Yanina name meaning. Ioannina: the meaning of the name, characteristics, origin and interesting facts


The female name Yanina is Russian and has long been in demand in the territory Russian Federation, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus and even Lithuania. But it owes its origin not only to Slavic culture, as many believe. Its original roots lie in Hebrew culture and the root of the name John. This name has strong energy, and moreover, it can directly influence the character of the bearer. And he also has good compatibility with many Russian modern male names, which is a rarity for such rare names...

History and origin of the name

The origin of the name Yanina is no secret to anyone. It is known that it represents the feminine form of the masculine nominal form Yang, from which the name Jan, which is considered cognate, also originated. Now the names Yana and Yanina are used separately, independently of each other and have become independent names, although they are sometimes used as short forms of each other. Currently, both names are present in the name book of Slavic Russian names, however, the variation we are considering is not very popular today and is extremely rare in countries with a Russian-speaking population.

As for the roots, they clearly belong to the Hebrew culture. The male name Jan, from which the female name Yanina was derived, came from the Hebrew name John, from which in turn the female name John came. Translated from Hebrew, the form John means “mercy of God,” which means a similar interpretation applies to the name we touched on today.

By the way, in different cultures there are also other different formulations of the nominal variation of Ioannina. Thus, the category of related names from other cultures includes such as Yanika, Yanik, Yanessa, Yanella, and many others. Most of them have become widespread in Scandinavian countries: in Sweden, Denmark, Norway. Also, people like Ivanna and Zhanna are considered related.

Well, here we can add that the name Yanina is compatible with the majority of purely Russian male names, which is rare for names with Hebrew roots.

The meaning of the name Yanina

According to experts, meaning of the name Yanina can directly affect the character and fate of the girl named by this name. The reason is the strong energy of the name itself and the impact it has on the bearer. The Hebrew roots of the nominal variation of Yanina can provoke dominance in the bearer of such qualities as determination, perseverance, assertiveness, hard work and self-love.

This name can turn a girl into a unique personality, full of pride and self-confidence, impregnable like a fortress, but very correct and honest, fair and kind. But at the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that the influence of such a factor as meaning on the nature of the girl Yanina can manifest itself differently at each age stage...

Early childhood

The little girl Yanina has a rather complex nature. Usually, at such a young age, Yanina is dominated by such traits as energy, activity, efficiency, mobility, curiosity, hard work, persistence and perseverance, self-confidence and assertiveness, friendliness and goodwill. But all the above-mentioned features do not appear immediately and simultaneously, but gradually and depending on what kind of parental upbringing and the influence of the home aura (atmosphere) will be. In general, the meaning of this little name has a strong impact on Yanina in childhood; it is this that is capable of giving birth in this girl’s nature to the traits necessary for her full-fledged personal development.

Her relationships with the people around Yanina are pretty good, at least this applies to most of the babies named so. The meaning of the name Yanina bestows an excellent sense of humor, positivity and optimism. This same meaning can also promise communication skills, which many children lack in early childhood. The girl Yanina can have many friends and like-minded people, and what is equally important, she easily makes contact and never refuses to communicate.

For a girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Yanina, the most important thing is never to be alone. Communication, fun, attention from those around her - these are the things without which Yanina cannot live a day. But as she grows up, Yanina can change...


For a teenage girl, to whom her parents at birth decided to give the rare female name Yanina, the meaning of this nominal form has no less impact. Yanina usually grows up as a self-confident, determined, honest, obliging and very diligent girl. Such teenagers always communicate with everyone on equal terms and never show their weak sides. The meaning of this name can promise reliability, devotion, purposefulness, commitment and diligence, amazing imagination and vivid imagination - as a result, Yanina can become a leader, a person with excellent character and a kind soul, reliable and true to her own principles.

In Yanina’s studies, everything should work out as well as possible. Regardless of what impact the meaning of the nominal form of Yanina will have on her nature, she herself is guaranteed to have an analytical mind and a penchant for solving complex tasks. Logic, analytics, the ability to find solutions where there seem to be none - this is what allows the girl Yanina to have a bright and happy future. At school, these traits will also appear; she can succeed in studying any subject, without exception.

