Scots pine variety. Classification of Scots pine. Coniferous plant pine

Among the plants that decorate our gardens, conifers occupy a special place. They give the garden a noble look and decorate it all year round. They are loved because they are very decorative and set the tone in many compositions. But, coniferous plants are especially popular in winter - on the eve of the New Year. They look spectacular in New Year's decorations in our apartments, under caps of snow in large parks and squares, and in very small areas.

As for the landed coniferous plants, then we can say that the sympathies of gardeners are almost evenly distributed among various types firs, pines, thujas, junipers and larches. All of them can be called long-livers; many of them live for hundreds of years.

Almost all conifers are evergreen. Only some of them, for example, larch, shed their needles for the winter. Still, the rest renew their needles gradually. Every few years the old needles fall off and new young green needles appear in their place.

The variety of coniferous plants allows gardeners to choose the most suitable tree or shrub for their garden.

The following advantages of conifers make them very popular in landscape gardening:

  • Tolerates lack of light and moisture well
  • Many varieties naturally have the correct shape and therefore do not require pruning
  • Thanks to its medicinal pine aroma, it is widely used in folk and official medicine.
  • Due to the variety of types and shapes, they are actively used in landscape compositions on plots of any size

If you decide to plant a coniferous plant on your site, you need to approach the choice very carefully.

Key questions to ask yourself:

  • What do you want to plant - a tree or a shrub?
  • Is the composition ready for the conifer?
  • Have you taken into account your climatic conditions and the composition of the soil on the site?

Coniferous plants go well, in particular with cereals, roses, etc. If the answers are ready, you can start selecting the variety, type and shape of the coniferous plant.

Types of conifers


An evergreen monoecious and wind-pollinated plant. Its Latin name (lat. Picea) spruce is due to the high resin content in the wood. Widespread use in industry is due to the softness of the wood and the absence of a core.

Spruce- perhaps the most beloved and widespread coniferous tree in our country. These beautiful slender trees with a pyramidal crown occupy one of the first places in the coniferous kingdom and number almost 50 species of plants in their genus.

The largest number of spruce species grows in Western and Central China and in the northern hemisphere. In Russia, 8 species of spruce are well known.

Spruce is considered a fairly shade-tolerant plant, however, it still prefers good lighting. Root system she has a superficial one, i.e. close to the ground. Therefore, they do not dig up the soil at the roots. Spruce is demanding on soil fertility and loves light loamy and sandy loam soils.

Types of fir trees successfully used in landscaping:

Sometimes it reaches 40 meters. Fast growing tree. Thanks to the special color of the needles - the top is shiny dark green, and the bottom has noticeable white stripes - it gives the impression that the tree is bluish-green. Brown-purple cones give the plant a special charm and elegance.

Serbian spruce looks great both in single and group plantings. An excellent example is the magnificent alleys in parks.

There are dwarf varieties no more than 2 meters high.

(Picea obovata). On the territory of our country it grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the Urals.

Coniferous tree up to 30 m high. The crown is dense, wide-conical, with a pointed apex. The bark is fissured, gray. The cones are ovoid-cylindrical, brown. It has several subtypes, differing in the color of the needles - from pure green to silver and even golden.

Norway spruce or common spruce (Picea abies). The maximum height of a coniferous tree is 50 m. It can live up to 300 years. This is a slender tree with a dense pyramidal crown. Norway spruce is considered the most common tree in Europe. The width of the trunk of an old tree can reach 1 m. Mature cones of the common spruce are oblong-cylindrical in shape. They ripen in the fall in October, and their seeds begin to fall from January to April. Norway spruce is considered the fastest growing. So, in a year she can grow 50 cm.

Thanks to breeding work, several very decorative varieties of this species have been developed to date. Among them there are weeping, compact, and pin-shaped spruces. All of them are very popular in landscape gardening and are widely used in park compositions and as hedges.

Spruce, like any other coniferous plant, becomes especially beautiful with the arrival of winter. Any shade of pine effectively emphasizes the snow cover, and the garden looks elegant and noble.

In addition to the types of spruce described above, prickly spruce, oriental spruce, black spruce, Canadian spruce, and ayan spruce are also popular among gardeners.

The pine genus consists of more than 100 names. These conifers are distributed throughout almost the entire Northern Hemisphere. Also, pine grows well in forests in Asia and North America. Artificially planted pine plantations do well in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet. It is much more difficult for this coniferous tree to take root in urban conditions.

Tolerates frost and drought well. But pine doesn’t really like the lack of light. This coniferous plant gives good annual growth. The dense crown of pine is very decorative, and therefore pine is successfully used in landscaping parks and gardens, both in single and group plantings. This conifer prefers sandy, calcareous and rocky soils. Although there are several types of pine that prefer fertile soils - these are Weymouth, Wallich, cedar and resin pine.

Some properties of pine are simply amazing. For example, the peculiarity of its bark is fascinating: the bark below is much thicker than the one above. This makes us think once again about the wisdom of nature. After all, it is this property that protects the tree from summer overheating and possible ground fire.

Another feature is how the tree prepares for the winter in advance. After all, the evaporation of moisture in frost can destroy the plant. Therefore, as soon as cold weather approaches, pine needles are covered with a thin layer of wax, and the stomata close. Those. the pine tree stops breathing!

Scots pine. It is rightfully considered a symbol of the Russian forest. The tree reaches a height of 35-40 meters, and therefore is deservedly called a tree of the first magnitude. The trunk circumference sometimes reaches 1 meter. Pine needles are dense, bluish-green. They come in different shapes - protruding, curved, and even collected in bunches of 2 needles.

The lifespan of needles is 3 years. With the onset of autumn, the needles turn yellow and fall off.

Pine cones, as a rule, are located 1-3 pieces on the legs. Ripe cones are brown or brown in color and reach a length of 6 cm.

IN unfavorable conditions Scots pine may stop growing and remain a “dwarf”. Surprisingly, different specimens may have different root systems. For example, in dry soils, a pine tree can develop a taproot that extracts water deep underground. And in conditions of high groundwater levels, lateral roots develop.

The lifespan of Scots pine can reach 200 years. History knows of cases when pine lived for 400 years.

Scots pine is considered a fast-growing tree. Over the course of a year, its growth can be 50-70 cm. This coniferous tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 15. In forest and dense planting conditions - only after 40 years.

