How much does 1 ton of concrete weigh? How much does a cube of different grades of concrete weigh? Separation by brand

Know how much a cubic meter weighs concrete mixture, very important. Even at the development stage of a construction project, it will be necessary to calculate the loads on the foundation and soil. A monolithic structures too heavy to be neglected in this matter. On the other hand, if the density of 1 m3 of building material and its basic proportions are known, it will not be difficult to calculate the material costs for the same foundation.

Only three main types of concrete of different densities are widely used in construction. Of these, only light and heavy compositions are produced as liquid mixtures:

1. Particularly light ones are distinguished by their lowest volumetric weight (1 m3 is usually no heavier than 500 kg) and strength, therefore they are made from only wall blocks. They retain heat well, but do not withstand heavy loads. This group includes cellular materials with big amount air pores inside, occupying up to 85% of the total volume.

2. Lightweight concrete is made using aggregates such as expanded clay, perlite, and tuff. They reduce to 500-1800 kg/m3.

3. Heavy mixtures (1800-2500 kg/m3) - the most common type of very durable and durable materials. They are made by adding gravel or crushed stone to a cement-sand mixture.

What does density depend on?

The type of aggregate is the main parameter affecting the mass of the concrete mixture. This can be used to prepare compositions with different densities:

  • Gravel and ordinary crushed stone will increase the pouring weight to 2.3-2.4 t/m3.
  • Broken brick - up to 1.8-2.0 t/m3.
  • The slag is used to prepare light mixtures weighing 1.4-1.7 tons.
  • Expanded clay will even more noticeably lighten a cubic meter of solution to 1.0-1.4 tons.

If the construction of a small building does not require a powerful foundation, the grade of concrete for its construction is not too high. Then the coarse filler may be lighter.

Brand affiliation also affects density. But the point here is not in the properties of the components - they are approximately the same for all solutions, but in their proportions. M350, having high density due to the high cement content, it will be heavier than M500, the density of which is provided by coarse aggregate.

Concrete gradeM100M200M250M300M350M400M500
Weight of 1 cube, kg2495 2430 2350 2390 2500 2375 2300

Calculation example

You can find out how much different concrete weighs using our table. But when you need to know the exact indicator for a specific case, it is more reliable to calculate it. There are two ways to do this:

1. By weight of components per cubic meter.

As initial data, we take the M400 cement grade, from which we will prepare the solution, and the required M300 concrete grade. Based on them, it is already possible to create a water-cement ratio (W/C) for 1 cubic meter of mixture according to the table:

Brand strengthCement
M2000,69 0,79
M3000,53 0,61

That is, by simply adding water you can lower the grade and at the same time reduce the density of the solution - after all, cement is 3 times heavier. For our example, the W/C ratio = 0.53.

The next stage is the selection of proportions of crushed stone and sand, taking into account their size class. To do this, you again need to resort to the help of the table:

The most widely used is ordinary crushed stone with a particle size of up to 40 mm. This means that sand with a grain size of 2.5-2.7 mm in the aggregate mixture should be about 41%. 185 liters of water will be required for each cube of concrete. Then the math is simple:

The amount of cement (density 3.1 kg/m3) will determine the accepted W/C indicator:

  • 185: 0.53 = 349 kg.

The volume of aggregates is the M300 cube accepted for calculation, but without water and cement:

  • 1000 – 185 – (349: 3.1) = 702 l.

From here we find the amount of sand and crushed stone:

  • 702 · 0.41 = 288 l (or 757 kg with a density of 2.63 kg/m3);
  • 702 – 288 = 414 l (or 1076 kg with a density of 2.6 kg/m3).

We “collect” our calculated cubic meter of concrete on paper:

  • Cement – ​​349 kg.
  • Sand – 757.
  • Crushed stone – 1076.
  • Water – 185.

So we determined how much one cube of M300 concrete on crushed stone weighs - 2367 kg. When using sand of a different fraction, the final figure will be slightly different.

