The value on the clock. Tips from the guardian angel and the meaning of the time on the clock. The sacred meaning of the number 12

The number 12 is sacred in numerology. Remember: 12 signs of the zodiac, the same number of months in a year, 12 apostles of Christ... This list goes on ad infinitum. Many peoples of the world revered this number. Numerology undertakes to predict the character and habits of a person born on 12, it reveals the meaning of this number.

About the number 12

Numerology prefers to deal with single-digit numbers from 1 to 10. Therefore, when analyzing the number 12, we decompose it into two components: one and two. In this pair, number 1 is a desire for leadership, the ability to analyze the current situation, and take initiative. Whereas 2 is the opposite of one. This number gives a person romanticism, daydreaming, uncertainty, and a desire to constantly receive approval from others.

If you add both numbers, you get the number 3. It also gives a person leadership qualities, its value is the same as 1, but enhanced several times. Two balances the number 12 and adds softness to it. Therefore, a person born 12 is a born leader, tactful with subordinates. He lives in harmony with them, listens to the advice of his colleagues, and waits for the approval of the entire team.

Relationships with other people


It is easy to maintain relationships with people who were born 12, you can immediately find a common language. They need approval from others, including their employees, and they attach great importance to it. These people love communication, company, and avoid conflicts, but if necessary, they will put the brawler in his place. Ready to express everything they think. These are excellent companions because they have a positive character and a sharp mind.

People are attracted by their goodwill and nobility. A cheerful disposition, a sense of humor - all this creates a pleasant impression. In addition, they need communication. But they repel people by being excessively scrupulous and demanding.


When choosing a soul mate, it is important for them to find a person who is the same as them in mind, spirit, and intellect. Only then will the union be successful. In intimate life they are able to show tenderness, but are not against experiments, they are sexually strong. The partner must also be free from internal prohibitions and prejudices. The main thing for them is spiritual unity with another person. They are open and expect the same from their partner.

They attach great importance to marriage and live together happily ever after if the partner does not have the same shortcomings as the person himself. They are kind to their significant other, consult with her on all issues, even allow themselves to be commanded. But they are jealous and possessive. If the family breaks up, he will take it painfully; for him it is the ruin of his whole life.

Character traits

Numerology emphasizes that due to their impulsive nature, people born on 12 refuse projects that could play a huge role in their lives and bring them success and fame. They often quit their job at the very beginning. Therefore, they achieve success only in adulthood, after 50 years.


  • Excessive sensitivity. They have difficulty forgetting someone and cannot forgive the offender. Resentment poisons their life and makes a person unhappy.
  • Uncertainty.
  • They do not like to listen to advice and do not know how to listen to criticism; they only require approval.
  • , he cannot finish what he started.
  • Fussy, nervous.


  • Born leaders, they strive to lead and command.
  • A strong character.
  • They are sensitive and try not to offend others.
  • They don't sit idle. Having finished one, they immediately begin to complete the next task.

To achieve happiness, you need to overcome daydreaming and uncertainty. It also doesn't hurt to work on your patience. If something fails to bring plans to life, there is no need to abandon them, it is important to continue the fight and not give up. But this number 12 attracts good luck, so there will be few difficulties. Success awaits on the following days: 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12. You need to be careful on 4, 7, 13, 16 and 31, which are considered unlucky days.

Arcanum XII

"SUPPORT FROM ABOVE", Invulnerability

What is the 12th Arcana? This is a state where you are not allowed to fall. The 12th lasso is called “support from above.” A person in the 12th lasso hangs in the same way as in the 3rd. But in the 3rd lasso he hangs like a victim in the teeth of a vampire. The vampire grabs the victim and sucks - the victim hangs, and the strength in him becomes less and less. And in the 12th lasso, you are hanging due to a situation, for example: because of your negligence and rudeness, you are kicked out of work, your wife leaves you, etc. Everything seems to be bad, but the System does not allow you to fall into ruin completely. They also don’t let you turn around too much, but they also don’t let you go completely abyss. There are situations when you do not depend on yourself, that is, no matter what you do, the result will be the same. This is the 12th lasso.
A person conducting the 3rd lasso is able to suck off anything. He is capable of cutting off power to anyone. That is, carrying out the 3rd lasso in this aspect is a wonderful ability for vampirism. It's like you become the tip of a big vacuum cleaner. Everything sucks through you. You yourself have little, but you can de-energize any object. Imagine that you need to calm someone down. You begin to carry out the 3rd lasso - and everyone becomes lethargic, sleepy and can barely crawl. This has a strong effect on various everyday vampires. They feel so bad that they run away from you. The most boring people generally lag behind you, become unstuck and run away.
The Sidha of the 12th Arcana is that you will not be lost anywhere. The system doesn't let you fail, no matter what happens. Somehow scientists paid attention to the statistics of accidents. They found out that some people got into all sorts of car and other accidents several times - and nothing happened. Everything around explodes, but these people survive. One man who was in 10 car accidents and 3 airplane accidents did not receive a single scratch. This comrade was included in the cosmonaut corps based on the consideration that even if the rocket exploded, he would still somehow get out. This is exactly the property of the 12th lasso, when you are simply held. What is this property of the 12th Arcana connected with? It's called rock. When they say: “Doom is above you,” for some reason they often say: “Evil rock.” It is neither evil nor good, it is just rock. So what is rock? Imagine that some event may occur as a result of which the state of the Genius of the Earth will change. The genius of the Earth, accordingly, has inertia. He doesn't want to change completely. Then this event will meet with enormous resistance. In order for it to happen, it is necessary to expend enormous efforts that will overcome the resistance of the Genius of the Earth. It's just inertia. We are dealing not with evil will, but with the inertia of the System. If you try to move a house, it is theoretically possible, but in practice it requires enormous force. Rock is a person’s encounter with a situation where his behavior affects the state of the Genius of the Earth, or some egregor. A person is involved in some processes, and, a step to the left, a step to the right - changes occur in the System. Accordingly, he tries to take a step to the left, a step to the right, but the System resists, and he feels that he is simply hitting his forehead against the wall. But this is not an insurmountable wall, but simply the resistance of the System. And the System resists because at the moment this person occupies some important key position.
Imagine a railroad switch; it is quite easy to move. But if at that moment a train is following the switch, then this is impossible to do. When Rock is above a person, at that moment a train is moving along the arrow. At this moment, a person is involved in some serious processes. Changing its state will entail changing constants that do not want to change. That's what Rock is. When we tell fortunes on cards, we always see variants of situations. And in some cases we see that situations have no options. That is, it will only be this way, and not otherwise. In this case, we can say that fate hangs over this person. That is, it rides on rails and simply cannot be moved. Is the idea of ​​the 12th Arcana clear? Siddha of the 12th Arcana is invulnerability.
© B.M. Monosov,

12th lasso - “The Hanged Man”. A man hangs, suspended by his leg, upside down. But he is suspended from a tree on which there is a mass of all kinds of fruit. And he hangs in a completely comfortable position, without suffering. You must be in a state of hanging, free falling, you are falling on a parachute, the parachute is holding you. Why upside down? This is an unnatural position for this person. This is like the 21st lasso, but upside down. This is a state when you have absolutely nothing to care about, nothing depends on you, and there is nothing to think about.

Talisman 12 Arcana
The talisman of this Arcana depicts a T-shaped gallows or noose. This talisman gives help from Higher Powers.

Description of the meaning of Arcana
The energy of the 12th Arcana is connected with the Supreme Beings and forms a channel leading to the superhuman level. This channel represents the opportunity to receive help from supernatural beings. When tuning into the channel, a person opens a passage to the highest level of energy where superhuman beings live. These creatures are patrons, teachers and helpers in relation to people. These omnipotent beings can help a person in completely different situations. Supreme beings are individuals with individuality. These bright beings come to the rescue in solving the most pressing problems.

Description of the Angel Arcana
Angel 12 Arcana is a light creature located above you. This being is on a different energy level. It is surrounded by a luminous halo. When you contact this Angel, he descends to you in a halo of bright light through the Portal.

Action of Arcanum on the Body
Light beings have Omnipotence in terms of restoring your health. They can cure you of any infection, tumor or inflammation. These creatures are able to heal injury and even restore a lost organ. They can do everything except revive the dead.

The effect of the Arcanum on the Situation
Light beings are practically Omnipotent. They can create the most incredible situations. They are able to neutralize almost any trouble. Light beings can change any situation except death.

Arcana Ritual
You mentally turn to a higher being for help. The light being will hear your strong, sincere call for help at his level and will descend to you into the physical world, opening a portal above you.

Siddha Arcana
The Siddha or highest ability of this Arcana is the ability to call upon higher beings for help. By conducting this energy, you can open a Portal of communication with Higher Beings.

Arcanum duration
This energy works well at any time of the day and at any time of the year. During holidays, during the full moon and during periods of solar activity, it increases.

Using the energy of this Arcana
The energy of this Arcana is used to receive help from beings of a higher level of consciousness. This energy is used for both healing and solving situations.

Rider White Tarot

Pisces as a symbol of sacrifice and enlightenment. The Sun is in the 12th house, meaning "captivity", and in a deeper sense - a radical life revolution that occurred as a result of the awareness of some important principle.
Straight position:
THE HANGED MAN means sacrifice and retribution, acceptance of fate and the search for meaning. Sacrifice - in the name of deliverance, wisdom, enlightenment. It is following duty and responsibilities. On the other hand, it is restlessness, lack of meaning in life. The card means a revolution in the entire value system, but it can mean hesitation and, as a result, a delay in resolving your affairs.
Reverse position:
An inverted card means: egocentrism, absorption in one's own affairs, unnecessary sacrifice, useless pursuit of an unattainable dream.

XII Arcana - called Sacrifice and symbolizes violent death.
The XII Arcanum expresses in the Divine world the Law indicated by revelation.
In the Intellectual world there is a teaching about duty and responsibilities.
In the Physical world – sacrifice.
Arcanum XII is depicted as a man suspended by one leg from a crossbar attached to two trees, each of which has six cut branches. This man's hands are tied and pulled back, and his shoulders and elbows form the base of an inverted triangle, the apex of which is his head. This is a sign of violent death, occurring as a result of a terrible accident, or as atonement for a crime, or as a heroic self-sacrifice for the sake of truth and justice. The twelve cut branches represent the cessation of life and the destruction of the twelve houses of the horoscope. A triangle with an overturned top symbolizes disaster.

“Remember, son of the Earth, that selflessness is a Divine law from which no one is exempt, but, however, do not expect anything but ingratitude on the part of people. Therefore, try to ensure that your soul is always ready to give an account to the Almighty, since if Arcanum XII appears in your horoscope, violent death awaits you on the path of life. But, if they make an attempt on your earthly life, die, humbly submitting to this God's sentence and forgive your most cruel enemies, because the one who does not forgive here on earth will be condemned in the afterlife and sentenced to eternal loneliness.


Prudence, Restraint, Reasonableness, Prudence, Consciousness, Foresight, Thriftiness.

12th Genius
God's refuge

Ps. 10, stx. 1: “Why, Lord, do you stand far away, hiding in times of trouble.”
Controls dreams, secrets hidden from mortals. Morals are meek, spiritual, modest.
Evil genius: immodesty, lies, breach of trust.

Meaning of the number Twelve

Twelve- the number of the philosopher's stone.
The number 12 means world harmony and order, given to man in the form of laws. - Dodecada- this is a complete, completed cycle, cosmic order. The Dodecad is the last system, since the Ennead, to show many aspects of perfection, in which risk and chance are completely harmonized. The system of twelve represents any organized complexity, such as the twelve-tone scale, which is the natural basis of all music. Dodecad is three impulses in four elements.
- In the dodecad one can represent the imandula, which is one of the main Buddhist symbols of all traditions, which depicts 12 symbolic elements called nedans, - 12 correlated causes - the continuity of life flow and cycle. 12 - jaramarana - old age and death. As a continuation of the development of new things. An old man carrying a dead man to be burned. Future life 11 and 12 nedana is interpreted as a compressed expression of the first five nedana, where 10 nedan corresponds to the third nedana, and 12 is a compressed expression of the next 4. 1 and 2 nedans are a condensed expression of the last 3 nedans in real life. The first nedana is equal to the eighth and ninth nedana, and the second is the repetition of 10. The natal period of a person's birth is 1 and 2.
- Plato and Pythagoras spoke about the hidden structure of the world in the form of a dodecahedron. The 12-member system can be understood as a consequence of the properties of the triad and tetrad, as an expression of dynamics in combination with any directed activity. Defenders of the twelve-member notation of numbers recognized the success of Chaldean arithmetic, which was based on dividing 60 by the first five natural numbers. Although arithmetic subsequently switched to the decimal system, which is historically understandable, our task is to penetrate into the remarkable properties of the twelve-member order. As mentioned above, the dodecad is significant in understanding the holistic universe, since all elements of our experience play a role in this system.