Latin name Pinus mugo. This is a multi-stemmed coniferous tree reaching a height of 10-20 meters. Dwarf varieties - 40-50 cm. Trunks - semi-lodging and ascending. In adulthood it can reach a diameter of 3 m. A very decorative coniferous plant.

The needles are dark, long, often curved. The bark is brownish-gray, scaly. The cones ripen in the 3rd year.

To date, more than 100 varieties of mountain pine have been registered. And every year this number increases. In landscape gardening, dwarf varieties are especially used, which form beautiful compositions along the banks of reservoirs and in rocky gardens.

Magnificent species with a narrow pyramidal crown. Homeland - North America. In our country it grows well in the southern and middle zones. Grows up to 10 meters. It does not tolerate urban conditions very well. Especially at a young age, it often freezes. Prefers places protected from winds. Therefore, it is better to plant yellow pine in groups.

The needles are dark and long. The bark is thick, reddish-brown, cracking into large plates. The cones are ovoid, almost sessile. There are about 10 varieties of yellow pine.

A very impressive variety of pine. Homeland - North America. The needles have a blue-green tint. The cones are large and somewhat curved. A mature tree can reach a height of more than 30 meters. It is considered a long-liver, as it can live up to 400 years. As it grows, it changes its crown from narrow-pyramidal to wide-pyramidal. It got its name thanks to to the English lord Weymouth, who took her home from North America in the 18th century.

Does not tolerate salty soils well. It is relatively resistant to frost, but does not like winds. Weymouth pine is characterized by red pubescence on young shoots.

A relatively low coniferous plant - up to 20 m high. It is a slow-growing tree. The bark is light gray, lamellar. The needles are bright green, hard, curved. The cones are yellowish, shiny, long. The crown diameter can reach 5-6 meters.

Some experts consider it Geldreich's pine. Indeed, the similarities are great. However, since there are varieties under both names, we will still focus on whitebark pine. To date, about 10 varieties of this species are known. Geldreich's pine has about the same amount. Often varieties can be mixed.

In the conditions of our country, this type of pine takes root best in the southern regions, as it does not tolerate frost well. Whitebark pine is light-loving and undemanding to the nutritional composition of the soil, but grows better on moderately moist, drained and moderately alkaline soils.

Looks good in Japanese, rocky and heather gardens. Excellent for both solitary planting and mixed groups.


Tall (up to 60 m) coniferous tree with a conical crown. A bit like spruce. The diameter can reach 2 meters. This is a real long-lived plant. Some specimens live 400-700 years. The fir trunk is straight and columnar. The crown is dense. At a young age, the fir crown has a cone-shaped or pyramidal shape. As it matures, the shape of the crown becomes cylindrical.

The needles, depending on the variety, have different lengths and live 8-10 years. Fir begins to bear fruit at the age of approximately 30 years. The cones are erect and long (up to 25 cm).

This coniferous plant does not tolerate frost, drought and extreme heat. The advantage is that this is the most shade-tolerant tree. Sometimes seedlings may appear under the mother tree in complete shade. With good lighting, firs naturally grow better.

This coniferous plant is a real find in landscape gardening. Fir is used both in single plantings and for decorating alleys. Dwarf forms look great in a rocky garden and on an alpine hill.

The botanical name is Abies balsamea "Nana". This coniferous plant is a dwarf cushion-shaped tree. It grows naturally in North America.

Unpretentious in care. Loves good lighting, but also tolerates shadow well. For balsam fir, it is not so much frost that is dangerous as strong gusty winds, which can simply damage a small tree. Prefers light, moist, fertile, slightly acidic soil. It reaches a height of 1 m, which makes it a favorite decorative object in landscape gardening. It is equally good for decorating the garden, landscaping terraces, slopes and roofs.

Propagated by seeds and annual cuttings with an apical bud.

The needles are dark green with a special sheen. Exudes a characteristic resinous aroma. The cones are red-brown, elongated, reaching a length of 5-10 cm.

This is a very slow growing coniferous plant. In 10 years it grows no more than 30 cm. It lives up to 300 years.

Nordmann fir (or Caucasian). An evergreen coniferous tree that came to us from the mountains of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Sometimes it grows up to 60-80 meters in height. The crown shape is neat cone-shaped. It is for this neat appearance and gardeners love Nordmann fir.

It is she who is decorated instead of a Christmas tree on new year holidays In many European countries. This is largely due to the structure of the branches - the branches are often located and raised upward. This is a distinctive feature of the Nordmann fir.

The needles are dark green with some shine. Young shoots have a light green, even yellowish tint. The needles are from 15 to 40 mm and look very fluffy. If you lightly rub the needles between your fingers, you can feel a specific citrus aroma.

The trunk of an adult plant can reach two meters in diameter. When young, the bark of Caucasian fir is grayish-brown and smooth. As it matures, it cracks into segments and becomes dull.

Nordmann fir grows quite quickly. Under favorable conditions, this coniferous tree can live up to 600-700 years. Moreover, the increase in height and width continues until the very last day of life!

Depending on the type of soil, the root system can be either superficial or deep with a central core. The cones of this fir are large, up to 20 cm, located vertically on a short stem.

It has a unique property - the needles on the branches remain even after they dry out, even to the point of mechanical damage.

Coniferous evergreen, belonging to the Cypress family. It could be either a tree or a shrub. Common juniper (Juniperus communis) grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. However, in Africa you can also find your own juniper - the East African one. In the Mediterranean and Central Asia, this plant forms juniper forests. Quite common are low-growing species that spread along the ground and rocky slopes.

Today, more than fifty species of juniper are known.

As a rule, this is a light-loving and drought-resistant crop. Completely undemanding to soils and temperatures. However, like any plant, it has its own preferences - for example, it develops better in light and nutritious soil.

Like all coniferous plants, it is a long-lived plant. Its average lifespan is about 500 years.

The needles of juniper are bluish-green, triangular, pointed at the ends. The cones are spherical in shape and gray or blue in color. Tap root.

Magical properties were also attributed to this coniferous plant. For example, a juniper wreath was believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. Perhaps this is why in Europe there is a fashion for hanging wreaths on the eve of the New Year.

IN landscape design Both juniper trees and shrubs are widely used. Group plantings are good for creating hedges. Single plants also cope well with leading role in composition. Low-growing creeping varieties are often used as ground cover plants. They strengthen slopes well and prevent soil erosion. In addition, juniper lends itself well to pruning.

