Table of case endings for singular nouns. Case endings of nouns. Unstressed case endings

Oh, this declension... When studying a noun, it is this topic that makes you really rack your brain to remember everything unstressed endings in all possible cases and numbers. How to determine the declension of nouns? The table and examples will make the task easier! Let's try to figure it out and become a little more competent!

What is declination?

Declension of a noun (a table of examples is given in the text) is a change in the case of a word and its number. Let's look at the examples in the table.

The table of declension of nouns by case shows that all nouns are divided into groups depending on what endings they acquire in the form of one case or another. Accordingly, all words related to the same phrase will have the same set of endings. Knowing how to determine the declension, you can avoid mistakes in writing the endings of nouns in a weak position, in other words, not under stress.

How many declensions can a noun have?

Table of declension of nouns by case, given in previous section, showed that any words of the same declension in the form of the same case will have the same endings. It presents the three most common types of declension of our language. But, as you know, he is very rich, and simple rules does not exist in it. In addition to the three presented, there are other types of declinations.

So, what types of declinations are there? The most common are the first, second and third declension.

A separate group consists of words that end in -ies: intent, crime, agreement, etc.

The next group are words ending with -and I: mania, Natalia, waist, session, commission, etc.

There is a small group of words ending in -me, which are also inflected in a certain way: time, tribe, etc. Such words are called differently inflected nouns (a separate paragraph of the article will be devoted to them). Words such as path and child are also considered indeclinable.

And finally, there are also words that cannot change either by case or number, and “look” the same in all forms. These are indeclinable, or unchangeable, nouns: kangaroo, kiwi and others.

Why do you need to be able to determine declination?

The table will tell us how to determine the declension of a noun a little later. But very often the question arises: why do this? Why remember all these cases, endings, many “special” words that need to be remembered? But here's why. Let's take the word "path" as an example: I'm walking along the path, or I'm walking along the path? What should I do? Which letter should I choose? And here's another word: "winter". It too female with the ending -a-. We put in the same case: (to whom? to what?) - WINTER. But we already know that all words of the same declension acquire the same ending when changed. So you need to write like this: I'm walking along(to whom; to what) pathE. The issue is resolved!

How to determine the declension of a noun? The table and examples in the following paragraphs will help you not to make mistakes in this rather simple question!

Nouns of 1st declension

These are feminine and masculine words that have endings in the initial form -A or -I(remember that initial form for a noun it is nominative and singular).

There are a lot of feminine words with such endings in the Russian language: mom, Masha, pajamas, apartment, work, daughter and many, many others. There are fewer masculine words, but they exist and are very common: dad, grandfather, Vasya, Petya and other male names.

The table of nouns of the 1st declension will compare words with stressed and unstressed endings to show that all words of a given declension will have similar case endings.

Nouns 2nd declension

These are masculine words that have (it is not expressed by a letter in nominative case, but "appears" in other forms) and neuter with endings -o, -e: raft, horse, lake, sea, field, etc. The table of nouns of the 2nd declension will show which endings the words acquire when changing by case.

As we see, in accusative case have different endings. And only prepositional case forms with an unstressed ending can cause difficulties, so you should remember that in this form you need to write - e.

Nouns of the 3rd declension

These are feminine words with a zero ending. They all end in soft sign: mouse, brooch, area, passion and so on. Let's see what endings these words take in different forms.

It is very easy to remember: in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases, such words acquire the ending - And.

Nouns starting with -и, -я

The word “aspiration” is neuter, but it cannot be attributed to the 2nd declension; the word "mantle" is feminine, but does not change like words of the 1st declension. The table of declension of nouns by case will show the difference in endings.

As can be seen from the table, the words in -ies differ from words of the 2nd declension only in the prepositional case, and words in -and I from words of the 1st declension - in the dative and prepositional.

Remember that words ending in -ya, in all forms behave like words of the 1st declension. Therefore, for example, the forms of the same name Natalia and Natalia will be inclined differently: (give) Natalia, Natalia, (talk) about Natalia, about Natalia.

Table of declension endings for nouns

Let's summarize what has been said with a table case endings words belonging to different declensions.

Case -1 cl- -2 cl- -3 cl- -ies -and I

paw, bullet

__ -o, -e

house, dish


paws, bullets

home, dishes


paw, bullet

home, dish


paw, bullet

__ -o/-e

house, dish



paw, bullet


home, dish



about the paw, about the bullet

about the house, about the dish

about greatness

Let's hope that no one will have any difficulty choosing the desired ending and determining the declension of nouns in the Russian language. The table explained everything in great detail.