2. By volume ratio (this calculation is simpler, but its accuracy will be lower).

For the same cubic meter M300 the proportions C:P:SH:H will look like this:

  • 1: 1,9: 3,7: 0,5.

In total, one cube of solution will contain 7.1 parts, each with a volume of 140 liters. Let's multiply the volume fractions given for each component by their volumetric weight - and again we get the sum of the four components of a cubic meter of liquid mixture.

average cost

If you have neither the strength nor the desire to do the calculations and mixing, you can simply order delivery of the required brand directly to the site. The cost of a cubic meter of concrete in this case will be determined by its brand, but the manufacturer will set prices for its goods based on the weight of the components. Still, these characteristics are closely related.

In any cement mortar the largest volume is occupied by large aggregate fractions. That is why the price of a cube may differ markedly if stronger and more expensive granite was used instead of gravel. Most factories offer their customers a choice of two varieties of any brand: with gravel or granite crushed stone.

Approximate prices per cube without delivery, rubles:

Gravel2900 3100 3250 3350 3500
Granite3150 3400 3550 3650 3750 3850 4050

How much does a cube of water weigh? The answer is so simple, but at the same time complex issue Every construction worker and lover of creating comfort around themselves with their own hands should know. Very often situations arise in which you need to know exactly how many kilograms a cubic liter of water contains. Such knowledge will help, for example, in designing a swimming pool or pipeline. Well, to expand your general horizons, having such information will not be superfluous.

What is the displacement of one cubic meter of water

Before you find out how much 1 cubic meter of water weighs, you need to clearly understand its quantitative expression in liters. From this we will make a translation into the mass of interest to us. So how many liters are contained in a cube of water?

The "Cube of Water" fountain shows what a cube of liquid would look like

To give an answer, we need to remember distant physics and mathematics lessons, in which teachers tried to put the necessary information into our heads - one cube is equal to 1000 liters.

Are you trying to imagine how much this is to save on annoying utility bills? Let's try to translate such an abstract quantity into more understandable measures:

  • 100 aluminum standard buckets;
  • 15 washes per washing machine automatic control of a five-kilogram load;
  • Take 30 quick morning showers;
  • 115 toilet flushes;
  • take a bath 14 times;
  • Drink 4000 cups of liquid.

Want to save money? Don’t focus on how many cubic meters you spend monthly, but think about how much water flows away just like that, for example, when you take a break from washing the dishes to turn off the kettle or when brushing your teeth. Just imagine how many liters can leak through a leaking toilet flank. Such unnoticeable mistakes gradually turn into several m3 of water. And if you translate this into money, do you feel like your hard-earned money just evaporates? Well, okay, we digress a little, now let's get back to the main question.

What is the weight of a cubic meter of water

The weight of 1 liter is usually taken as 1 kilogram, therefore, 1 cubic meter of water fits in one ton. But this is not entirely true. In fact, weight is influenced by many factors: pressure, temperature, the state of aggregation in which it is located. Therefore, a ton of water does not always contain 1000 kilograms.

Weight measureLiquid stateSolid state (ice from distilled liquid)Solid state (pure snow)
Glass (250 ml), g249,6 229 12,5-112,5
1 liter, g298,2 917 50-450
Twelve liter bucket, kg11,98 11 5-15
Cubometer, kg998,2 917 100-450

The weight of snow directly depends on its density, which is influenced by the area in which the precipitation occurred and the time that has passed since the snowfall. The density of newly fallen snow is 0.05 gp/cm3 and compacted snow is 0.45 gp/cm3.

Even the force of gravity affects the weight of a liquid. different parts Earth and on different planets. For example, on Mars, a liter of water weighs 377 grams, therefore, 1 cubic meter is equal to 377 kg.

But let's not fly far and return to our earthly reality. Concerning states of aggregation, then in each of them it will have a different weight.

