Dry air in the apartment and rooms, consequences. What is dangerous dry air in the apartment? Low humidity in the apartment consequences

The human body is open systemwhich has been interacting every second with the environment. Therefore, the parameters of the surrounding world strongly affect the health and activity of a person. One of of the most important parameters For us is humidity. Scientists and doctors have proven that the effect of dry air for breathing is negative. Also, dry air is overwhelmed with the skin and dehydrates the body as a whole.

Why the air is dry

Dry air is peculiar to a desert climate. But we do not live in the desert, but in moderate and northern latitudes. A hundred years ago, the problems of dryness did not stand. It appeared with the growth of cities and the construction of multi-storey houses. The materials used are actively absorbed by the moisture from the air. Heating methods in winter and imperfect ventilation form in premises a bad microclimate with extremely low humidity of about 30%. Additionally dried air electrical household appliances. The air is especially dried by new-fashioned ceiling emitters and wall radiators.

But dry air does not always bring harm. For example, dry air helps to endure easier high temperature Environment. And all this is due to the intensive process of evaporation, including through breathing.

Effect of dry air on respiratory organs

It is worth noting that dry air has fewer contraindications than in the converted. But if the relative humidity in the room is less than 10%, it leads to serious violations in the work of lungs, poorly affects the nasal mucosa and mouth. Leads to the exacerbation of bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases.

In summer optimum humidity The air is 60-75%, in winter, 55-70%. But in modern concrete houses Such humidity is not deducted. In dry weather, the humidity in the spring and summer does not exceed 40%, in the heating period in autumn and in winter it is lowered to 25-30%. The most strongly suffer from dry air children. And the smaller them, the dry air is more detailed. Low humidity can lead to degeneration of mucous respiratory tract - especially nasal. This leads to more easy penetration of various infections and dust into the body. Other possible adverse effects are chronic runny nose, frequent bleeding due to improving the fragility of small vessels, especially in the heating season.

Even with absolutely healthy people, dry air makes breathing, because fewer oxygen flows into the lungs. Lights begin to work in unusual mode. As a result, the well-being deteriorates, toxins are accumulated in the blood, exchange processes are violated. This is especially characteristic of the infections of the throat, long-term unpleasant operations without increasing the temperature. Related throat attack angina.

As a result of dehydration due to dry air, bronchial and ear-throat-nose-to-nose area are affected. The mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract loss their protective function. Covering their finest vegetation, called respiratory epithelium. Adults to restore the protective functions of the respiratory organs and improve overall well-being, it suffices to increase the humidity of the air with reservoir means: air humidifiers, water capacles, wet rags on the battery. But for children more than 4-7 days in a dry room are dangerous, especially babies. Large-scale studies of Swiss scientists have shown that in kindergartens with 50% moisture, sharp respiratory diseases and flu are sick with almost two times less than children than in conventional dry rooms without additional moisturizing. Perfect is considered humidity 50-60%.

The most acute The problem of dry air becomes precisely in winter. Windows in apartments are tightly closed, heating system Works on complete power. Thus, the air indoors literally roasted. But what is so harmful to a person lack of humidity in the air, and is it just enough for him?

70% of our body is water. Therefore, to maintain normal vital activity, a person needs favorable conditions. And this means 40-60% humidity in the air.

- if the humidity is smaller, then it is bad well-being and dust, and if more - dampness and various fungi, - says Alexey Bulychev, Deputy Director Trading House "TERMOTEKHNIK" . - Usually B. winter time Air humidity in the premises is about 22%. It is even lower than in the Sahara desert, where humidity is 25%. By the way, the unfortunate microclimate in the house contributes to frequent ventilation of the room. Even if moisture and on the street, and in the house corresponds to the norm in the air only "dried" the room.

Why is this happening? Because relative humidity is tied to a specific temperature. If on the street at -20 degrees relative humidity is 90%, it is in any case less than 50% humidity at +20 degrees. Indeed, in this case, in one cubic meter of air on the street there will be only 1 gram of water, and at home 9. Street air, mixed with what was in the apartment, it will lower his relative humidity.