Scaly juniper (Juniperus squamata)- creeping shrub. Dense branches with equally dense needles look very decorative.

Evergreen coniferous plant. Looks like trees or shrubs. Depending on the genus and species, it differs in color, quality of needles, crown shape, height and life expectancy. Representatives of some species live up to 150 years. At the same time, there are specimens - true centenarians that reach almost 1000 years!

In landscape gardening, thuja is considered one of the basic plants, and like any conifer, it is good both in group planting and as a solo plant. It is used to decorate alleys, hedges and borders.

The most common types of thuja are western, oriental, giant, Korean, Japanese, etc.

Thuja needles are soft, needle-like. The needles of a young plant are light green. With age, the needles acquire more dark shade. The fruits are oval or oblong cones. The seeds ripen in the first year.

Thuja is famous for its unpretentiousness. It tolerates frost well and is easy to care for. Unlike other coniferous plants, it tolerates gas pollution well in large cities. Therefore, it is indispensable in urban landscaping.


Coniferous plants with needles that fall off in the winter. This partly explains its name. These are large, light-loving and winter-hardy plants that grow quickly, are undemanding to soil and tolerate air pollution well.

Larches are especially beautiful in early spring and late autumn. In spring, larch needles acquire a soft green hue, and in autumn they become bright yellow. Since the needles grow every year, their needles are very soft.

Larch bears fruit from the age of 15. The cones have an ovoid-conical shape, somewhat reminiscent of a rose flower. They reach a length of 6 cm. Young cones are purple in color. As they ripen, they acquire a brown tint.

Larch- a long-lived tree. Some of them live up to 800 years. The plant develops most intensively in the first 100 years. These are tall and slender trees, reaching 25-80 meters in height, depending on the type and conditions.

In addition, larch is very useful tree. It has very hard and durable wood. In industry, its red kernel is in greatest demand. Also, larch is valued in folk medicine. Folk healers harvest its young shoots, buds and larch resin, from which they obtain “Venetian” turpentine (turpentine), which is used for many diseases. The bark is harvested throughout the summer and used as a vitamin supplement.

Photos of coniferous plants

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(Pinus strobus)

Weymouth pine is a tall tree, reaching a height of fifty meters. The growth rate is fast. Can grow on different types of soils, except saline ones. Develops better on sunny places. It is not demanding on moisture; natural climatic watering is quite sufficient. Frost-resistant and wind-resistant. It is distinguished by a fluffy soft crown. It is used in urban landscaping and in large areas in single and group plantings, as well as alleys.

(Pinus strobus Radiata)

Weymouth Radiata pine is a small dwarf coniferous tree or shrub. The needles are soft and thick. The growth rate is slow. Grows well in any soil. Photophilous, relatively shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. Pairs perfectly with rhododendrons. Used in rocky gardens in single and group plantings.

(Pinus strobus fastigiata)

Weymouth Pine Fastigiata is a fast-growing coniferous tree. It grows well on different types of soil, except saline ones. Shade-tolerant, winter-hardy, wind-resistant. Affected by blister rust. When planting, avoid the proximity of currants and gooseberries, which are the intermediate host of rust fungus. Resistant to urban conditions. A wonderful tree for creating alleys. Also used in single and group plantings.

(Pinus leucodermis)

Geldreich's pine is a large coniferous tree. The shape of the crown depends on the growing conditions. The growth rate is slow. Prefers calcareous soils, light-loving. Winter hardiness is average. Requires shelter in the first years of life. High resistance to diseases and pests. Used in landscape compositions, in single and group plantings.

(Pinus leucodermis Compact Gem)

Geldreich Pine Compact Jam - dwarf form pine trees with soft light needles. The growth rate is slow. It is not picky about growing conditions and is resistant to soil salinity. Frost resistance is average, in snowy winters it is high. Looks very impressive in single plantings on open places. Thanks to its compact crown, it can be freely located in small gardens.

(Pinus mugo)

Mountain pine is a large multi-stemmed coniferous tree, the root system of which is several times greater than its height. The growth rate is slow. Photophilous, winter-hardy. In Moscow, the species is not used in urban landscaping, but has taken root well various varieties mountain pine trees in park and garden art.

(Pinus mugo Varella)

Mountain pine Varella is a decorative dwarf form of mountain pine. The crown is dense, fluffy, rounded. Winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pests, light-loving, drought-resistant. Looks great in rock gardens, rocky hills, and shrub compositions. Looks good in single plantings against a lawn.

(Pinus mugo Winter Gold)

Mountain pine Winter Gold is distinguished by its ability to change color depending on the time of year. In summer, the needles of the plant are light green, and by winter they turn a bright golden color. This is a slow-growing form of mountain pine. It is not demanding on the soil, light-loving, winter-hardy, and resistant to urban conditions. Looks great in spring in compositions with the first flowers. Ideal for creating miniature garden compositions.

(Pinus mugo Gnom)

Mountain pine Gnome is a coniferous shrub that has proven itself in landscaping. Small, absolutely unpretentious, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant - it also has a beautiful dome-shaped crown. The growth rate is very slow. Recommended for single and group plantings on the ground lawn, as well as for growing in containers, landscaping roofs and rocky areas.

(Pinus mugo Columnaris)

Mountain pine Columnaris is a small coniferous tree or shrub with a narrow conical crown and dark emerald needles. The plant is unpretentious in care. Its crown starts directly from the ground, so when planted in landscape compositions, pine does not require placement in the foreground. It grows slowly. Prefers a sunny planting location. Drought-resistant, frost-resistant, suitable for growing in urban conditions. Recommended for use as an accent in tree and shrub compositions. Suitable for hedges.

(Pinus mugo Mops)

Pine mountain pug- one of the forms of Swiss mountain pine. Its dimensions are small, growing up to a maximum of one and a half meters in height and width. This makes pine ideal for small gardens. Among the diseases it is susceptible to rust. It grows slowly. It is not demanding on growing conditions. Frost-resistant, light-loving. Looks great in single and group plantings in rocky gardens.

(Pinus mugo Mughus)

Mountain pine Mugus is a very hardy mound-shaped shrub with vertical shoots. Looks great in borders as a backdrop for mass plantings. Sun-loving, winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Does not require special care. Tolerant to the urban environment. Used in single and group plantings.

