, blessed art thou.
Glory: Just as sometimes the Ninevites, for the sake of repentance, spared you, the Word of God, the preaching of the prophet Jonah, so here too you showed the image of Your Most Pure Mother, Christ, crying: O God the Deliverer, blessed are you.
And now: Temple of God, Lady, the Leader, in Your holy temple we lift up our hands in prayer: see our bitterness and give us help.

Song 8

Irmos: Be terrified, be afraid, Heaven, and let the foundations of the earth move: for behold, the dead are counted among the Highest as Living, and the little strange ones are accepted into the Sepulcher. Bless Him, O youths, O priestesses, sing to Him, O people, extol Him unto all ages.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
The co-originating Word of the Father, the Most Pure Virgin, you gave birth to incorruptibly and you nourished from your breast. Pray to him, Mother of God, from the situation of the enemy to save those who sing and exalt Thee forever.
Glory: Whose providence on the Throne we will exalt Isaiah, Whom in the womb, O Virgin, Thou didst contain and give birth to incorruptibly. Pray to Him to be saved by Your servant, singing: children, bless, sacred, sing and exalt Him forever.
And now: One good being, the most good Word, pray diligently for Thy servant to be delivered from the present anger, singing with undoubted faith to Thy Son: children, bless, sacred, sing and exalt Him forever.

Song 9

Irmos: The wanderings of the Lady and the Immortal Meal in the High Place, high minds, faithful, come, let us enjoy, having ascended the Word, having learned from the Word, Whom we magnify.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.
With a merciful eye from above, look upon the city and Your people, Most Pure One, for there are no other imams to help, except You, the All-Immaculate One, and we all unceasingly magnify You, the Mother of God.
Glory: One, who gave birth to the Word incarnate, the All-Pure Virgin, who pours out the ever-flowing source of healing by faith to those who flow to Thy temple, O Most Pure One.
And now: Behold, Thy servants, we cry out to Thee, Mother of God: Thy usual mercies are upon the city and Thy people mercifully show us the contrary circumstances, so that we may all continually magnify Thee.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “The Sign” Novgorod

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Voivode, our Lady Theotokos, who granted a wondrous victory to the people of Novagrad with the sign of Her holy icon, we sing a song of thanksgiving. But You, our All-Blessed Intercessor, as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles and protect us from visible and invisible enemies, let us call to You:

Ikos 1

Angels to the Queen and all creation, Lady, Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, with the glorious sign of Your holy icon, You graciously illuminated the entire Russian country and streams of miracles flowed from it to the faithful. In the same way, with zeal and love, falling before Your most honorable image, with tenderness we offer You praises:
Rejoice, consecrated village of God the Word; Rejoice, you who sanctify us through the grace of God. Rejoice, you who served immaculately for the salvation of the fallen human race; Rejoice, O Pure One of all the Creator and Lord, having been conceived in the womb by the Divine Spirit, having given birth without corruption. Rejoice, O thou who embracest us all with Thy maternal care; Rejoice, in troubles and misfortunes you are a quick Helper to us. Rejoice, thou who invisibly tames our evil passions; Rejoice, you who help us to succeed in Christian virtues. Rejoice, free healer of our ailments; Rejoice, you who wisely instruct us on the path of repentance. Rejoice, Virgin, praise to Christians; Rejoice, for you are blessed by everyone.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the embitterment of Novagrad, strongly at war from the Suzhdal wars, Saint John of Christ tearfully prayed for the deliverance and salvation of the city and heard a Voice from above, let him go to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and take there the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and carry it to the visor of the city against the hordes fighting against it . Hearing this command of God, the saint cried out in gratitude to the Savior Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having understood the will of God in the voice of heaven, Saint John of Christ came to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord to take the icon of the Mother of God, and while praying before her, the icon moved from its place on his honest hand, and with the singing of prayer he carried it to the visor of the city, saying to the people: be of good cheer. , Mother of our God is with us. For this reason, having seen Your favor towards them, revealed in the miraculous coming of Your icon, we exclaim in song the blessings of Sisitsa:
Rejoice, Hope of unreliable Christians; Rejoice, Joy and Intercession of those who mourn. Rejoice, helpless ones ambulance Revealing yours; Rejoice, you who are weak and give freedom to those who are oppressed. Rejoice, Leader of Orthodox warriors to victories; Rejoice, all-strong overthrow of the enemy armies. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the great Novgrad with Thy favor; Rejoice, for he was not taken away by the Chosen Voivode who came in Your icon. Rejoice, unpunished merciful Punisher; Rejoice, wise Instructor of the foolish. Rejoice, O all-terrible Terrorist who offends; Rejoice, O all-merciful Intercessor of the offended.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by the power of God, St. John of Christ lifted up Thy holy icon, O Lady Theotokos, in the midst of the battle, where arrows from the opposing forces fell like rain, and only one of them shot down Thy honest face on the icon; Abi Your icon, turn away your face from the hostile regiments and tears from your eyes, collecting them in your phelonion, Saint John of Christ commanded the people to be bold, and they, like the strong guardian of a certain property, rushed at the resistance and conquered them to the end, calling to the Lord of Powers : Hallelujah.