If airin the room dry, then the "transportation" of oxygen into the circulatory system occurs difficult. As a result, a person constantly feels drowsiness and increased fatigue, while often not understanding where it came from bad well-being. But this is only the top of the iceberg. They noticed that sometimes, waking up in the morning, are you surprised to be unknown from where the runny nose? It's simple: if a person breathes with dry air for a long time, its susceptibility to various infections increases. Due to dry air, the mucosa of the nose and the bronchial tube cannot be self-cleaned so effectively, as with the air of normal humidity. As a result, the body meets infections and various respiratory diseases with almost the wishes of "welcome". This is especially true of the smallest, whose immunity is weaker than in adults. After all, not in vain, even in the room of newborns, it is recommended to hang wet underwear to make air more humid.

Dry air is harmful and skin health. When for a long time you are in such a room, the skin becomes like rubber. The reason is that due to the lack of moisture, evaporation from the skin is accelerated. Therefore, she quickly becomes coarse and dry, - explains Alexey Bulychev.


Dry air is harmful Not only for a person, but also for his dwelling. It is able to spoil parquet, wooden furniture, doors and much more from what should create comfort in the house. When the air lacks moisture, he "sucks" it from the surrounding items.

- Winter wooden doors Peel, and cracks often appear on the material. And in the spring, on the contrary, they swell. If the level of humidity in the room will be kept constantly, there will be no such problems, "Alexey Bulychev believes.

Insufficient moisturizing The air is capable of harming not only furniture, but also in colors. In such conditions, they turn yellow faster. After all, the main part indoor plants Adapted to the conditions of native subtropics and tropics. And humidity in those edges reaches 90%.

And finally dry air Indoors are the main dust peddler. Working together with hot heaters in the house, he scatters her small particles throughout the house. As a result, not only more often need to do wet cleaningBut the various diseases such as asthma and allergies are exacerbated.


Enhance the level of humidity air indoor can different ways. Some of them used our moms and grandmothers. Put a glass of water on the battery, hang wet underwear in the room, place a pelvis with water under the heater. These methods may also work, but the effect will be not constant.

In addition, we live In the 21st century, and today many methods that make it possible to make a microclimate in the house most favorable and constantly maintain it.For example, household air humidifiers. They are divided into several species.

Traditional humidifiers

They are also called Cold type humidifiers. Such devices moisturize air natural way. At first, water is poured into a special reservoir, which then enters the evaporative elements. With this fan from the room sucks dry air, which is passed under pressure through the evaporative elements. Thus, the moisture enters the air.

Steam humidifiers

According to the principle of work Steam humidifiers remind electric kettle. Water in the device heats up to the boiling point and begins to evaporate. The air is effectively moistened. However, such humidifiers have one feature.they must be placed at a safe distance from people. Otherwise it is possible to get a burn.

Ultrasound humidifiers

This humidifier with Ultrasonic oscillations breaks water to the smallest drops. With the help of the fan, the air is suused and under pressure is passed through this water dust. Moisturized air is thrown back to the place in the form of fog. In this case, the temperature of water and air remains unchanged.

All these devices are quite effective. But, of course, cost money.

But there is a cheaper alternative optionwhich can be used both as an additional, and as the main source of air humidification.

Alexey Bulychev shared own experience Use of inexpensive air humidifiers:

Previously at home We had only ultrasound humidifiers. When the devices worked, the humidity level indoors was 35%. This is more than usual, but still not enough. But once I drew attention to the classic humidifiers who began to sell our company. These are simple cassettes that are installed on batteries using special crepe. And if there are water in them, it evaporates it, saturating the air particles of moisture. When an additional moisturizer appeared at home, the problem of dry air was finally decided. In one day, the hygrometer began to show 45% humidity.

