Possible methods of simulating marble and granite tiles. We make artificial marble with our own hands. Simulation method for layered rocks

Marble - what could be more beautiful and noble than this material? It is used in the interior, decorated with stone slabs on the walls. But not every apartment owner is ready to pay considerable sums for the presence of natural material in the interior. Therefore, marble imitation is the most relevant action.

There are several types of marble in nature, differing in color and grain size. Therefore, you should not hope that in the process of work you will be able to obtain an exact imitation of a specific breed. But your household does not require this achievement from you. Therefore, it remains to give the wall surface only character traits natural stone. Namely, silicon inclusions, small veins.

If you have ever drawn, then in a simple way obtaining a marble drawing will become a sketch. The essence of this method is based on applying several layers of acrylic paint using rags and artistic techniques.

Marble imitation technology

1. Primer the wall surface. Pre-level and clean from dirt and dust. Now you should coat the entire surface with a layer of light semi-matte paint. After 12 hours, when the layer has dried, a second layer of a similar color is applied. Leave the walls for a day to dry completely. We try to avoid smudges and other flaws during painting work. This is our base for imitation marble decoupage.

2. It's time to rough out the marble texture. This stage is the most important. Large paint brush dip it in paint and make clouds. Here you don’t have to try to withstand monochromatic stains. After all, light and dark stains will look beautiful later. The imitation of marble with paints does not end there.

3. We move on to imitation of masonry. While the cloud theme is not completely dry, we make the contours of the cobblestones. They should be drawn on top of the painted spots. When working, use two or more shades of paint. If you want to achieve a realistic imitation of marble, then the contours should be drawn with varying thicknesses.

4. Learning the “stuffing” technique. Do-it-yourself marble imitation doesn’t end with painting. After the completed stages, the applied template is covered with glaze. For this linseed oil, turpentine and drier are mixed and applied thin layer. This will speed up the drying of the oils. According to the marble imitation technology, the glaze is applied with light touches using any natural fiber sponge. After this, you should work on some areas with a texture brush. This imitates the translucency of marble.

5. While the glaze is not dry, move on to the next stage - applying veins. To do this, use a thin brush and whitewash. Of course, you can choose a paint that is darker in tone, which is shaded after application. Believe me, this is labor-intensive and hard work. For clarity, use a photo of marble.

Time to make stones!

The combination of an image, metal fittings and a bright, fancy structure of minerals on an object always looks very impressive. Using a small set of acrylic paints and household materials, you can turn a surface of any shape into “stone”.

The pattern on the surfaces of stones can be roughly divided into groups:




For example, malachite is layered, but granite and lapis lazuli are spotted, etc.

1. Cover work surface. Put on an apron or overalls (if acrylic paint gets on the fabric it is difficult to remove later), prepare several containers with clean water.

2. Select synthetic brushes: wide flat and round with long bristles (for ease of work, it’s good to have brushes of different sizes on hand).

3. Prepare pieces of a dish sponge, a sea sponge (not necessarily a natural one, an imitation of it can be successfully used), scissors, a toothbrush, napkins, and rags. You will also need fine-grit sandpaper.

4. Select photographs of the stone and a set of paints required in advance.

6. Multi-layer varnishing makes the imitation of a stone surface more natural, so no matter what method and stone you choose, try not to neglect this stage.

Simulation method for layered rocks

Imitation of malachite in decoupage using acrylic paint

Let's look at the example of malachite.

Malachite is a mineral that forms green sinter-shaped masses with a radial fibrous structure.

Light green, dark cobalt green, heavenly, whitewash, ultramarine, natural umber, black.

Additional materials:

Additional materials:

Additional materials:

From the tools:

Sea sponge;

Additional materials:

From the tools:

Sea sponge;

The palette is plastic.

1. Background. Mix together on the palette a small amount of Kaput mortuum with whitewash. We get a pleasant delicate pink color. There is no need to mix the paints thoroughly, leaving the color uneven.

Using a wide synthetic brush, apply a thick layer of paint to the surface of the workpiece, creating smooth transitions.

2. Stains. Wet the sponge in clean water, squeeze it out, put a small amount of white on it and make impressions, lightly touching the surface.

We fill the workpiece area only partially in this way, about a third. Direction applied light paint will serve as the basis for drawing future veins.

3. Veins. Apply Kaput Mortuum paint to a small round brush. Pre-wet the brush generously with water. The consistency of the paint should not be thick.

