Modern electrical installation technologies in a wooden house. Do-it-yourself electrical wiring in a wooden house - step-by-step instructions. Connection with underground cable

A wooden house is a beautiful, cozy structure, but easily flammable, requiring increased attention to the power supply process. Doing electrical wiring yourself is not an easy task, but it can be done. You just need to approach the issue responsibly, in compliance with the norms and rules.

Requirements for wiring in a wooden house

Electrical wiring in wooden house must meet the main requirement - to be safe. More than half of the fires in buildings of this type occur due to a short circuit in the electrical network due to mechanical damage to the insulation or increased load on the cable.

You can eliminate the risk of fire if you follow the basic requirements:

  1. Correct selection of materials.
  2. Reliable insulation.
  3. Possibility of automatic power interruption.
  4. Regular network diagnostics.

Compliance with these requirements will reduce the likelihood of fire in wooden structures and ensure the safety of property in both city and country houses.


The provisions governing the installation of electrical power in wooden buildings are contained in "Rules for electrical installations" (PUE) and in the Code of Practice “Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings”.

They provide criteria for selecting switchgear, conductors, automation, lighting, and indicate the terms used and their meaning.

Electrical wiring is still regulated Building codes and rules ( SNiP).

SNiP 3.05-06-85 describe methods for introducing a power cable into a living space, and SNiP 31-02– requirements for the installation of power supply systems in residential buildings.

Preparation of a power supply project

The first stage of electrification of the facility is project preparation. In a private house, drawing up an electrical wiring diagram can be done on your own. To do this, you need a house plan with the placement of furniture, equipment, electrical appliances, and the designation of sockets and switches. The installation location of the distribution panel and the passage of cable lines are marked.

The location of the distribution boxes is indicated, the maximum power consumption of all devices, the total number of machines and the rated load on the input machine are calculated.

Cable selection

After drawing up the electrical diagram, you need to decide which wire to use for wiring in a wooden house: aluminum or copper. The first one is cheaper, the second one is more reliable. Having settled on aluminum, you need to remember that its cross-section should be larger than copper, and it is brittle when bent. More suitable material is copper, wires from which can withstand temperatures from -50 to +50 ° C.

Having decided on the house, you can move on to choosing its brand. For wooden structures, VVG non-flammable copper wire with solid cores and reduced smoke emission is more suitable. It has high anti-corrosion properties and does not deform due to temperature changes.

When planning how to conduct wiring in the house, you need to remember the requirements of the PUE for painting insulation: the cable cores must be different color. This will simplify the process of installation, maintenance and repair.

Selection of devices and automation for the distribution panel

The purpose of selecting automatic protection devices is the safety of the network and equipment in emergency situations. Each device has its own purpose. All devices are located in the distribution panel.

Circuit breakers protect against voltage overload and short circuit.

(RCD) – from fire and electric shock.

Voltage relay - against load drops affecting the operation of devices.

They combine the functions of a circuit breaker and an RCD and save space when installed in a panel.

The integrated use of these devices guarantees reliable operation devices and the safety of people in the room.

Installation of electrical wiring - step-by-step instructions

Installation of electrical wiring in a private house requires preliminary preparation and following step-by-step instructions consisting of the following steps:

  • project development and determination of the total equipment capacity;
  • selection of cables, automation devices and electrical appliances;
  • power supply, connection of circuit breakers, electricity meter;
  • installation of an electrical panel;
  • internal cable routing;
  • installation of sockets, switches, lighting devices;
  • system testing.

This sequence will show how to properly install electrical wiring in the house and ensure its reliable operation. It is important to remember that each step must be carried out in compliance with safety rules: turn off the power to the room in which work is being done, do not use bare wires, place all connections and branches in boxes, lay the cable either vertically or horizontally, avoiding its intersection.

Following the step-by-step instructions will allow you to complete the installation efficiently.

Installation of distribution panel

The distribution board is designed to receive and distribute electricity indoors. Everything begins with its installation electrical work. It does not matter whether the wiring is carried out in country house, city cottage or village log house.

The shield must be made of fireproof material, placed in a dry place and locked with a key. There cannot be rooms above it with high humidity (shower, bath, toilet), and within a radius of half a meter - heating equipment, water and gas supply systems.

An electric meter, an input circuit breaker, an RCD, grounding bars, voltage relays and circuit breakers for different power groups are mounted in the panel.

Grounding device

Any modern house equipped household appliances in a metal case, and possible contact of metal with electricity requires grounding - protecting people from electric shock through electrical appliances.

You can do it yourself.

A trench 30 cm deep is dug in the form equilateral triangle with a side of 1 m. Pins 3 m long and 3 cm in diameter are driven into the corners, which are connected to each other with a corner using welding.

A hole is cut in one of the corners, a grounding wire is attached using a bolt and nut, which is connected to the busbar in the distribution panel. The grounding conductors of cables in yellow-green insulation are attached to this bus.

Inserting the power cable into the room

Electricity enters the building through a power cable that enters the distribution panel. It can be supplied in two ways: aerial and underground.

In the first case, the cable is supplied through the air from the electric pole to the house, where it is attached to porcelain fittings. This method is simple and cheap, but has a number of disadvantages: it is less durable, there is a high probability of damage to the wire by wind, snow, and branches.

The underground method is more reliable, but more labor-intensive and expensive. A trench is dug into which the armored cable or metal pipes are laid. A layer of sand 20 cm thick is poured on top, a warning tape is laid, and the trench is buried.

– the main element of the wiring, because it bears the load from all the electrical appliances in the house.

Laying cables and connecting them

Installation of electrical wiring in a private house is carried out along the routes indicated in the project diagram. Distribution boxes are mounted along it, switches, lighting fixtures. In wooden buildings, wires are used only with special markings, the insulation of which does not ignite even at high temperatures.

“Twisting” and “temporary work” are not allowed. It is better to minimize the number of turns and bends. Where possible, run the entire wire from the machine to the end point.

When installing electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands, you must remember that the boxes cannot be covered with decorative panels or ceilings that impede access for maintenance.

Installation of switches and sockets

Surface-mounted sockets and switches are selected based on the calculated current value and the possibility of connection under one frame. Before installation, turn off the power and make sure there is no voltage in the cable.

The safest way to mount switches and sockets in a wooden structure is to mount them on metal substrates. This will protect against possible sparks when closing or an arc when removing the plug. For wooden house It is preferable to use carbolite rather than plastic devices that have greater heat resistance and can withstand high heat.

Methods for open wiring

Open electrical wiring in a wooden house is laid along inside premises. The main requirement is that the wire does not directly touch the walls, ceiling or floor and is protected: located in the middle of a channel, pipe or has several layers of insulation. Pipes and channels must be made of materials that do not support combustion.

Installation of wiring in a wooden house can be done in several ways:

  1. In a corrugated pipe made of PVC;
  2. In a metal sleeve;
  3. In PVC pipes or boxes;
  4. On staples;
  5. On ceramic insulators.