I understoodIt is not necessary to buy expensive devices to make your home microclimate more comfortable. Even these compact cassettes can work fine, if you correctly choose the volume of the humidifier in the amount of square meters in the House. Stand these simple devices From 250 rubles, depending on the volume.

Feeling efficiency classical humidifiers, Alexey decided to take care of a favorable microclimate in educational institutions His children:

- I bought 4 household moisturizers for kindergartenwho attend my children. Previously, after classes, they came home sluggish. And now, on the contrary, full of strength. They even hurt less. And, accordingly, the money for medicines began to leave less. I myself feel that the well-being improved: you get up with bed beyond, there are no drowsiness during the day and there is no fatigue in the evening.

Having created a favorable microclimate in the house People always begin to feel the difference between what was and what happened. For example, some of them even disappear allergies that tormented over the years. Indeed, sometimes it is possible to enter into life only a small change so that it becomes much easier and pleasant.

Everyone knows that a person is 80% consists of water. Naturally, this indicator is individual and depends on a variety of factors, so a person regularly needs to consume the recommended amount of water. But it is important not only how much water you consume, but what kind of air you are surrounded daily. Excessively dry or wet air can negatively affect not only human health, but also accelerate the process of damage to furniture. In this article, we will talk about low humidity in the room. You will learn what is dangerous dry air in the apartment, as affected by the human health.

Signs of overly dry air

Most. optimal method Measurements of humidity is the use of a hygrometer. Many models show not only the level of humidity, and the temperature regime.

There are general signs that may indicate low humidity. These include:

  • indoor plants begin to die;
  • flies furniture;
  • periodic emergence of unpleasant static discharges from contact with objects or other people;
  • superfeasses are observed skin Pokrov, body peeling is intensified, which causes itching;
  • the increase in colds in all family members, regular dry cough, long-term and protracted diseases;
  • discomfort associated with dryness mucous membrane;
  • the appearance of periodic nose bleeding;
  • there is drowsiness and disadvantage;
  • during sleep, a characteristic disinteration of the nose due to the dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system appears.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs that there is too dry microclimate. Many of them are directly related to changes in the human body. Based on this, it's time to figure out what is dangerous dry air in the apartment.

Effect of low humidity on human health

As you have already been able to guess, too dry microclimate is able to negatively affect human health. The presence of this factor affects many vital important systems man and leads to serious changes in the body. Of course, this process is long-term, however, in the future there may be a serious damage to health.

What is dangerous low humidity for a person? Here are the main possible consequences for good health:

  • Slow out the transportation of oxygen in the blood. For optimal work The circulatory system must be inhaling enough oxygen. With a dry microclimate, it is difficult to ensure quite difficult. This leads to the fact that oxygen enters insufficient volume, too slow. In turn, it entails the appearance of excessive fatigue and increased drowsiness. Reduced human performance.
  • With low moisture, the mucosa of the nose is not able to effectively communicate effectively, and it thus struggles with various viruses and infections that fall into the body through the respiratory tract. This leads to the fact that a person begins to hurt more often.

Important! This is especially important for young children. Dry air prevents the organism with high-quality struggle with respiratory diseases.

  • It takes premature aging and fading the skin, early wrinkles appear. It is very important for the health of the skin not only from the inside, but outside, thanks to the optimal level of ambient humidity.
  • The reduced humidity provokes constant circulation of dust, because under such conditions it becomes easy and actively flies in the air, without settling on the floor. Regularly with each breath, it enters the human body and carries with them various allergens. Their constant impact can provoke bronchial asthma.
  • Dry air danger is also large for the mucous eye. For people who are forced to wear contact lenses, it causes a huge discomfort. We have to constantly use special solutions for moisturizing the mucous eye. Otherwise, do not avoid strong cutting pain in the eyes.

As you can see, conversations about the danger of a dry medium for human health are far from exaggerated. Long stay and accommodation in such conditions may result in serious consequences.

