Quiz "Migratory birds are flying" (senior preschool age)

Methodological development quiz games designed for kindergarten teachers. This material will have an emotional impact on children, forming a humane attitude towards nature. The quiz game will help organize the leisure time of preschoolers.



Game-quiz for preschoolers “Bird Experts”

Target: generalization of knowledge about birds.


  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about birds.
  2. Develop the ability to work in a team.
  3. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.


The roles are played by pre-prepared children.

A magpie and a Crow appear on the stage.

Magpie: Where are you flying, crow?

Crow: I want to set up a nest in a new place.

Magpie: You had a good time on the old pine tree.

Crow: Yes, I got dirty there.

Magpie: Well, you won’t get along in your new place!

Magpie and Crow leave. Woodpecker and Finch appear on the stage.

Woodpecker: Hello, old finch!

Finch: Hello, Young Woodpecker!

Woodpecker: How did you know that I was young?

Finch: So it’s written on your forehead! There is a red spot on your forehead - this doesn’t happen to old people. But how did you know that I’m old?

Woodpecker: On the nose! Your nose is blue, but young finches are brown!

The characters in the scene go backstage.

Educator: Well, guys, have you guessed who we are going to talk about today? ( children's answers.) Yes, we will talk about birds. People have been celebrating the Bird Festival for a long time. How winter doesn’t resist, doesn’t try to stay with us, it still retreats and leaves. Spring is coming, and with it a bright, warm sun. With the arrival of spring, feathered fidgets fly home, to their homeland - migratory birds. They're in good weather in one day they fly a hundred kilometers - so they are in a hurry to get home. On the way, they are often overtaken by a blizzard, and many of them die. The strongest ones fly. They will fly home, sit in the trees and relax. (A recording of bird voices sounds.)

Today, guys, we will play KVN. KVN-competition in wit and knowledge. You need to have solid knowledge, be cheerful and resourceful.

Teams are formed in advance.

So, we have two teams “Titmouse” and “Bullfinches”, each team has its own captain.

Listen carefully to the rules of the game: each team will be given tasks and questions; if a team does not know the answer, then the other team can answer and earn chips for themselves. Your correct answers will be counted by the jury.

The first competition "Mysterious".

Each team will be given riddles.

1. This predator is talkative,

Thieving, fussy,

White-sided Chirper

And her name is……..

2. I'm knocking on wood

I want to get a worm.

Even though he hid under the bark

It will still be mine.

3. The back is greenish

The belly is yellowish,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf.

4. I catch bugs all day

I eat worms

I don’t fly to warm regions,

I live here under the roof

Tick-tweet, don't be shy,

I'm experienced...

5. Grayish color

Thieving habit

Hoarse screamer,

Famous person

It's me...

6. Well, I, not knowing sleep

I catch mice until late

I can even hear a slight rustle

Perhaps the mouse won't escape.

Second “Question and Answer” competition.

1.Name a flightless bird that lives in Antarctica.

2.Name a bird famous for its unusually beautiful tail.

3.Name a bird whose beak can be compared in strength to a jackhammer.

4.Name a bird that can turn its head back as if it were mounted on a rotating axis.

5.Name the largest of all birds, which can even be ridden.

6.Name the smallest of all birds, the size of which is no larger than a bumblebee.

7.Name a bird that does not raise its chicks, but throws eggs into other people’s nests.

8.Name the bird that is better than all other birds at learning to pronounce human voices.

Third competition “Proverbs and Sayings”.

Each team names proverbs and sayings in turn.

For example:

1. One swallow does not make spring.

2. Rook on the mountain, spring in the yard.

3. Every sandpiper knows the swamp.

4. Every bird sings its own songs.

5. The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.

6. The titmouse is not big, but a bird.

7.Chatty as a magpie.

8. A bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.

The fourth competition “Captains Competition”.

Captains receive pictures of birds, select them independently, and complete tasks:

Assignment to the captain of the Titmouse- select pictures with sedentary birds.

Assignment to the captain of the "Bullfinches"- select pictures with migratory birds.