Effect of impurities and temperature on water weight

From a physics point of view, it is also important specific gravity liquids. The amount of the substance of interest that is placed in a volume (in 1 of its units) or, if translated into a scientific term - the mass of a unit of volume - is volumetric density or, to put it differently, specific gravity. This value is measured in kg/m3 or tn/m3 or gp/cm3.

The table below clearly demonstrates the direct effect of temperature and organic impurities on weight. Thus, one cube of liquid in different states contains unequal specific gravity. Data was taken from the directory physical properties and materials.

NameNumber of tons in 1 cube – mass of 1 m 3, t/m 3Number of kilograms in 1 m 3 – mass of 1 m 3, kg/m 3Specific gravity, gp/cm 3
Water at room temperature under normal conditions atmospheric pressure, m 31 1000 1
Hot water at normal atmospheric pressure, m30,98324 983,24 0,98324
Sea water, m 31,02 1020 1,02
Water at a temperature of 0 °C at normal atmospheric pressure, m 30,999 999 0.999

Now you know the true weight of water in different states and under different conditions. And after some simple calculations, you can convert it into the required units of measurement.

The volume and weight of building materials are calculated at the design stage of the facility. Crushed stone 5...20 mm when cocking reinforced concrete buildings and structures are delivered to the site in large volumes, it is necessary to determine its weight in advance in order to select the correct equipment for transportation and order required quantity supplies. There are many varieties of this bulk material and they all have different weights.


The weight of 1 m 3 of crushed stone depends on several factors:

  • The rock from which the stones are obtained;
  • Fraction and flakiness. For construction tasks, a grain size of 5...20 mm is often chosen; for preparatory and other work, larger or finer fractions are used.

By origin construction crushed stone is divided into several groups:

  • Granite is the most durable and in demand, at the same time expensive and durable. The stones are dense, hollow, and flakiness according to GOST 8267-93 allows no more than 5% of flat grains. As a result, the density of the embankment is maximum.
  • Limestone natural crushed stone is used as a filler for low-strength concrete and for the preparation of lime and its containing materials. Calcium compounds have a relatively small mass, so 1 cube weighs less than granite.
  • Gravel is a product of crushing rock, which is mined during quarrying in the mountains, river beds and reservoirs. This is in demand construction material, which has optimal characteristics close to granite, but is much cheaper and more common.
  • Slag is crushed stone obtained as a result of metal processing. Durable and cheap material with an impressive cube weight.
  • Sandstone is crushed stone from hard rocks, used in general construction work Oh.
  • Terricone is black crushed stone, a product of the dump of old coal mines. The grains are used in road construction due to contamination.

There are other types of coarse aggregate, but the listed types are mainly used in construction.

The presented types of rocks from which crushed stone is produced have different characteristics: water absorption, weight, porosity, etc. This is the determining factor in the weight of a cubic meter of material.

Table weight

It is impossible to determine the absolute density of crushed stone in cubic meters - it is a bulk material and there are always air gaps between the grains. Therefore, the larger the faction, the more space between stones, the lighter the bag of crushed stone (sometimes 5...30, 40, 50 kg) and other units of volumetric measurement.

As already mentioned, the volumetric weight of crushed stone depends on the characteristics of the parent rocks. Based on this, we have compiled a table showing how many kilograms of bulk material are in a cube different breeds with practical conversion to standard buckets:

The weight in a cube of crushed stone can vary depending on humidity, usually it is a small fraction - about 1-3% of the total mass of the embankment.

Often, when planning construction work, you need to know how much a cube of concrete weighs m300, m400, m500. Let's see how much a cubic meter of concrete mixture will weigh, depending on its type. The mass of the concrete mixture is determined by the mass of the aggregates used.

Weight m3 of concrete grades M100, M200, M300, M400, M500.