The most common options are the use of corrugated pipes and cable ducts.

The use of ceramic insulators or “” is becoming popular when there is an air space between the twisted electrical wire and the wall. This option also decorates the home.

Open wiring in a wooden house can combine several options. On walls and ceilings with a flat surface, you can apply plastic boxes, and in other areas - corrugated pipes.

Hidden wiring in a wooden house

Internal electrical wiring in a wooden house has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the absence of corrugated pipes and cable ducts that spoil the appearance of the room. There is no risk of mechanical damage to the cable. On the other hand, installation complexity, increased fire safety requirements, and additional financial costs.

Unlike the outside, spend internal wiring in a wooden house it is more difficult. To do this, you need to know more requirements and nuances related to this type of power supply arrangement.

Hidden wiring should not have many turns, because... The cable must be laid in steel or copper pipes. The use of metal hoses and PVC corrugations is allowed only if they are protected with plaster or asbestos padding.

If installing external wiring does not require a special tool, then for hidden wiring it is necessary. It is necessary to drill in horizontal and vertical directions and cut out seats for insulating boxes. You will have to pull not only wires and cables, but also a large number of steel or copper pipes. The latter are better suited because they bend well, taking the required form.

You can conduct wiring in the house with your own hands in an open or closed way. This is done in places where the wires are connected to switches or sockets.

Installation errors

Typical mistakes when laying electrical networks indoors:

  • the power cable is bent or weakened;
  • fastening the wire to a wooden structure, which is prohibited by the rules;
  • installation of hidden wiring using corrugated pipes, metal hoses and plastic boxes;
  • installing the distribution panel too close to the power cable entry point;
  • the number of machines is calculated incorrectly: either more or less than necessary.

Wiring test

After installation, the wiring must be tested: visual inspection, take measurements of the insulation resistance and grounding wire, check the operation of circuit breakers, RCDs or automatic circuit breakers. The reliability of the electrical network must be maximum, because Electrical wiring requires increased attention and regular monitoring.

Residential buildings made of wood are among the most ancient architectural structures. But even today, when the range of building materials amazes the human imagination, most happy owners suburban area They prefer to use wood with environmental qualities and natural beauty for the construction of a house, which cannot be compared with any finishing material.

And the average city dweller, who owns a small dacha plot, prefers the construction of simple buildings made of wood. At the same time, whether wooden shed or a two-story cottage, they are necessarily equipped with power supply. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to install and connect electrical wiring in a wooden house so that its use does not endanger human life and the safety of his property.

Requirements for wiring in wooden buildings

To begin with, anyone who wants to independently supply electricity to a wooden house must understand that knowledge of how to distinguish a neutral wire from a phase analogue or connect a socket with a switch is far from sufficient. First of all, this is due to increased safety requirements use of electrical appliances in wooden buildings.

It is better to entrust all work to qualified electricians. But every homeowner needs to be aware of the basic rules of how to install electrical wiring in a wooden house, even for the simple reason that this will allow him to evaluate the work of specialists. So, what are the rules for electrical wiring in wooden residential buildings?

  1. It is important to completely eliminate or minimize the possibility of fire in electrical cables to prevent the transfer of an open source of fire to the wooden parts of the house if a short circuit occurs in the electrical circuit.
  2. Main indicators and characteristics of cables used in wiring must strictly comply with the rules and regulations and have sufficient power reserves to withstand peak loads. Under no circumstances should there be any manifestation of heating of the input wire or terminal connection.
  3. The technical condition of electrical wires should not allow even the slightest risk of electric shock to the residents of the house or animals.

The question of the aesthetic component in conditions wooden houses should fade into the background. Today there are many options for solving this problem. But in no case should safety rules be neglected to improve the external characteristics of the building. Such actions can lead to irreversible consequences.

Features of electricity input in a wooden house

The most dangerous area of ​​electrical wiring is considered to be the entry of wires through the attic wall, made of wood. There is a misconception among craftsmen that a piece of rubber hose is enough to ensure safe cable entry into the house. But the use of such material is not applicable, since the composition of the rubber product includes soot, which is carbon that conducts current well.

Therefore, as a rubber hose ages, bridges may appear that allow electricity to pass through with fairly high resistivity values. Because of this, the cable heats up in local areas, which can lead to fire in dry wood.

If the main goal of the owner of a wooden house is to completely reconstruct the electrical wiring and bring it into proper condition, then the modernization should begin by introducing the electrical cable into the building. Wherein specialists consider two main methods on how to install a power cable into a wooden building:

  1. Laying an electrical power cable underground is the most reliable in terms of safety, since the wires are hidden from the influence of external factors. But in terms of cost, this option is too expensive and requires earthworks. According to the rules for laying underground electrical wiring, the depth of the trench must be at least 80 cm.
  2. Overhead wiring involves work on an electrical pole, which is strictly prohibited without the necessary permission. This should only be done by qualified electricians.

The section of the electrical main from the high-voltage pole to the wooden structure must be made of wires with a cross-section of more than 16 mm. The optimal ones are self-supporting aluminum wires with high-quality insulation. The service life of such a cable should be 25 years or more.

Naturally, introducing such a line indoors is unacceptable. If you follow established rules, laying electrical wires with current-carrying parts made of aluminum over highly flammable structural elements at home is strictly prohibited. Therefore, only copper conductors can be laid in wooden buildings.

The electrical cable connection must be made from the outside of the house. For this purpose, special compresses are used, thanks to which quality contact is ensured, which does not subsequently oxidize and does not spark. Electrical wiring sections passing through wooden walls or ceilings between floors must be enclosed in metal sleeves. Thanks to this additional measure precautions, the following goals are achieved:

  • the electrical cable will be protected from mechanical damage caused by displacement of the house structure due to shrinkage or vibration of the soil;
  • metal is a fire-resistant material that will reliably protect the wooden surface from ignition in a short circuit situation, leading to heating and further fire of the electrical wiring;
  • electrical wiring in hard-to-reach and inconspicuous places will be reliably protected from small pests - rats and mice.

If we consider the thickness of the pipe walls, then it is regulated by the current rules. If it is necessary to lay wires whose cross-section does not exceed 4 mm, a pipe with walls of 2.8 mm is installed, and if a more powerful cable is used, thick-walled protection up to 10 mm is used. This will not allow the metal sleeve to burn out in case of short circuit. This rule applies to all areas of electrical wiring in a wooden house.

Laying wires from the entrance to the house to the electrical panel

Another important section of the electrical wiring of wooden houses is the gap from the input to the distribution panel of the in-house electrical system. A particular specificity of this section is the vulnerability of the latter from overload using automatic machines. And given the fact that it is laid in the attic or utility room, then the risk of fire in the event of a short circuit increases greatly, since it is not worth relying on the automatic protection of the substation. Therefore, two radical methods are used to solve the problem.