(Pinus mugo Pumilio)

Mountain pine Pumilio - dwarf variety with a creeping crown shape and vertically located shoots. Sun-loving, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, does not require special care. Tolerates urban conditions well. It grows slowly. Looks great in rocky gardens in single and group plantings.

(Pinus mugo humpy)

The Hampi mountain pine is attractive due to its small round shape and dark green needles. It is perfect for small landscape compositions. It grows slowly. It is not demanding on growing conditions. Shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, winter-hardy. In too wet periods of the year it can be affected by fungal diseases. An excellent decorative element for any rocky garden.

(Pinus cembra)

European cedar pine - large evergreen tree, reaching a height of 20-25 m. The growth rate is slow. Resistant to pests and diseases. Prefers moderately moist soils. Grows well in sun and partial shade. Frost-resistant. Used in large landscape compositions. It goes well with hemlock, larches, junipers, oaks, rowan trees, rhododendrons, etc.

(Pinus cembra compacta glauca)

The pine pine Compacta Glauka is characterized by its miniature size and very beautiful needles. Prefers a sunny planting location. Winter-hardy. It is highly resistant to diseases and pests. Used in rock gardens. Recommended for single and group plantings.

(Pinus koraiensis)

The Korean pine tree grows well in moist, well-drained loamy soils in full sun. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil. Korean pine prefers climates with cool summers. She doesn't like the heat and high humidity. Pine has good winter hardiness and tolerance to urban conditions. When young, the tree usually has a narrow pyramidal shape with ascending branches. With age, the crown becomes rounded with almost horizontal branches. Frost-resistant. Looks great as a solitaire and in landscape compositions.

(Pinus sibirica)

Siberian cedar pine is a sun-loving large tree. Drought-resistant, winter-hardy. It grows slowly. Very durable. Prefers drained deep light loamy and loamy soils. It is a valuable forest-forming species in Russia. Widely used in park landscaping.

(Pinus pumila)

The dwarf pine is an evergreen shrub. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, wind-resistant, light-loving. It grows very slowly. It is unpretentious to the soil, grows on sand and rocky soil. They are planted in groups, in rock gardens, including alpine hills, and are used to strengthen slopes and retain snow.

(Pinus pumila Glauca)

Glauka pine pine is a coniferous shrub with a densely branched crown of bluish-green color. This form of pine grows best in full sun and well-drained, humus-rich soil. Hot climate- Not Better conditions for the development of this pine. The plant is frost-resistant. The growth rate is very slow. The shrub looks great in mixed borders, tree and shrub compositions, rock gardens and bonsai art.

(Pinus sylvestris)

Scots pine is a tall evergreen tree. Tolerates urban conditions very well. High frost resistance. The growth rate is fast. Used in park landscaping as a tapeworm and in compositions with other woody plants.

(Pinus sylvestris Watereri)

Scots pine Watereri grows in moist, acidic, well-drained soils in full sun. Prefers a climate with cool summers; they do not like southern heat and high humidity. Tolerant to urban conditions. The growth rate is slow. In landscaping it is used as a background plant.

(Pinus sylvestris Fastigiata)

Scots pine fastigiata is an evergreen tree with a narrow crown. Susceptible to damage from snow, ice and strong winds, so it is necessary to tie down pine branches for the winter. The growth rate is moderate. Does not like clay soils. Photophilous, drought-resistant, winter-hardy. In landscape design it plays the role of an accent in tree and shrub compositions.

(Pinus nigra Globosa)

Black pine Globoza is a shrub with a regular spherical crown. Frost-resistant. Grows in sunny places and in partial shade. Prefers for planting fresh, well-drained soils that prevent stagnation of water. Possible decorative pruning, to maintain the correct crown shape. Looks good in single plantings. Suitable for growing in small areas.

(Pinus nigra Nana)

Black pine Nana is a slow-growing dwarf shrub. Not picky about soils. It is photophilous and freezes slightly in harsh winters. Pine trees look very impressive next to beautifully flowering and brightly fruited shrubs (cotoneasters, barberries, mock oranges, brooms, spirea). Recommended for use in single and group plantings.

(Pinus nigra nigra)

Black pine (Austrian pine) is one of the most decorative types of pine trees. This is a tall, wide-pyramidal tree with dark green needles. At a young age it grows slowly, then faster, while the shape of the crown changes to an umbrella shape. Not demanding on soils. Sun-loving, frost-resistant, drought-resistant. Tolerant to the urban environment. Used in single and group plantings in cities and industrial areas, to create clumps and arrays, especially on slopes. Recommended for planting in parks and large gardens, in free groups, compositions, alleys.

(Pinus nigra Pyramidalis)

Black pine Pyramidalis has a narrow pyramidal crown. It grows slowly. Undemanding to soil fertility, can grow on any well-drained soil. Prefers a sunny location, but tolerates light partial shade. In full shade the crown becomes loose. Drought-resistant, winter-hardy. Used for landscaping cities and parks. This variety is especially good for planting in landscape compositions among trees and shrubs with different architecture. The dark green color of the needles contrasts with the foliage of variegated and brightly flowering shrubs. The plant takes up little space, so it can be used for planting in small gardens.

(Pinus nigra Fastigiata)

Black pine Fastigiata is a tall tree with a variable crown. At first, the shape of the crown is narrow pyramidal, and after 15 years the crown begins to straighten out into a picturesque umbrella shape. Grows rapidly at a young age, then growth rate decreases. Not picky about soil. Grows only in sunny places. Does not tolerate shade. Drought-resistant, tolerates high temperatures. Frost-resistant. Resistant to diseases and pests. Recommended for use in park design and large gardens.

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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is a domestic forest-forming species; tree heights can reach 40m. The bark is red-brown, cracking on old parts of the trunk, young - with an orange tint, thin, flaky. The crown is broadly cone-shaped at first, almost umbrella-shaped in old trees. Needles 2 in a bunch, rigid, often curved, 4-6 cm long, bluish. The cones are curved downwards, ovoid, 4-7 x 2-3.5 cm, ripen in the second year. The apophyses are rhombic, slightly thickened, grayish-brown, with a small umbilicus. Winged seeds.

In domestic forestry, the most famous is the intraspecific classification of Scots pine and its varieties, made by Doctor of Biological Sciences L. F. Pravdin. He identified five subspecies or geographic races of pine. Its distribution area covers the entire temperate zone of Eurasia.