Ikos 3

Having You, the truly great Novgrad, the Sovereign Warrior, the All-Blessed Mother of God, when, more than in hope, with the sign of Your holy icon, You helped to defeat the strong regiments of the resistant people of Novagrad. Moreover, the singing of victory brings to You, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, Thou who brought peace to the world through Thy Holy Nativity; Rejoice, thou who destroyed the mediastinum of ancient enmity. Rejoice, you who punish those who are unjustly at war; Rejoice, consoling Christ-loving people with your signs and miracles. Rejoice, you who received the plague on the faces of your icon from the arrow of the enemy; Rejoice, you who wonderfully shed tears of grace from her. Rejoice, having struck down those who resisted with blindness and flight; Rejoice, you who made strong shelves powerless. Rejoice, strong Helper in battles; Rejoice, disgrace of enemies. Rejoice, You who crowned Your people with wondrous victory; Rejoice, Invincible Commander of the leaders and armies of the Christians.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 4

A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind: how can I be able to sing with unworthy lips Your miracles, O Lady of God, Whom You showed Your sign in Novegrad with the holy icon, granting help and intercession to all Orthodox people from enemies visible and invisible? Moreover, we humbly sing Your majestic, innumerable mercies towards us, to Your Son and God who glorified You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard about the wondrous miracle of the holy icon of Thy sign in Novegrad, Most Pure Virgin, how the people of Novograd, who possess this, by Thy power and the help of Thy Divine image, gloriously overcome the resistance to show, with reverence and joy we worship this wonderful image of Thy and call upon Thee in praise:
Rejoice, Bride of the Father Without Beginning; Rejoice, unartificial Mother of the Eternal Word. Rejoice, beautiful village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, overshadowed by grace of the Life-Giving and Consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, prophets of old who foretold in many ways; Rejoice, having surpassed the angelic councils with Your purity. Rejoice, exaltation of the human race; Rejoice, grace-filled uprising of the fallen sons of Adamli. Rejoice, for You have clothed yourself with flesh and clothed the sky with clouds; Rejoice, for with Your milk You nourished the Nourisher of the universe. Rejoice, All-Blessed Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin; Rejoice, our Joy and the salvation of our souls. Rejoice, our Intercessor, given to us by God; Rejoice, guardianship and sacred refuge for all the faithful.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 5

God-bright star - the icon of Your sign, Virgin Mary, spiritually enlighten the great Novgrad with the radiance of many miracles, endlessly exuding grace-filled healings to all the faithful who zealously flock to her. Do not deprive us of Your gracious illumination and Your merciful bounties, who honor Your miraculous icon with godly worship, so that we sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the glorious miracles that came from the icon of Thy sign, the Most Blessed Lady, the people of Novagrad flocked to her with zeal and in their ills received grace-filled healings from her. Now we come to her, we worship, and we honor, and from the desire of our hearts we kiss, we draw grace for healing, and we free ourselves from the ailments of the body and spiritual passions, calling to Ti and saying:
Rejoice, Joy of the sorrowing and the offended Intercessor; Rejoice, consolation to the sad and help to the distressed. Rejoice, unbearable Healer of the sick; Rejoice, unstolen wealth for the poor and wretched. Rejoice, thou who hast provided the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, thou who deliverest the desperate and hopeless from the pit of destruction. Rejoice, merciful Trustee of widows and orphans; Rejoice, Teacher of chastity and abstinence of young people. Rejoice, sweet tranquility of reverent elders; Rejoice, quiet refuge of God-loving elders. Rejoice, faithful Helper of repentant sinners; Rejoice, generous Giver of spiritual gifts.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 6

