Types of privet: description of the plant, planting and care, photo. Privet: green hedge or border on the site

Landscaping of personal plots looks attractive when there is a hedge. She in a natural way encloses the area, giving the garden a touch of romance. Both small shrubs and large ones that form small trees can serve as hedges. Among the variety of such shrubs, common privet occupies a special place. It is widespread in Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia and is evergreen. Belongs to the olive family.

Description of the plant

Common privet is a shrub up to three meters in height and a meter in width. It is characterized by white, smooth bark with winter ovoid buds. The elliptical leaves are thick and leathery, located on thin branches. The flowers of the shrub are both male and female. They have small four-toothed buds, the petals of which are connected into a tube. Flowering occurs in the form of panicles located in the center and on the side shoots. Their aroma is very pleasant. During this period, they acquire a special decorative effect. The fruits are a drupe that ripen in the first half of autumn and can overwinter on the bush.

There are three types of common privet:

  • deciduous, shedding its leaves in cold climates;
  • evergreen cultivars that overwinter with leaves on the branches;
  • mixed, characterized by partial fall of leaves.

Landscape designers enjoy working with shrubs. It can be made into all sorts of shapes. Although this takes time, since the bush does not grow very quickly. Be patient and you will receive an original copy. The most popular varieties are:

  1. Aureum. The variety is one and a half meters high. The leaves have a golden border. Its decorative effect is best revealed on sunny areas, since in the shade the bush loses its beautiful leaf color. Cover shrubs only during severe frosts.
  2. Glaucum. Small in size, up to a meter. It has a spreading crown. The leaves are narrow with a bluish coating and a white border.
  3. Atrovirens. Bush of considerable size. The foliage has no spots or borders.

Rules of care

Common privet loves fertile soils, with good drainage, slight salinization is allowed. Good to add to soil a small amount of lime In general, the soil should contain humus and sand, as well as leaf soil and peat. Growing occurs in sunny areas. But if you cannot provide this for her, do not despair. The shade will not harm the plant. It will grow well in such conditions. The shrub is also not picky about moisture. It tolerates low humidity and drought well. In winter, it can withstand moderate cold, but severe frosts can destroy it.

Shrubs are planted in holes, which should not be less than 50 centimeters in depth. They contain fertilizers at the bottom, which will promote the active growth of the plant.

Caring for common privet includes loosening the soil and cleaning weed. To make their work easier, they resort to mulching the soil. Dry grass and sawdust are used as mulch. Mulch retains moisture for a long time and prevents active weed growth. Thanks to it, the root system is protected from overheating in the summer months.

The shrub requires regular watering, especially in hot weather. If the soil begins to crack due to lack of moisture, it may wither. Therefore, you should not allow the soil to reach this state and water the plant regularly, especially during the growing season. It is enough to flood the bush well once so that the soil is moistened to 50 centimeters. As it dries out, it is necessary to repeat watering. In autumn they decrease.

Very important point care will be pruning. It allows you to give the bush neat shapes and prevents it from growing too much. In the first three years, a third of the trunk is removed during the pruning process, and in subsequent years the size of the hedge is simply maintained. It is best to carry it out before the onset of autumn.

To reduce the acidity of the soil, chalk is added under the bushes of the plants; it is possible to add lime or dolomite flour. The plant will respond positively to the addition of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Basically, fertilizing is applied twice per season. You can also carry out foliar feeding by leaves.

Shrub propagation

The shrub grows very quickly and after planting can grow up to 60 centimeters per year. It can be propagated in several ways:

Possible problems

In general, shrubs are rarely affected by invasions of various pests. But sometimes it is attacked by a scale insect or a false scale insect. For prevention purposes, the bush is sprayed in the summer. It will also help with spider mite infestations.

The bush may be attacked by aphids. It is found on the branches and leaves of privet. What causes the leaves to dry out and fall off? Thrips may also appear. It is favored by rising temperatures and low humidity. The leaves are covered with white dots on the underside. Treatment will help with various pests by special means, purchased in flower shops.

Improper care causes fungal diseases of plants. Acidic soil, for example, causes pale green spots to appear on leaves. Treatment of the plant with foundationazole helps to cope with these problems.

With the help of such a decorative element you can easily and quickly fence off outbuildings or make an unusual composition on the site. To create hedges and borders, you need to use plants that have good branching and density of shoots, as well as plants that are easy to trim. Privet is one of these plants - a plant that feels great in our climate zone. The privet shrub is very similar to the familiar lilac, only it is smaller in size and has more sparse flowering.

In this article we will take a closer look at the features and description of privet, and also find out the characteristics of the most popular and common species and varieties of this plant. Let's talk about the main nuances of agricultural technology for growing privet.

Features and description of privet

Privet is considered an evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous shrub, less often a small tree, which belongs to the Privet genus and the large Olive family. The natural habitat of this plant is the territory of Europe, Asia, Australia and North Africa. Initially, the name “privet” was assigned to only one of the most common species - common privet. But over time, this name became common to all species of this genus, which numbers about 50 today.

This plant is most widespread in China, Japan, and Taiwan, where privet is found both wild and cultivated. The name “privet” itself comes from a Latin word, the derivative of which is the verb “ligare”, which in translation means “to bind”. This definition of the plant is given due to the binding property of privet bark.

Description of privet:

  • Most often, privet is an evergreen deciduous shrub or small tree.
  • In its appearance, privet is very similar to lilac: in the structure of the leaves, in their shape, in flowers.
  • Privet is perfect for growing in our climate zone and is widely used to create hedges.
  • Depending on its shape, privet can grow in height from 2 to 6 m.
  • Privet shrubs and trees are formed with the help of strongly branching shoots, due to which the plant has a rather spreading and wide crown - from 1 to 3 m.
  • The bark of the branches is almost white with a gray tint.
  • Privet leaves are elongated, ovate in shape, entire. The surface is leathery, dark green. The leaves on the branches are arranged oppositely.
  • Privet flowers are quite small, almost always white, collected in paniculate inflorescences. On average, the length of one inflorescence can reach 6-18 cm. They can be female or male.
  • Flowering begins in June or July and lasts for three months.
  • After flowering ends, fruits appear on the branches, which are presented in the form of berry-like drupes of black or dark blue color. Inside the drupe there can be from two to four seeds. Privet berries are poisonous and should not be eaten.
  • Privet is an unpretentious plant that grows well in any soil. It is long-lived and has a fairly large annual growth rate, which allows it to quickly grow into a tall tree.
  • The most popular and used type of privet is the common privet, which is mostly grown in Russia and the CIS countries. Privet hedges can be seen mainly in our country and other European countries.