As for communication with peers, everything is quite simple. Yanina is sociable, and significance can also reward her with sociability, which can only be envied. As a result, Yanina will always be the center of attention, and she will have as many friends and like-minded people as every person, without exception, would like to have.

Adult woman

Adult Yanina, who is protected by the meaning of the name we are discussing, is a completely unique person. Usually the following traits dominate in such people: sociability, talkativeness, eloquence, integrity and uncompromisingness, determination and assertiveness, persistence and perseverance, distrust, secrecy, devotion and fidelity, self-confidence and determination. At its core, he is a born leader, a boss, but in need of friends, preferably permanent, real ones...

Yanina belongs to that category of people who cannot live a day without communication and fun. Yes, from the outside it may seem that she is too serious and fixated on making money, but this is only a superficial look. Having gotten to know her better, you can understand that the meaning of this little name endowed her not only with leadership inclinations, but also with the traits of a feminine nature, a person in need of friends, support, love and attention, care and respect.

The meaning of the nominal form Yanina can also appeal to the dominance in the nature of the woman named in this way such traits as love and romance. Yanina is often a very romantic person, craving romance and passion. True, it is quite difficult for her to get this, and the reason primarily lies in her perception of the people around her, and in particular men. Yanina has difficulty finding the strength to trust people; she is afraid of betrayal and avoids close ties because of this, although at the same time she understands that without trust she cannot find personal happiness.

Relationships with men

As for Yanina’s relationship with representatives of the male half of humanity, this is not without problems. As mentioned earlier, Yanina belongs to the category of too distrustful people. No, she doesn’t look for a catch in everything, she’s not a pessimist, but she has a hard time trusting people. A man who falls for her heart will have a very difficult time, because he will need to constantly balance between her desire to start trusting him, and her fear of betrayal on his part. Moreover, she will be afraid of betrayal and lies even when there are no reasons for this...

Character of the name Yanina

The nature of the name - it may seem that this is not correct wording, and yet, it is still used by many specialists. Well, moving on to the main thing, we can note what the character traits of the bearer of this name imply, those traits that are usually promised to such girls. And in our specific case we're talking about about such as arrogance, moderation, determination, selfishness, honesty and justice, good nature and goodwill, kindness and justice, activity and energy, hard work and assertiveness...

It should be noted that Yanina’s character suggests the presence of egoistic outlines. That is, at its core, Yanina is selfish, not pronounced, but still. In order to achieve her own goals, she can even take advantage of someone else’s weakness or kindness, and she will not regret what happened, especially if it is supported by real benefits. In general, Yanina’s character is very complex, at least in most cases.

The character of the girl named by this name implies the dominance of such qualities as determination and assertiveness, mixed with selfishness and envy.

At the same time, it should be noted that this is only a theory, but in practice, character can depend on many other factors. Thus, character can be built based not only on the characteristics of the name, but also on the basis of upbringing and the influence of a huge number of astrological factors.

The interaction of Ioannina's character with the seasons

Spring is a girl named Yanina, who was born under the auspices of the spring season; she is an emotional, hot-tempered, freedom-loving person, thirsting for respect and understanding, glorification and general recognition. For such a woman, there is nothing more important than her own personal development and material happiness. A sociable, cheerful, but too arrogant person, with a complex character.

Summer - a girl named Yanina, born in one of the three months of summer, is a less sociable, silent, indecisive person. Often this is dominated by the desire to be alone, lack of independence, eternal hope for someone’s help and support, touchiness and unsociability. But summer Ioanninas often have excellent imagination and vivid imagination.

Autumn – the autumn girl Ioannina has a unique character. On the one hand, she is a kind, sympathetic, slightly shy, but positive person. On the other hand, she is principled and sometimes too uncompromising. It’s quite difficult to get along with someone like that; you’ll never know what to expect from her. But she is purposeful and always achieves the goals set for her, which cannot but delight.

Winter - in winter, in most cases, girls are born who are tactful, delicate, a little boring, but who master the amazing art of communication. These are mainly dominated by such traits as eloquence, sociability, charm, daydreaming and romance. Such Yanina have many admirers, such people never go unnoticed by the opposite sex.