Novgrad preaches Your glorious intercession, O Most Pure Lady, how in the days of the invasion of enemies strong and armed from the holy icon of Your sign, You bestowed Your gracious help on Your people, You turned back the hostile regiments with the cold, Your city was safe and unharmed from them, and all sing to God the Savior: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone with the rays of great miracles in Novegrad, the Virgin Mary, and you wonderfully glorified the icon of Your sign with the grace-filled flow of tears, generously giving countless mercies from her to all the mourning and burdened. Visit our souls, sickened by sinful passions, to the All-Good Lady, and be our Helper for salvation, so we cry to You in gratitude:
Rejoice, O Prayer Book favorable to God for us; Rejoice, O omnipotent Representative, turning the wrath of God into mercy. Rejoice, stretching out Your God-bearing hands to supplicate the Creator; Rejoice, as the Mother of the Son, the Righteous Judge, pleading for the whole world. Rejoice, covering us all with the cover of Your Motherly intercession. Rejoice, you who provide the grace of humility and patience to those who are in troubles and sorrows. Rejoice, invisibly strengthening the suffering and helpless; Rejoice, you who raise up those who are sick and hopeless from the bed of illness. Rejoice, you who show great mercy to those who pray to You by faith; Rejoice, you who wonderfully fulfill our good requests. Rejoice, streams of grace-filled healings abundantly flowing to us; Rejoice, bestower of all things useful to everyone.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to show, O Lady, not only to the Great Novugrad, but also to the entire Orthodox Russian population, Your glorious miracles from the icon of Your sign, You glorified this in many cities, abodes and villages from ancient years to our days with wondrous miracles: sight for the blind, strengthening for the weakened, and for many She mercifully grants healing to the sick, and in this way people strive to magnify Thee, who has magnified our race, and sing to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Novgrad and the entire Russian land, a wondrous icon of Your sign, O Virgin Mary, blessed miracles of Hosea, showing Your rich mercy to the faithful. In honor of this divine worship, we cry out in praise to You, the Lady:
Rejoice, quickly presenting Helper to those who diligently flow to You; Rejoice, merciful Hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the great Novgrad with Thy blessing; Rejoice, within its borders the icon of Your Sign glorified miracles. Rejoice, thou who hast spiritually rejoiced the virgins of the face by the glorification of Thy icon; Rejoice, raising us to heavenly bliss with your omnipotent prayers to God. Rejoice, thou who art merciful to Thy Son and God the Intercessor for all of us; Rejoice, good Helper, leading the war against the world, the flesh and the devil. Rejoice, covering all the Orthodox countries with the cover of Thy mercy; Rejoice, infinite treasure of healings in many places and abodes. Rejoice, O omnipotent Patroness of monks and nuns who strive well; Rejoice, zealous Intercessor in the world of those who live piously.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 8

Wandering in this earthly vale, much sorrowful and much rebellious, the mountain city - Heavenly Jerusalem, we seek and pray to You, Lady: guide us along the path of the commandments of Christ and save us from the falls of sins, surprise us with Your mercy and overshadow us with Your intercession, yes, Yours With the help of those who save us, let us be worthy to sing together with all the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

To all the grieving Comforter and the needy Helper, O All-merciful Mother of God, do not despise us, who fall before You before Your most pure image, but mercifully visit us with Your bounties: and just as You showed Your sovereign help to our fathers of old, so do not deprive us, the humble, of Yours intercession at the right time, let us not be ashamed of our hope, which according to God we place firmly in Thee, and we call upon Thee:
Rejoice, God-bright light, illuminating faithful souls with the light of Christ; Rejoice, valuable alabaster, anointing God-loving hearts with the world of God's grace. Rejoice, faithful Mother of the Sun, who enlightens the faithful and darkens the unfaithful; Rejoice, glory of heaven and hope of earth. Rejoice, our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You with faith; Rejoice, you who love and honor Thee, delivering You from all troubles. Rejoice, thou who graciously gladdens the souls of the faithful with good promises; Rejoice, glory and praise to the virgin faces. Rejoice, you who guide the ascetics of piety to the mountainous Zion; Rejoice, you who lead the faithful to Heavenly Jerusalem. Rejoice, you who enlighten darkened hearts with the light of true knowledge of God; Rejoice, covering us all with the blessed rays of Your great mercy.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 9

All the angelic armies reverently serve You, heaven and earth the Queen, but the human race brings silent praise to You, the Lady above and below, and honors Your holy icon with venerable worship. You have given us this joy and consolation, O All-Good One, and You have always shown us the signs of the Mother of Your love, so that we may sing to the God who benefits us: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The wisdom of humanity cannot comprehend the Divine mystery of Your ever-virginity, Mary Theotokos, how at the Nativity and after the Nativity you kept the keys of Your virginity intact, surprising angels and men. In the same way, we piously confess Thee, Mother and Virgin, we always please Thee and sing praises to Thee:
Rejoice, having magnified the human race with Your immaculate purity; Rejoice, having sanctified the earth with Your all-holy Nativity. Rejoice, you who wonderfully combined virginity and Christmas in Yourself; Rejoice, having preserved both yourselves immaculately. Rejoice, great miracle of the universe; Rejoice, secretly incomprehensible to human minds. Rejoice, astonishment of angelic faces; Rejoice, everlasting joy of God's saints. Rejoice, first adornment of the heavenly world; Rejoice, trustworthy intercession of the world. Rejoice, overthrow of demons; Rejoice, hell has been trampled underfoot.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 10