  1. The entire length of the cable is enclosed in a metal pipe, with parameters corresponding to the established rules. But this method is applicable over short periods of the electrical network up to 3 m long.
  2. A more acceptable method is to install the machine, placed in a sealed box immediately before entering the line into wooden room. The response threshold of such a device should be a level higher than the main machine located in the switchgear.

Another solution to the problem is to place machines and an electric meter on external wall outside a wooden house in a separate protected box. Naturally, this option is the most reliable, although inconvenient for property owners.

Installation of distribution boards

The electrical cable entering a wooden house directly, without additional branches, enters the distribution panel, which consists of the following elements:

  • a box made of plastic or metal with places for placing the device, monitoring electricity consumption and automatic protective devices;
  • electric meter with appropriate sealing;
  • two-pole or three-pole automatic device protection of the main input cable;
  • circuit breakers for indoor electrical wiring in a wooden house;
  • It is very convenient if garage and yard lighting, as well as power supply for utility rooms, are allocated to a separate area.

The calculation of the machine’s power for each individual zone is carried out individually. The basic rule that guides this is protection triggers when an overload occurs on a weak section of in-house wiring. At the same time, the optimally selected nominal value ensures maximum safety. You should not get carried away with savings when purchasing hardware for the distribution system, since the safety of people depends on it.

Open wiring in a wooden house

If we consider methods of wiring in a wooden house, then the safest option is the open option of laying wires. Plus, such work will cost the homeowner much less. Electrical cables are laid along internal walls and the ceiling of the room. For aesthetic camouflage of wires they can be decorated in retro style or place in a decorative plastic box.

The electrical cable is laid in a self-extinguishing channel. At the same time, in construction stores you can find a product that matches the color in accordance with the general style of the building. This type of box is popular in log houses and buildings covered with clapboard wood with smooth wall surfaces.

Using braided cables will give electrical wiring an aged, retro look. The wires resemble twisted cords attached to wooden wall through a ceramic insulator. This method is considered quite safe for the simple reason that The cable has high-quality double insulation and does not come into direct contact with wooden surfaces. Plus, this type of wire will emphasize the overall stylization of the building.

Hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house

If we consider hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house, then its installation is very labor-intensive and, if it is necessary to modernize or repair electrical cables, it makes the procedure expensive and inconvenient. But, despite this, most owners of wooden country houses prefer the hidden method of installing electrical cables.

Homeowners of wooden buildings do not want to spoil the appearance of their home decoration with distribution boards and wires. The installation of hidden electrical wiring begins at the design stage of the building. In this case, for safety reasons, the wires are placed in a metal or galvanized pipe, which must be painted. To lift the cable to the socket or switch, a special fire-proof hole is installed.

Installation of electrical networks in wooden buildings in a hidden way should be carried out only in accordance with the rules and regulations for electrical installation work and using special materials to ensure fire protection. Cables running in the floors of a building must be placed in a metal sleeve or pipe made of non-flammable plastic.

Also, a hidden wiring method can be placed in grounded metal pipes. Log buildings often shrink, which must be taken into account to ensure that the logs are not exposed to wires or metal sleeves. To route cables through walls, special metal sleeves are used. But due to the fact that it is open and closed ways Laying wires in a wooden house has its own advantages and disadvantages, so most often they are combined.

Features of installation of electrical appliances

After studying the layout of electrical wires in a wooden building and marking the cable lines you can proceed to the installation of electrical distribution devices– sockets, lamps and switches. In this case, the fastening of all electrical components should be carried out only on a pre-prepared metal platform fixed to a wooden surface. Only thanks to metal protection can the proper level of fire safety in a wooden house be ensured. This rule also applies to distribution boxes.

A problem for many fans self-repair when installing electrical wiring, there is a failure to comply with fire safety standards and requirements in wooden buildings. In no case Do not use standard wires and electrical devices, as this is contrary to safety regulations.

The installation of electrical wiring in wooden buildings should be carried out only taking into account all recommendations, which will ensure the durability and efficiency of the work performed, as well as the safety of all residents of the house.

A house built of wood is good. A lot of people prefer wood as a material for walls and this is not surprising. Let's compare wood with another popular building material - brick. A house made of wood is built much faster, wood is cheaper than brick, the heat transfer of wood is much lower, which means insulating the house will cost less. Not to mention the environmental friendliness and beauty of wood. Of course, wood is not a panacea; it has many disadvantages, and one of them is that it is easily flammable. There are fire-resistant impregnations, but they do not completely solve the problem, and besides, they must be impregnated regularly. That is why in our article, which talks about how to make wiring in such a house, the theme of fire safety rules when electrifying a wooden house will be a common thread.

Basic requirements for electrical installation

Depending on the area, configuration of your home and energy consumption, you need to think through all the nuances of installing electrical wiring, as well as a number of measures before and after completion of work:

  • Draw up a power supply diagram; without it, work cannot begin;
  • Decide on materials: types, brands, cross-sections of cables and wires, their quantity. It's the same with boxes, sockets, pipes and everything else;
  • Now you can begin practical actions. First of all, you need to prepare the walls for laying pipes, installing boxes and sockets according to the power supply diagram;
  • We select a distribution panel depending on the number of consumers and their power and install it;
  • We lay the wires in the pipes and place them in pre-prepared channels, after which we connect the sockets.

The requirements are clearly demonstrated in the video:

House power supply diagram

Depending on how much electricity your home will consume, an electrical supply diagram or project is made. The project is done when peak (all electrical appliances in the house are turned on simultaneously and at maximum power) consumption is more than 10 kW. In this case, the implementation of the project is mandatory and it is subject to registration with the organization supplying electricity. The project has quite serious requirements: it must contain data from electrical circuits of external and internal power supply to the ratings of fuse links. Therefore, carry out the project in in full Only a specialist can.

Even if the consumption is less than 10 kW, the circuit is still needed. It shows the exact locations of all elements and the routes of wires, preferably indicating all distances. This must be carefully thought out and verified taking into account the location of the furniture and household appliances so as not to fuse extension cords later.

Cable entry into the house

Electrical installation is divided into two types: external and internal.

External installations include building entry and external lighting. Entering the building – important element fire safety systems, input can be air or underground. The following rules apply:

For underground input, if the house has a basement, the cable is inserted directly through the foundation through a pipe at least 1 meter from the foundation, depth - 70-80 cm. If there is no basement in the house, the cable rises along the wall of the house in a pipe to a height of at least 1.8 meters. Entering under the foundation is strictly prohibited.

Input distribution device (IDU)

It is to the ASU that the cable comes from overhead line. Here, at the ASU, the voltage is distributed throughout the house through circuit breakers and fuses. The grounding bus also comes here, connects to the grounding wires in the cable and grounds all electrical installations and lighting fixtures in the house. The ASU, or simply the shield, must be made specifically for a wooden house.

The housing of the ASU must be metal. It is very convenient to place an electric meter here, but this must be provided for by the design of the input distribution device.

