Thematic role-playing game children's cafe. Role-playing game “Children's cafe. Summary of the organization and conduct of the role-playing game “Cafe” in the middle group

Thematic role-playing game "Children's Cafe" Thematic role-playing game "Children's Cafe" Goal: Comprehensive personal development. The game was invented and tested by children of the senior group of MDOU 11 “Rodnichok” in the city of Kasli. With the support of educators: Perminova L.V. Telitsina T.V.

Program content: Develop imagination, encourage the implementation of your creative ideas; - strengthen visual skills, develop speech, create a desire to share your impressions with others; - to cultivate the ability to enjoy the results of one’s activities, to feel like a creator. Game: “Imagine and draw a dish”

Game: “Furniture Factory” Program content: Encourage children’s desire to design furniture for a children’s cafe; - strengthen the ability to divide paper into 16 squares; -use scissors, stick carefully. Foster friendly relationships; - the desire to work for the common good; - rejoice not only in your successes, but also in the successes of your comrades.

Game: “Hands, legs, cucumber - here comes the little man.” Program content: To consolidate the skills of cutting out paper folded in half, the ability of children to carefully paint over; - develop speech and imagination; -the ability to put your soul into your work, to rejoice and empathize, to help friends in difficult times.

Game: “We are builders” Program content: Arouse in children the desire to turn an old unnecessary box into a cozy, beautiful room for a children’s cafe; - maintain sparks of creative ideas, the ability to negotiate, work together, and be proud of the results of work achieved together.

Game: “We are designers” Program content: Inspire children to improve the cafe, its interior decoration and design. Develop artistic taste, the ability to select, compare, and experiment. Cultivate the desire to do everything with love, emotionally; -help each other, consult, rejoice at the decision made.

Game: "Cooks". Program content: To consolidate children's knowledge about preparing dishes, about the sequence of adding products; - develop dialogic and monological speech; - develop memory, thinking, reaction speed, the ability to move in a circle in a chain, involving more and more new partners in it. Foster a sense of collectivism; - the ability to give up a role to comrades without offense, to help and advise them,

Sympathize, be happy for your friends. Cultivate goodwill, the ability to peacefully resolve any issues. Description of the game. Before playing, children make headbands with pictures of various foods. A hoop is placed in the center of the group room, representing a saucepan, teapot, frying pan, leaf, etc. at the request of the children. Two cooks are selected. They announce what dish they are going to prepare. Children, “products,” run up to them one by one.

Children are running around - “food” and asking. For example: - “Do you need salt? Do you need potatoes? Do you need meat? “If these products are needed to prepare this dish, the cooks answer: “Yes, we do.” If not. The child – the “product” – returns to its place. When the set of products has been collected, everyone says in unison: “Cooks, don’t yawn!” Start cooking pilaf! "(options: start frying the cutlets; start cooking the pie; start cooking the porridge, etc.) The cooks begin to cook: They take the first product - run around the hoop with it - the “pan”,

Then they take the second one by the hand, etc. The child and the chain run around one circle with each other. When they run around with the last one, they stop and stand around the hoop. Everyone says in unison: - Let's say two magic words! Top! (stomp their feet). Clap! (clap their hands) and ready (they spread their arms to the sides with an inclination). After this, the players change roles or start preparing a new dish.

Game: “Celebration in honor of the opening of a children’s cafe” “We are growing” Program content: Develop creative abilities in children: the ability to sing, dance, play musical instruments, read expressively. Develop the ability to rejoice yourself and share your joy with others.

Meeting with guests. 1 child: We are opening a cafe for kids. Let's start the fun holiday! 2nd child: Come to us, kids, girls, and boys. Child 3: You have never seen such a miracle before. Listen to the songs. Try the dishes. 4 child: Surprises and treats await you here. And also - a cheerful mood! Child 5: Will work in the morning, evening, afternoon. Cafe called: "We are growing."

Song to the tune: “A grasshopper sat in the grass.” 1. We are opening a cafe, we are opening a cafe. We don’t allow anyone to be bored today. Chorus: Imagine, imagine, we don’t allow you to get bored. Imagine, imagine, no one today. 2. We will treat everyone to glory, We will treat everyone to glory, we will offer you fun, and we will sing a song.

Game: “Menu” Program content: To consolidate children’s knowledge about dishes, the products from which they are prepared; - maintain interest in talking about proper child nutrition; - encourage the ability to place an order clearly and understandably; - cultivate sociability and a culture of communication.