It should be noted that -ies And -and I cannot be isolated as a separate morpheme, ending. IN in this case, these are simply the letters that the word ends with. such words are the topic of another article.

Declension of nouns into plural(the table here is, in general, unnecessary) very rarely causes difficulties, since the letters are mostly clearly audible. In the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases in the plural, all three declensions will have the same endings. We suggest that you decline any words in the plural yourself and make sure of this.

Indeclinable nouns

There are few indeclinable words among the nouns of the Russian language. Why are they divergent? Because they cannot be attributed to any one declension; in different cases they “behave” differently. These are words ending with -me(there are about ten of them), the words “path” and “child”. Let's look at the features of the declension of nouns in the Russian language (table) - those words that are considered differently indeclinable.

P.p.o strem-en-iabout the wayoh dit-yat-i

As you can see, the word “child” is inclined in a very special way. The word "path" in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases "behaves" like a word of the 3rd declension, and in the instrumental - like a word of the 2nd declension. Well, words ending with -me, in indirect cases they acquire the suffix -en-.

You need to remember these words so as not to make a mistake in choosing the right ending.

Unbending words

These are mostly borrowed words - coming from other languages. They can indicate the names of animals, plants, dishes, as well as first or last names of people, names of objects. Having entered our language, such words retained the peculiarity of not changing their form when entering a sentence. No matter what case or number such a word should be placed in, it will sound the same.

  • Pour me some coffee - I admire morning coffee - we're talking about coffee.
  • This is my cockatoo - I don’t have a cockatoo - give food to the cockatoo - remember the cockatoo.
  • Dumas's novel - dedicated to Dumas - writes about Dumas.

It is incorrect and ignorant to inflect such words in a sentence. Everyone knows the joke phrase “I’m sitting in the first row of a movie theater with a popiroska in my tooth.” Let's not be like the hero of this joke! Declinable words must be used correctly, but indeclinable words do not need to be changed at all.

Let's sum it up

Determination of the declension of nouns (table above) - not at all difficult process which will help you avoid mistakes when writing. Let's try to summarize all of the above.

There are three main declensions in the Russian language, but there are also special words ending in -and I And - Yep, and a few different words. Words are divided into three main groups depending on gender and ending in the nominative case.

All words of the same declension have similar endings. They can be learned so as not to make mistakes. Or you can do it differently: instead of a word with an unstressed ending, substitute any word of the same declension, but in which the stress falls on the ending. The letter at the end of these words will be the same!

Words on -and I And -ies are not included in the three main groups, because they change according to cases and numbers in a special way, and they need to be remembered.

You should also remember a small group of differently inflected words. Their set of endings does not coincide with any of the above declensions, which is why they require special attention.

And finally, inflexible words: they do not change, no matter in what context they are used. Decline words such as in a sentence cinema, coat, coffee, purse, kangaroo,- a sign of low literacy and general culture.

We hope that the article was useful and helped to understand such a difficult topic as noun declension. The table and examples were clear, and therefore choosing the correct ending will now not be difficult.

Be literate!

In nouns that have a vowel and before case endings, it is written in the prepositional case singular(for feminine words also in the dative case) the letter and, for example: about genius, in Gogol’s “Vii”, on billiard cue, to the sisters Maria, Evgenia, Ia and Leah, along the Biya River, on the blade (but: on the edge - under the accent). In neuter nouns in -ye, the letter e is written in the prepositional case of the singular, for example: dream of happiness, on the Riga seaside, to live in Transcaucasia (but: in oblivion - under stress). Nouns ending in unstressed -я and -ье have the ending -й in the genitive plural, and nouns ending in stressed -я and -ье- have the ending -й. For example: naughty - naughty, wrist - wrists; bench - benches, gun - guns (but: spear - spears).

Note. On the form of the genitive plural of the words upper reaches, lower reaches, mouth, outback, etc., see § 154, paragraph 3. In the genitive plural of nouns in -nya with a preceding consonant or th, the letter ь is not written at the end, for example: cherry - cherries, cooling tower - cooling towers, slaughterhouse - slaughterhouse.

