Methods of fortune telling with playing cards - a mysterious world. Fortune telling with simple playing cards

Today, the most popular option for making predictions is traditional fortune telling with a deck of playing cards. This method of obtaining answers to the most pressing questions is very simple and accessible to everyone, which is why it is in great demand among all generations. The most common methods of fortune telling playing cards that allow you to find out your future or get an answer to a question about love, we will provide in this article.

The desire to lift the mysterious veil of your future, find out the attitude of your loved one and determine the prospects for a union is natural for every person. And for those who want to quickly and easily get answers to the most exciting questions, we have invented different ways fortune telling using a regular deck of playing cards.

To use one of the methods of making a prophecy using playing cards, you should first become familiar with the features of such rituals. Although these types of fortune telling are very simple, there are special recommendations and general rules for each of them. They must be adhered to if the fortuneteller wants to receive the most open and reliable answer to his question.

Who can use these methods of fortune telling?

Anyone can guess with playing cards. However, a person needs for a long time master magical practice in order to be able to correctly interpret the mystical pictures that form a card layout. At the same time, for primitive fortune-telling, it is enough for the questioner to determine the main combinations of cards and their meaning.

Of course, in order to get the most detailed answer that provides reliable information about the fortuneteller (his immediate future, what the attitude of his loved one is, what love has in store), many turn to experienced fortune tellers. Each fortune teller has her own deck, through which she makes a prophecy for each specific person.

Which cards will tell the truth?

To try different methods of fortune telling with a deck of playing cards, a person needs to know which cards will tell the truth. As a rule, any ordinary playing deck can provide a very reliable layout. However, it must be new.

It is advisable to buy a new deck that has not previously been used in games before the fortune-telling ritual. Subsequently, with such cards you can tell fortunes about love or your future. However, as soon as the deck is used in the game, it is no longer suitable for fortune telling.

Basic rules of fortune telling

To get a true layout showing the future on playing cards, you need to adhere to other rules. Their implementation will provide the fortuneteller with an accurate answer, and magic will contribute to the fulfillment of what is shown.

Primary requirements:

  • Only the owner can use a deck of playing cards intended for fortune telling. Anyone who owns a new deck will be able to try out the most various ways fortune telling. It is strictly not recommended to transfer it into the hands of another person. Otherwise, it will become unsuitable for prophecy;
  • Required the right approach and concentration. When starting to implement magical actions with a playing deck, you need the right attitude. Therefore, before the ritual, it is recommended to clear your mind and concentrate on the topic that interests you most (future, love, attitude of your loved one, etc.);
  • Correct formulation of the question is the key to a reliable and truthful answer. When forming a layout, it is necessary to ask the question as accurately as possible without being disingenuous. Deception regarding playing cards during fortune telling can generate counter deception by providing an untrue prophecy;
  • Faith in the result. When guessing on the cards of a regular playing deck, you must believe in the result and their prediction. With such an attitude towards magic, the fortuneteller will always be able to receive reliable predictions.

Types of predictions

There are quite a few ways to tell fortunes with a deck of playing cards. A correctly formed alignment and its careful interpretation is the key to unraveling the mysteries of the future in the area of ​​interest. However, the type of fortune telling chosen will also be important. If you want to get answers to burning questions, it is important to choose the right type of prophecy.

The main types of such fortune telling include:

  • A method of fortune telling for the future - layouts that reveal the secrets of the future fortuneteller can be “circular”. Their interpretation demonstrates how connected the past and decisions made with the future. By correctly interpreting the meaning of each card and card combinations, you can get a detailed picture of the events ahead of a person.
  • Fortune telling about love and the attitude of a lover. Thanks to such manipulations with a regular deck, you can get a decoding of the chain of phenomena and factors regarding the love area. In this case, the cards help you understand what you can expect from your loved one, how promising the relationship is, what feelings the questioner will experience in the near future, etc. Such card layouts and their interpretation help solve a lot of personal problems.
  • Fortune telling by wish. Usually, these are the simplest ways to receive a prophecy, since it provides only a definite answer (Yes/No). Usually, this arrangement allows a person to more clearly understand the circumstances and receive additional support from above.

Depending on what question interests a person, he can choose the most suitable option making a prophecy by using a deck of ordinary playing cards. We will tell you further how to use them and what to expect from such magical helpers.

The most common layouts

To have an idea of ​​what the options for fortune telling may be, we offer an example of the formation of a layout, each of which represents one of the most common types of making predictions.

Let's tell fortunes about the events of the upcoming future

To find out what fate has in store for the fortuneteller in the coming future and to find the relationship between actions committed in the past and their consequences, you can use this layout. Having purchased a new deck of playing cards, you can begin the ritual.

Having taken the entire deck in your hands, you should carefully shuffle it, while thinking about your future in a certain field of activity (work, relationships with partners, etc.). Next, use your left little finger to remove part of the deck from above and put it under the bottom. Then, one by one, from the first top card, begin to form the layout so that you get three vertical columns, each of which would have three cards. Their interpretation follows.

Decoding the layout begins with the left vertical column, which symbolizes the fortuneteller’s past. The next deciphered is the central column, which represents the present. The ritual ends with the interpretation of the last column, which demonstrates possible development future events. The key to fortune telling is the interpretation of the digital values ​​and suit of each card.

Key to fortune telling:

6 – meeting, date;

7 – good luck awaits you;

8 – troubles, problems;

9 – rival or envious person;

10 – making an important decision;

B – guy;

D - good friend, girlfriend;

K - buddy, comrade, friend;

T – mutual love;

Hearts - reciprocity;

Diamonds - good news;

Clubs – financial issues;

Peaks - problems, troubles.

Having received the key to this version of fortune telling, you can draw up a detailed chain of expected events in the future. Their likely fulfillment will depend in part on the present. By determining the sequence of actions and the relationship of events, you can protect yourself from some problems.

How to find out about your partner's feelings?

