Social environment and personality of the child. Factors influencing the social environment of an organization

The most important factor and the condition for the development of the child is the social environment. Social environment- everything that surrounds us in social life and, above all, people with whom each individual is in a specific relationship. The social environment has a complex structure, which is a multi-level formation, including numerous social groups that have a joint impact on mental development and individual behavior. These include:

1. Microenvironment.

2. Indirect social formations affecting the individual.

3. Macrosocial structures - macroenvironment.

The microenvironment is the immediate environment, everything that directly affects a person. In it he is formed and realizes himself as a person. This is a family, a group kindergarten, school class, production team, various informal communication groups and many other associations that a person constantly encounters in everyday life.

Indirect social formations affecting the individual. These are formations that are not directly related to the individual. For example, the production team where his parents work is directly connected with them, but only indirectly - through the parents - with the child.

Macro environment is a system social relations in society. Its structure and content include a combination of many factors, among which in the first place are economic, legal, political, ideological and other relations. The named components of the macroenvironment influence individuals both directly - through laws, social policy, values, norms, traditions, mass media, and indirectly, through influence on small groups in which the individual is included.

Relationships between people have a wide range. Both on the scale of the macroenvironment and in the microenvironment, they are multiply mediated. For example, a grandfather or grandmother may not always be with the child. But a father’s story about his grandfather and his qualities as a person can have no less impact on the child than direct contact with him.

Factors influencing the social environment of an organization

An organization as a social system, a stable form of association of people with common interests and goals, is characterized by versatility of functioning. Its development is carried out in at least three directions - technical, economic, social. The first of them is mainly related to the improvement of production means and technologies, the availability of the necessary equipment and materials, the degree of mechanization and automation of labor processes. The second direction expresses the forms of ownership, the level of specialization and cooperation of production, the system of organization and remuneration of labor, the structure and methods of management. Social development includes the organization’s personnel with their traditions, preferences, intellectual potential and professional qualifications, ways to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of employees, interpersonal and intergroup relations, and the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team.

Consequently, the social environment of an organization, which is closely interconnected with the technical and economic aspects of its functioning, consists of those material, social, spiritual and moral conditions in which workers work, live with their families and in which the distribution and consumption of goods take place and real connections are formed. between individuals, their moral and ethical values ​​find expression. This environment is formed by: the organization’s personnel themselves, with their differences in demographic and professional qualifications - gender, age, education, etc., as well as various interpersonal and intergroup connections; social infrastructure, including social facilities; components of the quality of the working life of workers, one way or another determining the material and moral remuneration of work, the atmosphere of solidarity, cooperation and mutual assistance, the degree of team cohesion, and the prestige of teamwork.

Always, and especially at the present stage of social development, the successful activity of any organization depends on the high effectiveness of the joint work of the workers employed in it, on their qualifications, professional training and level of education, on the extent to which working and living conditions are conducive to the humanization of work, the satisfaction of material, social and spiritual needs of people, diverse manifestations of personality. Vector social development organizations should be focused on diversifying and enriching the content of work activity, more fully using the intellectual and creative potential of employees, increasing their discipline and responsibility, creating appropriate conditions for efficient work, have a nice rest, arrangement of family affairs.

The development of the social environment is expressed both in the form of objective processes, i.e. in connections between people regarding their living conditions (work, life and leisure), and in a subjective, conscious form, i.e. in the phenomena of the psychological atmosphere, interpersonal relationships and moral assessments. The factors of such development include the conditions that characterize the content of changes in the social environment and the consequences adequate to these changes. They differ in the direction and forms of influence on personnel, both directly - during joint work, and indirectly - where employees and their families live, raise children, communicate with friends, and relax.

Factor - driving force development. In relation to the social environment of an organization, this concept expresses the conditions that determine the nature and possible consequences changes occurring in it, which in turn affect the staff.

The main direct factors of the social environment of an organization include: the potential of the organization, its social infrastructure; labor conditions and safety; material reward for labor contribution; social protection of workers; socio-psychological climate of the team; non-working time and use of leisure time.

Potential reflects the material, technical, organizational and economic capabilities of the organization, i.e. its size and territorial location, number and quality of personnel, the nature of leading professions, industry affiliation and profile of the enterprise, volumes of products (goods and services), form of ownership, financial position, state of fixed assets and technical level of production, content and organizational forms of the labor process , the company's fame, its traditions and image. These are, of course, basic factors that have a versatile, essentially complex influence on the social environment as a concentration of the most important means and incentives that encourage and ensure the social development of an organization.