Popular types and varieties of privet

In total, there are about 50 types of privet today, but only a few are widely used. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types and varieties of privet.

Common privet

  • The natural habitat of this plant is considered to be part of the territory of Ukraine, Russia, and North Africa. Asia, Central and Southern Europe.
  • Common privet is a branched shrub that can reach a height of 5 m.
  • The branches of this type of privet are densely strewn with oblong oval leaves with a leathery surface of a dark green color.
  • Common privet blooms with small white flowers, which are collected in loose inflorescences up to 6 cm in length.
  • The flowers of this plant species are very fragrant.
  • Flowering begins in early summer and lasts an average of three weeks.
  • Common privet berries have a popular name - “ wolfberry", sometimes the whole species is called this way.
  • This type of privet has a large number of forms: weeping, gray, evergreen, pyramidal, yellowish, golden privet, silver-variegated and others. All these forms differ in the color of the foliage, as is clear from the names.

Popular varieties of common privet:

  • Variety "Aureum". This variety of privet is characterized by yellow leaves, which turn orange in the fall. This plant variety does not bloom and therefore does not set fruit.
  • Variety "Xanthocarpum". This variety of privet is distinguished by its bright yellow fruits.
  • Variety "Glaucum". This is a rather short variety, reaching only 1 m in height. The leaves are bluish in color with a white border along the edge. This plant does not bloom and has rather poor frost resistance.
  • Variety "Vicar". It is a semi-evergreen shrub that can reach only 1 m in height. It is a representative of the golden privet and has bright yellow leaves that turn purple in the fall.

Privet shiny

  • The natural habitat of this species of privet is the territory of China and Japan.
  • This plant got its name due to its glossy foliage, which is the main decorative feature of this privet.
  • It grows in the form of a large shrub or low tree, which can reach a height of 10 m.
  • The leaves are elongated, ovoid with a smooth shiny surface. All leaves of this species are quite large, reaching 15 cm in length.
  • The flowers are small white, collected in paniculate loose inflorescences up to 18 cm in length.
  • Flowering lasts for three months.
  • When frost is minus 15 degrees, it requires shelter.

Privet oval-leaved

  • This type of privet has another name - Californian privet.
  • Its natural habitat is China and Japan.
  • This one is tall deciduous shrub reaches 3-4 m, and grows very quickly.
  • The shrub branches very strongly, which allows you to create a dense hedge from this plant.
  • The leaves are thick and fleshy, have an oblong oval shape.
  • White flowers, small size, emit an unpleasant aroma.
  • All parts of this plant are poisonous.

Popular varieties:

  • Privet variegated. It is an evergreen shrub that can reach a height of 2-3 m. The leaves are green with a white border along the edge.
  • Silver privet. The leaves also have a cream-colored border.
  • Golden privet. Green leaves with golden edges.

Japanese privet

  • It grows naturally in Japan and Korea.
  • The main feature of this type of privet is its cultivation as a bonsai, which is an ancient Japanese art.
  • It is an evergreen shrub up to 4 m in height. In nature it can grow up to 8 m.
  • The crown of this plant is very compact and dense, which allows it to be given different shapes.
  • The leaves are small in size with a leathery surface, dark green in color.
  • This species grows quite slowly, but has good cold resistance.
  • It blooms with white flowers with an unpleasant odor.

Popular varieties:

Privet Ibota

  • The natural habitat of this species of privet is considered to be the territory of China, Japan and Korea.
  • This deciduous shrub can grow up to 2 m in height.
  • The leaves are elongated, ovate-shaped, which have a dark green tint on the upper part and a slight bluish tint on the lower part.
  • White small flowers are collected in loose inflorescences up to 7 cm in length. They emit a fragrant aroma.
  • This species does not tolerate frost and cold and requires shelter.

In addition to the above types of privet, the following can also be noted: Iezian privet, acute privet, dense privet, round-leaved privet, sinense privet and others.

Privet propagation: the most popular methods

Growing privet yourself is quite simple, especially since there are so many ways to do it. Privet reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively: by cuttings, layering, shoots, suckers.

Propagation by seeds

  • Privet seeds have a very low percentage of similarity, only 65%, so they are rarely used.
  • In addition, this is a very labor-intensive and lengthy process; privet seedlings begin to bear fruit only after 5-6 years. This method is most often used for mass breeding of privet in specialized nurseries.
  • First of all, the seeds need to be extracted from the privet fruits, select the largest ones and put them in a container of water for a while. After a while, some of the seeds will float, while the rest will sink to the bottom.
  • Next, you need to collect all the seeds that have sunk to the bottom and subject them to stratification. Floated seeds are not suitable for sowing.
  • The seeds should be placed in a container filled with moist soil and placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 0 degrees. The stratification process should last several months.
  • You can sow seeds in open ground before winter, so they will undergo natural stratification.
  • Next, the containers must be filled with a soil mixture consisting of river sand, peat and humus.
  • Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked and then sown on the prepared substrate. Sowing is usually carried out in May or October.
  • Containers are stored in a greenhouse with artificial heating.
  • Care consists of constant ventilation and careful watering.
  • The first shoots may appear only after a year, after which they are planted in separate pots.

Propagation by cuttings

  • A large percentage of seedlings take root using the cutting method - approximately 95-100%.
  • Cuttings are prepared at the end of privet flowering.
  • On the mother bush it is necessary to choose healthy and strong shoots.
  • Cuttings 10-12 cm long are prepared from these shoots.
  • All cuttings can be pre-treated with a root former for quick rooting.
  • Planting material is planted in soil mixture, consisting of turf soil and sand. It must be buried at an angle and to a depth of no more than 5 cm.
  • For normal rooting and growth of cuttings, it is necessary to maintain constant air humidity in the greenhouse and a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • You can cover all the cuttings separately with plastic bottles or film.
  • Small roots appear within 2 weeks, and after 3 months the seedlings take down powerful, strong roots.
  • Cuttings need to be grown throughout the year until the right size, and when they reach a height of 50 cm, they are planted in open ground.