Effect of dry air on interior

In addition to the effect on human health, low humidity is able to adversely affect the dwelling. What is the danger of dry air for the room? Check out the main consequences of dry microclimate:

  • One of the main consequences that you can regularly observe at home is an excessive appearance of dust. From heavy dryness, dust constantly circulates in the air and settles on various subjects. It entails the need for frequent cleaning of all surfaces. For high humidity Dust less rises, settled on the floor. Then there will be quite regular wet floor cleaning.
  • Low humidity negatively affects indoor plants. Most of them suggest the average humidity level or moisture indicators above average. If these indicators are not supported at the desired level, then the plants are yellow and dry.
  • With dry air suffers all wooden furniture. It happens because with low humidity environment compensates for it from items located in it. Doors breathe, tables are deformed, wooden steps, chairs. Cracks may occur on their surfaces. The most unpleasant is the drying of parquet or laminate. From this it is deformed and can creak strongly when walking on it.

Important! If at home is available musical instrumentsthen low humidity can entail a dryer wooden elements in them. This negatively affects their sound.

Causes of low humidity

The optimal is considered humidity in a room from 40 to 60 percent. Extremely negative impact on human health humidity below 30 percent. This problem is very common. The situation in the winter season is especially aggravated.

What leads to dry air? Here are the main reasons for reduced humidity:

  • For creating maximum comfort At any time of the year, humanity actively began to use air conditioning. Of course, they are capable of maintaining a given air temperature, however, do not everyone know that these devices are too dried with air. Air conditioners are one of the main causes of low humidity in the warm season.
  • Some air conditioners are equipped with a heating function. This leads to the fact that the device includes not only hot summer, but also cold in winter. In this situation, it works as a heater. Therefore, heaters and air conditioners with heating function are another cause of air drainage.
  • Lack of ventilation. For a healthy microclimate it is very important to regularly open the windows and do ventilating. This will provide an influx fresh air, reduce the amount of malicious viruses and bacteria in the air.

Important! Do not be takenlated by prolonged ventilating frost. It will dry out the air even more. It is enough to open the window for only a few minutes.

  • Poor ventilation indoors. As a rule, during repair, the ventilation system is not paid. Not to the end, the thoughtful influx system and air outflows adversely affects the microclimate in the house or apartment.
  • Central heating. The buildings in which heating occurs centrally, suffer from excessive dry air in them in winter. The level of humidity in the room directly affects the lack of ability to control the temperature and intensity of the heating system. Too hot heating radiators are able to dry the air to critical marks.
  • A large number of people on a specific area. This problem is especially relevant in large offices. Inhaling oxygen, man exhales carbon dioxide. In the absence of ventilation in a large office and excessive accumulation of people, air quality leaves much to be desired. Moreover, part of moisture from the air is absorbed human organism Through the skin. In such conditions, the humidity decreases, as a result - dry air in the office is provided.

The problem of dryness of air indoors is familiar to many. She is especially relevant in winter. What is dangerous excessive dry air and how to moisten it to a normal state?

The atmospheric air always contains a certain amount of water vapor. The percentage of them is called air humidity. After summer rain, the moisture is high. At low temperatures, humidity is smaller, frosty air is dry. In the apartment, air humidity is even lower than outside, due to the operation of heating devices.

What moisture is considered normal?

Normal for a person is considered humidity 40-60%. Within this norm, most people feel comfortable, although this does not mean that with other indicators, air is unsuitable for breathing. Residents of dry deserts and wet tropical forests This is confirmed. Normal can be considered that the humidity of the air, to which the person is used to, and it is only 10-15% different from the generally accepted.

Measure the level of humidity can be hygrometer. Some observations will also help determine whether the humidity is normal.

Signs of high humidity in the apartment:

  • breathe hard, as in a bath or in a greenhouse;
  • windows dove;
  • dampness and in incredible premises.