The fate of the name Yanina in relationships, love, marriage

The fate of the name Yanina in love, relationships with members of the opposite sex, and marriage is such that it involves many breaks and separations. And the reason is not in the characteristics, meaning or energy of the name. The reason is primarily Yanina’s inability to trust men and trust people in general.

Yanina's destiny involves becoming a good housewife, an amazing wife and an exemplary mother. However, fate can lead to all of the above for Yanina only in maturity, in adulthood. The fact is that Yanina’s fate can direct her, first of all, to achieve her own goals and material values ​​(the characteristics of the name indicate this), and only then, to build a family.

But later fate may turn Ioannina into the perfect wife and mother, into a person on whom all family members, without exception, can rely. Yanina is kind and generous, attentive and caring, her destiny suggests that she will become the person whom everyone will appreciate, including her children, her husband, and other relatives.

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Ruby.
  • Patron planet - Pluto.
  • Patronizing element – ​​Fire and Air.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Ioannina is Phalanx.

1. Personality: women who understand the souls of people and things

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: will - activity - intelligence - receptivity

4. Totem plant: gorse (shrub with yellow or white flowers)

5. Totem animal: termite

6. Sign: lion.

7. Type. They know how to control themselves, which allows them to extricate themselves from difficult situations. In certain circumstances they become aggressive. It is very difficult to raise such girls, as they are not easy to lead.

8. Psyche. Extroverts easily adapt to the life around them. Simultaneously objective and subjective. They feel a great need to devote themselves entirely to some cause, be it caring for the welfare of their relatives, social activities or religion.

9. Will. Made of iron, or rather steel. Don't let them get on your neck!

10. Excitability. Very strong, but never becomes nervous.

11. Reaction speed. Born revolutionaries. If it is necessary to dissuade them from any project, then this can only be done by persuasion, but not by force.

12. Field of activity. It seems that they are born already with ready-made plan life. Everything around them should move at their own pace. This is that rare type of woman for whom all doors are always open, but if they lose faith in their strengths and their destiny, they can suffer defeat.

13. Intuition. They easily understand the deeply hidden secrets of others, they cannot be deduced, whether it concerns your thoughts or your heart.

14. Intelligence. Significant. Subtle diplomats use this quality in all situations. They have an excellent memory and a great interest in life and the world.

15. Receptivity. The main driver of their life. If they believe and love, they can move mountains, but if they are disappointed, then they turn everything into ruins. Parents do not have authority in the eyes of these girls.

16. Morality. It consists of strictness and concessions. The actions of specific people are assessed very strictly, but if we are talking about events or entire nations, deviations from harsh norms are allowed.

17. Health. They are tenacious, like salamanders, but still must take care of their health, in particular their stomach.

18. Sexuality. Sex is all or nothing for them. They are able to devote themselves to serving the ideal - even their intimate life. But anything can happen... Let's take into account the fact that there are many masculine traits in their character...

19. Activity. They can be compared to heroes. Perhaps, to live with them, you also need to be a hero?

20. Sociability. Is it possible to talk about the friendship of these Don Quixotes in female guise, waging an endless struggle with windmills? They are proud, their friendship is despotic, but they are loyal to true friends.

21. Conclusion. Give them the opportunity to conduct and order, and if they give you a battle cry... take advantage of the rare moments of their goodwill!

Yanina meaning of a name for a child, what does the name Yanina mean.