Social infrastructure is a complex of facilities designed to provide life support to the organization’s employees and members of their families, and to satisfy social, cultural and intellectual needs. In conditions Russian Federation the list of such objects includes:

Socialized housing stock (houses, dormitories) and public utility facilities (hotels, baths, laundries, etc.) with networks of energy, gas, water and heat supply, sewerage, telephone communications, radio broadcasting, etc.;

Medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, pharmacies, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.);

Educational and cultural facilities (schools, preschool and out-of-school institutions, cultural centers, clubs, libraries, exhibition halls, etc.);

Trade objects and Catering(shops, canteens, cafes, restaurants, farmsteads for the supply of fresh products);

Public service facilities (factories, workshops, studios, salons, rental points);

Sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds) and public recreation centers adapted for physical education and recreational activities;

Collective dacha farms and gardening partnerships.

An organization, depending on its scale, form of ownership, industry affiliation, location and other conditions, can have its own social infrastructure entirely (Fig. 2.1) or have a set of only its individual elements or rely on cooperation with other organizations and on the municipal base of the social sphere.

But in any case, taking care of the social services of workers and their families is the most important requirement for managing social development.

Labor conditions and safety include factors that in one way or another affect the well-being and useful output of workers, ensuring safe work, preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

Working conditions are a set of psychophysiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and socio-psychological factors of the production environment and the labor process that influence human health and performance. They include safe working conditions in which workers are exposed to harmful and dangerous production factors reduced to a minimum - to the level of established standards or completely excluded; reducing the amount of heavy work that requires great physical effort; overcoming the monotony of work, rational use of regulated breaks during the working day (shift) for rest and nutrition; availability and convenience of social facilities (locker rooms, showers, toilets, first aid station, rest rooms, buffets, canteens, etc.).

Rice. 2.1. Social infrastructure of the organization

Occupational safety, designed to ensure the safety of life and health of workers, in particular, provides for: the establishment of uniform regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection, development of corresponding programs and implementation of events in organizations; state supervision and public control over compliance legal rights workers to work that meets safety and hygiene requirements, fulfillment of labor protection obligations by employers and the workers themselves; providing workers at the employer’s expense with special clothing and footwear, personal and collective protective equipment, medical and preventive nutrition; prevention of accidents at work, implementation of a system of measures for the rehabilitation of persons injured at work.

Material reward for labor contribution acts as a key point in the social development of the organization. It combines the main costs of labor, compensation for labor costs of workers, their social status and at the same time family budgets, satisfying people's urgent needs for life's goods.

Remuneration should be based on the social minimum - on what is necessary to maintain a decent standard of living and reproduce a person’s ability to work, to obtain a means of subsistence not only for himself, but also for his family. In the Russian Federation, common cash income of the population include wages, all types of pensions, scholarships for students and students are added to it educational institutions, benefits for children and child care, the cost of natural farm products used for personal consumption, as well as income from property, sales of farm products on the market and business activities, including dividends and interest from bank deposits.

The expenditure part of the family, mainly consumer, budget consists of cash expenses for paying taxes and making various contributions (including interest on loans), for the purchase of short-term and durable goods - food, clothing, shoes, cultural and household items and household items. household goods, to pay for housing, utilities, transport, medical and other services. The balance of the expenditure and revenue parts of the budget is an indicator of the volume of benefits received by a family during a certain time (month, year) per person. Average per capita income and corresponding expenses reflect the level of family wealth, quality and standard of living.

Social protection employees of the organization make up measures for social insurance, unconditional compliance civil rights and social guarantees established by the legislation in force in the country, collective agreements, labor agreements and other legal acts. In the Russian Federation, these measures, in particular, provide for:

Ensuring a minimum wage and tariff rate (salary);

Normal working hours (40 hours per week), compensation for weekend work and holidays, annual paid holidays of at least 24 working days;

Compensation for harm to health in connection with the performance of work duties;

Contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly benefits to mothers during their maternity leave, stipends for employees during professional training or advanced training.

These guarantees are implemented with the direct participation of the organization. Cash payments, as a rule, are made from the organization’s funds, their amounts are focused on average salary or a share of the minimum wage. System social protection must insure workers against the risk of finding themselves in a difficult financial situation due to illness, disability or unemployment, and give them confidence in the reliable protection of their labor rights and privileges.