In the meantime, the captains are completing their tasks, I will tell you interesting information about one bird...birds have funny names. Many birds named themselves, i.e. got their name from their voice, song or cry. For example, a cuckoo. Everyone heard this bird. Why could she get such a name? Of course, with her cry of peek-a-boo, she herself told people her name. In many countries, the name of the bird sounds very similar to Russian; in the Czech Republic - kukachka, among the Bulgarians - kukvitsa, among the Germans - kukuk, among the Spaniards - cuco. All these peoples paid attention to one and the same sign - the cry of a bird.

Game "Bird's language".

- Now let's play!

Sparrow tweets

Cuckoo -…

Soroka - ...

Crow - …

Pigeon - …

Chicken - …

Duck - …

Nightingale - ...

So, our captains are ready, let's check them to see if they completed the task correctly.

Fifth competition “Birds in Fairy Tales”.

1. Which bird laid a golden egg for grandma and grandpa?

2. What bird is in Russian folk tales hot fire?

3. In one of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales, the evil queen turns the orphaned princes, Elsa’s brothers, into birds.

4. Which bird helped Thumbelina escape from the mole?

5. What bird was Winnie the Pooh friends with?

6. What kind of bird did the ugly duckling turn into?

7. Which birds told the girl Gerda where to find Kai?

8. What birds, according to legend, bring newborns into the family?

Sixth competition “Change the letter”.

Children are given cards with words and complete the task - replace one letter in the words to get the names of birds.

Stick (D) Crown (B)

Drop (C) Doctor (G)

Seventh competition “What do birds build nests from?”

Children list one by one (earth, clay, moss, twigs, fluff, feathers, animal hair, dry leaves).

Eighth competition “Bird Protection”.

What should each of us do so that there are as many birds as possible in nature, so that they delight us with their beautiful songs? (you can’t destroy nests, you can’t touch eggs, you can’t hang birdhouses in the spring, you can’t feed them in winter, you can’t make bird feeders)

Our KVN has come to an end and now let’s sum up the results.

Interesting and educational quizzes for junior schoolchildren and secondary school students school age. Quizzes on the topic “All about birds.” All quiz questions with answers. Quizzes on knowledge of bird species, knowledge of historical information about birds, biological features birds.

Quiz “All about birds”

■ Why is the woodpecker called the “helper” of other birds? (The woodpecker crushes the bark of trees and thus makes it easier for other birds to get food).

■ Which forest bird makes a nest on the ground? Warbler.

■ Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, and scares passers-by? Eagle owl, owl.

■ What birds live in the open sea for years, even sleeping on the waves, swaying like a float? (Albatrosses, frigates, phaetons).

■ Why did scientists exonerate the cuckoo even though foundling cuckoos throw other chicks out of the nest? (The cuckoo is the only bird that eats hairy (poisonous and most voracious, destroying forests by the hectares) caterpillars. No other bird touches these caterpillars.)

■ What other birds Ancient Greece used to send messages over long distances? (Pigeons. Pigeon mail still exists in our time).

■ What is the main reason for birds migrating to warmer regions with the arrival of autumn? (Only due to lack of food. Cold is not the reason for the flight. A hungry bird freezes, a well-fed one never.)

■ What birds come to us first in the spring? (Rooks.)

■ Why do rooks “discover” spring, and swallows arrive later than other birds? (Due to the way they feed. Rooks look for food in the soil, and swallows catch insects in flight. Insects appear in the air later, and accordingly, swallows arrive later than other birds.)

■ Why do migratory birds hurry so much in the spring, but not in the fall? (Birds in the fall do not fly away as long as there is food.)

■ Which birds do not fly at all? (Ostriches, penguins.)

■ Which birds have eggs that are incubated by the male? (In ostriches.)

■ Which bird's chick does not know its mother? (Cuckoo chick.)

■ What is the name of the large-headed grebe bird, on whose head the feathers stand upright? (Horned bird.)

■ Which birds have special nurseries? (In penguins.)

■ Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn? (On trees in gardens and parks, gathering in small flocks.)