This version of fortune telling will allow you to tell fortunes on playing cards in order to find out the attitude of your loved one. Using this layout, the questioner can clarify the whole picture of a possible union and find out the prospects of the couple. To tell fortunes about your lover’s love and attitude in this way, you will need an ordinary deck of playing cards, as for fortune telling for the future.

Before you begin this option for making a prediction, you need to choose a card that best matches the appearance of your loved one:

  • clubs - a man with dark hair and/or brown eyes;
  • tambourines - a free young man (not married), a guy with blond hair and light shades of eyes;
  • worms - a young man, married, with blond hair (blond, brown-haired);
  • spades - a man, usually older, a soldier or official, with dark hair and/or dark eyes.

Having chosen a suitable card, place it in the center of the table and proceed to the next step. The next step is to shuffle the deck. After thoroughly shuffling all the cards, take out 8 cards in no particular order and arrange them in this order:

1 – to the right of the central map;

2 – under the central map;

3 – left;

4 – from above;

5 – in the upper left corner;

6 – in the lower left corner;

7 – in the lower right corner;

8 – in the upper right.

The key to fortune telling

Having formed such a layout, you can begin to interpret it. It’s worth noting right away that the attitude of your beloved guy can only be determined by the merits of the cards. Their suits do not play a role in this fortune telling.

So, if it comes up:

6 – a long road, a journey, a trip that will separate lovers for a short time;

7 – soon planned meeting, date;

8 – conflict or unpleasant conversation, which may end in a quarrel or break in relations;

9 – mutual love, which will end in legal marriage;

10 – the person has only friendly interest in you;

B – wasted effort, unnecessary worry;

D – gossip or rival (sometimes – betrayal);

K – friend, good buddy who will help at the right time;

T is a symbol of reciprocity and sincerity.

It’s so easy to understand what’s in a person’s soul and whether a relationship with him is promising. This arrangement is very accessible and simple, so girls often use it even at home.

Will your wish come true?

This layout is no less simple than the previous two. For this, it is worth stocking up on a new playing deck and patience, as well as correctly formulating the question in advance. To get the most accurate answer, you need to construct the question correctly in order to get an unambiguous answer - only “Yes” or “No”.

Focusing on your question (about love, work, upcoming events, etc.), you should carefully shuffle the entire deck. Then, with your right ring finger, slide part of the deck towards you, removing it and subsequently putting it underneath. After this, you must first remove the top card, then the bottom and the last one from the middle of the deck.

They are all laid out face down and the interpretation of fortune telling begins based on the suits. In this case, dignity does not play a role. So the values ​​could be as follows:

  • Hearts - a positive answer;
  • Spades are also a positive answer;
  • Tambourines – negative;
  • Clubs – negative.

The answer to the fortuneteller’s question will be obvious if all three cards of the same value fall out. If one means “No” and the other two mean “Yes” or vice versa, the situation will be twofold, which indicates possible complications.

That’s how simple it is, having only a deck of the simplest playing cards, you can tell fortunes about your future, love or desire. Such layouts are very popular even today, because they can easily and simply provide a person with answers to his questions.

Gives a person the opportunity to find out what awaits him. For many years, people have resorted to using cards on their own, or by turning to fortune tellers. You can tell fortunes about fate, love, success, or all together. The veracity of fortune telling depends on technique and adherence to the rules.


Basic rules for fortune telling with playing cards

Rules of fortune telling regular maps at home, there are several that should be observed:

  1. The deck must be new and charmed.
  2. It is prohibited to play with a fortune telling deck.
  3. One deck has one owner. It cannot be used by other people, with the exception of layouts where the touch of the person for whom it is intended is required.
  4. Guess if you are in a good mood and state of health. Then the cards will speak truthfully.
  5. Cards must be kept in one place.
  6. Periodically, you need to clean the deck so that the cards speak accurately. They accumulate energy from every fortune-telling and may begin to lie. You can clean the deck by placing it in salt for several hours.
  7. When asking the cards a question, remain honest and do not try to deceive them.

You shouldn’t ask the cards a lot of questions in one day. No matter how simple the layout may be, prediction is a difficult process.

Classic interpretation of suits in the main layouts for the future

Before you start guessing, study the interpretation of the suits. It is important to remember that you can draw conclusions by considering the meanings of all cards together. Then the fortune telling will be true.


The element of the suit is water. Worms are associated with romance, relationships, emotions.

Detailed interpretation of the cards:

  • two - strong friendship;
  • three - the appearance of the third in a pair;
  • four - relationships will become difficult;
  • five - a misunderstanding that will be resolved;
  • six - harmonious relationships with loved ones;
  • seven - listen to your intuition;
  • eight - relationships will change dramatically;
  • nine - luck or marriage;
  • ten - you will get what you want;
  • jack - young man;
  • lady - an adult woman, possibly blonde;
  • the king is an adult man;
  • ace - new relationships, love.


Element - earth. Business sphere, trips.

Card meaning:

  • two - successful negotiations;
  • three - profitable investments in something;
  • four - doubts are not in vain, listen to them;
  • five - temporary financial difficulties;
  • six - advice to cut costs;
  • seven - good luck in business;
  • eight - unexpected purchase of housing and relocation;
  • nine - a successful acquaintance;
  • ten - things will be completed successfully, wishes will come true;
  • jack - a young military man;
  • lady - a responsive woman;
  • the king is a family man;
  • ace - financial well-being, business.


The element of the suit is air. Spades mean lies, betrayal, deception.

Card meaning:

  • two - dismissal, problems at work;
  • three - minor problems;
  • four - problematic relationships, betrayal;
  • five - opportunity missed;
  • six - it is better to postpone the trip;
  • seven - quarrels;
  • eight - poor health, lack of mood;
  • nine - end of relationship, divorce;
  • ten - dreams will not come true;
  • jack - a young swindler, swindler;
  • the lady is an evil woman, troubles on her part are possible;
  • the king is a cruel man, a rival;
  • ace - bad news, loss.


Element - fire. Associated with finance or power.