Signs of too dry air in the apartment:

  • the mucous dry is dry - the lips are cracking, in the throat, the nose is laid;
  • light shame;
  • dry skin and hand leather, peeling, burrs and cracks in their arms;
  • highly electrified hair and clothing from synthetics;
  • in room plants, leaf tips dries.

The climate of your area can help determine with confidence, whether the humidity is normal in the apartment. If frosty periods alternate with thaws, when the temperature rises above 0 degrees, snow melts or rains, just just watch. Regularly open windows and windows for airports and notice that during rains and thaw all your unpleasant phenomena with dry skin and rolling through themselves.

What is dangerous dry air in the apartment?

The reduced humidity in the house, in other words, is too dry air, it is impossible to be considered dangerous. Rather, it is an unpleasant phenomenon that can lead to diseases during the coincidence of other circumstances.

Human mucous membranes isolated a wet secret, which serves as a protective barrier to penetrate pathogenic bacteria, seasonal infections - ARVI and influenza. When cutting the nasopharynk, the oral cavity, this barrier is thinned or damaged and does not protect the body sufficiently. Constant irritation of the upper respiratory tract leads to the development and exacerbation of various diseases - pharyngitis, bronchitis, asthma. This problem is especially relevant if there are small children in the family. They suffer most of all from the underwent air.

Dry skin and hand leather requires constant use of cosmetic moisturizers. People who are inclined to certain diseases of the skin or allergies for caring funds, winter is always considered a period of exacerbation. And the reason for this is dry air indoors.

How to deal with increased dry air?

How to increase air humidity in the room? The answer is simple - evaporate in the room a certain amount of water and saturate the air in pairs. That's just how to do it most effectively?

The easiest and simple way to cheat wet fabric On the battery or pour water into a wide vessel and put in a warm place for evaporation. Humidity will rise, but it is a little efficient way. The advantage of this option in its safety is a wet cloth you can hang on the battery and forget about it, especially convenient to do so at night.

Boiling chain. It is able to moisten the air much faster. Fast I. effective toolBut it works for a short time and requires constant supervision. Not suitable for the bedroom and may be dangerous for children.

Wet cleaning Good moisturizes air, but for a short time. Often it is recommended to do it in the premises of kindergartens. At home, she will not be superfluous either.

HouseplantsEspecially with large leaves, the air is well moisturized. They evaporate the water with all their surface, and what it is more, the more moisture is given to the atmosphere. One or two large moisture-loving plants are able to normalize air in the room. Monsters, Diphenbahia, room lemons, cirers, hibiscus, Szindapsus are considered the best. The advantages of this method are evaporation constant, care is simple. By adding to regular watering, the leaf spraying can be easily solved by the problem of low humidity. Disadvantages: Care for bedroom flowers It is necessary to constantly, in the event of a trip to vacation, there is a problem of irrigation, large plants Requires place and good illumination.

Aquarium Easily solves the problem of normalizing air humidity. Cons - requires care and special knowledge.

Most reliable way - Buy humidifier. There is a wide selection of these devices on the market, there is different variants For the price and method of action. All of them are effectively coping with their task and do not require constant supervision. Cons - some material costs.

conclusions. If the problem is too dry air in the apartment is relevant for you, if the children are constantly sneezing and cuffed, if you feel the smearing of the skin on your face and hands, then look at the store inexpensive air humidifier and try it for some time, at least in the children's room. In the event that a humidifier does not work for any reason, hang wet towels on the battery and make a wet cleaning more often.

The child often sick, is he allergic or for some reason all the time nose laid down? Doctor advised to strengthen the immune system and have you ran to the pharmacy for the new miraculous drug? Or maybe the kid sleeps badly, climbs and you think that all this is from cutting teeth or magnetic storms? Start from the simplest: check the microclimate of your home, in particular, air humidity. It turns out that it is dry air - frequent cause and diseases, and poor well-being in children.