Reproduction by layering

  • In this way, privet should be propagated in the spring.
  • To do this, you need to select healthy and strong shoots on the mother bush that grow low to the ground.
  • You need to make a small cut on the side of each shoot.
  • After which the branches are bent to the ground and sprinkled with soil, only the top remains on the surface.
  • Moss should be placed on top of the sprinkled part of the layering, which should always be kept moist.
  • Over the course of the year, the cuttings will take root and take root, and next spring the young plants can be disconnected from the mother bush.

Stages of preparation before planting privet

To achieve a beautiful hedge or border, careful preparation is necessary before planting. It is important to choose a plant variety that suits you and buy a high-quality seedling, as well as find a place on your site to plant this unpretentious plant.

Stage 1. Selection of privet seedlings

The first and important step in obtaining a beautiful and strong plant is to purchase privet seedlings. Before purchasing, you definitely need to decide on a specific variety of privet, because they all differ in frost resistance, bush height and foliage color. You can consult a specialist before purchasing to determine the variety that is most suitable for your area. To create a hedge, you can purchase more high grades, if you plan to plant a living border, then you can choose low-growing variety privet.

It is best to buy privet from specialized nurseries or agricultural companies that engage in professional plant breeding. It is important to carefully check the seedling before purchasing. There should be no damage or signs of disease. The soil in the container should be clean and moist.

Stage 2. Selecting a landing site

Privet naturally grows in undergrowth, so this plant can thrive in open sunny places and in light shade. However, to get a beautiful and lush plant, it is best to choose from your site open place, which is located at some distance from the buildings - approximately 50-70 cm. It is also important to plant privet at some elevation, since this plant does not like stagnant moisture.

When choosing a location, take into account your planned garden composition. To obtain a hedge, you need to select a place along the edge of the site. To grow a living border, choose a location along garden paths or areas you want to fence off.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting

Privet is an unpretentious plant that can grow in any soil. However, if you want to get a really beautiful and branchy plant to create any compositions and figures, it is important to choose the soil suitable for this plant. In the location you choose, the soil should be moderately moist, saturated with nutrients, and also well-drained, since this plant does not like prolonged stagnation of moisture at the roots. The soil must have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. The ideal soil mixture for planting privet can consist of turf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 3:1:1.

Also, before planting, you need to carefully dig up the soil in your chosen location using a spade bayonet.

Privet planting technology

  • The best time for planting privet in open ground is the beginning of autumn, or rather September-October. Although you can plant this plant in the warm season.
  • Having dug up 15-30 cm of soil at the selected location, it is necessary to prepare planting holes for seedlings.
  • The size of the hole for each plant should be much larger than their root system. Approximately the depth of the hole should be 40 cm and the width 60 cm.
  • If you plan to plant hedges or borders on your property, then you need to dig a trench of the same depth and width.
  • Before planting, all holes and trenches must be filled with water and wait until it is absorbed.
  • Next, a layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of each planting hole to prevent stagnation of water at the roots. You can use fine gravel or expanded clay as drainage.
  • You need to pour soil mixture and humus onto the drainage layer. Add also 120 grams of nitroammophoska.
  • Before planting, seedlings must be removed from containers and filled with water. They should stand in a container with water for some time.
  • Carefully place the seedlings on the soil in the holes and straighten their roots.
  • Fill all holes with soil, lightly compacting with your hands.
  • After planting, all plants need to be watered and the soil around them mulched with dry peat or sawdust.

Agricultural technology for growing privet: secrets and nuances of care

Caring for privet is not special labor, so even a beginner in gardening can handle this process. All you need is a little attention and care, for which the privet will eventually repay you with a beautiful and lush bush.

Watering privet

Privet should be watered rarely, but abundantly. For approximately the entire growing season, 5-6 waterings are sufficient for one plant. Mature plant Privets need to be watered with 40-50 liters of water so that the soil is moistened by 70-100 cm. Young specimens need to be watered more often, since for them this is a component of active growth.

Loosening and mulching

It will be easier to care for privet if you periodically loosen and weed the soil in the circle around the trunk. The first time you need to loosen the soil is immediately after the snow and soil melt. You need to loosen carefully so as not to damage root system. This way you improve the aeration of the plant roots. After loosening, you can mulch the tree trunk circle to reduce the number of waterings. Mulch retains moisture at the roots. It is recommended to use dry peat, sawdust or tree bark as mulch.

Top dressing

Fertilizer application promotes vigorous plant growth, thick foliage, and health. Privet prefers organic fertilizers, complex mineral fertilizers and lime.

  • In early spring, when loosening the soil, you need to add lime or dolomite flour to the tree trunk circle, since this plant does not like to grow in acidic soils. You also need to apply mineral fertilizers.
  • Then, throughout the summer, humus and mineral fertilizers can be added to the bushes and hedges along with watering.
  • Every three years, approximately 15 grams per square meter of potassium fertilizers should be applied to the plants, which help privet to better withstand winters.


Privet is well suited to pruning, it tolerates it well and grows new shoots quite quickly.

  • Formative pruning. This pruning is carried out to give the bush a certain shape. You can prune such bushes from the moment the plant is planted and rooted. At this point, only the top of the privet is cut off to grow shoots. This pruning is repeated over several years, which allows the bush to grow enough branches to give it shape. After this time, you can begin formative pruning. Today it is very fashionable to cut privet in the Japanese style, giving the bush the shape of pillows - the so-called karikomi.
  • Hedge trimming. Privet in a hedge can grow several meters, which contributes to freezing of the upper part in winter conditions middle zone. Therefore, for our area, it is recommended to grow hedges to a height of up to 50 cm. You should start cutting hedges in May and August.

Disease and pest control

Privet is famous for its resistance to diseases and pests. However, occasionally, when the soil is highly acidic, bushes can be affected by spotting and powdery mildew. For such diseases, it is necessary to treat plants with dolomite flour or special preparations.

Sometimes pests such as mites, thrips, and aphids may appear. They can be dealt with using special drugs, for example, Aktellik.

