Black russula (black russula). Podgrudok white-black Russula black

Black Podgrudok is a mushroom of the Russula family. This mushroom is also known as black russula and nigella. This is an edible type of mushroom.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Russula adusta.

The shape of the cap of the black cap is at first convex, later becoming broadly funnel-shaped or deeply depressed. Its diameter is 5-15 centimeters, in rare cases it can reach large sizes - 25 centimeters. The color of the cap is dirty brown or dark brown. The surface of the cap is slightly sticky.

Under the cap there are narrow plates. They grow or run down the leg. The plates have different lengths. They are located frequently. The color of the plates is first white, and later grayish; if you press on the plates, they turn black. The color of the spore powder is white.

In young specimens the flesh is dense and thick, but in older specimens it becomes brittle. The pulp of the nigella turns red when cut, and then slowly turns gray. She turns black when touched. It tastes sweetish-sharp, not pungent, and has a strong, characteristic smell, reminiscent of old wine barrels or mold. Black russula does not have milky juice.

Places where black russula grows.

Mostly black russula grow in pine forests. They live in groups. Nigella grows under pine trees. Fruiting of nigella is observed from July to October. Black russula are common in mixed, deciduous forests and conifers.

Evaluating the edibility of nigella.

Black russula are edible, but they are not very tasty; they are classified in the 4th category. During salting they turn black. Their taste is sweetish and pleasant. They are also boiled and stewed. It is recommended to soak the russula before cooking. These mushrooms go well with fried and stewed vegetables. And salted russula are considered a delicacy. Salted russula are ready within 24 hours. They go well with other types of mushrooms.

Fried russula is not inferior in taste to many other types. Black podgrudki can be served as a separate dish or with side dishes. Some connoisseurs prepare chops from them. But it is not recommended to add russula to soups, as they give the dish a bitter taste.

Properties and benefits of black loads.

Black russula contains vitamins B2 and PP, as well as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These mushrooms have an antibacterial effect. The calorie content of black russula is low, so they are suitable for dietary nutrition, but at the same time they are nutritious and satisfies the feeling of hunger well without creating discomfort in the stomach.

Russula is indicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. They help with blood thickening and prevent the risk of developing blood clots. In addition, russula curdles milk, creating a healing fermented milk product from it. This product is useful for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications for the use of black loads.

Adults should consume no more than 150 grams of russula per day, and children under 10 years old should not eat mushrooms at all.

Related species.

Russula rosea is a conditionally edible relative of the black russula. Her hat is semi-circular in shape. Its surface is smooth, dry, velvety. The color of the cap can be dark pink or red. The leg is cylindrical, thick, white with a pink tint. The pulp is dense but fragile.

Rose russulas grow in deciduous forests and are rarely found in coniferous forests. These mushrooms can settle in mountainous regions. Fruiting of pink russula is observed in summer and autumn.

Russula Turkish is an edible mushroom. The shape of the cap can be convex, flattened or depressed. Its color is most often lilac, but can be gray-violet. The leg can be cylindrical or club-shaped, white or pink. The pulp is dense, white, with a sweetish taste and pleasant smell.

These mushrooms grow in coniferous European forests. Turkish russulas live under spruce and fir trees. They grow singly or in small groups.

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

Black Podgrudok is rare on Uloma Zheleznaya, but grows in large groups. To be precise, we call the Podgrudok black and itself, and the Podgrudok blackening, and the Podgrudok often lamellar. We are not yet ready to separate them, especially since they are almost identical in appearance, taste, and method of consumption.

We met black Podgrudok in fairly dry places, usually under pine trees. This mushroom is almost always wormy. That's probably why we don't collect it. We can’t say anything about the taste of Podgruzdka black, because we haven’t tried it ourselves.