- “The number 12 is a perfect number. This is the number of signs of the Zodiac that the Sun visits in twelve months; and to honor this number, Moses divided his people into twelve tribes, established twelve showbreads and placed twelve precious stones on the breastplate of the High Priests" (H. P. Blavatsky. "The Secret Doctrine")
In astrology, it shows the constant cycles that dictate a person’s eternal daily affairs: 12 solar months (Earthly branches) of the year, 12 Moons, 12 animals of the zodiac, 12 sidereal hours in each day, 12 guardians, 12 great gods of ancient mythology are known, 12 disciples Christ, 12 peers of France, 12 knights of the Holy Grail, 12 angels in the Bible, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 patriarchs, the Tree of Life has 12 fruits, in medicine there are 12 internal organs, in music - 12 tones.
In everyday life, 12 indicates the usual temporary concepts that have been used since ancient times. And fortune telling was based on 12. In fortune telling, 12 meant food, nutrition and growth of the embryo in the mother’s womb. The fortune-telling cycle after it returned to one.
-In the duodecimal cycle, twelve means “Refuge”, salvation and isolation from the world. However, the number adds up to three. And in the decimal cycle, 2 is added to this number. Ultimately, 12 turns into 5, and turns out to be one of the happiest numbers - the number of completeness, internal growth and development, leading to reasonable changes, the number that ensures a new cycle of life.
-Homonym for numbers - “win easily.”

The Etruscan state was divided into 12 parts.
- The minerals of the Earth are consistent with the number 12, as are the decimal and duodecimal systems. Diamonds, for example, have 12 sides and 12 axes along which they must be cut to achieve their brilliance.
- 12 pillars of the Manichaean faith.
- The 12 labors of Hercules personified the transition of the Sun through the signs of the Zodiac. "Hercules is a very ancient god. 17,000 years have passed since the beginning of the reign of Amasis, since 12 gods, one of whom they considered Hercules, were born from the Eight."
- The Persians believed that good comes from the ordered movement of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the creation of Ahuramazda, while disordered movement can cause evil.
Mithra had twelve disciples.
In Judaic and ancient Eastern cultures, the number 12 corresponded to the abundance, completeness, and integrity of Being.
- In Jewish tradition there are twelve fruits of the Tree of Life; twelve tribes of Israel, the sons of Jacob, 12 parts of Solomon's temple, 12 altars of St. James.
- In Christianity there are 12 fruits of the spirit, and stones at the foundation of the Holy City, 12 Gates of Heavenly Jerusalem.
- In Islam, twelve imams, descendants of Ali, rule over the twelve hours of the day.
- Twelve members on the Dalai Lama's council.
- The Chinese have a twelve-decimal system of honor: 12 imperial insignia, 12 official positions created by the mythical Emperor Song.

The number 12 reflects potential fullness, since it represents the spirit (One) captivating the Soul (Two). 12 is Harmony in the earthly and heavenly worlds, a crystal-solid soul, the starting point of individual evolution and the end point of the development of large periods of world processes.

Naacals were used on Atlantis Tree of Life of 12 circles.
- 12 squared - - the number of special chosenness.

Twelve-pointed star. Inside there is a Slavic rotation and the sun

Twelve-rayed star of the Council of the Apostles (star of the Erzgamma).

The contour of the picture is formed by a Twelve-rayed Star, which is a plexus of two six-rayed ones, one of which consists of two three-rayed ones. The three-rayed star symbolically means the connection of three planes - physical, astral and mental, forming unity at all levels. Connecting together, they form a six-rayed star, symbolizing the power of Creation and Creation. Then it is doubled by a second six-rayed star, forming a twelve-rayed one - symbolizing the initially pure energy and divine light. After which it is doubled by the internal circuit, reinforcing the embedded information.
In the center is the Tri-Arm - a symbol of eternity and the unity of triplicity: life - death - rebirth.
The blue and white color scheme is associated with creativity and the development of individuality.
The synthesized meaning of the symbol: the revelation of individuality through creativity, through the achievement of internal harmony and unity with all that exists.

Number 12

A DOZEN - cosmic karma, cosmic harmony of the dense plane, Christianity, astrology, mathematics.

A comment. In the dozen, the influence of open space, that is, the subtle plane, is harmonized. Divisibility by 3 always means external harmony, the absence of openly protruding sharp corners. The dozen symbolizes the first inclusion of this plane in cosmic karma, which provides a partial justification for the disharmonies of the eleven (12=11+1), and at the high level of the dozen, the opportunity to mitigate them. It is in this sense that its harmony should be understood; at average levels of development, a dozen means a slight feeling of inclusion in the world evolutionary process - and nothing more. Nevertheless, this feeling, no matter how elusively subtle it may seem, completely justifies a person’s life, and in this sense is incomparable with the religiosity of the dozen, which gives only hope for true life in God.

A dozen means the beginning of cooperation between this (dense) plane and the subtle one and therefore requires a person to consciously go beyond the boundaries of earthly ethics and geocentrism. At a low level, this is expressed in a stable internal feeling that all personal and generally unsolvable problems and disharmonies are not accidental, for some reason they are necessary and are an inevitable part of some global state of affairs, about which, however, a person cannot say anything definite, but this feeling For some reason he is extremely supportive. In general, a dozen means going beyond earthly karma and (at a high level) the possibility of mitigating it through direct cooperation with the subtle plane. This, however, is only possible for people of a sufficient evolutionary level who are able to tolerate cosmic energy of high vibrations. At the average level, the dozen symbolizes the energies of the subtle plane, organically blending into the materiality of the dense and leading its development and enlightenment, giving an unearthly ideal, but not forcing it at all. This, for example, is art, especially music, which is based on twelve basic semitones, bearing the obvious imprint of “mountain” origin. A dozen symbolizes high harmony, that is, harmony that goes beyond the earthly and bears a distinct imprint of the subtle plane. However, and this is the limitation of the dozen, its channel cannot mitigate all earthly disharmonies.
In the decomposition 12 = 4 x 3, the three gives a very great harmonization of the rigid form, but its true spiritualization and harmonious interaction of two formed living plans (12 = 6 + 6) has not yet occurred; in a dozen there are unresolved internal contradictions that will clearly appear in thirteen; at the dozen level they are experienced as a feeling of insufficient involvement of man and the Earth as a whole in space programs.
A dozen are beautiful with unearthly aesthetics, but they represent an ideal rather than something adapted for earthly life; its main manifestations on Earth are music (12 semitones) and astrology (12 signs of the Zodiac): the first fills the human soul with high harmony, the second makes his fate a fragment of cosmic evolution.
It was considered a super-perfect number, a symbol of the “philosopher’s stone”, completeness and the divine circle that rotates the universe. The duodecimal structure of the universe and the presence of the number 12 in many realities of life and religious and spiritual traditions have been noted by many researchers. So Losev, speaking about ancient culture and the works of Homer, testifies:
“In addition to the 12 Hesiodian titans given above, we find in Homer: 12 Thracians killed by Diomedes, 12 Trojans killed when Achilles appeared after the death of Patroclus; 12 captives sacrificed by Achilles; 12 sacrificial bulls, 12 participants in the Odyssean reconnaissance, 12 Ithacan suitors of Penelope , 24 (twice in 12) grooms from Zam; 12 slaves busy grinding grain; 12 unfaithful and executed maids in the house of Odysseus, 12 Phaeacian kings, 12 horses of Agamemnon for reconciliation with Achilles, 12 foals of Boreas, 12 sacrificial calves of Hector, 12 bulls as the price of a tripod for the winner at the games in honor of Patroclus, 12 mares for one of Penelope’s suitors, 12 legs for Scylla. And these are not all examples of the use of the number 12 in Homer. It was applied to cities, ships, pig sheds , amphorae, axes, jewelry, clothes."
Indeed, “12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours of day and night, 12 main Olympic gods, 12 biblical tribes, 12 apostles, 12 days of Christmas,” according to the researcher of number symbolism A. Holguin, speak of the all-pervasive and omnipresent nature of the number twelve. Arcanological Hermeticism associates with this number the idea of ​​sacrifice, as the only possible condition for a person’s ascent to God. H.E. Kerlot writes:
"Twelve symbolizes cosmic order and salvation. It corresponds to the number of signs of the Zodiac and is the basis of all duodecimal groups. Associated with it are the concepts of space and time, as well as the wheel and circle."
The number 12, many occultists note, is a product of 3 and 4, containing all manifestations of matter and spirit, the various rhythms of the universe, the world order of the manifested cosmos.
Of all the numbers, "twelve" has the widest scope, since the Tarot formulas contain two groups of twelve and four of fourteen, but the components of these numbers do not have sacred and archetypal significance. Kerlot writes about this:
“Taking into account that the two essential prototypes of quantity are the numbers “three” and “four” (meaning, respectively, dynamism or internal spirituality, and stability or external activity), it can be argued that their sum and their product give the two numbers next in importance: "seven" and "twelve". The latter corresponds to the geometric dodecagon; it, however, can also be associated with the circle, since their symbolic meanings are practically identical. Thus, systems or schemes based on the circle or cycle tend to receive as a finite limit number "twelve" Even if structures initially consist of fewer than twelve elements, their tendency later appears to tend towards the perfect number "twelve", as in music, where the seven-note modal scale developed into the twelve-note system of Arnold Schoenberg and his school ".

The circular nature of the number twelve testifies to the presence in it of a special order, based on schemes capable of breaking up either into a purely internal tripartite division of an external quaternary scheme, or into an external four-part division of an already internal ternary scheme. All this is evidence of the special symbolism of the Zodiac, built on the principle of the possibility of manifesting the four elements in three different ways (levels). Together this gives twelve divisions. The mystic Saint-Yves d'Alweider believed that in communities of people following the symbolic tradition, "the circle that stands highest and closest to the mysterious center consists of twelve divisions that represent the highest initiation (abilities, virtues and knowledge) and which, among other things, correspond to the Zodiac." Interesting thoughts about this number are expressed by Guenon, who claims that the twelvefold formula can be found in the “circular Council” of the Dalai Lama, in the person of the legendary Knights of the Round Table and the historical twelve peers of France. Kerlot points out that according to this principle The Etruscan state was divided, and Romulus established the institution of twelve lictors.

The symbolism of the number 12 was closely connected with the image of Heavenly Jerusalem. The revelation of John the Theologian contains the following description of the Mystical City:
“It (the city) has a large and high wall, has twelve gates and twelve Angels on them; on the gates are written the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel: on the east there are three gates, on the north there are three gates, on the south there are three gates, on the west there are three gates. The wall The city has twelve foundations, and on them are the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb." Elsewhere in the Apocalypse it says:
"And he showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, bearing fruit twelve times, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves tree for the healing of the nations."

A. Underwater


The symbolic rulers of Pisces, Neptune, Jupiter, culminate in Venus, Chiron, and imprisoned Mercury.
Each person is a microcosm, that is, the Universe in miniature, and has a connection not only with egregors of various levels, but also directly with the Absolute, to which he has his responsibilities, as well as some rights, in particular, a certain free will that he has no one can take it away; he has his own unique role in the evolutionary program of the Universe, which no one but him can fulfill, although its specific details, which are symbolically indicated by aspects of the twelfth house, are visible only to people of sufficient evolutionary development.
Thus, the twelfth house represents a person’s direct participation in the evolutionary development of the Universe, which at a certain level can be characterized as impersonal service: to God, higher powers, an abstract ideal, humanity as a whole, etc., depending on the way a person understands the world. Being a diurnal house, the twelfth house creates situations of service in which external reality is emphasized more than the “I”, but renunciation of personal interests and certain sacrifices are not obligatory at first: the Absolute, as it were, asks a person for a favor and direct necessity at the beginning (and for a long time afterwards) ) is absent, but with a systematic refusal to work on the twelfth house, at some point (sometimes in the next incarnation) it is turned on imperatively, and then the person will face a serious long-term incurable illness, a hospital bed, imprisonment, complete loneliness, hard meaningless work or other forced victims.
The twelfth house symbolically represents a person’s connection with his past and future incarnations, but this is a separate topic for specific research, since, generally speaking, the entire horoscope is influenced by past lives, and its elaboration (or lack thereof) affects the future; however, the twelfth house is traditionally believed to be the house of fulfillment of karmic debts and atonement for karmic crimes. In any case, the twelfth house establishes the principle that no human effort will be wasted in evolution, and service done impersonally can be useless only in appearance.
The twelfth house is the house of mystery: secret meaning, hidden meaning, actions without the sign of a doer. Along the twelfth house there are secret enemies who need to be recognized for the obvious intrigues they inflict on a person, in particular, these are camouflaged lower programs of the subconscious (for example, unconscious selfishness or aggression). It is impossible to fight with enemies in the twelfth house in the same way as with open enemies (seventh house), they should rather be brought to light, which is why they lose their power and disappear, dissolving in the rays of light. In the twelfth house there are matters that remain completely unknown to humanity, or become their property only a long time later, in particular, a person’s direct work with the egregor. At the same time, it may seem to everyone, including the person himself, that he is not realizing his hidden capabilities, although in fact this may not be the case at all, it’s just that the average person is not able to understand and see the true meaning, nature and dimensions of his work in the subtle world. With the correct inclusion of the twelfth house, a person can do a lot, but this can only be understood by indirect signs, for example, his internal tension and concentration.