Game: “Interview” Program content: Improve children’s skills to conduct a dialogue competently; - consolidate knowledge about proper nutrition; -activate new words in speech: interview, photojournalist, menu; - cultivate a desire to share your thoughts and impressions; instill a sense of pride in yourself and your comrades; joy from the achieved result.

Game: “News” Program content: Support children’s desire to share news with a large audience by speaking on television and radio; - strengthen the ability to speak beautifully; - listen and hear comrades; - develop memory, thinking, communication skills.

Game: “What will adults say? » Program content: Comment on the activities of children, express their thoughts and feelings on the plot-role-playing game “Children's Cafe”. Question 1: How did it all start? Answered by the teacher of the senior group Perminova L.V. After a conversation about healthy products; about traditional dishes of Russian cuisine; about the work of chefs - the children had a desire to create their own

An original dish. The children mentally imagined the dish, drew it, came up with a name for it, and told what products it was prepared from; How is it good for children? This is how the first game appeared: “I’ll come and draw a dish.” Here are some interesting names of dishes: Soup; "Brilliant with chicken"; goulash “Yummy with nut sauce”; “Sunny” salad with onions; “Wonderful” compote made from aromatic pears. Question 2: When did the idea to create a children’s cafe appear?

Answered by teacher of the senior group Telitsina T.V. The children were so carried away by creating new and traditional dishes that soon there were a lot of them. We had to find a use for them. The children suggested opening a cafe for kids to feed them tasty and healthy food. A furniture factory began operating. After all, the cafe required children's furniture. The children worked enthusiastically, many made several chairs and tables. Then builders and designers got down to business. They made a beautiful spacious cozy out of an old box -

New hall for dining; They decorated the walls, made a tiled floor, and beautifully arranged the furniture. When the cafe was completely ready, the question arose about visitors. Large dolls could not enter the cafe. The children decided to make little people who could freely enter the cafe doors. With great diligence, they cut out, glued, and painted people. We rejoiced at their birth. Everything was ready for the opening of the cafe, but there was no name. The children offered their own options: “Baby”;

" Orange " ; " Delicious dishes " ; "Yab-loko" etc. We agreed on the title “We are growing.” The cafe now has a name. The children began to prepare for the opening - they learned poems and songs, prepared performances, compiled a menu, and learned the game “Cooks”. And then the solemn day came - the opening day of the children's cafe “We are growing”. It was a real holiday. Everyone had fun. Children greeted visitors; we sang and danced for them; They cut the red ribbon and the visitors took their places in the cafe. The waiters come up to them and they order

Dishes. Photographers and correspondents appear and interview visitors. Liveliness reigns, music is playing. All visitors receive souvenirs. The next day, on TV and radio, children give news reports, telling in detail about how they built the cafe, how they prepared for the opening; what dishes were prepared for the kids. Question 3: How do you see the future of this game? The teacher of the senior group, L.V. Perminova, answers. Children's play, like a flame, can arise from a spark and flare up

A large fire, but it can go out immediately if there is not enough oxygen. The task of adults is to supply this oxygen by throwing up new ideas and plans. You can celebrate holidays and birthdays in the cafe; you can prepare meals and take them home when the children play “Family”; you can deliver food to sick children in the hospital, etc. Question 4: There are so many beautiful, colorful games in stores now. Is it worth spending time and effort on homemade games? The teacher of the senior group, T.V. Telitsina, answers.

Of course it's worth it! Where else can a child express himself if not in a game? In the game he is a builder, designer, artist, artist, photojournalist, cook, etc. In it he can bring all his feelings, experiences, thoughts, ideas to life. He is a creator! Let children pick up a brush, scissors, and pencils more often. Everything that was created by one’s own labor, passed through one’s hands and heart, is especially dear to children. As long as there are dreamers and creators in the world, new games and inventions will appear.

Svetlana Furshtakova
Summary of the role-playing game in the middle group "Cafe"

1. Objectives:

1. Continue to acquaint children with social reality, through consolidating children’s ideas about professions: cook, waiter, hairdresser, cashier.

2. Teach compliance in the process games basic rules of conduct.

3. In the process of games, develop in children interest in the environment, observation, speech, and enrich their vocabulary.

4. Form ideas about the norms and rules of behavior between children.

5. Instill in children respect for the work of adults.

Making attributes - Making dummies of products, cookies, cakes, pizzas knitted from threads and waste material.