Preparing the walls

When carrying out internal wiring, it is usually placed between the wall and the decorative covering. In this case, it is necessary to exclude direct contact of the cable with the wall surface and decorative covering. To do this, the conductor can be placed in a non-flammable metal hose, covering the latter on all sides with insulation in the form of cement or alabaster mortar. But the most reliable and safest way is to place the conductor in pipes, although this is more expensive.

If there is no decorative coating, then you need to make channels for the pipes and cut and hollow out spaces for sockets and switches. In this case, you need to think about how to close these channels beautifully and carefully.


In a wooden house, everything related to the electrical supply must be non-flammable:

  • The cable and wires must be copper and insulated from a material that does not support combustion, for example VVGng;
  • Sockets and switches must have a metal backing, and the plastic housing must be non-flammable, which must be indicated in the product certificate.

When choosing a cable, try to choose a cable from the same manufacturer with colored cores. This will avoid installation errors. It is customary to connect wires by color as follows:

If you decide to do internal wiring, you need to select pipes. They can be steel or copper. Steel pipes are less convenient for installation, since with small bending radii you will have to bend the pipe hot, warming up the pipe each time gas burner or a blowtorch. It is easier to work with copper pipes, but they have another drawback - the price is several times higher.

The diameter of the pipe should be such that the cable occupies no more than 40% of the pipe volume. The wall thickness should be 2.8-3.2 mm. Make sure that there are no burrs or sharp edges on the edges of the pipes that could cut through the insulation.

We insert metal branch boxes into previously prepared places and connect them to the pipes using soldering or welding.

After completing this stage of work, we check that all these elements are grounded.


Now we lay wires or cables in the pipes. It is advisable to take a three-wire or five-wire, with a grounding wire, depending on the connected load. The cable is pulled using a pulling cord. At the end of the stretching, be sure to measure the insulation resistance to make sure there is no damage.

Now we connect the wires to sockets, switches and lighting fixtures. Connections inside junction boxes can be made in several ways:

Open wiring

A cheaper and simpler wiring option compared to hidden wiring. It is carried out along the surface of the wall. The following devices are used for this:

  • Cable channel;
  • Electrical plinth;
  • Roller insulators.

Cable channel is a box consisting of two parts. One is attached to the wall, cables and wires are laid in it, the second locks them from above. In this case, the wires must be in non-flammable insulation. The convenience of cable channels lies in the easy accessibility of wiring. The material from which they are made must be non-flammable.

Electrical skirting board It is stamped from non-flammable plastic and has channels inside for laying cables.

Roller insulators have been known for a long time; in some places they have even been preserved in old houses. Now they are experiencing a new life, they are used for conducting open wiring in new houses, although this requires certain style home, appropriate interior, otherwise it will look ridiculous. With this type of wiring, a special stranded wire with PVC insulation and decorative silk braiding with non-flammable impregnation is mounted on the rollers.

The article describes the most common methods of electrifying a wooden house, and whichever one you choose, always respect electricity, and it will repay you in kind, bringing warmth and light into the house.

This article is devoted to the topic. We all know that the fashion for building wooden houses has always existed, because wood has huge benefits compared to many building materials claiming to be environmentally friendly. The main disadvantage of wooden houses is their very good susceptibility to combustion. That is why, electrical wiring in a wooden house First of all, it must meet building safety criteria. It is not enough to have a very good wire; it also needs to be installed correctly. According to statistics, in 80% of cases, gross errors are made during installation, but this is wood and any miscalculation here can lead to a fire, and a fire means loss of property, and in some cases, human lives.

In wooden houses, electrical wiring should first of all begin with your serious approach to this issue, since your safety and the safety of your loved ones depends on it. There is a huge variety of protective electrical materials specially made for wooden houses. In most cases, the main mistakes are made in not knowing these materials properly and inability to use them. We are not even talking about the owners’ lack of knowledge of wooden houses; the electricians themselves do not know them or neglect them in installation; 70% of electricians are self-taught and do not have the proper education, skills and experience, I know from my own experience in this field. But the worst thing is not this, but the fact that these unfortunate electricians do not even strive to learn the knowledge of this profession; in most cases, their knowledge in this area is not much different from yours.

Choosing a wire

It is worth starting with the electrical work of a wooden house, of course, by drawing up. Next, you need to select a wire. It is for electrical wiring in wooden houses that there are special non-flammable or low-burning wires:

  • , VVGng-P(A) - copper wire with a solid core, can be two, three, four or five cores. Has double insulation. Inner layer consists of polyvinyl chloride insulation, using multi-colored cores. The outer layer consists of a non-flammable plastic composition. The note in the wire brand “ng” means it is not subject to combustion. The temperature of use of the wire is from +50 to -50 degrees Celsius. Letter (A) - indicates the fire retardant category according to GOST R IEC 60332-3-22.

Thanks to the latest options for indoor electrical distribution, hidden wiring in a wooden house has become an alternative, the installation of which is carried out in accordance with the PUE.

To engage in the reproduction of hidden electricity, it is important to be as prepared as possible, since there are new, but very specific risks. It is important to study a number of standards and GOSTs and only then proceed with the installation of the current method for laying electricity.

Advantages of hidden electrical wiring in wooden houses

Everyone is familiar with the design firsthand, and if it is disrupted by banal electrical wiring, it will be obvious. Let's consider a number of advantageous features:

Hidden wiring in a wooden house is installed not only according to regulatory requirements, but also taking into account aesthetic considerations.

Some rules that must be used

As we said, neglecting the rules when working with electrical networks has a dangerous outcome.

Important! Compliance state standards in relation to installing electrical wiring in a wooden house - this is a chance for successful work electrical appliances.

We are for safety! To avoid any problems after installation, it is important to carry out all work exclusively according to the instructions in the diagram. You can draw up such a diagram yourself or find it on the Internet, selecting it according to the conditions of building a house. This is the only way safety can be guaranteed.

Let's prevent fire! Try to lay electrical wiring in places where there is no risk of wood ignition in the event of a short circuit or overcurrent breakdown. Typically, installation is carried out on non-combustible materials, for example, in partitions.

We preserve the interior of the house! To make branching wires invisible, they should be made in baseboards, door frames or near windows, placing them in special wooden boxes. You can also make an electrical network in special pipes with corrugated insulation, and you can put an asbestos gasket in it. It protects the insulation from powerful wiring.

Such a wiring connection in wood is prohibited.

Accounting for free access! Despite maintaining the design solutions of the living space, it is important at any time to quickly get to the boxes where all the conductors are hidden. It happens that you have to fix some damage, and tearing down half a wall to do this will cost you a lot of money.

Hidden wiring in insulation in wood

How should hidden wiring be inserted into a wooden house?

Many would-be electricians try to use the most primitive and lightweight methods to connect their wooden home to the general electrical network. However, this issue also has its own nuances. We invite you to consider them.