Card meaning:

  • two - advice not to trust colleagues, think again;
  • troika - business trip with perspective;
  • four - overcoming obstacles;
  • five - opinion will be questioned or ridiculed, health problems may begin;
  • six - advice to postpone undertakings or trips and relax;
  • seven - success in business;
  • eight - promotion at work or profit;
  • nine - marriage of convenience;
  • ten - success in endeavors;
  • jack - well-mannered young man;
  • lady - woman - leader, boss;
  • the king is the man who will offer help;
  • ace - good changes in all areas.

Simple plans for the future

There are many types of layouts for the future. Beginners should start with simple ways fortune telling.

Fortune telling for tomorrow

Before fortune telling you need:

  • prepare a new deck;
  • tune in (candles or incense are used for this);
  • prepare a place to work with cards.

The layout is done like this:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. We move the part with our left hand.
  3. Let's ask the question in detail.
  4. We take out one card.
  5. We begin to interpret.

This will be the answer to the question posed. The card can indicate various events, a person, or the mood of the fortuneteller in relation to the question asked.

Fortune telling for the week

Eat different methods fortune telling for the week, here is the simplest card layout:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. We move the part with our left hand.
  3. Fan out face down.
  4. Let's ask a detailed question.
  5. We take out seven cards.
  6. Let's look at the interpretation.

Each card is for one day. After interpretation, we combine the meanings into one, which will show the general mood of the coming week.

Fortune telling about the outcome of a certain case

The layout is also simple:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. We move the part with our left hand.
  3. Place face down.
  4. Let's ask a detailed question.
  5. We take out one card.
  6. Let's look at the interpretation.

This card will answer the question about the outcome of the case.

"Nine" layout

A layout of nine cards, with which you can analyze the situation in three points:

  • past;
  • the present;
  • future.

You will need:

  1. Shuffle the deck.
  2. Move the part with your left hand.
  3. Place nine cards of three in a row, face down.
  4. Turn them over.
  5. Interpret.

The first three cards will tell about the past of the situation, the second three about what is happening at the moment, the third - about the outcome.

What do suits mean?

Each suit within the layout has its own meaning.

Suit values:

  • worms - this suit usually reflects feelings, emotions;
  • peaks - will warn of a threat or ill-wishers;
  • tambourines - will tell you about the state of affairs;
  • cross - they will talk about finances.

The Ksenia Lorenzy channel talks in detail about fortune telling with playing cards.

What to expect from a combination of four identical cards

The combination of four cards also has its own meaning:

  • aces mean fulfillment of desires;
  • kings - in the near future you will be surrounded by people and will not be left alone;
  • ladies - empty gossip;
  • jacks - troubles will appear, either pleasant or not so pleasant;
  • tens - the birth of a new love, a wedding;
  • nines - changes are coming in life;
  • eights - troubles;
  • sevens - tears and problems;
  • sixes - a quick long journey.

Basic three card combinations

They have their own meaning:

  1. Aces are minor changes. If there are no inverted aces, you don’t have to pay attention.
  2. Kings - to get what you want you need to make an effort, each king is an obstacle that needs to be overcome. If the kings are reversed, nothing will work out.
  3. Ladies - communication with women will lead to quarrels.
  4. Jacks are a new acquaintance that will bring benefits. When the card is reversed, misunderstandings may arise.
  5. Tens - financial difficulties, possible problems with the law.
  6. Nines - a combination of three nines means happiness and luck, and reversed cards will darken the situation.
  7. Eights - marriage or new love. Reversed cards have the opposite meaning - light flirting, separation.
  8. Sevens - loss of strength, melancholy. Cards in a different position mean difficulties.

Alignment “What was and what will be”

A fairly common layout that makes it easy.


  1. Shuffle a deck of 36 cards.
  2. Push the part towards you with your left hand.
  3. Lay out 5 cards horizontally.
  4. Shuffle the deck.
  5. Move towards yourself.
  6. Place 5 more cards onto the existing ones.

There must be three cards in each of the five piles. Draw another card from the deck and remove it.


  • the first pile is for yourself;
  • the second stack is for the heart;
  • the third pile is for the house;
  • fourth pile - what happened;
  • fifth pile - what will happen.

The postponed card will tell you what will calm you down in case of trouble.

The first version of the layout “What was, what will be” The second version of the layout “What was, what will be” The third version of the layout “What was, what will be”

The meaning of combinations

Certain combinations may occur in the layout. They can also carry important information.

Here's how they should be interpreted:

  • four aces - everything will come true, and four tens nearby mean triumph;
  • four kings - success awaits the fortuneteller, the questioner learns that society perceives him well;
  • four ladies - a woman can expect gossip, and a man will enjoy success with the ladies;
  • four jacks - the troubles will be pointless;
  • four tens - the desired will be achieved;
  • four nines - someone will surprise you;
  • four eights and sevens - you will exist modestly;
  • four sixes - you will reach your goal.

The meaning of suits in the layout

Each card of the four suits has its own interpretation.

  • ace - don’t destroy the family;
  • king - a woman will have a lover, a man will meet a stranger;
  • lady - a man will have a mistress, a woman will meet a stranger;
  • jack - friendly help;
  • ten - adding money;
  • nine - you have met your person;
  • eight - appreciate what you have;
  • seven - take risks and you will be rewarded;
  • six - a meeting after which life will change for the better.
  • ace – profit;
  • king - a man who is respected;
  • lady - a woman who is respected;
  • jack - reward for troubles;
  • ten - don’t lose heart;
  • nine - everything will change for the better;
  • eight - surprise;
  • seven – luck in games;
  • six is ​​news.
  • ace - be more attentive to the news;
  • king - for a man a meeting with an acquaintance, for a woman - the appearance of a lover;
  • lady - for a woman - a meeting with an acquaintance, for a man - he learns about a girl in love with him;
  • jack - appearances can be deceiving;
  • ten - all undertakings should be undertaken in a good mood;
  • nine - your endeavors will be successful;
  • eight – sincerity of loved ones;
  • seven - don’t forget about friends;
  • six – implementation of plans.
  • ace - receiving bad news;
  • king - an adult will try to confuse you;
  • lady - you should not take gossip to heart;
  • jack - efforts are in vain;
  • ten - the act will be condemned;
  • nine – minor illness;
  • eight - disappointment in someone or something;
  • number – negative events;
  • six - a long journey.