According to the specific gravity, the concrete mixture can be:

  • especially light up to 500 kg;
  • light 1000 to 1800 kg;
  • heavy 1800 - 2500 kg;
  • especially heavy 2500 to 3000 kg.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated when calculating the mass of concrete mortar, and then we will consider in more detail the question of what mass of concrete different brands, we will also provide detailed tables.

SpecificAndVolumeweight of concrete in 1m3, table of weights of all brands.

Concrete is the main component of any construction work, be it normal repairs or construction of pits and structures. It has high strength initially, but with the use of additives it can improve its characteristics.

During construction, first of all, how much concrete weighs is calculated, since based on this characteristic it is determined by the specifics of its use and application. The weight of the solution depends directly on the components added as filling. These can be materials such as crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles and many others.

Also, when kneading, the volume of water spent is taken into account. Based on these characteristics, concrete is divided into four types: light and heavy, especially light and especially heavy.

Weight of 1 cube of concrete of all brands and classes, table:

Detailed weight table.
Concrete grade Concrete class Weight of 1 m3 of concrete (kg)
M250IN 202348

Types of specific gravity of 1 cube of concrete.

The most common way to classify the mass of a cube of composition is by dividing it according to specific gravity.

According to the volumetric mass, the following types of concrete are distinguished:

  1. Extra light: Weight 500 kg maximum per cubic meter. Characterized by the content of air cells with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm and a porous base. These are the foam and gas blocks familiar to us, which are based not only classic cement and sand, but also a foaming agent that creates cells with air. This allows for low weight and good thermal insulation properties.
  2. Lungs- concrete compositions filled with lightweight porous aggregates, such as expanded clay or without aggregates, but having a porous structure, such as foam concrete or aerated concrete. Cube (cubic meter) lightweight concrete weighs from 500 to 1800 kg. A cubic meter of concrete includes about 600 kg of sand - the main and essential component. Lightweight concrete is usually used in the form of ready-made building blocks.
  3. Heavy. This is the most common (classic) type mortars. It is best suited for the construction of the main elements of load-bearing structures, pouring screeds, erecting fences, etc. The composition of heavy concrete includes large-sized and massive fillers: coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone. They occupy the bulk of the mixture. A cubic meter of such material weighs 1800-2500 kg.
  4. Particularly heavy. Metal fillers are used in production, giving the finished product a massive appearance. The weight of a cube of concrete is 2500-3000 kg. Super-heavy mixtures necessarily contain high-strength cement. They are not used in private housing construction. They are usually used to make protective structures for special purposes, for example, for nuclear reactors.

What determines the weight of 1 meter of cubic concrete?

As in any other case, we need to start with theoretical foundations. First, let's find out what exactly this weight actually is. concrete covering for every 1m3.

Weight of a cubic meter of concrete depending on the aggregate:

Type of concrete, aggregateSpecific gravity of a cube, kg
Reinforced concrete2500
Concrete on gravel or crushed stone2400
Pumice concrete800-1600
Concrete on volcanic slag800-1600
Expanded clay concrete on expanded clay sand, expanded clay foam concrete500-1800
Expanded clay concrete on quartz sand800-1200
Expanded clay concrete on perlite sand800-1000
Shungizite concrete100-1400
Perlite concrete600-1200
Slag pumice concrete (thermosite concrete)1000-1800
Slag pumice foam and slag pumice gas concrete800-1600
Concrete based on granulated blast furnace slag1200-1800
Aggloporite concrete on boiler (fuel) slags1000-1800
Concrete on ash gravel1000-1400
Gas-ash concrete and foam-ash concrete800-1200
Aerated concrete, foam concrete, gas silicate and foam silicate300-1000
Vermiculite concrete300-800

What are the main indicators of concrete quality?

  • strength and durability;
  • frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • degree of adhesion (hardening speed);
  • weight of concrete per 1m3.