Socio-psychological climate- this is the total effect of the influence of many factors affecting the organization’s personnel. It manifests itself in work motivation, communication between employees, their interpersonal and group connections. In the structure of the socio-psychological climate of the team, three main components interact: the moral and psychological compatibility of workers, their business spirit and social optimism. These components relate to the subtle strings of human intellect, will and emotional properties of the individual, which largely determine her desire for useful activities, creative work, cooperation and cohesion with others. Expressing the attitude of workers towards a joint business and each other, the socio-psychological atmosphere brings to the fore such motives that are no less effective than material rewards and economic benefits, stimulate the employee, cause him tension or decline in energy, work enthusiasm or apathy, interest in the matter or indifference.

After hours forms another group of factors in the social environment of the organization. They are associated with the rest and recuperation of workers, the arrangement of their home life, their fulfillment of family and social responsibilities, and the use of leisure time. The time resource of a working person is divided into working hours on a weekday (the length of the working day in different countries is not the same, it also differs by economic sector and profession) and non-working time in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. In turn, time not directly related to work activity includes the expenditure of 9-9.5 hours on recuperation and satisfaction of natural physiological needs person (sleep, personal hygiene, food intake, etc.). The remaining time of the day is occupied by traveling to and from work, running the home and household chores, caring for children and activities with them, as well as leisure.

Equivalent to leisure free time is of particular importance for the comprehensive development of personality. It serves to restore the physical and intellectual strength of workers, and is closely connected with the satisfaction of their socio-cultural needs, caused, among other things, by the acceleration of scientific, technical and social progress, and the requirements of the humanization of labor. The size, structure, content and forms of use of leisure significantly influence the lifestyle and worldview of a working person, his choice of moral guidelines and civic position.

More general factors also have a significant and often decisive influence on the social environment of the organization, the level of well-being and the quality of working life of employees. Meaning, as shown in Fig. 2.2, socio-economic situation of the country, spiritual and moral state of society, social policy of the state.

Socio-economic situation of the country is assessed primarily by whether it is currently on the rise, in the prime of life, or experiencing a recession, crisis and experiencing increased social tension. At the same time, events taking place in any country are an integral part of the development of human civilization as a whole, an expression of trends common to the world.

The state of affairs in Russia recently is characterized by a deep and all-encompassing crisis. According to scientists and politicians, the country is stuck halfway in its progress from an over-centralized planned economy to the establishment of market relations and a socially structured state. The reforms that have been launched have not yet brought tangible results that are acceptable to the majority of Russians. Instead of improving life, they resulted in a decline in production, a weakening inflow of investment into the economy and the social sphere, a decrease in income and impoverishment of a significant part of the population, and a deterioration in the financing of healthcare, education, science and culture institutions.

Rice. 2.2. General factors affecting the social environment of an organization

It is becoming increasingly clear that the market itself cannot be a panacea for all problems. A significant correction is needed in both the tactics and the strategic line of socio-economic transformations. It is necessary to establish order in this matter of paramount importance, based on law, coherence market mechanisms and government regulation to open up not just declared, but actual space for healthy competition various forms property and types of management, effective application technical, economic and social innovations aimed at achieving high living standards for all segments of the population.

The experience of Germany, Sweden, Japan and a number of other countries with socially developed market economies shows that a fair decision social problems as much a priority as achieving economic growth and making profits. The guidelines for such a market economy are: respect for basic human rights, providing everyone with equal opportunities to demonstrate their abilities, hard work, initiative and entrepreneurship; increasing the level of well-being and social protection in proportion to the country’s potential, insuring people from the risk of losing a decent livelihood; maintaining stability, civil harmony and social peace in society.

And in Russia, according to the general opinion, the implementation of overdue reforms should be in line with the interaction of economic and social efficiency. In this case, preference should be given to social goals, taking into account traditions and national characteristics countries.

Spiritual and moral state of society no less than the economy, the material sphere affects the way of life in the country and the level of well-being of the population. Inextricably linked with it are the realization of freedoms and human rights, the affirmation of individuality and collective principles, the originality of historical traditions, the stability of moral principles, in particular the requirements of the prevailing work morality in a given society, ethics of personal and public behavior, high criteria of civic virtue - all of which constitutes the mentality of the people, the deep essence of their national and social character, worldview and ideals.