  1. Do not under any circumstances be guided by using ancient methods electrical plant in the house. It is likely that such options have not met the requirements for a long time.
  2. It is not recommended to place conductors on ceramic heads attached to the street wall of a wooden house, as they say - this is a time bomb! Sooner or later you will face a fire problem.
  3. The electrical network should not be installed through a wooden attic. In damp conditions and an unheated roof space, the insulating layer is often damaged, resulting in a risk of a short circuit.
  4. Use approved wiring entry methods. One of the optimal ones is the air method. But its disadvantage is that for implementation it is necessary to attract professional electricians.
  5. Underground wiring is characterized by reliability and durability. These qualities are due to the fact that the wires are completely hidden and are not exposed to atmospheric phenomena or mechanical influences caused by the human factor.

Important! The difficulty of installing hidden wiring in a house has been proven by carrying out labor-intensive tasks.

This type of wiring is prohibited.

Remember that not one centimeter of the electrical cable should come into contact with wooden walls or other ceilings, therefore, steel or copper tubes- this is a prerequisite for electrical wiring in wooden housing.

Installation of hidden wiring in a wooden house using PEU: cable laying with step-by-step instructions

Many owners of wooden buildings were able to verify that they have many advantages over brick and other structures. Despite this, wooden buildings also have a number of disadvantages, among which rapid combustion should be especially emphasized.

Often, such fires do not happen due to trivial reasons such as careless handling of fireplaces, stoves and other heating devices, but due to the incorrect location of the electrical wiring and its previously incorrect installation option.

Electrical wiring: how not to install it

The rules for electrical installations, or PUE, are the bible of every electrician and they indicate exactly how electrical wiring should be installed. If you follow these rules, the operation of the house will be as safe as possible, and the installation itself will be reliable and durable.

According to the PUE, laying cables on wooden structures of a residential building and especially cladding with highly flammable materials is strictly prohibited. It would be a big mistake if you trust the quality of the wiring winding, since the design of any cable involves a huge number of different processes that, in principle, cannot be predicted.

These include:

  • Wiring deformation at the micro level.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Increase and decrease in air humidity.
  • Possibility of dust accumulation.

Sometimes, when electrical wiring in a wooden house is laid parallel to each other, especially in the absence of protection from the base and when the voltage in the electrical network increases, a fire may occur.

Again, as the rule states, namely clause 7.1.38 of the PUE, installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house cannot be carried out on top of wooden structures. It is also prohibited to place cables in plastic boxes and corrugations.

Why can't I install plastic components? Because they can cause dangerous situations due to rodent damage and the accumulation of wood dust, which is extremely flammable.

It is important to note that if hidden wiring lights up, even if hidden in corrugation, elevated temperature will definitely be transferred to the walls, since any corrugated product is not able to prevent high temperatures.

In this regard, some builders are interested in why corrugation is needed and what is its meaning? In fact, corrugated structures are necessary because their purpose is to withstand short circuits without burning out in the time required for self-extinguishing.

If full-fledged action is necessary, it is necessary to use steel components, which are precisely what these very rules recommend.

How to properly install wiring

Today, every electrician, if asked, can answer that there are many ways to install electrical wiring, but if the electrical installation is in accordance with the PUE, there are only a few. The most important thing to focus on is fire safety requirements, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s design or installation.

If you consider the installation of wiring in a building made of rounded logs, you can see that it runs exclusively in non-flammable channels. If a fire does occur, it is immediately extinguished in the box itself.

The main rule is that there is no need to strive and put exceptional design and visual beauty first! If all this is not omitted, then you can lose such beauty and, in addition, suffer yourself.

When laying wires in a wooden house, it is best to hide them in metal pipes and steel boxes, which can be hidden in numerous voids. If you lay cables in corrugations and installation boxes using exclusively non-flammable materials, then you must prepare special gaskets for installation in advance in the form of:

  • Plasters.
  • Plaster.
  • Concrete.

The thickness of these gaskets should be selected individually depending on the characteristics of a particular cable.

If you follow the rules of electrical installations, then the most reliable is installation in boxes and pipes made of steel or copper. For example, copper pipes, if necessary, can be bent at the required angle independently and without unnecessary effort, and this is a significant advantage in an extensive power supply scheme.

If, when laying cables in a wooden house according to the PUE, you use steel pipes, then it is recommended to invite qualified workers to install them, since working with steel is much more difficult, especially if the replacement occurs in parts.

Again, cutting the sharp edges on the boxes also requires skill, and if this is not done, the wiring can be seriously damaged.

Where to start

Without the PUE, literally not a single step can be taken in any actions that relate to electrical wiring, including when selecting and marking the electrical wiring line.

When marking, it is advisable to try to keep the possible number of bends and turns as small as possible, and in places where installation of electrical wiring is possible, but complicated by complex architectural solutions, it is strictly necessary to use junction boxes.

PUE rules strictly prohibit installing junction boxes in hard-to-reach places. They must have absolutely free access, which may be needed in unexpected situations.

In order not to damage the structure of the house, steel or copper pipes should be placed with the necessary calculations. Depending on the electrical wiring, the required thickness of the tubes and their cross-section are selected, since the cable itself, according to the rules, can occupy up to 40% of the internal space and, if necessary, can be easily pulled into the cavity of the pipe.

If it is customary to lay not one wire, but 2 or 3, then the pipe should be selected with a larger diameter, since the rules remain the same - up to 40%.

You should also calculate the insulation resistance and this is done before the installation of the wiring begins. This is necessary for:

  • So that you can determine whether the wire meets the requirements.
  • Find out possible damage to the insulation during transportation and storage.
  • To comply with the same rules regarding the preparatory stage.

How to choose electrical wiring

When the stage, which includes marking the nodes and developing circuits, has come to completion, it is necessary to select the wire itself, which will have to be used for installation. Wooden structures should choose wires of the following markings:

  • VVGng-PLS.
  • VVGng (A).
  • VVGngLS.
  • VVGng-P (A).

Wires VVGng (A) or VVGng-P (A) have solid copper construction and double insulation. The inner layer is made strictly of non-flammable PVC and, most importantly, each core is protected separately and has its own color, which greatly facilitates the installation of any type of sockets, lighting devices, switches, etc. The second type of insulation is made in the form of composite plastic and covers the outside of the wire. It can be used in a wide variety of places with temperature conditions from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

As for the cables marked VVGng LS, VVGng-P LS, they are, in principle, no different in their parameters. The only one distinctive feature the fact that when heated they do not emit harmful substances.

And finally, NYM brand electrical wire. This cable has 3 layers of insulation and is manufactured according to GOST 22483. The insulation of this cable is:

  • Each core is protected by its own layer.
  • All cores in the bundle are re-insulated.
  • After this, insulation occurs in the form of enclosing the entire structure in a PVC shell.

How to choose locations for switches and sockets

When the places where it is planned to install sockets with switches have been determined, first you should drill out the sockets with special nozzles and a drill. It is necessary to install metal boxes in these sockets, which are mounted according to the same rules as any other soldering analogues.

