We choose designs for bathhouses made of bricks - how to make it comfortable, practical and beautiful. DIY brick bathhouse

The bathhouse is an almost ideal means for friendly get-togethers, comfortable rest with family, relaxation after a busy day at work. And although for most people the most optimal and suitable type of structure is timber structures, there are also other options for bath structures, for example, brick ones. Many people consider them too expensive, but with a reasonable approach and choice the right project, brick baths will not be too inexpensive.

For self-construction Brick steam rooms require the most minimal knowledge and skills in bricklaying. But even if there are none, then, if desired, they can be quickly mastered. The main thing in this matter is to learn how to fold the corners correctly, since they play a leading role in the strength and tightness of the building.

The obvious advantages of brick baths include:

  • No putrefactive processes;
  • High resistance to fungus and diseases;
  • Possibility of finishing immediately after completion of construction activities;
  • Non-flammability.

Thus, high labor costs are more than compensated by the absence of shrinkage processes, which means that the first visit to the new bathhouse will occur much earlier.


Unfortunately, brick baths also have disadvantages. Firstly, the material is characterized by high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. It draws heat onto itself, preventing the steam room from warming up until it warms up itself. Brick walls require high-quality thermal insulation, otherwise the bathhouse will have to warm up for a very long time.

Another disadvantage of brick is hygroscopicity, that is, absorption of any state of water. The humidity in such a bath will always be increased. But this problem can be solved by organizing a high-quality vapor barrier.

Features of masonry

During construction brick bath It is necessary to carefully monitor the verticality of walls and corners. Also, the rows must be even in the horizontal direction.

Masonry can be done in two ways: solid and lightweight. In the first case, the bricks are laid out in at least 2 rows, without any voids or gaps. In the second, 2 walls with an intermediate space are built, which are subsequently filled with a suitable thermal insulator.

In most cases, a lightweight version of masonry is used for the construction of baths, which allows reducing the weight of the walls, and therefore the pressure of the structure on the foundation. Another advantage of such masonry is lower brick consumption.

Brick bath projects

Having chosen brick as the primary material for building a bathhouse, you should think about the layout of the structure. There are many designs for brick baths, but most of them are variations of several basic ones.

Bathhouse 4x6

The structure is divided into 3 main rooms:

  • Sink (area 1.75 m2);
  • Steam room (4.75 m2);
  • Recreation room (10.4 m2).

Fans of bath procedures consider this layout not very successful, since the direct entrance from the street to the relaxation room will lead to the rapid cooling of the bath. There are several ways to fix this problem:

  • Extension of a vestibule (preferably insulated);
  • Organization of a covered veranda;
  • Installation of an additional partition, which creates a small vestibule.

A stove heated with wood from the rest room will help ensure maximum functionality of the bathhouse. This point needs to be thought through at the stage of installing the partition, in which a passage is made that is slightly larger than the firebox. Subsequently, the metal casing is covered with a heat insulator, and the remaining empty spaces are filled with brickwork.

Bathhouse 4x4

A small sauna, perfect for family use. There may be several layouts, but the entrance to the locker room is always from the street. The small parameters of the bathhouse make additional partitioning unprofitable, but allow for the addition of a vestibule.

The stove in such projects can be heated both from the steam room and from the dressing room. This point should be thought through before the start of construction work.

Bathhouse 6x6

A bathhouse project that looks more like a guest house. Consists of several rooms and attached veranda. Approximate parameters of the bath structure:

  • Sink – 3.7 m2;
  • Relaxation room – 4.4 m2;
  • Steam room – 4.8 m2;
  • Hallway – 4.8 m2;
  • Bathroom – 1 m2;
  • Living room – 10.1 m2;
  • Veranda – 4.7 m2.

This project contains an unusual stove, the location of which makes it possible to heat almost all rooms. The only room to which heat will reach very little is the hall.


It is not necessary to build the bathhouse of your dreams according to finished project– you can always show your imagination and create your own, unusual structure. Some owners equip old brick outbuildings for bathhouses. And this is not surprising, because their service life reaches more than 150 years.

Brick is a proven material over the years. He has proven himself in bathhouse construction positive side and this is determined not only by reliability. Brick is not picky in terms of finishing, and a bathhouse built of stone can be finished on the outside with any decorative material. You can look at popular projects of brick baths in the photo below and in a special section of our website.

Option with original finishwet facade. Interior decoration made in the style of minimalism: vestibule, rest room and through it the entrance to washing department and a steam room.

Another original version brick bath. Regarding the exterior decoration, it says absolutely nothing that this particular material was used in construction.