■ What is the name of a male crow? (A crow, but a raven is a completely different bird, although they are related.)

■ Who rests while sitting on the wires? If it flies low to the ground, it means rain. (Martin.)

■ What is the meeting of two roosters called? (Cockfighting.)

■ At what time does the sparrow wake up? (Later than all the birds, but always at the same time at 5-6 am.)

■ What is the name of a large, brightly colored bird of the order Gallinae with a long tail, which is partially domesticated? (Pheasant, peacock.)

Quiz "Wonder Birds"

■ Who is called the king of birds? (Eagle.)

■ What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

■ What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird.)

■ Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

■ Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

■ What is the smallest bird that lives in our country? (Korolek.)

■ Which bird has a long tail? (Peacock, magpie.)

■ Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

■ Which bird of our forests best imitates bird voices? (Starling.)

■ Which bird is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness? (Swan.)

■ Which bird is considered the mistress of the night forest? (Owl.)

■ What bird lives in a basket nest? (Oriole.)

■ Which yellow bird with a black tie builds a nest on sand and pebbles? (Plover.)

■ What birds catch insects in flight? (Swallow, swift.)

■ Which birds remain faithful to each other all their lives? (Swan geese.)

■ What birds got their names from their beaks? (grosbeak, shoveler, etc.)

■ Which birds hatch their chicks twice a summer? (Tits, pigeons.)

■ Which bird's nest looks like a floating island? (Greebes.)

■ Where does the warbler build its nest? (In the grass, her nest looks like a hut.)

■ Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker.)

■ Which bird's beak looks like a hook? (Hawk.)

■ Which bird's beak is a real bag? (Pelican.)

■ Which bird's beak looks like a net? (Nightjar.)

■ What instruments do the “noses” of waders look like? (On an awl and a sickle (awl and curlew).)

■ For some reason this bird is called that, even though it doesn’t catch any turnips? (Repolov.)

Blitz quiz “From the life of birds”

Bird house. (Nest.)

■ Mass settlement of birds. (Market.)

■ Whistle for luring birds and animals. (Decoy.)

■ Hole in birdhouse and budgie house. (Tray.)

■ Bird's hands. (Wings.)

■ Duck legs. (Paws.)

■ Forest doctor. (Woodpecker.)

■ Feathered messengers of spring. (Rooks.)

■ Child of any birds. (Chick.)

■ The bird's mouth and nose. (Beak.)

■ Cackling hen. (Chicken, or whooping hen.)

Goals and objectives:

Introduce the guys to interesting facts from the life of birds, their diversity;

Generalize and expand children's knowledge about birds;

Instill love for native land, its nature.

Help children find time to communicate with each other;

Make children's lives bright and interesting.

Equipment: electronic presentation “International Bird Day”, tokens (stars), medals, prizes.

And it’s clear the sun is hot, it’s hot

And gold spilled everywhere, spilled,

The streams on the street are still murmuring, they are all murmuring,

The cranes chirp and fly and fly...

Snowdrops bloomed in the forest and in the forest.

Soon the whole country will be wearing a wreath, be wearing a wreath.

Oh, dear father, please, please.

And Mother Earth, ugly, ugly.

Guys! What time of year is it now?

Children: Spring!

Presenter: That's right, spring. And it is in the spring that we hold a quiz dedicated to our friends... But guess which one:

They can fly

Their down and feathers keep them warm.

That's right, today we will talk about birds, because April 1 is celebrated International holiday birds. They are dear to us as part of the nature of our Motherland. The fauna of the Far East is rich and diverse. Here, here, up to 100 species of (often rare) birds nest. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous songs and bright plumage instill joy in us. Without them, nature is dead.

What other benefits do birds provide?

(They protect our forests, gardens, vegetable gardens from harmful insects and mice, spread the seeds.)

Many birds fly south

Many are whileing away the winter here.

Jackdaw, crow, bullfinch, sparrow.

Come on guys, remember them quickly!

(Children name wintering and migratory birds of the Far East.)

Presenter: How do birds differ from other animals?

Watch the video-song “Birds”.