It is extremely important to ensure grounding during installation. If continuity of the circuit is achieved when pulling the wire, then grounding can be installed through the distribution panel.

The fastening device itself metal boxes to pipes is based on welding and soldering. There are, of course, other possibilities, but in wooden buildings this method has maximum reliability:

  • By soldering and welding the contacts achieve maximum strength.
  • Impact protection external environment in the form of corrosion.
  • Such fastenings are able to withstand external mechanical loads.

Depending on which pipes are used, a decision is made about connecting to the box. For example, when working with copper pipes, all edges in the box are flared, but with steel analogues, the connection is made using nuts. To do this, you first need to cut a thread at the end of the pipes.

All nuts must be processed, since both the quality of installation and their further operation depend on this. When choosing boxes for installing switches with sockets, both distribution and technological, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of class IP -54. Only under this condition can one be guaranteed to obtain maximum confidence that neither moisture nor dust will penetrate the box during operation.

Last step: wiring test

When all installation work completed, boxes and pipes installed, the grounding device should be checked. This is necessary in order to determine how securely all elements of the common circuit are fixed.

If the check shows that all the requirements of the PUE are met absolutely precisely, you can start pulling the electrical wire.

It is extremely important to leave a tolerance when drawing electrical wiring and fixing it in boxes, since sometimes the connection system can change, and if there is no reserve length, then a section of the circuit will have to be electrified again.

If the material of the constructed building is wood, then according to the rules of the PUE it is allowed to use cables with only 3 or 5 cores. Grounding is also mandatory. If the electrical wiring network is not equipped with grounding, the object is considered unprepared for delivery.

To summarize, we can add that exactly how the entire electrical wiring path will be laid is, of course, decided by the customer. Of course, the shrinkage factors of a wooden house and the flammability of the material should be taken into account. As for the builders, in essence they don’t care; they will do what they are told to do. Only the construction customer should decide and follow the PUE or design and aesthetics, this is his right.

Video: hidden wiring in a wooden house

Do-it-yourself wiring in a wooden house: step-by-step instructions, PUE rules, diagrams, hidden and open electrical wiring + photos and videos

A wooden house pleases its residents with lightness and indescribable comfort. But wood, for all its advantages, is a flammable material that requires increased attention from the point of view of fire safety. But since the need to equip a house with electricity is not discussed today, before starting work, you need to carefully read the rules for installing electrical equipment (PUE) and the provisions of GOSTs. There are no particular difficulties in following these rules, but you need to know about them.

Basic requirements for electrical wiring in a wooden house

Codes of rules PUE and SNiP are developed by specialists in the field of safety. This is not the whim of an office official, but a list of necessary standards, compliance with which brings the level of “carelessness” as close as possible to the desired one. We can say that life itself writes these dry chapters, behind which human tragedies are sometimes hidden.

The main cause of fires in wooden buildings is electrical short circuit.

Fire statistics, unfortunately, leave no doubt that wood construction is always on the front line of fire risk. However, if we remember that for hundreds (and maybe thousands) of years our ancestors lived in wooden log houses, there is hope that everything is possible, you just need to competently deal with the wiring. After all, it is this that in the vast majority of cases becomes the cause of fire.

The basic requirements contained in the PUE and GOSTs are as follows:

  • The wiring calculation should be made with a margin of up to 30%. This concerns, first of all, the selection of the cross-sectional area of ​​the wires, since this determines the degree of heating of the insulation and the likelihood of a short circuit during operation. To cover the whole picture of electrification as a whole, it is necessary to prepare a working project with a detailed diagram and specification of electrical wiring, and upon completion of the work, undergo certification and receive a wiring passport.
  • The quality of the connections should not allow the slightest possibility of electric shock to the residents of the house.
  • Heating and ignition of cables is unacceptable, as this will most likely lead to the arson of the entire house. The possibility of short circuits must be completely excluded.

The PUE encourages the installation of lighting in wooden houses using 12-volt lamps and LED equipment, which is considered the safest today. For example, in mines and mines, especially in those where there are accumulations of methane gas, and an explosion can occur from a single spark, all equipment is powered by a current of 12 volts. The same thing is done in cars.

A significant obstacle that makes it difficult to independently carry out work on installing wiring in a wooden house is the lack of a single document regulating the installation. The main regulations are dispersed in the normative documents of GOST and SNiP and are not systematized. Therefore, when drawing up a project, it is better to contact a specialized organization that has a license for this type of activity.

Preparation of a power supply project

Project documentation must include all details of future wiring. It displays the location of lighting fixtures, sockets, mounting boxes, and distribution boards. The specification describes in detail the brands of conductors used for wiring, their total number and nominal characteristics. All electrical devices involved in the power supply circuit, such as an electric meter, RAM, automatic machines and others, are calculated in advance to ensure compliance with the loads expected during operation.

An electrical supply project usually includes a wiring diagram indicating the markings of the cables used, the type of devices to be installed and the calculated load on each of them

The presence of a project is a sign of a civilized and responsible approach to business.

You can, of course, route the cables without it, but:

  • practice shows that installing wiring without a preliminary design usually costs 10–15% more. At the same time, errors are possible, the correction of which also costs money;
  • In the event of a fire, the insurance company will require a certified home electrification plan. In its absence, damage coverage will be delayed indefinitely (until the circumstances are clarified). It's good if only one house burns down. In densely populated areas, a fire can spread to neighboring areas. The owner will be the culprit wooden structure, from where the fire began to spread. The only way to prove your non-involvement is to present a certified plan for the electrification of the premises;
  • Having a plan significantly reduces the cost of preventative and repair work on electrical wiring during further operation, and also helps to quickly find and eliminate the source of damage to the power supply.

A full-fledged project consists not only of drawings, but also of a detailed description of all elements and equipment. It usually includes:

  1. A graphic representation of all levels of living space, on which, using accepted symbols, the locations of cable routes, consumers and electrical equipment are reflected.
  2. Single-line electricity supply diagrams.
  3. Detailed calculations of grounding loops.
  4. Cross-sectional area of ​​conductors.
  5. List of switching devices.
  6. Maximum current and voltage of the meter.
  7. Calculations of power of electrical receiving devices.

In addition, the project must provide for external lighting of the site and the connection of courtyard buildings - bathhouses, garages, utility rooms.

The electrical wiring project for a private house must contain a calculation and diagram of the installation of external lighting in the adjacent area

Project documentation is developed in several stages:

  1. Formulation of the problem. Power supply is planned in accordance with the technical specifications and conditions. The customer expresses his vision to the contractor orally or using a diagram. As one of the options, a design project can serve as an order form.
  2. Development and approval of the project. If necessary, the project is protected and approved by representatives of inspection organizations. Electrification parameters and their compliance are being clarified regulatory documentation.
  3. Project implementation support. Sometimes it is also called installation supervision, during which the designer directly monitors the execution of the work.