1. Black Podgruzdok is rare on Uloma Zheleznaya.

2. It usually grows in fairly dry places.

3. It is rare to find a solitary mushroom.

4. It is usually found in groups and families.

5. Mushrooms are almost completely buried in the forest floor.

6. Growing up, they pick up moss, leaves, and all kinds of forest debris on their caps.

7. And this is the same mushroom, peeled from above.

8. The first black pods appear in mid-July.

9. In our area this is the period of the most intense heat.

10. Maybe that’s also why they are so wormy.

11. These mushrooms have already completely decomposed.

12. Only such young, buried specimens can be without worms.

13. And these ones are definitely affected by larvae.

14. Black chickweeds love coniferous forests.

15. They can grow in a mixed spruce-pine forest...

16. ...but they prefer pine trees.

17. Often only the mushroom caps are visible.

18. Black Podgruzdok is a rather large mushroom.

19. It can reach large sizes.

20. This is the height of loading black.

21. These mushrooms grew in the autumn dampness, which is why they are so large.

22. The mushroom cap is colored in different shades of brown.

23. Its middle is usually darker.

24. Dots, stripes, and strokes are often visible on the cap.

25. At a young age, the cap is almost round, with the edges curved inward.

26. Very soon the edges straighten out.

28. The hat becomes uneven.

29. In old age, its edges are often wavy.

30. The cap usually shows particles of forest debris stuck to it.

31. And some forest folk gnawed this mushroom in the ear.

32. This is how the cap fits to the stem.

33. Mushroom plates of medium frequency.

34. At first they are light.

35. Then the plates turn gray.

36. In old age, they completely darken and brown spots appear on them.

37. This is what records sometimes look like from the inside.

38. And so they attach to the leg.

39. You can look at this more closely.

40. The stem of the mushroom is usually straight and thick.

41. She is white-grayish in color.

42. The leg may be slightly curved and uneven.

43. Gray and dirty-brown spots are often visible on it.

44. This is how the leg joins the ground...

45. ...and so - to the hat.

46. ​​On the section, the leg is solid, non-hollow.

47. Look at this up close.

48. Unfortunately, the leg is almost always wormy.

49. When cut, the flesh of the mushroom is dense and white.

50. Gradually it becomes almost black.

There is a huge variety of mushrooms in nature: some are edible and some are poisonous. Only edible species are eaten. Man appreciates this miracle of nature for its nutritional properties. After all, mushrooms have a number of beneficial substances. They contain proteins, microelements, mineral salts and vitamins that normalize the metabolic processes of the human body. For this reason, mushrooms are also called “forest” meat.

Summertime brings many surprises to mushroom pickers. The most common mushrooms in the forest zone are mushrooms from the Russula family. In this article we will introduce readers to black mushroom, give a description of the mushroom, and talk about the features of its growth. Let's look at how loading is useful and what the most common types of it are found in nature. In general, we’ll tell you what types of edible mushrooms exist.

Edible mushrooms and their types

There are a lot of edible mushrooms in nature - thousands of species. The most delicious are oyster mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and boletus. To this list it is worth adding Caesar mushrooms, greenfinches, honey mushrooms, russula, umbrella mushrooms and others. Many of them are delicacies, such as the Caesar mushroom, which grows on the Mediterranean coast.

There are conditionally edible ones. These include trumpet mushrooms, milk mushrooms, value mushroom, oak mushroom, bitter mushroom, common morel, dung beetle and others. These gifts of the forest, after heat treatment, lose the toxic properties inherent in them in their raw form. It is advisable to use young mushrooms for food, after boiling them in a large amount of water for at least 40 minutes. As a result of this treatment, all bitter and caustic toxic substances will be removed.

Edible mushrooms are a storehouse of useful substances. Next, we’ll talk about the black podgruzdka - a bright representative of the Russula family.

Short description

Podgrudki are quite large mushrooms; their cap can reach a diameter of 25 cm, but usually this figure ranges from 5-15 cm. The flesh is fleshy and brittle, white. As it grows, it can vary from pink-gray to blackening when cut. This is due to the fact that the mushroom plates age, acquiring a dark gray color on the dents. White spore powder.

The cap itself initially has a flat-convex shape, the edges are curved. Changes occur as the fungus ages. The older it is, the more depressed, similar to a wide funnel and straightened bare shape it acquires. With old age, the edges of the cap become wavy. During the ripening period, the cap changes color: at first it is dirty gray, and as it grows it changes shade to olive-brown or dark brown with a greenish tint. The skin of the cap cannot be removed. After rain, always dry and smooth, it is slightly slimy.