Collecting boxes of yogurt, milk, cheese, candy wrappers.

Making menus and cookbooks.

Knitted aprons, hats.

Collection of bottles of shampoo, creams,

Models of hair dryers and combs.

Making a book with hairstyles.

Making money, credit cards, checks from paper.

OD of visual activities.

Modeling sweets from plasticine.

Pizza applique.

Enrichment with impressions - Conversations on the topic "The purpose of various Cafe» ; "Who works in Cafe» ; "Hairdresser's Work"

Looking at illustrations of different Cafe, Beauty salons,

Reading fiction literature:

"Fedorino grief",

"Winnie the Pooh and that's it, that's it, that's it..."

"Fly Tsokotukha"

Didactic games: - "Professions"

-“What’s extra?”

- “Who needs what?”

- “Find the extra item?”

Educational games:

- “Doing hair for the holiday”

- “Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser”

Invite parents with children to watch the waiter work in Cafe, at work as a hairdresser.

Ask parents to make a photo collage on the topic "Favorite Cafe» , "Our family's favorite dish"

Reading poetry by G. Sapgir "Sandwich",

V. Kudryavtseva "Vatrushki",

D. Polovnev "Candy"

Teaching gaming techniques

Learn to use a notepad and pen.

Cover the tablecloth and set the table.

Place plates with food models on a tray and serve.

Correctly choose the ordered products and place them on plates.

Explain to visitors the rules of conduct in Cafe.

Progress of the game:

In preparation for playing « Cafe» The teacher can use different reasons. So, you can take advantage of the approaching holiday or birthday of one of the children, or you can simply use the need to simply offer Cafe, which recently opened. In any of these cases, children must understand that going to cafe caused by the need to have a good time. The teacher says children: Guys, a new one has opened nearby Cafe, I suggest you go there and see what they cook there. On the way, we can go to a beauty salon and get fashionable hairstyles.

Guys, let's determine the place where we will be Cafe, Beauty salon, so as not to disturb other children.

Using a counter we will distribute roles: cook, waiter, hairdresser, cashier. Now the heroes put on their costumes and take their places.

An announcement sounds (record player)"Attention attention. New things have opened in our city Cafe"Forget-me-not". Here you can order various treats.

The teacher leads the children to the fact that they need to take money, hands out money (candy wrappers).

Further development games should be directed along the line of unifying it with others stories and connections to them.

IN cafe visitors are greeted by a very polite waiter (a child, an experienced chef in the kitchen (one of the children).

To ensure that interest in the game does not weaken, the teacher, for example, can join the game as an Administrator, further development games may follow the profile change line cafe(either a pizzeria, etc.) depending on the situation, the teacher should unobtrusively remind children about the rules of communication relationships in cafe.

Ending games.

The announcement “Dear customers, our The cafe is closing. Thank you for visiting our cafe»

Guys, in the cafe is out of candy, let's make them out of plasticine.

Grade games.

Guys, pay attention, we have chips with images of flowers and butterflies. Those who liked the game, take the chips with butterflies; those who didn’t like it, take the chips with flowers. - What great guys you are!

Bobyakova Yana Sergeevna
Educational institution: MBOU SPO "Gorodetsky Provincial College"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Summary of the organization and conduct of the role-playing game “Cafe” in the middle group Bobyakova Yana Sergeevna MBOU SPO "Gorodetsky Provincial College" The work presents a summary of the plot-role-playing game "Cafe" for middle preschool age. The summary presents role-playing dialogues, also describes the purpose of this game, tasks, preliminary work and material.

Summary of the organization and conduct of the role-playing game “Cafe” in the middle group

Target:To contribute to the formation of the ability to independently organize the plot-role-playing game “Cafe”.


– Contribute to clarify previously acquired knowledge about the work of cafe workers: cook, waiters, administrator;

– Contribute to the creation of conditions for more complete role statements using leading questions;

– Encourage children to independently select attributes for the game;

– Systematize children’s ideas about the rules of behavior in public places – cafes;

– Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people working in the cafe.

Material:Signs with the inscriptions: “Cafe”, “Cafe Administrator”, “Waiter” (2 pieces), “Cook”;

Uniform: apron (3 pieces), cap.

Tablecloths for tables, trays, menu folders with pictures;

Layouts: cakes, buns, pies, fruits, berries, ice cream, vegetables, food.

Large game materials: stove, refrigerator, cash register, table.

Toy tableware and kitchen utensils, napkins.