Privet in winter

In our climate, the most commonly grown privet is the common privet, which has good frost resistance. This plant does not need to be covered in winter. However, if other types of privet grow on your site, they need to be bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches or snow. It is also recommended to cover the hedge with snow for the winter. Even if your bushes are slightly frozen in winter, there is no need to worry. This plant will easily recover and grow new shoots.

Using privet in landscape design

Privet is widely used in landscape design. This plant is particularly unpretentious and has strong branching, which allows the bushes to be given different shapes.

  • Using privet to create hedges for fencing an area, for zoning an area.
  • Growing privet in the form of living borders that look great for edging garden paths and creating closed garden compositions.
  • Creating various shapes from privet bushes. Currently, it has become very popular to give this plant the shape of pillows. Alternatively, you can create various geometric shapes.

Photo of privet in landscape design

You can more clearly see all the features and options for using privet in landscaping and decorating a site in the photos below.

Use for hedges

Single planting of privet

Creating various garden forms from a privet bush

Privet is the perfect plant to create a unique landscape design in our country. With the help of such shrubs, you can easily create interesting and unusual shapes on the site, without spending special effort when growing privet.

Among ornamental plants Particularly notable is the common privet, which is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 5 m in length. Most often, it has a wide and asymmetrical crown. However, it is precisely this that provides the shrub with its attractiveness, since it is very dense and formed by dense branches. For those gardeners who would like to transform their garden, common privet is one of the attractive options. Moreover, even novice summer residents can grow this shrub.

Ligustrum vulgare – common privet

Already at the beginning of summer, privet flowers appear, which provide it with an attractive appearance until the end of July. The fruits begin to ripen in September, however they are poisonous. Their ability to stay on branches until the first frost allows them to maintain the attractiveness of the shrub. The flowers are different pungent odor, the inflorescences growing from them have a racemose shape. Common privet berries are painted black with a glossy effect. This shrub grows narrow long leaves, which with the onset of autumn change their original color to yellow-green.

Common privet is one of the commonly used shrubs by most landscape design professionals. In principle, this shrub can be considered unpretentious, since it can be grown on any soil, with the exception of those areas where acidic peat substrates predominate. Privet is drought-resistant plant, so its watering can be kept to a minimum. Privet demonstrates its decorative qualities as a hedge, and it does this very well due to the fact that it easily tolerates pruning.

is a cold-resistant crop, which can easily tolerate temperature fluctuations within - 30 degrees. Because of this, structures are created from it various shapes- balls, pyramids, cylinders and other decorative elements in garden and park areas.

This shrub can always look attractive only if all the rules are strictly followed when planting and caring for it. It is very important that all activities are carried out on a regular basis.

How to properly care?

To create comfortable conditions for the root system of common privet and provide it with air, it is necessary regularly throughout the growing season. loosen the soil. You should think about mulching just before summer. At this moment the most favorable conditions to carry out such an operation: the soil contains a sufficient amount of moisture and has an optimal temperature.

Common privet grows best in well-lit areas. Although it would not be a mistake to plant it in partial shade. This shrub does not require special care, but it requires regular pruning.

How to prune common privet?

A photo of a shrub shows all its decorative properties, but it can look like this only with proper care, which includes regular pruning.

Trimming privet only benefits it, as it allows it to form a thick, branched crown. Therefore, in cases where it is necessary create borders or hedges, experts opt for common privet.

  • It is best to cut the bush in the evening, after which it is recommended to cover the plant with a damp cloth. The next day in the morning it can be removed. This technique speeds up the healing of wounds;
  • It is recommended to trim hedges in May and August. During this procedure, shoots must be removed by a third of their length;
  • It is forbidden to cut the plant during flowering.

Very often, when the winter is extremely harsh, shrubs suffer from severe frosts, which can cause the tips of the shoots to freeze. However, this is not a cause for concern, because during spring pruning all damaged areas can be easily removed.

Watering rules

The need for moisture is highest in young bushes. Irrigation is recommended at least five times per season. To ensure that the bush does not experience a water shortage, it is necessary to adhere to the following scheme when watering - 35-50 liters per 1 square meter. m. Privet responds best to watering if it is carried out rarely but abundantly. Here it is very important to moisten the soil around the perimeter of the bush within a radius of 50 cm.

Do I need to feed?

Already in early spring you should choose a day for foliar feeding. It is advisable to do this before the buds open, and the temperature should be kept at about 5 degrees Celsius. Replenishes plant nutritional needs with concentrated urea solution. The positive effect of this operation is that it protects the bush from pests that have successfully survived the winter. To prepare the solution, you need to take 0.5 kg of fertilizer and dilute it in 10 liters of water. As a result of such processing, privet will receive the nitrogen it needs.

Root fertilizers can also be used for this plant. This is also done before the buds open. To do this, you will need a small amount of granular fertilizer, which must be diluted in the same volume of water. Privet plants are watered with the prepared urea solution. You can also fertilize in the fall: at this time of year, potassium fertilizers are added to the soil, which will help the plants survive the winter with less losses.

What do the spots on the leaves indicate?

During the process of growing privet, a gardener may see greenish or grayish spots on the leaves. This is true a sign of increased soil acidity. The situation can be corrected by adding lime to the soil. To do this, you need to scatter on the surface of the soil thin layer slaked lime. Pretty soon you will notice how there will be no trace left of the spots on the leaves.

An effective remedy that restores soil acidity to normal levels is dolomite flour. At the same time, it enriches the soil with microelements that privet needs. This fertilizer is quite often used by gardeners, because even after decades it does not lose its qualities and is inexpensive.

What do you need to know when landing?

First of all, the gardener needs to decide where this shrub will be planted. The most suitable area for common privet is a well-lit area. If the place for planting shrubs is chosen close to permanent buildings, then it is necessary maintain a distance of 100 cm from them. Then you won't have any special problems when it comes time to prune the bushes.


If you want to have your own property decorative element landscape design, then you will have to first prepare the area for planting. Be sure to dig the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm, where a hole is subsequently made. When determining the size, it should be taken into account that its depth should be approximately 30 cm greater than the root system of the shrub.

Be sure to water the hole well before planting. When all the moisture is absorbed down to the drop, it is filled with the mixture prepared from garden soil and compost, taken in equal quantities. When immersing the plant, it is important that the roots are in their natural position.

