Solid fuel heating of a private house. Main types and characteristics of solid fuel heating of a private home using boilers and stoves Long service life

Figure 3.

Volatile installations

The principle of operation and design of the Wattek PYROTEK pyrolysis boiler.

The unit operates in automatic mode, for which each PYROTEK model has a control panel that allows for modernization by adding other control and control circuits to the circuit. Using the panel, the user can make adjustments to the settings circulation pumps Central heating and hot water supply, as well as an exhaust fan based on the obtained data on the temperature of the boiler coolant. Temperature The water in the system can be regulated using the boiler thermostat. There is also a thermostat in the control panel minimum temperature, which deactivates the fan if the coolant temperature drops to 50 °C. For convenience, you can also connect a room temperature sensor to the panel, which will affect the functionality of the pyrolysis boiler.


  • Various functional modes (summer, DHW priority, with weekly program settings).
  • Making sustainable adjustments that are effective over a long period of time (up to 1 week).
  • Clear interaction of all functionality with room temperature provides the specified environmental comfort.


  • relatively high costs for purchasing equipment,
  • The dimensions of the working chamber limit the loading volume.

Figure 4.

Non-volatile pyrolysis plants

As an example for consideration, let’s take the pyrolysis non-volatile boiler “Burzhuy-K”.

The coolant is sent to the unit through the return line pipe (8), where, receiving heat energy from the boiler water jacket (12, 13, 14), the supply line pipe (5) is sent through the pipe to heating system. The fuel should be placed in the combustion chamber (19), into which the combustion procedure is carried out in the absence of oxygen. The volume of air in the chamber is regulated by the primary air supply door (3), the operating mode of which can be found in more detail in the “Firehouse Rules” section. In automated models, its operation is controlled by a temperature control sensor. During the combustion process, pyrolysis gas is produced, which is sent to the exhaust gas afterburning chamber (17), where it is mixed through afterburner injectors with calibrated holes with secondary air, preheated (11). Thus, a thermochemical reaction occurs in which fuel gases burn, releasing thermal energy. Residual carbon monoxide is disposed of through the pipe (6) and the chimney into the atmosphere.

This complexity, which lies in the very design of the boiler and the fuel combustion process, contributes to a significant increase in combustion time per fuel load.


  • the consumption of fuel resources is reduced by 4 times; on average, heating 100 m2 will require up to 17 kg of firewood per day;
  • time and effort are saved for the user, who only needs to add fuel no more than once every 12 hours for wood and every 15 hours for coal;
  • the non-volatility of the boiler eliminates the cost of electricity and protects equipment from power failures;
  • The pyrolysis heat generator has relatively small dimensions, which allows it to be installed anywhere;
  • The boiler consumes almost all combustible materials as fuel energy resources.


  • Inability to make adjustments to the parameters of the set home temperature.

We carry out installation, supply of materials and equipment, as well as service maintenance solid fuel heating in cottages and country houses.

Turnkey price of solid fuel heating

Square Options
Economy Standard Premium
100 m2 450,000 rub. 550,000 rub. 900,000 rub.
200 m2 550,000 rub. 650,000 rub. RUB 1,100,000
400 m2 800,000 rub. 900,000 rub. RUB 1,300,000
800 m2 RUB 1,500,000 2,000,000 rub. RUB 2,200,000

Above is the cost for turnkey solid fuel heating, which is approximate. It takes into account necessary equipment for the boiler room, materials for wiring the heating network, heating devices, as well as installation work.

The fuel for the heating systems under consideration can be:

  • Firewood
  • Pellets
  • Coal
  • Sawdust

The possibility of using a specific type of solid fuel depends on the selected equipment for the boiler room. There are units that allow you to use several types of fuel simultaneously or alternate them.