Money and checks, pens and notepads for recording orders.

Preliminary work: Conversation “Who works in the cafe”, excursion to the kindergarten kitchen, looking at illustrations of new dishes.

Preparing for a role-playing game: Ventilation of the room, wet cleaning.

Organization and methodology

– Guys, recently I was in a cafe with my family. We really liked it there. Today I invite you to play in a cafe.

– Where will we place our cafe? (Children's answers)
– What will we call our cafe? (Children's answers)

- Guys, do you know who the waiters are and what their responsibilities are? (Children's answers)

- That's right, they prepare the tables for the arrival of visitors: they cover the tables with tablecloths and place napkins. They also serve a menu, take orders, serve visitors, and wish them a bon appetit. At the end of the visit, the waiters ask visitors to pay for their order and remove the dishes from the table.

- Guys, who cooks the food in the cafe? (Children's answers)

Where does the chef prepare the food? (Children's answers)
– Here we will have tables, and here there will be a kitchen in which the chef will prepare food.

– I will take on the role of a cafe administrator - I will pay visitors, meet them, escort them to tables and make sure that the guests are comfortable (we attach a sign “Cafe Administrator”).

- Let's distribute the roles? Who will work for whom in the cafe?

– Who wants to be a waiter? (We put on an apron and attach the “Waiter” sign).

– Who wants to be a chef? (Children's answers) Wear an apron and a hat. Take the food products the cook needs. Go to the kitchen and wait for orders from visitors.

– And everyone else will be visitors to the cafe. We will serve them.

– How do visitors behave in a cafe? (Children's answers)
– How should you behave at the table? (Children's answers)

- Well done, I see you know how to behave at the table and in public places. Let's open our cafe.

Dialogue between waiter and visitors:

Administrator: – Hello, which table would you like to sit at? Just a minute... The waiter will approach you now.

Waiter: - Good afternoon.

Visitor: – Hello, good afternoon.

Waiter: - What will you order? (Hands out menu)

Visitor: – Juice and fruit. (The cook prepares the ordered dish)

Waiter: – Take the cakes, they are very tasty in our cafe.

Visitor: – We will definitely take cakes and tea if possible.

Waiter: - As you wish. (Schematically sketches the order in a notepad)

Relax, your order will be ready soon. (Places everything ordered on a tray, carefully serves it, arranges it beautifully on the table) (The cook prepares the ordered dish) Bon appetit.

Visitor: - Thank you very much. (They eat, communicate with each other, the waiter at this time calculates the amount of the order)

Visitor: – Please bring the bill.

Waiter: - Okay

Visitor: - Thank you, everything was delicious.

Waiter: - Come see us again.

Administrator:Did you like it with us? Come to us again. Bring your friends.

- Guys, look, it’s already evening, it’s time to close our cafe. (The administrator sees off the visitors, the cafe closes)

-What did we play?
– What is the name of our cafe?
-Who met us?
– Did you like this game?

– You were just great!

Preschool educational institution

Child development center – kindergarten “Semitsvetik”

Ozon LLC.


Role-playing game "Cafe"

in the older group

Prepared by: Znamenshchikova E.E. , teacher of the first category.

Date: April 12, 2016

City of Orenburg.

Role-playing game "Cafe".

Target: Continue to develop the ability to play role-playing games, maintain a comfortable stay for children in the group.

Software tasks:


Introduce the professions of administrator, security guard, cook, waiter, cashier.

To develop children’s ability to prepare the environment for the game, to select substitute items and attributes for the game.

Strengthen the ability to correctly and consistently perform game actions and manipulate them.


To develop children’s dialogical speech and the ability to display knowledge about the life around them in games.

Develop attention and memory, logical thinking and imagination.

Stimulate children's creative activity.

Develop the ability to play according to your own plans.


Form friendly relationships in the team.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Continue to foster a culture of behavior in public places.

Activation of the dictionary: cafe, cook, order, menu, administrator, visitor, serving.


Administrator, waiter, chef, cook, security guard, cashier, cleaner, visitors.


Tables for visitors,

tablecloths for tables, napkins, serving dishes, vases of flowers,

menu folders, notepad and pencil for waiters, aprons for waiters,

chef clothes,

cap and walkie-talkie for the guard,

workplace for a cafe administrator,

attributes for a cleaning lady - bucket and brush,

cash register for cashier,

distributions, toy treats

wallets, money for staff and visitors.