With a trembling hand and with varying pressure on the brush, we apply a vein and immediately blur its edge with water. We stretch the paint. We finalize the line with lighter translucent shades, paint with the addition of white and well diluted with water.

In the same way we draw all the other lines, including light ones. gray.

4. We work again with a sponge with a light color applied to it.

5. Drying and varnishing. We cover the surface with several layers of acrylic varnish, dry it, and level the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. We repeat the operation, gradually diluting the varnish with water. For effectiveness, we recommend applying at least 20 layers of acrylic gloss varnish.

Imitation pink marble is ready.

3. Stains. Dip the sponge into water and squeeze out. Apply Ultramarine to it and walk over the entire surface.

Repeat the operation with Cobalt Blue.

4. Veins. Using a thin round brush, apply whitewash to curved lines and blur their edges with water until the paint has dried.

5. Spray. Apply onto a brush or toothbrush white paint, diluted with water and spray on the surface.

Do the same with applying gold paint.

6. Drying and varnishing. We cover the surface with several layers of acrylic varnish, dry it, then level the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.

We repeat the operation, gradually diluting the varnish with water and reducing the graininess sandpaper. For effectiveness, we recommend applying at least 20 layers of acrylic gloss varnish.

And we complete the process with finishing varnish.

The “lapis lazuli” surface is complete.

Imitation of turquoise using monotype technique

Turquoise is an ornamental and semi-precious stone, a mineral popular from ancient times to the present day. Creating a background for the veins and natural spots of this stone deserves special attention.

Paint colors from the palette artistic paints"Acrylic Art": Turquoise, Cobalt blue, White,

Marble not only looks aesthetically pleasing and elegant, but is also used in interior design. It works best in kitchens and bathrooms, where it is used for countertops or as flooring and wall coverings. In the living room there is a small marble coffee table or a marble fireplace can set the mood for the entire space. Natural marble has only one drawback: it is not a cheap material. If you want to bring the aesthetics of marble into your interior, but don't want to break the bank, try one of the alternatives we found.

1. Local manufacturer

If you are attracted not only appearance marble, but also the properties of natural stone (which is important, for example, for a kitchen countertop), you can save money by choosing a less popular manufacturer. Italian marble costs several times more than Russian marble, but in appearance they do not differ so much. Yes, marble from an alternative supplier may not have such a bright pattern, but the strength and durability of the product may be even higher.

2. Artificial stone

Modern technologies make it possible to imitate natural materials so that the difference is not noticeable at first glance. Artificial stone, durable and practical, allows you to create seamless surfaces and is cheaper, but loses the uniqueness of the design and its natural charm.

3. Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles can mimic marble, opening up wide possibilities for decorating floors and walls. If you are not bothered by the seams between the tiles, you can even decorate the tabletop in this way. Natural marble is much stronger than tiles, which can easily chip and scratch, so it is better not to place it on the floor in high-traffic areas, but to confine it to walls in the bathroom or kitchen splashback.

4. Porcelain tiles

But porcelain stoneware tiles can withstand more active use and are suitable for seamless installation. Porcelain tiles also perfectly imitate a marble surface and are available in a wide range from different manufacturers. He will become excellent choice for the floor in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway.

5. Laminam

Laminam - name innovative material, which can also be classified as porcelain stoneware. The difference is that Laminam is produced in 3 x 1 m panels and is thinner than standard porcelain tiles. This means that it can cover not only walls and floors with a minimum number of cracks, but also furniture facades, kitchen countertops and any other surfaces suitable for cladding.

6. Vinyl tiles

Vinyl tiles look “warmer” than stone surface, although the imitation of marble pattern on quality vinyl is quite accurate. In return, the material offers other advantages: durability, low cost and surprising ease of installation. Vinyl tiles are easy to install over any surface, so you can do it yourself in just a weekend.

7. Self-adhesive film

Many people associate film with bad taste, but in vain: the quality of printing has reached great heights, and film can look stylish and interesting. For a low price you can upgrade coffee table or make the interior walls of shelving or kitchen cabinets more interesting. Make sure that folds and bubbles do not form when gluing, and do not use the film in the bathroom or outside. kitchen sink, where it will quickly deteriorate from water.

8. Venetian plaster

You can imitate marble with my own hands. Looks most convincing wall painting by using Venetian plaster. Experience in the artistic field would be helpful, but even if you don’t have it, it’s definitely worth a try! Video tutorial to help you.

Marble having beautiful decorative properties, has always been valued in construction. But due to the high cost of the material, not everyone can afford to use it to decorate premises. Therefore, an artificial material imitating stone was developed as an alternative. It was called artificial marble.