Light-loving, grows quickly on any soil.

Throughout its range it has many natural forms and produces hybrids with mountain and black pines. In total, there are more than 120 varieties of Scots pine in nature.

Scots pine ‘Alba Picta’. It grows slowly. Height at 10 years is 3-4 m. The crown is like that of the wild form. The ends of the needles are yellowish. A variety with this name is found only in catalogs of domestic companies; perhaps it is ‘Aureopicta’ (1868, France).

Scots pine variety ‘Albyns’(‘Albyn’, ‘Albynn’s Prostrate’) (before 1960, USA). Dwarf. The annual growth is about 10 cm. The crown is cushion-shaped or creeping, quite dense and even. The central leader is strongly bent, branches spread along the ground. This variety of Scots pine has bluish needles. Seedling. It is recommended to remove the central leader for greater effect. Grafted onto a standard it gives a weeping form.

Scots pine variety ‘Aurea’(‘Wintergold’) (1876). Tree of medium height. It grows slowly. The crown is ovoid or broadly pyramidal. The needles in summer are like those of the wild form, after frost they turn yellow and in winter they become bright yellow. The varieties ‘Gold Coin’ (England), compact, with light green summer needles, and ‘Nisbet’s Gold’ (England), which is brighter and grows faster than ‘Aurea’, are considered more beautiful.

Pine variety ‘Beuvronensis’(until 1891, France). Dwarf. At 25 years old, about 0.5 m tall. The crown is round, flattened, dense and even, becoming a mop with age. Highly resinous. The needles are about 2 cm long. Witch's broom.

Pine ‘Bonna’. Large tree. Grows quickly. The crown is like that of the wild form. The needles are intensely blue.

Scots pine ‘Candlelight’. Tree average size. Grows quickly. The crown is like that of the wild form. The needles on young shoots have light yellow tips.

Pine variety ‘Chantry Blue’. Dwarf. It grows very slowly. The crown is tussock-shaped, lower and more compact than that of ‘Watereri’. The needles are blue. Beautiful orange male buds.

Variety ‘Compressa’(1867, France). Dwarf. The annual growth is 4-5 cm. The crown is columnar, the branches are raised, pressed to the trunk. The needles are 1-2 cm long. The cones are very small.

Variety ‘Frensham’(England). Dwarf. The crown is ovoid, dense. The needles are bluish. Witch's broom.

Pine ‘Glauca’. Medium sized tree. Annual growth is 15 cm. The crown is dense, similar to that of the wild form. The needles are blue. Often there is a dwarf form of ‘Glauca Nana’ with a rounded, very dense crown up to 2 m in height, which is sometimes grafted onto a standard.

Scots pine ‘Hillside Creeper’(1970, USA). Medium size. The annual growth is 10-20 cm, with age the growth rate slows down. At 10 years, the height is 0.5 m with a width of 2 m. The crown is low, creeping, dense, layering in the center with age. The needles are grayish-green in summer, turn yellow after frost and turn golden in winter. Found as a seedling.

Pine variety ‘Jeremy’(1982, England). Dwarf, tussock-shaped. It grows slowly. At 25 years old it reaches almost 1 m in height and 1.2 m in width. The branches are dense and thin. The needles are short and green.

Scots pine variety ‘Moseri’(‘Moser’, P. nigra ‘Pygmaea’) (before 1900). Dwarf. It grows slowly. The crown is dense, oval or ovoid. As you can see in the photo, the branches of this variety of Scots pine are short and dense. The needles are very thick, hard, 5-6 cm long, somewhat sinuous, turning yellow in winter. Found in the mountains of Italy.

Pine ‘Norske Typ’(‘Noorwegen’). Medium sized tree. At 10 years of age, the height is 12 m. The crown is like that of the wild form. The needles are short, grayish-green. Commonly used for bonsai.

'Repanda'. Wide flat shape with powerful splayed shoots. Annual growth is 10-15 cm. The needles are 5-8 cm long, grayish. The cones are apical, small, up to 1.5 cm long.

Variety ‘Sandringham’(1970, England). Dwarf. Up to 1 m tall. The crown is round, very dense. Witch's broom seedling. The needles are green. May be offered on a standard.

Botanical name: Scots pine (Pinus silvestris)

Homeland: Siberia, Ural, Europe

Lighting: photophilous

The soil: sandy, sandy loam

Max Height: 40 m

Average life expectancy: 200 years

Reproduction: seeds, grafting

Synonym – Scotch pine

Description of Scots pine

The pine tree is one of the most valuable in our country. Reaching 35-40 m in height, it belongs to the trees of the first size. The trunk circumference reaches 1 m. It is covered with reddish-brown, grooved, peeling bark. At the base of the trunk, the bark is much thicker than that located at the top. This “idea” of nature has a protective function, protecting the tree from overheating and ground fire. Pines that grow in closed stands have a more slender trunk with an openwork crown. While the tree is young, the crown has a cone-shaped shape. With age, it becomes rounder, wider, and in old age it acquires a flat or umbrella-shaped shape. Pine needles have a bluish-green color. It is quite dense, often protruding, curved, collected in bunches of 2 needles. Length 4-7 cm. The needles are pointed, slightly flattened, and have a thin longitudinal stripe. The needles live for 3 years. In autumn, usually in September, some of the needles fall off. Before this, the needles become yellow, which makes the crown look variegated.

The cones are located singly or in groups of 2-3 on stems lowered down. The unripe cone is conical in shape and dark green in color. Sometimes a brownish tint may be present. Pine cones ripen in the second year. Ripe buds turn brown or brown in color. Length is 3-6 cm, width 2-3 cm.

Pine is a coniferous tree that prepares itself for the winter in its own way. After all, evaporation at “minus” temperatures is detrimental to the plant, while at the same time the needles remain on the branches. The plant copes with this quite simply: with the onset of cold weather, a thin layer of wax is placed on the needles, the stomata close, and therefore breathing stops.

Coniferous plant pine

Scots pine forms a number of forms that differ in the structure of the crown, the color and shape of the cones. They are found with a weeping and pyramidal crown. The color of the needles on young shoots can be golden, whitish or silver. The bark is either scaly or lamellar.