Translated from Hebrew - “given by God.”
Yanina (Yana) has shown a passion for cleanliness and order since childhood. She is very neat and hates sloppiness. This girl always has her things in their place. Yana is an excellent student, she is collected, and always does everything on time. Often, due to his rigor and neatness, he looks older than his peers. She enjoys their respect, but not their love, although she is a good friend.
Adult Yana is also clean and loves order. She is punctual, obligatory, demanding. An unobligatory and sloppy person cannot count on her sympathy. But Yana is no less strict with herself than with those around her, and perhaps more so. She is aware of all her actions. Very hardworking. She works hard, achieves great success, and often makes a career. Ambitious. But she is honest and decent, she will never allow herself to trample anyone on the way to her goal. Yana is sociable, but because of her severity, people are often afraid of this woman. She has few close friends, but Yana is faithful to them. This woman never refuses help; she willingly takes people under her protection. This woman is principled, she opposes any injustice she notices. She loves to work in the garden and often plants flowers. She is a good housewife, she knows how to preserve food, and cooks great.
Yana is married several times, often all her marriages are unsuccessful. In relationships with men, this woman is as strict and pedantic as in everything else. She does not tolerate sloppiness and disorganization. Yana never has many promiscuous relationships. She usually has one permanent partner. This woman plans all meetings in advance. It’s easy to meet someone, but she doesn’t immediately agree to an intimate relationship; first she takes a closer look at the man. Yana does not like tenderness or excessive sentimentality in relationships. Even in love she remains reserved and strict. Yana endures the betrayal of her husband or partner calmly, never causing a scandal, but simply packs up her things and leaves, having first told the man the reason - calmly, evenly, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. She can even remind him, when leaving for work, not to forget to check whether the gas or iron is turned off, or to take his medicine on time. Sometimes after breaking up, Yana maintains quite friendly relations with her former partner or husband, but never returns to him.
Winter Yana is usually softer and more flexible than women with this name born in other seasons. She is responsive, friendly, sociable. This woman has many friends and practically no enemies. In relationships with men, she looks for affection, protection, reliability, but usually does not find it. However, she is usually lucky in her marriage.
Autumn Yana is a frivolous woman. She loves to live for her own pleasure, is irresponsible and unreliable. It is difficult to rely on this woman for anything. She is unpunctual, constantly late, often forgets things in transport or loses them. Yana can promise something and not deliver. However, she is friendly, friendly towards others, usually does not speak badly of anyone, and willingly helps. She dresses fashionably, is elegant, and men like her. But this woman is fickle and often cheats on her partner. Marries several times.

Source of information: L. Aronson (“Name, character, destiny”)

Diminutive forms of the name Yanina

Yaninka, Yaninochka, Yana, Yanka, Yaninushka.

Name day and Angel of Yanina Day

The mystery of the name

The name Yanina is a feminine form male name Jan. There is also the name Yana, which is also a form of the name Yang. Yana and Yanina are related names, as they are used independently of each other. Sometimes they are considered diminutive forms for each other, but nowadays these names have become independent.

Also Yanina is a Slavic name, a cognate name for the name Yana.

The male name Jan comes from the Hebrew name John, meaning “mercy of God.” The name Yanina has analogues in other countries - Yana, Yanika, Yanessa, Yanella. This name is very common in Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark.

Related and independent names for the name Yanina are female names- Yana, Ivanna, Zhanna, Joanna.

Famous people

Yanina Zheimo ((1909 - 1987) Soviet film actress of Polish origin)
Yanina Zatuliveter ((1972 - 2005) Honored Master of Sports of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics)
Yanina Korolchik (Belarusian track and field athlete (shot put), Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2000))
Janine Jansen (Dutch violinist)
Yanina Chape (American contemporary artist, photographer)
Yanina Wickmayer (professional Belgian tennis player; winner of three WTA singles tournaments, US Open 2009 singles semi-finalist)
Janina Zekaite ((1926 - 2006) Janina Zekaite-Kubilene; Lithuanian literary critic, habilitated doctor humanities; mother of politician Andrius Kubilius)
Janina Korowicka (Polish speed skater, champion of Poland in 1976, participant Olympic Games 1976)
Yanina Kolesnichenko (Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2006))
Yanina Sokolovskaya (Russian theater and film actress)
Yanina Volskaya (modern Russian cartoonist)
Janina Ipohorska ((1914 - 1981) Polish artist and journalist, author of many humorous aphorisms)
Yanina Lisovskaya (Russian and German theater and film actress, theater director, acting teacher)
Yanina Bugrova (Russian actress and TV presenter)
Yanina Studilina (Russian theater and film actress, fashion model, TV presenter)

Name forms

Synonyms for the name Yanina. Yana, Ivanna, Zhanna. Short form of the name Yanina. Yanka, Yanochka, Yanya.

Astrological characteristics

the meaning of the name Yana, the zodiac sign Leo is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.