Description and types of material

Artificial marble is a material that is used primarily in plumbing, in the manufacture of linear, facing materials. It is used to make window sills, bathtubs, countertops, steps, decorative fountains and sculptures. It is used for finishing offices and administrative premises.

Under the term " artificial marble“This means not only cast marble, which is an imitation of natural stone. There are other varieties of it that are widely used in construction, industry and interior decoration.

Types of artificial marble:

  1. injection molding;
  2. touchstone (or gypsum);
  3. ground (or crushed);
  4. flexible (or liquid).


The most popular is cast marble - composite material, which is based on hardened polyester resin and mineral filler. The filler can be marble chips, quartz sand, etc.

Depending on what resins and fillers are chosen, the material can be made as an imitation of natural marble, jasper, granite, malachite, or onyx.

This is what cast artificial marble looks like in the photo


Oselkovy marble is a colored mass of gypsum, sealed with adhesive water, which is applied to the base and brought to mirror shine by polishing and grinding. It can be tinted various materials, such as lapis lazuli, malachite, different types marble.

The main material for the production of semolina marble is gypsum. Special substances are added to it that slow down the setting of gypsum. The most commonly used glue is diluted in water.

The advantages of gypsum marble are low weight and high strength. With its help, you can build lightweight structures. The use of this material in residential areas helps improve the microclimate: it absorbs excess moisture or gives it away if the room is too dry.

Photo of Oselkov marble

Ground (microcalcite)

Ground or crushed marble is a finely dispersed filler of mineral origin. It is a white or gray powdery substance. It is made by grinding white marble.

This material is characterized by strength, low chemical activity, resistance to ultraviolet rays. It has bright White color and practically does not absorb moisture. Most often it is used for the production of plastic products, paints and varnishes, abrasive cleaning products, paper, linoleum, etc.


This type of marble is one of the newest finishing materials. It consists of marble chips and acrylic polymers.

Liquid marble is very flexible, lightweight and environmentally friendly. It can be easily cut with scissors or a knife and glued to walls instead of wallpaper. Using this material, you can get a perfectly flat, seamless surface. Therefore, it is often used for cladding irregularly shaped structures, such as arches, columns, and spherical objects.

Application of liquid marble

Production of cast artificial marble

The technology for manufacturing the material is quite simple and will only require special equipment, premises, time and financial resources.


To produce cast marble, a small set of equipment is used:

  • filling molds (matrices);
  • gelcoat sprayer;
  • mixer for stirring the composition;
  • brushes for greasing molds.

Molds for marble production are made on the basis of polyurethane rubber. High-quality matrices, which are characterized by strength and are not prone to severe deformation, are very expensive. However, their cost pays off in full, since production is highly profitable.

Composition of raw materials

To make the material, acrylic or polyester resin and marble chips are mixed in a ratio of 4:1. You can also use it for linking cement mortar, building gypsum, mortar with the addition of cement. But most often it is resins that are used, since they provide high strength to the material.

The filler function is sometimes performed decorative materials(colored sand, pebbles, colored quartz). In this case, the finished products are not an analogue of natural stone, but fundamentally the new kind finishing materials.

To achieve the required color, mineral pigments are introduced into the mixture. The material is manufactured in different color options, with inclusions and stains. For this purpose, a special technique for mixing pigments is used. Pigments not only color the material, but also make it more resistant to external influences. The outer protective layer of gelcoat gives the coating a glossy shine.

Production technology

The technology for manufacturing the material is very simple and not labor-intensive. It involves preparing the matrix, mixing polyester resin and filler, pouring the resulting mixture into the matrix and curing it.

The artificial marble casting process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The molds are polished and a material is applied to prevent adhesion.
  2. Gelcoat is applied to the molds. For this purpose, a special installation or cup sprayer is used.
  3. The gelcoat is curing.
  4. A mixture of polyester resin, filler, pigments and hardener is prepared.
  5. The mixture is poured into molds.
  6. The molds are vibrated to remove air from the mixture.
  7. The material is curing.
  8. The products are removed from the molds.
  9. Further processing of the material is carried out (in some cases).

In the video, the production of cast marble and sinks from it:

DIY cast marble

It is quite possible to make artificial cast marble yourself. You just need to purchase all the components of the material, molds for pouring and follow the instructions.

To make cast marble you will need:

  • polyurethane casting mold;
  • film;
  • mixer;
  • brush.