The pine plant has a wide range, which extends to different, from an ecological point of view, areas, so the species is characterized by a large number of ecotypes. Today, ecologists have identified more than 30 such ecotypes. For example, Angara pine, growing in the river basin. Angara is an ecotype of Scots pine. The study and observation of Scots pine seedlings of different origins grown in the same conditions shows the differences in the plants' abilities for drought and cold resistance, growth, and resistance. Also, these plants may differ in morphological characteristics, such as: crown shape, needle length, trunk structure, etc. However, all these characteristics are prone to change and are not used to distinguish the species.

Characteristics of Scots pine

Growing in unfavorable conditions, for example in a swamp, Scots pine can remain a dwarf. Moreover, even hundred-year-old specimens may not exceed 1 m in height. Pine is a light-loving plant, frost- and heat-resistant. Of all the representatives of tree species growing on sandy soils, Scots pine is the most resistant to lack of moisture. In such conditions, the roots are able to penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 m. Therefore, even in drought conditions they can supply the tree with water. This ability of plants determined the different root systems of different populations. In arid areas, the tree develops a tap root well, and in conditions of close groundwater, the root system is formed mainly by lateral roots, branching in all directions.

The average lifespan of pine trees is about 200 years. Individual specimens, under favorable conditions, live up to 400 years.

They grow quickly, with a particularly significant increase from one year to 100 years - 50-70 cm. According to this indicator, this representative of conifers is second only to larch. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 15. In conditions of dense planting - from 40 years. Abundant harvests can usually be repeated after 4-7 years.

Grows well on sandy loam and sandy soils. It is extremely rare in the southern steppe regions. Therefore, recently Scots pine is often planted in forest shelter belts on the slopes of ravines, on sand, and in steppe ravines.

Very often you can find information that pine is a dioecious plant. This is a mistake, in fact, it is a monoecious plant, that is, with a predominance of flowers of either male or female. Thus, one tree contains predominantly female flowers, while the other tree contains predominantly male inflorescences. Female flowers are located at the ends of the shoots and have the shape of a small bump. And the male ones are located near the base of the shoot. It is believed that the predominance of inflorescences of a certain sex is a hereditary factor. But it turns out that depending on the conditions in which the tree grows, its “sex” can change.

Scots pine blooms at the end of May, when the air temperature is already high. Pollination occurs due to the wind. Fertilization itself will occur only next year. During the pollination period, a yellow coating can be seen on the trees. This is pine pollen. By and large, the pine plant is characterized by good pollination. This is possible due to the air sacs that pine pollen has, through which it is carried by the wind over long distances. The timing of pollination varies depending on the weather. In clear sunny weather, pollen can disperse in 3-4 days. When it rains, this process is delayed.

What is different about pine wood?

The wood of ordinary pine is dense, sound, containing a lot of tree resin. Young plantings are characterized by straight-grained wood, which over the years turns into cross-grained wood. Density of wood and its mechanical properties, which are important in construction, depend on a number of factors, in particular: soil moisture. Thus, pine growing on dry soil has denser and more damage-resistant wood. Conversely, a plant that grew in well-moistened soil has wood with low mechanical characteristics.

This plant propagates well by seeds. This requires good soil and plenty of sun. It is best to replant seedlings at the age of 3-7 years.

Pine reacts poorly to polluted city air, although it grows there quite often. Over 2 years of living in the city, the resinous surface of the needles becomes covered with dust and soot, which interferes with the photosynthesis of the plant.

Fast-growing coniferous plants, including Scots pine, without pruning, outstrip surrounding trees and successfully dominate their growth. Pruning of conifers is performed to form and maintain the structure of the tree and increase its lifespan. Proper pruning reduces the likelihood of defects and structural deviations of the tree. In addition, the formed crown prevents the pine tree from falling as a result of negative impacts. weather conditions. Broken, dried out or diseased branches are removed immediately, which prevents the spread of fungal diseases. The living branch may also be removed. This happens in exceptional cases and is necessary to ensure sunlight and air circulation inside the crown.

Range of Scots pine

This type of conifer is widespread in Siberia and Europe. It forms pine forests on sandy or sandy loam soil, can be found on peaty and very rarely on clay soil. It is a widespread tree in Eurasia. It can be found from Spain and Great Britain east to the river. Aldan and R. Amur in Siberia. In the north, the tree grows as far as Lapland, and in the south it is found in China and Mongolia. It forms both pure stands and together with other conifers, oak, birch and aspen. The plant is undemanding to soil and ground conditions and very often grows in areas unsuitable for other species: sand, swamps.

The Siberian range covers an area of ​​about 5.7 million km2. The largest pine forests are concentrated in the river basin. Hangars, in the upper reaches of the Irtysh, Ob, Podkamennaya Tunguska. In the northern part of the range, the distribution of pine rises to a level of 1000 m above sea level, and in the south - up to 1500 m above sea level.

Scots pine: application

The branches and trunk of a pine tree are permeated with resin passages, which are filled with resin, usually called “resin”. "Zhivitsa" has great importance for the plant: heals inflicted wounds, repels pests. Such resin is obtained by tapping. It is used to produce rosin and turpentine. The main thing is that you can get it not only from a living tree, but also from a pine stump. The air in the pine forest (“resinous”) is rich in ozone and does not contain microbes. Pine forests have long been famous for their beneficial properties for humans.

In medicine, buds are widely used, which must be collected in early spring before they bloom. The buds contain essential oils, resins, starch, tannins and bitter substances. Pine needles contain large amounts of carotene and vitamin C. Due to the value of wood, pine forests are considered the main object of forest exploitation.

Scots pine is one of the most ancient medicinal plants. Its needles were used in poultices and compresses 5,000 years ago. In Ancient Egypt, pine resin was used in embalming compounds. By the way, even now, after 3000 years, these compounds have not lost their bactericidal properties. In Rome and Greece, pine needles were used to treat colds. And in Rus', it was customary to chew pine resin to disinfect the oral cavity and strengthen teeth and gums.

Pine wood is widely used in furniture production. It is also used in the construction of ships and carriages. Today port facilities, dams and piers are being built from it. Pine forest They were even called “ship grove” or “mast forest”. And the ships are “floating pine trees.” Pine resin was intensively used by shipbuilders to treat ropes, ships and boats. All this speaks of the high characteristics of pine wood.

However, pine plantings are also used for other purposes. Thus, the unique pine root system helps prevent soil erosion and provides optimal level humidity, protects cliffs and ravines from crumbling.