House types

Price from 1,600 rub./m2


Solid fuel heating is the most suitable alternative to main gas. Its main advantages:

  • Fuel availability and low operating costs
  • No explosion hazard
  • Possibility of operation without electrical energy


Not deprived this system and shortcomings. Among them are:

  • Not easy to use
  • The need to allocate a separate room for the installation of boiler equipment
  • Increased fire hazard
  • The need to maintain a supply of fuel and allocate space for its storage
  • Lack of automation system
  • High cost of the system itself (mainly due to the high cost of the boiler and chimney)

The best option for heating a house when choosing a wood-burning boiler is to pair it with an electric boiler. With this scheme, the electric boiler works to maintain the temperature of the coolant at night, as well as in the event of burnout of solid fuel.

Types of heating

  1. What are the advantages of a TT boiler?
  2. What to look for when choosing
  3. Calculating the boiler power
  4. How to properly organize a boiler room

Any owner of a private home is faced with the problem of heating his home. The lack of gas mains, and in some cases, power lines, forces home owners to use heating country house solid fuel boiler. Such a boiler can be used inside the house as a boiler-stove with hob. Outdoor placement in a specially equipped boiler room is also used.

In this article we will look at the advantages of these devices, the procedure for calculating them, decide on the choice, and also tell you how to connect it to the heating system of your home.

What are the advantages of a TT boiler?

What is the advantage of solid fuel boilers compared to their counterparts running on gas, electricity or liquid fuel? Let's look at their main advantages:

  • Autonomy

    They do not depend on gas mains and power lines. Wherever your country house is located, you can always use a solid fuel boiler to heat it.

  • Fuel availability

    Firewood and coal are traditional sources of fuel in Russia and the former CIS countries, due to their wide availability. In addition to affordability, wood or coal is significantly cheaper than gas or electricity.

  • Simplicity of design and connection

    Simple design allows you to manufacture and install it yourself without any special experience or significant costs.

  • Long term services

    Modern boilers made of cast iron or steel. At correct operation and with careful care they will easily serve you for about 20-30 years.

As you can see, the TT boiler is ideal for heating your dacha or cottage. It has many advantages; it is not surprising that many owners of country property use a solid fuel boiler as the main source of heating.

Photo 1: Two-story country house

Which solid fuel boiler is best to choose for your country house? There are many modifications of TT boilers on the Russian market, which is not difficult to get confused. Let's look at their main types:

  • Traditional

    They are characterized by simplicity of design and low cost compared to more complex modifications. The downside is that they have relatively low efficiency.

  • Pyrolysis

    Their peculiarity is that gas is released from the fuel, which is burned separately from the solid part. This achieves a significantly higher efficiency due to significantly better fuel burnout. The disadvantage of such boilers is that they are 2 times more expensive than classic ones.

  • Long burning

    Thanks to them design features, bookmarks have to be made much less often.

We have looked at the main modifications of solid fuel boilers, now let's look at what basic parameters should be used to choose one.

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What to look for when choosing

So, what should you pay attention to first when choosing a solid fuel boiler? Let's look at the main points that are worth paying attention to:

  • Power

    How larger area heating, the more powerful the heating device should be. For heating a private home they are usually used domestic boilers low power at 10-50 kW.

  • Heat exchanger type

    There are steel and cast iron. Cast iron ones are much more expensive and weigh much more than steel ones.

  • Electricity addiction

    Although the boiler itself runs on solid fuel, its design, such as that of the boiler, can use various additional automatic equipment that require a power supply.

Photo 2: Solid fuel hot water boiler

The parameters given above are usually decisive when purchasing, since they largely determine the price of the boiler.

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Calculating the boiler power

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, not to lose money and not to be left freezing in winter in a slightly warm house, you need to correctly calculate the power of a solid fuel heating boiler. Before proceeding directly to the calculation, it is necessary to decide for what purposes the solid fuel boiler will be used?