Playing card layout for the future of relationships

Using this layout, you can see the prospects for love and future relationships.

It is done simply:

  1. Shuffle a deck of 36 cards.
  2. We think about our partner.
  3. Places three cards on the right.
  4. We put three cards on the left.
  5. One card between them.
  6. We put three cards down.

The cards on the left will tell you about your partner’s feelings, on the right - they will show your feelings. The card in the middle is the current situation in the relationship, and the three cards at the bottom are the future of the relationship.

In the layout for a loved one there are important combinations of cards.

Pay attention to them:

  • a combination of an ace of hearts with a nine or ten - a long-term relationship that will lead to marriage;
  • ace of spades with any nine - the end of the relationship;
  • any nine and seven or ten of spades is a lie, treason;
  • a ten of diamonds or an ace in combination with an ace of hearts is a cold calculation.

Circular fortune telling for the future in love

You need to shuffle the deck and choose a card that represents the person you are guessing for:

  • the queen of diamonds usually denotes a young lady;
  • chervovaya - for married people;
  • club - for older women;
  • king of diamonds - for young people;
  • hearts - for a married person;
  • club - for an older man.

We place this card in the center.

  1. We put the first three cards up - these are thoughts.
  2. Three on the left mean plans.
  3. The three on the right are dreams.
  4. Three from the bottom - what will happen soon.
  5. The two cards on the left diagonally are the past.
  6. Also on the right is the future.
  7. We place one card on top of ours - what is in the heart.
  8. We put the last card under ours - which is under the heart.

In childhood or adolescence, many of us knew exactly how to correctly guess with playing cards, and perhaps some of us have retained this data to this day. Fortune telling is a complex mental process that can awaken your intuition. Not only experienced fortune tellers resort to using cards; each of us can find out our future through ordinary playing cards. Next, we will tell you how to tell fortunes with playing cards, help you learn (or remember) methods of fortune telling, and reveal the true meanings of the suits. For more clear example, watch the videos below, they will help you learn the basic methods of fortune telling with cards: for the future, for love, for desire.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare for fortune telling. This means that you need to buy a new deck of 36 cards, mentally prepare yourself for fortune telling, and choose the right day. It is believed that the most accurate card information is reported on Fridays, as well as on every 13th day of any month. Our ancestors also turned to fortune telling during the New Year and Christmas holidays. This is the period from January 7 to January 19, when the transition from the old year to the new takes place and you can easily open the door to a completely different one, a parallel world, find out answers to pressing questions and, perhaps, draw very important conclusions for yourself.

If you are starting the fortune telling process for the first time, remember a few general rules , who will tell you how to tell fortunes on cards yourself and get reliable information.

  1. Immediately before the ritual hold the cards in your hands, shuffle them with your left hand, directing them closer to your heart. Set up an energetic connection with the cards, think about the issue that concerns you.
  2. If you decide to tell fortunes with cards to another person, do not pass the deck from hand to hand. It is believed that cards sense their owner, and no one but him should hold the deck in his hands. The person for whom you are telling fortunes can only point at the cards with their hand.
  3. Don't start guessing bad mood . Also, be sure to get consent from the person to whom you decide to tell fortunes. Fortune telling against your will is not allowed.
  4. Use different methods of fortune telling with cards, which we will discuss in detail below. But, if you are tormented by some important question, do not ask it to the cards more than once a day, otherwise the answer may be unreliable.
  5. Pay attention to the dropped cards. If one or more cards fell out during the shuffle, decipher their meaning along with the cards from the main layout. There are no coincidences, these cards are trying to tell you something.

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

  • Hearts are responsible for the element of Water and represent love and romantic relationship. Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
  • Diamonds - this is the Earth. This suit is responsible for material wealth, business relationship, travel, study, active work. Signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Clubs - This is the element of Fire. The suit is responsible for financial well-being, power, and position in society. Her signs are Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.
  • Peaks - this is Air. The suit symbolizes all the failures, losses and problems that occur in life. life path. Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Methods of fortune telling on cards

There are different ways of fortune-telling with playing cards: for love (for a king, for a loved one), for the future (“What will happen?”, gypsy fortune-telling), for desire, for a question, for fate and even for wealth. We will reveal some of the simplest, but very popular and effective methods.

Fortune telling for a loved one

This method allows you to reveal some of the character traits of the person you are guessing about, as well as his emotions, feelings and intentions.

  1. Take the deck shuffle, knock down the top with your left hand.
  2. After that remove the first card and open it. These are the thoughts of your loved one.
  3. After the shuffle remove the second card and put it to your right - these are his feelings, emotions, experiences.
  4. In a similar way remove four more cards:
  • the third card will indicate the near future of your loved one;
  • fourth - his desires, hopes, aspirations;
  • fifth – an unexpected event;
  • sixth – fate or the distant future.

Fortune telling by wish

This method is very simple, but it will help you shed light on the near future and will allow you to find out whether what you want will come true or not. Having mastered it, you can easily learn to tell fortunes on cards using more complex variations of layouts.

  1. So, we pick up a deck of 36 cards and shuffle them, thinking about our desire.
  2. We take out one card at random, without looking at the deck.
  3. The card you withdraw will answer your question.
  4. At the same time, all “black” suits will talk about the impossibility or some difficulties in fulfilling a desire.
  5. “Red” suits, on the contrary, increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Gypsy fortune telling

This ancient and very effective fortune telling will help you learn about some events of the near future, tell you about the present and the past.

  1. Take the cards, think about the question that interests you. For example, “What awaits me?”
  2. Shuffle the cards, remove the top with your left hand.
  3. Lay out 3 rows of 3 cards face down.
  4. The first row is your past.
  5. The second row is the present.
  6. The cards in the third row represent your future.