Two-story brick building:

Roomy and functional sauna. The first floor is decorated in accordance with the rules, the second floor has a spacious hall and two bedrooms.

Brick bathhouse, finished decorative stone.

Individual external layout. The terrace is made in the shape of the letter G.

In addition to functional premises, this project provides an attic floor, which at first glance is not visible from the outside.

The layout is quite original. A spacious lounge for relaxation, a fireplace room and, of course, a sink with a steam room.

Two-story brick bath with a small veranda at the entrance and a spacious second tier.

On the ground floor there is everything you need to undergo procedures and have a pleasant time.

The second floor is a spacious billiard room, which can be converted into guest bedrooms if desired.

This project is convenient due to the presence basement, in which storage rooms are located.

The first floor is replete with functional spaces. At the entrance there is a comfortable terrace from which there is an entrance to the bathhouse. The first room is an entrance hall, from which a staircase leads to the second floor, then there is a rest room, through it there is a corridor to the guest room, and then to the sink and steam room.

On attic floor billiard room and relaxation area.

Despite all the love of bathhouse lovers for wood as a traditional material for its construction, this material has a number of disadvantages, the main of which are fire hazard and relatively low durability. From this point of view, brick, being the second most popular structural material, has a number of advantages:

  • durability – brick buildings last up to 150 years.
  • Fire safety– brick bathhouse walls do not burn and do not support combustion;
  • visual appeal - brick buildings have an excellent appearance and easily fit into any landscape design;
  • good thermal insulation properties.

Of course, brick has disadvantages that somewhat reduce its attractiveness and complicate the work of building a bathhouse:

  • poor vapor conductivity of brick - walls and ceilings of steam rooms and other rooms with high humidity must be protected with a vapor barrier and equipped with good ventilation to prevent dampness;
  • high thermal capacity, due to which a brick bath needs to be heated much longer than one made of wood;

The main disadvantage of a bathhouse is quality bricks– its higher cost compared to wood, so we can say that it is usually built by wealthy and discerning people. Moreover, brick is a piece material small size, which means you can build a bathhouse from it according to any, the most unusual projects.

Let's look at a few photos of brick bathhouse projects.

A small bathhouse with dimensions of 9 sq.m., which makes it ideal for small people summer cottages. It is quite possible for any owner to build it independently, without the involvement of specialist masons.

The bathhouse design involves pouring a strip foundation to a depth of 50-60 cm (for non-heaving soils) or to the freezing depth for heaving soils. The wall can be uniform in 1.5 bricks. Rafter system roofs are simple, gable, roof covering– slate, bitumen shingles or metal profile.

Inside there is a relaxation room and a combined washing and steam room of the same size - about 4 sq.m. – area. The dimensions of the steam room mean that 2-3 people can be in it at the same time.

Bathhouse 5 x 4

A more spacious and comfortable one-story brick bathhouse with an area of ​​20 sq.m. Here we see a separate washing and steam room, the area of ​​which allows 3-4 people to simultaneously take bath procedures. Spacious lounge room allows you to place required amount furniture for complete rest and recovery. Each room, including the steam room, has windows, natural light from which will save energy, and relaxation in a room with windows is more complete from a psychological point of view. In addition, windows allow you to properly ventilate all rooms after using the bath to prevent the walls from getting wet.

This brick bathhouse project is quite complex - the owner will need to hire a professional mason, as well as roofing craftsmen, to build the walls. Making this volume yourself is enough difficult work almost impossible for a non-specialist.

In the presence of free space and great desire, this project can be implemented with a terrace instead of a porch, where summer time it will be possible to spend most of the rest, combining bath procedures with cooking, for example, barbecue. Naturally, for this purpose, you can provide a stationary or portable barbecue grill on the terrace.

Bathhouse 10 x 14

This bathhouse project is a real masterpiece of architecture, accessible to very few homeowners. It would be more accurate to call such a building a guest house with a swimming pool and a sauna - there is everything for a full life in the summer; if the owner provides normal heating, you can live all year round.

Through the vestibule on the first floor we find ourselves in a spacious and well-lit rest room of 22 sq.m. From here you can go to the wardrobe and, having undressed, go to the shower (next to which there is a bathroom) and to the steam room. After taking a steam bath, through the relaxation room we find ourselves in a spacious room where the swimming pool is located.

In such bath complex you can’t do without a powerful supply and exhaust ventilation system, which, of course, must be designed by a specialist engineer, taking into account all the features of the location of the rooms and their purpose.