  1. The boiler can be used both exclusively for heating and for heating and production hot water for sanitary needs (shower, bath, washing dishes). For each case, devices of varying power will be required.
  2. You should also pay attention to the region in which it will be used. When making calculations, you should take into account the temperature environment and what heating device should cover the heat loss of the house on the coldest days of the year.
  3. You should also pay attention to the design of the house itself. There are country houses different types, from simple frame and wooden houses, to large elite country cottages. Heat loss different walls will differ significantly and this is worth taking into account.

Photo 3: Installation of the boiler in country house

For calculations we need the following parameters:

  1. Room area;
  2. Specific power adjusted for region;

Specific power for Russian regions:

  • for Moscow and the Moscow region - 1.2 - 1.5 kW;
  • for the northern part of Russia - 1.5 - 2.0 kW;
  • for the southern regions of Russia - 0.7 - 0.9 kW.

The formula for calculation is as follows:

Boiler power (kW) = (room area (m2)*specific power (kW))/10

It is also necessary to know the amount of coolant required to fill the heating system. It is equal to approximately 15 liters per 1 kW.

Coolant volume (l) = Boiler power (kW) * 15

Boiler power (kW) = (150*1.2)/10 = 18 kW

Let's calculate the required volume of liquid to fill the heating system:

Coolant volume (l) = 18 * 15 = 270 l

This calculation does not take into account the real heat loss of the house, which is calculated individually for each individual case. The approximate data is as follows:

Also, if it is necessary to provide hot water supply, about 25-30% is added to the boiler power.

In simplified calculations it is usually considered specific heat capacity equal to 1, then approximately 1 kW is enough to heat 10 m2 of area.

If the gas main is very far from your home, and electricity is expensive for you, then you can use solid fuel heating. When you choose the most affordable fuel for yourself, you will be provided with warmth in cold times.

Choosing fuel

The determining factor in the functioning of solid fuel heating is the type of fuel with which it will heat the house. It can be fossil - this includes coal, peat, oil shale - and renewable - in the form of firewood. The system selects indicators for each type of fuel - the rate of heat generation, air volume, heat resistance of the walls of the grate and the boiler.

When you choose a fuel that will use solid fuel heating for a private home, it is better to give preference to hydrocarbons that have maximum heat transfer: coal - anthracite, firewood - oak or birch. Note that even despite the high cost, such fuel will heat your home better, because combustion will more heat, there will be fewer pauses between loads, less ash, a smaller storage bin will be required, and the chimney will be less clogged.

Choosing a boiler

Once you have decided on the fuel that will be used for solid fuel heating of a country house, you should choose a boiler. Conventionally, boilers for solid fuels can be divided into the following groups:

  1. classic;
  2. automatic;
  3. pyrolysis;
  4. long burning.

Classic boilers

Classic boilers imply the following operating principle: solid fuel burns in a flame to produce heat, as is the case with a regular fire. Combustion is optimized by a special grate to supply combustion air from below. And the amount of this air is regulated by the settings of the scraper and the supply of air mass to the combustion chamber manually. Fuel is loaded through the top door, and ash is removed and combustion is regulated through the bottom door. The boiler heat exchanger can be made of steel or cast iron. Advantages of classic boilers: the ability to operate on 2 types of fuel (minimum), often it is also possible to install a gas or liquid fuel burner, independence from energy. Among the disadvantages: frequent loading of fuel is required, a place for storing fuel and a separate room for the boiler room are also needed.

Pyrolysis boilers

Pyrolysis boilers use gases from fuel decomposition for combustion. This is due to the effect of high temperature with insufficient air. The structure of the boiler includes two chambers, which are separated by grates: the lower one for loading and the combustion chamber.

The combustion process here is as follows: fuel is added and ignited, the combustion chamber door is closed. In the upper chamber, a boost fan is activated, which serves to mix the smoldering air of the lower chamber with clean air. The mixture begins to ignite and directs the fire to the fuel through ceramic nozzles. Without access to oxygen, the fuel is burned - this is how pyrolysis occurs, that is, the decomposition and gasification of the fuel. So, the process will continue until the fuel is completely burned. This is how solid fuel heating occurs. Advantages of pyrolysis boilers: high efficiency (up to 90%), fuel burns on one load for up to 10 hours, reduced requirements for the chimney, high level environmental friendliness Disadvantages: high cost, dependence on energy, unstable combustion with partial load, very high requirements for dry firewood, etc.