The black podgrudok mushroom has a thick stalk 2-3 cm thick. It is short, no more than 5 cm in height, and the same color as the cap itself. It feels dense to the touch, cylindrical in shape, without creases. When touched, a smooth structure is felt, but the surface immediately turns black.

Generic affiliation and characteristics

Podgrudok black is a representative of the russula genus, the russula family. In appearance it is similar to the common milk mushroom, which is why it got the name black russula. Unlike milk mushrooms, it does not have a characteristic fringe along the edge of the cap, which has a slightly grayish and sometimes blackish tint. There is no milky juice in the mushroom pulp, and with age the mushroom cap becomes sticky. In appearance it can resemble a dense and strong russula.

Places of growth and seasonality

Black Podgrudok, a photo and description of which we have provided you with, is a frequent visitor to the forest areas of our territory. It is found almost everywhere. But the largest accumulations of mushrooms can be observed in coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed forests. Their presence is indicated by small tubercles above the ground, covered with dry leaves.

It grows mainly in acidic sandy soil near pine trees. It prefers well-lit places, so it can often be seen along forest paths, near bodies of water and in sunny meadows. The easiest way to find a loading dock is to go to the northern part of the forest. These can be oak or birch groves.

On the territory of our country, in the forest belt, in addition to the black one, there is a white one. Peak ripening occurs in the summer months - July-August. Black podgrudok mushroom pickers will delight mushroom pickers with their harvest until October, being found in the forest zone not only individually, but also in entire large families.

In addition to Russia, black podgrudok is distributed throughout the entire globe, where a temperate climate predominates - North America, Canada, Western Europe, Central Asia, and the Far East.

Similar types and what is their difference

A description of edible mushrooms would not be complete without talking about their types. This also applies to loads. This type of mushroom, belonging to the Russula family, forms a separate independent group, which includes:

  • loader black and white;
  • often lamellar or densely leafy;
  • the pod is greenish and blackening;
  • black and white and short-legged;
  • white false loading pad.

For example, a subspecies of the black mushroom has become the blackening podgrudok. Both representatives generally have similar characteristics: they are found in birch and coniferous forests, do not have milky sap, and are good for pickling, as both have a sharp and sweet taste. But the flesh of blackening russula does not turn red, but immediately turns black. Its leg in adulthood has a dirty yellow color, becomes covered with brown spots and turns black. The mushroom plates are sparse, the skin on the cap is easily separated. This is their difference.

Black podgrudok is often confused with another representative of the species - the thick-leafed or often-lamellar mushroom. The second grows on little-known soils and has a yellowish-brown tint. The mushroom cap is decorated with often adherent plates. It has an earthy odor and an overly pungent taste.

The black podgruzdok, the photo and description of which is presented above, is also confused with other members of the family, for example, with the white podgruzdok. Both belong to the group of edible mushrooms. Only the first one has a rather bland taste. For the same reason, it is confused with the black and white mushroom, which got its name from the ability of the cap to change color as it grows.

The nutritional value

This mushroom is edible. It is easy to harvest, but should be done while it is young. The older the load becomes, the more wormy it becomes. If we talk about taste, they are not high. The mushroom retains the smell of damp earth, characteristic of mold, for a long time. The pulp has a sweetish and pungent taste in the plates, a little spicy.

Experts classify black mushrooms as category IV and recommend using them together with other mushrooms. More often it is used for pickling, making soups, pickling and frying. After soaking and heat treatment, the pulp becomes black, the pungent smell goes away, but the pleasant sweetish taste remains. Adult mushrooms, on the contrary, are tough and tasteless.

Dishes made from black russula are not high in calories, which is why they are loved and preferred by dieters. Black Podgrudok does not have poisonous counterparts, however, it is better for a specialist to collect mushrooms.