This, of course, is not all, but the main indicators (all indicators are in guest standards, tables, if desired). It is important to understand here that the concept of weight per 1 m3 implies the intersection of the concepts of strength and weight. The fact is that the strength and ability to withstand various types of loads of concrete will be based on the density of the product. We already know that concrete blocks there are different ones.

The following two tabs change content below.

One of the main indicators of a concrete solution is its density. And when the question is asked how much a cube of concrete weighs, you need to understand that we're talking about specifically about density, the unit of measurement of which is kg/m³.

And the higher the density, the greater the weight of the solution itself. It must be remembered that these two indicators will depend on the type of filler. Hence the main classification of artificial stone.

Division by specific gravity

There are four groups in the classification, weight ranges for 1 m 3 mixtures:

  1. Heavy 1800-2500 kg.
  2. Lightweight 500-1800 kg.
  3. Particularly heavy 2500-3000 kg.
  4. Particularly lightweight up to 500 kg.


This solution contains large and heavy fillers (crushed stone, gravel, coarse sand). A cubic meter of material weighs 1800-2500 kg. Even from the recipe it becomes clear that the bulk of the mixture is occupied by fillers.

For example, the standard recipe includes: 1200-1300 kilograms of gravel or crushed stone, 600-700 kilograms of sand and only 250-450 kg of cement. Water volume 150-200 l.

These are traditional (classical) types of concrete that are used for a wide range of purposes. They are poured from them bearing structures, screeds, fencing, etc.


Porous materials such as expanded clay, vermiculite, foamed perlite, and waste are used as fillers for this type. various industries. The porosity of the material reduces the weight of concrete, which is why it is called lightweight.

The weight of a cube of concrete of this type ranges from 500-1800 kg. Not all light types use sand. But if according to the recipe it must be present, then its mass in 1 m 3 is approximately 600 kilograms. Light mortars are used for pouring screeds, fences, and block products.

Particularly heavy

This type is not used in private housing construction. Let's just designate its indicators. The mass of 1 m 3 of such concrete is 2500-3000 kg. The main volume is occupied by large aggregates. High strength cement must be used. Most often this type is used as a protective structure in nuclear reactors.

Extra light

Essentially this is cellular concrete, which do not contain large fillers. This is a solution based on cement and sand, to which a foaming agent is added. In this case, air pores form inside the solution (their volume is 85%). Therefore, the specific gravity is very low: less than 500 kilograms. More often this type used for the production of slabs and blocks that serve as insulation materials.

Separation by brand

In the production of heavy concrete, namely they are classic, there are several brands. The ratio of components in the recipe of each brand is different. Somewhere there are more fillers, somewhere less. Accordingly, the mass of concrete will differ. The differences are minor, but they are there.

Below is a table showing the ratios of components in different brands.

As you can see, the strength of a concrete solution has nothing to do with weight. It depends on the brand of cement. True, there is one nuance here. For example, you did not find M400 cement, but purchased M300. Is it possible to make M200 concrete from it? No problem.

Recipe change

You will have to increase the amount of cement applied by reducing the volume of fillers applied. In this case, the recipe could be like this:

  • cement M300 – 350 kg;
  • sand – 795 kg;
  • crushed stone – 1080 kg;
  • water - 175 l.

The weight of concrete will decrease due to a large reduction in the volume of crushed stone, while the strength will increase. There are no standard recipes in which you can change the brand of cement to a higher or lower one. Therefore, at home, it is very difficult to adjust a changing recipe to a new one.

Below is a table of concrete mix weights by brand.

It is much easier to do this in a factory environment; laboratories do this there. Therefore, experts recommend using classic recipes, using the required components in them, especially for the brand of cement.

Ready-made cement mixtures

Manufacturers of cement-based dry mixes, understanding the complexity of creating a solution according to exact proportions, today offer ready-made mixtures, in which all components are adjusted to a certain strength. This simplifies the process of making concrete mortar, plus guarantees its quality characteristics.