The karmic meaning of the twelfth house is that a person is taught to work blindfolded with bad tools, simultaneously cultivating in him selflessness, inner peace, the ability to lower his internal rhythm and listen in solitude to the quiet voice of the Absolute. When he learns all this, the bandage will be removed, he will be given perfect tools and a clear task, but he will be able to complete it only with the help of acquired experience, knowledge and skills. The twelfth house educates a person in connection with the rest of the world, developing in him mercy, compassion (including towards enemies), the ability to unselfishly forgive and trust people, without having any reason for this.

The twelfth house is the house of mysticism, a direct connection with the Absolute. These are not only religious trances and ecstasies; for example, the final confidence in the correctness of one’s life comes precisely in calm inner solitude (no matter how a person’s life looks externally), when the feeling of truth comes in the form of reliable knowledge, leaving no room for doubt. Here a person develops humility, spiritual endurance, aspiration, higher will, dedication and self-denial. Under the twelfth house, a person’s attitude to suffering is being worked out: one’s own, others’ and the world’s, therefore it is often associated with suffering and liberation from it: the twelfth house is the place of healing of wounds under the direct supervision of the Absolute.

Through the twelfth house there is a mystical knowledge of the world and the very cutting edge of scientific knowledge: here a person learns not what he has set himself the (mental) goal of knowing, wresting, so to speak, a secret from nature (a position typical of the third house), but something completely something new that through it the Absolute wants to convey to people in connection with the increase in their evolutionary level. A person has a completely different, reverent attitude towards such knowledge: he feels that he is participating in the sacrament and does not demand anything, but only listens intently and attentively, holding his breath and forgetting about mistrust (it can come later).

At the first level of working on the twelfth house, a person tries as much as he can to ignore it and switch to others. The idea of ​​impersonal service is alien to him, since his service is always personal or indifferent (and selfish), and the addressee is necessarily specific. This person avoids imprisonment and loneliness in any form, not finding anything good or pleasant in them, and only those addressed to himself understand sacrifices, and this is the only type of the twelfth house that he recognizes.
If the twelfth house is included in its imperative version, and a person, for example, ends up in a hospital bed or is forced to care for a seriously ill relative, then he tries to create an illusory reality for himself (dreams, fantasies, etc.) and go into it, forgetting as much as possible about his real circumstances, which seem terrible to him, especially in comparison with the rest of the world, free and happy. At this level, a person understands forgiveness, mercy, compassion and selfless help only when addressed to himself, but is inclined to extort them from others by force. He will refuse hard and meaningless work for himself, and if circumstances still force him to do it, he will acutely feel the complete meaninglessness of not only this work, but in general his existence in the world and it as a whole, as well as the illusory nature of any efforts to improve it. For this person, humility is identical to weakness, and he considers the concepts of fortitude and higher will to be speculative and demagogic. He suspects his hidden enemies exclusively in the outside world, mainly in the form of secret intriguers, ill-wishers and envious people, waiting for his slightest mistake in order to pounce and drown him.
This person does not believe in hidden abilities and capabilities - his own and those of others - and treats the outcast and unfortunate with disgust (the lowest octave of compassion). His attitude to internal freedom as an alternative to the restriction of external freedom is well described by the exhortation of the executioner, leading a reluctant victim to the scaffold: “Freedom is a conscious necessity.”

At the second level of working through the twelfth house, a person still does not understand what impersonal service is, but the situation when he is forced to spend some (not too large) amount of his time and effort on clearly (or almost) meaningless activities does not cause him strong protest: he attributes them to the general imperfection of the world and is not inclined to pay too much emotional attention to them. In other words, a person makes minor forced sacrifices without tension, but does not attach any positive meaning to them. A person has a negative attitude towards long periods of confinement (illness, forced loneliness), but short confinement may be welcomed as an opportunity to disconnect from the world, lower the internal rhythm and relax; however, he quickly begins to get bored when alone. In the event of great misfortunes of close people, he is capable of compassion; sometimes mercy takes him by surprise, but usually not for long. He is not inclined towards mercy, especially towards enemies, and in general is skeptical about this concept, but sometimes, unexpectedly for himself and contrary to his views, he can show it.
This person understands that in some life situations self-denial is necessary, sometimes someone must sacrifice themselves to others, but he himself would not really want to be in this place; however, he respects and admires the strength of their spirit for people capable of selfless behavior and actions. He still sees secret enemies only in the outside world and, assuming the actions of hidden enemies directed against him, considers counter-intrigue the most effective means of struggle; humility seems to him a last resort, which should be used when all means of struggle have been exhausted, but this person evaluates the ability to come to terms with obvious defeat positively. He has a negative attitude towards working with blunt instruments; he allows for hidden abilities and capabilities (his own and others), but in the abstract and with a significant amount of skepticism. At this level, the feeling of a person’s mystical connection with the world is practically absent, but internal freedom as the freedom to relate to what is happening around him is already to some extent understandable.

At the third level of elaboration of the twelfth house, impersonal service, that is, the state of a person when he does what needs to be done without receiving reward and without leaving any imprint of his personality on the results of his activities, is of great importance in his life. At such moments, he feels his need not for specific people or groups, but for something incomparably higher, but a person cannot accurately understand and express these feelings. However, he has a largely positive attitude towards periods of forced confinement and loneliness, not only as opportunities to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life, relax and rethink his picture of the world, but also perceiving these states as creative, when thoughts, feelings and sensations come to him clearly of foreign origin, sometimes from very high planes of the subtle world.
Perhaps great mystical revelations do not come at this level very often, but as soon as a person finds himself in captivity, he has a feeling of a subtle connection with the whole world and some unusual and mysterious processes of interaction with his psyche and the subtle world begin to occur. At this level, a person is characterized by mercy and compassion, but he is quite attentive and insightful and knows how to distinguish the suffering of the soul from the suffering of the ego and is not sentimental. He understands the need for sacrifices and sacrificial labor and tries to make sacrifices to the extent that they are required of him, resignedly, humbly and, if possible, joyfully, feeling at these moments a mystical unity with the world. At this level, life’s suffering is rethought, which a person ceases to deny, perceiving it as an important type of evolutionary work necessary at certain sites and stages of evolution. This person knows that he is endowed with very great hidden capabilities, the key to which can only be found in the confinement of the twelfth house, and does not complain when the need arises to learn how to work with bad tools - he feels that this is only a preparatory stage necessary for the realization of his true capabilities.
He sees his secret enemies mainly in his subconscious and tries to see them; External intrigues and the intrigues of his enemies concern him much less. At the fourth level of elaboration of the twelfth house, a person sees or guesses the impersonal will of the Absolute in many things that happen around him. He sees karma well and considers direct service to the Absolute as a natural and most creative part of his (and others’) life. He sees sacrifices and sacrifices not only where they are visible to others, but also in many other moments of life, and understands how and when they should be made, and most importantly, what role they play in the fate of people. Any karmic knot is untied as a result of a sacrifice, but it is not possible under all conditions and sometimes it takes a long time to prepare for its sacrifice.
This person is characterized by the absence of external tension in situations of the twelfth house; his loneliness and self-sacrifice do not burden anyone, although they can often serve as an example. Under the twelfth house, he cultivates humility before the will of the Absolute and spiritual endurance and forms a higher will, which then materializes under other houses; for him, loneliness is a natural and creative state, a condition for a direct mystical connection with the Absolute and the Universe, and here he comprehends very specific external problems and tasks that face the world, and voluntarily takes part in them. This level is characterized by work directly in the egregor, and a weak imprint (shadow of the sixth house) of a person’s individuality remains there.
This person has great mystical abilities; he can meditatively lift a student into the high planes of the subtle world and show him past incarnations and some features of the future, and most importantly, help him see his hidden abilities and potential capabilities, which he may not even be aware of.

The situation of the twelfth house is often associated with an internal feeling of one’s sacrifice, or sacrifice. At a low level, a person is not inclined to sacrifice anything voluntarily, so his twelfth house, as a rule, is turned on in extreme circumstances, that is, together with the eighth, for example, during a serious, life-threatening illness (of one’s own or a close relative whom one has to care for) , imprisonment, etc. Weaker but imperative options for impersonal service are caring for infants or children during their illness, all kinds of night shifts, work in surveillance services (from the secret police and firefighters to sociology and meteorology) and in all other places where a person's personality as such is of only indirect interest in relation to the work he performs.
Therefore, any true creativity occurs, to a large extent, under the twelfth house, the main sign of which is the independence of the work from the artist at the stage of implementation (usually the sequence of activation of houses is as follows; the first is the order of the Absolute, the fifth is thinking about the idea, the sixth is the beginning of its implementation, and again the twelfth is the idea acquires an autonomous existence and, when finally embodied, dictates its will to the artist). Only under the twelfth house can the cosmic creative principle inherent in each person be realized: the fifth and sixth houses provide great personal guidance and, therefore, restrictions.
Everyday situations of the twelfth house of the lower octave are secrets, deceit, lies and omissions, all kinds of intrigues and false positions, games with the subconscious and oneself, self-deception, mixing illusory ideas with real life. At the average level, this is a manifestation of pity, mercy, condescension and selfless concern for one’s neighbor when circumstances require it, but most often the twelfth house is included along with the first, fifth or seventh, that is, elements of personal self-affirmation, role development or direct hostility towards the object care. At a high level, the twelfth house means the rejection of any accentuated participation in worldly activities, which was previously carried out by going to a monastery or monastery: the monk retired, devoting himself to God, that is, he was engaged, in modern language, in work directly in the egregor. Now, with the discovery of Chiron, culminating in the twelfth house, the latter partly materializes, and service can be carried out in the world, but it requires special training, in particular, the development of special ethics of behavior in polluted conditions.
A strong twelfth house gives a person who gives the impression of being "out of this world." So, in any case, it should be, but it is not at all necessary that a person immediately and painlessly takes for granted the transparent (and even more so, brick) wall separating him from the rest of the world.
There will be a lot of mysticism, secrets and mysteries in his life. In youth, various throwings are likely, attempts to become “like everyone else,” to experience the same feelings and delights, to be happy and sad along with others, or at least for the same reasons. All this, however, turns out badly, although the confinement of the twelfth house works only in one direction, not allowing a person into the world; there is no reverse restriction, and the world willingly comes to a person, trusts him with its secrets, sorrows and disappointments, opens his soul, waits for understanding, sympathy and support, being confident for some reason that he will find all this.
If this person has enough nobility and dedication, he can become a great psychologist or an ordinary saint, no matter where he lives and no matter who he works, and then he will strictly adhere to the principle “I do for the world what he asks, and I don’t expect anything.” in return." Then, over time, he will feel the care and protection of the Absolute and understand that the kingdom of God is within him; if a person follows the path of trying to compensate for lost worldly joys, he will receive their surrogates, and around himself he will build a prison with transparent, but thick and clearly perceptible walls, into which he will try to imprison his loved ones.
There will probably be a lot of seemingly meaningless work, loneliness and boredom in his life, and unless he learns to deal with them with humility, he will not find in them the grain of creativity that can, in time, make him an unusually creative person. At a low level, this may be a strong person with a penchant for asceticism, but with much greater demands on the asceticism of others; his motto: “If I don’t feel sorry for myself in my work, then everyone else should burn out on it” (weak energy gives rise to escapist tendencies). Elaboration gives true dedication, asceticism, great and very original creative abilities, mercy and selfless love for all things.

A weak twelfth house gives a person who finds it difficult to concentrate and withdraw into himself; as a rule, he does not even fully understand what this means. The ideas of fanatical work, total self-sacrifice are alien to him and the need for sacrifice, at least in principle, is incomprehensible. With a strong sixth house, this person will believe that every work must be paid in one way or another, and he needs to understand that this is not always the case. He will treat the ideas of mercy and humility calmly, leaving them to others, but if necessary, he can selflessly help the sufferer if the latter asks strongly.
This person will rarely find himself alone and it will not be easy for him to find positive and creative sides in him; he will quickly get bored and try to find company or something distracting to do. Secret enemies and intrigues will occupy an insignificant place in his life, although if he wants and with some effort he can achieve quite a decent level in this activity. This person is generally indifferent to the outcasts, the orphaned and the wretched, as well as to the work of the special services, considering them an integral, although not the most interesting and attractive part of life; he is often indifferent to detectives. He has certain difficulties with true creativity that transcends personality, but this is revealed only at a fairly high evolutionary level, when working on the twelfth house becomes an internal necessity.