Medicinal properties

Podgrudok black is used in pharmaceuticals as an antisarcoma agent. Back in 2004, a group of scientists obtained an ellagic acid derivative from a fungus, called nigrikacin. The extract successfully suppresses the activity of cancer cells, thereby stopping the growth of sarcoma and carcinoma. In addition, it contains substances that have antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

Habitat: deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. It occurs from July to October. Grows in groups.

The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, convex at first, depressed in a mature mushroom, with curved edges, dirty gray, then brown or black, sticky. The pulp is white, brittle, without milky juice, turns red when broken or cut, then turns brown and finally turns black. The taste is sweetish.

The plates are adherent to the stem or descending, white, and darken when pressed. Spore powder is white.

The leg is up to 5 cm long, 2.5-3 cm thick, smooth, dense, the same color as the cap.

A little-known edible of the third category. Used boiled and salted. When salted it turns black. Very damaged by insects.

And blackening: description of the mushroom and what the mushroom looks like in the photo

For active growth of the plant, a lot of light and a small amount of heat are required. This mushroom grows in huge quantities in the deciduous and mixed forests of the central zone of our country. Usually its mycelium dislocations are located near aspen and birch trees. It is these trees that create the most favorable conditions for their existence.

Podgruzdok among the people has a simpler name. This is a dry milk mushroom. It is not by chance that the mushroom is called this way. Unlike ordinary ones, they never become covered with mucus and do not become wet. The surface of their caps is always dry and slightly rough to the touch.

A regular loader looks the same. This is a fairly strong cap with inwardly curved edges with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The upper surface of the cap is matte white with yellowish inclusions. As the mushroom grows, it is prone to cracking. A characteristic feature is the absence of milky juice on the cut of the stem and cap. Podgruzdok or dry milk mushroom belongs to the second category of edibility. It can be used for salting without first soaking in water

Loader black or black

From the beginning of July until the very end of October, the coniferous and deciduous forests of our country can please you with a rich harvest of another variety of dry milk mushroom. This is a black loader. It is also called black russula. And this is no coincidence. Externally, the black loader really resembles a russula. The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter and has a glossy surface of dark blue, almost black color. There is no milky juice.

Black podgrudok can be used as food in boiled, fried and salted form. Does not require soaking for direct use.

Pogruzdok white and mushroom cracker

Podgrudok white and mushroom cracker are the names of the same specimen. This is a variety of milk mushrooms and lamellar mushrooms, which are found in large numbers in bright places in deciduous forests. They can be used for food without prior boiling and soaking. They are distinguished by the absence of bitterness and unpleasant taste. belong to the category of little-known. But don't neglect them. They contain a fairly large amount of protein and various active substances that improve digestion processes. Dry milk mushrooms make excellent mushroom powder for sauces and seasonings.

What does a blackened boot load look like?

Podgrudok blackening is another type of agaric mushroom that is found by mushroom pickers in mixed and deciduous forests and remains unnoticed. Many people confuse them with poisonous and inedible due to their unsightly appearance. But let's try to figure it out.

There is a definite opinion among mushroom pickers that lamellar mushrooms must secrete milky juice. Dry milk mushrooms do not have milky juice. And this does not mean that it is poisonous. The blackened milk mushroom in appearance resembles a real milk mushroom. But unlike it, with the passage of time, its cap and leg begin to acquire a black color. Old specimens are almost black in all parts.

Vyacheslav Stepanov: mushrooms of the Kaluga region - black podgrudok (russula adusta)

Common names


Cap Cap: 5-10 (15) cm in diameter, at first convex, then convex-spread with a curved, later raised edge, slightly depressed, sometimes funnel-shaped, often strongly wavy-curved, sticky, at first fawn, pale brownish, grayish brownish , then dirty brownish, brown, brown-brown, darker in the middle, with a light, almost white edge, with numerous adhered particles of earth and debris. Plates

GillsPlates: medium frequency, slightly descending, first whitish, then dirty gray, with dark brown and black spots, tastes sharp, darkens when pressed. Controversy

SporesSpore powder white.Stem

StemStem: short, 3-5 cm long and 2-3 cm in diameter, cylindrical, dense, solid, then completed, whitish, then grayish, darkens when pressed. Pulp