Preliminary work :

Methodical techniques :

- Conversations with children: What is a cafe? What are they doing there? What do they eat and drink? Who works in the cafe? What is the menu

- Conversation about the work of workers in canteens and cafes.

- Reading fiction (K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”, “The Tsokotukha Fly”; V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”; “The Birthday of Leopold the Cat”).

- Didactic games: “Who is who”, “Who is doing what”, “Mother’s helpers”, “Professions”, “Valeology”, “Polite words”.

- Learning sayings; poems.

- Guessing riddles.

- Drawing your group's money.

- Manual labor: making dummies of cakes, drawing money (toys), menus.

- Work with parents: conversation about family traditions, consultations for parents “Recommendations for parents on the development of role-playing games in preschool children”, “Rules for feeding a preschooler”.

Excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten and observation of the work of the cook and assistant teacher.

- Excursion of parents with children to a cafe.

Progress of the game:


Guys, do you like to go to cafes?

Yes, we go to a cafe when it’s someone’s birthday, or just because.

Who knows how the cafe works?

There is a hall for visitors and a kitchen for preparing food.

(we draw up a plan diagram of the cafe premises on the board).

Who works in the hall?


How many waiters will there be?

Two (in the plan diagram we denote two waiters with chips)

What do waiters do? (children's answers)

Lera and Vanya, you spoke more than others about the work of a waiter, I offer you these roles.

Who else works at the cafe?

Chef and cook

Where is their workplace?

In the kitchen (we also use chips to indicate where the cooks work on the plan)

What do chefs do? (children's answers)

Me, Sofia and Kirill. I really liked your stories about the work of chefs. Let's be the cooks?

I similarly distribute the roles of administrator, security guard, cleaner and cashier.

That’s good, the roles have been chosen, now everyone prepares their workplace, takes everything they need for the game and do not forget that you must behave civilly and politely.

Dialogue between administrator and visitors.

Children: (Visitor) Hello!

Administrator: Good afternoon, please come in, welcome to the “Krepysh” cafe.” Make yourself comfortable. Our waiter will come to you now.

(Visitors are seated. It is important that the boy lets the girl go forward, pulls up a chair, etc.).

Visitors: - Thank you (the boys seat the girls at the table).

Dialogue between waiter and visitors:

Waiter: Good afternoon, menu please.

Visitor: Hello! Good afternoon

Waiter: What will you order? (Hands out menu). We have very tasty coffee and very tasty cakes.

Visitor: Coffee and cake.

Waiter: Relax, your order will be ready soon.

(The cook prepares coffee. Pours coffee into a cup. The waiter puts everything ordered on a tray, carefully serves it to the visitor, and arranges it beautifully on the table).

Waiter: Bon appetit!

Visitor: Thank you very much. (Visitors eat, drink coffee, communicate with each other. The waiter at this time calculates the amount of the order)

Visitor: Please count for us.

Waiter: You are charged 5 rubles for coffee, 10 rubles for cake.

Visitor: Thank you, everything was delicious.

Waiter: Come to us again.

The Administrator approaches.

Administrator: Did you like it with us?

Visitor: Yes, everything was wonderful.

Administrator: Come visit us again, you will try different types of tea, get a boost of energy and enjoy communicating with friends! Bring your friends.

Visitor: Goodbye!

Administrator: Goodbye!

The game continues, the children try to conduct dialogues independently. Two waiters can work at the same time. The waiter brings the menu to the visitors. Takes orders and serves. Wishes you bon appetit.

In a cafe you can chat, tell each other an interesting story, listen to music.

At the end of the game, the visitors - children - ask for the score. The waiter asks to pay for the order and invites you to visit the cafe again. Visitors pay and thank the cafe staff. The waiter clears the dishes from the table.

The game continues on its own.

The result of the role-playing game.

At the end of the game, analysis can be done.

Educator: - What did we do today? How did you play? Did you play well? How did you handle your role? Did you like our cafe? - What did you like most and what did you not like?

You can praise children who have excelled. Tell the children that everyone did their best, well done. If there were any shortcomings, indicate to the child what he should practice. Ask to remove all attributes for the game in their place.