It is used extremely rarely as an ornamental crop. More often used in landscaping country estates, health centers, and sanatoriums. Planted in mixed plantings, singly, in masses or in groups. They can be used in landscaping forest parks and gardening areas, for lining country roads, especially on poor sandy soil. In cultivation it grows in groups or singly in large parks, gardens and squares. The decorative effect of the young planting is insignificant. Trees become highly decorative by the age of one hundred, when the trunk in its upper part begins to be covered with thin orange bark, which gives elegance and attractiveness to the tree. The aesthetic characteristics of individual pines increase as the stand thins out. Old pines are especially unique, attracting glances from afar. In the absence of air pollution, Scots pine has high sanitary and hygienic characteristics.

Pine (Pinus) is an evergreen coniferous tree, shrub or dwarf tree, belongs to the class Conifers, order Pine, family Pine, genus Pine. The lifespan of a pine tree ranges from 100 to 600 years. Today there are single trees whose age is approaching 5 centuries.

It has not yet been established exactly what word formed the basis of the Latin name of the pine Pinus. According to some sources, this is the Celtic pin (rock or mountain), according to others - the Latin picis (resin).

Pine - description and characteristics of the tree

The pine tree grows very quickly, especially in the first 100 years. The height of a pine trunk varies from 35 meters to 75 meters, and the diameter of the trunk can reach 4 meters. On swampy soils and under unfavorable growing conditions, the height of century-old trees does not exceed 100 cm.

Pine is a light-loving plant. Flowering time occurs at the end of spring, but the process occurs without the appearance of flowers. As a result, pine cones are formed, which are distinguished by a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Male cones of most pine species have an elongated, cylindrical-ellipsoidal shape and up to 15 cm in length. Female pine cones are mostly round, broadly ovate or slightly flattened, ranging from 4 to 8 cm in length.

The color of the cones, depending on the type, can be yellow, brown, brick red, purple and almost black.

Pine seeds have a hard shell and are either winged or wingless.

Some species of pines (pine pines) have seeds that are edible.

Pine is a tree whose crown has a conical shape, turning into something like a huge umbrella in old age.

The structure of the cortex also depends on age. If at the beginning life cycle It is smooth and almost without cracks, but by the age of one hundred it acquires a fair thickness, cracks and acquires a dark gray color.

The appearance of the tree is formed by long shoots that become woody over time, on which needles and needles grow. Pine needles are smooth, hard and sharp, collected in bunches and have a life span of up to 3 years. The shape of pine needles is triangular or sectoral. Their length ranges from 4 to 20 cm. Depending on the number of leaves (needles) in a bunch of pine trees there are:

  • two-coniferous (for example, Scots pine, maritime pine),
  • three-coniferous (for example, Bunge pine),
  • five-coniferous (for example, Siberian pine, Weymouth pine, Japanese white pine).

Depending on the type, the pine trunk can be straight or curved.

Shrub varieties of pine have a multi-peaked, creeping crown formed by several trunks.

The shape of the pine crown depends on the species and can be

  • round,
  • conical,
  • pin-shaped
  • creeping.

In most species, the crown is located quite high, but in some varieties, for example, the Macedonian pine (lat. Pinus peuce), the crown begins almost at the ground.

The plant is unpretentious to soil quality. The pine root system is plastic and depends on growing conditions. In sufficiently moist soils, the roots of the tree spread parallel to the surface for a distance of up to 10 meters and go down shallowly. In dry soils, the tap root of the tree goes 6-8 m deep.

Pine reacts poorly to urban, polluted and gassed air. Moreover, almost all representatives of the genus tolerate low temperatures.

Where does pine grow?

Basically, pine trees grow in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, the boundaries of growth extend from northern Africa to areas beyond the Arctic Circle, including Russia, European countries, North America, and Asia. Pine forms both pine forests and mixed forests together with spruce and other trees. Currently, thanks to artificial cultivation, this type of pine tree, such as radiata pine, can be found in Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar and even South Africa.

There are 16 wild pine species widespread in Russia, among which the common pine occupies a leading position. Siberian cedar is widespread in Siberia. Korean cedar is often found in the Amur region. Mountain pines grow in the mountainous regions from the Pyrenees to the Caucasus. Crimean pines are found in the mountains of Crimea and the Caucasus.

Types of pine trees, photos and names

  • Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris)

grows in Europe and Asia. The tallest pines can be found on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea: some specimens have a height of up to 40-50 m. Other pines grow up to 25-40 m and have a trunk diameter of 0.5 to 1.2 m. Scots pine has a straight trunk with a thick gray-brown bark, cut by deep cracks. The upper part of the trunk and branches are covered with thin flaky orange-red bark. Young pines are distinguished by a cone-shaped crown; with age, the branches take on a horizontal arrangement, and the crown becomes wide and rounded. Scots pine wood is a valuable building material due to its resin content and high strength. Ethanol is produced from pine sawdust, and essential oils and rosin are produced from resin. Scots pine varieties: Alba Picta, Albyns, Aurea, Beuvronensis, Bonna, Candlelight, Chantry Blue, Compressa, Frensham, Glauca, Globosa Viridis, Hillside Creeper, Jeremy, Moseri, Norske Typ, Repanda, Viridid ​​Compacta, Fastigiata, Watereri and others.

  • Siberian cedar pine, she's the same (Pinus sibirica)

the closest relative of Scots pine, and not true cedars, as many mistakenly believe. A tree up to 40 m high (usually up to 20-25 m) is distinguished by thick branches and a dense crown with many tops. The straight, even trunk of the pine tree has a gray-brown color. The needles are soft, long (up to 14 cm), dark green, with a bluish bloom. Siberian cedar begins to bear fruit at about 60 years of age. It produces large, ovoid-shaped cones that grow up to 13 cm in length and 5-8 cm in diameter. At the beginning of growth they are purple in color, when mature they turn brown. The ripening period of the cones is 14-15 months, falling begins in September of the next year. One Siberian pine pine produces up to 12 kg of nuts per season. Siberian cedar is a typical inhabitant of the dark coniferous taiga in Western and Eastern Siberia.

  • Swamp pine (long-coniferous) (Pinus palustris)

a massive tree that grows up to 47 m in height and has a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 m. Distinctive features of the species are yellow-green needles, the length of which can reach 45 cm, and exceptional fire resistance of the wood. Longleaf pine is native to southeastern North America, from Virginia and North Carolina to Louisiana and Texas.