FleshPulp: dense, then loose in the stem, brittle, white, then greyish, when cut it turns gray and darkens almost black, in old mushrooms it is almost black with a faint unpleasant sour odor, very often wormy, starting from the stem. Fruiting calendar

Accepted designations/Legend

The appearance of single mushrooms/seldom

Layers of sparse fruiting/not much

Periods of stable, mass fruiting/a lot

Divisions on the time scale correspond to five days of the month

Ticks on the time axis correspond to the five-day weeks of the month

Habitat: from early July to October in deciduous (with birch), coniferous and mixed (with pine) forests, in bright places, clearings, along paths, in groups, often, annually. More common in more northern forested regions Edibility

Edible or conditionally edible mushroom (4 categories), used salted, sometimes (after thorough washing!) pickled (after boiling for about 15-20 minutes). Before boiling, some mushroom pickers soak them to soften the acridity of the plates. It turns black in the preparations.

Photos of the mushroom on the Internet

Other photographs of this mushroom in the WEBSearch for photographs of the mushroom on the Internet like Russula adusta


RemarksAddition: young mushrooms should be used, and not because they smell nicer, but because it is almost impossible to find a large and worm-free mushroom. Old mushrooms are completely black and completely corroded, they rot for a week or two, standing out on the grass as a black handful. There are three more types of half-grown mushrooms with blackening flesh: blackened mushrooms (see below), Loader black and white(Russula albonigra) with a whitish, dirty-grayish cap and quickly blackening flesh, rarely found in autumn in birch and spruce forests; Frequent plate loader(Russula densifolia) with a brown-brown cap and very frequent plates (a characteristic feature) with reddening and then blackening flesh and a burning taste, rarely found in the fall in coniferous and deciduous forests. All of them are used in salted form Mentioned in reports

Links to the Informes The Black Grasshopper (Russula adusta) is mentioned in reports on this site:

Sergei Appolonov dated July 26, 2004

Kirill Bykov dated 09/11/2004

Yuri Semenov dated July 28, 2002

Yuri Semenov dated August 25, 2002

Yuri Semenov dated July 14, 2003

Yuri Semenov dated 08/11/2003

Report by Stanislav Sviridov dated 10/06/2002

Russula adusta, black loader

Hat: Diameter 7-15 cm, first flat-convex, then flat-concave, initially white-grayish, then unevenly colored, dark olive-brown, black. The pulp is grayish, thick, brittle, at the break it first turns red, then turns gray. The taste is sweetish.

Hymenophore: The plates are initially white, later grayish, darken when pressed, and are adherent.

Spore powder: White.

Leg: Relatively short and thick, 3-7 cm in length, up to 3 cm in thickness, cylindrical, solid, the same color as the cap or lighter, often with dark spots, darkens when pressed.

Similar species: There are plenty of similar mushrooms with gray caps and blackening flesh in the Russula family. The differences are quite minor. For example, the load is turning black, Russula nigricans- the pulp, upon contact with air, undergoes the same metamorphoses (from pink to dark gray), but there are rare plates. Russula albonigra turns black radically, without any flirting with the red part of the spectrum. U R. acrifolia distinctly bitter pulp. And so on. All this deserves a detailed analysis, which will, without any doubt, be carried out from a historical perspective.

Edibility: It is considered a good edible mushroom. Does not require any special measures.

Author's notes: As you certainly already know, Russula adusta- record holder for the most visited by worms. In our area it is often found, especially at the beginning of the fruiting period, from mid-July to mid-August, but I can say without exaggeration: I still don’t know what it tastes like. Once I found two (!) completely non-wormy mushrooms in a very damp, dark and completely non-mushroom broadleaf in the Tula region, but it so happened that already at the preparation stage these specimens were mixed with the rest of the mushrooms, and I was never able to find out what This is what the larvae of mushroom flies find in this wonderful mushroom.

It is difficult to distinguish the black russula from other blackening russulas. The frequency of the blades is one of the signs that allows one to incline the mushroom to the species Russula adusta. One, but not the only one.