Fortune telling "What will happen?"

When you have already managed to learn a little about fortune telling with playing cards, let’s move on to more complex layouts and try to find out the answers to the following questions: "What happened?" "What will happen?" and “What will the heart rest on?”.

  1. To begin, concentrate, pick up the cards and shuffle them with your left hand towards your heart.
  2. Remove the top few cards and send them to the bottom of the deck.
  3. Then, alternately select 3 cards from the deck until you find “your” card, for example, the queen of clubs and place it in the center of the table.
  4. The first three will symbolize “What happened?” That is, each of the dropped cards means an event that has already happened or personifies a person who is next to you.
  5. We shuffle the remaining cards again, focusing our attention on the question “What will happen?”
  6. We divide the deck approximately in half, take out one card, and, regardless of its suit, place it under “our” card. This is what is “in your heart.” This card can only be opened at the end of the fortune telling.
  7. Next, we do not shuffle the cards, but distribute them into approximately four equal parts with different sides main card. It is necessary to do this right hand.
  8. Now alternately open the top two cards from above and below, to the right and to the left of your card.
  9. Without shuffling, we place the remaining cards, 2 each, in the right corner - below and above the main card, revealing the suit.
  10. We place the cards on the left in the same way.
  11. Of the remaining cards, every fourth is placed “On the heart”.

Once you have mastered the methods of fortune telling using playing cards, you can move on to more serious methods and purchase tarot cards.

How to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards?

Today you can find many manuals and even textbooks that tell you how to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards. You can also find interpretations of the cards on the Internet or in books. Remember the main point - the fortuneteller must feel the cards, believe in them and trust them. Having pulled out any card, you need to feel its energy, write down your emotions, the feelings that it evokes. Believe me, tarot cards know more about you than you do. Fortune telling on these cards resembles communication, they talk to you. To begin with, do not try to make complex layouts - just choose one card per day and describe your experiences associated with it. Over time, you will learn to listen to yourself, your intuition, and the cards themselves will “want” to reveal all their secrets to you.

Before starting fortune telling, you should choose your card: single and unmarried - king and queen of diamonds; married and married - the king and queen of hearts; older people - king and queen of clubs.

Please keep in mind that each suit symbolizes a specific element:
clubs - fire (power). Her signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
diamonds - land (material wealth). Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
worms - air (love). Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
peaks - water (misfortune). Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

For fortune telling, a deck of 36 cards is used (without twos, threes, fours and fives). The cards are shuffled, removed and begin to be laid out openly in threes until the fortuneteller's card is encountered. By studying the first three cards, we understand what a person came with at the time of fortune-telling, we answer the question: what surrounds him at this time, what forces, what people, what events. All this is indicated by two cards that surround the card identifying the fortuneteller. You will find the meaning of the cards being studied further in the text of this program.

After completing the study and receiving the information, the card identifying the person is placed on the table, and all the other cards are shuffled again and questions are mentally asked that are of interest to the person being told fortunes. The fortuneteller takes out one card at random and places it, without opening it, face down, under the card already lying on the table.

This is a very important card, giving us an idea of ​​what most concerns the heart of the person being told fortunes. Moreover, all the figures represent persons who think about the person for whom they are telling fortunes: jacks - worries and troubles, the queen of spades on the heart means boredom and melancholy, the ten and eight of spades - illness, the seven of spades - troubles, the six of spades - loss or loss.

Particularly unpleasant are clubs and spades that have one point in the middle: sevens, nines and aces. If they lie point up, sevens and nines are tears, the ace of clubs is failure in business, and the ace of spades is generally trouble. If the same cards lie point down, these are usually minor troubles, insults, insults, fear, bruises. An ace of diamonds on the heart is always a letter. Ace of hearts - news. Nine or ten diamonds - receiving money, profit.
Nine or ten of hearts is joy. But from the ceremony you can only find out when the time comes to open this card, and that time will come at the very last moment.

After this, without shuffling the decks, the fortuneteller with his right hand places the deck above the head of the identification card and leaves about a quarter of the deck there, then with his right hand he places the deck at the feet of the identification card, leaving the second quarter of the deck there, then with his right hand he places the third quarter to the left of the identification card and leaves there the third quarter of the deck, and then places the last quarter of the deck to the right of it.

Then the fortuneteller takes the packet of cards above his head and places the top two cards open above the head of the identification card, then takes the packet of cards at the feet of the identification card and places it on the remaining cards of the first packet on his left hand, then again removes the top two cards with his right hand and places them open at the feet of the identification card. Afterwards, the fortuneteller takes with his right hand a pack of cards to the left of the identification card and places them on left hand, removes the top two cards with his right hand and places them open to the left of the identification card, then takes the packet of cards to the right of the identification card with his right hand, places them on his left hand and removes the top two cards with his right hand, which he places open to the right of the identification card.

Next, the fortuneteller, without shuffling the deck, takes two cards in a row from the deck on his left hand and puts them open in the upper left corner of the identification card with his right hand, then takes the next two cards with his right hand and places them in the lower left corner of the identification card, open. After this, the fortuneteller, without shuffling the decks, takes the next two cards with his right hand and places them open in the upper right corner of the identification card, then with his right hand takes two more cards in a row and places them open in the lower right corner of the identification card. As a result, there are sixteen open cards around the ID card.

Then the fortuneteller shuffles the remaining cards, after which, each time discarding the top three cards with his right hand, he places every fourth closed on the heart on the identification card until he goes through the entire deck, as a result of which there are four cards on the heart above the identification card.

The meaning of the card layout.

As a result of the ceremony of laying out the cards, answers appeared to questions that interest the person being told fortunes, but these answers are encrypted by the order and arrangement of the cards, the meaning of the cards and their combinations.

It is necessary to remember well: only after the end of the alignment ceremony can you open the cards lying on the heart, or more precisely, it will be said - on (11) and under the identification card (2): they contain the immediate future of the person being told fortunes. The predominance of peaks in them indicates future troubles, and the figures will indicate where they can come from. The predominance of worms promises joy and happiness.