Presenter: Before starting the game, in which the winner will be determined - the best bird expert, we will conduct qualifying round, we will select the participants of the game. I think that smart, inquisitive guys have gathered here who will quickly and correctly answer all my questions.

Qualifying round

Presenter: I will ask riddles about birds, and you must guess and name this bird.

In a gray feather coat

And in cold weather he is a hero.

Jumps, frolics on the fly, -

Not an eagle, but still a bird!


On branches decorated with snow fringe,

The ruddy apples grew in winter.

Apples scurry merrily around the apple tree,

Caterpillars are pecking at frozen apples.


This restless bird

Same color as birch.

Vereschunya, white-sided,

And her name is... (Magpie)

Hisses, cackles,

He wants to pinch me

I'm going, I'm afraid of him.

Who is this? … (Goose)

Here's a bird, like a bird,

Not a blackbird, not a titmouse,

Not a swan, not a duck

And not a nightjar.

But this bird

Even though it's small,

Hatches chicks

Only in severe winter.

Carpenter using a sharp chisel

Builds a house with one window.

"I'm knocking on wood,

I want to get a worm!”

Flies all night -

Gets mice.

And it will become light -

Sleep flies into the hollow.

Let me be a small bird,

I, friends, have a habit -

When the cold starts,

I'm flying here.


This bird

Called... (Tit)

Silent during the day

Screams at night

Flying through the forest

It scares passersby.

She walks so importantly through the swamp!

And the swamp creatures run away.

After all, if the frog cannot hide,

No one will help this frog!

She sits on a branch in the forest,

She repeats one “kuckoo”

She counts the years for all of us,

She loses her chicks.

“Peek-a-boo” here and there.

What is this bird's name?


Presenter: 8 participants in the game have been identified. They will fight for victory. After each round, 2 players, having collected the least number of star tokens, automatically leave the game and become fans-spectators, receiving a participant prize. And the winner of the game will be only one participant who has collected the most tokens.

So, the start of the 1st round is announced.

Quiz questions:

Which bird is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge? (Owl.)

Who is called a forest doctor? (Woodpecker.)

Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches arrive to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)

What birds spend the night burrowing into the snow? (Grouse grouse, hazel grouse.)

Why does the crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter there are a lot of spruce seeds for chicks, but in spring there are none.)

The largest nocturnal bird of prey in the Far East? (Fish owl.)

The results of the first round are summed up, star tokens are counted, 2 participants leave the game having received prizes.

Pause for rest.

The outdoor game “Birds” is played.

Children are divided into two teams. One team will be the “sparrows”, and the other will be the “ravens”.

Before starting the game, the leader agrees with the children what each team will do. For example, “sparrows” will squat, and “crows” will jump onto a bench.

The game begins, the leader commands, slowly pronouncing the first two syllables: “Crows”! Children from the "crow" team must complete their task flawlessly. And vice versa. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the presenter will alternate his commands in sequence; he can shout out the same word twice in a row.

The point of the game is that both the word “sparrows” and the word “crows” have the same first two syllables, so it’s easy for children to get confused.

The player who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. Thus, there are fewer and fewer participants. Until there is only one left, who becomes the winner.

“Continue the sentence, find the reason”

The teacher reads the sentences, the children finish them.

In the spring, birds build nests because... (they are going to hatch chicks).

Many birds died in winter because... (it was a cold winter).

In the fall, the birds that feed on insects are the first to fly south because...

Waterfowl are the last to fly away in the fall because...

The eggs are incubated by the female or the male in the nest until the chicks hatch because...

The heron has long legs and beak because...

A parrot could not live in our forests because...

The eagle has a very large nest high in the mountains because...

The black crane bird is listed in the Red Book because...

All people love to listen to the nightingale because...

Didactic game “The fourth odd one”.

Children are given cards with pictures of four birds. Each child names the extra bird and says how it differs from the others. For example: There is an extra bullfinch, because it is a wintering bird, and the rest are migratory.

The results of the second round are summed up, star tokens are counted, 2 participants leave the game having received prizes.