Game theme: “Cafe role-playing game”

Program content:


  • Educational: consolidate previously acquired knowledge and expand children’s understanding of the work of cafe workers; continue to introduce rules of behavior in public places
  • Educational: to form correct relationships between children in the team. Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help. Form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness;
  • Educational: to develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play;

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

Signs with the inscriptions: "Cafe administrator", "waiter" (2 pieces), "cashier"; uniform for waiters (apron and cap) and security guard (dark T-shirt with the inscription “security” and cap); tablecloths for tables; distributions; folders-menus with pictures; module "kitchen"; cash register; plastic and salt dough models of cakes, buns, pies, fruits, berries, ice cream, vegetables, etc.; toy tableware and kitchen utensils; paper and textile napkins; small vases with flowers for table decoration; toy phones; chef's cap and apron; wallets; bags; money and checks; pens and notepads for writing down orders; broom, dustpan, mop, cloths for cleaning tables and floors; cleaning robe; radio tape recorder

Previous work:

Making cakes, pastries, ice cream, sweets, various fruits, etc.

Drawing your group's money.

Conversations with children: What is a cafe? What are they doing there? What do they eat? Who works in the cafe? What is the menu?

Didactic games: “Visit the bear”, “Set the table”, “Polite words”...

Excursion of parents with children to a cafe.

Vocabulary work:Administrator, coffee utensils, mixer, coffee maker, bowls, menu folders, ordering, etc.

Progress of the game.

Educator: Guys, what children's cafes did you visit with your parents? “Jungle”, “Gourmand”, “McDonald’s”…….

Let's remember who works in the cafe!(children's answers)


What should a chef do in a cafe?(children's answers)

What is the administrator responsible for?(children's answers)

What are the responsibilities of a waiter?(children's answers)

- What does a cleaning lady do?(children's answers)

- Organizers of holidays can also work in cafes to entertain children, play with them, and organize various competitions.

Why do people visit cafes?

Children: They eat, spend holidays, meet with friends, relax with family......

Educator : Do you know how to behave at the table?


Away and at home for lunch

You can't talk to your neighbor

No need to slurp and sniffle,

And also turn your head,

Eat calmly and carefully

Everyone around will be pleased

Additional responses from children.


How should you behave in a cafe?

Children: (children's answers)


Well done, I see you know how to behave both at the table and in public places. Let’s send you to the cafe, but ours is not simple, but magical, and in order to get into it, I will have to say magic words (children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a “magic” mirror):

Here's the magic glass

Reflects it all

To find yourself in a fairy tale,

Look at it, my friend,

Smile, turn over,

Slam, stomp - turn around.




Educator: I see people who want to play the game “Cafe” a lot, we choose players using a counting rhyme.

Educator: The roles have been chosen, do not forget that the most important thing is to behave civilly and politely. Choose the necessary attributes and start the game.

Dialogue between administrator and visitors.

P. Hello.

A. Good afternoon, please come in. Make yourself comfortable, you can give your baby to our teacher, they will play with him and feed him.

Our waiter will come to you now.

(P. sit down. It is important that the boy lets the girl forward, pulls up a chair, etc. B. Takes the child from them, plays with him)

Dialogue between waiter and visitors:

O. Good afternoon.

P. Hello, good afternoon.

ABOUT. What will you order? (Hands out menu)

P. Juice and fruit.

ABOUT. Take the cakes, they are fresh and very tasty.

P. We will definitely take cakes, only later with tea if possible.

ABOUT. As you wish. (Schematically sketches the order in a notepad)

Relax, your order will be ready soon.

(Places everything ordered on a tray, carefully serves it, arranges it beautifully on the table)

Bon appetit.

P. Thank you very much. (P. eat, communicate with each other. O. at this time calculates the amount of the order)

P. Please count for us.

ABOUT. You will be charged 2 forget-me-nots for juice, 3 forget-me-nots for fruit, 3 for cakes, 1 for tea. (P. count out the required amount as you go).

P. Thank you, everything was delicious.

ABOUT. Come to us again.

Suitable A. Did you like it with us?

P. Yes, everything was wonderful.

A. Come to us again. Bring your friends.

Should you call a taxi?

P. Yes, please.

A . (picks up the phone) Hello, taxi service?

T. Yes, this is a taxi service, hello.

A. Please come to the Forget-Me-Not cafe.

T. I'll be there soon.

A. (addressing P.) The taxi will arrive soon, you can pick up the baby and go out. All the best.

P. Goodbye!

Ending the game. Teacher: - What did we do today? (children's answers)

Did you play well? (children's answers)

What did you like most and what did you not like?

Praise children who have excelled. Tell the children that everyone did their best, well done. If there were any shortcomings, indicate to the child what he should practice. Ask to remove all attributes for the game in their place.