Automatic boilers

Automatic boilers - processes such as fuel loading and ash removal are automated here. Boilers of this type have an automatic fuel supply hopper - conveyor or auger. For stable combustion, the fuel must be uniform in composition and size. The advantages of such boilers: high efficiency (up to 85%), operating time, limited capacity of the bunker designed for automatic supply, and fuel homogeneity provide the ability to fine-tune the combustion process. Among the disadvantages: high price, dependence on energy, the need for a separate room, a separate fireproof ash receptacle, as well as qualified maintenance.

Long burning boilers

Another type of boiler that is used for heating a country house solid fuel, these are long-burning boilers. Here, long-lasting combustion is maintained using special techniques. Such combustion can be ensured by two systems: the Canadian Buleryan boiler system and the Baltic Stropuva boiler system. Buleryan is a two-chamber wood-burning stove, which is divided horizontally. Smoldering takes place below, the gases go to the upper chamber, where they are mixed with secondary air through a nozzle, after which the fuel is burned. Stropuva is a high barrel up to 3 m high, filled with firewood and covered with a movable lid with a chimney. First, the wood is set on fire, after which it burns sparingly, heating the coolant along the jacket of the barrel; the air supply is regulated automatically.

Features of working with solid fuel boilers

Heating a private house with solid fuel has a cyclical nature, which is due to the need to carry out a certain sequence: thus, fuel is added, it is ignited, it burns. Of course, such a cycling process negatively affects the durability of the heat exchanger. Temperature changes are also observed in the rooms.

To solve this issue, heat accumulators are used - thermally insulated containers of 500-1000 liters. When the boiler burns, heat accumulates, energy is released when heat transfer decreases, and the boiler goes out. Thus, heating the house with solid fuel begins to work stably and the temperature evens out.

When you choose the power of a boiler that will use solid fuel to heat your dacha, you should focus on the common method: for 10 sq.m of housing - 1 kW.

But in in this case the power needs to be increased to 40%, since the quality of the fuel is unstable, the condition of the chimney will also affect the heat production.

When installing heating using solid fuel, the parameters of the chimney must clearly meet the requirements. It is also necessary to ensure that it is possible to clean the chimney and inspect it, because the soot that appears can ignite spontaneously and cause a fire.

Solid fuel heating becomes a real salvation in several cases. For example, when electricity is expensive or the house is remote from the gas main. But in order to provide your home with heat during the cold season, you will need to decide on several heating parameters, and first of all, the type of fuel.

To calculate home heating systems, you can use the calculator for calculating heating and home heat loss.

Fuel selection.

The main factor influencing functionality of solid fuel heating- the type of fuel that will be used to heat the house. It can be of two types:

  • Fossil (peat, coal, oil shale);
  • Renewable (firewood).

Depending on the type of fuel, system indicators will change, such as heat generation, speed, heat resistance of the boiler walls and grates, as well as air volume. Solid fuel heating will work with maximum performance on fuel with the highest heat transfer rate: birch and oak wood or anthracite coal. The advantages of these types of fuel include the following:

  • Less ash is generated;
  • No need for a large storage bin;
  • More warmth.

It may seem that the high cost of these fuels would lead to unnecessary costs, but in practice their use leads to savings.

Choosing a solid fuel boiler.

Having decided on the type of fuel, you should begin choosing a boiler with which solid fuel heating will work as efficiently as possible. They come in classic, automatic, pyrolysis and long-burning types. Each group has its own characteristics.

Classic boilers.