  • Montezuma pine (white pine)(Pinus montezumae)

grows up to 30 m in height and has long (up to 30 cm) grayish-green needles, collected in bunches of 5 pieces. The tree received its name in honor of the last Aztec leader, Montezuma, who decorated his headdress with the needles of this pine tree. White pine grows in western North America and Guatemala. In many countries with temperate climates it is grown as an ornamental plant, as well as for collecting edible nuts.

  • dwarf pine, she's the same cedar dwarf(Pinus pumila)

a type of low bush-like trees with widely spread branches, characterized by a variety of crown shapes, which can be tree-like, creeping or cup-shaped. Tree-like specimens grow up to 4-5 m, rarely up to 7 m in height. The branches of creeping pines are pressed to the ground, and their tips are raised by 30-50 cm. The needles of dwarf pine are bluish-green in color, from 4 to 8 cm long. Pine cones are medium-sized, ovoid or elongated. The nuts are small, up to 9 mm in length and 4-6 mm in width. In a good year, up to 2 centners of nuts can be collected from 1 hectare. Cedar elfin wood - unpretentious plant, adapted to the harsh northern climate. Widely distributed from Primorye to Kamchatka, in the north of its range it extends beyond the Arctic Circle. Varieties of dwarf pine: Blue Dwarf, Glauca, Globe, Chlorocarpa, Draijer’s Dwarf, Jeddeloh, Jermyns, Nana, Saentis.

  • , she's the same Pallas pine(Pinus nigra subsp. Pallasiana, Pinus pallasiana)

a tall tree (up to 45 m), with a wide, pyramidal, umbrella-shaped crown in old age. The pine needles are dense, prickly, up to 12 cm long, the cones are shiny, brown, oblong, up to 10 cm long. Crimean pine is listed in the Red Book, but is used as a valuable construction material, in particular for shipbuilding, and also as decorative tree for park landscaping and creation of protective forest belt. Crimean pine grows in Crimea (mainly on the southern slopes of Yalta) and in the Caucasus.

  • Mountain pine, she's the same European dwarf pine or zherep (Pinus mugo)

tree-like shrub with a pin-shaped or creeping multi-stemmed crown. The needles are twisted or curved, dark green, up to 4 cm long. Wood with a red-brown core is widely used in carpentry and turning. Young shoots and pine cones are used in the cosmetics industry and medicine. Zherep is a typical representative of the alpine and subalpine climatic zone of Southern and Central Europe. Mountain pine and its varieties are very often used in landscape design. The most famous varieties are Gnome, Pug, Chao-chao, Winter Gold, Mugus, Pumilio, Varella, Carstens and others.

  • Whitebark pine, she's the same white trunk pine(Pinus albicaulis)

It has smooth light gray bark. The straight or twisting trunk of the pine tree grows up to 21 m in height and looks almost white from a distance. In young trees the crown has the shape of a cone, becoming rounded with age. The needles are curved, short (up to 3-7 cm in length), intense yellow-green color. Male cones are elongated, bright red, female cones are distinguished by a spherical or flattened shape. The edible seeds of the whitebark pine are an important source of food for many animals: the American butternut squirrel, red squirrel, grizzly and baribal bears. Golden woodpeckers and blue siales often nest in the treetops. White-trunked pines grow in the mountainous regions of the subalpine belt of North America (Cascade Mountains, Rocky Mountains). Popular pine varieties: Duckpass, Falling Rock, Glenn Lake, Mini, Tioga Lake, Nr1 Dwarf.

  • Himalayan pine, she's the same Bhutanese pine or Wallich pine(Pinus wallichiana)

high, beautiful tree, widely cultivated throughout the world as an ornamental. The average height of pine is 30-50 m. Himalayan pine grows in the mountains from Afghanistan to the Chinese province of Yunnan. Varieties of Himalayan pine: Densa Hill, Nana, Glauca, Vernisson, Zebrina.

  • (Italian pine) ( Pinus pinea)

a very beautiful tree 20-30 meters high with a dark green, compact crown, which with age takes the shape of an umbrella due to outstretched branches. Pine needles are long (up to 15 cm), elegant, dense, with a slight bluish tint. Pine has almost round large cones up to 15 cm long. Pine seeds are 4 times larger than pine nuts; up to 8 tons of nuts are obtained from 1 hectare. The famous pesto sauce is prepared from crushed pine seeds, called pinoli in Italy. Due to its exceptionally beautiful crown shape, pine pine is a valuable ornamental plant, actively used in the art of bonsai. IN natural environment pine grows along the Mediterranean coast, from the Iberian Peninsula to Asia Minor. Cultivated in Crimea and the Caucasus.

  • Black pine, she's the same Austrian black pine ( Pinus nigra)

grows in the northern part of the Mediterranean, less common in certain areas of Morocco and Algeria. The tree, with a height of 20 to 55 meters, prefers to grow in the mountains or on rocks of igneous origin and often grows at an altitude of 1300-1500 meters above sea level. The crown of young trees is pyramidal, becoming umbrella-shaped with age. The needles are long, 9-14 cm, a very dark shade of green; depending on the variety, they can be either shiny or matte. The species is quite decorative and is often used by conifer lovers for landscape plantings. Popular varieties of black pine are Pierik Bregon, Pyramidalis, Austriaca, Bambino.

  • , she's the same eastern white pine ( P inus stro bus)

Under natural conditions, the species grows in the northeast of North America and the southeastern provinces of Canada. Less common in Mexico and Guatemala. A tree with a perfectly straight trunk, reaching a girth of 130-180 cm, can grow up to 67 meters in height. The crown of young pines is cone-shaped, with age it becomes rounded, and more often irregular in shape. The color of the bark is slightly purple, the needles are straight or slightly curved, 6.5-10 cm long. Weymouth pine is widely used in construction, as well as in forestry due to its numerous varieties. The most popular pine varieties: Аurea, Blue Shag, Вrevifolia, Сontorta, Densa.

  • is an ecotype of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)

The species is widespread in Siberia, in the area of ​​the Angara River basin, and occupies quite a large areas in the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the Irkutsk region. Angara pine can grow up to 50 m in height, with the trunk girth often reaching 2 meters. The crown of the pines is pyramidal, with a sharp crown; the bark has an amazing ash-silver hue.