You gave birth to the Savior to fallen humanity, O Most Pure Virgin, and You bore Him like a Child in Your arms, His Divine image and on the icon of Your sign You showed us and You bestowed upon us many of Your mercy and bounty. For this reason, with reverence and faith, we honor Your miraculous image, Lady, and we pray to You diligently: grant us protection and protection on the Day of Judgment, so that through Your Mother’s intercession the Righteous Judge, Your Son and God, may have mercy on us, and make us worthy to stand on the right hand and sing to Him with favorites: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

An insurmountable wall and a source of miracles, Your holy icon appeared, O Virgin Mary, not only to the great Novugrad, but to the entire Russian country. This, like a sign of victory, is possessed by the armies of the Orthodox enemies, and the saints are adorned with it, and every age of the faithful receives grace-filled consolation from it. Comfort us also with Thy, All-Merciful Lady, favor and mercy, and let us cry out to Thee in praise:
Rejoice, our strong Hope; Rejoice, our undoubted Hope. Rejoice, great glory of Novagrad; Rejoice, our country is a blessed protection. Rejoice, victorious Helper against enemies in the days of battle; Rejoice, good Teacher of piety in the days of peace. Rejoice, protection and supply of monastic monasteries; Rejoice, blessing on pious homes and marriages. Rejoice, Champion of virginity and purity; Rejoice, O offended and persecuted Representative. Rejoice, robe of the naked; Rejoice, healing of the sick.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 11

Do not despise our humble singing, O all-merciful Queen, and do not close the womb of Thy bounty to us, O all-generous Lady: behold, having become poor in good deeds, to the treasury of Thy mercy, Thy miraculous icon, we flow with zeal, O All-Blessed One, and, falling down, we pray: illuminate us with the light of Thy Divine grace and teach us to faithfully fulfill the commandments of Thy Son and God, so that we may worthily sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Light of the non-evening friend, with the bright rays of Your miracles you enlighten us, darkened by the darkness of sin, the Most Pure Mother of God, and lead us to the unceasing praise of Your Most Holy Name. By the sign of Thy holy icon Thou hast truly revealed Thy sovereignty, O Lady All-Blessed, whom we joyfully call Thee in a bright celebration:
Rejoice, exalted by God above earthly and heavenly things; Rejoice, one Pure and Blessed One among women. Rejoice, Queen and Lady of heaven and earth; Rejoice, porphyro of the King of kings. Rejoice, devil of seedless disgrace; Rejoice, the main thing of human salvation. Rejoice, you who trust in You without shame; Rejoice, you who ask for Your holy help and deliver from troubles. Rejoice, pillar and affirmation of virginity; Rejoice, shield and defense of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, magnificent adornment of the Holy Church of Christ; Rejoice, covering us all with Your Mother's cover.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 12

Grant us grace and mercy from above, O Lady, from Thy holy icon, which Thou hast given us, as a sign of Thy intercession, miracles that happen from it, Orthodox faith They affirm in us, but disgrace unbelief. In the same way, we worship You and pray: keep us in Orthodoxy, O All-Good One, and grant us worthy to sing faithfully to God until our last breath: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your miracles from the icon of Your sign revealed, the Virgin Mary, we praise, glorify and magnify You, the Most Honest Cherub, truly, and the Most Glorious without comparison, the Seraphim. But You, our All-merciful Intercessor, cover us with Your sovereign veil and deliver us from all troubles and temptations of the enemy, so that we may unceasingly sing to You with a voice of praise:
Rejoice, God-delighted and immaculate Ever-Virgin; Rejoice, imperishable and incorruptible Lamb and Shepherd Mother. Rejoice, crowned with a royal diadem from the Triune God; Rejoice, holy and luminous chamber of saints of the Most Holy Word. Rejoice, standing at the right hand of Your Son and Lord; Rejoice, always praying to Him for the Christian race. Rejoice, Cause of the grace-filled renewal of mankind; Rejoice, reconciliation of repentant sinners to God. Rejoice, Deliverance to those suffering from troubles; Rejoice, Seeker of the lost. Rejoice, healing of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls.
Rejoice, Lady, showing us a sign of Your mercy.