Zodiac - Scorpio

Planet - Pluto

The color of the name Yana is crimson

Auspicious tree - chestnut

Treasured plant - peony

Patron of the name Jan - phalanx

Talisman stone - ruby

Catholic name days

Compatibility and incompatibility

Compatibility - Joachim, German, Rogvolod.

Incompatibility - Veniamin, Vilen, Evgeniy, Izyaslav, Longinus, Sumorok, Philo, Kharlampy, Khors, Cheslav.

In other languages

Name Yanina on English language: Jeannine, Jeanine (Janine).
Name Yanina on French: Jeanine (Janine), Jeannine (Zhannine).
Giannina's name in Italian: Giannina (Giannina).
The name Ioannina in Corsican is Vannina.
Ioannina's name in Occitan is Johanina.
The name Yanina in Ukrainian is Yanina.
Name Yanina on Belarusian language: Yanina.
Name Yanina on Polish language: Janina (Yanina).
The name Yanina in Bulgarian is Yanina.


Yanechka grows up to be a very sensitive but obedient child. Sometimes she quickly gets offended if her pride is hurt, but she doesn’t sulk for long. Yana constantly plays with dolls and shows imagination in their outfits. She does not show much zeal in her studies, unless she wants to please some boy. Teachers are not authoritative for her, and her good memory helps her in class.

This is a rather selfish girl; she can easily gain the trust of anyone if she needs it to achieve her goal. She is very attractive and skillfully manipulates men. Due to her artistic abilities and emotionality, she can achieve whatever she wants. Yana is very fond of jewelry, expensive outfits and cosmetics, so she spends quite a lot of money on it.

Yanina becomes active only when she is in love and sees a goal in front of her. When she is disappointed, she instantly loses interest in everything in the world. Shows accuracy and good organization in everything. She reacts quickly in unusual situations, as she is very attentive to details. When choosing a profession, Yanina prefers creative positions in the service sector. She is characterized by the desire to devote her entire life to one thing. It could be caring for others, work or religion. She approaches her profession with love and enthusiasm. He often becomes a make-up artist, prop maker, or does photography. Working in the fashion industry as a fashion designer or dressmaker will be successful. She always does her work honestly and accurately, and often believes that she is not appreciated enough.

Western Slavic form of the name John, meaning "Mercy of God" ( Jewish names). Energy and Karma.: The energy of this name is different for different regions. So, in the western regions of the CIS and the Baltic states, where the names Yan, Janis, Yana, Yanina are very common, this name sounds completely different than, say, in Siberia or even in Moscow, where it is quite noticeable due to its rarity. In the first case, the energy is reflected in the masculine connotation of the name, while for most of Russia the name Yana is considered purely feminine. However, in both variants of the name Yan, strong sound energy begins to play the main role and it is more likely to be assumed that in general quality characteristic the name will be valid throughout almost the entire Slavic-speaking territory former USSR, but its power of influence on the psyche will increase from west to east as the prevalence of the name decreases. Secrets of communication: it is often possible to prevent a conflict with Yana by directing her negative energy in a different direction. For example, condemn in conversation something that also causes condemnation in her. The principle “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” will work here. However, such an exit can only be called an emergency one, and using it too often is quite dangerous for one’s own nerves. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Planet: Mars. Name colors: cherry red, light brown. Talisman stone named after Yana: jade, emerald.

The meaning of the name Yana (Yanina) option 2

1. Personality. Women who understand the souls of people and things.

2. Character. 96%.

3. Radiation. 98%.

4. Vibration. 90,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Will - activity - intellect - receptivity.

7. Totem plant. Gorse1.

8. Totem animal. Termite2.

9. Sign. A lion.

10. Type. They know how to control themselves, which allows them to get out of difficult situations. In certain circumstances, Janina becomes aggressive. It is very difficult to raise such girls, as they are not easy to lead.

11. Psyche. Extroverts easily adapt to the life around them. Simultaneously objective and subjective. They feel a great need to devote themselves entirely to some cause, be it caring for the welfare of their relatives, social activities or religion.

12. Will. Made of iron, or rather steel. Don't let them get on your neck!

13. Excitability. Very strong, but never becomes nervous.

14. Reaction speed. Born revolutionaries. If it is necessary to dissuade them from any project, then this can only be done by persuasion, but not by force.