A harmonious twelfth house gives a person who feels great alone: ​​he will not be bored (in general, boredom is one of the key words for the lower octave of the twelfth house) with himself and, perhaps, some interesting and unexpected ideas and thoughts will appear, and, in any case, he will find rest and tranquility. This person instinctively has a very important ability in life to make the necessary sacrifices on time, in particular, if the situation requires it, he will, without hesitation, spend a certain amount of his energy and time on (outwardly) completely meaningless activities for himself, subconsciously feeling that if not do it now, it will be much worse later.
In general, it should be said that the culture of sacrifice in modern civilization is extremely low: it is believed that this is an attribute of savage tribes. In fact, sacrifices (often unconscious) are a constant part of human life, and it is very important to make them correctly. In particular, with a harmonious twelfth house, a person will be tempted to bring them in insufficient quantities (“It’s on you, God, that it’s not good for me”) or with some kind of personal gain in mind. Particularly common are false sacrifices in the form of seemingly selfless service to low egregors, depriving a person of external freedom, but leaving him completely passive and unoccupied within himself. A typical example of an undeveloped harmonious twelfth house is a housewife with several children, completely absorbed in maintaining the life of the family (a slave of the family egregor), giving the impression of a saint (at first glance, every minute of her life is service, but in general a complete imprisonment), but in reality requiring constant sacrifices from those around his family egregor and elevating him to the rank of the Absolute, which is a gross profanation, and in religious terms - sacrilege.
The harmonious twelfth house also gives the temptation of too easy and superficial repentance and repentance - the most important moments of a person’s spiritual life, when he sacrifices a fragment of the ego, that is, one of the lower programs of the subconscious. Here, the harmonious aspects of the twelfth house make it possible to either simply temporarily weaken the sacrificed program, or to isolate from it (as if for show) an insignificant and not essential for the ego part; The motto of this type of self-deception is “if you don’t sin, you don’t repent.” It must be said that a person’s spiritual growth is determined not by the number of repentances (in a given incarnation there may be none at all), but by the amount of effort aimed at working through one’s karmic program, which can take a wide variety of forms. Working through the harmonious twelfth house gives a person the opportunity to bring grace to the world, awaken in people high duty, conscience and evolutionary consciousness, clarify and facilitate the sacrifices they make, in particular, accept repentance. In the world, this could be a repair worker or a doctor, but in any case, a bright spiritual light will spread from this person.

An afflicted twelfth house gives a person whose problem of boredom and loneliness will be very acute. If the chart as a whole is affected, especially if the planetary opposition of the twelfth house to the sixth is emphasized, long-term serious illnesses are possible, sometimes with hospitalization. Great difficulties will arise for this person with problems of selfless service, self-denial and humility. These conditions will be required of him in significantly greater quantities and intensities than the average for his people, and he will have to face the problem of mercy much more closely than he would like.
The karmic task here is quite difficult; you need to learn to treat your sacrifices correctly and make them when necessary, and to the right person. If the twelfth house is stronger than the sixth, a person can be an ascetic fanatic, making his life, work and health a complete sacrifice (absorbing those around him), and here numerous mistakes are possible. The main signs of the correctness of a sacrifice are the following: firstly, it must be brought at the request of the Absolute, and not a crystallized egregor, and especially not be the product of a person’s initiative; secondly, the victim must be impersonal (in particular, selfless) in essence, although, of course, certain superficial ego influences will accompany it; thirdly, the sacrifice must require a certain preliminary personal effort of the person, so that he will have a real sense of its value; fourthly, she must be sincere (even if forced); and fifthly, it must be accepted by the Absolute, and then the person will feel that he did everything right and credit has been given for the next part of his life.
This person may have many secret enemies, but the main ones are internal, that is, hidden lower programs of the subconscious that need to be discovered, realized and transformed, which sometimes helps (and sometimes does not) sincere repentance and heartfelt contrition. Here the problem of pity is very acute, whether it should be felt for others or demanded for oneself, and a person must make sure that the second path is futile. A very important problem that arises on his way is the attitude towards suffering and the development of non-attachment to it, at the first level, at least removing the blame for this circumstance from happier people.
Elaboration gives a very creative person who understands not only ordinary people, but also many outcasts, and can ignite the Divine light in the souls of people of the most difficult fate, sacrificed by society or, conversely, indifferent executioners of their people. Such a person will never feel that he is working too hard: not good enough, yes. At a low level, on the contrary, there are continuous complaints about the world and others, alcoholism, drugs, smoking, escapism.

© Absalom Underwater Twelfth stage. Serve the world. Stage of PISCES.
When the world reveals itself in its entirety, spiritual quests turn into searches for the best service. Ordinary, everyday life - its inexhaustible

Angelic numerology allows us to trace the relationship between the regular appearance of a combination of numbers in a person’s life. This connection cannot be ignored, because the spiritual world sends clues that can produce turning points in life or protect from dangers.

In angel numerology, 12:12 on the clock means the likely occurrence of a very important event or a turning point in life. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the sign of fate

Why do people notice repeating numbers on clocks?

Man is the only creature that has a soul and is capable of capturing bursts of the subtle energy world. This is due to a complex energy structure consisting of animal and spiritual principles. The human soul is part of the spiritual world, and the body belongs to the material world. Sometimes one of the worlds sends clues that signal an upcoming event or danger.

One example of such messages is repeated numbers on watches, cars, newspapers or other sources of information.

It is believed that angels give clues, but they cannot do it directly and send them in the form of signs, dreams, numbers, or any events that mean something. These clues are perceived by a person’s energy shell, and it is important to pay attention to them. The future fate of not only him, but also the people around him depends on human choice.

To simplify the understanding of events and signs, angelic numerology arose. Its main advantage is that it eliminates calculations that can be made incorrectly. Its appearance is associated with the deterioration of life on Earth. People stop paying attention to signs and events.

What is a message from an angel

Angels convey messages of various kinds that help an individual achieve success in all areas of life and make wise decisions. To understand what a message from an angel means, it is recommended to use the help of a specialist with psychic abilities. However, it is necessary to understand that not all psychics are able to receive and correctly interpret messages of this kind.

Some of them use black magic to answer questions of interest. In this case, the clues may turn out to be correct, but they come not from angels, but from dark forces. The dark world sometimes helps by activating the animal nature of a person. In some cases, the result of solving a problem is positive, but there are times when everything leads to dire consequences. After all, the main rule for receiving tips and help from dark forces is payment for the service.

Sometimes the price is much higher than it should be. If a person is sick, he goes to a dark magician, and he cures him. This problem has the other side of the coin - a test. The individual simply bypasses it without gaining life experience that could prove valuable.

Understanding messages from the spiritual world does not require payment, since the angel gives his advice for free. This is the main difference between the spiritual world and the material world. Not everyone can understand the messages, and to strengthen the connection with your guardian angel you need to work a little on your spiritual development. Angelic numerology is the initial stage for people who do not have experience in interpreting and determining the meaning of messages at the level of sensory perception.

For further work, you need to use special simple techniques called meditation. Fears partially block the “human-angel” connection, and they need to be eradicated. Meditations open up the following possibilities:

  • improved understanding of the subtle worlds and their omens;
  • improvement leading to a comfortable stay on Earth.

The result does not happen immediately, but after a certain period of time. The stronger the connection with the angel becomes, the more clearly the clues become visible. The individual realizes that his life is full of love. He begins to focus on the positive aspects of life, because all the bad things pass him by.

Number 12 and its influence on human destiny

Fortune telling by clock is common due to its ease of use. The number 12 in numerology has an ambiguous meaning. It has magical meanings: zodiac signs (12), apostles (12), length of day and night (12 hours each). In sacred knowledge the number 12 is found, which means and symbolizes part of the circle of power and the will of God.

To understand and correctly interpret the number 12:12 on the clock, you need to carefully consider its components. Number 1 in this combination carries the meaning of courage, leadership and struggle for ideals. People who have 1 in their date of birth are energetic individuals with a high level of intelligence and plans for the future. They have the following qualities: generosity, compassion, honesty and independence. Negative traits include selfishness, delusions of grandeur and participation in various intrigues, arrogance, greed, and betrayal.

Number 2 symbolizes a gentle romantic who dreams of high goals and craves outside praise. He is smart and kind, but is not an energetic person. Negative values ​​include exposure to the influence of other people, softness of character and lack of core.

When you add 1 and 2, you get 3, which represents a multiply amplified 1. A person develops a thirst for power and is not interested in the opinions of other people. If a person whom fate has awarded with these numbers in his date of birth is not careful, this will make his stay on Earth unnecessary. In this case, the program will not be completed, and reincarnation will occur, but under worse conditions.

If a person was born on the 12th, then he has a strong character, but often changes his plans. These individuals live only in their own interests and are not reliable. They spare no time for romance, it’s easy to get along with them, marriages are distinguished by good relationships with respect and sincerity, there is freedom from complexes in their character. Such people count on spiritual closeness and have a balanced character.

Among the diseases to which they are predisposed are low blood pressure and various intestinal disorders. You should be careful during unfavorable months - April, October and December. Smoky topaz is their talisman stone. Favorable days of the week are Wednesday and Sunday.

The time on the clock is 12:12 - the meaning of the angel's message

In angelic numerology, the same numbers on the clock, if there is constant attention, carry important information. For example, the time value 12 12 on the clock warns of a significant event in life. It does not carry news of a negative event, but indicates correct spiritual development.

After some time, someone who sees 12:12 on the clock will have a loved one in their life, or family relationships will move to a higher level and become warmer. It is important at these moments not to succumb to the attacks of negativity and to love sincerely. In angelic numerology, this combination is a kind of code of love and a hint from the Mentor about receiving a reward for overcoming trials in which the person has not lost his human appearance.

Successful combinations of numbers in angelic numerology

In angelic numerology there are no lucky or unlucky clock numbers. The meaning of time and its interpretation have only positive aspects, because a person is warned about what to do to complete his program, which must be completed. You need to pay attention not only to the meaning of the numbers on the clock, but also to other messages in the form of numbers.

Combinations with 1

Combinations 1 and 2 indicate that the personality is moving in the right direction and this will lead to the fulfillment of desires. You need to continue to believe in angelic power and drive away negative thoughts.

Therefore, when you see the time 12 hours 12 minutes on the dial, make a wish and it will come true.

1 and 3 – a reminder to turn to Higher powers for help. When combining 1 and 4, you need to make a wish that will come true thanks to the materialization of thoughts. If the number 411 is traced, then the guardian angel will convey important information during prayer.

The need for careful control of thoughts is indicated by the combination of 1 and 5. Attention should be paid to the combination of 1 and 6, indicating the importance of spiritual rather than material values. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to spiritual development. If you focus on combination 611, you need to make a request to an angel or God to get rid of any material problems.

Combinations 1 and 7 interpret that a person is on the right path. With 1 and 8, a change from the old to the new or getting rid of an illness can be traced, and numbers 1 and 9 indicate the need to let go of the old in order to introduce something new into life. If a person prayed for happiness or health, then the prayers will be heard.

Combinations with 2

With the frequent appearance of 2 and 3 on the clock, you should not worry about the future, since any undertakings will be justified. If a combination of 2 and 4 appears, then this indicates the support of a guardian angel. When you are engaged in any business with good intentions, a successful result will come, and you should not lose faith in your abilities - this is indicated by the combination of 2 and 5.

Before a successful purchase or receipt of a valuable gift, the numbers 2 and 6 begin to appear in various combinations. With a combination of 2 and 7, success is expected in finding a job, place of study, and financial assistance is also possible. The numbers 2 and 8 give a person tests that must be endured. Higher powers want to show that there is both good and bad.

Difficulties and problems in life always lead to something bright, and it all depends on how the individual behaves. The combination of 2 and 9 makes it possible to think about life and higher goals - you need to devote most of your time to spiritual work. When combinations with 2 and 0 appear, the Universe shows, using numerology, a guardian angel that it remembers desires and requests.

Combinations with 3

Combinations 3 and 4 indicate that the world of God is ready to come to the rescue. In this case, you need to thank the Higher Powers and try to live without negative thoughts and bad deeds. At 3 and 5 there will be a change in the life flow. This moment should be regarded as a blessing. If a combination of 3 and 6 is traced, this indicates that funds or an opportunity for development will be received soon.

The combinations of 3 and 7 that arise indicate that the person is satisfied in the Upper World and after some time there will be a reward in the form of some spiritual value. The combination of 3 and 8 signals the danger of stopping development, while you need to find strength and move forward, and 3 and 9 are a message that you need to get rid of something old. It will interfere with further development.

Often the combination of 3 and 8 is followed by a combination of 3 and 9. If, for some reason, you had to stop development, a message in the form of 3 and 0 will appear, indicating a missed clue. In this case, you need to analyze the past period of time and find the mistake made.