Kontakion 13

O All-Sung Mother of our Sweetest Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! Having accepted our present offering, deliver us from all misfortune and sorrow, and remove the eternal torment of all before Thy holy icon of those who worship with faith and love and who gratefully call upon God for You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


O Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We fall down and worship You before the holy miraculous icon Yours, remembering the wondrous sign of Your intercession, revealed to the great Novugrad from her during the days of the military invasion of this city. We humbly pray to You, O All-Powerful Intercessor of our race: just as in ancient times You hastened our fathers to help, so now we, weak and sinners, have been made worthy of Your Motherly intercession and care. Save and preserve, O Lady, under the shelter of Your mercy, the Holy Church, Your city, our entire Orthodox country and all of us who fall to You with faith and love, tenderly asking with tears for Your intercession. Hey, Lady All-Merciful! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, stretch out your God-receiving hand to Christ the Lord and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, yes, we are saved by your omnipotent Through our prayers, we will inherit the bliss of paradise and, with all the saints, we will sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Most Worshipful Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us forever and ever. Amen.

The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was in Novgorod the Great in 1170

"Like an insurmountable wall and a source of miracles, which Your servants, Most Pure Mother of God, have acquired for You, we overthrow the resistant militia. We also pray to You, grant peace to Your city and great mercy to our souls".

The icon of the Mother of God, called the “Sign,” depicts the Most Holy Theotokos sitting and raising Her hands in prayer; on her chest, against the background of a round shield (or sphere) is the blessing Divine Infant, Savior-Emmanuel. This image of the Mother of God is one of Her very first iconographic images. In the tomb of St. Agnes in Rome there is an image of the Mother of God with her arms outstretched in prayer and with the Child sitting on Her lap. This image dates back to the 4th century. In addition, the ancient Byzantine image of the Mother of God “Nicopeia”, 6th century, is known, where the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted sitting on a throne and holding in front of her with both hands an oval shield with the image of the Savior Emmanuel.

Icons of the Mother of God, known under the name “The Sign,” appeared in Rus' in the 11th-12th centuries, and they began to be called so after the miraculous sign from the Novgorod icon, which happened in 1170.

This year, the united forces of the Russian appanage princes, led by the son of the Suzdal prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, approached the walls of Veliky Novgorod. The Novgorodians could only rely on God's help. They prayed day and night, begging the Lord not to leave them. On the third night, Archbishop Elijah of Novgorod heard a wondrous voice commanding him to take the image of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Church of the Transfiguration on Ilinaya Street and take it to the city wall. When the icon was being carried, the enemies fired a cloud of arrows into the religious procession, and one of them pierced the iconographic face of the Mother of God. Tears flowed from Her eyes, and the icon turned its face to the city. After such a Divine sign, the enemies were suddenly attacked by inexplicable horror, they began to beat each other, and the Novgorodians, encouraged by the Lord, fearlessly rushed into battle and won. In memory of the miraculous intercession of the Queen of Heaven, Archbishop Elijah then established a holiday in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God, which the entire Russian Church still celebrates to this day.

The Athonite hieromonk Pachomius Logothetes, who was present at such a celebration, wrote two canons for this holiday. Some Novgorod icons of the Sign, in addition to the Mother of God with the Eternal Child, also depict the miraculous events of 1170. The miraculous icon was in the same Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyinaya Street for 186 years after the appearance of the sign. In 1356, the Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built for her in Novgorod, which became the cathedral of the Znamensky Monastery.

Numerous copies of the Icon of the Sign are known throughout Russia. Many of them shone with miracles in local churches and were named after the place where miracles occurred. Such lists of the icon of the Sign include the icons of Dionysievo-Glushitskaya, Abalatskaya, Kursk-Kornaya, Seraphim-Ponetaevskaya and others. A special feature of the Kurskaya Root is the image of a baby with covered hands.

In the Novgorod story of the discovery of the icon, it is interesting how the Mother of God chooses the military side she supports. After all, a decade and a half earlier, she appeared near Vladimir to Andrei Bogolyubsky himself, after which the icon of the God-loving Mother of God was painted by order of the prince. Here, at Novegrad, the Mother of God found herself on the side opposed to the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky. If we follow linear logic, we had the right to expect Her patronage for the son of Prince Andrei. But no!

What is the conclusion? Even if the apple does not fall far from the tree, the tree and its fruit are still not the same thing. The holiness of the father does not exclude filial sinfulness. Everyone goes their own way. Responsibility is individual. Moreover, it seems that if Andrei Bogolyubsky himself intended to carry out some non- pleasing to God act, the highest protection would have been removed from him. And just as the Mother of God spoke out in Novgorod against his son, she would speak out against him himself. Who knows, perhaps the violent death that Prince Andrei suffered in his native Bogolyubovo is evidence of the removal of the protective cover?