15. Field of activity. It seems that they are born into the world with a ready-made life plan. Everything around them should move at their own pace. This is that rare type of woman for whom all doors are always open, but if they lose faith in their strengths and their destiny, they can suffer defeat.

16. Intuition. They easily understand the deeply hidden secrets of others, they cannot be deduced, whether it concerns your thoughts or your heart.

17. Intelligence. Significant. Subtle diplomats use this quality in all situations. They have an excellent memory and a great interest in life and the world.

18. Receptivity. The main driver of their life. If Yanina believes and loves, she can move mountains, but if she is disappointed, then she turns everything into ruins. Parents do not have authority in the eyes of these girls.

19. Morality. It consists of strictness and concessions. The actions of specific people are assessed very strictly, but if we are talking about events or entire nations, deviations from harsh norms are allowed.

20. Health. They are tenacious, like salamanders, but still must take care of their health, in particular their stomach.

21. Sexuality. Sex is all or nothing for them. They are able to devote themselves to serving the ideal - even their intimate life. But anything can happen... Let's take into account the fact that there are many masculine traits in their character...

22. Activity. They can be compared to heroes. Perhaps, to live with them, you also need to be a hero?

23. Sociability. Is it possible to talk about the friendship of these Don Quixotes in female guise, waging an endless struggle with windmills? They are proud, their friendship is despotic, but they are loyal to true friends.

24. Conclusion. Give them the opportunity to conduct and command, and if they give you a battle cry... take advantage of the rare moments of their goodwill!

1 Shrub with yellow or white flowers.

2 Wood-boring beetle.

The meaning of the name Yana (Yanina) option 3

The meaning of the name Yana is the feminine form of the name Yan (Western Slavic and Baltic forms of the name John, Ivan). According to another version, it possibly arose from the Latin Janus (ancient Italian deity, god of the sun and light). As a child, Yana is stubborn, she can throw a tantrum at any moment, demanding to buy her something, and does not hear any explanations. He likes to show off to his peers a fashionable dress, a purebred puppy, an expensive toy. Somewhat arrogant. He studies averagely at school, has difficulty waking up in the morning, and takes a long time to get dressed. He falls in love early, but tries not to show his feelings and keeps himself inaccessible. Yana is her father’s favorite, she is spoiled by his attention and tries to see the same worship in her future husband. Her behavior is that of a capricious little girl who needs to be constantly looked after and indulged in all her whims. It’s a rare husband who can stand this, especially if he’s jealous. Yana adores male company, is well versed in the psychology of men, and manipulates them, one might say, with one movement of her eyebrows. Her characteristic theatricality, mannerisms, and emotionality allow her to almost always achieve her goal - both in relationships with men and in everything else. She spares no expense on clothes and cosmetics, she is attractive. IN necessary cases she becomes charming, soft, and friendly, which immediately attracts people to her. You often don’t get along with your mother-in-law - she doesn’t feel great fun because the son is under the thumb of his daughter-in-law and endures her whims. Yana usually has one child, loves him very much and spoils him. Jealous. The husband, despite the undoubted difficulties of Yanina’s character, family life, as a rule, satisfied. Yana will live her life happily with Vasily, Egor, Eduard, Fedor, Stepan, Dmitry. A marriage with Bogdan, Denis, Vadim, Ruslan or Ignat can be difficult.

The meaning of the name Yana (Yanina) option 4

In early childhood, Yana was extremely stubborn and hysterical. He is arrogant, likes to brag, and to lie around longer in the morning. He is often late for work. Uncollected. Amorous, jealous, selfish. Scandal with your loved one. In male society, Yana is luxurious, cheerful, and charming. Likes to dress smartly and collect antiques.

The meaning of the name Yana (Yanina) option 5

Yana is a Western Slavic version of the name John - from the ancient Hebrew mercy of God. Derivatives: Yanka, Yanika, Janusha, Yapya, Janusya. Name day: on the week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women. Character. Yana is a fickle nature: she grabs onto one thing, then another. Selfish, assertive, not used to taking people, their feelings and opinions into account, even perceives parental love and care as pressure. Having gotten married, she rejoices first of all in her newfound independence and the right to command her husband and children. Yana clearly has a commercial spirit, she is hardworking and knows how to manage business, but she is very scattered.