Seedling care

Having finished planting the shrub, the time comes when you can begin to take care of the privet. Among the priority operations, it is worth highlighting the initial pruning. It is thanks to her that the plant will acquire the required form crowns You can ensure the decorative appearance of common privet by cutting the branch to one third of its length.

You can increase the chances of survival of the shrub, provided that during the first three weeks after planting, the gardener will keep the soil moist.

  • when the plant takes root and begins to grow, limit watering;
  • it is subsequently necessary to carry out it only during periods of drought;
  • It is imperative to cover the root zone with a layer of mulch of 1-2 cm.

Decorative hedge

Common privet is quite popular plant, which is used to create hedges. Moreover, you can implement this idea on your own or involve professionals in doing the work. This shrub is often used to landscape areas and create hedges. But for privet to become spectacular decoration territory, you will have to provide the planting material with appropriate care.

Even before planting a young shrub in the chosen place, it is necessary determine the line of the future row. The easiest way to do this is with a rope. To do this, it is stretched parallel to the dug trench, where it is planned to plant common privet bushes. Plants are placed no closer than 40 cm from each other. Common privet is planted in alternation, so that the lush part of the bushes faces in different directions. After planting, it is necessary to water the seedlings until the moisture is completely absorbed.

Pests and diseases

Despite all decorative properties common privet, it, like other plants, is susceptible various pests, which can upset many gardeners. However, if planting and care are carried out in accordance with the rules, then such a risk to the shrub can be minimized. Modern varieties of common privet do well when grown in places with unfavorable conditions.

At the same time, the gardener himself is required to carry out certain measures so that the plant coped better with pest attacks.

  • with the onset of summer, it is necessary to identify points of excessive growth and remove them;
  • be sure to trim shoots located at right angles to the fence;
  • Each successive trimming of the bush must be completed by applying fertilizers and treating with a fungicide. In this case, it will be possible not only to maintain the correct shape of the crown, but also to increase the shrub’s resistance to fungal diseases.

Today, more than 20 species of common privet are known, actively used in landscape design. These bushes grow as a deciduous shrub or compact tree with a dense crown. The flowers they produce are distinguished by their rich color palette, which may include white, yellow and other shades. In autumn, fruits ripen that are poisonous. The leaves of the bush are variegated in color, the berries are bright, and the crown is round in shape and miniature in size.

Most gardeners who have experience growing common privet confirm the unpretentiousness of this plant. However, planting and caring for this shrub in each case may have its own characteristics, determined by the type of soil in which the plants are planted. It is not recommended to place bushes in places where moisture stagnates, as there they will quickly lose their attractiveness. The most suitable places for growing privet are places where loose loams predominate and there is a lot of leaf humus. When planting privet in a place with dense soil, it is necessary to dig it up.

Regardless of the variety, this shrub is a cold-resistant crop. But during preparation for winter it should be cover with dry leaves. Evergreen privet varieties are often used to decorate greenhouses.


Many gardeners have probably seen common privet more than once, although they did not suspect that this plant can be given amazing shapes. It is precisely because of its pronounced decorative properties that this shrub is often used in the design of a wide variety of objects, including as a hedge. Therefore, it can often be found not only on summer cottages, but also in park areas. Growing a shrub is not so difficult, because privet is unpretentious, therefore, if you take into account the features, then even in not quite suitable conditions it can grow and regularly delight with its flowering.

Privet plant

The genus Privet (Ligustrum) includes several dozen species, mainly shrubs, growing in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Most types of culture can be found in the Himalayas, Japan and China. The bark of the crop has an astringent medicinal properties, hence the name of the genus - “ligare”, from the Latin verb “to bind”. Interestingly, in English-speaking countries the plant is known as Privet.

Good shade tolerance, low requirements for soil quality, tolerance to topiary and ease of care have made the ornamental privet shrub one of the most versatile plants in landscape design.

Description of privet

The plant is a densely foliated, branched and very hardy shrub, which is one of the most popular in horticulture for creating hedges.

The leaves are small, leathery, evergreen or deciduous. The height, depending on the type, is approximately 1.5-3 meters, but growth is perfectly controlled by pruning, which helps to form the most different shapes plantings. The height of dwarf varieties is only 60 -100 cm.

The flowers are white and fragrant, collected in loose paniculate inflorescences at the tops of the shoots, reminiscent of lilac flowers. Flowering is long lasting, usually beginning in early June. In warm climates it may start earlier. After flowering, shiny black berries ripen and usually remain on the bushes all winter.

The berries are poisonous to both dogs and humans, and the leaves can be even more toxic in large quantities. Their toxicity is due to the presence of terpenoid glycosides, which cause poisoning of the body.

Types of ornamental privet shrubs

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare). The hardiest deciduous species, which can most often be found in the garden as a hedge. It is characterized by good winter hardiness and shade tolerance.

Through the efforts of breeders, they bred decorative varieties, which are distinguished by their crown shape: pyramidal shape, weeping, evergreen, as well as foliage color: privet aurea, glaucous, variegated group with variegated foliage and yellow-fruited.

Shiny privet (Ligustrum lucidum). This is a fairly small evergreen tree or bush with glossy, ovoid, variegated leaves, green with beige-yellow spots or border. The flowers are small, creamy, fragrant, collected in inflorescences up to 20 cm in length. Blooms from July to early autumn. Withstands frosts down to minus 15 °C.

Excelsum Superbum is a low evergreen or semi-evergreen tree with small, glossy green leaves edged with bright yellow.

Variety “Curly Wurly” - leaves of an unusual shape, as if twisted, colored beige-green.

Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum). In appearance it is very similar to Ligustrum lucidum, but is more winter-hardy in cultivation. The leaves are small, evergreen, leathery, glossy.

The flowers have an unpleasant smell, but this is fully compensated by the high decorativeness of the species, which includes a group of round-leaved privet and a group with variegated foliage. For example, "Sunshine" is a sterile variety with golden foliage or "Jack Frost" is golden-green leaves.

Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense). Semi-evergreen large shrub reaching 3 meters in height. It has small yellow-green variegated leaves. Adapts to various types soil In gardening, dwarf variegated varieties are popular, for example "Swift Creek" - a small spreading bush with creamy green leaves.