Quiz questions:

Name the nature reserve located in Jewish Autonomous Okrug, in the Birobidzhan and Obluchensky districts? (Bastak Nature Reserve.)

What rare birds live in this reserve? (IN various parts In the reserve you can find such rare species as the golden eagle, the black crane, the osprey, the mandarin duck, and the crested buzzard.)

What bird is the special pride of the reserve? (The reserve’s special pride is the population of the Far Eastern stork.)

What are the enemies of the Far Eastern stork? (The enemies of the Far Eastern stork in nature are Himalayan bears and large birds of prey.)

What does the Far Eastern stork eat? (The main food for the Far Eastern stork is fish: crucian carp, loach; the stork also feeds on frogs and large representatives of aquatic invertebrates.)

Why is the fish owl on the verge of extinction? (Intensive economic development of river valleys, timber rafting, river pollution, depletion of fish stocks, catching mink and otter in water traps; cases of poaching.)

The results of the third round are summed up, star tokens are counted, 2 participants leave the game having received prizes.

Winners Tour

Intelligence Marathon:

The forelimbs of birds are... (wings)

These birds are the largest predators, are very rare, and are piscivorous. Currently they are classified as rare species and are listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Khabarovsk Territory. (White-tailed eagle and Steller's eagle.)

Which bird easily moves along tree trunks both up and down with its head? (Nuthatch.)

What is the name of the science that studies birds? (Ornithology.)

- “Feathered cat” (Owl.)

Herald of spring on the Lower Amur. Outwardly, it is larger than a sparrow, most often it stays on the ground, both singly and in pairs, and in early spring and at the end of summer - in flocks, singing most often while in the air. The back of the bird is clay-black with dark large speckles, and the underside is whitish. The chest is clayey with small longitudinal streaks, and there are white stripes along the edges of the tail. The song is ringing and far audible trills. (Skylark.)

Deciduous taiga, and nearby pigweed with berry fields, is the main habitat of the forest giant, which is not inferior in size to the turkey. What's his name? (Rock grouse)

The results of the last round are summed up, star tokens are counted, and the winner is determined.

All participants in the game receive “Friends of Birds” medals, and the winner receives a “Bird Expert” medal.

The quiz ends with the dance “Dance of the Ducklings”.

Application. Presentation

Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development No. 39 (MBDOU No. 39)

426063, Izhevsk, st. Ordzhonikidze, 28A, tel. 8 (3412) 68-10-92

Educator: Dudina Natalya Ivanovna.

Goals and objectives:

Summarize children's knowledge about animals, plants, seasons, nature conservation; develop logical thinking, speech; activate attention and memory; teach children to follow the rules of the game; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, develop the ability to work in a team. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Children are divided into two teams. The jury is selected. Children come up with names for their teams.

Competition No. 1 "Warm-up"

Select wintering birds;

Choose migratory birds

Competition No. 2 "Forest Stories"

An owl and a squirrel enter (children wearing owl and squirrel hats)

Squirrel: Auntie Owl, Auntie Owl!

Owl: Uh-uh. What's happened?

Squirrel: There are such miracles in our forest! The winter outside is blizzard and cold, but a bird has built a nest on our tree!

Owl: There are no miracles! These birds always hatch their chicks in the most severe frosts!

Squirrel: What do they feed their chicks? After all, all the insects hid!

Owl: And they feed the chicks with seeds and fruits coniferous trees. They ripen just in time!

Belka: Wow! What brave birds!

Owl: Did you guys guess who we were talking about? (answer on screen)

Belka: Guys, I want you to tell me more riddles about birds! Want to? (the squirrel asks riddles, the answers appear on the projector screen)

This bird is afraid of everyone, sits all day on a spruce tree and eats pine needles, and in the most severe frost it buries itself in the snow. (grouse)

This bird lives in the forest in the summer and moves closer to people in the winter. Loves lard very much (tit)

This bird with a long tail, chatters a lot, spreads forest news


This bird was given a snowy name. She comes to us for the winter to enjoy sweet rowan berries. (bullfinch)

Owl: Well done, guys! All the squirrels' riddles were solved. Well, squirrel, it’s time for us to go back to the forest! Goodbye, guys!