Exceptions: young ladies, hawthorns, villages, kitchens. Russian surnames with -ov(-ev), -ev, -in, -yn have the ending -ym in the instrumental case, foreign surnames with -ov and -in have the ending -ohm. For example:

a) Nekrasov, Solovyov, Pleshcheev, Nikitin, Ptitsyn;

b) Bülow, Virchow, Darwin, Chaplin.

The names of settlements in -ov, -ev, -in, -yn, -ovo, -evo, -ino, -yno have the ending -om in the instrumental case. For example: behind Lvov, near Kiev, behind Kalinin, above Bykov, behind Ukleev, near Borodin, behind Golitsyn.

Masculine and neuter nouns with the suffix -ish- have the ending -e in the nominative singular case, and feminine nouns have the ending -a. For example:

a) house - house, swamp - swamp;

b) hand - hands, dirt - dirt.

Masculine words like domishche in the nominative plural, along with the ending -a, have in colloquial speech the ending -i, characteristic of masculine nouns, as a result of which doublet forms are formed: domischa - domischi. This allows in some cases to differentiate masculine words like domische and neuter words like brevnishche in the nominative plural form. Wed:

a) toporishche (large ax) – ax handles;

ax handle (axe handle) – ax handle;

b) settlement ( Big city) – settlements;

fortification (ancient settlement) – fortifications.

For nouns with the suffixes -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -ishk- in the nominative singular case it is written:

a) ending -a – in masculine words denoting animate objects, and in feminine words, for example: grandfather, father, boy; mother, share, little thing;

b) the ending -o for masculine words denoting inanimate objects, and in words of the neuter gender, for example: bread, little house; little pole, little grain, little coat.

Note. For the difference in forms of sparrows - sparrows, etc., see § 158, paragraph 1. Animate nouns of the masculine and general gender have the ending -a after the suffix -l- in the nominative case of the singular, for example: tucked away, crammed; neuter nouns - ending -o, for example: chisel, washcloth.

Spelling case endings of nouns

The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension they belong to. Errors in choosing endings -e or - And usually appear not in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.

Nouns I declination(country, land, alley) in genitive forms have the ending -s(s), and in the dative and prepositional forms -e:

Genus. n. (who? what?) countries earth alleys

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) country earth alley

Suggestion n. (about whom? about what?) (about) country (about) land (about) alley

Nouns of the 2nd declension in the form of the prepositional case they have an ending -e: (in) the house, (on) the horse, (on) the window, (about) the heat, (in) the frost. There are usually no mistakes made here.

Nouns III declination(steppe, night, quiet) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -And:

Genus. n. (who? what?) steppes nights silence

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) steppes nights silence

Suggestion p. (about whom? about what?) (about) steppe (about) night (in) silence

Recommendation. To check the spelling of an unstressed ending in a noun, it is enough to remember the keyword with a stressed ending in the same form (according to the morphological principle of Russian spelling). For the first declension this could be the word Earth, for II - window, for III - steppe.

Indeclinable nouns

Word path, as well as ten nouns in -me (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are indeclinable and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -And:

Genus. n. (who? what?) pathbannerflame

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) paths of the banner of the flame

Suggestion p. (about whom? about what?) (in) the way (on) the banner (in) the tribe

Case forms of nouns in -i, -i, -i

1. Nouns with a mixed masculine and neuter stem -th And -ies in the feminine prepositional case on -and I in the dative and prepositional cases the singular has an unstressed ending -And(but not -e By general rule), For example:
genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri;
separation - in the department, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance;
army - to the army, about the army, line - along the line, on the line, station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria – in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Maria - to Maria, about Maria

Note. If there are options for -ies And -e, -and I And -ya the indicated case forms have different endings. Nouns on –ya And -e are declined according to the general rule and have an ending in the dative and prepositional cases -e:
about skill - about skill, in flowering - in flowering, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Maria - to Marya.

2. Few nouns in -ii, -ii with a monosyllabic base have the ending in the indicated cases in an unstressed position as a general rule -e: serpent - about the serpent, ky - about kiy, Kiy (the legendary founder of Kyiv) - about Kiy, chiy (plant) - about chiy, "Viy" - in "Bue", Pius - about Pius, under Pope Pius; Biya (river) - along Biya, on Biya; Iya, Liya, Viya ( female names) – to Ie, about Leah, about Bie; Gia ( male name) – to Gia, about Gia. (§ 40 Code of Regulations 1956)

3. Few nouns have - no, -and I, with an accent on the ending, the indicated case forms end in - And on either - e, eg: judge - to the judge, about the judge, litia - in litia-, litany - in litany, being - about being, life - about life, in life, but: edge - on the edge, about the edge, Aliya, Zulfiya (personal names) - about Aliya, to Zulfiya.