"Swift Creek"

Oval-leaved privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium). A low and dense shrub with variegated, evergreen foliage. For the winter it needs shelter due to its sensitivity to frost.

Depending on the color it is divided into groups:

  • variegated green-leaved group with a light, often white border along the edges of the leaf blade;
  • silver group Argentum, the foliage of which is also bordered by a beige or light yellow stripe;

  • Aureum group or golden privet is one of the most popular in landscape design. It is a dense, compact bush about a meter high with oval, lemon-yellow or lime-yellow leaves. Fabulous dwarf variety'Lemon and Lime' has golden leaves that contrast with the dark red or purple berries.

How to plant privet

Almost any place in the garden for planting privet is suitable, but in order for the shrub to reach the peak of its attractiveness, it is better to plant it in the open sunny place, especially variegated varieties and species. The crop grows well on many types of substrate with good water permeability, but you should not expect plantings to flourish on highly acidic, heavy clay and sandy soils.

The best soil composition for growing is considered to be a mixture of three parts turf garden soil, two parts humus and one part coarse sand for water permeability.

Planting of single shrubs is carried out in spring or autumn in September-October, and privet for hedges is recommended to be planted from late March to summer. Although bushes with a closed root system can be planted all season.

Fertilizer is applied immediately when planting privet in the ground. Well suited for feeding 130 g of nitroammophoska or mix soil from landing pit with humus, compost or a small part of rotted manure.

The planting hole should be 30 cm larger than the root ball. Water is poured into it, and when it is absorbed, the roots of the plant are placed in the hole and covered with soil. At first, regular watering is necessary. Experts recommend mulching the soil around the plantings with compost or peat. Mulch will provide additional feeding during the season and support required humidity soil and will control weed growth.

You can find out more about the types of mulch and the benefits of mulching in this

Bushes intended for creating a privet hedge are planted in one or two rows. The width of the dug trench is 60 cm, and its depth is 80 cm. If we want to have a single-row hedge, then we plant the bushes in a straight line with a distance of 50-60 cm between the bushes in partial shade. In a sunny place, keep a distance of 80 cm.

In the case of a two-row privet hedge, dig two trenches located at a distance of about half a meter from each other. Planting of seedlings is carried out in a checkerboard pattern.

Rules for caring for privet

Caring for privet throughout the season consists of timely irrigation of the soil, annual pruning and removal of weeds. The plant can withstand long droughts, so watering is carried out only in dry summers as needed.

The optimal watering regime is 3-4 times per season, but generously, so that the ground is saturated with moisture to a depth of 40-50 cm, this is about 2-3 buckets per medium-height bush. For small plantings up to a meter, it is enough to water 10 liters at a time. Young shrubs require more frequent watering during drought, as their roots are not yet extensive enough.

Despite the shade tolerance, the shrub prefers sunny positions or light partial shade. With a lack of lighting, the density of the foliage decreases, and in variegated varieties the brightness of the color fades.

In July, the soil around the plantings is carefully loosened after watering to increase oxygen access to the roots. After loosening, add a layer of mulch again.

Fertilizing is carried out in the spring organic fertilizers: compost or humus. Hedge is more demanding when it comes to feeding, so once in the spring and once in the summer, organic matter and granules of mineral multicomponent fertilizers are poured along the plantings at the rate of 10 g per 1 meter. After which the plants are watered.

Privet pruning

As mentioned above, caring for the ornamental privet shrub includes sanitary pruning and, if desired, shaping pruning.

The annual procedure stimulates tillering and promotes the formation of a compact bush with dense foliage. You can experiment with the culture in creating topiary figures, since due to the intensive growth of the plant you can quickly hide a bad haircut. The plant is ideal for creating.

To create a dense and dense crown of plantings or hedges, the shoots of privet seedlings are cut by 2/3 after planting. In summer, new young shoots are shortened by 10-20 cm. And so on for 2-3 years. During this time, the shrub intensively develops numerous side shoots. The larger the green mass, the easier it will be to subsequently make the necessary haircut or create.

Old bushes can be rejuvenated by cutting off all shoots to a height of 10-20 cm. A year before the planned rejuvenation, the plant requires regular watering and fertilizing so that the bush gains strength before radical pruning. Sanitary pruning of all plantings is carried out annually in the spring. Remove dry, old, broken branches.

Privet propagation

Methods of propagation of the ornamental privet shrub include: seed method, cuttings, young layering or root shoots.

Propagation of privet by seeds

Due to the low germination of seeds, this method is considered quite difficult, especially since the crop begins to bear fruit for the first time only at the 6th year of life. To germinate, seeds need to undergo cold stratification, so they are sown in open ground before winter. For spring sowing, the seeds must be kept all winter in a box with a sand-peat mixture at a temperature of 0-1 °C. The refrigerator is best for storage.

The seed method is usually used in nurseries, and in private gardening the simplest and most effective method of obtaining new seedlings is vegetative.

Propagation of privet by cuttings

Woody cuttings 15-25 cm long are cut in the summer after the bush has flowered. The lower leaves are torn off, and the sections are dipped in powder, which stimulates root formation. They are buried 5-7 cm in a mixture of peat and perlite.

After planting, water well with a watering can and place the pot in a transparent bag or cover with a plastic bottle. Location – partial shade. Under conditions of constant substrate and air humidity, the rooting process takes 14-20 days.

When signs of growth appear, the cover is removed and the cuttings are moved to a lighted place. The further process of development of the root system takes about a year. Therefore, cuttings are brought into the house in the fall and grown indoors, transplanting them into a larger pot in fertile soil as they grow.

It should be noted that seedlings need to be provided with cool conditions in winter, and fertilizing should begin in spring. By next summer we will receive full-fledged planting material.

Reproduction by layering and shoots

In the spring, a side shoot closer to the base is cut, cut down and secured in a pre-dug groove 1-2 cm deep. At the cut site, the layer is sprinkled with compost and sphagnum moss is laid out, which should always be moist. When signs of rooting appear (new leaves appear on the shoot), the cuttings are separated from the mother plant. Some species form root shoots around the bush, which can be dug up with part of the root.

Diseases and pests

Excess moisture and poor air circulation can lead to the development of fungal diseases, which appear as gray or whitish coating on the surface of the leaves. In this case, the plantings are processed fungicidal preparations. There is also a risk of attack by aphids, which can be gotten rid of using folk methods.