The bathhouse design provides for the presence of an attic, while the entrance to attic room located separately from the street. Let's go up compact staircase to the second floor, from the landing of which we get through the door to living room large area with windows. A family of two can perfectly accommodate here, especially since the attic is equipped with a bathroom and a small kitchen.

The first mentions of baths are found in historical documents about Ancient Greece. Certainly, appearance the ancient Greek bath was completely different from modern version, but was based on the same principles: heating the room to high temperatures and creating conditions with high humidity.

The traditional material for building baths is wood coniferous species, but this is far from an axiom. For example, today it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with the sight of spectacular, modern baths made of red brick.

Photo of a brick bathhouse which is a spectacular addition to a suburban area

Features and advantages of a brick bath

Despite the high cost of construction, brick baths are especially popular. Prolonged heating of premises does not stop the developer either. winter period. Additional insulation walls, ceiling and floor will help smooth out this deficiency. The construction and operation of brick baths has many advantages:

    increased fire safety;

    durability of the structure;

    safety and environmental friendliness of the material;

    the ability to create unique projects.

A brick bathhouse looks great and does not require additional exterior finishing.

Brick bath projects

An important stage in the beginning of any construction is the design of the facility. You can build an excellent brick bathhouse using a ready-made brick as a base. standard project or by developing it yourself, taking into account personal needs and preferences.

If the site has limited space, you can get by with construction small bathhouse dimensions 3X4.

Large areas of the site allow free flight of imagination and make it easy to implement a project of any size.

Regardless of its size, the bathhouse includes several rooms with different purposes, located under one roof and separated by partitions:

  • rest room.

The presence and location of other premises are planned at the request of the developer. Depending on the purpose of the building and its size, the number additional rooms not limited.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Thoughtful interior layout And convenient location necessary elements in the bathhouse facilitates its operation and maintenance. Even small rooms require division into functional areas. This will allow them to be used for their intended purpose.

With equipment front door in the rest room, in winter cold air enters the room and cools it. This can be avoided by using one of the suggested methods:

    construction of an insulated vestibule at the entrance;

    installation of a covered veranda;

    installation of a major dividing partition in the rest room.

An example of the design and layout of a brick bathhouse

Brick bathhouse projects include detailed development of each element:


The main object of the bathhouse project is the stove. It should be easy to use and heat the room perfectly. The size of the stove depends on the area of ​​the bath. Equipped storage space small quantity firewood will make servicing the stove much easier. It is most convenient to place it on the side of the rest room.

Metal stoves, offered by manufacturers in a wide variety of variations, heat up quickly and are easy to install. A metal stove is most often lined with bricks, which protect the metal from overheating.

Bathhouse projects large sizes often include the construction of a bathroom, kitchen and other premises. The implementation of such projects is complicated by the heating device, because the rooms must be heated evenly. To do this, install additional heating systems:

Installing a combined heating system allows you to use the most affordable way heating large brick baths and regulating costs.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Choosing a location for installing a brick bath

The bathhouse is a fire hazard, so when choosing a place for its construction, it is necessary to take into account some features.

    The distance from neighboring buildings and site boundaries should be more than 12 meters when burning wood and 5 meters when using gas boiler or electric heating.

    To build a brick bathhouse, it is better to choose an elevated area that is not cluttered with buildings.

    When planning construction on the shore of a reservoir, it is necessary to retreat at least 15 meters from the banks. This will prevent flooding during spring floods.

    The entrance to the bathhouse from the south will facilitate operation in winter. This location is especially important for regions with heavy snowfall. In spring, the southern side is cleared of snow much earlier and dries out faster.

    If the bathhouse has windows, they are placed on the west side.

In order to save money, a bathhouse is often combined with summer kitchen, garage or any other object, installing one blank wall between them.

Foundation for brick baths

A brick bathhouse is a structure with quite a lot of weight, so it requires the formation of a solid foundation. It is laid below the freezing point of the soil. These indicators are individual for different regions and may vary significantly.

Most often, brick is chosen for a bathhouse. strip foundation, providing solid foundation for a heavy object. Despite the high cost and low speed of construction, the strip foundation fully ensures the strength and reliability of the building.

Difficult soil, problematic terrain and deep soil freezing in winter require pile foundation. Piles are installed at the corners of the bathhouse, the walls, and also every two meters.

The construction of a reliable brick bathhouse has its own characteristics and requires the formation of a wooden or metal grillage.

How to lay bricks

Red brick is most often used to build baths. The construction of walls occurs in accordance with one of the technologies:

    masonry of 1.5 or 2 bricks followed by insulation;

    construction of double walls with laying of a thermal insulation layer.