Of course, the mentioned components are mobile and changeable. They can either become thinner or lost, or they can grow and become stronger. Historical experience teaches that success and well-being accompany a society that constantly takes care of the social sphere, reproducing social ties and relationships, is able to rely on the enthusiasm and creative spirit of its members, and provides citizens’ associations and individuals with maximum opportunities to realize their generally significant goals. That is why it is so important to achieve harmony of interests of the state and civil society, to merge together the action of objective laws of social development and consciously undertaken efforts.

Russian society is currently in a difficult situation due to the stalling of ongoing reforms, the crisis situation in the economy and social sphere, the destruction of the former, which for many have already become familiar way of life, the decline in living standards to a critical point, and a sharp revaluation of social and moral guidelines. In particular, there is a dangerous trend of income stratification, a striking polarization of poverty and wealth, and an increase in the number of disadvantaged families on the verge of poverty. There is a serious weakening of interest in productive work - an allergy to work, increased selfishness, greed and acquisitiveness, the spread of those negative manifestations of the market element, which are accompanied by speculative fraud, seizure of other people's property, quick but unjust enrichment, extortion, corruption, and criminal lawlessness.

In some regions, social tension is growing, contradictions are intensifying, leading to acute social and labor conflicts, and clashes on ethnic and religious grounds. The moral foundations of society and citizens are being undermined, which is fraught with moral degradation of people, an increase in feelings of fear and hopelessness, and a loss of confidence in the future.

Sociological studies also document the emotional state of Russians that is unfavorable for society. Thus, the results of a representative public survey conducted at the beginning of 1999 in all territorial-economic regions of the country showed that three-quarters of citizens regularly felt the injustice of what was happening around them, two-thirds of the population constantly felt shame for the state of affairs in their native country, and the same number did not could get rid of the feeling of the impossibility of continuing life in such conditions. Pessimistic sentiments also prevailed in the expectations of the respondents: 52% expressed fears for the future of their children, 48% - to be left without a livelihood, 37% - to get sick and find themselves without medicines and medical care, 32% - to lose their job, 30% - to become a possible victim of crime.

The spiritual and moral improvement of Russian society, overcoming the crisis of its trust in the authorities requires, first of all, a clearly expressed ideal that can unite Russians, instill in them the spirit for constructive activity, strengthen the legal culture and purity of moral aspirations.

Social politics states as a powerful force for social development is intended to play a key role in solving social problems facing a particular country. Conducted by the government, all branches and authorities, based on economic structures and public support, such a policy should accumulate, focus, reflect the situation in the country and the situation in society, the needs and goals of social development, contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for people’s lives, improvement social connections, interactions and relationships between them, to implement social justice.

The main object of influence of social policy is the social sphere, directly related to the distribution of material and spiritual benefits, the satisfaction of a person’s specific needs, the quality and standard of his life, working conditions, life and leisure. This sphere covers a variety of relationships between individuals, social groups and strata in the form in which they develop at a specific historical moment, includes a number of sectors of the national economy and the main elements of social infrastructure, including healthcare, educational, scientific and cultural institutions, sanatoriums -resort complex, sports and tourism industry, housing and utilities. The social sphere includes a system of social services for the population, social protection and guarantees for citizens established by state laws and based on the traditions and customs of the inhabitants of a given country.

Contents and specific objectives of social policy cover stimulating economic growth and subordinating production to the interests of consumption, strengthening labor motivation and business entrepreneurship, ensuring a guarantee of a certain standard of living and social protection of the population, preserving cultural and natural heritage, national identity and identity. To effectively implement your social functions The state has such effective levers as social legislation, the national budget, and the system of taxes and fees.

The practice of most countries confirms that, despite the objective dependence of the solution of social problems on the economic and political situation of the state, social policy also has independence, is capable of helping to improve the level of well-being of the population by its own means, and has a stimulating influence on the desire of citizens to social progress. In modern conditions, it should be a priority for the power structures of any state.

Following generally accepted principles, the Constitution of our country (Article 7) proclaims that the Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. This presupposes labor protection and human health, guaranteed minimum size wages, state support family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens, development of social services, establishment of state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

The priority of social policy, as well as the social sphere, means, first of all, the search for real ways to more high level consumption, increased life expectancy, further development of education and culture, environmental well-being, the inadmissibility of any attempts to curtail social programs and diminish guarantees. People in any country are not content with a minimum of social improvements, but hope for a completely prosperous, safe and civilized life. They want social policy to be promoted not by “willy-nilly humanism,” but by the lofty goal of bringing the “social minimum” to a level worthy of a human being.