Vowels in some unstressed case endings

Nouns with suffix -searching-, if they are masculine or neuter, they end in them. pad. units hours on -e , For example: house, camel, fishing rod, swamp. If they are feminine, then they end in them. pad. units hours on -A , For example: cows, hands, dirt.

Masculine nouns with suffixes -yushk-, -yushk-, ishk-, yushk- , denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes end in them. pad. units hours on -A , For example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, little hand.

Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns, have them in them. pad. units h. after these suffixes the ending -O , For example: bread, little yard, feather, coat.

At the end of them. pad. units including animate masculine nouns after suffixes -To- And -l- is written A , For example: reveler, started singing, was big, ate; colloquial ones are also written proper names type Gavrila, Kirila, Mikhaila(used along with Gabriel, Kirill, Mikhail).

The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames in -ko , For example: Mikhalko, Shevchenko, as well as ancient and regional proper names on -lo , For example: Yarilo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

In the family pad. plural hours from nouns ending in singular. h. on unstruck -ya And -e , written -th , and from nouns ending in -ya And -e under stress, written -to her , For example: shalunya - naughty, gorge - gorge, But: bench - bench, gun - gun.

Declension of proper names

In surnames on -in (-yn) and on -ov(s) is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -th (according to the declension of adjectives), for example: Pavel Lisitsyn – Pavel Lisitsyn, Ivan Turgenev – Ivan Turgenev.

Note. In foreign surnames -in And -s is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -om (according to the declension of nouns), for example: Green - Green, Darwin - Darwin, Bülow - Bülow.

In the names of settlements on -in (-yn), -ov (-ev), -ino (-yno), -ovo (-evo) is written in the creative work. pad. units h. -ohm , For example:

the city of Pskov - the city of Pskov
city ​​of Lviv – city of Lviv
the city of Saratov - the city of Saratov
the city of Kanev - the city of Kanev
the city of Kalinin - the city of Kalinin
the city of Kirov - the city of Kirov
Maryino village - Maryino village
the village of Lisitsyno - the village of Lisitsyn
village Kryukovo - village Kryukovo

To the question: When are the endings of nouns written -e, -i? given by the author Adult the best answer is
Nouns of the first declension (country, drop, uncle, alley) in the genitive case have the ending -ы (-и), and in the dative and prepositional forms - e:

These words should not be confused with nouns in -ya, (Marya, Natalya, Sofya) which are declined according to the general rule and have the ending -e in the forms of the dative and prepositional cases: Marya, Natalya, Sofya, but: Maria, Natalia, Sofia; (o) Marya, (o) Natalia, (o) Sophia, but: (o) Maria, (o) Natalia, (o) Sofia.

4. Nouns in -iy, -i (genius, scenario, meeting, meeting) form a special variant of declension and have the ending -i in the form of the prepositional case: (about) geniuses, (in) scenarios, (at) meeting, (at) meeting. These words should not be confused with nouns in -е (confusion, doubt, oblivion, grumbling), which are declined according to the general rule: (o) confusion, (o) doubt, (o) oblivion, (o) grumbling. Exception: forgotten.

There are tables for this

Answer from European[newbie]