Combinations with 4

Combinations 4 and 5 indicate the work of the guardian angel on changes in life on a spiritual level. Numbers 4 and 6 mean that a strong passion for material things is the wrong direction in development. The combination of 4 and 7 shows the encouragement of the guardian angel, the Mentor is pleased with the person. Numbers 4 and 8 indicate the end of an existing stage of life and the emergence of something new and beautiful, as well as a successful solution to a problem.

With a combination of 4 and 9, the angel suggests that it is necessary to let go of the old and unnecessary, because the old is always replaced by the new. The combination of 4 and 0 appears at various intervals of life and shows that God always loves a person and will never turn away from him.

Combinations with 5

Before an important acquisition or improvement in financial condition, a combination of numbers 5 and 6 appears. Combinations 5 and 7 indicate changes that can greatly change a person in positive or negative aspects. This combination is followed by 5 and 8. Fives and eights indicate fast approaching events.

The combination of 5 and 9 suggests that you need to discard the past. Future prospects should be considered. The numbers 5 and 0 indicate a change in life according to the will of God and harmony in the soul.

Combinations with 6

If a combination of 6 and 7 is traced, then the person receives the approval of the Higher Powers for any action. At this moment, you need to continue to pray and develop spiritually. The combination of 6 and 8 suggests that you need to sell some unnecessary item, getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated on this item. During this period, you should focus on working spiritually. Numbers 6 and 9 signal a refusal to make a planned purchase. When combining 6 and 0, you need to think about improving your financial condition.

Combinations with 7

The appearance of a combination of 7 and 8 in life means that some stage in life is coming to an end and only positive changes will happen. If there is a desire to get rid of something, then the combination of 7 and 9 is a confirmation. When following the spiritual path, if a person moves in the right direction, then the guardian angel thanks him - this is evidenced by the combination of 7 and 0.

Combinations with 8 and 9

Numbers 8 and 9 show that events in life are instructive. They are aimed at personal development in certain directions. The combination of 8 and 0 indicates that a person’s desire cannot yet be fulfilled, because the person is not yet ready for its implementation. Some time must pass, and it will definitely come true. The combination of 9 and 0 warns of an impending loss, which will hinder spiritual development. It is necessary to get rid of it.

How to use tips from guardian angels

If a person has not reached the required level of development spiritually, then the guardian angel gives clues using matching numbers on the clock. There is fortune telling in which, using the time on the clock, you can receive tips from a spiritual Guide. If a person catches himself thinking “I constantly see the combination 1212,” then in this case you need to think about it.

There is a detailed and concise interpretation of time. The latter includes the appearance of repeating numbers:

  1. 0000 - wishes will come true.
  2. 0101 – a man will visit with good news.
  3. 0110 - plans were unsuccessful.
  4. 0111 – offers must be accepted with a pure heart.
  5. 0202 – invitation to a party.
  6. 0220 – observation is underway, you need to monitor your speech and thoughts.
  7. 0222 – someone else’s secret will be revealed.
  8. 0303 – meeting with a loved one.
  9. 0330 – getting rid of a lover or mistress.
  10. 0333 – good luck.
  11. 0404 – you need to look for an alternative solution to the problem.
  12. 0440 – you should not take risks, a big loss is possible.
  13. 0444 – conflict with superiors.
  14. 0505 – attack from enemies.
  15. 0550 – avoid contact with large bodies of water and fire.
  16. 0555 - good advice.
  17. 0606 - your loved one will propose.
  18. 0707 – danger when meeting with a military personnel.
  19. 0808 – profit or promotion.
  20. 0909 – loss of wallet.
  21. 1001 – meeting with an influential person.
  22. 1010 – the onset of the main event in life today.
  23. 1111 – starting your own business.
  24. 1212 – love relationships.
  25. 1221 – meeting with the opposite sex.
  26. 1313 – enemies will become stronger today.
  27. 1331 is a long-awaited reward.
  28. 1414 – dedicate the day to your loved one.
  29. 1441 – an awkward situation on this day.
  30. 1515 – listen to the advice of a friend.
  31. 1551 – high probability of successful acquaintance.

What does the number 12 mean in numerology? Initially, you should divide this number into its components - one and two. Having familiarized yourself with the designation of the numbers presented, you can give an accurate interpretation of 12 in a person’s life.

The number presented has several criteria. A one speaks of leadership and strength, and a two indicates an indicator of consciousness. Only one of these numbers can prevail. The main one is considered to be 1, but it needs to be solved by 2. As ancient predictions say, the unit acts as a sharp sword, which can be used to remove obstacles or for evil purposes. In other words, the deuce provides a choice, and her neighbor makes this a reality.

Let's consider what 12 means in the field of numerology. Many people add these numbers to get 3 and thereby give an erroneous interpretation. You shouldn’t do this, three has its own interpretation, which is different from 12. In fact, this number is quite cruel. It takes off the rose-colored glasses and forces you to look at what is happening with real, firm eyes. If we consider the highest meaning, then it acts as a symbol of divine powers.

For Christians, the number 12 in numerology is quite important. In fact, it is found everywhere:

  1. Number of months in a year.
  2. Day and night are divided by the same number of hours.
  3. The same number of zodiac signs.

Determining a specific interpretation of the presented number is quite difficult. It is worth considering separately the positive and negative traits that characterize such a person.

Positive features 12

If you are under the auspices of 12, then you are a good leader. People like to follow you. Such a person has ambitions, he knows how to find a common language not only with employees, but also with clients. Despite their leadership qualities, they are distinguished by kindness, which is why they exclude cruel treatment of their own subordinates.

Willpower and character will have a positive impact on your career. "Dvenashki" have a unique caution. They will not go ahead if they are not sure of the end result. They see what is hidden from other eyes.

Negative aspects of the number 12

Among the negative qualities, many points are highlighted. But they can be corrected by showing character. Let's look at it:

  1. Excessive temper and impulsiveness. You need to take your emotions under strict control.
  2. Touchy. Don't take spoken words to heart.
  3. Conflict. They can easily lose their close circle.
  4. They may abandon the business they started.
  5. Thanks to the presence of two, such people are quite indecisive.

All negative traits are associated precisely with the presence of a deuce. Try to control your emotions and remember your loved ones who are ready to support you at any time. Then luck in life will not turn away from you, and you will be able to achieve a lot.

Value in a person's date of birth

The number 12 in numerology has an ambiguous interpretation. If it falls out at the time of fortune telling, it means you need to prepare for serious trials. But, if it is present in your date of birth, then:

  1. You are a charismatic person. Don't be afraid to apply this skill in life.
  2. Two softens leadership skills, giving the wearer a little softness, sympathy and indecisiveness.
  3. You want to take a leading position everywhere.
  4. Able to easily become attached to a person.
  5. Friendly.
  6. Need support. Love it when your efforts are adequately appreciated.
  7. You are prone to loneliness and sometimes avoid communication.

Remember, a person’s character is determined not only by numerology, but also by personal characteristics associated with other factors. They usually interact easily with others. These are leaders who take into account the individuality of those around them. Experts advise resorting to some flexibility, and sometimes taking extreme measures. You are distinguished by sufficient willpower, but you do not need to constantly abandon your plans.

Individuals under the protection of 12 have some egoism, which is why they are considered unreliable. But this factor also depends on other important aspects.

For women

The value presented for women is quite optimistic. Girls have a special femininity and affection. They are very soft and very touchy. But thanks to the presence of one, they are just as good leaders as the opposite sex.

A woman is particularly loyal; she will never betray her husband or close friend. Numerology states that for girls, two is the dominant number among two numbers.

For men

The male gender is characterized differently by twelve. They are cruel and quite demanding. The main thing for such men is to feel the return, then they will go to great lengths for the sake of the happiness of their loved ones. In this case, a woman should not skimp, providing maximum support.

The meaning of numbers in relationships and love

To understand the meaning of “Twelve” in a love relationship, you should pay attention to the component number – two. The bearer of this number has an unusual romanticism. These people know how to set high goals and are ready to pleasantly surprise their chosen one.

The carriers of this number are not energetic individuals, but they always strive to build a strong family. The loyalty and devotion of their lover is important to them. They don’t like short novels, they choose carefully and dream of finding true love the first time. When choosing a partner, first of all they pay attention to his intelligence. It is important for the “twelve” that it is interesting to be with him. They will find happiness if they find a partner with whom they become spiritually close.

The main criteria that are important for carriers of this number in love relationships are sincerity, absence of complexes, respect, fidelity.

About children

Despite the collectedness of these people, in childhood they are not distinguished by obedience. They often do not follow the rules and ignore the moral teachings of adults, although they are strongly attached to their parents. In childhood, they are also touchy, and any offensive word can not only greatly offend the child, but also leave a tangible mark. They do not tolerate difficulties and defeats well. These children need the support of loved ones and love praise.

The relationship of numbers to work and career

For correct interpretation, you should again parse the figure into its components. One indicates excellent leadership qualities. Such people know how to manage employees or the business as a whole. They have good charisma, which is why they remain in excellent standing with their partners or superiors. The main thing is to learn how to use this skill correctly.

Two softens a person's leadership character. Taken together, the “Twelve” gives a person unique abilities as a spiritual mentor. They do not tolerate unfair treatment from their superiors. It is better for such people to open their own business. They treat their employees loyally and try to bring out the best qualities in them.

Number 12 described in many articles as a derivative of two numbers 1 and 2. This version is quite possible. One and two are two contradictory numerical signs, which fully justifies the meaning of the number 12 - this is a combination of excellence in various manifestations with balanced risk and chance. However, the number 12 is based on 3 and 4. If you read the article to the end, you will most likely agree with this interpretation.

Meaning of number 12

Only about this numerology sign can we say that it is absolute order and ideal organization of various complexities:

Considering that since ancient times the number 12 is the basis of the structure of the universe, it is used in all existing religions, as well as in the magic of all nationalities.

The number 12 is considered a lucky number (as opposed to 13).

Numerological symbol 12 – perfect number

The constituent signs of the number are considered to be 3 and 4. 3x4=12
Three is the beginning of synthesis, the first perfect number that opens the number series in numerology (not a 1-monad, as many people think)
Four is a symbol of the first act of creation, a symbol of cosmic elements, seasons with 3 months in each season, static integrity.
The number twelve is a manifestation of spirit and matter (4 and 3).
The number twelve is considered a symbol of the philosopher's stone(Alchemy), the final cycle of the divine rotation of the Universe (4 cosmic elements in 3 manifestations each).
And therefore, the number symbol 12 is not just a perfect, but a super-perfect number.


Why are there seven (twelve) notes?

As often happens, the simplest questions have very complex answers. Recently I thought that in music school no one explained, or simply someone did not ask, why the number of sounds in an octave is 12 (7 notes + 5). Where did the world constant of 12 come from, who invented it and what if it was not 12, but, say, 15 - except of course, increasing the number of keys on the piano/accordion..

Not quite relevant to the topic on the ubiquitous Lurkmore.

Let's turn to theory. In the brochure “The design of a musical scale”, the author asks essentially the same question - the origin of the generally accepted sound scale.

The first, contented natural position, asserts the necessity of having a sound with double frequency in the scale. This is explained by the fact that a string vibrating, for example, with a frequency of 220 Hz, also creates vibrations with a frequency of 440 Hz (the frequency of the note A)

The next point is no less important. It should be possible to move the melody up and down the scale without distortion. Any melody can be sung either low or high, bass or soprano. Here, however, in Shilov’s proof, it seemed to me that he was proving something else - that the ratios of the frequency of sound to the next frequency are equal. If we were to prove it honestly, we would immediately get a contradiction, which will be discussed later. Thus, the entire interval of frequencies from fo to fm+1 should be a geometric progression, the denominator of which is easy to calculate:

Further, a condition is introduced that in the scale, in addition to the doubled harmonic, there must also be a tripled one (for the same physical reasons as the doubled one). Then sound with frequency has every right to exist:

One of our m-steps, say number k, must coincide with this frequency.

Since the logarithm on the left side is an irrational number, the school mathematics course tells us that the equation has no solution in integers. We received a contradiction of conditions: it is impossible to satisfy the condition of uniformity of the tone scale and the presence of frequency. The interval is called a perfect fifth.

It turns out that you need to give up something. The uniformity of the scale makes it possible to move the melody up and down, and you don’t want to give it up at all. But the perfect fifth can be adjusted so that the value is as close as possible to. Then the distortion of the interval will not be very noticeable to the ear. For example, by choosing a maximum error of 1 hertz, for the first octave, the range of which is in the range from 262 to 523 hertz, it will be 261 Hz. Then on a logarithmic scale it corresponds to 1 Hz on a regular one. It is necessary to ensure that the gap between numbers is less than half of the second decimal place.

The two-note scale clearly doesn’t suit us, so let’s move on.

The difference between 0.6 and 0.585 is still large.