But this is not the case everywhere. In a number of countries, including Russia, social policy is not yet a well-thought-out, conceptually verified tool for regulating social relations and processes, or a means of optimally linking the economy and the social sphere. In particular, there is a lack of understanding of the simple truth that low wages and incomes limit the demand for goods and services and deprive production of a capacious and solvent sales market. The social sphere is not a dependent at all, and social expenses are not irrecoverable costs, not a simple deduction from economic resources. They are absolutely necessary as investments in human capital, which ultimately result in increased productivity and quality of labor, and expanded consumption. Thus, a balanced social policy is very significant as a kind of investor, a stimulator of economic growth and the well-being of society.

In harsh market conditions, individual economic units and entrepreneurial structures cannot and are not able to fully engage in the social sphere. Authorities are intended to perform this most important function. It is the state, through its regulatory role, that is obliged to compensate and eliminate the shortcomings that were initially inherent in the market element, and to establish the “rules of the game.” It, in particular, without directly interfering in the management of enterprises, pricing and setting wages, has the opportunity and must, in accordance with the laws of the country, exercise control to ensure that profit making does not harm the social goals of the market economy, so that wage, provided for in agreements between employers and trade unions, increased in proportion to the growth of labor productivity so that the market work force responded to unemployment and reduced its scope so that social payments were made in a timely manner and other social protection measures were taken.

Social policy does not come down to the state proclaiming social goals and declaring guarantees, but should be represented by a system of specific measures for their implementation, designed for the short-term (usually within a year), medium-term (three to five years) and long-term (ten or more years) perspective . Regulation of the social sphere presupposes the purposeful functioning of various social institutions- systems of values, samples and norms of behavior, branches and institutions of government, local governments, trade unions, entrepreneurs’ associations and other public organizations.

In the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of institutional regulation of the social sphere, established by the Constitution of the country, provide for a unified public policy in the field of culture, science, education, healthcare, social security, ecology. At the same time, most social policy issues are the subject of joint jurisdiction of the Federation and its constituent entities.

At the federal level, the functions of pursuing a unified policy in the social field should be performed by the government of the country. The ministries of health, culture, education, labor and social development and other levels also participate in the management of the social sphere government controlled, designed to predict, plan, direct, coordinate the activities of relevant industries, enterprises and institutions. At the level of subjects of the Federation (republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg) similar ministries, departments, administrations or divisions are created. The management structures of cities and districts have their own departments for social issues.

An integral part common system The goals and objectives of the state's social policy are regional policy in the social sphere. It must ensure equal quality and standard of living for the population in all regions of Russia. These regions, as a rule, coincide with the territories of the subjects of the Federation and have common natural, socio-economic, national, cultural and other conditions. Subjects of the Federation have a leading role in the development and implementation of regional social programs that take into account the level of socio-economic development of the territory, financial capabilities, demographic situation, natural and climatic conditions, national traditions and local characteristics of work, life, consumption of food, non-food goods and services.

For the success of the state's social policy, it is important that public agreement is achieved regarding its main guidelines and priorities. The framework of such a consensus “fits” the harmonization of the interests of citizens and the state as a whole, the socio-psychological perception by most of society of the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy and social sphere, the interaction of participants in social partnership, which allows solving problems of employment, improving working conditions and remuneration in a civilized way, social protection of both workers and the entire population. This is the only way to achieve people’s trust in the government and mass support for its social policies.

Social policy of the Russian Federation for a number of reasons mentioned above in last years does not enjoy the necessary support from citizens suffering from the excessive social costs of the reforms undertaken in the country. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Russians, negatively assessing the current situation, show a low degree of trust in the central and regional authorities, which, of course, cannot be a favorable background for the implementation of socio-economic transformations.

Currently, there is a tendency towards a change in the mood of Russians. Surveys in 2000 showed that 63% of the country's adult population (14% more than in 1999), while acknowledging difficulties, noted signs of improving living conditions. But restoring trust in the authorities, the obligations of the state, and achieving constructive agreement based on a common goal - a real and sustainable increase in people's well-being in accordance with available opportunities - are still relevant. Specific tasks are put forward, aimed, in particular, at making the costs of wages and social benefits protected, i.e. not subject to any reduction, move step by step to targeting principle social protection, actively introduce insurance methods to replenish sources of covering social expenses, strictly monitor the activities of social departments and social development funds.