The pair of cards above the head (3), as well as the three pairs of cards to the right of the ID card (9, 6, 10), indicate the most near future.

A pair of cards under the feet (4) denotes what is passing, what is or will be, but will go away. If at the feet of the identification card there is any figure in which a specific person is guessed, this means that this person will soon disappear from the life of the person being told fortunes.

The two cards to the left of the ID card (5) represent the past.

Two cards in the upper left corner of the ID card (7), what is currently happening away from the person to whom they tell fortunes.
The two cards in the lower left corner of the ID card (8) indicate the most distant future.

Particular importance is attached to the cards closest to the center, and first of all to the top ones, then to the side ones. The lower cards have less futurological value.

After this cycle, they collect all the cards, shuffle them and lay them out in threes: for themselves, for home, for family, then to answer the questions: what happened, what will happen, how will the heart calm down?

You can eliminate identical pairs from this layout different colors(for example, black and red sevens, eights, etc.). The remaining cards will indicate what inevitably awaits you and what you yourself could only guess about. Now all that remains is to wait.


ACES - in a reading, they almost always indicate time; if the ace is in a place that denotes the near future, then it denotes the time of day; if it is in the lower right corner, where the distant future is located, then it denotes the time of year.
Four aces dropped at the same time mean the fulfillment of desires.
If during the fortune-telling ceremony four aces and four tens simultaneously fall out, then in the very near future the person being told fortunes will experience great joy and good luck.
Sometimes four aces can mean an unpleasant surprise. An ace sometimes signifies the house of the corresponding king.

KINGS - if four kings come up, this means success, a high position in society.

LADIES - four ladies for women is gossip, if one of the four ladies is with the card of the woman being told fortunes, this means that a woman close to her is gossiping about her. For men, four ladies appearing at the same time indicate that the man being told a fortune loves ladies' company and is surrounded by ladies.

JACKS - means troubles, especially if four jacks fall out at once, if one of them is on the heart - these are worries, the degree and severity of which depend on which cards, dark or light, predominate on the left side of the layout. With a king of the same suit, lying not even next to the jack, the jack means the thoughts and intentions of the king, and with nine or ten hearts, the king and jack of the same suit mean the passionate desire of this king to see the lady who is being told fortunes.

TENS are business cards. Four tens is the fulfillment of a desire, but not a heartfelt one. The more tens in the reading, the better the deeds and undertakings of the person being told fortunes.

NINES - especially four nines - mean surprise, whether pleasant or not depends on the nine lying closest to the card of the person being told the fortune, or depending on the cards to the left of the person performing the ceremony.

EIGHTS - have practically no special meaning. Sometimes four eights mean the strike or house of the corresponding queen.

SEVENS also have practically no special meaning. Four sevens sometimes mean intrigue.

SIXES - mean the road. The sixes located to the left of the person conducting the ceremony, above the head and under the feet of the identification card, mean the path for the person being told fortunes. The sixes of the corresponding suit of the figures located here are the path of these persons to the person being told fortunes.
A six that does not correspond to the suit, but located next to any figure, means what kind of road lies ahead for this person. Six Peak - dark, night. Six of clubs - evening. Six of hearts - a walk. Six of diamonds is a small close path.
Four sixes mean fulfillment of desires.

The predominance of small cards in the layout means a bleak time, lack of money, gray days, especially if the small cards are concentrated to the left of the person conducting the ceremony in the near future.

Card meanings

ACE of Clubs - determines the time of an event that should occur in the evening or autumn, also denotes a false rumor started by an ill-wisher; state house, house of a respectable or not young man, house of a respectable family, success, point up - failure, with a figure - a gift from a person identified with this figure, without a figure - a gift from stranger;
with a six - means railway;
with the king - immodest love, courtship, if they tell fortunes to a woman;
with seven clubs - winning the case, victory;
with the nine of hearts - tender love;
with six clubs - a date and conversation on the street, on the road or in the evening, with added spades - death;
with a nine of spades - quick news of benefits, and if the nine of spades is pointing upward - of harm;
with the king of clubs - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of desires.

The KING of Clubs is a military man, a faithful or hasty friend;
with clubs - the king portends happiness, and it is also a close person, friend, husband, groom, lover;
with a nine of clubs with the point down - an influential person, a supportive person, with the point up - troubles with this person;
with the eight of clubs - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship;
with the ace of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, the fulfillment of a desire;
with a jack of clubs - if the person whose fortune is told is not of the club suit, great grief;
with one of the sixes with any jack - the way to gain interest;
if the king of clubs does not fall into fortune telling, this means failure.

THE QUEEN of clubs is a respectable lady, a friend, or an illegitimate child;
with the queen of spades - with an identification card - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage;
with the eight of clubs - this is the help of a relative or close woman.

JAVA of clubs - denotes a military man below the rank of officer, a friend, protector or friend, without an ace or king - big troubles; in the heart - government affairs or thoughts of the king of clubs;
with the seven of spades - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies;
between two ladies - an unfaithful wife;
between two jacks - a restless future;
with an ace of diamonds - help in trouble;
with a ten tambourine - success in money matters;
with the eight of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness.
If the jack of clubs falls out first of the other jacks during fortune telling, this is a clear sign of correct fortune telling.

TEN OF Clubs - this is change, great dangers, fires;
at peaks - poverty, deception of hope, work;
with figures - business man;
with hearts - a find, luck in the lottery;
with a king or queen of hearts - a manifestation of the interest of these persons;
with seven clubs - joy and news of business;
with six clubs - an unexpected offer of departure;
with ten tambourines - an indispensable receipt of money;
with a dozen of hearts - success in love;
with a ten of spades - recovery from illnesses;
with nine clubs - fun with loved ones;
with eight of clubs - quick receipt big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness;
with a seven, eight or nine of clubs - the ten of clubs gives one of the happiest combinations;
with an ace of clubs - always a change for the better;
with the seven of spades - deception and tears;
with a six or seven of clubs - a large society.