An error of 0.002 is equal to half the permissible one. Thus, a twelve-step scale solves the problem of uniformity of the musical scale and ensuring a low error in a perfect fifth.

Of course, everything is not as clear as we would like. For example, despite all the logical explanations for the appearance of the number 12, the brochure contains an argument that such a uniform scale appeared only around 1700 with the development of mathematics. However, it is immediately pointed out that there was a scale with 12 divisions before this time, it was just not uniform. That is, it turns out that the number 12 was nevertheless selected by scientific poking.

Color wheel colors

Color Order Tone (hue), 0-239 Tone, 0-360 (HSV) Hexadecimal code
1 Red I 0 0/360 FF 0000
2 Orange III 20 30 FF8000
3 Yellow II 40 60 FFFF00
4 Yellow-green (chartreuse) III 60 90 80FF00
5 Green I 80 120 00FF 00
6 Green-blue (emerald) III 100 150 00FF80
7 Cyan (blue-green) II 120 180 00FFFF
8 Blue (azure, sky blue) III 140 210 0080FF
9 Blue I 160 240 0000FF
10 Violet III 180 270 8000FF
11 Purple II 200 300 FF00FF
12 Crimson (raspberry) III 220 330 FF0080

The following table shows 12 colors color wheel, in which red is used as the main ones, yellow and blue colors (RYB). The colors here are divided into basic(or first-order colors), composite (second-order colors) and complex (third-order) colors.

Color Color order
1 Red I
2 Red-orange III
3 Orange II
4 Yellow-orange III
5 Yellow I
6 Yellow-green III
7 Green II
8 Blue-green III
9 Blue I
10 Blue-violet III
11 Violet II
12 Red-violet (magenta) III


What is the connection between color and sound and why is there such a connection?

It's surprising, but there is a close connection between sound and color. Sounds are harmonic vibrations, the frequencies of which are related as whole numbers and cause pleasant sensations in a person (consonance). Vibrations that are close but differ in frequency cause unpleasant sensations (dissonance). Sound vibrations with continuous frequency spectra are perceived by humans as noise.

The harmony of all forms of manifestation of matter was noticed by people long ago. Pythagoras considered the ratios of the following numbers to be magical: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4. The basic unit by which all structures of musical language can be measured is the semitone (the smallest distance between two sounds). The simplest and most basic of them is interval. The interval has its own coloring and expressiveness, depending on its size. From intervals, both horizontals (melodic lines) and verticals (chords) of musical structures are formed. It is the intervals that are the palette from which a piece of music is obtained.

Let's try to figure it out with an example.

What we have:

Frequency, measured in hertz (Hz), is simply how many times per second the vibration occurs. For example, if you manage to tap the drum at a speed of 4 beats per second, then this will mean that you are tapping at a frequency of 4Hz.

Wavelength is the reciprocal of frequency and determines the interval between oscillations. There is a relationship between frequency and wavelength, namely: frequency = speed/wavelength. Accordingly, a vibration with a frequency of 4 Hz will have a wavelength of 1/4 = 0.25 m.

Each note has its own frequency

Each monochromatic (pure) color is determined by its wavelength, and accordingly has a frequency equal to the speed of light/wavelength

The note is on a specific octave. To raise a note one octave up, its frequency must be multiplied by 2. For example, if the A note of the first octave has a frequency of 220Hz, then the A of the second octave will have a frequency of 220×2 = 440Hz.

If we go higher and higher in notes, we will notice that at the 41st octave the frequency will fall within the spectrum of visible radiation, which is in the range from 380 to 740 nanometers (405-780 THz). This is where we begin to match a note to a specific color.

Now let's overlay this diagram with a rainbow. It turns out that all the colors of the spectrum fit into this system. Blue and blue colors, for emotional perception they are identical, the only difference is in the intensity of the color.

It turned out that the entire spectrum visible to the human eye fits into one octave from Fa# to Fa. Therefore, the fact that a person identifies 7 primary colors in the rainbow, and 7 notes in the standard scale, is not just a coincidence, but a relationship.

Visually, this is the diagram:

The A value (for example 8000A) is the Angstrom unit.

1 angstrom = 1.0 × 10-10 meters = 0.1 nm = 100 pm

10000 Å = 1 µm

This unit of measurement is often used in physics because 10−10 m is the approximate radius of the orbit of an electron in an unexcited hydrogen atom. The colors of the visible spectrum are measured in thousands of angstroms.

The visible spectrum of light extends from about 7000 Å (red) to 4000 Å (violet). In addition, for each of the seven primary colors corresponding to the frequencies of sound and the arrangement of musical notes in the octave, the sound is converted into a spectrum visible to humans.

Here's a breakdown of intervals from one study on the relationship between color and music:

Red - m2 and b7 (minor second and major seventh), in nature a signal of danger, alarm. The sound of this pair of intervals is harsh and harsh.

Orange - b2 and m7 (major second and minor seventh), softer, less emphasis on anxiety. The sound of these intervals is somewhat calmer than the previous one.

Yellow - m3 and b6 (minor third and major sixth), primarily associated with autumn, its sad peace and everything connected with it. In music, these intervals are the basis of the minor scale, the mode, which is most often perceived as a means of expressing sadness, thoughtfulness, and grief.

Green - b3 and m6 (major third and minor sixth), the color of life in nature, like the color of foliage and grass. These intervals are the basis of the major mode, the light, optimistic, life-affirming mode.

Blue and dark blue - ch4 and ch5 (a perfect fourth and a perfect fifth), the color of the sea, sky, space. The intervals sound the same way - wide, spacious, a little like “emptiness”.

Violet - uv4 and um5 (augmented fourth and diminished fifth), the most curious and mysterious intervals, they sound exactly the same and differ only in spelling. Intervals through which you can leave any key and arrive at any other. They provide an opportunity to penetrate the world of musical cosmos. Their sound is unusually mysterious, unstable, and requires further musical development. It exactly matches the color violet, the same intense and most unstable in the entire color spectrum. This color vibrates and fluctuates, very easily turns into colors, its components are red and blue.

White is an octave, a range into which absolutely all musical intervals fit. It is perceived as absolute peace. The fusion of all the colors of the rainbow produces white. The octave is expressed by the number 8, a multiple of 4. And 4, according to the Pythagorean system, is a symbol of a square, completeness, ending.

This is just a small part of the information that can be told about the relationship between sound and color.


- an energy center located along the vertical axis of the human body, along the spine and the Sushimna energy channel. This is a cone-shaped vortex release of energy, responsible for one or another psychophysical function of a person. Proper functioning of the chakras ensures spiritual and physical health. The closure or poor functioning of any chakra, caused by improper behavior or negative emotions of a person, entails psychological problems and dysfunction of the body.
The chakras of an ordinary person are drooping lotus buds.
A person exchanges energy with the Subtle Bodies and the Subtle World with the help of chakras. Each chakra serves as a receiver and transmitter of subtle energy of a certain vibration frequency. Each of the Seven Main Chakras “sounds on its own note,” forming an octave that characterizes the level of spiritual development.
In the process of consistent opening of the chakras, corresponding changes occur in the Physical Body of a person, in his emotional and mental spheres and within the boundaries of Consciousness. The opening of each chakra means a transition to another, higher level of consciousness and a different perception of the world around us.
The chakras are located unevenly within the pranic tube, but the entry points are scattered at regular intervals throughout the entire surface of the body. The distance between them is equal to the distance between the centers of the eyes or between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin.


The seven chakras that run throughout the body have counterparts in the space around the body. These are energy spheres of different sizes, depending on the size of the human body. The radii of the spheres correspond to the length of a person's palm from the tip of the longest finger to the first crease of the wrist. These spheres are located at the tops of the star tetrahedron field around the body. The Chakra centers are located at the highest point of each vertex of the star tetrahedron.
Each inner chakra has a living pulse, connected to each outer chakra and to the entire system as a whole.


"Death's Gate". (Crotch). Neptune.

1. MULADHARA - chakra. Four-petalled lotus. (Projection onsacrum).
The four-petalled lotus is conventionally located at the base of the spine: between the tailbone and the perineum. Concentration on the chakra occurs at the end of the spine. This chakra is associated with the qualities of resistance and hardness represented by the element earth. Muladhara chakra connects us with the earth. Through the feet and root chakra we receive the energy of the earth. On the physical plane, it is responsible for the skeletal system, legs, prostate, lower pelvis, and large intestine. Disruption of its functioning can cause: obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, prostate problems.
Lotus petals of the Muladhara chakra. symbolize the following states: “fun, satisfaction, control over passions, stability of concentration.”
It is also associated with the following conditions: melancholy, depression, fatigue, irritability, weakness, a feeling of instability, anxiety, fear, material instability, greed, selfishness...
Muladhara gives a person who is satisfied with rough food and the same living conditions: it is more natural to see him in a shack or a shabby tent than in a luxury room, in which he will feel uncomfortable and really look strange there. But sitting in the lap of nature, covering himself with a sackcloth bag and putting his fist under his head, he will snore so much that the birds will fly in horror to build nests in the neighboring forest. This chakra worries surgeons and nurses caring for seriously ill patients, since it determines whether a person will survive or not. A person with a strong etheric muladhara has a great thirst for life; Such people survive in the most unimaginable conditions, conquer Antarctica and the peaks of seven-thousand-meter peaks, and life under ordinary conditions most often seems a little bland to them. If the chakra is severely damaged, it may be a sadist or fanatic who feeds on the energy of the mortal fear of living beings.
When chakra function is restored, the following are possible: weakness and pain in the legs, tailbone, drowsiness or vice versa, shortened sleep, mild depression, melancholy, self-pity, convulsive twitching of the limbs.
Type of damage- to death.
When mastery of muladhara is achieved, the ability to become invisible at will appears. Man can conquer all diseases. He can find out what he wants to know and discover what he wants to discover. If he wants to discover God's Compassion, Light, Love for himself, then he is in the right position. But if he uses the same powers to find out what is going on in the minds of others, or what is happening to them, or he uses it to find out whether there will be a third world war, then he is using this power incorrectly.
When the person controlling muladhara sees someone sick, he must find out whether the person deserves the disease or whether it is a hostile attack. If he has done something wrong, naturally according to the law of karma, he must pay. But if the disease does not come from the attack of some hostile forces, and if it is the Will of God that this disease be cured, then the spiritual man who has the ability must cure it. But if he does according to his own desire, or if he acts in an undivine way, then he violates the cosmic law. He will cure a person, but this healing itself will act gradually against both - the patient and the sinner. This will add to his ignorance and self-destruction. So the healer must know whether God's Will is for the person to be healed. Only then will he heal; otherwise he must remain silent and do nothing. You may ask, how can you see someone suffering and do nothing? If your heart is big, go deep within and see who it is that is suffering in the individual. You will see that it is God who is intentionally having a special experience through this person.

KUNDALINI, Kanda. (Coccyx).

KUNDALINI (Absolute of sound, silent) - the energy of the goddess Shakti (source of knowledge and wisdom), Snake Power, static, potential energy. “The serpentine force, forming 8 rings above the “onion” (Kanda), closes the doors to the Absolute with its face and remains in sleep.” When it is not awakened and is in the form of disordered vital energies, it feeds a person to sensual and carnal pleasures (a coiled cobra). Her awakening is the first death. The ascent of Kundalini is accompanied by the process of dissolving obstacles, limitations and the transition of elements into a non-spatial and timeless state. Consciousness changes, karmic causes are eliminated from the subconscious. The vibration frequency of the chakras increases, the chemical composition of the body changes, and transformation occurs.