Leaf spotting is characterized by the appearance brown spots. The disease is treated with Dithane NeoTec 75 WG or Topsin M 500 SC.

Privet (Ligustrum) belongs to the genus of evergreen and deciduous plants, presented in the form of shrubs or small trees. Representative of the Olive family. In the natural environment it is found in Asia, Europe, North Africa, and Australia. Particularly popular in Japan, China, the Himalayas, and Taiwan.

The name is derived from the Latin word “ligare” - to bind, most likely it is associated with astringent properties bark.

The privet shrub is similar to lilac, but does not grow as much and is inferior in the beauty of flowering. No trimming decorative look, but once you give the bush a shape, it will be transformed in the most miraculous way.

Botanical description

Privet bushes reach a height of up to 2 m, the width is limited to 1 m. The trees grow up to 6 m in height and have a spreading crown.

The leaf blades are elongated-ovate, entire-edged, leathery, colored dark green color, are located opposite. Flowering: small white flowers are collected at the tops of shoots in loose paniculate inflorescences 6-18 cm long. The flowers are almost sessile, fragrant. The flowering period begins in June-July and lasts about 3 months. Drupe fruits are small, round, dark blue or black in color, the fruit contains 1-4 seeds. The berries of the plant are not suitable for consumption.

In landscape design, privet thickets are used as hedges. Looks good in solo or group plantings; growing privet as a bonsai is becoming popular.

Planting privet in open ground

Choosing a landing site

The plant is shade-tolerant, but for full disclosure for decorative purposes it is better to plant on open area, retreating at least 1 m from buildings.


Dry ones are absolutely not suitable for privet. sandy soils or acidic soils. A moist, nutritious soil with a neutral or better slightly alkaline reaction is required. The following soil composition is suitable: turf soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 3:2:1.

How to plant privet for a hedge

Dig up the area to the depth of a spade bayonet. The length and width of the planting hole should be 65 by 65 cm, the depth should be 30 cm more than the root system. Fill with water and wait until it is absorbed.

To create a hedge, plant it in a trench 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide at a distance of 40-50 cm. Fill the trench with soil, press the soil with your palms, and water well.

How to care for privet in the garden


It is necessary to water only in severe drought, but abundantly. Apply 30-40 liters of water to one bush/tree at a time. Under such conditions, you will have to water 3-4 times during the entire growing season. If the weather conditions are moderate, rainfall is sufficient.


Organic fertilizers before the beginning of summer. Apply a bucket of fertilizer (compost or humus) under each bush. For plants in a hedge, it is necessary to scatter organic matter lengthwise, also distribute superphosphate granules (10 g per 1 meter), and water.


Privet shoots grow quickly, so when it comes to pruning you need to be bold and not afraid to experiment. Immediately after planting, as soon as the plants begin to grow, slightly shorten the tops. To stimulate tillering, it is necessary to prune every time as soon as the shoots extend 10-15 cm. During the first two years of life, carry out such manipulations so that the plant increases its volume for subsequent formative pruning. When there is enough green mass, you can work with the forms. The Japanese karikomi haircut is quite popular for privet - creating dense pillows.

Hedges can reach a height of about 2 m, but in our latitudes with cold winters it is better to limit them to a height of 50 cm - bushes of such a height will be covered with snow, which will protect the shoots from frostbite. Carry out the haircut in May and August.

Carry out sanitary pruning every spring: remove dried, broken, frostbitten, diseased branches. If necessary, they can be shortened by 1/3 of the length.

Winter hardiness and preparation for wintering

The common privet species is grown most often in our country, since it can tolerate frosts down to -30º C, and under snow cover will survive a short-term drop in temperature to -40º C. Shelter for the winter is not required. If the ends of the shoots freeze, the plant will quickly recover after pruning.

Other types require: mulch the tree trunk, bend the stems to the ground, secure with special brackets, and cover with spruce branches.

Caring for privet indoors Ligustrum - indoor lilac

IN room conditions Privet is grown as a bonsai, forming a tree 15-50 cm high.

Indoor ligustrum blooms all summer, fruiting is rare, but it looks more impressive than in the garden.

Grow in small containers, the diameter of which is twice the height. Choose a container made from natural materials with good drainage holes.


For soil, use bonsai substrate or other light, loose, air- and water-permeable soil with a neutral reaction. The following mixture is suitable: 2 parts turf soil, 1 part peat, humus, 0.5 parts sand.

Transplanting indoor lilacs

Apply as needed in spring. For young plants, replanting once every 2 years is sufficient; adult plants should be replanted as the root system grows. When replanting, the roots must be trimmed; leave the size of the planting container the same. Lay a drainage layer of coarse materials.

Lighting and air temperature

The lighting needs to be bright, but without direct sunlight.

IN summer time well tolerated room temperature air, but ventilate the room often, protecting it from drafts. Sudden temperature changes are unacceptable. With the onset of autumn, gradually lower the air temperature (a maximum reduction of up to +12° C is acceptable).


It is necessary in moderation, more often in the warm season, less often in autumn and winter.

With the start of work heating systems should be sprayed daily with water on the leaves. Periodically place it on a tray with damp moss, expanded clay, and pebbles.


During the period March-June, it is necessary to add organic matter for bonsai twice a month. Then take a break, and from September to the end of November feed in the same mode. In winter, fertilize every 6 weeks - alternate organic matter with spraying the crown with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants.

Pruning and crown formation

After the end of the active growing season and at the end of winter, elongated shoots. Treat the cut areas with fungicide.

Control the shape of the stem all year round. Plants 1-2 years old are formed using copper wire - fix and leave it for 3 months, you can repeat the procedure for next year. Use raffia fiber to protect the tree from wire damage. Older trees are formed using a special tension structure– it is applied to the trunk, branches, shoots and left for a year.

Diseases and pests

Mosaic spotting appears as light spots on the leaves.

Grayish spots indicate powdery mildew.

Dark green spots appear due to increased acidity of the soil. To prevent problems, periodically add a deoxidizing agent to the soil - ground limestone, fluff lime or dolomite flour.

When diseases appear, it is necessary to treat with a fungicide.

The leaves turn yellow and fall off when the earthen clod is too dry or vice versa due to waterlogging.