If installed classic boiler, solid fuel heating will work on the principle of a regular fire, that is, fuel will be burned with a flame to generate heat. A special grate optimizes the combustion process, and the scraper settings and manual supply are responsible for the amount of air supplied to the firebox. The heat exchanger of such a boiler can be made of cast iron or steel.

Classic boilers have the following advantages:

  • Ability to work with several types of fuel;
  • Possibility of installing liquid fuel or gas burner;
  • Complete independence from electricity, making solid fuel heating truly autonomous.

But there are also disadvantages, including:

  • The need for frequent fuel loading;
  • The need for sufficient space to store fuel;
  • It will be necessary to allocate a special room to house the boiler room.

Automatic boilers

IN automatic boilers the processes of fuel loading and ash removal are automated. The fuel enters the combustion chamber through a screw or conveyor hopper. In order for solid fuel heating to work stably with such a boiler, you will need to select fuel that is uniform in size and composition.

Advantages of automatic boilers:

  • High efficiency - up to 85%;
  • Long work;
  • Opportunity fine tuning due to the limited capacity of the bunker and the homogeneity of the fuel used.

Their disadvantages:

  • High price;
  • Energy requirement separate room, fireproof ash receptacle and qualified service.

Pyrolysis boilers.

IN pyrolysis boilers Gases released during fuel decomposition are used for combustion. This is due to the action high temperatures with insufficient air supply. The design of such a boiler implies the presence of two chambers separated by grates. The lower one is used for loading, the upper one for combustion. After laying and igniting fuel combustion chamber closes, and a fan is activated in the upper chamber, providing pressurization and mixing fresh air with smoldering air coming from the lower chamber. This causes the mixture to ignite and the fire is directed to the fuel through ceramic nozzles. Since oxygen does not enter the chamber with fuel, it begins to burn. This process of decomposition and gasification of fuel is called pyrolysis. It continues until the fuel is completely burned.

Advantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • High efficiency rate - up to 90%;
  • Up to 10 hours of operation on one load of fuel;
  • Solid fuel heating is not demanding on the chimney;
  • Highly environmentally friendly.


  • Energy addiction;
  • High price;
  • If the load is incomplete, combustion will be unstable;
  • High requirements for fuel dryness.

Long burning boilers.

The last group of boilers that can be used solid fuel heating- long-burning boilers. There are several special systems that ensure long-term combustion of fuel. The first is the Canadian Buleryan boiler system. The principle of its operation is based on the presence of a two-chamber wood burning stove, divided horizontally. In the lower chamber, gases are released as a result of smoldering fuel. Entering the upper chamber, they are mixed with secondary air through a jet, which leads to afterburning of the fuel. The second system is Stropuva. It is a tall barrel, the height of which can reach 3 m. The container is filled with fuel and covered with a movable lid, to which a chimney is connected. After igniting the firewood, it begins to burn economically and heat the heat carrier along the jacket of the barrel. Solid fuel heating operating using such a system automatically regulates the air supply.


Solid fuel heating will not work properly if the chimney parameters differ from the required ones. Be sure to provide for the possibility of cleaning the chimney. Accumulation of soot can lead to spontaneous combustion and fire.

The nuances of using solid fuel boilers.

Solid fuel heating has a cyclical nature. It is determined by the need to follow a certain sequence: adding fuel - burning fuel - combustion. This leads to temperature changes in rooms and wear of heat exchangers. But there is a solution to this problem, and it is based on the use of heat accumulators or thermally insulated containers (the volume of such a container can be 500-1000 liters). While the fuel is burning in the boiler, heat will be accumulated, and when heat transfer decreases and the boiler attenuates, it will be released. Thereby solid fuel heating will work stably and temperature changes will be less significant.

As for the heat power, there is a common and proven method for choosing this indicator: 1 kW of power per 10 sq. m of house area. Due to the instability of the fuel and the condition of the chimney, it is recommended to increase the resulting figure by 40% in order solid fuel heating had sufficient performance.