NINE of Clubs - denotes an inheritance, a pleasant conversation, doubts, the absence of something;
with a figure - indicates that it will disappear from the life of the person being told fortunes;
point up - means gossip, annoyance, tears;
with a king or queen of clubs - the love of the figures for the person being told fortunes;
with nine or ten of hearts - success in love;
with a tambourine - means the correct receipt of money and useless spending of it on pleasure;
with a worm - mutual love;
with a ten of spades - money troubles;
with the jack of hearts - travel;
with the king of clubs - denotes an influential person, a supportive person;
with ten clubs - fun with loved ones, dear people, surprise;
connecting a nine of clubs with a seven, eight or ten of clubs is one of the happiest combinations.

EIGHT of Clubs - these are tears, frustration, death loved one, home of respectable people;
with an ace of clubs - success, and with an ace of clubs pointing up - failure;
with the king of clubs - rumors about the sea or the death of a ship;
with a lady of clubs - help from a relative or close women;
with a jack of clubs - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the person being told fortunes;
with ten clubs - quick acquisition real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness;
with the jack of hearts - talk about losses;
with the seven of clubs - in front of the card of the person being told fortunes, unexpected happiness;
with the seven of clubs and the ace of hearts - a happy marriage or inheritance.

SEVEN of clubs - means a close road, news of success, inheritance;
with the point up - tears;
with a lady - the thoughts of the queen of clubs;
with an ace of clubs - winning the case, victory;
with a ten, nine or eight of clubs - wealth and happiness;
with the eight of spades - if they tell fortunes to a man, he warns that his beloved is cheating on him;
with a jack of hearts with four queens and sevens - indicates the imminent birth of a son;
with a ten of hearts in the presence of the other three sevens with four queens or jacks - indicates the proximity of pregnancy.

SIX of clubs is a sea road, a useless road, a date on the street or in the garden, a path to a government place, the road of a person of clubs;
between the figures there is a big party;
with an ace of hearts in the figure - a date in the morning;
with an ace of diamonds - a date during the day;
with an ace of clubs - a date in the evening;
with the ace of spades - a date at night.

If nine clubs fall out during fortune telling, this means misfortune.

ACE of Hearts - means a gift, a package, morning time, the spring season, the house of married people;
with an ace of diamonds - a joyful letter;
with a ten of spades - a sad letter;
with the jack of hearts - good news;
with six of clubs - a date and conversation on the street in the evening;
with the nine of spades - revelry, pleasure, date and favor of a friend.

KING OF HEARTS - married man if there is a queen of hearts or a brown-haired woman in the layout, it also means an unexpected meeting, joyful news and arrival;
with a pike - trouble;
with a diamond - receiving money;
with a club - troubles;
with a heart - success.

The Queen of Hearts is married woman;
with six and ten of hearts - tears for the person who is being told fortunes;
if a jack of clubs is added to this combination - unexpected joy;
with a heart - success in love for a man;
with other suits - success in an uncertain future;
with a dozen of hearts - a friend.

The JACK of hearts is a fair-haired man, a commoner, an unpleasant guest, good news, funny company, thoughts of the king of hearts if it is present in the layout;
with a heart - success;
with the Ace of Hearts - good news, a declaration of love;
with nine clubs - travel;
with a nine of diamonds - avoiding an unpleasant journey;
with the eight of hearts - a cordial conversation;
with an eight tambourine - a conversation about money;
with an eight of clubs - an unpleasant conversation;
with the eight of spades - news of the illness and death of a loved one;
with a lady or king - a guest;
with seven clubs and four queens or sevens - the birth of a son;
if four aces are added to them, this indicates that the son will be smart and rich.

TEN OF worms - means the city, happiness, in the heart - joy, in the heads of the card of the person being told fortune - a wedding or platonic love;
with a lady - love and loyalty of the beloved woman;
with the king - the love and loyalty of a beloved man;
with ten diamonds - great monetary interest in the near future;
with a seven of clubs if there are three other sevens in the layout or if there are four queens or jacks in the layout - the proximity of pregnancy, if a woman is being told fortunes;
with the eight of hearts - a solitary date with your beloved woman;
with the seven of hearts - consolation in grief or a solitary date;
with a six of tambourine - fun at a party;
with nine of hearts - a change in the apartment, and if there is a queen and a king of any suit - a wedding;
with the six of hearts - a joyful date;
with nine clubs - means that the beloved person will give her heart to the person being told fortunes, as well as a message or thing from the beloved person;
with ten clubs - success in love;
with an ace of diamonds - a love or joyful message.

NINE of hearts - means love letter or surprise: pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the nearest cards, love in general;
with any king or lady - the love of this king or lady for the person being told fortunes;
with seven or eight of hearts - a date with your loved one;
with nine clubs - means receiving news or things from a loved one, as well as her mutual love;
with any six - an unexpected meeting;
with the queen of spades - happiness.

EIGHT OF HEARTS- means a cheerful conversation, a long journey, pleasure, the house of a heart;
with the jack of hearts - a cordial conversation;
with seven clubs - unexpected happiness;
with a dozen of hearts - a solitary date;

with a ten diamonds near the identification card - receiving money or a large inheritance.

SEVEN of hearts - means fun, thoughts of the queen of hearts or a change in life;

with a dozen of hearts - a pleasant or secluded date;
with nine of hearts - just a date;
with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

SIX of hearts - a walk, delay or obstacle in matters of a non-love nature, the path of the king or queen of hearts;
with a worm - the path to the desired person;
with a dozen of hearts - a road and a heartfelt date.

If there are all cards of the heart suit in the layout, the person being told fortunes will experience complete pleasure in love.

ACE of tambourine - shows the time of day during the day and the time of year in the summer, means a letter, news;
with a figure - it will show the person sending the message;
with a diamond - means you will receive money soon;
with seven, nine or ten of hearts - a joyful or love letter;
with a club or spade - the removal of the desired moment and trouble;
with six of clubs - a date and conversation on the street at dusk;
with nine of spades - cunning and deception of loved ones;
with nine of hearts - a love letter;
with a ten of spades - a mourning or sad letter;
with a ten tambourine - a money letter.