2. SVADHISTHANA - chakra. Six petal lotus. (above the genitals).
Emotions, sexual energy, emotionality and bodily love.
This chakra represents the lower emotional center. At the level of the physical body, the svadhisthana chakra is a reproductive sexual center, manifested through the reproductive organs and responsible for childbirth. This is the highest, secret sexual center. Nourishes libido and determines the body's vitality and energy accumulation.
The six petals of this lotus correspond to the six negative feelings: lust (kama), anger (krodha), greed (lobha), self-deception (moha), pride (mada) and envy (matsarya).
Svadhithana rotates at an angle of 90 degrees clockwise for women and counterclockwise for men.
Svadhisthana gives a person prone to luxurious living conditions - in his understanding. He will be attracted to fatty, spicy and sweet foods, exquisitely prepared, as opposed to, say, a piece of meat and beans in the case of a muladhara person. His recovery after a major operation will be helped by a spacious, comfortable room, a bouquet of flowers in an elegant vase and short visits from elegant, attractive people of the opposite sex. In general, sex plays a vital role in the life of this person: without an adequate sex life, he withers and withers, and when renewed, he visibly becomes younger and blossoms.
In the harmonious version, these are pleasant, friendly people who tend to embrace acquaintances of both sexes in a tender embrace, from which sometimes you really don’t want to leave, except perhaps in the direction of a promising-looking dinner table. True, there is a likely tendency to be overweight, but such a person also wears his thickness naturally, and rarely does anyone have the desire to see him thin. On the contrary, if the chakra is damaged, a person will be characterized by excesses in food and unpleasant, unhealthy obesity, or the same thinness and vacillation in diet from severe fasting to shameless gluttony and back again, which activity can fill his whole life. If the functioning of the chakra is disrupted, a person cannot start a family, cannot have children, miscarriages occur, children are born with disabilities or dead. Marital infidelity, aversion to sex or vice versa, sexual promiscuity, diseases of the genitourinary system, and sexually transmitted diseases are common.
When the functioning of the chakra is restored, the menstrual cycle changes, various types of discharge may appear, etc.
Type of damage: for childlessness, celibacy, lapel, love spell, “crown of celibacy.”
When mastery in controlling it is achieved, the power of love is achieved. A person loves everything and is loved by everyone; men and women and animals. This is where people often fall away from the path of Light and Truth.
Divine love is expansion, and expansion is enlightenment. Love can be expressed as an expansion of our divine awareness or it can be expressed as pleasure. When the svadhisthana center is open, the lower vital forces of sex try to lower the consciousness of the seeker. But if at that time he can bring purity from the anahata center, then this impurity can be transformed into purity. And purity gradually transforms into all-pervading divinity. But if he fails to bring purity, then there is real destruction, destruction of the life of the seeker. The lower vitality acts most violently and powerfully and sometimes it becomes worse than the lower vitality of ordinary people. The ordinary man does not satisfy the vital life in the way that some seekers satisfy it after opening the center of svadhisthana.

3. MANIPURA - chakra. "Treasure City Wheel" Ten petal lotus. (Above the navel, in the 7th chakra system -solar plexus).
Responsible for internal balance between feelings and thoughts. Accumulator and distributor of subtle energies in the body. Chakra of military leaders.
Contemplation of this chakra contributes to the acquisition of abilities to destroy and create the elemental World.
Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras says that meditation on this chakra leads to knowledge of the physical body and its functions, because the Manipura chakra is the source of vitality.
PRANA- ascending vital energy concentrated in the area between the navel and the heart. Inhale. Dynamic Yang energy.
APANA- descending vital energy, lower body. Exhalation.
Manipura is the chakra of a person with a noticeably strong vitality - he usually has an energetic appearance and gestures. Eating gives him a lot of strength, which visibly diminishes as the meal approaches. This is the chakra of athletes, massage therapists and big bosses who take care of themselves, who must be able to suppress their subordinates with just their appearance, and the manipuric energy of the etheric body helps in this as well as possible.
This person prefers food, on the one hand, that is quite energetic, and on the other, easily digestible: he will prefer well-fried meat, and, with minor exceptions, will neglect raw vegetables. And in a harmonious version, this person can support those around him with his vitality: looking at him, and especially in his arms, strength appears from somewhere (the etheric body is involuted); food prepared by it can give a real healing effect. But he feels good only in a fairly energetic atmosphere; lack of action and forced laziness lead in this case to a drop in tone and vitality; rest for him is a change of activity. “Due to the state of the etheric body,” he needs to work energetically from morning to evening, with a short break for lunch - then he will feel great. Damage to the chakra can lead to strains, a tendency to overwork from overexertion, attacks of irresistible apathy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, increased or decreased appetite... when restoring the functioning of the chakra, various conditions are possible, reminiscent of acute poisoning, temporary failure in business, weakness of will, possible job loss.
Type of damage: damage to impoverishment, “driving crazy.”
If control of this center is achieved, grief and suffering are overcome. It does not matter what happens in the life of such a person - he does not feel sadness. But this center can create problems, just like svadhisthana. This center is also dangerous. A person can cause suffering to others if he abuses the powers of manipura and therefore incurs the curses of the world. This center, like the ajna chakra, can show the seeker where loved ones go after death. This allows you to see how a person passes through the vital world and enters the subtle world and high planes. It shows how he goes through one shell after another. This center also gives the power of transmutation. A person can enlarge an object or reduce it to infinitesimal sizes. In addition to this, this center has healing powers. As I said before, if this power is used correctly, in accordance with the Will of God, then there is a real blessing in it. Otherwise it's a curse.

4. RAPITVAN - chakra. Planet-Chiron. ( Solar plexus).
This is the emotional center, the center of balance, justice, absolute harmony, the center of equalization of contradictions.
On the physical plane, the liver is associated with Rapitvana, where the human animal soul is located. Zoroastrian priests determined the harmony of the Cosmos in a person by the shape and volume of the liver.

5. ANAHATA CHAKRA, “twelve-petalled lotus”, “heart center”, center of love. (5-6th thoracic vertebra).
This chakra symbolizes the vital center, which is responsible for tactile sensations, breathing control, and motor functions.
The heart chakra belongs to the highest emotional centers. We use heart energy for transformation when, angry with someone, we direct, elevating, our anger through the solar plexus to the heart. In this way, anger is transformed into compassion.
Anahata is located in the middle of the subtle body, and its energy is distributed in two directions: up and down. That is why it is important that the heart is open, otherwise a person will be constantly in tension and will not be able to express himself.
The petals of the heart chakra symbolize the following elemental states: love, honesty, determination, confidence, hope, patience, hard work, compassion, simplicity, calm, impartiality, balance.
Responsible for the functioning of the heart, lungs, thymus gland, and hands.
If svadhisthana gives a person the so-called “taste of life,” then anahata in some way takes it back. In any case, the joys of meat and fish are excluded here (a person develops an aversion to them or a clearly negative reaction of the physical body). Here Divine love, perceived by a person from the outside world and transmitted through him outward, becomes vitally important. These are kind people for whom kindness is the condition of their existence, otherwise they weaken and die. Anahata is often open in nursing mothers towards the baby, and in many devoted wives - towards the husband; people who have it open to the world are usually called saints, but it is wrong to perceive them as warm donors working on svadhisthana - anahata energy is always cold, it can lift a person to God, but cannot place him on a cozy bed.
In everyday life, an anahata man is not of this world - he does not care what he sleeps on, but what is much more important is who and with what feeling provided him with shelter and made his bed, and here he is very demanding: in a house where he is not sincerely welcome, he does not will be able to be physically present.
Malfunctioning chakra leads to heart and lung diseases, dystonia, bronchial asthma, sense of self, arrogance and hypocrisy, greed and grief.
Restoring the functioning of the chakra is accompanied by pain and tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, tearfulness, outbursts of hatred, and failures in love.
Type of damage: love spell, “crown of celibacy.”
“Egoistic Consciousness surrounds the heart like a wheel with twelve spokes, driven by karmic causes. This continuously rotating wheel of Consciousness (attention) stops only when self-realization (the true essence of a person) is achieved.”
Activation of this chakra leads to the balance of all other psycho-energy centers.
Without awakening the heart center, activation of any other center can create physical or emotional problems. The opening of the heart center indirectly contributes to the development of kindness, compassion, dispassion, calmness and other virtues that lay the foundation for the path of spiritual growth. When the heart center is activated, it becomes possible to hear the internal sound, which is “unstressed”, because is heard through the omnipresent vibration of the divine syllable "Om".

The power here is incredible. The seeker, through the control of anahata, has free access to the visible and invisible worlds. Time obeys him; space obeys him.
At the anahata center one can experience the deepest bliss of oneness; one experiences pure bliss. Anyone can look at a flower and feel pleasure, but we cannot fully perceive the intensity of pleasure that the flower embodies. But if the heart center is open and you look at the flower, instantly all this pleasure, all the beauty that the flower has, becomes yours. If a seeker looks at the vast ocean, within his heart he feels the vast ocean. He looks at the vast sky and he enters the sky, he becomes the sky. Everything immense, pure, divine, sublime that he sees, he can instantly feel as his own and he becomes it. There is no gap between what he sees and what he is. He becomes in his consciousness what he sees. This is not imagination. His heart is the divine heart which embodies the universal Consciousness. This spiritual heart is not the same heart that we find in our physical body. This spiritual heart is greater than the biggest heart. It is greater than the universal Consciousness itself. We always say that there can be nothing higher than universal Consciousness, but this is a mistake. The heart, the spiritual heart, contains the universal Consciousness. This center is very safe when we use it to identify with the immensity, with the beauty of nature.

1/2 transition

6. CHAKRA Christ.
Universal unconditional love for all life. Love for God.
Thymus“higher heart” is the energy portal of the heart chakra, in which light or energy emanations are experienced in essence as Unconditional Love. The heart chakra is also the chakra that controls the lungs. And the action of physical breathing activates the thymus and heart chakra. You may have noticed that when you are anxious, you can breathe very shallowly, even holding your breath. This prevents the heart chakra from opening and interferes with balance at this level. When you are in a state of deep relaxation, as in meditation, you breathe deeply and allow the Heart energy to flow smoothly, creating the feeling of deep peace and relaxation that are the hallmarks of meditation.
When you take a deep breath and focus on the heart chakra, you fill the system with the light energy of Unconditional Love. This in turn balances excess electrical stimulation in the pineal gland, providing a feeling of calm and peace.
The more you learn to breathe deeply, becoming a “mindful breather,” the more you activate the function of the thymus gland, which not only enhances the feeling of Unconditional Love, but also plays a significant role in the health of the body by supporting the physical immune system.

change of direction

7. KALA - chakra (Lower cervical vertebra). Planet - Proserpina.
The eight-petalled lotus, the basis of Hindu philosophy, is the designation of Kalachakra or the wheel of time, which is formed by eight spokes on which 28 constellations are located. Each of these spokes - in one of the cardinal directions (kendra) or intermediate (kona) - begins counting from the east and moves in a clockwise direction. Based on this, we have the ritual of Ashtamangala Kriya or the ritual of worshiping the deities and planets in the horoscope, before casting the Prashna (horary chart) or casting the horoscope.
The Teaching of the Kala Chakra is the use of primary energy (Teaching of Fire). Only through the Teaching of the Kala Chakra can one achieve the perfection of the shortest path. "The Kala Chakra rules Time. The main component of Tantra is Time.
A person has two phantoms - the phantom of Time and Ether. The human body is controlled by the phantom of Time (Karma) - the energy of Time suspended in space, which must be worked off. Karma is Time that we must live, outlive."
If a person on anahata feels the Divine presence in his food, then for a person of the kala chakra, food is the materialized God, and the very process of eating for him becomes a natural ritual, during which he eats God in the form of a certain dish. Of course, at this level, only certain fruits, grains and herbs are edible for humans, and then specially prepared, usually under the supervision of the corresponding egregor. The influence of this chakra is felt in almost all religions, which in a certain way limit possible products and regulate the process of cooking. The meaning of such rituals is the direct impact of the religious egregor on the etheric bodies of believers.
The sleep and rest of this person should take place in conditions sanctified by the high egregor: God should become his bed, the walls of the bedchamber, the canopy, the blanket and the sheet. A very high level of environmental cleanliness is required here, and such people rarely and with difficulty can live in the city.
Outwardly, the divine perfection of the etheric body is quite noticeable; it sounds like a hint in the plasticity of the best ballerinas and dancers, the precise gestures of talented actors and the graceful movements of athletes.

In the seven-chakra system, the Kala chakra and Vishuddha chakra are combined into one - the throat chakra.

8. VISHUDDHA CHAKRA, sixteen petal lotus, throat center. (Chin).
Responsible for communication with the outside world, for the impact that our words have on other people. Controls memory and intelligence, speech and linguistic abilities. Its opening causes an intensification of the process of cleansing the body and its rejuvenation. Conversation, communication, creativity, understanding any speech in any language.
Vishuddha is also called the throat chakra. This is the second (after the sexual) creative center, the center of speech and hearing. We create through the voice, which serves as our means of communication. This is the first center that we control consciously.
It is important to feel responsible for how we speak and listen. If we hide, hold back, suppress or conceal our feelings, if we lie or simply hide the truth, then we pollute the throat chakra, and all our problems are concentrated in this area.
If the chakra is damaged, the following are possible: sore throat, runny nose, chest diseases, stuttering, throat and thyroid diseases and various speech disorders. Restoration of work can manifest itself as “a cold without a cold,” pain, sore throat, hoarseness, choking, stuttering, tongue-tiedness, communication problems, quarrels, scandals, deterioration of relationships with friends, relatives, and employees.
Type of damage: isolation from others, distorted perception of speech.

One who can control Vishuddha has the ability to convey divine messages to the world. Universal nature reveals its hidden secrets to him. Here nature bows to the seeker. He can stay young forever. The outside world obeys him. The inner world embraces him. We receive messages from various planes of consciousness. But when one receives messages from Vishuddhi, the message is sublime and lasting. When this center is open, a person receives direct messages from the Supreme and becomes the mouthpiece of the Supreme. He becomes a poet, singer or artist. All forms of art are expressed through this center. This center is open to many individuals. It functions according to the degree of opening, according to the level of development. There is very little risk in using this center. This is the soft center; it is not subject to disturbance from other centers.
See Vishuddha chakra - opening, removing blockages.