Masonry of 1.5 bricks has excellent strength. The construction of walls begins from the corner, maintaining a strict perpendicular between them.

Depending on the location of the brick in the row, there are:

    spoon rows, which are laid with the long side of the brick along the wall;

    Bonded rows provide for the placement of bricks with the short side across the wall.

A cord is pulled along the future wall for orientation in the horizons, the ends of which are installed between the outer bricks.

Brick wall laying has a number of features.

    The solution is applied to the entire surface of the brick in an even layer.

    The brick is leveled on a plane with the handle of a trowel, removing excess mortar.

    A pick hammer is used to split the material.

    When laying walls with two bricks, the mortar is applied in large quantities, sufficient for laying both rows.

    Broken bricks are not used in walls and dressing units.

    For uniform distribution of pressure load heavy walls masonry dressing is used.

Video description

The technology for building walls for a bathhouse of 1.5 bricks can be seen in the following video:

Wall insulation work

Cold winters require insulation of brick baths. External insulation brick walls rarely used. This is due to the peculiarities of using a bathhouse in winter.

Internal insulation allows you to warm up the room much faster in winter. Special attention here they devote time to the steam room. Despite the temperature outside, the bathhouse must be heated to at least 60°C.

Photo of the brick bathhouse project after insulation

The construction of bathhouse walls in two rows involves laying an insulating layer between them. Here you can use:

    mineral wool;

    expanded polystyrene;

You can leave the air gap empty.

As a decorative layer for interior decoration baths can be used wooden lining. It has excellent moisture-resistant qualities, is resistant to temperature changes and is a safe material for use.

The lining is attached to wooden frame with a layer of insulation. Ecologically chosen as insulation safe material, excellent resistance to the growth of fungi and bacteria, resistant to humid environments and able to keep its shape well for many years.

Aluminum foil is used as a vapor barrier layer for a brick bath. It plays the role of an excellent moisture-protective layer, reflects thermal radiation and does not allow heated air to pass to cold walls.


Brick bathhouse projects allow you to have a great rest after a week of work, gain strength and relax. Convenient layout promotes functional division of space and convenient maintenance of the bath during operation. The project, chosen taking into account the needs of each family member, will make the bathhouse a favorite place for a relaxing holiday.

Brick is the most popular construction material. In Russia, it, along with wood, is a traditional material for construction. It's environmentally friendly pure material, in the production of which natural ingredients are used.

Building a bathhouse from brick is no less interesting than from a log or a bathhouse from timber. It is easy to make any wall configuration from it, create large window or arched openings, bring to life the most daring architectural solutions. A turnkey brick bathhouse is suitable for those who value quality and durability, but building a brick bathhouse is a task that requires certain knowledge and experience in this field.

Our company, "", offers turnkey construction of brick baths that meet all the requirements of durability and practicality. A brick bathhouse is one of our core competencies. We can also prepare a project for a brick bathhouse. We have been building brick baths since 1993.

To lighten the walls and increase their heat-saving properties, when laying walls it is used mineral wool insulation. And then, when creating the interior of a bathhouse, there is a wide range of possibilities in choosing finishing materials. The outside walls of a brick bath can also be made in different styles. The most economical option is facing walls made of finishing bricks. In this case, no additional exterior decoration walls of the building.

Turnkey brick baths are more reliable than, for example. On the other hand, a turnkey brick bathhouse is a more expensive solution.

Stone provides ample opportunities for façade design. It is easy to combine with other materials. This allows you to work in different styles, using, for example, French and Austrian or Italian traditions.

A brick bathhouse in Russian traditions of the late 19th - early 20th centuries can be very interesting.

Building a brick bathhouse is optimal choice. A turnkey bathhouse made of brick is fire-resistant, durable and provides increased sound insulation. If you decide to build a brick bathhouse, it is better to order projects from specialists.

The steam room inside a brick bath can be finished different ways. From the very economical option- foil and clapboard to the device inside the steam room wooden log house. We offer wide choose opportunities.

The advantages of brick as a material for building a bathhouse include its high noise insulation properties and high frost resistance. The brick “breathes” and regulates humidity - this ensures the maintenance of an optimal microclimate inside the room. Brick is also resistant to rot and mold. In addition, brick is a fire-resistant material.

The price of a brick bath depends significantly on the exterior and interior decoration. In our performance, and this is always high tech And top quality, brick bathhouse, if there is a desire and need to save money, the price will always be cheaper than and logs. The price depends on many parameters. The cost will be calculated at the costing stage.

We design and build brick baths throughout the country: Moscow, Moscow region, Moscow region and all of Russia.