The meaning of the name Yana (Yanina) option 6

Yana - God's mercy (Hebrew name). Name day: on the week of the Myrrh-Bearers. Zodiac sign- Scorpion. Planet- Pluto. Color- raspberry. Auspicious tree- chestnut. Treasured plant- peony. Patron name- phalanx. Talisman stone- ruby. Character. Yana is quite selfish. She sweeps people out of her way and does it without the slightest remorse. She is very independent by nature, does not listen to advice and does whatever comes into her head. She is crushed by the influence of her parents; Having created her family, Yana becomes a central figure, which flatters and softens her. Yana is an individualist and hard worker, deft in handling money. Unfortunately, her character is changeable, and she quickly gets tired of what she undertakes.

The meaning of the name Yana (Yanina) option 7

Yana's character is complex. Since childhood, the “summer” has had a trusting attitude towards people. A stubborn, capricious, but kind child, he brings warmth to people. Having matured, she becomes purposeful and hardworking. Very musical. He cannot establish friendly relations with everyone. Yana looks like her father. A little grouchy. However, she is compliant, you can negotiate with her without shouting. “Winter” Yana has a firmer character, less compliant, but also kind. Because of her modesty, it is difficult for her to get married; she has difficult relationships with her family. Devoted to family. This is a caring wife, she does not impose her opinion on her husband, she respects his independence. Not too talkative. Yana loves animals. She gives birth to boys. Difficult work it should be performed in the afternoon, when Ioannina's activity is highest. Have you read - the secret of the name Yana (Yanina)

Translated from Hebrew - “given by God.” Synonym of Ioannina.

Since childhood, Yana has shown a passion for cleanliness and order. She is very neat and hates sloppiness. This girl always has her things in their place. Yana is an excellent student, she is collected, and always does everything on time. Often, due to his rigor and neatness, he looks older than his peers. She enjoys their respect, but not their love, although she is a good friend.

Adult Yana is also clean and loves order. She is punctual, obligatory, demanding. An unobligatory and sloppy person cannot count on her sympathy. But Yana is no less strict with herself than with those around her, and perhaps more so. She is aware of all her actions. Very hardworking. She works hard, achieves great success, and often makes a career. Ambitious. But she is honest and decent, she will never allow herself to trample anyone on the way to her goal. Yana is sociable, but because of her severity, people are often afraid of this woman. She has few close friends, but Yana is faithful to them. This woman never refuses help; she willingly takes people under her protection. This woman is principled, she opposes any injustice she notices. She loves to work in the garden and often plants flowers. She is a good housewife, she knows how to preserve food, and cooks great.

Yana is married several times, often all her marriages are unsuccessful. In relationships with men, this woman is as strict and pedantic as in everything else. She does not tolerate sloppiness and disorganization. Yana never has many promiscuous relationships. She usually has one permanent partner. This woman plans all meetings in advance. It’s easy to meet someone, but she doesn’t immediately agree to an intimate relationship; first she takes a closer look at the man. Yana does not like tenderness or excessive sentimentality in relationships. Even in love she remains reserved and strict. Yana endures the betrayal of her husband or partner calmly, never causing a scandal, but simply packs up her things and leaves, having first told the man the reason - calmly, evenly, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. She can even remind him, when leaving for work, not to forget to check whether the gas or iron is turned off, or to take his medicine on time. Sometimes after breaking up, Yana maintains quite friendly relations with her former partner or husband, but never returns to him.

Winter Yana is usually softer and more flexible than women with this name born in other seasons. She is responsive, friendly, sociable. This woman has many friends and practically no enemies. In relationships with men, she looks for affection, protection, reliability, but usually does not find it. However, she is usually lucky in her marriage.

Autumn Yana is a frivolous woman. She loves to live for her own pleasure, is irresponsible and unreliable. It is difficult to rely on this woman for anything. She is unpunctual, constantly late, often forgets things in transport or loses them. Yana can promise something and not deliver. However, she is friendly, friendly towards others, usually does not speak badly of anyone, and willingly helps. She dresses fashionably, is elegant, and men like her. But this woman is fickle and often cheats on her partner. Marries several times.