The mushroom, which, by the will of fate, spent most of its life under a thick layer of litter, comes out looking like this. And it’s good if it comes out - a significant part of the black loads will never see the light of day. However, why use light - mushroom flies still fly to the smell

Other names: nigella, black russula

It usually grows in the northern half of the forest zone in coniferous and deciduous forests, sometimes in large groups, in July - October.

hat up to 15 cm in diameter, at first flat-convex, depressed in the middle, with curved edges, later with the growth of the fungus it becomes funnel-shaped. hairless, slightly sticky, in young mushrooms with a dirty-grayish color, then olive-brown, and in old ones - dark brown.

Records frequent, narrow, whitish or grayish, often with dark spots, somewhat bitter in taste.

Leg short, thick, dense, cylindrical, even, smooth, the same color as the cap or lighter, darkens when touched.

Pulp rather brittle, white or brownish-gray, without milky juice, unlike the plates, non-caustic.

Controversy round, mostly white.

Conditionally edible mushroom. Usually used for pickling after preliminary boiling or soaking. It differs from the black milk mushroom by the absence of milky juice.

It has no resemblance to poisonous mushrooms.

Podgrudok black » gifts of the forest

The cap is up to 20 centimeters in diameter, at first almost flat or depressed in the middle, with a downward curved edge. Later it becomes funnel-shaped with a straightened edge, naked. The color of the cap of a young mushroom is dirty-grayish, then olive-brownish-gray, and finally (in a mature mushroom) becomes dark brown. The plates are frequent, narrow, at first whitish-grayish, then grayish, turning black when pressed. The stem is short, smooth, at first solid, then hollow, the same color as the cap or slightly lighter than it, darkens when touched. The pulp is dense, brittle, white, becomes gray or brownish-gray with age, without milky juice. The cap does not taste bitter, but the plates are very caustic.

They grow in groups in coniferous, but more often in mixed and birch forests from the second half of summer until autumn frosts.

Black mushrooms are used for food only in salted form, but when salted they usually turn black. Before salting, mushrooms are carefully selected, as they often contain worms, and then boiled or soaked.

All about mushrooms!: black loader

The mushroom cap is up to 15 cm, flat-convex, later funnel-shaped with curled edges, in young mushrooms it is dirty-gray, then brownish-gray, in mature ones it is dark brown, slightly sticky.

Podgruzdki and valui

Widely known mushroom value and less black podgrudok and white podgrudok belong to the genus Russula. They are characterized by a fragile leg. They are usually not collected much, since more valuable mushrooms are always found in the forest. These same mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible. They are salted, less often pickled, but always pre-soaked in cold water to remove bitterness or boiled.

This mushroom is also called Russula black. It is found in all forests, especially deciduous ones, and grows in groups all summer from June to October.

The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, convex in a young mushroom, depressed in a mature one, with curved edges, dirty gray, later brown or black, sticky. The pulp is white, brittle, without milky juice, turns red when broken, then turns brown and finally turns black. The mushroom is very similar to milk mushrooms, although it belongs to the genus Russula.

From all milk mushrooms loading dock black differs in that it does not have milky juice. The plates are adherent to the stem or descending, white, and darken when pressed. The leg is up to 5 cm long, 2.5-3 cm thick, smooth, dense, the same color as the cap. These mushrooms are heavily damaged by insects.

The mushroom is little-known, edible, category 3, eaten boiled and salted, and turns black when pickled.


It grows in deciduous and mixed forests from July to October, is found frequently and abundantly, and is one of the most common mushrooms in our forest zone.

The cap of the young mushroom is spherical, fits tightly to the stem, later straightens and becomes flatter, up to 8-15 cm in diameter, with a ribbed-striped edge, ocher-yellow or yellow-brown, very slippery in wet weather, shiny in dry weather. The skin peels off easily. The pulp is dense, white, yellowish in old mushrooms, very bitter, with an unpleasant odor. The plates are adherent, in young mushrooms they are white, in mature ones they are yellow or rusty-yellow with brownish spots and with droplets of clear liquid. The leg is up to 10 cm long, up to 3 cm thick, sometimes thick in the middle, white, loose, hollow.