Answer from Olga Somova[newbie]
After zh, ch, sh, sh are not written yu, ya, s, but are written u, a, and, for example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, fat, sew.
The letters yu and i are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute (including in proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound abbreviated words and letter abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed (see § 110).
§ 2. After c, the letter s is written in endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep and sheep?, cucumbers, white-faced, sister, lisitsyn, as well as in the words gypsy, chicken, on tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in other words of the same root.
In other cases, u is always written after c, for example: station, tsibik, mat, dulcimer, zinc, medicine.
§ 3. After q, the letters yu and i are allowed only in foreign-language proper names, for example Zurich, Sventsyany.
§ 4. A. If after zh, ch, sh, shch is pronounced under the stress o, then the letter o is written:
About the rules §§ 4-6:
“The presence of these rules is a forced necessity caused by the special position of sibilants and c in the system of phonemes of the Russian language (their unpairedness in softness and hardness). The syllabic principle of Russian graphics is not able to dictate the spelling of ё or o here.”
V. F. Ivanova. Tough questions spelling: A manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 1982.
At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, hut, shoulder, Fomich, cloak, border, rein, soul, candle, sling, stranger, big.
In suffixes:
a) nouns:
-ok, for example: horn, cockerel, hook, borscht;
-onok, for example: bear cub, mouse, little pebble, barrel;
-onk-a, for example: little book, shirt, little hand; also money;
b) adjectives:
-ov-, for example: hedgehog, penny, brocade, canvas;
-on (with a fluent o), for example: funny;
c) adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, general.
In nouns of the genitive plural form -ok, -on, for example: kishok, knyazhon.
In words (and in derivatives from them): glutton, gooseberry, pulp, rattle, slum, thicket, clink glasses, prim, Pechora, seam, rustle, blinders, in nouns: heartburn, burn, arson (cf. spellings with -ег in the past tense of verbs: burned, burned, set fire); also in some regional and colloquial words, for example: zholknut, zazhora (and zazhor), zhokh, uzho (meaning “later”, “after”), vechor (meaning “yesterday evening”), choh (for example, in the expression “ does not believe in either sleep or chok"), adverb chokhom.
Note. Foreign words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cruchon, major, ramrod - ramrod, Chaucer (surname), but: gesture, tablet.
For the letter е, see also § 10.
B. In all other cases, after zh, ch, sh, shch, the letter e is written under stress, although it is pronounced o, namely:
In verbs endings - eat, -yot, -yom, -yote, for example: lying, lying, etc., baking, baking, etc.
In the verbal suffix -yovyva-, for example: to shade, migrate, also shade, migrate.
In the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk-,
for example: migration, demarcation.
In the suffix of nouns -er-, for example: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend.
In the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (-yon-) and in words formed from such participles, for example: tense, tense, tension, tense; detached, detachment; softened, softness; simplified, simplicity; scientist, learning; crushed; burnt, burnt.
In words in the root of which the accent is pronounced o, alternating with e in other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow (yellow), hard (harsh), millstone (millstone), acorn (acorns), zherdochka (zherdey) ); cheap, cheap (get cheaper), silk (silky), wool (woolen), lattice, lattice (sieve), purse (purse), whisper (whisper); cheln (shuttle), bang (brow), devil (devils), black (blackness), even (odd), tap dance

Answer from Ostrikov Gennady[newbie]
r p 1 skl -i 2 and 3i
d p ​​1st 2nd 3 ..
p p 1st 2nd 3-...

Answer from philosophical[active]

Answer from Bayramova love[active]
If we talk about nouns, then:
1st declension - masculine and feminine, endings in -а, -я. examples: mom, uncle, rainbow, dad
2nd declension - masculine with zero ending and neuter gender with endings -о, -е. examples: sun, wheel, house, garden
3rd declension: feminine gender with zero ending. examples: night, mouse, soot.

Answer from Danya Kapitonov[active]

Answer from Styopa Sadiokov[active]
Nouns ending in -i (army, series, line, Maria) form a special variant of declension; in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -i: !

Answer from Nastya Sivaeva[newbie]
written in the prepositional case of the 1st and 2nd declension e a in the 3rd declension and

Answer from My name is Anna???[guru]
You know, Aida, there are two ways to determine the letter at the end of nouns. The first is to load up on theory. Here they gave you everything correctly: figure it out, or you can go the easier way: substitute keywords and use them to determine the ending.
To noun 1st declension - the words "EARTH, WALL"
To nouns of the 2nd declension - "WINDOW, LINEN"
To the noun of the 3rd declension - “OVEN”. For example, I was walking along the alley... (on the ground) - along the alley
Well, you need to remember about the essence. , ending in Im. n. on -iya, ii, ie and noun. na - me. In all of them difficult cases spelled I! For example, I was vacationing in a sanatorium (sanatorium)

Answer from Eaina Kolesnikova[newbie]
there it depends on the declension... if the noun is 1 elephant, then I is written in the genitive case, E in the dative case, and E in the prepositional case;
if there are 2 declensions, then E is written in the prepositional case;
Well, all nouns of the 3rd declension are always and everywhere written I.