KING of tambourine - means a young man, a love date, meeting a future lover or beloved, and also in the absence of a lady tambourine - a single person;
with a ten of diamonds with any jack - means support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;
with a six of tambourines - an indispensable fulfillment of desire;
with a worm - fun, a change in life and oblivion of the past.

LADY tambourine - points to a young girl or an unfaithful woman;
with a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - means an unpleasant guest;
with the nine of hearts - promises good things to women, and warns men about possible theft.

JACK of diamonds - means a boy, a messenger, a trusted person, good news; if there is a king of diamonds in the layout - thoughts of the king of diamonds;
with a seven of spades - means a rich person;
with any king - a calculating or false person;
with a seven or nine a tambourine - means a hostile person and warns of imminent betrayal;
with a lady of clubs - means trouble;
with the six of clubs - an unexpected and quick trip in the company of a man;
with the king, queen and any card of the suit of the person being told fortunes - indispensable success in money matters.

TEN of tambourines - means money, a gift, a date, a village, in the heads of an identification card - receiving money;
with the king of diamonds and queen - indicates the interest of these persons in the person being told fortunes;
with the ace of spades - means a quarrel over money;
with a nine of tambourines - inevitable and quick receipt of money;
with the eight of tambourines - distant and delayed receipt of money;
with the seven of tambourines - successful troubles about money;
with six tambourines - money and absolute fulfillment of a wish;
with an eight of spades - the road to get money;
with jack of clubs - success in money matters;
with ten clubs - mandatory receipt of money;
with the seven of hearts - inheritance;
with nine of hearts - profitable work.

NINE of diamonds - means money; if there are king or queen of diamonds, it indicates the love of these persons for the person being told fortunes;
with the six of spades - troubles, failure on the road to get money;
with the jack of hearts - avoiding an unpleasant journey;
with ten tambourines - mandatory and quick receipt of money;
with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

EIGHT of tambourine - pleasant dreams, dreams, talk about money or hatred;
with an eight of clubs and a six of hearts - news of a fire;
with a king or queen of spades on the sides of the identification card - harm from the enemy;
with the jack of hearts - talking about money;
with ten tambourines - prospects for receiving money;
with a seven of tambourines near any figure - the inconstancy and infidelity of this figure.

SEVEN of diamonds - means joy, business, troubles, infidelity, a business date, purchase or sale, a commercial transaction: successful or unsuccessful depending on the nearest cards, a road, a small gold gift, a gift made of silver or any other metal, if there is a lady in the layout tambourine - her thoughts;
with a figure - means a happy incident;
with a ten of spades - an unexpected offer;
with ten diamonds - successful troubles about money.

In a 3 card spread: Three cards are drawn and laid out in a row, from left to right. In this layout, the meanings are as follows: the left card is the past, the middle is the present, the right is the future.

9 card spread : This quick way fortune telling, when you urgently need to find out where a person is, what he is doing, what his plans are, etc.

The deck of cards doesn't even need to be shuffled. You remember his face, or look closely into the eyes of the person in the photograph and mentally ask the first question. Without looking at the deck of cards, you pull out three cards at random, one at a time. You can ask three times (up to nine cards). For example, you can ask the following question: what will happen to me tonight....

Layout for 13 cards: The cards are taken out and then placed on the table - 13 pieces.

First- this is what just drills into my head, third- what worries a person, fifth- what is the obstacle today, seventh- what is important to him personally, ninth- which will soon surprise, eleventh- that he feels lonely, which makes him sad.

Then all double cards are removed, except for those that interest you. For each remaining card, three more cards are laid out down, mentally asking the question: who is this person, what does he mean in your life or why does your soul hurt, etc.

Interpretation when telling fortunes using playing cards. The meaning of the cards.


  • Six is ​​the road to business.
  • Seven and eight - business conversations and meetings.
  • Nine - strong heartfelt affection.
  • Ten is money.
  • Jack - problems and troubles associated with work.
  • A lady is simply a woman of advanced years; she can also be a business partner, more often a mother or mother-in-law.
  • The king is a business partner, sometimes a father or relative.
  • Ace - Business, with a capital letter, i.e. what takes up the most.


If you are young and unmarried, all the diamonds are yours. If you have a family, then your card is red

  • Sixes are near and far roads, which in layouts do not have much meaning.
  • Sevens and eights - meetings and conversations, the main thing is what cards they come up with.
  • Nines are always love cards.
  • Dozens - both hopes and monetary interests.
  • Jack - denotes problems and troubles, usually of a personal nature, sometimes these are your children.
  • Ladies - yourself (married or single, sometimes - your rival)
  • Kings are men, married or single.
  • Ace of Diamonds - upcoming important monetary or paper news.
  • Ace of hearts - yours own house, or someone else's.


  • Six is ​​a late road. If it lies directly next to your husband’s card, this indicates that he returns home late, sometimes he simply does not feel like going home.
  • Seven - tears and disappointments. If this card is located next to another, also a seven or eight, this indicates that there is an unpleasant conversation ahead, perhaps even with tears and bitterness directly for you.
  • Eight - always a drink, company, an invitation to visit. If she and the ace of spades have a glass up, your chosen one is too fond of alcohol.
  • Nine is a sick bed in itself. It also means sick condition souls, next to other nines (diamonds and worms) unsatisfactory sexual relationships.
  • Ten - failed hopes, lost illusions, pipe dreams. If you are next to your card, this means that you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs (at a given moment in time), if you are next to your loved one’s card, in this case the cards say that he expected something different from your relationship with him, now very disappointed.
  • Jack - empty chores, which nearby cards will tell you about.
  • Lady - anger, annoyance and in general all the other not very good feelings that both you and your loved ones may experience, either towards you, or again, regarding how she lay down.
  • The king is a very official person, a person. A noble man.
  • Ace - with a spade up - a drink, with a spade down - a blow, and what a blow!