Conditionally edible mushroom, category 3. After boiling it is suitable for pickling. It is recommended to collect young mushrooms with unopened caps.

Loader white

It is often and quite abundantly found in coniferous and deciduous forests; it grows mainly under birch and aspen trees from July to October; it differs from all milk mushrooms in that it does not have milky sap. The cap is the same as that of the true milk mushroom, only its edges are not fringed, and on top it is always dry and often with stuck soil, up to 20 cm in diameter, matte, white, sometimes with yellow-brown spots. The pulp is white, dense, and does not change color when broken. The plates are descending, frequent, thin, bluish-white. The stem is white, in a young mushroom it is smooth, solid, and later becomes hollow.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, category 2, it is salted and pickled, but pre-soaked.

Podgruzdki and valui

Black loader - Wikipedia

Loader black(lat. Russula adusta) is an edible mushroom of the genus Russula of the Russula family. In some areas this mushroom is called black russula.


  • The cap is 5-15 (25) cm, convex-spread, depressed in the center. In young mushrooms it is grayish or fawn, turning brown with age and slightly sticky.
  • The plates are adherent or slightly descending, narrow, of different lengths, often branching, first white, then grayish, turning black when pressed.
  • Spore powder is white.
  • The stem is 3-6x2-3 cm, dense, the same shade as the cap, but lighter, cylindrical, solidly smooth, turns black when touched.
  • The flesh turns red when cut, then slowly turns grey, not caustic, sweetish-spicy. No milky juice. It turns black when touched. The smell is strong and characteristic, described in various sources as the smell of mold or old wine barrels.

Grows under pine trees in acidic soils. Occurs from July to October, but not abundantly. Distributed mainly in the northern half of the forest zone, in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. The mushroom is edible, category 4, suitable only for pickling. Before salting, it is necessary to pre-soak or soak. When salted it turns black.


  • Serzhanina G. I. Cap mushrooms of Belarus. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1984.

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Gifts of nature - articles: black loader

Insert-tree-mushroom Synonyms: Omphalia adusta (Pers.) Gray 1821

Russula nigricans var. adusta (Pers.) Barbier 1907

Agaricus adustus Pers. 1801

Russula adusta f. gigantea Britzelm. 1895

Russula subusta Burl. 1915

Etymolgy: (Russula) adusta (lat. adustus- scorched, charred).

hat: 5-10(15) cm in diameter, densely fleshy, semicircular, flat-prostrate, depressed in the center, usually with a drooping sharp smooth edge. The skin is adherent, slimy, bare, shiny in dry weather, umber, dirty brown-black, often with an olive tint, dark gray-brown in the center, lighter towards the edges.

Records: adherent to the teeth, frequent, narrow, white, turning yellow with age and then acquiring the color of the cap, with darker brown spots.

Leg: (2)3-5(7) x 2-3(5) cm, cylindrical, made, hard, bare, smooth, whitish, then a shade lighter than the cap.

Pulpb: dense, white, slightly pinking in the air, then turning black, tastes fresh or slightly spicy. Under the influence of FeS04 it turns pink, then turns green. The taste of the records is mild.

Disputes: from ellipsoidal to rounded, (7)7.5-9(10) x (6)5-7(8) microns, warty-fine-mesh ornamentation.

Spore powder: pure white.

Basidia: 40-65 x 8-10 microns. Cystids 50-80 x 5-7 µm, cylindrical, not frequent, stained blue from sulfonaniline. The cuticle of the cap is gelatinous, consists of hairs and rare dermatocystids, which are divided at the apex.

Habitat: grows in mixed and coniferous forests, in groups, often.

Season: in June - September.

Distribution in Kazakhstan: quite common in the northern part of the country.

Area: Europe, Asia, North. America, Australia.

Edibility: The mushroom is edible, but as a rule it is used only for pickling after preliminary boiling.

In the photo there is a Podgruzdok mushroom

Grows in coniferous forests, especially under pine trees, on sandy soil.