Answer from Sonia Abakumova[newbie]
Spelling endings
Noun endings
The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension the nouns belong to. Errors in the choice of endings -е or -и do not occur in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.
Nouns of the first declension (country, drop, uncle, alley) in the genitive case have the ending –s (-i), and in the dative and prepositional forms - e:
(About country
(Oh) drop-e
(Oh) uncle
(About) the alley
2. Nouns ending in -i (army, series, line, Maria) form a special variant of declension; in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -i:
(About) army
(O) series
(Oh) line-i
» (0) Marie-i
These words should not be confused with nouns in -ya, (Marya, Natalya, Sofya) which are declined according to the general rule and have the ending -e in the forms of the dative and prepositional cases: Marya, Natalya, Sofya, but: Maria, Natalia, Sofia; (o) Marya, (o) Natalia, (o) Sophia, but: (o) Maria, (o) Natalia, (o) Sofia.
3. Nouns of the II declension in the form of the prepositional case have the ending -e: (in) the house, (on) the horse, (on) the table, (about) heat, (in) other-e.
4. Nouns in -iy, -i (genius, scenario, meeting, meeting) form a special variant of declension and have the ending -i in the form of the prepositional case: (about) geniuses, (in) scenarios, (at) meeting, (at) meeting. These words should not be confused with nouns in -ye (confusion, doubt, oblivion, grumbling), which are declined according to the general rule: (o) confusion, (o) doubt, (o) oblivion, (o) grumbling. Exception: in oblivion.
5. Nouns of the III declension (sadness, night, rye, quiet) in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases have the ending -i:
(Oh) sad
(By the night
(In) rzh-i
(B) tish-i
6. The word path, as well as ten nouns ending in -mya (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are indeclinable and in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have the ending -i:
(On my way
(On) the banner
(B) flames
(B) plsmsn-i
7. Proper names naming populated areas, such as Kashin, Kalinin, Borodino form special form instrumental case singular, modeled on second declension nouns and ending in -om: Kashin, Kalinin, Borodin. These words should not be confused with proper names that call Russian surnames (Kashin, Kalinin, Borodin), which in the instrumental case form have the ending -y: Kashin, Kalinin, Borodin.
8. Nouns such as hourly, dining room, ice cream, worker, formed from adjectives and participles, change according to the model of qualitative adjectives. Nouns such as forester, draw, third - modeled on possessive adjectives with the suffix -ii- (such as fox, wolf). Surnames like Smirnova, Orlova, Golubeva are modeled on possessive adjectives with the suffix -oe- (like sisters, fathers).
9. Many borrowed nouns (such as cinema, coat, miss), as well as abbreviations (such as department head, Russian Federation, USA) are not declined.
Endings of adjectives and participles
1. Checking the unstressed ending of an adjective can be done in two ways: 1) by selecting a similar adjective in the same form, but with a stressed ending (new, new, new, but: holy, holy, holy); 2) by asking the question “which one?” V in the required form(which? - new, which? - new, which? - new).
Note. It is recommended to remember the spelling of the endings of some adjectives: suburban (aya, oe), between

Spelling noun endings

To correctly write unstressed endings of nouns, in most cases (except for words ending in -Я, -ИЭ, -Ий) it is enough to determine which declension the word belongs to and see how words with stressed endings from the same declension are written in the same form.

When checking for the first declension it is convenient to use the words GRASS, EARTH, for the second - WINDOW, ELEPHANT, for the third - STEPPE, CHAIN. All endings in these words are stressed.

For example, we doubt what to write at the end of the phrase “BLOTS IN A NOTEBOOK_”. The word NOTEBOOK of the third declension. We substitute the test word “IN THE STEPPE”. Therefore, you need to write “BLOTS IN A NOTEBOOK”, with the letter I at the end.

For feminine nouns ending in -Ya, the ending -I is written in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases (ARMYA - from ARMY, to ARMY, about ARMY; NATALIA - from NATALIA, to NATALIA, about NATALIA), for masculine nouns on -ИИ and neuter gender in -И in the prepositional case the ending –И is written (SANATORIY – about SANATORIUM, CONSTELLATION – about CONSTELLATION).


1. After the suffixes -USHK-, -YUSHK-, -YSHK-, -ISHK- for feminine nouns and for animate masculine nouns, the ending –A is written, for example: ZIMUSHKA, STRASTISHKA, KUPCHISHCHKA, TRUSISHKA. In neuter nouns and inanimate nouns The masculine gender after these suffixes is written with the ending -O, for example: GORYUSHKO, GOLOSISHKO, MOLOCHISHKO, RUBLISHKO.