9. TALU. (Palate). Lalana Center.
"The cavity of the Heavenly Reservoir lies in the palate, and since it is connected with the brain above, it allows Vitality to flow down and spread out. If the tip of the tongue touches the palate, then Vitality will accumulate in front of the Source cavity of Spirituality in Trikuta, which easily becomes an object of contemplation, always visible to the eyes when they are closed and turned back, heard by the ears when they listen, felt by the tongue that supports it and to which thoughts are always directed." “The Mysterious Path is in the action channel behind the Heavenly Pond in the sky.”

The 10th, 11th and 12th chakras focus on the pineal gland or project from the pineal gland.
" Pineal glandhollow and empty throughout life. It is the main organ of spirituality in the human brain, the seat of genius, which opens all approaches to the Truth to those who know how to use it. This organ is in a dormant state. The aura of the Pineal Gland responds to any impression; a person can only vaguely feel it, but cannot yet realize it.”
Six sensory rays emerge from the pineal gland.
1. Comes forward from the head, from the “Third Eye”;
2. goes back;
3. leaves the left hemisphere of the brain;
4. from the right hemisphere of the brain;
5. goes straight up through the chakra at the top of the head;
6. down along the neck.

10. AJNA - CHAKRA, “Third Eye”, two-petalled lotus, chakra of vision/knowledge. "Third Eye". (Between the eyebrows).
"Projection of Images. Visions." Sacred geometry is the basis of the language of the Universe.
"Responsible for the internal balance between spiritual love and spiritual will - a balance that gives rise to extrasensory abilities. Controls the mind, vision of phenomena and comprehension of the patterns of the Subtle World. Its disclosure contributes to the expansion of Consciousness, advancement along the path of knowledge of the world and oneself, going beyond the wheel of Samsara" .
When the pineal gland "looks" or projects energy into the pituitary gland, it generates "Third Eye" perception.
Ajna - means “command”, controls the various states of concentration realized in the process of meditation, and controls the entire personality.
This chakra is primarily responsible for vision, but it is associated not with physical vision, but with what is called the sixth sense. It is the center of thinking, imagination, intuition, intelligence, certainty and vision, and has a single (inner) eye. Also responsible for dream states and hallucinations.
It is a lotus with two white petals between the eyebrows.
Ajna gives a person a feeling of the unity of all types of energy passing through the etheric body: this is the unity of a person and the food he eats in a single Divine cycle of the manifested world. At this level, service goes to several egregors at once and the rigidity of food requirements is usually reduced; however, a person digests them completely differently, and sometimes, without any particular negative consequences, he eats nothing at all (and at the same time hardly loses weight). But the exchange of the etheric body with the environment is very intense for this person, and it receives from there much more energy than in the case of the average person. Accordingly, man’s demands on the variety of natural conditions around him increase: he is unable to sit in a room or even in a palace, no matter how perfect. Here we can speak of an almost physiological need to bring to people the wisdom and unity of the world in religious, philosophical or poetic forms.
Problems with this chakra cause: headaches, unclear thoughts, difficulty concentrating, schizophrenia, intellectual inertia, detachment.

The one who controls the ajna chakra destroys his dark past, accelerates the arrival of a golden future and manifests the present in a bright image. His psychic and occult powers defy all limits; they are countless. The first thing a person does when the third eye is opened, if it is opened correctly, is to destroy the unenlightened, uninspired and undivine past. Now we see and experience. But there is a difference between our experience and the thing we experience. When ajna is open, however, we experience the thing itself. At this time, seeing and becoming come together. Looking itself is becoming and becoming is looking. For this reason, the disciple who has opened his third eye wants to destroy the past in his memory. Suppose in this life someone becomes a yogi. When he looks at his past incarnations, he sees that he was a thief, or something worse. Since he does not want to enter into this experience again now, he will try to destroy this part of his past. Now he has the necessary strength.
When he realizes God, the past is automatically destroyed. As I said before, when a person opens the third eye or any other center, it does not mean that he has realized God. When a person realizes God, the dark, unclean or undivine past is illuminated and nullified immediately. At the moment of God-realization, enlightenment takes place. It's like walking out of a dark room into a lit room. Light comes where there was darkness before. God-realization is instant illumination.
Through the Ajna Chakra, the past can be destroyed and the future can be brought into today. If he knows that in ten years he is going to do something, achieve something or grow into something, then through the use of the third eye he can achieve that very thing today. He doesn't have to wait ten years, fifteen years, twelve years.
But if it brings future results into today, it can sometimes be dangerous. Many, many times it has happened that the future of an individual is very bright, very brilliant. But when the future is brought correctly into the present, the enormity of the results baffles and frightens one. The seeker is like a young elephant. He grows in strength and within ten years he becomes very powerful. But if this power comes now, there will be no receptivity, inner receptivity. Power comes, but it cannot be brought under control or it cannot be contained in a safe container. At this time, the force itself acts as an enemy and destroys the person who caused it. So there is a great danger when a person accepts the future and brings it into the present.
Let the present grow and play its role. The past played its role; now the present wants to play its role. Only in some cases God wants the seeker to make very rapid progress, instead of making systematic progress he can make extremely rapid progress. This is similar to the situation of a student in school. Sometimes a student does not pass all levels of primary school, basic school and higher school. Sometimes he skips stages. Also in spiritual life, if there is God's Will for the future to be brought into the past, then there is no danger. Otherwise there is a huge danger. Much can be achieved through the third eye. The third eye has what God, the unlimited Power, is. If the unlimited Power is misused by the third eye, then it is destruction. But if the third eye uses the unlimited, transcendental Power correctly and divinely, then it is a great blessing, the greatest blessing that humanity can imagine.

11. 45 degree chakra.
Projected onto the front area of ​​the skull between the “Third Eye” and the “Crown”.

1/2 transition

A wall located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the bottom wall.

12. SAHASRARA-PADMA - chakra, "Crown", Thousand-Petal (crown), "Bram's Hole", "Fontanelle".
ENLIGHTENMENT, Cosmic Consciousness.
Responsible for the relationship between the inner and outer “I”, for maintaining spiritual balance. Crown chakra is located at the crown of the head and is open to the sky. Spiritual energy enters through the crown. Here the human communicates with higher levels of existence that lie beyond the limits of the human mind. Through it, the higher “I” contacts God.
When divine Energy rises from the lower center to the Sahasrara chakra, a radical change occurs in a person’s Consciousness: the barrier separating subject and object is eliminated, and the adept “enters” a state of perfect unity with the Universe.
Spirituality, insight, understanding, inner knowing. Divine omnipresence (Heaven) and freedom.
SAHASRARA - a thousand-petalled lotus, located at the height of four transverse fingers above the crown. Also called Brahmarandhra - the meeting place of Kundalini and Shiva. Its petals carry all the potential sounds represented by the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, fifty in each layer. The chakra synchronizes all colors, covers all feelings and all functions and unites everything in its energy.
He who truly and fully cognizes Sahasrara will not be reborn in samsara, because with such knowledge he will break all the fetters that tied him to it. His earthly state is limited to work on karma, which has already begun and is not completed. He is the possessor of all siddhis, liberated during life (Jeevanmukta) and achieves disembodied liberation (Moksha) or Videha Kaivalya upon the dissolution of his physical body. (Avalon).
The Shiva Samhita says:
102. The lotus, which is located in Brahmarandhra, is called Sahasrara (thousand-petalled). In space, the moon resides at its center. An elixir is constantly released from the triangular place. This lunar fluid of immortality flows continuously through Ida. The elixir flows in a stream - a constant stream. Going to the left nostril, it received the name “Ganga” from the yogis.
Brahmarandhra - “hole of Brahma” (i.e. fontanel).
145. I said earlier that there is a center of power (yoni) in the middle of Sahasrara. Below this is the moon. Let the wise contemplate this.
146. By meditating on it, the yogi becomes adored in this world and is respected by the gods and siddhas.
147. In the curve of his forehead let him contemplate the ocean of milk. From this place let him meditate on the moon which is in the Sahasrara.
148. In the bend of the forehead there is a moon containing nectar, which has 16 fingers (kal, i.e. full). Let him meditate on this flawless one. He sees her for three days due to constant practice. The practitioner burns away all sins just by seeing this.
149. The future opens up for him, his mind becomes pure and, although he could have committed five great sins, he destroys them in the moment of contemplating it.
Chakra malfunctionleads to headaches, nervousness, various nervous and mental disorders to the point of complete insanity.

Sahasrara is a silent chakra that does not interfere with anything. She is like the oldest member of the family; doesn't touch anyone, and doesn't want to be touched. When this center is constantly open, infinite Bliss and inseparable oneness with the all-transcendent All are experienced. Man learns that he was never born and never died. He is always in contact with Infinity, Eternity, and Immortality. There are no proper terms for this; this is all reality. At this moment he sees himself as Eternity and he grows into Eternity; the next moment he sees himself as Infinity and grows into Infinity; in a few moments he sees himself as Immortality and grows into Immortality in his consciousness. And sometimes Infinity, Eternity, and Immortality all come together in his consciousness.
When the Sahasrara chakra is open, the Inner Pilot becomes a true friend. Here the Infinite and His chosen son become very good friends to fulfill a special mission according to their mutual manifestation. They share many secrets, millions of secrets in the glimmer of an eye. On the one hand, Father and Son rejoice in infinite Peace and Bliss; on the other hand they discuss world problems, universal problems, all in the blink of an eye. But their problems are not problems as such. Their problems are only experiences of their cosmic game.
Of all the centers, the highest, the most pacifying, the most soulful, the most fruitful is sahasrara. Here Infinity, Eternity and Immortality become one. The Source becomes one with the creation, and the creation becomes one with the Source. Here the knower and the Known, the lover and the Beloved, the slave and the Master, the son and the Father, all become one. Together, the Creator and creation transcend their Dreams and Reality. Their Dreams make them feel what they are, and their Reality makes them feel what they do. Reality and Dream become one.

DIVINITY (Over your head). Transition to the Fourth Dimension ( Zatomis).


1. MULADHARA - chakra.
Lack of faith in your own life force. Lack of desire to live. Anger towards those who are resilient and energetic. Denial of physical strength - what is it for, WE have a smart head. Depression. The desire to save life or run away.

2. SVADHISTHANA - chakra.
Inability to love the opposite sex. Blaming others to cover up one's own mistakes. Feelings of guilt and inferiority. Anger and desire to hurt others. Sex without feelings. Inability to derive satisfaction from sexual life and see passion in a sexual partner. Feeling ashamed of your partner or yourself. Fear that WE are not up to par. Disappointments in sexual life. Stubbornness and demandingness towards a partner. Suppressing your own passion. Containing your sexuality. Rejection of sexuality. WE don't have the strength to deal with such nonsense, work is more important. Fears related to sexuality. Attitude to sex as a vile, immoral activity that takes away strength. WE don't recognize that sex restores vitality and gives self-esteem. Denial of one's gender.

4. ANAHATA - chakra.
Upset love feelings - WE are not loved, WE are not worth love. Feeling guilty before a loved one. We are not reciprocated. Suppressed love. Everyone prevents US from living the way we should. The world is cruel, and the rule of the big and the strong reigns here. WE don't care about everything, and WE do what we want. WE live only by pushing ourselves, because it is necessary and we cannot expect anything better.

5. VISHUDDHA - chakra.
Problems in communicating with the world. Nervous assessment, feeling of helplessness. All the feelings that constrict your throat and make you choke on tears. Inability, inability to live your personal life, because someone or something is in the way. Inability to accept what life offers. Misunderstanding of your desires. Blaming others. The belief that everyone wants bad things for US. Nobody cares about US. Feeling rejected. Fear of failure. Defamation of others. Over-demanding.

6. AJNA - chakra.
Conflicts between the world of feelings and the world of reason. The desire to receive more. Touchiness. Dissatisfaction with your appearance. Helplessness in making or carrying out plans. The collapse of rosy plans. Beliefs that do not correspond to reality or are negative. Fear of responsibility. Reluctance to do either this or that. Protest against everything. Instability of feelings.

7. SAHASRARA-PADMA - chakra.
Lack of faith in your spirituality, and therefore in your abilities. Lack of self-confidence. Lack of peace of mind. Lack of life purpose. Fear of unearthly visions and dreams, since WE do not believe and thereby do not delve into the essence of OUR unearthly mental images.

The ego must learn to work in harmony with the heart and allow the Heart to be the Leader. Only then will you be ready to fully enter your HEART SPACE and be able to balance the energies and manifest what you desire. Often, so much of your energy resists what you want to manifest and what the Universe wants to give you that you exhaust yourself trying to hold on to old programs and beliefs.
The time has come to allow into your life the abundance of love and material wealth that the Stream of Divine Creative Consciousness wants to bestow upon you at this time.