Fruits from July to October. Found singly or in small groups.

The black loader has no doubles. See what the loader looks like in the photo and read the description about it below in the article:

These mushrooms can be found in almost all forests of Russia: both coniferous and deciduous. They usually grow in groups, which mushroom pickers really like. They hide under the leaves, so you need to look for them and dig them out.

Among its edible qualities, the mushroom is also popular for its medicinal properties. It is actively used in pharmacology for the manufacture of various medications, as well as in folk medicine.

Podgrudok belongs to the Russula family. Found in forests from June to November. They come in several types:

  • white;
  • black;
  • blackening;
  • often plastic.

The appearance of the load is similar to that of a milk mushroom. The similarities are visible in the shape of the cap. But it does not have fringed edges, is matte white or with spots of a brownish tint, and is dry. Its size is no more than 20 cm in diameter. The fashion of the mushroom is distinguished by the presence of a dent on the cap at the top, and the adult one has funnels. The pulp is brittle. The plates of this type of mushroom are often white, sometimes they can have a bluish tint.

Let's take a closer look at all the types of loading presented, see photos later in the article.

In the photo Podgruzdok is white

The white podgruzdok (dry milk mushroom) has a short and thick stem. It is white in color. The older the mushroom, the more likely it is that the stem will be hollow in the middle.

The russula mushroom has a cap with a diameter of 7 to 20 cm, a pure white shade, and dry. Often has attached lumps of earth or leaves. The plates are white and thin. Their shade can be blue or slightly greenish. The pulp is dense, white. Does not change color when scrapped. The plates are white, caustic.

The white loader is similar in appearance to a violin. A significant difference is the absence of milky juice. Look what the white loader looks like in the photo:

This species is used in cooking, fried, for mushroom broths, pickled and salted. Alcohol tinctures are also prepared on fruiting bodies and used to treat sarcomas and carcinomas.

In the photo, Frequently plate loading

Another name for this species is common nigella. It is found more often in the south of Russia, in coniferous, mixed or deciduous forests.

The cap is distinguished by a more grayish, sometimes brown tint, which becomes olive and sometimes brown in color as the fungus grows. Its diameter is rarely more than 12 cm. Young mushrooms have a sticky cap, but with age it becomes dry. The leg is the same shade as the cap.

When scrapped, the pulp turns red, then brown, and then turns black. This mushroom has light plates that do not reach its stem.

The taste is inexpressive, the smell is weak.

In medicine, an extract from a frequent-plate loading is used. It has antimicrobial activity. To relax muscles, the properties of this type of mushroom are used in medicine.

In the kitchen, loaded plates are often fried, made into broths, marinated and salted. The mushroom does not need to be pre-boiled.

In the photo Podgruzdok is turning black

The blackening mushroom has a cap up to 20 cm. As it grows, it changes its shade from whitish brown, and in the old mushroom it becomes black. The plates are white, sometimes yellowish, but as they grow older they also become dark. They are quite rarely located from each other.

The flesh of the body is hard, quite dense, and when reacting with air changes its color to dark. The mushroom tastes pleasant, not hot. The leg of the black species is solid and acquires a brown tint.

Look at this loading mushroom in the photo:

From the description of its main differences from other subspecies, it is clear that its distinctive feature is its dark color, which gave it its name.

It can most often be found in the temperate forest zone of Russia from July to October. Loves the soil under coniferous and deciduous trees.

Black podgrudok mushroom

In the photo Podgruzdok is black
The pulp turns black when cut

The black podgrudok differs from the blackening one mainly only in the shade of the pulp on the cut. It turns red. Its taste and other qualities remain similar.

In pharmacy it is used as an antioxidant and antisarcoma agent. Nigrikacin is obtained from it.

The mushroom is used for food in fried, salted or pickled form. It is also suitable for making soups.

Podgrudok, a description of the species of which we have provided you with, are quite frequent guests in the forests of our territory. They grow under foliage or needles and reveal their presence only by small tubercles above the ground. Mushroom pickers love these mushrooms for their taste.