In production, the filler is CaMg(CO3)2, and the hardener is Butanox M-50. At home, pebbles and cement can be used instead of these substances.

Materials for making artificial marble:

  1. sand (river) – 2 parts;
  2. cement – ​​1 part;
  3. water – 0.2 parts;
  4. pebbles (as filler) – 25% of the total volume;
  5. pigment – ​​1% by weight of cement;
  6. plasticizer – 1% by weight of cement;
  7. gelcoat

Sequence of production of cast marble:

  • A dry and clean mold is coated with gelcoat and allowed to dry.
  • Mix sand, pebbles and cement. Add a plasticizer, coloring pigment and water (80%) to the mixture, mix with a mixer to obtain a plastic mass (about 30 seconds). Then add the rest of the water and stir the mixture again until smooth.
  • The mixture is poured into a mold, excess is removed from the edges, covered with film and left to harden for 10 hours.
  • The material is removed from the mold and left in the open air for some time.

In this simple way you can obtain a material that can be used in its original form or subjected to further processing to give the required shape.

Technology self-made artificial cast marble is shown in the video below:

Pros and cons, reviews

Although the composition of artificial marble is fundamentally different from its natural counterpart, it has the same technical properties. Moreover, the level of strength and wear resistance of artificially produced material is several times higher than that of natural material.

The main advantages of artificial marble:

  • has a high level mechanical strength, not afraid of blows;
  • is durable and has a long service life;
  • almost does not conduct heat and electricity, has high level fire safety. Therefore, it can be used to decorate heating radiators, electric stoves, etc.;
  • the material does not heat up, does not delaminate, is not afraid of acids, alkalis, solvents, does not absorb fat, and does not leave stains on it. Due to this practicality, it is often used to decorate kitchens and bathrooms, and finish floors in residential, industrial and public spaces;
  • does not emit harmful substances, is environmentally friendly;
  • Thanks to the external gelcoat coating, it looks aesthetically pleasing and can be used for decorative purposes.

It combines the hardness of natural stone and ease of processing. Unlike natural marble, artificial material provides a greater degree of comfort and is always warm to the touch.

Among the disadvantages artificial stone many note that it cannot be considered a complete analogue of natural material. It feels more like plastic, and the top coating looks like polyurethane.

In addition, the gel coating often cracks over time. As a result, the material becomes discolored and destroyed.

Average cost of artificial marble

The marble manufacturing process involves minimal investment and very high profitability. Initially, costs are incurred for the purchase of equipment, raw materials, rent of premises and production of matrices. In the future, the cost of products is determined mainly by the cost of raw materials.

The production cost is estimated at approximately $5 per 1 sq. m. m., while market price reaches $30 per 1 sq. m. or even higher.

Various are considered as beautiful, strong and durable as products made from real natural stone. After all, its production has been improved over the course of 30 years and achieved high results.

Dear readers, if you want to learn how to imitate a granite surface, then I advise you to study this material.

It is this imitation effect that will be discussed on this page.

So, since this interests you, let’s first of all talk about the means by which you can achieve this effect. : First of all you will need acrylic paints suitable shades, a sea sponge to imitate marble chips and a good varnish that has covering power.

Before starting work, we first sand the tabletop or other decorative item and then cover it with white primer, thanks to which the surface is smoothed.

Next, we proceed to apply spots in a chaotic manner with a sea sponge soaked in water and then wrung out, while trying to constantly change the direction of the sponge.

After you apply one shade in the same way, apply other shades in succession. It is advisable that you have at least 4 shades.

After the paint has dried and you are satisfied with the spotted effect of marble chips, it’s time to fix everything with varnish. It is quite possible to use acrylic varnish company Tikkurila Kiva, since you first need to apply at least 10 layers of this varnish with intermediate drying. It’s better not to rush here and give each layer a lot of time to dry. For example, we apply one layer of varnish in the morning, and another in the evening. so it will take you 5 days. After 4 coats have dried, you can begin sanding with sandpaper.

It is advisable to sand the last layer after 2 hours with maroon (waxed) paper, which is used to wrap the block with smoothed edges. The fact is that varnish coating after 2 hours the inside is still fresh and polishing with wax paper will smooth the surface well. but if small uneven areas still remain on the surface, then after 4 hours you can sand it a little, wash off the sanding dust with a slightly damp cloth and cover everything with a final glassy varnish.

I hope this description will be useful to you and you will be able to transform your home:) good luck to you in remodeling and decorating decorative items imitation marble or granite chips !