Competition No. 3 "The Fourth Wheel"

Guess who's the odd one out (Pictures)

Bullfinch, nightingale, waxwing, nuthatch;

lark, rook, tit, swallow;

crow owl sparrow dove;

capercaillie crossbill sparrow woodpecker

Competition No. 4 "Bird gatherings"

Met at winter forest Once a woodpecker, an owl, a crossbill and a bullfinch were sitting on a spruce branch and began to tell each other about their life in the forest. Listen to the story and say what is true and what is not.

Woodpecker: I live well in the forest in winter. They call me "forest doctor" because I save trees from pests, and I also like to hunt mice and hares.

Klest: And I like to eat fir cones in winter, I’m not afraid of frost, and I also like to gnaw nuts in a hollow.

Owl: And in winter I love to fly through the forest, hunt mice and foxes, and I also love my home - the nest, where little owlets are waiting for me.

Bullfinch: And in winter I fly through the forests and look for different berries, I especially like to pick rowan berries and raspberries, they are so delicious! And when spring comes, I’ll fly to warm countries!

Competition No. 5 "Bird Stories"

I want to tell you a story. Tanya and her grandmother hung a feeder in the yard at the beginning of winter. Every day Tanya went down to the yard and poured food into the feeder. Frost set in, but Tanya went out to see the birds every day. One frosty day, Tanya forgot to pour out the food; when the next day she went out into the yard with food, the feeder was empty. The birds did not arrive the next day. Why? (discussing the situation with children)

Assignment for the second team: Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. One day Masha was walking through the forest and met a wizard. The wizard said that he would fulfill one of Masha’s wishes. “I want,” said Masha, “for all the mosquitoes to disappear from the forest, because they are evil and annoying. The wizard waved his wand and the mosquitoes disappeared. Do you think Masha did the right thing? (Results on screen)

Competition No. 6 Arrange the pictures according to the seasons (four are set magnetic boards With symbols seasons). Teams lay out pictures.

The jury sums up the results of the quiz.


  • Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 1999.
  • Popova T.I. "The world around us" . Moscow "Linka-Press" - 2002
  • Ryzhova N.A « Ecological tales» M "Linka-Press" , 1998

Quiz "Birds" with answers for children of middle and senior preschool age in riddles.

Vedeneeva Vera Petrovna, teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental type No. 77, city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Description: This quiz is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age. The material may be useful to both preschool teachers and parents. Can be used in classes on the topic of the week " Animal world" Riddles will help expand knowledge about the world of birds, allow them to develop thinking and curiosity.

Target: consolidating and expanding children's knowledge about the world of birds.
- expand children’s knowledge and understanding of the characteristics appearance, life manifestations, habits of birds and their adaptation to their habitat;
- develop cognitive and creative activity, intelligence, curiosity, and horizons;
- cultivate a feeling of love for native nature, to all living things.
Equipment: pictures of birds.
1. I catch bugs all day,
I eat bugs and worms.
I’m not leaving for the winter,
I live under the eaves.

2. Color - grayish,
Habit - thieving.
Hoarse screamer
- Famous person.
Who is she?

3. He is in his forest chamber
Wears a colorful robe,
He treats trees,
Knock and it will be easier.

4. Who is jumping there, rustling,
Does it gut pine cones with its beak?
With a clear, clear voice
- Cle! cle! cle! - sings with a whistle.

5. The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

6. Let me be a small bird,
Friends, I have a habit
- When the cold starts,
Straight from the north here.

7. In the summer he follows the plowman,
And before winter
He leaves screaming.

8. If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings.

9. Not a crow, not a tit
- What is the name of this bird?
Perched on a bitch
- “Kuk-ku” was heard in the forest.

10.Flies to us with warmth,
It's been a long journey.
Sculpts a house under the window
Made from grass and clay.

11.He comes every year
To where the house awaits.
He can sing other people's songs,
And yet it has its own voice.

12.Finally arrived to us
Our best singer.
Days and nights long
He sings, sings, sings.