The implementation of a set of measures to further reform the economy and social sphere seems to be the most important matter at all levels - national, sectoral, regional, local. This also applies to individual organizations. Of course, additional specification of social guidelines is needed here.

They begin to be conditioned and appear when the interaction of the individual, group and social environment occurs. What is social is everything that surrounds each of us in his ordinary social life. The social environment is an object that in itself is a mediated or non-mediated result of labor.

A social personality throughout his life is influenced by various factors that are determined by the specifics of his environment. Development occurs under their influence.

The social environment is nothing more than a certain formation of specific people at a certain stage of their own development. In the same environment, there are many individuals and social groups, independently and dependent on each other. They constantly intersect, interacting with each other. The immediate social environment, as well as the microenvironment, is formed.

In the psychological aspect, the social environment is something like a set of relations between groups and individuals. It is worth noting the moment of subjectivity in the totality of relationships that arise between an individual and a group.

With all this, the individual has a certain degree of autonomy. First of all, we are talking about the fact that she can move freely (or relatively freely) from group to group. Such actions are necessary in order to find your own social environment that would meet all the necessary social parameters.

Let us immediately note that personality is not absolute at all. Its limitations are related to the objective framework, which also depends on the class structure of society. Despite all this, the activity of the individual is one of the determining factors.

In relation to the individual, the social environment is relatively random. Psychologically, this accident is very significant. Since the relationship of a person with his environment largely depends on his individual characteristics.

The fairly widespread opinion that a socio-economic formation is nothing more than the highest abstraction belonging to the system of social relations is correct. Note that everything in it is based on fixing only global features.

The social environment of a teenager, an adult, and any other person is where a person not only stays, but receives certain attitudes with which he will later live. No one will doubt the fact that our opinion is largely determined by certain internal installations, which themselves were developed under the influence of the social environment in which we spent a long time. The strongest development and intensive consolidation of these attitudes occurs, of course, in childhood.

A person does not form himself completely, since a significant part of him is formed by the social groups in which he belongs. Social influence is always great.

English environment social; German Milieu, soziales. 1. The totality of material, economic, social, political, and spiritual conditions of existence, formation and activity of individuals and social. groups. There are: macro-environment - socio-economic. system as a whole and microenvironment - direct social. environment. 2. Part of the environment consisting of interacting individuals, groups, institutions, cultures, etc.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Social environment

a set of social conditions of human life that influence his consciousness and behavior. The concept of "S. With." is a species difference more general concept“environment”, the content of which includes the totality of all conditions surrounding a thing, plant, animal or person and directly or indirectly affecting them. Influence or impact on something or someone is a constitutive feature of the environment, since it always presupposes something in relation to which it exists. Conditions that surround but do not have any impact on a thing, plant, animal or person are not included in their environment. The relative nature of the environment, the specificity of its manifestations are determined not only by the difference in the properties and composition of the elements that form it, but also by the characteristics of what it surrounds and what it interacts with. Thus, for an animal, the influence of the surrounding world is structured in accordance with its hereditary-biological organization and the instinctive, biological attitude towards nature that follows from it. As for a person, here the structure-forming factor of the environment is not his biological qualities, but the forms of objective, practical and spiritual activity he carries out, as well as those social relations within the framework of which they are realized. In this case, the social system, understood as the human environment, should include economic, political, social and spiritual conditions and relationships, territorial and other social communities and associations to the extent that they spontaneously or purposefully, directly or indirectly influence on the consciousness and behavior of the individual. S. s. has a multifaceted structure and, depending on the division criteria, represents either a set of spheres public life, or a system of social institutions or social groups, etc. At the same time, the environment can also be considered as a unity of the general, the special and the individual. Two extreme forms of manifestation of S. s. defined as “macroenvironment” and “microenvironment”. The macroenvironment is understood as the general environment. It includes those factors that, influencing society as a whole, represent prerequisites and conditions of life that are common to all its members. These are, first of all, productive forces, material and ideological relations, classes and social strata, nations, industrial, state-political and other public organizations, the system of public education and upbringing, the media, etc. Along with the listed conditions in the structure of S. p. on the basis of “immediacy of contact”, social spheres are distinguished where a person manifests himself in his individual behavior and which serve as a connecting link in the relationship between the individual and society. This link forms that unique, characteristic only for a given individual, complex of material, spiritual and personal factors, which is defined as the microenvironment. Its most important structural components are: the primary labor or educational team (team, section, school class, student group), party, trade union, Komsomol and other public organizations at the place of work, study or residence, informal interest associations, etc. The nature of the influence of the microenvironment on the formation of personality is determined not only by general social conditions, but also largely depends on special or regional conditions (city, village, town). As the results of sociological research show, socio-settlement differences significantly affect the material and spiritual conditions of people’s lives, their forms of behavior and communication.