The icon of the “Sign” was carried every day during the siege after liturgies with a religious procession around St. Nicholas Cathedral in Leningrad by the Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod, who later, in 1944, became the Patriarch of All Rus'. (It’s both wild and strange for us now to hear two names of one city - Leningrad and St. Petersburg... It’s still impossible to explain to a foreigner why this is so, what kind of “different” cities are we talking about, why St. Petersburg is now the capital of the Leningrad region? But this is our native history, our common, albeit tragic, song, from which, as they say, you cannot erase a word.However, isn’t there something providential for the Russian (World) in the combination of these two, to put it mildly, contradictory names - Peter and Lenin? history of meaning?..)

Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" Abalatskaya was written by the protodeacon of the Tobolsk Cathedral Matthew in honor of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in fulfillment of the vow of the paralytic peasant Euthymius for the newly built Church of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Abalatskaya monastery. This temple was built in 1637 after the repeated miraculous appearance of the image of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, with the presence of Saint Nicholas and the Venerable Mary of Egypt to the pious widow Mary. After painting the temple image, the paralytic Euthymius was completely healed. During the solemn transfer of the icon to the Abalatsky temple, many healings were performed. By appearance The Abalatskaya icon is similar to the Novgorod Icon of the Sign, with the only difference that on the Abalatskaya icon the Most Holy Theotokos is represented by St. Nicholas and the Venerable Mary of Egypt. There are many known miraculous copies of the Abalatsk Icon, reverently revered throughout Siberia.

Icon of the Kursk-Root Mother of God "The Sign", which is one of the greatest shrines of Russian Orthodoxy, has been in the Znamensky Cathedral of Kursk since 1726 and only for two weeks a year was taken to the Root Hermitage. Since 1806, according to the Nominal Highest Decree, she stayed in the Root Hermitage from Friday of the 9th week of Easter until September 12/25, and returned to the Znamensky Monastery of Kursk for the rest of the year. This shrine was named Kursk after its primary location, and Korennaya after the place where it was found.

The annual procession of pilgrims from all over the Kursk and Belgorod regions with the holy icon (in other years up to 40-50 thousand people gathered) to the desert and back to Kursk was a powerful spiritual cathedral act, as well as a majestic spectacle. Captured, in particular, in the famous painting by Chuguevite Ilya Repin “Religious procession in the Kursk province.” In the Root Hermitage there is now one of the lists (stolen from the Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk and rediscovered this year), and the original is in the Znamensky Church in New York, USA. For a month a year, the icon resides in the New Root Hermitage (near the city of Mahopac, 40 miles from New York), in the former country estate of Prince and Princess Beloselsky-Belozersky.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" Seraphim-Ponetaevskaya was written in 1879 by a nun of the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky convent, located not far from Arzamas, near the village of Ponetaevka. The monastery was named after St. Seraphim of Sarov by the founder of the monastery - the sister of the Diveyevo community.

The icon, six years after it was painted, became famous for its numerous miracles and became the main shrine of the monastery. During the services, the praying sisters saw clear changes in the face of the Mother of God: Her most pure face brightened and became as if alive. Numerous pilgrims flocked to the icon, and many healings from blindness and relaxation were performed. In total, about 70 cases of healing were noted.

And they pray to the “Sign” icon like this:

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We fall down and worship You before Your holy, miraculous icon, remembering the wondrous sign of Your intercession, which was revealed to Great Novugrad from it during the days of the military invasion of this city.

We humbly pray to Thee, O All-Powerful Intercessor of our race: just as in ancient times Thou hast hastened the help of our fathers, so now we, weak and sinners, have been granted Thy maternal intercession and care. Establish your holy church, your city and our entire Orthodox country, and all of us who fall to you with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears for your intercession, have mercy and save.

Hey, Lady All-Merciful! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, stretch out Thy God-receiving hand to Christ God and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us forgiveness of our sins, a pious, peaceful life, a good Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, may we be saved by Thy omnipotent Through our prayers we will inherit the bliss of paradise, and with all the saints we will sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Most Worshipful Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us forever and ever. Amen.

December 10(November 27, old style) The Church remembers Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veliky Novgorod during its siege by the Suzdal army. Icons of the Mother of God “The Sign” appeared in Rus' in the 11th - 12th centuries and are one of the most revered icons of the Mother of God. They began to be called this after a miraculous sign from the Novgorod icon that happened in 1170.

Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos. history of the holiday

In the 12th century, the conflict between Novgorod and the Suzdal prince escalated. Andrey Bogolyubsky. Here's what the chronicle says about it:

The Dvinians did not want to give tribute to Novgorod, but surrendered to the Grand Duke Andrei Yuryevich, who was then in power in Suzdal. The Novgorodians sent a detachment to the Dvina to demand legal tribute. Andrei heard this and sent his regiment against them, which the Novgorodians defeated on Bela Lake.

According to the chronicle, the allies of Andrei Bogolyubsky were 72 princes: Smolensk, Ryazan, Murom, Polotsk, Pereyaslavl and others. The sick Andrei put his son, Mstislav, at the head of the troops. In February 1170, the Suzdal residents and their allies approached Novgorod, plundering and destroying villages, capturing residents. Peace negotiations were unsuccessful and a siege began. The Suzdal residents were so confident of victory that they divided up the Novgorod streets in advance for robbery.

Novgorod was defended by the mayor Yakun (Iyakov) and the young prince Roman Mstislavich. Novgorodians, seeing countless enemies, could only hope for God's help. Day and night, in all the churches, city residents offered prayers to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos, asking for help and intercession. Archbishop John prayed incessantly for several days and on the third night he heard God’s command to take the icon of the Mother of God, which was in the church on Ilyinskaya Street, and carry it to the city walls.

The next morning, the clergy and people went in procession to the indicated temple. Archbishop John took the icon of the Mother of God, carried it to the city walls and placed it opposite the attackers, but the Suzdal residents not only did not relent, but intensified the attack. Clouds of arrows flew at the Novgorodians, and one arrow hit the face of the Virgin Mary. Suddenly the icon turned away from the enemy, and the Novgorodians saw that tears were flowing from the eyes of the Mother of God! At the same moment, the Suzdal residents were seized with horror, and in a daze they began to strike each other. Novgorodians, inspired sign from the icon of the Mother of God, left the city and defeated the enemies. Many were taken prisoner, and those who escaped died from cold, hunger and disease in the Novgorod lands they had devastated.

After the miraculous deliverance of Novgorod from numerous enemies, Archbishop John established. Mysteriously, the holiday was moved from February 25, the day of the victory of the Novgorodians over the Suzdalians, to November 27th. According to one version, this happened because February 25 falls during Lent. According to another, the date November 27 was chosen because on this day was the name day of Yakun (Iyakov), the Novgorod mayor, defender of the city.

The miraculous icon was returned to the Transfiguration Church on Ilinaya Street, where it had been located before. In 1356, the Cathedral of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built for her. During the Soviet years, the icon was in the Novgorod Museum-Reserve. In the 1980s, experts carried out its restoration and found traces of arrowheads on the board; one of the wounds is located above the left eye of the Virgin. The image has been updated many times. In 1527, Metropolitan Macarius restored it and decorated it with a frame. Currently, only a few grains of paint and the figures of the Apostle Peter and the Martyr Natalia on the back (the icon is double-sided) remain from the 12th-century image. Experts date the face of the Virgin Mary to the 16th century. Currently, the icon is in the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral.

Worship. Troparion and kontakion for the holiday

Liturgical texts of the holiday Signs of the Blessed Virgin Mary This is what they say about the events of 1170:

With the arrow of those who shot foolishly, Thy Most Pure Image, with the god-burned arrow they wounded not only the hearts, but also the soul. And the source of Your honest icon will bring tears to the inconsolable. For us, Thy people, bring great joy to Thy icon of the Most Pure Mother of the Word. For her sake, save our soul

(Those who foolishly shot at Your image, Most Pure One, You wounded with God’s arrow, not only their hearts, but also their souls. And Your icon, to which we give honor, became for them a source of inconsolable crying. But for us, Your people, Your icon created great joy , Most Pure Mother of the Word of God (Christ). For her sake, save our souls).

Library of Russian Faith

Troparion, tone 4:

Like an insurmountable wall and a source of miracles, which Your servants, Most Pure Mother of God, have acquired for You, we overthrow the resistant militia. In the same way we pray to Thee: grant peace to Thy city, and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4:

The honorable image of Thy sign, celebrating Thy people, Mother of God, to whom Thou hast bestowed a wondrous victory against Thy city, we cry by faith: Rejoice, Virgin, praise the Christians.

Icons of the Mother of God “The Sign”

Icon of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary belongs to the “Oranta” icon painting type (from lat. orans- praying). Such icons existed back in the 4th-6th centuries in Rome and Byzantium, and in Rus' they appeared in the 11th-12th centuries.