Spider mites, thrips, aphids, mealybugs - possible pests ligustrum. It is necessary to treat with insecticides. You may need 4 approaches, take 2 weeks between treatments.

Growing privet from seeds

Privet (ligustrum) is propagated by seeds and vegetative methods (cuttings, layering, root shoots).

The seed method is often used to propagate privet in industrial scale. Seed germination is above average – 65%. Remove the largest seeds from the ripened fruits and place them in a container with water: those seeds that float to the surface are not suitable for planting.

How to sow in the ground

Sowing is done before winter in open ground - this way the seeds will undergo natural stratification and friendly shoots will appear in the spring.

The bed is prepared in advance, the soil is loosened and leveled with a rake, and allowed to settle. Make shallow furrows at a distance of 25-30 cm, plant seeds every 7-8 cm, and cover the rows with a rake. In spring, seedlings float through, protecting them from weeds. The soil can be mulched with any available material. Plants develop slowly; only in the second or third year can the seedlings be transplanted to permanent place growth. Young bushes will need to be covered with fallen leaves for the winter to prevent them from freezing.

How to grow privet from seeds at home

  • You can also make privet at home. To do this, after collecting the seeds, place them in damp sand and keep them in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for 2-3 months, wrapped in film.
  • Then plant the seeds one at a time in cups with loose substrate. Planting depth is 1-2 cm. Plants require a low temperature, 18-20°C, so that they do not stretch.
  • With short daylight hours, additional lighting will be required.
  • Water moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.
  • Excess water in the pan must be drained immediately.
  • It will be possible to plant plants in the training bed only in the spring of the next season, with obligatory shelter for the winter.
  • When the seedlings grow up, they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth using the transshipment method.

Propagation of privet by cuttings

After flowering has finished, carry out cuttings.

  • Choose a developed, mature run, the length of the cutting should be 10-12 cm.
  • Fill the container with turf substrate, deepen the cutting 5 cm into the soil.
  • Cover glass jar or a cut plastic bottle.
  • Ventilate and moisten regularly.
  • Maintain the air temperature between 20-25º C.
  • In a couple of weeks, roots will appear, and complete rooting will take about 3 months.
  • In open areas, soil can be fished out when it reaches a height of 50-60 cm.

Reproduction by layering

To root the cuttings, bend the shoot to the surface of the ground, make a small cut and cover it with earth, cover the top with sphagnum moss (it should be constantly moist). The rooted cuttings can be separated from the mother plant next spring and planted in a permanent place.

Layering without digging: make a few scratches on the branch with a needle, pour a little damp soil into a transparent bag and secure it so that the soil is in contact with the cut site, secure with tape. When the roots fill the space of the bag, the branch needs to be sawed off below the layering - you can plant it separately.

Types and varieties of privet with photos and names

In its natural environment it lives in the oak undergrowth of Europe, Asia Minor, and northern Africa. It is a shade-tolerant, deciduous, branched plant in the form of a shrub. Reaches a height of 5 m. The leaves are oblong, leathery, dark green. Flowering: paniculate inflorescence with small fragrant white flowers. In the first half of summer, flowering begins, lasting about 3 weeks.

Forms of common privet: weeping, pyramidal, bluish-white-edged, glaucous, evergreen, golden, golden-variegated, yellowish, yellow-fruited, silver-variegated.


Common privet Aureum Ligustrum vulgare ‘Aureum’ photo

  • Aureum is a shrub about 1 m high, the leaves are golden in color, and does not bloom. Some leaves fall off in winter, while the rest remain until spring.
  • Vicar-shrub reaches a height of 1 m. The leaf blades are broadly oval, 6 cm long. The color of the leaves is golden yellow, becoming bronze-violet by autumn. Small white flowers form a paniculate inflorescence.

Privet Ligustrum lucidum

Originally from China, Korea, Japan. It is an evergreen shrub or small tree. The ovoid leaves reach a length of 15 cm, the surface of the leaf blade is glossy, the color is dark green. Paniculate inflorescences, consisting of small fragrant flowers, reach a length of 18 cm. They tolerate frosts down to -15º C. Forms: tricolor, golden-variegated, golden-edged.

Japanese privet Ligustrum japonicum

From South Korea, Japan. This evergreen shrub about 4 m high, compact crown. The leaves are small, dark green, leathery. The species is shade-tolerant and frost-resistant. Shapes: variegated, round-leaved.

Ligustrum ovalifolium

Reaches a height of 1 m. In our latitudes it constantly freezes, but recovers quickly. The flowers are oblong and emit a not very pleasant aroma.

Decorative forms:

  • Privet Variegated (Variegatum) – grows in warm regions. The shrub reaches several meters in height. The green leaves are edged with a creamy white stripe.
  • Silver Privet (Argentum) – the leaves have a border of a creamy-silver hue.
  • Golden Privet (Aureum) – often grown in containers, winters in open ground in warm regions. Along the edges of the leaves there is a stripe of golden yellow color.
  • Privet Aureovaryegatum – the height of the bush is 1 m. The leaves are golden. There is no flowering.

Privet Ibota Ligustrum ibota

Deciduous, reaching a height of 2 m. Homeland - Korea, Japan, China. The leaves have an elongated ovate shape, are colored dark green, the reverse side of the leaf blade is bluish. The paniculate inflorescence reaches a length of 7 cm. It does not tolerate wintering well and always requires shelter.

Privet Ligustrum yezoense

A winter-hardy species native to Sakhalin. The shrub reaches a height of 1.5 m, has small, wide leaves.

Privet Ligustrum acutissumum

Heat-loving species. Originally from Southern China. The bush reaches a height of about 3 m. Flowering is abundant.

Dense privet Ligustrum compactum

Shrub up to 4 m high (in cultivation - 2 m). The diameter is about 180 cm. Not all large leaves fall off; some remain until the next growing season. Frost resistance is low.

Quihou Privet Ligustrum quihoui

Originally from China. It is a semi-evergreen shrub about 2 m high. Young shoots and the lower part of the leaf blades are pubescent. The leaves are small and hard. The paniculate inflorescence is 20 cm long.


  • Variegatum - foxes are bordered by a white stripe.
  • Vicar - leaves are yellowish, at the first frost they turn bronze.