Calculation of cable cross-section

Calculation of conductors consists of determining two parameters:

In conditions of increased fire safety requirements, the rules require the mandatory use of three-core wires. This measure is dictated by the need for protective grounding of the entire power supply system.

In private houses, wiring should be done with a three-core cable: one core is the phase wire, the second is neutral, the third is grounding
Table: selection of cable cross-section depending on current strength

Calculation of electrical installation devices

Electrical installation devices - sockets, switches and distribution boxes are selected based on the technological conditions of their operation.

Selection of input cable and circuit breaker at the input

Great importance in ensuring the safety of electrical wiring has the correct entry of electricians into the house. When choosing a cable and a circuit breaker, you should take into account that in the future the load on it will only increase - the number of household appliances and units that are used at home increases over time.

The cross-section of the input cable must be calculated for the future: over time, the number of electrical devices used and their total power consumption will only increase

The electrician's task is to select a cable that will ensure the use electrical appliances without the risk of overvoltage of the input conductor. Optimal placement The input circuit breaker (AB) is considered to be located in front of the meter. Its task is to turn off the internal network in case of excessive current consumption, for example, during a short circuit. But at the same time, it should not turn off at maximum permissible load. In order to calculate the rating of the input AV independently, use the formula Inom = P/U x cos(f), where Inom is the rated current, P is the total power of all devices, cos(f) is the power factor, which for most electrical appliances can be considered equal unit. 10% is added to the resulting rated current value and the circuit breaker is selected relative to it. Most often, in a private house, an AB with a nominal value of 25 A is sufficient.

The input circuit breaker must withstand the maximum load from all switched on electrical appliances, but open the network when too high currents occur, for example, from a short circuit

Three-phase power supply for a private house

The vast majority of wooden houses use single-phase power. But if you plan to use high-power units - for example, powerful electric welding or woodworking machines - a three-phase current supply is required. In this case, to calculate the installation devices, you need to contact a specialist. Calculations are made using more complex formulas and in relation to specific situation.

Do-it-yourself electrical wiring in a wooden house

If you have an agreed project, completed in accordance with all legal standards, you can install the electrical wiring yourself. To do this you need to stock up necessary tools and materials, as well as familiarize yourself with safety regulations. Let's consider the main stages of home electrification.

Installation of distribution board

The distribution board is the main control point for electrical energy. It is a cabinet containing devices for monitoring and metering current consumption. Can be metal or made of dielectric plastic.

Distribution panel contains control and monitoring devices for the electrical network: meters, circuit breakers, residual current devices, etc.

The shield is mounted in a place convenient for use, at a height of 1.5 to 1.7 m from the floor surface. Most often it is located near front door in such a way that when leaving you can turn off the electricity, and when returning you can turn it on. An input cable is connected from the power lines to the switchboard, and then the electricity is distributed throughout the house. The following is installed inside the shield:

  • electricity consumption meter;
  • circuit breakers on DIN rail;
  • RCD (residual current device);
  • buses for grounding and neutral circuit output.

An input circuit breaker can also be located here, but it is also practiced to locate it outside the house at the point where the overhead line is connected to the home network. This option is not without meaning, since the risk of excessive load on the input cable is significantly reduced.

Installation of the distribution board is done first. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of automation, using proven and reliable brands of devices from well-known manufacturers.

Video: review of a switchboard for a private home

Cable entry indoors

There are two options for introducing the cable from the power line into the house.

  1. An aerial method that uses a self-supporting insulated conductor.
  2. Underground method, when the cable is brought into the room from underground.

The first option is more common due to its speed and efficiency. The second one is more expensive, but has a number of advantages, such as long service life and independence from atmospheric disasters.

The underground cable entry method is more labor-intensive, but more reliable and durable

In any case, the rules require that the cable be inserted into a wooden house through a metal thick-walled (from 2.5 to 3.3 mm) pipe. Its interior must be painted or galvanized, and the installation is carried out at an angle of 3–5° to the horizontal plane so that the condensate formed can flow out freely (GOST R 50571.15–97 (IEC 364 5 52 93): clause 522.3.2).

The cable is inserted into a wooden house through a metal sleeve, which is placed at an angle to organize condensate drainage.

The installation of the metal sleeve and the cable entry are always carried out from the outside of the wall. The installer must have the appropriate qualifications and approval. Most often, this work is performed by employees of the energy supply organization.

Video: introducing cable into the house and connecting to the switchboard

Installation of switches and sockets

In wooden buildings there are certain nuances in the installation of switches and sockets.

Otherwise, the installation of sockets and switches is no different from installation in a stone building.

  1. First, the wall is marked. It is best to use a building level or laser level.
  2. Next, socket boxes or protective platforms are installed.
  3. The device base is mounted on them.
  4. After connecting to the wires, the outer casing is attached.

All of the above applies to distribution boxes. It is recommended to design wiring in such a way as to reduce their number to a minimum.

Connecting wires

Based on the same premises of increased fire hazard, it is recommended that conductor connections in wooden buildings be made using factory terminal blocks. Twisting is allowed only in case of additional soldering of current-carrying conductors and using plastic caps.

Wire connections must be made using special terminal blocks; twists can only be used as a last resort

Grounding and installation of RCDs

A residual current device (RCD) is designed to protect humans (and pets) from electric shock in the event of a possible leak on damaged insulation or the metal casing of household appliances.

In the electrical wiring diagram in a private house, it is necessary to provide for the presence of an RCD device that protects against electric shock in case of accidental leaks

The device is capable of detecting minimal leakage and responding to it by opening the circuit. The level of sensitivity depends on the brand of the device. The choice is made according to the main parameter - leakage current, which is expressed in milliamps. If the RCD is included in the whole house protection scheme, a leakage current value of 30 mA is sufficient. If the device is intended to protect separate rooms, for example, a bathroom or bathroom, select a higher sensitivity of 10 mA. An RCD is installed in switchboard. The connection diagram provides for the location of the RCD in front of the circuit breakers.

The residual current device for the general circuit of the house is selected for a leakage current of 30 mA
Video: connecting a circuit breaker and an RCD

The same tasks are assigned to grounding all electrical installations inside the house. Separately, we can say about the grounding device. In order for the stray current drainage system to work properly, you need to follow the recommendations for independently installing a grounding strip.

The grounding loop consists of three metal plates fixed to reinforcing pins

To do this, you will need three-meter-long metal fittings and three-meter sections of corners.

Do not forget about the seasonal expansion and contraction of metal under the influence of changing air temperatures.

To prevent the grounding bus from being broken, a “compensation hump” is made in it, which is designed to absorb thermal changes.

Methods for open wiring

In practice, three types of external wiring are used in wooden houses:

The choice depends entirely on the aesthetic inclinations of the residents of the house. All the necessary materials are available for sale to realize your preferences in terms of design solutions.