1 reduces immunity

The mucous membranes of the nasal cavity is our first and very important barrier for bacteria and various viruses. It is the mucous nose that contacts every second with a huge number of different microbes, but since mucus is constantly formed in the nose, it does not allow them to get into the child's body. Such an ability of mucous membranes is called local immunity. But the nasal mucosa can protect against infections can only if it is well moistened, and if the nose dries up, the operation of local immunity is broken. Then bacteria and viruses easily overcome the protective barrier of weakened local immunity, and the likelihood that the child will get sick with infection immediately increases. So that chief enemy Local immunity and one of the reasons that the child often sick is dry air.

2 contributes to allergies

And dry air in the house is very harmful to children prone to allergic reactions. Not only do you dry up the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, because of which the body immediately becomes more susceptible to various allergens, including dust. So the dust itself in rooms, where the humidity is very low, almost does not settle, but constantly hanging in the air. Plus, animal wool, pollen plants, small particles from clothing, any household items located in the house are added to it. And the child all this constantly inhales. There would be air normal humidity, dust and other allergens would have settled on the floor faster and the baby would not breathe all with disgust.

3 does not give a nose to breathe

If the air is too warm and dry and dry and dry and dry, the body must somehow answer it. Its first reaction - the mucous membrane of the nose highlights the secret to protect itself from drying out. But if the air is dry constant, the nose begins to allocate the secret and more - as a result, a runny nose appears or nasal congestion. Moreover, the so-called snot may not be - just a child or all the time "grunts" with the nose, or saming them. There may be another situation: at some point, the mucosa dries finally, crusts are formed in it, which are even more clogged. By the way, the kids and so nasal moves are still narrow and short, and if edema, mortgage or dry crusts are added to them, then breathe the child becomes even harder.

4 prevents sleeping and enjoy life

The land of the air, the less oxygen in it. And the lack of oxygen (hypo-kia) primarily affects nervous system. In an adult, the head often begins to sow, the concentration of attention is reduced, fatigue increases. Little children due to lack of oxygen become more irritable, more often capricious and sleep worse. So the child can cry at all because of the teeth or magnetic storm, just affects hypoxia. A difficult breathing is added to the lack of oxygen due to dry mucous meters - that's why the kid or is worried in a dream, or all the time wakes up, or can not fall asleep for a long time. And very often the child drinks a river or milk at night at all is not because he is hungry, but just in his mouth heats.

5 prevents to eat

How do kids eat? Suck the mother's chest
or a bottle, that is, their mouth is busy all the time.
And try to ask something if you have a nose, there is dry peels or even snot. It starts to eat baby, and all the time is forced to stop, it is also necessary to breathe.
And my mother does not understand why suddenly the baby
he releases the chest, then again pounces on it. Thinks that the problem is in it (incorrectly gives the breast or the shape of the nipple not that), or at all
begins to be afraid that milk is missing. And all
simply: baby's nose or drying, or scored.

6 What to do

The most comfortable child feels at a temperature of 20-22 ° C and air humidity of 50-70%. But in winter, when the batteries work for complete power, the temperature in the house reaches 25-28 ° C, and the humidity drops to 20%. You can learn about this if you buy a thermometer with a hygrometer: they will show the temperature in the room, and its humidity.
To create the right microclimate in the room, it is necessary:
"At least once a day to make a wet cleaning in the room (just to wash the floor, the matter is not so much clean, but in moisturizing at home).
- To air the room is at least 4-6 times a day for 10 minutes. Humidity, if behind the frost window, it will not increase (at low temperatures on the street, too, usually dry air), but the oxygen will add.
- If the batteries are adjustable, then do not include them at full power.
- Buy a humidifier of air and regularly use it. If there is no such possibility, then you need to moisten the air in the house folk remedies: Swim wet towels near heating radiators (valid, but it is at least something); put extensive water tanks near the battery; Just constantly sprinkle clean water From the pulverizer.
- Moisten the nose of a child by pharmacy saline. Soften the crusts in the nose and remove them.