The human living environment is changeable. The democratic institutions of the state and the political rights of its citizens are changing. Relations between states and, accordingly, the degrees of freedom of individuals are changing. The level of education of performers and managers is changing.

Social environment- these are, first of all, people united in various groups, with which each individual is in a specific relationship, in a complex and diverse system communication.

The social environment surrounding a person is active, influences a person, exerts pressure, regulates, subjects him to social control, captivates him, infects him with appropriate “models” of behavior, encourages, and often forces him to a certain direction of social behavior.

Social environment- a set of material, ​economic, social, political and spiritual conditions ​of existence, formation and activity of individuals and social ​groups.

Social macroenvironment covers the economy, public institutions, social consciousness and culture.

Social microenvironment includes a person’s immediate environment - family, work, educational and other groups.

The social environment has a major impact on the formation of the unconscious (subconscious) in the individual’s psyche, and, as a consequence of such formation, on the manipulation of the psyche. Thus, the emergence in the subconscious of those impulses that are subsequently transformed into impulses of behavior and will have a fairly large impact on consciousness. Consciousness in this case has a subordinate function. And in in this case The environment, the social environment in which the individual currently lives, as well as the social environment where this individual was born and raised (since it was she who influenced the formation of the individual’s subconscious at an early stage) will be of great importance.

Concept human environment in its most general form can be defined as a set of natural and artificial conditions in which a person realizes himself as a natural and social being. The human environment consists of two interconnected parts: natural and social.

Natural component of the environment constitutes the total space directly or indirectly accessible to a person.

Public part of the environment a person is made up of society and social relations, thanks to which a person realizes himself as a social active being.

Rice. 1. Components of the human environment and society

The elements of the natural environment (in its narrow sense) can be considered the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, plants, animals and microorganisms. Plants, animals And microorganisms constitute the living natural environment of humans.

The social component of the human environment consists of society and various social processes.

The social environment is, first of all, a cultural and psychological climate, intentionally or unintentionally created by people themselves and consisting of the influence of people on each other, carried out directly, as well as through the means of material, energy and information influence. Such impacts include

ü economic security in accordance with the standard developed by society or a given ethnic, social group (housing, food, clothing, other consumer goods),

ü civil liberties(conscience, expression of will, movement, place of residence, equality before the law, etc.),

ü degree of confidence in the future (absence or presence of fear of war, other severe social crisis, job loss, hunger, imprisonment, bandit attack, theft, illness, family breakdown, its unplanned growth or reduction, etc.);

ü moral standards of communication and behavior; freedom of self-expression, including work activity (maximum contribution of strength and abilities to people, society, receiving signs of attention from them);

ü the opportunity to freely communicate with people of the same ethnic group and similar cultural level, i.e. creation and entry into a social group that is standard for a person (with common interests, life ideals, behavior, etc.);

ü the opportunity to use cultural and material assets (theatres, museums, libraries, goods, etc.) or the awareness of the security of such an opportunity;

ü accessibility or awareness of the availability of generally recognized vacation spots (resorts, etc.) or seasonal changes in the type of housing (for example, an apartment for a tourist tent);

ü provision of a socio-psychological spatial minimum, allowing to avoid the neuropsychic stress of overpopulation (optimal frequency of meetings with other people, including friends and relatives); the presence of a service sector (absence or presence of queues, quality of service, etc.).

The social environment, combining with the natural environment, forms the totality of the human environment. Each of these environments is closely interconnected with the other, and none of them can be replaced by another or be painlessly excluded from the overall system surrounding a person environment.

The study of a person's relationship with environment led to the emergence of ideas about properties or states environment, expressing human perception of the environment, assessment of the quality of the environment from the point of view of human needs. Special anthropoecological methods make it possible to determine the degree of compliance of the environment with human needs, assess its quality and, on this basis, identify its properties.