The icon of the Mother of God, called the “Sign,” depicts the Most Holy Theotokos with her hands raised in prayer; on her chest, against the background of a round shield (or sphere) is a blessing Baby.

It is interesting that later, in the 15th century, an icon about this icon arose. It is called " Miracle from the Icon of the Sign (battle of Novgorod with Suzdal)" In the upper part, Novgorodians are depicted walking in a religious procession with the image of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the middle are peace negotiations and the ensuing battle; many arrows fly at the icon of the Mother of God located on the city wall. The lower part depicts the Novgorod army led by the holy princes Boris and Gleb, the Great Martyr George and the Old Testament leader of the Jewish people Jesus Navvinus (in a helmet). Above the heads of the Suzdal warriors, who are putting to flight, is an angel with a sword.

Temples in honor of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rus'

In 1625, in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Church of the Archangel Michael Monastery in Yuryev-Polsky was consecrated. The temple occupies the southern side of the monastery courtyard and has the usual layout and design for 17th-century buildings of this type. This is a simple low temple with a spacious refectory.

In honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, a temple was consecrated in Moscow, in Medvedkovo. In the autumn of 1612, in a devastated city Time of Troubles In the village of Medvedkovo, a military prayer service was held before the decisive battle with the Poles for Moscow under the leadership of Dimitri Mikhailovich Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin. In memory of this event, in 1620, at the expense of Pozharsky, the first wooden tent church was erected and a memorial bell was cast for it in honor of the liberation of Moscow. In 1634-1635 In memory of his untimely deceased beloved son Fyodor, Pozharsky ordered the replacement of the wooden church with the existing stone tented church, one of the last examples of this style, since soon Nikon’s church reform banned this type of religious buildings as “not corresponding to the rank.”

In Moscow on Znamenka there was a temple in the name of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first mention of the temple dates back to the beginning of the 17th century, during the interrogation of followers of False Dmitry. It is also known that one of the church bells had the inscription “alms from the parish people”, which appeared in 1600. The Znamenskaya Church was located on the corner of Znamenka Street and Bolshoy Znamensky Lane (Znamenka, vl. 17), which were named after this church. The temple became stone in 1646, later rebuilt in 1657, and the bell tower itself was erected ten years later. In 1929, the church was closed, and two years later it was completely destroyed.

In honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, the altar of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Volokolamsk (1535), the Church of St. Nicholas in Kolomna (circa 1530), the Church of St. Nicholas in Pskov (1500) and the St. Nicholas Church in the village were consecrated. Upper Bridge of the Pskov region (1450).

Old Believer churches in honor of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Formerly locally revered, Novgorod Feast of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary To XVI century becomes all-Russian. He is also highly revered by Old Believers.

In 1720, it was consecrated in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos. The church operated until 1937, and in December 1941 it found itself at the center of the battles for the liberation of Kaluga from occupation, but, thank God, it survived. During Soviet times, the temple was used as a warehouse for textile products. In March 1989, the Kaluga Regional Executive Committee granted the persistent requests of the Old Believer community to provide it with a more spacious prayer building. On March 2, 1995, the church was consecrated by His Eminence Alimpiy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. It was decided to leave the main church in Znamensky, in honor of the Sign from the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veliky Novgorod. The chapel was consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Church of the Russian Orthodox Church was consecrated in the name of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Znamensky Church of the Russian Orthodox Church operates. The brick Old Believer prayer house was transferred to the Old Believers community in 1892, after 1905 it was rebuilt. It was closed in 1931. In 1993 it was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and repaired.

In the Bryansk region there is the Znamensky Church of the Russian Orthodox Church, built in 1870. The Russian-style temple, characteristic of this time, is an emphatically massive domed building with a cross-shaped volumetric composition and a tiered bell tower. The church building has a pentagonal apse and a cylindrical light drum with a large onion-shaped dome. A high three-tier bell tower adjoins the rectangular refectory from the west; above the center of its wide lower tier rise the quadrangle and octagon of the bell.

Consecrated in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos. The wooden church was founded on May 9, 1882 and consecrated in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on November 1, 1883. In 1887–1889, a spacious stone vestibule with a bell tower was added to the church. At the end of the 1920s, the temple was closed, the wooden part of the temple was dismantled. Until 1961, the church building housed the warehouse of the Neva Artel. In the same year, services began. The building in 1961 was transferred to the Orthodox Old Believer community of the Bespopovtsy Pomeranian Consent. The surviving buildings were repaired and the destroyed church was partially restored, reconsecrated by the community as Znamenskaya. Since 1961, services have resumed in the church.

Another one was consecrated in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos. The church was built in 1906–1907. Old Believer community of the Pomeranian consent.