2. After the suffix -ISH- the ending -E is written for masculine and neuter nouns in the singular, and for feminine nouns - the ending - A. For example: GIANT, GORODISCH, SWAMP, LOG, BORED, SILISCH. In the plural, after the suffix -ISCH- the ending -I is written for masculine and feminine nouns, and the ending -A for neuter nouns. For example: FENCES, BOOTS, PALM, SWAMPS, WINDOWS.

3. The monosyllabic nouns VIY and KIY have the ending -E in the prepositional case.

4. In personal names and surnames of eastern origin, ending in -Ya and having an accent on the last syllable, the ending E is written in the dative and prepositional case: letter Zulfiya, dream about Aliya (name - Zulfiya, Aliya).


Have you heard behind the grove the voice of the night singer of love, the singer of your sadness? (A. Pushkin)

“Hey, shepherds, run here, beat me, beat me!” Shepherds with a club at the wolf, the wolf - from them. The shepherds run and marvel. The wolf is crazy, he runs and shouts: “Catch up!” (Chingiz Aitmatov, White Steamship)

Again I’m on the high road_, poetry_ free - a citizen, again in a nomadic den_ I think alone. (P. Vyazemsky)

There is no pity for my deep melancholy. (E. Baratynsky).

In my memory there were no girlfriends of the old days. (E. Baratynsky)

He slowly climbed the stairs, slowly entered the room among the respectfully parted public, and, greeting his acquaintances, looked around the room questioningly. (I. Bunin)

“The servant of God Victor is engaged to the servant of God Natalie,” Father Vasily proclaimed even louder, almost singing, and, removing the rings from their hands and crossing them, he put his own on each. (Sergey Babayan, Gentlemen officers)

Happy is the one in whom the color of life is not destroyed by the cold. (I. Klyushnikov)

The earth still looks sad, but the air already breathes in spring, and the half-dead stem sways, and the spruce branches move. (F. Tyutchev)

“We can’t, dear sir, we’ll pick around little by little, collect pennies, maybe we’ll sew some money for the kids,” said Filat Nikitich. (F. Reshetnikov, Between People)

Temperament, curiosity, strength - everything in his powerful nature prevents him from settling in the lands he has discovered; he gives them to others, but he himself hurries on. (Daniil Granin, Zubr)

A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant rock; In the morning she set off early, playing happily in the azure. (M. Lermontov).

Sof_ Ivanovna really wanted to go, and we decided to entrust our fate to the nervous coachman. (N. Teffi, Mountains)

Vasily Dimitrievich was married to Vitovt's daughter Sophie: throughout his reign he had to respect family relationships and at the same time was on guard against his father-in-law's attempts. (N. Kostomarov, Russian history in the biographies of its main figures)

Whether you are in stormy poetry, sometimes gloomy, sometimes bright. (F. Tyutchev).

In this excitement, in this radiance, all as if in a dream, I stand lost; Oh, how willingly I would drown my entire soul in their charm. (F. Tyutchev).

And the wine farmer Mamontov was selling the same rotten stuff as it was ten years ago, under Vasily Aleksandrovich Kokorev. (N. Leskov, Life of a Woman)

I'm tired of girls, alone in the room, sewing patterns with silver. (K. Aksakov)

In the house and in the neighborhood, everything, from the yard girls to the yard dogs, ran away when they saw him (N. Gogol)

Fires, rumpled bushes, black, still smoking ruins flashed by. (Yu. Dombrovsky, The Monkey Comes for His Skull)

And the tired traveler grumbled at God: he was thirsty and hungry, wandering in the desert for three days and three nights... (A. Pushkin).

Behind the church, across the passage, lay a concrete building, covered in glass and aluminum. (Yu. Druzhnikov, Visa the day before yesterday)

I noticed, braced myself, and then suddenly, to my misfortune (or perhaps fortunately!), out of the blue, a repairman galloped onto our little town. (F. Dostoevsky, Polzunkov)

Thoughtfully and in some kind of senseless reasoning about the strangeness of his situation, he began to pour the tea (N. Gogol).

In fact, it was Skvorushk_, a very young yellow-throated one: he didn’t even know that such caterpillars were not eaten, and was very proud of his prey. (Boris Zakhoder, Fairy Tales for People)