Video: external wiring in a cable channel in a wooden house

Hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house

If for some reason the customer is not satisfied with the external location of the wiring in the house, the cables are routed in a hidden way. In a wooden structure this is a rather labor-intensive and painstaking procedure. Each wire, regardless of its thickness, must be packaged in a metal pipe. Socket boxes and distribution boxes must also be made of metal. The pipes are supposed to be protected from corrosion. To do this, they must be painted from the inside with moisture-resistant enamels, and small holes must be drilled at certain intervals to drain condensate. For the same purpose, it is necessary to place the pipe at a slope so that drops of moisture can flow out. To avoid damage to the insulation, the ends of the pipes are cleaned of sharp burrs and additionally equipped with plastic tips.

For device hidden wiring in a wooden house, cables inside the walls are laid in metal pipes and lead out into niches covered with metal sockets

The big disadvantage of hidden wiring in a wooden structure is the inaccessibility of the cables. If any problems occur, replacing the old cable with a new one will be very difficult. Nevertheless, this type of wiring has its fans. Especially among designers who are primarily concerned with the aesthetic design of the home.

Video: hidden wiring in a wooden frame

Wiring test

After completing the installation, the customer needs to invite employees of the electrical laboratory. The purpose of the test is to measure the resistance of the system as a whole, grounding resistance and check all automation: RCDs, circuit breakers, current flow meter. If all parameters comply with the standard, the customer receives a protocol signed by the responsible person. This document is presented to the service company when concluding an agreement to supply the facility with electricity.

After completion of the work, it is necessary to invite a specialist to check the system and obtain a test report for the electrical wiring.

At independent execution When installing wiring, it is important to observe personal safety measures. Electric shock can cause irreparable harm to health and cause death. Installation is carried out only when the power supply is turned off. Commissioning of equipment is carried out in the presence of an authorized representative of the design organization.

Installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house. Part 2

Welcome to the website

In the last article (part 1) I told you about the mistakes that electricians make when performing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house, as well as what consequences arise from this.

Today I am writing a continuation of the article for you.

How to perform installation correctly?

I will say right away that the primary basis should be only the requirements of electrical safety and fire safety. The cost of electrical installation work and interior design take a back seat.

Laying methods

There are 2 ways to lay cables and wires in voids and ceilings made of wood, i.e. from combustible material.

1. In a metal pipe

I consider the first method to be the safest and most reliable - laying cables and wires in metal pipes or metal boxes.

But this method of laying is quite labor-intensive and labor-intensive. But we'll talk about this a little lower.

2. In a plastic PVC corrugation, box (channel) and in a metal hose

The plastic surface of corrugations and boxes belongs to non-flammable materials and is designated by the index “ng”, i.e. does not spread or support combustion. Read about this in the article requirements for electrical wiring.

I told you about laying wires and cables in a metal hose, PVC corrugation and box (channel) in the first part of the article. But here I want to add the following.

Such installation is permitted under one IMPORTANT condition:

Along the entire length and on all sides, it is necessary to place fireproof material between the metal hose (PVC corrugation and box) and wooden surfaces.

Fireproof materials can be: alabaster, plaster, cement, concrete, etc.

Installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house using metal pipes

As I said above, installing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house using metal pipes is labor-intensive and labor-intensive. And besides, such electrical installation can only be performed by trained and qualified specialists.

Where to begin?

The very first thing you need to start installation with is materials. And I advise you to use copper pipes.

Why copper pipes?

Yes, because copper pipes are easily subject to deformation (easily bent). Therefore, when using copper pipes, you don’t have to purchase additional professional tools.

I would like to tell you a few more words that the installation of hidden electrical wiring should be carried out in such a way as to ensure the replacement of wires and cables. What can't be said about metal boxes, because When pulling wires and cables, in this case we will damage their insulation due to sharp corners.

1. Route markings

If you have a project, then this is the task of the designers. But if you carry out the installation yourself (independently), then the marking of the electrical wiring route must be chosen the most optimal, i.e. with minimal damage to wooden surfaces, because scoring and drilling into wooden structures weakens them.

2. Installation of distribution boxes

Here I want to say that distribution boxes need to be installed only metal ones and in accessible places for inspection and further maintenance and operation.

It is prohibited to hide or hide distribution boxes.

3. Metal pipe diameter

Also an important point.

How to choose the correct diameter of a metal pipe?

The diameter of the metal pipe is selected very simply. It is necessary that the wires and cables enter the pipe freely, while filling 40% of the pipe cross-section.

How to choose the wall thickness of a metal pipe?

The wall thickness of a metal pipe for hidden electrical wiring is selected based on the cross-section of the wire or cable cores laid in this pipe.

In order not to burden you with unnecessary numbers, I will present the data in the form of a table.

4. Installation of mounting boxes (socket boxes)

To choose the right location for socket boxes, read the article Installing sockets and switches.

It is necessary to use only metal mounting boxes for sockets and switches, which we attach to an already connected metal pipe.

If you used steel pipes, then connect the pipe and the mounting box using a nut. You can also use welding for connection, which in my opinion is a more reliable connection. The distribution boxes are mounted in the same way.

It looks like this.

If you used copper pipes during installation, then the end in the installation box copper pipe flared.

5. Grounding metal pipes

Installation of a metal pipe must be carried out without breaking the pipe in distribution and installation boxes. In this case, the PE grounding conductor is connected to a pipe in the ASU panel.

If the pipe has breaks, then at the place of the break you need to ensure that the pipe is connected to the PE grounding conductor.

6. Electrical measurements

The next point of installation is to carry out electrical measurements. It is necessary to measure the presence of a circuit between grounding conductors and grounded installations and elements of a grounded installation, i.e. metal communication

I'll tell you how to do this next time. Subscribe to site news.

This measurement gives us a guarantee that all metal distribution and installation boxes are continuous and connected to a common PE bus in the ASU of the house.

7. Laying wires and cables

Electrical wiring is carried out using three-core or five-core wires, i.e. according to the TN-C-S or TN-S system. You can choose the brand of wires and cables according to my recommendations. Follow the link and study the material.

For information - PUNP wire is prohibited for use.

Plastic bushings are placed on the ends of metal pipes to prevent damage to wires and cables during installation.

Then “steel” is pulled into the metal pipe, with the help of which wires and cables are subsequently pulled to the wiring boxes.

Upon completion of work on laying wires and cables for hidden electrical wiring in metal pipes, it is necessary to measure the insulation resistance to ensure that the insulation was not damaged during installation.

8. Connection

The last stage Installation of hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house involves cutting and connecting wires and cables to electrical equipment.

9. Completion of work

After completing the installation, you need to contact the employees of the electrical engineering laboratory, who will carry out the following acceptance measurements and tests:

After all the measurements, the electrical laboratory specialists will write a conclusion about the condition and serviceability of your newly installed hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house.

In the next article read about open wiring in a wooden house.

P.S. This is where I end the article. I think I have demonstrated to you in detail and clearly how to carry out installation correctly. Ask your questions in the comments.
